II :";"!: ,: 10,:iT..',A_",,? T. Il'AE3Z3.:tif. II v. .1. ,f'itl .. 'r '77 -.''... It 1 ) -.); LT 3 V:. - -. 4-• c-- , tp. t. m., - A. '' - : 4 ..„41„ ... :11 1 Vt; .4 ~. . •:" -, l ' ~ . •.. i . ~ if' 1 .f. U I al, =ME VOLUME :LXXXIIL fIINT VITIOL MrSVEIx,I73EI 0, millsol.;.coNqms ! Managiiiiiiigiiitm 2 l9otts6 tiro ce el# l le:(MlTo7. ; (11yTelelfreph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. M6141864'7 , • • - SENATE. , ' 'Ater the reeding, Of the lbOtial, ,Mr. GINGHAM comruenopd the final argument foi -tti , fie - Vitiitaintliiii. I 'Pietestini , tlitte , he took part in thesti,proirdings from no partizan feelings, but with a weighty sense of Ilibritilllafdaty - iififfTryle ' - taaillfig; he' proceeded to state tlitit's ?attending on the asaitasinationtifitesident. Lincoln and the accession of A. Johnson to the Presi-: dency.' Referring to his oath to execute the laws, .he spoke of. their majestic su premacyin our form of government, and claimed that the President was equally subjlia tritheirf'-autherity with tlie lium:. blest frontier settler.- He dwelt on the high trust committed to the Senate and asserted that the issues of life and death to the Re 'public hung on their. decision. He asked how the charge of violet:in of-the Supreme law was met by the counsel who, for hire defeadtliteationof the respon dent.criminal. tl p by the oottsgeous.assertion that Odell ranch' 'of - the Goverfinitait had the right to judge of the :constitutionality; of the laws and obey them or not at plciii?, sure. This was the defence. Mr. Bingham held that the Senate, by up holding this proposition , . 'would lay the foundation for a monarchy first, and anar chy next—if reign of chaotic darkness. On this issue; which, in spite of lawyers' tricks and special pleas, was the real question in volved, their :decision must stand for trial by the people. He" repeated the question was, whether, the President could be held to answer for a violation of a law. He held First—That the Senate had the sole power to decide every question of, law .or of feet arising. They were also the final arbiter s 's, , and the frequent attempts of counsel to bring the Senate and Courts in opposition were miserable devices to divert attention. He would not imitate the aliiqnent counsel, (Mr. Everts) who had shown himself an eater up of syllables, , a snapper-up of trifles, who had displayed more Latin then-,law,. more. -rhetoric than log-i its, i. , and) trier& 'intellectual! pyrotechnic than either. He also referred to the length of Mr. Everts speech by saying that he 'l,llfierbtreutiler it Imiziortalh7.4/mlcing it eternal.' Mr. Bingham held airiaply :mit* the Senate was the gupretne and final judi cial tribunal of the United States. Sc ttethe argument which had been made at such in terminable length; tifid the Supreme Court was the . Court of the.. last resort for the decision of constitutional "ques tions, he held that it had no more to do with the present question than the Court of St. Petersburg, and the judgments of this tribunal could not' be 'efeeted ,by the decisions of the Supreme Court made be fore or after the imeeschment trial. He argued that the , original jurisdiction of the. , Suprenie Court did not extend to ' impeach ments,aud that. their refereopea- to, its de. cisions Wei% Irrelevant Mid theirleguinents on this point without colorable excuse. He then considered the,proPositien ad vanced by the counsel that the heads of. Departments were merely the registering -Secretaries of the President, bound? tcrdo his'will. Reading from the decisions of the Suprethe- Court, in the,eilie qiiiitikfl•iy lirr. 'Everts; he claimed- that it was therein plainly?' laid down that such officers were Mend, by Jaw -and, not by the Presi dent's will. He alsOclaimed that the other position—assumed by all of the President's counsel-.that- be t , youldsit in, lodgment on the validity of latiis was overthrown by ttre decisions of the sanie,tribunid, thirty years ago, which decisions had never been ques tioned; he proceeded to read etztireets from them. ?He ftirther assertedwtha the exato torney-General was wholly inexcusable in attempting to force into . -this , til, as an mithorlW; 2 li decision of the pre sen t presiding officer iti the Mississippi , and.argued that it. had no Velevaney what ever to the question - hi dispute,. Heclaimed then that it wasproved that we cOuld not allow to the President the disciretiOnas to which law he would Obey without interpohit ing words into, the. Constitution. :, Be refer red to the act of Virashlngtep in suppress: Jag the whis-Insurrection, and that , ?ef Jackson ; In crushing'." out nullificatiOn; as Instances inwhich obnoitious laws , were executed: bY,'presidenta 'Who ned grave doubts as to their ~cooitiitutioWity. He, also. li poke of the' acquiescence of the Amerhadi e'Ple id,the_ unconstitutional and ird , oboes Fugitive Slave Law, until US , . •„' M 1,161410 tide 001Ineetioni dwelt at le . 