matters in . cold'cioto #1139ka139tx..• - • .Telegrarrii to the Pittsburgh Gazette:l - . • - I , l2xfg-Yolux,April2/3, , 184;;5: • •I. • oomi•liiNifelio*Eit: , • s pney plenty anci:easyat o®7 peg ! $ (11 / r4ei. tae discounts 7(94 Sterling quiet,,at ci for prime bW s. , -geld strong, opening 00, and. :olosingrst 1311g4g1SIN; e at 2€4,Per"ceiitiqoi . baitY,lili, and 1 • Font taifiat forliditi?Ongl:,i'l 4- 4 0 16 6 7: :e297,D60 • GOIERSIIENTS e in -fair :derma:lit:wing most of the. but .closed,with lessAnifxwand.heavYk try Clews ft :Ca. furnish :the annexed a prices: Coupons of 'Bl,-113%®113t , iq f ; d ' f 6 : 1 4 1 . 71 8 2 .1.F0 1 A 512 44 dP r . ;,, -is x; d6bt,' ;Yeagligp 0wi1:4:4111**.4 0 2 %. - 12%; 1-So's, - ioNglo7R,. e Assistant Veasurer bought half a Uon 7 17 10'5, and sold t 4 , loo,oooNyPrtb , . ks weak and, heavy. - tall on Rife . ral and Paclrlesol; . other shares low: - - t a declhielestinaiket.'t:l4.4tetelosed` St.. Ctimberland'32lg32%; Canton" 455, l; Wells Es. 23®23; American 62U 7 Adams' 62%®63;• U. Ekaii@f32y,,; MeV: At's 32Wg82%; •QnickellVee 2634®26,11- posa • 534®6; Pacific 'Mail 90y, ®_9o; antic 81.©34; W. U. T. 37®37 X; IT.-Y.' R _,' 27@)127X; Erie,, 7o;‘@)7o l Xt 40.0pr'fd— '%75; 'Hudson 1,20141,26 dic4fcL-1 4 21);• 813,ki@82.34; Wabash fltaPattl •,' • 60. preferred 76 @TIN; Mayne , 1041,4 Ohio and, Mi55154ppi,4(174634 atmlfErie 14015; - :;414111 &all ,Centn4 •'@115%; Michigan Sciuthem eig,it .-...' N; [obi Central 1.4,5(4)14.11.X; Pittsburg B r 3d. • Toledo 106©106M; Rock Isla 93" , ' gNorthwestern...6234@M; Ilo• prefe 74 34"Gitdcago an Alton 328;1 Misson -73g; .Ne.*Tempt. 97%. • . j . 1 MINING SHARES ' ' ' , 1; Gregory, 290; Smith & Parmelee, 240. . - - suivTlMiatinV. i Iceipts, 83,981,541; payments, 83,467,134; . ce, $108,184,237. - Chichi - nal 'lthirket I:elegratihio the PittalitiiitiAitzette.) ‘i r CINNATI, April 28.-Flour and wheat 1 but quiet; prices ' unchanged ' 'cl:srit , .. 1 ;e and:advanced to 73c for 'A . m . .; shelled,.,,. ' - t the Saina iai.e... _ Oats : fi scarce and nn . • for Ico, I. , Rye and barley, unchanged. 'Quiet: ,ottan dull' and _nominal at • ..'' '; lc fot Middling. _lnhaccatictitrit and :,`•mandat tell • .price;s "sales ,of - .2 , 10 Jill& • • ' '• tat $4,50450; and leaf; sloa2+% Whisky ~... ~ tt.lar and.nonatn* slat a2,10a2,. th 15 , for free. ••,, tat ,generally firm; - with a strong et. bless .porkis held at • 328,E0, but. .',i, , ~ ul. sales. • Bulk meats were' i in de .. ii : at 1214 c for shoulders,, and 3Na1 1 .5c 1 , , ~ ht and heavy, but holders asked Ac • ; 1.: r. Bacon quiet at 1310133ic for . .;. ;Iriders ;.. 163,a1 . 6c for sides; 163;a17c._ _. ..,,. •'. clear .. rib, and 17Xc for clear; ' 1 "." demand for clear balk sides for fn .;- t eing4 r 4 ! N t ;l l t l l 7 ll4Tre n t c tt ° 81 1 1 8 1 ;,,7c sol i l tr al ]delivered at Iticarnond,, Tha., 'and at • ••• • ••,!`. :- :st evening delivered at Madison, Ind. ise firmat 15a16c-for bld; some new in .. • _ .barket, but the grade is poor; it brinsrs •c, according to quality._ Potatoe - e • • ' ~,e and advanced to tk3;75a4,00 per barrel rival. , Apples firm at P1a7,50 per-bar ' .. , Butter firmer; fresh grass 26a40c. Eggs at 21c. Petroleum advanced to 25a.3ser .. '9finedVreo. Linseed3oll firmer and i, - . •., ;- - sg at $1,15:11,17. ' Lard Oil firm at $1,40 '' " Gold 139 buying. •• Raining today. ..