r Financial, Matters in .New York. Gold Closed at 139; (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ga.fette.l Is.TEW Yourt, May 12, 1868. MONEY, .A.J.TD GOLD... Money easy at 6 per cent. on call to bro kers, and 5 per cent. to goventnent brokers- PriMe paper scarce and pass at 63@7 per cent. Sterling steady at 10@l0V t for prime bills.. Gold firm, closing at 139%. The As sistant Treasurer, sold $150,000; loans were made.at 6@4 per cent. for carrying. Exports to-day -$584,595. GOVERMIENTS Quiet and closed steady. The Assistant Treasurer bought three quarters of a mil lion 7-30's at Tx,. Henry Clews it Co. fur nish the following 4:30 quotations: Coupons 'Bl, 11374®114; do. '62, 108g©109y 3 ; do. '64. 107%; do. '65, 107%®1073;: new, ips,‘@ 109%; ; '67. 109%(109X; 10-40 s, 103%@103%; 7-30's, 107%@10734. STOCKS. • r Railway market quiet, and closed steady. Border State Bonds Express and miscellaneous shares dull. The, following are the 5-30 quotations:,-. CantOn...so3;cqzl:—Cumberhuad,- 44®35;-. •Wells' Express 22m®245; American Ex press, 5,_814; Adiuns' Express, 59@)59; U. S. Express, 59W60; M..U. Express, 30X ®4034; Quicksilver, 30ya30%; Mariposa, ,5®5 1 4; Pacific Mail, 112;‘®92%; Atlantic, 33 1 4,@3434; Western Union Telegraph, 38i5 3ft New York- Centrah 128©128X1;.-Eric1- 69%®69gi - - Do. preferred,' 71(4)74v Hudson; 135,137;,. Reading, PDX,®9O34; 30%®311 .Wabasti, 51%652; "St., Paul, 624®63; Do. preferred, -75 ®76;' Michigan Central, 118@ll8% ; Michigan Southern, 84%@)8434; Illinois ,c;ntrali 145 @147; Pittsburg,.B4®B4s/; 'Toledo, 103y,© 103%; Rhode Island, 95®95y 5 ; Northwest orn,l7%®67l4; Do: preferred, 76%®77, • Ft. Wayne, losy,@iosx. Hartford and Erie, 14%@15; Missouri, ; 8935. . _ MINING SHARES Iktining.shares are nominal. = _ - - Receipts at Sub-Treasury, ..$L1,43-13,184 Payments, *1,550,631; Balance, $10,1748,710. New York Produce Market. tßy 'Pele grhilh to the Pittsbutith-Gazeite;j NEW YOEK, 1 . 11.ay 12.—Cotton dull, heavy and decidedly lower; sales 850 bales at 30c for middling uplands, with small sales - at' .29Mc. 1 . ,:10ur--Receipts.l3;6s9 bbls and 5a 10c lower; sales 6,800 bbls at $8,50a9,10 for superfine State and:westerly; $9,65a10,15 for extra; $9,56a9,60 for extra western; 611,80a'1 13,30 for white wheat extra; 69,50a13,70 for O.; 611,50a12,50 for 'extra.. ti Louis; $12,50a16 lei good to choice ‘do, closing qui6t. California heavy and lower; sales , 1 450 sacks at $12a13,75. Rye flourfirna and active; Sales 650 bbls at 68a9,65. Corn meal', without decided change; sales -.6oobbls at 65,80 for western. Whisky nominal. Re. ceipts of -wheat 43,740 bush: and slightly In buyer's favor; sales 62,000 bush at 62,37a2,28 for No. 2 spring; 62,40a2,41 'for Nor 1 and 2. do mixed; $2,30 for No. 3;12,8&5 - 2,95 f or small lots white Canada; 63,20 for white California and 63,35 for small lots of hand some Michigan. Rye firm and moderate inquiry; sales of 1,550 bushels at 62,00 for western and $2,05 for Canada and State, and retail lots of do at 62,10. Barley a shade firmer; sales of 4,000 bushels of Canada West at $2,50. Barley Matt dnll. Receipts, —Corn, , 30,329 bushels less active and Yi shade easier; sales of 47.900 bushels at $1,16a:- 1,19 for new and old mixed western in store and afloat, $1,17 for fair - white southern, and $1,24a1.25 for southern yell6w. - Re ceipts—Oats; 72,263 bushels active and firm; sales 840,000 bushels at 83a8336c for west ern in store, and 87;4a8714c do afloat. Rice and Coffee quiet. Sugar in fair request: • sales of 110 hhds at Ilal3c for Cuba, and 111ya1.234c for Porto Rico. Molasses steady sales of 120 hhds of Cuba at 50a52C. Hops quiet." Petroleum quiet at - 13 a I.i c,. 'tor , crude, and 303yc for re fined bonded. Pork firtherand qUiet; sales 500 bbls at 628,50a28,75 for new mess; closL ing at 628,62, regular; 627,60a27,75 for old do: closing at -627,;75yea5h;-.-.623,6(424.,00 for prime; $ 24 , 7 54/912 for prime' mess;also, .500 bbli new `Mess; "buyer - for 'June, at 629,37 M. Beef barns inactiVe;c salesl-t0" bbls. at 636,00a36,50. Cut meats steady; sales—MO packages at 13%a14f0r shoalders;. 17%11.1tUier hamsmiddlinga 150 boxes at-J4N for Cumberland cat; 164 a 16' for long' `clear - Lard - heaty" and drooping3-sales-rssCkbbls at 2 ,IBaI9W I L: autall lots at'i9yalo%. `. Bator quiet at 30a37 for Ohio, and - 38a40 for State. - 'Cheese steady at 12a15. ,Frelghts to Liverpool dull;and.. do alining; - engaielfireidSlor,23,oool3lnshgrain; wheat, per stesifner,-Itt 3,06 d.• Lew:sr-430= cledguillind:ioWerfor common. 