El littsbuiti:' tit*. THE 111113 ITS' ;OF It is all very well, for the poets to tell. By way of their songs adorning. Of milkmaids who ronse, to manipulate cows, At five o'clock in the Morning. And of moony Young mo wersw-ho bundle out doors— The charm of their straw beds scorning- - Before break or day, to make love and hay. At Ave o'clari lathe inerningi But, mord, tLeri To no alive does the figure of the Bring atax=or even bring batter. - The pooredeepy ccrws,'lf told to arouse. Wouldsto so. perhapa r in a horn-int; • But the sweet country girls, womd tart/ show . their bright curls At live o'cck in the morning? It may not be wrong for a man in the song, , Or the moon—if anxious to settle, To kneel In wet grass, land o ahu,,., hat popped down on nettle r For bow co ul d he see what was under hisluthe, If, In spits of my friendly warning, • Be went out of bed, and his house and his bead At live o'clock In the mornlns It is all very well, such stollens° tem . ; Rut if I were a maid, all forlorn-Ing, And a lover shonid drop, In the clover; to Pop, At flee o'clock In the morning: If I liked him, you see,rd say "Please call at three, If not, I'd turn on him with Scorning; "Don't come here, you flat, VIM' conundrum e that, At Ave 'o'clock In the morning:" EPHEMERIS, —Ole Bull is in Boston. . - 7 Chanfriin is in Chicago.. Cincinnati has the small pox.. —Chicago is to have a floating steam fire engine., —General Nagle is to be tried on the 9th of May., • - 4 -W.4re is J. N.? havn't heard of him for 403... Pendleton and English is the cry of the repabitors now. —There are but 5000 members of the G. g, R., in Wisconsin. --Trollope ,is staying' with the British ister in Washington. Counterfeit notes are m a nufactured by some retail criminal nou. —Penogram is a new' word fresh from the mint of a western editor. -;—Thad. Stevens no doubt wishes he was a-Boutvrell.—Evsning Bulletin. -Lists of unclaimed telegrams are pub lished in San. Francisco papers. ' , Thurlow Weed does not despise Horace (freely.. He only thinks he is no gentle man. 7 -Most of the rooms at Cozzens's hotel at West Point have already beeiitaken for the —A Harbor of Refuge is to be construct ed' near Block Island, in Long Island Senn& ' r.--...M00rs are emigrating to this country.. Africiitir( of • llie Ethiopian type will probe —ln the Botanic Gardens of Brussells there 'it r arose tree sixty feet high, which was brought from Carraccas. —Goldwin Smith says it is the destiny of the British North American ColOnies to be absorbed by the United States. —Upwards of sixty thousand persons have attended the Sunday evening services hi the Boston theatres this winter. '.-Two hundred and sixty-three cows are kept in city of poston. Four cows are kept in•tone old abed in Allegheny. - =For the fourth time in his very eventful life, Monsieur . Drouyn de L'Huys is to re receive the foreign portfolio in Prange. Bateman's French opera- troupe Will tiring out La Belle Helene at the Na ^ tiOnal theatre in Washington next week :- . .-JOhn Quill says the case for the Piesi dent will close when Evar-t's done,. unless Stanbery decide*to makes few remarks -At last Si. Lonil is to hive a decent theatre, and Ben De Bar is to build it. Pitts- . burgh still hangs fire on The theatre subject. - . —A Zoological garden has been begun in the Schnctzen Park in Baltimore. The eel lection at present consists of a Brazilian ta 1--L.Dog crusades are going on -ail over the country and the , unfortunate children of opine who eicape the basket muzzle fierish at the:gun muzzle. - . • -11 -14 d rs. D. S. Curtis is said to ligthd aunt orftiof "The Spirit 'of '76," which is the literary hit of the season. Mrs. Curtis is the wife of a BostonVanTier.. —Jerry ilitick thinks thattecretary Sew arA ;would die if he were pat for one day in 'the society of honest men. Jerry ought to , know, for he can sympathize with him. • — , A; Cuban slave, Manuel Roblejo",by eide4oring to plirdiasi his free-'• dom by th e, isle Of lispoemi. a lite4ill eato..his livinghyllanuellabor.-;-;Ezehurip. paprP out the' sippi*orig theleWd-inipertiliublith4 ri York o liostini, Chicago, and taCiesse and `shipped. tit •titonsands' to the Pacific _ .. 2.. .... 16 ineb0dY; 11h0 is evidept~} -not rely. -."- . .riqmsywith, subject,says.vboiu I m mo calm, the nerves, feitiihi impatience, 010 the sigrits and the eipear- anca,”ll- • . Spurgeon is Often huoted as a 4 illustrious example of' those opposed to the of; the English.-prayer book in English, schools? Mr. flintrgeon is a Baptist. Quart rum euf Stephen H. 4ran9b: says he Wagefi , drunk- the other day :. when picked tip the streets britp4b4.::: 11P 'was drugged, as iitost people are -..who drink ern WiliskY , lukGraitge:prignoli Opera' troupe Wasiii Buffalo last B l ' l oo' B / 1 4 1 ''. tonic loVer, the bettalful young 4 1ady,Ntras , also there, drinking in rapture from one of the dress circle chairs: young ladles Were pn bnind VAC , tint" 'bpand for Europe with Nt'lMek", einOttia ebb bonndli)iiin piai Li ' :t l/:6 14#90Ptibie young 4eart , of the- novelist, if they dld not get sea sick.„ • . -'#n, default Of sWedlotafoowilibi" . Ate nt(nrthp gif)13111/ And‘ felnee. tin 'own, and nitY An:key:vast can • . pink them oft wood be litg ly tipreciatea, 7)49 st,f4le_ted h l 74lM l .s:quitTtntfi.., -m* its UP‘tkittldes of Ohl* , 1642441 1 11° W at' j h4 j0 11 i t 3ttaiet rbe%iti;,l Ltlr oppo4 to tho conviction of his fath- ~1: :v y -- ; ,-.,‘ ' • . . - : . .. '. -,• ,-- , . 1 - ' :, , - , t.- , - P 1 7 I 4ao - . -a1 ~,,,-, i - ,-0 , , ,-. -„_ -., - , ~ -727 T, ; ,iTZ7g a54--4za . ' . - , - - - - -- i,,4a5 - -4Ei 4 i—. :_ -m. , , .-4 , 4, , , ~ ~,v , ,.„4 „ ~.„4;.7, ; ,4-4io, .. -- 04„ , ...0-& ; --- 0 ; 4 , - . t. 440 ~,,50dA.,ci,,- , er-in-law, because as long as he' is ,Pee Kent the' Setiator lives. - with biniand,payetic, board The vdttl for mulatto! when Cast may be looked opon asap argument.in favor ofee-0491* . _ . • l`duanism died ikith D Canada. Whether the Fenian had any thing to do with the assassination is very doubtful, but timt dam notidader etmadhtna from believing that they did, and we venture t° D r -,.. edie lel lt atTAPlNOWATl -ASYe-r , take platie in the dominion. Thuitaii evehing Jana >3s Jan 6 scheckperikained folitut l last country. The play Watalizabeittli and' the theatre the Bronklyn Academy. 43 to be hoped tht;t:thegreat tragedienne tir ill be in duced, by her great, spccess, to ,repeut her professional 'visit - to ebitntry.' —Thomas-Cady, while" attempting to put a new set' of halliards on'a liberty pole in Bergen, N. :J., lost hist hold and fell one hundred ; feet to the grounds where -hedash ed his brains out. Great regret is felt lhat he had not succeeded in fastening on the hal liards, as nobody'Will attempt it now. A. lady in Illinois wants a husband, and advertises for him in a becatur newspaper. She is easily pleased.. All she wants is lhat he should be handsome, well off, temperate, anti-tobacco, and a regular church-goer. If she finds him, it will be a - renewed evidence of the fact that advertising works miracles. —The following slander is going around among the papeis; it might apply pretty well to American editors, and, indeed; per haps it is just, as it stands: "In Germany, when a pap& publishes anything wittjr;they.kill the editor. Not a single editor has been killed there for two hundred years." —The Philadelphia papers are loud in their reproof of a number of ultra fashion ables who talked and lauglied too loud while occupying a box at the Academy of Music. Some of the same partY were last "winter hissed by the audience for the same offence. - 7 -McCtiole and , Coburn are going] to Chicago to fight. It is perfectly refreshing to notice the indignation which some or the Chicago plpers assume at this announee ment, and how they say that the prize I fighters will have to go to some other State, - and yet between two and three columns were devoted to the last prize fight in the vicinity by each of the daily papers. —Rev. W. Morley Punshon, the re nowned Methodist orator of England, , and said to be the most polished and powerful speaker of modern times, is coming to the Chicago Conference as a delegate from Eng land. After his official duties are completed, it is understood that he will travel through ~. various parts of the country and we under stand that efforts are being made to have j him lecture in this city. —When young ladies retire frorniva even ing party, en masse in an omnibus, they should be careful not to allow their gentle man-escorts to be too boisterous in their merriment, or some extra officious police man might arrest them and drive them off in a body to the station hoof , . We have even heard of some such thing having actu ally occulted - in Allegheny, sad consider it an outrage such as could only be proper- II avenged by the cashiering of the rudely officious official -Powers is now employed upon a statue, to which he has not yet givers a name. 'lt might be called "Tlie. - Last of the Race." A tall, beautiful Indian - woman is represented as in the act of running, but with a weari ness of body and limb which indicates that the end of her flight is near. Her head is turned to one side, as if listening to the sound of pursuit.. The-face expresses both fear and pain, not sharp and desperate but dulled by the knowledge of an inevitable fate.—Bayard Taylor's Cor. - • —There is perhaps in the world no amuse ment so generally abused as gossiping. Every one attacks it, but every one makes use of it, and like many other things it is worst abused by those who use It most. Without a little of it sprinkled in as seasoning, society of any kind would Ike keycold and ,disagreea ble..He or. she ' who indulges in gossip must, or ought to, knoW that like most other things it grains, • and therefore ,should be wary; 'but he Orshe who says that none but geese would indulge the use of, so abomina ble a weapon of the arch enemy generally in the end proves hlniself a gozzard. Gos-' slph!g, likeamoking, drinking and other small vices, is very , piquante and ' delightfUl if moderatelyinflated in, but, dangerous if. ' carried to excess. - .'• —People who indulge in the use of choco- Ilate probably have no idea of •what a dis gusting mess they are finding sof delicious. IWe know young ladiee who would be shock efl at the iiteis of using Chewing gum, which is really no worse ;thatrehocolutet: In the PiePlavlticeigf,M B *mil* '04 , 04,,i*A' ' sugar, facfour; - ; 3 49: 11 40( 84kChi: a rrow root, honey end inolassessue used; of cogrse,, , tbie . 'ee, #gleilleo l4 :4 40.0 not ietittlia the *de, ,, desired chootilato color, _to obtain which venetian red, tinber;* and the pois- . onottsmetalic salts, cinnahar:,and red lead are e mployed; after all this. the fatty unc tions taste of the original-chocoliterisl lost, and rMist lie•OlltOtecilbi:ltultni lit : tallOw and hogtelard.l; 4i't4Br all thia it is bidled and poured into mouldS, and when cold it is "s: dainty dish to set before, a queen" or any • of the young ladies who so "love choco late." —lt is the, f4ion to abuse chignons and therefore chignoms will probably be 'abused until they disappear .from`sight, not , because of,theAuse, for that never has the slightest effect on fashiOns. We realty cannot under stand why these excrescences . shOuld be so assailed. Thy are unbecoming to most. girls, but so are many otbeiAtings; they are simply a; covering ror the. opier.Portion of the back of the head, taking the place of the hardehei Set*.crow - Nobody Oh)eoted, tAiiiialaWol4.' Why Should they to hair hindtdrbsadllt And'itS , .t6 4ectiftiall i Wiloh. Pftridr#PeCilie,e#,Yitte N.Vire,:reStunitif taigno2ll.T WO' is iitille. 400,04 I yl, lay ugigrA'T, e i ve ketftsped thathelfrst hat thsy_sw: V— - .: saw • on the viarees bead', and onti . - :i'''l 4 Alfilw—ler . , ( 4 110 # 1 0 1 4 111, biiiiit'. - . ;1 1 3 idnlV fiAW - in!!itttilif 4:' =d er - , ... i i i : l `- 3 4 9 ,6,„ .iii:isti i ito 1 ' 41 ; 4 ' ~0;, ) , 11- R ik& mor e th an m any of the man yrheouse no _.._ , 40: C. BOTLZ a 00. , 5, mem do. __ , moms Ansa __, Allegbegl Ctg. T *owe *Mae' . ' - PlTSs;ft I : SATKR .I AL MAY iIEPMDBMY. ---- WILT. • kftrt AirrinciaL Tzrra i nt a Ltltl i ' CIiDWITHOUTP Pict 11- R - 11ES4 UIDITIM.. AYSTI• 11 TEETIVAILIC.O ALLIVORK:WAMMENnt it:wax YA SC-CITAUIGLIAT QIIINC,OTTS- StOSIIIII Dental _ Establislormenti7 ATs 1 5 14P CFT t.-1 1 P ) 49.94• 4 1 3 9V 2 4 LI.WP? N. D. DA. SCOTT Is & iterate under the 'Goodyear Patents, he will not make any "new (bo r.'s) tamer- se ts, se ts, Irtstynl continue to manntse,ture Tile gesodn, article—it zaliZl:d&T Vy *ol o 31 GAS FIKTITRFA CU a, 33. ellers, FOR OAS AND OIL. Just received, the finest and largest assortment ever opened In this city. - INELDON & ',KELLY, 147 WOOD STREET, COR. VIRGIN' ALLEY. mh2Am.V. DRY (WOW. 87. . MARKET STREET. Qr 7 t." • • SPRING OPENING! THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', (Successor to J. M. Burchfield It Co.) ' . SPRING DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY:-GOODS. MR. PHILLIPS respectfully announces that the extensive alterations tq his RETAIL DRY GOODS STORE Are completed. and his establishment is NOW OPEN. He oilers an entirely Nets Stock of Dry Goods, For Spring and Summer Wear, at the lowest East -1 ern Case Prices. 87.. 'MARKETSTREET....EII, o tg cCi rn E-4 0 1-4 1 : 4 2, L 7.4 0 P U.l P ei 0 A T DENNISON & HECKERT'S, A . Filth_ Street. PLAIN LINEN TIANDKMtC/11.EFS, S cents HANDBER CHIEFB for AND and __p_ a u w ard DIJAS.WRITING DIZKS. WORK lIIYSI.KAY, In all grades and at all prices. , • „. , monism's SThR SHIRTS, AT IMEDIPCOIIOiPitIVEri . ' . KID GLOVES, COBSETS,InOOP SKIItTS, de. . . . ALL OUR GOODS At:LOW PRICES. fon . , - - - - CIAIRR, McCANDLIEBB & CO., IL) (Late Wilson, Darr C C 0.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD STREET; Third door above Diamond alley, • . PITTSBURGH, PA. , . rty-ROPOSALSilealed ' Proposals will be received by the Water.Commlttee of the of Pittsburgh, until 7 o'ciock P. pt. of _ . Tuesday,' May 12. tit, FOR THE iii.CiLLCiiiiNti:VlZ Alfl EN6-111) 1 1 00. • • ,;.... 1. ... id th e Lowd:Wo r kg. supeddo present building,- and of equal: capacity tTlbe engine erected at the a 1,1 0 , ~ ! Ill apr i .,...! l •, : roptandiJitrild . ': . 7 . L tie received for furnish- PriltNtrire Arorklii . .l-,•• v -c t .,..A"' , ~' .'" 7 ` VINT., 33 ticiFIRS,. 'Each 4p inches by 24 ft; with two 18.-Inctrillues, smote Stack, Steam Pipe, Meaux and Nadi:trains. FOUR itimk.ns, At tipper Works, eith 4iNchei Ire 116 feet, two 16 Died ltr a. ; Bm°kelrtaer4 . team ViP e,.. Ste a m Mid cL i proposals wtll.4lso bO r ''''' ied ot 61141 C time for LATINEcIV ER - . PIPE - , . . • Daring the present seastm,”on such Streets and alleys as may from time to time be , directed by the com mittee. Details of the proposedAfk, , and apecidcations of the machinery, can be iEntatured at the office of the Water Works,: or: at the lLower Works, after the ,28th hist, • • Tlllll3l* - Diesitl4lrthisik :settleitnexiti. The Water Coinralttee4ive tic i right'to ' reject any-orall bids, if deem sham dna& . - • . •q, • ts v Apt 3 'Stipa nden 1 Water VVEST.COBiIiOitz;: vv • • • *AO, Worke r coiner “111111111,11 L Ile , NW' 'of nt i imire Tt -ib t f r north , rgr a ire t e i l itsit w it s . . oxen t"e" 0 reasonable. AND cp a E-4 -41 MOINE 4 4 - 4 ! - ALsot r yowt , ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUYERS TrimmingS, Notlons and Fancy Goods. We have received a very tine assortment of. " - Which canna be beat. It consists of ..STRIPED.DO D AND PLAIN SWISS; STRIPED__, B RED & PLAIN NAINSOON; LAWN , CAMBNICS, Etc. GOOD IRISH LINEN_, at 37_,Ke. per _yard. WWI) DAMASK 'TOWEL*, at lAhc. Oar Line of HOSIERY is no* Complete. 200 DOZEN. Or COIUMTS, Just received, selling M EASTERN• PRICES. A Vine Lot - of Parasols, IN ALL.STYLES AND COLORS, SYSTEME ALiXANDRE KIDS, at per pair GENUINE " " $1.86 LIGET COLORED KIDS, at 50c. a pair. TRIMMED MUSLIN SKIRTS at .0.00 SUMMER BALIIORA.LB,.at 15c. and $1 In PAPER COLLARS, we have a full variety MACRUM, GLYDE & CO., IS and SO Market Street. sp2A:dl6 NEW STORE! NEW STORE! ROSENBAUM, STEINHART & CO'S PHILADELPHIA EMPORIUM, 16 Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The undersigned respectfully inform the public that they haVe received their entirely new stock of goods, consisting of , Millinery and Straw Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Artificial Flowers, Embroideries, White Goods, Hosiery and Gloves, Coriets and Skirts, • Fancy Goods, &c., To which they invite the attention of purchasers, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. • One of our firm giving his entire attention to the purchasing of gooUs at the Eastern Markets, and having had long experience and lowesthe facilities for procuring goods st the very prices, we are enabled to offer great inducements. Constantly receiving New Goods from the New York and Philadelphia auctions. A share of, public patronage is respeetftrliy soli cited. ROSENBAUM, STEINIIART & CO., tio. 78 MARKET STREET m1k24:n20 PERFECT FITTING KID GLOVES. . "A,. C. C.7---"H. We Inv IteAttention to our. KID GLOVE . DEPARTMENT', Which Is now complete vrlth every color and shade. In addition to our own special Importation of the CelebratTl A. C. C. (Jonvin) lUDS, We have secured tlie exclusive sale of the 0 '•lfnrrls Seamless Kids," The beet Glove and molt perfect fit. mama & CARLISLE, 19 FIFTH STREET M AT EATON'S, : No. 17 Fifth• Street. New Parasolit; Straw Goods, JUST OPENED MACRUSI & CARLISLE, 19 ( Fifth Street, Now offer the most ele g ant line or • HAMBURGS frivvede°Pthilie 2t i at i l t Oist b gefe gig:a:gay. eagne ) : stv4irygrasnalsraramattilVllCErt spit MACRUIII Si. CARLISLE; A "' 10 FIFTH STREET, Have. Just opened all shades of RDLLION AND ninon' FRINdES WHILE GRIPS AED FRINGES, At levy low.PriceS. CIU=R B AS !gr:oLTEPET FRENCH CRACKERS FRMtiMI CitiMMBB TRENCH CILACIUSIIS ritENCII CIUCSJSRS. FRENCII niE*o4. P#AC?Oil! And every variety of . • SUPERIOR CRACKERS S., S. itUaLVID,r, mbeity street, Pittsburgh .TRY STABILISIIED is4o. E. SHEPHAREPS Steam`Cracker and. Biscuit Factory 817 V4IBMIMATMTEIBInuni! Manufacture; and dealer in all kiwis of C02 1 ..tr.r.141170N311111.1r. FORZIGN'AiD ' XIC;11 . 11118TIO BRIIITe. /fa% act' 11iLLEOUIENV :84 Sip MPRIRITER.:MAIOO2IOER :RAILWAY. . „ 4:01:40* AAA. van tRARE, dist a ct v ed °g: irectusani irerung r aud tWor""Zt ' emu. 74. raki , to be hooded weft . • • . ml , : 0 • 0 umdeAhr 001 1 HMOS No. IM.Tioir NU. 051 Pa r, • Gansu NIALTIIING A very superior quality of White, Fancy Striped And Check JUTTING'S • • • 9 r JUST 131. PORTED.: ALL-WOOL- INOWNS, IN BRIGHTEST COLORS. Prices the' Lowest in this Market. MCCALLUM BROS.; 51 FIFTH STREET, above Wood. ma" WE HAVE .11107 RECEIVED, 1 BY STEAMER COLORADO, Of our own Direct Importati on, •THE NEWEST AND CHOICEST PATTERNS OF THE CELEBRATED JOHN CROSSLEY & SON'S ENGLISH TAPESTRY • AND , • BODY BRUSSELS, FOR PARLORS AND HALLS, STAIR CARPETS TO MATCH. IIIeFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 AND 73 FIFTH ST. (Second Floor.) ani:rrs&T 1868 SPRING "'A 1868. OF JUST OPENING, LARGE ASSORTMENT AU 'Qualities LOWEST PRICES IN THE' CITY SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS L - T L O THOSE WHO BUY TO SE. . BOVARD, , ROSE & 21 Fifth Street, mhlo:ilawF OVER BATES & BELL'S. J..&.H.. PH":I:M:PS. 1 868 . spRING GooDs 1868 Zeurn.,gorztv'meaorr own and other • PLOOIi. CLOTIIS, CARRIAGE, FURNITURE, TABLE AND II"' /g - OIL - (;LATHS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION- Also, a full flue of Transparent ittuderw Shades, WOLESALE AND RETAIL BUYERS will And our prices AS LOW IF NOT LOWER, THAN CAN BE PURCHASED 'ELSEWHERE, _ and of quality and styles second to none. J. &"H. PHILLIPS, • • 26 AND 28 ST. CLAIR ST. STEAM CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT; . Which TEN YEARS' TRIAL in New York and oth er Eastern cities has proved a complete success. ITS ADVANTAGES: Ist--Pading and Shrinkage are, completely avoid itd—No rippin g apart necessary 34—When ed from dust, moths Or theirlarvae, the Carpet looks nearly as geed as, new, save the natural fading from wear.. 4th—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again, a desirable Platter as a-mere point of economy, t o say nothing of looks. • ALL ORDERS LEFT' AT TUE OFFICE, No. 179 Liberty Street" Or addressed to P. O. Box 473, win receive prompt attention. GEO. L. IiceLLITOCK, mbite PROPRIETOR. And Flowers, 1 : 1,0131iNTS0N1 No.' 210 FIFTH STREET, f . B.F.CEIVED ArirOTlLVit LOT PUILE " MAPLE SYRI7P. apll =WA iiollands, Shade Fbitilres, ( • - Tassels. Cords, *A., *4'. rnm Nissmtvs semn' , . • -... yvirtnerots writ vendaient eXPOnGI4 issued , out of the District Court of -the Units 4 States, for • the Western District of Pennsylvania, the t o too directed,' I wilt expose to Public iladd.,it the Mg. Tom 110 USE. Pittsburgh. ra...Onthelab DAY OF: MAY.. PM% the thtle,wiel IletetthedligePert7l to 1 tin dill: 1 worm end tab; 1 stove slid if Ilse ;11 fermenting casks; rag cant 11,03i1l stove% emp. ty barjels. 1 basvi inotassesiwn talc :Aw celbar w: is buckets; 78/0 bUSZor mut le t t o o t,q t o o; 1elk; I crept/ keg ; /I 1 1 1 thenimme *atop iaddersa co_PPor o f a stinnett stove an d plsrrt it tot of staves an c rtrops. for tumor to ts; tr filtering barrel •' l3barretr, containing - Ina plilloo 9 flrVilatkit I %eons aliellartl oil esittYl fir tempe. IA shaveltlMlTU con- mining Illatee, t .-,-A temporary board minding wow the ;and kale sliretnises running nine fragil i ty Jt—..4l Seized ail the ani a l,lM. fi d Joe. Boot!, st the _ tod 7 ---' i seaman i : TOM A. AOWif. Yl U. 8. Marshal. : W*Slartir4 I " 3 WARRINGIDIE f• Near IdthballstiGridsoltlevator ; ; • „r • rer or COB/ =Aril lens %RR and rir 461 , /RED.. Orders de Tared In e er elty adulate. Grids of all Mods chopped. and (Wu molted on short nailer. TA ISSOLIITIONhe firm of 911,13641 & CLEigkiNßli, Was dissolved on the 13th Inst..* mutual conien t. Either partner will'sign the mime cd the; Arm in set- . Clement. JAMES GHEE°, NO.:* Hand street. -- Will. CLENDININthI No. 50 Hand st. • Pittsburgh, April 13th, 113081.1:i;. - ..i,'t . _•' 4 •.•_,, JAMES GREGG will continue, the Mal business at No. 4 Hand Street. MI orders Till be promptly at- tended to. • The business 'will also be ' f continued at "theold stand, No. 30 Hand street, byI , WEI. CLENDIN iNGg.:,.ga..-.•,,,,,-.;-..--1,...,...,•,, --, . - • 4 •. -..- ,apllltotS-..v,s HAVING DISFOS -.. OF wir • LUMBER YARD, Mina oat 13 7 Rebecca Street,.Alleghenys FL, and' ostiked Ind Con ducted by MensaI...PATTER:SION A EIt:ANS; to ALEXANDER PATTERSON, 11 take pleasure In recommending my snocesisor.to allysy,ctistoniers sad to all who are i interested in securing the beat quali ties of all kinds of Lumber at pilyes to Suit the ishist fastidious. ' - 1,1 , , m. x n NAriom. ap15:660 MUE-PAIRTNEItfi : P heretofore existing under the name anal style of JOHN H. ‘Or &CO• it Is this day dissolved by mutual eLsent. the Interest of JOHN KNABLE baying beeWinurchased by MM. N. OGDEN, The business of t h e late arm will lee settled by JOHN 11. WATTS land WILLIAM N. OGDIFN, who have this day foitned a Copartner ship under the name and style oi - HODI'S OGDEN. JOHN U. JOHN KNABLE. Pittsburgh, March Bth; 1868.; an16:088 ' FIRM '_OF ATWELL. LEE & dlsSolved on the._: tof February, .11388,' by mutual consent. Either partner may sign the name of the Ann in settlement. JOHN ATWELL. CHAIILES ATWELL. The undersigned will continue the WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS, under the name and style of ATWELL & LEE, at the old plice, No. 1318econd* treat.- A continuance of the patronage of their. dends and the public Is respectftlly_solicited. ' - UHARLEs ATWELL. A. A. LEE. , 1nh74464,;, MERCHANT TAILORS. H________-_ HENRY, MEYER,. 11 MERCHAN T simon, LI. No. -13 SMITHYTELD STREcT, - Pittsburgh, Pa. Constantly nit Laid, a full iisj Ortment of CLOTHS, CA SSIBIERES, "V"-•;:..NINGS, \6. , . aP2Onof6 DUFF Si ! CO., ltlere,.hant , No. 34 Federal St.i Wlegheny, Have just received a i large mule? ell selected stock of Prom 9prerr94 'GOODS, Suitable fora first class custom trade. large stock of GENT?S . VITRETISHIttIi GOODS. aeon 113 111cARDLE, 11 . .A. • . • IA • • ' rbEralcii.A.N•ri l'Aruon, 1.; . LT So. 93% SMITHFIELD BEET , PITTSBURGH, 1 _ Keeps constantly on h d at, fine assoFttrent:or I . . CLOTHS,CA,SSIMER S & VESTINGS il . . Alio, GENT'S rumsastillro. GOODS. GENT'S CLOTHING MADE TO ORD,EIL, thelatest style. PIANOS, OR(ANS, &C BUY THE BEST_ ;{AND CHEAP EST TIAN° AND ouFFAx..., Schomacker's Golc Medal Piano, AND ESTEM COTTAGE ORGAN: The SCHOMACKER PIA io combines all the latest valuable. improvements' known in the con structlon of a d the`lass illstenment, and has - always been awarded uigheat 'premium whereve.r ex hibited. Its tone Ls full, sOnbrons and sWeet. The workmanshin , for ddrabllity and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $5O ~-to $150( ( iccordlng to style and dnlsh, ) cheaper than all other so-called first class Plano. • I I . ESTEY'S COTTAOE ORGAN ri ll Stands at the head of all ed instruments, in pro ducing the most perfect pi quality of tone of any similar instrument In the ited States. It is sim ple and compact in constnl tion, and not liable to get out of order. 1 CARPENTER'S PATEII,T " VOX InTRANA TREMOLO"?_. is only to be found in this Organ. 'Price from $lOO to we.i 4&11. guaranteed for floe years. BARR, ,ICNAKEI & BRETTLER, No. ILiiST. CLAIR STREET. mti9 SECOND HAND MELODEONS MMMS mhL2 4ATIlth LIIMEiER LUMBER! LUMBEIU LUMBER! YARDS No. 8111 Preblo Si r + e l formerly Manchester, and No. 157 Rebecca s ,opposite Gas Works, AUL:Rini:OM 'CITY. • DEALER IN , At ., L KINDS CF . . . , Bough and ned Lumbe#, Ffoortng; Weatherboarxies,- ding," bMorddhash,- shi n . . : ags, Saw Mill Lumber, , godur and Locust Posts, Lath iindPalinKs,,GAlL and,Yellow Pine. ALtIO—FIREMMCK, RI LE and CLAY. atS , :os9 ---- , . WORT PITT LITSII3ER, vontPArerY . • Capita, - - $125 000.. Passronwr—EDWAH ll D DITFLHIDGE. SECORTAZIr—T. A. VtIGHT. Sursairisxnzwr--.NAJW. DAVISON. ' ' Innzi4rons:-• r Edward Davison , 'zi L. F. Duncan. . • John Mellon, I - .41 E. D. Ditbridge, ' Geo. W. Dluiridire• • --111.'L. Malone, • • , k: alihrudon. LIINDED : YARD;-Co of zitrz - Lpt.#-Nto AL LEGHENY STREETS, Muth wird. = OFFICE AT FOETFAT,GLA,2BIFORAB, Wash ngton Street:. • , I • ' . 1a20:398 T013A.000 - CIGARS TvLiAlv—AiLio*,,i' ..-•" 1 ' geti t , , 4; t ipzii, , KANDE) or lb, I ttat 1 WO SiXUBS, No. II SlrrllltlLENk kNotlonal a zi- . - •• -. . • , :!t N.B isk or cow nervinalung& ) r - T ''- piVBMDff PA. ; : Bp a77 4IO,}At t it DANIZL P. MNAN. I F 4 CEFAIO, els W. .lilElNitreS6oN, • - -Mannflidini•dre and Denten in TO l ld.CCO,'§thittl Cigars, laipea, No 6 PirpERAZ 31:4, AiJ.EGHEeir • 114 . .. .4.lt.C.ll4l.*lC'X i iit• * ' ' Plitt= 1.101.93 E lATIO24I*.DINGS. itoi... A and ilk .at.t.titi strat e Pittabursh. Pa. EipfOlk attentloO 'lvan .to , titik designing snit- building of. COURT' HOUSES and'' i Bac BUILDINGS. ~1 iIIprOUSEKEIPIERS . , '' • ' ' ' A- 1 1 7 1:71101% ,) TTICO1 QV E ' s' 7 " , .(1 ,71 .., .• + 1 j . 1 ~ 1, 1 , ...1 ,- ; , ` ~ ,':' QUEEN OF ' HE WASH-TUO: 4 ~,, A HOITBE CLEANS .. ''A•curr Kra wAsrot Bs: •-: : ~ , AST 4.1' REMpialt; ~i_ . ', :•'. A, 141" gi p. maaii i 0 1 196 : . : rated-;abkft*gic s e Mem- o tber t ~ . . FUMY eIIuSSIN t orotayshor Ls r.. '' • ' ULM ACRIMIX .6I MIX i • ',• I 10111sei-NeLNIMA , SlMMT:ilittibelltb.•! p , "OLDWantiVOilni try;• T atra walrd hag been lupe In the De. Wet Court. uAlkant ek ' pelt Term Illektbr eesellt tastlen. IA J. C. mewing. lip3l:pl2 1.1 SY BoUetWr Main ' ORGANS; 30to $.l. . ,A.RLOTTE BLUME, Ild door above Wood