The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 15, 1868, Image 4

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tts Ilitt s htgt etaltat
Editors and Managers.
• -
Of PillhOrargh, Allegheny an Allegheny
tarerneyetearj,if. rem i-Week/y. • . Weekly.
One year.V.solSlngle copy.'.. .111.50
m.1111th:” .15 Six mos.. 1.501 5 copies, each. 1.75
15T the *eel, 15 Three mos 75110 . 6 . • 1.15
(from cattier. l and one to Agent.
FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1668.
riuvi on the -inside. pages of this
morning's CiAzErrr. : Secondpagi: A Spring
Carol,:Ephemerie, The Neu) Internal Reve
nue Third,page:, Pitiskirgh lfarkets,
Rnancia' / and Commercial Intelligence, Oit
Shipments, River News, Import:o, - Rail and
River Announcements. Sixth page: 'Finance
and Trade, The Corner: i 11.70 1 . 4-7 Drug Mar=
ket. Sesieritk , page : General News; Amuse
ment Directory.
GoLD closed yesterday in New. York at
140, a plight 'advance.
TnE Pan-Randle Railroad Company are
kiting:half—faro tickets for the Republactut.
National Ckihv,eittton.',
TILER. P. W. & C. R. R. offer to run
from this city to Chicago and return for $7OO
a car2to accommodate persons attending
the National Convention—fifty persons to
go in each car. This amounts , to $l4 for
the round trip.
Alf Mi-line railroad has been projecie&
from Omaha to Fort Wayne, under auspices
most likely to ensure its accomplishment.
It will pass something over one hundred
miles south;ofChicago, and - will shorten
the line between'Omaha and Fert . .Wayne
by nearly' one hundred and twenty miles.
Tux Ware . 'mar indiclitions of the be
ginning..of 11k`strong movement among East
em Depoprats in favor of PENDI;ET(
nominntynt,', upon a platilm Which qhnil
read any way to"suit , financial ideas in all
..,(Icyentor 'ENGLISH, of Connec
ticut, is' 'spoken of in the same connection,
for the second place.
. .
IT IS _perfectly welkknepivn. that before the
resolution of February 2d, - declaring the
Prmident's acts illegal, was introduced in
the Seruste t litr: Timms. was • consulted
in relation it, fully-uuderstanding that its
passage byithe Senate would be followed by
a movement 'ln the House for imieachment,
and he apprO : ved it. There's Senatorial hon
esty for you
SEY3fOril has given out that he will
accept, eider no consideration, the nomina
tion for the Presidency at the hands of the
Democratic Tarty. Therein Mr. SErstorn.
develops the large measure of good sense
- with which' he is generally credited. ' He
could not be elected any more than Mr.
PENDLETorT, his direct- - opposite. His
withdisival from the cluster of available
,candidates• Will not abate, the interesting
:„political dilemma into , whick-the Demo
.crats - have fallen.
IT is no question of - judicial independence
which makes the situation atWashiugton in
terestme. simply one of perscmil in
tegrity and political fidelity. We have. no
-censure; for Senators :shoula have
- .uniformly field te their opixdoni,altliciugh at
Nuance .ixith. thilr party. ' Our condemna
tion is for the recreants, Who are not only
faithless to their friends, but traitors to
themselves, Wito ID : 'the Midst of a
crisis a - duplicity which astonishes their
Most intimateassociates. • ,
Mu. HE:0E11807c of Missotiri „who talk
ed pleafiantly of his inteutiorts, has finally ,
concluded to stick with tic Conservatives.
This is precisely ,what we <predicted he
would do: lie still talks prettily of his con
science;ind all that sort of thing, but we
confess to a , ebronic dislike of *en who in
dulge in ill& sort of rhetoric. Our experi
ence is - ,that . .men' - whe„:3irate most about
conscience, have commonly least of 'it.
Especially; do we detest men who undertake,
to excuse the basest conduct by , the:neces:
shy laid on them by their. convictions, ;In
nineteen cases out of twenty, such men are
engaged in 'villainy of which they ought to
be thoroughly ashamed.,,
THERE is ample authority; for stating ; that
,Mr. WADE'S vote, if it will secure impeach
ment, wilfbe fearlessly given. • There his
never been a doubt of his •intended" in that
regard, nor, until recently, that such a vote
would be Accompanied by lila idinultSneous,
resignatlcAfit - the tictlAg Vice , Presidency.
In - view, or,thA shameful intrigne to def4St
the demands of ;he ,nation t . which few
traitors have sought - to .jostify-.lni, graends
personal to him as the 'successor of Mr.
Joewsorr; there remaiiiis'io imperativi-obli
gationop to.consult: Abe KopFieties of,
soothe' : siteation, yet it is probable that the
honest 'Oldlmsnivill idherci to his &A deter
minatioiv =tempted by the allnrements: of
an exalted office,‘ sod*, rising to a moral ele
vation avoriiir to pikOze.mArr4sitoPe•
- Tan ''donSeiffitiye press,,,apologists for
the bitseit , Piditient treackeri":;knOwn to oar
history: ihe days Jcl* Titan;
unite in representing the adjournment• of
the Senate give time for or
ganizing ant outside Pressure upon the die,-
sendente, anitino .a verdict"
these . l o ol4als , doolitri 3 l, wills if so
obtained; De entitled--to = --reskeet..--Let'
these journals lin Ceieitiallii i e.itia,tie Co
erciOn which vph chis =groposed;ia3uit4u4 ;Welt
honest initrlmpose:on
-rogues, WuW" f4, 1 4.f
men aPPlT t°t 7 d .. t66 l*litrY 'an in dic t :
people does not hesitate totoftii" t of ti i rel 43.
ant servants." , We heard this sez e , sort ,, o r
talk jitiontl,'eoercion"+ and fai tb at,
years dohs
protestadonlen crhitC•
The 1 PecTifkrAlßW:4 M
) 11 erica
a on know that good, wholesome on h a l
ite UBoB. ( iteiratietiiK ,
be but airtiegedottilietd6thibidbilftfeh
was entirely due to the illness of Neuter
Bowe.= , •
, .