'Wheat g et and steady at 52,37 a 2,38 for No. 2; and 52,48 for No. 1 umiak: Rye scarcermd'BrifraMooll7,lls. — Oata - ac tive and firm at 87%c -and in store. Cora dull and heavy at 51,17a1 , 1$ for new, and oldfitilxiat western-in"store and 'afloat:- Pork quiet and firm at. 528,5011.28,82 for new mess cash and regular ' $28,69a28,75, seller; June, and 529,12a29,39.briyer June. Beef quieVand steadY. • Cut Meats ' dull and nn.. changed: Bacon . dttll at 14,ga143;c Air Cum berland.cut.. -Lard heavy at 185:fal9K,c• for , fair to pritne. Eggs steady at 23a24c. Cincinnati Market. tßyTelezraph to the Pittsbatzh Gazete.) CINCINNATI, May 12.—Flour dull; family $11a11,25. Wheat dull; No. 2 $2,40 and No. 1 $2,45. Corn quiet at 89a90c for ear and shelled. Oats moderate demand at Pc for No. 2 and 77c.-for No t - 1. =aßye dull'at $1,85a1,90. There is no demand for Barley and nominal. Cotton very dull and no de mand; middling can be sought 2.8 c. Tobacco in good demand at 'full rates; sales 116 hhds lugs at $4,30a9,20, leaf $12 , 10a32,69, Provlsions very dull, no demand and hom inal; mess pork offered at -$27,75: • Bulk meats 12;01411c for bacon, 13Nc,..f0r should ers, 16 a 16% for bleat riblildet,lirid 12e for clear ; ;. those -having bacon -ready. fOr ship ment are anxious to sell it. Sugar cured' haw , Were offered at. I.9st, pwq, all month< LarcrianagleCted And, can be. Wight 4Clge. Butter is in better supply and the market is 'dull at'3Ba43d. • Egipl. Cheese'is regular; dadi a rt s , 4 ol l . 4 , l4 ll4 a ve; an & fresh made fial2c.; acaorffng.th , qualltY• Linseed oit'is steady* $1,2051,22. LAO oil is selling at $1,45a1,50 for 'No, I, and ex tra is in • light •fitanandir. Totatoet. Ott ins. better supply and - dttitat -13,75a4' per bbl. There, is a good doii*md.'for dried fruits; at, 10a13c for Peaches. Coffee. is firm, with saleaof I,2oobegeof goodto what, Bio-st -23a25c. Sugar is aCtivejoid higher, and sales !Were made of 766 hhds at 16,014 c for Cuba, and 14a153Ga for IPortn-R..., Hogg are firm at Val °, gress. Gold is buying at •. ^ • 7- - • - `, - t 7 Market. - isiTelestaph tone Pittebions eazette.i • cr.F.,vg,LAND,' May 12.0-416rir 'Without change and the demand le moderate at; 11 / 1 • 5 411 XAgrailrittO r mad.V.F• o 4htzrY do at ` ,50a11,50; ty,made. amber at; $l4; XXX - eity made white at 815,50; XX" rod tiop t utty.made at, iliAosig,7s. ,WheiSt is dui1.14112,70 Tor ,No t , red Winter, in ear . ' lots; ':52151i2,55 for No. 2 do; NO. 1 western spring at 1)2,0, Cora &SI and 19wer, and the mart Wiled M taftros:Vg 4.10X41 ed front a re., its 'Quiet and moderately: firm at 76411j,i0 for No. 'I State. Sye,Cnier and Jinn ;92111,1/5 for No.l State, • Bar; ley nominal but firm, with no • tranisketiena. report:4llSi Petroleum 44041nd 4f* firinat, 25c for lefinid is bond 3 5a360 for fieei • en:Wits -,„ - • Ygleivi'Mitimc: r ..: :,, [By T« + M 6 WI PjAtatitiVret_tikh 4. yam 2. To4*,, mi ff .1544:44 1 1;04 vi*eipkt I,49s:bw,clitsed o lidi tet ei; 1 reasl_ptse.ow , bus; pilmiap . ktbr j fliqq I%U'. CIIFtC 20 bE r l i c ", _Agesi,, acro. 41 , and -•- 1 , 95 01:40, . t wo-. 4 - buyatqdk 9116.--'' , t i M it i • c . ; gait 31 bus; soles .2.6 ' • Sul -,.. ' l9 ' 4 ' Beedssiult.offailke aulir r lN?lt to Buffalo. • - , - . ' - ' , ' ' - 'Vat, t 4.41.4 ,3.1„ '.l4!.t.rn-r . ..:"V57T1t7 , 1T.,77.7 CBy Teieirapti to the Pittsburgh Gazette..i Sr. Louis, May 12.—Tobacco steady and firm at saB for lugs, Bal3 for common to medium leaf and 121a14y for shipping leaf. Cotton dull; nothing transpired. Hemp buoyant at $1,40a1,60 for undressed. Flour very quiet at $8,25a9 for extra, $9,50a10,75 for double extra and $11,59a12,25 for triple extra. Wheat steady and firm at $2,75a 2,95 for fair to prime choice; winter spring nominally lower; sales at $2,08a2,13. Corn firm and higher; sales at $1,90a1,95. Oats 75a80. Bye nrm at $1,83. Provisions dull and drooping, buyers are standing off for lower prices. Sales of Pork at $28a28,50; sales of 1,000 bbls on the Illinois river, buyers for the 10th 'of June, at $28,50. Bulk Meats; sales of 50,000 lbs of loose shoulders, first ten days of . June buyer, at 13 Bacon; small retail sales of clear rib at 17c; do sides 17 1 ' 11171 c. Choice Sußr Cured Hams 21c. Lard dull and nominal at. 183.1a1.90, Cattle; receipts lib eral; demand good at $5a8,50, gross. Sheep Unchanged, at $2, 75x2,75y, per head.. Re ceipts—Flour, 900 bbLs; Wheat, 3,000 bush; corn, 4,200 bush; oats, 1,300 bush. Chicago Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CRTC/Lao, May 12.—Flour—the demand is light and the market very quiet at 88,26 a 11. • Wheat fairly active and steady; sales of No lat f. 2,18, and No 2 at 62,07 1 4a2,09; the market closed quiet at $2,08 for No 2. Corn moderately.active and 134a2c higher; sales of No lat 93a94c; No 2 at 92a92Mc; new; 91a9234c; rejected, 92a92%c; closing firm at 94c for No 1. Oats quiet and firm. opening 136a2c higher; sales at 723ta74c; closing weaker, at 73c. Rye nominal at $1,74a1,75 for No 2, and 01,75a1,76 for No 1 in store. Barley quiet; No 2 in store by sample at V,27a2,28, and lots by sample at i/2,10a2,33 on track. Provisions very quiet; small . sales —of mess pork at $.28,25. a 28,50. Sugar Pickled Hams, 17 1 6 c for can vassed. Bacon; hams 20c. Lard held at 19c; buyers'only offered 'axe. Receipts -7,326 bbls flour. 