ttt - _ • CHEAP OVER FOR THE PEOPLE.... The GREAT WESTERN GIIN WORKS have been removed to No. 171) SMITHFIELD STREET, whore sow always be found the most complete , assortment qf Gnus, PleVols, Ammunition and Sport. ilia Material, &.c.. in tee city. All kinds or Guns and Pistols' carefully repaired. Cash paid .for ARMY RIFLES an 4 REVOLVERS. Send sty a r mi l lirt t =itcr§t u a i re;; ..i g"gs e wc 3, . H d Inoileff STON. 179 Emit/Arad Street. Pittsburgh. COVNTY COMMISSIONER. A. MORTON, Of the Borough of rJharpsburg wilt be a candidata, subject : to to the decision of the Union Republican eountiOotrention. xayl3:gle:d&,T j L. NEEL ' • - p Ilaa this day been admitted into our firm, FUTON, 11011.1110 & CO. Pittsburgh, 'Hay lit, 1888. tori4i'4l7 Ap h mil REWARD - : Us ~ ;:s:2llkkilthr 4,1111114,:iij A4,o,vmp. r Ifs) a (.4borc - . 4.107. .is00„q? :p§at irk!:, S. , _ , /INTERNAL REVENUE, U4 t ,- 2 3D,DISTIt.teT. - . ~- . . • cOLLE,cptiit!s NOTICE. OvrielCoi.i.v..cron OF IrivutiNAr. ItEvENnr.: • Twenty-third Collection Dist. of Pa., • No. RI Water St., Allegheny City. May iltla, 1868. ,- NOTICE , , IS HEREBY - GIVEN that the Annual Llstri of SPECIAL TANES," formerly termed LI CENSES, and of the Taxes on INCOMES, CAR. 'IMAGES, WATCHES, SILVER PLATE, &e., are now in,this office, where payment will be received thweon by the Collector on and after the 20th of May, 1809. These taxes having become due, must he paid before the 13th day of June. 1869, other wise additional expenses , will be. incurred by the taxpayer. .11 „ ,E. BUFFINGTON, Esq., Deputy Collector for the le- ° county 'of Armstrong, and EDWIN LYON, Esq., . he . Deputy Collet:tor - for the donntr of Butler,' will be ready to receive after the' 20th: inst. for their re-. ,spective counties, and will post notices designating the times and places when and whet' thev will be preparedto reeelve the taxeseollectable by them. - To accommodate taxpayers in the vicinity of the places in Allegheny county. designated'as follows: ly Deputy Collector SAMUEL M. BAIRD, Esq.. wail attend at those places to receive the taxes, on the days named, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock r. N. of Bald days, viz.: .. At Tarentnm, on Friday, May 22d, at Brown & • Shadle's Hotel. At Sewickley, on Tuesday. May 26th, at Gaston's Store. At. Bakerstown, on Thursday, May 28th, at White's Hotel., s - . • Taxis payable only in Greenbacks or National 'currency. tr Ogee hou from 3 r. at: . ' J 01116: MI. SVLLITAM. niy9:p99 - - Collector. tnyl3:q: Eal • .• - 1A11A4401,,S . • . Li; AND ' - SU`N:.UMBRELLAS, IN .AND . DESLRABLE STYLER,' , ,TURT RE. VEINED, AT . , . • , EAMON!, 0 MEE ilra.q.ll;4lUp7n.Pirsir4tai:o'ninif-,41),""i sluvred_a_“ satr . m . tiatiosuir.. ,:, .; ME =I • • ' :10aX MONniftilOAUDB4 n Ind •:illir449t.X4EHarlioit- OE , , , -.....- .„.,,, ; „ _...,.. ,-..- ~. -,-;,;-... '.: j -.., .2. -,, ..,,,%.;;,. -;.,.;-,-,t;',71 :;.' , ' , ..11,.;,,.;.-, , -..• ..",1...-;,,,',,t;:d i.''-k5-11.,i73A74..7.5;_.r,t7('',T5.'4t:74.:°,14,g'1'''.-c4? 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I t v"- - 55 ,,, i , .....* , ..1 , , ,,, , ,, ?, , ,,,,,, , ,-.:4 ,;,-,,,,,,,,,,, ,;:,-,-.:;., '-::*.' :4.-g44,1- . _4-.l''''': . :A . ..P.P.l":V.: tT . :* . • l'''. - ii .. .'. 4 . , td. 4 ,1N:::,P I.IC-4-1:4-4.4:1;,:,-10/WW:;..L:, ‘ ;, : 1.* 4 - : '"W"::'P. -. .-- . A v ";5 , 0 100,, -. O, Ct; -4- ' - 7 . '"' - '''' '''' .(- : .1 " '''''.. ' s'ti , ;'l' ':::..t:4*(: :444-14CI'414I;1"1:-Mtit4:4144-ilki "_APA.,,,,,,,it, ;'•: ,-'lil-14-17R.4,,..k,- 1.--- '• • • : -. -r - --tt-.. - 4, NROC?1,..f. ,- - -2 ;;;:e .4 ..;VV , .,- - .;"..-:',t;::. ::', ;.:--- - - .-' - . • !. 1 • ,"•- ", - - 2 '',,, _:.;,:r.':::,..-Pe , ~_,,..1.,,,g 141 , BEZA. ~ itir... * , TV .. _..• . • - '''',l%uT',.?..,-,'::.., ~ " 44. 