1 . on the', subject of shiVery with its Qua teilstics. e rf ial i 'Po the, counsel's referepee „to dent. coin; that , he had violated:the laws of his , country and Antished many precedents for President Johnson's crimes, -whichi Maw t snany,rae-kb(ddit , ling slanders enhia memeay. -The sus - Sion of the haleaseorrittit Wall;not made by blm, bilt by tbAyill i V r *blab ..rendered At necessary . , -. in l ' a-thii:posaage ,or the'itiihntenteeet, ' Mid' the , ptirpose,Of Congress fri'..eeth legislation was te furni& authority to' the cogl iro , i dis h nim cases brought against the t i r li agents, fa l l , I whia , they had dons in ee of the Constatntion , If their acts had been liii warranted, ladininiity laws would have 'Wawa no witall. - • ,• ~ ',,, Senate to* On reassetablgra e llitil t UP r i s r ,uo V d and referredtothe of Mr. E varta, based on the , -resistance to the broker s =ilo"-arf. York, Liken insult. to the ,en a that trie capable of making it wait not fit to argue a grave ,c ou ,, eitutional I question. • He. , then diseumed 'the echatittal provildoitil relative-to:the Mesage of bills over a Veto and maintain that ery li oddiffititte , llee ''' , l4#lsll whether `e p ic m settles , the. .quelltifin A n I"thb aPresident broke' a , law..? Referring , Ile, 1 a-- , citation by Mr. Nebocinrolifivi dtaitirtidifiltfAhat *it (hada° bearing - On the 'um anti beakinthe anther (.TefiersciapEas not grtabornatiT, 4, egard-to toeth Constitition,,iirbic • h,- heid - rai ' r ol help ram Rapiltog far ad r o ma were etn . , it te i t i tlaf , MtVr ti * tha t * Tis a t EereFßitm7 7ffeltTwil until .thein maiticidedleeeromegivilh him E=fil tht to pti a seer .",bilth ...„„j,, va t ' Yit4ifizethriltriias l .. - 10 = 0 , ritm 'in v `ad', , r tiiii ' -: 4... - .:‘ . Aijaaa', of the inatip.loo,4r, .. 4 ..i 0 moan, in vci l ved ""In , Sheen ^N n, Powe- .. Q ' ',ih4li'Llilbe;llmbnztted-tol . - .. t h e ex , ~ . susp of tideend assumed l ) ' I ftiala-f vologokhe , fid iise-Jor at old& He 00 Prer , the: ' of indica distriete, the erection oreeti c ,. 4 . oll „ m i l m o ti on of BopresentatiVlB 2 C i l ri sl a d7 o the rt, h ens4ll" 4 7 o - Gu id d i est o rol f rel titTfrani ne 11010rOWstrkall411 ,p,a371 , 0„r .anorroz: (Mk ZD'itr7ll7.l'elrn EMI our ConstitutionalGoventment. .Whether he shall be allowed to do this is the ques tion dossAto be'dbterznibeditEdr a righteous` decision the prayers of millions now ascend. As to 'whqti Algae canrbe oonsideTe&rim peachable; BOUM all -offend...4 4 titidei' the common law are indictable in the Dis trict' ‘' Of , Columbia, t end ;Abe same, class are also impeachable. If this Prz Vrit*Nvefa Vaal, iiteltevident, he tteit; for as to', the offenses •ed hithe_articles . he held no one can deny ,that an open r vicdation,of law by the,Presi dent-was 4 - di iinpeiChalgel - cninie,ivhb was not destitute of duty. He said the defense ofthe Prbsident, as exhibited in hisanswer, rests on the assurntitiork e that.,,lorpossesses the right to ' 'resist and 'bring 'to judicial decision any law which he supposes to trench on his ,constitutional prerogatives. Thia aSstricption-Ctaild befitadel pretend ed excuse for refusing to execute any law ,whatever. Referring to the position as sumed on this question:l)y '2lr. Everts he read from a pamphlet written by Mr. Cur tis, in 1862, the expression of a contrary view, !which-, he oomptendedas good lax. He asserted that no than did wit admit the assumption that the PreAdent possess ed judicial as well as executive power, could deny his written °Men, could show clearly his violatiori"Of law, and proved him worthy of conviction. Mr. Bingham then cite:ll4nd authorities to,show that the averment entprOof Of evil kintent ar4 not necessary in proceedings against any class of persons exeeptjudialal 'officers, and in their case alone can igdiaiance of law be admitted as an- excuse. With re gard to the defence that the President suspended - Mr; Stanton under the Constittt-' tion, and supplied the vacancy under the law of 1797, he claimed the President's answer showed a Tiolation of the law, for he claimed that limited the tenure of such appointments to, six months, andthe Pres ident appointed General Thomas'for Odin definite period. He then spoke of the ar gument that a President is - bound to inter vene to protect the people from unconstitu tional laws, and said it was a fallacious iiTh o ,oeo,ple are guardians of their • own • honors, " and C'eligresa is - responaible: only to them. . as: At this point Mr. Bingham' yielded to a motion to adjourn. • The Court and mate adjourned accord ingly at three o'clock and hfty minutes. HOUSE OF REPRF.SEN'tAnVES Mr. WINDOM rose to a question of priv liege, which was understoectto, be a resolu tion'etinsurlng Mr. Wastiburne, of Illinois, feryviting a letter to Mr-Folsom, abusive. of Donnelly.