1 11 11 11 U A Relic of "Southern: Bar ulna: i A correspondent of the Cinci I nati Cliron . 'i te, writing from Chillicothe, ilhio, says: - , k eOrriittgout over the Marietia and Cin cinnati road, on the evening .lof the . 22d, with Conductor. Rardin, I had the goad luck to fall in company with Messrs. - ,1.. N. Wright and B. M. MeMahill, :o Greenfield, • Ohio. We had been talking bl a_ - few min sites when the conversation t sil upon the 'condition', pr affairs in the South. The operation.of the Ku Klux Klan, the pre vailing rebel preference of Andy Johnson and-Brick Pomeroy for President and Vice President, (Fee. &c„ were freely and radi- Cally-tdiscussed. These topics naturally elicited sundry parenthetical comments on Southern character, and in the course °fano of these Mr. Meal:hill happened to remem bei'lliat he had in his pocket a relic of the barbititszn exhibited by the F. F. re. to wards John Brown and his . confederates; and, producing his pocket-book, took from that receptacle a small piece of well-finish ed leather of remarkable tineness of texture. "That." said he, "is a piece of **Wined skip of Oliver P. Brown, son of tra filmy's John Brown." "Can -it be possible ?" asked .azi excited bystander. A full expla nation was of courii immediately de manded, which I her resent, as substan • flay given by Mr. 31 Ishii', whose repu tation for truth and veracity stand unian , peached by any who know him: ' During the action in which Joint - Brown and his little abolition band was captured by the Virginians Oliver P. Brown. was shot dead DD. the ' railroad track, near. the United States Arsenal, at Harper's Ferry. ..So soo nas killed he was taken up, pat into a box and shipped to the Medical Institute at Winchester, Va.,"to be used in the pro • motion '.. of the professional training of Southern Esculapians. Upon the reception of the body the students of that school took off the hidd somewhat after the manner of skinning a beef, tanned it, and had it mane-' - factured into moccasins, which, in themost truly chivalric style, they deligh+cff to use as, ornaments to their "blooded" pedal ex - tremities on all public occasions. - The piece shown by. Mr. Me.Mahill was a scrap left from the cuttinig of these "Yankee skin' slippers, and was procured in 1860, at the Winchester Medical Institute, by Mr. McMahill, while he was visiting some rela tives in the vicinity of that, place. It was' Voluntarily presented to him by one of the students, who, after a triumphant parade of the slippers, and a bloviating description of •the processes by which they were produced, heroically exclaimed, "That's the way we se've you d—d Yankees when ye come 'mongst us an' don't walk afteh oub style!" The State of Southern Society There are certain facts which must be ac cepted by the people of the North, and upon these they must base all future action. They are as follows 1. Thewhite people will not work. 2. The blacks do not display a very great amount .of industry, though in this respect they are superior to the "dominant race." 3. The chief occupation of all these is pol itics. 4. An inveterate enmity exists between ,the whites and the blacks, and they will not affiliate to an extent greater than is abso lulely necessary. 5. Every man here wants every one else to work for him, and the chief study of all classes is how to live at some other man's expense. O. However chivalrous the ,Southern peo ple may be; their chivalry does not prevent them from begging alms from the Northern people they ptofess not only to.hate but to despise. These are the facts which must be• accept ed,itrid, altogether, then, it would[ be well to act from the standpoint they form.—Cor respondence Cincinnati Commercial. . . Interesting to the Wool-Growers. The Wool-Buyers of. Ohio have just held &meeting at Cleveland. They ask in their rhsoltition& — that the Wool-Growers, ,who have - been instrumental in procuring the Passap.of a tariff that excludes from .unpor tation.certain qualities or grades o f wool; much qieeded by manufacturers, such as strictly fine, light, fancy clothing,- and combing wools, give their attention to the production of these grades, in order that the wants of the manufacturers - `may; be supplied: The importance and profit to ,producers of paying more attention to the production of the coarser grades of wool, was especially urged. It was asserted that they cannot be obtained in this country. It was asserted_ that in 1801 there were three firms manufacturine , ° worsted goods, and, they consumed 300,000 pounds of . wool; now there are 25 mills in operation,, the yearly consumption of which is not far from 12,000,000 pounds. A.. resolution was