4 -.. .", .. ''' .7.! , - '''.:. '. - •-' .•.. .• . . .74:e1 7c7.1.1-7": IIyILL. S.-TAYLOR, • PAINTER. No. 45 oligo STREET, AUegheny, Thankful for the former very liberal patronage be -towed upon me, I assure my friends and the public renerally that, In the-future as In the past, I•shall -udeavor diligently to merit a continuance or the . ame, and will be - always at the 'shop frOM 7 to .9 A. n. and &omit° 3 r. B 1: myl3:ql4 OSCAR F. LAMM & CO. F. LAM) C. DAVIS J. P. SPERM : COAL AND COKE. °Mee, N0,347s "LAbtrty Strept., SUPERIOR Youghioghenyttoal an'd.Connelliiille Coke. )t.T LOWES'ATARKEy RAT.Es. • " 114.01- ders - prO; k iptl3 7 :4 - tenie . .lito. ' myl3 NEW DRY GOODS STORE, No. 52 St. Clair Street. J. N. . - BURCHFIELD & CO. CALICOS FOR 1931 c. CRASH F0R.12 4-4 BLEACHED MUSLIN FOR 1.211.;c. IJNBLEAC HED2iIIISLIN FOR L2S: LOOM TABLE LINEN FOR 69 e. SLACK ALPACCAS FOR 37Ac. COLORED ALVACCAS FUR "37)4c. " BLACK &ND COLORED SILKS. POPLINS AND MELANGES. ORGANDIE LAWNS. FWENCII LAWNS. WHITE AND COLORED P; ffrocK. BE3IEMBER THE PLACE, Red, White and Blue Front, o . SS ST. CLAIR STREET tr*-9: N4YEICE. The undersigned has associated with him in business, dating from. April Ist, 14813, Mr. AL, .FICED B..WALL, his son 444. 8. GILLIBPLE and 'LOUIS ENGLEAT. the; style of the Arm to be J. d. GILLESPfr & CO. J. J. GILI.ESPTE. __Referring to the above, the undersigned take pleasure in stating that they will continue the LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE BUSINESS, At 88 Wood street, where they' intend to offer in ducements to purchasers second to no Jtonse in the tinned States. • Z. J. GILLEWISI & CO. inro:p93 168. - NEW GOODS,. NEW ALPACCAS. - NEW MOHAIR.: CH BLABILKS. • . . HOSIERY and GLOVES. 16 8. NO. 168 Wylie Street. pr rap3o:n4o; • , -- NOTICE TO PLUMBERS: •• • . -At a meeting of , the Water Committee, neat May 4, 1869, the following instnictions,were adopted and notice thereof directed to be given in the °facial Ea_Pe afterh city, aa foitors, ton the May Ifith, inst., no LEAD PIPE lighter than that known as EXTRA STRONG-will be allowed In making the connections between the :ferrule. and the. stop cock atthe curb line, and the ferrule driver is instructed not to drive any ferrule having a lighter pipe • than the above attached to It. * By order of the Water Committee. . my7:pB3 - JOSEPH PRENCH. Sunerinlcudent. AT I IFIADQUARTEII,B t New Goods and New Styles of BOYS' VLOTHING. VERY LOW PRICES GRAY & LOGAN, No. 47 BT. CLAIR STREET. • - LINDEN GROVE. LINDEN. GROVE having been fitted hp la tile .most superb style, with a large and elemat net , form, beautiftilly shaded, lance Dining --oom and two excellent bars, is now ready-to rent to PIC NIC_ _S PARTIES, SUNDAY SOHOOL•CELEI3IIA TIONB , &e:, on the most reasonable terms. • ad holding Picnics ; itc.; will find It to their -Advantage to secure the Grove.'• • , • - The-Grove is easily accessible, being but a few -steps from the Oakland Railway Station, whose cars run regularly every fifteen minutes. Forterms, etC.., apply at the OFFICE - OF THE OAIL ANIL RAILWAY' CO., ' • OAKLAND STATioic" • - miBme,l • PIITS.BUR4IIGAZ-WTErs -WEDNEK)A-Yv %MAY I - —1865' (k 11r • " , • NEW AMER, TISMICENTS. AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S. INIE 180 & 182 - Federal St., Allegheny. AT 16 — BEAUTIFUL AR biDEE DELAI'ES AT . I.SII)ie:—TARD lifiDE BLEACHED MUSLIN AT.ISI3ic.—GOOD AT 7 5 c.—COLOREO:KID GLOVES AT 50c.—WHITE and COLORED CORSETS AT 0234c.--9IINDOWNS -L„ AT 11c.—WHITE RIBBED ROSE AT "Mic.