The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 30, 1868, Image 1

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VOLUME • LrXXII-I . - • .
The jai Courtof Inipeackment
4-111 r. *atoll 'Eftplainst-Propo-
sition for Night Sessions—Mr.
Evarts Continues, Vat Does Nat
- • - - •
Conclude His Argument.
tßy Telegraph to the l'lttabuigh Gazette.)
WA§YEINQTON, April 29, 1868.
L Sunup:3r SUMNER offered a x,esolutipn,
'titat Mr. NelsOnliavink Used improper
t•guagoin this tribunal, 'calculated' to pro-
yoke a duel antldisrespectful to the Court,
he deserved the censure of the Senate.
Senator SHERMAN objected to the coa
-1 sideration of the resolution, and Senator
SUMNER objected to Mr. Nelson making
144 remarks, except in explanatiOn. But
ItoMegate:ttllosned - Alll#lo'ol4 pirtioll of
lettirs beiring on the questiOn of-dates.
Mr. NELSON tliendexplaine4 what , pur
ported to be the original letter signedibv
Messrs.: Ruller;Lcigan and Mr' field, dated
Marcky 9th; also, a letter sent to the. Presi
dent by Chauucy Black,March 16th, enclos
ing's copy with additional signatures. -
Senator CAMERON offered an order for
night sessions, which went over.
I Mr.;.EVARTS, then maimed liiii.- - arFlk
4 ment. He assumed it to be already shown
; that this tribunalis a court, and that the
I President is to be tried only on charges
supported by law and evidence, and
common fame. He said ranch tnathad been'
~ elaborately advan.ced by the Managers must
; fall to . the ground. So must fall the
i articles based on charges which had been
I repeatedly rejected as fair grounds for Im
peachment. He referred to the conduct of
- the ease by the proseoution as similar to
; the practice of the Chinekie, who make a
great noise inthe vicinity of an object to
, I be attacked, or like the explosion of - some
~ two hundred and fifty tons of gunpowder
... at a safe distance from the walls of a fort.
i; He said in this case, where the evidence
'.I. had been suppressed, the enlargement of
: deelamation :and invective was more than
..', unusually improper. He also spoke in a
,' . l strain of sarcasm of , Mr. Boutwell's refer
once to the President's counsel as attor
.. , net's whose minds had not been sharp
' ened but enlarged by practise. He then
• ; considered Mr. 33ontwell's definition. of
ihlea,ncesrdarg:edatieugh4' that noaetcolboconstta
~ which did not proceed from malice and
.evil intention, supporting his view by quo
; tations from records of the Humphrey
..,•;Itrial, and also by the,language of Burke in
•accusing Warren Hastings, when he ex-
' 11 pressly stated that the assertion and proof
-Jof evil intent were indispensable. Mr.
', Everts held that the best way to determine
: .the nature of offences which may be deem
' fid..high..crimes and.., • rnisdemeanoss is to
consider the pnnioihrnents prescribed for
; themi•--Hereferred/tolheipithets . .a plied
'.'ibirthOilimagers tio- . ._ %-
• tiorr, and in forcible terns described - the
: -. . i character and magnitude of the disgrace
-: t twhieh such punishment iiivolves. He
5 claimed that the description of the
•.. Spenalties 'provided , in . the Tenure-of
. 10ffice law for its infraction . showed the
?Abe comparatively trivial nature of the
- -,offense. A maximum but no minimum
• of punishment is provided. So, in the dis
-- c-etion of Court before whom the indict
be let off with a fine of six cents and impris
, onment of one day. He read from the de
' : bate on this subject at the time when the
.• bill was proposed, fit which. Mr. Williams
- and other Senators said there should be no
minimum fixed, because the offense might
. .
arise - from inadvertence and would
not probably in any case have a character
•of moral guilt. Mr. Everts then' consider
*. ed the general debates on the bill and pro
. l imed to prove that the offence charged was
not made or to be' considered .penal ! but
• ~ more of a political nature, and their , that
even alleged infractions did not take place.
He claimed that all bellerof the President's
former personal turpitude must be laid
de, and it must be considered that he
.!. ~ was - unimpeachable before twelve o'clock
. n Febrafiry,.2ll4: „lie.,then -argue d...that
t e al
even the removal of Stanton had been ac
..: tually effected, no change in the relations
1:7 of the : :War ,fltomartment to the
rest` 'or - the government would ' luiye
ensued, *- and;' hence . :that : the mere
:.. : act could riot be considered as dangerous
to the public safety. On the contrary, it
would have beenbenefitted by it, because
: . . the relations existing between the Presi
':, • dent and Mr. Stanton were prejudicial to 'a
', pupal. working of the srovernment. .Hence
.; it %suited that the' crime"consisted in 4
.11 technical infraction , of the law, if it skill
i: , ... .e, so held. The law applied only in ga
.';restrictions to himself. He believed it' to
be . unconstitutional : It relates 'to an of. :
leence not penal, and under these circum
.:':sauces MI IS IlettPn '.could not be ileettied a
'.4.'crirne. He then briefly comiidered 'the
-. , '.. <tuestion
law, what was mea n by 'ntuienstitn
-11:" tonal w and said it was a pare
• 'dox. It • can be. no offence -to violate
;the provisions ,of such `..a mere piece
lof paper. ,He claimed no greater right for
the President thatt fora private individual
Ito test the constitutionality tot a statute;
[Thus he argued . the President made a 'paper
!removal, without fords and violence, in or-
`der •to assert his right toad under the Com
atitution, which, as he.talleved, was viola{
ted by the Jaw in mristien.7 - Against the
assertion that formal violations are Im
he .cited ': itithority.. Arid Argisid-ht: some
`length that the principles Ocemunsitiltease
I were opposed to any , enich^vieli 'At tide
point the :Court toek,s,rpoesa.. :, '
On:ro-asisernblingldr. r..yAnTs e T p ress
l edl hie. entimitmglit ere ? denuncia-'
Iltion of those who peacefully restated the
Maws which they , -deemed rinoonstitntional.
ilt was the , duty , of every ministerial oilicee
‘C•• false a question in favor'of the Vonstitu:
tlon; and in the highest degree it was the
' 1 duty of the sal defender =of ;the-170'4 istut'
04 ._ He_referred,to the case of Newell
. q
-k, agairiat bib - Auditor of the .Stitte •of New
41^61, ink, its - Which' the latter'_ariecessfully re
151sisted theiseuerOt a join' 'of six millio ns,
i'leiso.tothe ;New York law imposing a tax
Den brokers' sa l es, which was re:
0 ideted .......-nartreett:"rPdlll""*By
,•,, jitAtiegi.Siitoreine
:N. , „ the d to theaction 0f,,,, Mr. ...,U C° n ur bi t.
V. pending the AhhoiCieeeiyfietit Med ;
. -...,.„ u 3 sits
...., . canen +l,a.arrisst.-4 1 ,au% Maryland .:
.q,,, i r k r - looting Military Comm -
11 islatur, lin
.i in a tiMetalflaitieO; pCongress, hy
.4 il w s,sata,., confirmed the doe.'
1,4.4 ileriT.t.,—,.,, tive gwat.he considered:and a
' l l.Mtritwr zt i a - i c il, owa titiet wuw.not In ' itself a
4 u g i t e oupd for punSlanighifratk i t e rif
: 1 meat s
icesider ok4 iv 14 60 tr Silo
._ 0
S o
,4-Z for OW . i le d get over,
• 14'11 and r i*n l et t tution would
• the iew li c• , r removal from of.
nr, not atancrrn
~,,*ftbo u t. limit 1e
I:7 l '.'::ii*f INar..idXeer,fixPichletil-thig letiltalt,
4 0
( s 93 ‘ t 4 ' rensovad.. ' (Great lapigl l teo
..`-;' , ,sho d be • • ,
He went on for some , inur describing in a
manner whic:h 7 ell'clt , d -, Totilli of" Insider
a stiPPosed flight ;of :A r:•WiltiVell- as bait
tiff with the criminal I , ..charge to his hole
in the sky. -
Mr..Evarts then ..k .up the subject of
the tinsitionand poW:rs of the President,
and held hp. .was the, 'V ect representative
of the . 1- !,Veoplett • o, , elected: him,
and for whom he Vela 'his powers in
trust. -Evils and • isturbances always
result from acCessio to that office or one
elected by the, people, d.destitutp of per
-S:0111er politicalsup.. This kceF . otfonal
weakness for the Presidential billoo is now
heightened by extraordinary divisions of
party lEtt i xength in Congress, and so the con
stitutional Safeguards to' its independence
is unavailing to urge the unequal contest,
'nor would he chum it to be fatal to the
maintenance hereafter 'of a true position
under the Constitution.
Mr. Evarts next spoke of the- peculiar
situation-of the Couotry from which have
'spring" the preSent, prciceedings. He, re
ferred to the chaos caused by the rebellion,
and to the unprecedented social change
wrought by the emancipation of four mil
-1 lions of slaves. He said the questions as to
the part to be taken by the different
branches of the government, and as to the
application of the Constitution and laws in
the work of reconstruction, were immense
ly difficult and readily productive of hon
est differences. of opinion. He dwelt at
length on the complication caused by
political aspirations, and claimed that all
these considerationw were motives to avoid
or delay the action Of impeachment, to cure
evils which political action would itself
remedy. • He referred to on article in the
New York Tribune as an example of the
feeling entertained by many that-impeach
ments was warranted - for political reasons,
and a ued'in refutation of the -view,' thus
take • He held that the essence of the
Coast tution was the authority of the peo
ple, a d that its arrangement of the rela
tive • • wers of the different branches of the
GOVe hitient'iilis' based 'en the'l Idea -that
term: of authority granted were so short
that :vils could be patiently endured for a
few' • ars until the people could by ballot
y them.
. Idspoint y four o'.flocy,.the -colirt and
Shalt adjourned. , - • 4
I STEVENS oireled, a resolution that
undred copies of each of the Consti
sof South Carolina'-and Arkansas be
d for the 1.191114 thp House. Referred
:nting Conunittee.
House then proceeded to the Senate.
four '
to Pr
Th :
tune% Estimates --ItegOlatiort" of
• -, - Duties: " •
(By T legrapb to the 'Pittsburgh Gazotte.l _
0 AWA, April .—The estimates for the
year tiding in ; June were sqhmitted to the
Hou of-CoMmons last -night, in'an elabo
rate, h by; Hon.. Mr: Rose,- Minister of
'Finance._ He said.the government,lnteind
ed to take the duty off of flour,
corn and
breadstuffs of all kinds; the duty on wine
was to be twenty per.cent. ad valorem and
ten cents per gallon, whether in glass or
wood; also ten per cent ad valorem on beer
and porter; a duty of fifteen dollars would
be charged on horse and ten 43allarsorr cat
tbzs;l*b dulhirs.aroawitm,- mid brie"dolhir
sheep; thirty-one cents per gallon on all
spirits manufactured in Canada, five cents',
per gallon on petrolemn," coal oil twenty
five per cent. ad valorem, one per. cent. per
pound on all Sugar above No. 9 t Dutch Stan
dard,-and twenty- fi ve cents ad valorem and
three-quarters of a cent per pound on all
sugars below No. 9, Dutch standard. The
-on molasses hit() he reduced to twenty
our per cent ad valorem. . •
—Oil Creek has been made a borough.
—Romeo, the elephant, has been on the
rampage again. , '1 •
—The 'woods on the Capouse mountain;
near Scranton, are (in Are. I.
—Samuel Neeper committed suicide with
a pistol on Suriday,,iri _ Blood leld.
—Four of the • crew of the ship Ida Lilly
were arrested for rmitinye yesterday 'at New
--Steubenville , haslti `mysterious street
lamp which goes
x out every, flight at•ten
--Rev. C. C. "arker toi resigned the-ree
torship of the IROiseopar,Chusel at War
ren, Penna. , '
--A new Sunday paper, to .be called the
Globe, will make its lint apPettraitta next
Sabbaih at Cineinnati 4 ,. •
- r -Irwin Peachy, a youth of eighteen Bum
iners, was married to a negress•in McVey
town, Mifflin comity, last week.
—The:steamer Columbia arrived at New
York last night from Havana. Among the
passengers were Ristori andis6rme.
—Three thousand, three hundred and
from ShaffAr.nSaturdtill mad. Monday..
—Rieert, son of Ilishcip Boone, was acci
dentally shot and killed by ticionliradoW at
Halifax Court House, Va., on t,he 25tti.r-
--The Postoffice at California, a suburb
of Cincinnati, was robbed Tuesday nighz,
The iobbeiiutook every 'particle of mail
—Oeean freights are now high, they are
from ss. to'ds. 6d. per barrel to any of the
Northern European portsfrom New York
or Philadelphia. „
—John OraMilani, a will known butcher
in St. 1,011113, cut his throat yesterday in
fit of aberration, caused :by - Whisky, and
will probably die.
:—TvitovfloPPiatmed zomiar , and
Levi "Clark have been oommltted at Bos
ton for trial o of„,euttling the
sohoooll - • rAi ;
—3014.540 barrels „ of, petrolmn were
shiptradVie'ithe'oll Cre ek' alid'Allegheny
River. Railway from the Ist of:41?0MITY to
the 28th 0f4,011 f 1116§.3
—A lynx was killed near the UttiftiAti
Church inMiW o utp ti !Mfila
k' a pday morn
ing. It is silmeessive% cold
drove him into he city.. •
44 - The of , Songofaemper.
once held a-semi-ono:nal session at Frank
lin, 0.; yearoduvramitMlabitiFtibliradvo
cotes of the cause were In attendance.
—At cinainniii;Yeitiiiciay, a oung man
named_ siaps 97l , remitly4roplaggiand, out
of, erdpidyibeid; : dull' — difihelistened, made
three ansuecessfuLattcmpts,to,commik
,Pi v iqn,OfentAlitganiff Aga. &all/14h°
se, murder trial at. Albany, Ne ester
day. Melt eVide**atlfrbugh`dif Was IV
tended to show the insanity , of the pm- -
oner. • 7 ...xi - U....F.' I"
l i g li t i nnitUtg= h r
:e O.
the capture of Scott 'gad Robinson, two'
murderers *ho'ettedikkl frohrgaol there last
vreek, ; , -.1•."? ICt ( !-':';,k, I !It 'f
l drf • 0, 44444 i t.
ge • and ned:threeiarkebrawaries in
Mt ir ot uall i 3 vidordskillOopozo He
' 4lPs ' lrervhilarrtiottottobac
coan spiribfatolentroftftheWafeliouse in
Galeston. .
.. ..1:7: -Ti ,. .: :7. ''''' !'.. :: r ..; . 4:.•:-.; .1 . / '7...
, --.::.W. , 'I V ' ,'"---.:;,:;".
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. ~ . 5
,sEcola.;Elii .mi .-11.1...,,1.:12.,.......,
. . Th Trial of Fenians in It
ttp 'sitar Situation. i
viacrat• o , cri...c.spx-,. Di. •;-..- ' - , -• 4: - , •
. . - __ -.•- - • . -I, Month. Anserien '
[Bo elegroll to I,lle Pittablrgr
Elections in North and South
Carolina and Georgia--Indian
Peace Commission-Court of
Claims--tlmpeachment Argu
IBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazettel
WASHINGTON, April 29, 1868.
-The iolldiving- was received' -', to-daie•at
Gen. Grant's headquarters, from General
Canby, dated Charleston 25th:
"A detachment of the Fortieth Infantry
on'the 25th inst. attempted - to capture Rid
dick Carney and party, charged with sev
eral murders. Carney, while under arrest
in 1808, murdered 'Lieut. Kergen of the
Twenty-eighth Infantry and escaped. On
this occasion two soldiers were killed, and
the officer in'comitiand; Bretet 'Major Ly
nam, badly wounded. Carney and son
were killed nd a son-in-law badly
wounded." - • • 4- , ,
Gen. Canby also`ii patches the following
in relation to the elections in North and
South Carolina: .
"The returns are all in. The majority
for the Constitution is 43,470. The majority
fOr the Constitution in- North Carolina has
increased to 13,440. Forty-four counties
send complete returns, nineincomplete, and
thirty-six counties have not been heard
from. The vote polled, as Jar as heard
frOin, is 105,874."
The following was received at General
Grant's headquarters from General Meade,
commanding Third Military District:
"The election in Georgia passes off as
quietly as could be expected. One or 'two
serious outbreaks only. There are many
complaints of frauds from both sides and
some applications for. re-election. The
official returns come in slowly. The proba
bilities are ratification by a' Very large
majority, Bullock elected Governor, and a
Democratic rnajerity in the Legislature."
SPecials give a rumor that the fifth caval
ry, of which Gen. Emory is commandernre
to be transferred to other duty, and that
Gen. Rosseau will be commander of the
Department of Washington.
The Reconstruction Committee toaay
agreed to ppinkonti the A ti.*ion of the res
toration of South Carolina and Arkansas
till the Constitutions of other Southern
States arrive.' • • • '
The Indian Peace Commissioners, if they
do - rOt bieetlinstile,bands at Liirante, a•ill
proded - farthet rutcrthe country and prbb
ably. reach Fort ,Rice, on the Upper Mis
souri, by the :first of Jdne. Further than
this Act Ofizais will be _mage towsrthijkon
elltition *Jere* tribes who - fail 'to-meg
•It is-probablo Mr, Everts will consume
the whole day to-morrow in concluding his
arguments hir. Stanbery has 'completed
his ..argument, the.. delivery of which wilt
take four hours. He 'expects to read at
least part of it 'himself, his health having
much improved. After Friday Manager
Binghain will close the case, occupying two
The 'Court of lairns has ruled out all
depositions on cotton . claim cases, and di
..rected separate personal examinations of
witnesses before onecof The Judges.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) •
NEW Yowl . ; April 29.—A Convention of
cotton planters, dealers and manufacturers
met here to-day. Representatives wore
present from- TeXtut, s North. Auld South
Caroliha, Maryland, Delaware, Tennessee,
New Jersey, Mississippi, , Arkansas, New
York, Connecticut; Pennsylivania and
Massachusetts. General Prall, of Alabama,
opened the proceedings, and 1 4.11 r., Richard
Gosed, of 'Pennsylvania, was appointed
Pr esident. Speeobes, were rustle by several
gentlemen on rotormitiori to establish
a permanent organization of a Cotton Man
niactureiss Association.
At the evening session artermanent of
ganizaticm was effected with A. - A. LaW
rence, of Bostol, President,_ anda. Vice
Presideue.frOni =, each State represented,
such Vice Presidents to be PresidentsOf the
local organizations Of the States. The Con
vention then adjourned.
By Telcireiph'to the Ba,zg.tte.3
• •
SAN FnAscisco, April 29.—The Demo
cratic S i•Ctiblientiatt ,Itiet'...l.eivo• la - Pp
and after temporary organizationvijmirned
till toitecrOwi , The indleatiottt are that
Gov,lfeight will be thp °bole° of the cog
viintion lee ,Pieildent of the 'United States.
, -The;/PROMO-Mall ComNny's pew steamer
ifAncont, went,:oit tr ial tgd ,`:having
on, board trlarge number Or, guests and the
Chinese Embassy • • • • •
wiled Arrived : ChithrlO; Hoiigkong,
Lady BW, Liverpool. ••,, •
The Georgia iglicihni-41ientoinitile Leg:.
Ellytrelearaph to the Eittlburgb Gazette.)
• Auout Ta,Alll7l=P,loifylihni. counties
give, in the, natc,l3 Democrats and 11 d
Beilieels, ib ; , *-:Demoorate to
46 Radicals, Two- negroes:oretelc4ed t 9
oSenate and 'i2 _)0 the. litobid t The
cial ' count' will be, neeeratuyto 4101 44 1 1
the oboleefor Govern or " " "
•h avy For gonvi Iliscoyere4.
my _Telegraph to the Plttato trgh Gazette.)
on yaritins . paper manufacturirtic,compiides
and deidarC Aids, iby C. .131
Thomas, of . Boston, havet;heen discovered.
T,halo4oft'anioant to over goo,ooo, of which
;the-.Holyoke' Paper :pawpaw and ,EihroP
shire Mills haVeA stare:
"New. fermi Mexico.
EBY i'lcAlkilltioAlioNtlstfitrihAitiiiiiA i' *-'.
GALVESTONhri 20.-tiatarporatkdatbs
to ' tab 1 / 4 thi f ' a ' raiiiv - a
; ' The:National
Congrefis reltissernbled oii the' first of April',
Twenty of the Netti4trioe ralialCistslad
to :z mif!suiciipttiterd arld'kveretitiel ' tribdib,P; a
Mtary,Commissioner. The *WWI
Ranchero ...estimatei the Castottt 't lou
deficit at $35,000' .3 r 5 ,1 :I. T 4 Eivr
IftliSittfiilfa oo / 00111541.
[By Telegraph tp the Pittsburgh Oasette.l .; •
elNcrorsait4 Artfil 20=1.tV . W. AdaiLiCot
Clevejand.S.poommitted suicide at the St.
Nii4401,110 gda,.agnriumni, Dg taking
LONDON, April 22—. Evening.—The trial of
Burlse(s.l4.4..W:atid-Naier,l6r2c4rWrn in the
Fenian attack on Chester Castle, was re
stinted this_nuirning.
- MrriC7lo . 47lfroptletnnrirgtrii
- 'slliop in
Bit minghatn,itestified he sold to Burke, in
-December,; 1865,: a quantity, of caps and
pistols. He also swore that five InT4fred
rifles were bought by Burke of Mr. • Hill,
together' With - nifitilds .for. , .billletk . to the
amount of £2,000. Witness, on a searching
cross-examination, showed confusion about
the identity. of Shaw ane. easy.
,Mr. Hill - was sworn End ',gave evidence
confirming that of R - Ylocic, stating alsothat
Burke represented to liim that the. arms
purchased - of witness were for use in South
, , j
Several other witnesses were examined
and testified ,the arms in question were sent
from Birmingliani to Liverpool. The evi
dence of a Tturnber,o l loging house keep-'
ers, carmen and others from Liverpool
was given which agreed , that Burke had,
under the name of Winslow, been &resi
dent of that city about the time of the at
tack on Chliste'r Castle, and proted his-in
timacy with leading and.well known Feni
ans. ' The Court adjourned until to-mor
PARIS, April 29.—Terxera :De Macedo,
Brazilian Ambassador to this Government,
has received" the following,news officially
by the steamer which recently arrived at
Lisbon frona l ltio Janeiro: "The Paraguayans
are shut np in Hurnalta: 4 1'he outer forts
have been 4-aptured as have also the posi- ,
tions at Otttupcuty and Pabo, ant; their
gunboats snnk. ' 3 l'heir President, eZopez,
has fled. Kumalta cannot bold ouUhree
days." •-=
29.—Further advices from
the seat of war from Paraguayan
aiwprces • dale the Brazilian iron clads
passed HUmaita under fire of its
suns. ThEl t were assisted th the 'millions
undertaltie by batteries ' which had been
'planted by - - he allied commander 'around
- the fortreakand kept up a terrific firaupon
the Parapayans during the passage,. The
killed and:wounded onboard the ileanum
"her" 1500 men. A recounoisance had also,
'teen made by the allied forces of the post
iltin of theXaraguayans, arid it was. ascer- -
Attined that , p)pez has massed his army at
I:the northern extremity of his lines,-. Which
fenders probable the abandonment iv Cur-
Uliaity by tie Paraguayans.
'- ." GERMANY., ,
-43Enms,April 11. q.—It is officially s tated
that the reduction of the Prussian-army
'will be 12,000 men. - . - 'I".•.Z
LONDON April 29--Eveninq.--emsols
1304/15,411iet0tt_7616. Others Ira
nt d ge . -
PAnis, A,pnl 29—Evening.—Rentes
francs-40 'eta.
. _
' LlN*Enrodt., April 29Euesing.—Cotton
closed quiet; uplands 124.ic; Orleans 13e;
sales 10,000 bales. Corn declined_ to 37s
' Bacon advanced to .50s f3cl;" Otherarti
ales unchanged.
ANTWERP, April 2O—Eveninr,..—Peiro
.12.1 francs for standard white.
—Two of the supposed highwaymen who
have been infesting the roads leading out
of Cincinnati lately, were arrested yester
day, and the detectives aro on the track of
--Two street railroad conductors, in St.
Louis, Mo., named Philip Ryan and Chap
lin, got into.; iti'quarrel yesterday, and the
latter shot the former, killing him almost
instantly. . •
~ —Two men, named Frank Buchanan and,
Thomas Laher, quarrelled in a salopivat
St. Louis,, : yesterday, when . BuChanan
stabbed her,' severing an artery, from
which he diesl . ,iu six hours.,_, •
—The, Leuisville Courier announces that
Oen. S. B. Buckner. who since the war
has been residing in New Orleans, will re
move to,Lenisville .furing next month and
become editorially connected with that
advices to April 14th • state that
the Indians are committing depredations
in Jordon Valley.- It' ts thought pro
gramme of the past fdpryears is to be'reen
acted bythe savliges—robbiligOpurning and
murderipg.. The Indians-Aad 'wady amid
ihronefilottietteValley, capturing and 'girl
ying- otr.stock. =Troops bad beep gent in
Wilgon;ii stencil cutter, was im
prisoned at Cincinnati, yesterday, to an
siv&blifore the United States Grand Jury
'rot fitting counterfeit. United States tobac
'co Ifttilids, omi - of:Which was found on his
Palm when arrested.. ,Jv Sayer, at whose
Shop Wilson was_at work; is held in bonds
of 111,000 for futUrp, ! , .itiuninatioilii,-,betose a
Thrlted . Btates - Connitissiotfei. .
—A skiff containing four boys, engaged
in flailing in the Wribiath river, at Mt. Car-
Mellvilltileie, miss drawl under a 4au - i. by a
germ ffZeurrent.and „ all •but.-iine or them
were drowned. The names of the lost , are
,Williamson and Cavenaugh,, aged
from seventeen to eighteen. John Steick
ler-..was accidentally shot and mortally
'-wounded near the same, place.
;44 Ar. mgmas, of Baltimore,manufac
turer of envelopes under the title of the
" apPeEnvelope 'ompany," has abscond
a ,le a vliaxabiutiesio„A k e, amoun t . of
14,000 Yerl-50;000of 'which hb-ho d , , !v i m
tired notes on E. H. Ilender,, of Albany,
and Gladding Bros., ofr Providence,
pfgfiealers in Baltimore: The qictimsare
Lrloo et ek er kiv .Gixd ra.y..
lii r . ovr 4 , John d_i Cie tltt 7th. n
a w l,n ai e t d , Messrs. J3Ba
--News from Rio Ameiro to the oth inst.
is received. Dates from the seat of war on
parana ere to March;2sth. The Allies had
taken the Paraguayan" lines at Reyes, and
the headquarter') 4 : 4l. llfar'ipital dui - CW:4as
were at Reno. Lopez tuisabarkdormi Pucu,
-andiiii):4heretibouts' - warwrniltiuSttn. The
Allieddieet had gene up the river again to
T or t aivniatta,l whlek`Was - Seen , to! he .at
taclol...;:-...!11},k4-1-11,0eerPeet the ?al agrivants
-wilt strummer- , ,•[ • ,+1 , . r ,
• , `'.44l4* "..eid tenient .hi&e.63l3'ic,c a ii i sed in
‘l'Ahirsrlietc.itiqldelneitler the Supposed dis
Jor, 'that an old Man "hauled' Fletcher
iiictf. - isoned ix) death some months, si n ce
i n e house of Bedj &A l i n - 1'11; r a. ih e
friends,ba i l been I libAelft,,find.-apy trace
of YPO' bonnnrePortic teUrve been
in tit
AtW v oestoplon , ,untiLlt, Nrvr a, , 3
ri g ymlti'ile libtruithfiliair r
ii.:ls.4lyLrttigerturdoWLoeirtl 144? .
;;;, t4 " - ,Ziii n d - have made a - °Mite n,
and are held to ball f or - - •
The Fashions.
. .
[From the N. Y. Evening Po , t•J
' Bonnets are becoming smaller,
if possible, 1
and it is not improbable that in a short
time they will vanish like the gossamer
ouclomd a coiffure of lace and flowers,
without frame, be worn instead. The effort
to thrbii aside the Fanchon has not been
successfil, and it is now theprevailing style,
with a slight diadem against which the
flowers in front rest. ' -
The ladies, are, not willing to give up a
becoming style for a crown and standing
front that - detracts froni - a - pretty. face.
Spangled and , ctsrstalizecl lace, •as well as
plain white lace, are still much used upon
the ,bonnets, increasing the effect. The
_fleecy folds of rich lace harmonize with the
bright, youthful face, adding .to its beauty;
while they give a softening effect upon fea
tures on which time has left its impress.
Green will be the prevailing color in mil
linery at present, the bright shade of apple
green, which is darker than the Metternich,
predominating. The majority of the bon
nets are of thirmaterial, crape, illusion or
lace. Straws are not extensively used, but
most of the fancy braids are very .pretty..
Straw cords, bands and straw flowers are
used for decorating the straw bonnets.
The new style - of round hat has a high;
sugar-loaf crown, with a brim wider than
that of-last year, The new hat is of brown
straw, the ,crown sloping . up small andilat
on the top ; thebrim wider on one side than
the other, turns up, and is spanned .by a
velvet band. Rosette - leaves of ribborr Bur
mount this band, ' and black crystallized
lace caught up by the band and tied in a
loole knot, falls over the shoulder. It, is a
jaunty, sirens , ' hat. The bats with :low
crown, and narrow, drooping brim, will be
worn. A pretty one-of -white straw„luis a
fluted ribbon. around the crown, and the
' - edge bound with green Velvet, with scarf of
green froated lace. A showy round - hat is
. of pink silk,- with pink, spangled lace
streamers. The wide brim hate will be .used
later in the season for sea-side wear.
The ribbon's used on bonnets are Earner
tow, the fashionable 'width being number
sixteen. The very narrow is used for ties
where lace overstrings are attached to the
bonnet - White, straw color, blue, pink and
lavender are used to 'some - extent, but the
leading color in ribbons is green, and the
prettiest and most fagbionable shade is the
apple green. There has never been a great
er variety of flowers, or a more attractive
display, which will be much used in decor
ating bonnets. Indeed, the fashionable bon
net will be made up of lace or tulle, and
I clusters and Wreaths of flowers that dfop to
the shoulder. Among the recent importa
tions are beautiful vines with trailing ten
drils and leaves, and mossy verdnre that
closely resembles that of the forest.
- The little sunshades, or parasols in min
iature, are made up of the richest of-silk,
and are gay and . attractive. Parasols are
else Very, showy,,the blue, green, and blVen
-1 der being embroidered in brilliant colors,
1-after.beautifur designs, and those in black
1 silk are wrought' UV-White, - gold-color; or
i bright tints. The colored parasols are often
I edged with white lace that has a pretty effect.
Real lace amen arerattelt used ever _Eostly
Passobit and add to their beauty. For the
swards irt - ebutint Wear,-otfor real -mad .in
i the city, there are larger parasols Of dark or
I black silk that are rich and elegant.
Premature Burial.
IFrom the Israelite.)
The present practice of our,-people—to
bury their dead within some twenty-four or
thirty-six hours of their decease—seems re
prehensiblein many respects. The peril of,
premature burial is obvious: We - know so'
little of the theory and condition of death,
even in our present state of medical science,
that we cannot even be sure that life has
actually fled when the ordinary signs of
life have ceased. We cannot be sure that
the spirit has passed irrevocably, materially
speaking, from the mortal clay, even when
the heart ceases to beat; the lips to breathe,
the pulse to throb. •We Inow, that:per
sons apparently dead by drowning
have been brought . back life
a. lone Aim after!- the ordinary
. signs
of life have ceased to be apparent. We
know that skillful treatment has, under
Providence, restored respiration' and anima
tion some time after all apparent action had
left the respiratory organs and the animated
organism: Hence it is clear, that death does
not immediately succeed the apparent ces
sation of life. A man m aybe drowned and
yet not immediately die. If this be the case
is this cause ocdeath; may it not be true in
other causes producing death? May not the
vitalpower be only suspended ,and not ab
solutely extinct when it-appears ~ to those
around a patient's pillow that the'signs of
life have departed ?' '•
Xis possible that we can, in the name of,
religion, consign our loved ones to d condi
tion in which--if one spark of life. remain
or could be reanimated in their-lit must be
extingiushed utterly, irretrievably? I be
lieve that, decmposition, or the: beginning
of, decomposition is the only really -reliable
sigu'of death. *hen a physical' change of
this character commences to affect' the inert
frame, it is probably palpable' that the mys
tery which we call lifehas left it—left it un
it be recalled in unknown hour when,
as we believe, the dead shall wake again.
Strange to say, we do'not give to our sup
posed dead the last chance winch would .be
afforded by our ancient cpstoms, and proba
bly presc'ribed rites. ‘ Wo• do not,,as I be
lieve Our fatheri did; re-Open the - coffin at
the burial gionutl, before filially parting
with it in the . cold sods.' Why haVe we
abandoned this practice--possibly a wise
The objection' to buried, tori the ground of
the desire to remove the'detid= rqpidly from
the, house of mourning, so that the latter purified from "its,,presence; may • be
met by the establisliment or a mortuary
hbuse in our cemeteries, nil for'some
days the supposed-,dead .might be deposited
and watched, till death be physically certalo.
THE Copperhead majority of the 'Ohio
Legislature have hit-upon a new but emi
nently, appropriate method of cutting down
dui Republican vote, in Alta State. They
have introduced a bill - which 'Provides 'that
in° pupil of an institution of learning Shall
be allowed to vote unless= his parents have
AA actual residence , ~the township in
*bleb the ,eellego , is, located. By
this ' beans=' they ` expect todis
franchise" ; several,thousand students
who nude* existing-lava•are*titers, and`of
wholo.tOus-fiftha have supportedrhe Repub
lican ticitet. One.of thameMr. ifo:, vot
ed fcir' this bill; 'When... tra,TC, .abroad,
wrote home bitvelds :mien alrePted to
Eatip ll Atiione ‘the'Platiitis
wbiolt now,adont fiPalatilkom lllo 4" 3 ds ,
onalabeled Oshun (Ocean) Landsictikr
Evidently t Democracy has good reason to
consider education;its foe.
origin. amyastmlaster - Abbily.
In one respect, Westminster Abbey stands
alone among the building's of the World, As `
time has rolled on, a fresh nucleus if
pr rather of death—has been font* 'within
it, a new combiation Prodneed.l a 'larger
ramification thrown out. First, it is only
ldngs who found theiri . .lastrimmqvithin its
sacred walls; then nobles and ministers pf
state; and last, the true great ones of the
land, whose valor saved - or whose genius
enriched it. The Abbey, • Sip everybody
knows, owes its origin tcrllielpieV cif-Ed
ward the Confessor, of iyhOra- a very full
description has heenziven by his totempo
raries—and this is the portrait which Dean
Stanley has compiled *ore their Materials.
His appearance was such is no, udie could
forget. It was almost that of au!. albino.
His full, flush, rose-red cheeks' 4tranzely
contracted with the milky whiterieskof lus
waving hair and beard. Ills eyesi were "al
ways fixed on the ground. ' There was a
kind of a magic charm to his than white
hands, and _ his king, .transparent fingers,
Which not Unnaturally ledto,the belief that
there resided in them a heilinV Power bf
stroking away the diseases of Insisublects.
His manners presented a singular. mitture
of gravity and levity. -
Unusually affable and gentle, so as
make even a refusal look an acceptance,
he burst forth at times into • a nnt- which
showed that the old Bersiker rage was net
dead within him. "By God and His
I will give you just such another Mr?,
if it ever come in my way'!" was` the Utter
ance of what was thought bibgra
phers as a very mild expression of his toile
indignation against a peasant Who inter
fered with the pleasure of his chase. Aus
tere as were his habits—old even as.a child
—he sometimes startled his courti, ers — by a
piece of boisterous laughter, for Which they
or he could only account by sothe curious
vision which _had passed across his mind
without _their knowledge. Ms time was
almost equallY divided between 'fdevotional
exercises and hunting. He wciuld'spehd
hours in church, and then ,again days to
gether in
. hawking, and cheeritig on his
hounds. . .
- When in exile in Normandy, Edward
had thrown himself on the proteAtion: of his
favorite saint, St. Peter, and swore that if
his affairs succeeded, he would Make a pil
grimage to that apostle's gravel in Rome
and when he came to the thritne he 'an
nounced his intention of proceeding thither.
But his great council would ntt 'let, him
leave the kingdom, far less risk t e of
the Roman brigands—who, it eeems, have
been by far the most . permaneaq institiitfon
in Italy—so a deputation eras i fled- to the
Pope to beg a release • from his
_New. . The
release came on condition that he should
found a monastery, and accordinglYThe
"Collegiate Church or - Abbey oil Sf.Preter"
was fthinded, which is much more common
1y known as .Westminster Abbey., When.
Edward died, he was of course laid in this
temple of his own creation, attired
own royal habiliments, his croin..upon his
head, a crucifix of gold, with a - golden.
ehain,' round his:neck, and the pilgrim's
ring on_his. hand,; and there, are are well
assured, his dfist reposes. to this
In all nations of, the east the warrior
looks upO'n his sword with feelinks ofetrOng
devotion. Those wielded by, lhimself on
many a gory field are preserved ivith an Af
fectionate care, while those captuted fromhis
enemy are hung away as trophies., and both
pass from generation to generation as heir--
looms, along with the ancestral bitlls. Spahr
has provided a ' national musethn for wea
pons of war of all kinds,
andi in looking
along its walls the student read with un
erring precision the dates of all her glory
and disaster, from the ninth 'century on
woad. 'There hang the rude weapons
of the forefathers, and -tlie polished
subtle blades of the moderti cavalier.
The tomahawk of the .A.nieriain In
dian, the - defensive weapons of - the
Montezumas and the Incas) hang side
by side with the keen blades of the Saracen.
The Moorish warrior held his sWord in high
reverence. The Hamm - this
,!Made, his
- w
choicest weapon, as the type of Mohatrie
dan civilization. How it was nitUmfacltirb.d
has always been, a subject '4of inquiry,
which has ~ only ended in 41y . pothesis.
Some attribute its superior qui4ity_ to the
character 'of the steel, others to the' pe
culiar quality of the Syrian water - used
for hardening , them, ..stpl. others, to supe
rior workmanship. The truth batty he that
all these theories are united in its produc
tion. Aside froth the inherent'-'qualities qualities of
the blade; the Orientals ! looked—uponias
peculiar wavy finish with the greatest grati
fication. The process-by ;wlitch this. ap
pearance of the dappled heav4as was pim
duceil is 'balled Haraascening, And it also is
wrapped in mystery. I On man t bf the'old
m _M
swords captured in the ores, I 6-yrui" ; and
in Africa, are unpaved those , ; monarahle
words of the Koran; 'There !sin° God but
God, and Mahomet is his proPht."
Before a blade thus ornamented the faith
flit Moor bowed in adotation, ailtd the 'effect
was to -keep up . inAPit: l2l ; l ila"*Pettinl
religious enthusiasaa i r„AlliciGrOndered the
soldier's stroke bOrdlr, and kept his .valar
undaunted. The ,%inf.ish sword was orna
merited and polished' eitiud-tolhe lodfish.
The religious Ad ::ii' f Spiht idtring • her
American conquestiklegrasslai have. been
transfeired to her #vehons of wit. Mite. 77
and creed appeared op, her tiwix t ris,-pn her
halberds and pikei„initillgifitief Charieters,
in :artistic hieroglyphici %The skill arid
wealth of both these people were lavished
upon their weapons; and noV4 Spair . i.,Tre..
'serves them, soothat posterity Irriay,.m hex.
galleries, read . Orb chapters• of• her greiaesa
'along with those of her decadefice: •',.: 4'it
Fitoxi the report of Mr. W i t ilevi':f Qie
Internal Revenue Department', it seems
that there areabout one hundr4d and..thirky
(120,000) , PladeTlietts'ed for. the
sale of liquor, or one for flity-e nbt
This traffic employs about 891 N 00 . pars o o.,
The value of rctail,lllll,Or.stalespr 41 ( e. fi n d
year:. ending June ;.,:ipo7, wptile t eußr
mous sum of one billiOni.fonr hundred an,d
eighty-three millionst
ninety-me thousand eight , t. dred
sixtY;47iedollars (4 44 g 4 4 4 f1,04) . „That is
fa, for .
every, man cm,lkikpb
county. "It 114 more they duct:ortheVredottalnitals fti ,nilthe'atatify"
and Territories west of the •liocky:•3l4:llin
*As ic Ti IIe ATItAYMOYISArs 11.
e 17..T1TT - r7r..117 , : 1.....
TUE 6 B l4 n gfi43l4 (94.1141ng* 1431414
tile 'non. flanplerEthellabar..- 1111.
tirely cured oti l e dlspaielv
beino4kargonflii•Wd;iiiier now :
4* it *rid Uteri & for lbw nserigitintw
the strength and vigor necetiatry, for the
perfornutnce of Ida public duties.