El . pia , " ~..... • l'•. st . I'j4B AN° ' ''' AO - . . T r. • -,.... ._,,,e,;___ Robbery on, the IlanegteeetAl i 11 Knocked D r own and' Mg' Pttee-tai -11111b:d. bold and daring robbery was commit , tfidlori the' paid Stseet Bridge,.. Monday . evening, in which me ; Alexander MiCinin ken, a residentbil‘Mlegael&wasihe vie ' Xes39.lso,ll4lffiistrto,:this city on 1t .• .veriiiik Mid "ediliieted twenty-five • dollars, and • about' nine. o'clock started home bx nai s ef-Alie„ Hand Street Bridge. , ..He hadproceeded. about half way acioss the bridge, When he • WaS accosted by two ruftlfv.s one of . struck him with a sluiehOt and knocked hina _down, after tvio'rified iiis i kiaiie6; taking his' I money, about forty dollars, and everything 11 of: value they contained. Such outrages are • becoming daily occurrences, and un less _,some s measures are adopted by the authorities . to prevent them; citizens ~• may 110 compelled take the matter in hands ,and •it they do ii wne 'bo unto all evir•deets." It/ wouttl .certainly be doing .the police authorities and professional detectives a, great hips tice,to say . that they were a set of ignoram uses, and we decline to use the term in that oOlinectionLbut_we_baysLnosliesitancy iu mEgyirig — Ttlie.X6".wasless attention given to a • certain. thisa•Of "cases; in which certain in dividuals succeed in obtaininglargo few and from the • presecntion' the community derives no benefit, and a United effort made to ascertain the villains who perpetrate these frequent outrages, some of them might be caught. The city pays the police force, from the Chief to the night watchmen, a stipulated salary, and it is entitled to the service of all thus paid. • 5t A este r 4:4 The Accident ou the Allegheny' Valley illaitiotidAildttiohtil Particulars. Mr- B §.l3l l 4way Assistant Superintendent of the Allegheny Valley railroad. furnishes the folkiwkng addltional particulars rela tive teilihe accident witich - oeciarriid near Scrub Giass•oit that road, Monday evening, an account of which we published ;Vaster dav : • The accident occurred about one milo above Scrub Grass, and was oncreiioned by a broken axle on one of the freight cars: The train Was: rininifig- at- - ntiate' of Ipeed of about twelve milcl an hour, prow by the following faCtS':' • • The train left Scrub Grass on time, (4:20 p. m.;)-her time at next station, four mile's - distant,-wls 4:40, having, twenty ,tninntes to Make the distance. Several 'persons juinped.from the train and were not hurt, ' which could not have been the case if _run ning at a high rate,ot speed, one of the best engineers and one of the most -careful in the State• was-in charge of the engine hauling that train. The passenger coach was not rimandamaged, which would not . - have been the case had ,they been running , at a high rate of speed. Our latest report -from the ground says about twelve persons were ittin;Cd,-none seriously except a lady, Miss' Marshall,'Whe' hadaleg btoken ; Mrs. Hoover, injured. : internally ; Angell. spine injured; Mr. SL George, hurt inter nally ;• six or eight others,names unknown, were slightly injured. R. S BROWN, -., • Assistant Superintendent... A Soiree Broken Up. . Monday, evening , Benjamin Jefferson, a negre. residing, on`EUst Lane, Union street, .Fourth wartt, Allegheny, gave a grand • soiree, at which the colored, population of :':"(-7,,Q,BagheilY-clid..ciiiigiiiiiiielfiTsist numbers. it, is, Benjapin'kouststin tp,give the enter isiinment, and as he invariably supplies his guests with liquor, the soirees end in a "free fight." About eleven o'clock the watch= man heard_ c .; . .. A 'sb6fidbf reteirW"l (; which, to his notion, was entirely - 43 load; and: tali* Atimirioning assistance, a descent was made upon the house, when the fol lowing firevelers" were captured: Benja . inta•Jefferson,•JosePh Kinney,.G.A. Green ' with, P. Snyder, John Wagner, Rohn Smith, John SullivanK;Moses; Andersonr James Davis, John Shuman, "131idie" Catlirs, Anna Williams, Phebe Jones,- Mary Sanders, Anna Smith, Mary Palmer, Virginia Maw, . Ann Murray, Sarah Bill and Martha West. They were taken to the watch house provided with -lodging, free of charge. Yesterday, morning thexwere brought out for a hearing befbiq Mader Brant, iivho im posed. a fine of 110 and costs Upon each of them:- Some were able to pay the amount, but Greenwich, Snyder, NN 7 agner, Sullivan,, .Taylon - Phebe 4onea; Mary Painter, Birdie Catlin and Martha \Vest were committed to jail for ten days each in default of pay- . meet. 3r c: fc" . • Returned • • Several days since we published an ~„acc ount of the ttritid - dflohti . S. ' Steel on a charge of seduction perferred by Elizabeth Trami4on of Philadelphia. Our informa tion in regard ; to„ ( ns l airpir was, ; obtained from the ofilier' 'wlio came ixomit:Philadel phia to ll:take the arrest, who , we learned was abrdther of the prosecutrix: He was take.akto•Philadelphia,and released on, t*d thousand dollars bail, by Alderman Pitch,. - for• a hearing. On the dayappointed ho appeared, but ,ths,. proseentrtfafailed tO, put in an appdaranbe, add is no Oyidence to oubstigitMte.rtheteharge was offered,rthe defendant was _propptly discharged bytii magistrate; , We have been ' - creditably in formed that Mr: Steel la a • highly respects . .tle r atid: yams" - man,' and we are pleased FOS4.publialty to the fact, of 'his , aschargew returned to this city yesterday z p rosipne4 work at the Thied - Weshyterian church, *which he was working at the time of his arrett. Ule:Eitatea.lthatlie WAS treated 'shamefully. . by Officer Hamilton,, who had charge of Snlcldd—Corouer , 4 Inguest: tWV;itla':2l(&aldfiCbitdon!to, l3 raddockqf Field, coiruniktid i snipide,,Wg ,cg,tting his throat with raicii, aUut i t olakt.o'clock , Monday,morning. It appears that he had been drinking for some time.past, and.was laboring under an attack of -mania pots: He slept in-the brewery, and was found at the time mentioned •by Dr. Schooly, who had been, attegding ides, ..The wound, it is thought, would: not have' produced death had it not be!:fn•for the physical prostration occasioned by the use of liquor. He Irak still living when discovered by the, doctor,: but died in a few hours tiflawardS. Com ner Clawson was nallied, and held an lie at- yegt9K.iarzYlket.44 inrY 'endered the'follot.iing veraidt : "The • - ceased came to his- death On the 27th of A ectl 43 wound inflicted bitatilt a- ALboring under an attario tretnen:W4 c. He was twenty-one years ef age,,a single I , ‘ Anan, nulled been in thin country about' seven seas; 1 , . I a. 31-1 I:ria.r6-r Charms ( l=l4lAA ? Larceny. &ay made infw W ag o n bef e eMaTmal te !ticlidastere4 Oral Alariiihfi r ' WAY," ivith , A t fagf itOin g l a tt.theols =OW' Att aMeS, who roooo tw wed ITV/Kerrey R ost aa t At, ti r g i r u a t iggrat 4 A ll rkeged Pers his VAll44'' 4 'The •• , . " chael. „ - went • "). 1419* 4 1 4 ,74 his t tf • , parrs sna 0 to „ bti carried t• em away.. _ to mtkinkotwithern. Charles of administration, but o d 11114111111Pinwhich to adm Issued for the arrnsiof "1 4 • Will et the lfeiteSel.J. poser. The Will Of `COl.73.`lferen7l4ei was ad• raffled to probate in the I ltoKistei c is office, ORhitiliY., It bears date April,l9, 1867„ . and is as follows: lleroti roster; do Make this my will .and testament, revoking mrinalfherei& fore made. I give, devise anti beiitteath . to my wife . Julia, all my real and personal estate of every kind whatever, heira..and as signs, subject to the viz: That the property known as ,the Dis patch Building, rusfiung - ,froM = Fifth street to Virgin alley, with a !Mit of thirty feet on each, shall be taken by her, subject - to a payment of twenty-five thousand dollars to my, daurrliter_Juliii,twentk-five thousand to' my daughter Rachel; and the sum. of eley en thousand to my son J. Heron Foster, - 1r; The reason for leaving my son onlYeleven- Atispoistlist I hatta - advifitied Aim :the sum of fourteen thousand dollars, and wielito Make no -difference whatever:be tween my children iti,ths disposal• of - my property. Any moneys advanced •to him. from this date until, iny,deathte.be deduc lAfillfrodi the elovetribousandollars. . It is my wish that my wife shall have the Dispatch Building' above mentioned with out any necessity _to .sell the same to pay the above be bests to my children; I direct she shall hold the same and' pay the inter est annually on said bequests to my lega tees—said interest to commence one year after the ,dste ot.my death;.,,witb-the right at any thine oiiher part to pa y Said bequests or any part thereof as. she may desire. They, my said children, to have no right to I claim or demand more than the interest on the bequests during the life of my said wife. The interest on the bequest, •to my said daughter' Rachel to be held and ig:o r plied by my said wife for the supprt and maintenance of my said daughter untilihe arrives at the age of twenty-one years. • I do hereby apponit my said wife-Julia the , guardian of my said daughter Rachel. In case of the death of any of my chil dren named, without issue, I give and be queath to my wife Julia any portion of the amount remaining unpaid, bequeathed to such child. As I received fronh the estate of James E. Heron; deceased t •the sum of one thousand dollars for each of my . daughters aboVe named, I direct my wife, the Exeeutrix:of this, my Still, to pay , the same out - of our moneys she may receive, out of mv estate. As I wish it to be known why I. forinerly gave tsz my wife all my personal property in my residence on South avenue, Alleghe ny city, and the property described in my deed to her, dated April 11th, 1867, it was in discharge of a - debt duo to her from the amount realized from Government bonds which she held and gaveme for my own _ , use. - :;, , , - t, ~• " I constitute and appoint my wife, Julia, the Executrix of this-, my last will and te: tament., [Signed,] . • - - J. liEno.,:: FOSTER. Wm. Owens, Jr:, Simon. Johnston and Body Patterson, witnesses. , The first codicil provides that in ease he should survive his wife, he appointed B. C, G. Sproul, Executor, and after, the payment of all debts due; the property was to be:- equally-divided among the children, to be held by them as tenants in common; the $14,000 advanced to the son to be deducted from - his Share. , The second Codicil of the will provides that. during ] he c widowhood his wife shalr not - be compelled topay more than one-half 1 interest upon thq respective legacies iss long as she deems proper, and that any snch