—PLAIN ~ BITE HOSE AS:iOStMIEVT`OP SUMMER SHAWLS: A LARGE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE SHADES • - ALPACCAS, WOOL DELAINES. IRIS/1 POPLINS LIGHT COLORED SILKS, 'GROS ORM* SZLE; BONNETS, BATS, SUNDOWNS, RIBBONS AND FLOWERS, A Fall and Well Selected Stock, Wholesale and _Retail, AT VERS." LOW PRICES, AT MaLMUIf SEMPLE'S, 180 & 182 Federal Bt, Allegheny. DM W . J. GILMORE, ,MAN VACiTittli OF AND DS:AL ED' I .!.; gl No. 106 Wood St" Pittsbiirgh; xir Orders promptly filled and sapsfactlou guar- IiSTABLISIIED 1840.: * Limilsor IN NORTH SCAN Lightning Rod Maxiiifactorvy . BRASS FOUNDRY • ' AM) IKON ',GALVAMZIII6 ,30.000 FEET MANUFACTURED DAILY.' THE CELEBRATED STAR SALVANI4ED, - ILIGHTNING. RODS, _ . . Manufactured at tbese works, and sold to all yobs figtrrat n ti e d n k fi ‘7. 41 4. `,l:e t tioxil b ue c "P g i tr gel* tAlsicZdtidzie?'bigsaPoltasoo?.lTllgl. tivpharrane: togetner e wlth Insulators . Fastenings: ;Copper? an% Iron Connection Burs, Brawl, etc. Samples, ram p Mets and Circulars sent free. REYEM, HUNTER & Nos 488 and • • • PRILADELIPIELL - ,artalo33-d&F STRAW Goops! HATS AND CAPS, lICGREAT VAItIETY, ~SELLING LOW; AT arcortro. & ••orpmetm CITY ENGINICTII. AND, PlttsbUtah• May 9th; UM. • , N OTICE. TOVONTRACTORIC HEALED PROPOSAi'aIOR . . . . Grading, Paving and Curbing onA.wronn 'Centre s— avenue to Reed titre* SINE STREET;Irota Pennsylvania avenue to 'Reed it,I.AfILTICNBERGETtIYMEET,• froni Pennsylvania avenue to Tiltifeetreit; Will be received at this once until TIIESOAY. , Mb, 1408. specificationii and•blanlis for biddi g can be bad by calling at this °Mac. • my9:p92. .R. J. MOORE. Cat: BAKERFOR SALE, Y wrriicnt.; Or vrontilreniforVter - iii oqf years. ' Enquire at • ; ."WALAMMPISs 5p20.1.1w7 ' 40 rail, Alldra .DRAIULIC tEmicirr. • Br.Ap stoNE, PLASTER, canoty Tops • WATERWk.& aplB:o7i • 113.-Wood street 9%. . . _ . 13110POSAIA, - • in U TNDRuisiONED, wtliatereceived Mitt/ EDNEBDAY, 13th last, for the BUICK about tope removed trcm the floor ortheiVesterullarket 'House. Terms cash. a a 3 SNrehtipootE'ltntel '°- mrke"; — ;Pittsburgh, May 8, Milt:B96 IMAMS_ A 414 ; 3 ‘.lwzßES 'WRINGERS rerionittolosaie sue retairpitc4l4' sale Val l er l inairsteset .._ • • • ,84 4 1Witi j '44l7Anatgr,C BragiiireVFMNIBTOLDV e diT IXVII! V11M1044140, Nona then o I.traiM l ß Y l3 ovitet 117 g ri#R4SE3tV47I44I-"FelAsit.'l 10: P GRAND OPENING: OF - NEW GOODS ! A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF STRAW GOODS, Such as BONNET, HATS. CORDS sal TASSELS, • Ribbons, of all descriptions; Artificial Flowers, Emmet and Hat 'Frames; Crapes, Illusions; • Silks and Satins; Velvets and Laces; Parasols, Sun Umbrellas. • ' • White Goods, Embroideries, : Ffoslery 'and Gloves " French Woven Corsets, LINEN AND PAPER. COLLARS, CUFFS. &c. WHOLESALE AND - RETAIL. . ROSENBAIIM I STEDIROT & CO'S PHILADELPIIIA. EMPORIUM, No. 76 MARKET STREET. t0y4:020 PERFECT FITTING KID GLOVES. • "A. • , We Invite attention to our • . • KIM GLOVE DEPAII Which la now complete with every color and 'bade. ItraddltloMto ournwnepecial• Importation or Rter Celebrated A.. C. C. (Jouvin): KIDS; We have secured the eteltudveasin of the '- ' "Harris Simmlesis Klds, 29 . • The best We've and most perfect et.. - IttAolllllll ScOMILDILII,• spit • f.IOI I I2PTR STREET.. MACRONas. CARLISLE, 131 IVOOIS STREET Now. titter the:most * elegant line ot HAZIIBITRGS y Engineer Ever - opened in FlGinnirgh, to.which they especiall invite the attention ortheir customers he de atria are nearlp_all new. and 'original; a n ds About ONE-FIFTH LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. MAciturit b CARLISLE, iotitksicsithitt - • = ' , Hare Just opened all ehadeo.of• 8174102.1 'AND itisroor 'pßizancEi. Buotxx GIM 8 AED PRINGEB, At_ • yery IOn• prices.; r,. - MARBLE SI & SLATE ANTLESy PI ' SBURgH..S I TEARMAILBLE AND rtIATE L INQRRE umce wartroom—olU end ani• uza STREET., Mantle,Mareroom on second floor. ,• personsiventlng Marine or Slate Mantles and; It to their scr call. Workmanitip not