.: . .. , 41,;;;40.- -- 1.44 i.....wac.- N2u , a,...nt1..-T7PIR - AIC9. C..-M1VA1rtg..',........ar,..-...,....,7,..7-Tr...12,1-i...7.-1....,.......,........,rar.dtia1t=1111111=23Mw...1201=21r,MM1CK.1.3....... ~,.,Jal _ . - ' - • %: \ \ I il l 1 / 7 ' ` . 1 . . '' ' ' i - .. p ~. , ) - • - .... 1; .. ' ; 0. ' - ' .- . • ')''?.',...,. :'--<'.''. .: , ..... 1 ' ,C. ../ ... ...,,,,'.>"'''.'-''.#. 6 ' ..' : , r• - • 1-.. . ''' I • r. s .. ' •• i . ..-----.•••• ::, ~.. ..- ..,• - ,,....r., . 7 , ; 4:: ,' ~41' ,::: ~, ri ''.• (.j _ Oki - . . ,:::::* .•,, , ,:v://,,,, ...- ---- ,--,t -- .--.:_-N w . , . ::,-I,Z - . .) ;,:,: '..:..:‘.....,-:- . r ..,' ' . ---.•\ -:' ---- -- :-...L..- -- r....z.:-... , --_-_:—.-----,-- ,--,--.1.- - ; . - - ' . ----."-, .- - 1 ,7 ------- , -- , -..,--- --- , - ~.; _ , . I ..,_ , , . VOLUME . : Lxx_.)crii.._, ._ _ . . - ' . • • . PITTSBUR,4II, FRIDAY:'' 'MAY '1 '. :60 ' '' - ' . . . . NUMBER 10: . .. i ~ • _ .. , . • . ---,virm. but the Speaker, said the „ aril : „.. . 1 tntritir:,, _ l'he'Utilteti States Senate. =MEI sn~e: MI El FIRST IffiTlol. M. FO TIETH CONGRESS. The High Court of : Impeach ment—Mr, Evarts Continues, But gtill- Does Not Conclude - His Argument—House Proceeil:. ings—lnspeachment Mtmagers, and the Alfa Vela Affair. (By Telegraph _ to Pit!,sbur4 (i3iFzette ' lB6B. ; I Senator SUMNER'S esolution censuring -Mi.• Nelson Came up. After Mr. NELSON had made some re marksdisavowing any intentional disre spa" ct Mi. the . Senate; "but -ridmitt . ing he re ferred to a duel, Senator JOHNSON moved to lay the res . elution on the table,•which was agreed to -35 to 10. Senator CAMERON'S order' for n night session was considered. - Senator SUMNER offered to amend by making the hours from ton o'clock to six. On motion of Senator TRUMBULL, the , whole subject was tabled-32 to 17. Mr. EVARTS resumed his argument. He held that it was a grave reproach upon the wisdom and foresight of the framers of our GoVernment to claim that a decision in favor, of the President would result in monarchy. In his view the danger was to another of the balances of the Constitution. namely: the relations of the weight of numbers, equality of States irrespective of population. From the principles of the Constitution and utterances of the foremost distinguished statesman, it was evident that to make the Senate executive instead of advisory, was to rob the people's major ity of their rightful power. In this manner the smalland thinly populated States would cputrol the working of the Government. against the will of those who cast the over-- whelming majority of votes, and the Pres= idential election would become a farce. In support of this position he quoted from writ ings of the elder Adams, Roger Sherman ' and others, and enforced it by considering various emergencies which might arise un der the Tenure-of-Office act, which makes certain offices permanent and renders re moval during the session of the Senate dif ficult if not impracticable. He proceeded to quote from debates in the Senate, when the bill was' under consideration, the len, gunge of Williams, Howard and others to show its effect was to revolutionize the practice of the government, and ~-quoted an expression to the effect that... while the legislative construction had littie weight; 7e!-thedecisions of constitutional:" questions by tke supreme laws were au,' thorities. ,Mr Evarts contended, however, 'that the decisions of the Congress . of 1789 were not only authoratiire, - because con firmed by the Supreme Court, but carried immense weight of themselves. He re ferred to the debates of 1789 as exhaustive of the subject of the power of removal, and claimed that the point at issue, was settled and firmly established then by:the_ framers of our .Government and by the practice of successive adminis trations afterwards. He also^ referred to Mr. 'Webster's declaration, in 1835, that the qriestion was'settled in the endorsement of President Jackson's removal of Duane, by the people, the superior_ power of all. In regard to the suggestion that the Con gress of 1789 was influenced by the high confidence in. President Washington, Mr. Evarts asked if it were' not possible that the present Congress had been influenced in an opposition by its opinions on the incumbent Preaident7 , He read from various contemporaneous writers to show the importance of that , the question was deeply felt at the time, and that the effect of the decision reached in 1789 was thoroughly understood. He claimed that the recent law had been in direct contra vention of the doctrine and practice of the Government for eighty years, and baying in itself no binding effect on construing the Constitution, doubts as to its constitution- alit} - might naturally arise in the mind of the President, for - which he could not right fully be impeached. I Referring to his argument of yes terday respecting the right and power of the President- to resist unconstii ttitiontialbiars, sons to-bring them before the Supreme Court, he, read from debates on the fugitive slave law, in 1852, the lan guage of Mr. Sumner, in which he quoted and endorsed President Jackson's declara tion, that each Department of the Govern ment-iiiiathelightto Indict the of Ale, acts, in junetdres not already covered by Supreme Court de-. eisions. To dismiss and depose the Presi dent for an attempt tp maintain the supre macy of the, Constitution, moved him to make him tbe victim of Congress and a _inartyrqfjhe.