Q . AND s u B uRBAN Trial of the Steam Engine Independence. va ' ' - '''' --- 2 - 1 •a,Tinirrideporitisane Stearn Fire En of Alderman Janus L. fliatherland— gine was tested - - yester day L afternoon, pre- Deathf i the bands of - Coroners Inquest, paratory to accepting it from * ; , 1 , •ro b i f'. ..._ The ileilth of Aldeiman James L. Suther- the- inanuiartnrers, the Arnoskeaft, Man-, Na nificturing Company , . land, of the Tenth m ard, which occurred T Chester, N. H., Tlie machine h . ... lleau t ifni m in Thursday night or Friday orng, was a ' wine is tv very 1 . one, of elaborite w orkmanship and, splen very sudden and unexpected one. Mr. S. had been in in health .4 . 40 . some • time, did finish, li a§ first tested a the corner of to be improving, Market and Water streets- Owing to the but recently was thought face that the Lowry plug there was out of and the day before his deathats well ins for order, refusing to supply ane ..sstry quan several dsott,prexious thereto, Ari bad been tity of water, and Al wharfuse the owners much betKt 4liiii t 6 111ittaf antrittertaftig to of freight on thy Prevented the throwing is water on the ground usually ins business regularly. He occupied an used for testing purposes, thus compelling office on Diamondstreet, near Cherry alley, the throwing against the wind ,up Market and slept in an adjoining room. He retired street, the trial was not satisfactory. The to bed Thursday evening between nine trial resulted in throwing a solid stream and ten o'clock, and about'eight o'clock through a DA inch`nozzle, the distance of the next morning Mr. J. .N..10 1 .4 0 wrY , who 262 fdet. Net satisfied with this result, the occupies the office m itli him, went to. the engine was taken to the corner of Liberty place and on looking into Mr. Sutherland's J ana Morris street, and with an ordinary sleeking room, at the, rear of tbe office, sit t li i i; slug was tried with very satisfactory re the. Jilleinum lying on hist bed, with init. Through aI% inch nozzle a solid clothing ou, and apparently dead. He xv,as stream This mat 2T2 feet, and through the lying partly on his face t with one, hand same sized nozzles tuo heavy solid streams doubled under him. Going up Whim, Mr. were thrown to the great distance of 22.5% McClowry found bun quite dead and cold. feet This extraordinary result of the ea- The faceoleck and breast were very,much liacity of the elegant new steamer gave it discolored. proud place amongst the best throwers of Coroner Clawson was notified, im- the city, and the Committee at once accept nneled a jury, and, After .yiewing the e d it. • The engine worked smoothly and boly, adjourned the inquest until half-past with scarcely any jarring of machinery. four:o'clock, in order to allow a postmortem R will at once go into service. We con examination to be made. gratulate Or friends in the Ninth ward, on. The jury convenadaLthe hour appoint- the possession of such a creditable steamer, ed, when Dr t Ge6r II eCook, Sr., who i made the posniertel z, ed as folio , : . ip k a s it reflects much credit to their public spirit and enterprise. Dr. George . : evz ./ sworn ~,,,. de ~ , ___.L.:4 4 ,,, _—_- ~ f. a post mortem . • al. , ti • 0 of th. ~", ed No Smoking Allowed, and am satisfi • 4 . it'' ,ed 0r..;, .plexy. On exatninati , ~ '-. elo ' • ''• all the vessel 1A few evenings since three prominent s dent , , "ifitly,, %- . ,Apoplexy business men of the city were on board car occurs in sober d hilts-.men. No. 4of the Citizens Passenger Railway Am quite pDsiti t .l* ha_ lita 1 e --- and being the only passengers they con' his death. -,.,..