6. JlB. - VILT.NSIt, Prea't... piTTSBURGII FORGE AND IRON CO.; waruvAcurnins OF BIT /Foul ; eh bars and P,olts; s11•0100LEi ustlro ear" Axles Rolled; .littiLroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Tokes, Straps; Piston Heads; aseamlboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Bedi, Wrists; , Pitman Jaws, Collars, ete. , • " Nb X 77 " PENN STREET, RAFE - BYERS & CO "G NUNTJFACTUREPS OF MEM Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT , IPON, Iroxi Welded Tates for Gas, Steam, Water, &c. .OIL WELT, TUBING. tr 4, ' Office, 98 Water and 182 Brat 8 ts. PITTSBURGH, Pa. ZPrENSING-'I'ON IRON WORKS. Ack. LLOYD & BUCK, s MANDFACTURERS OB ;Best Common, Refined; Charcoal • JITNIATA BLOOM IRON. MERCHANT BAR ROUND and SQUARE IRON. HOOP BAND ,__T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. - . MOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and latrAltri tir RINGER IRON. SMALL IP RAILS, _AO allele Inr. 'to the yard. WROUGHT CHARM. and SPIKES for same. PLAT RAMS, Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. . NAILS AND SPIKES.. • • • • ' `Warehouse and Office at the Worka, GREEN OUGH STREET, (a continuation of First street,) adjolaing the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. . ~E TE RSON,, raiesycni& Pennsylvania Iron , Works. Waiehouse, Nos. 166 and 161 FIRST STREET, opposite Monongahela House, ap24:d6 PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS: I SREFFLELD STEEL WORKS. MOB, 11ECK, & CO., rirtspußGg, rA., MannlnCturers of every description of CAST . :AND GERMAN STEEL RAILWAY SPRINGS, • • ELLIPTIC AND PL ATPOPAI SPRINGS. AXLES, STEEL TIRE, &c., &c. • -.. Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 - First Sts.. sple:o67 ' pMSIIIIRGH STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON, COOK & CO., (SUCCESSORS ,TQ JONES, BOYD & C 0.,) Xanufacturen, of the - BEST EIWINED CAST STEEL,' tf LEE, _l/14_1.1 . ..484_0CTA_GiM of all _stsecit3AW :H.1M 4 1; and OAST " .t ,plaatil L fi rv i lt i , ld frO l atittites, feel •• • • • Azles,tulars, /Lc, Ito. • • . Cast and,Cominon Plow &Spring Steel. once—CorneerTllST AND BOSS STREETS, two blocks above the Monongahela. House. 0c33:0 IMVIEB, BABR & PAIIKIII. asprr.sel. PABV(ZES WM. METCALF, GEO t Mr, MARE, rBircLu. PAirvaire—S: N. SLIM CRESCENT STEEL IiTORKS, 31111.1.11, BAl litdr..l o - ' Office, No. 339 Liberty St, fel4:d46 PITTSBURGH, PA ~LACS, DIAMOND STEEL WOR.ILS. • PARK . 81143'111E11 .4t . CO Manufacturers of all descriptions of - • ; • • , -/Eg i ..1: 1 .MD.V.A.1.4. r Ofice addVarehouse,_ IDR, BIS, LW& SECOND and 1/D and.llll FIRST STREETS, prrrssußeii..! lurti3w4gm.) W ILCEIDWARE'IIOII:IBE. STERRIT4 .0 WER • e • , --Itaziut,cturere and Importers of ; HARDWAREy CUTLERY, &C. - el. 887 — TABEIITY L STItEET; CORNER OF WAYNE, • On e SqUitare Below rtlnl ' n Depot, r - • mir Agents for F AMBANKS` SCALES. NITSEIBIAPID6 1 .1! *roma t;r4 bet.mumw 4 plight= Sts. Gunsmith and Dealer in Harding*. • • , it).- roods. ot'alt deseriptimi-ibritiroli te,Witne lad it 111 trr_est ftr t , 4as„aft„, d one 1 ti } qins4a l 7 011111 P., - JelkdAo ..11.1 , 01h5) :1 TS .4 V I P tsri, •i. . ;;=L . f; non HOUSE dI3BObIATICiN BUILDINGS, Nos. and .4 Si. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Simla attention given to the designing and building of COURT BOUSZS end PUBLIC BUILDINCHL - - • W. P. Pisup,t ALSO, REUBEN KILLER, CHAS. PARKIN. LAKE 11ITIE,E1g011. _ 001 1 PER MILL Ail) WELTING WOLXB, • prristsmicni. • PARK, McCURDY & CO., llfatinfltaturers of Sheathing, Braziers , and Be! Copper, Prettied Copper BoO.onsi, Raised Still Bot. toms_ Spelter Bolder. Also, Imputers and Dealers la - 11 t al ,• T In Plate, Sheet Iron, : Is, ,;e atch Con *pinkly on,#and Tinners , Machines ar. Tools. SZ W COV/ib u ria u l tga l bti t g. °Titie4.l. an ; Ll° Special orders Of uopper cot to an desired pal , ern. myl4:e34alwT pH,., tiT44 l .W PRE*XII . • JOB. WKAT....nonsar itbDszt. SPENCER,- AITAY & CO, MALSTEIRS AND BREWERS Of Ale, Porterand"ilrown YIT B 0 1; PA. Ro pe TBol,3l,ltacer. ooHat _ _ ! ZWI7CIPtXXIPErtnit.PER. No. as PZiNinfLVANIA. AVAIffUZ. omits* Blab street, Pittatmrgh, Pre. Berldenee. 