H Id IS NEW' ADVERTISMIIINTS. • - sr •• . • r , • -- -The e 7 : A i "EST •If 01 P • ORAT bare been -mooed t070.,179 8 ITHFIBED arassztaherii •tz atwors be s foltatt mote compute assortment • f Glum_ -Anninnuattlens and Sport. mammtrial, /u fates car. AU kinds of Gant tnd Patois =repay repaired. Cash Paid, it ir AB/WY RIPLEB• mut Bit vOL E A Sena or illustrated- et.titlar„ , Avast, neanted in soerr moo in tbie United Medea. Addrus. Jll. JOHN TON. Sustailkta MAW, PtdAttrrA. • wiincE IS HEREBY GIVEN llthat on the Ski dope ?larch hot PRANK J. and 4LEX. ELAINIATT sold to J.D. MA z HON their interest in the Mtn of D AtAitow 4e. co., ;Ind that their connection ielth. the said Um ceased , from - that date. ' • t - illitAl4K- J. FIIITEL,r • e mYl4:ql9 ALEX.. HASSATT. L. NlElpir. 4 Ras this day tiein Mtn:litted into our Arm FULTON, 110LLUN &CO. May lat. 11188. Ityl4: 17. ` Plttsbn f..n REWARD 'WM be paid • a by the subseriber to' any person Mixt rings her the bodynt her husband. : JACOB Xdrr.4s, - • i'Wholast Sunday evening was probably drowned in ;the Ohio river ; or who can give any reliable Inform latex; about bim, 'jai . ' Ohio street, Allegheny City. .1 myl4 T op," *lO.l e ON BOND AND MOSTOADD. myl4 Real Estate „ k BARE OP1410:0131111IT Awnsp_w . offered to persons In meant "or a eo& build tarot at lOw prim and on enittnrain o f payMent. Ten dollars will secure lot,. the, - purchaser cur build at once and cease to rtay vent, and pay for the lot in monthly Instalbnents, ...Mx-My exceeding” his present rent. These lots are sin a very ocatlon, near TemperineertUn..-.l"rices from 000. to SSW. Chit 'and see thentan at•onr (Mee: • 13:CUTHBERT & BONA, • myl4 • tfirt Bmithneld street.. WILL. K. TATLOIII, , EcA.k.ll , TEtt„•. No. 45 ORM STREET, illeithiroT. t Thankful for the former very liberal patronsie ; be stowed non me, I &satire m y . friends and the trub li e r. generally that, in the future as in the past, I shall I endeavor diligently to merit a .cotitlnuanee of the same, and will be always at the shop tram Ito 9 A. I .M. and from Ito 3 E. It. • my 14414 ° CMAS ARLIN & C,0., 1 1 111 Fourth Wardsloundry and Machine IF orhs, r SANDUSKY ST., ALL'EGHENT CITY, PA., Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Oil Presses, _Put leys, Shafting Grist • and Saw. Mill Work. Boiling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &c. ,to,order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. mvMuls irycAs F. LAmatkro. LA3111.... ... . . .. C. DAVIS .1. P. SPEER - COAL. AND COKE . Office, No, 347 I..4liCirty7-Stree SUPERIOR Youghiogheny Coal and Connellaville Coke, AT LOWEST MARKET- RATES. sir Orders promptly attended to TE COTTON .HOf3E, I GAUZE ,MEEINO *EST'S, ALL SIZES, FOR SALE BY I' • WHITE, :ORR & CO., 25 Filth Street. myl3 ' PITTSBURGHIITILAIFy WORK w. A. kiLisußiti: , • - ; All kluge of stock kept: an 4 the HATS AND BONNETS. ••i i Also, ALTERING. REPAIRING, FMTIMING •s , and DYEING done promptly . BEAVERS and • FELTS finished In the Meat styles. DEALERS and '!':s MILLINERS , FINISHING done promptly. -No ex -.• Pense will be spared to : make It a thorough EAST TI ERN STRAW - SHOP. • - •- ::;•• Your patronage is respectfully solicited. . . :' No. p Fourth street.: near Market. • PITTSBURGH. *PA 1 SpßilyTGT:'.aNg N . .. .. ~,. .1..- .1 CARPS - Si . ' . .. :c . A . • 1 E - HAVE IN STORE THE '-•: 't W Ili' ...-1; most eonipleto aosortmeSL.af - . , CABINET! and OIL CLOTHS we -• , have vier Winbeed, - enabrasieg ,' - ' •• the newel** stples,and designs , •,.. °like best WOREIGIif 'and DO. ' • : • ME STIO PLINI7PACTEZERd, ~.. • imported , and selected with .. .: : . special soberest* to the Pitts. . burgh Warket. Mem* or; sh e *: . petters* are c o nli ned to - ohs . ..• ; 14 house eselusivelp for city.:. thW f With the advantages of 'reel. .. , 4 44. . Importation, we ars now able -:' '.,..1 to offer Swig - the r mic:West and choicest patterns ..of MEd . ".- • SELS, &outlaw • Most ealebriw, - ted English looms, and. at .. ':- 4t priees within ehe'reeeh of al. '.. :' ',.,'.,. most every _householder. A:' ' ;, r .„ special but limited intportio , - .4. tioa -of 1111WEIMIll INGRAINS, • ::' .:',1 , 5.: . of extra - quality, And 'iso rare ~§l' and betatihel desfinr; will' be: ' '• ' 3 -,;‘,1;: isuad especially eltilitea's and i' . !!'",-- desirable ger Chambers. 1 ' ' ' • 't,'..s • , Jik, Our", Stook ` of. )1 AIL:1001i - - ; • sl '.