THE 1 1, 243 ,4 01 4 - • _ efratisi l 1 24e..i n't) 113, taoilet.:r4tii;,): .., Shall I talk abo u t I,,origelieuip :.- `What; is the use ?. -in- tlidlixst - Place Imigeharaps. ' r ' ' 114 - other` thii i 4innio is no;lorigeOis,t hl7B_ er i , Pc4ri.Blld then h oly.week :iaade;the -die ' - ' playOf [toilet. imposs ibilit y,aif . , . besides the ,•- • . . e 'Stair Wie)rfet_li. laige flak the ;vi tal, rendering it hardlyitesinime tedreig one's self in sprinroillet. On the other hand, the`sPrlrrcolittimeiVitlilbie.themselves at the veildhigmiutist iiiid'On . the race courses, ‘ and'et! AO 004efinueio4 'cioi t lfitoftei the i -: mmielutele&ese o'clitingeablecsilk%,Wlich 1441 41Vieiuldjart uslhey- use 4 to. 1:04 , ,' long • aim:, Zterge , -; , oostuttieware generally• orna-, • metitelii.Withplaits•offlain,tatfiita, - .. assortedt •to one of s- the-: shades.-of the! dress. - •-fiaicil • plaits are aced to pakiftuilon•toidtimind you •of the toilets of the ' leaf centiirY,'The fol lowing is the description of a costume of that style:. , The,opper, t akirt,- Of blue: ti eta t,.tiege f s r the ground and- bas - - five or - - seven plait% dole:to each; other ~f or :01=a-,.' . - meat; ese,*alts . of.. ingot must -, exictlis •-correspondin.thade tonne of the shades o , ''the - skirts , •Thelattertalocopediq3 6n , . antlers , Illiewiserernetnentedivith blue ' 0111 U an d : - ' held lip nt,the Sides' bY;' settee of Illilloinirl The valet is ipt'Poilited;belibid in4aqiiiirei in front, alt ornitmente4, l 4ith I Pleitg=7-',llie , sleeves are hidflorig,that is they are tight-.t fitting as far as the elbow and lsmnnelargtur„ like an open sleeve,' all t.bordered with plaits. ,- ....lii tini ,- % . 2-, , .: ::::41 I • The Lambalie maniteletlis eat) round be 2 ? hind and crounidlitrs„frtilit; filling back in half-tlaPe ittillie-SideiCtlie ornaments are small plaits of bluitiffetn; and the mantelet. ...- a Dotard Alr l a rftWA.rig?. With it • . elm . X_Oluill,grire,lieri. ..0111 PK ,ate_ • ,= 11 1' .. 01_,......PuW..,...,M bi*_glittte an, ' f . ~, .. 'V, 4 amFrop- , 94. irean_ ::InyOadiai stir-. . malsoleOknyiagirernfestntar. T T,his costaime, is.tillogetiterverygnicaful. ancli t hafactetis.: tlei • snit highlyrectoruniendable I°4 young • ".. and handsome wotnarii. 'Cashmere' is like-: wise worn --ted.,4 vest-extent. There is nothing more hecoudngthan that style, and a toilet which would look awkward.if made ' of taffeta or poplirh' i ,ippeare charming•when . med.) ; of cashmere. - , Black cashmere cos..' tames. may be ornamented . with =lace - :or guipure; • cashmere of , -light ' stades,. "have taffeta plaits'• or 'tueheo ' for -erne-, 'tents. A . very Pretty costume for a little - girl is a round &lit of Seires-hlue cash-• mere; trimmed*it& several small flounces,. one sewed iminediettily above the other. ~ The Polish cassock has a ruche for 'orna-- • tient, is fastened in front by a double' ruche, - comes up in the sluipe of a- square waist' without ;; sleeves and with a - double ricrac -"all round;- a muslin ‘chemisette-•wl plaits and blue ribbons alternately, com plet es the -Aiostume. ' The sash - is 'knotted nd the waist and bordered with a doable Odell round. The round , bat of white straw is tinned up at the addes and behind. These` three points are bordered with blue ribbon and fastened by three pale_ roses. . : For longtoillgts ehangeable taffeta and. striped silk is much en. vogue ; but it is a style width is hardly ever worn outside. of 'solcinin clawing, such as niarriage—masses,- dinner - parties, etc. The cloaks continue ....Sotttdfer.a.large--nariety-of styles, •-from- the_ • small miyitelet Marie Aukiustte to the cash mere cloak iitibrin - of alunie, with a pele - quit iii front and knotted,bebiudin form of a - king - 14A: This latter moddisilieptrwini . ficatioit of gracefulness slid '` style.- ' The mantelets .. , with "hood, listened in front by the round belt , and the tight-fittirie cassock, ~, with „fichu _Marie Antoinette knotted behind, are all thefashion. , The latter style is . Par-: .e ' -tiettlarly ; .41410,4 tnAlitillY;'w4oZM -wear , : -theisiiinewUt - itivenile'hiolii4,4lfarieitii - :". 1 . to - (0445 tolulteliC',..the s eelOok'A*Atinff. ..;id. 7 thephicen : • • - • •• - , • ' 7 141,310 m0ref04944 004.14114„ , • , .oe.r.-• Fichiii or 1 4 % . , n:lacsiftws wa4.:dreastifor ' iriataec;*ltleti p oint - 414 4004 iii fartin,K down on the should er% areAnitefashionable.i -f-lp *the' rpotrif ikinflillic beitWikiklr- pas-, '1:20,--:'lT'Viost.iniCe - .llitle `.on ; one .., side Another fashion bi'the phu-bood of blatk lace or Yak; -lined Withpink craps and with assorted ribbons et flowers., These hoodsr are 'met with . iiiftie parks of castles. - , --Among thenew models of-hdruiets.l- have ' noticed a very becoming square shape, open-. • -ed alittle on the chignen, and hordetell , ell ' round with lace rueh'es; - Intetslieiita i. - Witli' small knots of ribbon or with Bowe& The' _ ribbon strings are formed in shape of a sash t in front and cross each other on the bosonil tu.der a knot or a flower. I holieve I have mentioned once before, that aprons begin to - becolge fashionaideAgdo. Every well as:.