HASSAN AND THE NGEL. • ~. A PERSIAIR,LEO .z D. an , llA v.O, • • 1 0 , MT JOU 0. - 8 . .:S 1!;.,, ~.. The Caine - mieln—so tale s .,ifill t*,. in honors ova t and in g ; One New Yea day na . tre e's e, And. n a sto t side made rrl An 1 to • • ~t, ~ ' His to al Acme • ' e., ~-' Thro Oat I'M': dha 'the tteroslau:— And, Five of goid for mosques in Ispahan; For caravans to Ilfeeen, seven more; For amulets to pions people, four: i I T Holy D he r vßiashtnazwaa; ndri wo d o p aY imerrbevountthelatins Of My soul; Rees, one loaf oF bread, a weekly dole Toypier wido t s t i c sebli Tha win d." , mir resei we e. and smiled aeggalligkiftgatv& TIISLI/41101U14„, OreitildtellOntit! - With Ihdle je looked around. And saw bathe ground; With wings o go d, an ro of p erest white I 'I am God's messenger.employed to write. 'dip - MUM tali lassdrtheylousdeediratmen, t I have revised tby recsoologr took again i'' Ho to the Man the AIIgUI Spage aloud, - II sisql.y vanished iti a rolly . eload. ~„ The... Cal ~looktag, saw upon tae SUMO - `''''''.. The final hem standinirthere alone! —Roston has 1677:11re plus. f—Mhe. crop.. of. , a11:1112d0 in - Mississippi ; • are •:!1 .e . —Jules•Favre has declared hhitsoilf. fa-. -vor -.`7: • • --,,Paring robberies are of fregnant Odour , • renee iit:it il ivaukee.,•llL , : • -• • • • -Omaha ir to have miles Or 'street, tlas.mmner.. • • - . =o ,3-1.::-Montana intendsttoi:Mse - ginin rentingir te feed'heiaelf. • 460,000: hotel , zs being , put up at Gr Andliarlitiklinehtgall ! ' . Tho ; taste of the' ViiiigesiOt e. .lVl4ea, as . ~ z. , - A isrlisdrees,is Baldly/be horrid. • - income laet ireai . Ofnlittle - thore 'than $100,(0k ' N. Haldeman, of - . the Louisville eAririer;:ret,G7li it# Income of :$ 16 ;.4 22 . :mule ,thieves were recently ;Shot at West- PohiOrmalitiii)N ) one was gilled, - —Auguat itetiOnt's income was 494,000 yaw, and Animil R. Eno's waa5190,490. Tennessee' 'l,YeniOcradd:lpenvazition, r be held fix' Nas hville on the ilth day of - • - ~lniea Ninr*okipid s id'Sj" the Gov-- Ariunent • this year in the survey - of Lae The litayorpf St. .I,,ouis certifies to the good of lotteries; ivhich it is his duty to suppress. • ' A litre egg with tile head • neck of a - chickezrgrowing-vut of it is - on exhibition :I . lln Lauisville• '•--New York and Londerkpapers are :all still indniginglOclittle over the lost , , • ~--4entncity And - ,gemiesseepaper's 'are gPi-agintZ *tfactel: raptures over the La fiOnge Cup p• —;Oemeteriet will otabolishetiand cennes ,bufitted, when iie`*Voiati a little 41/Ttallir advanced inAlierk 3 • r The Boston PP - Iltibli an 'obituary of, s_ : Names . 13 Ye4uttlim,, injtellonday:s issue, and tite"poor old: man lg not deful yet. : • -;-13wieiser: of the lie* 'York Evening Mau, is to make several facireaveniiiCts in his paper. a. ''here is roontior them. Pr coeval' man and hie associat e s, is the name of a lecture to be deliveredshortly • before the EtintologicalNew, :York. -; --BEiron Holstein says he does not think he was killed in a duel near Brussels,' re i'toAttlttYT w1 44" - IvasAY*;at hisknow• *die - . • - - ~~.~! .'t: nl -• ifOurkek gobbler "having - Eve beards, - 'was 844 in-,LiAdalane the'otherday. dente Was lavish hi the beard way with that gobbler;~Yiiiiam Howard., the :. • Chairtnan of the Michigan delegation to the Chicago Con _ ventioi4ll4. San ..rrancieco.and can't get' - =-:TheY taVk '4, - Truttinu up new gigue On the. Brit *Al4cl4 1 4844 of "Look - out for. the eocennollve, shall be, "Prepare 19 meet yehr ' • Pardel'l4kigebury,, of Jam aica, moat, Beg to have murderedau Elate child. He'says tba &titer of the child • - 'hired hint to do ihe"aeed: • —:Four orv•llvethousand. ; people' have • •leftldimphitt during the bar Area months, on account of tha-dniluess of business, and, the want'of chiploititeht. .