2 0.141 (aat street. Jobbing done with 101/4110111and 43=7 1 All eraara Promptly attended to o sad esti. war ranted. mall:elharWW • .f•.. , . _ . . t . ,--,-,•,r,:.'"-i;,777.:'.1,-::"..-'',-::-„,'Z'';'-',.. ..`:',,,,,.---.,4-.1.,....,-,::',..;,--,..,.,',.=-:-:,.k-,V-:--:,:,,=,.1.4.,....•.'":-..,,,,,,,-.,,,?f,27.,.-:'E.:,.2-.f:,'-'...1.:4,7 -1-.'..,,,.:::.. :.',,,-;:.-7,;;,4..",,F,--i,..-ir.v';',V...:..,:,.,=,-;%,.a'.;-,!,;!. :;--,0,..7 ';' .:,.L-.7.- " ,, ... , ; , ':' , • - -T'4:' , . , : v ,:,41'..,,.., ''.l.' .7 - '-'. , „.. 7.i.r.5.t.',. ?'''-'l'2•Wi'';''''''2iriTl72:7'.7•s's:'-LWZ474Fj;S-7V4'Witk:ll;M';..:.4l:4-i-f67i,:'::;M:'Y.f,,:;1'1..j,-,4P...:.%:Afiir;;W.XXi:::.tt,-Z4.2;..i',X...".,?'5.:24.,Wi',q.i0.A,',',i1,;," : 3- .0 . ?‘Y,.i i2 . 1- 11i i .',4 1 ..;',.FZ;"ji:!.;_1tn_ . r.;: . ;.!; ; ;:e 0 J3q , ,. : . ; : -. ; : g '. :; -. 3" . * '.. M' 4444142,Mnftt'eV4,t`10*",;',1,:rP.....kVWa..:,1,2,1*,:.'"14.;-:-..7,,Y.R`,P,1?:%•,r-W-,..1',,7ff,tife`,,,,.f.,.,;,-.,,Y,-,5.5.,.,....,..„,,,.'-'5.,.4a4.,',., "4,..,-„'i:4-4,Z,':',Wat.,:i,-,Z5.-`'..",,,V,,-...--:'!"v57•44.:4,1..?,A.',5,t'At'A',,z,4!...27,-,..:Q.'..?"2-*-W-4,,lfigik-ck.-o,,,Airlti."'ii,i',74V.t-',4•0,-,f('-rlO--:-.:-.*:.40,',.;;,-IP.er,"V' ~a rr.2.f, 4 . ..,, . c..1 -.4.4.,-4,,,,,,,,g,,,,,,..,...0„.„),.,. n....4,...,....v,t1,0•,-.•.4.,,,,z,,r,,,,r,, ~..,.0,...,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ -,,,.....i.--,r.:..,,,, ... - , ,, `, 4c1. , P.-,- - j- , -"' , .. - -- , -)-r -, ..ivi..-3. , -,.........,v-2,- , ....,,,, - ~.,,,,,,A,,,,,0 ~.-1v.;.„,,,,tx,,--1,,,,,,..,r;-,,,,,x%.kr4i§,...,,, • , -'6 , 14 2 . - . A. . . -.•-$,,,,,,,,--..-:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;44,,,w,.4-,.........,5a..,.-.r>...:t • ..,.!' ...) ' r. r rr • '''' 1.1 , - -'.• e , R ', ,t ., 4PA P z ' ,•-:•• .,Z., , ,-4- T, - ',.%., ,;,..,..--,,,,i'--,''' 4 '`?s „ t' , -•-tr, W.:2. 42-1-Pt.., --4. -, ..k. - ,..:i., - 1 , --- , ,, , ..a-,1,... i ., , ,,,,,, v • --- , , ,, N tv.,,.. 4 „...1,,,,... , . ••••,---,,, ---- ;•,-.1, .....,., r. - 4.: .:rx...144,t-z„ ....- 4•:. .. , r. ,-, 2•, ,,, , ,,,, , , -2 , - , 1 , 1,-,-4.6.f., 4 •,---•• • N - • :,-, -------- ' . - -' - - ---..--,,,,, - . (trf2 , ,m- ,- ,•;,'4,itt f e,,,,- k; ,„.- ; -, - , 040 3 : 4 -v4, , , ,, ,,, , A-N.,•-r--..,., •,,,,--- ~.. . . . . . . . .• - - ===ol ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STELEET, Ninth Ward, Plio.v.VEl3l3ll:llG-IX. THOMAS Ir. 'HILLER; Presidpnt. These Works Are among the 'largest Inc most complete establiehments in the West. and are now prepared to furnish Engines, of every deseription. _Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron• Work. Railroad Castings. Rolling Mill Castings. Engine Cnetingsj-: Castings. General Castings. ORDEIViI soLicrrim n09:n69 NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and SmaUnion Streets, (NINT' WARD,) ' PITTISI3UIIGrI:I. SDIITIf Manufacturer of CAST IRON BO WL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. My "kipes are all . cast invarlablir in Pits, In dry sand, and 1A feet lengths. Also, full assortment of General Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the .attention of Superintendents of as Works to my make of RETORTS. felfhtlo THE KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO. • • CHARLES KNAP, President. - J. M. KNAP, Vice President. 