` sorted 'iroUsseizir must "have ' at least six • aprons, ornamented with plaits of ribbon or . gutpUT6. " : , ;. - They are often made of taffeta of change." • able.. abed% Auld ,they 4 are, uszielatelt in. ``'drapes "of the. Most "tnpriblbni Vitiracfer. Our Soldier Dead. Hon. John A. /Low* Commander-in: Chief of the Grand Army of the Reprblic, has issued General Orders He,„ 11, from Which ?,tracts: "The 80th day of May, 1888 iirNiesignat ,- ed for the purpose of strewing with Rimers, and otherwise decorating the graves of coat , ' in.dettmeettortheir count 7 t duriiirtfinaUfwieliellient,liiid'wlose bodies ' lie to almost. every City, and village prik church` *aid 'lithe' "Irt co.rvr ance - no form or cermony is prescribed, but posts and ,comritOes., will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonial? of war:Las circumstances may permit.", are „ olvir o, B9, , 7 = as oor Teptsuelistieli uff fbr tii , among other things, of preserving and strengthen:: , _• tug those and fraternal feelings which •b• lutt - W.WIW 44ithdrAlitnooldif*Fliogors. and marines who unite to suppress the re'. hellion. We cannot.aid tituretlisliegV4lds, result than by cherishing • Mendery the its foes. 4. b • M43 Let time appointe wither imandl3olllimania.d remaitut and land the: the plastonitsw .4ftbidel t hbbvethem ' . 7 0A AitoioN - '••• • ,l s ning time; let tir . raw et ear oldlag they kafe, saved from dishentrrOetlut .thh - ablena - PrelPfice,PimeW 'our i•-11 1 08. 3 0 All ante , reitist Globe whom " th-y hamidt,: 40 among a sacred diarge n..n nation's gratitudere_ the soldiles a .ar„ phan." - ?c ci• • Chief s theme . of the Commander-hw to ite this observance with the hope that it will be kept up frpjpiear to ;4 4 ateite)whiiiikiektiVor attic well “dwAnslii , honor the memory `;of his departed corn ' ', rades. He earnestly desires the public roNst‘. to call attention to this order and lend its I"=" 7 *Thilliiiit VlifkildliCO of /4 ,41 Of the country in time titidthfiltMeoUs .liance therewith." •- • 1 Tint M Wilmington annmerdat gives an ea- ' , 31114toctigamwaregsoatteropiria tl .Allokingatason. ltAtaays, that4h e m... e the x i st ;-‘l.oll462straatabnigethetsmadn tlinalotAtino : . I, l = t r e Raffiraikaint Qua r - thit•witO is r • a v illifOrp, u tifilhett: laf • ". • .„ -! • , $ $ ir n sh s '• laium umaialmaalam. =— • AIMS ' .414114140611534104i00 Wll4l/1111474 s. F. 304 r .+lvrott snli 11 t.!-'oW' ,l,9 re` chew rt,,) , esSrt t 11-„' /41 : 0 , 05 - 1. * n i t. 4) . r - - C1 - ' ' 7 ' rf:P •••• o.€ +./‘ .4 t'l.? trt , trA.S.,k. hsrt. - teil T•' - d • ' A • 111 . , -----v. , .. -- . -. 'W l eerd'',o - ; fc'i r relrys ire ,- — Cincinnatil bridge strigtrlezifaii t &tided by whiskey' I The long-span lobbviiits were a trifle :minor , ; , in.the.quality. sat qu antity lit. the7ithiskey; provided: and:,the , .emperecy , voted : l abor; 1 .4, s panners knew . ,best low,. span.. The s.lo ... -,. - . ,-, to approach a' e.mocratlc . L egisla ture - .`:WisiOic;tilit - 10esnigiii;!..nei: , thieitteni,' to walk froze . Bangor,Xe.,.. tapi,. Paul,; ~ , , and "back to Buffalo; 'N.... r :; - 41 - 4 , 4 ! ;1, i, miles, to be 'Conigeted in one han d -cm:, secutive days. The main stakes are to be 'for #f10:000;tind the trial is' . .te hesin',On, _ the 18th ef'August Mul , t-tOikitiatei?nt!te:2 l 4ho November ',:_;.. '''' '7 '.. '-' :' - - *- 2' '."- -:-'` .in .., ..,-. ~•.... f -,,,:-., ~.... • C' 1 FailiC2B - AIME: Hitstvatclikih6,Bhalis;.„ neriiin readings in BOSIBB,IB :, arrayed in ai lighttairplevisn'trittlauid with purt4eyels. , vox and rubba , 1 , wito rmd ' 1 !erostage &pg. j ,PoYelte are iii* lt'lerYilist l*Pihel l n*Ttle'#reli gf of January zl;rmliont Heden;litie,waa' Pse9 l :44!4#* 4.41*1ii P440.4404.te , x - A: , - &Kph= lady-hit 'bad in-lier ielloo3r -L, .' l ment an Englialiefidfaneittell. i eondllctekz . .7:The 'litter tnelf , o6.(ll43dtY:4l/';' teed6l346)diTholitao - tiounds *year: . .'Tils fetitre4teatrhint he was at 'fii)l'2libeitlrte- 1 ,t- - pi; Aco,liritleredla be - allowed-l`i ? seen driving lim e s'"' iialit& 14eit,littee'-':iiitli",the:fenme.: respect { as w'neii hewed onhis forty pounds per an, Nun a n dl. wa ges. :-.1: , z.O. :i.,', :` ' . C1 . ' .., ' • - ~- liii• f - ?the l( ."41:- this year .. ~ ' .'' 4 1LEfE' . 1.),* , q,flow. Ts : . . lalr4oo l3 l;:_l l ."6*l:7.4 l lii.ay i , :. - . , ori 44Eiii.theyare - deit4B444 , 9otggitg.:*** ilMusehold., bits& Vsr truffles; 1 but " , ,theyr are, , lovely alio. The markets are quite , fiori- i Axilttitarliftiow4::: tliti , )beautref-- the trilwets , teing enhanced by the` tzftesit orth4l , lo-,, I men who pester:yeti to but tli* . iikiil . lm.hol :fire - ilky:somelitrengeTlaW' - er nature, #l.e phunest. s ome r'fiteii. ''rae::i:rit.ri(rfa,,SoiM-' 'pond at. onnti':'.7' " . .. ~ .. *. 