•8. VznNzn, rreirt, DITTSBITUGH FORGE AND IRON CO. Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Uread-Car Axles Ileimmered; Liseiniotive Frames; Lignmsotive Frame Shapes; Side Beds; : lrelies,Straps; `Piston /leads; Steamboat Shafts; IteatabOat Cranirs; Piston Rods, Wirists: Pitman Saws, Collars, die. °Mee, No. 177 PENN STREET, CIRLIFF, BYERS .Sr. I mA MAXIIii6TUAtERS OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROLICHT IPON, lien Welded,Tttbet3 fact Gas, Steam, ALSO, OIL WELL tlitlNGr. Office; 98 Water and 182 First Streets. - ' - iirrsEstAdg; . , 43a nee e 99 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. • 1 11 . 1I GYP. ,s fz - Buff, mA.Frjr.AbniitEns Vir Best Contnititiiltettaitt, Chai'icoal lIIJNLiTA BLOOM MON MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON. HOOpBAND, T and ANGLE IRON, `ROILED PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARB. 'CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. (MALL T RAILS. AO and laths. to the yard. O . IIGIIT CRAMS and SPIKES for same. IST,A,T RAILS. Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS AND SPINES. • Warehouse. and Office at the WoKs, GREEN OUGH STREET, •(a continuation of First Street,) adjoining the city Gas Works, Pittsburgh. , VVERSON, PRESTON & ji24 . Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse:, Wm . 100 and 167 FIRST STREET, Oppoalte Elonongaliela Rome, • .aalkda.... PITTSBURGH. ST.P.a.bla WORKS. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MICK & CO., PITTSEII7RGH, PA., ..litinufacturers of every description of CAST AND CERMAN STEEL, . RAILWAY SPRINGS, • ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM' SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, &c., &c. . Wareltailei . 88 'Water. and 100 First St a, apic:ocr rrrsirtinGit STtEL wonss. P. 'ANDERSON, COOK & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD & 00.,) Ifinitfacttareroof the BEST - 1110TNED CAST - - +7 t . s i Thra, SAW & . 11. 4 1E;' 110E, FultE and Spitsr.:f An z CAST r SrEEL; I • STEEL for A11e+. 1 ....-/Itachlaass • -124111lim iealPloW1W • Axles, C dire*, ADCs • - Cast and Obblinari Plow & Spring Steel. s•r: '' • . ottice—cOrner auttur AND ROSS STR.E . ETSi toe Iblftkr above the Monongahela, House. . . ; 003:419 MILLER, BARR & PARKIN. olorimum rkuTNERS: WM. METCALF,REUBEN TOILER, I 6EO. W. BAER, CHAS. PARKIN. SPECIAL PARTNER-S. 31. 11.1E11 CRg.SCENT STEEL WORKS; «•- 111 1- r.T.wat, BARR .5tPA.11.102c, Office ' 14 339 • Lib erty St, fe.14:d48 PITTSBURGH, PA. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL worurs. PARK, BROTHER & CO., • Manufacturers of all descriptions of, 113 6 1""n"Frr , Ogee and Warehouse,_ 190,„1519. 124 SECOND and 119 and 121 FIES'r BTIinETS,' PITTSBURGH. GLASS, CHINA, CUTLERY. 100 WOOD SYREir GLASS AND QUEENSWAREi " snArzire#tATEn WARE , PARIAN. eiskiviirg BOBRIIIAN 43Liss, s a t . : : T.Ar ,Viri eep FANCY leo woo STREET. ". • RICHARD E. BREED & CO. 100 WOOD STREET. CILILIt'LES REIZENSTEIN ' , , -- ..- ' , ' 152 Weneral .Street, , Allegheny, r ... • • . , Wourgi door above Dianzond.j ' " 'Olaiti rEß China Ware . ac•Table:Pittlay AT Z If PRICES. Zrerythlns required In A first claor store on hand:' Cast Ina examine our r 4.4/ITROGIUMEMS xxofirct insigznyt...: , : min! clan!. .." SIN GII / 1 "' 44. CLElll4'ffilftessOkl3 , PEACTICALIATIeIWpRingig• T h e oiegteam Llihogr4l46 Uslilionnetit•Weet 4 ' I th 'lngalls. Business cards, Letter Hew% libels. culmisii. Elbow carp s . Diplom as ~ ortralelewavrt4Vell oppolits. i ltiviti i pow C 1 ito•• ° L• ; 8 4' . Alittd ifreet, ' , riusba • • • • W 4 A. =wag, zrrxximaitsprize No, so roma mart kotiftp a ,, ci ” ncjav flyno,o rklprosi Strat and LEiTz t h n,?. „ maws „ r.. •t. „ • • , • ti . ,L I; '";"41 • w. P. PORTZR, Burt NANUFACTUILEII6 OF FITTSBUIIGII. P!.. .A2s`D -- • lii*ENTEB. AND BUILDER No. 3A .paawarsillittfri - vaix91,4"04 High street. rittsOntp4 Pa. gjuddence utast Ittants IT •hrt t t I irk t Jobbing done 'with mildness and dispatch. Alt otters promptly attended; Uff and - sausractionmar. ranted,. • t 1..