ex celled In any place. and prices as , low as In Eastern allies. Marble Mintles , or..rurnltitre Slab* which Mire becemo discolored bu smoke, oils or acids, can be htllchleised an 4 Made tp leak as wall as new.: „ here' tanti'etber ;place in wetter* Pennsylvania a. ~ or ar ,Where Slate Ilia_pties ere manttthetuced• kinds anomie Work donevntilpherillttli itl4rble Cutters supplied withliparet marbleist prices, carriage added. „ * F ' • .r • W.!WAI.LACM.,:i. OTY v644bestM woo kil li ratiMr 1 11.414.,P &PUS agear- woo Dais f. ,ti:314:111 TRttiwiNm AND NOTIONS. tiIOtESALE HD RETAIL BUYERS Trimmings, Notions and Fancy Goods. We Lave: received: very fine assortment of White arcoodisf Which cannot be beat. It consists of STRIPED. - DOTTED AND ELATE SWISS: - }STRIPED, BARRED & PLAIN NAINSOOK: LAM NS, CABIBRICS, Etc. GOOD IRISH LINEN, at GOOD DADIABE TOW Our. pine ,of HQSDKRY 1200 DOZEN OF Juat received, selling at A Fine Lot o IN ALL STYLES A BYSTEME ALEXANDRE 11.1D3, GENUINE COLORED RIDS, at 50c. a pair, • TRIMMED SIIISLINSKIRTS at 0.00 SUMMER BALICoRALS; at 75c; aria $i In PAPER COLLARS, we liave - a full variety XA.CRVEI. CLYDE &. CO.; IS and SO Market Street. •; ap24 tdl6 WROL MULE . AND RETAIL BUYERS Will find it to their Advantge to Call at II and 79 Market Street, WHERE THEY WILL FIND A LINE OF GOODS UNSURPASSED, IN EXTENT ( iCND VARIETY, AND AT TILE LOWEST MARKET RATES. DRESS TRIMMINGS. FRINGES, GIMPS, ORNAMENTS, • • STRAW HA 'S AND - BONNETS. • . RIBBONS, FLOWERS,MILLINEY LACES, • MILLINERY SILKS, MILLINERY GOODS. EMBROIDERIES nwil HANDKERCHIEFS: HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS, LADIES' I GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS ALEXANDRE DUCHESS KID GLOVES HOSIERY AND GLOVES, SUMMER BALMORALS: • • THE "NOVELTY , ' SKIRT. HOOP SKlRTS—Litest shape EMBROIDERED AND PLAIN CORSETS. BUTTONS—In vent variety. ' SUSPENDERS. BORVES, NECK TIES AND SCARES. SHAKER ROODS, SUN DOWNS. And Everything in Notions. CALL. AND EXAMINE JOSEPH HORNE' & CO. nwil:xwF 19 Fifth Street, FOR SALE: SAW MILL. TWO DWELLING HCIEBES. TWO BARNS. with good. FARM. and about 800 acres timber laud. This property' will be sold low. `Cash *2.soD—balance on time to snit buyer. FARM OF 120 ACRES. will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. improvements comfortable frame house and gond harn:so acres of the land clear. . • FARM OF 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad; very well located for raising stock; Improvements are good and substantial; 100 acres of the land la meadow and grain. _ CITY PROPERTY.—WiII sell a good brick house, containing five rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars; , . • and would rent for the amount in six years. AI LARGE LOT OF GROUND, having a river front, and very convenient of access. • TANNERS, convenient to the city, and having a well established custom or local trade, connected therewith; a good dwelling ...nd forty acres of land. • FOUR LOTS In Sharpsburg, near the 'Miro:tilt' would make a good coal yard. - . • HOTEL FOR SALE.—That tine Hotel property. • situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fburteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden and fruit. trees. This, well located hotel will be sold low, the proprie.- tor wishes to retire from business. , }ie. per yard LS, at 12,4 e. is now Complete • CORSETS, . . ASTERN rrirets Parasols, • Two new Brick Houses, 8 rooms each. Two new Brick HOUOCS, 11 rooms each: One new Frame House, - *rooms. Two new Brick HOUses, - 3 rooms each. One new Fume linuse „In .Wllklusburg,. having six rooms and ri• hitire lot, well bulled for a garden. • - D COLORS, Si. 8 IS - FOE LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots on Mortbn street, Ninth Ward: 7 acres that can be'divided Into acre tote. ,5 Lots in Oakland. FOE RENT- , ..2 large HoUses, suitable for Board ing Houses. WANTED-3,000 feet of:Fagging 3 to 4 luch4 l l thick. D. Pi HATCH'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. apnpis OR SALE. F • A RIVER BOTTOM FARM OF . 