= I=3 T.. 1. 0 al4. adao aa. z.• -1i .! i'., 4 4'; , ..7 4 3 , ` '',.. A • l' ---- ~- " (i ' ' 1.1,!..1k`... 'I 'i tc-,,;_..,.. , ...-..,...., ~...: -I 1 5 1 1 ,:? " A l . ---- I _._ IMICE So~'e;.~ . - voLuSIE FIRST EMIR • a .. 40 , • t ~t Foßint,hr CONGRESS. IngliAchniTn Stour!, 4.lipuned ; ., filaiiirday—liiinse Proceed. ingsVote'' .SOuthern State', —Constitutions—The New , Tax • - Bill—Railroad Legislation: Tvlogrmickw.tbeilitotmralt Gaziettur),!::: : Wit9HrsqToN, May 12, 1868. _ .SENftTE. iiieiliiuir' l E l DMiTi4S order rescinding the --rule requiring the vote on impeachment to lie taken to-day was pskostedivfillic, di vision. Senator CHANDLER stated his colleague, Aide aliaaritisinotian it, was agreed tlie Court sho s uld adjourn. till Ss , ~. le 'tail , 41?*.; ; ,- ) The Senate was ajdbui to order. Senator DFAKE moved to adjourn until to-morrow. •Lost; 23 tci27. . - - Senator ;YATF23;4lloved -to, adjourn till Friday. -r t „-, ; ( • Senators Anthony and Eiendiielcs posed, and Sebatbrs Drake, - MortOn and - . Yates favoiedflte. :proposition, Which was finally laid aside while Noxious Hoese -bills were disposed bf. • • After a long - disci:limb:in, and - the passage of the District of Columbia charter bill, the Senate adjourned at 12.50:. ., ...• ::4 , . .. . HOUSE' 'OP REPRESENTATIVES. , ..The_SPEAKER' presented a letterfrom Gen - . Gi - ant giving-the votes on the Consti- AptionEi in Southern States, viz : North - , '.Ccil'clina: for, 92,599; against, 71,820.. South . ; Carolina: f0r,.70;758; .agiunst,•27MB. Lou. isiana:,for, 6,4,32; tigainst,lB„739. Georgia: ' for' 89,061;- against, 71,309; Alabama: for, 69,807; against,- 1,005.-; Referred to Recen-„ struction Cinalmittee..) r.: = ~ , Mr. SCHENCKi frett the Committee on Ways and Means,-reported a bill to reduce into one act and amend the lawS relating to internal revenue - taxes. The Interrial Rev enue Bureau is to. ,be changed-to a depart wept. TheCornmissioner has complete • power to appoint - Commissioners and re move all subordinate 'officers. The depart ment is divided - to different divisions, _ .with a chief -,to-,e ach.- The ; most' marked '. ' change in the Old:ii - vi is in regard to(its - tilled spirits, the' 'sprOVisions I -,..- ginfrd ing against fraud being more string- I ent„ leaving little to the ffiscre ",-tion Jof - Cotirtit , i Tlip, tax remains at .- ' two 'dollars pergallon to be paid in all cases at the distillery, 4r means of stamps. 1 On all ;kinds of beer the tax is one dollar. I per barrel, snuff of all kinds forty cents per pound; chewing tobacco, and all amok k ing,tol*co not • mati.exc.lnsivitly of Stems, ' forty cents per pound; smoking ' tobacco made exclusively of stems, and all makes of refuse, - .fifty-six):,cente per. - 4ound; on cigarettes and cigaps, and -4)11 ciesCriptions r - 'made of tobacco or any "tither, substitute •1 therefeii,J,ll9)„' "dhlittinitict -tiliek - fia,Wl s iptio.2.lll3filta• ./: 41' .. ekiiatallvn;' , 11tftlil tion, *forbidden.: Thh, tat on wines re-' - mains about the - same as. in the old law. There is nothing-about iron or coal. The tax on gas is reduced from twenty-five cents ~ per 1,000 cubic feet to ten cents. The tax a - on, refined petroleum is kept at ten cents ) 2 • per gallon.. Places of amusement, itraddi ' tion to two cents, • are to pad': a Specific tax on. each performance, from two dollars to twenty, according to its `sit ting capacity. -There are but few alterations in the law re-', lating to incomes, legacies and successions, excepting they provide, for a more perfect administration of the same. Manufactures are exempted fro'm taxation in accordance with the law passed several weeks ago. ' The tax:on ground. coffee. and spices , is, re • The bill was • ordered to be printed and recommitted, Mr. SCHENCK'giving notice that he would-bring :it_ back VS the ',House' within . a week or ten diiYs., i.. Two or three ' . days will be allowedlor general dineussibn, and the ampleSt opportunity tisk amend • - ,meat and deWe on all parts of the bill. Mr. SCI-fBr4CIC, from the Committee 'on' ' 'Ordnance, reported a joint resolution di , reelingthe Secretary of War to sell dam : agedlolo4 , 1 0314/0,74)41#4, eras; Ordnance arnfordnince stores, which; on objection, went over till'after the morning hour. • Mr. PRICE, from the Committee on Pit rifle Railroad, reported a joint resolution • to construe the provisions in the Pacific Railrod acts regarding the use of American iron so as to declare that_ American Iron • ,let i etoxiiiia-fariallfiabi;abith*lialf , btirs, bolts and spikes in laying and repairing the road, which - named. Mr. PRICK also reported back a substi tute for the joint resolution introdnced some time Om by .Mr. Wash burne, of Wis consin, to rotilite the tariff for freight and •'• passengers on the Union and Central Pacific Railroads and their branches. The substi ! . . 