Ii Il it 144itsburiit, II 11 's• • • The Lutheran General S.yned. i s 'rho General Synod of , the Lutheran i Church in the 'United States convened in . the . First Lutheran Church of Harrisburg t I a n ne,o'clock May 7th.. About three hun-. i dred ministers and laymen were in Inten dance at the opening exercises, besides a ..... , very largeonumber of our citizens. The ..g. Gerdiral Synod 11-looked upon as the Amer. ican. branch of the Lntheran family, and is c - cterized by its liberal* in non-es g se ha e,18,' confining its members to no pre- I scribed farm of worship, but allowing each congregation to - manage its affairs in Stich a manner as will be most conducive .to its : interests, spiritual as well 'as temporal. I The, following twenty-one Synods are fully repre ' ' ' 4 1 and • 1 • sented by ,c ergymen, ,ay dele- Igates, viz;, - , • Allegheny; Central Pennsylvania, East - 1 ern Pennsylvania, Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Susquehanna, Central Illinois; INorthern Illinois, Southern Illinois, North ern Indiana, Olive Branch of Indiana, 7 burg s,lovi East Ohio, Miami, of Ohio, - Witten ' 'Of Ohio Maryland Melancthon of ~ , , , : Maryland; New Jersey.' New York, Fran i ke.tir,' of New York; Hartwielc, of New ,I Yoik. '• ' ' • • ' - The General Synod - convened'at nine o'clOok, with the customary religious exer:. . cises, the sermon being preached by Rev. li Dr.,Brown, of Gettysburg : • ? The General Synod then proceeded to or- Iganize, Rev. Mr. Brown a.. ng as President, anditev. Mr."Sheeley as Secretarypro Tho 'chairman of each delegation presented the credentials, and the derogates took their seats as the Synods were called. ' iDiv 'Pohlman. when the Synod of New York Waifetidlect, explained his•position, and themes:son of the separation of the Evangel -1 'calla:Oberon Synod of New York from the 1 Evangelical Ministerium; and presented to the,,Synod ;seven copies of the historical statement of the Evangelical S3rnod of New York, and of the causes which led to its 0r,7 gaeltation, and . seven " copies of the .pro. lefts - dings of the Convention and minutes of the first session of the Evangelical Lu ' there'll Synod of New York,Which were re- Dr. Harkey, of the Snood of Illinois, stated: that they were in the mine position of that of;New York. ,There was a division in that Synod On account of the desire of a Irtion to remain in connection with the . General Synod. _ . .. . • - I . Objection was, made ts4be enrollment of 1 the ,delegittes "of the Pittsburgh Synod. I; Laid , over until.after the other Synods were call A motion was made and seconded that i the rules besuspended in the case of the i New York Synod. It was then moved that 1 the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of New York, and the Synod of Central Illinois, be:enrolled in the order in which they ap , Pending the, discussion of the enrollment !of the Pittsburgh Synod, a motion was made and carried to adjourn. The Synod re-assembled at 2 o'clock. The case of the Pittsburgh delegation was then taken un. The. Chair had decided that the credentials were valid. An appeal was taken from the decision of the Chair, by-Dr. C. Martin, who stated at length his reasons for so doing. After considerable debate, the decision of the 'Chair was unanimously sustained. and the credentials were received. The Synod then proceeded to elect of l- serve for theoensuing two years, re sulting in the choice of:Rev. Dr. Pohlman for' President, Rev. Mathias Sheeleigh' for Secretary and A. Qckerhausen for Treasur er.' - New Synodsrwere - thert - received; the minutes of thelastrneettneOf the Synod read, a Committee on DevotiOnal Exercises appointed and`the:minuteintthe different Synods were handed in._ .' A special order was announced as follows: The afternoon of each day of the session, with the exception of the day'on which the Synod is organized, and Saturday afternoon, shall be set apart for the business of the several benevolent socli3this conneeted With the Church. • _ A motion was nekde hy Rev. Dr. Albert that—the Synod pay a visit to the Governor in a body on Saturday afternoon, between :e l l four and five o'clock, which was agreed to. On motion, adjourned. ritIDAY, May B.—Synod was opened - with. 1 the usual religious exercises , _ after'vihich the regular Committees were announced cis follows On the State of the Church,--Rev. M. Val . eritine, D.D., Rev. C. A. Stork. Rev. C. 11. Loelsautn, D.D., Rev. W. N. Scholl, Rev. George S. Neff,.Rev..P. Sheeder, Rev.:J. Swartz, Rev. J. W. Goodlin, Rev. A. R. Howberd, Rev. E. Miller, Rev. J. B. Sev eringhons, Rev. C. W. Sanders,' Rev. - J. 31- W. Strickeriburg, Rev. P. Sahm, Rev. W.. Waltman. Rev. D. Spreeher, Rev. A. M. Geiger, Rev. R. Weiser, Rev. M. F. Marto nis, Rev. P. S. Cross. On Crivientials.—liev. J. A. Brown, D. D. D., Rev. Prof. S. Spreeher, D. D., Rev. On Devotioital;serac'es.-=Wra. Dr; C. Mar tin, Rev. M. Officer Rev. W. V. Gotwald and Rev. G. F. Stalling. On Literary and Theological Institutions. —Rev ue . ref IL R. Geiger, Rev., W., W. Rehm, Di": 10 4 - Het WIN: Scholl, -D.l D. ,; Rev. Prof, H. Ziegler, D. D., Rev. S.- W. Harkey, D.-D., Dr. D. Luther and Mr. G, Messeramith. On Carreepiiiiileneiiiith other .Eeelasiedicat Bodies.