0. METCALF, See , y and Treat's. J. K. WADE, Engineer. J. G. KNAP, General Manager. Du:morons: JAMES B. MURRAY,.of Lyon, Shoth 4t, Co. A. E. W. PAINTER, of J. Painter Br. Sons. C. B. HERRON, of Spang, Chalfant & Co. THOS. S. BLAIR, of Shoenberger & Co. WM. METCALF, of Miller, Barr it Parkin. • ittaItrriCITITRICHEI Belling )1111 and. Blast Machinery. ERNTOR'SNAILACINHG NS, E of . every descaipt4lo4n. L. O. tavnrosTos.w. H. mom. w. A. 1101.1rN130N, JR. LIVINGSTON &.CO., . • IRON - FOUNDERS, • MANUFACTURERS OF ' FINE LIGHT CASTINGS ) All descriptions, tor Plumbers and Gas Fitters; Ag ricultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ma chinnelic;b&e. Work promptly attended to. Office and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE, .near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. R O BINSON; REAL Ai: CO" successors to Itourmotr, MlNts,& MILLSR6, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTS3URGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines Blait Engines, Mill Machinery, -Gearing, Shafting Castings of all descriptions; Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Wort.. °Mee, No. DC corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for (REGARD'S PETENT INJBC for feeding Boilers. MOVIE` 'RANG FOUNDRY. - Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Onion Iron 311113,) Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND. PIPE BOXES, 3LACHINERY ..AND . CASTINGS GENERALLY CharOrdeges rrp reasonable. romptly and carefully executed. - " - EBBEICr& MACS-LIND. oc15:=1 BERLIBrrom c mi • PRICE .& SIMS: Nice and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. JRatitifacture and keep constantly on hand 27 Minable, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, SUGAR KETTLES; HOLLOW WARE, And Castings generally. - ap26:711 FOUNDRY . AND ROLL WORKS* ' . _ . . . sso - Penn" street. BOLLMAN,. BOYD & BAOALEY. Chill Rolls, NM Clastings,Roll Lathes, ,to; IULTON MACHINE. WORKS. ESTABL_IBIFIZD IN 18311 ! • ufactory of STEAM ENGINES all sizes and of the most approved patterns, for stationary porpose 6 'A STEA.OAT and STEAM FERRY BOATS variety at 10, 12 and 16 bone power ENGINES,' whlzh will be cold at very reduced prices. • ' P. P. GEISSE, Wellsville, 0. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio Jiver, and line of. C. & P. R. n09:11.2 IRON) BROKERS.; ssitiimi. M. WICKERSHAM, IRON BROKER, 124:1. First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Agent for the ontie of Corn,wall, Doughamore, To :sephine, laabelh4 Dane:moon, Btantkone, elendon4 and Other brands, of Anthraoite, Youghiogheny Coke and C. B. Cbarc oai PIG XEVONS. Consignments and orders respect:fully solicited - COPPER:." ISIMnMEM23. CAOENTERSAILIMin mg : =I : PitrattraGil. - GAZltrg: MONDAY ." 'MAY - 11 - 1868. - F ORT PITT BOILED, STILL AND TANK WORKS. • TUBULAR, POUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AN-, CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS: - - STEAD! PIPES; cmfonivrErts 'AND IRON BRIDGES;` PRISON---DOORS AifD COAL towns °Mee and Warehouse. earner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, • Ile` Ord ere sent to the: above address will be promyth attended to. mh7:189 E. W. MORROW....JAB. B. BARNHILL.•.'..7:AS. BLAIR. aILtRA BOILER WORKS. -- MORROW, BARNHILL& CO., • - MANUFACTURERS OF :Steam Boilers Oil Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETRRi, WROUGHT .:IRON BRIDGES,. SHAW IROX,WORK, ac. Cor. Liberty And Second Ste., . _ . - PITTSBURGH, PA. REPAIRING proßiptly,,lppe. jy4:b2 HARNIIICL .tis .CO., • BOILER MAKERS • AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, • . . NOS. 20, 22, 24- AND 28 PENI(ST. Raving secured a large yard and furnished it with the mostapprovell machinery, we are _prepared to manufacture every description of .BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans; Tanks, 011 Stills, Agitators,. Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Barnlilli's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the - shortest notice. 1a5:c21 J AMES M. RITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., MANUFACTURES. OP IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, Aid SHEET IRON WORE, For Steainbosta. JAM= M. BRUSH XDMUND D. BRUSH JARED M. BRUSH Sr. SON, • lIANUFACTrREII.9 OF Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE. &C. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &O. COOK._ STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL ft CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other Store in the Union. • _ 13JSRPT.T, & 00., No. 285 Liberty Street. Alio on, hatad and los tide. PARLOR STOVES, HEATING STOVES GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS, COOKING RANGES, to. PITTSBUL&E irtAclo. In the city • TO RUT TEE TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, Is at No. 146 GRANT STREET. js2 P. Gi !ARTY, OILS. WESLEY WILSON & CO., NATURAL LUBRICATING CO= ftent's',Vgkil,TderAPaleg ezpressly for RAIL OF MACHINERY. QUALITY GUARANTEED ITIGTORIL wrProposals for quantities solicited. No. 161' Wood Street, "BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING." r ap2B:pl9 WARIPM AND KING, COMUIGISIOII Merchants and Brokers In. Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITITIBITEGH, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & - CO., ',,- • =.l2v Walnut Stieet. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND ISEA.LEita IN ' = *, Petroleumand its Products. •'' pittahnrah cnnee--DALzELT. , , BIII;ADING, Cor ner of Onlneane.Wity and Irwinstreets. Philadelphia Offlce-127 WALNUT ST. apl:wao ,'J-Altifij WEAVER, Jr. & CO,, atJ OU amunission Jobbers, in:3DlNux3s - p . w.f.w3l;buy*d Crdde „sod ,Befinc _Oils,. Lubricating , Benzine and Cooperage. tong e xperience , lisibe PeiroleuX trade enables us to offer' nneenta Ptetlitlee and In .dueetnents to operators. ' As hetetetore, we are de ' tetaltned to,nasbe It the Interest of buyers and Bel ie= to Rive 'us a eall—Pertles• having 011 s for sale are eer&elly. invited'ato being their samples. It LONG ic co • IWittri . .iivitiaiai OF " • °I L gligtC :SA ARM,- i-':', - ;'.rysiillifp;Ararcirtzt.f.e,".., • ome e oN d wir.Thioadin Way, Pittsburgh,: ',;,witt444§4l.l,oo..azakticoot LUBRICATING OILS. No. IST. MATS STRUT. - =MN, KIWI a ON 11A.SVPACTURZII8 OF PITTSBURGH, Pa FINANCIAL FORT PITT 'BANKING COMPANY ! No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS Iti ' • , . . •. r GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. INTER ST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. ColleCtions made on all accessible points in the United States and Canadas; DIRECTORS: D. Hostetter; • .No. C. Risher. .. James Gordon, I Robt.- H. I4ng, E:•; v .t i, el2;,' • iAndrew Miller. SA'. Ne,CLI7IIILAN,.Pres 9 t. . . , , LISZT - WILSON. Cashier, K YSTONE BANK, o. 293 LIBEILIT STREET, prrnisuaort, CAPITAL, (authorized,) : : : $200,000. DIRECTORS. Wm. H. - Hamilton, Henry Bockstoce, Geo.-T. Tan-Doren, H. J. Lynch; John Murdoch, Jr , FPtitlnm Espy, • Bantnel Isarctley,' A GENERAL BANKING. BUSINESS TRANSACTED Collections . made: on all.accesslble points to the 'United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT. AND SOLD, H. J. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. VAN DOREN, Cashier. I.,;,4r;Wl.:i: o ) ool 4l 4 :lC4oVvalf.lol4`dintri:l44 NATIONAL BANK OF .001111ERCE, • Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSON President. JOS. H. HILL Cashier. — CAPITAL, : : : $500,000. DIRECTORS: A. Patterson. , George W. Cass, Wm. IL Brown,, j James McCandless, ' Chas. Lockhart, AllettElrknatrick, 1 4 Vst . =E l" ' W. S. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT 11 A. N. ap9:cr= HART, CAIIGHET & CO., • BANKERS AND . BROKERS, Corner Third and "Wood Streets, 1 ,0 111'T5131711,G-11, (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA. HART & C 0.,) DRALEIti Exchange, :Celli, Coupons, And particular attention e of d tott e purchase and Bale GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on X.ontion. • ropt:sB2 NIRILMES & soiis, • • 57 Market Street, zarratEmtintoix, Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Cartadia.- Stocks, - Bonds= an►d other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United' States Securities. s L _ja.3o:al WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, NO. S 9 Fourth Street. CHARTEnED 1866. ilntereat paid on Time Deposits ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM I ONE DOLLAR UF;WARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT INTEREST. Discoqnts Daily at 151 o'clock. President—THONPSON BELL ite President-4. M. SAIMAA Liu' DIIIIICTORS I THOMPSON HELL, I 'A - IL - MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH . - , J os. ALAIDLE. I J. J.4IILLESPLE. ~ Eltoekbolders to whom we I, 4:: ?31 1 1 1 14 1 4P1r: 1 WilUe Dalzelli. .. + D. W. O. Bldwelt,' • ' 1.E. - .W. Fulton. , - t • :,,: . ,Alikr4 Ase 4o BANKERS. e O • _ESTABLISHED' LN 183% 145 f 3580U-lii-10k° .PSLLADSLPHIA, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. 7 3-10 s Converted:lnto < 5-20. . • „ „ : 1 8T XPIA ND 6°13) Bookbt mid Wild on conimiscion; liere and In New portg • TIME P.ApER NEGOTIATED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OP GOLD . AND CURRENCY.. Aeoreints , or Recite and Bonk eta received on favowitde terms____. ALL: - CLAIM OP incoußrnas- TAKEN EXCHANGE:Ay ILLUS:ET ELTEB. • . AtEiniANICIPSAVIries BASK, No. 1 . 4 Smitliitield Street,. PITTSBiJOI . I, PA. WIME twriegEsT PAID ON DEPOSITS. ANY SUSI iwkIuqD.TRO)I49;IIfROLLAII UPWARD. De posifkmkqed subJectlo'cbeet, witl4ou444preiit. Fl *?. A d rAßra r l. e k lt co; it: so -80 104 0"f- 7 :It :Loup Jima Blarkaacire, lanes IL H 0949. James Down, A.V. CabbageDimas,. W Ro . W. Briasamr, = bert Wrim Jobii raw. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, SATURDAY, May 9, 1868. The exports of specie for the past week amounting to over four million dollars, 'and exceed the payments for interest due May first, and the sales Of government gold, combined, in eonfieqhmice, thereof, the market steadily athianced from 139 y, the lowest - price of the' week to 140,Vand - closed at 14034. The increased deiaand for specie for shipment to Europe and the small stock of bullion in the country, to gether with the multi of the money market; offers every facility to advance the prem ium on gold independent of the 'political stale of affairs. Imports are on the increase, in fear of the further issue of currency, whilst our exports are very light, and must necessarily decrease, under high prices of labor. Western Europe would need our surplus produce, but only at a rate lower' than we are able' to furnish it. A great drawback to specie payments, or, at least, the lowering of the premium are the large amounts of money expended in" foreign countries' by pleasure seekers. The late war has created a class of rich people who never used to be the possessors of riches, and are, 'therefore, more prodigal and liivish with their newly acquired wealth. Nothing but an abundant crop and high prices in Europe will bring our currency . nearer specie value, even a reduction in the present value of greenbacks would not alter their relation to specie. Railroad shares were firm without any advance until after 3p. m., when Fort Wayne advanced M and theentiite list of Western shares from 3.; to 34 per cent. Mining shares are dull and unaltered, but, the improved method of separating the gold at a small expense, and. the facility of car rying on Mining operations with less ma ! , chinery, will bring out most of the comps : : nies now almost vrorthless. 