- ' Mr. WASHBURNE, of 111., asked leave to offer 'a resolution. • - ' ; - The 'SPEAKER said the gentlemen would Paitpinielheicifferuage, -- of The Yesolu tions unttit heilit' bid frem , tlae Senate. Them% s nikare..theri-ptiictigii°4 to,te Son, ateeSCit'-. _ ;? , 1 After the - members returned 'from' the smote, wivAsastrimE r or /41noie of fered a resolution; whiCh wiatadeptedi the Secretary Secretazv of the - Treasury inform the: House`judgmente of - the { Conti kot Claims had been paid, the amount of, each, in whose favor, ttc. Mr. BEAMAN askedleave te-.introduce a bill to admit - the State of Georgia; Mr. ELDRIDGE objecting,- gave notice of a motion to suspend the rules for that pur pose. Mr. WINCK/11. salt that.atthe,rpquest his colleague he had decided to modify his resolution -of censure; irroWintiont of the letter,. of,hyr. Washburn° an relation to his colreliee; of which'lle gate notice Satur day, to..ono•of enquiry. He •thought the resolution, of censure would. not reach the use, for the reason that one bf the twogen tlemen should be expelled. Mr. ELDRIDGE objecting to debate, Mr: WINDOM proposition. The:. preamble recites the facts relative to the publication of the obnciiious / lettAir the St. Paul press, the repetition of the charges ot-bribery and corruption, and of being a fugitive from justice in the House on Saturday, reciting Mr.' Washburne's language, and therefore• - Resolved, That • a 'Select' Committee of seven members, be appointed to investigate the truth or falsehood'of the charges made, with power to send for persons and papers, with leave -to retart ilia "Abuse at any time. The Speaker ruled' that this was a qiaes-, tion of . privilege : If therewasne objection it Could - be,Xeeedved as a_question -of;priv ilege.he Chair caused the sixty-first rule to be' read, in sdlbstarice placing the respomdbili ty on the members who fail to call a mept ber to order after the Speaker has notified him his language is unparliamentary. Mr. SPALDINGCffered a substitute for Mr. * 4l :ldeal's resolution, which he read for information, saying he submitted it with the feat fecllngstowards,laph gentle - - r •1, The preamble and substitute declares: jnextae„"Thq, deb* on Saturday,is filled uith invectlieccir 'in-low.anff,iikoss a Is , as to be highly prOnlidial to this body for dignity and decorum, declares the House itself in fault Air not clidekitig thd debilte, as the Speaker repeatedly intervened, a nd conclna resolution that no part of that de be nblished in the Globe. Mr... M decltn_eir •to accept the substitute ; ;and •repe4o.B reason for chabigingbts - rsiiotnticuilto,fbne of investi gatkisnis" . • ..• ad IV was evident that one or th daber to htigentl •,. L 4,liis not 'en- WI lit iin , . Oloor, •, l• mild be ex- pens& 4le v owed tanythldif personal In the e ms ftgliyir.,, ~. , , thought 1 / the Rogow •.1 , ' 0b1a.4• 4 1u: - .:' .. • the 1 matter;-,-;anfl—se .. -'-- . ."- I ••'",excused 1 , from -- : .,,5ei . ,....' T I • ~ zi.,1,,,. ;Aurae Stair ''': l , . Dotinelly:-% : Is. im cid the floor to Mr. DONNELLY, who said he had requested:l,4lWe to offer the resolu- , tion fox op ,iu 1 imijntojhe WOor falsinajl 4-egdntleniel from Illinois, He bellevedbe cpulddemenstrale. that tbere 'ss%e nolltword'atinthln any, ci .ar .%• He chap e.. ed ,•..I • . i r Vpi• a. nii t , .da wan!;,, iri ... • , ,1 - ' if hel I emplaced in . e posilim ,of„tht diftn ai l: ' here, it was at his own Pretg. kEldt. 1-1 , . °Rued to the House r , for ,Ifla unpar • Platitary Imp& on Saturday, (mem-. in f te e' dit l i ' "Ar 00124 [WI voiroation• re ved. e dad not • attacked the l irit ate ; eletreeter of Mr.'Wcalintifild; hnit, only . Ad s , , c h a ,..,,,V519 , 1 character ' irint - perseinill ir t i l ir lll ell t iidi ns manifestedor this floor.] u e lail e e not.sultainelf bYqthei gen °mai/ Stil+Winbaltteltillnctr ask that the measure Of he; kW - i 1 PiledUldiallaii l agaSitllidned: Jr T Mr. BE% Present,..was tutolo - repotted-be was not; conlfllutve in .' i t he thouirbtr he! bate. i Nettle ia ti taim it to t n a e itd pf. tue opt. dil , IMlburne walla very . .---, , andabuse ailthe o ar , b ... i .; 14 , 3, •• to .1i." 1 . • tt.. 4 L;iirei il' nu .: .dolitbna-...111 L0. , 4 fie larrr' iltr. ( k,,, li : 1 Mr. OPA.VLDlNG t joblingsA'7: - ' '' ,, 'J , good mats^ said, "take then ,TA m ig en o rp; (Renewed Isnigh_ter.] Mr. DO M:MALI Y withdrew his — mit , _-ovk wmffmn .arilio e I Ila t ai..T " S>C et - I LEV 7.Auaa r -..,! ... kia.... , .