4 tote provides for a Board of Commissioners; to consist s ,=. of i tt f %pr War, Seem tary of the inte or and ' At to rney General, to establish annually a tariff of, prices for freight and passenpus; provided, it shall ..;, not take effect till there obeli be - a continua '.; one line of'"ltiniroad completed and in run •"Alale=nelraPLlOWY,l4l2}binrilgoli 1 s ; several amentknegbrawpfrOffetedalr3jo- VODE made the remark, touching the Jan , pointment of telloait' of- Commissioners, .: tiltat.-it,-nwpd. itkp, pe4,oe., ihe shnuld-Lnik h beNo*. W ittotefentHl" he wanted to charge exorbitant griVell• lie I c' could buy JthifederinineVois. iier - tlinii" he could buy tty,,c, hundre rme bagiltried it ons'itiaTielleril i Od4 1 14 44_ ,___ViAnd b 0 done wit the end ofas enartment.-He kintacquiredllsome - knowledge on thenttb-' . ject at this session. The' beads& 'deriakt; nientkovsimitupaliasable if members of Congress were,...and - should know ' , better than the representati - Vea nfitikerrilit}elkat -• the wants of the people *ere. "V' f ,14. EV 1 QT._,..,.. ler 14 4 C9v fv i a3 Sfr - -'a —raitte ‘7OO - Wilbert 'it) ''tire Cab' . of I yisere n got porxeply. , : - .-_, t _, , 1... - 4 ,' ' t i aIi:PRICE Moved the pfilvicius q u P ll 'l ll ', •; 'Which Watt seConded' ' l , , -,, , • ''.• : ''' Mr: PARNSWORiIPSenorien ito mini-: - i - mit was lost-62 - against 68. Mr. BPIN W J4M-mniied.gto iiik the whole ti.ubject on the table, Rejected - 88 to 61 . 1 , • ', ' The question *centred outholimendment "of & WASEEKOBNE, of Indianapte strike • - out cethttleint•resialution the proves that it then het tiNe air=Farr, a t -T- i . ' completed .erooritt er t . 0 41 • numb:mgtrom , oguthat i safirstm- was adopted—Yea 76; yr 47. The questionAseprel.purred, the arnend• mantaffdied'hrlirr:turic, - ot Kansan, that ' . -'sthe tariffshallnek eXoo434l:dOuble , tha-sivitmt 'age ratcstharg'eff'Oni the idiffernuti 'linen:of, railroadabetween the Niggled pUri'fineitti4l - the - Atlantic- ocean in Alot 1 4 . St. Louis, which : was agreed to Withe i= v) 2 ,8 013 - 88diatiAllintitilibliiiift llitinktinded, - , , p 76 to 87. • Mr. CIIAXLER iltikeiVieffii'.t3 g 'ottii is, relgilntimtreanoasbog 2; tke-attesident to ' in - the House df all the facts, when they 1 riemeito his - Inixiwkitgef;4of feirMlleittinant SVSM!!MS:S. a;i• ja . . . • _ _ of ceOttin A meri can 'mittens' reported to 'haire been unjustly arrested, imprisoned and flogged wkiletin pOson by. authority of dn'offtcer - f the gobernment Of `Mexico. Messrs.-Butler anitHardinrobjected. The gionse l .at 3:15, went.into Committee, '6f the'Wholetiti the State , of the and w utd.9 l Eesge4 PY, Mr, Broomall,,of . Renna., in 6 . lam taitioli to`the'bill iiitrodueed some weSt '7Ais:Ml ll O l 4sT.9 ,114. WooA war• • test the constitutionality of acts of , Cougrees. 1 MiinirOODWA.RDI - tuitiffunied4difliften- Mei of rePlying at a future day., - ; , Mr. ItUIiGFIC, referring to 'a resobiLioif offered by him yesterday, in reference to - the "treatment • of rebel prisoners, said'he - could. prove by proper testimony that a proposition had been made, by' officers of the:Califficlerate Goiernmeitt to offitiers of thisr Government, when Union soldiers were -'dylng at Andersonville, Millen, and other,So.lltheipipr-t i nea mos the,appEaisetlvalue oft,meithepumfor thisk, to' he 'Vitt - Yradet the 'ehlit'stiar - Or Federal soldiers. - The Committee ruse; iii the' 'Floulte ad journed.' IVEAMEENT.: Atiairs at Washington Yesterday—lntense Eseitement—The - VOte Adjonrned Sat- , ' urday r —A Conviction Still Relied Upon aigsgo*:_ptriew tlQ!liamaid Senators—Trumbull Hooted at In the • Stfeets—Brthery Boasted Of.' - "AriFinttOiox, May 'l2; 1868. The interest in /1:03 inl3.3seed ings, wit) . ch tiontipmks .. .tinalati4el, filled the galleries of. the Senate Chamber before the 'Conrt converted. The aisleS and `passagef ways were filled with extra policemen ibr the preservation of order. A . good many 2El,oldb:its and snestibers a the Etouisfo li•ere on the floor in earnest , conversation during tI IsiteliOnilDetore the Senate iviis called to order.- A great deal - of canvassingas tothe probable 'resultMs:Wen done since iyester day., . tull 'State • delegatiOns, including all the Cogiessmenandproininentanenteretrom them,•„ - respective. latates,-, - havelvaited upon several urtEIS donbtfurSeriaters, and in one or two instaneest-havereceivedAssnyances that one or more of the artieles--ge4erally the eleventh—would be voted for by those who were believed to be against, conviction. The Ma agent count up this morning one majority for conviction certain, but the ill ness of Senator HoWard continues. Ms physicians have declared that his life woultbe endangered should he be brought to the , 'lCapitol to cast his vote. It has been deterifilned, therefore, to postpone the final vote fOr some days, probably until Satur day or Monday. Should Mr. Howard re cover, the Managers are yet contident the President's removal Will be effected. At a-concuti of, the Republican Senators ;ink held, it was decided to postpone the final vote until Saturday next. This will. I undoubtedly-pass,the Senate. There Is no abatement in the excitement tlarp),lgnont, the city: this morning. Betting 'ls going on freely, and both Sides are confi dent as to the.result. 