The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 14, 1868, Image 1

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FIRST 1111T101.
't • . . :
Senate Proceedings — Ml for the
Admission of Arkansas to'Rep-,
reseutation--Ad!ourninelit Till
i kfi ten _
Mow ,
North and South Caroline, •
'[lly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
The On& submitted' a . communication
from pen. Grant, * enclosing the reports of
Dilititat.44fiiiiiianderigliatigEOuth 'of the.
numbers of white and colored voters regis
tered In the different States, number east•
for and against the ratification of the Coll,
stitutions, and the number neselectingq to,
Tote- •
Mr. SHE RMAN presented the resolu
tions of the Ohio . Legislature, sent in the
House report yetifei r day. • '
Mr. DAVIS gave notice of his intention
to introduce a bill at an early day for the
admission of the Territories of Arizona and
.: lie l k t a ra " r. `
TheChalPlard bolero - - the senile - thl re
signation or John W. Forney, Clerk of the
Mr. SUMNER moved that it be laid on
the table: 9 Neghtlyeth
Mr. HENDRICKS offered a resolution
that the resignation be accepted. and until
the pointment of a successor Major Mc-
Donald_ VA as SecretarY- - • _.• • -
Mr: SUMNER objected and the resolu
tion went over.
- lir. WILSON Offered , a
*lint resolution
to restore North Carolina, South Carolimq
Georgia,Alabama, :Florida and Louisiana to
representation in Congress. Ordered to be
printed, - •
Mr. SHERMAN,caIIed up the House bill
. for ttteadnaission of Arkansas, , :i andl Bug
- Festefftlie fatigability - of taking lidined- I
- late action %fin it.
Mr. TRUMBULL opposed a departure
from theprdluarrigactace; which required
its reference the`Jiidichiry Cammittee.
Mr. JOHNSON took the same view, and
said it would look to the country, although
be did not believe such was the intention,
as though the hasty admission of Arkan
sas was designed to influence the vote on
impeachment. .
DlK(Mthotigbt :it., possible:it might
be claimed that the new . Senatora would,
have a right to vote,and contended nothing
should be done which would admit the
question to be raised. •
Mr. SHERMAN deemed it inconceivable
• Abat thogernan Nruld.corde here expecting
,to,vote on impeachment, and urged the im
mediate passagtot.tb- the -out , "
that such aco--
to the
Commit. _ _ way. He ap
proved'they ndtitution, unt thought a bad
precedent should not be established. Be
sides, Republican Senators should not com
mit themselves to action which would
redder them liable to . suspicion.,
Mr. BUCEASEW raised'the sdnuipoints
as to whether the Constitution was legally
ratified , that Vete made.idahe Hoase,quet
ing the reppoort of Gen. Gillem. •
Mr. BHEIt3SAN replied, citing the report
of the officer sent to investigate the election,
that no frauds luid..inien shown on part
- of the rwisters.
Mr. MORTON advocated postponement,
• until Monday;sair thy argiiment of the
Senators from aryland and Connecticut
indicated. what use would, be ,made ;by its
opponents if thy attempt Wei mtule to pass`
it today. - He was sure there was no inttin
lion to Salve suchsadvantagAzofahe pa ssage
of the bill, but would move an - adjourn
.. Truant until. Saturday.
Mr. HARLAN pointed out that the addl.:,
Lion of two Senators world leave the same
number of votes necessary as at present,
higeiseit;lool..ol , . ittal,4tutlgnattld there
foftr Operate' advergely - to ilia friends of
After tiirMer delxito, Mr. TRUMBULL
pledged , the Judiciary4Committee to an
early consideration of the bill, and on mo-
tion of Mr. SOELNSON it was referred to
them. - •
..tea- Chair sti Jornitted :the Constitution
adopted by the Corivention of South Caro
. lino. Referred to the Committed on Terri
• Mr. TRUMBULL presented a petition
from citizens of Illinois, praying for an ap
propriation 'the enlargement of the
St. Mary's Ship CanaL Referred to the Com-
mittee on Commerce.
Mr. STEWART, from the Committee Orr I
.roported .plte _bill remo ve
Mimi olbOilities' - oft - eertain citizens oT
Alabama. He stated the Committee recom 7 ;
mends that re liqf be extended to one had-"
dred and six p eas, being all those in To
to whom sufficient information had“=tsbed,.... '
the motion to adjourn until Saturday. •
- stitnting Friday,, saying if much . Mther,,
delay were had the Satiate - might; instead
of an Angist body,- be called 's Septem4er
The amendment was , refee4d, and the
motion to adjourn until Saturday
Mr. BEECH. offered a. resolution direct
. *or theßearetary of War - , and 'General ; of
tbOAntly to cornmtmicateTthe reports ,of
' , ' . . 4 .4?;lierPAPAPS l 49nunt 4 l4o.
sk the
elections On the ratifica tion t cv
- ''posed Constitutions in Georgia,•litath
• aline, South Carolina and Lcroitiatut,ond ,
. for the election of officers therennkwith'
accompanying pspenly. 4tc. • Adop -
Mr:BCRWO CK - made testatement ref
thonedto a recent New 'York 'item, that
, neither.the Committee of Ways and Means
, nor.himself knew:ofany ComPtalitirtinst
Collector of Internal Revenue us , ey, of
• 4 . 'reSC.N . Pr4)mtdi.the,Y.thakk no Person ern
, ployed in any secret detective service. The
Committee did 'tint chin the authority and
certainly had not the 'disphantinti 30.3 tinter
on that business.
Th E b-bin .9110.04,italiaiNendiehall ' and
Plattsburg Railroad to pees across 'United
g-litatealtindef akciattebtirrwantwiled.''