adopted recommending all 'buyers to k urge the growers to bring their tags' carefully tub-washed and loose to market, outside of the fleece, and agreeing to pay for them the price of the balance of the clip, provided they are in equal condition. The Poisom-oaleof , In California it grows to a heiglit'of fro m six to ten feet, and in some localities covers small hill-sides with one tangled wall of its vines. ilt , 3e a liandsome. iamb . , resembling ~somewhat in appearance the wild currant, having slightly corrugated green leaves with a purplish tinge near the tops,'and • a very small flower. I have seen people so poisoned lip simply standing near it, and breathing the winclwhich had passed over it, without ever touching it, that their fea tureawept for the timcyfairly ,obliterated, they were rendered blindand deaf for weeks and lever fairly recovered from its effects. It is perfestty harmless, hi, alloitu,nb*iiinabl, • and many people can handle It`With inipu nity. For myself I haVerdiandligi; chewed it, and marked my clothing with it -its juice litavesen indelible, -blackstain.-- find - never li•Derienced - the 'slightest - evil effect from it. I would not recommend the handling of it by anybody even in its dried state, and think it would:be best ;to exhibit I it under glass. • • DR.- tr, eco 'metaphysician and divine, who, has just been.elected Presi dent of. Princeton College, New Jersey, is one of the inost'accomplished modeinschol aro in his special department,of rnental r and moral philoiciPhAi 'the -blither /of a number of masterly works, some of Which have become text books, and all of which exhibit in perfection I those . high qualities for which the, 13cotthsh metaphysicuunk , and theologians been distinguished-toed antury past. Dr. McCosh will give great strength to the already eminent Faculty of Princeton. qe.corpgs to this country from Belfas t ,l (friland,l4here r lieluiiiitildir Pro teseorship for some years. I. A , G1W1243(42c from Tennessee tells us •thi4trit the ' . ilelsiVSS4 ike47o3 skerMg bms . • - waft: pcpsts VIO: imam to hisicoin .. ..`. *far itie.lsi'matt to onatßuld v - lii:th`O'Atatitugll Vie i sit a .e 2 r ha *, fl*i.T trii , POsew,grownlaw' , tiugpA AA gm flit bavtaughtate ', , iherelnaytlie, danger =Alta +mellow luta given ttholgacks anerao to confrolitiOor voftrdlyperigetttttitp,f itte , 'ttiKl ba tild:,q,trif otk.. h roreftvititheictildilx.-- • • . „ . - .r.-4 ' t.'4"4`.3 • -----rYY-47,;;:n...-.4:7..7-=.,,N4t-,VL A.441-tv, 4L14.0.7„,1 5 , „ , , How to Get Slee p.. Thisis to ma . ny.persons a matter of high importance. Nervous persOns, who are troubled with wakefulness and excitability, usually , have a strong tendency of blood on I he brain, with cold extremities. The pres -1 sure of the blood on the brain keeps it, in a stimulated or wakeful state and the pulsa tions in the Tread are often painful. Let them rise and chafe the body and extremi ties with brush or towel, or rub 'smartly with the hands to promote, circulation, and withdraw the excessive. amount _of blood from the brain, and. they will fall asleep in" a few moments. A cold bath, or a sponge bath, and rubbing, or a good run or arapid walk in the open air, or ageing up and down stairs a few times just 'before retiring; win aid in equalizing ciraulation and promote sleep. These rules ' are simple and easy of , application ln the itastle or cabin, and may minister to the comfort of thousands who would freely expend money for an anod,yne to promote "Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep." Timm is a gentleman in England who proposes to teach the people the Chinese laxignage. He encourages them by stating that the grammar is rather difficult. Eveiy word may be - viewed as a separate sentence, for it may be interpreted. as a verb, a stib stantive, an adjective, or a grammatiCal particle, its import being partly determined by its place in the sentence, and partly, when spoken, by its tone or: accent. But no Chinese understands the spoken lan .guage unless aided by repetitions, expletives, pauses and gestures. A man who is read ing aloud frequently delineates the charac ter in the air with his fan, to prevent any ambiguity of meaning! In conversation this ambiguity is chiefly avoided by the, use of expletives. Poo, for instance, means thther, and seventy or eighty things as well. A Chinaman,. therefore, wishing to express the idea, father,. says foo-chin (kindred). So we have rite, wright, write, right, etc. • Ix Putnam's Magazine, for May, Mr. C. W. Elliott gives• a sketch of life in San Francisco which is not very gossipy but statistical. One of the hotels there must be a paradise for confirmed old bachelors. Mr. Elliott