- •,...• Chicago Market. telegraph to the Pittsbutth,gtvette.3 April 2& Floor. : steady and active;endes of spriog extra at $9,50a I. Wheat is in faiidemand but sunset ! irregular and le lower; sales of No at ; 19, and No 2at $2,1042 . ;14; closing at for No 2. Coin firmer and more ac ,nd 134826 higher, sales of No 1 at 'B6a o 2 at 83a84 3 ,0; new at'B3ssc, and. re -9 at 89.101 closing firm at-86ga for No d steady, at 84ge for new. Oats in ; request and ja, higher,;: safes- At . ;81a, ; closing taine - at'inside'pirit‘k. 'Bye t,e active; sales of No A at 81,84a1,85,. and at_?1,80a1,81- Barley quiet; small sales 85 forllO 11n Agree and 4873 .for le lots on, track.; Provisions . firm ady. : Mess, , pork firm; . selling at Lard sold at,lBc.: Dry. salted ghoul= 'at 12%c.---Recelpta for the past twenty hourl3--4928 bbls flour; 21,865 bushels it; 71,620 bushels corn; 89,250 . bushels Shipmenta-12,992 Ibis • flour; 24,983 ela of 'wheat; 1,264,25 bushels corn;' X) bushels oats. • • , The Allegheny river was falling slowly yesterday with scant. six feet water: The Monongahela marks .did not shoiv over four feet ten inches•and falling. • • The Julia Nol 2 departed for Zanesville with a moderate trip.. The Lorena, !Or St. Paul, had all the freight she could manaP.. • .' A new steamer, Icalled the “Mountaur Boy," came in from Brownsville, we be lieve. She is -intended for, the Kanawha trade. ' • „ The steamers Armenia and Silver Cloud dite. • •• The steamer Julia No. 2 left last evening for Zanesville with an excellent or trip._ , - TIM Grey Eagle, in chargo" Capt:C: L. Brenaan; leaves to-day at noon for Parkerti burg ttnil way points. . - - The fine pacicet Kate Robinson, Capt. R. Robinson, is announced for Cincinnati and Louisville. She Willleave with dispateh. Theßelma, a new boat.built at Pittsburg, was to have been sold at New Orleans on Thursday. n • • - • SPECIAL NOTICE.—The. Argosy .Captain Vandergrift, W. H. Scott, clerk, Is the reg ular Wednesday. packet for Cincinnati, leavlut, 'promptly at noon. Shippers will please get their bills of lading down as early in the day as possible. The Glendale, Capt. Hare, is filling up, steadily for St. Lotus and the Upper Idic sissippi; and the Kate Robinson, Capt.b- Ro inson, is announced ' for Cincinnati and Louisville. 'The Lorena, Capt. Sant Shuman, is up 'St. Louis. She will receiVe all the-Up per liiitsissippi freight that may, offer in connection with the Northern Line Packet' Company. • • • The Wild Duck •Barges Capt. Anawalt, is abso announced for St. 'Louis' forthwith. The Mary Davage will belie her repairs finished to-Any, and will leave for St. Louis to-morrow. Her barges are, at Steubenville taking on nails. • The steamers in porter • and Leonidas 'arrived at St. Louis on Saturday. The Measenger departed for Pittsburgh the sane day. The R. C. Gray left Cincinnati on Saturday for this place. The J. N. Mc.... Cullojigh was announced to' leave • Cincin nati on Saturday, and the St. Charles, on Monday, both for this city. , • INSURANCE ON TILE STAIILIGIIT.--The side-wheel steamer, Starlight, recently burned at Gretna, was valued at $15,000, and insured for $lO,OOO in the Eureka,.Cit izen,s, National, and Adams offices, of Ctn . cinnati. -•- ' _ • JEFFERSONVILLE, April • 20.-8 p. River falling slowly, with 7 feet id the pails! on the Falls. Clear; wind , east. The tow boat Mary Alice,i with• target . ; in tow, vided up her tow and brought:, them over the Falls in four tripsytwo trips yesterday and two to-day, ..(Thoinas Gray, Falls pi lot.) She has new loftier Pittsburgh With nine barges: Up streani water ,quiet dayy D. DflieliErriFalle Pilot, - ' FT, Sulfa, AIM., April iq,--gh9 Togo-, . quah arrived here front Ft. Ulbsonto7day, Memphis' ,ar, . - and leavesibiVincinfiati to-nuaru*inArn., 'lPv!i'relerrapli to the Pittsburgh 41stzettet1 We expect "to' lodd •ate i r r4t*Cippict.. iftstriElts, April -28.—Cotton at ne tiTei; Verte•teltireed ' do- exports 61 bales. livered 140Inus of :Gtwe'rfundut frifehtiStr receipts 106 bales; ,riour dull; Elul:Wane P.0 50 4 50 -• , ‘ Bacon; Port Gibson. -Rivarlallhi, , 1 - 3 at, t e n Ve;') for shoulders; 14Mii1513,,f0r clear sides; and hereei f for bulk shbuldersitliik ftn: blear sides. The Ennui; VO_Ydoftnnal.Nasipilie ••` ,3 e 2004: Zorn , illitoo 2 ..""Oatta mama* chinatl tile foOlOngt t fag pa* Browiogrv,;ft bilrgh;!4istiac4,9°V;r49P, , _ Omsk I.7trunki OP '4:11 Ol! MOWS ( ' '11.1,1:11trl • ; Ut"..11 ,k,w4; of _4OOl, le = pit toittliT thtylit. :The. • - ; •• Te g „Ximirfirsin , and - -•• •• , vY=wa maks BAPTitionSt„ -ALA, vegos.s_ Wheat , cianowinithe hands of the lint states Lrly active at Yes white, 14,10.11 ,4 11 i yellow, `Marshal. The Ben. orJohnsonboilhaerzingandbeen un- Corn dull; W ix , o a ts If an d U dunchinge RYONerl furnished with a newse ._ _ fi r evisions unchanged. dergone several other decided and Ma , IR at t2i/5• sb. 7.oule': Dsarlcef > elegraph Othti Pittslpirgh dattAte;), , , . Louts -A:piil 2&—Tobaeoo ateadynnd , more disposed to'eceept hide.but the ' - are utohange&i4Cotton is nominal. , firm and cholee'ind : finer brtmds2s 1. *gher, at $8,251:475.f0r extra fall: . $lO I for double extra, and $11450a18,75 for • . Wheat unchanged far fall and stiff igher for spring at 12,14a2,20 for prime oice. Corn tirmer i gud - slightlybetter ::e. Oats a Utile stiffer at 71a733ic. ey inactive at $2,65a2,70. Bye - firm at a 1,87. Pork easier at ' $28,25a28,51 Meats; 50,0001ba small loose shculders lington 11%e.' Becon'firmer at 13%e . ouiders; 173;0 for clear sides, and both W,- higher; sales 200,000 pounds clear for the' last 'half of`May at 18,,c; .ce sugar - mired, hinns at 20a21c.• 'Lard , Lat lc., for tleice;49c for keg. Whisky ly at $2,20. - Liie stock receipts of cat ', ~.;• ctrger and, bettor quality, and thee, prices i :•,-: [banging • at_ Mo. 61s8• ' Sheep steady -at ', Oa 7r head. - Iteceipts44ibuf 2,900 bu, pe t 12,800 bu, corn 12,500,bii„ oats 11,600 4.....,7, Tye 500 bu. ' ' ' .' Cteveland•Mariet• ,l'elegraph to. the I..l46burgh Gazette. 3 EVE LAND, April 28.—Flour steady, firm unchanged; double extra spring sloa ouble extra red winter $12a14; triple a white $13,50a15,50. Wheit very firm -inter _grades; No 111,dd at $2,70a2,75; held at $2,55; Ne 1 spring scarce and final. Corn in better cleinand and mar ' firmer and better; sales on uwt. at 98a a- and end of the month` at Wc. Oats' er and better; No 1 state field at 78c 'pa store. Rye scarce and firm, at $1,90 :='6l7 0 1,-state and western. Barley in de d,but none offerifig.i Petiroletun strong' unchanged, with a fair demand for ..-indeq, 21a23c; free quiet at 32a33c; ;tele firm at $4,10a4,15. ' • 11 , 111wapitei -111arket. , . Telegranli to the,r.utsbsish Gazette:a •• • ,SfdirmnunmE,4 April 28. : ,-Flour. weak, *3O Wisconsin and lowa, 69,752,10,50; ryland, $9,25a9,62; common, go. Wheat L4ive and lower, at {02,13a2:14 : for No 1 rig; 52,03 for 15T0.2.: . Corn rfirm at 83%c new shelled. -Oatwestive and steldy at • for No 2. Receipts, 3,000 bbls flour, bush wheat, 5.000 bush oats, '3OO bush Shipments-2000 tbbla flour, 13,000 t NV ea • New York Ilry. goods! Market., (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gisiette.l, • Ni w YOBS, April 28. The Dry Gcods tra4e is alittle, more animated, but is ;#ti frcOn active, - yet" neavy' Brawn, Sheetings Are - quoted . la.firmar. Atlantic A,' Appleton; A, Indian ' , Head Cohossetti and Pegnet . A. at 19c; Stark A. 1/114c; New (Market ß, l 'and Laurel D. 18e Printing clotUniorti tive at 934 c for poor and 9,./c for good` ittandA• `ad Makes, but holden' are now asking Da East, prmta have. , been , =Wing : morn freely. and for, low and medium tirades the, market is firmer Freeman's now b 4 4: 4 3, and all dark 'styqpi , of Lancaster, " and other, Marks ',neva '1644"608434 good printe.ean'lp' bel4rrr '145150 4 at which, price 'Ainaikeag, • Ri.ohniiddemitt klprigfies I are 'lrhercr is ' keine 'talk about advancing but the 'demand in not active enough, pit.; , . Istrolers,wwittinaKimt , RiTVlßtritthiV Airn tiireew Ramitoili; Aprll2B.-642 bbla maP - iron, .14ineaL4 bbbt trashiest, 3 Vhi & Co;, sdo eggai.i. Steel Brcklibx glassware McKee &1tr0...111 ..takes,; W.W Wallace; omi t ' Lipplmig:trot - One bbls eggs, Graff : & Reiter,_, . noAppletw,ciiiir :dr/ Sheliardi 'nests keelerg, , V DTllravt;,lA grind iginies,l Mindoro , ei,Coi . titloi Wm • Barker,; r, it On 126 barSTiailM' 11Bicfer4;13 Ws, spokes; Mai!' & 4VbblStggs,'Vol.Oht,, Mahood ,St'cir 1 ear , staves , lit Adams &, BrO; -209 bbis libtriShlpton & Wallace;'3oo do do, , D Wallatt;.loo do do, C B Leech; 6 tars wheat, J SMI Co; 100 bbls Mink S*hniyer & .-7ir . p; 500 pigs Sehoninaker, & Co; 100. do doT Nevin it Coil, car man iron ; T Maloney;l 500 bbla flour, T i C - Jertkirug 100 do ido,,Gregg por, 300 do do; IS 'Lindsay & _Co ; ,300 - Ando, B Doe; qsop p leld, Dithridge Son;:.400 Roar, Shoinakei it Lang; 120 do do; Mc.: Chire it Mcßee; 100 do do, Watt ' &Wilson; bbh; trackers, 'S Alienshriir,-17 bbli iron, Colenian, Rahm & Co; 10bales broom; corn Shonutker it Lang; '1 organ, Metier & BM; 8 cars metal.' Brytui & Canghey; 1 do do, Wood. Son & Co,; 19 do do, Nimitkit Co. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH - 11.1mm • OAD, April 28-1 car pig iron, J.Vir ;Porter 3 do do;Nimick & Co; 2 do do, Union Iron Mills; 2do do, Cambria Iron Co; 1 car iron ore, Bryan & Canghey ;7 do do do, W H'Shbert berger & Blair; 22 do stone; .T 1 L Knox ; 1 do W pipes, BH. Collins; 8000 ft lumber, Aubrey, Crouilow,&. Co; 4 saws, Lippincott & Co; 451i1i spokes, 12 do bows, 'l' Hared: Brcr,:ff bbls. peas, Munhall it , McGraw; 10 coils rope, Springer & •Harbatdes, G Hoffstott; 1 car true, A J it Co;, 13 aka apples, I. do beans, R Robinson;Ro 'm 21 sks WAllitce;'4B do, do, J'Meek; 2 'bbls eggs, 45 do flour,'Atwell, Leo b: Co;'1 bbl eggs, Vangordar & Shepard; '1 do do, 3 'sits-barley, Voight4 Mahood & Co; 41 bbls potatoes; H Riddle; 3839 feet lumber; M , Seibert & Co; 25 tcs hami, J Lippincott. ALLEGE:ENT VALLEY RAILROAD,. Aril 23-1 car fire brick, Union Iron ' Mille;- do stone, Forrester tt McGraw; I car pig iron, H • Woodsides; 1 car -fire clay, Star Fire Brick Co; 2 cars railroad iron, Pitts, Ft W & R It; s'do do, Pitts, C&CR R; 4 bxs butter, 1 bbl eggs, J:Schwalm; 5 bx butter, 9 bbls eggs, WH Carnahan; 20 bgs corn, :J Dairen bbls mdse,ltirkpatrick & Herron; lot hh Rods, J Smith; lot oil bbls, W H 'Kirkpatrick & Co; 1 horse, Shipton & Wal lace; 1 hs mdse, M Lancaster; 2 bblseggs, German & Co; 4 bxs butter ,`1 barrel - eggs, !Schwalm & Co. • - PITTSRIrBaU COLDBLEWS AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD, April at.-1 car oats, Bingham & Laing; 241 bbls hams, 75 bxs do, 15 hhds do, F Sellers dr, Co; 50 hf lib's fish, W M -Gormley; 3 bureaus, 4 desks, A Milliken & Coil box castings, John I) Gray; 3 do hardware, T Hare & Bro; 7 sks ba rley, 5 sks rye, 11 do wheat, McHenry & Hood; 2 bbls eggs, 1 bx butter, F G Craighead; I,do hardware, Bradshaw & Anderson; 25 bbls spirits, S-McCrickett &Co; 1 car screplion, Mullen &Maloney; 1 car staves, H Geyer; Ido do, F Kober; 100 bbls flour, I) Wal lace; 4,500 feet walnut lumber, Isaac Odell. ALLEGHENY Sumo's, April 28.-1 ear staves, Ralya & Robertson; 1 bbl tobaceo,R .t J Elton; 200 hides, • A & J Groetzinger;.B - nbls peas, C . Reiss; 24 jugs molasses, Ma Laughlin & 'Co; 100 bbls flour, Stewart t Langenlieirn; 5 kega whisky; J Brown; 3 hides, ,Lappe & Welts. ' Rill-Eat NEWS. ;PITTSBURGH . GAZETTE': VirEDNESDAY: APRIL 29, 1868. . ' terlel improvements is ag.aiin at the:wluirf 'ready for htisinessi • Atli meeting-of* the stockholders of: the Atlantic , and Missis sippi. Steamboat Company, the resignations, of Sttperintendent John N. Befingiir and ,Setretary David R. Powell - were received -end 'accepted: John 'T. Fitzgerald , Iwas abated Secretary, and . ahead also: to the &dies which have hitherto developed 01Pett... the .Seperintetident. -, W. J. .Lewis I ; end- Joht.i.W.; Cidinll cocontinueholdin,g ; the g l U9ne • and'freight :agent. There was an • unPletuiant rumor the other 'ditY Steak City in the effeet tluit.Capta4i 'TePdßea'ftioiintalr Wainer; the Success, tnithigh Old-dry - 6d bar below Randall. 'Ciftivrakor , Awantisn.- - -The , bontritet for ' , triinainiting 1,200 tuns of missy; atippliew *Om -St.-Lotda, .to :Forts.: Sully, Bibe and SteltagoilliFille)9 ll lest; ISidurdaynnerning , awarded to:Bap. Johnson, and Fred :Dozier The. rate of freightliesceagingly low. .We : take • the following ,memoranda from Louie • •.fteptibricen; of Saturday:. Steamer rate Kinney left Omalti Sunday, i April " 19th, 'l4l a. n. Marcella port., M e et Plattenouth; North Ala. , beitA . Colimbla at Jtaida'Peint;l , Antelli Poe at Peru;:Wananitta and Dant& :at head Sonora.Chnte; Coltimbis at foot 50 , .. nara Chute; lay at. St.; Deroinei- 20th.:-Met Guidonbelow Geary City; ; Bella at Smith% Bar; fig Horn below' - Lewis. al ; i titehls•oa; lay.-same place 211*--Met. and,Stonewall Allen • on a race , below Din - Mond 'lsland..' Isabella at *lrish Jemmies;l. Ackley at' •Virllington;:l4. at licikingten..' 'l2d 'Met War Eagle in Malta. BendrYoik-. town: in Panty Bend; Lacon - . at Miam1;110 1 Ist 2841-w-Met Inn Boy at' Coni merce; McDonald at Lithe Island; lay at South ;24th,--Met Turner and Last Chance abeve Ccottleville; ,Jennie Lewis at. ,Bonhomme Island; Fannie. Barker and IJrildisheloW St. Chailea. EvsnsvilLti; April 20 Readier dear ~and`tileastint. • River ' has ,falleti' inches.' Port ilitit--Champion, - Cincinnati' to-St. Lows; Htivana, Cincinnati to Nash ville; Emma• No.• 8, St. Louis to Plttsburgh;. Belle Vernon,. Pittabuigh: tp St. Louie; Louisiana, Cincinnati to New Orleans.. ,- • Elvers and Weather. • - (By Telegraph to the Pittetiurgli Gazete.3 Lot:am - nix April 28.—River is falling slowl ', 8 feet in Canal. ; Weather cloudy, MISCELLANEOUS'. TREASURY DEPARTMENT- OF PENNSYLVANIA. BARIEWIDUBG, DEC.IB, 18417. NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS .T-a -EL 1V El Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, JITLY IAT, lIMIC TEE TOLLOWN6 LOANS Dne July 1s4:1868, WILL BE REDEEMED, WITH INTEREST. TO DATE OF PAYMENT, ON THE PRE- SENTATION AT TIM FARMERS' & MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK, 1 2 111LADEL1P313.1,11., VIZ: Loin of March 27th, 1839, due July Loan , of July,l9th, 1839, due July Ist, 'lB6B. 'INTEREST ON THE J.13042' LOANS .WILT CEASE ON THE IST OF ATM' ISHEI FRANCIS JORDAN, Stste4 • F:i ,- . W. H. #1.161614,154ate Tirgnielf• St • , Commissioners of % Wag r 14441... • . .LIFII9II r tiObbls No vtifeekereli ritYfi Soo icliere t i 3 ~ 7 7 , , , isilklottsloi•AMtolVc* 4 l Y .l o 0 id: ac one 9079 11 4, 0 , /.. whitd h ; Are; tu1it0044 4 14 olitettVi v , ^ cor , rt• ' • . ) I.!n •i • •v: ,1 1111VINM1 7 114 . • ood•stree ; ?WOW W. E.- SOO tub. No. 1 SorhigNiTheitizo: t • 1' SOO . 6 prime Winter W h eat 130 " - prime Rye; For oils by Ilatm e se: Orn e tt eh MC BI CRE °w ERPWAFt°644II76 OF THE OF THE CO Ist 1868 SMUM]iKIATS. FOB. TIIIIIEfiD.A.Y PACKET-4T -The new and spletiald elde-wheel steamer J. N. iIIOCUL:CO. CH G. D. MOR E ' ' .Commander. • - D. - 310011 . - ' - .. ..Clerk. The abet elegant side-wheel . earner Will leave m'AllitttlY Announeed4:•colin , . gat Cincinnati with Pac k s And Railroads to Lo . vine, Nashville, idempltis, Or (Means and tit. • ids. Also to the UpperMloSissippi and-Missouri ri ers.. •.. • Freight Or passengers receipted through either by rail or river.,:* • , ,.., , .. , _.. Especial attention - girth to . Men 'and Way For freight or passage atiply on isMiti or to ~. QA Ng. ) • .t.: %tip= CHAS. B •,, N ts . lAgents. . I - 1 lIIIIEST 1; iIASL , , , .. LI 'igildrig , Forwarding and Coinmiss on Merchants, AND WINER, 1 0 ' .- - , STEAMBOAT ACENTS- ' Car: Market •and Water s ue' Pittsburgh.: . , We are the 'authorized wilts for the "NORTH WESTERN, UNION PACKET CaIIPANY,, ,, be. tween tit. Louts and St. Paul; also for tbe`TM. -LOUIS k QUINCY PACEE'rCOMPAITY. ,, .• Freights RECEIPTED THROUGH, by either of the above lines at the LOWEST - RATES. Shippers entrusting goods to , our care can rely on_ having them handled with care and delivered with distch. We are also 'agents for-steamers to ClneWnati, Louisville. bferaphis, New Orleans, and all other nolnts on the Western waters, . r , : op= efit.Ncmv,,yri . ziag m e PACKET LINE. For Wheeling,. Marietta, nirkersburit. r • lionieiroye Big Sandy, Iroittoa, .I'tortemotatb, , Mainiville and ST. 3IARYS . C. SwEENT, Master'. MONDAYS. P. M. - • • ST. CHARLES A DRAVO, Master. FRIDAYS, 3 P.' M. , . .. • . . . ?The above elegant side-wheel steamers Will leave regularly as an tamed, connecting at Cincinnati :with rackets and ads to Louisville, Nashville, Memphis NewOrleansand St.' Louis. Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. reight or passengers reeelpted through either by rail or river. • Especial attentiongiven to Orders and arid itlifllusi 7 nese.: BARNES & COLLINS.' - • spar •• - 01111IEST ,HASLETT. -Agents. pirrsnunGli, jam .4. WHEELING; Marietta find Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's Wbartboat, foot of +rood street, DAILY ! ptl3l 31. _ _ MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. McCULLOUGH Oso. D. Moons, Master. TUESDAYS AND 'FRIDAYS. BA.YARD A. S. SUEPREED, ]faster WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS GREY EAGLE C. L. ItamtwA:v, -Master. -Freight will be , received at all boars by r spa • JAMES COLLINS,- Agent. ALLEGHENY RIVER PACKET LINE leaves every 'TUESDAY, TMMSDAY AND SATURDAY, At. 3 o'dotlk r. from the foot of Irwin street. This line Is composed of the folimvlrtit boats: IDA REES No. Ai, R. Eris, 'Master, W. P. Srzw- Alkl", Clerk., ' ECIIO No. 3, E.'..Gonoly:r, :Raster, A. D. Bus sru.., Clerk. The above Boats were built expressly for the trade, have superior accoromotiations and attentive mleA WTTSBITAGII AND ST. LOUIS BARGE CO.—FOR ST. UIS.- The •' WILD DUCK BARGF....Capt. J. W. ANAIVALT, . THURSDAY, APRIL 3Orn. For freight apply on board or to CHAS. BARNES. 4 • ...a p:11 __— FOR ST. LOUIS, DU BUQUF„ ST. PAUL. and the , FR ports, in connection with the North ern Ltne.—The line passenger steamer • - • , ,LOREZ , IA Copt. SAM. SIICXAN, Rill leave for the above red all-letenttedlate' porta - TIIIS;DAIC-4 Fur Crelgta or palwittli on tritor to Or. J. D. COLLINOWOOD. Agents: RAEGOLA.II.• . WEDNES: r j oa=l* - DAY PACKET IVOR CINCIN I.