ID PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: - TUESDAY. MAY 5. 1868. littsintrO Gap*. DAYS OF REST. SY HAWS= SltEsnOrkr . . - Sweet Sundays, sing o'e ..1 0.. , Have never t .1.... tune r, still from the .. ET. ...,, r . un On the tlre , '''. • r . : , till A purer air bathes . the' ,_,..1 i,.; The land a hall . ' t ellen '''' 1. ;- ' ~•,- All things n niute '' .. w . '''' pit ' ~. .1" lAll save „,:. ere .. '., ~.* i - plilit\. A.l. n the • - ,-,', '- . - • - - t t , Aw d b -....; Nth -•-•., tir ' win , Ne Tosses the 1 ght snows from the sprays. For life renews ltself each week— Each Sunday seems to crown the year— The free earth rounds as fresh a cheek As *hoggi*ltisivnadecanother sphere. Thean adowilh•M - tbat - somettmes breathes Betworm our thoughts and klesvemdeparts, The holy/ hois brightlylwreat lie* Its soletnn pe ace about - our hearts. %)e_prieeevith herenwring rt, _ Cs" CddeeldilwOh stmien da ifiter baiSe, Of the wide andie - thetliglltirter wavA. EPEGMtIaM --Maine has 701 000 fininers. • - —Smoking is no longer allowed. car' Bog:. ton street cars,. —L'Africaine in'French has been slimes's ful in New prleans. • . • _ —The Lincoln University in Till IS trying to get an $BOO telescope. —Napoleon find the Princesa or,!frale are both suffering with rheumatism: —The Beet Sugar Company-of Aurora, Illinois, Will'soon go into 'operation.' —Madame Ristori's pretty little daughter has been Painted:as 'Liebe by Fagninti., —Mr. Church, the artist, has gone topaint the stones of Arabia Petrea, on canvas. - —There are Six _hundred Andents of as sorted sizes and colors at Oberlin College. —One of the ex4rchbishops of York ,is said to have been a Mediterranean :corsair. —Paper partitions in Japan must be-as well provided, auricularly, as our . OWn —Mayor Wallach is a candidate for re nomination by the DemoCrats in Wash ington. --French letiet-writers: tare prophesying war again. This sort of prophecy ,is chronic: - -The Kaiser, Francis Toseph, is said to be a constitutional invalid. and not long for this • world. • ---PazAnia has ordered a steam fire engine from this country. It is to be used in put- tin out fires and revolutions —All the diamond cuttmg done in this country is performed in: Boston. Perhaps because it is the sharpest place. —Hr. and 3lrs. Florence, the popular ac tors, will soon visit France, Germany and Italy and give performlumes in Irish. . —Arkansas has gotten up the buncombest of all btu:womb Presidential tickets. John son and FilMore, a fine pair of them: —Jud,y says that if the Chief . Justice tries to be elected President Ins canslidature will prove nothing but a wild goose Chase. —Dolliy had a love affair on this side of the Atlantic, a tiny lace - handkerchief was the souvenir he carried away with him. —Croquet is spreading rapidly. Croquet by steam, op the boundless prairies of the far west, worrld, a sweetly pretty idea. , —Collector %myth°, of New York, is trembling in his boots now, as visions of a lost collectorship begin to flit before him. =Th is said that no 'living man can read Elliott's Indian 'Bible, and yet a copy of it sold in New York for $ll 00 the other . —,Tean Ingelow is'one of eleven children, she - -Tuote "Songs of Seven," and then; we anppose, gave out, or perhaps the others are dead. -Japan is just now about in . the same. predicament as 'ngland was in the time of Sing John.' The magna charts is the thing wanted now. —Win. B. Astor is to erect a Anngnilleent• new hotel in Nevi* York, which will, be Ms generation What the Aitor House was to the last one. 1- . Cincinnati wad' to be cutting down her shade ' trees: Itis a comtort to" know that Pittsbargh can't cat her;'•down, as she has none to cut.' , —Robert Bonner was forty years old on Tuesday, and on that: .day_,he moved his fortune,!the New 'York Ledger,-td 'his •noty marble building , ; - —An eastern editersaYEthe does so like to kiss factory-girls ; and anemia& explains himself by aofidg that of Course be meant satisfactory „ —A yankee named Freeman, is . pla3lstg Schiller's playa in 440(114,..aiid' in German , $ 311 * 3 ; both rim as regarcutuune:'.. —The Dish:Church and ioity'D , JsraelLere baying ahan ,to *is 4 1 ph Le Ball ; be-die•-est, 01 11 4/ter trhQ,lxish Unfree : Jos the hot ofit'degtdedlyt 'A,' . 