says; "But the 'What Cheer' hotel is a Yankee shoot grafted upon a California stock, and proires a most profitable growth. All is done for cash, and your bed is paid for,before you get into it. A large restau rant supplies four thousand meals a day at prices from fifteen cents upward. Ample means are provided for you to black your own boots free; and the library, of five thousand volumes, is open to ail. There is no bar. The house has one more peculiar ity —no woman is allowed within it; the servants are all men, and no man's wife can sleep with him aethis house. It pays at the rate of $30,000 to $40,000 per year." TILE Superintendent of the Erie Railway, in his official report of the accident a Carr's Rock, says : "In all, nineteen persons were 'filled outright, and five others have since died of the injuries—making twenty-four deaths. About sixty others were injured, some slightly and some seriously, though it is hoped no more deaths will result from the injuries received by the accident. The los§ by the breaking up of cars is estimated at $25,000." Ax OFF/CER of the Pennsylvania Railroad says that 'on Wednesday last took place perhaps the largest frgight movement in the history of the road. There were 1,337 freight cars (eight wheel) passing Mifflin for the twenty-four hours ending at six p. m., of which 789 were loaded. This ac. count does not include passenger, baggage ' coming and express cars, nor cars in at 3farystille for the East. THE highest income return ii St. Louis is that of Capt. John G. Coplin,l $132,000. This was made out of contracts t¢ transport Government freight to the military posts in the Upper Missouri. Wm. M. McPherson, Coplin's partner, reports $106,000; John J. Roe, the heaviest pork packer. $32,000. Robert Campbell, owner of the Southern Hotel, $64,000; James H. Lucas, the largest land owner. $128,000. POLITICAL. CONGRESS-22d 7DisTmer. Gen. J. S. NEGLEY /a a candidate foi nomination before the Union Re publican Convention. mlll7:der iIy`'CONGRESS- 1 22d DISTRICT. THOMAS HOWARD, Esq., Is a candidate for noinination, by the Union Repub. limn. Congressional Convention. mh.3l:d&T gar t V: , likA LEVI BIRD DUFF, Subject to the decision of the Union Republican County Convention. • auß:olra-d&T frgrirOß DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Gen. A. L. PEARSON, Subject to the decision of the Rubin Republican County Convention. - mll24:nabdaT ar I : ;) f:l4 0 irbii •To ko-'0 WILLIAM C. MOR'ELAZiID, . . Bubject to thedeelelon of the Ireton Be County Convention. • oth27:n arASSISTANT DISTRICT AT - . TURKEY. JOHN W, RIDDELL Wili be iiaritildate for Assistant 'District Attorney,' subject to the decision of . I.be ,Republlcan-Coinity Convention. • • • •aple:d&T ASSISTANT DISTRICT AT TOMEI.% FLACK. subject to the deettlett `Q[ the Union • Republic-mai County Convention., •I a mh2o:na-S&T FUR:USIEMBLY. L Col. WILLUM ESPY, . . . . , Of Scott township. stthjectto • the decision 'of 'tile Union Republican Convention. ' • tny4:p6O-d&T TgriFOß - Asszateur; - , _ , VINCENT MILLER, r.. Of North Psiyette'iowlishrp i en Wit t$ the dcainicin of th_e - jfig.rubilcauConnty Convention. 'my6:l46:T COIMTY c(riinMSIOPiVR, PAILIFfROERR, , . , Of Lower SL Clair•toWilsblo;(litte bf co. B. fitild P. V.,) subject to.tboAticialsiityttbe Union Iloa b.. !lean . County Conyention. „ . , .SPEOIAL No CES arBATCHELOIIIOS,HARR imei • This. splindid lisle bydisiiiii , hisi in ihe world; the only. true and, perfect Dye; 7/aradervr,r_flishie. Ilistataneousi no disappointment; ri6' ridiculous. tints; remedies the ill edema pribadhstymwinviga rates and leaves the Mar soft slid beautiful...black ortrelmit.:.Eloldhisitairsir. , atutileillutietillind 1 wrij A ppi ve MN* f 04- ~ 0 r!! , t •• .. ~.. a•w• 1 ...;. . f WMFAMMIAGNI ; ' 4 irAtascw. , 4 6 ,.. v.,jr-,AltßiiisiL tiog d A nt *" ir g4I4IZIiZS Wit'' ' • Itte "InA k ; 4 11 111870Patt. iii - II veiViml, rat ,410 . 1 4V1,M, lio.p,iftlialltil" ffr"M‘.l.ftilrfltitis, ' ,P• *. .• ; '4 ,1 r•fi 4 --r , r • `l,^ $ , . PITTSBURGH. GAZETTE : FRIDAY; MAY g, 1868 WALL-PPAP"iit9l' For HALLS. PAILOHS. For sale CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, as N 0.107 Market Street, near Fifth JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. SEWING MACHINES. 