The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 04, 1868, Image 4

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Ctt littisturgij Gktttt.
PENNIMAN, REED dc CO.rProprietors.
B, psostatast, JOSIAH KING,
Editors and Managers.
Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and Allegheny
Teratt — Datty.l igemt- Weekly.' Weekly.
One year."*.oo One Single c0pr....51.50
One month. 75 Six mos.. 1.50 j 5 copes, each. 1.2.1
By the week, 151 Three mos 75,10 ' •• 1.11
(from carrier.) i and one to Agent.
MONDAY, MAY' 40688
nesdays and Saturdays, is the beat and cheap.
est family newspaper in Pennsylvania. It
presents each week forty-eight columns of
solid reading matter. 11 gives the fullest as
welt as the most reliable market reports of any
paper in the State. Its files are used exclu
sively by the Civil Courts of Allegheny county
for reference in important issues to determine
the ruling prices in the markets at the time of
the business transaction in dispute. Terms :
Single copy,'one year, $1.50 ; in clubs of five,
$1,85; in clubs of ten, $1,15, and one free
to the getter up of the club. Specimen copies
sent free to any address.
WE PRINT on the inside pages of this
inorning's GAZETTE : Second page : Poetry
and Table Talk. Third page: Financial
Matters in New York, Markets by Telegraph
Importu and River News. Sixth page
Home Markets and Finance and Trade.
Seventh page: Miscellaneous Reading Mat
GOLD closed on Saturday in New York
at 139 f. •
THE Georgia Republicans claim the
election of their Governor, with majorities
in each branch of the legislature, and four
out of the seven Congressmen - . In Louisi
ana, the Democrats claim the State Senate.
TUE work of building an iron railroad
bridge across the Allegheny river at Oil
City, will be commenced within a few
weeks. This - will connect the. Allegheny
Valley road with the lines on the opposite
side of the river, and will prove of great
benefit to Oil City. •
WurrE citizens of the Southern States
begin to understand themselves. In South
Carolina, it is said that fifteen thousand of
them, nearly all ex-Confederate soldiers,
voted for the new Constitution, and in Geor
gia over forty-four thousand whites sup
ported the Republican ticket. Light has
evidently dawned upon them, at last..
Tam citizens of the old borough of Lan
caster gave a curious illustration on Friday
of that "reaction" against Republicanism
which Democrats say so much about. Our
'friends gained 187 votes on the Mayoralty,
and eight of the Councilmen, showing, for
the first time in many years, a majority in
one branch and tie-ing both in joint ballot.
CorrsEcTicuT is likely to send ex-Gover
nor HAWT:Ev to the Senate, in the place of
DuerJx. Governor BUCKINGHAM has many
`warm supporters for the seat, which, two
years since, was understood to be reserved
for him; but it is possible that his prospects
are now impaired- by a natural reaction
against the influences which defeated the
re-election of Senator FOSTER.
Tar BOLDNESS of Kr: Evthrs' argument
surprised Republicans at Washington, but
its assertion of the exclusive power of the
Executive in the matter of removals from
office was regarded as a logical sequence
from the'whole course of the President's de
fense. Accepting his theories as correct, the
Senate has no power whatever over appoint
ments to office, the Executtve creating va
cancies and filling them'with ad interim ap
pointments at his own pleasure. This doc
trine needs only to be stated to dm•con
demned. .
The elegates and Alternates to the Chi,
cago Convention are requested ,by Hon. G.
A. Gnow, Chairman of the State Central
Committee, to send their postoffice addresses
as soon as possible to him, at the Continen
tal Hotel, Philadelphia.
Gov. WARD, of New. Jersey, Chairman
of the National Executive Committee,• also
desires to secure a correct list of delegates,
With their postoilice addresses.
, We print the names of the Committee
which has been appointed for the current
year, under the directions of the recent
State Convention. The members will hold
their first meeting in Philadelphia on Tues
day, Iday 12th:',
The designation of Hon. GAIIISITA A.
Gnow as the Chairman of the Cominittee
gives the highest satisfaction to the Repub.
licans of • Pennsylvania. He thoroughly
underetands the situation of political affairs
in every portion of the Commonwealth, his
'distinguished career in the "National Com:t
abs-has won for him the ciinfidence 'of the
party in all parts of the Union, and his con
*lemma ability and energy are pledged,
with even more than his usual efficiency, to
thP service of his Republican fellow-citizens.
We congratulate our friends upon their. se-
leetion, and upon the promptitude with
Which Gnow has accepted the „respon
sible trust.