'The Republicans are still veryhoptdalr and -by, - no s; con cede that linpettehincri t will rali t041ay.",41,- • , unt-thieVallardimidechvs that .ifittare. l I 1 . 1 bv-qi . K ~,' ). N. G ...i.' ,AP l l Mitga i t"- 4 4 1 tall; l4 ' :P.'tilt ,son's convicton is sane- .3y caio'ent. , ;ority, The whole case last-,niglit -seemed. to-rest .unontlie vote or one man, Vr.'Wllley; ,of West Virginia. He has, however, - expresa. ed - his intention to vote for conviction on three or four articles, and this insures one more than is necessary for a two-third vote, including the vote of Senator-Wade. Senator Ilow,rd• was taken very ill yes terday, with the brain fever, and .was in quite a critical condition•-during•• all-•last rOght,and this•morning finds not much ini prevenient in his condition. When not de lirious he expresses a firm determination to be carried to the Senate_Chamber today and vote for the President's conviction.'•ilis phYsicians, hejcie consultation thia,-rnorn ing;,- at eleven-o'cleek ? to-decide:Whether it would be safe topermit him ‘ to be carried to -the Capitol. If they decido against his-go ing, the Senate will undoubtedly pass Ed munds' resolution tnpostpone the vote Tor = a few'days,' or until - Howard• is abletele present. ; .Thefeeling against , Senators. F.essenden and Trufithiill for their ' treachery is very strong here. The Maine delegation in Con gresslaeld a meeting last night and decided 46-walt-upon-Feaseticien- ..1 ..chultarand , demant - ithat Ito vete Ilk seieerAlurt with the eapreseSd-tidslaes of- ;Vs State or In his position. The Illbilebanientbdrs of n gpress went in a body this morning9tO. e Senator Trumbull and make the same'de mands-Awn him. -What response, he gave li hasottradaPired 'at the time* 6f Sending this dispatch. Trumbull was hooted at on the r upet t c r . Ave,dinw: yitiller . retyrriling *Om Ine se te chamber'. - With the adjournment of the Senate until Sattitdif.the.:liriPeabhidelitlifciek4ent up rapidly. It is believed that the public sen- Alive4t . ,.wjll, become so strong. by that Aime as to ensure the snecesa of impeachment. , ~ • • :, , , -Presidentusen lisserts,y,st•-tabp,cr-matte_r what in fittenetnicantought to beat *upon Senatore ' Trambnli,Fessenden, Grimes.angiedderi•• lgareilheylitrotbifuhltted id *mai l 'Eck grip port the President astainst convic tion.--ii isiftigtAthttuttfthese atbnogmtleman - shad a priyaleinterview with:the President abOnt ihre i r %reeks 40,, and 'pledged iheinselves :te.i.ireiel4lllll &.4eittein - iihe frideddrinotan. eterGarteral•tic.hofield as .Secretarypf War. 'This statement comes from „ . pie: tteLpf siStrir&lirTlMlrcle wear - many Sane'''' , 1,, , ., ; _Li] , -- _. ..:x... '. The °Pinion 4 tiVeljr.pziar Ay the Rennblican Smiaterelialt **a of men. ey 1, 10 . b een made, , The members of the whiekt linacWilk tbi49lo4nipethat ithey A l iAtuspospi.,,of Awo, milliorni-ot money .411211 ass t ten ,e* l 'l li i t - e? O IM4JI9 ,entfteretkcence;.. t „ ~,- ~,., , ' Viditieadiebibied at II:3U A. M. AS soort r.: p ic eg kreple.4difrotgeterallerVe And en Web& c ondition of bie oolt o,llr. Howard, was suohle:te'VeVent his being • Weeellt*.eo l he AerOfore'iOied tkilt when the Court luijimunvit t lwill helnAintlltnrdny 1tt 1 .15 1. '• .:;_"`; ri.'i,' ~1.,12,., . .....0 .; , t: , , el4,lr4tuuigistimetioitarese i t nttnereth olution'tp , votetadarffee IllgrildlP 4 W . : me gotidricktrovAtor tvwlifir.loillid :, ler'inintion be aniended . to: . reed. oThurei daY-'!.. Djnagreed- tn . :without calling' 'the 1 Yeeeandneye:' i r. , .• ' hir.iTiptoro moved that Ihe - Court adjourn until Friday..-upt„,,... li . . 11 i r4l;ao , : if Mr. Chdrlferitrinaion-td a4ourn ttlah. 1 Satimb.l**sthen sdoptranollt • On moti n i e l e L 4 Cr Nit , Arake,the, Senate then 49n until Saturday.t-, 43 , ~..- :-.: - Q• , , . wne.)oursouri.kt e i e v i a o n - ,, w anedp.ugan, . 2 4%;U h ri r K*O'lletuittut thit-lieWitteiPr c;olivic It on wine of the articles: on resign hif Peel.A 4 , o P";' 4 uktkftdiinid'illae 14104.1 144/14thritikve teere.'Watithirstiindthst heshoul vote Air the President' eniVIC-: liciri otithe-eleventkankai,„ e The Senate asseulbTed' ntheat' r Joicqn" meta ef•'''‘CtikndLekehlortonui made t o r I , ''.' '' ~.. .• 11 ' 'l4lluratic4 OPfMusineas ~". - :, , ' ' •r..-i. ilogfrappcsed 1 1 4, " It itstidketerdeatik • -IPl eh heath ' 'in., ./ blul t , wi t 'unz dal - . , ' . 7.-' .- S - 7 ) , f . • Tfl ~ ri :... r ' .t.,_-r 74 Ur 7a• (r e ,. 4, 71 r, l ic ::: , 1a 0 „,....: , .32), 41, J:,l` - ... ...I -L ,-.3 .11 - -.“.1 • - t - -- -1 -- -.-- ' • . -1 • ' •f- ' .' ? ..., r• . T . 7 '7 ... ' ...., ~ ,Il " .... •-' -.' i a ..... ‘.♦ J :. r.;.. ; . • 01 .....Fr00,1‘,.1 .:.•fi .--- * Ne i / ~- .• .