IAtICR, 49m -the, Pacific Railroad
ummlUee, ,reported iiiolt;Alui4bill, with,
amendments, to 1110 0 1rmte the - Puget
Sound and Columbial,j-trAi' • 34 , i4coad Com
Psh, •
411 MOPV atVagaPrattlei I_4 l lPLughp and ' a
proposition to amend, mr. moved •
the previous questiOn;'-wldelf tharßottse,re•
idied .to aecond. Mho was then rep
• ferreilto the`COMmittee on Public Lands.'
The bill to admit North Cazolinai, South
C ar oli na , L ou i s i ana , Georgia and Alabama
to representation in Congress was taken up.
Mr. STEVEN% of Petrisylvenle, offered
.~, Y ,_ ~.
he f6llo4iBiiko2ilislat*uk.i'ifluid
section V fe t '„''
nd bti ittoth.a - Ihat the pro
,vigircor cAm ar iep ot re ap p y
the nsti on of igta net" apply
ton debt firlettieulyperstniltho, , during the
whole ti e fits U ma ipil to
thebik _
=Mrl e vapid allow the
Tt "ll Xser ! S l* 141eni
ctp th a • ANTI"-
ask a vote on It to4n -; • .
44E04r shade tdelithitirtinpi*eh` 'against
the bill:
Mx ILOBESSON asked whether it was
lindetstOod - theHoutie was vine Into the
' The SPEAKER - stated' that was ques-
Xi= for the Rouse ,' not Ito the Chair.
STEVENS—I propose that -amend
- .ntrepatforthislesscrnittition
diet iltiCbefore
certain period, as ;well those ••due to loyal
men as those due rebeliLS My_arbenfiltant
is that it shall nu ll ify only those to•rebels,
netnt, loyal men., , f . •
'ItORINEMDT—WiII die gentleman
from Pennsylvania allow me to ask him
'how he is going - tit pick.out creditors loyal
and dislo?__
Inn not going to do it;
but when anybedi claims to be loyal, I
sup he willpick himself out. [Laugh-
Mr:ee ''
itollliNlatiC=Tilen " 'everybody will
pick himself out.
-Mr. = PAINE -Ihquired -of Mr. Stevens
whether this was anindividual amendment
of his own, or one that came: from tho Re
construction Committee. •
Mr.l3TEVENEVettplletV;Ali is an individ
ual amendment. ,
Mr. PRUYN—I rise to a questiOn of or
der. I, ask the chair to rule that this
HouSe has no right, by any legislation or
attempted legislation, to interfere with the
CoM• Minton or the'proVisions of thipOnsti-
tntion of an State.
The-alhair overrules the
point of order. He declines to rule as the
gentleman from New York desires, because
if that - . Were hiar'prefogativii;t be- might be
called upon to rule thus on bills which many
members regard as unconstitutional and
• hich—the-- Presidentait--- not
being oonstitutionaLaThe !Speaker has
nei r ight - in any regislative body,
to rule whether propolitton is
constitutional' or not, but only :wheth
er it is iiarliamentary. Its constitutionality
affects its merits, and such questions are to
be decided by the House and not by the
Mr. RANDALL asked Mr. Stevens where
he got authority in the Censtitufion of the
United States, or anywhere else, to amend
the Constitution of a State?
Mr. STEVENS-111nd it , in the Constitu
tion of a State. I find it the --Constitution,
which says Congress may admit the United
States. I hold that Congress may admit just such shape as Congress pleases.
I do -not find . any, difficulty about Oat.
- Mr. BIOOKSgive notice that he would_
move the fbllowing amendment as an addi
tiollSteeatlon: • ,-
"neit - fitrthei enacted, t hat on and"aftei
the' eof this sot s all cit of
*Trio ites in the States hr
-arbnitted. '
titres ~
entitled, to , he `would
refer' . tab' som.. . 'of ,the Ohio
Legislate tnabovewhether that body was
entitled too 'the ' coitild" tacit ,ed in . contempt of
the -EkitPie+,t, - He fp ,to the act
pretending. to will w the consent of t e
S..W.Wof Ohis - Ato tha, fourteenth artic of
,theamandmynt•tothe- (Luatttutiou the
actieduxlcitlct,the police laws of tftelgad-
Ingßipnblican cities of the State so writ°
give ,i4them -a Democratic polign-4 to.
thi . ;', act •knottli '" • 4at. - ~ uthe• : ltOsible '
ad*lxture law," to the act forbid
's:Dug.any.- atudenta- of *alleges of,Ohlo, if
not , dents orthe place r iu , vote, and to
the act forbidding the inmates of the Sol
&gra' Attime . at Dayton,Ohlo, to 'vote, be
cause it was known they would vote as they
had fought. ,
Mr. GARFIELD , allowed interruptions
from his colleagues, Messrs. Morgan and
.Van Zandt,'ln.ieference o local measures
' and politiCs, and replied to them.
Mr. ROBINSON spoke in opposition to
the bill.
411;:ifteeSc8rgot-tire - ituur, AM.-yielded
to Xe-- - PIM V% wlio'LVoitYwrito adjourn-
By Telegraph to the Plttelmrali Gazette.
OuvorssrsTr; May the annual
election of tile Cincinnati, Hamilton and
Dutton Railroad Company, yesterday, -the
ifolrowingßirectora_ electe4l l
_S. S.
Wm. Beckett, Gieorge,T , Steadman , Lowell.
Fieleherf H. Di- linnthigton; Charles Davis ;;'
and John W. Ellis. The following officers
for the ensuing year were - elected : S. S.,
L'Hommedien, President; Stanley Mat
SuperuiterideriThlll4llt4s. , Assistant
Superintendent; Samuel Stevenson, General.