-, , ..: 1 , f.:Nr. r ,r•.: - . • , : .:.,.: w „ y ~ • . j; 5 74. --- 1 - r.; .., . 1 . 1;...: c ,I(ItTt: -T;-..i.:: ,-. ' ri. -, rix.'• ... ) . '.. it._z; , 4 ; r,.-4 yt o til t` fr . ,' r r VaTt. -.Alf LELi fi [ICI ..... ', lir .1-•••5 7 4. ' . - . f 1 i -_ , ,.... f - •` _. •.. : ~, _ ..: ill •• • • ::',.:9 1-i . s ! „ , ' ..-.. • •' . - ' - ..% o '''`' '' •• : 4i S, ' . 1 ..:".' 4 6-... 4 F ):%%,-,- ;: ''. 4 - - .5" . ''..= - -,-, 4 '/ `4 . 1 -4, : . ' - ', , . - ''.,, ' '' ' ."' ' ' '-• ~ • 1 . . '''''' ' - ' ' 4 ' r' '' `,.- -- \-....._ '''' -" - ' - ‘,.F :.'..'.• ...,.•:,.., ' ',, ' '• I . ~ '.: . ' .1!". T .; ' i • , Li . jgai# .., 4 ' .---" • - - 0 01 . , ~V ~ • ~,4, ' la.- - v • :y . - • , _ ''X'' Z . Ft - N ' -.wa il' - 'CI ... -- all F ' ll k ' ,'lli t - ~r .,,.. . .: • .-_-- mea•:Nr" . ...,_. ..e Illitt .; Mailli i.,„,........,..A.:,_ . ~,.‘ i = (- -, 1 , i•,,,. ._,, ...... , •.• . ~. ~.„..,... , • . .. _ •. ,„...•:.,,,,,„,„:,.:., • ~.., ...,,...„.i.„,... „....A,,, 1%.11.0.11. - - TITS D: • ' i cle' -1 61 '-ieititirderiiatia i - ' ' I - - ' late. i 1 I 1 I I - Sped:Wig tr` 0i 1 1 tf, ,, ,,) , li; i•:1,, . ok ' • didnot r r 1 I t - i . ' . nr,ne . . -.'::•3 t:7_ . 412 tr . ; - I - , 11119A.,V4 . . L f. r: • - ; 711 ea() $ owe and not get Into Nrsonal. quarrels or colli sions with inenthet*althouglt edged he was.of •au impuhdye. disposition., If he had offended the rules on Saturday, he askedlitirdon - -6f the Hei :Was - glad the matter was to become ,the. subject of severe judicial inveitigatiOn. • Mr. ROBINSON asked leave to offer a -P,rorAtle eeltink SECUE:; - ._gtut g e used by members of the House, and cOnfeasintutheir Sirts.4llSY ilayAtto-sulAte . ct on the table. .• . • • `Leave was rid At . 4'2; 1 2 t • Tinder - the' , ' 7rfr'or k.•tile:—priStiOnt qtiestion Mr. indom's resolution' fer an . investigatin.COOMMlASSlVattgretd to. Mr. SPAMDMG• again offereithis reso Innen for lhe.suppramion- of, the, publica tion of the debate in the Giobe.• •`-' The SPEAKER - ruled it was a question of privilege. . • ktrri - 49:11irEB Hit ; was Hogba,s end L•Otitila 03 - rise and ask to have expunged that por tiort-,of iiitoeschi "suppOsingithat God, in Moment of .enthualasm, should' take Mr'. - Washburn° to. his 'bosom... pad ; leave this. wretched nationitiggering'on in darkness to its ruin." . Mr. DONNELY said there was bathe ex-. tract no charge of crime..affeeting. •the. per sonal character of the g•entleman. from Ill inois.. He had done the gentleman infinite honor in transporting him , to heaven. Mr.•DAWES read the iierlionof Mr. Don- nelly's speech which spoke of Mr. Wash-, burne as a low, sordid, vulgar soul, ac.. Mr. DONNELLY replied lie had been prop , adv . called to order by the Speaker for that, and apologized therefor: He would sup `preis it from the - 'Globe; and any pamphlet he might publish. Mr. ROSS rose to a question of order. .If the gentleman from Minnesota bad trans , ported hig colleague to the regions of eter nal bliss, he objected to: his .taking him down. • • said the statement of the gentlethati Vein - Minnesota - fully answered his purpose, and ,he would now, himself vote against the resolution. Mr. WASHEIIIR'SE--, As tte gentleman, : I from MinnesOta hat withdrawn the , Offfin- . sive portions .of his speech, he withdrew what he had said in reply. Mr. SPATJLDING asked leaVe to with draw his resolution. air. DONNELLY ironically proposed the House imitate the illustrious example of the Secretary--ofi Waraiad ,Gen. Thomas, and go out and take liAlrhik: [ - Amid gen -pcallaughter, ,the Aouse %djourp e d.] • The,Speaker wiLlaPpoint the Coittmitt7. of Inveitigitricin'etdled for by Mr. Windom's resolution to-moiroa,.:-" " Quadrennial General Conference of the E. Church. Te:egrapli to the Plttiburgli Gazette. ) CHICAGO, May 9.—After .the usual pre liminary-deroticinal'-exerciser, -conducted by. Rev: - .11:1161144iof,. tlis 3Y on`litlg :Con. ference, the organization of the standing 'Committee was attftonitced as foilOts;s: • Episcopacy.-4X. Trimble, D. D., Chair man; J. W. Lindley, D. D.,.Secretary. • itinerancy:--Janim T. Peck, D.D., Chair man; S. H. Nesbitt, D. D., Secretary; Rev. J. C. Reed, Engrossing . Clerk. Boundaries.—Rev. IL C. Benson, Chair man; Rev. S. C. Brown, Secretary. Book Concern.-4. ' Wiley, D. Chairman: I. C. Pershing, D. D., Secretary; Prof. W. G. Williams. Assistant Secretary. Education.—J. McClintock, D. D., Chair man; J. W. Locke, D. D.,. Secretary. " • Revivals.—D. F. Crary, D. D., Chairman; R Nelson,-D. D., Secretary Wchtday School and' Tmclo.—Rev. Wise, D. D., Chairman; Rev. B. H. J. Fry, Secretary. +-•. Lay Lay RepiesentatioVE. 