- . .. _ "."'4 - ...., - ; Irri-, ..:...2:;'' . ! • - ,------- a . ...u. ~, .,, . • , ......." • I ••!... ~ _ . „ t a P ie _--:---__ -: `•.,,:, I: 4 4... **. It l -. i - 1 - 111 1 11111 k - ;,-r'; : '"-:- - -. -:"' - '1011 •,. •ri '',_ - • • -- - Willir — ' ... .."-•,..„ , z• . . . lokii . ' . • • s film . • • • ~i•-•, . ' - - •••■1111111 - - ,,,r',-:-) - - t.t- - ;.40 it • -' \. ' . ~ - --- • ....,„....,._."....„...,,,z...„.a....,,,„,,..,...,•\\,...„...:., 7 • ;f: - • , ....ic-- ...., ~ ..,:arrert ~-_-_,,,,....,- 41t.R11 . 4 - -..-, ••-, -- . - '''..--- - ---'---- •' - - - -- - .llliSr.L .-- ' ------ --- .- ...- -__,;... - --....._ . -,...• .____=_-:.:,__ r.--.--.-_--i:7:-...,..., .. -2 - - - ,- " , - 7 .7 - -.- ---..i1ap0.% . _ •--- ..--.4.----. - - , . .. : 1 ,•..--- ./ ti'‘,..- ,-- --..=.... r - ----- .------ - ' INIMMINIEW - ' ' • ' ' - , . P.MAnV4H. WEI4M4. tors to speak with that freedom or compo scraliTilegialation wtilOyffp 110c49 3 14trY• .Itla , dilderst4x4tliat4WMikfhtertendered his resignation as Secretary of the Senate, to take effect upon the election of his suc- .., 1 "' 'Xitinterchange bropihimilietv,raell ralriy Radical Senators'and adystes ofjpipeach m9o4o446 !he aa,lo,rm*lit,or tpi Senate, leaves no - dbubt tut tlfartin Saturday the ,Presidept N% - ill,he cenvioted,on one or more of the, articles. This mornillit was liho e ut,ht that it'll:mei votea .could : e „ obtalii to 14'01'1 eeleVehtle`nitictei; htt, be - tads% IT. Mr. Ross, who ices" been dm sideredNery doubtful, and as manifesting a, tendency ilia gozwit4 the friends of the Pres v. ideal, e ressbd his' flint 'determination this mor n to go for conviction on all the articles. 'Willey also said that he should support tliolif3cond #pd eleventh articles .° This endures thirty eight votes on the last article. On the first article but thirty-three votes„can be munted_npon. , iChi. the second article,'thirty-seven votes are set 'down - as sure to go for supporting it. The remain der of the articles are given up; the fight will now beconeentratednpon the , second., an _id eleventh articles. The feeling pfgloom that hal spread fliei die` City alneirliithlkiltirelriafittain ful. It seems that many Democrats, who were in favor of the removal of Johnson, sincerely pity . the Republicans, but tell I them that the members of their party never hang together in a crisis. The reports that I have sent you exclusively about bribes, to-day tofbet ue. Afk: lehtison's libquittaltaa - cost liftnielrana' his " friends and the ,Government .seNaral millions of dollars.- No one denies that several Sena tors have been bribed. The President is in high spirits to-day, and remarked that he would be acquitted by ten Republi can Senators. Ho spoke - with entire._cnnfi dence of this, and his friends are jubilant. biortoni shernifur knl,,Wason Irani seleeted to' watch thil-pree6ffifts to day; and as they considered the suspected Senators still doubtful, they moved and carried an adjournment. 'The' adjournment destroys all (previous calculations, and all is again rumor. Great indignation isfelt by the friends of the President, as they were certain ayete to-day , Afoald'clear , I , _ NEW YORK, May 12.—The Herald is of the opinion that the Senate will convict Johnson after all. -If be is acquitted it will be because the Radicals fear that they will be worse oil with Wade than Johnson. Thtk,WirinKsalrti theXgesitient*ill be ac quitted, lint it will be a — hair;breadth es cape. The Times thinks that Mr. Johnson will be convicted en someone artieles, and that he will be removed, although the defection among the Radical Senators is quite zmarked: alltetvditorlimagines that on the second and third articles Mr. John son must be found guilty. The Tribune has a dispatch from Wash ington, dated 2:05 this morning, stating that tlloward's - physiolans are of opinion 'that he will be able to take his seat in the Senate to-day. Frelinghuysen is sure tof vote for convictionon the e firat three arti .Cles. - This will .carry Willey, also. The Philadelphia Press says: The Re publican party, no matter what may happen to-day, stands defiant and hopeful. It has survived.greater defeats. It has made great er sacrifices than any that can be suffered or as,ked now. The organi4agon tlud, breasted .tke:storint. " }ff bati*ltli, irssi.lr.r.*9,rtokshurgaucl.„Phi Oka glarar.% tan Ti lit t 'tle 4...taye d. by any disaA`r .ot this honr. The elleiteruent at the-(.4api fel Is represented by our correspondent as intense, but it is hardly less so tlina ttiat•. which stirs in Philadelphia as we ,write. Never since the war has anxiety been, ell great, and:deep. Never have, loyal men gathered With such solicitude and earnest ness around the centres of news,' and our telegrams show the scene in this city is, only.tlie counterpart of what is, going on in" St. LUnia,Uncititiati l lgeW - ;pirir.:andriyer - all the great central towns. This indig nant teen*, although raging mountain high, Is perhaps the, ,best preparation for 'our recovery from- wbattiVer disaiter may befall us this- morning. - will serve to brace and nerve every loyal man. There is no need for despondency. The vote of a few men 'maid Senate notthe tfOrk of a majority °ilk° fn that 'body, and must not weaken the spirit or slacken the energies or, the brave and true men WhO have eitobhittered: aira 101.94,, though , many misfortunes. ihdtgnation is felt here"anscllig thhlite iibliiians at'the ae ,tlAitmf ZA0 1 4!..e."