Ticket' Agerg Lafayette Devginey, General
`FreigliVAgent." , • Thelnithings tlitirrom
pany show'an' increase of over thirty:4:one
thOuludfdidolliirairilkArelholkt of lit year.
Arrest o f Joe. Coburn at Cineinnail:;llleld
• , -.,' • in $lO,OOO - Dail. •
tBPeclat Dlipatch lathe - Pittsburgh GsaettC.,
....,clueusNefu r iday-48.--joe-Cobunr e Who
is to flslo2ll4Coolpfor thoubampionship of .
America, arrivel here this 'Morning. •He
was immediately.. =rested' and J,laite r ; bct
fore the Police Court, where he was' nir
ed to jilAve bonds to the amount of .111 ,000
fighe.Witaiethe Wel-State-
Arif,Ghlo. r ;no. -Franklin and, Chao; Gan a .:
hbr Went his bell :and be wag released.
Tbe•iight will take place-on the • 27th - inst.
ptliiivi ► impes ()toponym.
The' high Sado& at „
City Telegraitt to the?lttelmirith Gazette.? •
CINGIBINATII =May IK-1U the United
States District Court ; today 'Judge Leavitt
delivered his OpiniCiiiri the case of Patrick
Ross; the rriurfferer of Mary, Carrigan 'in
.Ireltin`4-,Tho Judge; held that Ross, hay
biLbeen identitledrby: Me Irish consta"
bles, must, be returned In enstedY. In gives
him until jhe 10th Of June to produce evi
deuce in his defence. ,:Huts still suffering
from his attemptaAosnOiht throat laid, it
is not protiiblOlieirm live utitittbst time.
- 1_ :21' •
Lumbeit Viand's Discovered .
(By Telegraph to the PlZtalmititgliZette•J _
1/ " / " Th erelit,..VT4Mo 184-41 isiudd that
General Curtis; special Annint of. ihe Treas
ury Departnunue bag detected frau& in the
impartatiorinfltim. fgeinCtintidlitullOamt
iniKto Dean?? $ l OO, l hi gold, whichamougt
wurprobabi y yet be collected Hie author
ity has rbeen extend s ,d..„.., t ,.,i n m i di,
frontier fromilluillireti n 7treEr7 es eirr
- )1 1 .. •
peachlns~Atiteettag Su Sable,
(By iissottate tbblintnroNOrtimatt,
l tbe 4 , w "ttetplittol lielA rrf ohneo ellthg n. 0 41 , 8
den'e brother mot one of the si gners o f she
call. The course of Senator ate rr ili was
00,,,,„"egmatekosepoimesummenimmommemmacavo•wwwz-•,.....,....,=..—_—_,—....„. , ,
„.....;i:,,,,,m,,„4. „ „... , 1
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Election of Railroad Directars..L.
ful Prospect- -
Resignation (dia. **piney.
C: s ; Wabniftarbn,filii* lied+
Tbe Missomi..delegatitm - held'a meeting
last night at the room of, General! Pile to
consider the , proposal , o f Senator. g!.
son to resign at their request. `-- - it-iter o Adis
consultation' among themselves - .and - wit
Senator.liendereon, it was ascertained that
he would vote guilty, on. the _eleventh ar
ticle, , and
_inrther action was . postponeduntil,...iiith the inderstanding that
treleannfflalartiel e edt
any iN.'thefkolihfhiartielek couldz-bl9- by
hie resignation and te, appoinent of a
suedAdof, haveniff a P tlncartfai tm gn. -
Senators Fesserlext; Henderso**lnies
and Trumbull lurstallibeettletrebstedita
resign by the Congressmen of their i%vend,
-States to-day, andthere is considerable et
citement among, the , , , . The genital
belief is thittiftle .resa' determined
to kill Off* Wadi) at . keg% and 11411'i:tot
convict the President until after next week,
when, folks, fnOr, he will be removed * a
tie report, that General.
_ . ..6rant.:.has
formed Mr - SteWart, Walidtptirruh - nr
Mr. Fessendent thathe-nrOsilikl," ll /.
or that he would decline thir.-sselailiß
nomination for , the Preffiden j ayt
from headquarters: • - -
Colonel Forney is fearful- thst,the Presi
dent will be acquitted, and it is said he ;
knows all about it,- Anthony,Willey, Ross,
Frelirighttysercand Sherman' are reported
all right for conviction to-day, Mr. Wdde
is confident of thirty-seven votes_ ibr can
victfoa. on the eleventh article.. Air. :John
son is tickeled at the defeakinin'the Bo
publican,ranks, and-hals,no donbtat actptit
sal. It is not certain now . that-the-Pnisi
tienttnay notlff poyietedZon an yone of the
articles. - • I
The New York Tr - amebae thefolloWing
this morning editorially Confidential dis
patchei from the -best untlierity, 'received
last, night by, the editors of tho Treitine, ,
leave <no • room for,
.31oubt that the Senate I
will convict,ort Saturday.- Leading friorksin
of Mr . Johnson - Said' last night mat con
viction is doubtful, ,the : ,Chances ill _their
opinion ; `being, about/ even: - - A sagacious'
.RePublian leader Bu d: Senator - An
thcay is safe, -.SenatorJiViiisky is Buie
two articles , and Viin•Winklais sure on
44 1 1.