(' —l6 lncr.lutYkthal Mfaii4l7 r - 9at Pack O A , Behitter Rmidarson ',because 7 • be tvent.bacie on hhimelf and his record on* 111131 , 10/in Oitt l o#4 ';', -;••••kh guniiiiwdeiha ght neckand neck for the= ! soldiers e a g er in _ 4 VA * thmigizt that • choleraihas come out•anetith , t. • • • --=Sehatei ' , Kett/ bf' littesitehn.' setts, wants to be,44Ce r prbbibly the worst thing , iipdiutt lifin is that Thurlch!, Weed,'M io'high in hie Praise 7 , , c „i ~...;;,•••„tie,gfocm .apd tdergyzaaa at, sup ,, • Tosald veddingradiartiteo the 'Phikidei:' ;.'.'.liblti;Pfliiki l it'Oc out in a bii VAiitttol ie ,•::%.itYinitite•fact of•the , weddinga , • t 4.10/Pie'stlfi r i Ol e : l4°Ci t; '4 oso lB ol.l huge primeation,,:liotee racefr, nic ' kihdr balls formedpartpflimkahrsements. —o 9°' •T:ll4i;;Ai . I,PfAtliq kli dall4l/ M a k e ;94 + YiYaikik,died ket, I''',r,,,,4",'",,•,,,,,A,-9'4,W,,,,-ki9,-,"-i.,44-:':*"?,;_'iki-W-y,^44,1-':-.V,Z. ..f.,-3,;,.?..,...;;;; ..j ,, ,, , ,,';':,:-.... i,...,. , ' .''l'-''.*."4.1.1V„-0,,1.1•V.ftete.:Z1A„,....16t ~...V.%V.4.,,a1g',W....-el*)oo.s4ts ''''V• %*= 7'4l.A W it 4'..- -1 '' ''- ' 4.'- ' -, tl -t "k: ''' ' -4;#10,,441Ata ..40*-04,-;.r.NU0,,,X",_„,...*!PAR:&,,,V.4,..a; ' • ,ite.,, -..t.k.,,,,t.rdip4,40-&,,,,.r.;.* .- , - ` ':',",', - , '''''''''...* .r..., , 74....„ ~• ,J,C,...,. "i••.:•.r • •• 1 / 4 .1,,, ~..„.,_, . •.,..:... -• •, '•••,.w.„:44',..„.., -, -.-... *,,,,,, : - 1..,.. 4 , . t . AN.,:47.7 •q•-•=k74-4-rfivle..-.1•••,,,75.1,.:71, tfr,...•...-,-;.^.•`. -,,,...••••••,....E11-A:;* '-' •-• '.,,•• . y s , . • , , . ••••' ....•• . . , ,•• S : 1 ;1! _I • said now to be the proprietor of the Last Sensation; a journal which will do more harm than swill milk. • —New York's delegation to the Chicago Convention embraceY`_jeeneral s si c ki ochrane . Shaler, Calls r' tth, Siget In - id Wooiiira) Tkaa l balre! , , - '4s !It would" be a generaldonv #911.] r -, tf.f.,..ii 44 - ,- - 4„ aT,yok>4 . b.c. ~d Attok h o. 4 4 ,„,, , thitdaittei ,oi thew , i 4eor6 ..-. 4 copal ehirch4 ; he see4tr : taltiie • at length discovered that the only place he is out 'of C place is in an Episcopal pulpit. —Richard Siffithef thiCiiitti.tyx.. declines to run for Congress again, he ran [AlgtCl F l4 . 4 *. , ll l lr-44.4...fM4NRC , -, 0:1) a fßt:lr.,,,*s4 - the. -V,rorld i .., Gen. Cark exce-buqefei cerised-ikreget. —The Nashvßl6l'rese and TiFie,s is a pa per fond'very d of .long ` sensation items. on' Monday it t a * Whole coltunn all about a herinit, who has lived'alone foi.five years in, a log cabin in White county, tennessee, - - . - -imnes Buchanan, , Once.. famillariY kaown 48 "Old Buck," is supposed to be, dying at hisbotne at Wheatland: The "old i gentlqman has Cheaiy weight of care years and sorrows to take. with 'him to, or ;lures behind'at the grave. , - 7 --It is hinted th at Don Pedro'll will all" dieate 4 soon , as thl ' a war witlii!aragneY laa, heen brought to.a close., , tHa. - wilLshore that rarest of all thintF,'. l o,7ll* 'Yellikill,g the *As of government When's4 , the 444 of hie popularityand usefulness., - f '7 , y 1 —Kirby B E lll 4 l l' l 6f rebel notoriety, hen beer! visiting BOtiVri At the' invitation of -the sozeated. conservative soldierri :Ad sail ars Association. - Those cohiservativeir must Ifilrei i be ' r eWl. OhY 13 n#thlito. z akC an active part in A j t'd . coming ourkpaign., 1 —George Francis Train had a brother named George T. M. Davis, who'was a 1 contractor on the Union Pacific Railroad until one week ago