41,205 bus wheat, 100,185 bus corn, 32,469 bus oats. Shipments-8,050 bbls flour; 2,491 bus wheat, 236,651 bus corn, 54,749 bus oats, 1,399 live hogs. Freights dull, but steady; 335 c on corn to Buffalo. Philadelphia Market. Br Telegraph to the Plttaburgh-Gazeite.l tPHILADELPHIA, May 12.—Flour is in hot- er demand. Wheat; in light demand; red $2,80a2,98, white E3,00a3,25. Rye firm at $2. Corn in fair demand, with sales of 5,000 bus; yellow at $1,20, mixed western $1,24a1,25. Oats steady; western 90c. Pro vision,s dull and drtioping, Mess Pork s29a 29,50. Mess Beef $25a28. Petroleum; the . Market was greatly . excited to-day iu con sequence of shorts being called upon for delivery, to about 40,000 bbls ands ales of refined are reported at, 33c, but some hold-. ers refused this figase; crude does not par take of the activity and is offered at 183 i -c in bbls, and 14c in bulk. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.. MILWAUKEE, May 12.—Flour is more ac tive; choice Wisconsin and lowa, $9,75a10; Medium, $9,28a9,50; - common. $8,87a9.12. Wheat is firm at $2,17 for No. 1, and $2,08 for No. 2. Oats is buoyant at 71c for No. 2. Corn is firmer at 92 - 3 1 4 c for new shelled. Receipts-2,800 bbls flour; 65,000 bus wheat, 6,000 bus oats, and 3,000 bus corn. Ship ments-2,700 bbls fl our, 117,000 bus wheat, and 1,000 bus oats. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gusette.l LOUISVIDLE, May 12.=-Tobacco exceed-• ingly active at an advance; sales 233 bhds lugs at SGaS; common to choice leaf $8,50a 26, 75. Flour—superfine $8,75a9; fancy 512,50 al3. Corn 90c. Oats 78a80c. Wheat $2,55a 2,90, Lard 18:,,,/al9c. Mess pork $2B. Bacon —shoulders 13,,a14c; clear sides 171. , ,c. 11u1k. shoulders 123013 c; clear.eides 16/a 10,1 1 1 c. Cotton dull at 29a. By 'Eelegctph to the Plttsbui; h-Bittette3 llzatrats May 11.—Cotton dull •at 29a 29Mc; expoiks, - 64 bales; receipts, 91 bales. Flour quiet; superfine, 88a8,50. Pork,4o. Bacen—shoulders, -14V i c• ' clear sides, 18c; balk shoulders, Mc. Lard, 19a21c. Corn,• .81,02a1.05. Oats, 873a88c. Hay; $lO. Bran, f 34. Eggs, 17a20c. Butter. 40c. Corn Meal, $1.50a4,75 for fresh and kiln dried. • • New York Dry Goods Market CBy Telegraph to the Pittabergh-Glizette:l Ir iNEw Yons, May 12.-r-The market con ' Jambes dull pending the result of the im peachment issue,, but prices are without variable change. Standard prints bring 13a14; do. brown sheetings 16,1,49.75.6, and deiaines 16. • ' Telegratth r io.the Pltiaburalt Gazette .1 BA LTIMO4E, May 12:—Flour• dull; north western superfine at 89x9,50; extra: at sloa 10.50. Wheat weak at - $2,80a8,05. Corn dillhwitite.at $1,15.11,16; yellow at 41,22 a .14 -5. Oats and Rye unchanged. Provisions ‘unchinged; IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. 'CLEVELAND AND Prrnnuriak BALte .ROAD, May 12-300 oil. bbls ' C A Worrnea tie; 4550 feet lumber, C Espy & Son; . 1. bbl eggs, 11 aks oats, Graff & Reiter; 40 sacks - oats, J Glenn; 2jugs 'molasses, J. Render-. son & Bro; 2 bbls eggs, Dillinger.k. Steven; son; 1 do do, W H Kirkpatrick & - Co;Ll bbl eggs, 1 bx butter, J B Canfield & Son; 20 aka potatoes, S McFarland; 9 bdls chairs, 3 do rockers, Hammer dr. Dauler; 03 bdls chairs, 3 do rockets, Bedford' Chair Co; 5 bbls pearl barley, Rinehart & Stevens; 6 bbls flour, Totten & Co; 1 car stone;') L . 'lCnox; 1 car bones, Seward et Campbell; 10 .sks • rags, C P 'Markle & Co; lot oats . W Steel & Bro; 5 bbia pot ash,.McKee Bro; '3 bxs scales, B Wolfe & Co; 1 bic glassware, • Fahnestook .43c Co;-4 . ,do scales, Fairbanks, Morse & Co; 6 cars ore, Shoenbeiger & Co; LI -. do . do,i Bryan dr. Caughey; 1075 billetts .1 Moorhead; 8000 feet lumber,' J'lSlc masters, . L , L. . PiTTEMIIRGH,CINoINNATI.VT ST, Lotris' `TiLA.xvici.ktic: May 12.-13 bags, nteal,":J, Dor- .rlngtenrtthhds ', tobacco, And •• • On and atter the 41 dynt- or Ma i y,..lßM3, calAcoxes, •1 be omco uil thb o • -- - - - can be paid.at Wilco until tin! t blLhar •; Dedueilon ot,ifive PeT tor pronipt,piaynlent, to' any persons 'paying , th WHULE AMOUNT of then* taxes. There will be no deduction allowed durin the month of August. There Will be TEN PERCENT: . ADDED to all taxes _remaining unpatd-on :the Ist, day of deptember, 1888:: • -) - I. F. DIENNISTON. _l:ylmi:fled ' - Treasurer of Allegheny CountS- Ulttißleti4l3lllA#Eß 11 FACTURING COMPANY- 4 Manufacturer/I'of PRINTING AND WRAPPING-PAPERS , 'Ol - trtY: . ISRIGXI'./ . o* *ILL—N.4W 11.1RIUBTON, rA.:' , oFirict AND I'I'ARERPI7B Ko.R Third • f • : JNo:;n. Livi-NOBToN' 8.4141:TEL 11 40DhAi begrat tHa • • - ; I ; 7 * ilartman,f Oahu B. eivingt,V .,l4 V 4a .