„Coinditutlo46—..-- - • _At this Senate took recess. 'On're hbling!mfiAlvtifte considered the attitudq which, Senators took in refer ence to this siblicti said nothing was more abhorrent to a sense of jistice that a man should be a judge in his case, or de cide a question which he had already pre . lndged; He held that if the Senate, in pass ing thereacdutionof censureon the 21st of February, had pronounced on the subject of the 'eondtitntionatity of the law as a po litical action, then they could not consider it a judicial question. It would he extraordinary, alined inconceivable, to suppose that they did not so consider it with the prospect of, having to try the matter. If it were judicial, as a Court of impeachment, it ctouldbe possible they did not, relptrai it tartimestion. reminded them that the largest votes for..co. win Humphrey's case were on tbli him with having pre judged a case, and avipg allowed a jury., • •110WItilitknowIedged he had formed an opinion. Again, ; they had art intlgt. ,ll3 -0 0 4efult", Tyleutr.lollllexts of doming ottne patrthiage eta thq Timer' of the Executive office were the prizes oflhred thereelhogis- 1144 N - • sir political mein - dices, toVW , oined with other r ,iCatised • • cast out as ' ImProtief lteir 'd Charges alleg haYiglittioit of their owplaw. zmairit'then'' VP a - metal lionsideration, of the evidence introMmerlinsupport of the' artidealif impeachment,' he characterized : „ g u m , d tit, /although nib' rd elieziznaidera, ble se i vaniage . -the, pre &hi. leges of the examination of nesees, and eftlidattot 64+; -nftlirin t ofthe Q • ' 1e!k(',1 1.5 E lt on there , ,t R0X504 a IVO& whil:3 WOral, :ow -;',lool.efitc,;* 'th ' e mar • witikei l • , qt•ho' wmill4t° 7 4 OM' ' 01 .• ' l thet 'not l a • • of %Id* • • ^oewOhPWAlrrualterl • 4 , •thO f'o9”. - • ••• • • • the .• . article ''="4 "ll e l lt It itsu‘, as 4 V C°l4 acg he ni rOh other' however, Contended that IRE HMI Ifini ten. 11!. ;:c=iMiZ if, oonvletion failedon the flrst,,it would be tiseleas to look le tkieeleVeintb. , ;In the ar ticles about the President's speeches Mr; Everts held that there were two fafal ,objections.. First, the speeches had. refer "encia"..ilenly__ -•., to .f derune.t CongTebi4, and second, they were offenses only against rhetorit•anctgoodlaste., He then adverted • . . , ......., .. , ...---",.•,-,7,...r.t--4, k1.,„i.---atakil • _...,...„.,,,,r7-...7..-.r•-.4.i, ~: , . .r 0 ...7, ,c :., . ., - , .t , . ., , , ,. .,., . ,..:::,., r .., , ,!,-4 ,-,.,„---,, 4... w.-- . ...., , ..t.--1- , ------ ^ ,-?::,.:-,-77., ~,,.,,,,-%?=',',.,,e.,.,.1ii:w4.-.-,,,..V.,-1/4:e.:4,....,V:11-1,,-9,-,---='..'o"•.r . . . ..,_,—.......,....--i,-,.,—_,•,,,-,..,,.;:.:.:...,;.;,..,y.,.,,,,,,.A.c.,-,:,,,,,,v,:..--.4.....,.'i,';-4,4,,t+,-"7-,,-1--'7.41--,....-tv4,46.0.:\;744,"72,-N.at.<4%,,...-r 2."7C-444-I,tiek."-14.ti7.4.t.5.,,,,.,....-....-,,,,-'..1,.'r:CV:,,T"..,' Y.i' f ..' -' .. 4, - . ' ':"-'''': . ''..,..' ''.:.',' V , ':.- 7 - 5'..:1: r ...:'1,`C....r..... , ....:• - • 2 ..:.:.•:‘:,,,?-.:"',;..':,...1..•..:?..., ':',';',-,-;;..,::.....,,-,,,:i..,...,*,..,,i..";;;:p..i.,,,,,...Lx,,,,54,,,..-re-i.,/',Akft...mi,,,,,,,,,,,„1..,,,,c,...5.....„..g.,„,,,,,,. ' '' ...,,,,,4 4 1 .a1".4,1i)!.;,*?.;-';‘.,c , ,, , j.....:,.% - ',.-..1 . , ',.' ,, -1'; . ''.', '`.?...,,,, • -. , ,.... , :',1 , .,..:, v ~V , ,. r.:*-45, ," :". N PW''!.., ' ', .. ...:,,,,,C,,,,.7.Zn7,..ii...,,',' '''.!...r-4Y,7,,,,,i'q...,1.-..,..,A,_.t.'..,',V,. ....1..-4„.•'e44-WOM7 . . V7-6-4,41:- iS - ;;,i4:z,1f r, ;,: . .,3, „ ,; , :ft-f . ,..VZZ4F , ,....F . ..,,.;..,,,,,%. a..1.,4, ; ,,i i .,, TP , _ , iW . 4 `. .P .4 9 ,, i , __:.944.. , -3.4 ,, , ,,,, , w , P.,-7..)Pec...k:TA:v57.145..., ,,,,,,Y• ' ' ' ' • --,-,47.,.q...,::7;0,:,.;:.,A,,,,F,-, ,‘,,,,,,,,:,,447' 7 '" , ...., .i . f-4tr;MY*.. - .;?q.,:trii , ,,.5.1:4,...,4t - ,..;: - .3.) 1 / 4 ,.,,.t.,,5 ,- 4 ,. .. , ...e. , 1 -- . - . , • . , - , ...,.......,4,v,*,-,';',..:..1..... , ~.",^ '.. -, ' `- ' , ' , . 1, :. 1 ;!!'"Arii. , 4 ,- 1,:"..".. - ,;:. ,. .i ,1 / 4 ^, - ; , ,c, -- %,? , . , .. , '. , .. , , - ,-,.-, '' - • in sarcastic terms to the language and con-. duct of the champion of propriety and de corum in the cause, and said as lie, Mr. Butler, had claimed the practice of this tri buiiariiai a stattidaid; he read from a certain debate some time ago. It appear.; edthat Mr. Sumner had called the Piesi- dent tho_enemy , of his countri, and in .dtdied In farther invective which the &M -ate almost unttnimonsldeclared wos able and not out Of order. [Laughter,' In Illustrittion of the - Congress - tonal standard Of propriety and license of speech, Mr. Everts also read the language, of Messrs. Bingham and Butler in flu_ House when they accused each other of various crimes when the subject under debate was charity to, the South. He then recited the Apostle s description of charity. [During all this por tion of his speech he was frequently 'inter rupted by peals of laughter.] He also re ferred to the expression of Mr. Boutwell; sharscterizing the positions of Cabinet offi cers as