Colonel icdrneynavtifwileiday resign
' edhisliasitionnapeere of the &mate, :
he says in reference telt* this .mornngfe
Chronicle: 1140k.n0. longer restrained • tor
any official emind'iitafa*Sit hi: eommeutipg
upon the course Olken Whqau
cal hour, havlegfinedßanc t Andrew
Johnson and his rebel: associates and ilym-
Paihizere.y - Tig annognolettftent is folloWetl
by a veryttin drifTttfifiretlitoriainvihich
Trumbull, Grimes, Jlenderspn, *wended
and"-and" Chief Justtqa- -- . 4 ilhltse ar e:.handied
in a rough_.. at. , • say
yarc ,of yo.. 1r and
durefe tc lgens ; td` submit .., their.
dicta !Wanly. As the Secretary of State;
when . • *tat Chibago, in 1880, made up
his ttdestroy the Repubßen- party,
to',Wlu a. nd efforts have been directed
eve; as Andrew Johnson abandoned
thcalends who elected. him, and • thence
ibr*lnttused allpovrets of Presidential office
,te-destroy them; as the Chief Justice, soured
by disappointment, has. constantly • sought
to create u' diiiision in . 'the - Republican
ranks, and if possible to defeat General
Grant, so Senators Fessenden and Grimes_
have united with the common enemy at
- _
the most critical hour in the histor of our
party and of our country, -and added their.
names to a catalogue of disappointed men:
It is useless to-•close -our eyes to the fact
that the Ciiief-liistice- has persistently
sought to divide the . Republican party and
to defeat thp impeachment Ofthe President,
and that in this effort he has been-aided by
those Senators whose personal -and'politi
cal animosity toward that sterling patriot,
BeniaminV.4 l Tailii, hag beid drOngsrAhan
their devotion to their party or theitLi.otin;
NEW Yoiuc. May 13.—The .Times to-day
strongly • sustains the position •of Messrs.
Fessenden, Trumbull, Grimes, Henderson
and other Senators, saying the Republican
party have reason to thank them for saving
it, front Self-trettruedOn before tikkentest is
over. -
The Post speaks tin sharP,!'teims against.
the threats made to coerce Trumbull to
resign, and concerning.the , address of the
Missouri . Republican meinbers asking
Henderson to , withhold his, vote. IV be
iieVes with' Ishii") . censure on
the President for misconduct, and urges the
members of the (butt so grossly attacked
ihds stand fisgirm, for ' in any other direction
stan drace. • ', •
The ribe= s pas "Nothing now remains
to 31. r. Grimes but the future he ha so odi c ,
ciously welcomed, and nothing remains to
uses a, party, and especially to friends in
lowa, who honored, trusted.and. promoted
this man, but to make pint an example to
renegades for all thud to come. When Mr.
Fessenden and Mr. Trumbull- finally con
sent to place themselves =upon: the'Tecord
as apologiets and defenderefofAndreW John- ,
son, it will be time to leicuss their. ,
act; but just '. now we' feel that
theit intentions have been misunderstood
by our frlands in, a moment of, We
regret the .-sladjeut eset„s 'Mee on
that pervades the • entry, ;nay the ole
cdyilixed'worido oho** be muded 4 ri:What
the country *aids Is a' Vel.ffict; and that
speedily. If it is a verdict acquitting John
son, .we can understand it and are prepared
to meet it. If it brings conviction, the
sooner we enter upon the duties of a new
Administration the bettec kr,itpe Interests
- of the people." ' •
Nxw TOBX• ~ M ay 13.—A Washinaton
specia'l to the - Taiwan; says the result of,
tee to-clay is declared quite favor
convictiOn, and nearly every
'Publican Senator -- expresses the opinion
dud Saturday 'll4 photo mith.thstpsult.
The dispatch adds that the Missourrdele.,
gotten has succeeded lnlexacting from Mr..
Henderson a',ledge to vote for cenviotion
on the eleyenth, article.
Wisconsin Repabileim Soldiers Convention.
iur Teiciniii! . ic twos 0.3
Mumstriturs, May l&—okhe Repriblienn
State Cormitition - OVSOLlietii quit dots
assembled here to-ds and -electoctdele
iiiiiiiitiithet3iiiiiute' tlore ' , pledged
to litipPort . General ^ Grant' for - President.
Strop* resolutions Crete - -passed endorsing
Coatkess ptsd iteimoreibutetlont }uses
,andi su4onOngrtrimeachment..
'heVonyention resolved furthiiti. that
without d to Maim leSititiM itifln
encfslipihktes loustors gonslatinting
tho=A 07 r tif ftWiint;'of whin
the great2American, people form tike,Plr3";
victiftworiother scruples, to ratify Lever,
rilint of ithsqpeatile,Anlicadd rend tack to
their cpustitneney the power delegated to
then; in order that the Ropablie may suffer
, • jaw
Seas * elegnildied
IP 'Waits in•••••Al Seas'
, • - •
".11141r 441101001,14011WIRrilioW..
ardtlise New ItArvenite Bill
d t ~ 'g "C' ~ d.,l' ' ~
1411-rirti*onal! ,Soldiers' - and.
CBg Telearick to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
.i3.4.Niritifiltrefitrig;Way 13, 'sm..;
naro,uattkpr DISTIIIO7,..DOXISIANDERS. •• -
GOIAti . Grant's commimleation to the
Semite, encloses 'reports from the•
'-:District Commanders, as ' follows:
irgen•• Sobithild%
number of voters r.istered in Virginia at
1:25;933; of whom .120,111 are Whites and.
105,832 colored: Of these .1,417 whites and -
,fsiled to vot e on the question
- calling a ' onvention: Judging from tax
lists: and other, data: the number of whites'
who failed,to register is 16,343. • Thertfits no
report of the numbe r ;. disfranchised:lo Vir
ginia Under the recOnstriktion laws.
lien. Canby reports 106,721 white and:
72,932 colored voters in :North Carolina,
nearly alk,pf whom voted. It is estimated
that 19,477 ivhites and 3,289 •blacks failedto'
register, slid of these 11,686 whites are ills
In Soul Carolina there are 46,833 white .
and 40,550 black votes registered, ofyhorn'
'10,992 whites and 4,167 blacks failed 4o reg.
:tater. Abent seventy-five ... per centvof the
bites arirdisfranched.
In Georgia 93,333 white-and 95,168 col- .
• , ed voters are registered, of whonf' 59,333
bites and 24,758 colored' failed to vote.'
n thousand whites are disfranchised and
...5,500 refused to register. -
. In Alabama there are - 0,295 white and
• ,318 MCC& voters, of whom 37,158' white
:akid 34,94% colored fa il ed to vote.:NThere
no data .to show the munhervisfrun„
ised. ,
tr-• Innorida:few are ditfrtniclilseclatid near:
all ire registerid and have voted: - Nurti.'
,of whites .11,914, blackit',l6,o79. • ..
Gann saAno data has been kept .
Itcommbitit to ascer tain the numberof woo-'
iteriiiit MOODY ors in Mississipa .
illi•Arkagstus 25, 7 failed to yaw."' --I
Gen. Houck reports .45,218 whites, and'
R 5,436 Naas were regdstered in Landrum".
,Mt this nanaber'sl.l,4Bo Mal to 'votianit in?„
'hat - isnimaktfr
"nrerf'itnar mitre
whites and 49,4975i40red
itered, of whom I,637lvhites
36,932 blicks voted. The number dis.
franchised cannot be ascertained.
The following telegram was received to- ;
day. from'St. Louis :
To Hoe-J. 13. Henderson : There is in
tense excitement here. A. meeting is called
for to-morrow night: Can your 'friends
hope that you will vote for', the eleventh
article? If so. all will be well. • •
, [Signed] E. W. Fox,
To which Senator Henderson replied:
Washington, May 13.—TOE. W. Fox, St.
Louis—Say to my friends that I ant sworn
'to da impartial justice aeosrdinrtolthtr law
and.the evidence, and .1 will to dein like an
honest man. • '
[Signed] , J. B.: /-IENDERSON.
• Senator. Grimes - was to-day attaehed with
sickness while at the Senate Chamber. It
is eupposed, from symptoms, to be premon
liory' paralysis. • tie, Itotrater, was iible to:
night to converse with friends ' .
. , ,
- - Senator Conkling,is confined to his lodg.
lugs,* sickness. ' .
• ' surcATan. ittrwehlu. -
The symptoms ~of Senator Howard are
not so favorable to-Mght . •,as this ;morning.
Be.has inoriiever.
It. " true, as , reported-twnight, that
Sehatorts Nye and Morton are ilse,sicki
The Soldiers' , and •Saileris': National . pt
ecutive ; Committee, met, tomight and com
pleted atrangementS for the' Convention at
Chicago on the . 19th. The State delega= ,
Bons will organize innuediateiy: up:at:Shelf
arrival at Chicago and the chairmen:4dß'
report ittmthato the StkiettaY. , of the Na-
tional Executive Committee at the Matti
son House. The Committee adjourned to
meet : at Chicago on. Saturday evening._
scurztvx's REVENUE BILL.„
~.,.mici- S eciatitry - and principal .61/049 of
zne•Treiiiiiity-rDepiiitment ,are opißeied to
the provision in Mr. Schenck's Revenhe,
bill, reperted yeeterday, seating: a sepa
rate deptiiinent of internaliettenue on the,
ground that the supervision of the Tiessury
Department Allay e.sercise over the Revenue
Bureau, infinite iferigin,v whibh its admire-
Istration must undergo from persons not'
undexbontroLof the - Commissioner (*natl..'
.: tuts one of the most effectual and necessary
cheeks,upon the management of ~so import •
lent a bureau. , •
The resignation efsMr. Forney was laid
before the Senate to-day. Mr. Stunner
,moved that it be laid upon the table, "which
.was negatived: • - •
Mr. Hendricks offered a resolution that
the resign ation., be acceptpl, and that the ,
duties the office be exercised by Mr.
_present Chief Clerk, until a
etweeseor!be eldtited. . • ,
Mr. Sumner objected to the Consideration
of this reselutitin; audit Went over.
I,SIDIAIST otoTjAnierritli Bitatt
A mots t o admit ,John ii,Surratt,to
bait waifia fed this iditibig;'in'theCrlmi=
nal Mt, ore Chief Justice Carter. Mr.
, hterricitappeared for the prbsinerc aud
G. Riddle opposim/themotion:onthep4
the Gottenment; , Judge Cartekdeoteir
.that.thismaaalet-&-Ml644Whiettth• , Q ol, rt s
would tie juntlfyitijn uiltnittlugAr prisoner
to ' , •
• .
XlXODlglitct *Thri. A1g..,1
Senator Henderson's funding bilListli ho
brougisA ikon VirktfitercittuLtiresselitct
1, simute % The; indications are that it .will bb
!modified to 'suit - the friends . of `Sher-;
mate-bOl, and the latteti withdrawn or not,,
will be brought AP_4TPAQii • - •
But little taiiihnit alluidelit:tlie
and Means Co mitt on the teriff)bill. •
Mr.illioffrlielerlitifiiingtoWiredi the bill to,
IsOtlfeetein.Pitereatar hut, Ands
work. Se hopes to succeed ini.tiler end,,
however. -
. SHLIANO 00140.
`secretary M'Culloidi catobthit it
for evading the law of Couig,_ 2l _l or
contracting the currency insetting g o d
greembacks and 7-80 s with them. •
[iiiTelegkiph to the rittebtuih Gazette.] .
' - nometrAL column Worm' Lean.
- - Lonnen!„, May 111:=The - pmeen to-day; in
thOlikidkiace 'of a. vait'ideltitede of spo
tlit** laid with hiniosing, `- cereMenies the
cornerstone of liutinei uailital, which is
3o,bebniltent ; timmeatmmedjaiely ot*
- polite the - House of - Parliament. Her Mei=
sristranisatterlidedliy the Prinie arid--Prin
gaga ItraleN - ailid 1 other Imeinbers of , the •
rog i l st - 41mgYr., 1 44 .Y4r ' members of the
in Itiiiii TO T 81; QUEEN . —"'
. ..
.The chief iniceniortlienorporationtlf the
Mitynflaniden linveli sant& an address to
.tha cpteezi, , their professed .syue
pithy with Her - okay - for the 'lnlnries
reediecityTrince • :it the hands of.
an assassin,,endo/4mmilmrtheir detestation
.of the attempted mime. • , ~... , !...
1 _ .
HomePAßLitilif i rity AltrlitDl7C4., ~,
In'tiit; OkCommoitiEi; 2lli: Glad-
Stone', alter-the - nerniniriceizient of the sit
tin& moved the . bill tie prevent theanaking
of, lurther. ,aMments , in.. the .., Irish
Churah for it a pedpe pried; and' also , to
suspend. the proolksdhega VI the ednimission
- em.thl i Trifeh allesch Eetatelishtnent-for the
.: • : FRANCE, •
xturp.p_ or tom? propoikWr;
13. 7 -The: ,burial of Lord
Brougham'took place to -day at Vannei.
%L.:RPlos, May 13:—Eventing. —Weather
"delightful. . Consols closed ,at 944,-., for
- 'snoney,‘and 92%'@93 for account.' 5-20 bends
70%®70%; LlinoleCentral 94%; Erie 46.
Vassur.voni, May 13.—. N ' , millet—linked ,
States bonds fine at 75%. • ,
' - P.knis, -Mak I.l,",—liikyrintobrie quiet;
itentes 69f. 45 centimes. .
.IAA4BS, May 13.,Evesioo.--Cotton 148 f.
Per cart; for, tree ordinalie. , ,
LivanrooL, -1145- 1 13.-"..Evening'.--OuttOn"
closed quiet and steady; sales 10,000 - bales
middling uplands at 11%®12c; Orleans /2,34
'al2/c. Corn declined to 38s. - Wheat • deT
:dined , to 15e. 7d. for Califo - teigl.4.e:
3d.-for No. 2 red minter._ 13 nominal
at" ss:'6d. ' Oats 45., Peed 97s.our '3Bs.'
6d. Beef 112 s. - 2d,:"' Pork 738. td. ' Lard 695.
Cheese-5594 - 8ac0n , 350.1. •.
'.1 . . '' , . --- •
Azirtirgq, May 13,,—Petrolpum .0;10E:4, a
.535 Trance.
- • • Enrupean New* .by mau •
[ iy.VciOgraph to the Plttibtirgh Gazette.]
3111 CW YOUR, May I.3:=Epiligit parlous of
the Wind., Atari, that it was announded
1-4100 e on; -taißti.ldarby the Oletketiwell
prison expleslon that, sib. . persons ,were
killed outtight;lll.l.snote died fuara its (1, 1 ,
feet% and five mote owertiiildr- deaths indir
redly to it One t'VAßit ot il ity .4l44,:. *A
a mad
'ho L
yike tyw were.lW:Ogle-
Aurild:feeceined;ltiticr*iii tellacMdrerk,
4 404;2 ateg i gitensWhiguddlilmr44Xo ,
.cso ll %fi were
itWhosp s, Olavett
are , parmanently injured, :besldes , 2,000
pounds worth of damage to , prison and,; ' • ' ,
Delegatesfrom lodges'of the . Wigan mi
ner's 'Union hid a meeting, at which 08,000
Men were represented, and a resolution
was passed that tha'reduction of fifteen per,
cent. wages shall be resisted, and no terms .
accepted - , which take from the present
wages more than the last advance. It, was
resolved that the strlke.should continte.
jltq Telegraph . to the Pittsburgh claxettl.
Nirw YORK, Ma y a' eeting of
the. American. Tract, the an
nual report was read, showing,thq receipts.
frtim donations and legacies to amount to,
5118,773, and`from tales/400,053. There is
a balance of 41,835 in the Treasuryy. ' The'
Executive Committee was re-elected.
The American' Anti-SlitiVery Society held,
its twenty-fifth anniversary meeting to-day
Steinway.Ho/l. - About'six...hundred per
sona were 'present. -.Wend,oll Phillips
and Charles 0. - Tharleigli were the principal
spigskers. 'Resolutions! were adepbtat that
it the Senate ; acquit,ohnson, limn', only
join itself to him aidialoYal, and dernand
ing of the" Republican party tit '.llhicako a
man who- repreaents that Most realest -';pur
pose of the:loyal,.peopb3,-and a platform
Which' shall guarantee to the negro, bt ri T ;
stitutional • sanction f - sue,
common acdroideducaticer arid such logis
trim as will secure, ie. hi 00 . 41 homestead
land, and that no action ettlie gear body of
.Anintican ChurchidVes Atty. sufliderit evi
dence of vigilance or-,Phristian. principles
.on the great quest i on - of the hour, While
the unconditional surrender of the' Beaton,
Tract Society. itipinelamr matter art
fords sad,evidence. nf , the incidence: of the .1
old brotherhood They also con- ;
demn the.. Democratic
party, and-say it ;
'should; he 'c'fitted , Orkel„dtareumxtd. bk .
friendis - ratuhlief l IMPartioloYAßOi. ,
• Manning Pero; brotre*haireipeen
honorably diiipharged.'on' tha.eliiirmi;.
having in :their possession certain str!., len.
A verdict of 53,000.hasbeen4onnitatiiiinik
this Erie railway in favor ettlie ham of an
emigrant Who -lost his life , ,on)the Toad in
.erewell • "- v.", El -,.]
ehirie isirligiou. be** as
George,Chridty;:die tio=day.