/ •
'i?.Fisk.. ,
9 "—v, , ,-.-77. , ...!•- -,,, ArTrez•-?-:4e
It is within the range of possibilities that
the verdict in. Impale/anent rTly..l)e delayed
Until grave questions s of fudicial Privilege
have been investigated and properlyAis
posed of. The first duty of the Senate, sit
ting as a Court, at whatever stage of its pro
ceedings, is, indispeniably, that of maintain-4
ing its own purity by purging itieleof the ..
taint of corruption., This stigma has, been
held ,from the earliest annals of our rice, to .
be the most • shardefulli, destructive which
could attach to the,judjcial :
ever ar . e ofivireliarge'd, if"euttpcirted 'by
responsible accusations, much more if sus
tainedby priida ‘fai6 Itliks been the'
practice of all nations, in tillages, to defer all
other functions of Justice UA, that of
Irrthe pending at
Washingtxm, .=it is ~understocid that grave
charges are made involving the most cor
-rupt venality of Senator& An- investiga
tion is in • progress,. and, the names - of the'
witnesses` to' be examined •are :known. ,
When a prima facie. case shall be. establish- ,
ed, it will . be laidbefore the 'Senate 'arid the'
firstduty of this body will be te sfispend all
its Other,, - business, of whatever • cbakacter,
even in inelttdes. a judgment after trial,
until the truth Bludl be established hnd its
own purity vindicated. Then, and - no! i until,
then, can the nunpeitded judgment OOnunand
therespect of, the people. • •-- -`, •1 , ; •
Notwithstanding the revelation made in the
Senate on Tuesday of the existence of a
conspiraey on the part of the Conservatives
to defeat Impeachnient,' credulous Republi
cans have been,teleg'raphing from 'Washing
ton that conviction Will be: secured. It is
simply absurd to put any reliance upon these'
assertions. No substantial, facts exist - for
their corroboration - and support. All the
indications having reliability, point the ether.
ay• .
• .. .
/I*, and associates; did notcommit , them;
selves to the policy they are pursuing, with
out first obtaining as absolute a certainty , of
success as such a case admits of. They
made sure beforehand who would ga with
them, and took measureiaccordingly. While
they were. thus plotting, they'did not fatto
eve Republican members who were not in
inilied with them possitive assurances that
they for some of the 'Articles of
Impeachment. When they gave these as
surances, they did not mean to make them
good. What they sought was to allay sus
picion as to,the good faith with which they
were acting; to avoid pressure from their
~and,,to lead their I more , timid
• asseciateaon to the consummation of the plot.
Other Conservatives are now giving like as
surances, and with MO better; intent- It-is_
marvellous if any body is deceived thbrebv.
The recreant Senator's are acting in con
cert. It, is not a, alse, of commence with
them, as they 'facptiously pretend, but of cal
culation. They: have made their bargain,
and mean to fulfill it. Irrevocably, commit
ted to each other, to the President, and to
the Democratic leaders, they will go:through.
If any of them: still talk smoothly, their
ptirpose is deeeltful. • '
This 'plat in4olies much 'mare than the
acquittal of the President. Whoever fails
to read the auguries, with some degree of
exactness, is undeserving of leadership. In
"se plain a matter to go astray,l to inspire
hopes only to havathein disappolitted; to
put'follmi•ers off.,,thair guard by incorrectly
stating the hatdris,.magnitude anti tendency
of this menace, are absoluteli ineXplica
ble in men who ,„hitye,, mingled largely, in
political movements, or only watch them
'• Gen. GRANT is now beset not to accept a
nomination from the. Republican National
Convention, Which witialumeibleatthie4b
on next Wednesday. This is the fresh de
velopment of the plot. To that end 'all the
. conservative Senators are contributing
whatever infinenceremiiins to them. Hay
ing betrayed , the Republican part•j", , - they
how seek to 05.estiiiy.--it. That "they have
produced an impression., on one section of
'the , Republican journids is palpable; for
they palter, equivocate, palliate, excuse and
she* a readiness to be:Orried headlong by
the 'first popular twombithatoShidl set towards
a reorganization of political parties. There
is nothing wonderful in, this; for these,
journals were never anything More than
samp-fOliowers of the Republican ceifse:
These people all misunderstand -the 'Ault
of which the Republican - pirty is made.
Among. the Manes there is no wavering, no,
despondency, but only a feeling of :miring
indignation at the nite . 43ected 'imd deep
treachery which they ' have suffered. 2 8ut
they mill abate not a jot of their principles
,or'Of the resolutionto defend them. •
The undertaking, which ranks among the
grandest of oil the works of this marvellous"
kge, is progressing towardsconipletion ; 7ltit
unprecedentO, celerity. The line is now
open for six huudred miles..west of , - 6 . .nalut,
which iiPtwenty!one 'hundred Inft 3 - . .1 1.0 /4 1
Net, York, leav,ing only Wein hVallYed
miles between the-western terminus and,the
Patifib wain. , But,dt must not be forgotten
that the _Central...Pacific Railroad. Com
pany, whose initial point .is Sacraments,
haye already completed and in operation
three hundred mills, stretching 'eastward
to meet coming.
As the - distance between Omaha:and Bnern-,
mento 1a,i1.1130 roilti(tiJ willbe .:!*etfthat
nine htlll* - 11 /Wee of the ' interveningltfne'
lan becA - n9n4M.Pie4 , nilo PAtingn.'enne*
ful operation, - leavnit nniVekgri#' _
and beventyatillto be DO M. -*'
Nor is this all.'.'The .. 11 0icin;Pacific-la*
on handand actually delivered, all the ma-
fennls Oiniiiitee;t/r_the - e o PitletiOn of two
hundred `. .4 1 /o.4 ll 4:`* ll o's :CC
*filitwo bnndre4miles, one hundred are al
sad gra ded, and delay is T *3401e4 in pu t?.