1 . .:7-,; '::.. : .. • - I. ,-ZeiPER BLACKBURN, member of Congress _elect from one Lief the • interior - i districts! cif - Latilsiatut; , hai arrived in New' Orleans. He :sayethiitistiricttnrdtaele4-I*voill .140 tlis- : trieterk . ' actnigly',"‘Artingi • Nearly ' - every' negro iolikt - ritecl•4thil'ecent . plpitii*:4as - 1 been - discharged by hia'fieitiloyer.-Orgenii.a-.. tionti ef, white Menai* in existence to see that those people erenot employed or shownany.t mercy. He charges,. that Hancock's elec tion commissioners are.guiltr °Call- sorts of frauds,- and' he hopes to p rove this when' he. I . gets a heating.: - . . .:,- '._-..., - ' ToiCethelie Church U n i ted bithU States has shown progresa. -. It is not yet-- eighty years : since , the first: Catholic bishop came to this country, and•sixty years .ago, the 'entire „Union formed , but one die cese.7 .To4lay :there are 59-bishopi and vi cars apostolic and , abbot moo priests. . .• It is :estiniated'that the Mholtepeptilation now numbers front, 7,000,000 tolt,ooo,oooii. this. , countrY.' Since 1850 , the number of.elidich-, es lies nearly tripled, and within the last seven years the clergy and laity have in-' -creased fifty per cent. ~_,f.. ~ ' • -. . : • IN Marrs6s, Minh., a little boy named 'Willie Allison, six years old,: strayed from horhe: Atsis o'clock he.was, seen on Abe' 'ver:youtskirts of the -town by a boy ten` years old; who tried torgst him • into the house, as it , as cold. la ming' and freezing,, but he answered, "No, lam going home." He continued on,' going away from instead of toward home, and that was the last seen of him till his lifelesi body.. Was found the next'aiternoon; fully eight-miles away, on - - the Red Wing Rm&, He was ~lying as he fast fell: down; evidently, hie-face on the ground, with his signs by his side. r POLITICAL. IgrCONGRESS-22d DISTRICT. Gin t J. NEGLEY I „ . 110 6 4Alt4244:1)11Mtleri . I THOMAS'I:IOWARDsO ,,- • I . : 0:p iStridldatB for ittiirabrAtiliiii;44 lie ViHbg D-' licaa • aalcnial Cow/stint:ln: : W"R-P i sn9reT4 4 .11E41nr• ,LEVI 'BIRD DUFF • / :- .ticit,'t ~. : ---Tc— , - , 'A '' ' ' 1 - „ . ..... Subjeititcribe tedelbii iirtlie , 17iikm•ke blictri ,CoulailUnivention.. - ' ~.,- -,..:-. , az , th - Wrgn Dignitc` ATT4MUM.i, w.« , •:Geii.: A:. Li . PEAILSO4.I.,' Sl:Chien 20:the - .4eCiikni Of tilt trnicm Republican' County Conye.ntibn. • 1nte.4:W.,441 T m-roo: DISTRICT ATTORNEY.' MORE D, • gyibleot to the dedel6n of t.he..puton Repolgicen ..veanrreonirentlon. • - • talfiarn43:a&T 41134118 TAFT = .DISTRICT . PieNET-.- • i t, • '.201 - 117 Ve• RIP DELL wtu A:ttot:ner, subject to tbe decision of the Itepubilests Convention. I spipd&T • Cg - iIigaR.ASSEXIBL I ty, ifl r, ) OCUseinnest Blo6 tienVw•• .• 8: UrttVoo4lo/201#01; ,Ltf , 13 . 1 L..tra2lllLll9Ell4l " ...II ~ tto: .-sea 1 Pi. Jitubteet to4llo vieditonAr She lyezidtP .1 Cane • ~t-A •! Ts . lar'Colltri n tjoabitinlOSlMlL trr- rs"l . , i% t 3L it ,1:1014' i it! :rw,4 hi! ..ormelvetdit ~iiibjeattui, t heldidetdoiret Itepublicao Conn . . !Valve f^ m fta w F cou . lmoNaja. C 4 NET tr. 4 .411-;..; f , !:1 .v-c 6 e, .411 •qiiittc , ,X l 4 l MlMMitf y sn t Of the Borough of ft/AMON* Watr f .stbject to to She - det c tiOlLoi aUe Routtty Convektlom.,. - A " . tgrimireenbro te( 47 ,9 7 4V-7, ,W4ANY oirr..;l*X-T5Rv- ' -M-MAT. ,, W44 I; OO(gt etAW„--I,Mn-tr‹. , ,`" CLIPPINGS MUM PITTSBURGH GAZETTE . : THURSDAY. MAY 14. 1868. El 1.0 i4444i.C44i41 `; • - :-.: :... T.' , -- '7" . . 7 -1 . .' . . ~. .tirgivir,imAtims'•fAos. I mum, arcieuturmunts, , atuttr i e T .g .A .Nuto and) e o Irma, w .0 ,been . a eh a • banking t - awn tOn z' tnittle at of any debts and delivery' of alaY.PrOhcrty. belonging • to such him; or tuthis use. mut he transfer. of anY porPertY by him..aret forbidden, law: that `a - mectinu'of the zreditorir of tite - sal • t bs. 33a pi .to peavittW.r debts. and ter choose vi ze no i ees of tdacetate..loll be held at a e ta Of ; to be holden at No. 110 4treet. AI e eter_eltv, _ _roomy. l's.. be foreuloll2i., . =SWAB - Allig on AIX the Vth day 0 June,A. D. at , • rock . F.M. ~ 1 . .•. II f, - (ITHO - irielYalet' • :• , tr. :.,Itatobtatio MeNalliter• rt..,........,•; .. ,*: 6 -•,„, bhvriFtatit=-611 IfiejcfA:' it -'11.888;'ilvot , lintittamirettptcymitsisamo*that me i -03 c - I '-`: . 7144TATZ OP AIIII1111011111Ww1615;,204 .: :etillitotovnlttilp, id thii ability: l 4f AllektbriAbind.. bankrupt on his .. Mimi; .ite t A t t4te :10131114:: an , bet etld'aellit ty 4h• tide ir to . toen_baldirby&fahl-thAT for - mase,t atotthe. ~. . lor OE tow broPellabyttint are astbidden, by 4 7 ,7 i I reettforof , tne creditors Of the said mnvopt . , 0 poltir fluor debtershilib 'armee none or Orme ' t Abrhoes,-otaisrieetatt4 ,witf -helel4 -. at a, , of •Eaakruptcy, ,to be,ne.uu Federalstreet, 'All'Agfieny - 41MILAM i Sent county, r PetituL: before - J_DuN.2l.7filliVlA anli .;teftilteT. °altos ld , -. day of - A. . „.