*'••' i, - - 72,,,...r" -- ", This t ra4tfietlitiniony-of any;lmpor eluded to take a smoke. The rules of the twice en • „,, gully jurt Ten- Company positively forbid smoking either dexed the owing "Ifirdilit`i;"-4 on or in the cars, and the conductor, Harry "That a aaltilames L. Sutherland came Palmer, who, by the way, is one of themost to his death on the night of 30th of April, obliging on the• road, politely requested or the 'morning of the first of May. in the them not to smoke. They insisted upon Tenth ward, Pittsburgh, and that Ms death doing so, whereupon the entire party were was caused by apoplexy." ejected from the ear. One of the smokers Deceased was about thirty-six years of feeling himself aggrieved, appealed to the age and unmarried. He boarded with his law to console his wounded dignity. He brother on Fourth street, and slept in the made information before Alderman Taylor, roam attached to his office. For several. charging the conductor - with assault and years he has been quite extensively kJ:Latin:4 l _battery. The conductor was arrested and and has taken a prominent part in certain after a hearing dismissed, the Alderman political movomedla. He was a member of however, reserving his decision until to: Company I, 12th Regimentimder Colonel day, when the conductor will doubtless be Campbell,. and (subsequent belonged to finally discharged and the prosecutor re- Battery "H," Independent Light Artillery, quired to pay the costs. (Nevin s). His many friends will regret his sudden and untimely departure from their midst. Explosion and Fire. Between six and seven o'clock yesterday, , „ n . expl . morning aosion and fire occurred at the patent roofing manufactory of Mr. James McCtme, on Mulberry alley, be tween Carson and Allegheny streets. It appears that the valve of the boiler, in which the gas tar was prepared, became disordered in some manner, and the melted tar boiled over into the furnace. fire. The flames of the Inanifig -tar communicated with the gas in the pipe through which the raw tar was pumpeil into the boiler from a large tank under the ground some distance away. Through this pipe the fire was al most instantly convey!id to the tank men tioned, and an explosion of the tank fol lowed. The burning tar was scattered through the building, and the latter, a long wooden structure, was speedily in flames. The'alarm was communicated from box 62 Independence engine house, in the Ninth ward, to which the entire fire department responded promptly, but before the fn e could .be extinguished, the building Was much damaged. At - the time of the ex plosioti two men named George Barrington and Henry Serrel were standing near the tank, and were both injured. Serrel re- ceived only slight injuries. Barrington , was quite seriously hurt, receiving 'severe burns on his face, arms and breast. His injuries are not thought to be dangerous. The,lqss by the fire will reach 6800, and there isno' insurance. • Coroner's Inquests Held -in April, ISGS. During the month of April Coroner Claw son held inquests as follows; - April 6th; felnite fouild in the Seventh wardrBth, Mattias field, killed by coal cars at Braddock's Fields; 10th. Lance APpleby, died , 'suddenly ^ of epilepsy; 12th, William Siebereisen, accidentally shot in Duquesne borough; 14th, Charles Gerberd ing, fell down a flight of stairs in a saloon on Pennsylvania avenue and broke his neck; 15th Enoch Mclntyre, sudden.death from natural causes, 16th, B. Ratienbuch ler, heart disease, Birmingham; 17th, Hen ry Strottlioff, suicide at East Liberty; 21st, Joseph Moung, infant, drowned in a rain barrel Troy Hill, Allegheny; 21st, Jas. Fleming, Mag. ee street, from naturalcauses; 21st, John Mfchel, killed at Keeling's coal works, Lower St. Clair township; 26th, Jno. Murphy, killed on Connellsville Railroad at • Braddock's Field; 27th, *James, Berry. killed by Citizens' Passenger - 28th, Charles Kehrein, suicide at Brad dock's Field; 29th, Martin ConnoridroWned in the Monongahela river; 30th, Cox, killed by coal, cars at Port Pery. Total 16. ..._.lC'itt,9ll•4l„,, . tY• .