76 ACRES: 19 mules from the city, in Elizabeth township, Alle gheny county, Pa., on the Youghiogheny river, one half mile from Elrod's Station, on the conneUmille railroad; near Uturches. schools, stores, AT., lathe flourishing villages of Boston and Green Oak. The Improvements are a two-story brick house of six rooms, ball and cellar, agood frame bank bang with stabling underneath, and - other outbuildings; a well of good standing ' , rater at the door, and several standing springs of_ water on the farm, and an or chard of 700 trees of selected fruits of apples, cher ries, pears, peaches, quinces and grapes. This prop erty being located near the line of the railroad, 391[11111one hour's ride of the city, makes It very de sirable for gardening or a dairy ram; It is also a good and beautiful location for country homes near the city, lying immediately on the river, on the op posite side from the railroad. The West liewton Accommodation and other trains on the railroad af ford certain and frequent opportunities of daily cOmmunication to and from tits city. Will be sold as a whole or In lots of one acre or more,to suit pur.! chasers. . . . . . Also, A FARM Westmoreland ES, situated in St. ' Clair township; W. county,- - Pa4 - near the Hue of the Pennsylvania Railroad at •Houston Station. The improvements are a two-story frame house, with six rooms and good cellar, a frame bang barn 40 by 80 feet, and other outbuildings. There is on the place. - a yonng apple and peach orehardi 120 acres bleared laud, divided into fields of Conve nient size, n large portion of which are well set in clover and tirtiothyl,the residue of said tract eciV-. ere(' with good timber. It is well watered and un .deriaid with coal andl limestone, and Is convenient 'to churches, schools; stores mills and blacksmith -shops. A real good bargain Is offered In this excel lent farm; and with It will be sold all the peronal property on the premises, consisting or horses, cows, stock cattle, hogs and poultry, harness, gears, wagon, plows, farming Implements and household and kitchen furniture. Together will be sold very low and on easy terms, to a Tespouslifie purchaser. Also, u desirable and - very fertile Tract of Laud of 158 ACRES AND 25 PERCHES, In Elizaboth Tp., Allegheny county, Pa.. on the line of the Herupileld railroad, and one and . one-hall miles from the Con nellsville railroad at Suter's Station. On this farm are 40 acres of superior white oak timber, which alone is now worth one-half the price asked for the whole tract. The improvements are a log house, frame barn, good fencing, and nu apple orchard of liood fruit. It is well v atered and underlaid with mestone and nag stone of a superior quality, with stone coal for the use of the farm. Also, The best- FARM in Fairfield township, Westmoreisrui countV, Pa.. of 250 ACRES, about six miles south of the Pennsylvaa Central road at Bolivar Station. The improvements ate twn large hewed log divetilhgs; one of the largest and: best frame barns lathe township; two apple or eliasds. in good bearing cimdit Ion: corn crib, wagon shed and other outbuildings. The whole farm is under a high state of cultivation; fencing all.infirst stone der, abouthe land of the which qlty, of lime soil, 2OO actes of dis cleared and the residue of the tract In good timber, such as white . oak, rock oak, 'hickory, walnut and Jbeech. • This property will be sold very, cheap and on good terms, as thuowner en age in otlier,busl nessr For particulars enquire ' • G. H. TOWER. 164 Fourth Street: ap14:612 FiRsT-cLAss Allegheny City,_ Residence • • • THAT FINE MANSION, Located on the corner of Western Avenue and Bid well street, tately . owned - and occupied by. J. Y. Lyon, Esq., one hundred feet on Western Avenue. 7 two hundred and. twenty-seven feet on Bidwell. ,For location of - the ground, as well as the Improve;. inents thereon, this itesldence, is well known to Rank Among the very First and Rost Desirable In the two cities. Possession ImmedLstely. • For particulars, as to - description, ternas etc.; apply . to GEO:, 11 .„14,0LIZMAN: : in y - 3:1)72 146 WOOD STIIEVT, Pittsburgh VIOR . SALE--To close a Partner i: TWO TRACTS OF VALUABLE LAND. No. 1. Situated in -, Couemaugir township. CAM— BRIA C 0.., having the Pennsylvania, Railroad running through it, and within five miles of Johns town, containing $llO4. acres. There is on this laud two workable seams of bituminous coal, 3,14 and 6 feet thick; ' Also.. a vein of superior lire clay. folly equal to the Bolivar. • - No. A. Situated in Green township, BEAVERCo.; Pa— containing about 900 acres, hart under fence and improved, and being within a short distance of Smith's Ferry. The land extends to the Ohio river, on which it bounds over 600 feet. It contains two seams of blttimluons real , 511 X -and 4Tft . ., and oneof . cannel coal of 6 feet thick. i Also, a vein of tire clay, suitable to the manufacture of fire. brick. - For Dirther lufornottionlnquire of El my7•p9A VALUABLE ELME ST. PROPER- . TT FOR,:A: neat.- well built brick dwelling house, Dressed brick front, slate roof, hall, four rooms. cellar and finished attic, with lot SO ft. f T n WO y V A O U e A LEB:UILDImO s tLrOTS • - FOR SALE —each SO feet front by 90 deep, in excellent loca tion tornresidence. situate on Congress street, near Pennsylvania avenue. • Splay to S. CUTUBERT & SONS, • my/ seal Estate Agents, 85 Smithfield St. j oTs FOR - SALE—SEVERAL BUILDING LOTS on Obsciratory Hill, Second Ward, Allegheny City, are offered for sale--cheap. The location Is a very desirable one, Commanding a. Rite view aboth'elties, Is easyof - access; and there' Is abundance of stone on DIM gpqnnd for building rposes. Apply soon at ther,palnt' shop of Me- ViWAN & SNYDER, Allegheny niamond, at, THIS OFFICE, or on the pretulsesoiear the,ob4 - servatory Building. mh23:n3B NOTICE. Vifth Street Sidewalk - Extension. IRON CURB AND SIDEWALK. We desire to call the attention or parties aboit to' widen their 'sidewalks, according I to:ordinance, to. our Patent Iron Curb and Pavement. The. name' will be laid in , front •of the Opera House this week_ and will speak for Itself. The following is an ex tract from aletter at-the City , F.,-uginee.r and Itegu-,. lator : "I consider ft superior. to stone, and it laid In Fifth street, will:add gteatly , t4 Its beauty, and I would recommend It to nroeerty owners. Address iwoit . F, : car xonglntor.' :•. ' • ' '-"-' ' ' • - ' • THE ATLAS WOUBs. HOMAS MILLER, I- ' , OW REED PIMMES. • Thirty Barrels narrisott. Yor sato tiiJOYIN it. 'it A. litlTßlsoCit'Nurscry won. • olr:i4171 - 974%..nmi WM Wrrrn?' FOR SALE. J.; 6 , NOD bush. No. I Serf neVbeit WinterWheatr itipe a lf,R):6;' . 4. _prim rot sate br HIiOHCOLLSMoQSS ICI a w; ..._ . M I TT.PLlALlPTerNegiCA:4llfireirjr• Iveh WWlhe vlow,ers ri3Oit wi Th i rd ...v. ENINCINITTA u 0...„„,„ . 1 , 2 , K. ,% ... , Ufa Matiliti, ‘ , ,..,,,,t, 1 , t , 4,10, !"'.fora}' i. . sr 4l .4P. ,;,iii-4.'.,:14 , ,:t 11i3i ;,.: L. :... r • . 'a ' ; ..-i•iy-tt:ll.. ~..z-..14: .b'OR SALE. Near to the Allegheny River. rbn RENT TO LOAN:7-$50;000, IN 014,':$5,000;1iND414"iVA.itD.'