The - Initabits ' and .brAelrlaytere allstruck;
today increatred Wages.'
•',' The National - TemperandO'Society Cele
bra Its third inuilveniiirf„this evening,
'RV , Cooper Institute: , “ The anneal ;report
was; Tresente& and addressee 'delivered by t ,
'Bev. , De Witt: ego,
Gen. Neal Dow and others. :1 •
-The -eveningpsessiorref the Anti-Slavery; .
Society:- Was -poorly ...attended. Wendell _
Phillips preardpd. , Speeches were
Ceicinel'Higginsori; Anna DndrinSon and.
Pars. - ilthatileilf-esid_
• A. A. Kelly.:publisherat KeUesi Weskly,
was arrested at the licktrotiolitloviletelly torplOtt4
, thit=t l :c
city on aoharge,of being pro of tee,
swilid/Y4 lOll- eißtgri'l* lar4tlWOBtef,
Inu, Lutheran ii,rotion4syneilt;
billes , prekentedble l O'reden vi,4 'Ss 'lt del..'
gateto the Iditlietitititlidend' tily#Odifrond
1120113eneral Assembly of the*flfeur School,
Rresbyterlan :Ohmube-bettlittlt Inutitian
and fraternal loveiondthe greetings of the
PleshYterliullh- e tt =ed - the - ditvlentkli s •
thaTLllthr; =WellOti*Xeuenel!-
,*?V : i pra l ts ! . .a tfiklA raliOn to :Agt; tqpit i; 4f the , '
flati h Nyou.e o 9/ • '
" 7 : 7 Wifiretat rohlu hutc nui antmoOfedistreleoliiine
'the'lltigfThb isPettettee:teC up' the
.gres' thf ..n.
After: elshttimt , Otte tt patent Pei
lit the; Constitduatirthe • Synod Aeolic'
_ -
-; i EirektiCollo4ll6li.,-
• .01NOINNAT4rMay118..4:firiOn4loting.
tont ilgentlet as* ! j3 jig,elpirga , W.dt ,
Aro/11(14Fr , alattl i '
store,, Henry lletnan%
p ro . IL and
John - Fennessy's drY r i x lls slmre • IL Por
tion of the tdoor was saved. Loss about, fit,
teen thousand dollars; nearly eovered_by
New T ( wk citylteme.
. -.. • . f ,
'''''''' kergixedara , -
Quadrennial'i-t k 4 -, tiie *,
~" ': - .oorfg Clsacar.o, .T..';
my Telegrapti!Oinefittibethe r asettea rn
Cm, Cie*lifat* - 4Mik:
at the turialkor, galey b
• I
Chair. -. 7 ,- 41
..,• -dicr i
The following ~,,,,4nrunaees were II
nounced: ~ ..
Corr eyilid;iicOl:, .N. . : Nitivititw . i.' M.
strong ..M. Butlc4 ' G.: lii.litedlei 'G. - -11
coyn, P. Kuhl, W. 11. DaVis.-E‘ P.... 10
J. S. Heider. ' '•' ,i
Chaplaisky in Army and' Navy-. ,
Clark, T. Mitchell t :l . . C. , Perehirgf c-..
M. Makin. - ' 1
Chartered - F Vir. 6. miner t ' i ar:i
dy, W. D. Godiran, W. McComo, , .D'.
kelb Nast . ( • . , . .1'
' Rev. Dr. Nst submitted a 'repOrt If his
visit to the . General•Conibrernce of the tifaxi
gelled , Association as •a;representative of
'this &KV'. It Was announced ,that, the
Evangeheal Association had appointed a
deputation to; -the General COfifenee.
Their reception was made , the special der '
for Tuesday neat at ten o'cleck. -1,,,,.
Rev. mr.• ail*, of Erie Confetrif elf
fered a.resolationto so change the . siline
as to provide for the ,election. of Bishops ftsr 1 '
a tor xf - of 'felt , 'y' 1 . 92 . 13, e t lion t accto re ,,.,
electiOn':'- ( -' '',- Jr-;.• -7 - -•-- ' , ;•% : , -r-f; ...1
. Dr. - Akins, of Vinobs, offered a '
Setting forth the - dtities of _Christian "
le • •
in regard to the L'exereiSe - of 'right -
frao, and 1 1014*Rui
condemninCe of
wia.ed men toot/Ire, • aimed tociAtigp*
tee on ' thetstateOf the ed, , ..... r--
' ' E. H. Waring; of Idlifir,- - tiraiiintisdV,
lution instructing they-Comirdtteskft'ahe - -
state of the report. whether , it is
expedient for this 'General ,Coinfercifice to •
take any action on' ho union'of the viiri'ous
Methodist bodies of this country. Adopted.
Dr. Newman moved the ;appointment of
a special committee of 'seven 'to cidder
..the state of-the Church - in:. the South and
special demands of Conferences -,that
. ,
"- ' recinsiderable' discussion 'ln *hick
.Dstr.:lfaviin, Pershing, Brush; -. 'F..ddy,Rar
iows and others participated, the (m otion
was lost. '
*Ref.-lii-M. Vernon of L'Misiourf,l . : ed
a resolutioninstructing tho.o)pre . • 'ten
sion Soidsty to make provision, if * ~ ., : le,
to loan money: to emharrassed ' chore . : on
the froidisivaugh loans to -be secured by
mortgage the,on PrePerkTi o - ' ' - - 1 i •i • •
Dr. Gilbert Haven, Of . Stan, preieiited -
a iireamblEriiiiiting the facts In regard to
the impeachment :trial . *now , in • progress,
expresOng the strongest eondeninttion of
the course of the ,President . and. t; helm portance of his"conViction aid closingviith
is, devOiCan bburon Saturday
1 ; toErayer for the Senate and.eounbly.• • ,
' e readingbf the' 'preamble created in
te exciteincii oral 'afteriscarteit •
I dieeeesP, r.. 0 Wee:Wei/ ttl'l irirerlieh 3 4 -
[ Aug ,7 0 4. F. ... , . -*- .*: ..- - ~ * ..5' ,.:
''' <rieversVadditionst - vithir were ieecirded -
on the admission 'of the Adafilleme ipmmi,.
tees—mekvi!!Teppp,A 2, v3o—to a ~,,,.