01 Business is rathsr dull, and though, there seems to be t Soirie "iteti+lty, the volt me is scarcely one-third of what was doing 3n for mer years/ Money is'scarce here at 10 per Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows: Gold, 140 1 g; 1881 bonds, 113 K; 1862 109; 1864 do, 107y 4 ; 1865 do, MK; Codisols, 109 10-40 s, 103 X; 7-30 s, 107* Rallroads—Clavelsnd dc Pittsburgh; 5 4 3 ; Fort Wayne,lo7%; North Western,conarnon 66X; North Westens.--p . referred;l76X; New York Central, 128 g; Ene, 683; • Old South ern, 84 X,; Ohio 313; Mer- , chants Union Express,3l%; Western Union Telegraph,3B%. Mining Shares—Corydon, 28; Quartz Hill; 90; Quicksilver, 32. —The present amount of coin in the Treasury, which the Government can con sider properly its own, is about 11 , 60,000,000, as will appear from the , following state ment : Cain on hand May 1 $106,900,658 Coin certificates $19,357,900 Coin certificates due , May 1 27,000,000 Net total owned' by Govern ment - $60,764658 On April 1, the net gold balance owned by the Government stood thus: Total coin in Treasury $99,279,619 Less coin certificates 17,742,060 make reference: Joseph Dilworth, Rev. David Herr, Henry Lambert, A. , M. Brown; Thomas Bwine.. • - $81,537,557 Thus, the amount of coin owned by the Treasury: is now .U 4000,000 less' than on April 1. On the Ist of July, about 425,000,- f:l4 - .1,i) of .gold interpat becomes payable; and 'it is quite probable that • daring the inter val the _Rouse may, appropriate $7,000,000 for the, Allaaka` - purchase, in which event the appropriations of gold, out of the Treas - 7 ury balance within the next "two thonths would be $32,000,000. • Theciistoms airrenue during the interval would , probable ,amount to $25,000,000; so that, two months since, the amount of coin owned by the Oovernment is likely to be reduCad to i 53,000,000 .- What - iihk, , be 'the, effector' the - consequent large addition to the• ,amotuat- or, gold ~ , , uportthc market re mains to be seen. , —Closing quotatiops 'vac:tetrad by James T. • . Gold • , U. S. 6'0,1.881 • - r; 113% 5.20'5, 1882 - 5-20'5,:`1884 . . 106 X <4 5.20'5,''1865 Vaisi•Pit 1 0 734 10-40's V.T.ii• - •; ; p1 - /OW +s.2o's, Jan. and July, '6s' . r ...J.119y, 46 a II . 46 ti W Avon " Juxi All9 l -43 4 .411P,4 1 . 107 54 . g , %Tidy 107% hlay Comp.. 1865 119, New Orly , " 11 Iriiet (By Telegraph to the Plttabargh Gazette. CSlW:VR etOillrgilrAßlMalgr • lower; mid gat 1X; sales 1200 bales; receipts 917 bales rta 4,874 bales. Star gtfight_g premium- Ci l lfd lir our dull; auperflnerinB49.26 choice 11475a14. Cou firm at 11 1 030 Oats- firm at ` Bacon Arm at $18421. Pork-dull at 1128,50; easier; shoulders 14g for clear sides. REMOVAL. I HAVE REMOVED MY BANKING_ AND EXCHANGE OFFICE TO THE . Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, FormM KßCE erlv occupied by the NATIONAL BANK OF COM PH. R. MERTZ. JAMES BRADY 84 CO., . • Corner Fourth and Wood Sts, 33 AL TV 3IEC. , NUT.AND SELL. ALL RINDS OF • GOVERNMENT SEOURITIES, GOLD, SEVER . AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. 7-30!s': CONVERTED INTO THE NEW 5-20 COtTPO.Y BOND. • • . pir Interest Allowed on Deposits. • . • Kir HONED LOANED . ON .GOVERNMENT BONDS, and other approved collateral, at lowest Market rates. Oadervereented for' the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and SOLD: JAMES T. - BRADY.Bc CO. int littslntridj GkEttE. FINANCE AND TRADE. PITTSI4TRGII MARKETS, OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, SATURDAY, Nay 9, 1888. The general markets have been fairly ac tive and very firm throughout the past week, and compared with last week, prices, generally are higher. Grain has been con siderable excited, under the influence of the advices &mill Chicago, and Corn, Rye and Wheat are Idgher, and an advancewas also established on Flour. YesterdaY, however, there 1 -as a slight reaction in Chicago, and shOuld it hold outler a day or two, we may iook for a corresponding result here. Conatry produce is scarceand firui, and Butter,iwhich early in the week, was a little . weak and lower; is again tend . ing upward in, consequence of diminished arrils. Provision market firm but un changed, and the ;same, remarks will apply Grocerres: APPLES—Green Apples are firm, and scarce but mu hinged; wo continue to quote at $8 to *7 p)r bbl. • POTATOES7-I.llm and in limited supply. F'eticlf Blows - may be quoted at $1,50 per bushel, anti prime Jersey Sweets, $8,50 to $9 per bbl. with a demand, andwith a very light supply and limited receipts, the market may bp quoted firm at 35 to 40c for prime to choice Roll. EGGS- T ln goo 4. supply, but under the influence of a steady demand, prices are well sustained-20e. HAY-Wagon buy is being sold at $2O to $27 per ton. Sales of 80 tons baled on wharf ' MILL'FEED--Sale of I car Middlings at $2,20. The last sale of Bran reported was at 81,70. Stocks , light. • • , GRAlN—Winter Wheat is scarce and firm, and in good milling demand. We continue to quote- prime Winter Red at .nnito 475, nrid's-toc 8c higher for White. Sale of 500 bushels No. 1 Spring at $2,60. Corn is firixi, 7 with;sales . of '6OO bushels Ear at $1,12, and. 300 bushels Shelled Corn at same figure. Oatsfirm but unchanged; 80c Ott...wharf and track; and . B3 . to:85c; in store. Rye is scarce and' , firm at $2 to $2,10.. No Barley in market, nnd the demand is light, most of the masters having suspended un til the new crop comes in. SEEDS—For Clover and Timothy Seeds there is absolutely no inquiry. There is conaiderable inquiry for Flaxseed, but there is none to biSflutd- DRIED IrRLITI— Peaches firm, and prices, have still farther advanced; we now quote at 13m to; 14e for halveS. Apples . quiet and unchanged at i to 734 c: HOMINY—Is quiet and unchanged; sales in a regular way at $6,25 per bbl. FLOUR—=The • Flour market": 2, has been considerably excited,during the past week, though it has' somewhat sub Sided, owing to a slight reset - Imila Chicago. There is a fair demand, but the supply is fully equal to it, the arrivals during the past two or three days having baenn. miss • Hy large. We continue to quote at $ll to ,75 for Spring Wheat; *12,00 to $12,75 fo sll r Winter Wheat, and $l4 to $l6 for fancybrands. Rye Flour is firm at $10; and some houses con template putting it up to 810,545. LARD OIL—Is firm but unchangect; we continue to quote at 81,25 • for No. 2, and $1,55 for No. 1. BEANS—Scarce "and in good demand but unchanged at.:14,50 . to $5 per bushel, as to quality. PROVISIONS--Bacon is firm, with a regular jobbing demand but unchanged; 14Mc for Shouldersr 17c to 190 for Ribbed and Clear , Sides; 20c to 21c for Plain and Canvassed Sugar Cured Hams. .Lard, 20c ,in tierces ' and 21e, in kegs. Mess Pork, $3O to $30.50. PITTSBURGH PE*OLEIIIII MARKET: .. . OFFICE OF THE PT4TBBUE.GH GAZETTE, j FR DAY, •MY 9, 1868. S CRUDE-The market has been quite-me tire during the pas week; the sales, in the aggregate,being .larger, probably,...than _ . _ . during any preceding week this season, though, compared with the early part of .the week, prices,res - P ecialiy -for - Inupediate deliVeries, are off folly a cent. Spot