# t relly:Stf Cash paid for raper Stack, TOEt ICE! ICEI77 7 77 -----. . :...:n. 17.7" -- , ,i, 11c-..1... , 11-Y, rtcrll'i c... 1 - ‘ - :.•74 :I , ' r.-: .1 . . ' - . -MIL KREBS,iice Dealer 4 ' , Jr' .: IV!) • ....1 1 , flr,": IZ". ..‘...110 1,: t,o•l, KOi 644 • DWalDND'AllararolPittalingh• „ 1 , 11 d Afiretr i left tli t savyti oar b a n t* i t B tn i nrif i greviqa " - g elv° tbAlliabetir ii ' i .1 1 P f «)-s i n i . di viipivie 9 %%14.' , -. VS IQ - -'11.111: , , r lill , t /I,lf,Tßl,lWeir.rethMlrfritri tini.,itultr:, '''' • smiskiNgiS Nllaitik ' Nii.ff 1 ' Z I Z: I.l.mibtriter ed oi 117 t; Pqt:9l4 lgalltettllg i T4r.rgAtithivgpreti,At ~, ' fru • ;* ~,,,, , OR XNOX, , *7 mannsa No. 911$8 Liberty strat i Plttabg2o6 STEAMBOATS: FOR CIPi!CINNATI. . i s i A i gr a t THURSDAY PACKET-AT 121 m. The new and splendid side-Wheel steamer J. N. NPCULLOUCK, G. D. MOORE D. MOORE The above elegant side-wheel steamer Will leave regularly as announced, connecting at Cincinnati with Packets and Railroads to Louisville; Nashyille, Memphis, New Orleans Ind St. Louis. .Also to the _Upper Mississippi and Id agouti rivers. Freight or passengers eipted through either by rail or river. - Especial attention : van to Orders and Way Business. For freight or passag apply on board or to J S. COLLINS IA ents. 3 P= ' /WAS. BAR 5, g • WIRIEST & : ASLETT,A i dEt andForwardingommission Merchants, AND GENERAL • ' STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Cor. Market uhd l Water Sts., Pittsburgh. We are the authoried agents for the "NORTH WESTERN UNION PACKET COMPANY." be tween St. ' Louis and St. Paul ; " alsofor the "ST. LOUIS & INCY PACKET COMPAN Y either of the above lines at the LOWEST RATES. Shippers entrusting goods to our care can rely on having them handled with care and delivered with dispatch. We are also agents for steamers to Cincinnati, Louisville. Memphis, New Orleans, and al other points on the Western waters. ap'M OINCINNATI PACKET LINE. , - For Wheeling, Marietta, Parker!' Pomeroy, Galliopolis, Big B • Ironton, Portsmouth, Maysvill Cincinnati. -; , ST. if ARTS MONDAYS, 6 P. M. ST. CHARLES FRIDAYS, b P. M. The above elegant side-wheel steamers nil regularly as announced, connecting at Chi with Packets and Railroads to Louisville, Nas Jlemphis, New Orleans and St. Louts. Also Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Freight or passengers reeclpted through et rail or river. Especial Fatentlongivin to Orders and W ness. - BARNES & COLLINS. no2o WIRIEST & lIASLETT. A pITTSBURGH, _ 1 WHEELING. Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave company's Whozrboat, foot of Wo.x street. DAILY, at 12 M. --- MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS, J. N. MeCULLOUGH.... Gro. D. Moonz, Master TUESDAYS A ' ' ' I A D S F ATE 4 gIO, Master BAYARD WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. GREY EAGLE C. L. BRENNAN, Master Freight will be received at all hours by aye JA3IES COLLDJS. Agent. OR. .ST. LOUIS, DU BUQUE, ST. PAUL. and the rmediate ports, in connection with the North ern'Line.—The tine passenger steamer Fute HATE PUTNAM Capt. G. IV. REED. Wilt leave as above announced on , TUURSDAY, 14th Inst.-4 P. M. For freighter passage alv on board or to JOHN FLACK. p Or, J. D. COLf.INGWOOD. Agent 4, IME WEDNES- i igir iz t DAY PACKET FOR CINCIE .. A' I.—The fine steamer ARGOSY Capt. VANDERGIiIFT, W. H. Scott. Clerk, lees PR6bnrgli for Mein nstt every IVEDNESDAY at noon. C. GARNF.S. JAS. COLLINS, Agents. . ,10113; FLACK. 3 EMI coyrnm.T.r.R•s OFFICE, CITY OF ALLEGHENY. May IL ISM 1 SEALED PROPOSALS *ILL BE itEcy.tvEt) at tilts Office until 3 o'clock r. an TUESDAY. 12th Inst. forGRADING and PAV ING the following Streets, Avenues and Alleys. JiTNIAtA STREE2',• from, Sedgwlek str r ect to Beaver Avenue. • . rAltli - VritEET. front Grar.t Avenue to Sturgeon . MIDDLE STREET, from North Avenue to knoll Street. ,' L: EILBUCH STREET; from East side of Craig to West aide of Corry street.' UNION AVENUE. from Ohio Avenue to Church OHIO - AVENITE, from Grant Avenue to the Putts burgh..Fort Wayne ft Chicago Railroad. GRANT AFF,Iiii.TE4 from •the 'Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chleagb Railroad to Llnclaln Avenue. MADISON AIfENCE, from. the terminus of the preseliCparetnent, at the old thy line, to the point of Intersection of sald'Avenue 'with East street. ;MATH'S ALLEY, in the Second Ward • -LINDSAY'S ALLEY, in the Second ward.' Also.'for the PAVING of ALLEGHENY AVE NISE prom Western' Avenue to.