• , !fT • .fluds:esszwip 11,11,1ifoj ~,) , • "I FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS: A TLAS WORIO, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, PITT9I3InMGI3. - THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the-largest one Most complete establishments In the West" and arenow prepared to furnish Engines, of every deserifitioli• Boners, 0111 Tonics. Sheet. Iron Work. lUilroad Camtings• li.was Ni Castings. Engine Castings.' 111hiatilm Cast!maxi Generat-esstilics., n09;n119 ORDERS SOLICITED NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE ORKS. Corner Carroll sad 8 man Streets, ,) E b rrr!al3T..7:llear , PA. vii. S ' .2kfantTfooture...r of . CAST IRON. BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKti. sand, and 8 14 %glee:Vain. vaziguiafsiginl2.l97r General Castings for Gas and Water Works. would also call the attention of Sopierintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETO4TS. feliktiO . . THE SNAP FORT NIT FOUNDRY )O. CHARLES HEAP, President. J. M. SNAP, Viee President. 0. XETCALP..igee'y and Treas"r. J.. H. WADE, Engineer. J. 0. BRAP,,General Manager. • .. -DIRECTORS: JAMES B. MURRAY, of Lyon, Shorb & Co. A. E. W. - PAINTEId, of J. Painter & Sons. C. B. EIKIIRON,of Spang, Chalfant & Co. • THOS. 8. BLAIR, of Shoenberger & Co. WM. METCALF, of Miller, Barr & Parkin. RANIIPACTIDIERS OP Raft 1111 and . Blast Ifaeldnery. RETORTS and CASTINGS, of every deacalptlon. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHIN E S fe2l lA. BRADLEY W. YAMMER% ..... . J. S. BILADLEy 2ETNA- STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY Manufacture ucery variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Among , Which are the Celebrated EUREKA,' TROPIC and TALISMAN (Coal Stoves); POMANA, VETERAN and IRONSIDES (Wood Stoves). Also manufacture . . ORATES, GRATE 'FRONTS, dre- Office and Warehouse, corner of Second and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. Entrance on Second street. ..ap=ms9 L. 0. LIVD:GSTON.W. R. RIIRT. - Vir. A. ROBINSON, JR. l a rrilmsgroN & co., • IRON POUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS or . FINE LIGHT CASTINGS', All descriptions, for Plumbers and Gas Fitters; Ag ricultural implements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ma chinery', Sc. All Job Work promptly attended to. Ogle& and Works — WASHINGTON A - VE: 4 . - UP, near Outer Depot, Allegheny city. Pa. ROBINSON, Successors to RontiSSON, MINIS MILLERS, WASHINGI'ONWORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTS3URGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam Eft rtifeftsinifß Csisl4 all de ler 1_ $ tills /89_ . iler and Sbeet Iron Work. 01211 e, bio. 131. corner First d Smithfield Street.. Agents for GIVIAEWS PE TE INJEC IR for feeding Hollers. jall:rs2 NIONT BLANC FOUNDRY Butter Street, .Ninth Ward, (Opposite Cairn Iron IfMs,' • :: PITTSBURGH. Itelllng DIM and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, HACH:MIRY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Cbarges reasonable. • EBBERT & MACKLIN& oe15:128 