5 1. GROVER et BARER'S - ' 1 - ELASTIC STITCH • 1 • - . SEWING MACHINES WITH LATEST LIIPHOVESIENTS, At the New and ,Elegant Sales Rooms 51 FIFTH STREET. Also, NEEDLES. ATTACHMENTS. MACHINE SILKS and COTTONS, THREAD, MACHINE OIL, &c., &c. The citizens of Pittsburgh are respect fully Invited to call. Applications foAgencles solicited. .Cireulars or temples by mail on application. Correspondence to be addressed to GRAVER & BAKER S. 31CO • • • 51 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. ('l3+l IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF UNITED STATES, for the Western District of - ennsylvania. - HENRY M. ATWOOD. a Bankrupt under the - Act of Congress of Mareli 21d. 186 7. having applied for a Discharge front all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act—by order of the Court. notice Is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debt., anti other persons Interested. to appear on the 20th DAY OF MAY, 1808, at 10 o'clock, A. M. before SAMUEL HARPER. Register, at his office; No. 93 DIAMO?iIi STREET. Pittsburgh; to show cause, if any theyhave.whya Discharge should not be granted to the sold Bankrupt. And Ihrther. notice Is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors of the said Bankrupt; required by the 217th and 28th acetions of said Act will be had before the said Register. at the same time andplace. MeCDE. Clerk-of U.S. District Court for said District. WESTERN DISTRICT of the'PENN SYLVA S. __t7Pittsburgh. 234 day of Aurll. A. D.. 16136. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as Assignee of jOHN W. O'BRIEN: WIL LIAM H. STLIIPLE and ALEXANDER BERRY HI LL. partners as O'Brien, Stimple Co. ! ! of Pitts burgh, lu. the county of Allegheny, and. State of Pennsylvania • within said district. who have been adjudged bankrupts upon the petition of O'Brien and Stinaple, by toe District Court of said district. JOHN H. BAILEY. Assignee. ap2i:p7.r Attorney-at• Law. 99 Grant WESTERN DISTRICT of PE.NN SYLVANIA. SS. ttsburgh. the 26th day of 31arch, A.D. 1988. The undergone,' hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as Assignee of JDIIN SCHAUB. of the City and County of Allegheny. State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has been adjudged - a bank rupt upon his own petition. by the Iliistrict Court, of said district. JOHN H. BAILEY Assignee, mh27:n47:g Attorney-at;Law, 619 °taut street. LEGAL. frau is TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Rid day of May. A. D. 18603, a War rant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATE OF JAMES. JOUNSTON, Jr„ - Of Ohio township, In the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of soy property belonging to such bankrupt; to him or for his use, and the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden bylaw:that a meeting of the ereditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more signees of his estate. will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be noldeu at No. 110 Federal street, Allegheny (My. Allegheny county. Penna., before JOHN N. PURVIANCE, Es ry" Register, on the Rd day of June, A. B. ISCIS..at 10 o'clock A. THOMAS A. ROWLEY. rny.:pBB U. S. Marshal as Messenger ,HlB 18 TO GIVE NOTICE that on the ilith day :of May. A. -D. 1808, a War rant in Bankruptcy was Issued agalbst the iSTATE•OF HEIMAN IiriCEDEB, OfAAlleg h eny. City, In tbe county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania. who has been adiudged a bankrupt on his own petition: that thn payment of any debts anti delivery of any jpropertv belonging to such I bankrupt, - to hint, or for hill Lee, and the transfer °nun. property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of tbeereditors of the said bank runt,/ to prove their debts and to ehoese one or morn Alsisuees or his estate, will be hold at a Court of Ban ruptcy, to be hoiden at the °glee of the Regis ter. t /16 Federal street, A Ilealten City, Al. legheny eonnty, Penna., before JOHN . PLM'. ANCE, Register, on the - Oth day of June, A. D,lBOB, at AO o'clock A. M. • • , TIIO.3EAS A...IIOWLEY; 111 3 4 :P87 ' - 'U. 8. Marshal, as Metsenter. 1131111 N ISTRAtOWS SALE.-7-11y A Virtue of order of Orphans , Court.. will ex pose to sale, on the premises, opposite Phillips' 011 Clot Factory. ih 31celure township. at-3 Weitlck r. 31. of SATURDAY, May 2341. 1888, a LOT knownN, having a fsout exten d ing . on what is as Ohio ASCUIIC, and back north erly, or same width, about , llo'Tect to n street or alley, helms Lot No. Atkin IL P. hmith.s Man:- TYR.BB-1115 when the property Is idd orl. Of the balance: h to impala on contlrtnation of sale 7: resi due In two equal annual payments. with Interest: _ The lot has on it shrubbery and grapes; a beauti ful Wand!' ; no Windings excepts' smaiLidable. , • ' • ADHADLEMI CUMMINGS, • • ' • ' AdminiStratOr of Thoutas Hughes; deed: - m.)l:w üblfean WHEREAS, Letters..Testamen-, : 'tarp - have been issued 'to the itridersigned in tate or Col. JOIEN Pi GLASS,- late .of the Sixth ward, Pittsbnrgh t . deceased. All . persons: tn debted to'said estate mil pay the . aurae 40 JOliElli it. BUTLER; .Aidermarn; No. 128 wyne street: and those. having. claim! present them for. settlement. - ! • • • . ',JOSEPH .4"..131.1TLE1i, . • .