- APPLY AT, FOR SALE. S. -11t.'ICTER, No. 359 Lthertv !MD :NATIONAL BANK 0? P ITTSI Pittsburgh. May 9th. 11a1 )11111 E.ND.,--The DLit Of this Bank Itax - e this thy deelth 5E311-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF SIX PE A on the Caiaital Stock'. free of GovernMeitl able on and after Tuesdav; 12Ith Inst. JNO. B. LIVINA! TIII Ilgr'n] myll:q2 locena.NGE NA TIENAL ' PIrrSIttIIGII,May 5„ / 11:57'THE DIRECTORS 0 li l ank. have declared a dividend o sm.. PER CENT. from the earnings of the last six months, , or after the .1.1. th inst. . .. . The Government Tax Mil be paid by th inyniptiO i ,R. 31. NIPRRAY , ern't"S PITTSBURGH 11 , 3IRy 5,101,11. 111FTIIE DIRECTORS 0 11 r THIS BANK have this day declared alDivldead of FIVE PER CENT on the Capital Stoelt4lout of the profits of the last six months, payable toi . the Stock holders. or their legal representatives, rand after , the 12th lust, free of B. S. tax. ' " m3s:ryS2 DAYE OF PrITSBURGII, i Kay sth. 1881. ( - (I;''''lllP, PRESIDENT AND - DI-; RECTORS of this Bank have this day de clared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. oli Its _capi tal stock. out of the profits of the last sit months which will be paid to Stockholdets, Or Ocir 1421' representatives ' on and after the 15th Itmant, free 't Of Government, State and Local taxes. r , myS:pBl:F W. ROSEBITRO, Cashier.; OFFICE WESTERN INSERANCE CON A ' g Prrrsintitoit, May S. 18643. f Eg " DIVIDEND. THE 111.4.11 D OF DIRECTORS of this Conrpatty litire this dii . . ----- ! • declared a DIVIDEND of POUR upon each share of the capital stock. out of the .EAMNED of the last six indathsi free of oorernment and State taxes, payable to Stockhold ers on and after the 12th Inst. my6:pS4 WM. P. HERBERT. Secletary, I ___ ,,..n ,__ ,i --,-- !'PITTSBURGH & CONNELLS VILLE R. It. CO. - . • I . • I STOCIIEWL.DERS'AVIEETI G. 11 A general meeting of , the Stockhol . der of the Pittsourgh & Conneilsl Ric Railroad Comy will be held at their office. in the City of Pittsbrgh, on . Friday, the 16th day of May, pr oximo, At 11 o'clock: A. M., to acce_pt, or .reject t e 0r....m -nances lately fissied by the Ala of and Cit Coun cils of Baltimore, and for the transaction of such. other busbies's' as inay be* brought before tile meet ing. By order of the Board,' . • • ;•,• JNO:lf: PAGE, i'lc; Searetary.. Pittsburgh, April 28th, 1868. DIM:MO-wpm AUCTION. SALES; BY SMITHSON, VANHOWE &Ws FURNITIIIIE, PIANOS, Architectural Drawirig Desk, CARPETS AND NEW MATTRESSES ; AT AUCTION. On THURSDAY, Mar 14th, at 10 A. sr J , and 2 p. sr.. at Masonic Hall - Auction Hooms, 55 dud 57 Fifth street; will be Bald, new and second-hind Furniture. embracing Dressing and Plain Btireaus, Wardrobes. Wash Stands: Parlor. Dining-1m and Wood Chairs and. Rockers; several Extens ,on Ta h. bles; Iligand Low Post, Cottage and Fren Bed steads; Hair. Cotton and Husk Mattresses' Card, Side. Breakfast and Dining' Tables, Tete-niretes. new Secretary, Desks, Sewing Machines.linens ware. Kitchen Utensils. Toilet Soap and In Par lor and Cook Stoves. CARPETS AND WINDOW SFIADES.—At large line of new. Carpets. , without reserve: Window Shades. with Trimmings. Housekeepers should attend tlils sale, as bai can be had. the goods being sold without n At a private sale, two large French Frame Mirrors, at one-third their value. S3IIT ;ISDN, St_McCLELLA.N: myt2 BY PALMER & PHILLIPS, pAPIER &PEUXLMS, . AUCTIONEERS. • 1 And Cfpninnission : .3rerchanl OPERA , HOUSE • AUCTION:RO No. 60 Fifth Street, Pitts*wet, re. 1 1. BOOTS,'SHOES," CARP 114 Dry Goods and Notions, i' ~ PRIVATE SALE DAY AND DVilil fi G. Consignments Solt cited. ' PrOmnit,itis: turns. .. t AUCTION. Niter THREE - STORY FR. r.) s. I Or O% OrChin', auction on SE. on Carson street, next todh h,tn South Pittsburgh, will be . . . SATURDAY, May nth,' at 5 oletbet P Lot 22 by 100. (Terms of payments made on phe day of sale., :10 DOLLAR SAVINGS. BANK, No; 