—Rev. F. W. Conrad, I). D., Rev. R. A. Mak, Rev. A. Essick, Rev. L. N. Kuhns. Rey.,H, We ll s. • , • - (In treatitrer's lieport.—Rei: L. E. Al bert, D. D., M. D. L. Tressler, Mf Buehler, Prof. N. Hodge, Rev. V. F. Boltifn.+ On Meage.--Mr. J. J. Cochran, Mr. A: Gebhart,il Drw - H-11‘./toedcl,-,Mts A. F. Ock ershauseti; Rev. M. - 01iicer. -- •- • On Leave of Absence.—Rey. J. A. Brown, D. D:. Rev: H. Ziegler, D. I):,libv, C. Mar tin. - Railroad Fare.—Rev. G. F. Stelling, Rev. G. W. Haldeman; A. P. Ockershausen. On Foreign Otn - respond,ence.--liev. A. C. Wedekind, D. D., Rev. S. H. Stuckenberg, Rev. J H.,Lpchman,'D. D. Rev. G. B. Mil ler, D. D., Rev. S. W. ttarkey,'D. D. - The Committee on the application for sidmissiou from the Busquehiszula Synod, a : reoorcunisidatioilte stbeitiedi the condition that at its next . , tpeeting it adopt definitely the doctrinal basis 'or' - con# stitution of the General Synod. The re , pert SvIKUPI4 4 IO. - =3 CI 3 0, - - 7 . 1 !:°: Ali Lntherarmiasters preseet,4ll6 are net members of this body,and other mem bers of the evangelical Lutheran churches, were invited to lake seats as visitors, and their names be entered on the minutes. The ,Cotiunittee rot - ithe , Rellsjon of the Constitution 'reported isiiiindments which were ordered to beApriutedand made the order of the day for Tuesday, lAA resolution ° waajadopted, that a coin thitteebf three be appointed to take action on the proprieety=dikeelkillty,sif Plablisb ing a paper on th e heels "ot,the General SY IIO 4, which afternards amended that a ciirint,ee`of three be ap pointed to report a plan for the publication ,ofit, german paper. . The'' , Pretddent'% read eernmnithsatiori frorn N the Young Men'a Christian Associa tion, Inviting theiznembertr of the Synod to attend the dad morning prayer meetkips 24hp: Ipsiftfinthelkitskn BOok reported recommending the con eXlionignittee, or the appoint.- . 4,0 A ttnother, and, in case of, the con " tiMother tia appoint __, Ant evtillWNhe-wmiMeiTiKirp. lowligeta oet tberefosted toaanntnittee eta vaddeatandiSeeretazytAnd Allitee Additional member dote ilhosenty 4t w a y nad imhoretippravashailuttoitteces, `..1/1 .41,:a.,v.d.e. m017.191ti't4.1 «+ . rePott Was imkpiedradidlfplialitothe vleetlini of Inatiter tod ad- 4 , .2944 4 , 11 , ,7:1C114V - ; "401,14rPontet'ad uisational li ftleletr Iztet +2l.e. V5..111 r ; , I , oli ftt, , q 14,1 . 7 .IATITUII4 1.: E Ef;II!ME ~b'sr'i'esr"~a~_mac.. the afternoon, but no report was presented, owing to the death of the Chairman. abzineadiedenamftolitt. ado 44 and elected officers for the ensuing year, Rev. S. W. Harkey D. D. being President. The report of the Executive Committee showed the amount of funds received for the past two years to date from Synods in connection with the qocietv 765 96 as follows: From the Penn'a Synods.. $1,510 61 s. , s Synods of Ohio 1,983 27 " Synods of Maryland... 724 08 " " Synods of Indiana .. . . 498 00 Synods of New York... 150 00 individuals and individu- al churches '3,49181 Sum total ' ... The receipts of the preceding two years' were 0,700 93, showing an. excess during, the past two y%rs of 82,526 84:'. The nuin ber of missiones supported.hy the Sod-, ety is eleven. The number is, small, but the fields they occupy are of great, relative ctiatics of Churches receiving Miarionerlt aid.--Number received by baptism, 207;: number number receiVed by certificate, 251; num ber of communicants, 1579; Sunday schools, 24; Sunday school scholars, 2,0351 number of churches, uilt, 2... These figures, howev er, do, by =means, express the progress made in the Home Misqon work. Needs of the Rociety.—ln addition to the support necessary to sustain and fully es tablish speedily the 'important posts, the • committee would present-the following ur gent cases: Lawrence, Kansas, _Atchison,' Kansas, Newton, Jasper county, lowa. ' The committee recommend that some plan be adopted by which, when a mission ary is sent to important fields, he can be immediately aided in procuring a lot, and, if need be, erecting a place of worship. It was also voted to remove the Executive Committee to York. . . , TEE "MitreMeuse," a whiz 'gun, partly invented by the Emperor Napoleon, is said to resemble a coffee-mill half a .yard high, with an opening half a. yard in diameter. Into this the cartouches are shovelle.d, and by means of a wheel turned by a handle, the soldier*ho works the instrument lets a sin gle cartouche fall into each of the eight bar rels of the "mitraMetise.” These barrels are about a yard in length, As the trigger falls on the , cap it closes the barrels, the shots, are fired, and the wheel in turning re-opens the barrels, re-cocks the trigger, and lets other cartouches assume the places of those discharged. This instrument, worked by a single soldier, discharges from fifty to filly five shots a minute, and is effective at one thousand seven hundred yards. The name is evidently derived from the French word "mitraille," meaning a shower of grape shot. A SNAKE IN THE BED.