'tic - .. ‘ • .l._ _ .4 --
St., Louis
By Telegripli to the Sttabares.uszettel
Sr. Lours; May 15,..= -The efi, the
=Democratic evening paper ' , here recom
mends %public meeting 'of all e of
citizens to protestsgsinst the means .now
being used in WasWngton to procAre a
verdict guilty - against ident
." The Circuit - COurt to-day onteriadj4g
merits fer-$75,000 against' Vaiious inr&ce
companies- in favor of Marshall (fc,lCiltat
rick, owners , of.thei,stesnw liagnolla,
burned' ` some "Months ego, inid - w4ich they
were -abitased 'ot:destroying.• , Me , ' other
cases of 85,000 each remain; and 'are to be
litigated in Cincinnati, the defen . • . tabeing
the Ohio Valley, Boatmen's Uni. 'Central
and . Buckeye companies of that city.
In tho United !States Circuit CoUprt to-day
'Edward 'Mercer, Mai 7 ,Lewell and Mary
.MMer Were sentenced to the penitentiary
one.vear and Edward !Jewell , thrbe • years,
for uttering and passing counterfeitinoney.
. . -
• BeIWA -- ExpidskWl.. 4 t o Y °lol46 C -
Cßs Tdlegisph td the rlitsbaiglitliastite4 -:: 0
INDIANAPOLIS, Mit* ',./3.4llltabOiler of
Van_ Winkle's saw "dill, near dsrson,
Indiana, exploded last night, instantly kill
ing twd men!tiamedlfciore and WOlM'arhe
latter was l'PastMatik-r•J:fit Mdrildas and.
Three others are are l sUppoged to
wounded. •
A boy. named Sheam :was killad - in
e4tY l 4 l
bY,°MrvinniTig away with L t; dart
•••• 1 night, ' „
Caltro.rAk"AuteAPß ec ' ,1
tpx!roleipph to, the PittobOrgh estflz - tte__
SiN PYtAxcisco,
_Miry. 1.:--.71 , tere is a
Istliente feentigthat no-! "excitement the
reports- tintika WeAtington: • ..:The7leading
Union papers entffienp9o ll 4 o ;tßee,i.itith n t 458n
ate, whatever tub keSult;'," and the
ehargntbat the 'ems lwiettrortadliett - ani_ ply
Xeftitifl, but . ., 2weiktilelornoPectnrinsinittat.
Teleimph" w, „hnve, Jvcin,,talt:*.hed
acrddaColumbia liter • be
the Caseadeai !The 'Western Uniantutatiro
jeeted.a new /ins , acrosstite §lerov , 'Nevada
following theft .: `
. „
Bu to
Uly i'elegraPh to the Pittobnigh UfFet,t_kl. .
BUFFALO, telVlB.--Irebeipt!;, - elti , 25,-
000 busitelst•Ctirn 900)00-busb,ebL -1 0ats 635
171134911n!FWItt'lt,090. Itnehele..y.Ohiptnents
in, two days -- Wheat 58 * (1°°bliiit lit C o rn
12,000litishelib . .'0146 s. 4 oo( rbOh ei t ts
steady, -WtteatinietiveCirtsellers
npartt 8140a 6 i 00 4; busig 'sPr--41 2 , 80 ; No
1242 Gonda*, saleS,e,fAe,ooo
eatOckseliiit'at /I,oo t - and - later at 98c, , ht
Jima good tinikaniissalifirmitt s 5„
'• , vtl-4
Thetrelt - Market,
— t l 'illegta'phlo the rlttsbaigh Gout. 1
tt; Mat choice
41t144.011,15;42UaibilieshIS r,sPAPg deltoid
At,1 11 441 26 •• -What dull " ng-ndliel 8 1 1 3 12 a
teloitee; Ne: I white Wits ettbref aV
rat- •'' Obituary. L. , . 1 .3 ,•
biz -JosephAdreberson, skien. ku bwn
redden& :ef:-.47hielego for the iaid4bleien
years, died at his residence, 499 w ahash
ArrfßiFpi•Pk*F d a • ißculling!k • ‘---T MO•
ner3(4l,*ent , !tct -04 cagol'intllBs7'M
once entered the employ of thetrA ,
ibitrwaydo , &-Chj94.o Ballykt• '
-Veldt a pOgitien vtaacWiet bola, atikaihi n s.
time before his death. It i was thi smiw
city that he constructed the oh , ==
,im, c ompany in fibieege„..A.
11.0 *IL in AurigiNtroWAM4t •liftwirJer.
2111318tniMiltili=t .• Mite
• larg
ly WU:Mt ickthhkaorgunialtop e.
• _
Dor Leading %Amato& .biegra n d
sromeitalleirst •- • ' 4
B witottithotaccadairiou s ,
Asf !We I t hig.
mod .."
/Int tin io s and tere of
'Etaristrba. • •trdie— 4.4,6 •
• rY
Interesting eharactere:to- k
Tii r atiaTi
principal streets. The main pe has been
lald to the bitter gate of the oat
Butler street, and yesterda,f the workmen.
commenced laying pipe on Dratro street.
'~ cy Lam^ '. ~~
° . R.
.+~ ~~
- "•-