BERLIN assUNDRY... PRICE Igz SIMS. Office and Warehouse, 29 -Wood Street. Manufacture and keep constantly on hand Thimble, Wall and Pipe Boxes, WAGON 'BOXES, DOG IRONS, SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, And Castings generally. isp33:y6 CIENFRAI, FOUNDRY AND , ROLL WORKS,. SSO Penn Street. BOLULAN, BOYD & BAGALEY, Chill Rolls, 31111 Castings, Roll Lathes, &c. • • tetiLTON MACHINE WOEKS. •• • EttranLiellan "fanufftetory of STEAM ENGINES, sill sizes and of the mostap ja roved patterns. for stationtua Da " T s S e . 34 A Bl t variety aletlo. 1011 ors TS and STEAM YEpowenr ENGINES, whlzh will be sold at very reduced prices. • P. P. GEISSE, wensvme, 0. Flay miles below I'lttsburgh, on theOhlo Aver, and line of C. & 1. It. no9:10 IRON_ BROKERS. QAIIII,EI M. WICRO2BHAM, • I . , r i ts 124 Ora Street, Pittsburgh, Pa: . . . se Amt flizg r e salt:f CorapalltltDxghainuoiree.dgr an P 4 !Ar bribe oiti n eate4 l ,-Itei g hio i rtunii Coke and C. B. Charcoal PIGF IRONS. Consignmente and orders resisecthilly solicited. COPPER.. • LAKE SUPERIOR OOPPBB KIM ' A.I6I3XELTING WOLZt3, - arbErrAVD3 - PARK, AIcCURDY & CO, Manufacturers of Sheathing, .and 80l Copper, Presied Copper Bottoms, liaised Still Bot toraiN Spelter . Solder. Also, Import:Ts and Dealers' In.metal, Tin _Plate, Sheet Iron, .gc.• Con stantly on hand Tinnerst Machines az. Tools. • Warehouse, No. 140 FIRST STBE4T and IAO SECOND STREETcPithsbnighk, - • Special olCopper ent`to any desired rV., fern. r - znyli; • niwT •CARP/lIMIEB'dc'BULTADEREI. PrffSBURGH GAZETTE : SATURDAY. MAY 2, 1868 TUBULAR, DOUBLE.FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE, BON ANJ CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OH. STILLS AND OIL TANKS, - CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS - AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES,' GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES OSlee and Warehouse eerner Fieeend, Third, Sheet and Liberty Streets, sir Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mb7:1811 IL W. MOVIOW,...JAS. D. l iENILTLL....JAS. BLAZE. O'HARA. 110ELER WORKS. - MORROW, BARNHILL & CO., 31 Pa 77 PACTITIIER8 OF Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TAMES, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SELEETIRON WORK, &c. .Cor. Liberty said Second Sts., PITTSBUR.OII, rA, -REPAIRING promptiy dmie WM. BARNHILIi , & CO., BOILER MAKEPS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 2O; 22, 21 AND 26 PENN ST. Raving secured a large yard and furnisbed It with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers_, Salt Pans, Tanks,Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boller - IroirDridges, Sugar Pans, and sole 1111.1111• facturers Barnhlll's Patent Boilers.. Repairing done on the shortest notice. Jarddl _ _ JAMES M. BITER, Nos: 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., MANIIPACIVAXR OF : IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING 3TILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK. For Steamboats. • JARED _ DIICBII NDIIIIND D. DALTSII, JAILED AL BRUSH &SON, 3 I.A.IIUFACTIMERS OF Steam. Boilers, Oil Stills; 'Links. MEET WON WOOL &0.. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. :.STOVES, 3, CASTINDS, &C BUISEIAL dr, CO.'S TRIUMPH,' ' /1 FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted ,to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other Store In the Won. BISSELL & CO., No. 235 Liberty Street. Also on band, and for sale, PARLOR STOVES,_HEATING STOVES, ORATE FRONTS, FENDERS, COOKING RANGES, ac. CHEAPEST PLAIhE is the city TO BUY THE TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, L at No. 146 GRANT STREET. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUWE Manufacturers and Importers of IH ARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. 887 LIBERTY STREET, CORNER OF WAYNE, One Square Below Vnlon Depot, PITTSBURGH. arir Agents for FAIRBANKS' SCALES. Fo WUSSMANN y FIFTH ST., bet. Tunnel & Chatham Ste., nnemitli and Dealer in Hardware. First class goods of alt descriptions always on band and sold at the lowest prices. Fidpairing done care Sally on short notice. , Je2B:dso puterax STEAM BREWERY. JOB.6PFn~iCgg;,,,JAgI EA.I....EOEZAT LIDDELL. SPENCER, WRAY & CO,, MALSTERS AND BREWERS Ale, ;Porter And Epip Stout, . .PITTSBMII, PA. ROBERT WATSON, Manager. oepl DYERS AND SCOURERS. Nos. 185 and'lB7 Thlrd'lftmt, DYER=" AN] SCOUREE BTRAW43OODB ( ILEA/11)3E0B DYED. • ~„L; • LEAN ir tr ia 74.17:: ueDlEi3 , l*Lun, 0 • • • AIL;.i; at S • le r.ungrAft,-*TulkEtEirS' t the manutletneersi wnolesale and retail laicals, trand Altdt.'•Olate Street t t' H. PHILLIPS. • &Phu. "fr:' If • • r - witlewitent, for al. county. .17 •de EMEMEI ENGINES, Binwißs FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, MANUFACTURERS OF PITTSBURGH, Pa. CET THE BEST. I'. C. DIYFFY HARDWARE. BREWERIES. ==l =II FORT PITT :BANKING COMPANY, No, 169 Wood, Street. CAPITAL, .. . 5200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points in the thnltell States and Canada,. DIRECTORS: D. Hostetter, I J'no. C. Risher, James Gordon, I Robt. A. lisng, E:11 1 :AUf: '" d o.3i. m il'igy. SAIIIPL. NeCLIMILAN, Presl. IN LEST WILSON. Cashier, KEY,STONR; .111ANK. 9 , . . Pa LIBERTY : vgamr, PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL, (authorized,) :: : $200,000. • DIRECTORS._ - • . Taynch, ' Wm.H. Hamilton, John maram doch, Henry B_ockatcoce, Samuel Barekiey, ! Geo.T. Van Dorn. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Collections made - on all accessible Pointe in the United States amteanada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES . BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. VAN BO HEN: Cashier. /1/irSTOCHUOLDERS INDIV I DUALLY LIABLE. jy4:b2 NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, tor. of Wood and Sixth Sti. A. PATTERSON President. JO9. H. HILL Cashier. CAPITAL, : : : $500,000. DIRECTORS: " A. i'atterson, . George W. Cans, U. Brown, i James 31cCandiesS, Clts..Lockhart, ; Wm. Douglas, Allen Kirkpatrick, Wm. Reed. W. S. Raven, • 011 900ENTIS DAILY, AT.II A. M. ap9:021. HART, CAIJGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streeter, P. l7l l3l3UltGal", "PA... • (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART 1 C 0.,) DEALERS IT Exchange,. COin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to tl e purchase and agile of COVERNMENT BONDS. Sugcht Drafts on London. rnyliste NHOLMES & SONS, • 57 Market Street, m i rrT"rsstracrii, Coilections ale on all the principal points of the United Siates'and Canadas. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON CO3/3HSSION Particular attention paid to the 'purchase and sale at United States Securities. NVESTEENSAVINGS BANK, No. 59 . Fourth Street. CHARTETIED 1866. Interest paid on Time Deposits ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT INTEREST. • Discounts Daily at IA o'clock. President—THOMPSON BELL. Vice Erestdent—A. M. MARSHALL.' Dingevons: THOMPSON BELL, I A. M. MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH. . JOS. ALAREE. J. J. GILLESPIE, i Stockholders to whom we make reference: Wm. Forsythe, Joseph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell, R n e e v n . r3 Dr a i n l bl e t r , r, , Willis Dalzell, D. W. C. Bidwell, lA. M. Brown, E. Fulton. I Thomas Ewing. ''' 4,.5t1i.A.,..PaK0i---•--.:.,... ''''''-:---.