—The Lafayette (Ind.) Journal, sayi : An old gentleman named Swiger, .lately put himself up a shanty, on the hill oppposite the city, on the other side of the Wabash. The other night while lying in bed propped up with pillows suffering from an attack of the asthma, he accidently put his hand outside the bed clothes. when it touched something moist and cold. He instinctly threw it off upon the floor. His wife arose and' lighted a lamp, when she discovered a snake of the species generally known bathe blue racer in the room. His enakeship was ' soon dis patched, and it -was found to be nearly five feet in length. It is sopposed that it got in . to the room through the chinks in the wall, and was, when discovered, looking for a warm place to sleep. - *CONGIIEI3&-22d Gen. J. S. V-EGI..EY la a candidate for nomination before the Union Re pub tnll lican l7:detT Convention. Iay''CONGIM3S--22d DISTRICT. THOMAS HOWARD, Esq., Is a candidate for nomination; by the Union Repub lican Congressional conyention. mhatuttr IN ' iTrzif 10 :I iht kt - I) *l3 A LEVI BIRD DUFF, Subject to the •decluion of the Union Republican County Convention. an17:002-d&T f:if vri NM% t:0 :4c# 4 Gen. A. L. PEARSON, Subject to the decision of the :union Republican County Convention. tch24:n24.d&T rgrFOB . DISTRICT ATTORNEY. • WILLIAM C.,_MORELAND, subject to the dechion of. the Union Iteplablfcin County Convention. mh27:n43:d&T Igr''ASSISTANT DISTRICT AT JOHN W, RIDDELL. Will be a candidate for Assistant District Attorney, subJect'to - the - decision of the'Republican County couventiou.r;, SPIO:d&T Iegg — ASSIS'I'ANT.:DISTRICT AT - - TOENEY. .1 B. FL-1%.61C 4 • • ' Subject to the decision ,Orthe Union Re ptLbll&an County'Convention. • . . • mh.leres, .o&T IgrFOR ASSEMBLY.• . C 6/. :WILL/A l 4 tSP't Of Scott township., subJeetto the, decision of the Union Republican Convention. - nipl:po9.llAT AIISEMBLY, ITINCE*T. Of Noith Fayette. township, ant:Oct to .the decision of the Republican County Convention . nvention.. tiya_ COUNT!` COMPUSSIONFJI. PHILIP4IOERR, Of Low& St. Clair township, (late: of. Co. B. BSid P. V.,) snbiect to the decision of the Union Repub lican County. Convention. ap22:04-ditT SPECIAL - NOTICES. (108 ItA llll ..: 10 *E• . . , This' ablexidill" Hale ' Dye - is ilia :the world; t' only - true and -perfect e r .1 , tiartuless,-rullable: instantaneous:, no _disap lucent; sus. ridiculous tints; remedies the e eels .of bad 'dyes; invigo ratp and leariaAhoyair'ion' stud ibeautindo,:blcieJs , tistft 1 11- 15% - al .lat eL AS - 0 kerri. . IMILECUTOI4? , yestamentluT atom the estate • or • • .. IVillhowilebbiony, Jr" deeediedo - - s.oct,tost! yALonett to the uogyvmmagi4,. tutr-** inese, - EIG xistrestale still maim Darien un t e niOni Ingeb tid_t o ,its 1971,1' <4) 1 i1t ,, ..?rF 1 N 1 3.144 4 - , : . 1 ze: IntvalgimitiOt*liV:= ' - --Aitila-M910153° • - • -'ol3loia oitha ZatkiALNA. - 143 1 111....1444V e. bigrs4croltitAmo-Ecil, mmiPPITP:O4I, .41; ,tood 1), )1111(1 , 4 - I !!I '•••! 1-PvTole- . 1 wtr,:;l3 wo:t a a; • 5. • ;GA, • ' POLITICAL. LEGAL El . PITTSBURGH GAZE'rEE : MONDAY. MAY 11. 1868. IQ, EGISTEWS -OFFICE, ,_ _ ~., • , +vk'''..l 1 . Prrriuftncin. May /ALI 1888: * Ix7- " 2. ` 4 4 . 3' C 7 E 15 Ti F l tr 33oll lK-N.44 1 q atel . 9llOW-.. II 14I'Aceonill orViiairfotti,lidintiititiiitar, Giiiii'l dians, &c., Bare been duly passed In the Register's Office, and will be presented to the Orphans' Court. . for cnafirmation and al l owan c e, on MONDAY, n . , Jue . .• .Ist, 1868: No. 1. Account of Samuel Dickson, Executor of John Dickson, deed. Flied Feb. 3d, 1868. No. 9. Final account of John Hickman, Executor of John Morgan. deed. Filed Feb. 4th, 1868. No. 3. Final account of Michael' Wagner, Admin . Istrator of Jot:. Wagner, uewo. Filed Feb. 4th, 1868. No. 4. First and final account of John Watson, Administrator ofJameS Watson. dee' d. Filed Feb. sth, 1868. . - No. 5. Final account - of Kritinda Waldoogle, Ad mthistratrix of Andreas Waidoogle; deed; Filed Feb. tith, 1868. No. 8. :Final acconnt of A. B. Stevenson; Admin. Istrator of George Weigand,- dec'd. Filed - Feb. 11th;1868.: - - No. 7. Account ' of Mirth Iftiminings, Adminlis• I tutor of W. W. Dickson, deed: -Filed Feb. 12th, 1888. 1 No. 8. First and' paitlal-aceount• Jo n as,ve B. Jones, Administrator of George B. dec'd. ' Filed Sept. 7th, 1867..: • • . _ 1 N 6.9. Account of Geo. B. Neely and Jeremiah ' Meek, Executors of Nathaniel Neely, deed. Filed Feb.-19th, 1868. No, 10. Aceotint ill/J.las G. Wallingford, Admin. istratrix of Alexander M.. Wallingford, deed. Filed Fob. 510th, 1888. - • .• - - ..- No. 11. Account of Airs. A. M. Derkhlem,• Ad ministratrix of James B. Irwin, dee'd: 'Filed Feb. No. 12. 'First and final account of Hugh M. Scott, Administrator of Joseph Scott, deed. Filed Feb. 2184 1868.. . • , - • N 0.13. Final account of J ame s H. Vanroerhis, Trustee of David Wilms; dee'd. Filed Feb. 29d, 1868. ! No. 14. Final account of William Thaw, • Guar dian of Eliza, William, Benjamin, - Mary and AleX ander B. Thaw, minor children of Eliza Thaw, deed.- Filed Feb: 27th, 1868, . • No. 15. Account of Julia Ann Schoeftlin; • Execu. for of Charles Schoeffiln, deed. felled Feb. 27th, - No. 18. Account of G. O. Fawcett, Administrator of Dennis Clark, deed. Filed Feb. 29th. 1868. No. 17. Account of Thomas' McKee, Guardian 'of George Mates, minor son of Mary Mates, deo'd. Filed - March 4th. 1888. . . • No.lB. Final account ofThomas Meant:icy. Guar ' *llan of James B. Linhart, minor son of Abraham Linhart, deed. coun t arch sth, 1868. No. 19. Final of Thomas McGahey, Guar dian of Alex. M. Linhart, minor son of Absaham Linhart, deed. Filed March sth, 1868. No. 90. Account of Joseptsitoss _and Isaac Mills, Executors of Letitia Dentston, dee'd. Filed March 6th. 1868. - ' - • ' ' ' No. 21. Account of Jacob Stouffer, Admintstra. for of Mary Stoffer, deed. Filed March Bth. 1868. No. 92. First Account of Otis Brown, Adminis trator of . Edward : H. Adams. deed.' :Filed March 60 . 