in terest shall remain a charge.upon the Dis patch Building,.but shall not bear interest, and prov ides for. the education of his young est daughter. The second codicil ooncludes as follows: "I further bequeath to my son Heron my sword "and belt, worn wh'enWe Were in the United States service in the war to suppress . the rebellion , against our GoVernment. "It is - rav special request,ttutt none of my farrillyNhfill wear Mourning ittConsequenceof inv death. . , r aßrermanremployld as a.:i" i 24 Another Man Miniug—A s Chicago S.ensa tion. We clip the following sad tale of woman's fidelity and man's heartlessness, which is of some local interest, from the Chicago Republican: A sad case of supposed intindling and de sertion, on the, part of a husband toward his wife and family, has just been develop ,ed,--the;circumstanees—concerning- which are as follna•s: - Willlairk Straight, a well to do Dirmbi until recently living near Mo nongahela, Penulphblibeein a married man for some eight years. Until the lfall of 1867 he seemed to be a loving and devoted ,husband, but since • that. time. he has not" proved himself the honest, upright man that a fond wife supposed him to be. During the fall which has just passed, Straight paid 'a' -visit`to this city, remaining away. from his family:, several weeks. After his return home his . with thought that his'ecinducit had changed. ,toward her, and although. believing that she was no longer loved she endeavored to make bis home a happy. one. ,Omlay when he was Overharuling some pipets Ohoto graph of a beautiful wom an fed to the floor,', and was Picked u by his little boy, who asked his fattier who it was. The little boy was informed' that it was a picture of a cousin. _Mrs,,Sti - aighk obtained wasession 'of the photOgraPh, and was at once satisfied that it represented no 'relation of theirs. To make it more su,spieloua to her jealous' rpind, the back or the card denoted•that it had been made in Chicago. , After that she Pelt cede' a that he. was no more a faithful husband. , • • „ =l444A.Prit tie.qol4-..3Po.lo.lVennsylvania iirid'eame to this city, en route for Auskei gon, Michigan. The family arrived hair' on the lltbnistwand board the propellor - Truesdell one ' Week" ago last Thursday. As the 'baggage had not yet ar rived,,Mr. Straight ;volunteered to remain . 1 -irl Chicago and take • charge of the gamer." Since then Im has not been seen by his wife and` ittle son:, Mrs: Straight Sayslliat she Is certain he hadiu hisipossession sixteen thousanctdollarsethree thousandof which was ber priVate property. Thinking that her husband would soon _.,f 9 t,10w, she remained e nwthe Apo, and was oonitye'd to lid.filikegon, Where "stiawaited the arrival of Mr, Straight,.bnt nil' In vain. Determined to ascertain, if possible, the 'reason of. bla long absence, she returned -to,, this city, arriving yesterday forenoon in pluttentet.:ll3JloVollAtitorteekee above facts at the central' Pollee Station, to De teetiveSergeittit ToM Mocire, uttio,aided by experienced help, will, ptc_in, undonbtedly, unravel the mYst* iittendafiC - tlron the absence ! . I 3 - •A'tid rit, it le only supposition este the ,banaffer his diailipsafation, :wife is of the OPOlfen.thaV 'bibs t4teiitheir fo - rtune and left for pa rt.gnitlia,wnwitbsoMe other *Mist: amfNip*btmisi, Muidered for his money, 'however; and until the ., matter As-Ancestligatd•brt nfe case must rfrphiMlEltlYlßM•Trile missing man is about' five feet nine inches high blue Viffmner aborts a =heavy silver watch clutirf -*it a fine tzerrotivd3 wow, still on Cbme . • . f I,: :i • - .. • stadontr • ... 4 2 ....14 Vg ' • lA* Co . 1... • . ze g-e-• :tietladWoi iiidlitillreifilikit* ad .1 „ 1 'two feet ta the) widthekttarie" , ,, , :'stieet, , ghtmldn , to Ipti**6l4o4; the ifeebiaity Of doiitilizigyat 'least' theart 4 of ,elltheioe o ereeathore ' I, ' - 4 0 p. pee. emery that theiside -. .w. .., .. . ~,. . '., , , - Toni lenriPelidtl. - of : .12 . lt ~ ,4t.....:,,1, the wide, and y. - . .'. i ? ur, two or: . three feet-- itt` 11010155 of all t eh Ire .; ~ : _,,,; . it.71...7 . 7::' , •., 'l''''':. gai l t - ' , " ' • ' I •.i • .. Which .. ..,.; . made , .. t Vt.". ' • :tlll4l-,:‘.:t-V4‘;',.."-, ' ~:: - Zit , ' ,••01 , D4.-1, I i..% . 1. 0 or .1.. ." •• . r v -.., , :7 . b e lga - tothso4llllll,' - %. dil - Mtel. - over the right ,- deicle. . , . . . . . . ~._ . . , ..... t -- - -.:----,---,--,--:-. i - - - 4: - .-- --, . --- : 7 -`: ,,,, t. ,- ;1 1. 7 7,-,, : ,- 7 3„7•77,: .: ,, ' , 1 7.• • -•,..- % ,,, f ,..,70,...,,,,,,,,,, • . --- - -- , '''t , =4. , :. - , 1 •5 , ,::;-. - .F.;..2:;„Te , zi.,.1_ . .,7,;: - ..77i1,7. 4 : 1 5k.;.; , „- - •,., ,- „:„.:_. ---- ,.., , ... --- ., , i -.: :.. ,- . , :::::,.: , 4;;; 3...,,,,i>,,,1i••••?-.-:'•,:4,4,:4:4-•,,,F.p•-t.-1-;,:pf2,fis...,titi•-,,1r.,:,,,f4A-2,4,•.:A4-4•je,o•,:';-,Ok'-:,'4,7•;v1,';:,;=,-,17-sr-s•-2.-:,,,144:•-4•ATie.:%4*-,41-PP-,,:,•P..V1w, ~/47A,,.., - ,-.. 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Taylor,of` I3losburg, Tioga county.. The usual orders were made. •A • petitiOri for adjudication was filed by J. It. :Fricke, , Jr., • of Pittit bmvii -o'T District Court—Judge In the c a se of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chime Itailtray'tempany vs. William Carmichael, the jury was . ' withdrawn, and the account in dispute was referred to. :11 - .7.ltliliraff: 6l :4:§:' ,ll 7(3cler ,- and, Charles Pattiitiori,F.Scis:; to be:entered: aetprclingloy..thtiv±esport by theFrothonotary.without .ofiception or ap . The next case, takbn up iraki - thixt of Chas. Gearing• vs. James Millingar." It is alleged that the defendantindebted 'to the Plainn tiff In the gum 4070000 f the price of 73,5ag poueds of cotton, the property of tiff) soldl3y defendant,ln theqpririg-Of 1 863 i aind•tniintited ,b'yohini. 'The ittial was eohlm'eticedsonaelinie ago and :poitpoped :on aeceunt.ot, the . ilekness of one ;of the. counsel, • It will probably occupy the stem; • tied of the Court ieveral days. • • - - Diamouil, i lFront. „ One of pu ! nrskiwpcsingzbuel.rnrsa houses . , in the city of Allegheny is that of &Geofgai Whotefialeandretail grocers anal provision dealertle Noe , . 164 Federal , streitt The hotiedhailieenfecently renovated and repainted' rind maybe readily distinguished by the.vary - attractive instiller in Which the traritie finished, being penciled brined dia monds....The elegant,manner in whielothe mornm - has been fitted up, and its splendid appearance, are-not the greatest attractions of thhi: establishment by any means. For in :addition to being ; one, of-the raost itn posing. and abniplete . of Asi'kfitcLin "the . ; two, cities, it is one of the best "places to purchase groceries and previsions, :TLC:either' -wliColesala_or Rtail,tiktilatound anywhere: The Steel:of tels'at tiffs estab-. lishment is one of the largest and best as-: sorted in thee two cities, comprising every kind 'and of the best quality ever offered in this or any other market. A large and well •• selected' stock : of .greceries shun just been received and is being disposed of a reasonably low prices iti quantities to suit purchasers. This enterprising firm, for the accommodation of their numerous patrons, deal extensively in provisions; such as flour,, hams, bacon. &c. From the high 'standing ' Messrs. Mcßride et George enjoy among the business men of the two cities, it is evi‘ dent that they are honest, fair dealing men, and persons desiring to purchase groceries, either at wholesale or retail, will find ac commodating and obliging gentlemen, and at the same time will find the stock all that we lave represented it to he. Remember, the Diamond Front, IG4 Federal street, Al legheny.. The PhiloxiiathettirSoclety. For nearly six years this Society has been slowly - grbuingi n slze'iniff fiiflabii& in, the . , institutiefr of which :W t ish part. Last even ing Ake iutlmbers of :the,Philo git Te. liter ary entertainment, consisting of-s e lect de clamations, original orations. essays .and music.-. From. the very first it was easy to tell that no speaker there was a tyro in the . science of elocution. . From first to last the style or manner of delivery was, not fault less, but very good indeed. The two "hits" th of , e 'Oeiung,tirere iiaginal essays; "The Nan of Science" and "1' rom the Cradle to the Grave." Tho first was very funny, and the dbliTeo was as original as was the lan gunge, and hearty applause greeted thii speaker, Mr. A. F..-Seibert, as he Jeff the stage. The second essay mentioned was in a different vein. The author, W. FL 110- Gark„l.4 an orator, his voice is musical and his-gestures easy .and harmonious. With such accessories, if, the matter had been trash, 8 could nothaTe failed. As it was, all was good-and resulted in a brilliant success. SOO° might accuse him of staginess, but it would, we think,...be unjustly. eTeral cotamon-plaes sophistries marred but fail ed,to spoil this great Arinh of the even ieg.i The RuidecTras q uite Us original aff anY drihe''esel4s, and o energy of.the society Irgadisplayed In et truly aston ins,argi - Ishiekliact been engaged for the 'occasion. The society 'irk,aous to pro cure new books and decorations for its hall, and the procoggis of last night's efforts will be applied to that purpose, for which we ,hope„n - 4.Yiiroye amp - I - Si:But:ill:Vint. i A Large 'Circus and Menagerie. .2bayer.it.Noyos'„zuodel-circus - and main moth merogerie:;of;traincd animals will afford our Birmingham, neighb.oya,a gratui tous exiilbitia of the'almcist indichipstiblei resources of the standard show. Their , , street parade or grand public procession is roast° with ancient grandeur, and is a ir ! long line of gorgeous c arlots, richly orna- ' ntented. cages and , agnlfitent: wagons, With,the beautiful tat (tau ' , car of. Auro ra," propetly' named. ,bearingrepresenta tionef, all nations,' turope, Asia; ,Africa And America,• and following this a proces sion of, mounted linights In real , armor, with, banners gay, and Ladles of the Court ltritopibrilbes.The Washington Chronicle; Ispeaxlng of the'Street procession,says: "It kiff.WPOUttltittY - fllliekulot toyer alone to witness the grand parade.".'! Messrs. Thayer & Noyes' will exhibit in Allegheny City ell ;Frith Old -Saturday; May Ist and 2d. _ —. . • - larceny, by, police. Phillip,'Makelf, v yesterday made infer tion before' the' Mayor charging C'harlea Roescher;. with larceny ,• by a It ;ki , alleged* .tha prosecuto r . that he was a stockholder in:the -lonia Run.a Ckonpa ny, and that the accused was employed as clerk'' and 'booklets initholifta;,:bY". the old, d com any, and while acting-112Mo; capacity 1 , like f.omengineomd - other - propgi. ty he ousingi lip:. tigreilDP.Pany. appro. priatingf the money - to liis' own use. Res; o ' cher waver:toted irc'er.',..botde igibit days since, on a charge of emnezzlement, an ao. , count of which we published yesterday, Mid' Chief of Police Green, who Was sent after: him, will probably return with him in a fecr! dav—s A .. ' i. . r ..... 4 ~ ,i- ~,,,.. *fistig Vocal and Instrumental Concert. P i'l A grand concert of - vocal and instru mental music will be given at the PresbYr:, i9i terhe Igehallima ttstem i Thuroday even;, lig, the 30th inst. The concert, will 40' Vie imtlei'lli44 .. _teetion.. o f ~Af. r , c ~- :llorp assisted hi' 114efteni‘ifeWt, ' '43ti4, and others of: equal celebrity. e pro. 's3BBosl o litte , oconceiir sae poehealagoted to : 00-11qui dation ef, , the Alebto,lnt Olt Ontbh -yin *Web it will 130_44;44w Au t o lhoe who AtP 3ll O. , 74; e=aa ss t, 111 =C41,01/ 1 en havg thwilti ; • -1. , 4 othgVisift the smW swat . ~T h'rr , I been celit e tributatp , ;1. , ' ttaitqldectail.3.l - .1" i ~J, l --....-------.. AA. I ..1 , ... 41-10 - skl-1(01114114104appOsig a litide git ,_ "daught er of sor. Elamuel Chambers, or the Fifth *ark Wee yin taco Valuable se al ldiehabovideh ehorwore round her neck. IX WWA' t*, t *OW her near Penn, whew `';'!"& gg>tio ed ~. . . di wi ~. ' ; -;,4i,i;4 aftalfa rir t ort :~ Wail( • • • ` 1 711, 1- S - :tr- - ' 7 " StvPhew /My Ary fen 0110 , 3". t. a vagrancy, on oath of W. Jamey, Re q. . A _7M 2 -•.(•-• Mani Trot a•, The following deeds were filed of record,. before H. Shively, Esq. Recorder, April 27th, 1 . 868: • ! • Daniel McGurk's executors to' Mary - Kennedy, June 28, 1807; lot numbered S in, Daniel Negley's elan in the district of East Liberty, formerly Col ,bffildtrlina,towship., on iiroadratreetc3 -15 4 1 feet, with ,:vigs - - • ' • $2,250 Wm. Finch, Sr., to Wllliatn Flitch. Jr.. April .25, 1851, lot in borough of East Birmingham; b 120 feet. on southslde of CarsolB(street Y iwo 'Jan P. - 140RO to Win. Finch, Jr.. April 8. nitell tot lot as above described 1i2,475- Wzo,:3Voolslayer to Chrlstimt. F. Kerouer. April 1, 1988; lots numbeted 41 and 48 !imitate°, In Wool slayer's plan In ll"lttsburgh, formerly Bloomfield; IaiMTY4 - 0 14 WI 7titk ' oil Main street 42,500 ' Peter - Bantithelf to Elizabeth Long. J :7 anuary, 1888, the westerly haiKrt of lot numbered 70 In Wm.'. BelL's plan lu-tit borough of Birmingham 24 . by 55 feet; , • • • idt-70 0 T. G. Spukger to Ann Mortimer, February 14. • 1858, lot in the boroughof Sbarpsburgh, on Mln street, Henry . Gerwlg to John Vollfiller, April 1108; lot in Dltyt Sliate,itonoughokManchester l)ol i -Cliesteut street;72' - lfy.. Thomas W. Lindsay to Daniel 'linty, September W, 18117; lots Nos. 24 and 23 in Jas. M. Snyder's Ohm ConineAmmar:lp. sotith 'side' of Frankstown:. Mid: 48 14118 feet John Fitzgerald to Right ltev. M. Domenee, Bishop of Pittsburgh, April 1568; irregular, lots Nos. 36' and 306 inclusive, In Joseph M. tiazzatn's ‘ platt Myer Pittsburgh, latelPiti-loWnthlrt, on Penn -46,524 25 :ionnxig dtieto'Jottn4Taggirrt., Sr.c4ptil 18684 lot to Allegheny City, on theeast side of Fre mont street 15 by 151 feet 0560: Frederick Seitz to Mary. liockerishonsen, April le, 1.8887 - an irregular lot in" Indiluirt township, build-' lugs, Ac he ~E4ward.V.•littatt to thill1q0• taint, tApri1125,.1803; undiSided one-third part Of-lot Itt the. borough' or Shartosburg on Ferry street buildings, &e.. 554 0 ,9! EphoolSpahr,to Isalpb.Diecitntoek..APtit-,,a4 totlio. 4 lolll Spahr *pig* unidltt - s towndoset l Rural avenue, by 187 feet • t ls(r ' Wm. Joyce to James Jovce, April 3d, 18 0 5; tree in Pittebm•glt. , formerly eogitts township, containing , sty ife'rttc building, Ste containing? Alfred Joyce to James Joyce, ,February 17t11, 1955;" :16Mot In `Collins tOwnsliip, cm:015011E0f 811-x acres; alettliatitumbereCt2in Wm.' Joyce,' Sr's Strati in the "".]]strict of East Liberty, late Collins tovrabhlo4, on` ihe Pittsburgbundiireemsburg.Turnplke, bylso 'fiett lot numbered 5, um , . plan; ' itune.distrtet ou Highland street, 41 by 11X1 feet; buildings. &c...b8110 Alfred Harrison to .J.:). Laying, April 14th, 1568610 t numbered sin Harrison's plan In Liberty town ' ship, on - Walnut street, 1W by in feet $1,300 Fannie Phannemlller to Pennsylvania Railroad. Contpany. April 27,18138;traet In Collins' township, on the line of the property of the Pennsylvania. ,jtallmtd. contalnlns3.44nud37-.100 perches to.Jammvstooonnent,Apro p. m8;1/ in Allegheny city, on Main street; 16 feet - square, buildings, &c Ralph "McClintock to .I. 64 . Stockier. April 24, 1808: • lot as above described Thomas Ferens to Lucy ,Curry, October 30, 1867; lots ' N 0.6 and 7 In Feren's plan - In Elizabeth township, on Long Street, each 6 6-10 by 1242-100. perches. buildings, etc 3641) Joseph Laurent, trustee of the East Liberty Land Association, to Conrad Eckert April 10, 1868; lot 4 N S: - 97004;131 laud 133 in the plan of the East Lib. , erty Bauvereist ht Collins township. 'fhe first Mi.' lots located on liberty street, 19 by 212 feet; the ' last fly:8101S on 'Run street, tat by 178 feet Joseph -Kirkpatrick to Wm; Beck. November lot in Allegheny Cite, formerly borough of Man chester 011 the south side. of Nixon street, _2b' 140 feet: buildings' etc , ' s7so Jeseph hirkpatricleto James Whittaker, November 13, 1967: lot in Allegheny City, late borough of; .41anobester; on the south tilde of >Lion Street. 140 fet, buildings. Ac $7O) Nicholas Beek to Margaret Jacob, April 23. 18E8: lot in the borough of East Birmingham. on the north side of Edwards alley. 20 by 60 feet, buildings, &e. 0 1185 Sanniel Neely to Henry Brown. April 13, 1804: nst. Sixth wattl. Allegheny. on the west side of Char.: tiers street. 21/ by 90 feet. buildings, &c James McGunnigie to Alex. McKee. December 4, 18:17: tract lu Rubinson township, containing 8 acres - and 83 77-100yt . . ... ; 01.1:12.21 r , ', The - Allegheny County Medical Society recently:appointed the following named delegate's to the American Medical Associ ation which meets in Washington; Tuesday, May sth, 186 S, at 11 o'clock A. •M: Drs. , Tones; ; Wishart, Pollock - ;. Fleming, : Jillson, Shaw, Denham and Knox, and to the State Medical Society, which meets in the capitol' • in Harrisburg. Wednesday Juno 10th, at ! 4P. M.; Drs. Jathea - King, Jones, Jillsou, Foster, McCann, Wisharti Coffey. - Asdale, ShaW, - Fleming, Gross; TreNor, Snodgrass, Elliott, Gallaher and 0. L. Miller. Slight Fire.—About five o'clock yester day an alarm of fire was received at the • Central office from box 34, at ,Canal and Liberty streets, which was occasioned by a slight fire in the William Penn Hotel, Penn Street, near Canal, in the Fifth ward. The fire originated in the dining room, and one table- . ;was destroyed. The, engines were promptly on' the ground but the fire was extinguished before their arrival. Spring f Spring 1--Spring is now upon us antlthe , days are'lKtcufling ;warm. Our lady readers should remember that Bates dr. Bell have a complete stock.of ladies' Spring underwear, Night Dresses and Spring Sacques. :Those *was .two of the, very best material and made to atilt all prices. Call and examine them at their I tirst class store, Noi 21 Fifth street. Larceny by Batlee.—M. Gallinger made, information before Alderman , Tavlor. yes-, terdav, charging Jacob Isowenthal with-lar ceny by bailee. He alleges. that ho left a lat,,of goods in care :of the; accused,. who sold them and atspropriated the money to his own use. warrant was issued for his arreat.T. ; ,•- . Arrival.—The new ongine*purcliased by the Independence Fire V,ompany, arrived in the city yesterday, and was taken out to the _engine house. It is said to be a spilendhibieco of workmanship, and we be lieve renders perfect satisfaction to the com pany so far as finish and appearance is con cerned. • Committed for Trioi.—John L. King was committed to jail in default of bail his appearance at. Court by Mayor Drum yesterday, on a charge of assault and bat tery, on oath of Rachol'Paxle: A commit ment was also lodged against him for surety of the peace, on oath of Sarah -E: King. Attempted Robbery.—On Monday night a man was discovered by officer Stewart; of the Allegheny police, attempting , to force open the door of a meat shop at the lower end of fiebecca street, Fifth ward. The' thief ohsetved the .011icer 'About flier same moment and succeeded: in eluding ' arrest 'CohltaarY.—R. , Clark Stockton, aged Edxty-, five years, a respected citizen of Idlegheriy,i 'died at Ids: residence at 9 o'elock p. in yesterday. He was one of the leadinilit leiarYl499l4,4 09141mUnlift And - his ileePlf regretted' by bis many frientiAmmignnifintances•-• ,k" , s ,tiatkpial ini ctravontlen.WWott Sectet beAriventifiiiiheetsi in thia city, on the sth, 6th and 7th days of May next, BiftuehaP l ,3P_psii4ent ' ~ ef, Wheaton Col 4ege, and Prof.lleitry Fairchild; of Oberlin,vo phi°, ,appear to ,be, the prime. iketor3 ' ' Alleglienfbout Tedgrde,i',Vietniag thit t rogif Of Raven 's : Onixdr*.on , :Beaver street, Sirst ward, A - 4ejthenvioncight tre: The a rrival , t ll ' . 40: 1 - Ard*On:4Ttd.thOlr energetle • efforts. soon , extingniihed the #19288. The , dam : 'ff" •"'SC knows; Mr peso I hnew:tik, /MOW B 111,00114 linenfs I know. he ..kneire hip nose," . l So said - the Jester, -and might have added; hithnoeit Ids nose, 'knout nit', more tkeigteetiamldelloate odor than the Fiord W 13 .5" 214 Ne new -,t • • . ~~ ~~ ~L. ,:,` ti2l One of the meet convenient arrange ments; and one that our city has long bit the need' Of, is the establishment of the City Ash Cart system. Mr. M. Frederick, of the. - City Ash Cart Line, is a prompt and relf.' able man in-the transaction of his business, - and - nil "orders received by hini for the re movidof ashes within the , city • limits will receive immediate. ; attention. - It is only necessary under this system for nersons to place the ashes in Vises or barrels and leave the order at the GAZETTE - office or at Alderinan taker's, and they will be prompt= 'lv removed by Mr. Frederick's carts, either by the week or by contract . The Return of Spring.