-IANI(Eki ESTABLISHED EN 1837. 3 6 - SOll7-10 PMWiMLPILIA, DEALERS-IN GOVERNAIENT , SECURITIES, 7 3-10 s Converted Into 5 -go, QOLD Bousht incl .- mid on Commission,' here and in New York. TIME PAPERREGOTIATED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OF GOLD AND CORRENCY. _Accounts of Banks and Bank en rece i ved on facorable terms:„ - ALL C,LASSEit DP SECURITIES TAKEN IN EXCHANOE AT MARKET RATES. faktuli ,C9NFEN, )2U:gfuEs TIEN= 491tikkally Confectionery' and ;Bakery No. 800 BMITHFECI.D STICUBT, Between Seventh and Libeis,Y. • - I/ail; ► Bo , , 48' Ortrrilt 8:41;00N attached. GEORGE REAVEAr, ..4 1. • Candy ATannfacnarer, . , Inide KL itr it NiAlM4lar 1 . 424' 0 17 .1 21,1 *: P/OWirat 44 h 41 4 5 1. 1 gAdIffina Strfeil Second door from thefifiret 2.!atlonal Bank, 411e •ts.q. ! 'Wttl'llll%, E-- I 1 17. 8. 6's, 1881 ~ s_2o's,- . 1862 4, 5-20's, 1864 4, 5-20's, 1865 " 10-40's 4, " 5-20's, Jan. and,july, '65.. 4, June 7-30's 4, July 7-30's May Comp., 1865 iflE• LUAU ANti. lAlt iPAINTS. White Lead is firm at the advance quo ted last week. Messrs. Harris & Ewing, wholesale. druggists, corner of Libertrand Wayne streets, quote the following brands: Strictly Pure White Lead, J. S. IST, Son Pittsburg•h Pure 123/ White -Lead-: Works t .... . ... .18ri Banner, x 6 Beige, . lie' Pacific, Pure ' 100. Pearl, Snow White " Premium, ; Pare, assorted , cans 13c 83ic_ Snow White 'Zino, J. S. & Son, - Pure io Snow White iine t C-„W•• PRre•••,, Snow' White Zinc, - Banner ' ~120 Snow White Zinc, imperial oc,'"" DST OFFICE T IRETr ia . ullizialr GAZEIVE y 1, 1888 During the past week the demand for ber,,ltolJ WOW( v OrY'AtodPOWSbtit prices are unchanged, and•at card rates manufac turers have (taking into consideration the cost ofWf.' production) no margin to makecoit ceiiimis"'llie`deititilidloit nails c6ntin nes largo and prices are fully maintained. For sheet irtmtherp,llcpnaiderable inquiry from the *eat, and prices • are firm. • C I AU- 11, 400*. ; L By Telegraph to qtatlusburgb Gazette.) CaTCAGO; 46 02 1 .44agsstive and 20a2,5e higher,'With 'MOIL& /8,0214400 fin me -64.441fiii1Z ptkOlif/eiht-Picirqr ,autoo ,/4 Qu o "41,00 a ^fan light abipainn steam and $9,76810M - Ihr: go,c l MMlftAiiiVi aEirimuz ==aIINEM=I 11=11111=11 REMOVAL. I HAVE REMOVED MY BANKINGAND EXCHANGE OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, • - Formerly occupied by the NATIONAL RANT OF COMMERCE. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., B:AL IV mr,...m• rt es 0 BUT AND SELL ALL RINDS OF GOVERNMENT, SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COITPOI4, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS 7-30's CONVERTED INTO THE NEW ,5-20 CO UPON BOND Fr Interest Allowed on Deposits. moizirn LOANED ON GOVERNAIENT BONDS, and other approved lc .1 lateral, at lowest market rates. Orders executed! for the Purebait; , and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. • JAMES T. BR nit Rittorhurgij eikritt FINANCE AND TRADE OFFICE OF THE-PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ./ FRIDAY,. May 1;i.1868.