___ • l P ,,, TllO 34r. Ito A sW t I eirtpas , : 1 -!, l''; .', WV...Mars illi 411 Me fcer.; 4: T I M 13 TO I. ' .21i0Fri.p, , t ~ btabeAtif day :at 3,1 2 . 1 i 3 ). , ... ~ ik 07 a!" rantlirmankruhro Wirligitlelt nst he - -,. ; • ' ;-11 : 81r ATEVOr itlialhilrAir 4- MMEDIEL" i ': 47tfillieibihr Olir. Mlle • county of lilighaty,' and i stsse.ay wanalivatiw:arotr hay.been - 4ditiligoll IL bankrupt pu his own i t ketfuon; tikaa &he .paymetel of, latylebts and delve pr any _DrOerty hell:men to Melt hankruPk to h , orr. thr-tdir vie.- and - the araonfar tot any.hrovertyi thr - um iireribrbldden by 1 • law: OM ameettios of the crettors orthe 4544 bank 'runt; to prove th eir debtran to choose one or more ant tlt - ear Of We-NUM T will be held at a Cour; Ot Ha toy, to htt hoiden at thzogice or IheSeirls- Vitt t e s A ve federal !tag e _.,:t. y ucatig me - WE.oftst*" el l -1=6:11.a Oslo i :Tune; IA: !:,... qS,lbif4 . °A9 , lPTA WBOtikitrA i 'ibickirit .: :: - iffyre l ey; et."'-' , :) , 1 WM: thfirthakkahreseenter. ; •-• 1 tr to& Arktit T LM rittlft __ „ . _ . . I• ' .. .17Mi ~ • i ferkszooklYes .P . trict. of . vastia; - mi., , t - 'Pittsburgh, , P . i -iiinT 2d, „k i ll" ~ i,,,,,110 :),.• ..x •••., xr-, - -y - , :..:1 To whom It mercoooese:-The andereireed ; heolay gives nottee of hts appointment; as designee or JEF FERSON VARNEY, of Alleghenr-City;'lle the . 1 county •OflAlLegh‘Mi , foRIZItat e .. of aNsausylvenle, 'f i within. saittja! tricto,whp ,iseen adjudged a Bank- I r im iyatoir ids' °Wu I,!tet,l pirbg_t,lle utOtrttp Col ri of iv . , .., -,1,-,,, - -JAbfliffi,W,3llUßMAY,__- , Assignbis,-, 1 144470 ;,. Attorney- at. 40 fifth street. A - Alutictilitztaircihnivrt In the Court of Common Pleas, No. .June Tertli," . 11.86 S: the matter of the appileatioe of the lizienEy7 BEIMVOLENT BOCIETr OP AL LEGHENY , COUNTY, fbi a Charteiof Indorpora- And , now. to wit v :ApriF IStb; 18d8, the Court diitot said . ...Writing to be in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court oiCeonition Pleas In and for•sald'counti, and notice thereof to be pub lished in'One'nesrsaper printed In the City Pittd .burgh, and eountriof Alligheny; for at inst three . weeks, setting forth than application has been made to the Court for the purpose '.of granting the "lia ,brew Benevolent Sodety of Allegheny County' a Charter of incorporation, and that the same will be granted at the next term of the Court of Common !Pleas:ntim exceptions hereto be tiled •In proper time, .- • . BY TBE,COUBT. F.rum , the Record • JACOB H. WALTER,Prtrihonoiary. - All persona interested will please - take notice of the above order of Court. , .JOSIAH COHEN, ru Attoniercor the Association. ITHE COURT' 1 0F 7 ,4tir SESSIONS OF ALLEOH L OUNTT, E N it :TIV Zsi 1 o. —, of 3tareb Term. 113118. • MISOEL. Dboxrr. - - rvrvw. } O n the ILISth day of Mail. 1134 M the petl- s. Hon of ,divers citizens of Allegheny, was ar , presented to the .Conn. Showing that an • - alle7 In the City of Allegheny,lieginning on Ridge. strqet and extending through to Rebecca ttrect, in, said' clty, was laid out by. ST. CLAIR DENNY, over landtben owned by him, twelve *et wide,* that, A. I% OSGOOD,. A. H. ENGLISH and G. W. LYON are at present tie owners in the soli over whichsaid alley has beeniald out that saidalley has never been opened - or ttsCd ,by the public, Ac., and praying that Um Courtdeefee Zhu vacation of said alley; ,wherenpun, the ,Court made, the following And now, - ta wit, April 18th, 1888. upon the pe-' 'Mien of A. 31. Marshall. C. A.' Ciimenter; Van B. Fowler. - AlbeM 84ightt JelmOrr. Marc:ban Ileinle, John At,well, C. P. Minibus's, John Frazier, 8. P. Shriver, It.. Bakewell. tr.; J. W. Simpson, twelve freeholders •of the vicinity of the alley within named, praying the Court to decree the vacation of 'the same, aysno is granted upon all the parties de 41rIng to , ho -heard, to appear in Court on' the Al3d day of May oNlock to shoteateee, itAt t v i ther have why said alloy shall native vacated: e Vbavt Mathis rule haluadlshed 'coley viNvtie tor than toecesalve.V.O.ks, 4n the tiesimr lheirsoaper, puidishedAttlizia count o rcAAllenenu, t- 74 Front the 1W:41411J- 1 `314M40.t.