-he River: • Prattles . and Specifications can be seen In the office of CHAS. •HAVlthEsq.4 fifty:Engineer. • ' - '' ' ' • R. n. FRANCIS. nirs:qm , - City Controller. _......__________ • WYLIE AND DINCAN STS. • Peisons bittiested aie . herebrnotifted that the Rpott, otViewers.' as mantled by.the COIITt of QUarter Sessions, at N'3s. ll= and 12; DeceMber Term,ll366..has .been finally ,conn rmed, and, that' the assmisteents are now. In my bands for collec tion. Unless payment Is made on.or before 'June 10th. 11368, the claima will bellied a, liens, and ,collected by prouess of law. J. I'. SLAGLE, City Attorney. It, May Bth; 1868. mybiphs Ptttsbur• INTEBSTER - AND ROBERTS STS. • All persons interested are hereby notlfictl that the Report of Viewer's, as modified by the Qourt of 9narter Sesstous, at Nos. 1 and 13 of Juno Term, 1866, has been finally confirmed, and that the as sessments ire in my hands for collectton. Unless payment is made on or before June 10th, 106 S, the 'claims will be filed as liens and collected by process •of law. • • ' . .1. F. SLAGLE. City Attorney - :-Pittßburib . .ll'uy Sib, 0168. - - my 1:p91 •• HOW LOST1,114)1W • ANA. RESTORED! 'Just p fibtf /Med in sealed envoi ope. . P.M., elm ' ,cent..*: . A .LECTURE: CFR- .THE N.O.TIJRAI, TREATMENT„ und 'Radical Cure of fterrnatolthced,'or 'Seminal Wen knees, Involuntary Eiplaidquit, liexual Debility !Ind Impediments to lifer- Mtge .gentrallyliNor you, .Ootulumptiou. 'Zpl- ,lepsy okul Rita ; ent4), au , 'Liilliell, Iticapaclty, re- aul liar from Sol Abtlee. 1 .... DY. Rola, .),, Culver- well. 1 k go t iMl l 4- q tiggligtti : Tis ',. ° , , i'e'tll . under meal:111A , u envelope, to any *Mink post-, rittfA c"l 4.n3l% Ili ttlrlt G't tl j e nr e ArckgZ l N; T 3 A) NE vo k ult 1%, C. o'lnet Ba. 9k So. — Also Dr. ' 'Cul ve r well ' a , ' O 4O 0 10 0 44eihPrigR6centqi , L .pkytttkrkr • . • • - • . §i..- - :vriii 'litliiitil;-= — We sball; in'a few days, send an agent to Silver Mountain, , olorado, to.develope ten different Lodes ottlilver, Ore, discovertd and toasted by experienced miners -and situated hu an unusually rich Mininpstrict. It is intelided.ftbitsve them , Italy develo before ping to the Sitpense. of- creating bull lugs, ma chinery, &c. ,' or thiS development the Company' have deternatnetk te sell a limited amount of the stock foot i ng width Willplace t h emselve s. On the' same as the ,proprletors For full pasticulars apply to • 11. MCLAIN A. CO., rah= .. , - . • 1 Fourth street: ' pERRY.I4TREET. -.,-: ;., .-.,.•L ,L , . ...,.;:' undersigned We'.; the nd vierrers,•te accuse diunakeS and hermitic In operdegor Perry 'street, Third ward, , Allegh eny y , .WIII ,meleMt on ' th t 4 pr o eint o aes '.r on-, TH .. i - lti- ' DA t Y e Ma tie Bh therap a poi l tmentit,••scr.,to'fp4l - - • ' JABIE GRAIIA.M,L .TORN G H OIIHNINAIR, • my12:(19. • .. „.• ....; ..,..: -?'110110.5,tiM1.TM.., :.• . • • . . .sEut4w.WW-SI9REETi, ~k ; Tlio Alm' . rellitu2ii: - :gribblntett••.rie*Ciiii'io , aB9o l l l . damages an benente for opening of Bedroidek St.„ 13Ixtli ward Jilleg f li t ai l liv•mnee on the qteinlcee. I.on' 'CHURN AY, the R day of..btay,,ipos,.a.t.aii, i owookr.:76:i de: - iti Mattis off their 011POin ''' moat. ' ~: : - •• . : WM. cßA..mnyits, ; , -? , 77rii '.O - rit;:•• JOHN Vi. , JRNNIN(.OI• ' inylil9 . l.l. : . 4 .ii " JAMES o!titHA?l.- ~ .• • : A/1: . 11 ASILICIALVEIT. .. -. , ... 1.,•, , ,, , ,e I r • - ;•. 1 .11, 4 '-. it ., . 7 . -1;•.- ,•..-1J.,.) ,A , "A: '!-,, , • • . .. • . .• ,•., g,,Olg••urkdpplg.nell,:yiprepi-•to .tinselit'larn . •_, Wires Mid. betiletlor for opening :or ••litcfßalatti'DlleY: ,-- 81 - 2 thAya rf Allegheny, will•mieot og i tleiuilac onTHHRsRAri M l Y r lstlos . . - a O o • coo t r.,t.llttoto,oo4ptiol il hea i ..ptoxtu .. I R RAVI' • - • 13, -- 1868. 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS 11. STEELE M. STEESTEELS& SON,'- . Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN - • -- • - FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED, zto. No. 95 OHIO STREE'I near East Comraon. ALLEGHENY CIT JA3SES 11. mmArion SOS. i ARPSR AVEANOR & HARPER, I. - • Commander ........Clerk pLOITH, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMJEGICSSICON 313EIZCI-1A2011.13 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. • Consignments solicited. REFEIIitaiCES-4: U. Martin , Cashier' Mechanics' National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., R. T. Ken nedy & Bro. _ja.3l:l2f rgrun Kral. • EIL bz RICHART COMMISSION MERCIIANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c:, &c., ' 549 Liberty St.; Pittsburgh, mr2A:b37 • .J. BLANCHARD, L• . No. 396 PENN STREET 711 , 13ANE , AN.J3KII., McBANE Si MUER; - - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY.' No. 141 WATER. STREET, above , Smithfield, Pitta bur h. , lea FE . ARMSTRON G , FORWARDING AND COMM I SSION MERCHANTS, For the sale of Flour, Grain, Flacon, Lafd,, Rutter, Seeds, Dried Frult.And Produce generally, No. 10 ?SARI:ET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. fe22:uB . urg, ndy, and QHODIAKER. & LANG, Whole- Ky sale dealers In Groceries, Flour, Grain, Pro duce Provisions. Fish, Cheese, Salt, Carbon' Oil, Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD-STREET, near Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. noitinss T. C. SWEENY, 3 IMM JOIIX I. ROUSE HOESE WM. H. BOUSE. JOHN I. 