- 1 • ' ,•• ••• • * lliAl - Y B.' GLASS,- • ' ap17:0754, •:,. • - . • Administrators. PITTSBURGH P ,,L, . . BANK ., kdrL7S/LvlplGs YoRMER.I.T VIEDiaIt,4ITINIII3LIKTITUrtiN No : fii i X'cliir it3treipt, NEARLY Or:mean inn./ 4".•pt or L'423911"/Gri," CIIARTEBED IN lea". : . ''. ~ - . • ..,' orEN DAILY from %to 4 oclock, and on V Et- NESDAY end 13A131,11DAY EyENlNGikfrom May let to Novemberlat' from 7 to 9 .0 • c10ck, - hUd . from November Ist to Sinyltd, - 6 to @o'clock. ! ~ . Books ofliy,Laws, 80., furnished at the office. ghls , institutlOn.especially o ff er to those whose earning" are limited, the opportunity to accumulate, by smalidepOsitkettelly saved, a sum whicht will be a resource when needed, and bearing interest In stead of Ten:minims unproductive. 80AM:I Ot IiMANAGERS: ." ""GEOHOE A. BEftity. ' ' '' ''' ' l . ,' VICE , YEESIDENT6, . • ' ''''• ' U '' B. H. HARTMAN, '''' 'JANES I'ARK, J.n. . SlCltttAltY, AND TASCAECIuin t , _ ~ 0: E. ' II ItIAD_EY_ I '' ~' '''''' - 'i A. BRADLEY,' . : -- ,1'.. • , wati It. , NiallCK,'• - , 1 A. S. BELL, PeA14214 JOHN H . DI LNORT , J aIIitetRIADEN 1 10. SOLLAWSt , -1 ; 11 -. IFS' l I MP/TLet ti , ' • alifittjlßiathririgi,-..", Ft -- k - thin)W , Ili ;gim.., 1 8 0LiciTOR8-0, W. i t il.:'-; ". lti 41 ...... I M POAT I VZIO — VMS4I)4I -7- ' !I u riP . 401114A lartiS 4 . 1 64- 11 - 0 :43 111; floats and n rs: , and , length, one Inch meandunt will reyelVeln slew deo 00 al;10 70 yaritieltsea.—"rdrtlea wlablng Witco lied -betteretall aodnosont, to EOM* virtnor heart bed; i pslialrOt'lo gat *Meath/0e nnfead ordered • 'earl In the *lnto'. leor see by J.AIIEfLIKAWN, 136 Woo d 'street , ap7:Tup • CHAMBERS and KITCHENS In 'GREAT VARIETY MEI LOCK STITCH OP THE COMPANY, jolt!' STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS ANDS tCTIONEERS, Are prepared to sell at Auction STOCK'S. BONDS, and' all kinds of. SECURITIES, REAL ESTATE,' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, .kc., either on the premises-- q r -- rade Rooms. • Tart. - etofo s herre, to the sale of le. . et O Bid niCl entry attended. t c,, ba% Westmi bly easy Ina., cup am a in 1' xab4 V 3) °use. lor. wit provemt grapes, tbe term] Vila la o County W. A. street. OR and orbs. Also, a of land, cheap to to let Or :satin ET.--nouseti n 034 . the city and su good locations. MY. with 20 acres which I will Bell Business Houses Dwelling Houses for ~..ter particulars Inquire witunat WARD, 110 Grant Street opposite Cathedral. CHEAP BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE.--100 .cheap BUILDING LOTS in toe flourishing village of Allentown, adjoining the Bir mingham line, ten minutes walk from Carson street or by the Pittsburgh and ,I 3 rownsville Road: delight ful and healthy location. During last year 50 build ings were erected on these grounds, besides a large schooLbuilding. The above lots are large sizes , and will elqsoUtem out at very low prices, say from $2OO to $3OO, and only requiring the small sum of 11110 paid down: the balance can be paid at the rate of tlO per month (If preferred). Call and examine our plots of the ground, at corner of Fourth and timith- Held streets. [mysj it. MCLAIN & CO. Ell AP FRAME DWELLEWS TWO FOUR ROOK DM.IW:NIi HOUSES SITUATE ON Washington Street. Allegheny City, 'W ili be sold separately If desired on the most reasonable terms. LOTS 20 by 130 each. !LI'L'LY TO • .STEEL & WILSON, Brokers and Real Estate Agents, No. 60 Salitlifle street. 2,000 000 1 - ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SAT.P, Union Pacific Railroad 'Company, EASTERN DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road, at 0,00 TO 85,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARS For thriller pa.ritcularo, maps, &c., addreE's JOHN P. nEviestux, Land Conn:Metloner, Topeka, iiansaa Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Neel', IMEI3 OWNERS OF .DRAVS, WAGONS, CARTS, HACKS, (MINIBUSES, And every fiescription of CARRIAGES. are required to call at the OFFICE OF TIIE CITY TREASURER and TAKE OUT THEIR LICENSES. on or before the Ist day of May next. For each , and every Wagon,Cart. 