-171 3 ci.: - BItOWIT, Clerk.: ;'• STATE - OF JACOB ItIfiIIALIZT; • RENY cauNry„ Io he Orphans'Court. In the 'matter of the e= Of 'Christopher Linhart, ' Administrator tot Jacob Littbart, dee`di for &Rule: an all parties in terested In the said estate to show cause why the estate of said deeedearslionid of be sold. Add noir, MK the within .petitlon ,presented and read In- open Court; whereupon the - Court, having - Considered the same , do grant a rule. Upon Abrahazaldnharti Solotison Linhart. Thomas W. Brigs*: - Jewel :IL‘.llays. Annie- E. Black and Jaceb Black, her Maim; Samb Stewart and Wil kink Linhart„ her trustee; Elizabeth Shipman and Wilkins Lb:Mart, bee trustee, and Mary Mohler and all - other persons' Interested In the, real- estate of Jacob Linhart„ 'deceased, to appear in Coact and show cause, Henry they have, why the real estate of the -said Jacob Mahan, deceased. 'Mould. not be sold—rule returnable an thelst day of June, A. D. 18611, at 3.11 o'clock' 7t. lot., and notice thereof to given tiryiptilkistion oneassweek for four iraccessive ! weeks lathe Pittsburgh ,Daily Gowns, and by per.' sepal notiee to all parties within the county ofAlLe glieny:: BY THE (AMT. ISyul.l Attest: A. Htt.ANDS,' Clerk. .. AB pestles Interested is the said estate. vein please take notice ofthe above role. VirsTwor . Jecos 14:1Beavviuperz, Dope - .- Azure TesNlnentir aeonthel;elinte Or said' de. Went, atel qr the Tardier the Mr of Alit.; shear. Pa:, hav e heen.duly stunted to the subscti., Isere, whores e ZforthsArenue, in said eity. Alt perstuuttinde geld demi:eat ARCDOUIged to make piquant to us, said those, bowing claims or der inatids sialat eststeure reitored unite the seine knovrft . to Us without • , HENRY Pi , 8011WAltrE. • • JcitNkeT netiWARTZ,* na*t.Eqtf -• . Executors; • - .8 : 1":. I ;i : ;4. r.• N. . CARP, , RA.OIO O,IOIBUSES '' l Ad every, eetiliiticei Of dARRIARE9Vare required to c all -at the TICE 0F TRES:ITT TREASURER and j' AXI S CI T• THEIR 1.1e11,144‘ 'an or before the ist'day ot hiatine a a n t ir For each , 'and' every • vi; Celt; Car, L '.. 1 Irray,Zinggry or 70 Idtsem - gby., one- - '_:' , , horse, the wing 0f... 7 .: • -,.4..,,, f e ,.....44 .5 00 ' TOT tit% and everyotio or 'the *Dote named' , . ~,. ' - .g. 'thick% lariWrgbytwoliorii*Aba'streo or:. i'l 90 kioreraph Old every,. Opewfrthe WO% named,-t Li Lt, t o For 4 at r rt 4 4s ,l r ifler " AtwrtlM l r M gu i t r 7 (borzoi; the Mari or ag - . -,.. 7 '' • ~ 11, 1' ell) w; For each and every Omnibus and Timber _ ,- I Wheels, drawn by Iwo ho the aura of. 'la _ s For,esch Addition sr Rorie attached to any of ii the abase laraed*lddlakyttieggsurik...4, gl 1 . 4/3A - lty . eheilhe, the , ffinty of a -,/gtverr has le 'ke sln said tity to astae*; re rn 'i l tbie.lo • TregisdrirrOlerthhigliteitydayusifter 'the Wert prf ,shle ordinanesora so ligesaCe tglore the Tat day , of 3 olg i tsta ofed..ltier, 0 tog , higmber 01 4 v:hie et( Or escrili ng-OWn - OPIO' • .. hyrtheint'hl thole Will eeek *MI6, KM' ro-l. sa t . ang,;,sil ho'ng i V i p i ldftelb r gc. *. All °wool.. 44' carts, D omk 4 lither sebteloi4 - Oa tabs* &west* , 'to V 'Ciire:edigen_iq illi.iriorqqabhailii.bliArgrdedUtti nnr, ally Or not less man ten per cent. forAyery,_ ~, daygi the same remain. unpaid afterlife Urdu Or, * a. May of each y ar, rei nLts la ry Stable heel/awl fastnt .totatillselbe lathe, aittestisnortv, orditoloos,-, 1, 14,44 mon 4, PO 4 01 ** 0 • 1 J litib"Vto4 *II of - hot' excenning .0 I streDarideti posatrantrawlbeatarita( -. , let A lp oraugr to44l4onitaisat old otips, , by, . 1 4, k rar V peset. f 5t41114#6 4 4F.2.41' elitt b iWitte •4. 1 at - to, milli apilk:Of gm onset' t . i*, 41)*-ssatatto , a Dtty Savant, „lo Wh y tete abalt - receive' the Mani Or rite” dents 111-elfeh he and belliettiTsol part of the costs, upon conviction as aforesaidg, 4_, ;, The' penalties for,nop - vmpliance with the ordi-' w il l he, 'WI,' Nolggy 7 '- 05, above date. 41r " 7 4°l'l • a Hy,En D111(44101 ;so ! ),;111 MEE If4IMUE LEG:Az. J. 8. FERGUSON. Attorney for Petttlonerai AluitAti Ititr -Airalifitibidiii .1 - . IT RV 00 r&Pri` IM. ANp.,-REK-ATATA POKERS , ANlPAterib NEERS; r ; Arc prepared to Aeli at Ang_tioi:TOCHS,EONDS, ima all , 'untie Eaß,tritrri 13EAL • ESTATE, 3101.187.40,143 ,EUILIUT ETRE. ri-Atites! , otr the premises or as nut ENIII of Tradd - moonlit. ' Particular titteittlosupald.,, La Illtentttforei to the ‘sale of Beat Estate at private sale. - Bales at Beat - Estate bi the wee nesmw' Once. No. 116 FO,IIRTII • A. oda _ _ 'rESTAVE..,. 1 , ...1".""." ,,,,, - .. ./=, ,, , , ..r. ';=.I I LIWI rt ,CEL 4"7 I,I. - rdoubi4 ,! , lei OM .. .. ~ "Mit z dln a r7 - •••••wv 10?.vith marble - •• tee,' sud:linithe' IE, provgaosl_PC*lrk i ,risrosthlc Atilt& irigt . nap .Mln • • at. Ma ottfie - ,,rr .." • 'Pas*. t- • Vila 1 , 9114 Otheluta.7 . noastidns • to IA i county,.wick' 16,k00d. lib AM Fi tl W. -- .&: - 'HIEBRON•ff ItealTiutp 011e.ef Pie ra i l 41 :stes, FOR z •:t 3 - -7 • ...' siit : • tell .itsittOtii r. r ale In _lo,_ ttihe eitt, . ; Sti• twi g N - ithosmverat , mum bi lgod , mstlo3o.- mat wOO ,s , . - le''' . Eta good 1 "li=l. ..., t. iiiilinifiareit 17 , 11 - . 