* ll/ E r A 1 4 44 6 01/100[ 04 Variiit . ::?caucus ' lAA Wrill . ' he id th , 1 e,... - _ - po • at.• the Acme rates as proviona•ta the lag mi. , '' -, a0: 4 - o , ,nce, mtati au tude d Il itti rl owitit ,,CAAM intesidu r e : , ~ T 4 war. A • good CARPET FOR 25 -4 . _., . itANTS A YARD. ~. . '• • .47.... ,, • - . • ; ,....„i. N.B.—These handbill rtirlors or ' ri, '-, - ‘ ',V Drawing Ilasiait.farabila are' • - sPeetally . tuvlildii .0 eidiarthe' ' . theual u r ai47/0" * of '.'- • • ' , 1.• " 141061 4 1 Plirth!gaiirt : ••• that intiosif, wweakiireeillor 11 .- ;,,I oL 'llriXt . ,l/t 14 # 1/ eAtgrairgl* : . f,4 ' lo .p ir f ' 1 " 113 '- SOLVANWI Jet i 1 ',l• MG (,:* • • , - . :•• ....; ~. :1 , ••••- .71:''... , nt . . . -,-• , -,,' -_,,t• ..,.,',".•, , "•"„i. v.': '.,,,;,,,:,; - 1.5. . i ; •,t,,• Cl ' ..:,:.--...... - .4 - 3,11:i -- 1 , " k. t :?.... t ia • - '. ' • - ..€;:•••' - .7,-1-1- - f•:. MOOLINTOGIC : i 4 ,'„ 6.--.. 'F6 -: ,lii; *.;;4 1 / 2 ;',. , • ,PQMD I MG .1 , • , ./1 . --s '' -. •- .. ~.'•:- ~ ,•---, A'. -'.._ _ , ._, - ti: : ;- • -0!• -•••-• 5 i * rtiii: vtl'i IT . ; it IC'tia 'f.',-, 4` •• ,-, 1.:',11 4 r't ;., ' , l Aillirliga witiu., - '' 7 f...,, ,' ii i % . .. 'l3 `r. !•- ... 2, 7)ttri? . .Zrjr , ,,, ...$,M7..F,fr !ic•ri't,ti. . 0...jr : ... .. k. ~.. t ,,, ... , wwi.,1*,,,,...tyr ..-, t ,..„.10.: .., iii , .,,, t.....„01 p.. 1 - v;..m.lbtrls elft tau: 1. i , 411 lti :N.!•l':• , '-'1• 4 14 :713'krAViii' ": 0 ...,:,'''" 4 4 . - -... ...;•:, , ,v .-.:. q t-,: .et7r:b Ersts . • ent, J6O Smithecid Street 131y14 - inpl4:o OF" ME EIN =ME !ME BEE BE a ._r Vii - ~-.7 Y It ~ , 2963** NEW ADVERTISEMENTS., UNITED STATES, for the Wgetesti District:of - - ennsylvania.• LEWIS T. BOOTHE. a Bankrupt under tho' Aet of Congress of March Ad, 1881, having applied for a Discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby giten to all persons who have proved their debts, Ault other persons Interested. to appear en the IST 'DAT ON JIINIS,IBBI3, at , 13 o'refark,, x., before SAMUEL "HARPER. Register, at his Dike, O. 93 DIAMOND . STREET, Pittslinrgh, to shoW cause, if any they have ,whys Dinharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. Arid further, notice is hereby, given :that , the second and:third meetings , Of creditors of the Saldßankrtipt, required by the Allltligand 518th sections of said Act, will be had before fire said - Register, at the same time and piece. . 8. Cc McCA•NDLESS, Clerk of 11. S. District Court for said District; - tar4:ol-ml L olkgl BANK. mita -The foil. log cheeks bun been lost or misidid, and L all parties urgotterebr cautioned agmust t *ltrPg 4,P1 1 1. flysfkillk an- Wm: ll V*. been' i ',,- ; - check 0,, 1569, on;tizens Nationallant. from F. mums it -..c0., fa rE. H. Myers 1! C 0... ihr .1.1218 eli , r • ...,,, • • -...' No. 9, on Lii , Anieevllle' Savings Bank. from ,Mitchel Biter riv ig r .,.. E.- F. msp:s_L Co., fo Seep tDeola4lieloxiii taut;,mom th il o Healey, to order E. H. Myers & Co., for Check on Planklin fisivings Bank, Allenheny. from X. 9. latipsaprli r i s . Myers & Co., Abriaoo. Clietik O. W 4 , 40n ' , National -Bank of Hun- Iftden.' Pai, , favor .'• U. Myers & Co., froin D. - ea. for elik 00. ' E. H. ity9ll9 a CO.l WlVErnW.Grodet _ Cornet 'of O. and Libert y stree s. • Pittsburgh, Ma 13th, IMO. 11)714:06 Tr •S. TATIIIINAL . REVENU E, III„) p f43D 1N5111117...7 - y ;COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. '''Oysicit,Cot.idEtt:T9lt Off, LeffaartAl t ßavircutt, - - • . Tirenty•tutro ColleistkarEiLit. Of Pa., No. 07 Water St.. Allegheny City, 111 7. 91 N ?LW ~ :.. ,2 - SbTICE ISASEREH_ - GIVEN Ra l the , rffluaf .Lists of SPECIAL TAXES, formerly termed LI- , CENSE% and of the Taxes on rsrcontEs, `0 . A.14. ,ItIAGES, WATCHES, SILVER PLATE, Ite., are now in this office, where payment will, be received tinreon t br the Colleator on arid after. She 20th of May, 1868.. these taxes;liavinsebecotne ditec•must be paid befOre . the 15th day of June.' 1868, other wise additional' expenses will-be incurred by the E. lIITIVTIRiT - 01; - .isq., liepuii , Collector for the county ol'Armstrong, and EDWIN LTON, .Esq., DeputtOillecter for the coititty of Butler, will be readyto receive atter the _2oth hist: lorliteir ,)re spective counties, and w il l pest. notices designating thictimes and places when . And where...they will be prepared tOreceivc.the taxeic lectsble by them. To accommodate taxpayers in the vicinity of the places in Allegheny county, deiignated as follows: Deputy Collector SAMIIEL H.IDAIRD. Esq.. will attend at those places to teeth', e the taxes, on the days horned, between the hours - of 9 o'clock A. 11. and 3'o'olockP 3t. of said days; cis: At Tarentutia, on Friday, May AU, at Brown' is Shadles At Sewickley; on Tuesday, MI Store. At Bakerstown,' .on Miura White's Hotel. . Train puyable Ore Currency. - - OfHet hours ream 9 A. x. to 3 ` JOHN M. my9:p99 LAVE rIMMISIS c:;K:scoroos, 01E1 ~ t`°' ~~~~ 13FIT AT ,g'S. my7:TrsdT Nancy ? • The undersigned has associated Arlth hint In baldness, dating from April Ist.:ASSIS, .31r. AL PILED 'S. WALL. his ion ABA S. GILLISPIE and LOUIS ENGLERT. The' style of the Aria to to J. t. COLIAIRIE*OO.. J. GILLESPIE.- Xefezzing , to' thit • 'Above the undersigned take sessureln stating that th4.lrill continue the , • - ' • 100i1ECCIANRAND . PICTURE BlBlloB' At &Mood, street,.where they intend to offer le= ducements to •purchate' ris , seeond to no house In the Unitedlitated. ' • ' :4...T.;OIELLESPIC & CO. &MAW GOODS! 1. • - HATS AND OAPS IN GREAT VARIETY . • • t. SELLING LOW, AT • my 7 • > 131 3iOon sinNET. NOTICE TO PLUMBERS:' •At a meeting of the Water Committee,' held Ma 4. MEI, the following instructions.were ad and- notice thereOf directed to be given in the o vipers of the itiv, as followa; viz.: •• I • . • • - n. after the May Ihth, inst. no LEAD PIPE lighter than-that known aI:EXTRA I-STRONG-will' 'be allowed in making the connections between the ferrule and• the• stop cock at the curb line and the 'ferrule driver Is tnatructed,not to drive ta ltig•lttralg. -having a lighterAlpe - thVabove at ea to it. By order of the stet , ttee. - . . • 11217:1:6 3 JOS s.r Buoerintendent. • AT HEADQU , A II ,, Net, ItiroodWiti:d New Styles of ';t: • • „c , ,„ , BOYS' CLOTHING. VERY LOW PRICES •.• • G & LoWin , t No. itt ST. GEMS STitErr. LINDENGROVE. • ,LINDEN GROVE having been fitted up lit tbi most superb style. with a large and. elegant Plat. form, betntlAttly. shaded, large =OM and two' eveellentelumm, taggyorair. AST BOAZ novo, de: on e most reasonable terms. • , Parties boldlng.Plenkt * e d L it talbtir advantage to securellte Ms. • The Grove Is easily aettissiblty=r but s few _stops from tbstosklsaglßsilway_s whose run regularly every flitted lannales. icAlern 2l , aihs-SPPIYMMit." ti•V f it, :•Tf , 111111) • - 0F liftiNi r r101111Y11 ; li t • 4,,,„1-1 ,c4Ki-iumkgratT/P,144,..:Aft-t,:: pAnamnAs .._ ,<,..... •:, - 17, - , , ,t., _.. L •,• - i ,- 1.1:4 ' / ; : zi'l3 '.?.. 1 "; 1 -- ' ~.' • , ..,:' f ,:.14frizi,.7 lilt ,00 . 1,1 60" . tia / ' '' - ' -'- ' -1. ' - l''' L . ' '. s ,' I r atiLIPSSIO/: b , ' vi An t o c/ S .. , US., , BELLA' -7•Wf tlta p i4.4 te -, TO inltil -.. ~,.•,,, „,.. ~ ... , 1 " ~.-1 . ,..,., .„,., ~...„ -,. ,p,,, il .1,, tll 1, 4 . zwn , lnit., As? - 111 - 00 sis -":" b : ... 0... ; . '''' '," t% .; ~...1 '= erlllawirea the 200 r, of th Wenn% t rii.1417.1414,Eirr444,k** VW k : / K ll l 3l - I AV I A7 'l l, - '... ..'" '-" ' l -,4- A ra • 'Tr if , .....- . ;-.4.t iti; .- i'i 7,0. •'• -;')T5,"4:ki.,441-1 ..,{, . t ,4 : • -4,tai ,qc•••, ..• ..-,•-",,. '''• 1 .•..,-"..- ' ' - ' ' )0 . '4.f z-Mg§glN'lll6ll .:11D•l• 0 . 1 . 75::t ~.., ~ .•,-,5.141.1 ' ..... 7 . i i . till/ 0i T101NP.6191C.:•4 1 4 , 1 2 • > 1 • intdd Tel ,* mg .) ,- ! • LA , In iti . II t.tc.t 2 ' , . • ilf,::: v, - Ltsa 4. - .3 1..',t tuva A - Aiiiidisigt: ,::: ~• Li, I,4,bnui •;,51tyiif-t.; trill'-as'. 1 ' 7 0 7/11 Bs. Area evTrett ,rtuiiibnoto .I.4WiAit AL 0. ....__. - , J - Odi c i vribr .4041. 1 k-,..:,:mt 11. Dim Atttob z.la Ica et St A 01111111, :,,,i,tI,IOOPAIMPOr ;pl l . ..1 4 ,ErWV . : .......f.iiii ell Min/41100 blitOW melt-tat li ae watt 1 - a ~ • ~ n. - /"Oz- 1 i ':ati.l b6ticriel ei :11 avict. onion Ica • ins t. ,wais ." I ~,,„l a i . .. 0 04 Attizola 1. ,dab-a 1 !kr yalf.. tol "anion tlevit.elow atasit. I • - alma sesel PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: THURSDAY, MAY 14. 1868. "'NEW AE Wls TJ - ste 44 :. - g...;,..w.•:. 1 i , ...,.. ..i.--T:ii..7 . '..! ii ; .. fl . .'„ ...,1::.•..“. , _,..•'..] • .! . ..:-:::. - ....•:-:` ,- t..-' , . 180 it . .. 182 Federal St.,. Alleghe ny AT lisc,, 7 s.)l.4trilpin. ABSIOBE=DSbAINEs AT Mc.—YARD WIDE BLEACHED 3rusmx. eT 4 16 - 0:; - 90:: i n WOO ' AT IrSc.—COLORED BIDOLOYEB. 7, • AT 50c. WHITE and COLORED CORSETS. AT lIAXe.;-tTIiDoWNg. AT 116:-.4 - niTE litlißED4lot3p. 'AT 1 %c.