The concluding argument is to be opened
by Mr; Brnomuttfor the Managers to-day,
and may heilnitthed to - morrow. The anx
iety to hear this distinguished orator will
~crowd the gillenei of the Senate beyond
anyttons experience in the progress of
Bethe . will .speak only from notes;
no caopy of his argument being yet in type.,
With this argumeht, the issues are to be
subMiited te.the Senate, and wtli be birth
diseuseaby , ` this body in secret= session.
The protraeted*ea . uni of *Cohruiel have so
wearied the country and exhausted the forti
tude of Senators that the result will be as
abbreviation of their own debates. Three
or four days may be consumed, perhaps a
week, since, many, even, of the Radical
members, regard a tolerably full discussion
as the better way to ascertain 'any existing
conflict of views, so as to ensure concentra
tion at the right points in the vote, but it is
very improbable that this week can close
without a• verdict and judgment What
these are to be, we have never doubted for
au instant.
The Premier loses grounddaily in Parlia
meat. His Abyssinian success has strength
ened him so far that his opposition majority ,
has gone up from sixty to sixty-seven, the
latter being the vote on Friday on the first
of Mr. Gladstone's Irish Church Resolutions.
On Saturday,the Premier went to consult the
Queen as to-the course to be pursued. Opin
ions differ as to the probable decision,
some journals maintaining that he will re
sign the seals to Mr. Gladstone forthwith,
while others insist thrit he will carry through
the Budget, with the Irish and Scotch mea
sures for Reform in representation and then
dissolve Parliment, going to the people
upon a no Popery . 'cry or some similar ap
peal to religious 'fanaticism. It is evident,
however, that, with the 'majority of, the
Commons so decisively against' him, be
holds office only by the sufferance of the op
position who, at any moment, by a vote of
want or confidence in Ministers, may pre
cipitate the crisis upon him. That vote
ends all temporising in Parliamentary tactics,
a dissolution or a resignation being the im
mediate alternatives. • •
The national goyernment, as is well
known, already stands pledged to aid in the
construction of one line of railway across
the continent. This line is in the ownership
of two distinct but co-operating companies;
one, the Central Pacific of California, whose
road starts at Sficramento and runs eastward
to intersect the road of the Union Pacific,
which starts at Omaha, and runs westward.
When these two meet, as they ;will, some
where on the great plain of Utah, the com
pleted line of communication will be estab
lished. It is now calculated that this con
summation will be - reached about two years
hence. To each of these companies the
government has donated every alter
nate section of land for luny miles
on each side of their . respective lines,
to be taken possession by
_thenias the work
progresses, and has further agreed to ad
vance its bonds, secured only by a second
mortgage, in amounts varying from sixteen
thousand dollars a mile to thirty-six thous
and, according to the character of the coun
try through which the tracks shall be laid.
To so much the government is committed,
with no loophole through, which to back
out if it shall desire to, without a breach of
faith. .
, ~C
The same terms were_ granted to the
Eastern Division of the Union , Pacific; that
is, to the line running from Kansas City to
wards the Pacific Ocean, and designing to
reach it by way of Santa Fe—flanking the.
Rocky Mountains. This grant, however, was
only applicable as far as the one hundredth
meredian of longitude, which has already
been reached in the construction of the road.
Of course, the Company are anxious now
to renew the grant, for at least as far as
Santa Fe, trusting to the future to get it
extended all the way through to San Fran
cisco. Already they have made application
to Congress for this concession.
Various other roads have been projected
from the central portions of the continent
through to the Pacific shore, and for each of
them aid to a proportionate amount is solici
ted. It is closely computed that the bonds
asked for amount to the vast sum of $234,-
000,000. This does not include what will
ultimately be requisite to complete the sever
al roads. For instance, the computation
embraces only so much of the projected line
of the Eastern Division of the Union Pacific
as will reach to Santa Fe ; when, two years
hence, the Government will be importuned
to extend the subsidy all the way across to
the Western Ocean. Nor does it include
the bonds yet to be issued to the main line
of the Union Pacific, and the Central Pa
cific of California, which will necessarily
amount to many millions. • ,
We assume that all the bonds heretofore
advanced, or which may hereafter be ad
vanced, to any or all of these conlpanies,
will have to be paid by the National Gov
eminent, and out of its own resources:
Whoever has watched the results of such
advances by the several. State governments,
is well aware that only one or two cases ex
ist in which the companies aided have ever
liquidated this portion of their indebtedness.
In the cases of these railroads the govern
ment, indeed, goes through the formality of
taking mortgages, which it is probable will
ultimately be sacrificed in common with the
stock, if such a commodity as the latter has
any real existence. . .