yesterday when he was shot and kiiied'lW an employe of ille4 . named [ Wru. Bro4n. Brown !snow in custody. Anthony• Trollope, they say, is to write , 4 new-book about America. xngiand is °i fisluged with , books about Atnerica, and 4ngllshruen know about hs much truth 1 h concerning America as they ever will, or f perhaus as much as they do about :Central;; Africa. --Hr. Evart's speech was longer by one day than the French Revolition of 1830. This same comparison was madeby Henry Clay in speaking of lienton's speech on the United States bank. It's queer. that Clay should have thought of the same comparison as we did, —That fearful body of men, the literary iconoclasts, have attacked no Tess a thing than the motto of the Prince of Wales. This shouldnot be/ChM", it seems, (which means I serve) but the Cituritm Zkh Dyn, t i ThiSiS ypur man," which King Edward is supposed to have exclaimed as he held up the first Prince of Walek to the throng of Welsh warriors. • , - — Two hundred and tWentY-fiVe thousand dollars have been bequeathed to found,pro : .feasasbipa of the fine arts at the Univeisi ties of Oxford, Cambridge and London. Mr. Slade left this large sum for that purpose in his will, and bestowed his.remarkable col lection ofglass and engravings on the British museum. He was a lawyer and died un married. He left a huge portion of his for tune, which he had made himself, = to distant relatives. -Elere are the . .titics of the Prince of Wales. Is it any wonder that he traveled in cog. in this country? "The Most nigh, Most Puissant and Most Illustrious Prince Albert Edward, Prince. of Wales, Dukoof Saxony, Duke of , Cornwall and Rothesay; Earl of Chester, Carrick and Dublin, Ba ron of Renfrew, and, tord of the Isles, 'great • Stewart of Sdotland, Principal , Knight;Companion "ilie Most Illustrious I Order of St. Patrick, Knigitt of the Most I Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Gar :ter, Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Oriler.of. the ThiStie, Knight , f4rand Cross'of tbe Most Itonorable Order of the Eatb, ' and ICnight Grand Commander Of the . .lifestExalted Order of the Star of India, a Meniber tif'Ret:;ll4j's Most Honorable Privy Qobnc • : ••• Is other dents,connected ONCi fah l ifilihtra ;with thozapture liumaita from the:Para &twang by'the'Braulirap'B4.tadieli, the fel h:lehl,g le Oren ‘: • .., - ,- no; monitors hid' soistindy pamed•Tayi.„ when theyobserved several chafes conceal_ ell in the.bend of the river. — One monitor had been on - gttard near 'lrdraidta, and &w -ink., the • night "seven ,o?' Wm', chides stir founded it. , IlitiCointharlatit;hotvevei, be lug on the Wier; bad thi.pdrtitoles closed, andlioiling water get ready, lowering the vessel slightly so as to entice the enemy: . At-dead of night they came noiselessly, and upribgbtrots deck made lot the hatchway,' tat found everything closed down; and 'not' a soul to be seen anywhere. While terweri. in lints huddisidthkethq on de cktlia*it- b oli3 • the tower' was' Oisened antra 'stream. of - boiling Water came ',through, pouring over Lhe aetcLlP l 4o4;i 2 P*(4_ in a , Aaw Momenta „ titreWl4..with. ;dead, - and , dying us:mia Mod - Intense agonies, while' the rest ithngtheniselves into the river to cool,them. edluea'at to Meet: tieitlio •te leseto manner. tt '' ;:r, rtiring , v , as Abyssinian %:43orrespondente, 41 ,t 1 A 1 1 706 1 0. OPme l tar , " ouswauTito,Visii.,thaAsnun itbcesiirdany of , Idiom v never rum a frwhite man .beforeg ' t W 0113116 I , - it - With 'delight tfriv.beholdiptg ice'to -Ty fbi:nis dad in Inn*hlftinigtt - ,1 yet , 4ch ft±e Onti.oni ;0:0 -I,wr ihe r lshltetsatiqbf the leAtiagh*,and - continuo to conseojinperceived near a spl dhmisni43'b;,tonchnitita4alZalasit urchtne f p ri var4psftwithsprionS: Ittge,44l 4 1 44,1 AttaligikOdrino, pf,4* in-, " vadera• . y •DmVs andamooth fagot 4 r rif, ther mums,. whoactiiputhet . imuuta with , est %tem:they:cat* • * ll 3firuk bf thoSe:inewsibitilserea by IhngodS.l —if - WiNTilijo ijr 44 ' " tyvisititm 0 , _ , , — d i h,u t iihielr - thoe. ; rv0iv..1d",....,. 0 17.14 g- ._,....,ft - 0 4: 1 iiTet*.. JOPeaflyWOM 8 4 4 life I - Thms ht.' 4,-. . _ irt , fl , ..17,Ziar .. illl44 l PriedP Yidirrilaar - ivpii! , IVAN aiaMOYlAM4Albeijibaddoril..lo die Mali 18. lbs. kszw 11 lar ge ca.f., 11161iiikEls — iiik. ' ' .....A U ardionow. - 6 ." -, e. t - ougou grief than her h ero v . f 1i,5 .. f t . '', i 416, , Li1 2:1; t r." ) ..in;t4 C.. 1 , 0, 1 , -It fiIWIIIUMDzint ' ; Inee;.aaansysesviUt* eflook , -of Ili , icholity : Tati,r4l .."4R4 , ~ V'll- I "Ail IlitrtiVa',"-I' ' '" ,11.1,,11 ‘..z.." 1,1 * t O" , 'ltt'l ivilux also athatliratiatra, , H.-wa ci a, „Tt feb-eliitelkit*liiliOkipiiMii' 9 11'# .I ,?PW , ', WINER Wilrf_. 111 Iwo horitjpsitorop . pr ost , huin. 1 icaLwm I o pt ..,•,..i i u .: 4I 1 iiilftivgtAo4 'firing livihr • illir alfillCA At te m reitlcrland V tfee %II • Ito. 1111 /WNW litsel4 i fqoQll . f ..111. 4 4Mr I lisit 'it , tnisiy .1 1* veil ,'• ''`a '''•./ 0 ' 1 .^)rtN , • focont dottrt/PONS#l4l7llllNitti•tho 8114, 40 4- 7 21 1:Zt Oi V t qkfli . 'osl.)lfiniGliatroj4,. Ir i l 1 it .frolsi....bri k 4. Tyb ~'..fi:ft-ffitte)ll ritioi. y in imatir W.-1r! #4 i tbodw - rti; 1' , :t 3 rw15. 1 - - , t; (4 Tagilleleolmoszsboorstradttrituboti.-ft ttie4g i- - 1- , 0, 1 .tAvatt atsw ~f, , tv&-. mit "ift tioi; i aquityi ItP4ltittel :10- wilf oirti 1150i.447. , -.) Ira 1411 17.9,4rg1tek. -14. 10 4 fign ..pN ti,xl7ll,,ofe. ,1,4 f , f)t !, 1 ' 1 '74 /r - * . / I s IMIT ; • FrISI:// . 11 I , miteplatit aut..t t - A:tit:fix pili tine. Itt vprpet ttil tuti licit -6-tlttott - T tWittitt -r..crtitiftdli nil! 1 .;`tt t 1'i40:41 id ;s, 4 tri ; Pig) . . ~ : ,00,1, 7 4 e , • auf . / 11 f fsh, kit.'-.7 firm ottliAtttr - • ; -- ' lp,, 11-4:,1; , PITTSBURGH GAZETTE; THURSDAY. MAY 14, 1868. CTED TEETK4RA. "-AkiPX. Platk•al-fit ' _ A .„,,,ty.f.--,Arv•f.,„,, 11.62 :A li 7Ze N marra t.LeL 4- :ErZsFp4Nkftilt, ITE.cIIY OMENS - OF GES ES;': my9:d& N- T e 444 . -- friiiinfto ts , 4 rg . 411 t. - • FOB GAS-AN'll-0114, .;_ Just received, the finest slut *met assortment ever opeeedtu.thlt city. r WELDON & KELLY, , ilst *owl ettudet ALLIT. rcb24:142, - - Jo_oo.lg4. - 7 ~S~^s g'=~ .. isB7a,,,iatinumsvagair.,:4B7, • tf. SPltZlitte-igrantuiel . 7 _ - , It - MIPS' • sett : t o t & RUM DRY GOODS. SPEING DDT 'GOODS.' Mil S MR; PHILLIPS .respecttally announces- that ihe extensive alterations to leis . • RETAIL .BRY , •GOODS STORE. Are completed, and Ills establishment Is '..)lCrii opg.r , ile offers an entirely. New Stock Dry; Gijoir.go • Tor Swing ant Sumner Wear, iit the krwest East ern Case Prises. • , - ' . *eV • Sfiqr..AVE.rr . , , • . . „ - a H '.l 0 n&IFCR,IicCANDLESS & CO., MAU Wilson, Curt C 0..) DEALERS IF Foreign and Domestic Dry - Goods; • Ro. 94 WOOD STREET'. Third door &bore DLizaorid atty. ORGAW - S . , IV Y . THE BEST AND CHEAP. `B: Eta PIANO AND ORGAN. 1 I Sehonowker's Gold llledid Piano, AND E STEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. 1 - The SCHOMACKEN PIANO. combine* all the latest valuable improvestents known in the con• struction or a dot class Instrument. and Liss &Iwo. been awarded the blithest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is nut. sonorous and sweet.' The workmanship, for durability and beauty, earpiese all others. Trims trout CIO to $l5O. taocordiha to etre end infitla chesper than all other so—Willed thet etas. Tisuick._ . -- .. -._ - . . .. IDITEY'S COTTAiI& ORGAN , SUMS atkhe head - of all reed lustrctnaMitiwirs,piti. dueling the most perfect Open or Nut ei aIIIP similar Instrument In the Unltol . It Is slot. pie but ofo and compact In tonttnutto ato not lishill NS T fi A l l i talf4 l3 . PATENT " V Z itWANA Itaila ir It ', i only to be found In 'th us Organ. y PrteellutaelluNt 10 0110. , All - ggintotoed for Ave ears: . . • - l ,1 /PRY ' MIER *DVEMSII 2 , - '' - ' No. is i3T:tl4lli tillata. :" SECtRIDIZAND , MELODEONS 'AND ORGANS, rn pOrleet Order, limn $.116 t 04130., • • . OTTABLOILVZ BLUME, Ca /Mb door.sbove Wood. El olurt4k.",ol7Mirair. -~ ~~ ~. o!ll[PliAvAp/LABS. g ' MiILV7.II PLATEIVIVARICi' ,, .-,;,..“..(,...::-.-..,-;,.• - 1 .:!-:..,-;: , 3-• QuEENSWARE ! -.-, ; ~. ..._ :.,,),, , _ , . ,, ,•.:*r_ :iL.t.,..... i, .PAR l' lAiqsTA;l.l .;. ;. -1. rre ' lS:: fIBOXIMUSLASIS'r "e'''' '' ' ' : '' i ~,,. ~ f,,,i't i': ~ •: I ':.;..5 Oilier BTAiiiE ..tili , ariNair r 0, 02 08. s ; mitt, v&Flor, h ; t; - ,- r .: ' :, 100 WOOD 81Ittett ..`, -' I ----..1 ,;ul. , { RICHARD ire.,,Attirma& co.. •sobzr ,7 . -.. r • ‘,..:-.4 .. :•., r~: ;,100 LES REM tqftlf , . t %mum/ "I wahine ware xiiiroliN „tw oits. i s t,":°2l,P,Pe: 0 • 's i tPl: I ,1111174"a' W.'alaalta.Cll. ' a la alta.C11 . an d B o ke r y l e ,, !ii„NikIiOIikaUMXICLD:ST/G RE Z i t tt£ titotinitsiobjensh,ditif LilMartyiry: CLAD • AS'AtaTZII DIE HIM Win :_-.~ i ,;> i ' ~' z a SMUTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, AND PATER S co .LARK, CUFFS, tc. wiaox.r.sAutz AND zErAn. ROSENBAUNISTEMAIM &CO'S PHILADELPHIA EMPORIUM, 1 z A Gt.., g A: 'nEnimT pirrEvG 1 'l• IiaIf O444PARINENT T I Which is Imola eosoplete with wiesiollaiiiheitleilsiti la adttltiomooor own special Impartation or the , .., g- - I Celebrated A. C. C. (Jottlin) Hp% 7, f We havaikeeured the exaharive aMe or the . _ ..._ ..: t i ' • rifirarrle ' EiJettrulitlii Lida,"_. 1 7 The bce: Glove mid most perfeet itt-o '.. apt l • . _....... ...._ _l9 FIFTRSTREtT. IMACRVIII & CARLISLE, rrrrearnon : FA. oter the most etegaut tide of .8.A31:1317RG1S creopened rtitsbtunh,, to'whieb they eivecially Swale the attention or their customers. The de ires are near_y_ all new and original, and about ONE-FITTiILM 4tEtitIL.A.IIPAICICS. _ _ Nutuvunt ab CAUJSLE, . 29,FIFTH 1371tErf. ,11aTo jatt Nrit,4, sbadcs of Br Lt.l6s• Airrilustcou IMIGLEIEMPS AtD.PINOB.IS. totibeC.- " apll N°T ...._...........—___________._-= - -- - - :ODE TO :OWNER& Or , , -DRAYS, -HACKS - &e. ; . Notlesfla ,berobyta to all cariters,,orktraYo, Cans. Carriages, a es. 4t0., who et resident or spon.restacatuvute et - Pittsburg ,to paytheit moonset' at eta Ogles •cpt the salty; of Pltisburgh Tiny/Tit., it m lnia, 2 j ab an Act of Assem Inappaoyea , an* I - and an tardlnabea; or us. ; Councils of , a City , of ' Pittsburgh, passed. April 10, 1800. _ ___,l ; •i • • All'Liceoses apt paid On, or be ( bret MAY Abllli.' will .be Mooed nr , the shands orincrablet or ea s for collect' n, subject to Willett Or a. ottattbr tbb, cotlectioa and. all rrllol3lwho asaleet: or ;refuse to take oatsalcentses ill be Sublegt th &ban.' - var. 4ossiiti: recorered;befo s the blayot, , ,pouble th • amount or the hloanso- ,s - • • . --, .; ; -,,, .. • s• f a , •- ma old roatat Mateyo!' playlous years must DO re. `turned at' the time Licenses arc ta k en oat, or pay silitosatsritts fil ,1 sp .• ~ • ~ 2 - f , ' , • vi 1“. j • - SA.TES CitXlCEbleats„;,; .—, ,_. ; .rizOlis 4 2 l2 O toroo NC I I I I,VVIit;;;•swt•?•tl t ....-14 1 -.l.Du tot wwo mad ".:.. . ; ... .... . . an 1)Q ~M b Pour Oral ; 1 CO .', . r.r. 4.1 epa a**i all - 4 15 Vol.' '.' otnolfuwiblnnilecl, tilli ge ., r ".isPir eYS!' "' darr"n" : 4 1i rtwo Horst* . gighteen'ldrilareeria; "Psor' oath add& tionsti used Ittan,y or the abor t tehteiw cue voila*. I - ..„... ..„... B4.MU/Fr..2 IND.W, i . •reii.` - Yrisinrint*Wilretithurp ig ggpL, -2 ". CUT ' - 7 , Tr ol :pethritiffar. pArtic •agortr: !'ACT NO 00/tliAir 71 poilli note d or 1 v,' 'PRINT INGANMWHOPING•P ERs „, ~, . .., f-ctnitoivirittiwtratitiiiriLtfibnto ft trypitipirevitithlit.L.risiZlClLitlElHTON, Pa. ..., / ti1'141.,” t „. 1 0? 4 $:10) I.* ,*.4 0 1 4: 14 Pt: t :11s: .1 1 40' . *4 i 1 . 1;1'14 Stlisi Pito4 ' - '.' 1 ` 1_ i ' 3...:k i , a. ) mum' .. ... .2' OFlrtettis-fAITC#TYST , IfißTtili_LPiesidia. , tt • - I •••32' t .Ibik lik..llEVlNetrßON,sTreasnrerl -'; .1 t c:;:, : -ISA MPA I IO4„s,„.„,,;„ uniabsyceeg-7Augat II . . Jaw * Aityropi 0.1 IP 'tutu:alb, John' 11 . - Liv_logto :'.•• ; - ' _ ..._' I „ . rittLibiso.l......t.s.oM.'Estl-; , '• II 1 . - ' 1 44211201118'' ' 14-IPritillroll4 tqii 0. i-I J t-0t fini r n 'l. i V 2 , - 4. Ii , tlll ~'-; I 4 WAORDlSTlMitnalrati ii - ':. 4 4 A! 1 : V:V.V , VI/ . J. ` , ZiettlP.l4l b 4 rTUOTlLlknevitor ' i W. W.&O.ittitoht. '" I It ' ItesitttecteirepWCOßN-111111Awit1010 MIAM I lint! " CHOPP/CD. YEW .0.t.1 ilellvilvil Irk.atther eley pi 4,o4}_____ tree orehargd. ,, Grithr tit 11 Itltt e'shoppe, in :4,„ 1414114. titKert e :Lt ',...,t, ii'. ;., ii . , .vph-t,iil t: , okirip---. -q. Plllll49Pir.34Wielllol, ":„Willkilitp", 1 --- ,iii.,;•./,..1.F4413t101.4E1fR1,V nritigi v ~.., 1 ` 4l s=oluiq ii , v , ROPugnir4olo44 or. •i. ;,1 , 7,014- , t Ifigptmltille4Nirb tale - ' 7 Whibke . if ...Abia., deakritfinakZieNtiristicsibinllktiOitail ILlSlM&Finitmnir +. / IBM .................._. 1110LESALE , AND RITAIL - 10118 ~.... ;?-: ---i----3,--:-.4., ... -r., , . leffr,%- A '' '..:- .. ' 7 .--;: ' 7?t Il k o ' Y' t V :'.6• 1 giihililthAllestiellKiiiid4'46Y Gpodx-, 1 .:..'..z-:::= ' . - .i. '- - 7 - I -; -I- ...,...,!...,‘ = ' l 7'7 - ,...- ;:Liiicilia.e ricoted .zirititriason,e n f or ..= ~ 1, !..1. ,-,- .: , TASII3IOCI4:2E4- Ic.h catinOt tTebeat. It consists of ntta. ' BIPED- DOTTED - AND - PLAIN SWISS; i - EiTRI*D BA.D dr, PLAIN NAINSOOR ,W I AIikAIS2 :414.8Eic. 4 ABX. ,Alil7.FWat k2Ne• 4 L.. nr Line 113 new vomplete. 1200 DOMINOS' 430/111PrO; r A ,Xlp . .e. of Parasols, aIf•ALL STYLEB AND 4:301i0R5,. SYS'ISItt ALikkkintE. itibs, at per 31 " 1. " I , • •88 , • COLOf4D X-91#1,4.1i1c• e t TIMWAI i ED- 1781.11 N EXIICTS 11.1.0 a. -813301 ER BALMORAS','6I.'7Be. Si • stutaft,dt.trie,.deifel34, fioeet.l: : 18 = , Gt . • , LIAl!i•pl °POING t - . - zOF •4i: low loon 6= , . A B.PLENDED 'ASSORTMENT OF i3rriqi: A. 6. 0 0 D FitinrBONNF;TB, 'HATS, COBbEt'ami TASStLEi Ribbons, of all descriptione; , • Artificial Flowers, Bonnet and Hat Frames; CraPes, Silks and Satins; VelvetS and Laces; P.arasols, Sun Umbrellas "ALSO. &IVA tine of Vilbite Goods, Enabroideries, lidsleryind Gloves; French-lVoven Corsets, 78_31dIllirt STREET. BID: oLoiTESp "A. C. ttteittrettentiOn to Oitt 19. , F4Ui Street, PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE PAILTNEROUP HERETO.. ..4,- fore e ejleting.between the Undersigned, under nam 1 11 0 1( t 9?; .-- ..."` . . .I'• ,A; „ 1 1. , ..4.- .• ii[Cito .7.,. .' IA . 7 f t Wee Maio' ''' by Uhl kr-. , -,, t * let,by the retire t of4WIL ~ .1 , 01, Irbo s Bohr 71 =lnternet , ln f.. ' -. e • -,, to.'flhefrennining Partneri, . win —. . ~. . 1.... .. ~ . i il.fethellligle 4V , ..Ylee,4Ve(lnnle °CI.. . ..,,,' ` . ..1'.. \.6-,''' . ./ .'; ‘ ,. 45•f: l ' , i 14:- ,"4" .. -AirArr:, I 7L : ANG jk, CO.. , ',.;,, t! 