1,1868: . N . • - - , No. 23. Account Of Robert U. Marshall, Guar. dianfof Henry 8., Abbott L., Marshall H. and Frank G.McGeary, minor heirs of Henry McGeary, deed. Filed March 7th, 1868., • . No: 24. First and partial atcontit . .of Jelin F. Devlin, Administrator of Peter D. Devlin; deed. Filed „March 7th.18613. No. 95. First and final account.of David Bru ' back Executor of G. Pans Dietrich, dec'd. Filed ,P Marel9th,lBBB. • • No. 20. Ateount of Robert Grierson, Adminis trator of Isabella Meikle, dec'd. Filed ] larch 10th, -1868. • - No. 29. Account of William 3leaus, acting Ex ecutor of Samuel Means, dec'd. Flied March I;th. 1868.. , No. 28. Final account of Samuel Scott'and J. J. McCurdy: Executors of Priscilla Phillips, deed. Filed March 14th, 1888. No. 29, Account of Joseph Siebert and Christian Febert. Administrators of Charles Siebert, dec'd. iled March - 14th: 1 888. No. 30. Final account of Henry Ir. Chalfant. Guardian of Stewart Sampson, minor sea of David Sampson, deed. Filed March 14th, 1888. No. 31. Account of John Torrence, Executot of David Torrence, deo'd. F lie d March Mith, 1868. No. 32. Final aCeount of John Conrad, ,Jr., Guar; (Ilan of Mary E. Kim, minor child of Anthony Kim, deed. Filed March 20th, 1868. No. 33. Account of Matthew McGregor, Admin istrator of James McGregor, dec'd. Flied April 3d, 1868. .. No. 34 . First and fi nd account of IL S. Camp bell, Guardian of David B. Morrison. Filed March 94th. 1868. No. as. Final account of C. W. Robb, Esq.. and Joseph O'Brine, Executors of Emma S. Mcisowin, dec'd. Filed March 24th. 1888. No. 36. Final account of Robert Clugston and W. W. Ward: Executors ofSarith Simpson, deed. Filed March 25th 1868. No. 37 . First and final account of Annie Glyde. Administrator of John Glyde, dec'd. ' Filed March 26th, 1868.: . _ N0...38. Final account of Jose_ph H. Hill, Guar dian of Robert C. and John A. Moore. minor chit. dren of Robert Moore,. dec'd. Flied March 28th, 1888. No. 39.. Final account of Samuel Scott, Adminis trator of John Manown„ deed. Filed March 20tb. 1868. , No. 40; First and Final account of. Francis G. Batley Administrator of Mart Ann Bailey. deed. Filedatarth 30th. 1868. - • • N 0.41. Account of William and Hugh McCatch eon, Administrators of James Mccatcheon, 'deed. Filed March 30. 1888; • No. 42. First and final account of John Ewer and- Isabella Duff. Administrators of Hugh Duff, deed. Filed March 31st, 1868. No. 43. First and final Account of Mary Hermon. Administratrix of James /Imams, deed. Filed March 31, 1888. • No. 44. Final account of John J. Herrmann. Administrator at James Heaney, deed. Filed April 2d. 1868. No, 45. Account of John Brown and A. Clenden- Eng, Executors* of Andrew Hare. deed. Filed April 3d, 186 8. .- , . No. 46. Fourth accobnt of W. B. Hogg Execu tors of Elizabeth E.H. Bissell, dec'd. Flied April 4th,1868. No. dia h n 0 4 y 7 o sFp'h l F ac cMioludnh a ffey M , o m s ienso Lr 8 .5 6 t 8 u . orJ GuephMNoffB, Ac d un F o e St A p p henAp h, p l gate, Gnardlan of the minor children of Gideon V. deed. Filed April 7th, 1888. Catharine count Jo i n,vier Wollinger Guardian of Cart, and Anna nteldman, mi nor heirs of Herman Steadman, deed. Flied Aprli 7th, 1868. No. 50. Second and final account of George, Mc.. Cague, Administrator of- Robert Dunlap, deed. Filed April Bth, 1888. No; 51. Final accouot of WM. If. Nesbitt and J. 11.. McCabe, Executors of Eliza Nesbitt, *iced. FllecLApril Btb, 1868. No. 59. Final account of Emmanuel Haug, Ad. ministrator of Christian. Schmidt, deed. Filed April Oth, 1868. . , No. 53. Account isf . William Clayton, Executor of Eliza Brown, deed, Filed _A_prlf 9th, 1888. No. 54. Account of James_Montooth, Guardian of: . Francis O'Hara. mluor child of John McFar land; deed, Filed April llth, 1888. No. 55. Account of - Adam Hess and George Hess, Administrators et William Hess, deed. Flied Atoll 13th. 1868. ~ No. 56. First and. parthdaccount of A. B. Cook and John K. Cook. Administrator of John Cook, dec'd. Filed. AprillslBlB6B. • - No. 57. Account of Ch ristian Dillenbach, Admin istrator of Gottletb Mashey, dec'd. Filed April 15th, 1138. . No. 58. Second and final account of Macolm Hay. Esq.. Administrator of Michael O'Hare, dec'd. Filed April 15th, 1868. - _ .No. 59. Account of Clement B. Warren and Res bee Wall, Executors of WM. Shrader, deed. Filed April 17th._1888. ' ' • No. 80. tleccntd account of Robert and Thomas Wightman, Executor of James Wlghtman, deed. Filed' 11th, 1888. No. 61. Account of George Gross. Administrator of Charles Basler. dec'd. April 227. /888. No: 82. First and final account of Jehu Haworth, Administrator of Robert Norris; deed. Filed April No. 63. Final account ofJohn 3fartineourt. Guar 'Man of Catharine Allen. minor child ofJdhn Welty, deed. - Filed April 22d. 1888. !co. 84. Account ofBarnuel Dempter, Guardian of Julia and Nancy Vauhn. Anlnor heirs of John Vaughn. dec'd. Flied April 93d, 1808. No. Ob. Account of James Robinson, Admit:antra= for of 'Wilkins H. Robinson, dee!d. Flied March 23d, 1868. No. 86. Account of Thomas Varner, Executor of Dorcas McFadden. dee'd. Filed Aptit 94th le6B. 