*-04' 1 1) 4v. f kelit case. The DemeeraciAre 4u Want. Lutheran National iiirioci—Pifilt usit 3 .--' gAYIPPran9 , P,a , ;, , May 114-11W4,3•1ny J., Cochran moved .that ~ the ~ Commit tee on a German newspaper act in coolona titiiiiiiib thii 7, iliuthiarti bbsiiiikhi l tion," for tbe.publioictionof a German pa per in the Interests , of the General Synod, 't' ‘but, a ft er some interesting deba e,'lle with drew the , tritionparidgßtitrlifft fititiken burg, of Pittsburgh r tnoved„.putt. the "Lu theran 'GMelver Assoblatleinw he, request -0040 act irteonjunctiouivith the ( Publica tion Committee for its publication. Agreed _,/ 1 . 19 r Rev. Dr. Brown, Pr, CliO*AillifaltiAti;the Committee on the alaputo between the East Pennsylvania Sypod. And the Franckean SyntiliFaidal the-kestdratou ,of Archibald NViciting by the Manche= Symd,itfter he hildbeen deposed froth - the ministry by the East Pennsylvania Synod, madesaireport admitting Mr. Wieting, and recommendtng a new rule that Christian oo.artes,y between brethren Mid theisyndd, AB Vidi aft' ticalesi astical order, and the rococo and harmony of the ChurchrreolixecUAp that district wn ods shall duly rectigilliti ehblibther's official Rev. Di.waits.,,o Cinch nati,ealled the previous queoticko v im4Alie F i tommittee's re port was adopted:" .7. • - _ _.:.,Rev.. F. A„ Strobel, of ilieWf•Xork, • , oirered it series of resolutions in favor of the - figFeflicOVPßii::,lA4'.ol;lo.loll4 ,ac fen A btory,witerewilice _lbw , ogin intoxltiug,drlnits,%”pci lirt!tiigtailclay. Del!. Joel 841ixta, of Ciaohinatt. iffeiOd'a resolution for thit.oppolutrnent of t h ree del4 egates'froin tile General Synder to the Na. . t1)081g talperalp3 Corrittiont in 4• c qt,t I laud ntthe 29th of janext. A', and: Rev. Drs , Swartzo oCfneitnatfV a her, of Ohio and Pohlrum, of Now k; were aelo4d aik,delwattpo, AudiPra. Good lin, 4if• Mk* thlirMar, • ofetWitylvania, antl Albert, of Philadelphia, were seleotlid ex alternatel. . - - ' _ Cincinnati,v i redothMl 0 next meetitivi o Gen .ti Rev. Dr,-,Dlehl, of Zdarylautt - tnoved t at Motion of theme:at .Convention be Thurs. day• MAy A 14,./ VA •. . , yf _vi nevi, 71 womf, of Tennoy vama, moved O . aer4 by t tivag , thwtime,,in•l97o,l-being tha,Wh leer of , titO General, Synod. , r +. I J i - Pelfdirig_distrust!inTitA o o,Yo4,kiitAtlitigd, fill2o , oloex r. ' 3 1 . 1.14, r 4 - 4 ' iritia 'AO 7 VI ~., At0.1 . 1 . 74.P4A 14 0:1 1 k 4 4 44 ,0444t0Y. IllY l ketifi riP l4 490. 1 , 1 RtiMilailentea omAKA . Fl44 4g„,,,,towroduetion of twenty •,, ,4 AA. ,t 4 .1 ' , IN% . 1 0/4 . I S .r. a . OliDi rangennterntilikrylott Case, ok,c. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l 12,113'611. FORNEWS - WIGNATION. Coienel,F,nrney has tenderekhislesigna- - tion StieretarY s 'of di:3 Senate,' • :I,:e effect upon the election of a successor. His let pp. to c4i;spffect vas placed in o t,he 'hands. ofttenittbili r ide last niglit.l TlieTrincipal reason for this course is, as he privately as sert 4 to tiffs friends, that he may not be re strained bfkit °Vial rxiiiddri from com mentiniconrAyas coufge.A Atepublican Sen ators wiloVe not sustain theconviction of the President). MILITARY ASSISTANCE ASKED. The United States Marshal for St: Louis }has applied,. thrpugh the ,, Commissioner of Internal Reirenue Bureau,' - fOf a fOree, of cavalry to assist in arresting distillers en gaged in violation of the tax laws. - Eamml ..n* the week ending on the IVth ,instant two hundred and forty patentS will be 'is, sued :ifrom the . Patent . Office. • During the . past week,two - hundred and fifty-four ap plications one hundred and three caveats ware filed. IL AItiLkNGEMENTS The Posikiffice Department has restored the New York, Philadelphia, and New Orleans mails, reeentlyforwarded via Louis ville, to tliV,Knosville route., .S.VOIIT OF CLANS. The Court of Claims has . :adjourtled till the first Monday in June. 'Judge Nott has Irielmtime'teen empowered to proceed to fAarlestoiNnd Savannah with a view to verify the depositions of witnesses in the cotton eases: DAY 6\- FASTIIO AND-PRAYER.. !:.4".The Geogial Contbrence of Zion Colored .C.hurch hat; appointed Friday as a'day of fasting and prayerlo God tb aid the Senate txbgive a -N„ . .erdict. In aid Of suffering hu-• sagnity. , iSE 01$ MIRRATT. • • " - the case of JohrOl. Suriitt came up in Gaut to-day but wits contirmed until the le torm:a , A motion was-made tdnileaser the prisonenon bail , which will be 'argued. to!Morrowe,,, :::::: 4 DONNELIor-wAsnisußNE imnrtoutlo. , - The Committee to investigate the:Don ifelly-Wasbnurne charges willireport„, that Ws letter Wits unfounded, and heyairould reVommend the expulsion of th lattO, but fbr the factthat Donnelly's , :speech ohms so reprehensible. %AG' spocriWarato Col. Nifioy, has" resigne* as Seerenuf of tho Senate, objection hav ing been made to his editorial comments on the mune of Senators in- reference to impeachment. szplAron ItOW A RD'S ILI.t ,F*SS• A . skiee'ial eaysiSeti,,ittor liowariYs illness is brain fever., , , -- '-' I kINKW YORK (By TylForaph s toiittr ilttsbiirth Gazettc.3 .<~-, T3iIihT.BiSU~BAN • Io}a9NKTIiUCTIO .Y.,.,. Ntlit.Noitttillay.:l2.l7„-TWlrtibille to-day ih an -editorial on reconstruction says: 'a.A. - itit:l4vAit Oh: t§iiliit* JO ;Ile& i he t re turning prodigals in a gfmerons, trustful, ~ , cuoililialaryilipiriatAllach . returning State s9nP-11flaa41! - ra -, c it tze r4 4 vli e s ap olitical digatiiiitits4l4Wr443jtotaive removed. In stead of :passing: specitfp'bills, wa:: entreat thei*ptiblieen,MVoiitY to:liimii and enact • one . general ebstw.; ehimsivemeasnre, which shall ' ll 4l:fik i "-:.`o.rtti , lt,eitistirishifo' and, all rightriFrperlosamowrdisfrimobised who -has , sn ed"theliolley 'of ,Corigiiiss i ier who ;take sneatimr - or before the 4th • day ofJalymeit , that Its , irtlithendeforth af -1 'Xii# l := 6, .lE -31 .Ticel 'gel :00rAvia,;r0Attied lequillly rit'a 1 • whether made such lu t s‘ I P.7.lt4r,th or bv' nat rioim•r;:: , ., 2 ,i,', , „..,,,,. : 4.,.. 4 46 E! ~, i i i i.m , ? . virt74 ,... E; ..,,, ~... i'' ThelliShibief tree trise had. Ai *leaport anilio' hiericilei. LitoWiPtiAtto l *dpresenta- - - iiiii fteiii iliiiii'lLige'cities were prejent.. Resolutions were adophitildWalitti* Wee trade,pli ii, WitWooopoppipone4gqtre and a moral talifigiolathe payment of the Natio* Albt r Arkspeclei and protect ing against any ittemptio burden the peo .W.avitti aritzportion e te* the Confederate. . I% , ~.. • - 7 1 1 RTROPolu, 1 4,-‘ • cr. be. - nly,..brth l 4 - FeurtElitternal 'Revenue stant* Rlstß tl waii , arrested at the in at• 4 vein she entplorof the secret se rffice f hatlWlErantillhanit Com mittee, charged Witltperiury. / gtomultiAat:- . ) Alfred 1 7 V.,:.0vin long Chief Engineer of the • eatiltgialitgt4 ,l/epartneutt, has re signed rod bisuccoded by Gen. George S. • Bergirrien's 'Hotel" at ress Rill as 090; sr aa destroye llt d OriAlirsth • Lo se ,- autana. • (lit Teiegraph 'Pitted:lama Gazette.] PAN Flt/tagirigf; Ifiettacity or fceinl24CLAR "49,,,r q. --- a tt ''• ' _ _ illunitbstaiiiiilNS %lea°, Ohio. My Telegraph to 01011101104111 ISAAC* x , ) Tout_ [ Do 911i0 ~,,. , v g . . (iodate: Pei' eight di l / 4 1111456 • t. - . 1 '• - '' • this eity t th kinfieretaw . AliswootrAo44_2: o l 4 2 l 'e'olll6 tz WVXPIO. --T i resnitinitiowasitasgmaisileibtollite bil= ^tirt* Veeirtsse School On:Onion.. • ,- 868 Af. FROM • EUROPE., [Ey Telegraph to the, Pittsburgh. Gazette.) GREAT BRITAIN. - . IRISH CHURCH QUESTION. EMI iiINDOI , 4 May 12.—The morninz ASTandard says the Queen will take no . part in the non test of the House of Commons on the Irish Church, and her reply to Mr. Gladstone's address is.sure to.be favorable. • ary the • REPLY Fliolir TEE QUEEN. - ip the House ..of. Commons this evening the reply pf the Queen to the. petition of the. House, based on Mr. Gladeltone's third res olution, 'Was announced.' The Queen 'Says she desires that her. interest' in - the tempo ralities of the Irtsh church, will ;. tibt in any way hinder Paillarrientary_legislation on that subject.' - • • • • - • Mr. Gladstone wi11,. - to-morrow; 'bring in a bill to suspend, for , the, present, ,the ruak-_ ing of additional appointments in the Trish • Church. • ' ' r" WM FENIAN RELEASED DUBLIN, May 12.—Nugenti one of the Jacmel party, has, at last, been released from custody. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. „Le:9),mq, May 12 Zycning.—Csayels bidie at 94%@94X for, money; 92%®93 for aekielintreix div.• ' fiie-twenties, 70g@70%; Illinois Central, 94%; Erie, 423 g. FRANIIPORT, May 12—Evpning.—Fiye twenty bonds, 75%. • PARIS, May 2—Euening.--Bourse firmer; rents, 67f. 45c. ANTWERP, May 12—Evening.—Petroleum closed dull at 43%f. _ , LIVERPOOL, May 12.—Erening:—Cotton closed steadier, sales 6,004 bales, some busi ness, to arrive; last sales being at 18%, clos fne prices for middling uplands, 1174a12; Orleans,-12 1 4a12 1 / 1. Manchester market for yarns, and fabrics, dull; breadstull's closed quiet and steady. Cern, 385 3d@3Bs, 6d. Wheat, 15s, Bd, for Calilbrath ands 14s, 3d, for No. 2 red western. - Western Barley, 535, 6d. Oats, 4s. Peas, 475. Flour, 66s,'3d ' . Pnw l sions: Beef, 114 s: Pork, 83s, sd. -4.ard, 675: Cheese,. 555.\ Bacon 495. Produce: refined Petroleum, Is, 4s. Spirits I [ Petroleutn, Sd. ( METHODIS Auadrennial Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. (By Telegraphito the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ' CntoAeolMay 22.—Conferen*ce met at the I ._ usual hour. Alter the read ng of the jour nal Rev. J. .13aume ' woe gr a nted leave to change his vote ton the admission of the Southern delegates from nil, to aye. The Secretary callealhe r Rol absentees and twelve members voted aye who were not present yesterday. _ The Chair announced, the Special Com mittee on Credentials of Southern Dele gates. Rev. W. Young, of ,Cincinnati, present ed a memorial for change of discipline in regard to the reception of children into the church. Referred. • Dr. Lowry„, ofCincinnati submitted a ' plan for the introduction,pf L ay Delegations. Referred. . . , . .. -.4 - i '-• Mr , CreaTY, of ;Baltimore, 'offered a. -. bte andr utie tivoSmila „. .. >::. tan' , , tys , aff - a - 4I st6M - ranor sein e Mt - or . 0 fallen-heroes who were members of the M. E:Chfirch. -'-' The Coinmittee . on credentials of dele gates from southern conferences, through Dr. Peck, reported the credentials correct and recommended the ithmediate admis sion of the delegates, whose names are John W. Falley, James - Davie,' John W. Garborough, Thomas H. Pearine, W. C. Dailey,John P. Menmaul T. W..Derris, David Rutledge, Joseph 'Welch, John S. Mitchell and Benjamin Brown. , Rev. I. C. Murphy, of Philadelphia, took the floor in -opposition to the adoption of the report, and proceeded amid much in terruption and loud calls of ' , vote,” !'vote," until compelled to desist. - The report was adopted tinder the opera tion of the ,previous,_ question--ayes: .205, nays 19- The nays. were: Messrs. Blake, Brown, Bruce, (of Kentucky.)Castle Cun ningham, Edwards, Ferrya, Foster, Fiance, Pray, Kennedy, ,Lanahan, McComb, Mur phy. Patterion, Prose Porter, (of New England,) Slyer and Smith, of Philadelphia. - ' 112ESSISSIPPI. • Democracy., in Convention ,—The - Rama - , struction Convention. . till' Telegraph to the PlitabroiltGazette.j I .., • .7AcKsort, lifise:,llfay•ll:.- , The Democratic 'COnvention • organized' to-day:' One bun- - dred and fifty delegates irdre present, and . ,several hundred i3tranitero.- Entire harmo ny provaiLe. A committee,appointed - to •re commend o, system-of , action. reported 'through titbit. chiiirindri;Mr: E. ilarhs,dele, • that nominations fer" State - offices be Mliae - with .a view to,dofent,theConatituthiri; with regardto the -tesk, ,preocribecl - ,•in, the preserit'• Censtitutiiin - Of3lissiseappf and of .the United Statis.) The - noonunittedf-nlso recommendnAhorougb; system of organ , liation. . , ~ , • , • r - . v -, :inttinf• . os . iiititutiOnd' CO Xiiiin'tion, to-dat and ordinance was passed dasiUnating .Tnne 23 Ibrittie election-for -ratification tif the 1, ooristitution. An ordirbMce protriding that csodidates who May lid, elected and - cannot tahe tbe oath shall give place to the candi _dates ,receiving -,the next,bigiurat;\ in:umber OrvSteS and cautalte the oath, MO dopted. • XauY,;;Elelegatlon tin: - Chicagw-S ,- ~ boat Business ,on the Mlasoart•Ahultau Dore. • illations. • ' rity Tentiatra to the Pittibittscia Chadic :3 ' , I Sr. Louts, May lb.—A :large , delegation. of ; Methodist Laynieurleft heree .to day for , . _ . tlzioago to: tattendothattaytiOnta , !Oortvan- . , ttan, . ~* to be'liiala:Weici, e n*Uni , o6 l witti'o lo Mettaloitist,Motortinae, now'•ui aettdciPL' , ThirWitiltotatetitners have left his' fart for R_Ort?lttattoe, Montina,lalitee - Malthilat, hauler rOO , Stavtannit,,Latf one. for t . Fort ' BullY4u4 yrall:huagn.t,,,: .i u -••ei. • ri - rrli :-litoftly s lees froUl ,Mantis l4')l4444: ,1340,, bit,' liesie.4o,yeA u , - .07 4 .. 1 4044 .- 1 / 1 - 1 . 10 over f s. 0" hunwed ..• ;a .. . ,! :orrkl " ffitgoi tialt . lol44o,o*" . OlOttlol, - ,are, cur ifig and.(ir g ani g ., . it ? I 'W 4 A 4 ; 44 * -1 - .3. , ,,, -,,', .:,. I.‘ •-••,- .:,....„ - • 0.--- .l " , • 1 - .-, ' The coluatauriminers, pitertatiii* ,, ,,ii. --iliasastikuessl ,)F‘ in %;....„ • itA a uly.Teles - n44 u4i - e - iii *ifti6lo. i . .3 . (arr.4AWrileivaiit' •i l ikaittiiiiiii, lleyr ernment' Mt treeletve4 Intianttlety. ter sPecting4ll.3sl"" = " a l E ,Iciu 4 , 44tettfts the , . gi r 1 it, o re4T4l:olLiii owoilthelisk . -o.l.slff i lYt. , 013Pli, arty II 0 -l as :tigir•W • : igarKivei t ti • : M4 6411. ne aistiffilefrOtd !!'l-404".,111134-1., ,9q81.6`1 b e Immo) ,c?`,„,,,,*•iiiiliditini— ,t-•) ~, or. am bib *hit -- t teuaktivitheruhlihalintke but ita purport will notbuilllOwe i th - vire thr some days: Devaceolmi num& further eatiturea of Feeleo, perm: - 1 I=l .4:Pi/£l;= NUMBER 13. EDUCATIONAL,; Monthly Maitiug•of the Central Board of EdueatiOn--atepOrtaL:-YNCA•nvied for the Busying Year. - • [:1 A regular monthly meeting! of the Cen tral Board of Education was 'held in the rooms of the Board at the korner of ;Wood and Sixth streets, Tuesday, the 12th inst., at two o'clock-A- at: Members , present Messrs.;; Anderson, Covert, Craig, Getty, 'Hari:lion Mays, Mc- Auley, Nobbs, Sergeant, Wilsey', and presi dent Brush. • ' 'The • minutes of the: preceding • meeting were read a:A approved. , . • The Secretary thenread the;report of the Principal of the High School;; from which it appeart that the total attehdancesince the last report was 112;average attendance 101. The report recommendic that the ex amination of pupils •for admission to the • High School - be held on Mond.iy and Tues day,Jnne 22d and 23d. . 