'Car, Dray, Buggy or Carriage, drawn by One horse. the sum of $ 3 00 For each and every one of the above named vehicles, drawn by two horses, the sum of. 00 For each and every - one of the above named.l VelllelVf, drawn by four horses. the aunt of 10 00 For each and every Hack drawn by two horses, the suna of 10 00 For each and every Omnibus and Timber Wheels, drawn by two horses, the sum of. 12 00 For each additional horse attulted to any of the above named vehicles, the sum of 1-00 SXc. 3. It sha be the duty of all Liyery Stable keepers In said titygo make a return to She City Treasurer, within twenty daysafter the passage of this ordinance, and annually thereafter on or before the Ist day of May of each and every, year, of the • number or velarles of every description, owned and used by then, in their business, end the kind there of, and the same return shall be made under oath. SEC. 4. All owners of Carts. Drays, Wagons and other vehleles, Who shall negleet or refuse to pro. cure a license as aforesaid. shall be subject to a pen ally of not. less than ten per cent. for every thirty days the same remains unpaid after the Ist day of May of each year. All Livery Stable keepers failing to make the return required In the 3d Section of this ordinance, shall, In addition to the foregoing, be subject to a penalty of not exceeding fifty dollars, all of which penalty shall be recovered before the Mayor, or one of the Aldermen of said city, by sum. !nary conviction; and It shall persons uty of the Chief of Police to seek out all who have failed to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance and report the stune to the City Treasu firer, for winch service he shall receive the MIDI of fifty cents In each case, to Ins taxed and collected as part of the costs, upon conviction as aforesaid. The penaltles for non-compliance with the ordi nance will be' strictly enforced after the above date. D. 3LACFERRON. City Treasurer. Allegheny City. April Ist, 1808. myt:pso OTICE TO OWNERS . lir - DRAYS, HACKS, &e. Cs is hereby given .to whether s of Drays, Carts, carriages, (niggles, &c., resident or non-resident in the City of Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenses at the Treasurer's Office of the City of Pittsburgh FORTHWITH, in accordance with, alt Act of Assembly; approved March 30th, 1800, and and an Ordinance of the , Councils of the City of Pittsburgh, passed April 10, 1880. • All Licenses not paid on or before MAYIS 1888, will be placed in the hands of the Chief of Police fur, collection, subject to his fee of 80 tents for the collection thereof,_ and all persons who neglect- or refine to take out Licensee will be subject to a pen -ally, to. be- recovered before the 3fayor, double the amount of the License. turnedd metal plate Li ce nses years outgo re at the time Ire takenpay 25 -cents therefor. . . - . • • RAT,EB OF LICE N SE:' • Each One Horse . vehicle $7 80 Each Two Horse, ''" • - ' 1- 200 Each Four !torte " 15 00 . Each Two Horse Hoek 18 00 Omnibuses_and Timber Wheels drawn by Two Horsea,_ Eighteen Dollars each: IFor - eacb addl. tiottalHotse used In any , of the above vehicles. One Dollar. - SAMUEL ALLINDER, 11. WARD, f i ___—. 4 /941Ci la ittatiatli m igi te l n oP rt. 1 ovrora at izaakNi On tan a 4 s A °M!ficr'i 4 ser - aigeavok,Aitrect. - i . Virfro „ , i t It li ftqMti4' - , ES • a a MA W% 19 1 V—W-TrTrl:o7l, OSOOttigegOr Otto 't ,s nide art th0!80__... i .,„,, , ihmirei eyb ese a olu, ,To' 3 , 10 ; trUltiont M i / ;;IfilieLana la, Pit, Ne t polcal art% o groan. OW atm ". , yor NAM oy , / *rot. all andelacianliie ..,....,,,, ~,,,,___. , ; 4FAIMIIII SOWN! Bila I.'"n"".'r.'"!, a SALE. le finest FARMS In sties ou relnarka onerdestrous of buy her. Call and ex- G. M. PETTY, Smithfield street ESTATE ;NCE ; FOR two-story &whin, Eluding. double yar n the modern Im filled with fruit, nu* Idlnerevllle, at et Passenger ears. Vous In Allegheny rhood. Apply at °thee, 87 Orlin I mb2s BY THE St. Loull4 ML court • • OMee And Yard — CORNER ',OF. BUTLER AND MORTON STREETS. First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward, and on Second street, near Lock No. L,Pittsburgh, Pa. • ,• • Families And manufacturers supplied with the bert article Of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates, Orders left at any of their offices reedy° prompt attention. • - • A RBISTR ON B G &. , 111UTORINSON, fifirLAnxiiirth:A,RtS c rirec=ni v i r ce..ku. CO.; MINERS ~ SHIPPERS ',A ND DEALERS, BY RAIL. ROAD AND ItEVED, of apperlorYougblogheny, CAS AND FAMILY. COAL.' Colette and Yard--r6or or Thy STREET; 'near the Oae Works:. surEmpp, GOAL . • . CY. CilElllll iiikkers and Shippers of PITTSBURGH. GAS, TODOE and FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL and BLACK. Goal delivered FromPUTIO -.4'l(3:tarts -or the (titles ,atthe lowest market rates. • Omce and , Thrd 4- CORNERFOURTN AND WATI , SON (formerly Canll4:BTllNETs,,rataburah. F. O. BO? /$0. 93 .tt r • • QC23: PURNITUR.E. 118. PRicTicA 4 . 