--Bright • Spring is, here. with , its warm, heart •gladdenbig sun and perfumed Weems. All nature . wears a new .liveryiand,TAebler, the' 'skilifig trunk Manufactprer, No. 104 Wood street,: continues to , supply, his numerous "wholesithi mid .retall patromi ; With the best. • articles in his line, 'offered in this Market. ' Mr. Liibler's is' the only" house where !franks, -Valises; ' Carpet Sacks,', Satchels; cke. , are exclusively fnade andflealt in. His stock is ver„flargez and presents admirable • assortment, while his prices are exceedingly .. , • • Patent Force PuiM.—, T. T. EwenS, prac tical plumber, No. - 165 - Wood. Street; has in store a most. , adniirable forati ptim for garden , pnrposes:i 'tits constructed On the most modcrn and' throws , a strong, steady, stream: of ; water a•greater 'distance and with more volume than any Other in use., It is a-patent pump, and Will commend itself to all,lt comes cheap and will ffr,ove' durable. Orders' by will 'be 'promptly attended tb, • and experienced 'Workthen' will be sent tO,liiiy• point - to put - them down. • 1 . , • • "POOR TOM'S A' COLD." How warm soe'er the genial sun ~ May look in kindness on the earth.; In In Torn Jones' veins no cheering warmth Dispels the gloomy sorrow of his soul. 'Dyspepsia, like a goblin hunts himdown. Ague, grim charaberlaiii; lights him to bed. While Daliness; Vertigo' and Headache dire With fiercer aches combine to make him c • • Hearken, Thomas, toinstrnction - For all thy ills a remedy is fonnd, A PansCea, certain. pleasant, sure, Pnercrarrow BITTnitS—S. T-4860=X., A wondrous Tonic made by. Dr. Drake. We presume PPOor Nona's" case is not worse than hundreds who 'are cured daily by this wonderful medicine.. . MAGPIOLIA WATEIL-A delightful toilet article—superior to Cologne,,and at half the price. 3rwr&F To Country and City Itiercliants.—We are thoroughly supplied with all kinds of Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy, bought at , unusual advantage through our Eastern purchasing department, taking advantage of the recent large auction sales and fluctua tions in prices, and we tan and will sell at less than tho lowest Eastern cash prices. We invite you to an insp . ection of our stook and comparison of prices, at 59 Market street. ==:: A Great ConrenJence• J. W. •BARSEA & Co Dress Goods, 18y,e. Dress Goods, 25c. Dress Goods, t3oe. Dress Goods, 37%e. Dress Goods, 50c. Cheap as before the War. • At Barkers All diseates tire aggravated more or less by indigestion. In all cases, the first thing in order to remove disease is to:regulate the stomach andlaowels. Notetter 'general cathartic can be administered:tor this ionr pose than Wilsou's Pills. - Sold by all the principal druggists in the United States. - At Barker!s. • Bed Table Linens, gni4 2 1 15. pure Linen, 37 i6 c• While Linen Towels, 12%c. Napkins, real Damask, 15c. , Doylies, white and colored *.1.80 per doz. Everybody will acknowledge that Holtz heimer fkontinental - Dining Rooms, Fifth street, next door to the Post Office, are marvelously well kept, and that fno whtte' in the city can a cleaner orgbetter -Meal, or repast be obtained at such reasonable prices. , . Holt.zheimer, at the Continental Dining rooms, Fifth street, heit doer to the Post, office, serves dinxier very" . reasonable prices which- are vastly Superior, to hotel bills of fire. '.Give 'him a call, and satisfy yourself on this point... The best and inirest teas and Coffees to be obtained in this market will be , found:in endless variety , . and-assortment at Robin son's old established tea mart, No: 20 'Fifth street. • Prices vezy , roasonable. LadieS n3ll find 'the most, elogant assort ment of lace gOods, embroideries and trim• wings ai Ay. 'W. 31ciorliead's fashionable trimming hciuso, No. 81 Market etreet. Pri ces VeTyi reasonable. . Canned and' Dried :Fruits Arid general' groeeriesilreatrand - firstqUalityr at very reparnabli7pylees flobluson's old estab; lisliedlea mart, Nii:2CiTiftli: - • Td let vioapi and general' house-keeping` groceries at Robinson's old celebrated tea mart, NO. 20 Fifth street, at very liberal prices. . ' • . • • :• : All the noveltiett in straw goodaand straw •tilininings, at Iloorliesd's hishionable trim 7 nq ,tionse,lio. Al, Market street. • t• - - For 'Elale-A ;good papims route on • - thi3 avizetta for sale. Applyst this office. .. 'New Voodil at Moorheadlffisliiaaable toil trimming bona% 'No. 81 Ilarketatleet. •"—By the explosion of boilers at Marshall, fer.&Cm's,qxtensivn.rollintromillsi at la elphia;! on MondayrjblinXcGill, workman,Aras killed outrighL A piece 'of boiler was carried the •' distance of .a square,.and ,fell !von the Iboi of Mr::Jones , - nnkerford, erneßng it so badly as to sen der amputation necessary: George Ennis ; mites,' 13,441 y that ho. will die. dames,' Davis 'Wm; ,also,iimrtally'injUied.' Thetfollovii*Were - all . seriously wounded by scalds or contusions: . Frank. •and Band,- lord Wise, John Young, John- : 'Davis, Prank Smith, Edward Kelly. John Him- Teatiley and - Pat • Ke'flY. ThelSolnu'u, had', been in :use a number of /cam, and tWo . years ego last Octobera•mddArum attached exPloded." At the,!VIBE , ofithec:explosion ,thy day :barudik.hd. left, '..and :the ,night , hands had lust commenced work, leaving fav - ifiezi in the mill. thee k a . ,t @pr ficidr; 3tm e, 'eted of _rObery, we,rw,senteneed. to, Watr; Ilirtanddek..