0. Maven, D. D., Chairman;Ruv. Eaton, Secretary; Rev. 'll. J. Jones, Assistant Secretary. • State of the Church.—L. D. Barrows, D. D„ Chairman;D....Godman, see retary. Church .Extenzion.-4 . M. Reid, L. 1)., A Chairman* . 'JZZICYnOttaki 04:: Secretary: Rev, R. H. Pattison, Assistant Secretary. Pt; the Freedmen:7-41er. Bewman, D.D. Cludrmant- J. ' M . .' 'Walden, Secretary; Rev. .1).,R- Mitchell, 'Assistant Secre tary. The order'of business was then taken up, being the presentations of petitions, memo rials amt eppeAlsk '; • - ).• • Rev. Dr. Bingham of the Black River Conference,: presented ,an\ •appeal, which was referred to the Committee on Episco pacy. '111(. ;df Atov. grr Acne, Asf iNif4rola.iiiebented a memorial; which' was referred to thii Com mittee on Itinerancy. Rev. Dr. Nast, of the Central German Conference, presented a memorial which was appropriately referred. Rev. Mr. Ritchie. of Central Illinois, pre sented three memorials in favor of lay del sigatibirSitiad 4 - wn agdinat it; which:were re ferred to the Committee on that subject. Rev. Dr. Hunter, of Central Illinois, pre sented a large number of petitions in favor of lay representation. Referred. Professor WiUrams, of Central Ohio, pre sented the Appear cif Charles Ferris. -Re ferred. BOSTON. - e ; German Turners Convention—Fatal Aeel. dent—Attempt to Kill a Seducer. City Telegraph to the Plitaburgh Gazette.) BOSTON, May 4.--The biennial Conven tAlNSite.MWrkrit_gt About fifty delegates were present,. Cirk; , I.OPPAri sbiI:PPIPA otdcwiti, I wisoonsin, , ktinnelpouvutid)imito u so vi gt .e I . ' te ht A t re 4 .r/Frd - Aig=l4", pg. of indlangpol ArlooPreothoicatyllll4444, KuhO, of Watibbigtoir,l3m*tark.-• • nerro-i port of titS. 4 ;4 l u#4 eqliunittett / show:thee whole number of Association in the mem.' WAPORm MPItilii$01411414111$4:091) trimers. 4 PINsAitPO O Y-, .10k: gooks ' reditn. it":ll7:Aix* was, Intereetl 1!. frOlik Me thinher-1= The lattetiPiiiAlr'-in Accept SPeeches in the - Rouse of Cony- tßy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaze tte.l F,REAT BRITAIN Talstem 'WE IN raimultßirr ' ' ItteitAlitt - EttOOIZE'S 'THE TtAit Tams- Loripota, nay 4—Afidnight.--There was a very fill honseitbhh . fl of t'he session of the Efous.eiptppromerui to-night. The Prince\ of Wale! and Prince Christian, of Schles4ig were aiiieig 'the dis. cydt-ors present... Groat-interest Was nianifested in the proceedings, and macklexe.itemitnt, i Apparent - among: the mehibirs. The :Premier and Mr, Cladstone were londlyeheered as they . entered and took their seats:' Aftersome unimportant business, D'lsra eli rose and was greeted with cheers Petrel the Ministerial benches. 'lle.revietted the' pours() of the Tory administration,. which, at its. outsets was without a majori ty of supporters in the 'House, - and spoke ' of its uniform success, so entire, indeed, that even Its opponents ac knowledge it, and on two -occasions, when Lord Derby expressed a wish .to resign, had urgg...d'him to remain in office.' . Finan cially, its record was faultless:: In foreign • affairs - Lord Stanley had raised the prestige of 'the nation . vastly, ore serving peace, ,, not merely-- with the continent, hut ' the great Republic in the west and irilreland. A. The Ministry had triumphed at every point', while at the sane time _concilliating the people. While.ln Abyissinin a great deed• - of arms end for hn. Moray had done credit, not only to the Offi- Cera4uad soldiers engaged, but also to the Ministry who - planned it. On. Thursday inst,\tm a vote...upon the first of a series:. of resolutions, theldinistryencelititered a new question, which threatened confusion to 'lreland _and ultimately - the over throw of the English Churches,. •the effect - of which Would be an „absorption -of allithe sects inthe Chitch of Rothe. To this measure he could not assent; and he had.lsked of `the Flogs° time, to advise . witil the Queen on the new attitude of ref fikins„,,,! Her Majesty. MO heard his state r meta,' anditasknotenky..declinbeLlua. ttualao„ ered-resignation. but had urged him not to dissolve Parliament in the present tumult louii circumstances, until an appeal could be made to the new constituencies, and this he hoped to do • with the aid of. the House. lie deprecated urgency with which Mr. Cfladstone had, pressed, the resolves, and hoped that a sUppensidu of the orders of the day be not pr eased now, as he•was ready to give to some other Government the right to carry on the discussion, if debate there must be. Mr. Glachitene said the Premier's praise' of the Tories was not only. in bad, taste, but untrue, especially the portion respecting ti: nanee. ' lord• Derby, he remarks, Was • not asked to stay in office in 1859. Mr. Glad stone doubted whether the eialogium passed by the Premier WU a challenge to the op positionur era sop to•the'Fories to •purstuide them to remain in oifiee.. He :laughed at the cry ! of danger to the established Church • oflEnglarid, CI C 'A!' .' 4 • ' •.. '; , ones. ANTWERP Mar kIFFIO;III.VtN a r:1 1 i 1 advanced Dane, sales a [ - la ,.. - -1 • ; .. - • ,N.L' -- ;:i 4.4 '1 , •34,7. ::.:4* - •,t -. 5, !"i','- Crlfilklll4lfirit Mandiift, Minhiter.. the-MnitttiF •Stites to the -;;brut§Gertnatt CorifetterittionP 'woo ; Bavaria to Bavaria to submit hill 'Creden tial" to the government of that` country. The commercial treaty recently made with 13pain, 'has been ratified by the North Ger man Diet. . =;!Eil T..aTemi:Traci. WWW:=:EM ) ST LOWSj Won What it:Costa-: IliMps -#3oard of Trade hto th PI p o tib ung Gazette.l iii;•lfak'4.`="lll gkeitriiited •States ~. - - - COLA tO•laYf.a MR iii eiuity Was filed by HerirY-F.lrstlli&ilbrdininphritys and Jaa Corbett, Of New X.:lrk:4'6d .Jamess Dtunli; of Springfield,lllinoist,Aptinst the Missom-- 4 REMO "Ifoßroodte 4l3 4o47 :arittitoOgkets ft a_u, Inkutetirl_thPrt, It the 012113ent or 41 ULGTlehtarqu.v9l Atirb•-foormousuand dollars Ifni) 'ciiittally*rfflbr services in • procurinalliellessilsgeby the Legbdatureof the bill under which. the _Company .. now holds the read. The bill, althoogh insti tuted bylilrlapartiss,ls 7 retilly brought b Hod.san,B. , Whige, 11 Director? of the Rai l-' road. Company, who:charges. the .Board with usingcornipt means to obtain legisla tion. Areport Af'aCommittee,vensWting of Henry L. Patterson, D. B. Garrison and Geo. R. Taylor was appointed by the Board of Directors - le obtain - legislation with a view to purchasing the .State lien on the road, is also published, and giyes a general account of their operations. The resolu tion under'which they iteted'insve them un limitedi lowers, - and they acknowledge they employed various I personw to assist thent, and resorted to the usual modes and practiceain like cases. They say, "It was terribly costly for Litt ordinary job, but as 1 we were going for iiiilliOns, and ey- i ery million off counted well, we determined after consultation with decreet friends not MI fail leaving the morality of such proceedings to those who have inaugurated tho system and divided the pins. ' They further say the bill was obained at a . cost of W,313 already paid, and $134,883't0 be paid—the latter amount being the sum the petitioners for. the in desire to restrain the company from paying. "''The case was postponed for a few days by the common consent ofCourt and 001/13843/. it is expected the ease will develop° some strange proceedings. At a meeting of the Board of Trade to night it was decided to invite the Wiscon sin and Minnesota editors to visit St. Louis during their pleasure trip in the latter part of June. Hon. Henry T. Blow, Capt. Jas. B. Hails and J. B. S. Lemoine were ap pointed delegates to represent the St. Louis Board of Trade at a meeting to be held at Philadelphia,June 3d, to organize a Na tional Boar of Trade. A committee, to whom the matter had been referred by a previous meeting, reported in faVor of -re opening Bayou Monchac and submitted a memorial to Congress, which was unani mously adopted, setting forth the advan tages to western interests generally of such a work, and asking that body to order a survey and make the necessary appropriation to complete the work. Bayou Monchac many .years ago put out, from the Mississippi river a few tulles below Baton Rouge, run ning into Amite river, thence into Lake Pontchartrain, with a channel depth suffi cient to float ae, man-of-war. The 151(yifir`WtS- stewed. '. LeteetitaYinkokabh itt 1812, - to prevent the tisk 'from Sank-'; ing NeW Orleans, S ince when it has laip tf been closed. By re-opening, it. it is claimed that ordinary steamers navi gating any of the, western rivers can proceed direct to Mobile, many of them reach the interior of Alabama; and the trade of Central awl Northern Alabama, and even South Carolina, be commanded by the northwest. It is also - claimed 'grain can belaid down in New York by this route connecting with vessels at Mobile, which has one of the best and safest harbors on the gulf, with plenty of water at all times, in fifteen to twenty days'at cost, at_fifteen to twenty cents per bushel, and in Liver pool in twenty-live to thirty days, ,for twenty-five to thirty cents . per - bushel. 'Much interesting information is set forth' in the report and memorial, which will be published and sent to Congress at once. The Board also took preliminary action in regard to the establishment of the agen cy in New York to arrange for cheaper freights to St:Louis by railroad. South Carolina - Election—Result Officially Announced. (Ity Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Elazette.j CIiARLI:STON, May 4.—Gen.. Canby has issued an order announcing the • result of the' election, the names of the new State officers, members of the Legislature and Congress, and providing tbr a meeting of the next Legislature on the 12th inst. The order also provides that laborers discharged for voting, contrary to the wishes of their employer shall be maintained as objects of public eharitv by the levyof additional poor Murder at Toledo, Ohio. [By Telegraph to the Plttsburib Gazette.] Tom o% May man" named Michael Sharp. supposed to be from Middlebury or Hyannis, Mass., was murdered Sunday night in East Toledo. The body was Iden tified by Michael Harrington, who la held as a witness in the ease, no definite clue to'the murderer having yet been qhtained. Five Persona .Durned to Death. Telegraph to the Plttpurgla Gozette.3 BINGEIAMPTON, May girl of sixteen and follr small children of Patrick Laugh= lin were burnt to death by , fire• which consumed his shanty., at Great; Bend,Pa.; last night. Laughlin was aWay. The ir s av e d twachildren, and returning' for the others was suffoexted: "! The Code-Dubuc: rilyTelograpli to the Plttsbprgh Uszette.r • BALITSrormi Mar4:—A Adel was fought four miles from. this.: city yesterday pe tween parties .falWasMington, an attache of the Prablan'Legatidti and an Araeriaan General. One shot was triterthatigeth When ,theaftir,ints amicably adjusted. Neither were hurt. -,Thee .itantial.f meeting of the fresbyte- Aim. Board ooff, Xis:Lions was held in New York on - Stihday evening.. The annual re port Shows that the Board has seventy-nine ..foreign inhedouules, four missionary phys- Acians t , twenty-one 'ordained, native and 11- .centbtl preachers and imbitent missionaries from this cowitryi. besides Ate -wives of missionaries, and Ape huniand eighty four , native helpers, or in - a force of *three' hundred and seventy: he receipt s' -oftheboeht hitymbeini . Ms,3oB. The. 'ex .bendittires with the debt of last you of, 35A72, have.bat V 12,828, leaving a bal ance Against thelretantry of 527,520. • ..; >44lPr .0 . 112. • , -A / 3 13 11 4 - f l ie lmont t Aq- , CheLrilieni iirittittieto 'the"ClOngresSional Deinocratio ExeCtiniedoedirtiiittee;• lintiounoleir that It ,vveUld,tt , _impasSiale _to. set ths.,National Baku; h eromMittee' timether in time . to obariketherdePfbelaneihMhig the National Dtmooratigreonvtattien, rand: the place orA iraWetr WP! ,ttoaMth Idi 'a Se or Swill theregir.e:‘ .ye tb co/- Ilona:I z-Titetierthart.l Or on etidhr tole , olgabited , Seheirreehet . far, m I .Jul, 9-n r y-114"31 F i reitt nl iTtel l : PUS. yt e eleetion 0 ore waY as ' President, a list of Vim Presidents and Secretaries and the adoption of resolutions 'favoring the. set . (mend Siegel and others ad the meeting: =6 r-The Ohio Legislitmb.will,probably ad .jOttrn next —The North Germte steamer Smidt, from Bremen April 4t.loliriVed • yesterday at New York. ' • —Arrangements have been conelmled for ; laying wall cables between Cuba, ~fanraick, and Aspin. • —The laborers at Prospect 'Ptirk, Brook.' lyn; nimiliaring 1;200, hOve 'struck.; - higher wages. , . —bliss./dary Sterling, another or the.. Erie died at Pbrt Jervis, York, on Sunday. • Lento, Teller; Cez-ongressrnan, 'died, suddenly,on the 30tb, while riding in a buggy in Mattedank, • • The'-duel at Balthncire yesteeday was between-Count , De Lotuni and 'Gen. A. G. Lhwrenee, of Rhode Island. ,Both fired in the air. —Mr. Stanbdry called at the Executive Mansion this morning, and subsequently visited Secretary McCulloch. Ire is still very feeble. —The Atlantic Base Ball Ball! Club, of New York, made their first appearance for the season yesterday, beating an :excellent field nine. Soore-30 to 12. ‘4... at . . —T. Zumbush's jewelry store, at Indian- , apolis, was robbed Sunday nightof goods amounting'to 'over . two thotu3arid dollars, including seventy watches.. I • , —Dr. Nephygi, the Hungarian,wilo was ar rested at hew York on a charge of; forgery, has been discharged from -emtedr, as he says, against his will, without trial. —The Menhaden oil works hi Bristol, Me., owned by Brightman ,‘St Souk, of New Bedford, were burned a fewnightSsince by a masked mob of- fishermen- Los* $lO,OOO. ; —Gardiner, a baker; has been attested is Patchenelli, N. Y., charged with .stabbing his wife, and a' Mr. Willett, who is sup posed to, have been on too intimate terms with her. . . —A crazy woman, named AnnlOyce, was shot and fatallY wounded on Sanday.night, in Memphis, by A. Montague, whoi hearing her at the back door of his .house; ; mistook her fora burglar. - —Patrick Reilly was arrested -in New York yesterday-on a charge of setting fire to a dwelling in • Laugtrties. whil4 all the family were asleep. Some barely ; escaped being burnt to death.' —For the week ending on'the:,§th inst. three hundred and seventy • 'patints have. I been granted from the U. S. Pateitt.OfUce. three hundred and sixty applio,ibr, and sixty-two caveats entered. . —Win. Brophy, charged With the mur-: der of his sister-in-law, ,at Philadelphia, has been found guilty of murdor in the-, secona degree and sentenced to ;ten years ' at hard labor in the Penitentiary. • —lt is generally - laelieved Goy. Wells still receive the . Republican nomination for Governor of Georgia. , B. Johnsontarbour; Col. Withers and lan S. Nyinsen tf are spo ken pf fox the Vormerative nomination. _ 4_ —Counsel qn to9th sides. in th4S case or Jefferson Davis, with the consent of Judge Underwood, have agreed upon the 3d of - June for the trial, at Richmond; and Judge Chase has been telegraphed-to', for his --The walking of Geo. TOpley, an"; English pedestrian, at New. York, to complish fifty .miles in ten hours, termi nated by Toplev falling in a fit on the 101.15 , 7 third mile; witfi one hour and forty - minutes to spare. , • —S. T. Clarkil, in a letter to Erastus Brooks, and published in the blew York .F pres.r,' sari General Butler's entire state ment in the 'Rouse, on Saturday, relative. to that paper„ has not a shadow of...truth to rest upon. . , —The forty-fourth annual report of the New York Bible Society shows. tliat, there have beeri distribute& since January, 1867,. 86,943 Bibles and Teel:an:Lents: Its receipts, have amounted to $34000, and'ita:iliabruse-• ments to $31,500. -' • ;•• • t —lndian Agent Wynkooklepexis having furnishedthe Indians of the Upper Afkan sas Agency with previsions, of - uldch they were much in-need. "r The reported hostile' attacks by Indians in then " efghberhood of Fort Lamed are untrue. : • --Charles Ross, a colored sCarnitp,_ _ _died at, the Pennsylvania Hospital, hit '„Fhiltideli phia, on Monday. Be secreted hi:it:welt in the hold of a vessel at Liverpool, went four teen days without food, and had; his feet frozen off on the voyage.. ' ' 1. -- —At Shanghae, Ills., twelve roues north west of Galesburg, fourteen houses were blown down by a tornado on Sunday. Two churches were unroofed, fimi persons killed. and fatty injured, a 'timber of whom, it is feared, will die. girl named Isabella Bliller,mged ten Years, attempted suicide in - New rirork on Sunday night, with Paris ' She 'ls still alive but can scarcely recoyer, , -Val leidiiae Brown, a druggitd, was Arrested, charged with selling the poison. • ' —The inveelgation inlo'theMet ee assaa. sinatron case, at Ottawa, Canada, ontinues. The missing links of the chain of 'evidence. are alumst completed, 'arida stroniforce or constables has been awornrin to lake ape gial charge of, the : public) building& —The latest concerning the,Georgia elecr, tion is that BullOck's majority for Gover nor will reach- seven thousand.. The ma jority for the Constitution is fifteen ` . thou and.„Both Hopses are Rf3pnblican i t,uar jority in the House being anti. the Vey: : ate six. —Late' advides from:. Chinn te . that Rrussie oPWlth4ting tior the o btainment of , the cession - - of the island of churau to Germany, ups *ins 'place the flertnan Confedwatlonbicomniand of meat hlO. way to the ,Cip,itut and Japan i trscle. • Qui mines are z tn be worked peiii , ,pezin. —The Canadian newapapev has been suppressed, by order of, the Government id Candada. Patrick Moyle, the edl_tor, and several; eading members of the ktioernia n society have been arrested, 1 10 ,0 - 1 1 F 1 PerSof ,a treasonable character ' belong -RS the society seised. The' puttee/imaged are suppqf ed to be implicated in :the Fenian v °en 'Jr, , -41.,C. Clarke ( as, he calledininseat) was arrested in Prochienixi,:ftarfeatnrida3r, fbr swindlideCol.l.,,AniaaaSP 0 and ot er membersofth"giroWsnile ParkAssol dation. Heissold4o,he oontidenco, inan of wide - sPread‘notOtif4/9 *lO is tamed various p ar ts of the 'mtintry.'' AO claimed cannectiort,,,With, W 1910; uewspgut) l / 2 and 'received B , 3 7. 6 fral 4Vslredd,oilare. —At Philadelphia Saturdak eral Grant liadQ'si3Or i ac ited' rintervi*or wi th Govertiard3isarkdibtanurnai iCurthi, and. Hon ! Goblet ~,Oow.r Tn,,uka, the General vialtadllie'Clieittmit and oreet inse4thip itßomivig Nitiof he ”- re "ieCialomilirch d if rgl e4 nt , 4, U riC 4 , 1 ,•-• • Telosroub to the Pitteheelth Gazetto.‘ P I,IDIETBOLIC%ris 1;ita1),Y4°744.1-714eitFlour; r o l: t ran:a unchanged tuid firm, at iplitanog ; low rides weaker. Wheat no a shad lower; ealeffot No. 1 white at 12,98, _ 'NUMBER 106. BRIEF NEWS Imes. ~ ME