'HOUSE & BROS., Suc cessors to • JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale brocers and Commission Merehrutts; Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. C. A. Ditavo. Jj EMI ) 1 I leave lomat a mine, to the her by RIDDLE, No. IS3 LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.., Commission Mer e ant and 'Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced ou Consignments, and paid for Produce gau ' . au2t Bust- HURT., KNOX _ AN)REW KNOX AKNOX & .SON, COMMISSIOZ .M.ERCII ANTS and dettlers In FLOUR, GRAII .t DLL FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, 1.4 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City Jal7:r37 '- ME DAV. CRAWFORD, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN PIG METAL BLOOMS . , oRE; WROUGHT SCRAP IRON, FIRE BRICK AND CLAY, A-c. Warehouse and Office, 'Nos. 3116 and 368 PENN STREET. Storage tarnished. Consignments solicited . oc3 TITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, 'Whelegate Grocers, Commission Merchants ana ters In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh-Manufactures:generally, 112 and 114 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. ir B. CANFIELD & SON_, COM.. . MISSION dr FORWARDING MERCHAb.ITS, and Wholesale Dealers In Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Lard, Pork, Bacon, Flour; Fish. Pot 'and Pearl Ashes, and 01Is, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Boa. 144 and 146 Front street, Pitts burgh. J 011!: SHIPTON A. WALLACE. §inpfroN & WA LLACE, WHOLE II SALE ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, o. 6 SIXTH. STREET, flttsburali. 1112:r5,9 JOS. A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND POLICE MAGIBTRATE. Omee. 126 WYLIE STREET. near Washington, • Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collections. and' all other legitimate business executed promptly. • mhZlm9 ARCHIBALD 'BLAKELEY, MOIASTEItS, ALDERMAN, , . EX.-Officio Justice of the' Peace and Pollee Magis trate. °dice, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH', PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages. Acknowledgments, Depositions, - and till• Legal Businessexecuted with nrorntitnessand dispatch. • mhl6 VIUSTACE S. , 1110.131t0W, ' A " AX;DERIZEAN; . - EX-OF ICIO - JIISTICIP - OF THE' "PEACE AND , PQLICE .11A.OISTBATE. • , • • • . . . . OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA:AVENUr PIUSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgage's, AcknowledgMenta, Depositions andall..Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. • my.t) ATVIDION,` Justice (if the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT. CARSON STREET BiItMINGRAM. — Collectlon'of Rents. solicited .ind promptly attend ed to. . m3 - 3:p30 WILLLUI H. BARIFCEII, , • JUSTICE OF THE PEACE; CONVEYANCER, &C., 'Office, CARSON STREET; nearly opposite the Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH. Business entrusted to Lis care promptly attend ed to. myt.yet JOSECII It. GAZZA.III J It. -1311TTEliFIELD G. M. ]CHASTER. IPMASTER, °AMAX & BIITTERFIELD, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Bankruptcy iirrwaysinßGn., OFFICE, 98 GRAFT ATEEET, DANIEL MieMEAL ) M. D., PR Ar.TICING PHYSICIAN. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, N 0.159 Grant St., near kniith• apai:x7l FERGUSON, ATTORNEY-AT—LAW, %;' • 4 .0 * 87... VP1L Strfpets SzcoND Fr rime, leitoNt Room.' • • ap4:411 , . W A. LEWIS, 's • ATTORNEY—AT-LAW, • No .00 . Thamona 'Street. ' mhs:uB - .P4 ; iTinURGET, PA. JOHN .W., IMIHH.E*L, ‘• . • - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW .T01)211 A.'STRAIN, - ,‘ _ , , EX . OrrIC.O .ZETIMIPE OP THE PEACE A . .,ND IA POLIOEMaiISTRATE. • 0249.u5il , Frart STItZr.T, oppootto the Cothen. dna, -Plttabtitgh; Mtirres Aglakelftont.s 11614 ell'eamorwith pro plum and dupa . DetieWPßl and Le Bust (lroits4cpmecepusse. •-•-•" .sa • az oict,tyc i , ,li er:s 1,;(;:41 cp. Apeattvatoontatimmi UNV • • ti 4 3r449 b e i * Ul3 M 91.11 30 t*tiq Lto „ piimpans, Bountleo and Arreoipiot Psyrandft solleetell. • I Wholesale and &hill:Grocers, PROFESSIONAL PITTSBFRGII, PA ATTOf;rTEY-AT-LA~V, No. 86 rum STREET, PITTSBITUGH. PA np6:n9D:d&r Opioalte the, Cathedral JeIS:TTB Ottlee, 11if Diatnond Street 'Opposite ilduse,) EMEZI . . C. 14, -H. ATTORNEY AND .COUNSELOR AT LAW, 'No. SO arsuatiiiitreet,: 3 . 