7 iiiiiiiiatliiaTitoins4, lugs were erec q oia l ,th eee , school building . - Th e a b o veVe 4ll lbedderWlar o l. are l arge alien, an titttryloW will close them on prices, _say tram SH OO to POW Mid omit, nirlisie'thOstinin Siltio of paid down; the balsa can be pail; at t he rate, f SiS 'per , month' ilif‘-prg tteci. , l„4.)au and' exstnitie om", plots of the groumh, cornerjof Fourth and. timith fteldatrfletSi , * '.. t j ',. • II: IftralN & CO. PR? " la i i4i:,. 4 , - Tiro ' *Ai ''' EITatTEII Ter li-n4atftf;*fijli*& 51 DATE - • ' - . . fPfillire sold .neparidely it,deslred on tbk most retsonabla terms tDTS *O, by iso e,stot .!. :; • - ::!, icrEnti•& Brokers l and Real EstattrAgents, No. 08 Smithfield atteert . • • fil a itayr assEB,., or ,G DICE ~ LANDSFOR SALE, BY THE Union Pacific Eta/road Company, EASTERN :DIVISION, • • 14inglafoug t.4 ; llne of tbriOcad; at • • 111,00 - TO $&,00 PER' ACRE, . and on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARes • Por utturs, maps, &a., afidrea;1 4 ' - lOM 21*. Land Cdtandsalatter, Topeka,• Kansas. or ma.o. ILA.Ernomor, see , y, anus• ..:13t:Lwals. 311asoitri. WALL PAPER. .r.....vlngwAnonenreelnowdonotonininreAge.e.nove, WALL:PAPERS! lIALLS, PARLORS,' CIIAMISIBS an d•BITCEIRNB, For sale AS THE cpzerzsT, 'at N 0.107 •Market Street, near Fifth JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. EIM 12! ft& SEWING =MM , , • i - : ." t t Z - tit‘ - imei;cif slewme suaramEs = it „ ,•• mATlT,LATEial*PltovEitpms, titt NW* antAtipuit Sales Nous, ! ,1 • Jr. Tl 5 ~ 1 FIFTH-STREET.,', ME ... A r int krt - , I , i o : ,-.. ii i , -,.. i. , il ;,,,,.,6,,, , ii ii c ii iini , SIL Et suatl COTIVISiT.Wigr : : :C.IffIiA.INZOIL,' ' ! AS iiitilielV VIM ' . ! t clF 4 1 , 1 41 10 , 11 , firerft" , to tppucauontlor, 4gens,tocpollitted.. Cl/value .i:1t1. pies by map tm appucallol. CorrespoplelrAt o• 4fiadrussed tot Pi DO t , r. , • 4'),1. ~-; t• ,• ,1 ; t&p. . tat I aVER ' • itat ER ' S. -- .14: , 01).• .. - : 1-4.,,,,A.,..L. 1 .:,;,%), . .) 0.1.1 1 ~,', p i. , ,151 MEM nitSWaITTIEMG#I4I - ft 1 ~ fr 0 , 1 ,404.0 0 ~.,,..... .. ' ... >.l • , -e et, ,q 1 .- - .fr 111: F. , g 0 ' t . './.0.4.,-i 0" 'A , ..(;• i Near . Anakno rtq Otip. rti. . f. :ft • L iIitTERMHOORATE ..4:116 , 44aZ .try oy..).t.:llleirrf:„Fl 41: e, tAW4III7FACYMBUI/Jir..1 . ..,?. ". . t 111f':-: niTt The, lileghfur re"' • - 4L13 • .ith;?A4 .l ;14"'SZIPAZZI &VA Ett j cti .4a1:111 - , Wtlett Atertatsi—'' l rig 11'). P."` ty'YYrw I r'f' ,/t4fafni*V. 3541/1- p, 7,44. I; t(7.1 tfiNtl ( .• ;kW 1 tit 1, .A.r t irrpf.t 0 1 He 14-0 T: •a • , § , 71110 !: f lit t,sUßAmlCETcowipArtv; i• - OP , ALISARENT; - u>r g , - Office - in Franklin Sarin& Tank -Buildings Oil iiidotowell :A. HOSED ooMPANY,'utinagivil by' r a r tnown to the nommunity, who rustby Sair dealing tO )%ierit li share of. ya,..m' patronage. ,‘ : 1 - : Wilti inasmr _..:...,-q •P• AIRMAN ''Setzt m tiltry'? - - "DIRECTORS: - ' - -' '. - 44enkt Irwin, ' I). t. Patterson; IniUl7 401.ersrig, lam. B. Riddle.; Tubb Pratut, , s , ' Gottleib Pau, 1 3incon.Druntr : . J. .11. Smith , !•• . : Jacob Rush,' f W. 31. fiteltirt; Ch. P. Minton, Joseph. Craig, ' '.' 1 ilitoil - Lantneir,: , 11'.'J, Milhaud, Jererniati Konen. f ,, 51409.16 ~ •T t`-' , 3, ..ill •. . A•-. • •• ATICONALItitcr: o THE CITY OP t ar GE . •: TBU BT• • • q 'T - FlRE j, M l 7 ll .4l3 l: oE 'i ti . .Ntr. t'. .f . , ; _ c Duisefoss:;: :.1 tt .110 1 /1 /1 41. , " 11 6 • R• goltfattgA l bin°. TttOMPOOII, *le Sag, L0C...., 00 . ,M,Ye2ll, ^ ~ • 111117.1.: -I C. .C. Boyle,. • -#4 i Ntrowlks Octoiteetilti-v, Obotritcpp. ... -,, . ' LENHETIOCIEregiIIi.c 1 jov i tratauswi., , ...-. -.: -, • - I. isavk Pat x 01 9 . 11 17: z.. -- cAPTi - mxiEfirlitiffiELDPeetirslAtthit. o "' ; : n inger B*lF,llter.FOr:elqUitlittg At. Mart - nri FeW1 4 ttab II - •., F. , -. , yvm.,„,,,, , silk litillfspeizalyroftm, hmLVI II I Itisikir.w.A. tutkino ?b./Linnets:ln 'l e ho Are Nell Olfil to We • c a l l aP au lt ni 444. V . ' Le - maned by womptrierti cl ;Übe ty_le ~ taro the chule.. whfth , .''thery .a‘ . e med. of- - firing the _belt 'M4441911' ta., theme rr 'dealre:t* be xl5l- ; 1711;0-7 - , :'“ -, ' '' - i•teriZ•rifiner„.., - ' '...e.lTALnaer...Nirtadr,.. :,- : Jebtiir...o.etatne, -0 -''':- i . it- AmPter, 'Jr, ... .. r ; ~. Cheek, de; Cherke,l , k• ~ armeglicAutey, : ' . 'William IL Xv.. Aleteedet-fteer I , - ” - 1 - r JelKirkpatrtele. - , . ret..Acklea, , - ~' ... ; -PhD Iteymeri- 1 1:1 I 3 V V And 4 l :4; L 9 Pg.s .' - I • .I . . ; ' ' • . ' 130 Zr _ INSUBANCE COMPANY:OF 1 3 1TITSBURNH OPFIcI; . MAP/M:sTaprr, B.4IqcBLOX. This ti Rorie Company, 04 : ijunirell agalnet lost' i n e° C. •C. BOYLE, .371ce eildent. -; ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer.. ~.s . BOOR Me..ELVIENY, EktretarY,;:, pliKCl Gecrie_iflti r on;' Geo.: w.Evans. t. ' R I M; , John Voegllty; A. Amtcton. AGAINST LOSS, BY FIRS. FRANK tiIRANC CO. OF ; ji OFFICE, 435 a 437 cnn3l.3ql1 1 al% 101 . 8 575. 04ILLFAALENT INI4RANCEtOIII- PANZOF PITTSBURGH. • • CE, No. 3T EIFTR STREET, BANE BLOCS Insures against all lands of Fire andWarine Rlsks: JOHN Ja., President. JOHN D. MCCORD, Vice:President. C. G. DONNELL, Secretary: • CAPT. W it . DEAN, General Agent. • • DrnEcTonSt • ' , . • Orpt. Wm. Dean, B. L. Fahneator.l4; W. H. Everson,. Robert B. Darts; ". . • :Francis Sellers., Capt. J. T. Stockdale. In GREAT VARIETY, PEOPLES' INSVILII!ACE COM., COAL! MAUI ~ CA!AI.ttS DICKSON, gTEIVAIIT ` CO., (Lately Clty Flour SECONDNLOOS. 'Are moreps to tarnish good YOUtt 'NY LU M P - N OT:- COAL ORNLACH, at the lowest MOrketprlce._Al orders lett at !heti °Mee, or addressed to them throughthettutll,.wlll be attended Wpromptly. • ca&LaiLeilt rARD inEmratint . izzi.ems,, m 4 411oBTOn tyruzaTS:' Fun. yald on • Libertv , and Clymer otneel4n. 111nthiWard; mann Benondstrenty, k #14 11 3 1 pnrsh , . 1 ", 16 •r' ' es tin envplte it with the or_Clokestthe loWeAnum rites. Order,leridat Ant ot theft: omen ; roolve • tom iitteuiOn. , • IEIIIBO , • • • - A 1 1101111.1110N6 4111, • 11/11TGEONSON, Yituupimpti 4 l,4ND Irpuo3,Reoursq. OAL Co DITNICIUSHIPPXRIS WAD titAt snaißY BAIL, ; ROAR - TJAVVEI4, I I4, - . of J!*,oerior•Youthloglieux .„ . • 1 1,,tAa i rANC 0 6 4116 4 1 f ltrit.V0 ' Ai I iity,wrinpvr;‘ Lea ' the est.Workeu , • tr i cattligl4oll:lPP , J :tc.4l; mom a, B°, is 1711 ilt ,cot 4 EMI LaiF.TOBAOCO AND , :: .104 No.. SI3_,..IOETH . 11 T4WET44 (NMI 9;4 , Nook of .Cotoi e 1 7g: eulu Orrreannterf,-*PA. ~ palun s Nsoosit 0f.17 SI Motor st - . LEL. ! • • 4 . . . " • '.‘ 51.!,‘7 Mt. , II4?.4"AgNOP_3NISI , Ci , AN" I Z. 4 4 ll 4tairtiggraita—'ll-iMagelkin4', TollaccogiSnugo.eigarsilPip t esi•&o. ' ' maim . : Ai, ):,, r a 1.. I==i tifJO. . li aMlar i finenArtollSal= d: I.o> r4lll3tek /1 0 1 1 . 14 K9 14 . rg a 1. 1 0 11 —.T9gW5.1 , 47 , ' 4 4 , 04 tilt! t , if ': ` 4 l ie r ettiitithelgWbaltlatiar 4 ollltn. it( .igt.t4:. dallso,l2 .. a ....aa tIN I SVIII , ~ _ as ..,4 , tam 'expense - • • nest. 50... For 4,...,2, .4E3, - ..,,--, 1410 1 / 1 1Wras o .. ~it ealackgepor, its x. t ril hill .7 r.4l.tivi.rt.vt , 14 , Y0r 4 t + A ,. 4 st. , i. r 1 4. ~..,, M r , „! ~,1 :I ~,,,, 10:1 , ..5i..- - ..e Sint , - (=- - qrs. J, , ,quiiir-,- , h , ,l f t r! ,, ,,1fI t r. - 1 A J.K1'411, , ,, y .)ti t,.„ 4,1 i jp,:t;!1,,.1!; ' ,.! , , x ~.:11 • - lA' , .-: 4f,ti 3 ,, , i '..?..,t1 ; ..1(4 . 4.1(TP:i'. .., -1 , 4-0' wri . . ?f 1. _ . t 31 No. 43-Ohio st.; Leonard Walter, C. C. Boyle, Robert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah•%ing; Jas..ll( s o ,pkina, Henry 73 .ronL Merles P. Baneler, I B rdecal H. L 0413; Tobias Wagner,. • , David S. Brown, Seined (*rant, • Isaac ea, Jacob H. SmitS, - „Edward C. Dale, Veneta W. Richards, Deem Pales. CHARLES U. BANC - KEE, President. • ' .EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, Secretary, pro tem.. • , , AT , J. GARDNER ,COFFIN, AGZ. „ North Weet corner and Wood BtreCta John Irwin? Jr., John D. 11.1.3C0pi, C. G. Hussey. Davey Childs • T. J. Hosianson, ,Charlos Hays. OFFICE, cipiL,N - pr Now & FIFTE!STS, A Home Company, Wring Fire mid Marine RUM DIRECTORS: • " Capt. John L.' lthaids, Baznuei P. Ehtiveri Ctiatita Artmcklg, Jared AL Brush, , " F. Lang. - • - Bauntel hicCriCkace . residua., President; • ' j 154. animal Agent. Vin. - Pltilllp.s, Jobn Watt, • Jelin Capt.: James 3111Ier, Wm; Van Kirk; James D. Verner..• WM. PHILLIPS'. r JOHN WATT,' Vice W. F. DARDM CAPT. JAN. COAL ',ANTY COKE. 1 . .' Having removed ,•:, : ,;' ivo;•so7.l.azEtivr-5r€44.1t.r.01-i. "0 ' SG, = 'Sr f: AIPIO EMI= Toucaaosuanr AND. jitrigASFAl4 4 , (1.7, • • • ,• tilt:4l3S' OF, ... I . . .minwt _ . ........,.....„......- , 4 * B e' ) • , GEO. H. BARTON, U HANAcias. • Stunt 3faztAtMit. ,+ Will ' itilii,fig TinSTEVETIN -, the'. iiai erAil .14`1M. TIIGNOUS, 'in her darin Itrapeze act: alto, .I.stN WHEELER, 4rialt- come Can and vocalist, and the great combination of STAB& ' n . 43 __T!Ind Bamirr Matinee Batertiaofternoirtt; ' R Z..da..._.....~.,y,,,,y.,~ MUM orntnice.ivtir -- 11 ' ' - 4 • , MUSEUM, EXHIITION, 1 1am. . • , , • , 1 • , • .:( . couiprisinwoßKE l OF ART a' f. GgEIaTAAT. lIRLL Livtlati CURIOSITIES; _, • AT . PHAAILLIA ,' .- . • ''. i l'rjelfth street, opposite PittabiOrah Theatre. Cards tatA4mtaelon, , SAO cents. poen open from tt oreloar A: at: to 10 r, at. • lag - ,1g. 4111 0 fiLl 1 , 1 . M1 - ` .NOW . • I 'N;OPEI4. ,;; t:t ...,•,...„ , .: . iit ~ ./11 •:•-,.;•;>..,:: I . I• ....: -:. ' P r lMO•elO t n itUt . • L* , VIOOrS '.,• • . • EVEIY..AFTERNOON Alik•mme, ... : FOB Mx 'bAYB 07r, '.. ''''' Alai r 9 f , 9 11i 'l2 ' V and 14' )v.; ,, , . ALL '4 II It7WAS:F4VEDIiiitOM TAW ' f!.. Burning: i -,, • ';;,,,, i ~.. z , • ~' •,- ^ _ .j f . . : ' l6lllnol ` 4o ' Museum.the''' r.;- ,, ..,•..111 . ~?:.( :, ,.11 , :•.;C.fircassititr-Girlsy: l , b • ' • ~.- .• 1 ..1•J .„--.....• .4,.•.•: .•-• i ~. : .• • • .i, i:.t • •:,.,DivvarlDs; Fat BiOts, ..r. ! , , ,, ,,i„,..-. .-,;,,, .:—.!., , •.',1 . ... . 1 • . . . •., r)(1,,-.41 -To, ,tfoll -,- •Gian tEte., l Etc. mr...4 , , q.a.::F.'1.31,;14.!11l ft; ', ~.'.... ,•• u l , ~ : ~ • fiqtr. , .! rf:Pil r °Pr i P , l l oS. Om et. Ae.f.. „I , li 4/P1 5 0 . 1 Wtailloiitid lagtiei as Chtidis24.: ibilui 11.1 - :q orry,Th A ...oilr.ltA '..-i ; , .:D , , .. _ ,!.; id!Reeeptionssoons;itd Evenin g s. . i. .. , ~ ' l.__l -1111 : 4214 rfr iloon tA lu ultirAt_ c. L L itl n a l • bln s. the ,"_: r -, wiradmusianv - A rii ',ben; 8 ; _ChulvOL, Tinder•rcen rt JAI cola, ' , 7%, , 11 71 ,*():" i • -% . 'ir ~ '. , arn.:ol. =1 WHITE MEAD , AND - pOLOAS. ✓nNv4 , ` rive C AIRO IrELLOW ME .. fy ~ .. ~~~ 'a ~== ~~ ~ ~ 7Fiois (S~ > r,`~ 1 : z f;: ~~ MEI SEM . • HAM - . - . • A 01EM ! r. VERDI =I =I iwtium WHOLESALE 01W Corner of Liberty and . -SCHOONDMILER .& FON, J *44l63*trit6lll' White Lead sitna Color Works r . WHITE AND RED LEAD; !l . .I; ZINC, TURF d p s .U v E tzt,pi n , EEN, c 1 all coloiir,'46 o cirin oil. • it OFFICE. No. in FOURTH STREET. Factory. Noe.* 450480, 4kll-_, 4114 t .and 458, *944 sad Lacoclt Wert. leihtnY. !-:'-i•flil':\ ~-,•:HOTEXAW . _ i SVM3IER RESORT. LAgE HOUSEeI)O ro, a., iOn the. line of Jamestown & Franklin 'Railroad, one hones ride. from Franklin.) This . Apple is large, new and commodloes, Well furnished * has r60M13., ten-pin alleys and cosered'PrOme ls• _on the , .banka of the most charMlng• Fairy ;nice 1n America,•abonndlOg ,in fish, and ad:- Mirable for Sailing purposes, surrounded :with - Sul-. phnr gorings,:romantle fseenery,,,a&e., -it is the 'best summer resort In the State. address, • • • • • S. T. ELENNEDT, . r. Wl= rpenp:!EILO.NSION HOUSE. undersigned beg to announce to their friends , and the public that they ha ye „plitehased this OLD :.R.dTABLICIISD and rorvLA - Rt 410 U6Et • , • • NO - E44.ert3r StrePts' nA d, will tOkee; it in 4u3 hest style:. .The Amtgal.oll -ROUSE has over one thundred rooms, all newly - furnished in the best stylei and only two min utes, walk frunithe Railroad Deft. - Trayelers will .llnd this house an excellent one stop . at., andwill be accommodated any hour, day r Connected with the Douscis' splendid 'Hall for pan z ~ t eM or'single Amnions. by th e dap week or month, with or without rooms. • " mbna• WA_CNER._. ns7 - 00A4 1/ ^ IONDVICTED 011 ,Wilk puturrE. 42,r, PLAN.*II' JAMES' 1 - 1 1 ;p:PE11; • ; Noe. 405and...407 twert3P-St., oppootemitiqi Depot, IDIDif., JAMES ;K ILANAITLA.4-Pivpiiet,or, helmet* newlylruilt• anitifeixdrish d,,and cOnsenleat,LO all the co &Into the city. ; Strangers Slatting saeCit y mrilf d thla a very convenient and economicaljplatt. You secure your room and pay far .yonr muds as you gat them. Tetiteetattsaitscohnected with' thishotet ls open at all liours'of the diy and night.U Balls 'ant parties ;supplied witii.Bo,gpene .at :suostest 'notice,. sad 'reasonable rates, „ • novo ..—., -- . . Tymmat - 141318134t t italitAll • ). ' l " .. ' ' 'ALTDCANDEtTATtIatSffi "-• ;: YARDS Nd.:B6;Preble iltreet , Itirmerti , Manchester, i: IPA 4ciA s7 RePeomehar,ce.tongtosit.6l3AB Works, -ALLnainurit CITY., r. . " *. 'l,/tA,LE.IC - IN ALL' .KINDS 'qr • •-- .• . .....;.., .,. ,r_ it • ' • i '(.. Rough andi , Pianfid' - runiber, ....1 i f.., ,, 'llloc e Zi e s .r r t ilL, z , i s I: • :"*.-1.1) ..1 ' - .. an adtiglea; g ' '''''" =id 45, ..' '• . ' egaror milt Lamher,v , - ,-,--, Cedar d Lbenst•Paits, Lath and Palings , .., Oak ' :Yellow , Ittaff,. ALSO — rXMORION ‘ , TILE ' 11 CLAY.. aLS:oSO •; r • ME FOVXMATI. '.141/111131tee , i . Arm 0 - . _ - ''.- - 1 ,4,44 - fl2trooo.- ' Pitatilthiat4lDWAßD I)BERIDGE. - • , I .:13scaltutir4.1%., A.: IVEIGn,w. • , ,• , • 1 ••• ' , • L. 81 . 4. "/"Tt•rP l .41 1 " , 14 1 : 1 W. DAX IB4 4. •, : •w,:c•--:t0,e..1 l_iti c hicron st . •.1 . _ • : . - L - 4 wardrktlasor4.ll. :,1 - L. .tD11.12014, ''. 1 .Jo Mellon ~,,, .E. . Dithridge; eto. W:ppitzl'ilje i-M. L . N.sie F , t, ~ /..',.= „ - opm oft. , ,(._, L , , .1,41.,,;.0,71.: er of trizar4; • iiiiiAL. iat B : , Tillkill,,Atilth akd•-:, • . • •-. ti l -,_•' ,•,- . ; I ..M 8 ev: -4'o4llAPi74`oA:kiPPies4,4ll tiSLOI~ 1,•t:. 111011WITX(RIO.:': :via ~ : ..,rittAcuclAii, , , -11 , 12 cL i ch ,-,,-„,f .:.,t t.:, u,..1.,,..q. . x .„" ) „, L T ''"7I,IIfINITURE -41400 ACIURERS lirsoLastaA-:, 'Att.; '-; ' •". ' M: lW,,___l-12.01:',..7..1x.,•••:,:.:7,11t .:,.1 if“'176.,; IL usolt*: 6-. liivElef il f - ,-, - T. VI land - '. ty of "MLA% and . 7. , q es rvdr .d-coak -9 le piett9Mommo n s'll iFtre it ld re4seed Thooditt warstord9lidng id: - : Use ardxadlaU9 i, . ~b" .... ... . ...,.; t: „ .ti.Elriv,.-;l_,-, °M.lsighiVr ' ' . , tiaddi: .. -tir ~,. InTilte,-,',...‘ TAINCINfik3VEndt. I !.-.> treetAmna...............-- b® FOR SALE B 4 WIaG, GISTS, ayuri . StFeets, JE'nEWISBITEta- ..PA. Z E l i tArtol l . rt. ;I it: - ;"'1.-*;=.1'4•1 1 'Wo0 OM .s