—PLAIN WHITE HOSE SU/ 4 *R g ll A* l l/ 8 - A Lkl SI B OK O . talis 660, IN THE 3108 T SHADES 4 . :; z w..A. - ccksoyooLD,Euatirss.. A Fall Well Selected Steeki: AT IirEWM: I.OW rmem/3. AT Wd:LtIAIK‘:I3EMPLEiII, y Seth, at Gaston's,. ay, = May With, at 184 . &188 Federal St., Allegheny.: backs or National E3MI STATEMENT, QF THE REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, On the 80th Dq of Aprilt-1808. StILILTVAIr, collector. TAINS, Bond and Host- . . f r e a lt r s r4 o 4 n be illi n il t : ' - - . ' tate • • 8397,524 68 U.B, 5-90 Bonds at Unr.lo4 96 1881 Bonds at 10, , . 000 00 Chace Furniture 418 60 Cash 44,990.40; - z Total -8,68,934 68 _'; LIABILITIES. Adiount Due Depos itors $430,R53 83 Am 't o r un , t i D e ue e De ,H po yosnt • • let. 1868 10,660 IBA ------- t• Balance Contingent Fund 117.409 03 ' • • • The above is a true statement: -6166,53* 66 A. A. CAB B, Treasurer. -The undersigned. Audltlng -Consmiltee,- have ox-. =dined this books - ottbe 8a306. - 16e BOnSw Nod .001;160 SecarlUes,and eounte4HeCtati, aa4 ilad. laitlaregOing Statement correct. ' ••••-• • . . - NICHOLANIVEGTLY, .In., WII. H. S)UTH, • H. CHILDS, -- • .President-ISAAC JONES. Trsurtees. Hon. THOS. IS, nowr,. $011.4. X.-MOORHEAD, - ISAAC JONES. - , C.i O.IIINSEE._ W. B. COPELAND: — - JACOB PAINTER, HARVEY CHILDS. NICHOL:LIS VOEUTLY, WM. H. &MITA. INTEREST ALLOWED on Deposits in this butt talon, at SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM,' poyable Tr to depositors In May and Nevem , which, if not drawn, will be added in the p nclpal and cOx• POIMI;11:11, . '• , , _____, Accountant-qt. C. 'PARKS. Solicitor - E. BRADFORD TO D. OFFICE. 63 FOURTH STREET. 1ay7:617 = NEW DRY GOODS STO No. 52 St. Glair greet,. : . 3.. 1. -BIIRCKFIELD it CO.. . „ . ..CALIMS FOR CRASH FOR L9,4c. .11-4 BLEACHED MUSLIN FOR. UNBLEA)MtDMUSUINANORAMXic ." LOOM TA_E LINEN YOB es*. BLACK ALPACCAB FOR 3710, COLORED ALPACGAS FOR S 7 c.., ' - BLACK AND COLORED BILK& .t' •. POPLINS AND MELANGES. 'ORGANDIE LAWNS. • . FRENCH LAW N 8,2 WHITE AND COLORED STOOL EN"I7IIELEiIIt NEW. . , IT.MFBEE,7SWE LA CE' • lied, • Whit* : , a,,ad. Blue Front, • . • - • • xo . . SS ST. CLAIM STIIKET. iais: Xl6B. .46PP - 3 9.17 w NEW ALPACCAS. , . "• , • NEW MOHAIR. BLACK. SIL KS. -• • . • HOSIERY Aitta GLOVES: • ' ; Ur No. Wree::s*et . .4o 16g. ntmTiwisztiv, 4 er l l l elep TO VANVEACTOR.N A 1.5 FOR .SEALED - Griujino, Altving Vurking CHAN, 8 Fp; entre 7.oisenst to Heed street; VINE STREET; aerie 'Pennsylvania ayenie to Need st.; =alp. )13)141,0E4 ENNEET. from Pennsylvanii ayenisiioo kiluit areit; Will be received at tie omco TUESDAY, May. Mb, WS. flpiefilmitiOsisznildaliki'foi'biddiht can be li ad by calling at this o se. • • anyty92 H. J..M00, E. City F- —....... . 144111 rillifit ' Ei l '- 0 - ) '-' •."`"-' I 1 41 ' WITH Oa WITHOUT' TI re. FCIEERTY: ..,., • u_‘4::./ 11._.,...__- Or woul4 rent fora term of le. Enquire at istawir iii:: , _ :iiii ,, Fito.t4ii . 44o4 i ~:.j . i te - . 3i3 ;: .. licin4 ' 4 = - XILLIC attilitrl'`'i ' e.i'' 1 r ~ 1 .e i ' . - P-VASTFts (14Warikikat ' ~i ,; 4 ' MIM - S IL AMMO" i'llieblui7t . . - 1,-.2 t,..! }-•;'-...::lialrusupist.:i . t„ A,;l ' BE A NNE ASSORTMENT OF IRISH POPLINS, COLORED SILKS, GROSGRAIN SILK, Ike IMNIMII3, , HATS, SITSDOO4IB4 RIBBONS AND FLOWERS; IFl'° l vmaf cituLitfugg., EMEN ASSET. l oimutti;i.Wt vurrits:4o;- OniA BUTTING - cAixtwimmes 111111 Very superior quality of White, I Fancy JUST irdP o ' ALL-WOOL ItiG: IN BRIGIITEBT CCILOIIB. Prices thq Lt?tvest in this ricet. MCCAllitr3/ BR 1 ; at FIFTH STREET, above ood. • spRIENG STEMCIL 1•a•. r. 18686' - got OF Lk 4 c4.,xAv.pwse....l f , AST. REND% LARGE ASSORTMENT; ~' i , , ,, . - .,, , .. g;;4,: , :, ik' , - , 14f::'i•',.... -, " . .. ,- i',.c.. ..:-_A AU. :Qualities-, .: ...:;.,• , LOWEST PRICES IN Thg CITY I:, II 1 (.1 1 BOVARD, ROSE CO., • , 21 Fifth Street.. mblo:d&wlr . WEB. BATES & HAVE JEST RECEIVED, lIY STEAMER COLORADO, Of our own Direct importation, THE NEWEST AND CHOICEST PATTERNS OF THE CELEBRATED JOHN CROSSLEY it SON'S ENGLISH TAPESTRY BODY BRUSSELS, FOR PARLORS AND HALLS, WITH STAIN CARPETS TO Illgell f McFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 AND 73 FIFTH ST, (Second Floor.) ararns&T J. & K PICIIIIPS. We mane 1 1.14%Tatiartft& o r own , and other : FLOOR ,OIL CLOTHS, CARRIAGE, FURNITURE, TABLE AND WINDOW SHADE OIL CLOTHS, OF EVERY DS-9011PTION Also, a hill Ilne of Transparent litadevir Shades, Hellands, ilbeide Fixtures. Tit'lleill•-€011111,.‘"e., a". NOLINALF, - 43 CD NETAtt, TITITLINT will find on. prices AS Limjjr_ NOT_LAINEU, THAN CAN BE PURCHASED ',MUNN W., and et tonally and styles second to none. J. & H. PHILLIPS, aP3:n3ll , . S TEM CARPET BEATING . • , 'EtTAttigHMENT. Which TEN YEARS' TRIAL in New York and oth er Eastern citieltaa proved s complete success. ITS ADVANTAGEfI list—Fading and Shrinkage are completely avoid. ed. Ad—No ripping kW: deteisary, 3d—When freed from dust, moths or theirlarvae. the Carpet looks nearly as good as new ,. rime the natural fading from Wear. • ; - • .40—When peritctly_clean, a Carpet will wear as long again, a desirable msttdr ass mere 'point of economy, to say nothing ofkoeks. - -_ ,.. - c - : ALL ORDERS LEFT AT THE OFFICE, No. 179 Liberty Street° _ Or addressed to P. O. /km:wars, will receive prompt attention. , GEO. • ath.lo: -PROPRIETOR. _ _ s :1 I i • VARIOUS KINDS OF GUNPOWDER, , xkilivFmr.ruitzo BY THRn, •,; .HAZARD POYPTiP A . . ARTHUR Agent; . • • - V! ce, 172 and 174 PzrorAWSTRIGET; ."- • " • . • . :",•;a1 cAxprr.r.u. POWDER.- - • - -; 4 *4' Electric Nos.i - 1,;. - Eite. aridAirsliti,4ii "-f• • Canisters-11b. each • - •• - American Sporting, in•Oval,Canisters of I - - each 0/ 1 0 . . t I t S Peek - Sheeting; - .Noe •1, '2," 4' and I 'train,. •.. Oval Canisters ot i attiacit... 4 44. - ...-.. i...0t • • -• ; ••• aLrie:beiii"h, • menmonyE iriCkral Can eters Or 14 In. each (R one lb. - Otral Canisters In a case.V.- ; • • •-- • lb.: - do. dp j - s4 c 9 +'v-vr • • • T.•• •- • - llenttOrtgiAe t rs.o ; and ”seil,!4Loot.".•; -•- -; ue.. •-; .. JOU& • - • k • I "'U. • '; • tact • 1 . • , L L'ltts . .!•.rv0i4.14•4•10.111:Kr0.4. ;p...; • ; • • . • • • . ... ;truir• ; • 11M. J 5 timei , of roperlor„:qUislity, it Delivered tricot expensto on - -board of Boat or 7Eacw44,l4ll4,buggtrorAllisbeny.o-;..-.,::),-.,4. =a SEEDittikt vat wwriyelursabin. , --A AigialiVAtc*Prives 4 soh "efiA*Plmit,PP4stmecogieu Z. .....1.1,[1. V ' V...t.T . 5. 1 , ' 4141". '' IMilisailasa I, , ' 1 %. . • trlegY AO 4 1 1 4 1 . - • .VISAI I 3 11.14 JV .r .0 .AL Ar) * woman .u.swittra, TO BELL. ESTI/ %M AND AS ST. CLAIR ST m;ml .:M7 FOR SALE. FOR.SALF. : 081 Near to the Alleglm Wien . - • - SAW MILL, TWHDWELLINGHCIPOSES, TWO -BARNS, with _good FARM, and- about 800 acres timber land. This property will_ be sold low. Cash 6 2 balance on time to suit buyer. FARM OF 180 ACRES,WiII be sold for twenty dollars per acre. - Improvemfmts' comfortable Mae house and good barb; 50 acres of the Land clear. FARM OF 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad very well located .for raising stock ;- improvement s . are good and.sulistantial; 100 acres of the land in meadoiv and grain. CITY PROPERTY.—WiII sell a good brick house, containing five rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Hollers, and would rent for the =mint in six years. • A LA.RGE. LOT OF GROUND, baying a river front and very convenient of saxxws. • . TANNERI , convenient to the city, and hieing Well established custom or local trade connected :therewith,* good dwelling endlorty acres - of land: - -FOUR LOTS in Sharpsburg, near the railroad; Would make a good coalyard. , , HOTEL FOR. BALE. hat tile Hotel property, situated - at the Blairsville Junction, containing - fourteen rooms and the u s possary outbuildins: With three acres of garden end -fruit trees. T his well located- hotel will be sold low, , as the proprie 40r - wishes to retire from bushiest., IPOR REM% r i. - • - .Two new Brick Houses, 8 roomsxtach. Two new Brick Houses, U rooms each. ~One new Frame House, 4 rooms , Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. • One mew Frame House In Wilklusburg, having • six rooms andoriAtirer let; well,: suited TOr garden. _Yoe LEAssalitliAtie4 falt4intilbi4oiistreet, Ilinth Ward; 7 acres that can be divided into acre I , • r r 5 Pits In nd. FOR RENT-3 large Roulet; sultilble: , l'or Board in Houses. WANTED -409 0 feet of Maggint33b4 lirebes rr• TO LOA ,000; IN 81318 OP $3,000 AND UYWd D. .7. 14 17, 17 . O l en , ? 7 D. P. HATCH'S DEAL ESTATE ONE No. 91 Gtstat St., Pittsburgh. • A RIVER BOTTOM . FAllif OF 78 ACRES. 10 tulles from the city,; 11h. Elizabeth township. Alle she ny Squat?: Fa.; oaths Xo)3gldog_beztyrer er•,- pie tist( mile front EirOdhl Statioai On the Ccmnellaville railroad; near diurches, schOols, stores, Ac., in the nourishing villages of Boston and Green Oak. The improvements area: two4tOryi.brielz image :of six stablingll and cellar. a good Mifte bank bawit underneath 4 and. other outbuildings s we ll-. of good standing water, at the door And several standing springs of water ,on the its apnea,o Or chard of tree* of selected fruits of cher- - ries, pears, peaches, quinces and grapes. 'l'his prop eat being - located sear the line of the railroad; irithin one hour's ride of the city, makes It very de shable for gardening Or a dairy farm; It is also a good and be:tattle' location- for country homes near the city, lying immediately on the river, on the op poslte side from the railroad. The West Newton Accommodation and other trains on the railroad af ford certain: In frequent , bPportenities of commenleatlontOnnd form tits WHI 'bet% ass whole' r In lots of one acre or more, te snit per chaseri; FA_ • . Also, A FA RM OF /73 .ACRES, situated in St. - Clair township, Westteorehuid coun ty t ...Pa. neat j. the line of the Pennsylvaniir Rail litiuStlnt Station. The im i av i rments are a tw o-story frame house, _with sit aditigoo4 Iffrainebank bare *0 by 80 . - andotherouthtdidings; There is on the place a young apple and peach orchard; 120 acres cleared land, divided into fields of conve nient size, a large ptirtion of which are well, set in clover and .thaothyfthe resider Of said tract cov ered with good timber. It is well watered and un derlaid with coal and limestone and is convenient i to churches, schools , otores, mills and blacksmith shops. A real good bargain is offered In this excel lent farm; and with It will be sold all thersonal - property on the premises, consisting of h orses, cows, stock cattle, hogs and poultry, harness, gears, wagon, plows , farming implemeuts and household and kitchen furniture. Together will be sold very - low and on easy terms, to a responsible purchaser. Also, a desirable and very fertile-Tract of Land of 158 ACRES AND 95 PERCHES, in Elizabeth Tp., Allegheny county, Pa.. on the line of the Hempneld railroad. and one and one-half miles from the Con nellsville railroad at Suter's Station. On this farm are 40 acres of superior white oak timber, which alone is now worth one-half the price asked for the whole tract. The improvements are a log house, frame barn, good fencing, and an apple orchard of good fruit. It is well • atered and underlaid with limestone and rag stone of a superior quality, with atone coat for the use of the farm. Also,The best FARM in Fairfield township, Westroreisnd county, Pa., 0f,2150 ACRES, about six mites south of the Pennsylvania .Central Rail road at Bolivar Station. The Improvements are two large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest and best frame barns In the township:Alto Apple or chards, in goodbearing condition: corn crib, wagon abed and other outbuildings.- The whole farm is. under • high state of cultivation: fencing all in drat rate order, and the land of the best quality of lime stone soil, about 200 acres of which is cleared and the residue or the tract in good timber, such as white oak, rock oak, hickory, walnut and beech. This property will be sold very cheap and on good -terms as the owner wishes to engage In other bust near For partieulareenqtdre of • . G. H. TOWER. 1e! Wopeth Street. apI4:DC pRST•CLASS Allegheny City Residence FOR SALE.: - THAT PINE .11FANBIO.N; • Located on the corner of Western Avenue and Bld well street,. lately , owned and -occupied by J.: P. Lyon, BM., one hundred feet on Western Avenue, by two hundred and twenty-seven feet on Bidwell street. • For location of the_ground, as well as the improve- Anents ttl,creon t ,l t hip Bealdence is well known A • To Bask Among th e very First and Moss Desirable in the two cities. Possesaion instried6:iely. For particalus, as to description, price, terms. &c., apply to GECKIL;:EiGETZMULE/..:. OOD mys;p72 1 FOR 514111[,*- 1 0 Partner- Tlll,O irrigalijor WlLV4larpli LANIk No. 1. Situated to Conemaugh township. CCM kBRIA Co., Pa., having the .Pennsylvania Railroad running Irag o li t ik,and within ihre.miles of Johns town, con . screa..• Tilers'!' Oh this land 4 two workable seams of bituminous cool, and 6 feet thick. , Also, a vein .of superior tire clay ♦ fully. could to the Bolivar. A. tlituated in Green township, BEAVER Co., Pa.. containing about ADO acres, part under fence. and imoroved. and being within a short distance of Smith's Ferry. The land extends to the Ohlo river, ou which it bounds .000 feet. It contain two seams of bituminous cos.l,loC a nd 401 ft., and One of cannel coal, of 6 abet thick. Also a vein of the clay, suitable to. the manullmturti.of.d.iii. brick.