's- - . " 'Mi. SCHOMAKER, W3f. F. LANG, '''' JOHN WATT. - Ifavingsold my Interest In the firm of SCIIONA. , RER & LA.NO to my late associl cheerfully solicit for them a_ continuance of the'patronage of my old friends and the publlwlierallyr SCHOMAKS WATT, LANG.. &. CO.; WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ; Groceriesi: OWN- . Prtirisions,, Chesser; , Ftait:-CaTboa OW Salt, dm. Stre4,, •„ • .mye:p73 • - • I'ITTSBIJEGH. Isourrio CO. - v;,' ris 'dlin Or aohrect oli the February.l l ll(WO by =Mai , consent. Either ;Arians. null adsp4lls, flame of tke_flrm in settlement. - • - = • JOHN CHARLES w ELL.. The undersigned iiiilnontl the nne winixassALl GROCERYmmas; iblderihntiame and style of ATWZGIEE; arthe'olidplane, N0..13/ Second. streei. conihinanoe..of the patronage; - of their Mends sad ihd &Idle Si ..,ukhyazas I - A.r . I rdEERCEWTTiT/aUgM P ' I I34Y, MeARDLE4'' • I '•;'1 : t r-'7IIC:W. ?T- 4 . 7. 44:!* • No. -1/3)iB3fITHFIELD WMBE4; PITTBBITHEOL :;..KeepsOnstaiap*cT dand y CLOTHS CASSIMEOIS VESTINGV .GENT'S rtaßßECal*,9os/ii.., a0T;11.170. 3/ADE Wu/ann. the Welt 1161FAIRIF .11 1 .1'ETIERi j " 1 "- . - No. 73 S.NITEIPLEIA STRF y ZT , . Plttablifigh, Pa. Constantlp.on Dahl; a full saiortment of CLOTHS. CA9,ll3fEßES.:VEsiniciB,4i. apZ 088 . _ DUFF & CO., merchant Wallets, No. 34 Federal St, Alleghatry i iltire just received stiargosixid arellaelected [(Lock Of FINE SPIIING G100.1)14, Suitable fbr is first class mitten' trade: • Also. St large stock of GEIkTiS PI7RNIJESEIMG GoXIDS. ' 'seta CRACKER 'BAKERIES. MIELICI2= FRENCH CRACKERS. FRENCH CRACKERS. FRENCH.CRACSEBS. IMENCIf CPAOHERS PREI , IO}ICRAKERS FRENCH CRACKERS And every - variety of SUPERIOR, ,tACKERS • S• S. IKARITOri 9 !APel l tiir street, /11#41.111MIR• TRY Wire. k atm Et 'WED "f37' ' REPHARDRIL'" Steam Cracker and Biscuit' Paetnix, 317 IXBERTT STRtET, PITTEIBDIIIS Manufaetiver and dQ;i.bl!dlksiadioi corirmrcorrimitsr, males AND Dommicrau 75.131 &o. GAS .'tM).'B2*`lAtt JOHNS/. comma.. :Joe. KATE Itelnrf JOHN No COO MU= PER &CO,. BRASS rouNDERs, GAS ANI) STEAM FITTERS, Manufacture:A of PIM:Ps AND BRASS WORK, o 9 . 14 P PF rIIRE:6 Corner of tike and Walnut Streets, znyisaaoPITTSBURGEI: DYERS AND - S J. LANC' 235 04107 Third' StOet' 4 , : trYEA AND -- SCOURZI. . ..) 3 7REW1100POOLEJAIERD OR DT , )I,II:I6ILOVESAIM LAD/13' Pzivlatt ane oR • ..I.piTriEr - & •1R MIN B tAGZItLY4. - 1. 4.... .•.rl/44, CLEM. lcirmanaix::_k:iolakite,lowesoors g9miggi w t di '9., „ PRAC E/WcumoestAraings• The only Steam Litbograptite Establishment West &kr the Stountal: —Business .Cards, Letter .geads. netntsiElibeht.' itelffinni t •Bhow Oa. 14C TBPjOrtlart PortrAlt4Vle ‘ , , miSotoi of Deposits, Levita tion Cama s , & a., TA gLd EnIM street. , Pittsburgh:. • nom iio~' ~p ~ ~~.@ :~: __-- VrARTIS•LIEBLEII4 " lax& •;1; E t •• • ••;,1 - ---' 1 t•'• ; ; ,IIP. 'hytt . 4 4 1 1.4* PC , ` ' 34 4.l%l l 2ArT?Eii, APti/ti`..l; WingsSturenYfholiVidAetlig jEtealet, T VALusEs - 5.1111- "Irnot, R RT, PlRstinith, " f Orden PrOMPt Audit an,dsatliftettorisicarsiiteed4 To Glass ~ _' • seruHERL-u , .NRifi.!'af:rtie::. ',A,reputedi49,h , ' i g en. ' j . ~, ,004'4Itlibk:kfLitY' .3;r 'titi)(34 Are now i topsrel nil t n any qan • those wl lig to brocurwthls subrialorairtioba. 310, illtsenynerr Awe e xtra lids Claes we bare twins rt o s baileys, axes it s Setter: tiero i W i rt Itryfoliri ii i ti War tugkut.' yid WV . . meant sil s irtand.sf syx4 +=ln sii 1 • ,„„ ) ,,, t, ivi , . 1 Arebei reelptielirolbelATur. i Hob o iiiebatxuir SLlbui Cla y to US IRu =l4 'big. e lad ground Midi:Doti; F x lump .. pj.., *ovary, , , ~- o›ol t• - .,1 - • di l l ; 3 6 24 , .