Ant, ,on thrtOPOnyAlurksinliM OW{
'i life//qej o ff r Aiiffn i i s f r . AVM ;
bridges c sercom
I rlaitirteittigSagfirellifitilialAU
work ; eibeited by tie COngisii9- 6 .4ie11'
commenoed operations in IdaYt 1868. WS
inphis data ae asthe basis for cornputstion,
and 1001 - .ing.back over the...whole listori 'et
railway construction, it is manifest that this
Companyhas. proceeded twice as fast as
any other Company in
ant, to•
aPpreciate result in the • true light, it , Winos in mind that nioat of this
labor lias, been .done• in, a remote , region,
Sparsely populated, and , suppliing few or
•none of the materials required, or of the
grticles needful for the sulisistmce Of the:
hands employed:
The' CentTal Pacifici: doinpleting (the'
three I:TU4o:nays 'ofroad, already 'refer=`
• ••• , .
Tor to, baye:elimbed the.western•side of-the.'
SierrirNekada and 'got ditoin'on the easte rn
side to the great plain.
,of Utah, and expect .
hencefor*ard to build with the same midi,:
ty as the. "Union Paelfic. 3n 'this event,.
which 'Via altilgether nasal:table
pate, the'twO lines will be Coithected in the
autumn of 1870. „ this' - teliirt: shall be
realized, the whole' and•
opened to trade.and eiimmerce of the
world Aye full years - before the time
ted by gongress inframing the law grant
ing, governmental aid to 'the enterprise. ;
That special,stipAation was based upon the
best engineering computation of -what waa .
PraCtieable4.•butthe energy:and skill of,the
Company have surpassed all'lormer
tions, and-really inanimate& a'new - era in
,railway construation'.'. ,
1 The Minna Pactlid now at work in the
Mountain region, and it was here they nat
urally expected to encounter the most se.
rious lifliculties; yet the fact is that by .
. or trebling
, the laboring forces
they build as rapidly' in. that high region as.
they did on the plain. Already they have
gotfiiftk lanes, west of tvan.s's Pass, which is
the highest and most difficult_ point they
will have to .surmount.
' By thlg, unexpected' rapidity of building
both the gayernment and the people will be
geatly benefitted; the government by the
cheapening of transportation for supplies
for the arniy on the "Pacific coast; and the
peofkle by obtaining five years sooner than
was bargained for, the advantages of direct
railway communication between the two
oceans, and the consequent quickened facil
itieiof intercourse with China , and India
and the United States.
. The - Union Pacific Railway Company
have never gone to the people of- the Uni
ted States soliciting subscriptions to their
stock. - So far they have cheerfully assumed
the responsibility themselves. But they
have asked the people to take the bonds
they are authorized by act of Congress to
issue. These bonds are first mortgage; that
is, they have priority over the mortgage
held by the Government as security ' for
advinices of its credit, and consequently,
these first mortgage bonds will hive to be
paid before the Government can realize any
thing. This may be taken as indicating,
not merely the substantial character of the
bonds as an investment, but of the estimate
put by the Rovernment upon them. The
Government stands to , them in the relation
of a quasi endorser: - -
The interest on these First Mortgage
Bonds, moreover, luLs, so far been paid in
gold, and there is a stipulation on their
face that they shall be. That the
prineipal itself will be is certain, for`that
is payable in 1896; a period when the whole
country will be again stably settled on a
epode basis; and besides the bonds are en: .
dorsed in terms making 7 the principal
as well sui ,theinteriat_,,payable: .in
,gold. Taking . account:.that, other
conditions being tittle!, long bonds are uni
formly esteemed of greMer yaiue than those
runnint forshort periods; this loan mutat
fail of being regarded with Partieulk favor
It is deserving of mention, in. this . con
that the people, of,Peausylirania,
upon full consideration'of - the 'intrinsic
portance of -this gigantic `enterprise, and the
remunerating traffic which it already
, mends, and which. will, Lbe' . ittonPirmoll
hanced upon the 'completion. of the whole
I line,' have already invested , over two and a
half millionspf doilitis in , gip bomb of this
Company.t . , . •
Lr3tari Tnumunut, was the real author of
the Tenure-of-Office act. Om: the 12th of
JanuarY, helrbtedto reinstatejdr. erarrofi,
and on the n 21st day of February, he,`ahio
voted that his removal was illegal and un
copstitUtiona these votes, and :upon WS
responsibility as a Senator, he. affirmed the
legality of the • enactment and 'Prondunced
an emphatic „WWl:unit, or 79ndemuation.
upon an naming 4ecutive. By theie Un
hesitating declarigibini . of the co-ordinate
branch, Hogiteclfelt itself _ , ; authorized,nay, mote; Enstrttctild to 'proceed idol' im
peachment, and the country has been in
spired with the most confident heifer in it's
successful Vrosecution. The • Senator now
retraces, his steps, and sqUarelk:facesthe
' record of his inevitable condeamatioa.'.'
apologist; for judicial integrity, " . ElengittOal
indiPendence or, persona Pur4, can' per.
I Pdilluqnt TeOPO to ,overlook .hik!
unblUining and: de4ant treapirrY to himself,
to his partytind,to t4em.
Talk: of bießepUhliCenintegrityl When
he,'but &Year or so ape; was , propeiedfOr
re-election in Illinois, Republicans In that-
State, sagacious and •uncomprifialsing men)
Fl4o . knew Thin/MILL - and ,'underitood the
duplicity_of,Jach hp, was capable, foresaw
theperti to which he would expose tbe
pie in a, trying hour. They opposed' Mai
because he had spared no, efforts to, .injure
President LINFoLN, because he sought to
evipplerthithilitai : power over civil traitora
. 1018, and was drrectly
passage of the act which - ma d e 3frt, L igAzies
arrest illegal, because hie . was often found
vatting with the C9bpi t te a ds 7 I n mportant
legislative questions and upon appall*
to of;fice;bAcauPie the:lllineJspora9c7:,
iseY, preference;for him
dye other Re#ANm" candidates, beeause
,Coppe . rhea jOtutiablir that State were
; 4 .41 w that "he woubf 7 ishaelo
Calrhesd-,:t 1 ,4 11
..16711/),..i'f7, irea is Erepi W i
ig 14 7 9 02 "ty 117 7 i JOffitiort to'
jtuitlep" jidd9Piiksaing - and
moving him beim Oflise l ;'.for its crimse
minhosamors." 'wOndir. is, thst
'nois Republican should have hearkenell to
his reiterated pledges, or confided in a man
already spotted by so much personal and
;political unreliability. 'They can now par
ticipa in the universal regret. -.
b ted against the,President was framed .
b., House of Hepresentatives, not only
- & &rdance with its own senseof thelegal •
e and effect of the, (Xtke-Tenure Act,
ithspecial _reference, An. tii:e votes given
onservative • Senators, I declaring< ' the
.ns, presented, by
_the'', I?sesidett , for"!re- '
hggi:Stanten,toiie insiglicient. •,The
of.those>Senators ~ restored Bir - .l3thh;/„
o t4e.*gbft,lce", 'T4ili,j/ 9 V' . : 60 40; , ,
to Pliiinest possible. term that !ftilit',....rea
assimefi by .tatt ?reeidablili,o*liina
lusivel VViitii . r prOdiieed this stidd4ii.
ge of opinion ? AtqEarrisburg and
y; When (• !tnemliettl,bf . ' either -Roush'
bout in this way, on ckuestions of at
d moment, every- body : accepts the .
4'o th,V`tileY,l#lvg'been scene'." .that
a — they - live, sold their- .votes for a
is, it
This priie,sq induction is just as lip:fai
t:able to, Congress asl to State Legislatures:
No man faMiliai with legislatitil bodies will
hesitate to akly:the sable ruleSOkludgnseht
to , meMbers of the Senate of the :United
States alto members of the Senate of Pen*:
sylvania or NeW "'York. We doubt not
legislators at Washington are lust ak Ap
proachable with mercenary indueementa as
legislators elsewheref, . ,
"Hence, we Arendt surprised to hear it ant
nounced that the' Itidiciary Coniniitten!cif
the House have got upon the scent, and have
commenced an investigation into the cor
rupt instrumentalities by whiCh Benitors
who claim .eminent social . positions and
almost - inPreeedented cOnselcultionsieSs .
were brought-to the ,point contridicting
their own record by UCtittitting the President'
How much or hoiClitile the. Committee
may sncceed in bringing to light remains to
be seen. Bribing is not done openly; and
all parties thereto are inteiested,to prevent
exposure. But, whether all the facts are
disclosed or noneomough is known to carry
moral conviction Of -the use of - corrupt'
means to the minds of all Intelligent -in—
dividuals. • - .; •
DEDUCT the estimated value of the rail
ways in Pennsylvania from the aggregate
value of roads in the 'Union, and the bal
ance is less than the annual .cost of the
liquor drank by American people. This
cost is annually more than half the entire
sum of the national debt and ten times the
value of all the church property in the
country, yet these estimates, startling as
they are, donbtess fall short of the truth, the
liquor sales being computed upon the reve
nue returns which are confesedly imperfect,
The figures are shown in the subjoined table:
• Vatu• of Retail Total ''.vslttert,
Stale* and Liquor Sale. ,Itattroaas and
Territories. for axe Var. Et/garment&
New York .. ... • 1fig,2108,180
Massachusetts Z .. 59.575 71,731.91-1
WWI oryltanta 162,933,495 =.841,657
Ullnols 100,933,8 D 149,000,657
Miry - •
54,527,415 • •- ' 534114,103
Indiana .... . . ..... 91,418,100 • • 99,560.72„",
California 59,0:4.090 9.70:00, 000
Kentucky , A=2,115 - '23.719,401
VC i5C011.111 430/19,841 40,936,19:.
.Michigano,7B4,l7'o- 41.013000
lOWA 35,64r...081 49.191,450
C - 4nneetleut • •1in,00t,220• • : • zi,rienaii
New:Jersey .C.,1e8440 64,850.:41.
Mahe • • 41,=7•Al • ; 1n. 1 0 1 ,770
Rhode Island • 10=11,U0.- •• •••• 4,978,685'
New 'Hampshire.— 12,6±14171.1- 7 . ; • • 111.130417-
141.niarauto • • 11,24),000_
I/I:strict or Colutnbla.. 10;:118;450 •
Veeniont • • • • , As,,TeLogi , akaui,
Klalia 4 ••• • • •••••,* •••• • • ' 4. 1 9 3, - : ; , w,soNooo
, Asseamices have been given by persona
,entitled to speak in bflislfilf:the pnnsyl
verde Railroad Compiuly, materiidly mod
fYing the offer Mealy ramie for•the,com-:
.pletion - of the Chartiers Valley; Railroad.:
It is now . propOsed
. ttot ilnl34llMbltants
along the line Will, take $800,000.: , stock
and secure'the right oritray and:the:real es
tate necessary to opeiato the'road, the work
shrill be resumed immediately and pushed to.
consummation. A meeting of the citizens'
to consider and act upon this offerhas been
called at Canonsburg at two o'clock. on
next Saturday afternoon. ' A strong mobil,:
bility exists, thltt the movement will succeed.
Taa Perocknououns , in the new Chula
nail bridge have diretted - their Construction
Committee to. cortuneupecli.":theahutments
`forthwith. Thep
w spect is not encouraging
to tliose who havelitoped • for a tintelY Con
gteetoflal intervention against thoo46iled.
'9, l3B tiruciloit .4 11 Ole , Yet the fault is,
not with,the 'people who are interestedln ,
Plauring a free navigation,.for they have ,
"airgidy spoken promptly and emphatically.