24 az; " imsiittßGl4,' Pi-. VSBURGHand col.; E L LSVILLE • E=l3 ,- and after THITRSDAT. Mara sth; 1868 .‘ils will arrive at anti depart fronnthe Depot, cor ~:r t f Grant and Water streets, as fOi;ows: • . .Depart.t.' Arsfoc. Mal to anti front Uniont'n. 7:00 A.; St, 0:00 P. M. Mc eesport AcconunoUttn•ll:oo A.IM. 13:05 P. M. Ex,/ to and from Dulont'n. 3:00 P.rr. 10:00 A. 31.* :Wet Newton Accommod'n 4:30 P. lq. 8:35 A. M. Bra dock's:Accommotiat'n • 615 e.is. • 7:50 Night-Acc. to McKeesport.lo:3o P.ll. 6:10 A. M. Sunday Church Patti to and . - from Wen Newton 1:00 : r. 1. MOO A. 11. For tickets apply t. 7 _ _ _, , W. B. SToIIT, auperintentlejiart. VALLEY RAILR•AD. LY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE REGIONS. Running through to Venango City !Mout change of cars—Connecting witirtrains - .V1 4 istul, West on ... the Warre' & Franklin - Railroad, 'lid Atlanlic & Great Western Railways. Shortes I • and quickest route to Oil City and Franklin, and 141 points in the Oil Regions. • ' • - On - andiafter April 06th, r iseigerTriiing will leave from and arrive at thePittsbufet4 Peßot: corner Canal' and Pike Sta. as follOWs: rrflis, Mail to and rm Yen. City. T:U A 0 it.' . 0:15 P. M.' Express " • . 10:40 r. A.12:95 A. 11. Brady's Bend Accommod'n• 0:00 P.tk. /0:20 A. 31.. Soda Works Accora'n • 530 r: 7:53 A.:11:-• First Hulton Accomod"n... 8:50 A. t 11:40 Second Hutton Accomod'n 12;00 " 2._ 3 : 5 5 P; Sunday Church Train leaves,Sodahlforksat 8:05 A. 31, arriving in Pittsburgh at 9:50' Aem. Re.; *turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10.1..j51., arriving as Soda Works at 2:55 P. W. ' ' - H. BLACKSTONE, Supt, W. F. HOPE, Ticket Agent.- • aPZ 'ITT SBURGII CINCINNATI AND ST.INAMEM • /CIS RAILWAY. . • PAN 'HANDLE RO CHANGE OF TI3IE.—On and a 6. SUNDAY, May 10th, 1867, trains will leave a 11 arrive at the Union Depot, as follows; Pittsburgh time: • • . • Depart: Arrive. Mail Express • 2:15 - a. 111. 4:35 P. m. - • Fast Line 9:40 a. 7:15 p. m. ' Fast Express . 1 : 5 0 P. 11:20 a. m. Mixed Way • 6:10 a. 7:05 p. m. McDonald /teen. N 0.1.. 11:40 a. . 3:05 p. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:50 p. • 0:30 a. m. MeDonald's 'Men, No. 2..• 5:25 p. 1. 8:20 a, m. SPECIAL NOTICE.--Sunday Expretleaces at 1:50 p. in arriving in Cincinnati at 6:00 In. 'pie next, morning.. The 940. a.• tn. Train leaves daily, Sunday and Monday excepted. b. F. SC ULL, 'Generalteket Agent. W. • W. CARD. Sup't., Steubenvill , • . - FORT 'WAYNE MiCHICAGO R. W. AND CLEVELAND S PITTSBURGH It. R. From May 11th, 1868, trains_ will leave Dem and arrive at the Damn Depot. notth side, city time, as follows: ' . : • . Leave. mire. Chicago Ex.... 2:13 a m Chicagd EW.. 2:23 a tzt • Cleveland Ex.. 2:13 am , Cleveland Ex. . 2:23 a m Erie St-, Ygn WI 7:98 a in*ChicagoEsi.. - . 11:23 a m•' -Cl. & Wh'i,9ll 6:13 ain Wheeling 11:08,a m Chicago Mall.. 6:58 a in' St. Lonls - 3:33 pm Chicago Ex„,.. 9:43 a miCl. & Wlt*Ex 4h38 pm Cl. & Whig Ex. 1:43p iThErle Twit' Ex 6:13 pta - Chicago Ex. . .. 1:58p iniChicago . 4:23 pm • Wh. &;ErictEx. 4:48 pn.ICI. &Wh'glE . x 7:08 pm Depart. frlon Allegheny. I Arrive oWier/limy: lirigt`n Ac. 8:58 a m litignmAd. 7:03 am Leetsdale " 10:13 am; N.BrigFroi: " 8:28 a m " 11:58 a " 8:53 a m Rochester " 2:23 pm:New" 10:13 a m Wellsv'e Ace.. 3:43 p in' Leet sdale 9:13 am Leetsdale Ace. 4-:13 pmt " IL:08p m N. Brien " . 5:33 piniN. Drlgt , rri'-" 2:43pm N. Brigra " . 6:2Bpm ILectsdale it pint ;• Leetsdale " " 1`• '7:28 pm 1:58 p. m. Chicago Ex-t 11:23 Ili.' m. Chicago, ' press leaves daily: t Express arrives daily. . F. It. MYERS, General Ticket Apia. . • VENNSYLVANIAMtEmEee CENTRAL RAILROAD. tr and after May 10th, 1867, Tpains, will ar rive at and depart from the Union Dh'pot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets. as tOlows: Arrive. I Depart. Mall Train.... 1:20 a m'Day Exprt.sll.. 2:20 a m Fast Line 1:50 a MWall's Nol 1.. 6:30 a m Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 a inNall Train!.l . : 7:50 aln Latrobe Ace' n 7:50 ain l'"CincirinallVx 11:40 a m Wall's No.''.. 8:50 a m!Wall's 'N l 2.. 11:51: a m Cincinnati fx. 0:10 a ml.iohnstowl :Ac. 3:05 Pm Sohn town Ac. 10:35 a mßraddnekliNol 4:oopm Balthnore Ex. 1:00 pin Phila. Exes: 4-:50 pin Phila. Express 1:20 pm Wall's NQ f 3.. s:oopm Wall's No. 1... 2:05 piv Wall's No , 4.. 6:05 p m Braddocks No 1 - 5:50 pin Fast Line::... 7:30 p m Wall's No. 4. 7:05 pm Latrobe A c'n 8:50 p m Altoona Acen - Swissvall Ac'nlo:so p m and Emi• Train- _ . B rant 10:30 p ~ ~ , . s The Church Train leaves all' • r Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. tn., reaching ß Pittq;urgh at 10:05 a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p.m. 