In addition to these vast grants of bonds,
which are actually money-grants, the Gov
erpment is now asked to donate lands. The
catalogue of these bequests has been epito
mized as follows: •
"For the benefit of public schools in the
District of Columbia, 1,000,000 acres; for
bounty land to ail soldiers serving three
months or longer in the war of the rebel
lion, at 40 to 100 acres each, and. requiring
anywhere from 200, 000 000 to 600,000,000
acres; for the State oMinnesota. to aid in
improving the navigation of the Mississippi,
200,000 acres. Western Pacific Railroad
Company of California, an unestimated
quantity of lands; State of Oregon, an unesti
mated • quantity of lands; UnlonPacille Rail
way company, an unestimated quantity of
lands, in addition to hundreds of thousands
of acres before appropriated; Nevr, Orleans
and Mobile Railway Company, an unesti
mated quantity of lands; Idaho, Oregon
and Puget Sound Railroad Company, an
unestimated quantity of landa; Oregon
Branch of the Pacific Railroad Company,
n alestad quantity of lands; Port
Royaßailroad Company, an nnestimated
quantity of landsr Isiorthern Michigan
Railroad Company, ten alternate sections
to each mile;r.EnurtVgle,' Tort_ Kearfry
and Pacific Railroi Company, ten alter
-IMito sections to each: mil luws antrlifis
.scuri State Line Iltdiroad Company, ten
alternate sections to each -Innei"Miswttri;
;•;, ,'57 7 . 7 • 'l,ilA l ' 3 . 2 '=*`' sV•
Fort Scott and Santa Fe Railroad Company,
ten alternate sections to each mile; San
Francisco and Humboldt Bay Railroad
Company, ten alternate .sections to each
mile; Humboldt and Colorado Railroad
Company, ten alternate sections to each
Among the 'masses of the people the feel
ing has been that, considering the,
enormous national debt, which is the legacy
of the rebellion, Congress would not be so
unwise as to bestow the aid, particultaly in
bonds, which is solicited at iti3 htinds. In
this feeling we participated until within the
last few days, and have expreSsed ourselves
accordingly. We are
. now convinced . that
there is a strong probability that most, if
not all, of these grants will be authorized
before the olose of the present session of
Congress. To draw it mildly, a deep infat
uation obtains among members of both
Houses as to .the unexhaustihleness of the
,national resources, This infatuation prompts
to what seems to be perilous experiments de
signed to demonstrate precisely how much
weight the Treasury can bear without fall
ing into collapse. Uncharitable individuals
go farther, and mai twin that Congress
has been "set up," as t e thing is expressed
at Harrisburg and, bony, to put these
grants through all the ormalities' essential
to the process of law- king. We shall be
greatly pleased if the shall show that
the apprehensions whiel now press upon us
relative to these Matters are, not well foun
; are no,
yto the V'
3 careful
It is a strong testimm
sight of Congress in its
of the provisions of
law, and the remarks])
marked the entire prx.
the President for the 14
in the framing of the iirticles,_the manage
ment of the , testimony and the inevitable
logic with which the ar ments of the Man
agers sum up the case, hat the counsel for
the accused have found emselves of neces
sity compelled to accep squire issues upon
the right of the Exettinve to construe the
law for himself, and the duty of the Senate.
sitting in impeachment;to pronounce upon
the . question of its constitutionality.
Stripped of their rhetoric, their personal al-
lusions and their diffuse commentaries upon
general pollties,the arguments ofblessrs•CtLr-
tis, Evarts and Stanber`• are addressed to
these as vital issues for their client.
Yet the mere statement of these issues pre-,
eludes the possibility of doubt as •to their'
solution by the Senate. This body can con-
cede to no one citiien, least of all to the
- Executive; the right of individual judgment
and authoritative decision upon the legality
_any law which has been duly enacted,
nor can the Senate sitting in a judicial capaci
ty be expectedto reverse its own solemnly
deliberate legislative action, upon the same
question. The case for the accused is a
desperate one, when his hope of acquittal
must hang upon such palpable impossibili
ties which alone can save. And the Country
may well be grateful for the skill which has
thus rendered his, conviction l f Agically inevi
table. When his only safety lies in such a
line of defense it is a proof that his case is
i hopeless. - .
A specification of the means by whicli. this
result is accomplished must also include a
cordial acknowledgement of the prudence,
consistency% vigilance and fidelity with
which the friends of the law, and first among
them Secretary Stanton himself, have guide 1
their action in the critical emergencies rising
out of the revolutionary movements of
President toward the usurpation of unlawful,
authority. The policy which dictated the
passage of the law lufg - been faithfully adher
ed to by the Secretary, by General Grant
and their friends, so that the record of fact,
on the - part of the people, fails to show a
solitary error of tomraission or omission.
The case, whether of law or fact, has been
clearly and logically_ symmetrical, from its
conception to the culmination which is now
so closely at hand as to be easily foreseen,
and neither Executive power nor profes
sional astuteness have availed to rescue the
offender from the logical results of his op
position to the authority of the people.