—, 6 . • Dr. A. ''‘.i. mcCandlesa;;Physiclin to the Board. of Health, reports rtbi3 following in . ferments in the city 'of Pittsburgh, frorri ApdU9tb to-April:26th, INS:, , i . - . i '2: Mew; 161 „, White....:. 26 ? ~.., Ffiliales... 10 'Colored—. 3 i 4 .".‘ , ••••••- V Diseases—A nits : ConsUmption, ' bi - Ili- 1 sammation of the Lungs, 1; Natural Causes, :1; Concussion of Brain, 1: Fracture of Lbub, - I;;Vid, Age 1. Chronic Bronchitis, l• Can ti_elft!tSfeali nee:, t4"-.17 - ci Voluire -sonactuogs Meningitis, 2; Inanition, 2; ~ 1; Typhoid Fever,. 1; Premature ilitC l ri . ro Ge ph n y e 1! 1;A p ß th u o pt us ur S e, tim i ra ti c 3 e .pe , , r p al f "'Heart, 1; Croup, 1-12. • . Of the above there were: Under one year, 9; from one to tiVo, 1; two to five, 1, five to ten 1; fifteen to twerity,2;, twenty to thirty, 2; thirty to•foity,7; 'fatty tia :My. '1; fifty to sixty, - 2; sixty to seventy,2; eighty to nimity,a.,:is:C , .. Ei if., . a ;,.; ',, :: . :., 4 4,00 4 .139 y plow:mol t .. About five o'clockfast evening. Patrfck Finsieity; aAittlstfliy otsiatieoen qatits/of age, syaskrowiled in Clio Alleglseny v ilY,er, near tfierYelnd 4 4 14 lithe 3ellolii iiasiyiny ing on an oil boak-twhen be lost his tboting and fell overboard. There were several ssniaelsjtdien od flie'briet'with'isim at lbe time bat none of them, large enough to give s him any asSistance; and before asSist ance avrista4 fie 4isciVeaTrect. The body bad ilitikt y fttoVdtell le fed o'cloolc, last. .on DRlPPirrYrnf A. WieW at „the Glrens.—A disitraCeful row occurredsikthe titrodSdnEast.tnrithile ham. Thursday night. About the time th 6 entertainmerasleseda_sart c g " TIVIONLI ling, %M k I..th e 21 -.who cal). ha shoyfaientp jilkasstisqikice, Vfl o r a :moped. 1 Anima9r cob •iv stones were thrown through e crowd more than afetv: perstme iveraaeierelyiejured; row was in progress soinVthier tali the ti4eir rtaitatit o t iing 0 ,1 eac r nio s. Another FOlse eteuse Can.—Mrs, laher, a widow, was charged b a r malsrl man Thomas, on oath of .11k, with obtainio: ' 8 li g er 4te ln ig Graham 4w - e .• " and he alleges that the, emuled., obtains goods from him to the amount of natty collars by -certain. false • • • tattoos. Mrs...Gallaher was, 01 40 1 to • ti ffi t hsr i ltr o fti Istq ALCM' G 44-4 w .11,V-1410M KIV--.11 A • r9 , •1( 11V, ..911 , t; erV r../1 11.0 ' P, • Monthly Report of the Superintendent of the Fire Alarm Telegraph. Alr7. S. T. Paisley, Superintendent of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, furnishes the following report of tires and alarms during the month of April: There were ten alarms during the month. One - hund red and sixty-nine blows were struck 'on the great bell in sounding alarms. , and two hundied and forty blows in • striking the hours. The most serious fire of the month was that the Fort Pitt Works, on the 22d inst. The total loss daring the month was $2,230, and on this there was an insurance of $1,900. Fifty-three police messages were sent and received . , Assaulted a Woman. A. W. Holtzman, residing in the 'Fifth wani, Allegheny„yesterday made informa— tion-hefore-tiaerinan I;lcMasters, charging DaVid Davis with assault and battery. It appears that Davis, - who is ~a boy about eighteen years of age; re