- - The uncertainty of the Presidetrt's con viction keeps up ixditical agitation and pievents a speedy decline in the gold pre mium. European eapitaliats look upon this matter from a,differea stand point, and consider the effects or a conviction of our chief magistrade as a more serious mat ter. Although the amount of interest and dividends on securities held abroad is very large, the investment orders are more lim ited than was expected. Milieu States . bonds are still quoted low In Europe, and do not respond to, the advance here. It is reasoned, and "rierhaps correctly, that the conviction of the President is as dangerous to the establishment of quiet and, order in the now politically agitated distiicts of the United States, as an acquittal. In either case the two contending parties for power would keep the country agitated and keep business enterprises back. It was well of the Treasury to anticipate the payment of May interest and to sell part of its surplus gold pending the President's trial and keep down the premium to steady the market. The beginning of next week Will bring gold enough into the market, to ,make it a drug, and rates are likely to yield. -- The Government bond market was very - firm, and had advancedon last night's quo tations, but the advance was not sustained and prices declined .from 3/ to %per cent., mainly on account of the weakness and dullness of,, the European markets for bonds. Stocks are all higher; the Western shares have advanced from '2 to 3 per cent., and even New York Central and Erie have nearly touched the highest quotations ob tained a few days ago. Money is very plenty in - the seaboard cities, but at home there is still a scarcity of ( funds. Improvements in and of our city and surroundings, and general improve ments, would have much to do with the prosperity of our,citizens. It would keep rich and retired merchants with their capi tal here and attract others, and thus, furl nish cheap capital for . our manufactures. IS a noteworthy fact that Pittsburgh is a much dearer market to borrowmoney than Chicago, St. Louis or Cincinnati. Itusiness is improving but slowly; within the next Week a' large amount of money be distributed for dividends, which will im prove the monetary condition materially. ClOsing quotation - received by Ph. p, Mertz, were as follows: Gold, 139%; 1881 bonds, 113%; 1862 5-20 s, 108%; 1864 do, 106%; 1865 do, 106%; Consols, 1087; 10-40 s, 103%; 7-30 s, 107 Railroads---Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 83; Ebrt wayne,lo4 ; North Western,common 64%; North Western—preferred; 7634; New York Central, 1293,1; Erie, 71%; Old South ern,9o%; Ohib & Mississippi, 3W.; Mer chats Union Express,3l%; Western. Union Telegraph,37%. Mining Shares—Corydon, 80; Quartz Hill, 1,10; Quicksilver, 27%. , B-;-Closing sanotations received byJames rady &Co.: Gold IRON AND NAILS. TO TATE PH. ,R. MERTZ. ADY & CO ____--- PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKETj OFFICE THE P/1 RGH. GAZETTE , - /nEU L O l i; -— / 1 1 1 ii ' FRIDAY, May 1, 1868: 1 . CRUD 'The Crude oil market con= tinues to rule firmly, and prices have still further advanced. We can report thefol „, lowing transactions: 500 bbls, on spot,' Smith's Feyiy oil, gravity 47, at 10%; 3,000 il bbls, first water, at 10Mc; 2,000 do at 1034 c; , ~ 2,000 do atl Itic, and 2.000 do at 10mc. We continue tOgive 12li o- cas the nominal quo- , i tion for ali. i the year, buyer's option- REFDTED---In the bonded oil market there is a Very firm feeling, and prices are 'somewhat higher than those obtained yes terday. W.O ate informed of the following sales: 500bb1s, on spot; at 27xe; a line of 1,500 bbls for May, June and July, buyer's option, 500 each month, .at 28mc; a line of 2,500 bbls, (August to December inclusive, buyer's optien, 500 each month, at 30c a line of 1,000 bbls for November and Decem-, ber, 500 each month, at ' ;.a line of 2,000: bbls for ,Nos-ember ', an IDecember, 4,0001 each iriontliVat 30c;,is lin Of 1,500,bb1a forl :May,4tine 'did July, leach t month; at 27'/ 4 e, and 2,1500 bbls, 1 ' 'half of May. at 2730 There were no SS of which we I could learn!for all the y r, buyer's option,' and wesplote 32 to 32c a nominal price.; ARRIVALS—The foll 'ng are 'the ar- 4 rivals of oili,•I Nat. Ref. it St. C 0.960 Fit W. M'enteherni ..: , •60 , W A.W.-- graftl:':. , .. ....... 50: J Ii Sweeney'! ''''” 100 J. McCummings... 25 Total 1r . ... OIL SITIP2LENTS PE A. v. it. R. Clark it &ironer, 452 bb ( refined to P. Wright it Sons, Philadelp 'a. Forsyth, Bro. it Co., 475 a d to Warden, Frew et Co : , il i tiladelphia., I Montzhenner, Koehler it l do, - do do to Waring, rink .t Co. - Philadelp A. a. ( 1 00 Nat. met. Co., 240 do do to F. A. Dilworth it Co., Philadelphia. ' Fawcett; . 14an it Stock le, 500 do do to W. P. Loganlat Bro.; Phil elpltia. ! MOrgan, 60 do r, to Libby it Clark, Red HOok, New Yo t ' Patterson -4 Neahan, 4 do ref. to J. C. Worthat, St.; lair, Penna. I Patterson it Neahan, 5 ol do to H. A. Fonda, KingStOn, Penna. ,' Patterson .h Neahan, 5 Ido to L. C. Thompson, Pittsville, Pe a. ' art' sittrarENts Fitcnar DU 17ESNE DEPOT. T.TIIIOD.Ret to., 128,41 s ref. to. W. P. Lo gait& Bro., Philadelphia. ' ' • McKenna it r /togers,2o'do do to W. P. Lo gati*Rro, Pliliadelphin. Hutchinson Oil Co., 128 do do. to Warden, Frew &Ct.., Philadelphia. IL. M. Long: .4 C 0. ,, 77 do do to Waring, King :& Co., , Pjiladelphia. , • PITTSRATIRGIII DRUG IILSRKET. ,i r'.: PITTSIII.III.OI2 (lAZETTE,i FRIDAY, May 1, 1868. " alb; ' If lb. J t 3G i :011 Croton $3 23 41 01 ithl Leniuu ..,. 300 .., Ft 1 141 gall. .' 30 ,011 Nentslbot ....., 143 ..I i ; y/ 1011 011 ve................C2 d % ' ,11' 1. on Oitve, tits Ils' 00' r , to ;oil olive, pta 473 el ILS It i ' - 11' lb. 1.1; 112 IS 1 Peppermint .... , Z rvirtu . .... 143 ~.trw. . lotitintergre.en .. - -5 73 *l 6i r t'lll l l. Bromide.. ' ( 8 3 5 1. ,IPotosm Chlorate. 7 82 i .10',; , l'otessa lodide •;6 30 6 i• ' . ; oz. : l i, I ;pi; Quinine . ........ l i. '[ la 3 Itopn ' 073 1208. 27 Root Gentian ` C I S l, 33 Root Ginger E. 1.. - N F: io Root fituffer. Jam. 40 . , il. sii maniples/I polt , d 'il . 1; 3 0 , bbl. RoOt 4, ap pow coaaents . ; ..... ..4. :, 7CM . Mat Ltqtlorlee .... 23 , - .i :Al Iti. Boot Ithuharti•••••• 340 Cram`Tor,tar ... . ... 53 Hoot Bite: poled.. 300 Cubeba,. .. .. .'4. :.. 44 ' ltoottiarsaparma.. 60 Dove a , I'owder,, , ,„ v.; fa Boot„ seneza ~ Ed Ether, 'Nitres . ... . I - To - 11,3,3mm - ellen, Eng ( , 0 Ether, dalpturld:c :T1 131 , Boot.Valern,tier. R . Gum .AOMIII SOrte. i i lie Sat Ammonßtey... +1 5 1,„ ourn - arante seiecl .'0 Sal slalom 43''' Gum Shellac.... ~.. ! 83 Sal Rottle/10-4 , -- lloMnart'a lAnotPo 1 85 Sal tioda.c.... . lodine BM)EI .... .I'l7 40 Seed Canary . 14 Juniper Berries .. 7 Se e d Hemp II Liquorice, Caisb..i I. 33 Seed Cardamon..:. 575 Liquorice, ItlllatEo rt 47 Seed ittptilimlFl"l 035 Liquorice, Welly... i• i :a senna ex./,....cM Madder -.-... . .. . 1.1 18 Senna Z. I . - - Magnesia Calcine.' '...1. 03 Sods lii Curb 4 rMagnesia oara...ir pplia 30 i . ar E llll / 1 31 : .. . . ' ' ' ' '' ...- ‘ 4 ,Vr - tgrr ead e ' white 55 3 ~,ra_ ain2t,.,. j 44, 03 TuiP l etitine • Siiiiiii 0 2 1:k t...tattt:xia I,7::eviv,,,ed 1 . ..,... 400 Wet mili 14:fall. 1 - I,r 55 ' 1393 113% 108% 7 ... . 1 106% 06% 103% 108% 1093‘ " . .10734 107 118 x OFFICE CP Acid, Acetic Acid, Citric.