One may nevertheless admire the fortitude
with which his counsel have straggled in a
hopeless cause: The utmost resources of I
the profession have been exhausted in their
efforts to avert the inevitable. No client
had ever greater reason to acknowledge the
zealous fidelity of his advocates . , or the high
sense of professional honor which forbade
them to flinch because success Was simply
impossible. Erom first to last, no effort has
been omitted, no labor has been spared, no
discouragement heeded. The Italian
story of an imprisoned criminal who, day
after day, hour after hour, beheld the iron
walls of his cell gradually and noiselessly
contracting upon him until, in their sure
meeting at last, he foresaw the miserable
fate which awaited him, affords an exact
parallel to the experience of ANDREW
JOHNSON impeached. He may have deluded
himself with some hope of escape, but his
, professional advisers have realized the situ
ation, and the fortitude of their unavailing
efforts is only' the more to beadmired.
COMMENTING upon the argument of safety,
upon which. with the further aid of the less
reputable appliances known to an urusorupn
lous lobby, the short-span advocates of the
Cincinnati bridge have secured the legaliza
tion of a 800 feet water-way, the Commer
cial of that city says ;
In bidding good-bye to the free navigation
of our river, therefore, let us rejoice in the
guarantees of personal safety provided for
us, and pray that the span of life of our
rural protectors may never be menaced by
any stream greater than that which flows
from the neck of a, lobbyist's champagne
bottle. '•
OF Tits President's recent nomination of
Gen, Scofield to the War office, rice Mr.
Stanton,- removed,. the Cleveland Herald
remarks : This is a repetition of the offence
for which he is on trial, and gives a chance
for another
,count, if Ahat,.,wpFe needed.
Like the woman who was drowuedliecause
she quarrelled with h er Inisbandliand When
she could U6'lollo l say 9611;8 . 61s; stuck her
hand above VAtalll4l37,oTeithet tfigeraind
thumb, - scissor Eishion -Mr; John :n,rnd4d 41 9 ? Aei,P4 word.
k x.: , • .A „ , tsr,4 4, , 4 4, '4V ,, ,V45 12,, ,_
_ .
General LEMUEL TODD, the Chairman of
the late Republican State Convention; has
appointed the following gentlemen to act aso
Chair i,
man and members of the State Central
Co mittee, for the year 1868, in pursuance
of t e authority vested in him by the recent
Co. entlon:
ol.c. GirusnA A. GROW, Chairman.
dams, Edward McPherson.
llegheny, A. M. Brown, Thomas Ew
mg, Joseph Walton, Chas. W. Batchelor. -
Beaver, D. L. Imbrie.
Bedford, John Shirley.
Berks, Henry S. Eckert, C. D. Elliott.
Blair, Samuel McCamant.
Bradford, Geo. D. Montanye.
Bucks, E. Morris Lloyd.
Butler, Wm. Haslett.
iambria, Henry A: Boggs.
ameron, Jerome B. Earl.
arbon, T. F k Walter.
entre, Danie Rhoads:
Chester, J. M. Pomeroy, S. D
Clarion, H. eller.
Clearfield, H. B. Swope.
Clinton, H. T Harvey.
Columbia, Dr P. John.
Crawford, R. P. Miller.
Cumberland, .P. Humerich.
Dauphin, J. obley Dunglison, George
_ Delaware, Maj. J. L. Haldeman.
Elk, Henry Souther.
Erie, Jonas Gunnison. .
Forest, Jno. L. Dale,
Franklin, Jeremiah Cook.
Fulton, W. M. Patterson.
Greene, J. H. Wells.
Huntingdon, Geo. W. Johnston.
Indiana, Daniel Porter.
• Jefferson, Jos. Henderson.
Juniata, H. H. Wilson.
Lancaster,-; Milton B. Eshelman and E.
Lawrence, Jacob Hauss.
Lebanon, S. B. Light.
Lehigh, James W. Fuller.
Lnzerne, Jos. A. Scranton.
Lycoriaing, Lewis Martin.
McKean, Lucius Rogers.
Mercer, S. C. Koonce.
Mifflin, John A. McKee.
Monroe, J. W. Stoke's. •
Montgomery, W. H. Yerkes.
Montour, Daniel Clark.
Northampton, Wm. S. Kirkpatrick.
Northumberland, Franklin Bound.
Perry, Wm. Louther.
Pike, John Sherman.
Potter, P. A. Stebbins.
Schuylkill, Wm. R. Smith.
Snyder, D. B. Moyer.
Somerset, Ed. Stull.
Sullivan, T. J. Ingham
Susquehanna, Albert Chamberlain.
Tioga, W. H. Smith.
Union, Wm. Jones.
Yenango, Jas. L. Connelly.
Warren, Myron Waters.
Washington, John W. McWilliams.
Wayne, C. P. Waller.
Westmoreland, J. A. Logan.
Wyoming, P. M. Osterhout.
York, James Kell.
Philadelphia, Jno. Price Wetherill, H. C.
Howell, W. H. Kerns, Jas. N. Kerns, Geo.
H. Moore, Wm. Elliott; Samuel Daniels, J
A. Bonham, .T. G. Butler, Jas. M'Manes,
T. J. Coffey, Win. Sellers, Geo. T. Gross,
W. Harvey Mooney, Cot. Samuel Bell,
Henry Bumm, Mahlon H. Dickerson, deo.
Washington City, Capt. Aram S. Fuller,
Gen. James A. Ekin.
iy to the wise fote
careful adjustment
the Tenure-of-Office
e ability which has
ceeding impeaching
nation of that law,
The Republican State Central Comniittee
will meet at the rooms of the National
Union Club, 1105 Chestnut street, Phil
adelphia, at o'clock r. on Tuesday,
the 12th day. of May, 1868. A full attend
ance is earnestly desired.
Chairman State Central Committee.
The following table, furnished by the
-Deputy.Superintendent of Common Schools,
shows the various school districts in the
State autboriZed by special acts passed
during the late Benson of the Legislature
to borrow money-for building purposes and
the amount each district is authorized to
borrow :
Allegheny . -11illvale. .5.000
East Deer.. 10.000
" • • • tileglreny city, st4a ward 80,000
• • Collins. ' =O,OOO
- Pittsburgh, ;at. ward ;',OOO
••Bellevue, . 10,000
" Lawreneeville. 125.000
Blair - Tyrone, • . 10,000
'Beaver Rochester, 3.500
Bradford Troy Borough. 10,000
Butler ...... .... West Sunbury ,
. 2,000
• • Slery 1'2,000
Carbon ,Weisp Rocksport, '4,000
' Chester 'Oxford, - 8,000
Cumberland ...I.Ziew Cumberland. ^ OCO
_ .. ~. ..... .. . ... ,
— . North w A rd, Sicithille,
... I IConneautville.
B looming Valley,
AV IscOnisco.
Delaware ...... Media:
Fayette... .. I. .. l eonnellsv II le.
• •
Lancaster I Mount Joy,
Lycoming " ;Montoursville,
P r,
Luzerne i Dunmore.
Montgomery ...IConsholiockeu,
31* Kean I Llbert y,
Mercer , Salem - .
Northtunpton. . (South Bethlehem, -
• • ..... ... !Nazareth. -
Freemansburg, •
Susquehanna Depot,
New. Alexandria,.
Illt St. Clair, •
Washlngt 0n... Brownsville West.
t borrowed
Total amoun
Copperheads vs. War Democrats.
The Dayton Ledger, the organ of Yale
digham, strikes back at the New Fork
Citizen for its recent denunciation of pen
dleion, and its accompanying vermilion
pledge to support . no Peace Democrat for
President. The Ledger remarks :
"We say to 'War Democrats' of, the
Marble-Halpin school, that they only waste
breath , . and paper and ink, if they imagine
that their threats, or their vows, or their
oaths,- meet with any thing but contempt
from the ,more than a million of 'aqua!,
positive, unconverted and undeniable peace
men, in the West and border Statee, Beath.
We are of that sort ourself, precisely; and
all around in this valley for fifty miles, there
is scarcely any other kind to be found,-and
in'the State of Ohio, especially, they num
ber 187,000, with nearly five years' increase
to be added. " •
- TILE Chicago journals are very magnani
mously writing up the inanufactufmg pros
pects of the Mississippi Valley. They are
no-longer jealous of St. Louis, but cheer
fully concede to that city the eminence
'vhich it claims.- Such paragraphs.. as the
following have not hitherto been often
found in the Chicago press. The Republi
can says:
The Gazette will see the seat of empire.
depart fills the Mississippi Valleyxkeatta
thronerthe great lion mountain of Missouri,
and its treasaryb the fifty thousand square
miles of coal deposits in: Illinois,,- are ex :
Altaic& kdder,' tinit'filkft
• Ile
Bt• 4ifie build
. 1 . e contaiistie Oftheceountry.
We take much pleasure in placing before
our readers the annexed letters from gentle
men at Washington, who have been intelli
gent and disinterested observers of the
efficient labors of the distinguished Represen
tative from the XXflld District, and who
express the sentiment, which is general at
the Capitol, of admiration for the powerful
and cxbaustive argument upon Impeach
ment which he delivered before the Senate
a few dais since :
(Special Correspondence Of the Pittbbtlrgh Gazette.)
WASHINGTON, April 28, 1868.
MEssits. Erwrons : I heard with. =eat
Measure the very able argument of your Mr.
Williams of the Managers in the impeach
ment trial. It is much to say of an argu
ment, that after all which had been said on
both sides of that solemn ease, his views
were very strkmg, many of his points then
first presented and the,whole so clearly put
as to attract the earnest attention of the
Senate. Mr. Williams has been so identi
fied with the impeachment movement from
the first, that every phase of the _case is
familiar to him. - The epitome which is pre=
sented by him in his speech of' the crimes
and misdemeanors of that fated "Acci
dency" cannot fail to attract universal at
It will not be his fault if the people forget
that the articles of impeachment present
only one or 'two of the clearest and most
easily proved of the Presidential "misde
meanors." In fact there are scores of them
running through the last two years, more
heinous than any in the formal indictment,
but many of them perpetrated under the
color of law, or by some indirection, so
deep in its mole-like windings that one is
content to behold the pile of dirt where the
animal went in and where it came out, with
out following.
Your correspondent did not set out with
the intention of writing a criticism of an ar
gument to which he listened with unalloyed
pleasure, but simply to 'indicate what is
thought of it here, where there has been al
most a cloy of good things for the last weeks.
I am sure Dir. Williams neighbors will be
proud of his • effort and honor its author as
his great abilities deserve.
The following is the very just tribute of
the Chronicle:
- "The argument of Manager Williams,
the concluding portion of which we publish
to-day, is a model of clear- statement and
close reasoning. As a logical structure, it
has the compactness and symmetry of a
Grecian temple combined with the solidity
of a pyramid. It is, in short, irresistibly
convincing—a complete answer to eve
sirgument which has been advanced, and, ry
we may safely say, to every one which can
be advanced, in the President's defence."
I will add that a lawyer of eminence
stated it to : your correspondent as his opinion
that on the constitutional argument, poster
ity-will read Mr. Williams' first.
As to the result Of the trial, you
know as well about that as any
one here can tell. If this were an
ordinary case, in which there were
less at stake, or if only an ordinary inter
est were felt in this one as it now stands—
if you can conceive of such a condition of
things—l would not hesitate a moment in
deciding that conviction will be the result.
But you know how every man's wishes
bias his judgment. Therefore, one is in
doubt of himself; no one can tell whether
the glass he sees though be blue, or white
convex, plain or concave. Making now all
the allowances possible in the case, I pre
dict that there will be two more than the re
quired number of votes for impeachment—
a consummation devoutly to be wished.
Yours truly,
r rlington
• WASHINGTON', April 30, 1868.
The great argument now being made be.
fore the High Court of Impeachment has at
tracted a vast crowd to the Capitol, and
each day the densely packed galleries indicate
the unflagging interest which it has
Some of the speeches have provoked criti
cism, some applause, and some enthusiastic
encomium. That one which is to us the most
interesting has been made by our own able
Representative, Hon. Thomas Williams,
one of the Managers. But one opinion is
held of its legal force and ability; only one
can be held as to its exquisite symmetry and
stately eloquence. By general acclaim the
palm is given to this great effort as the most
scholarly production of its accomplished
This oration was peculiarly free from
quibble, and therefore the more acceptable, '
for the counsel of the President have, in
some instances, amazed his friends by a line
of argument as fatal to him as it is insulting
to 'the august tribunal before which they
plead. Mr. Williams totally •avolded this,
and with a comprehensive and powerful
sweep he portrayed the concurrent criminal
ity of Andrew Johnson from the day of
his disgraceful inauguratiori, until the day
when he-attempted the culmination of trea
son and crime by a flagrant violation of law
in the removal of E. M. Stanton.
This able, and not less adroit, historical
;sketch brought Andrew Johnson before the
bar of the Senate as a great criminal. No
vestige of sympathy for him movdd one of
the vast auditory. The people had before
them the bound culprit, and the exorditun
ended. And then began a legal argument
which not only convinced the lawyers, but
by its frequent bursts of eloquent indigna
' tion held the listening multitude spell
bound. -
In the • meantime the ill ,health of Mr.
Williams began to tell upon him, and an
adjournment was carried. Next morning
came back the eager crowd, and the de
lighted Senate. A night's rest had restored
the orator's wasted strength, and, in a full
and sonorous voice, the legal argument was
closed, and the peroration began.