1 . • • On- motion of Mr. licAulty the report received and filed, and the recornmen dation as to the examination ofteacilers was ddoPted. , 'The report 'Of the principal - of the colored schools was read, anol, .ort. "notion, received and filed. ; h - Mr. Aiken, of Liberty, was; on motion. admitted as a member of the '*oard: - The report of the:Secretitry,Was read and approved, . . • _ The Secretary read a cOhimunicalion irom the Boardof the TentfirWard;request fng thst,election of Mr; John4bchse es ool lector of school tax for said ward. _ Mr. Anderson moved that Mr. Ophse be elected collector. • -- Mr, Eberle_ was also placed ha nenfina- • tion. A vote was then taken, whi6irresUlted' in theelectiarof Mr. Ochse braryotetif eight to three. -j: On motion of - Mr. AndersoMMr. William Wiley was elected collector of schoial taxes for•Peebles township., i(! • - The _report of the collector of the Sixth wad'of lost was presented, and on motion of Mr. McAuley was , referred to the member of the Sixth ward for examination. On notion David Aiken was elected col- , lector of school taxes for Libertytownship. • On motion of Mr. HarrisontJohn Maguire was elected collector of school, taxes for • Pitt township. Mr. Nobbs, 'of the Committee oh Text Books submitted the following report: Resolved, That Burtt's Grammar Dean's series of Arithmetics, Interme diate and Primary Geographies, Goodrieh's Pictorial History of the United Statesi, OS good's Readers and Speller oinnSon's new Elementary Algebra' rand'. B Weretent Dictionaries. be adopted ,as text' books , for yard schools during the ensiling year.,• ) W Resolved, That the principals of the sev eral 'schools' be authorized 'and 'reconar mended' to form classes in Mitchell's Fhysi•• cal Geog,Tahy. 1 , 1 • Mr. Mays moved the adoption of the res olutions... Considerable discussion ensued in rela tion to the report, as there! appears to, be considerable dissatisfaction; "with some of the books recommended, ;1 ; -- A communication from Mr.,Burtt on to his grammar was' read, in which a dfie states that the revised editien - oTbiS work ...was in the hands of the publistar and would sv_be rni rei r. • igad ftv ed the rePort•Waird be so amended ~t erellevoltilr rti r eal from thenecessity-,of changing the now in use there, sme off' which were not named in the renal,: ';' Mr. Wilma" 'moved -the substitution , ' of Clark's, Grammar instead Of Burtt's. The amendment was lost. I C ' ,The resolutions were. then On, motion of . Mr. Moksiley the Board then proceeded to levy a tax for theensu• in year. , After considerable discussion the tax was levied_at eight mills by a nnanimous Note. The-Secretarywas ordered to secure a _room for the City Superintendent. '• ' - - On motion of Mr. Covert,it was resolved that the teachers througheut the -consoli dated city shall receive the same salaries for the month of June' they are now re ceiving, and that the same : number shall be employed. The Secretary was instructed to have blank reports prepared for the: sebools to_ report to the Central Board;' ,. , • • it' 'ls • The following .bills were ..presented and ordered to be paid.. ' Thomas B. Cook, 899e4efiLW. D. Ketten berg, $4; Hugh 80ice,41.9, 1 554 F. C• . ,lgegley, foecoal, - - . On inotionlhe meeting , i adjourned' -till 3 o'clock r. x. on the second Tuesday of June. - TSE COURTS. " District CoUrt--.ltidg: HatoPten; ' ' In the case of the ticitterfi' or - fife' steam tug Mary DaVagti vs. 9i ittiltere'pniVi ously reported; the JuiYiulinit ler- plaintiff in theinim:oflsl.so.,,[ ;= • i SQI4 411.4 4 :45r5. The Middleton Oil Carnpany., 390 An re action.o a Boo'ktieeteint; lS~r ed, the retnparryw. On.briaL),ll i A motion for, a „I:low a :trial, Bras madn, ,1:)y defendant's 'counsel', is the case. of:Cli3aripg vs. Millingar.', The'rciliedits Rived-for the motion, were that: the Lverdiet, was: against the charge of the Ceurtrthat the ku7 erred in'not •allowing - for; Medluidant's• ez penees,,and.third_thet‘ the [l,42rdipt, was op pressive. In the ense'of F'iilton do 'vs I~liic~~ileton previously = reyiprted, the *Jury found for plaintiff, subject to opiniottoof Court on questions of laW,i,ellerved,., The case of - Jain& IdeClisrg Rio. Peek was next, takeniup:::Thl233tterta inition%ibr rent. Verdict fOr,:plebt , F 111,t12qpigNof 8283.50. Ix 0 1 14(01: in this case loaned defendant in July; lifiL oßel.t , hotlsand,d ol l l FB eV/N0.40 1 to.llarrY oh me wink 'id Wtiie if neWas' _en_ totrodi i'Verdiettorplantiltrint 51,041144 • .ON'', Irw in . ah.r4ileghekkVi r ikiipy C43r11 4 1111 14. 54110etineut.• for 1 11 ' b et to opinion of the Court ori prints. W-sLaltivq2,4F 4ll3 ' Pelt:kt-A ft er the' juky ma - zi isvirornAtioAtitary Iva; ama ibtulaiaaa' Amu* fitid thOrtselwas 0,41'.(`” 41. ' LII 6 14 gerV/410 1. 4/f i k.. a' •n' tentawtecp_iti__pm. asmagm : • .- ,L u- , 4,1160 th - ."4 • moment' n'grilii4 abh, lnhlent „ II 111111 ,]Rill.• MS 4