Q el 15:2YttrsItt; pnvsßunGn•voitat AND IRON CO., .11ANFFACZnElIS .01; Railroad Fish liars and Bolts; Rsilrosd Rolled; IlaarOad.leir ASElearlitiatznitreflt Laeinnotive Frames; • I tiObblittltirOfritine Shansi; Side Rods; 'robes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Stibunibnit eranlot; tfristiq, Jaws. Collars, &e. Office,: rfp.'l77, PE.INTN ,STREET," PIM111.11i4H; P Co.,'. MANUFACTITRERS OF gar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, W-ROUCHT IPON Iron Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, • - , . • OIL WELL TUBING. Office, 98 Water and 132 First Streeta:', PITTSBURGH, Pa u23:e3S _KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK MANUFACTURERS,OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal JUNIA:TA' BLOOM IRON . - MERCHANT EAR, HOUND and SQUARE IRON HOOP,EAND,T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER-PLAE and SHEET - IRON. MOWER'A.ND REAPER BARS. i CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS. SO and 10 'OIL.' to the yard.- WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIRES for same. FLAT RAILS, Punehed(and, Countersunk: COAL SCREEN IRON.I NAILS AND SPIKES. Warehouse and Office at the Wor'..a, GREEN OUGH STREET, (a continuation of First street,) adjoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh.. EVE.RSON, 'PRESTON & CO" Pennsylvania Iron Works. Wareitomic,`lfou 160 And 167 FIRST STREET, opposite hfonong4tela House, 5034:c16 Pia-rssultott. STEEL WORKS.. SHEFFIELD STEEL !FORK* SINGER, MICK & Ca t ITITSI3IHIGH, PA..- _ 3lanufacltarers gt every tiescriptiun or CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPILMRS ELI.I.PTIC .rr A2IV;IIeTRORSI Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 Ifrst 5p16:067 prrrssußGH STEEL Wes. ANDERSON, COOK & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO JOYES, 'SOTO C 0., ); 3fanufeturers of the BEST REFINED CAST STEEL, AWARE. HOE " , FOB S All i s izolt; SAW .AT.filt. HO nd SIMET CAST - STEEL; CAST STEEL or limping and MOlViag Machines, ' : 11 Cast and Common Plow dr Spring Stee4 . cdnee—dornetllBl3T AND ROSS STREET& two blocks above the Monongahela Rouse. . . , oeZl:d9 • . , LED, Rasa Ii pAssant. . • GILIIRRAL PA1.CM11111: WM. HETCALF,RECEEN MILLER; GEO. W. HAIM, I CHAS. PARKIN: Sractu. nurr.wre-3. 31. sIER rt 4 1 CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, it , xs.A..7qtacP.Airt.7r4ri Offic k 25,1", es, o. - fel4;d4B 7 PArrsßußGii, PA B LACK DIAMOND _ •' STERTi WORKS. _ PARR, .BROTHER & C 0... at at descriptions of ASI I I I IECKM11.; Once and Warehouse, 120,12151. 124 SECOND and 119 IPM/pII.FIp3X 9,WHEET'B, , ‘ . O) - PrrnallUßAlß • HARDWARE. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. LINDSEY, STERRIT &- EIMER, • Manubcturers and Imp tern of v HARDWARE : CUTLERY, &C.' 887 LIBERTY STREET, • CORNER OF WAY EA' Oue Square Befer Psio o 4: air Agents for l'Atimk3r -. gs, SCALES: - FWil 2 inet & • ;I\kit, Chaisidth and Dealer in,H a s ware , chugs the lowest descriptions * l va hand and sold .R4ip airin ra tni carefully 011 short notice. jel:dcwone ARCHITECTS Bsß : ffioa: .. IE6 • ...• , nun Rim= AtiElociimoicimuriare4; Nos. SI sad 4 et. Mir &eget, Pittsburgh, PIJ Speeh4 • gtteatlon gems to the &Wailes_bundiat COVET HOtetettand BUILDING S: it r'an' ME ?i';?. I= MEI BERWir VOILTIFDRY. PRICE & SIMS. 02lee and Wanhonfle, 29 Wood -Street. Thimble, Skein and Pipe Bases, And CaatttspienepAly, CENTIIAL FOUNDRY Apar) ROLL WORKS, . . 