Let the censure DIU, if -any Wheys, uponthose RePresen4Oes from t4O Ohifk 1 0114
, who have ;not, found :time to, intieduct the
restrictive metwures 'Width- this can de
muds. -
Ix OCTEn t 3886, SenatOr
•• „ .
in a public tiMeh: in the . Congt otuse .
Square,. st Ciiicaso,lselettiendy
he weele-I# 9 r"Pf:4 . 44iii . 4tati'Vnicie*
went and remover of Jonnson.?' %The Ohy•
cago Jarnakcighg , 0 18 ;;with .
. .TanuaiY.f.. l 4A 'Pt. IPA
. .
"Mr. Trumbull is like the kitten of larori
iiii. read- in Sacred Wtit;lo . Whont' his ;4442
replied , i' ';!0Iii Vitra minkt4:egrient;'olK of
thine o*).)Opthfivill: I. 4iiitilp.o 4 -**,?..,;..
`4 l l-. ,', • ..,,.
~ .-.., . 77.
A colakszn i ta Of PrineinaltiOr 'utic Deaf
Thite Inetitiold ~of *thei.trrilied„„Rifai**Ol'
bn, held. this, wee k at thi:lnatitgtitntpf :tho , .
:Deaf and Dumb iniWi owCitic.44,26 .
Conference will be inlateaton:4throallaya.!
;Pr 4weeV:four-,XetiNt4 l l4. l t 14 Alte ;CAW,
• titalea lot, the instruction ?-91 Os- class of
persona s sixteen will-,hei represented ..:: ,Div
ciiiisionamiltbeladmlthltylew of securing',
concerted action as to •whitt,degree of Oda. ' I
Wince abOtildheaccordedito_thettetieblngof '
articulatiOn'aiikte*tint fickalhn-110.-':-Vat;:„
ttable,pagerit;Yeteettag.Wthiri prabthie`of.'llie'
- tatOttociOigillie deaf and itiiiiliz*Ullw
rem; 1 1 0 , 0 0 reports it troeidli**li.
o'o ol o4 to w i th much in LlriAixtnie W,
.. „. .
' - TIM . atb3etoent neteehOeitiailieen:
iiiiiiedjttut 1):,f, O* l .*lilag ..diyielon,- ; of ;the
Treafinry. . Thettetokareotitheffitgoentikah k
V A BPWW- 1 4. 4 4 AW
- ORV44 l :tt '
; ' . Miti*Onii,
, . jeftital itt,GetegehlWatmett.,;
- ,Fkilv , .. reetilthl ..;••iiirWtikelwattliJ. 4 filittZ
teen;PelffitaP gt;
.liickis bt app e arance t o that'of- . the
twenty-sve dent notes .wit li the . ; denominik.
Wet on each end. .... - - , - , •
'Yi~Ti f J,'~p..
linpeichment . --' :fluiuors at the Capitalk
The speeches of Fessenden and Trumbull
are described as lawyerPar&vitnents. in be-I
half of the President.. Heiderion 'contend- .
ed that the acquittal of th6 l Preeilleht;'would
- be the salvation of the•,rter4ll)ll.ein:,PArts";:
• and bring to it 300,000' votes. .
Senator Anthony is, now given ttp.aa a con- •
vent to the President's side. •• lias•,.'not
spoken,. and probably will not„t•bitt •in'• - ,114
conversation to-night with -Htm: D.
Washburne, of the ilonse:ofßepreseittatiieti;
he defended those Repuublicans who had
s poken. against conviction, thus ellowingdiia
:own inclination • "•*ii
" - Senahtii, Horton }fit& tilate_niFidefii:
td Servitors rbies*,,l.etr2,944
011nbvius,ou Mandan 'during'. tho' Secret
ikesstorliri 111 Se nate; har pps em.
witli t
Ovine: plial'Au then: *lnoue Statements,
.o ne t, ru i n oh e Tenure of Oflice act and , the,
removal of' Secretary Stantoni.h: .
ono , t ithhoney Without tdirtM!pat.'
'ifig'in it, fhe feelhigyvhict - diists to night,;
The wors t panics of th,e,Witr',',did not ali='
Pkoacli it;'od;it is nOtieeablethat thosewhe
suffered fear .axi,langibgt . Whin ,oir armies:
were defeated are itho, ,oues who sifffer "the
most now. , Ofeourso there have been severe
.derruniattiona of the iSiefeaters."'but it is
improbabluthat any , one of them. , has been -
I tnOte rouhdlynbused than: Chief *Justice
tease: • ' Rumor:MS it that he has se far for=
'gotten his position as to intervene
in influencing the votes. of, Senators by ;ex
pression'opinions advoise,t4 - 'olkic#o4
on many, if not ; sii; ! the, articles .. ; 4
I A large"party of ,Tennessee •Radiads
rived iteretitomiar. , tonmanipulate fl3enator)
, "Fciwier; , and they hold a"tneetimgto-higlitto'
consider this Isithatidtt. Grant': held 74 Jong .
conference with Wade s YegUrelicfri
pOutmelA* Wade'i,
Ington Hodge,' •at winch several , liadiear:
Senators were presentby iriVitation. Wade's
room is said .to l ;in-charge of an extra
watchman who guards „it, night: and day.
Itis believed,thataPlot to SeCtlie, aC4lllt-•
tal haaheen arranged[for a; eek.; •There is,
not' a doubt:. -but. Fessenden,., Trumbull, : ;
Grimes andltentlenn4baigunderstood each
other for, "several days,,.though they- have
contrived to,keep theipmost.intimate friends,'
in the House in tio darkort the subjekt.: It:
is rumored to-night,: : that' 'these- Senators . '
' have an understandinrwitry OUT PresideW
bywhichlie agrees to hehtive,ldintreX t4e,
The HoliSe s t byone tLlctrity, - has z agreed
to take a recess for the ; ChigagocpnVe,ntion,, l
but it is not believed:the Senatwilwillagree
to it. Should, impeachment: fail,.; much of
the interest now theCenventicrnhere
would be lost: • - It is reported GeheraV-
Grant would not allow the use of filename
!if Republicans should fall to quarrelling`
upon itapeachment:" , '*. •
A dispatch to the Advertiser says
The Impeachers have certainly recovered
'from their despondency. They - have can
vassed the doubtful Senators and received
positive assurances of 'a vote orrene or more
articles of Itnpeachment, so asto-insure the
conviction'of the'President.
Mr. Stanton feels' much chagnned at, the
hesitation of Senators to remove the Presi
dent, and will instantly resignin the event
of atquittal. His. friends charge Senators
with a breach of faith, as he only consented.
to retain office on tliepositive pledges of the
impeachment and removal of the President:
• Ms. Stanton's resignation' is deprkated
as a party loss, on account of its,iniluence
upon the Southern eleetiens which are yet
to take Place- • . . •
The rumors that Gen. Grant is in favor of
acquittal preunfotmded. • 4 _
- . •
Forney will probably he', restored to the
Secretaryship of the Semtiethrottgli the in- ;
fluence of Sumner, Chandler and the ,Radi
airSenators who will oppose the - weep.
tance of his resignation. .-•
All the doubtful Senators will be made
to realize that a vote for the President_will'
involve their expfdelonand
from the'party. ,
'Of that ieraotieleaa.Sad tuilttlea,a-'dagtrti*ar'ot ttie
titra!,.o a te ; -
.:!';. ~, :t.:
Cheti aad cOngiei its iiiianissiy4t yotrialtitte
v l c tlm. W l/01 .4**ed I T l h aPi Alt WI Z! /t/#44 1 ..T.
sytoptoris s ptiolottr4io*,s44, bq ott yojtr ituatd
*44,grortiptlTtine tl}e'iietdedT et, too *fr.
• 'Int.'SABGENT 2 BIO3OI 81111:11" • `.•••
fa an old, well tried, certain and standard firmed,
for Coughs, Colds. Asthma. Cusp, Difileulty of
Brerithlng, Pain or Oppression. in _the Chest or
Lungs. and all Diseases of tire.Palmtemer Organs.
Its sere and certain.. Massey has, been folly Seated
and endorsed for many year* by numbers or well
knoWn citizens in oar and thee certificates
are on record: Eave•son a cough , Whieh AAA rear
early tecreasedtrOm.a slight. Mae to one .of Derma .
nent standing? : Lose no time. but pro Cure" a bottle
of DR. llniteENT,El time.
surely relieve „you of •the d a ngerou s tdrunonlloff
symptoms' and efibeta . pernipneht, - cure. , Do you
spend mllerablo days and long sleepless:lights of
torture and Dahl from attacks of Asthma or nitioco-.
ty of Breathiest? „Dr. fIARGERYTS. Cough Syrup,
will act promptly, relieve youi and gradually i re
store you to your:reed= of palif:ant soundr tea,.
=Lateen., Are your lulus, ssopre andirritated, kndi.
cuing indamraation ? '
.This is ortoOf the moat dan
gerous aymwoms. audhould be promptly removed.
Dr. BARriENT Congh Syrup - will bag the itore.
last gaTprethailetnAVecZ.l.titlifeo:39r4iitib-ICcUS
Syrup isilearmut and agreeable to take. whils,pow
erfurau sureArtits'netion, For sale by all. Drink ,
sista In *l. country. . . .
• . •,, : • AVOID:POISON: ;
Invalid 'reader,' do' jou know what nine-tenths of •
. •
the bitter botepotinds' you are, Imitated by ,the_ pro
prietors accept'as unliensal coin
posed of? "Give heed for a nionient: , Thee are
ti containing
nfactured, from' nntirlded 'alcohol,' containing 'a
considerable Portion. Of twill:. poison
as deadly : air Pritsile ' The basis of the regular
-tinctures of the Afateria Medico Is the same.
41nount of "herbal extracts" can Overcome the bad
tendency of this pernicions Clement:' The essence
' of - soupd Rye, ttioronithly rectified, is, the only,
stimulant which can be safely Used as A compo
nent of a tot o Lititsretive Ind anti-billowsmedlo. ,
eine, and /I STTEItId ttTO3IAOII BITTERS, is;
-this preparation In the world inwhich
thbs artichils aged aslikilikredletit. ;Bence 'the ex-
4reortilnart effects of tills •greet mteettle.t. 4tives:
, Strength 'ellbindv.'itmodeelnit,expitement.. So other
tonic doeir this; -Ali the kifdlniwylfitttere • flutdcthe .
‘face and abet % , IfoRTIRMSIPIi:
Off diffuses on.. agreeable' eidm • th.tOugh tbo • nes ;
T#o4stuterm promotes Mgesign elm produces sleep.
_.Altner IKlCqUiekly vilres- the ' ttUsai
PortalretT restores ;she , split:taw and Amt.'.
moves the gloom mutaapreasiri onislch,sdways44-
edinfainfeC imitator or- ' -
purses trot - erne' T I MM tboutornii: uumbi which •
„ tA.4l4,nitural etionskitioLlfiffekbrirlA
ss:to the Cheek an suffering to =throw, „.
4Stien those doge plestnre, resterettffe •
.t 0 htgh health, and - neoeuarligprogesx vale saga:
;ones to the Mgestivn, m ..tttoos,. ;., WV is all„thst, is ;
seeded to, "estObffen oentiden c e of Abe'
bUBV dr. kLEOPIE:00, ' • (1 ,
• j 'A N ITH r4, — ,, T , - -':..1, 1..t.)-.4. ,, Part ° V
ft•'-' .hp Ano Cirths - a r twied I
- ' 2 ICI" *I;
- - ''. 44 e , tuityrp°r s _. !..r, z•,
time tisio'l tots4X, 1-, , I int: : i eukake
•-:,,imipausedi fro
tiootion to DR. Rxr9 1 4 , i7..4,...mv5etne540411k
birth l'- haThur Wed '"- e r114.,'
,• After
benefit s a byte bee& tin o
ilootOrighWitb.3llt'3!7 * ibriu4iiirvitikW#l , 4 #l,
ICei4oi'lloen,.,.t;,ll:" my aleitipa .. _,.._ ;16';.:W041!"! 011
titelr;Tel""i'77: -'''_pwwl,44l4ll •:'
atin t• ',' ' : -- J OHN
heir'sl4l/r9/4 0 ,,, id : i'l t Watitthur Ag nkOlvE l k i I
, d - --.- ir, , - 4 ,*''':- --:'" r 'l
• r ,' ‘-'i -11 ''' `i;';t......-. t Di3,l44ifqF4NiAi
4 . •
itmi 74;41/1 --.774 i;t:5.7t.''.,,,,,,,,-A*.ii,..vimacru.