oil, for instance, which daring' the - early part of- the weelt,sold readily at go,. with one. or itvorinceeptfOnal Ikil f letrat 1.1.2 Xe, hi doin to 11c; la-day,thowevei, there appeared to be , . a little stronger feeling than there was on I Friday, and sellers wore not as numerous, I though buyers were not very anxious. The I . sales were 2,000 bbls spot at 11c; two lots of one thousand each to be delivered on this i , water. ati40:4 1 000 first and second water at I 1 1%aid4lastivehliig--- 10,000,htils, seller's I option, all the year; at 10c. The last lot of oil was bought on speculation, we pre sume, by some St. Louis parties, ' and we I hope that the operation will turh out a good I one, though the chances are about as good I one way as the other. The river Wagam ..4 in fine navigable. condition, and we may 4 have ,heavy arrivals during the next few i days; it should be borne in mind, however, that the great proportion s •of the oil to ar- 1 rive will be put won old contracts, so that the amount of oil really to ,be thrown on ~_ the market will not be as large, as many ; have been led to SOPpose. - 1 ..., REFINED-The -market for - bonded oil ;1 has been quite active this week.; the sales, 4 is the aggregate. being larger than during fi any preceeding week this Season, but, :1 compared with theaarly part of week, g prices are it ,- shao "lower. s . We can report 'sales of 1,500 --each fol Juneand July, on '," private terms; 500 each from August to No- r t vember at 3k; 2,ooo.bblis for the last half of. nay nay at .30c; two lots of;: 3000 each, for same delivery at 30c; ,1,500 for.,June and July at 2.9Mc, and 500. for . July, buyer's. 'option, at : 30c. All the. year;heyerfs option, is quo- :.. fed - 322 t, the , last, sale repbrted being at : that - figure. •,. ' - P.F.NZINEL-Side:.Of • 1,000 bbl- for Au- ,- gust, seller's Option;at 1554 : c. 'Sale yeeter- - day of 200 bbls Residuum at $2 per bbl. ARRIVALS-The Ablltrwing •are the ar rivals of oil by river and rail: t 0. B. Jones 320 I Buffum 44,..• Co 560 Monh'mer & CO: 240 Clark & S Jackson & 1it03...4350' Mawhln'y &Br° 160 J: Wilkins " 450 Liiech-&W00d...7400 S. Craig - ' '' 30 Fawcett, L.iiieb 400 Bly &P. .. .....:.4...30g _ . , ,-- Total " : -"'• - .... . . 4 . ' 13,317 , I Total recelPts foittie•weeki"..... • • , 1:4321,380 Total-receipts last-Week - AT4 104 cqt , swimiqzig Pita.A, V. It. 13, J. C. Kirkpatrick ft Tiro.; 2 66bble're'' f. to TW . - - PZlAgart.dt IfroWPhihmelphia. Nat. Ref. '& St. Co:, 500 do do. to,,F. A. Dilworth & Co., Philatleiphia. - '•-, -••) Braun & Wagner; 385 do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. , Forsyth, Bro. dc Co., 250 do do to Warden, Frew:& Cm,;Philadelphir:- Ji r. ~-..l3istingston.de Bra;c26llAo,dodo Waring,' Eingoz-co.prbasuaphta.,- - -,-,,- - , Clark dr , SUP4ert 1,4 do, , .do to i.. Wright 01.6 ,6 61:Ph 1 4.410.001-.,' -, - , . . -..Y.4 1 .0n. , 3 14, de', 1044., ? ,dyi- to W. P. Dripq.sra.,xlnitooitir.L. _. ,-.• .-1 , ...,),J3i„,,, , 9 ,,dti.d 914 ~Bright & Co., . tratrisbitiV V . .4- . . 46,357,900 ' t 2 New York 1:10 Goode Market . . (By Telegraph to the Elttaburgh Gazette.) NEW YORK, May 9 .—Thiheather a r at length brightened up so 1 1., es of cotton goods have been r co so ow as to givestopi ty iNadc, yet the mar ket is br.nd Mit in a healthy condition. Atlantic heavy brown Sheet dt4ted today one-half cent per save= Pacific extra heavy. sheetings; the former is now selling at 173y0, , and the latter at 17c. In other dames of goodistheit lerscatipoiktt change. In woolens pretty good made fabrics in fancy mixtures, double and twist, are telling at Wall, which is lef below the coat of pro duction. Cotton begs continue in active request and firm, being held at 56c ibr Stark. MEE