'No. 67: Account of William J. Moorhead.' Exectt tor of Eliza A. Black. decAl. Filed, April' 23th, 1868. No. 68. Final account of Thomas McCance, Guar dian of James and Daniel Dempsey, minortreirs of Daniel Dempsey, dec'd. Filed April 817th, 1868. No. 69. Supplementary .account of. John 'Y.' I,o= gan, Administrator de• oonta none ourn testament° annex° of Thomas' llartford, • deed. , Filed . April 27th, 18613. . . . No. TO., Account of D. Than, Administrator of' James Gallagher, deed. Fil ed April 28th,1868. NO. 11. Final account of V. K. jikElhenv and, John A. 31cElheny,executeirs of Jubn MeEflieny, .deed. Flied April 518th 1868 • . . • No. 72. - Account of William Galbreath. surviving , Executor of Samuel, Galbreath, dec'd. '„ F i l e d April 29th, 1868. • • No. 73. Final account of William Shaim, *Admin. Istrator of Lewis Shawn, xlec"d. • Filed April ligth, 1868. • No. 74. Final account of William Shawn, Admin istrator of Mary 13. Shawn, deed. Filed Ain - 1129th, 1868. No. 75. Final account of Thomas Roark ,c Guar dian of. Danial and Mary' Ferris.. _Filed April 29th, o. 76. Account of John' Stewart; 'Guardian of George Bradley. minor son ol'Ohaeles Bradley, deed; Filed A_pril2gth, 1/188. :(. - • No, 77. , Account Of John ,Stewart.' Gbardian of Charles Bradley, dec'd Flied April 29th, 1888. • No. 78. - " Account ofr'...fohn. Stewart, -Guardian of Isabella Bradley, mluorf heir of Charles Bradley, dce`a. Filed April 2911, 1868. .; • No:lg. - First and Anal account 'of Jaelism; Dun can, Administrator of Robert illazlett, deed ;Flied April Illgth. 1888, No. 80. llual account •of Samuel Carnahan: Ad= niinlstrator.tif • Wffliam Tomlinson, de9d.: Filed April 30th.,11368.- • • - • No. Ni. Account a Zerih Hayden, jr., _and Na than McGrew, Administ ra tors of gerah Hayden, Sr.. deed. Filed April 30thi.4888. No. 82. FOnsi account of Daniel, Mcriurk, Admin. hitrator''of liasanna McGurit,'"dec'eff' f lied- April 80th 1888 140..83. Account of /fell T. Eggersi,Adminlitra tor ofFr.Waltber, dec'd.. _lied April gOth," /8611: No. 84. Account or J. Lirt ppe; Amlnistrator of Jacish'reurer. MOM No..BB..Ftra and, Snail account:eitliosina. Deft* It and „Leonard ,r • xecatora - of George ilna l ,'deed: &riled - May 4889. • .Ales.•lB4. •Fitlitacebunt of .: 1 /OQ I I4, guar!' Amu AalararMal7, Oktitarines. olni. Attie trat'Andror wominey, m or- eh Wren 'of John &Hutt, &rd.:: Bildt mylatil66B:_,! No. 87. First and final account ofJohn A. McKee, Administrator of AndrepAcifte, dec'd. I lied May 1888. _ ; N6:,Bll.l.Sivet JaaktillifoKelaii-Vtalaidlati of .01 w 11 10 19. 1 '8 4 ; 1 1110 A3 3 ,9Wde,' iiezzairazak4 , yitittesp, ffAknthltiti 412for114;20131x1MilialcP.,: Martha Shaw. deed. Plied May let.;;;a844.;•• ;- No. 91. Aeoount - of-NPlNelsony'Es_sl. Trustee in &1 044910 .; 418415 .4W41 1, '..41 11 41.,1 7 44 .11 ,e1gid11id , r 97oi6!?'YsYttkl 6i{ 4t vat mdpistratordirantd. • eis I all!iaro. , ' It* • I , l l7 7FikAh,. 34 16 , 4* ) ,•;•..1H1.) REA.L Et3TATE STOCK 'AND REAL ESTATE , BROKERS Are prepared to sell at Auction STOCKS, BONDS, and all kinds of SEEITRITIES, REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD PUR. ITURE, either . on the premises or at the Bo . d of Trade Rooms. Particular attentio paid, as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at 1. rivate sale. Sales at Real Es n 'the country attended. Office. lin. 115 FO g TII STREET. have no* far sale Westmoreland and I bly easy terms, so ing can purchase on amine for yourself. FOR • pouNTor, RY . itEmeNtr, Amu BALE itEliTo-A a two-story double oust, Containing 10 rams,' Including double with marble mantles, -, and all - the modern An provemeutrt tore ground, • tiled with Ault, re ip tei•'mtiftlltn of rt jll i rltr n e E e l t r l ee ° Ts . i l e a lli tta e. This one of the handsomest locations 11l Le r aoe r t if ir .county, , and. In a° givd nelghborhood. Apply . W. A. "EKERE9X4B - l Eva ,Estate Office, street .' ritIIALE To - LET.-.410.400 and Lots Or sale ln Darts of good urb6. . Also, setreral FARMS In l o cati o ns. Also, a small WOOLEN FACTORY, with ISO acres of land, and- good improvements, which .1. wIU sell cheap and ,on, reasonable terms. Euslnes4 Houses to let on good streets. Prlvste Dwelling - Rouses for rent In both cities. For farther &Valera inquire jr‘ '2llO Grant street, 'opposite Catheedial. CICAP BUILDING Lars_ FOR ALE.-100 cheap BUILDING LOTS in the flourishing village of Allentown, adjoining the BlT mingham line, ten minutes walk from Carson street or by the Pitts burgh, and Brownsville Hoadrdelight tul and healthy location. During last 'year SO build ings were erected on these grounds, besides a large school building. The above lots are large sizes, and will close them out at very low prices, say from WO to $3OO, and only requiring, the small sum of be p he plots of the ground, at corner of Fourth and Smith field streets. ififys7 D. hicLALN & CO. ' CHEAP FRAME 11.1NELLEIGS: TWO FOUR ROOM DWELT NO HOUSES. SITUATE ON ' . Washington Street. Allegheny City, Will be sold - separately if desired on the most reasonable terms. LOTS 20 by 130 each. APPLY TO STEEL & WILSON, Brokers and Real Estate Agents, N0..6q Smithfield street. • my 7 2,000,000 ACRES - OF • CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, EY THE Union Pacific :Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION, Lying along the line of iheiy road, at . 