— .` Acid, Tartaric . % Aloes, Cape Ammonia, Amta.: Ammonia, Carta —• Asanttleilda . . Arnica klowera;:. Copatbal ' nit6-4tasg . ..... inu.Nitoo. ..... r Alrimstoue, ltoll 'Balm. Flor. ;11 Calomel I Camphor, reflood ontnariaes ' Chamomile, fierto Chamomile, Itoini Ch10r0f0rm....... 011 Cod Liver ' PITTSBURGH MARKET'S. Oifglen OF TILE PITTEiBIiiiOFL orAiEfiii, )1 g , ; FRIDAY, May 1, 1868. ~ In our general markets there was no nett featU re,, to-day, worthy of special remark The:t urrent of 'trade moves only mode' ratel'„active for the season, and, as yet the ' Y,4lume of transactions are consider: ably ti usual volume of the trade at thiti period of the year. The orders re. . , ceived' are numerous, but generally small yetlh6 frequency foots up to a ,' fair aggro_ J lz gate m amount. Flour continues very as tive, lia does, also Bacon. Butter and ltggl are lover. Groceries are moderately ac tive. We qiibte the current'wholesale rated as follows; . , , . GRAlN—Prime • Yellow Shelled Corn in elevator readily commands $l,OB per bushed, and onthe wharf, 41,05 per bushel; In depOt-Oata sold at 80 to 82e. Rye is in demandit 11,65 to - $2 per bushel, and scareci:j Bar isin light receipt and sell ling readily at WA. There is no Wheat in market for sale, and millers have td purchase• such supplies as will keep their; mills;in operation in the western markets; We quote nominally White Wheat at $2.,70 to $2,75; Red Winter, $2,65 to $ 2,70, and Nei 1 Spring $2,40 per bushel. ' FLOUR—The market contindes firm and steadY,', with large sales reported today 1 There is no quotable change in prices. b dealerie-here are looking for. a still further advane, as they are working on little or! no margins, compared with western rates: The following quotations of will known! brands L' , - will give an idea of prices to bliyers: Crossetta's XXXX, $12,00# Daytorit' Snow Flake, (White WinterY, $l3; White River, (Red Winter) $l2 tcf $12,25; Jenkin's Lilly Mills, $l2 - to $12,25,1 and • medium brands, $lO to - sll,2s_pen barrel.' - ,Rye Flour commands $8,50 to s' 9 , 7 ‘ l ' per barrel. PROVISIONS—The market is buiryan and stilt advancing. We quote Sug•ar Oured Hams,ny, -to ' 20c; do Canvassed, 20y s tc( 2 lcl 811 0215.1erN 143.4 to 143.4 c; Ribbed Sides; 17c; Clear Sides,l9c. choice Dried Beef, 2 4 0 ;anti-Xerd,lo.l3 per pound. Mess Pork, $28,50 per.bbl. DA.RHOIL--There is a large demand fort Extra NO. 1 - at sl,sorand $1,25 per gallon for No :,24 _ __, . CI:LEESE—Choice Cheese commandi fain prices, tivith a good demand at 18c' fori Goshen;, Tactory at 17c; and W. R., at 14e tolse. — _ I I .. o— ASHES—SaIes of Pearls from store att. 11c, and '5 tons Soda Ash at 4,)ic per pound LEAD pou 4-We quote pig lead selling at-. 104 - per nd. WHI.TE LIME .Soldat $1,75 per bbl. i l SAI.T4S mall jobbing sales at $2,00 per, barrel. POTATOES-Buckeye Potatoes are ini good supply and rather dull at $4 per bbl.! Peach Blows are scarce and-in demand at $4,25 per lib]. . HAY-?Baled Hay on the wharf corn-. mends $22 tos2s per ton, and loose Tim 4 othy from country wagons at $24 to $2B pert ton, as tequalit3r.. • CORNHIWAT,-7,sales from store at-$l,lO . _to $1,15 Per bushel. ' DRIED FRUlT—Dried Apples are nomi nal at 7 tcf 731 c per pound. For Peaches there is aninquiry at 13c. t BUTTER—The receipts are graduly improving:and prices drooping. We quote pnme to choice at 40 to 43c. EGGS-4 - rices are lower. Sales to-day 22c per cleien, a decline of one cent since yesterday. It " I t llk#ll ears II -. wm3 ahor Bros. 4 Ver;v7itirn ,lrke it Co ESE