65 Fourth Street CHARTERED ,rtv 186 ASSETS Open daily from 9to 9 o'clock; also; cu ' I'EB -- DAI and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from At y Ist to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and froin vember Ist to May let, from 0 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums the profitshank ONE DOLLAR, and a dividend of deelared twice a year, in June rind December. Interdet'has been declared semi-annually' In June and Deolimber, Since the Bank was organized; at tho rate of. els per. cent. a year. Interest, if not drawn out, is' placed to the redit of the depositor as-principal, and bears thosaine In terest trona tholst days ofJ tine and Decembet com pounding twice a year without troubling the epos= itol to call, or event° -present, his pass boo At this rate money will double in less than 'earn..-twelveir Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on appileatiori at the office. PnEsinnrcr—GEOßGE VICE; , PIt.ESID.ES"ISS • Jolla G. Itackof.Snv.,-- Pollock =3t. D., Benj. L. Palinestock, ! Robert Robb, !!' James'Herdmaxi, John H. ShOenber,gcr, . James McAuley, . James Shidle, It; • 'James II: D. Meeds, Alexander Speer,lL Isaac AL:Pennock, , , Christian Yeagerq Wm - Zig:BlMM • on,; Robert C. Loom - • Calvin Adams, •• ..- —; Henru J; Lynch, John C. Blather, - Peter A.'Madetra.f! George Black, John Marshall, IL Hill Burgwin: • ;Wpdter .1.".• Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier,'' Joifll. - 3fdPaddeii, - - Charles A. Colton, Ormsby Phillips, 1 John Evans, Henry L. Ringiv , John J. Gillespie, I Wm. E. Schmert — William; 5: Haven, AtexandetTind i Peter H. Hunker,' William Van.Hirk. Richard Hays. Isaac Whittier, IV James 1). Kelly, L Win. P. WeymarK TaEssuitEn—CHARLES A. COLTON. I SECIIETAILY — JAMES , II. I). !WEEDS. I El MI! i---- SECITRITV AND COMFORT FO . • iNeTRAVELING COMMUNITY. = i J. B. lIAIIIIIS',SAFETY FIBLIACEET •-- - - Car Heater and HoderatorA Por SMOKE AND HOT KM FLITES, dispding with the use of Stoves and Fires In or aboe ri t s the Passenger or Baggage Cara, with the attaCtnient to i graduate the heat to any temperature that ay be desired without the possibility of tiring thecar or cars to which the Jacket may be attached. II Having obtained of the United Eltatet Lettetill'at-" tit for a Safety Jacket which la warranted tdresist the most intense heat that may in adpiled to it In the position and parposefor which it is -intended. It i s a sure protection from accidents by fire iorigi. Dating from defective flues, or where iron p ipe s ire. used as conda pipingr smoke or heat. It splicable to all g that may became overlie ated,. ,and Is warranted U. give perfect ratio wood or other combustible material May bepliwed ;,-. In close proximity thereto. lam 'new rea dy to op. v , pi s my Invention to stores, dwellings, fee r ori eg x, . ships, steamboate, railroad' cam gm; wthrever‘ pipes as conductors are muCle dangerous trg being loverheated and sechtity derived. i will ae11,,,m sp. r, ~, z.. llcation.‘rihts to manufacture or to Use thenbevo nvention, also, territorial rights, to such Ilit mar wish to engage In selling prirVesca, either b Iltate iir ....._ J. S. MARIUS: L _ _Sour comee.,;"rtm - Pb1:18- ULTRA PAINT-- w 0 na," orUis stre‘tiu theAllegbe n Vida Railroad, N ward, burgh. iPa. ,j . 4ZI ME U9()NF - • 9 CA baxe Juatimati ttect from t e cane rakes !nibs labig• I Roles. which I will sell at a vary low_ gull re. i ll'hes: liArn allejilmingetaT t ain MIT Whiter tralkiliVo ifteeiitZitleiii.' 1 ak• iten .107 16:;777 • Z 0,144.0.: r 4 : 5. , • ' .NOTICES . y.c,..7' ~,, • ctors ed • CENT. t tax ) pay- TON, ; aatier. ' tNK Os. THIS .4able on k. asalitor til=M 21 Fancy rgains I . rye. EM Anetton i ; l 111 Meth- Id by mown 4:q4. 11312113 I I V 5