liarthhiZliCAl4",97.=.l.Ap,i nit , uutst{c**l
, -
,alum. 1361 ......•—;m en ,, a pu, bkleilm
iiri,a,,de via thimolusr stmii.mtiwiivhilereit
....4 _ 0 tiiis,o
4.4,i,t, mitinetti tin" _,, 1,,,,,-tipti - i ttt.,
:4-4',A Lie made idilearttit_ ": 4 7,N
41- IMP!ftl/4.,4100'
siTi r 4i l b l*ft/IRWRIa "at
14 1 1t41.&11,
" taillikeril
4... a".,
Al.! i
! I l• 4 ' CtJrti 41 ' 1111 ig 1
ioim : - . ;-, , ,i ' AktitiecojauvriNG t:
' ' ta.laniburs imennati nows
TICS PoRMIGUAIIosA --"112 0. 3:II AtIN
..6 4tei
=NV Or noi al i tf m. DlSZASUilit . L i "
4 VY-ibrq;•*;',.;lh'i
N* '
~-~.1.~ti lr iilsW eulue'Ydo6'd<Jv~CnKidiir~aaars~
- • -
iroT/ORS - L t . 2 . 0 6.4
.ror Sate, "Lost,'
"itoanif7fg," r .tc.:, riot ex
ceeding FO LANESJ dach wilt be tnaerted' in Uwe
Column* once - CENTS ; .eac : „
cuitif.itiol!al tine V.E CENTS. . ,
. .
ANTE6—S 15r AV , / ON —As
'sjiiiEstrAN - ; 1h a dry 800da tiouse, by an
..41.xliertenced maib. Alleglienyrnreferrifill ' Adartea
43:.GAZEra. Ork-wz,
I.' A >I 1: ' gittrA:ti Oigt r •-.2tt 4 y: ,
. , itonsiglio Yirriiing a good - round bind,' min - '
COPYIST. Laathers °Mee preferred.A4dreat.,,
COPYIST, ~tbla naive. , ...;
I '
Awr ' . gyre ATI.Oat4-, Ali a
I . . ,, 1,..- - • ~ . .sEAIIIST ESS in a vital liiiiiftgiverii&er;
ilie ityi, , by nye litdynto understanda - theiireini
L making buptnes - 4.2,.._ Dizejl referene.e,given.
1 nutted. , Alidresirrikirk iGazirrrEurPlCT.; atzdinn'
vragea given. A! -.- ...,....., 14,• .....,
:' - WAIITEWr-6.: , :ituttlion ':a's;'Etales•-•.-
I'-{ - Oilier setae:min cieretaillnisineas,':, :, '' ,l
'by amian.ortitteeti t years'.44 - perleacein4llo,erneerY . ' i
and Dry Dr ltainesa. The - rat.eiye , cefenee,,,
given. 4. regd p,VA.Z.ETTE Mce.. . ,
iin , ua a
ri . room,
by ed man, tateli En
GAerrrstYph..4',.,- I.
• ' 4, ' , - )::
ItIVAIrrE 7 .7 situation -, 11 145015.-1.1
icE_ g pzikf c _tiroisits.t_tpig.*tsetretextie l
rietice. - - Atilarers ,130084SEErElti UAZZTTE 08
„!, 7 t:; i.I ''•
M ' PS 71:22"
WANTE °OFT cAre - ITO- - ,W0141:;;
at ark.OliglldOzy, the '
couiktry. , Estkiely ui te ptoymeagnaranteer_ — itarrled
man preferped.i ood boast lOralahed atrIOW rentv
Apply atNo: 3 PlilltßY'd pi.ctoz,:eonmerk l queszify
Way and Hancock : st . • '
WANT ' R )1
- : enei
tionseworir.i Apply at No. 196
FANT ," ;- I I ICE--A good Cook
for HOtelksorao three tulles from the • elty.
oges. 13per ,week. Apply' : At Tlitt3
from 12 to / o,MOck". .
Two • good
GlRLS.'Orlerfor. chamber work and one for
cooking' ina family of four: Wagea eAI per week.
'.A.pplrat - N0.•7 Granville Street. • . - • • -
SIERVAsTrt talluireel,-
~ and If allkkal ne , t w a :t r Te r .
UrAtiliktir4t.:4lll . ,i "
, and goo:di:treatment to of twelve or
foarteen, who •will do the light' Work for a mall
atally. Apoly at•NIIS9 WEBSTEIT,STREET.
'7ITIIIIIILIEtke., ik MON E1t..51.. good- .
HIONEI4 for a Hotel. Address A. 8., Box
- AN ED Genna
GIRL, two gentral housewoirk•lxes'fitailly
* tree. Protesttnt preferr t eg. Address
i -
WANT I: , ..i.AGENTS6=i•GRATET;- -.
TER..LLV.S OP.—Anew and standard work;
n:',l.' 2'. - Heinz:kr.' the popalar Historian.
Sent forkdreula4r4 bee ogglersnad AddreSsor sp.'
MT to A. L. T •ccaT a CO ., 00 Market otrect,,
tsburgh. IN.', ti'.'.7 . .1.1.: . , . . ...
yrANT.EI) AGNINTS•Ndro - travel ..
.. , through, Ohio, Ilichigag,West.Virginia,and, •
elderly Pentilivanit,' for
!the' Side' of SOLAR " •
LH:MT, a -resole:if: inspected. willd cannot .. -
be exploded. Ai !liberal c okunitudon'be paid.
Wilt - Celt ally * the rebore- StatevorAurts there. .
of; and furnish the Light at . cost. For particu
lars C 11 0 .012 Us or thend. , for clecular. , .HAS • BROS:
&. 'CO., . Office, ... fk:Cleivelsod' Us. ; , Baildlngs, .
TXTANTED-1104nDEllg.- A few
N andtr o t P ESt s4 liarge l romateregs m O tt
- v Funal.bd4:itqpins, with. good boardlng,
pleasant loeationoelthln nee Enntrles , , Walk or -
the Post Oftlee,_AllegbenY - Clty. - AtlilreSS 'Mrs. 31.
•A. 'HOLD, Ithrnsgh•atreet,t - lAitaleenvltoblnson
and Lacoek, All4heny , -
nished robtasAkad gobthboard,;lzaprirate
y, can be bad by, addresaing,4oA*P.. Milk. ,
office, gicingpnilnangrand occnpaticn.", •': •
-v r HOUSE.46II Minot li , ort Waynelroad. Act-
drew stating re t., Nn.Si3I.IM9NISTEIEET, Ape-
aliens City. - ,
• WANTE.I9I-"TO lIIITIE-;-A; 11101 USE,, _
-OFFlCZ,lttlWation, size of lot s 4 F d" --I =' "
• - - tLiv.Arilis- • •
• • ." ","`
TANTE MON Eir t —.4ooo or
$1:0011 :wanted oi first elgiovmcirtifittp)ork
city property. C dress.X.; 1311150F71CE..
5 1* 1270 E to fOrinfthrt .of i.Quartetto in a
~neCholi. 'Good salaries to men with the tvoired
/voices and abilittolthil Mole. , ••AddressiliZßOX, ,
APittsburgh P. 0 f. • . . .
• -
FANTEDlritlielligatiLie /MOW:
that the 1 0filee tlm Arabian rhplielsm 18 • :'
"41 •O. 393 'LIiIERTY 'STREETV.'avet Keystone ,
Bank, and that Ibe successful/7,1165ta -all hArensto) q;
diseases, by *mode of:treatment never before ailed - —4 :I
In this city. Chgehlo Casts Oared three weeks _.•
without inegebie.. Pflectiiked-in Ten doevich_cLat . •
mediclaec osiwzmw
Zy ted ffii i eS4Everybody. wale And female, is
-Best thing milt • purify Va t ,' Ih. -Y"r ' 11111314/ 4.
- .
7.1206. T-.-.-liItALCELLET.--011. , Saltlia...;' '.
Ascottght,t betiteen , laitieficOellte Anditait
Wily. li GOLD( BRACELET. ,!ThA,Andertwm be
rewarded .lelll/4)ff the ammo et the office '.
~of.BOOENBER ,Mt .it'CIO. •
TI 4; ST- VE:•*.• BEITTON-- ~
_,,, ktial of S. an It. Flneet , ..lgUl be ',. }
wattled by keel' ... it et, TICI!S C/ ..,trip/4. .:,
• .4,-
~KEY wairfOtend on Vonireaa'or " • • •
Ich theitrintertain have nye:Win street
i"teraa l' .
and raying for tbls advertisement!: a-,711113.:;,,,,,,-*YII,
rtIND.II:-- a i-Stieet- , on-:'
Thursday :ceidiisl,':.4l-"aha - T. KEY, Cali be
- •-•-• •
.•- . .
1O LET - L . . Bl.•=t4A, han
• hirrilsheat WRONT WON, suitable for gen
t emen. Enqul at No. 31 HAND STREET.
TO . LET-t- Vh — ird's 'Story Front
ROOM,*to and , welt ;11ghted. , 1' at IQb 69
HFI • DLi BEET. corner Fourth,'
TO - LE WP„:8 0 031.,0ne Front
-ROOkrizviilf tattled.: for.ime orinote.•
St24o. -Oa TIARA .IYRRE -
"I[lo. LET `O8(11/11M&-.PLEASANT
- ROOKS,' fith or without board:, on a quiet
street of.tltia jr - AddrestifißS: t rtis ea
:new for term taut articular'. - „. . .
0 ; I' , IritOICT `Awn ibcd,owith i
sour board,. suitikble 115 , r1:man; snit; ifife, • 'W ;vo nß . ‘-'
xentlemen. Ifor further particulars u "
M9 - 131%001pk4THEET • • apply . at /40.
i .01CIEWEilita-.7 U'il Cr. ',•71
* :44.
--4 ,• ; iii - 0 , 14 4 i. - . ' - •4014..',
' ' - • Vie. iv jilbeis ,oree.;
0. , • 1...„...r
ti sa ,: inth ~.t ..w Ex,s. which. usversbeen fai '• -
. b„,i„„ver,:,...t z in....,. v
~ ...nv d . . , ........4,-be i be,,, , z .:, ..,:,
.. be ...„44-„ —.... d•- ci einilau;o • ,
soN, TrAnNtli.T.B4l?6)lt,, i , .. 1 .i.e;:-i= •1' .
'... gryxs:ra , ' , . -
part.;i&cP i, •
61.,n—gtAit chlee'
, IN
• EL.: . o...SharitsVouts.
esitt at* oo aecoLoh - austir ar - et - 4:
ear :redefined; 03 wills .rmic balding i nt -/
d pliutdd 1140tithullOIMIt. sitreOkadtrodtaia
tr. imit !nu pAgrde, FoT,V_SRUPW.4IITARpre,,,
: , sAINT fuTra.4lo"-'
1 , . 4 41*, 14 004 1 , 0i i.,, Au b r .,
... ,
.-7.. . .--....... it, iii,0t.,,,1
- prat: , talik.NUPAucts ea v ,;
_ _ _
s -
s , • —.11.;',10,k,