8400 TO $5,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARS. For further particulars, maps, &c., address ;roan' P. DEVERZVZ, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas. Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Eirey, mat; St. Louis, Missouri. BANKRUPT NOTICES. MHIS IS TO. Grvier NOTICE that on the Ad day -of litay. A. D. 1968 , a War rant In Bankruptcy was issued against the . . ESTATE OF JAMES JellilifilrON, Jr., Of Ohlo tOwnship, in the county of Alleglieny, and. State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of. any property belonging to such bankrupt; to him or for Ido.use, sind the trans fer of any property by hum are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said! b-nkrupt,- to prove their debts and to choose one or more As signees !of his estate. will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 110 Federal street, Allegheny Cite, .Allegheny county, Penna..; before' JOHN N. P,UHVIANCE, Ego, Register, on the Ad day of June, A. 11. 11038, at 10 o'clock A. If.- - THOMAS A. ROWLEY. , m3TillBB . , 11. S. Marshal, as Messenger. T HIS IS TO GIVE. 'NOTICE lhat on the .4th day or May. A- D. p3oB,..soyar rant lu Bankruptcy was issued against the. ESTATE. Or HERMAN NEEDIER • Of Allegheny City, in the county of Allegheny, and State • of Pennsylvania; who has been adindged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the .paynierrt of any debts and delivery °fang property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for blit use; • and the transfer of anv propertr=try-him are forbidden by law ;"that &meeting of the creditors of the said bank. runt, to prove their debts and , to choose. one or more Affsignees of his estate, will be held at Ati, Court of Bankruptey.lo be hoiden: at the Mate of the Regis = ter. at No.llB Federal, street, Allegheny Xlity. Al. legheny county, Penna., before JOHN'I4 ANCE: Eery. , Itegister, on the 9th day of Jane, A. D. 1888; at 10 Oclock • • • • , • , THOMAS A.IIOW/XY, my :pB7 ' .` U. 8. Marshal. as Nes:singer.' THE 'DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, Western District: of nnsilvaitia; as:, at Pittsburgh, Pa.,. May Ad; To whom it nia - Y concern: The inidersignea hereby gives notice. of hts appolnttnent as ASsistnee of JEF FERSOM..YARNEY • . of , Allegheny.l.Clty, in • the county , of Al l egh e ny t •stnd State, of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been` alljudgeti sneak real upon his own petition by the District Court of Bahr Dlstrcet. . JAMES W. MURRAY, Assignee, roys:p7o , _ AttornevattLaw. 1 6 Fifth street. --,7 -- - 11 1 , . A ; II: : i of • • . liirLV •• Ili; SS."' ''. ' = •.' • ^ ' • t PltUthlrga, the filth dee:of MAI; .A::Yr. in. To. tette* LITT COKLIBN :, The ,nede.reigneal • ereloyitves he •ce ol'his Appolninieni he Magee° •fH. NI BMW ItIVI. bf Mletrurhb, in tbetouni. y or , Aitcitheirr: had St_llatt of rattatlttaata.•'w 2 tUn 4 district, who It oath Mhheett, it eintt: s lr I• • • bin tiffa . petitto 'by the Distriet Coil% of a • Mob!' -••• ' 0 ••, "'MON .•MANUAIX' 1 iliCipMelli 1 ~ 1 ire ..- St. Oar atteet.., ''t V 9 ' 4 Of r t iittil 4s7:b. la ligibilili he antleril e vaireEWT) liTe Met •• •nt ea Ass "meteor J F.-DIFFENHA 'HEIL, ' lOhlerAiN a p ,ty V AUggpli• teal' %ea .• Ate of t e l thi Et fOrfet,loo rote aOM gas tanks , * sa wicalfig utsism,b7 imunartoiliaurso ~ 2b tvoiap-• 1 , 1 ,' 3 ,'. t ” . 7 • i' l • 1 , / Morn • ' ar" S i • - - an* STetuenllWaggrLl) BUM ono -1111•111ir• 4ttilltaKtabiwri Pal t , ) VW+ `1" . - a 2 frairinaRLIDAILWA • • . i. • -• .I^.' 'ti , 1."4,4.4„ 1 ),%, 1 , 1 11,N64,41211t7 Wankitid. Sr i '1 4211 01 . 7f ilv: )1 . 1",11 : 1 • 1 : 1 : 7 r 1 f -i .l ill p ' : - . 1111 C - ekii11* ° fi l it ' Ji 1 4 . 4 1 .0T;6it ' l l t i : ,;111411111.fr''''ci:'d t';-1:i.:1%;11.)Li'il,Lf111.1.i');:14:fillf-''itC161;1,frCf30.1' ,: h,-, .1, ~1 . I,lqit, fv:,,. r ,- / 41 xt l flo7).oT. I'VY ' !WiriAl . W ./.. ...4 - ,(Eyyt...; A 31. - dt ey,iinr i B -4;1 i lai l d, . - 4.l;ii:in r ..:0.!),.9,,,, t,r-- , i ,Li:- . ) 1 1 -. .,, ..1> '76/ Ty!irP.lN,7,--, 74.1Crq-,,,r) MEI AND AII7CI'IONEER9, S FOR SALE. • 'eta of the fittest FARMS In Mann counties on reinarka , that anyone deetztas of buy ,. e altogether. Call and ex- 6.-M. PETTY. N0.,50 Baalthaelciatme -REAL EST - Min - CAN - CI COMPANY, 0! AUGMENT, PA. Mee in Franklin Savings Bank Buildings; _ No. 43 Ohio; St., Allegheny A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors well known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage. HENRY LEWIN __.. GEO. D. RIDDLE, t DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin, D.L. , . Patterson, Henry Gerwig. Geo. R. Riddle, ( Jacob Fran; t Gottlelb Pau, Simon Drum, J. R. Smith,- 'Jacob Rush, W. M. Stewart, ' Ch. P. Whisum, Joseph Craig.. Joe. Lautner, IH. J. Zlnkand, 'Jeremiah - Haien aplOva3S. , - VATIONAL INSURANCE or THE CITY OY AIIEGEBEY. °eke, In ALLEGHENY TRUST COMPANY'S BUILDING. PI-HZ 1 -NSV:IIAN - e-g ONLY. • .. - ' .W. W.: MARTIN, President. JAS. E. STEVEFBON, Secretary. . _ DIRECTORS: A. H. Eagllab, 10.H.P.Williame : J no. Thompson duo. A. Myler , Jae, Lockhart, 'Jos. Myers, Jas. L . ,Graham, Robt, Lea,, . I C. G. .Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. ,Geo. Cierut, - Jacob Hopp. mh2S:n34 -"WESTERN INSITRALNCE COM PANY OF PITTS)3IIHGA. EXANDER NIMICK, President. - - WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Office, 851 Water street, Sang Co.'s Ware house,.up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will irtzure against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promptness and liberality to main. tam the character which they have assumed, as of. tering the best protection to thosd ;who desire to be insured. MIREZTOB.6: Alexander lihnick, John IL McCune, A. Miller, •Jr.,, Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, William 8: Evans,. Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick. Andrew Ackleu, Regmet, David M. Long, _ W. Morrison, D. ihmsen.Wm:- • ~ INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE, 21 FIFTH STREET; BANK BLOCK. This Is a Home Company, and insures against lour by Fire exclusively. " • ' LEONARD - WALTER, President. • C. C. BOYLE. Vice President.. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. • HUGH McELHENY, Secretary. DIRECTens: George Wilton, Geo. - W. Evans, _ J. C. Lappe, J. C. Flelner, • John Voegtley, A. Ammon. Leonard Walter, C. C. Boyle. Robert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah King. Jas. H. Hopkins, Henry Sprott!, ntitNiTy AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 435 4, 437 CHESTNUT ST, 2.7ltAn 5111 DIRECTORS. elm?les ,V. Baneker, , Mordecai H. Louis, Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith I Edward C. Dale, Feorge W. Riciards, 4 George Fales. CHARLES G. BA- CHER, - President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, Secretary,pro tern. J. OABDNEB COFFIN; Aarrr, North West corner Third and Wood Streets mh2ll:wia'N r• RENY INSURANCE COM PANY OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, 'Nei. 37 EIFTE STREET, Roam BLOCK Insures against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks, JOHMIEWIN, JR., Prealdeni. JOHN D. MeCORD, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. CAPT..WM. DEAN, General Agent. DliaCTolll3: Crpt. Wm. Dean, B. L. Fahnestock, W. H. Everson, - Robert H. Davis, Francis Sellers, Capt. J. T. Stockdale. John Irwin, at., John D. McCord, C. 6. Hassey, Harvey labllds, • Li T. J. Hoiskinson, Charles Hays, _ _ _ pfligt.Es , INSURANCE COM OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD ar. FILTH A Some Company, taking Ftre and Marine Maki DiRECTORS: Wm. Phi Mpg, - r Qapt. John L. Rhoads, John Watt, Samuel P. Shriner,: , John R. Parks, j Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James Miller, , Jared M. Brush, Wm. Van Kirk, Wm. F. Lang, James Verner, Samuel Meerickart WM. PHILLIPS, President. JOHN WATZVice President. W. F. GARDNE ,R Senretarv. CAPT. JAS. GORDON. General Agent. COAL AND' COKE. BEST FAMILY COAL . ALWAYS ON HAND And Delivered Promptly ) to Order, - • AT LOWEST 3IABKET RAVES, BY OSCAR F. LAMS" & CO., Corner Sandusky. Street and P. Pt; N. dt C. R. R. . . • A.T.a.mp-innisni- CITY, ANTHRACITE COAL PURINTISHED AT THE LOWEST RATES. . fee: - C°Al. : DICKSON, .STEWART .& CO., Having removed their OMee to NO, 667 LIBERTY S I TIAME'r, (Lately City . Flour Mill) BROORD /MOOR. ". Are p _ow prepared to tarnish tea a t }TiOMOORR NY LUM L' , RUT COAL OR ACE, the lowest .morket price. • All orders l eft at their Omee, 'or 'addressed to them through the mail, will be attended to promptly. CHARLES ARINTRoarp; = Tag:4llOOMT MID And Msnnfaotnrera of COAL SLACK AND' DESIR.I'iMUM CORE Office and Yard—CORNER ON BUTLER AND MORTON STREETS. First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets,Ninth Ward, and on Second street, near Lock No. I,__Pitteburgh, , ra.: Families and Manufacturers supplied with. the bert artiele . of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. ,Orders left at ; any of their offices , will. zetiefte prompt attention. ' ' • RINSTRANG & 11117rCIIINSON I Sncoesaorsao AND;YOUGII/043EULIY COAX. CO., MINERS • OMIUTERS AND DEALERS, BY RAIL ROAD AND RIVER, of superior Youghiogheny CAS AND FAMILY COAL. Ottlce and Yard-I%OT OF, Twir wri4arq, zeal ' the Ou Works. SITPERIOR coAr., ~. ..: , . • C. cm:Ern:Cr ierr.' , co.4 ..- lltlaera and Shippers of PITTSBURGH GAB, Tonxiar and FAMILY COAL, NUTACOAL and SLACK. Coal delivered promptly'to all parta of the cities at the lowest market rates. AN °Mee and Yard—COßNiC_R FOTItTit AND WA F T. SON iformerly Canal) B ;•., , i TS, Plttskurgb.• P. O. DOH 129$1::•••-- • 1- '. 2 . ' ---:-' •' ,- • • 0e29: • , FURNITURE. :. 118 M1C114:11.1L 118 . FURNITURE MANUOACTUHERS' WHOLESALE AND HWTALL: . • . Letao WROka - Ntx . :llo - :.votrw4 4- 4-erruzip2 r/ COBirta*W ernjwidcwariey4PAßZoll and 011 AMBER IrMT ,tiztoW,T. with, a coin plate auortment of cot' Thitere tit leddeed call te n l i I !FLA Se ATI X 47 ' :19,.ncr:1111 , hag .1.1,4:14-.1r14411; 1 .1*(,4 " R 1 4 11 ,4 1, 0 1 1314: .' "" o , ; ,1,7“ ••' •—• . 