880 _Perin etroot, tOLIMAN, BOYD -at . BIGALEY. Chill Rolls, lea Cluitioga, Roll Lathes,, r, 1 1 111.LTOY "malt INE • ESTABLISHE ENGINES . . • fannfactory of STEAM, - • all sires and of the most approved patterns, for stationary rfo r nT'A s ZtraTVo B , 12: and ENGINES, whiz& 'will be sold• at very reduced prices. P. F. GEll9sl3i.Wellavine, 0. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio liver, and! line of C. & I'. E. nocEB2 IRON BROKERS. SAMUEL M. WICKERSHAM, IRON BROKER, . 124. First Street, ,Pittsbargh, Pa. Agent for the sale of Cornxall, Doughamore, Jo. sephine, Isabella. Duncannon, Stanh ope, °tendon. -and other brands .of Anthracite, ,Youghlogheny Coke and C. B. Charcoal PIG IRONS. Consignments and oiderifespeetfully solicited.. LAKE SIIPEIIIOII ooipEs MIL AND eammtria WOLVA Manufacturers of Sheathing, Brasiers , and 80l Copper, Presied Copper Bottoms, Raised Still 'Hot tomA S p t er Solder. Also, Impoe .:•ra and Dealers In Metal,•Thu Plate, Sheet iron, ..tc. Con stantly on.hand Ttnneral 'Machines a:. Tools.• Warehouse, No. 140 FIRST STBEAT and US SECOND STREET Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired Da: Bern.tnyl.4.c34uhvT pammx. STEAM BREWERY: JOS. 317i.t...•110DEES LIDDELL. SPENCER, teIEA'Y & ,MALSTERS AND BREWERS - Of Ale; Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT WATSON. Manager. oda WiLLIAIN J. DICK, - ' aftPENTER AND BUILDER, kir• CIX PENNSYLVAI4IA. AVENIIIC, 9ppoitte street. Pittatearbilli. . Baddence, r4o• /43 a treat. ~ , t - fag done with Le.etneis and aoatch. AU " a saProwriny , sitendedltoesaCeation war 'r--firet,F-!4"!' - ...P r... 1 ,... , -:..,... 7•:.? , ..r.? , '; -- n . .. fr: i,., „ ... EV=!I POUNDERS, MACHINISTS SALAS WORKS MORTON STREET, Ninth. Ward, .1 7 '1.71"313U11.4G-11. THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest anc most complete establishments In the West. and are now prepared to furnish Engines, of overgAeseeiption. Boilers, 011 Tanks. , \ - Sheet Iron 'Work. Railroad Casting's. Ro Castings. " Engine Castings. Machine:Cantinim. General Castlrno.,:,,. ORDERS SOLICITED no9nsi9 NATIONAL FOUNDRY • AND PIPE WORKS. - • Corner Carroll, and limallman Streeta,, pri - orsistucrix, ••• •• • WM.. slam . Manufacturer of . • CAST rEtON..BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS WATER WORKS.. . . aa l :l3, l 2g s lfrt e ee t BeZhl. T Yis a O, l Lir assortment of General Castings for Gag and Water Works. would also call the attention Of Superintendents of .'Gas Works to nay make of RETORTS. fe.P3AIO. THE INAP FORT PITT'FOUNDRY CO. CHARLES KNAP, President. 1. M. KNAP. Vice' President. '• G. METCALF, See'y and Treas'r. J. K. WADE, Entinerr. ,; J. G. KNAP , General * Manager. TORS: JAMES B. MURRAY, M of Lyon, Shotb & Co. „A.T. W. PAINTER of J. Painter & Sons. C. B. HERRON. of 4 Rang. Chalfant & Co. -THOS. S. BLAIR, of ,hoenbertrer & Co. C . \le WM. METCALF', of Miller, Barr & Parkin. - XA.NITFACTUIIERS OF Balling Mill and Blast Machine'''. RETORTS and CASTINGS,' of every descalpHon. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES. fe24 L. 0. LIVINGSTON. W. H. BURT.w. JR LIVINGSTON s CO., • • IRON POUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF . . . FINE .I.,IGILT CASTINGS - • • All descriptions, rentslumbnrs and Woolenters: A g . rieulturallruple Cotton and Mill 31a= chinery, &c. . All Job Work promptly attended to. • • :Ghee au , ' Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheuy City, Pa. ROBINSON, REA e. CO., Hiwessors to ROBtxSON, MINIS & MlLt.e.nB, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND - MACHINISTS, PITTSIURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and. Stationary -Steam En ines_ Blast Engines, 31111 'Machinery, Gearing matting , _, Castings of all descriptions; Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Once, No. Lit, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFGARD'SBETENT LNJEC .-)R for feeding Boilers. jalltral MONT -BLANC 'FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opn;3l3lte , 'atm Atins. Rnlli g Bill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND- CASTING -La. GENERALLY Orders promptly and earetnlly eXeented. Charges reasonable. EBITERT & 2LiCELEID. cNeIS:LI ifannfactore and keep constantly on hand ,WAGON BOXES, DOll 1 BONS, SUGAR ICETMES," HOLLOW WARP.', COPPER. PARK, McCURDY & CO., BREWERIES, • , PIITSBURGH GAZETTE : THURSDAY. MAY 7. 1868 F°4! P ITT BOILER, STILL AM] TuntliAtiliwiirx , vtuED Tin:II:FLAB, FIRE BOX ANA CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS,' SETTLING IPANS,. 'SALT PANS AND f.CON ,- DENSERS: STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND .IRON BRIDGES; • - rpasoN DOORS AND COAL BRUTES. Office and Warehonlee, corner Secohd, Third, Short and Liberty Streets,' PITTSBURGH, Pa. air- Orders sent to. , the above address will be Rrompt I v atten ded' • ' • 1nb7:189 3. W. M0RR0W.?...TA8.03.,11AHNH1L1...•..748. MARL UHARABOILEIR WORKS. • . MORROW, BARMIILL & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF , . Steam Boilers, (in Stills, Agitators TANKS, SALT PANS, QA.SOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES; SHEET IRON WORE, &d. Cor. Liberty afid Second Ste., PITTSBURGH, PA. REPAIRING rromptly don e. .131:b2 • BARNHILL & CO., • BOILER-MAKER 'AND SHEET — IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22, 24 AND .26PERN ST. Flaying secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILER'S in the best manner, and .warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks,Oil - Stills. Agitators, Settling ans, Boiler Ironßridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. 1a.5:c21 JAMES M. BITER, ?(os. 55.atur56 Watei. Street; PITTSBUIAGH, PA., MANUFACTURER OF IRON OIL TANXS . SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLINGALILL STACES, AnISIIEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats.," , • JAILED M. BRUSH EDUL•ND D. DUCSII. JARED M. BRUSH & SON, ._ - mA.mtrrAcTUßEfts OP Steam .Boilers, On Stills, Tauks. • SHEET IRON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pg. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. Cook STOVES. BISSELL at CO.'S PITTSBURGH. FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other Stove ht the Union. BISSELL & CO. l ~No. 285 Liberty Street. Also on-hand and for fate, ' PARLDR_STOVES, adaGATINO STOVES, ORATE FRONTS, FENDERS ' . COOKING .RANGES, ao - CHEAPEST PLACE in the city TO BUY TIIE TRIUMPH-COTK•!RC .STOVE; Is it No. IMO GRANT STREET. arYM:y6 OILS. WESLEY WILSON & CO., NATURAL LURRI - CATING I • 'C)X3E-Ny' e tack,tn LL'rffi6nlilWVE,: alg at INERY. 41741 V; 61,00,11713 ED 17NIE'OEIC rar Proposals for gum] titles solicited. No. 167 Wood Street , -eila4lls ColitarEncE BUILDINCk." apt pia WARING AND Commission Merchants and Brokers In Petroleitin DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, P1*224111411611,1 0 A. . _ • - WARING, KING & Co, ". 12? Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION /MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN PetrOleum and its Products. Pittsburgh Office — DALZELL' BUILDING, cor ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia Ornee-127 WALNUT ST. • splnv3o JACOB WEAVER, Jr. & CO., Oil Comittission-tfobbeiv, No. 3 DUQUESNE WAY, will buy and sell Crude and Refined Oils, Lubricating, Tar, Benzine and Cooperage. Our long experience in .the Petroleum trade enablesms to cdrer unnsual facilities and in ducements to operators. - As heretofore, we are de termined to maim it the-Interest of buyers and sel• lets to give ut a calf. :Parti eEhavinspolla for sale' are cordially invited to bring their samples. mem% rit LONG & CO, mamuFAcTuir.6' PURE ' WRITE BURNING OIL, Brand— “vtierrz.n. , r o®k% No. 2 Duquesne PittsbUrg& J. c. aurrun. c. A. Rartircr. : SOHO' OIL wojaK A . • , , manuacture and-Imre ter lan& or LUBRICATING ; Re. 18Tfaing BTREZT. • - - r sti — igMi l rfiA44llllll-4 .13,1•:1;:b , WORKS • CARROLL & SNYDER, MANUFACTURERS Op CET THE BEST. TRIUMPH, r ,;( •' • • • iir6 „ Tgyz4X.h tt"sAtArgy A!' - . =MI FORT -PIT'SIANKINGi COMPANY, No. 169 Wood' CAPITAL, 9 00,000. . STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY zLIABLE DEALIERIui•:"-- • 60VERN . i i ENT SECURITIES, ND INTEREST A LOWED ON TIME DEPOSIT& Collections m United States a 'de on all accessible points la the Canadair. • - ;DIRECTORS: D. Hostetter, James Gordo D. 'Wallace, E. Fawcett, 31'L. arecLtritia*,l.:4,Fot LEET WILSON, Cashier, KE'r:! TONS' - 1 , 11 41VK, 3 LIBERTY- No. 2 ITSBIRIGH, PA. int.horlieito : : $200,000. DIWTORS.. - • H. J. 14 - neh. WM. H. Hanillten, John , Murdoch, , Henry Bockstoce, . • • 'Cleo. T. yan*Doreft. Samuel • , . • . . A GENERAL BANKING' BUSINESS CAPITAL( TRAN'OACTED . • ,Collections made onall odenesslbtS Induts In the tilted States and Canada.. - . • Intereit Allowed on Time Deposits.• UNITED STATES , SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. 11. 3. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. VAN DORIEN. Cashier. aa-STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIBTALLIC LIABLE NATIONAL DANK OF:COMMERCE, co r . oe . wood.rind Sixth Stns. A. PATTERSOtt r Pre aldent. JOB, H. HILL Cashter.- CAPITAL, : : $500;000. DIRECTORS APatterson, George W. Cass, Win. H. Brown, ; James MeCandlesS, Chao. Lockhart, • Win. Douglas, Allen Kirkpatrick,. Wm. Reed. W. S. Haven, DISediLINTA U A. M. - • ang:of.."2 I HART, CAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS,. Corner Third and Wood Streets, . . r:rx . TO . HANNA, HART & C 0.,) DEALERS IN • C oupons, And Coin, • Coupons, And particular attention paid to tl e purchase and sale of COVERNMENT BONDS: tMirlit Draft's on .I...oncion. • - mlyna2. NXT HOLMES & SONS, • 33 - - 57 Market Street, prrorrinunG-ijr,v.A.. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canadas. Stocks, Bon6 and other geenrities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMUSSION rarttoutar attentlon-pold to the porch:zoo and sale of. United States Securities. 1. 4 . 3 .9P 11 WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Stria; CHARTERED 1866. Interest paid on Time Deposits ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO culicit,'iilTHQUT T.; INTEREST... Tilt/counts Daily at Lql o'clock. • Presldent—THOMPSOlf )1414., Vice President-.A.M.. MARSHALL. - - , - _ . rilizepone: • THOMPSOM HELL,y 11 .a.:' M.' BIARSHALL; JOS. DILWORTH. Ii . "JOS. ALARBE:` J. J. GILLESPIE, i make refer nee: Joseph DII drtk,. . - Rerv.:David Kerri - 4,1 Alem .ni Lun ert,'ll ; . A.".:11ro Thomas 'Erring. Stockholders to whom we 3- 1 4;T: Rfate h it,,, I Willis Daltell: ',.• D. W. C. .Bidwell, L. M. Fulton', -•.:'4;SNARIcer -,1:: c.'...:.:BANKElt..tql -1* SOUTEIII°° S?: ESTABLISHED IN 'lB3l. raiLALDELram i • t, ' 9 f :.:.....,,,..- 1.,•.!-Ii DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. 7 3-10 a Converted Into 5-20. STOOKS AND GOLD •• . . Bought and sold on commission, here and in Neyr York. TIME PAPER NEGOTIATED. - ' • INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OF GOLD AND CURRENCY. Accounts of Bani; and Rank ers received on favorable terms. ALL CLASSES OF SECURITIESTAKEN IN =JIANG& AT MARKET BATES. 14 - zionANAcs: 13.4q . citckikvirg . i,...,'.; .4-7 , 4 i ,• • • . , •:4 J , t N ',..-i'-'..; ''': tji •,, U, zwo..l l .4 . .!Et.r4t:iipy.l.4lfitzrely,Pp...., ~,, rmsßuitenx, PA. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. ANY. SOH BEOEIVMDFROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. De posits received subject 'to cbdik,;•witbotit • 4AMES BLAOKMORE, President. GEO. D. TlNDLE,Jporetov7 JAMES H. HOPEirns.-130110+toN' TRUSTEES: • I L James B in limo", . lei ' ,dmt Timp**.i I. ' iftun Beene, l; ) AC , W. B I s." • lik• Cubbstei ' • .11obert Wear.- ' " ,, ,41...4 .• I .. gifiglil sos, t .:r • 1, ‘..e , - 1',!.• ••• 1 .Urts--1 ~, ! • ' ..V., .r.:' 4 , . ,•rft .....c COLD. Jno. C. Risher, Robe: H. Kang. Andrew Miller, James M. Bailey 31014 ED LOAED ;Dis doi - EltNItiNT IkoNDS, sad •other approv,ed collateral, 'at lowest Orders executed tor the .Purchase "and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD... • 4. - tto . OFFICE OF THE PITTSIIVEGX GAZETTE, / WEDNEBDAV, • May 6, 1868. • The opening price of gold was the same as the closing quotation of last night, 139%. Towards noon there was more demand for gold, and rated Were Pitt up to 139; but at the close cif business the market. became weak at 139%. The advance was due to the report that tliel l iesiderd'ireineval was . almost a certainty;, on further information the market relapsed again. In Government ,bondS. there yeas more in= , quirt',,'especially_ for 7.1134's and 1.865's old issue. Money is still too' dear fora rise in. Government; rateS .: fer''call limns haveto come down five per cent. before any mate rial rise ,in bonds. can be established. • So longas.money finds renumeratfve employ ment elsewhere, bonds7ill be avoided at the high quotations`they are going now.. In stocks a considerabde advance was es tablished for the ' entire list. NeW 'York Central, 1 ner cent.; Fort Wayne, 13;; Cleveland 1%;-Rock Island, ;g; Northwest ern, 1% per dent. Exp'ress _shares are dUll and depressed. Mining but little doing. Money is fairlyactive at 8 to 10 per cent. second grade will scarcely be taken at even 12 to 15 per cent. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows: dold, 139%; 1881 bonds, 113; 1862 5-20 s, 108 V; 1864 do, 1061. 1865 do, 106%; Consols, 109; 4 10-40 s, .103; 7-30 j, 107%. Railroads--Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 83%; Fort Wayne, 106; North Western,common 66%; North Western—preferred, 77% ; New York Central, 129; Erie, 70%; Old South ern, 8434; Ohio & Mississippi, 31X; Mer chants Union Expres.s,3lh;. Western Union. Telegraph,37%. Mining Shares—Corydon, 28; Quartz Hill, 1,05; , - Quicksilver, - -It is estimated that,fully ene_zone-half of 1 the May interest on the public debt drawn on account of bondholders . -residing abroad will be reinvested in five-twenties, so that the remittances of Cliafsh probse ! bly not aggregate more thariL six millions.- The supply of cotton bills is light, and the receipts at all the ports for the week were leas than 19,000 bales, making, 2,063,900 , bales since ' the first of SeptoinalArlast. The' total shipments to foreign ports during the same time . preri*,l,46o3?o: bales anisthe stock at all the ports are 244,500 bales, against 430,300 bales at the corresponding date last year. The stock of cotton of all , countries at Liverpool on the Bth ult. was 409,870 bales, and at London 53,869 bales; against 795,820 Ues, and 42,424 bales re spectively at the same time last year. —The Treasury is now .ready to , give three per cent. certilicateilli exchange -for May coMPiiimdS,',.allnming • interest the latter to the 15th hust. , ,Tbe conversion and paymetiCat the 'compounds win increase the resources 'of the bariiii 'materially, and. make it at the same time more' available. Certificates payable on demand:in la*ful money are a more available resort than compound notes with three years interest ad(led, and insure an easier movement at bank. aMI - -The Cincinnati money market appears to be growing a little easier. The demand for loans is, however, still quite active, and ,ether outside paper is with difficulty imago :fetid at the banks. The bank rate with depOiltors is about > nine per cent, - The street rate range from ten to fifteen per cent. 'General biiidnesti is rither ;The' Chili cago money market is again quiet. The grain trade - is .displaying but little lift?, and general mercantile'' business' didl. • The failure of a Chicago groeery house of long standing is ieported. —Closingqitotations received byj'ames T. Brady '& Co:'- Gold U. 5. 6's, 1881 (5-20's, '1862 " 'l-20's, 1864. " 5-20's, 1865. " 5-20's, Jan. and July '65 "- June 7."-30's- " July 7-30'5... May Comp., 1865. New York Dkr goods Market. - , , CRT Telegriiph to the ilitehargh dazette.i '',Wily YonS, MV- 6 -7Thu_extr,,eme dull ness in trade "hag led to a reduction of one Per. - dent. , per yard on = leadbig makes of prints and heavy brown 'Meetings, witte u t 'stimulating the demand Materially. w e : i.) l q i r g:h t t ts e ,..s S ty l i 4 lea7 D ' u •l e un sP ii i i n r s t i f' ol 4; 3l . 3.i .., A c a lii l 4: l 4 fi ll : kin ' da r k, . i cpan:c Atlantic A. heav ;a44t inikr: lB ,• .regot Cohinisett; 19e; Pacific'''Extra; 173,re; Stark A, iNe; St. Lawrence 0,-ITer': Ilatitel.l4" 17so; Wellington„A A, .1.7 c; I. X, L., 16c; Massachusetts A, 16,4; noward A, 16c; sil ver Lake K, 'l3e; Swift Inver; 140: Ohlo, 14c; International 0. - , , 11Mc; Whi ff Roc _titMk Paper brie% 163ie; B.'B. t Soa'a I*llLii erkored' tail ' 30; S i l E t c, tel t : &sm i le; i i az l. name, . .4, `v. . - r RAVE tE3feittlYMY BANKING AND EXVHANGE OFFICE TO TUE Corner or Fifth and Wood' streets, Formerly oerupled by the NATIONAL, BANK 9E' CObtAIECE. • PH. R. MERTZ. JAMES. It BRADY & Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 13 N - El R. .111[117%A1D SELL ALL "IeINDS OF'`' .' GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD,, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON 3IOST . FAVORA:BLE TERMS 7-80's _ CONWERTED INTO THE NEW 5-20 COUPON BOND; gar Interest 'Aliolied on Deposit& JAMES T. BRADY Br.' CO FINANCE. AND TRADE: 1 .3 9 M ... ..;... .... •'.. ' . 113 X _.. . 108 X ... ...... - • 106 M '. . _ - 4-, 106% 100 ~.. .1.00 .... - 107 3.4 - % .. 107% f,4 . ' .f r . 1-, I •>.1.7 . 2. , ' . PITTSBURqii: MAR KETs,, OFricaoF THE PIT Piiiii7Bart'ClAZ4l.ES•t 'WEDICIMDAI', 6;1968:.". The general markets ,contintie mode-. rately - active, and whilethere - are 'no , ma terial changes, prices generally' are firm and Well sustained. GROCERIES—The grpc,ery• market con tinues 'quite active, and with a good de mend and light stockS, - prices are lirna.and • . well maintained. Sugapg are firm and ten ding upward, and the skunelrt true Ofßiecr, while Coffee is easy but unchanged. In ...- otherarticles 'there are no ,new features worthy of special notice: " • Sunarts--New Orleans,. 1 434 c - to 16e: Cuba, 12% to . 130; Porto Rico, 13c to 14c; Crushed, 17%e; "A" Coffee, 16e,%;_"8" do, - 16V 4 c;'Ettra' 4 C," /de: C- • 1•t ,4, A lA. CoPPEß—Prinieltio,2334 to27e;good, 24e; * fair,•22c;, Old, Government Jaya, 3734 t 9 380; Laguayra, 28c. - • • _ Moraissite,New Orlettits,'9o to $1; Culla, 6.5 to 70e; Porto RiCo, 70 te 75e. Svrturs—"Lovering's,y $1; "Booth & Ed gar,"• B.se;' , :Amber, 730; "Drips,7' 51.05";,.. to $l,lO. • _ Sriel-CaniditiBo. to iCZe;'• 5601 , Pepper; 38c; Allspice, 350; - NutMegn,lslX RlCE — Rangoon, 1.13 N;Airollnap434c- s , Srarrdir-=Maillson; Sc; Silva. Gloss, 1230, and Corn Starch, 133.40. . '• , Faurrs—Layer Rasinsi $4,75 %per box; Valentin, 20e peril); Prunes, 'l7c; Currants, 14c for new. _ • Bart li.ann-Ll2q. Shot, 63,50 per bag. 'SoArs--"Babbitt's," 12c , "Oaklefri,r, , 11%c;:llosin, 4% to 6c; Dobbin's," 15c: CArrtmas--Mould, 16c; Star, 23e. • ' ".,, CoseasminTrai Lya-47,50 pe r' s Br CARE SODA—SB,SO per 100. FrsEr•;--White Fish, 68,00; La'ke Herring, $4; Mackerel No 1522; 1ch.,2,.516;00;-No: , 3;1 ) sl4,sollUhalf bbls, 50e mere. • • Tonnece—Black ss, 10S; 3.4 s and Louis.. vile Navy, 72 to 75cf .Wrn. 11. Grant's IOS • and Navy, 80e; C. &D. Tobacco, 22c to 25c for best. -' , • TEA--=The market is firm and-prices are higher for, new' crop. Choice Young Hy son, $1,75;. fair, $1,30; common tog ood, $1 to $1,35; Oolong, 75c, Eibe' , 00c, $l, $1,25 and $1,35, 'good Porto Rico, 01 to $1,85, as to quality. Imperial, $1 tp $1,85. , Japan--- • Choice, $1,30; fair $l. • k ' • " APP.LES—Firm bat rinchingecl;r. salea, in a regular way at $6 tolo per bbl, as to quality. - DRIED FRUIT Is fir n and more active; Sales of , Apples at 7 to ,3e, and Peaches at 13 to 13%c„ BUTTER—Is 112 good 'ggupply and dull".'_ and drooping; oine,house 'reports sales of 20: • packages prime fresh Rollat 35e. GRAlN=Winter< Wheat is scarce and , , , higher, we now quote at $2,70 for' Red, and. $2,80 for White. Oats very firm and , tend ing upward, though as yetunchanged; sale • of 200 bush on wharf at 80L 2 car loads at 80c; and small sales at 83 to 85e. Rye firm • :and higher; sales at $2 to $2,10. Corn—sale" of 'l,OOO bush Ear at $1,08; and 1 car do at $l,lO. MILL FEED--Stde of 100 sks , Bran, on wharf, at 81,70, and,39o sacis Middlings at ' lo to 420. EGGS—There was a fair r,demaiiii to-day, one house along reporting:sales of 4O bbls at 20c; - others reported at 21c. POTATOES--Firm and fn. _gctod demand but unchanged; sales of priine Peach Blows at , $1,50 per bnahel. pJersey Sweets, 88.75 to ,89 per ,barrel. • -- • , • PLOTTR—The • maiket, • although devoid of excitement is firm, andr, prices are stiff and well maintained. We continue to, xuote at 'l.l to 611;50 for !Spring 'Wheat; ' 812,25 to .512,73 for Winter ~ "%N, heat, and $l4 to 816 for fancy brands. Rye Flour firm at 80,75 to $lO. BEANS--Scarce and hi. good demand but unchanged at $4,50 to $5 per bushel, as !to quality. PROVISIONS—Bacon is-; - firm, with a regular jobbing. demand at full prices; 1 1434 to' I.4Xc for Shotildens; rto 19c for - Ribbed 'and .Clear .bides; '2oe for Plain Sugar Cured Hanisimid 219 for Canvassed do. Lard,,2oc;.in tierces,di. 21c in kegs. Mess Pork, $29,50 for old,. , ?,.3 and 4 for new. —Since the' above was [put in typo, we received the following Baled; 30,000 pounds Sugar Cured Hams at 20 t020y.,c; • 18,000 do Canvassed do at 21 to 21)4cf:48,000do Shoul ders at 1414 to 14Xc; 20i000 do Ribbed Sides at 17y, to 17Mc; 12;00 do ',Clear Sides at .1.83/ 4 to 19c; 4,000..:d0 Dried Beef at 23e; 3,000 do Canvassed do at 24. • LARD OIL—Is quoted firm by manufae. ~ turers at $1,24 'for, No. 2V and $1,55 for No: 1.. - . • 1, , HAY— WagoUffay is selling at from $2O to $26 per ton, as to quality. - - Y , .' • . • - , . PITTSpLIRGIIPETIOLEITM MARKFT,...-- ; k. , • '•:.-: .. -Q. OFFICE OP TI*XI TTIM tdI IJ OGH o 4za ! rp ''; 1: 1 - ‘4 !. ~ •;. : ''' '' ...` Wmf•xs - na.V. May 6, 1868. CRUDE—The market *as fairly active to-day, the sales in the aggregate tieing . fully up the standard of the past few days, li: and while there was apparently no change ,in the general tone of the trade and no new • featu orthyktraikettditintioetheie *ls no disposition ricuthifisted.tb make leonali 7 ~ skins in order to'effect saleS, nor were buy ers disposed to give countenance to any, further advance. As,: . ' is always the case in an excited market, the views of dealers,Avere somewhat conflicting, each , • 7 one talking find acting as his own interests •:• - dictated. We can reportsalesuflooo.bbb to be delivered onfrrst stater ,at 12e; 450 first water, at,l2c; 2000 for. May, seller's op. tion, at 12c; 1000 .otdin.e4iatcy.st 12.-Kr4 12 Ei: immediate, bbls - to be ret urned, at 12c; and .2000. bbls, selter:SiciPtion,:oUtil, December Ist, Ut 103.4'cr'We heard of an offer to sell 5000 bbls in tank; at I.lrc, buyer to furnish boats, and guaging to'be I'dorie intankL-' equivalent to 12o.: Prom the' above it' • iviir be seen that . there, was a fide : Vol - nine of bits- . iness, while -prices, compared -with 'Tues day, are about the•same.. -..,i-.. , . --, - - REFINED..-The operations , in, bonded oil were larger , gutn,d,gring.t any preceding day this week, and . whiloltho, . market is, firm and eonsiddrably, exelted,.Prices,have undergone no - quotable _chan ge. .The re. ported - sales Were as, follaw I,ooo.babh for June and July at 3010; ',500,f0r Iry at 31c; ,000 for all the -year; buyer's option, at - 3230; 1,000 for •May at 31%i 1,000 each for' Kay, June and s Jtily'at'. 301‘c; 500 for last half of May at 30Mc 4 and 1,000 for same de livery at 31e. Cable•-!. , telegrams -to-day ' quote Antwerp at 45 francs, und Liverpool at Isd. sd. The advicas front - the east were very conflicting to-day, no two telegrams scarcely giving the same figures, and the Philadelphia market is reported as having be en "on" and "off" at least half a dozen times during the- day.j 'Here, however, there was •a rentarkatily still' feeling, and buyers had to cone Up to the •"serateh." ARRIVALS—The: following are the ar- rivals of oil:. • I • • Jai. Wilkini:. ... .1600 I Pishei. dr Bro 1500 0. B. Jotieti.C.....l :160 'f. ' ' ,• , Total,., , ......• '''. - • 2,660 orktiffriitENTS PER A. V. 4. B. Clark dt Sumner, 404 bbls !refined' to P. Wright dc Sons, Philadelphia. ' - - Nat. Ref. Co., 250 do do to F. A. Dilworth ..d,' Co., Philadelphia. • McKelvy cdt Bro., 232 dd do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia", ..,' Mon tzheinae.rl.l2Zoelder dr. C 0.,. 2.50. :do sip ' to Waring, ilk :it Co. ', Phllldeltohla:•.. P. McKee St iiekett - .250 do 'dn. 'to'" W ' '' '6l Id ' - ''''''' "' I .4oll'dc Br ~-; Phi% p a: - .' -1-- - nieett, L o giti'dcfiteektlale,' 2001104 tOS, c lr f W. P. 1 1 4 4 a''Broe,"Philacielpif. o ';; -- - 1. , P. We enberketiw c o z i i , 60 - -:,144,5 , t0 , 7/Virden, Prow& o,xl•philad-Ophia.v ' 0. 11, Jones dr. , 400 do do to P. - K. - 11n. , -1 worth dr. Co.,F Co. Philadelphia. • OIL ' SHIPMENTS PROM romatrEtilw, DEPOT, '. Et -M. Lon:g dt Co., 103 bbls ref. to. War• , ;-'' li InB - 411 as fit Co., Philadelpa: to. . ' ' -,•--'- '' - - nuioatmeoll 01 Co., 50 d od o. Warden, Frew 4 C ‘. , Philadelphia. - .•, - .IN - T 't '`l . -, , 7 l.__'' ...G: W. Roldshiro, .I.= do 'da , tci‘tWartagr King 8. Co., p l hiladel .111 a. • • ,ilnionßev-004i • - Bble re to W. P. Lo. leau 0 Br, •1 4 h1 . I t .'hhi. '-' Jae; Miller, 25 do ,o do t o m . P. Log a n 0 Bro.; Philadelphia. • ;- - •r , e-. • t . . - .., EN 'r.P