The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 01, 1868, Image 2
Ell 'Ojs littAnit A**. nominations of officers appointed by him during the recess of that body, and after their adjournment reappointing others who had been rejected by them as unfit for the , places foi which they.lutd been appointed. For this he had broken the ,privileges of, and insulted the ,Congreis of:the United: Stales by instructing them that the work ;of reconstruction bekliged to him only, iitul that they had;no legislative right or duty in 'the preMisea„ but Only to regiater his willby throwing open their doors to such Vaimants as might come there with commissions from his pretended govol_ments, that were sub stantially his own. For this, on their refusal to obey his im perial rescript,' he had arraigned them pub licly as a revolutionary assembly, and not a Congress, without the power to legislate for the States excluded, and as "traitors at the other end of theline." in actual rebellion against the people they had subdued. • For this he had grossly abused the veto power, by disapproving every important measure of legislation that concerned the• rebel States, in accordance with his public declaration that he would veto all the meas ures of the law-making power whenever they came to bim. lor this he had deliberatelyand confess edly exercised a dispensing power over the test oath law by appointing notorious re bels to important places in the revenue ser vice, on the avowed ground that the policy of Congress, in that regard, was not in ac cordance with his opinions. For this he had obstructed the settlement of the nation, by exerting all his influence to prevent the people of the rebel States from accepting the constitutional amend ment or organizing under the laws of Con gress, and impressing them with the opin ion that Congress was blood-thirsty and im placable, and that their only refuge was with him. For this lie had brought the patronage of his office into conflict with the freedom of election by allowing and encouraging his official retainers to travel over the country, attending political conventions and address ing the people in support of his policy. For this, if he did not enact the part of a Cromwell, by striding into the Halls of the Representatives of the people and saying to one man, " You are a hypocrite;" to another, "You are a whoremonger;" to' a third, "You are an adulterer ; " and to the whole, ''You are no lenger a Parliament:" he had rehearsed the same part substantially outside, by traveling over the country, and, in indecent harangues, assailing the conduct and impeaching the motives of its Congress, inculcating disobedience to its authority by endeavoring to bring it into disrepute, de claring publicly of one of its members that lie was a traitor, of another, that he was an assassin, and of the whole that they were no longer a Congress. - For this, in addition to the oppression and I bloodshed that. everywhere resulted from his known partiality for traitors, he hail winked at, if not encouraged, the mur der of loyal citizens in New Orleans by a confederate mob, by holding correspondence with its leaders, denouncing the exercise of the right of a political convention to assem ble peacefully in that city as an act of trea son proper to be suppressed by violence, and commiuntmg the military to assist, instead of preventing, the execution of the avowed purpose of dispersing them. For this, it is not too much to say, in view of the wrong and outrage and the cry of suffering that have conic up to us upon every southern breeze, that lie had in effect reopened the war, inaugurated anarchy, turned loose once more the incarnate devil of baffled treason and 'unappeasable hate, - whom, as we fondly thought, our victories had overthrown and bound in chains, or dained rapine and murder from the Potomac to the. Gulf, and deluged the streets of Mem phis as well as of New Orleans, and the green fields, of the South, already dotted The master-key to the whole history of with so many patriot graves, with the blood his administration, which has involved not of martyred citizens. * . 0 * a mere harmless difference • of opinion, as one .of his counsel seems to think, on a But all these things were not enough. It question wanted one drop more to make the cup of - shere gentlemen might afford to forbearance overflow--one other act that disagree without a quarrel, but one long and unseemly struggle by the Executive should reach the sensoritun of the nation, against the legislative power, is to be found and make even those who might be slow to in the fact of an early and persistent pur- comprehend a principle, to unde that pose of forcing the rebel States into the further forbearance was ruin to sally and that act was done in the attempt to seize by Union by means of his exectitive authority, in the interests of the men who had lifted force or stratagem on that Department. of I their parricidal hands against it, on terms the Government through which its armies dictated by himself, and in defiance of the were conlled, It was but a logical se will of the loyal people of the United States quence of had gone before—the last of as declared, through their Representatives, a series of what, usurpations, all looking to the same great object. It did not rise, perhaps, To accomplish this object, how much has bey and the height of many of the crimes by he not done and how much has a long-suffer- which it was ushered in. But its meaning ing people not.passed over without punish- mild not be mistaken. * * * * ment and almost without rebuke ? Let his tory, let public records, which are the only And now as to theimmediate issue4tution which authentic materials of history, answer, and I propose to discuss only in its cons they will say, that— al and legal aspects. For this, instead of convening the Con- The great crime of Andrew Johnson, as gress in the most momentous crisis of the already remarked, running through all his administration, is that he has - Violated his State, he had issued his royal proclamations for the assembling of conventions and the oath of office and his constitutional duff& erection of State governments, prescribing by the obstruction and infraction of the Con stitutton and the laws, and an endeavor to the qualification of the voters, and settling set up his own will against that of the law the conditions of their admission into the Union. , •• making power, with a view to a settled and For this he had created offices unknown persistent purpose of forcing the rebel States - ! to the law, and filled them with men no into Congress, on his own terms, in the in torionsly disqualified by law, at salaries Wrests of the traitors. and in defiance of the • fixed, by his own mere will. - will of the loyal people of the United States. For this he had paid those officers in con- The specific offenses charged here, which temptuous disregard of law, and paid them, are but the culminating facts, and only the too, out of the contingent fund of one of last of a long series of usurpations, are an the Departments of the Goyernment. 'unlawful attempt to remove the rightful' For this he had supplied the expenses of Secretary of War and to substitute in his his new governniCent by turning over to place ft creature'of his own, without the ad -them the spoils of the dead confederacy, vice and 'consent of the Senate, although_ and authorizing , his liairniii . to levy taxes then in session; a conspiracy to hinder and from the cofiquerefl prevent him from resuming or holding the For this h ). e .., people. 41.1 L - d away unnumbered said office after the refusal of the Senate to millions of the pUblic pfoperty to rebel rail- concur in his suspension, and seize, take, sal it without consideration, oe and possess the property of. the United. r- ~, it them in clear violatien of law, on States in said Department; an attempt to de bauch an officer of the Army from his alle iong credits, at a valuation of his own and whatever gime° by without any security. ,inculcating insubordination to, the For this lie had stripped the Bureau of law in furtherance of the same object; the Freedmen and Refugees of its munificent attempt to set aside the rightful authority endowment, by tearing from it the lands of Congress and•to bring it into public odi rlated by Congress lathe loyal wards !IPProPuta and contempt; and to encourage resist of theltepublic, and restoring to the rebels dice to its. a ws by theopen andpublic de- . their plank forfeited estates afterlivery the same live of indecent harangues, impeaching . had heeri,veited by law in the Government its acts and - pinions and full of threats-and of the United States: , menaces agamst it and laws enacted by it, Fcirliiis he had invaded with a itithloos to the great scandal and degradation of his own high office. as President- and the devising hand time very-peue ral of the :Treasury . . i , . old plundered its contenta - for'the benefit-of and contriving unlawthl means to present,, the execution of the tenure of-office, Asiny, favored rebels by- rdering the. restoration . , the proceeds of sales of captured and abed.; 5 1 1kETrictioti, and reconstruction eietti,pf, .dened prop,e.rty which had been placed in its , March . , custody, b y j aw. ~ _ , , . ;, • To, all of these which relate to the attempt - -For this he had grossly abused, the par; ed removal of the Secretary of War the ans. doning,power, conferred on fpm by, the Comm. •wer is: . • Mit ti n. in releasing the most , active and -1. That the case of Mr. Stanton is not fornowe of thee . laders of the . rebellion within the 'meaning of the first section of ' ' , with a stiew,to.. their ; service lit „SIMI 'further- the tenure-of-offlee act. • • , arice.q,ntipoligy, and even delegated that &avid. That if it be, the act is unconati-, .. . ptriverfor, the Kane objects tomenwho were . . ii: and void so fai as it nfidertakes to.. ' • indebted to? Ats, exercise far their own escape abridge the power claimekby him - . of "re ,.. from punistunot, , - . . , moving' t any and atoll times an executive . - For this he had obstructed the course of officers for causes to,bejudged of by himself. public justice-not: only by refusing to enforce alone," as - welt as of: suspending them in , the laws enueted for the suppression of the definitely at his sovereign andpletuntre; rebellion and the, Denhibment, of . treason/. iind, , ' ' •• 7 ' '' ' ' ~. ' ' ': r , , i , - but by'gping into d le cmirte and turn i n ithe , 1••• Third. That - whether the act be 001113tRUP greatest n -thepublitnialefactOrs loose , mind irons' 'pr otherwise , It *is lffitllght, atv he' . . ; , surrendertug allColitroiover them bY VW', AM* if 14, 11 i Vitt:eon hlsPtliPesec to disobey T estgelkin,pf their- estates ,. , _ 1 ".,—; .01041014te It whit '4' vlpit tellte settle ;For.,4l4o . ho; 41 . I .thltaed the EIPOO I I4 ' . ;iikentff*:tiueelon Of, 141404 .: by the` l r ' 1 POWeati r il l k 2 ne ln " ai l, on sYsteni,,, of tag* . jgoron 0.r., 4e prAtkpa Stits , .1 • . ii 1 t0r1914 filtKic yiPeer5 .... .17:40. other ' reamik ~. c 411dMe rash) tholgietiozywleihertue; r•llti 1, • - 'he° 4 l l °lwaY : 71 "'""' . 1 4 4 4 0, him la. retest , :p egratiiy vf wai ww Jun8311E464 1: 4 1 .101411 P vt9.‘tlthoCoN: , Mimut u thisi, ibeixesitaiWittihr4Retzstseett*kt ; 4, t • IR Iviwknie legAstfifft: Mferiefitlie Govg tlth Art iiiiir t0,:: r 7 1 ,..," L. ' ' ''' 4 ' '' ' ''' 1(1 , elintil, 1 t4 ).:,1' , e',/b •i .- ',, •i' ilid i d ' 'MI" - widiseVos:hot, for &tzJt; c,-;.l { 3Aor lik o erne 44#14 iiiii 'ffi • f ifff, ;,b l ill9lgoalssion .431 2 ast . rwdl AW1 , 47 , • • lAits 6 4 l 11} liiiMcti c , *4 I N 0 ;111 0 *. i 4 70t, etad .2,-.!- - ~ .z0ui. 4 0:,.. - 1,-; f...w.:0 i. rttlovrl ; 1 ''— "" '- g. r ' ' I t '-' 11 ' . t ' .'sec s ,1,,:. . l'filr.n ~,,en:r. ca e, clillt ER , re l y . * l l.lO t - ' isa ,- It. 1 , , •,<1;; . ; >t,l': .0.... W ; .14. , fl'er i ...: I"E ACIIMENT * Extracts from theOlpeecti of non Thomas Williams: one of the *onagers for the iiei!se- !le/livered Before the Senate, Attrit 27th andiSth, 110 . 1343. Mn. PRESIDENT AND SENATORS OF TILE UNITED STATEs : Not unused to the con flicts of the forum I appear in your presence to-day in obedience to the command of the . Representatives of the American people, ,undez a sense of responsibility which I hafe never felt before.. This august tribunal whose judges are the elect of mighty prov inces—the presence at your• bar of the Rep xesentativei of a domain that rivals in ex 3nt the dominion of the Ciesars, and of a civilization that transcends any the world has ever seen, to demand judgment' upon the high delinquent whom they have ar raigned in the name of the American people -for high crimes and misdemeanors. against the State, the dignity of the, delinquent himself, a king in everything but the name and paraphernalia and inheritance of royal ty, these crowded galleries, and, more than all, the greater world outside which stands on tiptoe as it strains its ears to catch from the electric messenger the first tidings of a • verdict which is either to send a thin' of joy -through an afflicted land, or to rack it anew with the throes of anarchy and the convul sions of despair, all remind me of the collos sal proportions of:the isssue you are assem bled to try. I cannot but remember, too, that the scene before me is without example or parallel in human history. Kings, it is true, have been uncrowned, and royal heads have fallen upon the scaffold; but in two single instances only, as I think, have the formalities of law been ostensibly invoked to give a coloring of order and of justice to the bloody tragedy. It is only in this free land that a constitutional tribunal has been charged for the first time with the sub linie task of vindicating, an outraged , law against the highest of its ministers, and pas sing jUdgment upon the question whether the ruler of a nation shall be strip lied, un der the law and without shock or.violence, of the power which he has abused. * * * * The man who supposes that this is but a question of the removal of an ob noxious officer, a mere private quarrel be tween two belligerents at the other end of the avenue, wherein it is of no great na— tional consequence which of the opposing parties shall prevail, has no adequate ap prehension of the gravity of the case, and greatly disparages the position and the mo tives of the high accusers. The House of Representatives espouSes no man's quarrel, however considerable he may be. It has • but singled out from many others of equal weight the facts now charged, as facts for the most pare of recent occurrence, of great notoriety, and of easy proof, by •way of testing a much greater question without loss of time. The issue here is between two mightier antagonists, one the Chief Execu tive Magistrate of this nation and the other the people of the United States, for whom the Secretary of War now holds almost the only strong position of which they have not been dispossessed. It is but a renewal on American soil of the old battle between the royal prerogative and the privileges of the Commons, which was closed in Eng land-with the reigns of the Stuarts—a strug gle for the mastery between a temporary Executive'and the legislative power of a free State over the most momentous question that has ever challenged the attention of a people. *• * , ... . . , _,.... „_.-- • .. , ,*--",--,.,-----:i-S,,=<,-,u,A,.rw.,...-'4*,44,,X,-41.t..-:-A1,..±i.,...A.4.421,.,:;74;;;;;;,-...,.1-,,,,,:NL,,,,,,,;..„,,,,,,7.7.g,-..--• act - .-1. , ' . .- -- --7 - v-,----;- , 7 -4.. ..-......,:r:-.1---7-4.7,7.7-4,7rzej,-;,,..4tr -...-. .. ~..1.,4,4 *,••,... .......trAv..•.:Wr.11_,.;...=Mg....,, _t........,,..-V;.4:;..f.r.E.,..„.. .y.b.6,•••.›,,,,..y...,.(3,-.6.,4,1-4J-iPes,*ll,4-;,V.F. t.,,, .. ,•••,•!;.,r,r,•,,...77.,...„,.•-;_, • ri7•••;;:itati..1i_44..,:i.,,,„;...4.;„ 1 , 4 ` ..;% - ‘ 11 . ,. ...•, - .. .4,14.A.:;',..•,*•....• ',' 5 e,4,-,1C.1;,. ...,.. C..47.41,..'"A•ZW - ' ' -',-"..,,,,Z.W.."•P',...t.e•,-4V''Cr''.l/4". -TM 1:. ,,,,,,,, :••W' ,. ! ,V4j 4 .. - ,T•tr - '*A?..%-• , " . ..32, 11 -.•-.1.• ''v"At..,.,-..,.•-'•''r....M-t-..•V'-T.-7;-W•ViW^•.''-'•'O.•4-V-`';;,,4,ta'•'r.,- -I',s•'''''' • 'd-**•-••••.V.,•4:e.a.i.WAVX•I4.ILr. 44•V'' - •• ' • " "...s.- iI k e . .t• C 4•Mt. e .P.V.J.F.;44,- - ....: .• •.- 4.1/..04. ;t ' • . •'' 4 " .4 " ---C ''''"A'''' , ''...,•'• . J ;‘,. .4, ...., . .• , • 7V-Z;•.,_'...11..,',W.1.Ari1y.....44*.•441.ei . ••••-, , , ... ,- gt.e.,..v..---......> ~.... - ` W ~t .. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : FRIDAY. MAY 1. 1868 on his accession, continued by reason there of to hold,the office and administer its duties T , 401.1iiisiire only, without having at any time 'received any appointment from himself; aistiming, as I understand, eitherthat under The proviso to the first section of this actthe ease was not provided for , or that by foiCe of its exPress languag e , t office offi*as deter 'Mined by thd &spin on of the first term of the President' whii appoint e d hi m -:.The body, or enacting -dame of this See' thin, provides that event perSOII then hold ing any civil office who , had been appointed thereto by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, or who should be thereafter appointed to any such office, should be enti tled to hold until a successor is appointe4in the like manner. . - - • It is clear, therefore; thtttits general 'olile — et• was to provide for all cases, either-then e*- 'sting or to happen in the fature. 2 -- i ' It is'objected, however, that so .much of this clause turrefers to the heads of Depart ments is substantially repealed by the saving clause, which is in the following words "Provided, That the Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, of War, of the Navy, and of the Interior, the Postmaster General, and the Attorney General, shall hold their offices respectively for and.during the [term Of the President by whom they may lihve been ap: $ pointed, andliii•otie month th idafteri sub ject to removal by and with th advice and consent of the Senate." . This. proviso was the result of a confer ence on the disagreeing votes the amend ment of the: Musa striking out the excep tion in favor of the, heads of Departments, and ,iva.s• suggested—if he may be excused the egotism—by the individual' new addresses you; and to whoni, as fhe mover and advocate of the amendment, was very naturally assigned the duty of conducting the negotiation en the part of the House, for the purpose of obviating the objection taken in debate on this floor, by one of the Senate managers, that the effect of the amendmentswould be to impose on an in coming President a Cabinet that was not of his own selection. I may be excused for speaking of its actual history, because that has been made the subject of comment by the learned counsel who opened the case on behalf of the President. Xf it was intended or expected that it should so operate as to create exceptions in favOr of ean officer , , whose notorious abuse .of powlr w'as the proximate cause, if not the impelling mo:' tive for the enactment of the law, I did not know it. It will judged, however, by itself, without reference either to the par ticular intent of him who may have penned it,. or to any . Lasty opinion that may tine, been expressed in either House as to Ala construction of which it might be possibly susceptible. The argument of the defendent rests upon the • meaning of the word "appointed." That word has both a technical and drq:lopu lar one. In the former, which involves the idea of a nomination and confirmation in the constitutional way, there was no ap pointment certainly by Dir. Johnson. In the latter, which is the.sense in which the people will read it, there unquestionably was. What, then, was meant by the em ployment of this word? It is a sound and well.accepted.rule in all the courts, in exploring the meaning of the law-,giVer, especially in cases of remedial statutes, as I think this is, if it is not rather to be considered as only a declaratory one in this particular; to look to the old law, the i mischief and the remedy, and to give a lib eral construction to the language n favor-. em libertatia, in order to repress the Mischief and advance the remedy; taking the Words used in their ordinary and, familiar sense, and. varying, the meaning as the intent, which is always the polar star, may require. Testing the case by . this rule what is to be the construction here? Thit old law was—not the Constitution— but a vicious practice that had grown out of a precedent involving an early and erron eous construction of that instrument; if it was intended so to operate. The mis. chief was that this practice had rendered the officers of the Government, and among them the heads of Departments, the most powerful and dangerous of them all, from their assumed position of advisers of the President, by the very dependency of their tenure, the mere ministers of his pleasure, and the slaves of his imperial will, that could at any, moment, and as \ the reward of an honest and independent opinion, strip them oftheir employments, and send them back into the ranks of the people. The remedy was to change them from minions and flatterers into men, by making them free, and to secure their loyalty to the law by protecting them from the power that might constrain their assent to its violation. To accomplish this object it IFIIB necessary that the law should cover all, of them, high and low, present'and prospective. That it could have been intended to except the most impertant and formidable of these functionaries, either with a view to favor the present Executive ' or for the purpose of subjecting the only head of a Department who bad the confidence of Congress to his arbitrary will, -is. as unreasonable and im probable as it is at variance with the truth of the fact and. with the obvious general purposes of the act. , - For the President of the United States to say, however, now, after having voluntarily retained. Kr. Stanton for more than two years of his_ administration, that , he was there only by'sufferance, or as a mere mom hie, or heir-loom, or incumbrance that had passed to - him with the estate, and not by virtue of his own special appointment, if not ,spaltering with the people in a double sense ' has very much the appearance of a not very respectable quibble. The un learned Man whO reads the proviso T asthey for whose perusal it is intended will, read it -and who is not accustomed to handle the Metaphysical scissors of the professional cas uists who are able "to divide dhair 'twixt west and northwest side," while he admits the ingenuity of the advocate,- will stand amazed, if he does not scorn the officer wito would- stoop to the use of such a subter fuge. * * \ , C:* , :. * * * Assuming again, however, that, as _is claimed by the defense, the case ':of hf.r. Stanton does,not fall - within the Proviso, whikt, then, is the result l' f ls it the pre dicament of a easua oniirsur,altogether 1 , Is he to be hung up,, like, Afahomet's coffin, between the body of the act and the previa?, • the latter .nullifying the former' oni•the pre -text of an , exception, and then - repudiating the exdeption itself as to the particular case, or is the obviat; and indisputable purpote of providing for':alV.eases whatever, te fie. carried out by..-falling back on the general enacting clause which would make him im movable' by the President alone, and leav ing him outside of the provision as to tenure; which was' the sole object of the `exception f' 'Mere Is - nothing in , the saving clause'which is''' at' all - . incon ,sistent with what goes before. ••• The pro vision that takes every officer out of the power Other rrpsident Jo not departed from' -in. that „clatise..i , All, la, enactaAa ; that • ther tenureshall be tr dettrialriate one l'ln 6.14. that fall Within:it. f If Kt •Eitantnn tuna tip' ? pointed7;br President , lONIC the meaning orthe proviso, he holds, of course; ihiffiltitieritilintien'ot bleietti: - If not, he 11 ) 1. l aue holkall_NOClAoyem Alm ear* -officers ~- p -_ ,laft.:, , . ..tla ' : ult ., I.i .een so 0 ..., ~ ..: ... 4 . xj Ilk *.#• me a , . - ' ...... • , I f . , , 64 , ,, sp e d.' Imi r oak 4 l.': .? tv ' to litatecildiii. 'TA p no t . . ~ mCdpnqcoludder It nti* sat* 1000. W. 2-FAP9Olgttnto , :thtl Ism f :VA 0-fewvAiir ofmehr y r :* van' C. 24,7 itullitli oikr, F.:214/CL; 6 rein , oeigii :ritin;-', ne.l trqatt" r" , .!ft Er, .) , !fltrtpv..l sJIT ,terf; or not. It will be hardly pretended, how ever, by anybody, that he was intended to be excluded entirely from its opetntion. Nor is the case helped by the refeience to. the Towlicsection" of 'llie 7 4 - .llet,•.which pro-; vides that nothing therein .contained shall be etintititied to extend the term, of any Vll etir the duration of whirat is limited by leiv. The office in - question was .one of those of, which the tenure - Was indefinite. The Pein-; struction insisted onby me does not inked it. The only effect is to takeaway the peitv er of removal fromthe President alone and restore it to the parties by whom the Con stitution ingsided that it should be exercised. AsEuming, then, that the case of Mr. Stanton is within the law, the next question is as to the-validity-of the law, itselt.--Aild lieie we are mat, for the first time in our , history as a'nation; by the assertion on the part of the President, of the illimitable end uncontrollable power under the Constitu-, Lion, in accordance, as he insists, with the judicial' opinion , the professional sentiment, and the settled practice •under, the Gevern ment of removing at any and all • times all executive officers whatever; without respon-• sibility to anybody, and 'included therein the equallyuncontrollable power of suspen i - ding them ndefinitely and supplying ; their places from time to time by appointments made by himself ad inter:tn. If, there b e any case where the claim' has heretofore ex tended, even , in • theory, beyond the mere power to create' 'vacancy by removal dur ing the recess of I the Senate, I do not know it. If there be any wherein the power to sus- Dend indefinitely, which goes even be yond this has been asserted, it is equally new to me.' This truly re gal pretensidn has been fitly re served for the first President who have ever claimed the imperial prerogative of founding goVernments by proclamation, of taxing without a Congress of disposing of the public property by m illions at his own will, and of exercising a dispensing power over the laws. It is but a logical sequence of what he has been already permitted to do with absolute impunity and almost without complaint. If lie could be tolerated thus far, why not. consumate the' work which was to render him supreme, and crown his victory over the legislative power by setting this body aside as an advisory council, and claiming himself , to be the rightful interpre ter of the laws? The defense made here is a defiance, a challenge to the Senate and_ the nation, thtft must be met and answered just now in such a way as shall deteimine which, if any, is to be the master. If the claim asserted is to be maintained by your decision, all that will remain for you will be only the formal abdication of your high trust as part of the appointing power, be cause there will be then absolutely nothing I left of it that is worth possessing. But let us see what there is in the Consti tution to warrant these extriwagant-preten sions, or to prevent the passage of a law to restore the practice of this Government to the theory of that instrument. Ido not propose to weary you with a protracted examination of this question. I could not add to what I have already said on the same subject in the discussion in the House of the bill relating to removals from office in December, 1860, to which I would have ventured to invite your attention, if the same point had not been so fully elaborated' here. You have already passed upon it in the enactment of the present law by a vote so decisive and overwhelming, and there is so little objection on the part of the counsel for the President to the validity of that law, that I may content myself vvitti condensing the arguments on both sides into a few gen- eral propositions which will comprehend their capital features. The first great fact to be observed is, that while the Constitution enumerates sundry offices, and provides the manner of appoint ment in those cases, as well as in "all oth ers to be created by law," it prescribes no tenure except that of good behavior in the cases of the judges, and iientirely Silentym the subject of removal by any othet - process than that of impeachment. From the inferences are : 1. That the tenure of good behavior, be ing substantially equivalent to that for life, the office must in all other cases be deter minable at the will of some department of the Government, unless limited by law; which is, however, but another name for the will of the law-maker himself. And this is settled by authority. 2. That the power of removal at will, be ing an implied one only, is to be e,onflned to those cases where the tenure is not ascer tained by law; the right of removal in any other form than by the process of impeach ment depending entirely on the hypothesis of a will of which the essential condition al ways is that it is free to act without reason and without responsibility. _ 2. That the power of removal, being im plied as a necessity of, state to secure the dependence of the Officer on the Govern ment, Is not to be extended by construction so as to take him out of the control of the Legislature, and, make him dependent on the will of the Executive. The next point is that the President is by the terms of the Constitution to "nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate appoint," to all offices, and that without this concurrence he appoints to none except when authorized by Congress. And this ,may be described as the ruftrof the Con stitution. The exceptions are: • 1. That'in the cases of inferior offices the Congress may lodge this power with the President alone or with the courts ,or the heads of Department's; and 2. That in: cases of vacancy happening during the recess of the Senate he may—not aoint—but jili them up by granting com missions to expire at the end of the next ses sion of that .From which it appear*— 1. That the President cannot, as already :stated, in any efts°, appoint alone without the express authority of Congress, and then only in : the case of inferior offices. 2. That the , power to supply oven an acci dental vacancy was only to continue until the Senate was'in a condition to beconsult ed and to Ovise\ and.not act upon the case ; and 8. As a corroilary 'Ca= these two .propo sitions, that if the poiver to remove in cases where the tenure Is, Indefinite be, as it Is solemnly conceded by ,the - Supremo court • • ef the Unite Staff to re lipenan (ta Pe• rpm) an Incident to the power to - appoint, it ;belongs to the President and Senate; and not to the President alone, as It was held in that case to be ince° - judge who made the apr, pointment. • The argument upon which this impl ied and`merely - inferential Otter, not of "Sling ; up,",but of makfay, 'v ac ancy during-the. recess-Lvhfeh claimed to extend to the making of a **pox , pt. - any': titqe—has boon, defended, iB , lcolooitYfor thi ex" 4ipiase ot•ruauu Illewerf aring,the recess of the ; Bowel other, words, the argu ment qbinconeenfenii. • mod ~T hat ther:•power of removal is a tolfrative function, ..llll.ll4. 17 1 . 1 4'grftt in the est tee oti Ilitt Mu* Vit ft qlo Conetitt4 l 9 l l , " ma Intviiiiiritedtlie`poWer to Miirotig t an t rqr 1 /4 04 Abrs auk Ito baccnotimd: I in ail easei w =3ll.l°PlP—hli • I 4x4extiell, er, • Ati &mot P• , thollienstee= n to " feramOite NO; brow • ' ' I Yr • ' riti° ' .t's • • ocl.) • , 4 ''• "` PR)D - NliViziiii;Vd $8 'ONLY .1, • -A FULL SET OF.ARTIFICIAL TEETH FOR EIGHT DOLLARS. A , FULL-UPPER AND \ LOWER SET EFORA3S. TEETH..EXTRACTLID WITFIOUTTAINe 470 MAIMS FONEXTPACTIEGEN ARTI FICIATPFEETH AGE ORDEFISD. ALL WORK VAR ED FOB =FIVE XEAR.S. LAUGHING ees :FREE- OF • - QUINCTTA. `SCOTTS Stiam bentia Establishment, 278 PENN STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND. • N. 3.—As DR. SCOTT is a licensee under 'the Goodyear Patents, he will not make any “new (bo ups) rubber" sets, but will continue to manufacture the genuine articIo—VULCANITE. .mII23:dET ' GAS - PLIMMEIT . GAS FIDETITRES AND Cria 4196 n CI oiler's, FOR GAS AND OIL. 'Just received, the finest and largest assortment ever opened In this city. WELDON & KELLY, " 147 WOOD. STREET, COR. VIRGIN ALLEY inh24:n22' , • DRY GOODS. 87. MARKET STREET. BF7 • SPRING OPENING ! AT THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', (Succee'eor to J. M. Burchfield 8 Co.) SIVNG-DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY GOODS. PHILLIPS respectfully announces that the extensive alterations to his RETAIL DRY GOODS STORE Are completed. and his establishment is NOW OPEN. He offers an entirely • New Stock of Dry Goods, For 81: i r s u e p r v e t . Sommer Wear, at the lowest East ernaoll: 137.... MARKET STREET—An. <4 ( P 4 - igni 6 g p 4 l ip / CD O E-1 pi t -4 r. r ill r 4 0:1 w 0 0 P b. M ,c 4 E E -t _ . 43 1 o - Z q . te AT DENNISON & HECKERT'S, • 7.Fi.fth Street. PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEF'S, 8 cents ALL a TA d Ti d liEld-STITCHED HAMMER= vrAT C C H H LEF2 I 3 I Lor l i ti r aikts and uppwards. BOXES, WRITING DESKS. HOSIERY, In all grades and at all prices. MORRISON'S STAR, SHIRTS, ' AT REDUCED PRICES I . KID GLOVES, CORSETS, HOOP SKIRTS, &c. ALL OUR GOODS AT LOW PRIORS. fele fIARIt, McCAIIIDLESS & CO., . (Late Wilson, Cass & Co.; ) • WHOLESALE DEALERS IN - Foreign and Domestic .Dry Goods, No. DCWOOD,STREET, Ttilyd . daor above Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH, PA GARDEN . AND FLOWER SEEDS. STOCK PURE AND 'FUSEL Dealers, Gardeners 'and Private Families Will and their requirements fully met. . Our large stbek, complete assortment. and the ac knowledged reliability of our stuff, leads us to con- \ ndently guarantee satisfaetion to our customers. Constantly on hand and for sale at the lowest mar ket prices.' . . , GARDEN, AND . FLOWNII /AXED& . . . . . ' YIELD AND.LAWN SEEDS. • POTATOES. GooDnion Hißisow WHITE .4Plosll'n and CUZCO. • lrzawEitiNsi prdisirs - AND 1111114BD: • • inmcw4un.A.!.. AND HORTICULTURAL ....-rinmeILEJNIENTS Azisv.Tonzn. • • ALL DOOKS yeltding_to thc.F.A.RX: GARDEN .Or • ellitithi.lloUSE at publishers' printed prices. ~. , tini;;lttew. Desciiptive Seed Catalogue Gives full descriptions of NEW, ,_IIA_RE - and hitißT D LIMP/ L E varieties Of ! ITtt_t_KA'ABLE.B AND and,lltir i partlCUOXll for storing : planting and after Man Ilk—prices in,rokaties'Or bYlrelickt, by mgt. or therwiSe sad mu l gi ether f alsiablisutopnatlun,-tiev r , t o Al sp. pugni-enclosing lO . eentts s. , ''111:1111034' Nursea'9 Beadsman :And- Florist, . 187"UBENt ffit4'lVl4lsollll(ili, • sgert 1 14 94 11 FAMlT•tittid 41/4 ,„, i td &T • . r us `siiilitika, .4tijdei; Tillevar* (s. s has , 10okiNtattlinresi ' j i kt`i' l + ll , : l3±7: -=l7 " li t . " 1411111 • , • T - F-r • . goraimmil , • - n , 144.- MONO .noi,moDP , A 1. •1I;% lit et= - NOTION WHOLESALE AND HgrAIL BUYEL OF ; 5 Trimmings; Notions - , ti Fancy ‘ • . . . 1 . 4 Lave remised a *err' assortment of -j Witil.te cocilsw Which cannot be bent. consists of 0 STRIPED, DOTTED AND PfsATN SWISS: _STEIPE_,D BARRED & 11111.11 N NAINSOOIii .GOOD IRISH. LINEN. at..per yard. 1 .7 GOOD DAMASK TOWE 111,4 e. - . - .f . , - ii.. .:. Out Line of ROSIKRY - 1 pow COltlildi - 21)0, DOZEN or biots.rTsf .s, • -- - • , -..-- - LI - -. 1. , -- . ' Just received, selling at EA,. ERN 1i1C}..2 .y A . 'Fine' LOt 'of :. - arasolg IN ALL STYLES ANL ,COLORS, '. 9. , SYSTEME ALEXANDRE KUIS. at II pei pair.l 1 .:1 $1.83 LIGHT COLORED KIDS; at Mk. a pair. TRIMMED MUSLIN SKIRT it $1;OO. GENUINE SUMMER BAI.43IORALS.'at In PAPER COLLARS, we lenv .IWAVELITM, GL and SO 'nark ap24:46 NEW STORE S ROSENBAUM, ST PHILADELPHIA 76 Market Street, Pi The undersigned respectfully that they have received their en goods, consisting of • Mißinary and Straiff Go Ribbons, Laces, Artificial Flowe Enal;roideries. Hosiery a Corse To which they invite the atten WHOLESALE AND • • One of our firm giving his end attention to t purchasing of goods at the Eas , rn Markets, a having had iong experience andthe facilities procuring goods st the very loWelft prices, we enabled to offer great inducements; • Constantly receiving New Goths from the N York and Philadelphia auctions. 1 , 1 ._ A share of public patronage Ii ';i•espectfully si cited. R ROSENBA.U3I I STEM. • T No. 76 MARKET ST' mh:A" :nN) PERFECT FITITIN II ! ID E K GLO S. ".13'1 F. K."! `.`A. C. C." We invite attention tb our. DEPT I HID GLOVE AIITMENI Which is now complete with eve color and Om In addition to our own special I portation of tilt , . • Celebrated A. C. C. (do 4 vin) HID We have secured the exclusive 3of the "Harris Seamle4 Bids," The best Glove and moat pertee 6tt. nacqrapi,.&o t *omm, 19 AT EATON'S, No. Filth New Parasols, Straw G JUST ,OPENZ MACRUM & CAR 19 Fifth. Now offer the most elegant lin • br • Ever opened in Pittsburgh to w oh they cape invite the attention of their "e lomers.. The• am are nearly all new and Sigiglinal,and • . ONE-FIFTH I.4:1 THAN Itff.OULA.II pitzc , MACRIUM.&.ALE, 19 Fll7ll STITET, 1!!!MNE!MII BULLION AND 2usTOI FILINDES BUGLE GUMS AED VEINDES, At Tory low prices. CRILOICER p 4 iTENt FRENCH CAAC 11.9. YRENCH , CItAC RS FRENCH CRAC RS MEeffN FRENCH CRACKI;. F..le, CRA CKERS. ! - "? ' 1 , SUPERIOR. CRA CK_ ~ER • . . :itAturirtir. , - 91 ithatir!4#reeti I , l tioirsii • 1 i TRY TfMll.- -"' ' ' '1 ; • ath E ST MI LUI PP• I N ! M l,* • SHEIFINIROve , a stea*.coekei,aedßlitnit Futon ail ti Anaillittni. F' , l , - 4 i • , —2) ' 4 4./, l ei l' And every variety or I I " ll °, ol wtmr an • volnpilgto:pxr, • k• • •,•- loan. -z`v•ll3. ) ifc. and $l. .f . , a full variety. r.: i 1 F. I E & CO3 i 4 • e t. Street. ,! k ISTORE! . • T & CO7i ~ DEPORIU*, burgh, pe, intonn the put 4 tlrely new stock t as, . ite Good , el Gloves, nd Skirts, Uy i. Goods, &(1 him of purchasei (NAIL. 552 =3:l 1 :tree. i ,:, Flowe 121 W:4 111 or 1 ' 1