14 60110410.14 _ • _ tZt7Z , ..1,71'.-i1n, , ::',1 ..Presldent ..19ceretary EVERY AMMNOON AND -EFTNThi ALL •Tlf AT WAS S,& ED Burning Ruins of . the. Museum Circassian Girls, ", Receptions Afternoons andTErenings. , ~; Exhibitions from A &deck until 25 In tie after noon, and from 7 until 10 In the evening. /far Admission, SHP oeuts; Children under ten 15 cents., . . mythp9l , , . nod WHITE LEAD AND ;COLORS. CHROME YEZLOW, McCOY'S TERMER GREEN, lIABBIS ]EwilvtA, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Stieats, SCHOONMAKER & SON, Erriwre33l7llG-ii ' White lead and Colof Wats, - • MARISFACTIIII.ERS OF ' WHITE AND RED LEAD: , • • ZINC, PUTTY, BLUE —E A.,: MCCOY'S VERDIFER GREEN,' And all colors, dry or in oil. OFFICE._ No. 67 FOIIIITH - STREET. _ L Factory, Nos. 4500 453, 4154, 650 and *as Rebecca Street,. and 49, 61 and 53 Lacnck - qtreet.' NEW summing RESORT. • LAKE HOUSE, •Stonekito, Pa, ' (On the line of Jamestown ,ft Franklin Railroad, one hour's ride from Franklin.) This house Is large, new and commodious, well.ffirnished, has billiard rooms, ten-pin alleys and covered orome nades. It is on the banks of the most charming Fairy Lake in America, abounding in fish, And ad mirable for sailing purposes, surrounded with Sul phur airings; romantic scenery, ac. la the best summer resort In the State. Address 4 . . S. T. KENNEDY, Proprietor': THE I IIANSION 11-6 14 - 14 e undersigned beg to aandtmee to their friends and the . pnblie .that they tinge numbs:sect this. OLD ESTABLISHED and POPULAR. HOUSE, • .• - - And will ebntinne to keep it In the beet style. .The MANSION. HOUSE has over one hundred rooms, ail newly furnished In the best style, and only two min; - ntes‘ walk htinftbe Railroad Depot. TruYelervarill find this house an excellent one to stop, at, and will , be accommodated any hour, day or night. Connected with the Home is a splendid Hail for . . Famines or .single persons. taken to; board by the day, week or month; .with or without . rboins; H. W A ONDIUCT /p D ON THE. F. k • ST. JAMES L, *OB. 7 405 and 40 igsbcit-3 , Opposite Unioti Depot;' i'17113.1311401if. JAMES • lANAHAN,..Pricprieto r, • . . .Thls house is newly and isplendldly furs:dish ed, and convenient to all the Railroadscoming_into the city. Strangers visiting the city Wilt find tills a very convenient Mid economical' plani;..-You swim Emir room and p co nnected yr meais as pug get them. The Restaurant with thithotel is open at all hours - of the day midnight,' Balls 'arid parties supplied with Suppers .at the.shortelitlnatiee and reasonablerates: - • 00AL, Linsistat Ltritittitt 'ittituraret ALEXANDEBTAMMSON, -.- YARDS No, 88 Praia Street ,formerlillanchester, and No. 1571tebeera street, opposite - Gas - Works, ALLEGHENY. GITY4 DRALEfi, ; INT ALL. ..ILLND)43. CB Rough. 'and Planed I.umber, FloOring, Doors.. W Weathe rb rding ; . Sash, • Shingles, Mouldings, . 7 Saw Mill liniber,• Cedar and Sbetist Posts; Lath and Palings, Oak and:Pent:lw Pine. ALSO—PIPX - BRICK, TILE and 'CLAY, • hIS:ol Fo,RTrrrrLILfItII3EEC----COM PANIr efiPitast,' ." ,rassi TAIporr,FE T D . WA_. E ND DITEDIEDoi. Lam . ISECREILT,- A. W• Suncanlmbipm—EDW. DAVISON:* •t• - PI,REPTOnin Edward •IL. F. Donna,: u • ,E. Dlthridike, Dlttirt4ire,: : f •M. L. Mamie. •-. , *(li - •• b. it* Johnston. • 1,131518 ER VARDL.Coriter. of ROTLitlg AND AL. LEGISENT STREETS, Ninth Watd > OFFICE AT FORT PIT; ZLASS WOLK% Wash. ngtoti Street. • 1•20:126 MARSELIVS, SALE. 3uy virtue or an, order toned out nt theDistriet. Conn °too trnttcil Bthtes. ror the Westetti Dia lect of Fenniiylvahlt,•• I vat • sell st „ t h e ou t . TOM HOthilylttsburglk._Pa.. o niTt l ZBDh.Y., the want DXF (P MAY. U S, the following dnaortbe* IntiffillitVikiiilliiil.4.24 ' efttik F ij i . ' '1 11, 4.f., -i 01111Attlltattfntiro4 8. Muth* . ... ,• , '8 QFPI X, Irk .8, , ... ( tafteat • • 3 YOSTe MAIM: 'll , hrtl r .,l .:. '9ll _IL t efilst • se ,A itivriArene ilex, ..., tart 404:af • • . ft, in ,131Tr iv , Sat 1 • il *A , D Al am, seals. .".. I . ..• .. 1 . it V..SnMelsll.- Wi .r 0 ... 0: , Ofd Ifli a, macCixas,;l, bfl 1 .tinnusistiliVinrifi _i-tnje,Ez:riicri;,:il:7::;1;oli::;01.„1-`Y. j110.4 44 1 1.1.,:, : th) ,): 1 1 , ki . ;7 ,. , 4- ; . Mk a : Tr 1:1`y1 ; . 7 ,4% • Ann:MEM:EN. TS. tarriinSPlAßGrii :0 1 E1-IT,--- FRED Mats . GEO. R. BARTON: ... New Stars! IPUc. TOURNF:AII, whose wonder /hi trapez acts and clarlug perfotinanees base as tonished the crowned head. of Europe. Also, the -BARLOW BR OTHERS. in their d'ouble Jigs, songs. &e. Also, the beautiful OUNtiNT,SISTERS.3IIsses A3.;2 , 71E and CARRIE. Joint benefit. Wednesday evening, of Bob Hart and J. S. Campbell. itgrBURNELLII MUSEUM EXHIBITION, Comprising :WORKS OF ART and GREAT NAT. URAL LIVING CURIOSITIES. A.a. FRANKLIN . HALL Fifth street, opposite Fittstsysh.Thette. ' Cards of Admission, AS cents. lloors open from 81 o'clock A. M. to 10 P. '- or4:0111 ItgrpfArVlC NOW OPEN, BARS. 'S ; LIVING CURIG I MM4H RECEPTIOIirS YOH SIX DAYS ONLY', Mail 8, 9,'11, 12, 18 ,and 14. Dwarfs, Fat Hors, Giants; Etc., Etc. ' Approiirlate.Muslc, Costaties, air To accommodate Ladles arid Odldrea. FOR HAM PACKERS, AND FOR SALE BY WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, .P.ITTS.I3I3ItGII. HOTELS: No. 344 I4berty Eitreet,' LMYMIX ill MEE