410)6 4 :1 t•Tg ' ,,htik_.., only, ten ofwhom areaiemponue; the'vome quence of wlilehle death there . 424*er iicoPl4 abcratthe aegrading!amiluemot the bpet, but they hilkeel)!Pi r #.0114* 09',10//zICIIII evidently, t o be degraded. —There is azentleumn in St}: Louis who knowli 0f= 446: np.444 iR the directory isißlow ,IL'4l ''--A wlitbh r hat, bgeii N Veitt ed in. Nevi York which"runa a year` without Winging. 74e . 9 . 11/1/o°lll *;#4 4 ,*;t 4t ° #ft e l t 44 a lit4inigt4l/PgaPburzW , BetTi. - • --A' Japanese author written a novel 10 0 3 4100, 1 4 g 11 , 1 141,4* 1) 1 1 / 6 ***1 bat no oailtas Yet. beencfnand•WkO wULvardertake to trattsieltit English —One million dollars were spent (I`ice i n CW4° IllekYifleiim44‘.lg!•Anuq4..o4Cr for. it siia,,*i* 6 / ' ex " isterice; with:,etwaspiftkt The 'cleirsgthidX.Oie-;Tullleriesas* • luttlitao mic:b..koi,uk'e ar i f i, - ; He, in: ser; tam sald porp o * ideat I ask all ydir money 'ail . 0 4 Mond." The wrlt Tstkepitaw. worcherwhatAwsibso rtfor , 1 AK4oll,l3l Ph l F 49l4l l*": la; „ t; , °l , ument ) , torthe ift44l4i i Publicu *I. s as "whtta i ss rpo i 4 4 As this putyhOWizielt(ln Pittsburgh, , - • •-• 117.-...rz11” • ill ,4,; r ( ;4!•110:1. , - ;•;(1rai • liMIU ,rain 4;;r /..r• - ,; 41 .It("azu (11.,ctiler ,•-•,,lort.rfr-nT4e7p r•-•,•;.:40 which is still one of its strongholds, the white carpet-bag epithet is hardly appropriate. —Cop. newspapers are trying very hard toll; witty, or to get - off-a joke about Bout well and his hole in the sky. . ._ . e failure of these journals in this len. .i 7 F . l , t , % Tor is ' 4 Acher ,§), ew ', A. 43qtys, 4 , , _ ...... i , ~. 44.. New '.k , 1 • r- ;# , ,tp i , r , .. er, in erernt * horfekthAt til . ,,._o:nrver. g th will have an A. J. ''''- -A Southern paper thinks it won't do , to prove General Grant a fool and a drunk• ard, as if he is so proved it will be a - iiecided reflection upon the ex-rebel- generals who —Six dozen of Brightnix-Young's children accompanied their Pa`pa:to the theatre re crnitly, It is hinted that the saintly presi dent does riot` kiss-each lind'eVeryti_mber of his family good night. . . - -F. F. V., once of suck aristocratic sig nificance, is now, said to, mean Fast Failing Virginians, as the old blood havinglost it's 'Ethiopian props,is dying out, and its own era are getting very seedy. —Democratic papers -, are beginning to hope that Senator Yates 'may vote for ac: irtui.tril on iMpeaehment trial, and are preparing for it by saying , that he is not Arra& all the time after all: .. - . ..-A . mrin. has discoveretl i tluit • if you look into the wrong end of a telescope at a mad bu 11,." the, animal will be, apparently . far enough - off to allay your -fears, whilst he is near enough to lay you out. ' , =- , A laborer In . *tisiaehu4s recently took ether to have a stiff finger amputated, and pe:surgelins took off the wrong 'one. `There were two pliyeaciais, and he woe not satisfied with ether, as Dr. Holmes said. ~ —A man named Oyler, in Layfayette, Indiana, has beep imitating Henry VIII to the best' of ' his abiliti ' He has had sil o wives, from three of whom he has been di vorced. He is now looking out for Mts. Oyler VII. (. , .. ...,. -LSome cheery individual has found out that the recent frosts did not kill the fruit, and did kill all the insects which are, by nature, antagonistic to heavy crops, so that we may, with some reason, look for a re, marliably heavy crop this year. —A woman in Middletown, Conn : , was driven to suicide by the inhuman conduct of ' her•husband who in a• violent rage, seized her; tore her new bonnet from her head-and actually threw it into the fire. It is even said the brute said he didn't care. EMI —Wagner's star is paling, his Lohengrin can no longer please, his Tannhanser and Rienzi fall, like fUrious thunder, harmless now, and Ludwig will