serf-like, and argued at some length that the President, although deficient in rhetoric, had said nothinz half so shocking to taste and propriety as had been coun tenanced in the writings and speeches of the Managers and others in officialposition. He then took up the Emory article, but gave it very brief attention, saying it mer ited cuwreefy any, and passed to the articles charging conspiracy. He ridiculed the idea cif there being any suggestion of conspiracy in the recommendation of the President to General Thomas, when g,iving him his commission, to uphold the Constitution and laws. ..Just as much hidden meaning was in the words as in chops and tomato sauce. But he claimed there was no appli cation to this ease of the laws under which the articles are drawn. No proof was adduced of the employment of force or use of threats. Lie fur• ther combatted the _position of Mr. Boutwell, that the common law reached the case. In relation to the articles setting forth the appointment of GeneraU Thomas, he argued that ad interim appointments do not result upon the constitutional provisions relative: to permanent appointments, but was - controlled by the legislative enact meths of 1795 and . 1893. which he claimed f ully. warranted the President's action.. Ad vancing substantially the same arguments on this point as those presented by Messrs. Curtis and Groesbeck,.• he said further that oven if the President was not acting under the law; he committed no penal of fense,'for they provided no penalty, and the most that could be •said would be he was not supported by positive law, and that General Thomas could not hold his office. At this p0int,,4:20, Mr. Evarts stated it would take him about an hour to finish, and the. court and Senate adjourned. 1- HOUSE OF REPRESRNTATIVES .Mr., EGGLESTON introAno3cL4 2 .hill to take possession of ihe birs at the enti-ance of the - Mississippi River, and construct a canal without expense to the Government. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. resolution. Mr. O'NEIL offered a s that the Secretaryof the Navy be requested to fur nish the House a list of vessels and property captured by the Navy during the war, with the disposition made of each capture, names of vessels interested and cause of delay of payment, of prize money to parties in ac cordance with existing laws. . Mr. , WASEIBURNE,a of _lllinois, asked the gentleman to - amend his resolution so as to ask the Secretary, why he had not answered the resolution of Gth of January, relative to the parches., and sale of vessels. . Mr. O'NEIL declined to accept the amend ment. The resolution was agreed to. Mr. BROOKS said he should avail him self of the proper opportunity, as a privi leged question, to refer to the official report of the impeachment trial on the connection of the Managers with the Alta Vela affair. The SPEAKER said that the question could not be entertained, except by unani- mous consent. The, gentleman could give notice he will bring the matter before the House this afternoon on the return of the members from the Senate. Mr. BROOKS accordingly gave that no tice. , Mr. WASHBTJRNE, Illinois gave notice he would move to consider the. Senate ameadvaputs to the Navalappropriation bill. Ho presumed no question could arise on some of them, as they proposed economy, while others would go to the Comniittee of Conference, .. ~ , . ::, 1., ; Mr. WASHEtURNE, Indiana, from the, Comniittee on Militaty affairs, made, a report on ,artificial limbs, which was re committed. The members then proceeded to the Senate::' . ',‘ - E,. 1 It is understood Mr. BROOKS proposed to submit the following . to the Home : Whereas, It appears by the official reports of the High Court of Impeachment, that af ter the House of Repregentatives, on the 24th of February, voted the impeachment 'of the President of the., United :;States for high crimes and misdemeanors, and after the articles of impeachment Were laid before) the Senate, March 2d, and after the sum coons' was served Upon the President, March 7th, some of • thellena,gers selected by this HOUSE, to . demaffd the conviction and ejection of the President - for these high trimes:tind'inbaleth6tiners;'aigned a letter laid before,the acensAoennselling or influ encing him while thus. accused, to exert the war pCefterkireAhligigider the act of Au gust, 1860, Ililefigit the navy, to seize the Guano Island Of l ,4ta Vela Mt the coast of St. Domingo, vidued'at over a million 'of - .dollars; sindlichereriNasunlinsetidumpon the' part of our Managl3rs is, to say the least, ex tisordinary and of lit character : to involve thenko wotxoyeepvi pot E umitspicious; and i'vhereaa, it is of high Importance that the dignity and purity:M.4loolllW be main tained through the Managers' ohthien from among to especially to represent us before .tboHigkeourtandtbete boatietunithe pres.; ident of these hfgh crimes and misdemeau: ors, thereforef ~, .. ~ , ‘• , • ' ' _-- , -Be if ;resolved, Thatythe' afar d' Maria= Its be'direeted.hirltk to appear before 1 6 House andealn to the House; the eausaor- reasons *bid( inaticed':some•of them, pending a trial threatening thb depo sitionVthe ,-preekienti to sign any such, letter - thebnald libfore the President. On the return of the members from the ,i3esitto /lreilimiogs. emaryt p Faire 10 submit hiiiiesoliition. . i .I,:ir-e, -, ,,NY#11.1 - INIVCWAAnpA incitilred' w priv e mme ttnir ? if: . ri! ,. , r ed -as _ q u , eatient of Th a i SPEAkithi . l . 4l4 ii . .Vand /that, the Managers .kelas tai&tic 4 4 v tr9 l (4 the Home, the'Hbdife 1 r bap tO ~ , ,,.‘,Mar m al ey tilfrilellt i ar the . 0.F.M., :J. , . l 4 , 7* . MAlPThilgiTseslUsligoktile MiTrr 1 , sgers t_oll_preilent. adz ' °°Ko rglinetti that triOltho .01' ,tialkbtddliot prese. e..... .. I,',A ctoi sired to know to lii •'a 'l4' eljklr - Zebu= r tihmartliammir.v....4 .....- - 1 , rfiG .tier Az . . :3: u• ! ~ . :11, 4 ions ',i.oornikka o siaill o . .. . T.. '•• elation I of the resoltition. Mr. BROOKS wished to ask a question 'nays 52—noqttorum. At the suggestion of Mr. WASBOBURNE, -Mi. Brooks withdrew his propottition with the understaninF that it would be offered after the return irom the Senate to=morrow. • Mr. WASHBURNE endeavored] to obtain the consideratio,n of the Senate amend ments to the Natal Appropriation bill, but in the absence of a quorum did not press the 'motion. , Adjourned. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS --NVork is to commence Immediately on the west shore of the Hudson River Rail road. -- ,Geo. W. Julian has been renominated for Congress in the fourth district of In diana. • . • . —Edwin Kelly, the minstrel, was yester day acquitted at New . York of the murder of Sharp —H. N. Lloyd, map . publisher, died on Thursday at Newirk, N. J., aged thirty= nine years. —Dr. Lincoln Gocidale, one of the oldest citizens of Columbus, Ohio, died on Wed nesday night. —Carr's Sash Factory, in Brooklyn, was burnt on Wednesday night. Loss 820,000; insuredss,ooo. —The loose-work coopers of Philadelphia formed themselves into7a protective union Wednesday' night. —There'are thirty-nine' Baptist churches _ . in. Philadelphia; With a membership of fourteen thousand, —General Schofield has appointed Allen Menai'!els. Mayor of Lynchburg, Va., and a list of officers for that city. —Two hundred families Were rendered liouseless by the burning of the town of Jaretown, Cuba, and seven lives lost. —General E. Whittlesey, of General Howard's staff, addressed the negroes in the African Church at Richmond, Va., last night. —Brantield's furnhure, factory in. Cincin nati, was entirely consumed by fire yester day morning. Loss $15,000, and very little insurance. —At Key West, Florida, on Wednesday, George; Harvey, chief officer . of the Bark Galveston, was murdered by George Car "don, a seaman. • —General George L. Hartsuff has been assigned to duty in the Division of the At-. Indic, under Gen. Hancock, - with his head.; quaYters at Phnadelphist. —The Republican County Convention of . Cook county, Illinois, yesterday instructed , the delegates to the State Convention to vote for John M. Palmer for Governor. , a Meeting was held at the Cooper In stitute, New:York, lastnight, Mayor Heir num presiding, to hear an address by Ste phen, J. Meany . cin Or rights of adopted cit tzemi. —The remains of two hundred an nine tv-eight soldiers, brought frem Portsmouth Grove. Rhode Island, Were interred on Wednesday at Cypress Hill Cemetery, Long Island. —The tug Richmond, bound trom Buffalo to Chicago, was, destroyed by fire in Thun der Bay,- Lake Huron, on Tuesday last. The crew escaped. The boat was valued at $14,000. —The Ohio Senate yesterdik passed the House bill iproviding for a metropolitan police. in Toledo, the Commissioners to be elected, and the Mayor to be an ex-officio member of the Board. the Colelhoinicide case, at Albany. New York, yesterday, the letter from Mrs. Cole to her husband, previous to the hotel icide, detailng iniproper conduct with Mr. Hiscock, was admitted as evidence. —The bill to increase the length of the span of the Cincinnati and Newport Bridge, over the 01111 v -was lost in the Ohio Legis lature yesterday; and the span is to be three hundred feet, as in the original bill. ' —Rev. James McCash, L.L.D., Profes sor of Mental Philosophy in Queen's Col lege, Belfast, Ireland, formerly of the Free Church, Scotland, has been elected Presi dent of Princeton _College, New Jersey. -- 11 WInchell, t ) '..absconding broker the Springfield (I‘l Republican. intimates is in New York, an says he has communica ted with parties,ln Springfield, in:a round about way, and 'proposed to compromise. ---Advices froth Jatnalea state ,that the revenue increased J. 111,000 within the last quarter.. Treasurer Robinson, who had sailed for England, is suspected of having committed heavyfrauds on the Exchequer. z--At an• election in Meinphis, yesterday, to decide whethenbe city shod issue one million iwbonds, due in twenty and thirty 'years, in order to fund the city debt, the W ,majority for bonds as about six_ hundred. —Another meeting in favor of Gen. Han cock for President was held on Wednesday night in New York, - There was considera ble diseussion about Vice-President, and among those named for the office was Gross . beck. —.A. report is in circulation that Minister Romero ; has sent agents to the United• States to depreciate the bonds of the,Mex,i can Republic and that a clique has bedn fornuld to buy in these bonds at reduced rates. . . —The editor of the Daily Advertiser;. at Savannah, 'Ga., has resigned his editorial position, on the ground that the personal animosity 'of General Meade will canoe the suppression of the • paper unless' he with draws. , • —The Pennsylvania Peace Society held a ineetiust at Yhiladeldhia, on Wednesday, and heard an , address ,AP H. 4ovee, in favor of the abolitien or the death penal V.. A petition was, drawn up to bepresented to t• he Leglillaturt. ' • " —Rey.' F. M. Whittle of . the Episcopal Chttick,Llato of', Toonitle, was yesterday coniOdated'AsSistant honor the Diocese of BishOpti 'Well - , of Ohio, pee,. of Delaware; , and , ..Tohne, ' of Arltginia t ofll elating. A Herman wigs preacheilbrßishop Bedell.% There maxi ilarg,el attendance or :clergy. from. ;the .4304.0 ar.d - from other places. • . - IT,'p•Ot riospiiiiip si• lAidd• CpyTeleigmktb ) the,riciourilheqszptto , Eirp t lAoFrOi 30 The following pro coedit* mere . had An,. the, United States , Circuit:CA:bort today ` , Patrick Cunningham,conspiring to do. lrantlitte States - by unlaWhilly, ref thoviniftliatilltid'SpirittOhnd' deglititt i f b o. r 'keep!' Adistilleitu liookty plead , not: t 5 Bailed in 52,000.% , 1ehe - same t .11Y1' or in inigeturntaMt-hrsiulariifspirits;'bailed..ln; • i , X I 94IPW -swi.Plionl 2.l3 tuotl!T i g, und.remoAng .184 Wed in 0,9 a. .` I!l ,, fuTo e,aFge , , Ail" tk1444, 1,„7. Saitt. fa,lls4l"ttill to to., , ';•!Bdurated. gib;dJdin Ol a l tit& Who .4tholdltirttramilti , bedisuour atm* tinesengort 11~111Fpookageik .of =, and was eete r t n _i sentenced teiderftt sth unuiry, was pit doned to-day by ths or, on condition that ho would leave thisiltate In ten days. I= our O. MOM E Trial, of Fen Lang Corivicted and Se Church Quebtioi liament. y Telegraph to the Pitteb GREAT BR THE TitiAt OP FENiANSCONVICTION AND ' Losmix, April 30..— , The trial of Burke and Sinter was resumed thilt morning. At the suggestion of Judge Brornwell the pro ceedings against Casey , were discontinued and the prisoner discharged. Mr. Jones, one of the counsel for Burke, deliv ered an argunient • for the ° defense. He praised' the talents and - culture of the prisoner. He urged the great disad; vantage under whichßurke labored of hav ing had his case peculiarly thrust into the Clerkenwoll conspiracy trial, where, prac tically, he had already been convicted, al though there he had no opportunity to exam ine the witnesses who testified against him, or to produce witnesses in his defense. Mr. Jones then thoroughly sifted the evidence for the Crown and concluded with an elo'- quent - appeal to the jury. Mr. Pater, counsel for Shaw, followed. Ho urged, the point that with the exception of the informer Corydon, none of the Nvit, flosses for the prosecution had testified against his client. Judge Bromwell delivered a charge to the jury, who retired for deliberation, and on their return' brought in a verdict of guilty against Bnrke and Shaw. In reply to the usual question of the Court, Burke said he was content with the verdict, though he was not a subject of the Queen. The Judge then sentenced the prisoner Burke .to fifteen years and Shaw to seven years imprisonment. LoNnoN, April Ml—Midnight In the House of fiernmons to-night the debate on the Irish Church continued. None of the leading members took part in the discus sion. Mr. H. 4alpolo, member for Cambridge University, opposed the resolutions of Mr. Gladstone. In the course of his remarks ho acknowledged it would be unwise at this time to. erect an established church in Ireland,,but . declared it would be a far more serious thing to destroy • such an establishment. All the arguinents brought to bear in favor of such action were uall "valid against, thaeEirtenpe Of -lisle hitidOtuteh ot. England. Wag nod the HimiSe against . the consequences which would follow the destruction of the Irish Church. . FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL LIVERPOOL, April 30:—Cotton market closed dull and heavy with a slight decline; middling uplands 12%; Orleans 12%; sales 8,600 bales late in the afternoon was for considerable speculative demand; middling uplands to arrive at 12%. Breadstuffs quiet and steady. Provisions dull and without change. Produce unchanged. LONDON, April 30.—Evening .— The bul- Ilion in the Bank of England has decreased £lOO,OOO in one week. Consols 93%@94. Five-Twenty bonds 70%; Erie 463;; 'lllinois Central FRANKFORT, April 30. -- Five-Twenty bonds firm at 7514. PAnts, April 30. —The Bourse closed dull; rentes 69f. 27c. ANTWERP,. April 30.—Petroleum firmer at 43 francs: Railroad Laborers Attacked and Scalped Stock Stolen—Treaty Concluded. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l CHICAGO. April 30. —A. special from, Omaha dated 30th„says : Advices from' Plum Creek station state that about four s o'clock yesterdiy afternoon a party of thirty Indians attacked five railroad labor ers and killed and scalped four. The other escaped. Only seven of the Indians were mounted. These rode up to the whites pro fessing friendship. They wore treated kindly and started off. After going -a few paces they turned and fired. Prowling bands have been seen in. that vicinity fre quently of late. The military authorities are posting troops at different stations along he road. Sr. Louts, April 30.—An' Omaha special to the Democra4 says: The Indians yester day killed font men. near Plum Creek sta tion, and another band killed and scalped two men near Sydney station. A letter from Fsgt Randall says the Indians stole a nnrnbeY - of homes from that post on the 10th and yesterday another party ran off three , ponies. They said they were going to at tack the whites. • Adviees • from Fort Ellis say the Black feet shot •Nethaniel Crabtreeinear Drowned Man's Rapids, on , the 24th, and stole twen ty-tbreo mules from Capt. Cook. FORT Lanais's, :April 80.—The Indian Peace Commission has concluded a treaty with Brute • Sioux Indi a ns, which was signed yesterday. •The ()lianas are assem bling for'thelsame_purpose. By theerms of the treaty the Powder liver. obu ntry Is reserved to the Indians; whO Mad them selves to put a stop to all depredations and preserve the peace: 'The Oottunlasioners .plairdy told the: Chiefs that if .this efrort Med; a war of exterpilnationwOuld ensue. !Other tribes are to meet the Commissioners , at 'designated places to sign the treaty. `City Tategraptt to the Plttabazgh Gazette.] • ( WAt3HINGTON, Apill 30, 1868 • 4 BUNS:WRY. Stanbe,ry's health: continues to im prove.; „He expects to deliver hie argument tomorrow. t ; . ' -• 1, Railroad tickets for ' the delegates' to the Chicago• 4: can :be% obtained, „through ' theeledntuut otrState , . Comm*, tookof Charles Nr. Ryan of Chicago, Chair-: .10# 1 of COMMlttekorAirauprnents. 0 114 411111$ _ it S ia nitriittlinc ‘ conTfultian• 1 • ' oeleitieo /By TelecrilVi mmit othi!krirsh , rho coomm, % 444141°N eacWas P ii acticlosig tikk 3 ialvi; gi n Irailonimo:...-rriLre F roc k , il f lo b i . o u c t ip o bl s lll4 . 04144eari r 77 -4=4-..4.. 4 tili t Aitgiii,ll64o4 9 Pl- . f:. km and, ' ' 'Clili'il*Ii° 1 1 11.1110:-:-.0ini'butidred and keenurs,. P 8 Bullock majority. nine °°untleagiv also claim die The Republicans A. M. PE. LondopL— ced--Irish bate in Par- 1 Gazette AIN. AVNTENCE DEBAT3.I PAMk.LIAMI.INT TRQUBLES. THE CAPITAL. cHICACIO CONVENTION. .... ewe"~l'_"u`r....'.~rM,~nA:~:Y~2F.~~;MlSlhF'L;<.T:; .:. -_ - The terms of the,following named Sena tors,i expire n 1869: ' Messrs. Dixon, of Connecticut; Hendricks, of Indiana; Mor rill, of Maine; Sumner, of Massachusetts; Johnson of Maryland; Conness, of Califor iiia;.• Chandler, of Michigan; Ramsey, .of Minnesota; Henderson, of. ssouri; Stew art; of Nevada; Frelinghuysen of New. Jer sey; Morgan, of New :York; Wade, of Ohio; Buckalew, of Pennsylvania; Sprague, of- RhOde Island; Patterson, of, ennessee; Ed- Inunds, of Vermont; Van Winkle, of West Virginia; Doolittle t ....of Wisconsin. Six of the above are Democrats and thirteen Re publieans. • A DemoCratin successor to Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, has already been elected; while Messrs. Confiess, of California, and Wade; of Ohio, both Republicans, will have to give way for Democrats, whose election occurred., some Wee:ks since.. One of the Democratic Senators in the foregoing list, Mr. Patterson, of Tennessee, will have to vacate his seat, as Governor ,Brownlow has been chosen in his place. So far as elections have been actually Made, the Dem ocrats have gained one United States Sena .tor. But the Republicans have secured the Legislature of Connecticut, which will give them the Senator from that State, and makes the loss and gain exactly • equal up to the present time. In the States yet to choose Senators, the Republicans will unquestion ably gain one member in Wisconsin, giving Doolittle a chance to nurse his Johnism at home. • Hendricks, of Indiana, and Buck alew, of Pennsylvania, two Democratic members of the preent Senate, will do well to retain their seats after '1869. The Re publicans will elect one if not both of the successors to these gentlemen. Republican 'Senators are certain to be chosen from Maine,. Massachusetts, Michi-. gan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, Rhode Island and. Vermont. There, is a chance for the Democrats to gain one Senator in New York and another in New Jersey, and perhaps a bare possibility they will succeed in West Virginia. It is \ hardly within the range of probability that the Republicans should lose more than three in the States hay-, ing to fill vacancies in 1869, and there is full' as great a likelihood of their gaining as los -Ing three Senators. As other States are ad mitted to Congress from the South, their members will increase the Republican ma jority in the Senate, which promises to be as large from the loyal States during 1869 as it has been for the past two years, even if Southern Union Senators are left Out of the count. From these facts it will be seen how. .unreasonable it is to expect any change in the policy • of reconstruction, as the Republicans cannot for many years, by. any possible succession of adverse circum stances, be dislodged from the control of `he,highest branch of Congress. A New IMieaw fEntis Correspoildene of the :ht. Y. Tlmea.] 'Diectiei (deirolirjfe) H ls'dlatocered and just described, for the first time, a new disease, and as there is no method of con veying it so rapidly to scientific men as through the'columns of a widely circulated daily paper, I consign its description here. It is a disease he has, only seen in children and very strong persons, and is certainly fa tal when left alone. It consists in an en largement of the muscles, accompanied with a general paralysis; two conditions quite contrary-to each other, and heretofore re garded as impossible. He calls the disease pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis, or myseleros lc paralysis. The disease commences with a feebleness 'and an unsteadiness in the movements, and is therefore a paralysis from the start. The muscles then begin to de velop out of all proportion, and with this abnormal development the paralysis in creases till death ensues. The enlargement generally commences in the muscles which form the calf of the leg, and about a year after the commencement of the paralysis. To detect the histological character of the disease, Dr. Duchenne has-invented a hor rid little instrument, which- lie calls with justice an emporte•piece, and by means of which he obtains specimens of the muscles for inspection under the microscope. < It is a small trocar, with a guillotine in it; which he opens and shuts after plunging it into the centre of a muscle. He finds that in the first stages of the disease the thickening is caused by a deposition of fibroid matter, which, curious to relate, is not found alone in the enlarged muscles, but in all the mus cles of the body; and that in the latter stages of the disease there is a fatty degeneration. The disease can only be cured in the stage which precedes the enlargement of the mus cles, and the remedies are famdization, hy dropathy and massage. A Curious and Valuable Invention. - - , • A now and singular method of utilizing the forces of air and water has just been patented in Illinois, and applied to the pro pulsion of vessels in Michigan. The inven tion is founded on the well-known laws of atmospheric pressure, by wnich a column of water can be sustained at a height of thirty-three feet. The inventor employs steam instead • of air, thus gaining ..a great increase in the force of pressure, and his idea was origi nally to furnish an endless water power in places where only a limited amount of wa ter can be obtained—that is, by using the same water over and over—the cost of the steam used in condensation being only one third the cost of attaining equal power by the use of the ordinary steam engine. There is one of these machines in operation at Batavia, Illinois, which makes twenty strokes per minute, raising two :barrels of .water into the reservoir at each stroke. From the reservoir it falls unon an over- shot wheel, or may be made CO pass into a turbine wheel, and thence into, a cistern below, from which it is again raised by-the same agency. The, experiments with this curious apparatus show a saving of two thirds of the fuel used in the ordinary ap plication of steam, besides doing away en tirely with the danger of explosions. The invention as, improved by a Michi gan man consists in the application of the process to . the propulsion of steamers and prepollers-4he over-shot wheel, with 'steamboat paddles of the usual sort being attachtlld in the fonder Class of vessels and :the :turbine wheel, connected with pro peller blades, in thelatter. It is claimed the inventor that he will need to carry in his elevattid reservoir no mare than is useallk , carried: in, steamboat boilers on the ol pArt, while he diatomic* with the Cumbrous and, complicated engines en* "be 'can attain any „required polvetc4hat he can 'greatly diminish the risks of fire as wellasexplosiOns,•faxinuc as the water carried in the reservoir can be by mints of , hose pipes. *6117 e°ll2rd' that he to anyitart t he meet; and alo' sinitin 'esztgreetly,dlPiibialkthe , esta_4 l , „ t it because the PumPtlWk l i ch ' i 7kia the hold clffloltulll4llYhet, __Onri ac4. lo om . 41 t Cl ic.t h E/ I • l s 4 Ta'aw'appitlroV L '7thej : 6 there j e no :sitatec "li te l " cuawate Bil= Initiating a - Candidate Into the Gel plars. The method of initiating a candida into the Good Templars is but a slight improve ment upon the slime programme so lig in vogue by the ancient and honorable !frater nity of the "Sons of Malta." A chat who , was taken from a-lager beer saloon; : - here he got light - without knowing that " lager would intoxicate, was put through al ourse of cold water treatment by the Good dtlTem piers a few evenings sin. He neac es on the Temphirs and gives the following expose of theirmitiation ceremony, for whip, no doubt, he . will be put through another purse of cold . water "sprouts" at the next! meet ing- of the lodge. In the first place the vic tim for initiation is blindfolded,lbount.hand `and foot, and thrown into a cider pre4s and pressed for five or ten minutes. This is done for the purpose of clearing his system of "olddrinks." He is then taken; tit of the cider press and by means of. -force -pump gorged with cistern water, afteovhich a sealing plaster is put over his month and he is rolled in a barrel four or fivii times across the room, the choir at the siren time singing the cold water song. ! i . He is now taken out of the barrel and hung up by the heels till the water rims out through his ears. He is than cut di and a* beautiful young lady hands him a' lass of cistern water. A cold woter,bathls then furnished him, after which he is showered with cistern water. He is then made to read the water works acts ten times,'drink ing a glass of cistern water between each reading, after which the old bung around his neck, and fifteen sisters oaken'ucket is , 13 with squirt - guns deluge him witlOcistern 'water. - He is then forced to eat ; a iteck of snow, while the brothers stick his - efirs full of icicles. He is then run through a lothes • wringer, after which he is handed a lass of water bY a young lady. lie is the again gorged with cistern water, and his boots filled with the same, and he is laid olway in a refrigerator. The initiation is . ow al most concluded, After remaining! in in the rekigemtor for the space of half a hour, he is taken out and given a glass ofAistern water, run through, a , crothes-wrin r; and becomes a Good Templar. . Propagation of Minks. 1 We are prepared to believe that there is scarcely anything but what can larl turned to account, since we have ascertained- that there is a minkery in full blast in Chautau gua county, N. Y., of sufficient ii4e to ac commodate one hundred of these ithimals. The arrangements are very simple. The nest of the female is peculiarly constructed of grass, leaves or straw, with a lining of her own fur so firmly compacted together as to be only with'difficalty torn pieces: \ About the middle of March the.females are separated from the males until the young are reared. The necessity for flits .arises from the fact that the males seems ; inclined to brood the young almost as much as the dam, when both are - permitted to rdmain to gether. The expense of feeding the aninlals is al most nominal, being supplied pretty much entirely from the usual offal of the farm . yard, with occasional woodchucks kid game in general. They eat this food with equal avidity. after decomposition has tak'n place, devouring every particle of flesh, !'cartilage and the softer bones. While thdl expense of keeping is thus trivial, the profitible yield of the animal is comparatively imihense, it being considered a moderate estimate to claim that one mink with her incrbase will equal the avails of a cow. Should! this cal calation hold good when, the propagation of the mink is carried to a large scaleilthe busi ness becomes one -of the most profitable in the world. So far, experience with the un ddmesticated mink has not been satisfactory, as their shyness cannot be overcame, and they have never obtainrd any inctase from the animals'in their wild state. hey have to be taken when young and donlestleated. It is unnecessary to state that the aroval liable only - for their fur. Thaddeus Stevens. !i When it is remembered- that - haddeus Stevens is one of the members of Congress singled nut by the President as a ' 9 rget for his especial abuse before 'the, people, the calm dignity of .his , argument before the, Court of Impeachment, is inde!ed to be wondered at. And when to theract of his bitter provocations are added tha power of fierce invective which is so terriblft to his ad versaries, and that intense earnestness which characterizes the mand it 'seems strange that Mr. Stevens was able to refrain from pouring out berore the Siinate those passionate utterances which would have been the natural expression of the indig,na tion and scorn with which he 'hornet but regard the "distinguished respon4ent," now arraigned at the bar of the Senalk. • But Thaddeus Stevens is an-did man, an accomplished lawyer, a true phiriot and a sound statesman. He has brouglit all of his extraordinary vitality into this splendid ar gument, and while here and there his trenchant n4tive humor and withering sar casm flash out with all their 4, onted bril liance, the speech itself is a calffi thought ful, very earnest and very able flicuision of the'great question involved la !the trial of the President. It will be read till oSer the land, and clearly ritiderstcol iby all who ' read. It will carry an irresistible convic tion with it to all horiest'rolndi., and leaves the Senate without a choice inthe execution of its high aid resprinsible dutY.% , :-Phil. Ere. Bulletfn. - IMPROVEMENT ER MVOICO ElLAss.—The changes, of various kinds, which glass un dergoes have recently been subjeOtsbf con siderable discussion. Some •liitieties of glass cannot be perfectly cleaned, owing to its hydroscopic nature and th e' _,tendency of this Isilicious compound to demposition: Thep ure white unalterable Bcdtethhin g l ass is a silicate oflime and potash, but it'is very infusible and diflic4t to work. Taking ad vantage of the well: known fa ci that a mix ture of the carbonates of , Ipatash and soda Rises at a lower temperature than either salt alone, Prof. Stab tinhititates such a mixture for the potash; aridl thereby ob tains a glass as unalterable as the Bohemian variety, but much more Ittsible.: T late discov _HE ery of a care for whoop- Ing-cough, - bYinhafng the odors of a gas ht:lnSet to be of real !ROM. It been 'tried:by BelnellertfOrd (Ct.) plty ii,d with Mins; and it is sald*etes& The chliqms are taken to the 'utuAreorksi where :they'breathelbeigot Yel;g m ealioetuir there Praduead,;. and`` 'e in the chemical com tanagon,thet enk*whooplng colou, Th e rtst the v ererhs. state e tti b r int wed *iittas three hundred awes of whooping-9mA have been thus experimented twos. ECM