6. IRON 'WORKS. As?.,vp:ctirt, Fresn , Poirrus, Sup't. pFFFSBERGH FORGE " T AND IRON CO. - . OF Bar Iron; Ballroad_Fish Bars and Bolts; 'tail:road Car Azle* Bailed; Railroad Car Axles Hammered: Locomotive Frarc es; • Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Body; • Yokes, Straps; I Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists:.. Pitman /anti, Collars, & - c., Office, No. 177 'PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH. P'..: , . . _ G RAFF, BYERS & MANUFACTURERS OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUCHT WON, _ Iron Welded Tttbesfor Gas, Steain, Water, &e DEM OIL WELL TUBING. Office, 98 Water and 18e. First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, 31,11N . UFACTURERS * OF Best Common, Refined, Cliarcoal AND 'JUNIATA BLOOM IRON. MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON HOOP BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER..PLATX. and SHEET- MON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUAM) or FINGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS 20 and IS lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for . same. .FLAT RAILS; Punched and Countersunk.. COAL COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS AND SPIKES. • Warehouse and Office at the Wor'.*, GREEN OUCH STREET. (*continuation of First street,) adjoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. FVERSON PRESTON & CO A. • t , - . Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, N 05.166 and 167 . FIRST STREET, opposite Monongahela House, ap24:d6 . PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, HECK & CO., PITTSBURGH, PA., Manufacturers of every description of CAST AND CERMAN - STEEL, RAILWAY SPRINGS, ELLIPTIC AND PL kTFORMSPRINGS. AXLES, STEEL TIRE, ,te.. Warehouse, SS Water and 100 - First Sts. api6:o6l • PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON, COOK. & . CO., til ISTXCEssOII.9 To JONES, BOYD Jk C 0.,) • Manufacturers of the BEST REFINED " CAST STEEL SQUARE, FLAT ISA c.T. it SI? ilfit sizes:4 STEEL;: CAST STEEL for Igeopinfc i and Mowii4 g Machines, teel Plow ins, . &c. Cast and Common Plow & Silting Steel. I nice—Corner FIRST AND BOSS STREETS,- two locks-above the 31onougabeta House. , LER, BARB & PARKIN. MIL GZEICRAL PARTNEES: I - REUBEN - MILLER; 6EO. W. BARR, - - ":1 CHAS. PARKIN. SPECIAL PAIITNEP.S. M. KrEE. CRESCENT STEEL AVQRIES; atrr,L.Pat, 33ATirt & PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PIT~SIIURGII, PA fel4:d4B BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER .& CO„ Manufacturers of all descrlptloai of . , EMU " rl. ll g Office and Warehouse, 120122, 124 SZOOND and 119 and 121 FIRST STREETS, purfsnuuclu. GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY 100-WOOD STREET CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, SILVER PLATED WARE, I I I PARIAN STATUETTES, BO AN GLASS, 41 • tei And other STAPLE AND FANCY 5 GOODS, groat variety, . 100 WOOD STREET. RICHARD E. BREED & C 100 WOOD STREET CHARLES REIZEISSTEIN, - 1 152 Federal !tweet, Allegheny, (Fourth door above Diamond.) GINS, - .China - li r are Table.entlin AT EASTERN ' PRICES : ' Everything required in a *rat class store on hand, Call and - examine our goods. • • -r ~ '.joies9 LITHOGRAPHEFtS. 'mum. ctiai3. 1.26TA111N sr:wants' INGERLY & CLEM, Successors S to GLO. F. ScuUCII)Wi d Co., PBACI'ICAL. LITHOGRAPHERS. The only Stearn , Lithographie tablishmetit of the Mountains. •• Business Cards, .Letter Er m a,' Bonds. labels, Circulars, Show Cards, Diplomas' Portraits ( Views, Certificates of Deposits, Invite . tloa CUMN' Nos. IS and 14 Third street, Pittsburgh. C a t' 11 14!A* mILLER ~ ;X:47 1 1X.0(5111A1 3 -111E0.:i . • la so totrsili stunrr,'"ipoifi BUILDniG. calzess;-warrik mire. BILL sad LETTER Bzwa, do., done In all styles. splinzlnt FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, PITT~f C GH, THOMAS N. MILLER,. President. These Works are among the largest anc most complete establishments to the West, and are now prepared to furnish Engines, of every description, Boilers, Oil Tanks' Sheet Iron Work. Railrctad casting,. Rolling Mill Castings. Engine Citstings. Machine Castings. General Castings ORDERS SOLICITED n09m671 NATIONAL FOUNDRY . AND PIPE_ WORKS. . Corner Carroll and "mailman Street"; (TLNNTH WARD, ) .PITTSBUIIGIT, WM. SMITH • . Illartufacturer of • CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND. WATER iivonx.s. l! , Ll' a.a lp s s i iir r e eg li e cekst_ itivartably In Pits, In dry Band, and Also, full assortment of General Castings' for Gas and Watei Works. ' I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. fel6:tlo ME RH FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO. CHARLES KNAP, President. . J. M. KNAP, Vice President. 0. METCALF, Sec'y and Treas'r. J. K. WADE, Engineer. J. G. KNAP, General Manager. DIRECTORS: • JAMES B. MURRAY, of Lyon, Shozb & Co. A. E. W. PAINTER, of J. Painter. Sons. C. B. HERRON, of Spang, Chalfant & Co. THOS. S. BLAIR, of Shoenberger & Co. WM. METCALF, of Mitten Barr & Parkin., MANUFACTORERS OF I • Rolling Mill and Blast liathinerv. RETORTS and CASTINGS, of every descalption. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES. fe24 A. BRADLEY W. VANICIRK J BRADLEY ;ETNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO., Manufacture every variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Among which are the celebrated , EUREKA. I TROPIC and TALISMAN (Coal Stoves); POMANA, , :VETERAN and IRONSEDLS (Wood Stoves). Also manufacture GRATES, GRATE FRONTS; &c- Oflice and-Warehouse, corner of Second MO Wood streets, Pittsburgh. Entrance on Second strm.A. . ap2l:rs9 L. 0. LIVINGSTON.W. It. BEART.W. A. ROBINSON. JR. 'LIVING'STON & CO., .. - IRON POUNDERS; MANUFACTURERS OF FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, AR descriptions, for Plumbers and Gas Fitters: Ag rleultural Implements, Cotton and Wooten MID Ma ehlnery, &c. . All Job Work promptly attended to: Office and Works—WASRjNGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINSON, BEA & CO., Successors to RonfxsoN. MINIS & Mrt.LEns, WASHINGTON• WORKS FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSIURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En- Shafting,gnast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing. Castings of all descriptions; Gil Tanks and Stills, Boller and Sheet Iron 18 ork. Office. No. 12. corner Flrit and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFGARD , S PETENT INJEC )R for jai t:r!Z feeding Boilers. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY: Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Unicn Iron 31111 s,) Rolling Mi1)1 and Bridge Castings, . THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, NACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBERT & DIACIELIND. BERLIN FOUNDRY. . • PRICE & SIMS. Oboe and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street.. Manufacture and keep constantly on hand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, SUGAR FETTLES. HOLLOW WARE, And Castings generally. ap33!y6 • CENTRAL !FOUNDRY • , - AND ROLL.WORKS;, SSO Penn Street. BOLFIAN, *BOYD BAGA.W., Chill Rolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, &c. FULTON MACHINE WORKS. , ESTABLISHED IN 0138. . anttfactory of BTEA3I. ENGINES, an sizes and of the most approved patterns. Mr stationary purposes ; A Ii v TEJNIB , O_ATS and P I E O 42FEItRY BOA ar: y 2 • J:4 andhorse power ENGINES, wht3h ,MA sold at very reduced prices. it iik: bigiii E, Wellsville, 0. Fifty miles below P 1220111111, on the Ohio .tiver, and line of C. &P. It. -;',:'. ~, : " • ' , . no9:h2 IRON BROKERS. SAMUEL PI. WICKERSHAM, IRON BROKER 124 First Street . , Pittsburgh, Pa• Agent for the sale of Cornwall Donghamore,• Jo- sephine, Isabella, Duncannon,titanium% Glendon, and other brands of .Antbradte, Youghiogheny Coke and C. B. Charcoal PIG raorre. • • Consignments and orders respectfully LAKE SUPERIOR OOPPED KELL AND SMELTING WOLZI3, • • prrorsimmum. . PARK, McCURDY & CO • • Mannfacturera of Sheathing, Braziers , and Bel Copper, PresfSd Copper Bottoms, Raised Still Bot toms Speller Solder. Also, Itapor•-rs and Dealers la:Mclal, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, \ .ie ..te. Con stantly on hand runners , Machines at Tools. Warehouse ,No. 1441 FIRST STltlf t .c.l . and 120 SECOND INTUIFICAFIttsburgh.: .Special,orders of copper catty any dobtred nal .myl44,34:dwT . I • 0 • 0 D DICK, - - • .c.ARPENTER AND BUILDER, as PENNSYLVANIA, AVENUE, -.ppioosite street, Pittsburgh,Ps. Residence, No. 163 Rrunt street. •• ' • ' •';' ' Jobbing done *let kentness and dis tett. All M orders pro L o o tt y w oo d e d t o . sad, Elan Mira aid. • PrrTSBITRGR ovi_grrit PITTSBURGH COPPER N • 411 ,refi , e4rp. , t 2 's4m. • ' f.-Ay,'"rts . 'l4o#ol* , • ENGINES; ?Bt . )1 - iS, &C. FoRT LITT BOILER, STILL. AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL 'ac SNYDER, MAN - v - foacrunEfts OF TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX ANS CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL - TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, • SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND C N DENSERS: STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND I ON BRIDGES; ; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHUTES. Ocoee. and Warehouse. corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Sir Orders sent to thn above address will be promptly attended to. ' mIA:189 Z. W. MOILICOW• • ..J 48. 11. BAILNUILI...••JAS. lILAIR. O'HARA BOILER WORKS. MORROW, BABNITILL & CO., MANUFACTURILITS OF , Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TA.NKIi, SALT PANS.; GASOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORK, &c. Cor. Liberty and Second Sts., PITTSBURGH, PA. REPAIRING promptly done. y4 :b2 wm. smtiviniq. & co., • 9 BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, fs2, 24 AND 20 PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are_ prepared. to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the' best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching. Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boller lepn..Brldges. Sugar Pans; and sole manu facturers df Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. • JaS:c2l JAMES M. RIMER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., MANUFACTURER OF ' IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLIIk:G. PAN*, COPPER STEAM PIPE, BOLLING MILL STACKS, AndSITEET IRON' WORK,' For Steamboats JARED 3i . . BRUSH ' SCDXSI3D D. BRESII JARED M. BRUSH & SON, MANTFAL 1. RIES OF Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SKEET IRON WORN. &C. 61 Penp Street, Pittsburoh, Pa. • STOVES,. CASTINGS, &C. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST.. BISSELL Az 'Co e 's TRIUMPH, • FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other Store In the, Union. • BISSELL & CO., No. 235 Liberty Street. Also on hand and for sale, , . . PARLOR STOVES, ' • HEATING STOVES, • &IRATE FRONTS, FENIERS. R COOKING ANG , &c. CHEAPEST PLACE in tha city TO BUY THE TRIUMPH COOK!NC STOVE , Is at No. 146 GRANT STREET. JPP 2 P. C. DUFFY. HARDWARE. NE'S* HARDWARE HOUSE. LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUWER, 31..inneture.and importers of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. 337 LIBERTY STREET, CORNER OF WAYNE, One Square Below Union Depot, PITTSBURGH. • sal' Agepts for FAIRBANKS' SCALES. EIPIU9BDILANNi • FIFTH ST., bet. Tunnel & Chatham Sta., Gunsmith and Dealer in Hardware. First class goods or all descriptions always On hand and sold at the lowest prices. Rdpairing done carefUlly on short notice. je26:dso ~i: ~ ~+; pRILENIX STEAM BREWERY. JOS. SPICNCEII....JAS. WHAT—RODE= LIDDZLL. SPENCER,- M'KAY MALSTERS'AND BREWERS OE Ale, Porter and Brown Steil, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT WATSON, 3ranager. ocl4 DYERS AND 'SCOURERS: J. LANCE, : • , , Nos. 186 and 187 Thlid itreet, DYER •.4ND, SCOUREE, EITII4.W EMTh3 cMMI:I OR DYED. , GLOVES AND LADIES' PLUMES OLEAN- E.D.011. DYED • VtNIVRIISAL • CLOTHES' WELA GEES the manufacturers' wholesale and retail prices. at $l6 and ES St. Clay strett • - , • - •17 Putuars, £pls Sole a g e n t s or ebls county. • , Ism ' NATIONAL BANK OFIOIIIIERCE' .Cor. of Wood and Sixth StA. - .. A. PATTERSON President. JOS. H. HILL Cashier. • CAPITAL, : $500,000. • - DIRECTORS: A. Patterson, • George W. Cass, Brown, , James McCandless, Alt a i; iViTt r r l fe k, . W. S. Haven, I DISCOUNTS DAILY,. A 3 11 A. M. ap9:oM HART, CAUGHEY & CO., 'BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner 27ar l d and Wood Streets,- ina-rsuiritisar; "PA., • t. (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART & C 0.,) DEALERS Exchange,. Coin, oupons, 1 - And particular attention paid tot( e purchase and sale of COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on 1...0rk0n. • myl:s942 N. HOLMES & SONS,! 33A-W 57 Market Street, prr'r-rsi3ul G-1-x, PA. Collections made on all the principal points of the 'nited Statei and Cauadas. Stocks, Bonds and other:Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. J3:30:31 - - KEYSTONE BANK, PITTSBURGH. PA. -• . THIS BANK I 5 NOW TRANSACTENG A GENERAL BANKING 'BUSINESS, AT THEIR NEW BANKING 11.01.7"4. No. - 293 Liberty Street. Accounta of BANKS. BANKERS, MERCHANTS and otheia are Invited. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SE C URITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. GEO. T. VAN DOREN. Cashier. WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. .19 Fourth Streets CHARTERED 1866. Interest paid on Time Deposits ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK., WITHOUT INTEREST. Dlacounts Daily at 12 o'clock. President—THOMPSON BELL. Vice President—A. M. MARSHALL I=l THOMPSON BELL, : A. M. MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH. • : JOS. 'ALAREE. J. J. OILLESPIE, d Stockholders to wh m we . make reference: Wm.. Forsythe, Joseph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell, ' I 'Bet , ..Davittßerr, Willis Dairen, ' . Henry Lambert, D. W. C. Illdweli, A. M. Brown, - E. M. Fulton. Thomas Ewing. /iSotARK ,BANKERS.4O ESTABLISHED IN 1831. 3$ s ou — H - T S PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. 7 3-10 s Converted Into 5-20 i STOGILS AND GOLD • Bought and sold on commission, here and In Nisi York. TIME PAPER NEGOTIATED. INTEREST ALLOYED ON DEPOSITS OF GOLD AND CURRENCY. Accounts ,of Ranks and Bank eft received on favorable terms. ALL CLASSES OF SECURITIES TAKEN IN EKC RANGE AT M.Alt !LET RATES. felldBB MECHANIcS 9 SAYIIIGIik BANK, No. 14 Snittlialeld Street. rrrrstitinou, PA INTEREST PAID gli DZPWAS , ..,..A.lidr , litild RECEIVED FROM ONEDOIALAR VP WARM' De. , posits received subject to check, without interest. , JAMES DIACKWORK . resident, '- '- ' .. 3EO. D.. Mll.Xijensary %A d T rearjter .. . 3 ' ' AMESIL Emiridditi ,401101k6e; ,.. c- . ~', P '.... 71115 f pgtor, m a ---..1. 4lgnefffiacrP, ' ''''' nneilltitil4.—: Alex.'"risrale. ..7.. E b b e tesSown. '-.• .. Willhan ilellW..- - ,''.K , • • 4 ' l . k W.-Snidest', ' , li. G. Otibblre; 4 -c- rt Winv, John Evans. PQ4 •*t&.. - -t'_ •--"-. .-', REMO sr. I HAVE'REMOVED MY BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, Fo7rnerly ocT:trpted b the NATIONAL BANK, COM3IERCE. CONTERSION OF 7-30 1 S: . We are now prepared to convert the SECOND and TAIRD SERIES of INTO TUE New 1867 5-20"GOld Coupon Bands. JAMES: . BRADY & CO., Dealer . in GoTerkquenk..Socuritjts, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STE.. • aaiftts. FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICE,OF THE PIT TSBIIHGH GAZETTE, WEIi April 29_, • 186. ; . kl The gold makket Opened - strong at 13934, but on large offers to sell, declined to 139 X, to 139, and dull. There is little. disposi tion among brokers or importers to buy gold at present prices, although it is ad mitted that the market will not have the full benefit, of the large payments of cou pons in May. A decline is inevitable from' the unwillingness for purchasers to buy •now... The advance in the French rentis from 64 to 69, and of Consols from 92X to 93% and 93M, will stimulate investments in American securities, and will thus be adverse to any large shipments of specie. Government securities are on'a stand still. Money has not become so plentiful yet that people. : .Will rash - and invest at .present high prices; J.he only„purchasers in the market are '' sPechlators; wbo' may ad ranee the prices on thinuselves,'but will not be able to get thepublie to buy at their own prices. Bonds are, like any other ar-: ticle of commerce, subject to the same laws that govern advance. and decline; the advance was too sudden during the last few days, and people pause and hesitate to buy of such high prices when. it will take itwhole years' interest to pay Air the addi tional premium. E:l9 Stocks are lower an parties who have bought during the last weeks decline are realizing now and await a further turn in the market.. There isan improved demand on local securities, simply to realize the. dividends due during the . early part of May. A large number of small mortgages are now offered for sale at /rates that must be ruinous to the seller, but properties that have been bought when prices Were still higher than they now are, cannot be sacri ficed without a strong effort to raise even usurious interest. Closing quotations as received by Ph. P. Mertz, were as follows: Gold,'l39K; 1881 bonds, 113 K; ;1862 ' 6-20s, 112; 1864 do, 110%; 1865 do, 110)g; Consols, 108%: 10-40 s, 102%; 7-30 s, 107 1 ,g- - -Rgilroads—Cleveland S. Pittsburgh,- 83; Fort Wayne,lo3X; North Western,conamon 6234; North Western—preferred, 74%; New York (:entral, 129; Erie, 70:,L1; Old South ern, 89 Ohio et Mississippi, 31%; Mer chants Union Express,323,/; 'Western Union Telegraph,36%. • Mining Shares—Corydon, 30; Quartz 1611 , 1,05. Quicksilver, 263 g.. —Closing quotations receivedby James T Brady it, Co.: Gold - 139 U. S. O's, 1881 1133 186' 112 " 5-20's, 1864 .flog 44 5-20's, 1865 ' 110% 44 10-40'5...... . 102% 44 5.20 ' 5, ..Jan : andjuly, . 4 65' - 108 3 ‘ 46 44 44 44 - 67 109 c / . 3 44 Juno 7..30;s • 107% 44 July 7-30's 107% May Comp., 1865 ' 118% PITTSBURGH PETRULEURKET, OFIFCE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, April 29, 1808. CRUDE—TheMarket - for , crude oil has been rather active to-day, but prices are weak at the quotations: This fact is pro bably occasioned by the prospect of a •riat, in the Allegheny. We can report the fol lowing sales: 1000 bbls spot ,at lOci.Boo do at 10c; 950 do at 10c; 2000 for Mar, seller's op tion, at 10c; 2000 for June, - ;seller's option, at 10c; 6500 bbls first' - water, - at - I.oe. Con- , tract sales were of 3000 bbls, buyer's option till October Ist, at 8.1 per bbl; in tanks at Oil City, purchaser paying , per .bbl advance. In the absence of transactionS, we quote all the year, buyer's ,option, at 12,- 1 ; cents. REFINED—The. refined Market rules firm and prices have advanced. We are cognizant. of the following transactions:. A "line'j of 6000 bbls, from August to Novem ber, inclusive, 1500 bbla eachlnonthi•at 30c; a "line" of 3000 bbls from. July to Decem ber, inclusive,' 500 each' month at 2934 c; 500 for May. at 27;(c;,..5007.f0r '-June, ar.g79is 1000 for June; at M;"1000'for _Sc; 1000 last June, buyer's . option, ate2Bo: +500: last' half July, buyer's' option, at 28c; 500 all the year, at 32e. . .ARRIVALS—The following' are the hr rivals of oil: :Fisher h Bro 1200 [Jas. Wilkins 56 E. Sahalk - 1000 Total 2256 OIL SHIPMENTS PHIL A. V. R. R. Lockhart, Frew 6c C04r290 - bbls refined to Warden, Frew tic Co., Philadelphfa. Forsyth; Bro. & Co., 207 do do to Warden, Frew & Co.,' Philadel phi& Nat. Ref. Co., 250. do do, to,F. A. Diheottli &Co., Philadelphia. Fawcett, Logan it Stockdale, 200 do do to W. P. - Logan & Ern.; Philadelphia. Braun it Wagner, 150 do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. P. Weisenberger, 100 do 'dif to "%Virden, .Frew it Co., Philadelphia. • IBuffnin, Kehew & Co.; 100 do to W. P. Logan, Philadelphia. • New. York Dry Goods.ll arket.' City, Telegraplito the Pittstkurglt Gazett.e.l NEW Youx, April 29 .—Tho Dry-Goodstrade is still languid. Domestic, staple cottons, however, are , firm, being iniin-- enced by the extreme prices prevalent for raw material. Still there is butlittle dis position to' buy goods of any class not ab solutely required. for._pr i essing ; wants. A better inquiry is iddicipatild; however, as soon as the weather becomes more settled, and all fabrics, both of catOn•suid*dol(in manufacture, are held with much .ion-. Nonce.' 'Patie'r lhlia 'fabrics; partlaularly' of European inake, are in the.Exintime , greatly: depressed, TA are being forced to sale at a great loss :.*, &any !initances. Heavy Brown.Sheetinga steady, at isy for Neino ev.tilk,and. i_p_ 1 r_ 4).ppliten.oOlo-; dian krinci; up;alif fOr ° itintink, eloth ~ the' latter an extreme; .1 15 for ' Ambskeag, Itiehmond • and l tilprit, es; 18 'ficd•Pacific 1013; 18 for :American-- ptinted , 401alliefi; / 8 , f.f .#"' / AllimUl* l l , 4lYlitifilithit '4O for lie*lstoill, , k Otionades;l2X-Tortariners and mechanical double. TO THE PH. R. MERTZ. PrftkitTßGE hARI 4 :I.:1 4 74. Or Its iFFICE OF TELE PITTSBETROH GAZETTE, WONESDAY,44priI 28, 1868. Trade continues activl and improving in , the aggregate of transactions, but since our last r prices of the leadin4 staples are with out Material change. t s4he\ weather for a considerable portion o te I dav interfered with out-door transactio s. i Flour contin ues very active, and under lighter receipts and advices from the'W st of higher rates;' 4 . together with the active inquiry, and small stocks in store, holderjare asking stiffer . , ratesa for choice brands, d are anticipating , another advance. The emand for Bacon . • . .1 and Lard is very active, lid: prices are still tending up. Groceries 4e in fair demand, and Coffees are adfan'cln. - The - following are the ruling wholesale quotations GROCERIES—During the past week _ i there has been an active.-inqUiry•lbr Groce- - ries. With the, advance. n gold Coffees are advancing. Refined. Stirs are -1 4 cent' t a higher, and firm at quota ionsgiven below. Syrups are advanced froth Sc to 10c per gal lon. White-Fish and Lake, Herring have advanced 50c per half bariel, and t.ontinues very firm At quotations.l • SUGARS—New Orlea 14 - Mc to 160; Cuba, 123.t0 13c; Port - di:Rico, 13c to 14c; Crushed, 18c; "A" Corse, 17c; "B" 419, 16%c; Extra "C," 161,4 e - - , t i -" • CoFFEs—Prime Rip, 26y 2 to 27c; good, 24c; fair, 22c; Old Governmen 'Java, 373 , to 38c; Laguayra, 28c. - ' ' Mor,AssEs—New Orlea s, 90 to $1; Cuba, 65 to 70c; Porto Rico, 70 - 5c , i . SYnues—"Lovering's,'J $1; "Booth & Ed gar," 85c; 'Amber, 7 . "Drips," $1.05 to $l,lO. ! i SPICES—Cassil SO to oc,•_ Cloves, o0o, • Pepper, 38c; Allspice, -Carolina, $1,50. , RlCE—Rangoon, 11V,,c ;rarolina, 12;4c. STARCH-fadisoii, BqiSilver Gloss, 12mc, and Corn Starch, IT4c. I FriurTSLayer fillisil $4,75 - :per box; Valentia, 20c per lb; Prunes, 17c; Currants, 14c for new, -.'. ' : •' ' i • ' ' BAR.LEAD- 2 42c; Shot, $3,50 per bag. So• - -"Babbitt's." - ItOakley's" 60APS---• tC; -tOakieffN 111 c; - Rosin, 434 to 0c; “Dobbin's," 15c. AisTntEs—lsiould, lft 43 tar, 23c. CONCENTRATED LYE 1,50 M msg. Br Ckan SonA ---8,50 p r 100: • • Fistr—White Fish, $8,0; Lake Herring, $4; Mackerel No. 1, t. 4 22;1}0. 2, $18,00; No. 3, $14,50; in half bbls, 50c more. TonAcce--Black ss, lOs, y i s and Louis ville Navy, 72 to 75c; 14 m. H. Grant's 10s and Navy, Mc; C. D. tbbacco, 22c to 25c for best. 11 TEA—The market is fl;4ra and prices are higher, for new crop. choice Young Hy son, $1,75; fair, $1,50; p , mon to good, $.l to $1,35; Oolong, 75c, &5c190c, $l, $1,25 and $1,35; good Porto Ricoiksl to $1,85, as to quality. Imperial, $1 tb $1,85.. Japan— Choice, $1,30; fair $l. :1 .. FLOUR—The market . Vas excited and sales were very large: •i or the past few days,.with the exception.of yesterday,' the receipts have been heavy: but the demand was sufficient, with th • orders on hand, sold ahead to carry off t e surplus recepts • and leave a bare market. - We see by pri vate dispatches from Chi' go this afternoon that choice brands of Spring were fully 25c . higher, owing to a betterleeling in Wheat. The demand here is Tana greater than our dealers expected. The advance at Chicago to-day has not changed the price in this market as yet, but holclers are more firmer. We quote the pricesif the .following::- :brands: Dayton'Snoiv F ake'(White $l3; Win -4 ter) White River; Red Winter) $l2; Jenking.Mills, $l2; Cros River; as, $11,75; :Eme rald, 811,50; Medium bra ds, $10,50 to. $1.14. • Rye F10ur,'59,50 per barrtd. • ' • GRAIN—The receipts 4re very light, but prices have not undergone any material change. Shelled Corn is I.e-came and com mands $1,05 to $l,lO froth_ elevator. • Oats i l from first hands .brings • - -I,4:ir 79c; and from. • store 80 to 83c. On track Rye sold at $1,85. to $1,30, with 'a good •de nd'and light im port. Barley is scarce; and nominal at $2,50. There is no Wheat coming in ex cept ,that bought by millers in the West; quoted nominally at $2,40 to $2.45 for, No 1' Spring; Red Winter; $2,65 to $2 1 70; and White ,Wheat; $2,70 to $2176'.' ~ -•-•, ,' - BEANS None ins mttrket, And White - - 0 small would readily 'brink 55 pet bushel; - -BUTTER--Prices , are drooping. . To-day prime to choice Roll wail rather dull at 40 to 45e. EGGS—Market firm a 23e. • PROVISIONS—The market is, active at. the following prices: We now quote Mess Pork at $28,50 per' bbl, Sugar Cured Hams, ny, tii! . ;,.2oc; - ato:', ihviifisecl.2o3!;' 21c; Shouldert,44X to 1, IZe;Riblittfil.Sides, 1634 c; Clear Sides 18%c; choice Dried Beef, 23 to 24c ,and Lard, 90 per ponnd. LARD OlL—There is . large demand for Extra No. 1 at $1,48 to $- ,50, and $1,20 per gallon for No. 2. SALT-Small -jobbing lots at" $2;00 per barrrel. POTATOES ales of t Peach Blows 'by the car load at $1,40 per, 1 ushelt and •Buck eyes from store at 04,251 . $4,50 per bbl. ' CRANBERRIE&-Sal of choice -Culti yated at $lB per barreL 1 - • ,- HAY—i3aleil .Hay oril the .wharf. com mands $2 .to `-- • - Ind loose Tim othy from cor $24 to $2B per ton, . as to q: I= CINCINNATI, April 29.1+ Fleur 'quiet and unehanged.,' Wheat cloips dull and prices drooping; t12,60a2,65.0ffered for Nos 2 and 1. Corn scaree'and in good demand, at 95c for ear. Oats firmer; closing at 61c for No 1: Rye dull and prices low ~ N o lat $2. Bar ley unchanged. Cottorn dull 'and prices, nominal; middling offertid at soc.- Tobacco in good demaudat full prices. Mess' pork quiet at 828,50... There .* a good demand for bulk sides and prices are Mc higher; sales of 400,000 lbs at 154 shoulders are held at 13c. Baeop—sides inactive demand and prices lia;;c higher; sales .Of 300 hhds at'l7c. for clear rlb, and 17%c Or clear; shouldera are held at 14c. LardTli,s held at 10c but sold at 18Mc at the close; the reported ad vance of.one shilling and six. pence at Liver -pool is doubted. Sugar cured qianis, 10Ma 20c, and in demand. , Itinter firm at 36a40c for fresh. 'Eggs dull' and prices drooping; closing at 20c. Qrocerieskemain unchanged and quiet. Potatoes ar+ in better supply and thermarket Is dull tirtd2sc lower; prime $3,50a3,75per labl. Apees are in better supply; but the marke ,iis &ill and prices lower; prime, $5,50a6,50, ,1 Hay dull' and B.lk- ' ldwer; prime timothy, $12a13. Gold, 1,39. The money Market is uriclumged. . Cleveland Market* ;,By Telegraph to the Plttsbu4gli Gazette.] CLEVELAND, April 29.4-Flour steady, firm and, unchanged -at 4110n1.2 tor dortbleaxtra . spring4ll2altifor do red Svinter ' and 1118,50 i 15,50 for treble extra. , Wheat is quiet but firm at 82,73a2,75 for .N'o, lired3vinter; 82,53' a 2,60 for N0..1 do„ ancl§2,4sfor,No• 'spring. . Corn less active and Mel lower, at _ 9,11 a c- for. No. 1 shelled, frm store. Oats, , scarce,. nd, better at 80c for' No. 1 iState from store., Rye scarce and at'sl,9o for No 1' State and western. No BarletY offering. Petro leum firm and steady ati2'la23c for bonded, and 32a330 for free. :1 . _.. Louisville Market. • - '- . Env Telegraph to the Plttsbjrgh Gazette.l .L ortisvri.rx, April,, —Tbacc,O inc l ive and higher; sales 218411hdi lu -to Tairtelec 1/0 - i s tions at 5194 Cotton at 29m, Su perfine '\, tient', TA 117hatit scarce at 52,60 a 2'&5. Corn—teh 11nd - in - balk at 89a90c. Oats 79a80e. Mess pork 828,50. Bacon—should els 14a143.4c, clear ribl sides. 17/c, clear sides .18M. Lard—tierces 190. -Whisky— raw, free, t 12,21 - 1 _ . Ala • • • Ct. !pah e .rket • 3 IBS Telegraph to the Plttabl , Gar o o ltr .te: lum_bct,..,t,o; • 41A.1411,Witill p,x'P,,,:*Wfand,,,SziaktitZ Yennaylvant qquiet. 'Wheat;u„„rr.nfc4,„ 2J, Po nnil .at 71 e t and r,L: . • 50; Itacon . (I Larettrm at /9,4 are. 1= MEE ~ s.~ }:, we :~ T