Casting aside the drier details of technical
phraseology, and authority, the scholarly
Rhetorician shone forth in all his power and
splendor. The galleries were now scarcely
restrained from applause when some splen
did figure burst from his lips, and now con
vulsed with laughter-which could not be re
strained when ad interim Thomas was wittily
portrayed. At one moment he was described
as full of warlike determination to oust the
coward Stanton; at another he was at a
masked ball enjoying the frivolities of the
festive scene. Shout followed shout at this
description, but when the climax was at last
reached and Williams illustrated the foolish
old man by quoting :
"Grim visaged , war has smoothed his wrinkled
And uow. instead of mounting barbed steeds.
To light the souls of fearful adversaries,
Ile capers nimbly la a lady's chamber
To the laelvious pleasing of a
galleries, Senate, the Diplomatic corps, and
the grave Chief Justice joined in a roar
which let ted for minutes.
From this moment to the close the speech
was a magnificent grouping of beauties, and
a startling review of the consequences which
must befal liberty, if the. prerogative assum
ed by a Republican magistrate, greater than,
any claimed the liTurarrs or attempted
,by the Ciesuuti.was .not sternly and speed
; ily rebuked and; i iiirevented. No, letter can
do more , ve-1?Otr a synopsis of this
great effinti , tv fiTtlystis, VIDE;
Vlttiltour4 andands host of able rjUdges.
„pionotirieti tiiiiiitevpietie of elotitelica,
Csvigtess-22d District.
MESSRS. Eiii:i,o:tszappareut that
the momentous:. jquestion of tc\ho -shall re
present thislladical District in Congress, as
the successor of General Moorhead, is now
in process of s ')lution, and that the popular
choice is to be:!nade Ifetween General Neg-
ley and ThomnS Howard, Esq. In a mat
ter of such gra're moment it is the solemn
duty of everrconscientious Republican to'
support the beat man aspiring to the posi
tion. Whatev - er else may bethought of his
. ,
personal clain)p,!otir'caltdid.ate should; atall
events, be a Man of unflinching Republi
canism and thoroughly reliable upon those
national questions upon which he will pass
as our • Representative. An 'attempt has
been made to befog the issue in some of our .
journals by hffiding up to popular view the
Know-Nothink antecedent of one candi
date and the Penianproelivities of the other,
and even theAplumes of the "Major Gen- '
eral" are dulgparaded in the press to catch
the admiration of the "Boys in Blue." All
these cunninidevices savor too strongly of
demagogueisffi, and will only deceive those
superficial obiervers who are supposed to
be influencedly: such paltry arguments:.
After all, the mass of this loyal community
are only interested in having a candidate
who will truli be a representative man, and
whose past political record furnishes'a sure i .
guarantee of bia orthodoxy. How lament
able it would =be, indeed, if we should be
duped into the aelection and support of a
political weatbercock—a Radical to-day and
a ConservatiO3 to-morrow, as interest or in
clination might prompt. Some military
men, events save already shown, who have
adopted a certain sort of genteel conserva
have al*atly seen their laurels wither
and blight under the bare suspicion of un
faithfulness to the great party of the union
and of progrdss..
The true mid•faithful "Boys in Blue" will
not sustain rr(bn of a doubtful political rec
It cannbf be denied that Mr. Howard •
stands well ith the Republican party, and
no one doubt for a moment that
he is en
tirely reliable; and with him there is no dan
ger of turniug . out as Johnson, Cowan and
Doolittle ha" done. The true Republicans
1 0
should bewa .. e,: and not be cheated or sold.
Does any; ne question Mr. Howard's
ability ? On-lthe contrary, his fitness is con
ceded, and he is wellknown, not only as an
able lawyer,but as an active and successful
business man, is well 'as one of the fore
most in the support of Republican principles.,
It has been said that Mr. Howard is not per
sonally popn.'ar. He may not be so popular
with the Democracy as a trimmer, who car
ries water di both shoulders,
and shakes
hands with ell lie meets ; but Mr. Howard
has a populaktY that cannot be shaken with
the great majority of his, party; and those
who regard the final triumph of great prin
ciples as superior to the "claim" of men for
office, will nOt cast their votes fora doubtful
candidate. :I 1
The questions in the next campaign for
President, vt'll be mainly those of Constitu
tional Lawi and who is named more capa
ble of discitzsing them than Mr. Howard?
He has been advocating the tariff for twenty
years, and is' thoroughly acquainted with
all the local wants of our community that
can be aided !by national legislation, Let
the true Republicans unite in supporting
t him. •;{ `f,
1: 1
AnsmcsAs.---The President has received
a copy of the new consi itution of Arkansas
from the proper officers of the late conven
tion. Thpl reconstructi n act makes it his
duty to laytthe same before Congress at once,
but what action he prpposes to -take in the
matter is lt yet Down . Gen. Grant has
received fr' m Gen. Oillem an official report
of the late;' election in Arkansas, showing
that the Constitution was) ratified in the
proper manner' and giving -the names of
persons eleeted to office.