not smile on them, in the meantime all Bavaria is delighted at the fall of the unprincipled-musician. —Queen:Victoria, like some other people lessprominently situated,likes to go to church and consequently thinks every one who does not, is a heathen or worse. This little idiosyncracy has the tendency of making the members of Court ardent church-goers. -The 'subject of mysterious disappear ances is exciting attention from the press generally, and an article embodying a largO number of cases in point, which have oc curred during the last three centuries, has been published in Chamber's Journal and Is very interdling, -A story is current to the effect that a Congressman was fleeced of thirty-three thonsand dollars at Faro in Washington last week. The Boston Post says he was a Radical. That maybe, but we will_ lay anything (but an egg) that the fleecer Was an old line Locofoco. —. 7 , 113aa6 Barton, . who recently died, left $66,000 to -various' charitable institutions in Phibidelphia,and if : his property turns out to be worth more , than that, he wishes all the excesslo go to the Womens Medical College . of Philadelphia, to which was willed $lO,OOO out of the $68,000. . . -The joint Gen- Grant's thumb is said to be crooked, -.and so, the. Democratic chorus may set up- another discordant howl to:the - enlightened voters of the Great Re public,. piercing the atmosphere with the penetrating shriek of , hatred of a man— Whose thinnb is , not Straight., .....4Some New York teachers have come to tWe:Ocituihke thut itlihLexpedient to ish logging in schools. Many boys we are sure would vote thelther way, . and cer tainly the-boys ve as , much or rather, far more right than the teachers to "vote on the quesllo4 , for they ate 'the only';onps * . tach can.eiri4. `,. • • —A large munberof Now York merchants /k i nd . bro _:keraidblnglksiness Watet, Front and watt streets, New York, have decided to close their places" of businiss lit three o'clock on 'Saturday afternoons, from Nay that to November first This d move, and could be copied with good effect in Piftsbtirgh. • , .-7-The.papers generally are getting to spell Binghamton properly l but they used to insist on spelling it with ap, This so en raged the Post Master o f that place that he wrote 1 9fter's to BufftdoP Albanyp t ask ing them how theyliked the p, Albany-and : 15§1rIALOt' g ait t ' AM / Pil'ltrni9r 6 fcan the Awl) PlagnhaMPkin. e•--Tlie Pope his sent a' kind Of 'Vote of thanks to Mr. Gladstone for his action in the, .Iriejt.Viarrch question., -01adstone's # ll 4 W fl orae cOeilit;iTe4 *lO fiAddd to this op iion~ , af tharPopev and the result is a 111 ? Wh/ g tmiler • IW I I IP,.a?° 141 e.t qlilftreat reported thatle.hasturnedlke nazdatZ o i-jrhbB°'int4:4locard ea severe oft the fiOlonas Pic $414. -muse they are deprived of - the Pleluatre they 1°•...41t laic . .„•• A lB l*elld h habit of PeoPing.,*,kZose ms, : .which,,cin these days of short dressesort thepromenade, and deb:A*l 7 s l *in the t*Alltroolh).tt 18 ,40 litiii p'/41 4 1 i *lt" „ 19 Ifer °MAY Aras enongirt tAi,muc,thot Z= ve6f.7260, - 0 6141 - 11111Allnikar tr, 0 , 4)1111;41W 11:4g 1 ); Ek L‘ ' • , 2 -t 1 ,, . anUijOriiiadafint .' dr Bll. 6r . se ven Cady Call l 3 :l! l6ll4tell ehireir, t otri nti o tt *A And dealer aim il v #4 l , the 1 71Ft.0. 9Y l t . . Alfr• "o xiss, -Siiric.444ls l / I ',lol6llKeessill P ol l 6 lkg nogoiretio*, r 74261 11 leri w ractini?) , antonitsmiatabiviak t A 048 410.'091 nOf y, , 111 i:E.7ar r ninoblEvel nsr, trif tirtslloo7ll —I,4II)LA . I v3rttreve, , ( o tuft t latl ~ .csallfwqrt nof,tqct-4 ipv: Zr 2 1 ,7• 1, t eli l7 .314 tit -,tfhpvpyr ) :A . 1()0,4 pri.le —6l 1 r., 1 !" ct11.7„0 r;pt; r fn: tr, air, .; • . . , . .. • ~ ......., . ...--,-, ,,. .....1. , , , , _......-.,...7L-w,.?1,7.;--,,...-7,...--;;;:,-.7....17-‘77-',.-?3,-,7-,7•7,-.7.-.--...*.•,:- •:-v!,;.,,•..7.--.:•1 ..,...,•.-...;->,---,-zr.7,---!,..-7-;-:-7.-17-,-,,-'47.:77'77 7-:•7,--7::`,r4,`7sL'','llsa*' e"'l l4 --. nr..1.'::::.------'''''';s''''''4Zr.'72l'''Fi3;-3;;V4':.lge'-‘4.44'5-4C.74',o4: