The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 02, 1868, Image 1
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I . 1 Vj :. ... .. , i . ~..... ~... . ,_ , "3 , _ I )1 1 ,. _ _ if... _ A. 4 e.• let"--- - - ~.... _ _...., . N -- -- '-- -"- ---:' --------- ----...--..—••- -- • - - . _ __ -.... • ' P '' ' ' ll e i_r.:; , l' ' ll,' '' '. "..; ; 1 : 1 , . . . _._ _______. . ..... _ ... ~... .... . ..,.. ` - • - . • - II 8 11 II VOLUME , DaXlii, LI - • o ltutTiflir I I[9O7EXAVES o•cz.ocK. 1 F ORTIETH CONGRESS. ,The High:Court of impeachment —Mr.!. •Ewarts r Concludes-I-NM Stanbery Begins His Argument Syssistsi of Vela Resolution in the House I Laid. the Table. - ‘ • 'Telegraph to Pittsburgh Gakette 3 • WAssalloris, May 1;1868. • SIMATE. Mr. EVARTS continned, his argument. lie commenced with an npolwy-for t havjrig so long occupied the time;: nd• attention cif the Senate:. . Saying he would .claini their indulgence lint a little while longer, he _ ,, proceeded. to consider the power of• the . , , President to - fill vacancies under the acts of . . . 1792;17115'cutd 1796. He adniitted the act of -1863 limited the choice for appointments of . . . ' Secretaries ad interim in certain caseate the .......,....,.. -,- ••••• . ...... r- .• -.Kr ' .. heitaliTiitliiittlialirrients,7but he °argued that under'theset-of 1799, which' alloVred him to choose from all the, „officers_ em ployed in the Department, "_the -Wen , dent had full warrant, 4,cir , - the sil -1 pointment of General Thomas, Who was I then Adjutant -General. Referring to :the action of Mr. Lincoln, in appointing an ad linterim successor to Mr. Blair, Postmaster General, he said that the appointment was imade under aftthority, only implied,pf the acts of 1792 and 1795, which did not relate to the Poston - ice Department at' all. He • asked why that conductwas not'cionsidered i an/it:Teachable offense it . He then. main t tainenitinade no ditference, : either in-the theorY or practice 'of the GoVernment, ' whether the temporary appointnients were made' during a session or a recess of the ' Senate, and instanced the,four examples of 'Nelson in 1834, Scott in 1950, and Kelly and I Holt in 1861, as ample warrant for his assertion. • ' - ‘ - - - Passing to the first article, he said he should consider at the outset the nature of the positions occupied by the members of the Cabinet. He would not again refer to the opinion of Mr. Boutwell, except to say he might name three more. Senators, before him; who wouldshare with , others what her he had mentioned in the opprobrium upon ' such positions by the honorable Manager. , He then , read the address to Mr. Lincoln, I signed by thirty-eight Senators, written in 186'2, to urge - his 'retrieval of Mr. Blair, so as to secure harmonioinraction.' Theopin -1 ions therein expressed by fifteen of the Sen. % aters nob' present on the subject of Cabinet 1 relations he (Mr. Evarts)- fully endorsed.' • He further quoted frem speeches of Mr. Sher i man and others, , in the debate on the peas; age of the Tenure 7 of-Office bill, and in ex -1 planation of the report of the Conimittee of 4Cenference, various expressions and argn ; meats, which,uncontiedicted Opinions and 1 explanations lie claimed Wine , accep:ed as !%Pl t er- le f li t igi t4 eff i ' l li .b l l ll Blleted upon y e , en e e I *mild be nicfnsirors,to • convict the•°President. of= Crime by liii,„ff'earrie voices' which: gave utter ance to or were concerned in these authora-• ; tive declarations, that the bill did not reach t or effect the relations of Mr:;-' Stanton and .the President. He also :read from the f report of Messrs. Schenck and Williams on \the subject, which he claimed had liotind Ithe House to the same - doneltision as the Senate. The argument of, Xi:. Boutwell, that the practice - had alWays been to send in the'name of theapPeintee before making the-removal, he met by the.eonsideration, that removals are generally made, nothe! • cause the incumbents are rinfit,:but•becanse Ipolitical favorites are to be put in. The in stances of removal of cabinet officers are I , only two, for, the , simple reason that a °:•-, polite -hint is nsually sufficient to in duce,- resignation.--He-then - referred' - to - the instance of rho removals of various officers during the session- of the Sen ate, Ittlich . had '4lfeeii e put int :'lettidence; and went on to argue tke...nepessity, for the existence of such powerof insta•nt removal, by some suppositions cases, where delay would lead to disastrous consequences. Al luding to the conmation ;in . Mr. Butler's speech, that if the President:had properly notified the Senate of his intention, his ac tion wouldnot probably have been deemed ground for impeachment, Mr. Everts said it appeared crime was'not found in his for titor in re, but in the absence eztauiter fn mode. He characterized the assertion , of Mr. Boutwell, that it made•no difference whether:the law hroken is constitutjaruil 0x... • not, art adesPerati3 Attentit - to 'escape' freer the force of the, arguments of cennsel_ for' the President,'"whicli he would not repeat: He also quoted the; admisaion of Mr. Bout `Well, that the President would have been justified if herieted• with honest 'intent of violation of law, which was ambiguous or . equivocal,•and .claimed it was all 'they needed; after phoivirig as they had that the act was fairlycharacterized. b y those very terms. Taking up,the question of tile char acter bf the . olirettee of violating the tenure ofeffice law, ltit'said there - waitim 'punish; went provided in the law for 'attempts to. . rainoveiout.forHattinupts-to appointrand-ee the ,articles arty : i t A :i charged " the remova l,'' theriti'..' was _-no indict.. 'able '''or • impeaehabits,,J - 4,,otrenee ' col* milted by the attempt to remove, Stanton. He then maintained no Tenure of-Office eziulil begiveii by v legislation for any longertime 4 thauthat !or which the officer is appointed, and applying this doc trine to the case of Stanton; heargued that lie was not' appointed. but held his office by sufferance,of the President, and therefore conldiatkliii.ens,-eass bee ;Wetted by the casein Cjigrition. lii reference to the. argunient,.thatif Etanton is mot. , nrotected by the proviso, he is by the body of the section, hesaid we Mlle , . speak of tie office and not of the man, and if ',this office is covered ' by ' the Beetled, -we are libitqAo-.otbardit'Y of V "!ttliElg-tliat.ita tenure can oe made perpetintjtf successive Senators adhere totheitatrtellews. But if t the law is susceptible pf-twpi,eog ki trpetionii, hethad the Managertil f authority " fOr'elaitn.. 4, :' , ing it wonid.ixt - ably:went, With& sense of Ijustice to convict therresident.He further argued that -there was no litteifipt to ;via' ,f_t% late th e statute or 'right of Mr. 'Stanton 'to' hold his Office; but Merely' to = withilraw the' tenure Whibh he held at pleasure oftbe 11 " president. --. 3 - -%'7:i' eA:it- tc• , 41 Briefly reviewing t a e evidince, he . ri4 ruled its.inatdileiono3 r . imr,ltestaneemin t he testimony of ;Wilier, the solitary witness Um „ a ,diMptrAlispope*gt ..t *lirrthen-rinninded the Senators .! ..ri tlior :mu g, treat, sash article - separately,' 0 without any. reference to the character or farce of the others"; -and always upon the •vcl res umptpn of. entire innooe xa l t r ai S i l:ey, .§l. , roust discard Poliji - ,0 111 2_, ~ ~ np_if A t ..14 judge of itir.." SIA 1 " 4 7 1,1 ' , .' •A 4•• .' di i ' ,He , 7- i7 tXruitwut,°utenstistutsottle4blgieriontices of 4 1 ~ A the! ' • ' ' ; '- ta , 11 !" -. -6 , 111111121°151b8, 4 „ ..,• '113f : h18 ; 'II • ' .• c ' . 4 ' . .61=,?-,17") I ..r,,, ‘,. .. 1 " ' . . 1 re t C Vw / ' - a 111 • *flinehing ring to ilikjg .,.,„1 ~t Lt i' : / it 1"..d .91 . Y:l t iT t !r.7* *) ; : ;: :l '5-14 :;;;1r,c,,, pct- ,66411..cetrff 1. - le, . • • .114.4 en ‘:.; % %rue"- g_ • •-) • 1 . :J., •%_,r EMI RE LIM essm MEM MI = OM ME MEE = BE MIME ESE • •I •••••• ' ' BM :-~~_ .•~: BEI IMg Ell ME ME loyalty in times of trialiancinnwavering de .Votion to the Coristifution-, Nfititrehe made the guide and study of his life, appeal ed to the Senate in earnest terms fo grant these eqnsiderpti. he. utmost, weight to which 04.1 r tier ^ universal truth t• a tinrighte&A laws always eventually : righted or set aside, by reference to some of the consequences of the wax and by . ; descriptions of, the, march of the national armies, he passed to the con sideration the :threatened dangers to.the Constituti&F,Auld _closed eloquent Peroration, invoking that calm consideration , and impartial justice which would be wor thy of the succpssors of the great men who firserlitriaTed'tlititentitorlal 1a• The Senate took a recess. ARGUMENT OF. MR. STAN BERT. On re-assembling Mr. STANBERY rose, and .a 1 4 .; a low .. , introductory remarks, in trhlcli heieferi.eala the feeble ;Arlie Cala health, said he felt .impelied by , an. irre . . . sistible impulse to lift his voice in this just cause, and proceeded with his argument. Hesaittir. - v Mr. Chief Justice and aiid Senators, It is the habit of the advocate to magnify his case. But this case best. speaks for ,itself.,. For the first time in our political exis t tense the three great Departments of our Government , are brought upon the scene together. House •of Rep 'resentatives as the accuser, the President of the United States as the accused, the Ju . didary Department represented by its head in thqperpowektite:Chief .Justice, and the Senate of the United States as 'the tribunal ,tohettn:the•Aeptiori and the defence and to rend :.the. tine. judgment. , TheiCon `-stitution has anticipated that so extreme a remedy as this might be necessary, evenin 'the case of the highest officer of the Gov eminent. It was seen thatit wail a danger, ous power to give one Departmeuf te, be used against another Department. Yet it was anticipated that an emergency might arise in which -nothing 4indi a power could be effectual to preserve the Re public. Happily for the eightyt years of our political existence which have passed no such emergency has hitherto arisen. During that time we have witnessed the fiercest contests of par ty. Again 'and. 'again -the Exectitive ,and Legislative Departments have arisen, in open and bitter antagonism. A favorite- , legislative policy has more ',than once been defeated by the obstinate and determined resistance of the President upon some of the gravest and most impertt . issues that we have 'ever-had or are ever likely to have.- The Presidentia policy and the Legisla tive policy have stood in direct antag onism during all the time this fearfnl_ power was in .the hands of the Legislative Department, and more than once a resort to it has been advised by extreme patty men as a awe remedy for party purposes. But happily that evil hitherto has not come upon us. What new and unheard of conduct' by a Presi dent has at last made a resort to this .ex treme remedy, unavoidable? What Presi dential actsbave hakiefied Se flagrant that all just rhenuf all parties tre'readyto say the time has I corne when the mischief ,has been .COmmitted, the evil is et work so enormous and pressing, that in the last year of his term of office it is not safe to await the coming action of the people? If such a case has happened, all honorable and 'lust Men Of all parties will-say anima: A + But if,, on the contrary 4 it should appear that this fearful power has at last been de graded and:perverted to the use of a party; if it appears that at last bad advice, often m before given by the bad en of :party, has found -acceptance, this great tribunal of justice, now regarded with so much awe, will speedily: come• to be 'considered as a monstrous shame. If it should - be found to be the willing histrament carry out the purposes of its party, then there re mains for it and every one of its members who participates in the great wrong, a day „ of awful , retribution, sure •to come, nor long to be delayed. But . I will not antics- pate nor speak further of the case itself un til its trim features are fully developed. He claimed that the alleged high crimes and misdemeanors were all founded upon mere forms of Executive administrations, a violation of rules laid down bythe Leg islative department to regulate the Execu tive department, and proceeded to show what was the course of action of the Execu tive before these rules were, adopted. The Tenure-of-Office - act also - introduced new rules. It did not takeaway the President's power, but fixed the mode. Mr. Stanbery then proceeded to ana lyze the artieles - oribripeachnient, showing tnat foutstatutes of the United States were alleged`to have been violated, three' of which rirtiv,ided payilties feettie violation and declare& suctionffe.nse a high niisd& merino; ana high crime.' The tfirst. eight articles fin' their Ltd state :Stanton has not been removed; and the crimes and mis demeaners.charged In respect to putting Mr. Stanton out and 'General Thomas in are things attempted and not things 11C.COM plished. It is the attempt with unlawful nitent , that the. President is. to be held re sponsible. for. So it is a vital question whether. the: penalties prescribed, by the statutes alleged toirave been violated pur port to punish,, not only the commission, of the acts, but the aixortive attempt to 'commit them. SfshbArtPr°o l .oPt.: 11 0 00 i I fngth to show that Stanton a ease did not come within the purview of the tenure-of office act, the proviso to which makes a dis tinction never made before in giving anew and better tenure to Cabinet officers of a President who wore nominated by him, or appointed by him with the concurrence of the Senate. The theory is-that having hall; one full opportunity of choice, he shall be bound by it; but as to Cabinet officers se lected by a former President, who hold only by his acquiescence or sufferance, they are entitled to no favor and receive none. The construction given by the Managers leads to this inevitable absurdity, that the class entitled to favor are cut off at the end of a month, while those having a less, . moritorous title remain Indefinitely" in. Wliat was intended for a benefit becomes a mischief, and the favored class are worse off than if no favor had been shown. From those en titled to protection it is taken away, to be givpitto When..Px.kal tient Johnstutwab-ghtisted`WithLeffiee he found Stanton hold h i a ntr the office of Secre tary of War. He,. le),011- aPP9hr k* Mr. Lincoln during' first Urtri d watt holding on to the second , month-=-of • Mr. Lincoln's second terra. Under the 'old pf 3 ititaxient 'lie ..waa , neither' appointed by. Lincoln or Johnson . for that steend terrnt., and consea e nently never had any tentire og office' un , the: Tenura.of-Officei. act for' the current a:prehidentinv tergl. That' act dilves Cid Arm offic er! , -; ifo, right t° uula rmit. l - the pleasure , of. Abet g e=e Fi n g of tla ori d er atin°lll° uteri - A il l ent •thribu t/i L k i : "theile.rig=to3ld." d their beralMe abate d A ,„ 4 is Quit. *standing .:: thing.,foffi.e .- St# I W3lte anti- erg? 4 preMnaht ... 114 Y e AlletAivatigo,of onae seleathill` his ‘ 44ol res.' •Aivi to the three taiga in e hi n ern ti lli t w l berti ed 4 of t ida lli o l lm uishow il°Pl : l"" throlialio ll9"4"l 7 e siti. n ee otive ttla r i eribuxmdino i lz 'vows ever y pritaN, giffortlA: unquiet to t nit Stv ;q l' 4 llk 0.4 z rtrtli t 7.. L 1,37714.-4: 1 -- ro , •f• ,, ,11 kt •tht , ..e.titr 4 - 'l. A • - . EMISM= EITTSBIT :UR SATITIIDAY:Ikar'2'IS exercise his independent. right of choice- Then, if as to them he has the right, how can he exercise it if,' as in the • case of Stanton, the' Cabinet 'officer holds on after he had been requested . to re sign? What mode AS 'left to the 'Presi dent to avail 'himself of his independiint right, when such an officer - refuses to re-„,, sign? None other' than -the process of re-' -oval, for , he ,cannot put, the. man. of ; his choice in • until-tie has put the , otheiLinit. So the independent right of .choice cannot, under such conditions, be exercised at all, without the corre ss ponding, right of retno val; and the one necessarily implies the other. We have seen'that the Tel .fixed, by the proviso for t Cabinet 'officers spokes only to those members Of Johnson's.-Cabinet • appointed by hlifiself.' It therefore does not apply, to Mr. Stanton.. If there is riiiY otheiblause Which* applies sto ' Stanton, , ft•enustl be, the first general: clause, and if that does, not apply to him,. then his - case — does not come withih' the purview of the act at all, limb must be ruled by pre-existing law, which. inaltehim subjectatAll-times to,,thepleas-. lure ef•the President •arni4o theJ•efiereiskti:if# his independent power of removal. The Managers Claim that thiselatise gkiies Stan ton a new tenure: If this is so, it follows as inevitable thlt no, succeeding President" ; can remove him. He may defy SChnson's" successor, as he now defies Johnson. At this point Mr. • Stanbery rested until I to-morrow and thaCeurt adjourned. Following is a synopsis of the remainder of Mr. Stanbery!s speech, which he will de liver to-daY:' • •• • • . • - - Mr. Stanbery argues that if it be held ' , that Stanton does come within purview ,of Cie tennielf-officenct, no removal is charg ed in the articles or made out in the proof. The issuance of an order for removal is the gravamen of the charge. The tenor oz eve- Try article is that Stanton never has , been re- Imoved. in law or fact, and that there has been at no time a vacancy. The proof shows that Stanton remains in possession, and that his official acts continue to be recognized. The act contains no provision forbidding an attempt to cause a removal or making it penal to issue an order for that -purjose. But if the Senators should be of the opinion that the tenure-of-office act protected Mr. Stanton, and that the attempt to remove him was equivalent to a removal, he ar gued, Ist, that the President had the right to construe the law for himself, and if in the exercise of that• right lie committed an error of construction and acted under that error, he - is not to be held responsible; 2d. that if he had so construed the law as to be of opinion that Stanton was intended to be protected by it against his rower of remov al, for, an - error of opinion that the law that - respect was contrary to the Constitution he is not to be held re sponsible, if hethereincomMitted an error. - Mr. Stanbery argues these pointaat length, , quoting from Jefferson, Jackson and Van ' Buren to sustain his views. , He next argues that the Tenure-of-Office act has never been held by the Supreme Court to be constitutional. But even if it had been, what ground would there be for holding• the President guilty Of high misdemeanor in forming an opinion sane-'? tioned by three of his predecessors? He cites from the - Federalise that no legislative act, contrary to the Constitution, can .be valid, and :from Chancellor Kent,' Chief Justice Marshall and others in support of his position that the President is vested . with thmrel4Oll ' Mr StiinWihemproceeded teConsider thee - consplia - cy art iclErg, arguing not it word of proof had been adduced in their support. The Emory article has no sob- , stance or foundation. The tenth article is, lie' says, in -violation. of ,the right of free speech, valued by our people as a jewel be. , - yond price, and expres.sly protected by the ' first • article of the constitution. ;The eleventh article was a mere indifluite al ! legation, unsustained by proof, and was I already sufficiently answered. Mr. Stanbery then denied that any 1 injury had been caused to any individual or officer of' the Governinent, and that. tie public interest had suffered •by the' actiofi of the President. He continued, main-'t taming that the order for, the removal of Stanton was issued by the President in the exercise of an undoubted power, sane tioned by the Constitution and endorsed by every incumbent of the Presidentialffi oce. Then, he says, how can you punis h . him for following in good faith, that oath lie has been compelled to take to preserye, o tect and defend the Constitution of the United States ? Nothing is Iplainer than the duty of the Executive to resist the encroachment of the Legisla tive department, Whenever a - President is deliberately of the opinion that an meet Congress calls upon -him to - exercise a power not given to him by. the. Constit ution, he violates that Constitution if he fol lows it. Again, whenever he is called upon to execute a law which deprived him of a constitutional power, he violates the Con stitution as well by executing it: A great trust is committed to his hands,ianctiened ,by a solemn oath, and he cannot surrender the one or 'ihalate the other. Mr. Stanbery nextadverted 1,0 the fact that; for the first time intim history of this country, laws were passed on the 2d of March 1867; liutPetting changoithe order of Executive action. Observe, how ever, he says, that neithef inthe primitive clauses of the second section_ of -,that tary appropriation Act, nor in the sixth section of that Tenure-of-offic:e act, 'is the President ' of the United __States so , Xueatiot4ed,..beev , er drew, these_ • aota l r ,V . shrunk .from referringto the °tilde by ifnme It is-ander the general deacription of d'pereo#_,OT givik imprisonment that he is' made , 'liable to hie ad, imprisonment for falling to carry out the new provision of the law. But there is no question that it is ,the. President, and the 1 resident alone, that 'is meant: The law was made for h im; the punishment was for him. He is left no choice, no chance of ar.• peal to the Courts. The language in effect • s "this or the penitentiary; do our bidding, or take the consequences of, impeach !ment." In the history of legislation noth, log like this is anywhere to be found. The language of the Constitution, says Mr. Stanheri is too plain to be misunder stood.. , he Piesident is to Am be peached only . cOnvietion of tredson,hribery or other high crimes or misdemeanors. Be sides theAvick enumerated. crimes, treason and bribeitz-theliefolinwstitattther phrase “other,erimea. and .misderneanors," find *lief sort ol crimes and misdemeanors? IWhy, such as are assimilated to'those enu merated. ..hook., gthrougtt gto ,43Qrzelf ative TMOViiiOns of the Constitution on the subject, and exam" e the Rroceedings of the ConventlQV tuchously they rejected all impeachment for miedo -77106.14T4T1.U991,1Adti1Aw atediAr hi ttrY hared t e req u i x t g on that no rut but high cpiisuesA emeanor shofddealce. Mae theiel6Veen Ore - abortiVir tittanipt to make a case,of Miiper chinent; of the Weld 'dent under the Constitution? There never -was any tsitmerlts , show of vitality vanished, and now it lies bereft lot Wive shapeletia mass, that gives no sign' Mr. Stanbery contends there was no vi i .o.llltbMfornatti • Intent-or 1601001 ,1 fhtnhatilatit - • i v At'w Pr id traPRWAY 402 marksvi sinsloqueut4peaLtitt•z 11 0 , i 112 r at.e fqiN t iAAtigot; 0ER',5511.,4014`P,M, „ W O, rer e .: : . . salt a:m Jairpennnepbe lat. (l .*Wg•rit. , ,lt l llr , •• • •MiNIKI. , „liankl imp T ' ^ 4i Nt i) :II A ,41 ..itt ~1, ••• „!, .$ IF , !".,iFe dB oc i sanetiMa, yob - votes ,hale;. been and the d ' of the ~ P reaident: then let that udgment not be ,_,P - ----7-. in tlifs - SefiLtire the, niblii•;. - Ili:CIL re,iVhiiie our Camillus,in-the-bealarat great per il, single-hawed met .404 haft; d the ene mies of theltepttbl.l6.s. Nieheze, *hex° he stood faithful among the faithless. Not here, where he fought ' the good fight for th 0,...,„, ork. pisi Constitutinn. Niz4. 1 in he, r ~. .whbie .r. - ii lit- .risTieh with that clarion voice that in he days of our greatest danget thirtied'hb - and com fort to many a, desponding hear , strong as an army with banners. r No not ere. Seek out, rather, the darkest and glop eist eliam ber in file suttevetteau eh am rs, of this "capital, witliof..the . cheerftU .:ai ht. or , day •neyer enters. eThere erect th altar and imiuolat ethevlctim.. l - • • - . HOUSE ' O PRESEIiTATIVES. • The SPEAI3,B said Mr. Brooks had ,giveirnotice. • , trourd to-day renew his resolition relative to the Alta Vela affair. Therefore business ribiil7 - be transacted ion the retiof the members froth the Senate tliher. hobn. - The meintsar. then proceeded to the Sea ate. On - ietiiriviliii from the 'Senate the TE,Ortii ``took pp the!?. reaolutionl offered •hY Xrri -Brooks, relative to the signing of the Alta Vela letter by the Managers of the Im peachment case. The debate thereon was lengthv and very personal. Finally the . House tabled Mr., Brooks, resolution, by yeas 09,triaYs '26. • Adjourned. , • METHODISM General Copference of the. Methodist Epis „ • copal uharch at Chicago. CBI Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiarettej- CHICAGO, May 1. 7 .-Theififieenth quarterly annual session of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church opened at nine o'clock this morning, in the First Methodist Episcopal. Church, Bishop Mor ris presiding, assisted oy his colleagues, Scott, Ames, Jtdaes, Clark, Thomosen and Kingsly. A half hour was spent in devo tional exercise:3'l.)y the older members of the body, the venerable Peter Cartwright, of Illinois, offering the first prayer. The roll was called by the Rev Dr. Harris, the secretary of the last. General Conference.. Dr. Harris was.then elected secretary. The rules of order Of the last General Confer ence were adopted for the govermnenCof the present session. It was agreed to hold the -session daily from nine o'clock'. to twelve A. 31. The question of the admis-. sion of the representatives of the Mission Conference in the Southern States, twerof wheat are colored, was then taken up and diseussed during the balance of the morn ing liOur.. Dr. Foster,-Of New York, pro posed to refer the question to a committee, while Dr. Reid, of Cincinnati,- urged the immediate admission of the representa tives from the South. The motion to refer the matter to a committee finally prevailed by a largo majority: [SECOND DISPATCH.] 'lathe Chicago General Conference - of 'the M. 'E.- Church, after the opening exercises this - Morning, and before the perinanent orgitialzation, Rev. R. S. Foster, D. 'D., moved that the credentials of the represen tative,s of Southern Mission Conferencewbe referred to a committee, Who._ilhonld .dicni siderand report' on their eligibility to seats in the body. Rev. Dr. Reid, of Cincinnati, - offered a'S'' 'a substitute, a preamble and resolution set ting forth the importance of the Southern work, eulogizing those actively” engaged in it, and recommending the immediate ad mission of the representatives from the South. , -An interesting and animated debate fol loici94mhich ;was .participated in. :by DrS. Reid, Foster, Lanahan Young and, others, at the close of which the motion of Dr. Foster prevailed.- -Tilers seems to be. no doubt wuatever that this Committee, which ~ c onsists of Doctors Foster, Reid, E. O. Haven, Curry, Lainthan, , Bruce and Hitchcock, will' speedily, report' iri fa vor.of the admission of the Smithern rep resentatives, among whom are two colored ,ministers, the only hesitation being that the --. law of the church makes no specific provision for> delegates from Mis sion Conferences. - "- - '- Rev. G. W. Woodruff, Rev. R. Patterson and Rev. E. H. Waring, were elected As sistant Secretaries.' .-- The Conference, by vote, ordered the ap pointment of standing committees, to con sist - of one from each delegation, on the following subjects: Episcopacy, Itineran- Cy, State of the Church, Book Concern, Lay Delegation, Church _Extension, Re vivals, Missions,Education, German Work, State of the Country, Sunday :Schools and Tracts. Special committees were ordered on the following subjects: 'American Bible Society, • Pastoral Address, and Expenses of Dele gates. , . • . • The afternoon session which was called for the purpose_ of completing the, orgardizatiOn,i ••• for • order, by Bishop 'Scott. ReV. Dr. J. T. Peck • conducted the opening religious exercises. A committee of seven was ordered on the .American and Foreign Christian Union. The Conference then proceeded to fill the standing : committees, and these immedi ately organized by the 'appointment of chairmen and secretaries. €'; 'i:', ' i 5 . ... , , , , ..—,----,..--. — e.--- - ---- '> Iliaiini Disaster=Eipleihni of the Propel= , ler Gov. Cushman. M . 3r 'reteetiaph to the rlitsburgh aszetto. . , BUFFALO, May I.—The 'Propeller Gov. (.3shrnan, owned by Dwight Scott,pf Cleve land, while moving out of the creek to-diti , for Port Colburth exploded her hcllpr. kill ing eleven persbies . and' injuti ' three. g. The vessel is a complete- wreck. She ;wail valuedAt 5/17,500.Lpartly insured, and con tained 20,000 bushels of wheat. Captain Thompson was slightlj hiht, but his wife escaped. ga rter Mon./Mott and :Barney Lester, fitemiin," Prank Sniith, L. Ander sen , and Heyman -FrOWIPg, deck hands„. were ;killed. and sbodies. found. .I..Durook, W. Abbott, II fq. Stewart v Geo. Lewis,,Ter.' emiah Morrow and — EL S. Gilbert, first eneineer, are among, ttlitzmissing.,, :One of the deck hands was hrodvn entirely over St Ug C a Elevator, at a height of one hun tirand fifty. feet % • . .. . , •-' 9 ' Judge —lack to:ttiePreshleu t. Enereiettrupfi *the Pltteburgh 4 Gegette.j" NEw yolut r lita,y 1,;-.1e—Heratii the letter from Judge w e 'resi dent, nrithdrauling arrthe. latter's °manned, owing to the President's deterirdnation to do notilting - faiihe fellerof the owners of Alta., Vela. He ,BaYs never asked the president to decide on the matter until ho had expressed the'opfnikat,thatkdlifig waslegal andiust• 3 1 1 %. 'Neck sa.ys: s aw ad , s iingetleappears; - iii thicker than-the loinsof t una l aw., He and the thieves vritiule amerierim) lan guarded so f a ithfully Areowelooma to the Ishort-lived ivhstunr toeXL/uPfelIPX 6 ":, l 4r retirement' ffromreKas 4lo -1 4 444t.briSbably.diMinish . 'the'e&beee of its xlj.l Tzgri lefi.l..i. pl teullltk - llar;4 ipkh eOCW 9' eite tenee n APtWlN* ulzi l ottr.a3fl"., t t t•lYl' '4444 F trigi= SECO?in EiIITIOI. r - E 4 otrit tverA2 Or. A. M. PROM EUROPE. Debate on the Irish Church Es tablishment in the, 'British House Conimons—Mr. Glad "stone's Resoliitions Prevail by UMajoriti of Siaity-five. [By Tekgraph tf) the Piitshrtrgh ditzette. ' GREAT SRhTIIXN PARLIAMENT ON TelOgiaph to the'PitteliOrgi ' Gaieiti.j'' • - Lomporr, May I.—The debate in the Com mons last • night on> Gladatones•resoltrtlori4 oa the Irish Church: continued. lips to a late hour. Some prominent members spoke. „, • • ,` Lord Elcho opposed the, resolution, and Mr.A Gladstone ' closed the debate on -the 'Liberal side with' a powerful speech against the continuance of the Irish Church. also defended himself from personal'attacks• made upon him for his course, denying he had any part or lot in the projects of either the RitualiSts or Ro man Caholics. In the late debate on the Irish Church in the Commons last night,Ar. Walpole, in the course of his remarks in opposition to. Mr. Gladstone's resolves, said these attacks on a clergy such as that of the Irish Church, who are noted for the purity of their doc trine, and for their elevated learning and christian zeal, was sure to lead to the most, disastrous results. Lord Eleho said the introduction of the resolves at the present time was unneces sary and unfortunate. The Roman Catho lics of Ireland would never be *satisfied with anything short of supremacy in eccle siastical •matters. He regards the issue presented to the House as an imperative one, for the Church establishment of Eng land and of Scotland were menaced, as that of Ireland. These blows were struck at the whole system of the union of Church and State in the 'United Kingdom. At rather a late hour, in the presence of a full house, Mr. Gladstone rose and was loudly cheered. Ile commenced by saying he could not complain' of this result of the long debate. These eleven - nights of dis cussion had fully demonstrated that the Irish church establishment never did and never could fulfil the end of its creation. It was not the church of the nation. It was not the church of the poor, nor was it a missionary church. It existed only for the purpose of sustaining political suprem acy in a form most hateful to the people upon which it was imposed. This was unendurable. No minister 'dared say it should continue to exist. ' Now was' the time to apply the remedy. The ministry had raised the question and broached a policy in regard to it upon which they subsequently failed to agree. Ile would say nothing concerning the disposal of the Church property in Ireland, for morn and better information was needed on a ques tion involvihg interest so expensive. Our duty now was to accord justioe to Ireland. Gltidstorie then, alluding to the per sonal attordts which had been made upon him, denied in the Most explicit manner that he had any connection with or interest in the policy or plans of either the Ritual ists or , Roman Catholics. Discussing the arguments made against his propositions, he said two leading objections had been made to his plan for the disestablishment of the Irish Church. One was, it imper illed the existence of the Established Church of England. The' other, that the time- ,was inopportune. Fifteen years, ho said, the people of Great Britain were indifferent,., and then the intro duction of a great reform would have been untimely. Now the people were aroused, and the opportunity . presented it self for an early and sound settlement of the question. The strength of the Church of England lay hasher own merits and in the voluntary zeal pf her votaries far more than in her connection with the State. He expresied the--belief that - the Church - of England would lose none of her strength, even if parted from time State. She had more to fear from her partisans than from her foes, and the reform of the Irish Estab lished Church would strengthen the Church of England. Mr. D'lsraeli arose amid the excited cheers of the •House to reply and close the debate. He deplored the act of injustice contemplated by these resolves. It was an act which involved wide confiscation of property and menaced the rights of every corporation and of every person in the United Kingdom. It inevitably must pre dispose the public mind for a similar at tack upon , the Church of England, and it undoubtedly was intended to have influence. But in spite of the virulence of fAhe press and the presaure brought to bear by the advocates of the change, he firmly 'believed - the Engllsh people would never sanction the sacrifice of sacred things to, party necessities, lead ing, as it was sure to lead, to results only to be described as revolutionary. At half past two o'clock this morningthe House divided on the first of Mr. Glad stone's resolves. The count stood, as fol lows: For the resolve 330. against 265—ma jority 65. The announcement of the result was received with loud and prolonged cheering from the Liberal benches. Mr. D'lsraeli theta' rose and amid the most profound silence said -this Niecision so eiterad the relations of the Ministry, and Hoes() of Commons that the oOvernment needed time to consider what action it would take. He , accordingly moved, that the House adjourn until Monday. The, metion was . arried, and at 3 A. the House adjourned.-' • • r. • LoNrkort, May 1.-- I The •Time* says no one: can deny the immense significance of the event. Since the motion 'to go into Com mittee, the tories have *gained• threb seatit' in the Commons, yet the sixty majority. hes grown to be siLtV-SiX. Dissolution's talk-,, ed of merely to frighten 'members. " The Herald says the Haase of Commons' `by a vote, the importance of which cannot be denied, affirms that the Irish • Church should be disestablithed; but , the House does not speak the voice of the eountey,• as the late elections show. The Daffy Neum bays it is satisfactory to find the Premier disclaims the design of Lavigne:Queen to act against the vote of the ouse of Commons.. Ms duty is not to IVio Parliament, or resign, but to aid the proaTm' of theresolies. , The Btandarddeprecatio thei?ote of want - of confidence es compelling dissolution, but , fears the Meters `lntend to pnrsue.that course. . • r 7 • ,• lA:worry Mav has beeoniegeneral that after ' the Weer of the refftrnibills lbs Irefand and Seedling; the D'lsraeli mtni.*.yy, Wiltdissolve -331 =cut, end u4ipe4 to the people 0n . .40 4• W Church.queitlon. .Thtl Ggobq t ab,' 2 1 00 „,,ie in L tuis o" • • ! , i 4-4490 . • 'nom . Ipterl iajarr A , 4 if. :La t n +virer ELI NUMBER 104. In the absence orthe platntilf, McHenry the case was postponed. Traini .continu to denounce the proceediriga as a political persecution, prompted by the British' authorities. FENIANS. RELEASED. ConK, May L-:-By, order/ of the Lore Lieutenant 4. 'Mahoney, Fenian heac centre; and hevered other Ferilans.. hay) been' released from custody. PORTUGAL. lasadx, May.l.—Farragnt's sqaadron I arrived here and was warmly welcomed FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LONDON ' May 1 .—Evening.—Consol 93;(,@94. Bonds, 70h:. Illinois, 94 1 4; Friel, • . • I PRANK ,117, May-, - I.—zircon in!,...—Don • strong, at 73.;1,75%. ANTWERP, May I.—EVC7ting.—PetTate closed firmer for standard white. I PARIS, May--S I.—Evening.pecie in .t Bank of France has increased 3,400,111 francs in the past week. .1 fityrp.roor., May I.—Eveni247.—Cotto , eltised quiet; sales of 10,000 bales Uphill. at 12 @l`2%s.; Orleans. 12Xs. Manche: advices are unfavorable for crops. Cor '37s. Id.. California wheat. 16s. ld. Oa z ld.' Peas advanced to •505.. Provisio unchanged. Pork dull at 84s. 6d. P duce, generally unchanged. Refined lict , troleum active at Is. 4d. per gallon, Sug firm at 275. MEXICO. The Rebellion - of General INegrete—Rß'-. mored Resignation 'Of Renor Rome . The Foreign Debtlndians Butelfer - . L. The Americanonsul Attareked by 13' ;- ditti. ' ' ' ,I t,,,i [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. -- -- It I.—Advices from 'e ,l - )i . NEW YORK, May 1.--, City of 4 Mexico are to the 20th of Apt. Congress had finally passed a condemil , tion on the concession to the English col . - pony for the bnilding of thd Vera Cruz tind . • Mexico City Railway. . , , The rebellion of General Negrete was r t_ll ' • _ unsuppressed. It was reported that he 0, raising troops in the North. Canales reported as about to make common ca l lite with Negrete. The settlement of the trol l bles in Smola, by the national authorit_s, is not expected to be permanent. Sevffi e al t mocers have been arrested, among wh , T was Colonel Meyers, late of the Itrilt cl . States army. Minister Romero was about to publiii a pilfered letter of Gen. Banks," as also tie private official documents connected. di:: the State Department. ,It is rumored 6- i it ... mero's resignation was. renewed. : : - A communication from Gen. J. G. 0 ga, dated in prisOn at Monterey,. - and kii-- ed as President ad interi m ; m, has been Piab lished. He urges hisl . claim to the• 1 t [it ter, and complains of his treatment. i he communication was at first discussed in, e cret, and afterwards in open session oftion-; . gress, after which it was referred to a it cial committee, who at once shelved , e , document. : I I Congress has passed an appropriatio - of thirty thousand dollars for the payment of the foreign debt, in the shape of Eneish _- Convention bonds, and thirty thousantildol: - Mrs for Spanish - bonds. 'The export' fluty,_i on sliver is hereafter to be paid at the Dprts of shipment - Four conductas of specs an r nually to Tanipico have been authotiz , V,, , . -- :;. Four hundred of the Yaqui Indians re.- surprised at night by the ;State troo of Senora; and all butchered.' Senor Kalixto was kidnapped and field to ransom in the sum of slq,ooo. : , , ; Mr. Sanluier, American Consul at era Cruz; when on a mission to the 'uteri re cently, was attacked by banditti. He ew -, a revolver and asserted heNyas an Aineri can Consul; whereupon thd' highwaymen ' desisted and saw the Consul safe Oil his way. , . L - c THE CAPITAL. MT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.. }. WASHINGTON, 'ISIa,ST 1, CUSTOMS RECEIPTS. The receipts of customs from April to 25th, inclusive, were $3,4845/1, CABINET MEETING At the Cabinet meeting to-day there present the Secretary of State, SecretS the Interior, Postmaster. General ant patent GenerilThomas. 'Nothing bE ordinary department matters *were ci ered. . • - BRIEF NEWS itErasj • —E. L. Davenp 4 ort, the tragedian, ailed yesterday for California. 11 f-nely "it Balt=Ote _or are freely given at bets that the President will be conic d. • —John ;Brooks, a well-known bird and snake fancier; in Baltimore, died on Thurs. day'frout the,bite of a rattlesnake. ,•:It —o:fiebert Notrnan convicted at Mciiitreal, Canada, of procuring abortion, wa4 sen teneed to ten years in the Penitentlaiy. —Maj..Reynolds 11 S. A., was It:ferried on Thursday to Miss EUa de Sa`otry; l 4. belle - of. Baltimore, and went South on a ;bridal tour. rj .. —ln a ptize tight at Bangem Masa., yes .) - terday, between Clebrge Cheer and Mke O'Brien, the latter was awarded the victory '.•.' inconsequence of a foul blow. . . . It , i },,t ~ -- 1 -Three members have been e i ipelled, tram the First 'Branch of the City Co uncils of Baltimore for the use of undue liitinenetp.: ingomeeetion with the issue of Western Mitiyland Railroad bonds. • .„ , . =`,A: fire at East Buriiihire; New"' )lan2p ailtdon the night' of the 29th' destrdyed Sherwood's Hotel, the Episco pal Church, -- several stores and dwellings, including ali , the business portion of the village, 1;1, '-:-.Tobrilr. Kendall, Senteneed in *o,. ber last, et Baltimore, to pay .a fine 0f„14,,f1 3 !) ' and .to an imprisonmeo pf one Yer, f o r,. .. carr y ing o n a distillery without a 'Permai has beeirpardoned'by the Presiden x ti t —During an altercation at 1/.,:tcriz bi Maine, between David Monk ,1 a 14 ,r Kinney,. the, latter wa g, shot , ei l tl .tr,i , .. 8 .2 14 ?.n of the former. ' There Was a a.1, 4 g . Traawng feud between the families., - .1. - o7 1: was . arrested. „ . 7. t in Keity, 'the minstrel, j _ ~ so . quitted of the n i s ,u urd so er_ n o g fsharVeY , a brother i to aria te lave , L o prl . ... m reeldr al imm ' ' his head a„ btuletklodged ex " . ''''"" '— the fracas in ehrharpo there duriPl l th. . .. wh i z , . 1 ley met hie ea . , I. ~..G enera Meade has declined t.. 0 ettai_the, trial by Military Commission of BannW_Phk editor of:tPe .ThscaloPea , Vsbil*Mili i44lks .„wer, fbr an Aral , - with ,a Ilmroimiptgh jiifitsVfeateed, of thefUnitedtitataiVnuni s, brofiniendSt. Writ of habeas ,awlrlioll thea cr . , The, Uh 4. cenglieliOett 14- ge,i tt,„, --ifrowiii4tioiiniwifihe M¢ - vs'- Uniont , E4tapi CompailYiliat'3 4) Ved - bY " 3 4 11 10,4b1 3 Mitiell.olk: - AttikPlitibiatiTiiCx pawed' lava' 04 11 1 1 . 44rsa7rltiOt10,,11 gtilkliiii, , . . .tiwissUrssikat. It* - fideviartra.. 4 I 'PMFnedidineht tics Ott - *due wat 4r L . xporsooktili" _ WWI 1 11b14 ,01 If" niki rn% id5a....... ' - ; -ILI. ,titk.N . l4: ,14:Erd '4 . ..,!. :34 22 5 -i- - ... or 1 Aro' ; lit ?;11 ::<,-:',- : .i.' .1 , :11 i) • ..;!.E.`O3V- VIZI I t . , , -' fir ` .-a s ~~}+~a`*.~ ' ~sy,~h - ~s~ El 11 El '~~ ENBIEIi II ~}. ~ . BM 11 201 h. - 3 were itty of Ad ieyond