118. FURNIIURE MANUFACTURERS, • wiIot.zBALE'AND LEMON WEISE, *O. iiet itipia*tric tkimiamyr ' imßtiaid Mtrfetr 'Or p,ttaxin and JCIOADESExt.' FUILNITIIIitt, ..teAteller : wltb s com plete eseertsßeßt, of common- pgralture at reduced pticea.. , • • Th ese litomMt Of sitythlng OUr corateus . In to cell befortputeltaalmg. . ' 1% rlc guerseteed. • .• . • • - • ;- • • t'tMON' •ww•4o. JOBS & A.IIIIIIIIDOCH , •- ' Nurserymen Floristfiand Sees Men. tztDifTemw-ilii ELMS6I4I/111D 'mixer, ficerQstonue, puborm%.: ~ ? ( Aiteabotries oililaildi:',-4!113 " 0 Mht /1 OM I ."' ' l , ' ' 1 s , TEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLECIJIENY, FA. °Mee in Franklin Savings Bank Buildings, No. 43 Ohio St., A.lleghen37.l A HOME COMPANY, - managed by Directors well known to the community. who trust by fair dealing to merit a ebare of 3 our patronage. PIENRY IRWIN President. GEO. D. RIDDLE Secretary. DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin. 'D. L. Patterson, IHenry Gerwig, Geo. R D . Riddle, ' Jacob Franz Gottleib Peas, Simon rum, '.ra B. Smith,' Jacob Rush W. M. Stewart, Ch. WhLston, Joseph Craig, Jos. Lautuer, H. J. Maimed, Jeremiah No - hen. aple:o3s NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., • Or THE WY Or ALLEGHENY. Office, In ALLEGHENY 'TRUST COMPANY'S BUILDING. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. W. MARTIN, President. . - JAS. E. STEVENSON,' Secretary. - DIRECTORS: A.M. English,' ( o .ll.P.Wllliams'Jno. Thompson Jno. A. Myler, IJas, Locklmrt, 1 ,708. Myers, Jas. L. Grahain, IRobt,'Le a , • IC. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr : !Geo. Gfersti • !Jacob Kopp. mb23:n • . "VIT . tSTERN• UISURA.NCE COM PANY DP PITTSBIITIGII, LEXANDERMI3II . OI3:, President. WM. GEORGET. Secretary. CAPT. NEELD, General'Agent. Office, 82 Water street, Spang & Co.'s Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will ln:ure against all klnds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promptness and liberality to main tain the character which they have assumed, as of fering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. DinEcron o s h : n it ; Alexander Nimick, j McCune, B. Miller,Jr.,uly, Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, Alexander Spe , William H. Evans, Andrew Acklen er 1 Joseph Kirkpatrick. David 31. ' Phillip Replier, " D. Ihmsen. Long, Wm. Morrison: no= PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE, M. FIFTH STREET, BANE BLOCK. This Is a Home Company, and insures against lois by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. t ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer.. • HUGH MeELHENY, Secretary. Dingeroits: i George Wilson, • Geo. W. Evans, J. C. Lappe, J. C. Fleluer, John Voertley, A. Ammon. Leonard Walter, C. C. Boyle, Robert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah King. — Jas. H. Hopkins, Henry Sproul, INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY WIRE -FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFIC.E, 435 & 437 CHESTNUT ST., NEAR 82n, DS: Charles Bancke IRECTOR r, Mordecai H. Lords, Tobias Wagner, ; David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, I Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, Feorge W. Richards, George Pales. CHARLES G. BANCSER, - President. EDW. C. DALE, Vide President. W. C. STEELE, Secretampro tem. J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGENT, North West corner Third and Wood Streets. A LLEGMENY INSURANCE COM.. PANY OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 31 EIFTH STREET, BANK BLOCK Insures against all kinds of Fire and ;Marine Risks. . JOHN unmr, JR., President. . JOHN D. }IcCORD, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. CAPT. W3I. DEAN, General Agent. John Irwin, Jr., DIRECTOns: ; Crpt. Wm. Dean, . John D. McCord, ' R. L. Fahnestock, C. G. Hussey, W. Ever son , 'Harvey Childs, Robert H. Davis, T. J. Dosklnson, Francis Sellers, Charles Hays. I Capt. J. T. Stockdale. 10I1EOPLES9 INSURANCE COM* PAN Y. OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD & FIFTH STS. A Home Company, taking Fire and Marine Rieke Win.DIRECTORS: - Phlllipi, Capt. John L. Rhoads, John Watt, ' Samuel P Shriner, John E. Parks, Charles irbockle, Capt. James Miller, , i Jared M. Brush, - Wm. Van Kirk, Wm. F. Lang, James 1). Verner: I Samuel McCrl.ckart AVM. PHILLIPS. President. JOHN WATT, Vice President. W. F. ,GARDNEIL Secretary. .. CAPT. JAS.. GORDON. General Agent. . COAT, AND COKE. BEST FAMILY COAL ALWAYS ON HAND And Delivered Promptly to Order, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, BY - OSCAR F. LAMM & CO., Corner Sandusky Street and P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. CITY, ANTHRACITE COAL FURNISHED AT THE LOWEST RATES. jet: COALS COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Hoving removed their 011 ice to • NO, 567 I , l:l3ElyrY snrxtvap... , r, . . (Lately City Flour Mill) SECOND,ELOOR. Are now nreparell to fin &god :IrOUGHIOGHE NY LUMP, -NUT CO Ws W+AC•lis at the lowest morket price. -All orders left at their °Mee; :or addressed• to them through the mall, will beatteuded to promptly. iny2s:b2s CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, DEALER . IN YOUGHIOGLX6II' .4ND OMIN,LBVILLE GOAL, And *rninfacturera — of COAL, SLACK AND DESULPHDRIZED COKE ME /BEDS.