^, 'tirtbe' alb: o,o9berts aummirs, who. ANklivoga :Lta4 RO T . ; 144 14ttR?: --mstsPelßOMPrashburas Wcwoliter. Kass., strati ►Twislisaisttott of wages. Mona Buffalo Ili et. • i CRY Telegraph to the Pittsboratt Gazette.' rißtrierAlA . A.Vlll. 4 4B.4 -- Fl - 4.1 W heat inactive; millers offer $2,25 for small lots No. 2 Spring; "Sales No. 1 ; )dilwaukee $2,40. Corn -unsettled' find opened *ith"sales of i ti new western; later, • _boat 'loads:sold at 92e; at noon two or three do. ti 490c,0nd were in the afternoon resold - at Of _ 95c, closing with ilo sellers at 'the " last "figmt. Oats dull; small sales a; 76c for western. Rye, Barley and Seeds - dull and unchaged. Mess pork =Small lots at ' slB,so..inece, ipt4—Wheat, 55,002 bush; Corn;l67,ooftbush; Oats, 24,000 bush; Rye, 7,000 bush; flour, 600 bbls. •, New Orleansitarker, , .r.r_ (By Telegraph to the Plttabu h•creette.)-; NEW ORLEANS; April I ii.,--"Cotton quict and deelincid middling,EV 30Ne;, aale,s, 450 balm- receipts, oto bales; Uo,oxporta: Sterl ing, /51%a154. NewrNorg Sight Exchange, 34 premium. . GOlo, 1404 Sugar nominal. Flour dull; stiperfitie, 1. 1 V5. ' Corn quiet and:firm at $1;00a1;02- ., ICats, 750;c0Hay ad vanced to voa22 Pork, t 0 ,5 0. •Bacmk nmii shoulders,, 13r i al4e; clear sides, Lard firm'. 'tierce 19gs10";40; keg ltilia,o. • . . :New York Cattli Market. bly'Telegiaph to the liittabtittaiette:l NE9i. 4"roitgi . April WI:, attle dull and heavy, at 14e• ,17%e, litter an ',extreme. Hog market ruled and. heaVy, and ,p . rteep.qo lotver,,ranirom 9 V i a to loge. eee / Pt S-2 1 5/6 Qatt.l64As Detriit *kei, • (By Telegraph to Plusburglijiazette Dantotr, April Fleur market buoy . - ant at -0111,06a10,75 loi . Miperfirie; sales 10 bbls. Wheati'whittYwhiter scarce firm; there is less idisposition' l tn oper!fiel , thoder= ate sales at Vs for •No:!1.111 , . 2•••', . . . —The New Orleans :-211-114714. said to be the only dailyvaper:in i ir - United . States owned.and edited byp bail, and the only one fhus conducted - 44,f ‘ ,e South, has sus peiided for want bf , support. - It supported Talillerro for - Goveiriort and the' National Ae State ticket, ',arid ' cti : quently was de prived of - official pat ' ge. The 'Picayune pOses a high oSmplittie; t; en the ability, .-. 1 and' integrity of itOrtimagemerit. , .., D i; 8 INT - .—On" Thdrrd:4 - lOrrthig, at' iii - o'cloek. GEORGE PARELIILLi.o son - ofi dos.. E. and Entabeth Saln, aged 1 yearr Funeral froia Allegheny,-on Trus - AFTETMOON, 'at 31A q . cloct. ' The niendeof the fa - rani - are risileedfithr kdrited to attend. UNDE4TMC:ER.S. AEX. AIIC FS, , . 1 EIEiTAKER, No. 166 FONRTH BUMF...T., 'Pittsburgh, Fa. INS of ail %Inds, cRAPEs; CILOVEaud ev ery dese - riptlon of Funeral !Furnishing -Goods fur nished. Rooms open dayi and night. Hearse and Carriages furnished. ~ • ,_. • - : ‘ . - REncur.?.:cna — llev. Dayid Herr, H . H., Rev, M. IV. Jacobus, D. D., Thonlat 'Ewing, Esq..„,Jaeob R. Miller. Esq . C • ___—______ ICRARLES se PEEIBLES t UNDER. TAKERS' ANT) , LIVERY STABLES, corner of /MUSKY STREET AMD:CHURCH AVENUE, Allegheny City, where theft COFFIN : Booms . are constantly supplied with: teal: and - imitation Rose wood, Mahogany and 'Walnut Coffins, at prices. va rying from $4. to .100 . Reifies prepared for inter ment. Hearses and Carriages furnlshod; also, ail clods of 3iourning.GoodS I required. Office open at all hours, day and night.l 6 . I : •, I 0.• TAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 45 sTRENT, Allegheny, dud No. SO • DIAMOND SQUARE, {by John WnsaiC Bros., ) keeps always on hands the best ' , Betel, ,ItrAewood, Walnut and Imitation 'Rosewood Collins. Walnut Collins from I . $25 upwards. Rosewood s.lotlineill2Q:upwarde, all other Coflins I proportion. Carriages and Hearses furnished at low rates. Crape. OloVes, Plate and EnftraYing furnished gratis- Office open day and AIINERAL WTE!!.I3. 111/1 'We e;e.ne*reeetrini.itittr SRELLiG :414D 0511111- SiEIC-1311'PLY • !: 4,- . , Saratoga star Spring Waterar,7 Iliassinges , Wa** , Viehir Co n Kress'Water dc. §/*Q•N. 49Hi s tSTON , Druggist , r I =IN CivrnerSni and Fourtl7 S eta. • ; .F. 7 •0- E 331 81PECTACLE MBE WATMANtEDTO ' 14 . :1: ,•-:! GBT -,• ••,, „ DUNSEATH & HASLEYT'S, ME tagai - • 1 .;r:• .' .., •:-.., - ::"''''''i4• -er 'Eloo ll ''. Adapted toii VIRST:OLASEr.ars,irbiIkNfr:TAILoa i'IJ,44OF, Il 741 , - , ~:., , ' , 7 - •• . - . 1-i..-. ,-, !..,.:-..•=,,• - 4.,.1! =-....;',';•,..:•,;:.:::'• ,757-; - ..;. 1 • t.i,. ••,•.•:'..•. ~: .;.; , JIJOOPENED , .. A.TAI 9, : ..,.,.: ~• y ;.,..,,,.., 1 : 1 ,-..i,,, .i.,1, : -:, , . ,-. .•. ~• . : ,- A i . J.v. , A ~,:t - ..: ,- ,...••1 , :: •--* ; - •"...i , ' ,. .f , :•t ~'• HENRY . O.,- , HALV%; . . , ,„,i , ,,, ;..,:,, i ic,,,, , , -,•:;; ; ~, . -,„ ; :;:,: i Coisetootbiliiiiiiidlit ailtStOets. • ' • •IFORACOOD SET OF - SETH • 9 , °, pem, NJI enly v 'be ob tataltoti. g ee • e • -", 5 „ • Pk 25448011 1 : St • . • Filliatkaulass.X.Miusert. • ed wltbout> ;i t•;,t •511P25:0- WALTMAN.' VrAtalti l l itt ' l9 l ', • -- 3iirr-71'1r.:1 • .-- Fvocit sielitiregrw - • - • ‘;11-'30.1 • •-i - • 3tirßlNq'H - rj 111 Jr 1100DS; V 4l) " 8 • g -• ••• , • a.lis:s..l:•SIVA aYx , •` 1 . 161 4 6 1ft- i' k Xn:ITNI • IMit iSVSEOrt IE6I IMI sTIMIXT•' - ' -trt , _ , yell , sailsae oa , '111114• witrglintlar, ad Yaws •sad am- Inu*aelaie oh Swimmer/Mr ' _ NMI 1: rJ 101*.n. - I , , AT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers