C PI 13 '. y` ..., ;i:,... FAB T HEN ND 31 ARDEN'Airripir •‘ .. .. , ~ ., 7, 4 , . : . 22 . / . li. t'. , lc ,:,- t .:.: ' Raising . cle‘4l. , aiW i i- 7, - -: Urrote the Evening IN:Nit.) Clover_ seed has been . raised- Successfully . ~ .,,.for more than twenty years ina - southern ••-„ Her k imer' county,' N..Y. -It had;; brought . fortunes to the farmers and is stall - raised. ~:;::,'.., The soil is a variety oflellow loam on the ---,, hills, and allwrialdeptrsit in thetvalleys. i, Clover is Milled abundantly here on all k- soils. Seed does - Weeinflhe - upland.s and Y better on =the south `, gild Ike Mile; Older . t : always being used. `'This '(he aSe_ of phisi-' f: ter) is considered itiikoqisity toil pal enipi' ~ -4 and seems ' nide° 'Arnett* favorable. to' '3 land most • . . red tb the MP" of the sun. A steep N . . w r ieclivity ,yields ehtuidantly :'' of straw, - lint little of . seed. ' - ' „) The mode here to suoceisfulli raise clover seed ittloSow ) in thesPringnn sininegrain or (earlier and better) 'on winter wheat and :, rye. This eeldoni AllsAvith us. Sown on . -,. the life spring gneiss, is suceessflawith us, and probablylreferable 'f4.anyoffier way. '1 Thiswill corer-the field in ilhe fitli - With a 1.. thickrzicltgr4Wfti, =4 if the lirmMiltis Weil, dralutdreaY, 4erY- the frost . \ • r .4 • - ThOneXt year lutttle ;Are , tamed :on as ,I soon as txtsture is afforded, !which is, early, li esnecially with June. clover.' The 'told is cropped close-the Scoter thet.better.l This ?„ is important, as, it niakee the •eroP even, ft causing a timultaneoterri**nk rft ffOrcight, ~!. time-for there is but a as' Ilittee in 11 which 'clever fills well as - , the. Years:run. i`That time' is between the eAtrerneheet and 1, the early_ frost. The, heat will Barn' ;and 1, hurt the aeed, , andfrequentbr spoils a Whole g crop. Much moist weather is also a dam. r, age. Cool, dry weathOrie best,at the "Atl i; ing" time, which' is' in' thelatter part of ~ f; August and the fore part of :September, the ripening following ineTediately, ldler and the cutting !andhariesthaein October.' The harvesting IS soraetimes difficult on account of moist weather, extending the work into November, and in some cases till the snow . '4 . whitens the ground. I have on more than , t one occasion gathered a good crop after the , I field had been whitened with snow. Cold, crisp weather is favontble to good dryi t , But the sun in mid-October is best, and this ' r, is the time to gather the Crop. After the field is thoroughly shorn by the cattle, sheep, &-c., sheep being bes the stones are picked, and plaster is sown, rang ling from half a bushel to a hushel per acre. . The • cattle are turned out on the 15th of . June. The time is'the important point in ' I the raising of clover seed. If taken out earlier the sun will be apt to injure the crop; 1 if later, the frost will reach it. Experience has demonatrated that the 15th of June is 1 thesuccessful point. This year two weeks t earlier, or even three or four, would have I been the time, this on account of the cool. weather in August and September, and the 1 early frost. But this year is an exception. On the 15th of June the field is expected to 1 I look like a (=ruin, 'as barren_ as can he. 'I It is a remark that pasturing , clov er for seed , 1 is starving cattle, and it is often 'difficult to i get sufficient stock to dress it down. After 1 this, nothing more need be done till the , scythe enters the field. . Clover seed is in high demand, and - pro portionally pays as well as ever. Itls, how -1 ever, not so reliable a crop es corn or wheat, though on the whole it pays es well; but It j,.., requires•proper management _ ; The second crop- of seed - isnever taken 17 from the same find without- breaking trp the ! boil and reseeding. • The :.'root dies or is ', lifted during the winter and spring by the 1 frost. The treat ment,'therefbre, is to sow i timothy-with the clever, which is kept down , :4 the first year (by the clover) and the second appears. This usually forms our best hay, being a proportion of one-third, dotter 'to . two-thirds timothy : Sometimes there is more clover, espeoudi.. ywhen tb.e Wide , a. i favorable one and startsne w shoots, andlha_ soil is dry. Even in suckceOthere will tw 1 more or less timothy, and the clover will be less mania. -The third _Year - finds the timothy to Predominate; but the crop is less heavy than the second year. Timothy will run out unless.well protected, This pro tection is afforded by the bite:had', a 10 growth of which will protect and manure the crop. In this way tunothy, is continued for many years. We know fields thus - treated that have afforded heavy - crops' of pure timothy foreight years in succession. But the math covers your ankles if'you walk through it. This heavy coat affords a good deal of manure, and •of tile right' kind exactly. The frost cannot reach the tender roots sufficiently to hurt them; and the re sult is the finest crop of timothy I have ever seen. HINTS FOR HOP CULTURE Hop culture is beginning ..to attract con siderable attention among the farmers in this section of the country, and is worthy of experiment. The manufacture of malt liquors is largely. on the increase. The sta tistics oflBso put the. number, of- barrels menufactufed at . 8,280,545, those of 1860 at 7,916,575 barreb3, and the number for the h present year is estimated at 10,000,000, lit increase of 800 per cent. since 1860. Hop vines will grow upon almost any. soil, but in order to insure the "filling out" of the fruit, a high, drygnpund, with medi um loam soil is the best. In low,. moist grounds they are exposed to frost, mildew, and are liable to rust. The ground is pre- , pared with care,,nearly as one would pre pare for it iiractop, ..Tbrildlliabould beat least eight feet apart, in all directions. It is necessary that should be a free pas sage of air through the yard: Seed roots are cut into pieces containing two sets of• "eyes"'each and these are planted, the latter towards the surface. Two good- roots in a bill are sufficient, Mit in order to-insnre success against' worms or disease, three or four are placed together. It is very important that the vineyard be laid .ofrAn - ,esset ,squares,„f . one set .Of vines lasts for Years. 'The' ho are divided into sexss, the male bearing afh. "tit ill. mg necessary to y a pn3per bearing in thefet zp rPw, P od of planting is as Ibllovra: 4Take a stick an inch and a half in diameter , , duuCpedat the end, and snake shore larg - ciki - enough to receive the roots, in abiniel . 3; eyes up, , 1 uppertentri thiliAlifiraiiiitubbian inch anal a half below the swam It is necesp r y t o pack the dirt earthily 'Oiteid their entire length, otherwise - thersivillbe a dead. air cell left, which is .often fatal rto . them. TLIPPPIRRIA,E.I44(tftiFitIieb upon- - Hops do not yield until'the second season after planting:kind the first mason the ground can be made to yield an income by planting L c riveg )ta nlir i Sth °T e gof °44e fficti Mon is is nearly the scone,that of gym. It is ne cessary to go thiciuh the fieldthree or four fkiii a tigtesufritkg.9 ol4l4 ro 141 v ia *K li*Vrii ri li rigta oe. t w eeds aid the es . Ne W4;014101 _bearing PPDPIe saY that 414/4 ll* 1 0 1*..: - ~,,...,;, -- i * ... 1, 1 1,. • . , t ,: , ',lo:o4.Wittt'ol ,:.% ' I I l k ' t , 0 ' • 't; . AIM/WI - '... • ri:o l 4 1 o ' ' l Aki -sdiel iainictb l V-SolgateP me,* ' VilletWANlVllMAPlNW4**4llibigriastki -vrincithiggirrakittaltr,-4.ta c ~,., ~ ~ 4 , . . • ti fit a rnr , WlClrrntlettrT r 1. - , , a .7tl Mir idea Mogi ';olObitio' Arr; °IST dr, m , ; .1 1 c.1%) , , , ..t.7 1 enrot on hoe .n.Ort eitistroanT •vvy -• .1 1:- . .;: t , 1.N1 -- :' u...,11 .Y..ersztztaße t .1.7 M .-car, 911(7, ,, ,,atr0rt.1 A ~ d, '2lGrwe , • , . Fir SBUR(H GAZETTE : TUESDAY. MAY 5. 1868. BMW amts. I every cutting, -set tin cuttings. at an , low, (at least di chLsp.tint the y , . • e shall • , . I eartharemutibe-leordttlnnirwitathe. foot. Xtisirettelnuiclz:tltezn withgriusor straw; andiftneedlewsterthentoccaabanally in the: 4ryest - eretither:7fThltilti.ot :course, fer -the :fatrflep ettd.the . areateur. , .%-TheAnraminsn. iiroicagalio frelik , terigle'ti..'ifsppk , t.c.46l4t,ti:. 48 4 . 1 - 0 1 .0i* P 0 01 1. 414 4., / 301 4044 1 41ea ' 4'.0 1- o;ar6 ' tectmoch- mote freely thati!v.thers.- stance the Concord, -31azatawnyi Hartfotili Prolific, T h, Clintotr,'-eassidayskte, take'. root rf , W,,•.'Neltile 141 Debmarentid; Dlans ate'di odt#oprOptittite in oticitt tare enlessti*Olike is them, a~td gocid i lisiOrs#l" - **NoAtBo„t'.:: . 7W.e V0W.,,e441Y) ~t eiiieberrieli-arethtiegrewn. We_ - both the attesteating out. ...ctuTunsa_azoi, , _gocisk, tedes , shoultbe :Set Amtjust 3r)tare; they Are ._-Vdshed to'stind • • pentanentl.7..---le- your prefer a tree,: cut out • all the.' eyes beneath: , "the.. 'surface '''Of :nrounk- if a Inish, let 2 7the eyes remain: These cuttings 4itight ! b .. be planted . at leatit eightinchetrdew the: earth pressed drmt around them: . •• '' * l 4 7 .l'ol ) ti4 l6 ttlon of tiOretitrg.ahrtilie caWitiso:!l)l3 this.. She*: be ;wn :by all; "who have; `"lucid' in 'innlflplying; . stock in- this - way.77lstendwitettc4 : . . Avo t r T. p.ENcts, then di =I The eryPtiettn',l4lllHiliel•fences,": is dai-' lybecoming eminent Ang 'agrieltruititk a a::imiovid, threet,and a half niAles of r what.: regiids as. ,niunx 'fence from a farm of less than 200 atres. It •is estimated. that Gioia BritAin•lnfghti .dispense witb'6o9;9oo Miles of : feneintno*.l inexistence. -If we suppose 'this fente tO' occupy a width offline:se:7,, which-is a very moderate estimate the wide; live fences of England, this, would be An: o,4ltlitlih:i,,to the arable land of 589,280 acres. . ••• - • Our common wuruklferKe pies a width of * feetr,the rails being, font teen feet long. A fence made-;with . longer rails occupies more space.. • If the `rails :are shorter, the space occupied is less:" To 'this it is safe, to add eighteen inckes for land that is not cultivated. This"gives' a width of two yards appropriated fence. Every 22,40 yards of such fen ce, ceupies an acre: An acre of land in a form 'nearly square, and;consequently in the. most , economical shape as regards fencing, is •220 feet by 198 feet. To fence this re quires ' 278 yards'of fencing, which occupies just about 'one eighth' of an acre—that is'one-eighth of the whole. Such .a fence surrounding a ten acre lot: of the comparatively economical shape of 242 yards by 200 yards, would oc cupy 1,768 yards, or considerably. less than of an acre. This would be less than 1-80 ' of .the whole amount--a striking illustra tion of the advantage of large lots over small ones.