- • For further Information pintail of _ zny7l)Bo '• • . asp. Mono Street. . :TOTS FOR SALE—SEVERAL • BUILDING LOTS on Observatory Hill; Setond ard, Allegheny City. are plferett, for sate*-cheap. The location Is a very dindrabletoutte commanding a tine view of both cities, is easy of access, and there ia.'abundance of stone on the ground forhullding nemeses,' Anplytoorg tther Writ shop of go!. COWAN' IMMEE, JOlegheny Diamond, at THIS OFFICE, or on the premises, near the Ob servatory Building. • inh2.sm3S • _ - • • Fifth Street IROWCURSINEESIDEWAtit; — _ • , Fe desire to call the attention of partlellabout widen their sidewalks, according to-nidinante,ao our Patent Iron Curb and Pavement. The same will be laid In•,trout Jo? thekgpertralnuse,thbl week and will lope:* Mr 'Ralf': The lbllowing is an ex tract frotn a letter o( %MCAT sashmow and Itegu lator • consider it 'imparter tO Stone,' Mid iriald th tVitth Street, will add greatly in i ts nennty, and . ]could recommend it to _Pert,Y owners. • "H. J. MOOItE, City Engineer.', Tsai THOldifi N. lamps. rrattlent. . . , e l‘rnalfE, flt ! EILVNEr3LILAMLIFA,i, cf ATevitigis. ft Pt as i Men ana ti ntrocnn--.Af BEETY s,vriturr. _aft* . wartor t mx i i4 sit= Interest Trial itirortnni as hig .‘ not ex t1 .0,411,Vati.; 3 -413 1 41111 .. tame Blabs which , WM4 mgr. Sew .>3; . no other place In Western Pennsylv r I VlM"nit s gb &raj AbEINe Crown suppled:with *Sawed Mart4e at East- , " slr-lI MPNtitCIL • , , it _ 1.0;4'4 - ANCHOR 1:071.0N4HP.5p..- . • *liac_ ft. Trvrilluitligi l'Afltattat Z• a IK4I ra*r (lll AND"' MAO"' Wallig"11" ; • lia• .4118.4 te.-• - . I Zt...1 . 4 :44 .1- 11144 F:. ! x v,. .11.14.1g1R41, 'Et'A .. 2-%Lt4434 IT; ;?4itt.tr tsr _ . MIN MEI= OFFICE Wsersecr-LetsunANCE-GOWAfir, InecrserraGn; , lifer& 1608. DIVIDEND.—THE HOARD OF • • DIRECTORS of tjlls Company hate, thjs , day's declared a DIVIDEND of ' ' • 1 3130. L.L.A.TLe • gr upon each share of !- the capital stock. out of the -kArt.NED profits of the last six months, fice of Government and State taxes, payable to Stockhold- - ere on and after the 12th inst. ; • my6:o4 ..• ••• 3P3froPrllEßltEnT•Aieeretdryr•- • ) vAlifiroz* ILIZLLAn7 FURNITURE, PIANIN, • CARPETS AND. NECitIAtittESSESi, THURSDAYOn ay t, at A. I. an „ ` f4ti T P. M.. at Masonic Hall Auction Rooms, 05 and ST 4 - Flith street, will be sold, new And second-hand Furniture. embracing Dressing and PlainM Wardrobes. Wash Stands; Parlor, Dining-roe= Wood Chairs and Rockers' several Extension Tit tles; High and Low Post, Cottage and Trench Bed- . e „ steads_,. lCottorplaw Ho* I nat-Lreposs- toariu Side, iffreaktkat and 'Dining Tablet, TererazTetfa— new Secretary, Desks, Sewing Machines, Queens:. ware, Kitchen Utensils, Toilet Soap and Ink, Par- • ler and Coot Stoves.. CAMPF.TI3 StaitiL4eltif .m. large line. o( new Carpets, without reserve; Fancy Window Shades, with TrimMings. HOusekeePers should attend this sale, as,bArgkins can be himi.7tho geed, being sold Nrithoritztlerve. T. 11; At a" ate side; two large Trench Plate Gilt k " Frame Mirrors, at one.;thtrd their valve. 8311THSON, - VANHOOKA, McCLEALAND, - . myl2'j Auctioneers. THHEEollllrolilf !!lIICK. HOUSE, !Awl' , BifiNif - 0 1 4 1 VI. .: I . l`aesday, May 19th, at 21-2 o'clock P. M., On the premises. will be sold by auction, that three story Brick House,'of ten rooms, arranged as a store an 41wehingi vitiated 011 the ',tenter of Oil- , verand ney streets, Sear Wharton% Mill. The - lot fronts on Oliver street. A 4 feet, and extending back SO feet in depth alongt-Bidney street. The buildinx Is arranged t- good'- style, -ernbelished front, with a line store room. The location of this property is very desirable as a business stand, be ing within one-half square of street' cars and in the immediate vicinity of mills end manufactories. ; Sale positive. - No reserve: - tTerms at sale. t SMITHSON, VANHOOK & MoCLELLAND, t Auctioneers. • BTA- iiINIG I LTE. i . goE.ALLTIFUL MULCHING SITE at HOMEWOOD STATION AT AUCTION. ill be sold on.tbe premiaes, On WEDNESDAY. alay SOtb, at 314 o'clock, that certain lot of ground containing one and , one-eighthiaere, situated .111 , Homewood Station, on the 'Fe nsylvanla Central Railroad. fronting on ' the Oeien burg tiatnpike, and. surrounded by themagniliceni restdenceSof Messrs.. Fahnestock, Griffetb,-SteWart, Canfield, Coleman. and Miller. On the grounds are 15 .years'-growth . of beautiful ehade and fruit trees, ornamental' shrubbery, lc.; a good pump of nsver failing water, cistern, carriage house and *tea The situation is r, exceedingly line, commanding v . ws of East 'Aber- ty, Wilkinsburg and adjacent , ountry. • Thls , is a rare opportunity to secure Imp ved grounds with so many advantages of ratiread; ood driving-road. healthy country and good 'neigh rbeod. The toll keeper man near Homewood eta ton will show the grounds to vlsitora prior to the d -of sale- Special public attention Is invited to till - highly attractive: sale. [ 1 , A. LEGOAT - . Auctioneer, . • myli 159 Federal st et, Allegheny... PALMER & PHILL And ,ommisBion OPERA- HOUSE . AU) r . 1 ,tied , . 4170T10 . A NEW THRE E-1 T FRAME. HOUSE, on Carlon street, est to the Meth- Charell,,ln South ..Ittehti will• • be sold by. 'anetion.ott •t. t • r. 1, LSATURDAT, May 10th, at o'clock E. M. Lot SBA by 100. Terms of pai:annti Made known on the day of arde. • • myl2:q4 . ', . ItSTARLI STEED 18 4A...6.T= LARGEST. IN A3IZnIC s. NORTH AARRIOA.II Lightning Rod"Mannftotuvi:- .. IRON GALVANIZING WORREL. -1 , 30,000 FEET ALUTITS'ACTCREI, THE CELEBRATED STAR - GALVANIZED' ViIIGHTNELVtit . RODIRC 2 Manufactured at these Worts, and sold to ill parts ' of the continent, arc admitted to be superior to any Lightning Rod in use. Great induomnellia offered. to. peddlers and all personstm_ying at ' wholesale: • Also, tine Plating Points, of all kinds and patterns, I together with Insulators„Rastenin&s, , Copper and Iron Connection Burs.l3riteell, etc. rum- I; .phlets and Circuldrs setttlree. • I REYBMIN HITNT-ER • Nos 4881afitgiti - Rt4oki - St; " 14 etio:o334Bx._ ,1 rittebtrrill.- • a .= •,..! 0t"..% '''....Tl Ii; in cf 18' • ' ,k.ti..ll,risiVt , ' lt '! -,' H.• , +i ~,,,. '....., .1,,5; ii.\ , - --,,, C.TWiti •' ' t, :: „' • . , satel, ~,t. ~, 1, t iii. -- -- :" , ~,_2_.- , , g .11,......,,. . . 1 tn. 1' - Qs ITT" - 'iza -Iv u • aids` ,i, • • . I' I- • , * • et. ,„AT6pitolvlliKinFizMseeifdaliilfti .'l-11,}11 ,i TeSawP jotatoe ..1 illtalizikl?t `lma i kG4 t''''''' , sknutdili4 /, ,dt,sioaa 1 tt•.is .4_,',',,„,„itiv,,f, u St o,t istvi ,1 ..,.„,,_OO vl >du:, 1,, xaitatuu --- ... GI ,St t,„, altauon. ir . ti ettere 1. ,F4lll itl*4l.l a 4A ' ' ' ". .06,1171.1 I •.• . • •• • • - . . • 3M7M NOTICES AUCTION •SALES; Anbiteetnral Drawn r Desk 7, 'AT Arc- - - BY PAT. :& AtrarioNE No. 00 Mt Street, BOOTS, SHOES, Dry Goods and Ni AT PRIVATE SALE DAY A: U Consiginneists Stoliteitedl rns. QEmts ""?' THETRAvOkkoiliiffidl :i',.:ll'*t . ...oio l **ii;;: • , --- - CtirileiteEaddllciderst Ti zt,,iXt k • • ForBBIORE:AND HOT AIR FIXES, dispensing ,1 mit the use of Stoves ,and , Fires in, or. about th e 1 Peg user or Baggage OM* with' the attachment to .. ! uatb the heat to any temperature that may be eslred without the possibility of firing the car or d e care to whi ta =retmaT tA tratthr q ',.. ! Having, _ thialln tares etbers Pat..._ ent for a Safety Jacket which is warranted to resist the moat intense heat that may be adplled to it in ,; the position.and purpose fin which it It *Mended. ' i :It lea sere protection:tram Elftkanin bYtire, , oxigi. ~' 1 Dating from defectivelreek or. wiseretron pities are !j used as conductors for smote or heat. It Is eprit,„ i pilcable to all piping that may become overheated, 1 And is warranted to give-Dermt . natinfectiotrwhere ;,.. ': ( l,lll r pro QUl ESfl a ty m th Walth ereto le : snat4lLamilainebtaw re Vbe ady 'PlilWa to ap. t Dl_ y. my Invention to stores, dwellin" ninterb as. ; snips, steamboats, =Broi cnin4 0 4 20.1 -Whererrer , • • as conductors are - 'mad e 'd roue - by being p ov • sated and security desised. will sell, an ag ;1 Dliration, rights to manufacture or to use.the above i 1 Invention; also, teratlitkpiretik. i ts,,- taar tt i #1141!tO engage /I ll e g qtes, e tiler by sutra ',i ~..7wuji..o2 .0;.. .., :ii11e,ic;t31.147.....,..±7E ._;4l.4rus. 2., licsaamvitio AINT:Ii! wt - ilite s . : .Cerfler 0 street and the Alirtgo. ny Vall e lTßallroad,.l/ Tod,. rittamma, ~. , ‘pligrr • . -given *AV et 6 °L `ce -ern report ittiE *had -ward lia,gF•PLlT,Ataitaral L-triot Court, k been filed i n v . f ."` =Won. tvum.. r. - 4.0 1 -Term, leas— inand, ' o o,o,,joha r u e irer ,f II II 1 erehants; ON ROOMS, l'a. -ARPETS, EVENING t ~rom~ Vie: OEM I=l RTIPOR- 1111! ~, Mil