'and arils :sat V, all's Station at 21:011n. tn.' *Cincinnati Express leaves daily.' , 11 other trains daily except Sunday. 1. 4 For further information apply to t . W. H. BECK TH - Agent-_.... .'.The Pennsylvania Hann:rad - C., I - not as sume any rialrfOr Baggage, except , r :wearing ap- . parel, and limit their responsibilit One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage' lixceedlng that amount in value will bent thee:ll:lonm owner, un less taken by special contract,-I;___i . ..: ... EDWARD H: WILLIAM% .re yll , . General SupetintendetiV Altoona,' Pa. , _ . , TERNPENN-al, " Vi r PsyLvnivrA RAIL It D.—On and after May 10th, 3867,f , the, sense; Trains on the Western Pennsylvania. Bali- - road will arrive at and depart train the. Federal Street Depot. Allegheny City, as-fbliews: • . • Arrive.l_ Depart. , Springlre Nol 8:35 am . 111-15 a-m" Freeport 1 8:15 a mlFreeport NO. ,1 9:10 a m Express '10:15 a miSharpli , g ti'ir:lll:2o a m Sharpb'g N 0.2 1:25.p in; Express..l - ......, :•1:50 pm Freeport N0.'2'4:10.p tn,tipringcPeiNo Mail 550 p m I Yreeport 8:05 p Springd‘e'No 2- 7:10 VI MI SDringcl'elNti 2' 7:30 p M ' Aboye trains run deny exceptlikunitay. • , -• , The Chureh Trath• leaves Allegheity-'.lti , nct. every - Sunday at 7:40 a. in., reaching. Allegheny. at 9:50 3. - m. Returning.' leaves Allegheny Cl 'at' 'll2O p. in. and arrive Allegheny L iArunc.,at 9:40 ; ' COMMUTATION ,TICKETS—For salo, in. males of Twenty,_between,Alleghetty City, Chestnuti s reet,_ Herr's, Bennett, Pine CreekTEtnahndSharpsbarg, and good.oniron the trains stopping at Stations spe- , diked On ticket's. .11 , The train , leaving Allegheny citpit..e:ls.a.: makes direet connection at Freeport with Walker's line of Stages for Butler and tiannabstowri. . Through tickets may be purchased at the °Mee, No. 3 St. , Clair street; near-'Bustienslon ••Bridge,'• Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny City.. For further information apply to JAMES - LEFFERTS,. Agent, FederVititreet•Depot:' The Western Pennsylvania .Rall .not as sume any risk for Baggage, except . ] or wearing ap , ro r i ?a l ri d n 1 I Taltg'..*lllPT ,l . l 34._Ti:Ltd } linu ir dtrtiell amount in value will beat the risk owner, un less taken by special contract. • •• EDWARD-11. ,WILLIAMS, inyll Sinwrintendenu:A P ltoana. a. ' Sii!LaigiggLia • 1111110111 , PACIFIC • • RI Eastern DivisiOn. • • •• If The 13110a.TEST MO S T RErA.I.I. _ from the . East total veleta to Colorado; • .Nevada4,;..'", - .., California, Utals;jl; amgton, New Mexicto; Oregon. • 11!, r , Two Trains leaf° State Line a a Igk.3ligurvith daily ; (Sundaya encepteo,) on the'afriVaL of wante•Of Patine, Railroad Rom St. Lonis,,aad .Hannibal St: Jo. Raltiond 4040.4icting - at ;Law ranee. To ka t and Wamego stint stages for MI • polnti tif the At. e! STATESa • worttritith the UIsaTED EXPRESS COM PANDS..DAI IX I LTNEL-OF'OVERLA-ND, • AND ExpDvAs.OOAOILES FOR 1, . . . . - .IDEN WMIli. , SAMIL , 7:;Aifircipli -- : - , ... ... .-- - r , •!.1:11 - :•;I. •• • , • . And all liainb inithe irFitoriiiii . .. . And with SANDERSON'S TR'. FELYSINIS of 40 COACHES for Fort union, Bent's ort, Pass, Alan- Inezy l. %l3 c a o nta. Fe, and all , poin 1 ht , AAaona arld':. "tN . lth the • reien. additions ofOTlink * itock !and D i equipment, and the arrangement „made with re, . sponslble 'Overland Transportati Linea 'from' Its '' . Western terminus r this road now ers ,, nnequalled t ; acilltiesforthe transmission of 'freight 'tb the Fat Tickets , fOr sale lit:till the principal C0196' iii' the ' .United States and Canadas. : .!!..___,- 2 ,___. • - lie sure ' and ask for - tickets ' v ia ' TITE tamory" '. HILL . ItOrt, . uNici, .P.41:117113,.111.4, WAX - = EASTERN' i. , a VISION.' " • 1 '.--• - 4 •• • . • • •A. 9N; , , , .. ~,„..... .;:. , :., ,- ; i. ..1:4 1,- ,i,i...::•.). '.:.... ; .citiaeralfiuporlatOident ::Jo .H 4 e zaasTER • ; - - - - , ~ r „... ~..... ...,_: ~..;_iCienoratitielg t it iul PITT6BUItGH, PA •- ' STEAVISH;IPIL ~...., ,„•,, . .... , .....,,, , .4.:1.4..2 , - LIVERPOOL T,° LI ' ' " -: qt, tEN',1 1 CoWN,, : ''' '.''' ' ''' ..,... -.. l ,,, imiti , , r, :.. A .,,, ,-..;,,,, , ...,,--,, ~.-. -- " El . '---,-"r"" """"r w-- ..011 11 "3. PM 1.......1-.S .n 1 , .7. 5 ••,, (.1. , 1 , • 1. , • ~... _ e , , NullabaritAttAtteßE g t i t t eSlAVi. T I rh , PlYtnLibta 1. the tele Or - • c• CV' trErrik,L4 afFB;4llaftglit,d'' tiiiiiiiiiiiifilisTßLlMl444 .kiiigk' we..44 T va, c.rowprogoolatikv a... 6 4_ lath ; apply tu • ':t {. Jig 1 LI (1 if. hl ri143.1., i°' 1 1 tiP e e Piiiii ilfAilY:lF4leiiif 11.dichgria"" • N Pearl y , uPloosite Pest Oill II oe, Pittsburgh. 1 • =I Arizona, -- Ell , 7 1 S0,•Agent. • • luta