•,•., ~ = . i , • 0t ; -•." A ') -, 1713.t. I' ryrorrp Masa Vbrkl ia : il' • I+, -i:' sx WiLibuilen Sinai 1 1 111sbarglii• • ' -7- title inksigkigyi r t 01 -;., 1 , *L i ., I , OtEOIWOLOAL Exanyzne. . 4- Atiairafr:wve.iktinfitfi n y. ) ..,1 office, 'BroAliffiffimmilLl)L,STffiffiaratimiinita...ffi; sireiVitirdeflaglasyrntl2:.: 1, ri I? ....11lt L. L.....witiV-•: I • Erg l L'uolibalir•• 1 ,04-.l i ~ Li. • • % bisliitto ow 1 ,1 . 1 a i! n i'V ~ • ' 410titSzcO 1 1 1 Zikt L'A 4_2. - Ai .3„' • le 'DRAW,. /NO va.4 ' rqui . • . 71 ' '• • IngDMIZWAX : ,Ntat it J-..r vir(..ftvga 4141Xlar .. . 11PPI, _ M10,1r , -;',' /Vi!lli Prat - . ..ij! i ..n. 1 4 41. ,t 110 !rt 713 i limit -of ntatl ' ifischisli4tene Ircirka, • ,- IfithlifeigsaiiiiletlyeiNtteldwitaAtietbeni• 1,- - _ , lf , illigewilArthlainkilkior ws.l :.-ti• te ~ . l _ v . .: .I,.kornput. i_l ..!...(.1.4.. ti_ _ ,_,_irosr,,c „::.,,o r -.• i -7 ii rimusmi Ili ; *k.isntlig lit! 10. rnto oacf, l'ati.ltrOlg'tt , i t - i tzil )if r' ,01 4- , Ap..:ltt - ,*- !c , .4v!; - ,i,' • (11" 1 , ,!;4,• : , •,, i i j -•--.~...:J. -- A -"•-• 7,...V..! 7 , - .,_ " 'Zi;'-`..- • ~Ea_4. 7 7 -111N,,r•:' i►i fkii! .Erb ':-S^.y~;. BEE .71 Comnion liEll THE FO ' WILL EE RE DATE OF FARME Loan.. of -let MITE . '„ .... ~. • --•- ' 1 ,..,• ‘ - -:: - . ''-',... :.:,-.. - .‘:••,J.,,.- 1:: .. , .. ~ • •, , . ` .. ; - „ ' -• -,. ;.!;; , ;: - I,J, , , 11. , .; -., ±i• t - i. ... 4 1 Loan f 143 1 1 k-.•,!-=,'9 F4r,'pi‘r.-:''-•---',..:-.1-!...,,11,-:.-. 4 - .• ' ;. .. ~ „ . . .. ,• -- . d .. u. , e ,-.. a -:. u • l y, -- Ist, 1860— - 1[ . , Tim.A.BOy. , ZgAIIS -WILL , Q c.E.mmtacramm IBT:0.1? JULT.' 18138.- 41101146.114441 , Atiskte. :INc'n.ll4ol34,Lik elate Treas , r. Commisskrners at,Slnking Fond. = rN TRIE) -SOW, i. 1 ~; • + i _,. _/' No. - 20 1:•.;4•1 , ‘Ct MEE ~., ~ ir: ._. Ct: ;,. c:. tr,:t . vi!'ii;:::. PXUM.....) . - 7 forriajunlAND- 11 111NCATILfEITS. _ L ; 'Lk!N r r a l!3q, , lotgl PTI 4reYrAoqtlea Pat theltlicul:.ofrlrietrent;laP Alto Court of Quarter Seestone. at Nos: , Itt and, lA, 'December Te lilit kr:ba i leilitntiAt t e6i%'it*iz!, 4nd that tiWitit ' les4t;nie arc titio r n: 1n itii'iifur collec !ton. Unless parmen4la made on or before June 101 X ibb , dbibbi will be filed. Ilene, and -cottecbtabr proctaitof favir.• = *1389.4" _ • • ..orinkitimmemsoors. w4,4l,p,mpA.l4erelit,g,d,ve keglTuquaed,that : . thelttifoiet of i t leuvre,l-leit chiedillett by the Coin of Ni.e: iA end 13 of Julie 'Arm. 1864;i14:64a Ilii*lfyi:OethitAie' /434: th 4 the ttemookoitepre:in omviii4t for ; colie4ion, :Elven latyzimakt tirmade on oripethre Juke 10th. 184, the by proeess 0 ,•• 1-°4l, t 7 `Mt: I.lfi 103119141.1674(,141Miii- flee Dealer, • mre:Atc; 1111 $ 14u4gir; sujipa s te. ic6litaft i_e!tpAit .-irldire-4UI re siuraus_ou:!;,WNolis ',molts/ its-Vitt*. 'ARusstswu' WIRS7 , e; 2 h • q;-.l' maD7;O3 A.viirogr, ,f• ;4: fr itstretirelOwind..„l ov,i l / 2. Ate, Wh. f) 611WISMIVITIK-t 'l .. I.ll ' 1 "frW rlitabe4 If? OS4 - 111-d .-niffiletjtjj CVV7:II. 114X1141 lan 4,410,1 ;,I.r C`1•1 Ift'rze ) 1.1 ( ) )::1/ YAW ;..1.17":4“6....); rf0i7.P.TLi,),...y1(19-:.,:.? rdt~scg, U EA;URY DEPABTRII2NT iNNSLVAisTIA. 41, c . ;:trze, itemalsning4w' tize. El =CM EU :j ----'-%-:, ':.-4"'" TO THE;:HOLDER WEE :7i'; ', ,q51 , ..1112L , ';i: * 4 ~ .:;'t F.. X'3 ' .i;A - te.. ',;:.;., :n._!i..'t.i-:',4' r , 70 ,40 - ; 11 Qb3S;ACHie .vl4. • l','izcii..': c;rz::: 5.:1•1t1,i'7, =I OB .THE, lad% Ot.feuhsylvania, =9 DICE JIITLY IST 1888. EMI 1° ari1Y.b 3 4, 1 8 68 , • , =III LIEfl WITU fl TEBEST, Tp NE ENT ; O' THE rim- ATIOZT AT' THE B' & MECHANICS' [ME ANAL, BANK, - OF vrza h 27thi 183 ' July =I MEI =EMI H STREET . Effi I REC Eli4d; - . • • ' 2,14:61 3.. , • I= iira 7; Blattl* • EM „Iket. .44.44 MO UM 3-~