- a ~t Q~MA 9 OITHAL~. NOW OPEN. . 1324, 11:N01'S LIVING CURIOSITIES. R ECEPTI4NS EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, May 8,9, 11, 12,18 and 14. ALL THAT WAS SAVE nom THE Burning Ruins of t f ite Museum. Circassian Girls, air To accommodate Ladles and Children, Receptions Afternoons and Evenings. Exhibitioni'from 2 o'clock twill 5.1 n the after-I noon, and from 7 until In the rening. Admission..2s cents; Chl dren under ten, 15 cents. myStpid fRrTHAYER hz. NOYES, CIRCUS AND Ip*AGEME, RED LION iLOT, Commencing MONDAY, May 4th. TOURNAXENT - EVERV I NIGHT. c9 tr ii rgKr gi s t cy2 d l i. atd . 7r. Performanc!s . ;:- mycpa ggrPITTSBURGH. THEATRE. FRED AIMS ' • ' MANAGER GEO. H. BARTON *ims M AANAGER.. Delighted audiences, to witnesalthe chaste, ele gant and witty _perfcerrnance, THE VIRGINIA CIIID. The Family Matinee ;Saturday afternoon. .Great attraction for Monday night. rar'HUItNELVS MUSEUM EXHIBITION, Comprising WORKS OF ART an 4 GREAT NAT URAL LIVING CURIOSITIES; _ AT , FRANKLIN \ HALL. Fifth street, opposite Pittsburgh Theatre. Cards of Admission 25 cents. boors open from 8 o'clock A. , 31. to 10'r. M. WELT WE LEAD AND COLORS. CHROME YELLOW, 6 AND McCOY'S TERDITERA GREEN , HARRIS & Corner of Liberty and Way, ne Streets, SCHOONMAILER & pON; piorrsistnEtc,-Tx White Lead and Color Works WHITE AND RED LEAD; ZINC, PUTTY, BLUE LE4D: - - And all colors, d mecovs VERDITER GREEN, ry , or In 011. OFFICE. No. 67 FOIIIIT/I `STREET. Factory, Nos. 450. 452, .454, 450 and 458 Aneßebecca - Street, and 49, 51 and 53 Locook street. kheny. ~.A NEW SUMMER RESORT. LAKE HOUSE, Stonetioro Pa. TM. (On the line, of Jameatown & Franklin, Railroad, one hours ride from Franklin.) Thisl house is large, new and commodious, well furnished. has blilUrd rooms ten-pin alleys and covered Prome nades. It is 'on the banks of the Most charining Fairy Lake In America, abounding in fah, and ad mirable for sailing purposes, surrounded with Sul phur springs, romantic scenery, C. ?It 'is the best summer resort in the State. Addresa.e. 13_T. KENNEDY,' I'Vcoprietor. T HE 'MANSION undersigned beg to announce b;;_tbele Mends and the public that they haye_purchpged this OLD ESTABLISHED and POPULAR HOUSE, No. 344, .11brty Street.' • -- . . e . . . . r - And will continuo tb keep it in the beet style The MANSION HOUSE has over one hundred moms, all newly :Undated In the best style,•and only two min utes` walk from the Railroad Depot. .Ttsyelers.will find this house an excellent one to stop at, an d will be accommodated any hoar, day or night. -, • Connected with i - the HOuse la a apatoild Ha/I.hr poncerts. " . , , • ramilleis or. Single persons take n boa rdod try, the day, week or month, with or without reotris,t , - .. ' 1 . .w , • 41. WA__CIVIE.R;',D : nihmms? . - - riyxsuumiL NDQCTEDAN E RIOT. Alai ; PL41.1.- . ST . ,...'ATAIVXES HOTEL, Noe. 405 - ant.l. 407 X;slbert-y , Opposite 'Onion ,i)epoto PIT'I.I3BVTIGEL • • JAMES.' K. LA:DURAN Pioprieter, This honse Is newly built and lentldly tarnish ed, and convenient to.all the - coming Into the city. , Strangers visiting thecity will end MS a very convenient and ehonomical You secure your room - and pey.for. your meals as you get then , . The Restaurant- connected-with , this hotel open at 4 is til n i rp h i O te Uri d. w oli h tll, B e nv ds petr y an a . d ikt Vg ut h e t. s . oo ßi rt lr st, ! n u ti d iese: Pan au le c t ri reasonable rates. LUMBER! • LtritlWEß! LUMBER! ..LLEXARDERTAITEBB4O,4 , . . YARDS No. SO ruble Streit formeri n b er• and No. ISlRebecco streetOPPosne Chu }pocks, 4 /SEALES Roiggh and P4,11,&ed ji.; Lob A ud Pa.11,,n,m...; • Oak and Yvtoir_ylna..— RT PITT COMPANY .:;.- 13 HCHILYASIt...T.A. 'WSW SUPEH ISTIRDSHT..-411.W. v Loos •• : . :j.Ll::iiiii4l777ll%l.,.7:::!gfk,Hl::r. o'liigtki:l:tkvrk:::k::ri:lrh:D::rHnlean.ni',ft'',:i4r;:;;ii'. Ge o ,. Ir . D d i i. ., .19M0737 too 41' ell'4l-P44*441.- , noon flitiept:Nli 7: 4114 ,' 7 1 . • '' '''' =ME EMENTS • FOR SLX: DAYS ONLY, Dwarfs, Fat 180-s, Giants; Etc., Etc.' Appropri.ii4Mysic, CastOnies, &c GIGANTIC op k TRAINED ANIMALS. FOR HAM PACKERS, FOR SALE BY '; WHOLESALE DRUGOISTS, .PITTE3I3I;IIIGEL 31 ANTLFACTURERS OF HOTELS. Le i,e: 7-0• a r • 1 =IIM2