—Country Gentleman. IN NEW JsusEy, the c r a nberryrn cultture la rapidly becoming a leading industry, and it is said the people of Ocean county are this spring going into the .cranberry busi ness with a vigor that surpasses all previous efforts in that line. Larricaranips are be ing cleared, and the prospects are that thou sands of acres of new 'had will this year be planted.with the , cranberry.' = ruxxots rntrir cnoP. SA.NDOVAI;,ApriI. From the report of express companies at this station we find that there were shipped from here during the past season 107,4'72 boxes 'of peaches, Which yielded the shippers the handsome profit of $1,65 per box, making $188,076 brought into circulation as net proceeds, of our peaches. Pretty goOd; is it not? sr. a. . TO 3f.A.SE PAPEA i TRANSPARENT. Dissolve some resin in spirits of wine: Dip into it a camel's hair brush, and with it go over aa much of thblatper as, you wish to make transParent;',dning it on both sides. A colored drawing - Cm, engraving may be Made by this applicationrranalmrent gum PartS where .m t . is intend, e d t o , be :very bright. Mierwarda, can only be seen, to advantage , :with all behind them. The same-application is used for transparencies :painted on &tenor thick muslin stretched on a frame. • - • craN - Aatox c.axEs. Beat Ili, six eggs with three tableSpoonsful Of rose wati3r, put to it a pound of sifted sugar, a desert spoonful of powdered cinna. : mon, and enough flotreto form it into a paste; roll it out thin, and cut it into any shape you please, place them on papeiand bake them. Remove therti'from the paper when done, andkeep.drY,:, HOW TO MAKE F:00 BAILS Boil four eggs hard,-take out the olks and pound them, add to them a few bread crumbs and pepper and salt, and the yolk of one raw egg; mbe tbem.all weir together, take them out, andwith flour on , your hands toll them into balls; boil them for,two minutes. POTATO - TIMDII7O. One pound of potatoes boiled and well mashed, warm, pound:;butter stirred in whiliC warm, two ounces imgar, - the rind of half alcrapn chopped fhte; : wish the juice, a teatupffil of 'milk butter 'a' tin, ptit in the mixture, and bake in a moderate oven for half an hour: An addition of two eggs can Wraade if desired. . • • • - - SARATOGA, OR IiGIINCH ROLM. Boil one pint sulk cut up two ounces of butter into,t, add a uttre salt; when tepid, sift in one pound ed - tleiii, one egg beaten, one tablespoonful of yeast ;- beat these well together; when riseni-.form into roll, with asdittle uirttiling as pcisslble, and bake _inn brisk oven : :1 ;: , „ GOOD Micron, Twc teaspoonfuls of_crearix tartar, one of soda half teaspoonful : salt, ;rubbed-time and well with one quart of flour. Rub in a piece of butter the-size -of an egg, mix up soft with ' th*lc sour n9f, or bitter ntillt,•Od bake quickly. . ' - • Take three pints of , mudfted yellow c orn meal, one tablespoOnful of lard; and one pint of milk; work isll.-well together, and :bate m calm( the'site at Vie hank mod` n inchlhick. lot, "Moithltittet, molasses, or both,osstay be preferred.' -Half pound of butter, four eggs, sugar, salt and nutineuttyotn — tpste, and two table•i*ndidir of &to*** *et; Pion.".ozi it Atunt Of bollbietnilk; and stir the *hole together. To be baked deep dishes. noir' TO fiSIET itietrins room , '46tru'iMxt.o Seep ps pyster tiff4fi c l4 - tter,e4tbit, 0 ,0 :00 2 nuit on fluiinside sittraet ng tl* .otonT particles to itselLi›. - Uoy.it.--- VA= utsT on74:lPwrxxl4 - Coviaritteifteelrifitttfloil *lll rlithbeL,oll. 111 artrirgiitlOttrg ttrig / eNu!' r4llll t dared ntailookia-liifefffinetbeittst ' Sap * "W"" ! lllg Argr il t n -V e. '71132 !t i te l degrnivbifbe•linein ttefloiV:, ie only e• -t • _ _.__.__ • !:nett no, wirturq ftri. br; i s j jg c ,joi • „,i t y,lM WM .r.-6 EEM EGISTERPS OFFICE .......... alas, .4e., baTg,b-wm.dial7 nsulkeilft De ilitiMellster-in OMee, al:Wirth h 6 O%IIAI - edit, thi pilate. eonn, fog noallratitiOrtand Viwigainee, on MONDAY; June !lat. : lB4Bc - -: - -•• • • -'• ' ' ' • ' 1 -N9.• 1. Aced:Mist of Sanniel Feb. Dickson, - Executor-. Of iohn - Dielt_ . ,son 'deed:: • Filed F 3d, MIL - • old. 2. "Mal account of•Joins-Hicittnatiplxecutor h - Orgun - , - deci•d. " Flied - Feb:4th, 1868. ' .:. No. a.,. Final account of Michael Wagner, - Arbnin- - , istrator of John Wag ner , itge..a. Filed Feb. 41u, No. 4, Virile "and Anal account. of. iota liaison, :Adlninistritor of James Watson. deed. %Flied Feb. 3th. -18611. • ._ __ r . _ .. , . .., • ,No: 6: Final 'entrant - of H r ministratrix of Andreas Wallitiogle.' deed. Filed - J Feb. bib 1808. No. 0.:3314 account tif - A - -•'lt.Steirefistti. Admi n .. aerator of George Weigand, dec•ti, ,Filed. Feb.. • 1 No. .. t : Account of March r Humutings; - Admhils', tirgaleP, lyr. l • . : , .! o !ick-.914.-fiewo,:Nll#4F9b. 12 t 1 i. Ntr.'4l. First and: putrid: itoxinnt 'of Oliver • Ir. - Jones, Admin.'s trator, •of (*eorge,4l3.; Jones. deed..., .Flied Sep.t: Ith. 18136. - • • • .... No: 0.- Accomit of Geo. B. ' , Neely "and . Jeremiiiii' I Meekv.E ni xecursof Nathaniel Nee*, deo'd.. Filed , Feb.29o. 1888.. • . , . • • No;3o...Accotrat of Ellia l .'Wallingibid,Admin-:• Astray's; itircAlexandar 11.. 'Wallingford, deed:; .Filed Fab. - 200,4808.' 0 • - •'l' '''i'' • •• . NC...".311, Medusa of Airs. A. M. Lierithlem, Ati minTst Oitri* of Jamesii. Irwin; decd. Filed Feb. 5et14•.014311.1 11 !,,_, , •,. . . '',, .',. , I No...l2:riFirst and flail account of (ugh 31.1ilootti. ' Administrator, of Joseph Scott, deed, Filed Feb .1 Allst;lB6B_,, • -' • - - ••• • 1 No: 11I,Finat ; accotust Of James. 11. 'Tanvoorhia: '1 Trustee.of Durld {Mists, ; decd , F ile d Feh r 23di , 18613: ' ''"' - ' ' ' - , ' . ',I No. 14." 1? al- Antolini Of William' Thaw, i Gila& . 1 wan or , Valliam.•Bestiainith, Mary and .Alcitri I :ander - H. - ow. minor . children .of sLiza Thaw, • deol(1:-' , 111 Feb. 971 ,•1868 _ • Not 4ff. :A of__ Julia A•ntit tlebotifilin, Execu- , a l l • - tor or' Ch ary B ch MM .:deed. Oiled Feb. Allth,' No.' WA ant (WO: o.t Vawisett,"•Administriitor I ~of Dennyit Clark. thro , d. .:Ellettieb. 219th. 1868, - ,: , ,:1 • Ng; IF._Aocount or Thomas oKe_Guardian, of GeOrge - Mittes_;_zeinor • eon Of a__ , - , Mates,: deed. Jilted ,Mtirch4tn. 4888: .._.-.._...,-.: • ;:-. ~,... r: : - -.. • N.S. 2.8...1fital acconn.tof Thomas liallshey, Quay * , dian Of ! Tittles B. Litillart, minor son of Abraham lAnhlirt. dee'd. -Flied March bib; MM.. - ' • - • ' N0,30-•lfistalacermint ofThentaaMirlialleriGtiari i Kilimi. of Alex.. 3i._Ltubart ‘ minor. !OSLO Abeahaml Linnaer,.7deed.s Filed Mardi ilitli,',l", ~. ~,,____ ', •NW 26:1Account OVA ROSs‘andisaacitifill'‘ .Executora of Letit4 n, gitio'd.*Piled3liarchti 8041888 - • - • .• • - No:sll. l Aceiliiiit: oT - JailOti;igtotiffer, 'Adtalisistra tor cif Itsxriltoilbr.! deed.i: Filed Martitillth:lBBB. 131 , N0..2-First Account of Ants Brain, Adminis- - - trater Of Edstard It.'4danut.. dec'd. - ;Filed. March eth,-1488;:-f; - .:....: i ...:: . .1, - .. -1.; • _ - _ ... No:A& ..Anbount of When M. Marshall, Guar-' dlanislt e ßT,tl,. Abbott L. Marshall H. and Frank G. m , minor beim' of Henry Metieary, dec•d. Plied M ars 7th , 1068. . • . . 1 . ...ii .. • • No. 24.. Veit and partial account of John F. Deviln_,. AdmilligtratOr'of ,Peter B. Devlin. ' dee'd. • Filed - March -Ifth.lBBB. ' • ' , ' No, 26.'Ilist and Anal account. of David Ern. back Executor of G. Paul Dietrich, decYd. Filed Match 9th, 1888. - • No. 28. Account of Robert Grierson,' Adtnlnts-' i~or B. or Isabella Meille, deed: Flied March 10th, ' •. No. 29. Account of Minato Sttrans, _acting Ex ecutor of Samuel Dicaos, deed. Flied march 13th. 1808. • . No. 28 . Final account of Samuel Scott and J. J. McCurdy. Executors of Priscilla Phillips, deed. Filed March 14th.1888. ' - No. 29, Account of Joseph Siebert and Chbatian Siebert, Administrators of Charles Siebert; deed. Filed 3larch 14th, 1888. No. 30. Final account of Henry it.. Chalfant, Guardian of Stewart Sampson, minor sort ot David Sampson, deed„ Filed March 14th;. 1888. No. 31. Account ofjohn Torrence, Executm of David Torrence; deed. Flied March 18th, 1808. No. 32. Final account of John Conrad, Jr., Guar dian of Mary E. Kim, minor child of Anthony Ki deed. Filed March 20th, 1888. No. 33. Account of Matthew Mc(: re or„ „;,1; istrator -or, James McGreg or , deed. . ' L P . '" 3d..1888. • of IS. S. Camp- No. 34. First and final a ' arts._ 7 .. n. ' Filed March boll. iGhardian of David B 24t yr& _-- - . ...` • N _. Fr/far - account of C.ll, . uobb, Esq.. and Jai. - o , ltrine, Executors of - Emma - S. liictiowin, dee . • Filed March 94th. 1808. . . No. 38. Final account of Robert Clugston and W. 1 1% Ward. 'Executors orsnlahl 3 l ll 4 lB 9 l l.dec•d. Flied March 26th; 1808. • No. 37. First and final account of Annie Glyde. Administrator of John Glyde, deed. Yiled March 26th. 1868: ' • • No. 38. Final account or Joseph H. 11111, Guar dian of Robert C. and John A. Moore. minor chit* dren of Robert Moore, deed. Filed March 20th, 1868. No. 39. Final account of Samuel Scott, Adminis trator of John 'Anatolia, dee'd. Filed March 26th, 1808.,„ • • - No. 40. First and Final account of Francis G. Balley,Administrator of Mars Ann Bailey. dec'd. Filed Starch 80th, 1868. - • • No. 4,1. Account of Wiliblat and Hugh Meet:deb eon, Administrators of James alcCutclicoo, deed. Filed Mareh ..MI, 4888. 'l , . p . . . . No. 49. First and Anal account of John Ewer and IMbeilis Duff, Administrators of Hugh Duff, dee'd. Filed March alst. 1888. , • No. 43. -First and final Account of Mary Ilennon. Admintstratrix of James Henson , dec'd- Filed Muth 31,1868. - N 0.4 4. Final account of John J. Herrmann. Adtralnlktrator ofJames !looney, dec ti. Flied April 114418011..• ' • -Ito. - 49. Account of John Brown and A. Clenden tug, _Executors of, Andrew Hare, des"d. Filed April 3d 1888. • No. 0 1 5. - Fourth account of N. B.- Bogs, Execti tom of El/sabot!' F. H. Bissell, deo3. Filed April th„,1,861.1. . No. 47.•F1nal account of Moses 1.. Curry, thiai- Wan of Joseph B. Iliebuffey„ , minor son sof Joseph 7dellattey, dec'd. Flied April- Oth, 1808. No. 48. Account of Stephen Applega uardian of the minor children of bildeonlValf, decd. Flied April Ith,"1888. ' " • - -- 8 . - 14 . , No. 40. Account avLer Wollinger , Gus n of Catharine. Carl ohn and Anna istexidma - not heirs of He n Steadnm, deed. Filed I 7th, 1888. No. 50. d and final account of George Mc- Cagne, Mut nistrator 'of Hobert Dunlap, tlec'd. Flied April Stis, 11888. _ - , - . No. 51. Final account of Wm. 11, Nabltt and jr., H. ElcOabc,_ , Executors of Eliza Nesbitt, dec'd.' Filed April Stb.•1888. • - .. • .No. 52. Final account of &Emanuel Haug, Ad ministrator.'of Christian Schmidt. deed. Filed April Oth,•1888.. . . ' . . • . No. 63. Account of William Clayton, Executor of Eliza Brown, deed. Flied April 9th, 1888. ' No: 54. Account of James Inontooth, Guardian of Fruncis O'Hara.• minor cldid of John Ilicl'ara land, o.c-"di Filed A_pril 11th, 1880. No. 55. Account ofAdam Hess and George Hess, Administrators or William Hess, dec'd. Filed_ April 13 th.1888. - ' .• • • - No. 56. First and partial account' of A. B. Cook and John K. Cook. Administrator of John' Cook, •dec'd. Filed April/3lb. 186 8. • '-- : No. 57. Account of Christian Dillenbach, Admin istrator of liottlelb Idashey. deed. Filed April 15th, 186/I. - : , _ No: 58. Second and final account of 2ifacolni Hay. Esq., Administrator of Michael O'Hare, dec'd. Filed April 15th, 1888. Rio. 59. Account of Clement A. Warren and Br's. ben Wall ,:Executors of Wm. ghrader, deed. Filed April 17th. 1888. . . No. 60.• Second account of '.llehert and Thomas Wightausn, Executor of James _Wlghtinan,.dec'd. Filed Aorll 17th, 1868.. , . , ... , No. 61. AcCount of GeoreGross; Adtaiiiistrator . of Charles Rozlee. - ace l d: 1 , lied April 99d. 1888. No op. First and Anal account of John Haworth, Admitdstrator of Hobert Morita, decd . Flied Apell, 22d, 1888.- • • • -- . . • . ... . No, 63. Final account of John MartincOurt; Guar dlan of Catharine Allen, minor child et John Welty,' deed. Tiled April 22d; 1568. - , . • , No. 62. Account of Samuel. Dempter;Guirdlan of Julia and Nancy Filed minor heirs of John Vaughn decd. Filed Adll3d, 1888.. , 1 • No. 43t. Account of Ja Robinson,' Admintstra. for of 'llttna.: IL Robinson, Sco'dd. , Filed , March 23d, 1888. ~. 'r - • -- -. • 1 - ~- .( • • No. ea. A c c oun t Of'Thiettis Varner Executor of Dorcas McFadden,. deect, Riled Aprit 241k11168. No. 07. AccouV of William 4. atoOrhead, Execn tor of Eliza A. Black. ; dep'6. :Flied April SAD!, 1 No. 68.4Inaiseetinlit of Thomas MaCance, Gnari dlan of Jithitil 8/14 Danial Dempsey,Elluat helm af Dantel_Dctupsey _deed.' Filed Aprs 27th, 1888: •.• No. OW Supplementary 'account • 431 4 J0hn IF:. La+ gao. Adtelnistrator 4# oanis • non;:clurn lattaiamito annezo of Thoma s;llartfoed, , dcc'tt. ; .Filed 4pF4 97th, 1868: ,-• ~ • . , No: :70. , 'Account of D: Thomas; Adintritstritoriof James M. Gallagher, deeld. . Filed Apr 11289411188. No. 71. Final account.,Of V. X. )11cElhehy and John A. McElheny t .execntors or,,!pho. MeEllteny, dec.aj y; piled Malt 9 8th 1 888: -..1 , .. rv - ''. .:. . . • No. 40.-Accemnt.of WWl= Galbraith, surs'lving ixegitor, of, SztayelSialt i Vap. dea'il,,Elled Apra • 1 40.43:- at 'Coon:tit al William Shantii, , AdMin. ,Lewisistrat9r , 6 Pha!'" deed. , - F 14 9' 1 410 1 . P 9 L II , 2868. ~ • . - - ' • • NO: lat. Flaa l Umlaut or WhilimErinium,Adttiln istratorpfMary D. flOstami6eeldi :;FllelAtlcil 30th, 'Noll:ltiai, , Tik Final ice:ollie or Thoniaißloarke, (War- Mtta (Daniel aildiMin7!Yerrilli , ; ened April 9018, 1868. No. 76. AecOttne Of 'John Iterrart, Gitirditay of George Bradley, minnrsottorCharles Bradley, dec , d. l e rl i im i 7Pitrgli ii t i lie „ . 4 ' 141 Gide/Hal of ' .. - - ~..• ... ......s - a,* r.'4,,".. , , Phar.os tali nee'di Fi n: s wilthi 88 l' . : Nati 712, Vetmast )Off aloha- Btayritftottanktian• of •• isabouli..n tere. , pitnorAiei,,e •or,,vft,riew,x!r, , 6eis'el":- 'Fite Aprit6l9tbi zoos: • • • •• ''•••, . . ~ . .2fig'4lE. NW, -atiatilua laceaUtlt , brjaction - Duti. ' 10111 I ;ailmotoxi*tti ocv74.;Kmpo ioig iTzit .6 tgnieilttriilli‘Vd.mitmtraror-at William Votallaiaw: dard.' t ßed • Anrll3oth 1368. - • ~.. “... • • •• - ' No. 81. Accounfei'Zeilih l ll4den,' Jr..! . and iii - than McGrew. Admlntstraturs or Zetah Hayden, ti!:, -deed. 'Wiled Aril2othi :Fri': '' -7 Tirwi, '',11414 89.1r w n tli .. 24.0.,k,. Adion. Ni l li s . . _lt , ,dec.!Ar ' Flied Apilt p ' ' ' ?' ''' , :v--.1-, -:fittris Akc ei nttitennrrsatstra r 1 Vfeelltieh t ILi ii rll .Alitit . t iotl.. -At 1L7.24 4; __ NP,I! 1 11.chif ffk f .ICI4 % Vaisroß"'`4' ling a Ledna al as+ zeolite'!" -. 41" 7 4 1 1:ti1t -, ..! Deimi t deed. . Eileen* Ist 4868. ' , ''No"- rthlaFielll'Aloll,A,.. T. „AaQgside f :, SI par- -! 1 1 114,_ OPPAs tW i gge4,. r ,tireaiti'rk ..1 4 • Jotatmostmeivo wom p am i k . , tiiirrOMPairegl.g'•". iitekii i 32 „ ...3 .111, i-A, , i , aft wilt 7 ,.. ., , :; ,:,II; 0.. i AtiSSllnVOT4l.l66llAeltilltr,:ftleelliiht qt. Has Snowden. mmor ehlW 0X,110#414 is t uowqn, : dee'''. 'Flied Noy lot. wo e -,. , ,•,,,„/ No. 0114 1 : 11 h 4= 0, 41111WIle Miller, AdMinis-' ~ • ;', Ator , „ „_. c., ?4-4?:•..1,1pol-liair..-Ist..: • -lA' lii* ' '''''.llltairLEgek, ' • . ''' '. • 6 k tativ- tor6i • I.- 4 ,ols 'dic Y illt:1.:;1.1:1 fit 1 o .-.1 i 1 g. • tisrl'" l ..., N. .. T. ttrat,4&,4011400241nr, .. •, ICo n ii7: i ojilltt: t .i...... L' ,MI ~=+,7rlA. . , cr7.7 7.„erin fTru c.l - • . 46 2:101r.440 .- • t om, le:: 3 ,Wriraintbltut:tiergese.....4ld., r4.f!../ , • I s 1 .41 adiu bOnde NOS Olin Jo frivimpg ..,,.. , , x, ~,,„ saFiNM~• , .:, '' ', l . - 'v.; ...,!, • , John Creose, deo!Or.. Nays& '. i '' 1 % .' ' .. , .. it .‘:: (' . a • ..7rlgl i ffAiiiitaik IP - . -- , 1 4 ,., „,. . f r. (l .• ler IMir Yr% ua f 14111/: M& eLT ElrMn siltl7,(TV,,triils - . 'r; 't, r (.), ,41 -O r . if 4.llcry-lblA fivfx•: , ..1.1 , 311, - a - A4 it tit:: .991iLd I I,',ivr gvtcr. 1.,:r •1. - 4.turtirtsio% nrri tltrrit .. - .i .,- 1)111171 -., - - - . i rjs t fi4d (r: ,r4l'Mi 11: . 'fi Ee7.": '"ififil , :lfo;:VilirnitYl 1 , `"1.:01.:). 0111 10 o , ,,,,A,tnt z li r io. ) If la ~.,71,....,,,-; 1, I„ .. .r.tiiriTiro.. rf. - 4 -, .t! fr.. .r . ,.;.. - 7 34 - , ...teri„ , ,,i, It'i. ;', , ,it.!• ! t.;:ii.,• nc , b ; rlv: . 'itwer.r.(43w ill 0r i crz.,7,!..E:1 it '• ..•qr,flF. - • . . . . - a,,0.04?.1.%'-.1.. j 1 ... , . ,,, 1,...4 .4.f..,a. -. Z; a . -, .P i - .-'t,o:4, ‘Vi,T,-:,t•-7..P- .-, n 4 l , N ; l" :;' , ' , „ 1 4 1 ,n 4 r .. SM. 0, .'4ta.,WA,,0.4-,4Z,Woo,t,allM.wr'.,q .M17r17 =....--.. 7..1*7 .,,'e .; , ,4,;'--..,A1. - .•I'--'-', ' -.', 7• .. ''', -r''l -,1 - . ..,„.'r ~.„.:: '',;' _. • .. '' ' ' ' '', g'il , : ',9,',-- '; -. M .4 ' , " , 1 7, - - '' . , . • . . IS' r"7. 4 7lMtrAt - liiM ME 'on* STOCK ANlVAEAtlliiiis:llloKili • 4/11D AIIICTIONIKEESSo t Are prepared to si flit-Auction STOCKS, BONDS, Auld all kinds of SECURITIES. REAL ESTATE,I ' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &e.., either on the premises or at the Road of Trade Booms. Particular - attention'-paid;' as heretofore, to the • sale of Real Estate at private sale.. - Sales af - Real Estateln the couritty attended. No.:11/15 FOURTH STR.E=. : .oe2S cp mAI RFAIIIIIII - IFOR BALE.:: . —.6 . ~. _ . • _ , Yhave now for sale several oftbe gnat rums 1n Westneareland. and Indlanktonutles,; on remarks, lay easy terms, so env that any one desirous of buy LiAgn punks:se on •Le altogetberi • .0431- and -elt for youraely, . •,, , ..:v • , G : l it l e z.pr i v; : , ri t • .., (.- No. 80 fleoltbiebt street., - FORALSZE-REAL- ' ....0. , 40,1 polTNlTer . ltilritit s lii . . CVFOR SALE oir• urzy T. —A two,atoi7 ammo. mac. containin g 19 r oo g uh , file 1304_ double PAP' lotc with ituithltritihntieS, 'Ant on tii6. Mahan int. PrOveine be lo gia! -. l"Lumw - nuc ri witt, - ,friut ftliikillnation of ekirytt et_ :4 1 rPssjtigerArt.' This e antral the hstubrimetti toottions in then't reanty,- and 111 -a•good neighborhood, .., Aviv !Lk W. A. 'HERRON'S' iteoll'Estntn 04110 e. lict gar , street. '' c slut f licirrielt SAYLAP4 af• i re VT 01111141 it. an a orio l e _gLirts at t ety an. : . ; be. ' Also, several PAnint 'in good Mee _ mu._ ritlso,- a mull •WOOLErbi:FACTOHY r with MO 41,ftt ~ of land, and good improvements, which I wili - sen cheep and on reasonable terms, liasiness Hondoil -to let on good streets. Rrtvltatunrelllng Houses for - 'net in Nth ernes.- - , Yor Anther Datticulascinqulrel . ._ .: ~. WILLIAM ... , ,r• :,jlOl . “` Murata street 'op siteUgdral. ' " I___p .Tar.:INAoIvoLIA, ••,-il, 150 ACRES, • , . ,• Loeated near afeKeesPort, not far from treil , s Sta. .tlon. on thn Railroad. New house,' In , excellent • condition ; burrroxcelled AT lbw, In the, cOnEtry. All. ItuproveMents -on the place are mod ern and of the best kind, boll unsurpassed by any In the' country for _Unplug. Yrnit. grapes, • In abundance. Never ailing , springs abound. s.:oal bank open. Fences perfect. Wlu be sold cheap. Apply to STEEL iklis%E.sepr - ; --- . Frok - Zroatid Reg Estate Agents, • apZ 27 0. se surritYlXvilo STREET. WRITE LEAD AND COLORS. CIROME YELLOW , von HAS PACKERS, &NI Mil)OrS TERDITER -61 BEEN,. • FOR SALE BY . - • .10/1-11{16 4 de A, • 4::1\ WHOISALI ViItiGGISTSI; • Corner of I..ibeitirlite ne§treetn. Prrysinatcai.V.A.. j SCHOONMAKER & SON, Pla"1131311713431.11 White Lead and Color Works, MANCIFACTIIIMRS OF WHITE AND RED LEAD; ZINC, PUTTY, BLUE LEXD-, . dr y YEBDITER °BEEN, And MI colors, 4r, or In 011. . • OFFICE., No. 67 VOUS= STEZET. Yactory, Nos. 450. 455, 4.54, 555. and 455 Rebecca Streol. and *5, 51 and 53 Lacock streot, Alleaheny., - • • • • BANfIUPT Nonors. 'ESTER tr mientier of rENN . SYLVANIA, as. At Plttobargh, ra., April . , It may concern...-The undersigned hereby notice of hts appointment - tut ASslgnee of gives IsPEAR, of .A.Detibetty, VIM In the'County of Allegheny and Male of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been ,s4ludged Al Bankrupt upon his own petition by the . Distrlet Court of said Dis trict. spit:ol6-ml Attorney-atf.aw, 110 Fifth street. . . • . WESTMIN DISTRICT o}' PENN SYLVANIA , 118.: . pittsburgb, Pa. pal 13th, A. D. 1888, To whom It may concern: "Vhe:undersigubd,here. by gives_notice of his appointment. as Assignee of tMI? MDR. MEHATPEY. and '.IOHR, GILIIRAITH, of Allegheny City, In the County, of.. Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, within said - District, who hate been adjudged Banlwpis upon their own peti tion by the Dlstriet Conn Of.sald Distriet,' , apl4 Oirittr JAMES W. 'M R URAY •Assionee • Attorney at Tmw,..11.16 Mtn ;it. : rrEßStigirrniter . Oi l P•Erirr SYLVANIN,'-'lo}-:' , At • Pittatiprgh t p a . A ' lithe:A..lP. MOIL- - -, • • .., •• • , ' _- OVIIS:31: IT ISAX L CONCIGIet : :The - undersiiiiied heteby ghts notietiorjrisappolntmenr as Assignee Of Willi - am Ithodat e orthettioromb of hhwrpsinrg, W h igt c h u ingi r Distecrw i t bes t ag'LUdi n tri binkrupt upon hls own petitlen by the -, District Court, of said District. . • , • .JA2,311 , . inITIMA. - Assignee, • '.ll 4:Tu'roilat - Attern •st Law,' • " Fifth street A DISIIIISTRALINKELV NO TlOlll-4' ra LetteLetteret •Ajintotitritten theqrotatte OF. APPLEBY—depeemed, taming been Krau of t ed to the pudoretgleed. Ittl.pprsone betmdeblo t o nitd estate trill. please =me m egt Atrd:hmiebiting Claims or err nitwi W t the wil i t AMU, yltdtteAutke known t e domande me itmy. . VtentitAtlle wePLEIIT tares3tizire •naeambenerk; cm, vir I t .11 ms I "r*iiiinsi , trat 0 0 • ati:o2 , V. iradA L.'lfd 4 , bite , er iirevy ,J oglll Skosamsdlau peps imimildik to itas iktscsiber,loPaSimds Mad to said estate isle 100010 ii 6 immealatt postman, • and Masa sigalaatha. tams xprinsidll them, 4 14 1 , 41 .4114 0 f, 4110 1 1 1M 1 f9r> 1 0111Mcienio i , = , ~T lA)Vt. T1ip2004.6". MS Liberty t;,•Pittsburgh:. U 4.41,4,rit. - ertarr.-,,p,-Llv dm th liL . eve Sake gaper- ;.' 44-6,7 o. u itto. - . 4 , 4 zoompwc, i 5.1 ..... sale - . 4 , i►p - 0111;1 e a. for meet at the Mee ofentiliti a 0., No. 31514 be ~ .8. . • . 11 g 1 , ~., , r ti • • : ~.,i v • . ' - ' 7 lei ••• • • .'.." - li . • : -, r ~_ , H i I:: c 4 i li ~ ,Eigecutor, : 'fteentrix. , , EX ento I.ZEN FRANKLIN r INBURANt MPANY, °Moe In Franklin Savings Bank Buildings, No.. 43 Ohio St., Ailletchen74 A HOME COMPANY, manaed by Direct Ors well known to the community , who - , trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patrona g e. • inamitir lawur. ono: ItIDDLt DIRECTORS: 1 Henry .Irwin. D. L. Patterson. !Henry Gerwig, .Geo. H.. Riddle, Jacob Fran; iGottlelb Fess, irilmon Drtnn. .J. B. Smith, Jacob Rnsh. W.H. Stewart, Cb. P. Whiston, Joseph Craig, Jos. Leather, H. J. Maraud, Jeremiah. Ro'hen. aple:o33 WATiOSAL INSIIRAIICE CO., ... LI . ' . #2.Tas err or.ALLEffirma. Office In ALLEGHENY TRUST COMPANY , 8 BUILDING. ' . FIREEdie RAN - CR ONLY. • ' vf.,' W. 'HARTIN. President. JAB. E. STEVE SON;"Senretisry. —' . , DIRECTORS: , A.U. English. • 0 H.r..Wllllamildno.. Thompson , Jno. A. idyler, ' Lockhart. 'Joe. AlYers, gas. I. Graham,' bt, Lea, , IC. C. Boyle, fr e li duo. Brown, Jr. 6 . Gent, ~ dieobilopp. • .t0165:n34 - 6 -- • ' . . . BTEfIN . ___,____' , INSVRANCE CON. .PANY OF PITTSBURGH. . • ' . LE XANDFIRNIAUICK.'FresideIIt.' WM. I'. HERBERT. Secretary. , . CAL GEORGHNERLD;• General Agent: Odle% SA Wateri t e t ek a ppang • & Co 'a - Ware house. up stairs. Pitts r . . . --: .r win tazare anlng • I ds of Fire and Marine Risks. A:home - Institution; managed by Directors who are well known to the comnmnlty and who are determined byprouptuess . and. libera lity to uusla. tats the character whlth they' have - assumed. as eV.; tering 'the beat protection:to , those who desire toF be' . . - ' ' • nlascTO lilil • R M &lu%ander Riniirk, John . enne, R. Miller, Jr., • "Ines McAuley, ' William 8. Event,. Alexander Speer, . Joseph Kirkpatricx, Andrew Ackleu, ' • ,". — Phillip Reymer, David M. Long, ~:, ; Wm. Morrison, D. Dungen. .. . • EZEIVEITLYANIA PINSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBLIRGH OFF/CE, All FIFTH ST/LEET, BANK BLOCK. . This Is a Rome Coinpany, and. insures against lose by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER; President. ROBERTYLE, Vice President. PATRICK, Treasurer. - RUSE bieELIIENY, Secretary. • • Leonard AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 435 & 437 CHESTNUT ST., NESS 57u. DIRECTORS: Charles X. Bancker, I Mordecai H. Louis, Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, I Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith,l Edward C. Dale, - Peorge W. Richards, George Pales. CHARLES G. BAN 'HER, - President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, 13ezretary,pro tem. J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGENT, North West corner Third and Wood Streets. mhZewls A LLEGMENY INSURANCE COM PANY OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 EIFTH STREET, BANK BLOCK Insures against all kinds.of Fire and Marine Risks. JOHN IRWIN, JR., Presideni. JOHN D. McCORD, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. CAPT. WM. DEAN, General Agent. DIIIECTORS: Crpt. Wm. Dean, B. L. Fabnestock, W. H. Everson, Robert H. Davis, 'Francis Sellers, Capt. J. T. Stockdale. John Irwin, .Yr., John D . McCord. C. (1. Hussey, Harvey Childs, T. J. Hoskinson, Charles Hays, p r I N ITLES' INSURANCE CON.. OFFICE, ti. E. CORNER WOOD I FIFTH STB. A Home Company, taking Fire and Marine Risks Win. Phillips John Watt, John E. Parka, Capt. James Miller , Win. Van Kirk, James D.-Verner. WM. PHILLIPS, Pi JOHN WATT, Vice W. F..DARDNER, I CAPT. JAS. GORD( COAL AND COKE. . BEST FAMILY COAL • ALWAYS ON HAND And Delivered Promptly to Order, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, BY OSCAR F. LAMM & CO., Corner Sandusky Street and P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. .A.X.I.AEGII9IP_.NIE" C.a.°J2 ANTHRACITE COAL FURNISHED AT THE LOWEST RATES. jet: COAL! COAL!! COAL,!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO„ Having removed their Office'lo NOi 567 i.kBERTI" Errxt.Em'r, (Lately City Flour BIRO BECOXD ELOOR. Are now prepared to Amish good YOUGYHOGHE. NY LlaW, NUT COAL ,OR BLACK, at the lowest morket price. All orders left at thelr othee, addrealed to them through the mail, willbe attended to promptly. my25:1323 I younickewrz Jamt oninzaavms OOLL CO . AL; . I3I.,A6E''AND DEBI I 4"LPHIJRIZED COKE Wilco and' Yard—CORNER OP BUTLER AND MORTON STREETS. 'First yard on Liberty and Olympr streets, Ninth Ward, and on Seoond street, near Lock No. 1, Pittsburgh; Pa. , Families and Manufacturers supplied with the bert article Of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Orders left •at any of their omees will reeelvo pt attention. • " '' ' ' ' 4LILIISTRONG Is.SIUTCHINSON, -.. dneceuors to ainit.PltlA AND Tomowolfram COAL Co., IDNERS SRIPPRRs AND DEALRM,_ RY RAIL BRAD Rtyy„R, or aupertor :Youghiogheny APID FAMILY 'COAL. °Mee • and Yard-400T OF TRY STREET, near the Gas Works. S • .UP MU OR •'- cHrntiw As Co., ' inn eis and ithlytoe re of PITTSNOROH OAG, TONGS, tad SAMMY tAtAI4 NUT GOAL and BLACK. Q*1'4040;04 orozaPPY to all parts ef the cities At - therlarset razes.' - :.1 • : Mee and Sard-0011NER. FOURTH AND NV.AT SON thaTtiterty,esell) pitteburgh; Sou. 80.111301 L, , -•—. °chi: , , , .tirlo t erinit -- us .. . , • 1. -LEMON -, e.„ wines . .'. NO. us venusalic_Orkitzmr. sgether Oonstantl on Ailed isitilty of PARLOR sad • lisiont eilAri,Tl7 •li AAA a com et' or conuncre' Furniture st reduced Mope IA Infet - or Beytillei In our line lee cordlilly wir % l ed tooan belle purchafing, ; . • • emir inisraato? , - ..._ • !)2 tai , • , , 7,,, ~,.: ..,.:., . LIMOS 'ArIirEIML. ' ,T 1 •,.' 11541*1041 4 #46#014 1$00 61 0* : re-41.•1);reel',11111.00::4,-,0040.t, EIM -. r OP ALLEGNM,TA. Pres'demi. Secretary. DIRECTORS orge Wlison. d. W. Evans, C. C. F Ls etift e. Ammon. ,DIREC7OnB: Capt. John L. Rhoads. Samuel P. Shriver , Charles Arbuckle,' Jared M. Brush., Wm. P. Lang, • Samuel Bicerlckart resident. • I President. Secretary. ^IN. General Agent. DZAZIR IN And MannWtnrent of lIMMI . 4 21 ~ tl i .1 4, • ; . •, , !attelptLisA,Elat, Great double bill of the season. First nlirldoithei -- celebrated CA1.14.! t ithe secret ton .Fl edgbt of the expose of Bart. Bob Ban,e ICMlClJU2C Oscar E ll iiA lrles, lats 4 l l l l llL Y enure double ComparnriT.neti. figr ' BIIRNELL's MUSEUM EXHIBITION, cmnprlslng_FOßSS OF ART- GREATNr URAL LIVENG CURIOSITIES and Fifthh A ttree T Pt, oppositePittsburgFßANKLlN l3r.h heqtre- Cards of Admission AB cents Loons open from S o'clock A. It. to APS:Opt OrTHAITER & NOYES' GIGANTIC CIRCUS AND. IIINABB1111; • or, i TRAINED. ANIMALS. RED LION LOT, Commencing atro.A :- .6A .r; May 4th. , TOURNAMENT EVERY INTOHT..I,' commg o e: r :t t irTt l ici'Vl.: l '3 l i- ( . 1 1 P. 3i. Perf9rinneerS• my 44167 IgSt'"MASONIC HALL. 33 A - rtwu - Nus NEW -YORE MOthII7BI. Wieotion of Living WondOra. FOR BPiDAyH ONLY, co 3 gxcus-61 no= [ 11 I ON ,FRIDAY, MAY . sth, 10 - .AFTEINOON AND EVENING: NOTICE.-illre would respectfully inform tiieltb., : zees of Pittsburgh that these "frealca of,ructUr.ol., constituted one of the principal features otattner' Lion at our Museum on Broadway,irevions Wilt* -._ destruction by fire,...._ . ~..marvil dim. esatarl i i-, - Iljelifnif an old acquaintanceship, and Inv! .'. . your friends to attend these Levees, and also afford- ing the ladles and "little ones" eq cpportuniry of furtherance of thitorob ect, we Zhall so doing. In bold Levees EVERY- AFTERNOON in aciditioii to the Evening , Exhibitions, in order that the ladles, children, and entire community may witness these interesting representatives of , • If , I - LILLIPUT AND BROBDMINAG. • The troupe consists of the beautiful Circassian Girls, Dwarfs, Fat Boys, Giants, Etc., Etc:, Iu approprlate foetume and character. L! r . Levees will be held Afternoon and Evenings. Exhibitions from 2 o'clock until 5 in the after noon, and from 7 until 10 in the evening.' 1!, I _ air Admission. 25 cents; Children under,:ten, 15 cents. my4:063. HOTELS THE ILINSION HOUSE. . I. e undersigned beg to announce to their friends and the public that they haye _purchased this OLD ESTABLISHED and POPULAR HOUSE, No. 344 I.lbertv •Streeti. And will continuo to keep it in the best style. ~ The MANSION HOUSE has over one hundred rooms, all ewly furnished in the best style, and only two into- - , _ walk from the Railroad Depot. Trayelers will ADA this house an excellent one to slit at, anti - will be accommodated any hour, day or ill t. Connected with the House is a s plendid Hall for Concerts. Families or single persons taken to board by , the. day, week or month, with or without rooms. , H. WARMEgtii!Er nthV:mB7 CONDUCTED ON THE EIIII.OIk O E- , , '4„:„/ AN PLAN. ST. JAMES . HOTEL; Nos. 4O and 407 I-41b4arty St., Opposite Union Depot, PITI'SBIIIIGH. JAMES . K. LANA:I-1A.14', :I TOprieiOr ) . This house Ls neirly built and splendidly fdraish ed, and convenient to all the Railroads cominginto the city. Strangers visiting the city will find this a very convenient and economical plan. Tod secure your room and pay for your mode as you get them. The Restaurant connected with this hotel is open at all hours of the Any and night. Balls and _parties supplied with - Suppers at the shortest notice and reasonable rates. aell3:gaS LUMBER. LIIIPTICEIR! LUMBER! ALEXANDER - PATTERSON, . YARDS No. 88 Preble Street formerly. Ifaiiliesier. and No. 1.57 Rebecca atreet, opposite Gas Works, ALLEGHENY CITY. DEALER IN ALL KINDS CF • Bough _.and Mined Lumber . t Flooring, Doors. ' ~ 'Weatherboarding, Saab, , Shingles, . Mou ldings, ' . r Saw Mill Lumber, ' Ceder and L ust Posta, Lath and Palings. Oak and Yellow Pine. ._-• . ALSO—FIRE - BRICS, TILE and CLAY. a i d FORT PITT LIJIIBIER COILP.OT Cap4al, - - - $125 000 • Pnastinarr—EDWAlLD •. ' Bsclurrany—T. A. WRIGHT. • • , AlurznirrnorDßsT—RDW. DAMSON. • - DIRECTOUS • Edward Davison, L. F. Duncan, John Mellon, E. M. Dilhrldge, - Geo. W. Dltlaridee,_ M. L. Mdone, • 5. B. Johnston. . _ LIMBER YARD...Corner , of 13IIT.Lr.v. AND AL LEGHENY, BTREETS, Ninth Ward., . OFFICE AT FORT PITT 44,A88 Woftss, NlLO- Aitoef B#eet. , leTomgo FERTIMZERS. TO WHEAT GROWEIEVL i EMU .ABIBIONIATED :BONA OUP. .PHOSPHATE OF: MA MANUFACTURED BY Vie, Alleghenr - Fertiliser - .. . . SEWARD Ai CAM-FDELL,f PRopM:E:'I •O, *Mee, 850 Pena Street, Plttebttrgly p . s. The best Parental , to use, end XecOitnized by ran Who haveltheo It s 411111,, to be the Midi- A vela sea for =Wait IMO Mor Inet ed lu, oat s , COM, Pots toes, ao. , e irk us Irma. nous otrealattoe ellsor_et s in d va luable ilitaSelDO ,01 - 11 2 . ATV Weeh Will " 11-M ,'. - .. t ! e `'." 6 ' r lien tie their dress. , , r' , ••.•) r : ;,. rttri. - . 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