Of that- reniiprseless and insidious destroyer of the
human racei
Check and conquer its advances, lest, you fall the
victim. When attacked with any of its preliminary
syraptonis„ho matter how slight, be on your guard
and promptly use the remedy ere too late.
,!1 .
Is an old, *ell tried. certain and standard remedy
for Coughs; Colds, Asthma, Croup, Difficulty of
Breathing:l, Pain or Oppression in the Chest or
Lungs, and all Diseases of the Pulmonary Organs.
Its sure and certain efficacy has been fully tested
and endorsed ' for many years by numbers or well
known citliens in our midst, and their 'certificates
are on record. Have you a cough which has'grad
amity increased trona a slight one to one of Derma
nent standing ? Lose no time. but procure a bottle
of DR. SARGENT'S COUGH SYRUP. which will
surely relieve you of the dangerous premonatory
symptoms, and effect a permanent cure. Do you
spend miserable days and long sieenless nights of
torture and pain from attacks of Asthma or Difficua- -
ty of Breathing? Dr. SARGENT'S Cough -Syrup
-will act promptly, relieve TIM and gradually re
store you to your freedom of pain, and sound, pleas
ant sleep.] Arc your lump sore and irritated,l ndi
casing inflammation? This is one of the most dan
gerous tsiton, and should . pro- re m l
rtn4Yed-*rx sio.gyrviare sere
ness. °Sof the inflammation, and restore the lungs
to their Prestine health and vigor. This Cough
Syrup is pleasant and agreeable to take, while pow
erful and truce in its action. For sale by all Drug
gists in the country.
The stomach is the ruling organ of the system. It
. :,.,
the eilgettion is imperfect, every member, every
gland, eV., ry muscle, every nerve and fibre is more
or less ont of order. All-the fluids are - depraved.
The brain is clouded. The spirits are depressed.
All dyspe`tities know his to be the truth. It is not,
however : half the truth. Columni would be re
(mired to: nitmerate the pains and penalties of 'dys
pepsia, no 4" could any pen do them justice. Tens of
thousand feet them: no man can describe them.
Can they be prevented? Can they 'he relieved ?
Can theybe banished at once and forever? Unques
tionably ',they, can. No dyspeptic has ever taken
lieve no One who says the complaint is incurable.
This great vegetable stomachic will eradicate it—is
eradicating it in thousands of cases over which med
ical pracUtioners have shaken their heads ominous
ly saving, "Nothing can be done." ,
The faculty has its fallacies. One of them is that
indigestion - is the most difficult of all the ordinary
atimentOfinankind to combat and subdue. This is
n.mtstaltO, Nothing can be easier than to conquer It
if the tree specific be administered. This vegetable
combination which has become famous throughout
the civilized world as HOSTETTER'S STOMACH
BITTERS Is au antidote to the disease which has
never been known to fall, and fortunately ft is
everywhere procurOble. a If you wish' to foot with
the dyspepsia, try the pharmaCoPoela prescriptions.
,If you wont to root it out and prevent its occurrence
take the Bitters daily.- There - ii no discount ma'am,
testimony in its favor.-If there is a man, r woman
who has ever tried it for indigestion , without
benefltted: the fact has not transpired: Universal,
uncontradleted praise avouches its wonderful tonic
.virtues.. ' , .
• .
Rost my hearing daring the last year. Part of
the time .Iwas totally deaf. In April of this year I
was ind u c ed, from an advertisement, to make ap.
plicati4 to Dr:. Ilarsau, LllO penn street, Pitts
burgh. 2.. After having tried 'various medicines from
doetora,' V/Ithont any benefit. I have been un - der Dr.
Ileyseit treatment now for nearly two months, and
am anti ely restored to y hearing so that I can
• hear a j 3,1 drop. JOHN SCANLAN,
. .
Coat Bluffs, Washington Co., Pa.
, :.•,, , ANWHER CURE. -
A rase ealled to-day , at Dr. Keyser's office to le
form ides of a great cure made by his Lupo Cunt, or
PULMONARY RZEITORATIVIL - Hit these- - `cures- •
are made with the Doctor's preparations, ho desires
It to llteiltitinctly understood tlat most of Ida 'street
cures are made in accordance with the established
laws *hid govern the science -of-medicine, in which
he has been engaged for the past friar-live fears.
Last week he was also In receipt! c a letter' from
clergyinaWie the'State'of Ohio.deLFtllpg another
most wonderful titre. - • • • -; •••'•
Brazier. PECK 9 A. M. UNTIL a P.
l O tt ;"; .3 1 ' ;'
K:1;40",P' 1 "
'2; 1 °., , .. t01t-E,SZIATS 2