Ei littzburgt Saittts. . . rrAtv. A., =&... • __,,,.. : •__. 4 -i•___ AI.: EILLICCTIOi: Fa , E A TOZX nx - .4AZOL •.w.n. - N crg,A..41.8 gWilentinNW... • '-i-, • ...•:. 40ccrifesiell) ;,-!' ..t warri , 'what ' .the of it ? V , r^ Whlot 14. not bc.- • ~,r,..:1 ~c. .. ,.... Night - on urine, -,,, - , I. fo One, he least ‘: Ask not of dews if they blight, Ask not of flames if they Mat'. Ask not of prince or priest. - ' ' How long ere we put them away. '7_ '.• . - ...... — ....._.17:t271et :of *lifaufut.) Mas_terl i luit pf ibe night z , .. uw. ithr_ti 'nig st all Anrwhe nsliern-or to fall. UM lareaCffrt, 5..---7,-7.. our night; Look we butomme nor,before; •• '.. . 19 . Nor behind•ns, bat -straight on tne 9C s, , • • Night is not then any more. Italy, what of thetaiitt". ~ • . . . Ali, child, child,. is is long : ' - - Moohbeank and starbeam - ame,s . dntr • - ' • , ..Leare it dumb pow and t.i.tlir, • ' ' Yet I-perceive Orr the helper , ._,. ... ssetward. and new reryfir, .1: • ' A song Soo loud for thelerk, •• • • .2.:•iigne too bright fur &Star: , , , .ThE ww,sslicazopop . _ It was one day when I was about' s e venee years ,eld t after "a?s. tuttu3nal bustle in e fondly mansion,,hnd my being arrayed i a black frock; much to my inconvenient in . the hot _month of .Augast s that I was told my! entkusitustic old uncle had gone like a lamb, and that I was the . heireis to ten thooSand par`. annwn. : This informations given with an air of infinite importance, • .., made no Very great ' impression upon me 'at the time, and, in spite of the circumstance taiingYregcdaoY , dwelt on, by my French 10/einneses'at'Caniden House, every hein olii:nilideniessor,.l had thought little or nothing on the subject, till, at the age of eighteen, X was called 'on to' bid adiento Levkas and ' piroque.ttes, and , hear eipan clelaivill read ' by, my guardian. _,„ I .It furnished me i , indeed, with,,,, ample ma terials for thinking. Dr. Illarrowfat's face, neither, human nor divine,-appeared, posi lively frightful as he recited its monstrous contents. It. appeared, that my fitther and uncle, though brothers, had wrangled and jangled throughlifevand that the only sub itidrnit which they ever agreed was, • snp ' ' "",&'*.Oitiuty of the Vinson: family., - In 4 Moment of unprecedented unison, 'determined that, aa the title fell to zny ,:i cousinEdzar, and the estates to me, to keep both united in the fatally, we should marry:::-And it seemed whichever party vielated.these precious conditions, was . SC WADY :: 'dependent. on the• other for bread; and ,‘ hinter. , When I first heard of this arrangetrient I blessed my- self, and Sir Edgar cursed himself. , A pas sionate; overbearing, dissolute young - man thought I, for a "husband, for the husband of an orphan=--of a girl who has not a near er relation himself in the 'world—who 'haatin.father to advise her, no mother to 8000:hers aprofessed rake, too, who will nierely;VieW me as an inctuabnince on his ' - estate,lirtio •,,,will _think no love, no -confi dence, no respect due to me; Who will in sult my-feelings, deride my sentiments, and wither with unkindness the best affections of my nature:' No! I concluded,' as my constitutional - Levity •returned—l have the possible ssitile . respect for guardians—re vere their office, and tremble , at their author ity, but to make myself wretched merely to pleiniethem=no! no! I positiv , ely cannot think of it. , , . - , • . - Well;time-Who' is no respecter ; of per sonk—weitt on. The gentleman was within nfew months of being twenty-one, and,, on , the day of his attaining age, he was to say whether it Was his 'pleasure to fulfil his engagement. 31k.opituon, I found, was not to be asked. A titled husband was pro cured for me, and I was to take him, and be thankful. I was musing on my singular sit tiatiOti, when a thought struck me. - Can I not see him and judge of his character suspected by himself? This is the sen. ;when he pays an annual visit to my god- Mother; why .• not persuade her to , let me 'Visit her incv 7 The idea, strange as it watt, ' was instantly acted on, and a week ;aw me at Vale-royal, without carriage, without horses, without servants, to appear anco-. a girl.-of no pretensions or expecta tions; and avowedly dependent on a distant relation. , , , 7 .T,:i this hoer, I remember my heart beat bitikifilibly;'.as I - descended to the dining . , ~ ; wheit,l teas to see, for the first time, '1•104,3.801ter of my fate-,-and I never , I forget, my-fiurpnse. when a pale gen tieminly.arvi. rather reserved young man, yr4troduced tome for my noisy, dia. ilr. and distracted Baronet! - Precious lyhaVe I - been liOax'ed, thought I, as after a long , : and' rather interesting conversation with Sir gager, I, with; the other ladies, left:the_ Texan: ' Days rolled - on in slimes- Binh. l'.-Chance ,efintisivallf brought ,us to. filth er,.. and :. prudence began to whisper, ed had,hett e v :return home ".•: Still :I lin gered :4W, oneAvenimg, >towards. the close of - a long .• Itete-a•tete ' conversation. ' on Dif.:-'llllOl%- -., Via II . never considered money and happiness as synortYthousterma, anti thought iyvery pestible •to live on five' ' , /* l o lo 4 . a'Yearijite,intriedi ."One admißgion iiitire - -cotdd Yee( • me ,on it with mel -_You ate%. 464 b o,6s :4SciunnitCd , " i he -continued, .ir}tr tm.. ` WOO situation, , hut,lot • verhaps Aware, that, vevolting., from a unton! with Miss Ihivasour, I have rasohred mvtakingorders, , and living from A : friend. . If, fereg. Ging: l oora brilliant kiiri4eetal, . you wdid&toptleseendloAeiti MY.retkemenk" --(rat 'manner : the'otozneti;Ohe.loyely scene w. 1 4* 5111 14*0; Al ~cembined against 4 13 ; Jitheit •021P134- knows *hat Answer. I might ie t lieen Awned into had I not got. . 00 'fflth sigaietYittreignvAti my heart---1 4 1 can say :nothitrgi vtot you! till yon-have'in person, •explainediyottr• seutinients to Miss Vatrasottit: , :Nothingc-4-ptialtiVely - itOtbine!- (s‘ 4 l)nt, why?, ;' can seeing her, spin and sigibt,"- t he - fttm . nett;',"ever reconetie her 'm a nners; ' ' Itiblbi, and setitimente;-or any estates induce-raeto--place at the head Of :myTtahlat.l houltp;backed bitte.'stoehirtg, in.t=spectecles:'t : 1 , L , ,: , - , •'. :,, • : • • ~,,., foxicke a r I_ 1 , -: • 1. - :' -•-• ' • _''''. '-' oYes',' l libilwiefotOle,: . Plitonecilsiii: : PO' youltinW *fry,' . - ,.. 1-- „...:'': . - "lntithOkr. : t ea my , most t •larticulav friindlo"" ' ''' ' ' " . . "I sincerely beg yous-pardon. What an unlucky dog Ism tr tholSciyoutre not of- . fended ?" -1 ,- 1 .1... '-- - ' - ''' . , t9frended? .o.h r ge, not offended. Rump- bieked LI [;Food heivielisl- , Not thileast-of-, 1 fended t›: Tiumo.ba c ir e d; oftalfiblitgO 111,iike world 11.1. sodyitiirobitthitilY: gave a: g l a nce ' aVibe7gleiai: ; - 41.. 11 / Out* thzeiiptiog, 4 "liifbonataial . as.: ' soblt4l3ll...,,,ircOakta*Litinseg,tithiwtherc 1r t 5 4 347 ,. 47= 1 1 -,., :,„, •,..- ;coil 1.;.:1:q ifr , Y° 9'!: I av;Plled, . "and I. ' , 4 44 1 4/ 11 0 , _ , J011 thai t sfeu, hien , been rts„ .. +, sepsaro v dloo,, Woll:, ' stn'_ .younClitnin breathing. T ....,... _ - - ''-i "The deTil !" ..4- 'sea r n ;I. "Don't oweiti_uu ;;4 13 . §e... Ye 0 1 4'-u cotudn Intitir;ml' Pwieltuuspa g en: With it& =Wale shaP:34ve ilitsii,Pll Alia; iv,Wl4„lll44lB***ptp-to.outue.. , 101 M 1 X.; igIifI4 I 44 I 4tORPAYI, .00*i_leltiptufkomposera ...sawn lone; thg.NlalblikebthDlinn we Vaatiour,irby; -thfltmlortozpstonil irtilOtiot' .' ma ;eicv; - .',.1 ...11o'f ir4IV:. a. , Li ...Jo ilf , Ovi)C,. - P ,:rtquvesv „Sr,', b , tii..;,04.1 i-Vii,; .-,-; 1 , , _ .P:ao 1.: a 00, ~ 1. meet again—for the next morning, in . no very enviable fmme of mind, I returned home. A. few weeks atterwardsAffor came of age. The bellswere eh: . l uuthely in ~ttiOffeze---tbizmulints4, . .„ sii*on the Uwn—wheolis drove -, ' donz,= bl y , *was ialien. With Iv. VI Or cirVM, r . s pedaFlee ()flint :,1104,dasttentillgrooth,, _I opt/ 04°r triften4ouelsOvievt. A g er vini sad • Is initanutrab -10iikd with confusion the most dbitressiriTU himself, an d the most amusing to me, he gave me to understand that he could not Mill the en gagement mada-for-hira v and regretted it had: ever been eofiteMPlated. "No-no, " said I, in a voice that made him start, taing, off ,- • ~.. ~..ElinLefatik , isy— o. rio — t la Tmosterous.to, suppose that Sir FaerattisOu., wctiilderl connect himself with an ill bred, awkward, hump backed girl I " Exclariations and eamlao a tions, flanghter '': add; tilletiegil intermiked 'aittqaore, serious feormat, followed, buttlie result of it or was—thatthat—lhat—•-*e areltighied.§l • ~• ~ -, , d 1...:, ,:, , .1. . • Sournausni. two:. ollitapacity, aee pi s 7. .. notFonlripeaka fat fhb people; ' , but sellools them howl to apeak.r, slt. is , the -I_o4.cle , of publ e . ntimentc. and at the mine tinie,givea tone an d direction to that sentiment. Between a free people mid_ its free presd there must necessarily be a' close bond of sympathy. The latter relies upon the former for support, and the former relies upon the latter for mental pabulum: The one reflects the other. Hence it is that the character of the one to .a great extent determines the char acter of the other. Hence it is that we may very accurately gage the mental, moral, and social standing of a nation, by the bane of its iournals,., or as accurately: ' determine from an examination of - this standard what kind of newspapers are in vogue. In arguing what a newspaper should be, a leading.ine writer recently asserted that. ` . 'it should have no opinions of its own, should pay alo heed to -consistency, and never be influenced by the fear lest the ' views exprtmedin it taday are not those of last week,.er may not be those of the week to come."- Mere such' theories to prevail, the journalist would continue.to be a. mere machine, to chremitle the every-day events of , life, and nothing:more. He haft, however, a higher mission; a much greater responsibility devolves upon him. -He holds a position tarp above that of any of , his fellow-mortals for educating, controlling and directing public sentiment into,proper channels. is his prerogative, aye linty, not to keep along with, but- to lead this public sentiment, to rightly per : the task allotted him by doing all in his power to rightly mould the, views and opinions of his readers. . It isfor him to be candid, straightforward, fearlesa, and, being such, he will at all times be consistent, It is for him to have honest convictions and opinions of his own, and to give expression to them without fear or favor. If he fails to do this he falls short of his duty, and is an almost useless laborer in the journalistic field. Jounalism may at present be said to be in its infancy. For ages the pulpit, bar, and medicine navefaed as learned pro. fusions. . Not till within a-few years has the Amer ican. press occupied an independent posi tion. • Formerly politicians owned the news papers and made them 'subservient to their own purposesarid elevation. or, they were tied down to and hampered by parties from which they drew support as paid party or gans. The absence of the telegraph, which now simultanebasly flashes intelligenca all over the country, gave a monopoly to met ropolitan journals. and the provincial press languished and led A precarious existence. andA new era is now dawning, however, d American journalismis taking long and frequent "jumps forward." From a vaca tion it is becoming recognized as a learned profession. The journalist is coming to have a right perception of his office. and from being a news medium becomes apublic educator.. The editor and the politician are changing places and the former now "owns" and controls the latter. Every city and town is establiabing its first class newspa per, and every fireside . now requires its ac customed daily mental > food. The "Key hole Listeners" are disappearing before the advance of an elevated, refined, and pro gmsive press, and the Colonel Divers are gmng place to gentlemen. As the people 'develop intellectually higher standard of journalism is being at tained, whidx will ultimately exclude all the adventurers who have•t hitherto resorted to the quill, not • from. any noble aspirations, but to attain' mercenary ends.--Dacid W. Judd at the Alpha Delta Phi Banquet' Americin Artificial Babies Timothee Trimm, of Petite Journai, 'Paris, _has learned that in the United States there is a large manufactory of, infants—ar tilleial babes, a: course---which acts in the most natural manner.„passible, when prop- erly handled., The object , „ofrthese; is sin gular—they a sold travelers. - Aimed with an infant, one Is tithnitted to first class ears. .and ladies'” saloons: If any doubt . 'should exist ' on' the part of inquisitive wretches, it string is failed, and the delis little baby . sends forth a piercing yell. Tbs, tariff of prices is as ,folws: , Com Mon tinvelthg inhits; - Yieldbig inter. mittent'criei of 'fear, and capable of being put into the pocket,, $2.50: _ Second class, crying too loudly, , but lamentably audinstipportablyy, $5, „; Third class, full Roller, with a very piereio and_aggreya . tip‘lfolce Of . five oe tavesi,slo. - • ' 1 - . The tithriNrrangedita ,a prompt repeat er, $l2: , „ • • ; • , „ Fittl class, first quality, , capable of eon tinned i3civalling, $l5. _ A Tun& oO r iOalaindopt of the London TetegraPi ILO been.. 4Ylir with a • view of the royal p'reserits PR rinit9Lliata.beftin bride. , He writes. did_ea prim of diamonds; iiiniralde;lina'hrilliants,lifid all, sorts of amiitelit itt Vre*topero, there Is a iplainfitecklaatiat "IT& irraWarthl of Venus Anadymnetie, it d 16 be coveted by oinnen&Anerely•tattild'paie roSewtalared ;.strung. 012 lebnitie;' bat worthy sixty thousand ;francs! ;Tha -chief! partire , Of ( brilliants cost one •milhort three' handfed' thousand lirevanA :that. of : timoralds . and brillianto,bat little_leps: 1 liesideathesikaati4 a hinter familaritsi:Maygnetilta ofHavoy. Ada will receive A etti.aashot, :phased and eflal:p . ,froi l ii9-town ,4;4," for will'. th ; VI • ft k ip , ow w i l l' . 0'60; , el .2 , 1014, - eller': I cittsor”trio ',444yu.vi, ,Au 404,0-1 feilffgs 'go the fair *hie. T ,ALan4 and robes of the ,trousseau praaP, l (art,be. yOndlesbilOt . , - , ~ ::„ • • • • • i:atr, , ,' ~ ,„ Ertotrlliftsli : . - t ng s, . . 4 • ' , 4iS t i d a6 . le .i ii i . q. i i i, OstitblishtiiintitidtttraPAy;: 'foonsi ' 4. , salaries ranging , i hhottil. pop ' iitomo; "in gold, poriantiture'vr,harlt)We'lolle4s. stf.avoilkeiti , InZiraitifdlladW24 :in': rriunx),llB4ol.taly l l itt fttoota,E 42 t on.: . _ , . , . . .-.--.,-- 4 .7 j. 1 i - - #i' r, •-• , . 7*v - . ,..) , .,, 7 ..--- ~.,. --*4.4,,,..:''' V q ',k,,:,..-,••-..-',,:-'-:- -,-_v,4,;.:i,'.,'W/...r.,.,.:N.i- .",,, „ r .0 ' ...,, - - 7.; e.:. . ..:.-,'--'t-,4.,• Cr- :T--- , p 4„,,,, .- „ ~ , ~-L-----4,4.,,.-,t,-4V-., ----t,-' A,;-••6-.•14...,t1ot1,,,. 1.. 1,,,t.,p, _ TA... 2z 3. P ,,„, , 1 ,, &a , v,t4q' -14 4 $ t' , ' .v.-4 '4'tl-Y, .P'-,4"1<3v-31,6Z4A,val'''''''''., . 4UILVS,.A*a-fo`*i•l',4cA444-'''''4''P'=+NW/''4e 441'4, , PITTSBURGH GLZETTE: SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1868, "4. CTED • .... • ro jr.4.lzr., ---.= PaAIaMADE Im ER ARTIFICIAL rni.Alll6 - MDERED. ; • , ArtiAL:SCOTI"Er'-' • - gramtliiiiimooßADOVE • - p AL L WORK WARRANT ED. .ALL A P : E t TEsrzemENsorGEmrLdCaAT tiAtir, 40 • - - g#4 , a I :I I riIPITT I R, ):::' rilr 4' t,i' I. Ihr-f-:, j: 24 ' 13= 'ri' Aii ? , r 4 f i ... ~ e ; ,/, 1..1 . 1 ! ~,' ii 4 il, .4 ~ 4 f zy :6. il 1... , 4. - L.k... ,10 b. _ ...y , ,.. .. bla.a.a:Lciellerms, ,:,..,,,......:,._,..0...,,..!....,,,,::„.- )' I . . FOE OAS AND OIL ..?- jugt receive r . Ali& lineid:ind , largest issortake ( nt ever opened In tide env,. .1 ) ;WELDON & KELLY, : , I;'= - .14f WOOD frißEirVeoli:i koittlit ALLEY. '+ 'l2 I• NARKET , STREET•' 87. SPRING OPEN7NG THEODORE P. PHILLIPS', Mk. PHILLIPS respectfully announces that the extentdvealteratlonatotdo • • - RETAIL DU.. GOODS STORE Are completed, and his establishment .te NOW OPEN; He offers an entirely . . New Stook of Dry Goods, For sy4 B. 18uramer Wear, 'at the ( lowest Esuct ''"""*°'''' i 44 ( I 'X . ; 0 v , t I'm ada g Eii cq v Q 43 m 4 gr. E-i P-1 t ) E-4 it P 4 P° &I q ' I Fl i.TI 0 ,1 r/2 41 0 s &( 0 0 E-1 ; 0 . H 0 4 4 1 r-i Z 6 011 " le OMR, McCANDLESS & CO., (Late Wl'soil, Carr . & C 0.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS ,IN . - Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, . No. 94 WOOD STREET, Third door above Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. BUT THE BEST AND CHEAP. , EST PIANO AND. ORGAN. Sehomacket's Gold • Medal Piano, ANIVESTEY'S..COTTAGE ORGAN. all the The SCROMACHER PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements known in the con struction of a first class instrument, and has always been -awarded the 'highest premium • wherever ex hibited. I Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship, for durability and beauty, surpass all others. • Prices from $5O to $l5O, (according to style and finish ' ) cheaper .than all other so-called first class Plano. - ESTEE'S COT'LVIE ORGAN-. ,• z Stands at the head of all- reed instruments, In pro- Aucing the most perfect pipe quality of tone orany similar instrument in the• United States. It is sim ple and compactio, construction, and-not liable to get out of ordere , CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX lIIIMANA TREMOLO" is only to be found in this Organ. Tritiannn4/00:to$550: gusratteed for five years.' BABB; 'XNAHE & BOEITLEII, , . nui9 N o. ILSIST. CLAIR STREET. SIPVQMP g!a! , NP BIKIAIDEONS ,LND , OROARS I In perteot order, Itoinll3s 'to 4130. bxisicrin 451 . 514 doornbove Wood. lip Federal Street,,All*lielOc'y , - 1 A 3 .. ;,,,I. 4 - It i :afloat iti 4 0o riad*D one. )', Giaw Ware Et.Ttle. , At. rzDx..1 1 1310103:. AVllls aired In - s a star Sans 411'1%14th OW f":, • fftriliYMo' i 13 thideeti . bliellikd i V ( 4ol7 I IP SdOtiOtiSirtiltnt* rtf!'"; 7, 0 brql 11000460eWtaligitrarkiptIrt 11 , 1 , 1 • &MILD C1hZ1917(1101 .00114701544-Aii ocomm,Migitorl.L. 4l i3' .01 0 1.+. 2 ,1114V 0 0 Candy Manutpetine .nrait vaol1:1 , 1A • I , • - It) ..fuzit,x4ol„, ibairoly T t o 1 1 PK(1 - 4.7041.19.0VTiq / 97 tiTi ) Ntd [ WITIVI mons Intof Yn tombilittlaUlu I)9:nlifolbc otycszilint.V ) - • 3)RY ,GOODEL 4Successor to Burchfield & Co.) SPRING DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY GOODS. 87....KARKE1' Pb!aTCll3, ORGANS, &C. ES G; , A 88 , ,, pEaN4..i0 BOOI4 r OO CSIDTA, - G • EiS AM), • " • • ''• l QUI!,IEtieWAI‘Ey' • •• 9 1 BOffinilAii;ElLAN4 .. " And other OTARLiI A•Nti, 7Fat.ll - 13y1 '100 1 0,06D STREEt:' , t•.‘‘.l, • %. RICE WU . ) ".. 1 11' •1 1 ,: :'• / :!7I ADD - WOOD' STREET..., corm. maatia;*;;;:',, WHOLESALE IND - Ttinunings, Notions and (Fancy Good& iva Live received sail flue assortment of • • "I Vintate C7 I ‘ 4, PC 3I4 JE‘p IVbicbcatinot be beat. It consists of •-•' STRIPED DOTTEE!' AND FLATS SWlss• • `So C•VB:IC•;Etc. • , NEN, at 3710. pe_r_verd. SE TOWELS, St /We. ISIIMY is now Complete; EN OF 002101211, Dolling atEASTERY PRICES. Jot, of Parasols, STYLES ( AND COLO*, ,RE KIDS, at $1 per pair. • • , SIAS_ (loon r i f,itit Al !e, t • Our Liii() of HI 200 DO Just received, A 'Fine ix Ai SYSIEME eicxtrixr, RED KIDS, at 50c. a pair. $ amid% at 0.00. LIGHT COL ME Tretamp MORALS, ati 15c. and 1111. BUMMER BA l In I'il"Elt . o I ;LLARS, we bave afey variety MID . Is /XII sp24:dl6 ffil NEW BOOBS A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF • STRAW. GOODSi Stith as BONNETS, RATS, CORDS and Ti ORNAMENTS, de. • Ribbons, of all descriptions; Artificial Flowers, Bonnet and Hat Frames; Crapes, Illusions; Silks and Satins; Velvets and Laces; ALSO, a fall nue of White Goods, Embroideries, 1-losiery and Gloves; French'lltroAren Corsets, SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, LLNEN AND PAPER , COLLARS, CUFFS, itc WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ROSENBAUM, STEIN HART & CO'S PHILADELPHIA EMPORIUM, Ito. 78 ILAILKET MEET. niy4:lo) • PERFECT FITTING KW GLOVES. - • "A. C. C."7.7•!'"H..5.. We Invite attention to our KID GLOVE DEPARTMENT, Which Is now complete with every color and . shade. In addition to our own special importation of the Celebrated A. C. C. (Jottvin) KIDS, We have secured the exclusive sale of the • "Il'arrls Oesunless Kids," The best Glove and most perfect fit. MACRUM ar. apll . 19 FIFTH STREET. MACRUM & CARLISLE, 19, .Fifth Street, • Now offer the most elegant line of • ./EIANDITTROS • rnsgemirvantrgrttrgici'V.T. - gvel trida4l „t i l ist s M e A w N a i r Wiekt al, p a lt y cir ut apll ik t pcßun & CARLISLE, • 19, FIFTH : STREET; Have just opened all shades of , BULLION .AND ItISTORI FRINGES. BUGLE GnErtlt AED,.FRINGES, AtietTlaii , SEWING rdACIIINES. 51 GROVES • & BALHEWIS uwit IFPnmit OEMWirg INLIMUM4 WITH LATEST 2MPBbVB3fEN~ B, At the Few .and Elega,nt files Roots L THE colomnr, 51 FI•FTH STREET. • • • ,1.•;c1 , . NEED_ - . ittlfTar, 4.1.A.C1111.10C' SILKS and AD, NACHERS, &el The citiaihis Aptrittebnrgli' are 'respect. fully invited to ca/1..1.• , . • fl , Applications for Agencies - enicitedl. Clionlars or lam lea by mall on .application., correspondence to . ' be atigressed 1,0. , GROVEIM BAKFAInt. eo s -;I:11RO :d 1 1 4 2113 : 12 4?. 7. • • os:nß. • .i . T,,1111118 I Eat ttlki*WillflitipEß !"-• ” • ..ALIDEANDF24ATTERSOI I 4 i t '.:' YARDS No. l e Ptable:Street :ftlineelyilfasehester, and : No. IST beqcwipoefte Clio li r prM r,. ., ' l . g mpg . 161 L ,' • DEALER IMP' - LNINUS , Cl' l ''' '' i• _ ._- .... o ._. ...._ . Bou i gh dia4C.l.Pianeci- :Lumber, ~. , . . tooling 1. _ . -Z .,. , '_'''' . . Dooo ~, , . _ , , ftags ,- ,.;t rit i mi . ~ ~ ~. ..... :. I itiiiiiii 4 tall d if tbdtigtroa I i. i ::: cut Raßip,film.l9•Ogit niALY‘Uove a. ' - • r. .14Prit TLl4Coine ciAlak •olditoi , _____ ___ MD= ALVITrriPEPTLIMIRRRCOMPAN! At l6l .l).otriitrbwrlM:- , ..", +' ' 7 ,/' ' ' F ' W P Tia4l •" ••• . $1X5,000• .•- •' ( i PRZBlls3l"..ariggla". EZOILYTAII i ~4 •"',, .. , 1 "ZIU MANIMORIPWII/14VISMIL -1 •• • 4 ,, i I bar. , 1) , ,1fy It ii ti l Ai l iii in ik i i. .,1:/... i A 4fi tELett) i hvki. s i , ar sE4 '', 4L - ',,,, s 4 •v . 0 -041101 ita 7 e iji, ;•Ai t ra , to t a. :(1:1 iLIIMBER YAll.D.dorsuoit nunsitAidi AL i'Vii VArikiNfahiciirsOklii:L. tri, 1 1 1 I ',... 6 1 Vrarda4osBNrOXl • 1 F, 3 .. L . t- GLYDE dr, CO., 80 Market Street.' PENING I Parasols, S,un Umbrellas EL;isuCi EEO iMESE GrrA BLITTING O di fftt ig - 1 4F1 1 7, 4 • Ayery soireirior tilnat • el • • $ Fancy Striped' aITTINOS, ..w.00,T.i . 1t,i.M34:R0.,.':.y; IN BRIGHTEST 'COL9RS Lotpest if f s tkis Market: BROS., 61 IrMTn STREET, ibcilieWooa E HAVE, mini' RECEIVED , BY STEAMER COLORADO, Of our own Direct Importation, INTHE NEWEST AND citoicg.st PATTERNS OF THE CELEBRATED - I . ' • JOHN , CROSSLEY . ,& SON'S ENGLISH TAPESTRY BODY BRUSSELS, FOR PARLORS AND HALLS, WITH STAIR CARPETS TO HATCH. IFeFARLA3D & COLLINS , . 71 AND 73 FIFTH ST, (Second Floor) ard:TTe&T 1 QOl9, Splrilliio STOCK 1 cagg -LA-1 - 6 • OF • Cl**taF ir r i tg, JUST OPE i g . NO4:, LARGE AS S ORTMENT, AU Qualities f . LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY SPECIAL lADHCEMEIPTS TO THOSE WHO BUT . TO SELL: BOTARD, ROSE & CO., . '2l Fifth Street, anlOQ:davirF OVER BATE 11.ELL'ES. J. . a., 1868. "' m,mkG, -_GoopslB6B. mrneztorelfraTAWDAZterr own, and QUI" FLOOR..Z)IL - CLOTTIS, CARRIAGE, FUBNITURE, TABLE AND WINDOW SHADE OIL CLOTHS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also, a, full line of Trenopnrent R indow Shades, Shisdertathares, Tassels. Girds, &e., WOLESALE AND RETAIL /SITTERS will line wt. IF NOT LOWER , THAN CAN' ppri j eti w e , AB A 1 1 5 ., E ,C F, 3+T4 EWKERE , and of - quality I and styles second to pone. . . J. &H. PHILLIPS sal:nB6 28 AND 28 ST: CLAIR ST. STEAM , , CARPV.T BEATING - • ESTABLISHMENT. Which TEN IMAM* TRIAL fn.New.York and oth er Eastern cities has proved a complete =ego's. irrwspviSTAtirs: - • . . . e ist—ra4lng and Shrinkage are completelyavoid ild—No riesling iiwst necessary.. ' 3d—When freed from. dust,' moths or their lame, the • Carpet, looks. nearly - au good u pew, • save, I,lle natural riding from wear. . . • 4th—When nerfeetlit clean , it eiriietWilrsiear as long again, a-desirable matter ate mere point of economy, to say nothing ofiooks. ALL ORDERS LEFT. AT THE OFFICE;' - If7i) tibertSr• - Street*. Or addrused toy. 9.,BoxitiNirlllresotimininiefd , attention: , 01 . 30: L McCl3llTOck midi% • ,tf . y?ackrarEvro.B4. still 5L ASHINGTON BEMIS 7 owErri itifaxittabgrei grab? ; . ..,„ toratsc ,,• pr . ManuthetnrOclEll MEAL. UTZ er llo. and CHOPPED nX.D. Orders deltseredba tree of chute. -Grain °tali blade eboP Corn shelled : on abort notice. , : t , _ "41'69°' It CONOWN •T r (0: 00 4 , . froir a s t " 24fitch no - Northwest corner of WestiOoluiumisAllegbeny„ FIIEWICATVANIIIIt •>e Have on; bindprepire abort modes ' Hearth, sad Step Stones, - Vass . fax Slddonslitaii, 9l,l 74 l 7„ Vault*. ae. Hasa andrEolebstoneb , • do Orders promptly executed. Prices reusonible. j°Bl.l.l* /01/fOtE4 Cotii 1/004A131951 /1117.11% • • FIRS T BEET, -I t iNpY,Sorilillb/y 101 ; Copper ;" 0;0 c V 1)1414-`,: 1 1 11 *-- , W •ANgirter. dt4, 44,6AittM-404tasisi libitig -, ii s kiNgiA . - e - nlani— -alai/ Hair , . V t kra W Wm p o=r VAP11Z14.41p.., 94, ,rittsbutta. c4llAtwermareand.6uAett, m neeateketo nottft_ __ . ttit tr . , . in R mutagrailw 1 . RAW - AIR. , ~_.,_ _ 14 4 , ,, ' Ladies' old Gande*CDo erarox . don%l ., the limited rtiguider., . , ~ , ,02, BM - '" • " lee 'kaki w..O,,,ALAN 2.APlSlOblurielo o o 1 c o id e diafflhititii liehrovitossMuC a . Um WarnevglulAg rut* , b_gothkappa A* rt; ,414,103,, • t,, , ,19111m1 iivw..l.l iiisso iW111121113114(5 ,1-, ztr -, I nazi •gift.>)r.:ft 1,71 =I OEI, IA Li,W; - ; A T And Check AM:) r" Fh, STRAW GOODS! \ ' T 4b -4-111).i OAPS, IS SMUT T-ABOIT' . M'CORD&Ay °., 8, _ 13i WOOD STREET a ilivikettlicin WtD&W *Vitas. d o A - _ - ..,,,,,m,:,,,....,, -,r , -„,. 7 • „,,. .., , i4 1 f i .1,. , , v 4 • r av 0 WV - the latest k te i st 1,, ' ~ 4 1 . -., ' ft • " 1 t • - : ' Mit Ai mrAL_lty. .11111161 7_: ViZTlll.ll9.l.,:7lluteMe , _ and DTEDTW done loromptly. Ja.a.i. Es And 1 FELTS tirdshed to the iatest 'tries. DEALERS awl MILLIITRIP . .VIMILI , NaIiMPO I RM , E i ririlla i tr s s WO r° _ l "F e ~1 Your patronage is r.speetfttn, solicited. . i . x • ~r 1 _ : ,s,o.iiivi ugi - i k-it 1 1 ,‘ 1 1•.; i: , .; . .i 7,7 ). 444 _"...... ±:1 4 4. 17 , ....71 5-_,..,..v.,:_q-1, "iii-144; 1 . 5 101ivAt vkrn,o' . " Az a tt iniev i l E ttak e toiirtntieil m their FIELD EITIRPACT, Pittsburg+. g*st. 'Orders prompOySOled so 4 WWl= guaranteed. =UMW -rP/WP;aIS. p Ailm yks m pi,Nornm .7 THE .PAIRTNERS IFIIERETO;" fore existing between. !.htt, undersigned, under t e name or ' . . 1 - SCHOMAKERA LANC, Was dlsiolied by inntnal on:Maylet, by the retirement of WILLIAM SCHOli.an, who has sold his interest In the gnu to. the remaining partners, who will continue thehusiriess at the eerie place, the nave of - !I • • WATT: DAN CO. rs. . i BCHOMASIIII, Fr LAIR+, OHH.WATT. Haying sold my interest in - the firm' of SOHOM.A.. E.Tt.B. &ZANE} to my late associates, I cheerfuliT solicit for them a continuance of the patronage of myold friends and the pnbilyenerallyr , . I.I,I3CHOMILIESH... WATT, "LNG & CO., wHoOssALE DrtAtraw IR Groceries, . FloPr, litath; FrOTMODi I / 2 1 Cleese, Fish., Carloci?a 011, Bait, &A :• .:' 112 & I'l4 WOod Street, _ • myB:p73 " • I PITTSBURGIL, . DLOissorioN.„-- : E FINE ,or ATWELL, LEE le CO .••'- was dissolved on the of February. 1888, brinatual consent: Either partner may sign the name of the firm In settlementi, JOHN ATWELL. • CHAB.LEB ATWELL.' J.. LEE. The undersigned will continue the WHOLESALE. GROCERY BUSINESS, under the name and style of ATrwittle& LEE, at the old Place, No. 1818ecoad street. A continuance of- Alm patronage of their friends and the publle se remectruny solicited. . CHARLES A.TWELL: — A.: J. LEE.. mb7:msg . l MERCHANT i.TAILORIL p . Mc)4TLF..., 211:014C • : No. 934 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH. ifeeps constantly onhindla:l*asisortwent of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES - 4,YESTINGS AIso,GENT'S FURNIBMS-600DB. GENT'S CLOTHING CLOTING MADE TO O RDER. Una 'latest style. HEntir mmuma t i • MERCOANTI TalLoll4 No. 13 SMITHFIELD 13110.31', Constantly 011 hand, a tall nasaitmentorptontrs; CAS,iIMERES, VEiTlNGes=dc. a .20:o8d DUFF & CO., lOqc7haut Tailor ' No. 34 Fedeial St., Allegluniy, Rave just received a large dwellae*tegOxikpf. VIN 3- SPRIELYai:Goonsi . :. Suitable tot a brit elassitArtatiagie. Alt4:a lam 'stock of EIWI'I3 TdßadSplNG:eoozsi: - 2411 1 CRAMER-BAKERIES: •-• r FRENCH: 014.11KERS. FRENCH Cl~AOKBBf! PRZNaIi agACKICES: - 9BERIO; YEENCII , And every variety of- t it " C - , SUTraltion t A TcV,IIS.: alr *tie 9LMbprty EBlll.O/4190•0 . ~ ~. --,,, i i .. . •!, : .:“::::..: 0 , :::. grl .•: . ;:r.trii-rg bur. .:! .- : :,: f ,. : _ 1 - ;:allif.PHAßW i lit ',2 — ';`: : ..- ~ •:t,_:;l, -; --, -- jr.::i.. - -,i. rn_r Steaiiieiaelei' and 11*dt FiCtOtt -. •• 0 , - --, --, ---- .... • :.•-•,..,-: ' .. ;.•: 317 iihativair . • ~,•• entrx iiiiiic . tTiiii , : ,, itoffirl.y4il(),'ll,7i li i..:;.:.“,.:' )..:, ' • CONEcONEItIe,!: " romaGN,AApiDo biatiiiii.wiftaiN GAS: AMP' I -rTFUVA;'' - arioxialio • •-• ' Didaiir.' aiiiiirs:riums.., l .i 4 111(4101' i ..,t . 1 7 3 ,• 01;Itiatttittit ilkinikai3 i/ `e1)1;11 - ti,M OilfVi., 4 3E A gill titl;-i.r , Z. , _ iiiiinflusiantri of Am) il:: BILABB W IIM6-It i ev N T Mr t ylraill e #4 .. _rAl t tuf,u, 44 4-,'..:i1• to.rrotiq 31.4 F r7.,17 . 1 't , 3'11.1 ,-;'. t.i!:)",1 I I:: Corner orAgke andWanut Well , ..,.--. ~ ••,, ' ,•: 74 , i I tIitPITT'SBURGEgi“ '.i4 j r ,r 1 '' ' ' ?- I cimo Ji) , fi , :•l:fit 91: tiiit , N4e: Litmlie T.; • ItoLetiol 9x1,7 "is! , 7..,4411;:1,T itiV ;mkt 01! 411 , PA. ' . nlLry .4!"1 7.0 PTPW,f,. „/i:4o;:itatiatuiP pir: cit,r,ji 14 1 ...orzamireottascrumoosimmon• r t“' ),-, icdti 619 ariol o rit :077-74ivrrmat, . II =u=M