—The nee striper - -' AittiOST ` Cant. vixtornourri.. W. H. Scull, Clerk. leaves .rlttsburgli for ,Chielo asti every WEDNESDAY at noon. JAS. COL L] Agents. mlill .. . . ,' JOHN FLACK. , - • • FOW CINCINNATI LOUISVILLEe-The steamer'. KATE ROBINSON Capt. nOBT. ROONSON. 'M Wave as abovi on 'WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29=41r. u. . For frelght orymtriclun litnar4' oar to ap?.." J. -D. COLLINOWOOD, Agents _..,' ST. LOUIS I KEG-Ai:lM xint, GALEVA, DUBUQUE 'D T. PAUL.—The flan. newer. • .... . .. ..J. 11. Itlnn t Nuter,, 3VIII leave as above aailouneed on WEDNESDAY;APRIL li9fh For freight. or passage apply on board. up= iXI •a • THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 23d day of April. A: D. 1808, a War rantin Bankruptcy *Oa Issued agoinet the ESTATE OF JAMES S. DRAVO., WILLIAM. D. DRAVO and ANTHONY v. DROVO Co•Yurtners, of Elizabeth Tp., in the county. of Airglieny, State. of rennsyivatiluovho have been a ludged bank rupts on their own potitlon; that the payment , of anyy debts and delivery of any property belonging to suen bankrupts, to them, or for their use, sand the trans,.: fer of any propertn by them areforbidden by law: that a meeting of tho creditors of the said bankrupts to prove theirdebts and to chOose one or. more As signees of their estate, will be held at a Court ofllank ratite! to be holden at the °Mee of the Register. at before 3 Diamond street, in the City of Pittabtirgh4 SAMUEL HARPER. Esq., Register, on Cli o 14th day of May, A. D. 1868. at. 10 d'elbek A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, an27:p2l. • U. O. 'Marshal. an Afessenger. IXTESTERN DISTRICT Of PENN v 'SYLVANIA. as. • • - At Pittsburgh. the 31st day efllarch, A. D. 11368. The undersigned hereby gives no tice of itts appoint ment as Assignee of ALUERT CON KLE, of Pitts burgh, in.the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, within said. District, who has , been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the Distrßt Conn of said District... • .. JOIINN - 11. BAILEY, Assignee, Att , y-at-Lairc 89 .43Mul.street. " LEGAL. VNECUTOR S O NOTICE.-At er• lA3I DA,: Baldwin ft l ; tg n e li a l str t i al t Oi ti t t g f e4 e Of lif*eb,„(r.r.' ecn I al Eat.t Illrmlngbam,) aro , rerynes ott , tow:ae Immediate payment, and Lhasa barhqt claims against eptata win. present . Arita', properly t!r?141!3a7 tcd for g?ttle . tnent, - to t Tido. Tp.4 Aprl! 4th. 1868: • __..tortn92,vt • • .. . TqI)TICE 'IIIFER:ERY rt m that application haaheeade .by tho vied to tho Court of.Cotardon Pleat<ol ., AllegbenY , County for a; f CIIADTDD 91? AX.cpitvOßATDopi ; of "Tile • Gin* •liidepeiidoit.l3Einefl4k Society of Altegitent ty 1 0 ~:, And that the tame will belritite on the trit 310 X..." DAY or June next, , ittuess.iticeptkon aro I<flldit. thoyetul: " : , •-, - • : ,„, Attpri9F.covAsgoowiol, , • March 4th. • V • • Ornableitii Hair . - t) ral eti ECi t • • pR I KR Anul oo rtit o xo. ow, otilltilitreeti OD* ass* ittstramb. ~ Always/1m Land 4 ii 2ml/tr . , sift meat otLadlea piNiiGALPIA GARD lUGAINII:,,GwALETst. ao. A good .Prioe, ciiitl , WlG -tier g i v e r fbr - YAW 'miles , and. Gon em a a ruttlnt one thanestest. manner. %tam— 1 1, optlsT E W._ ft :: i 1 a“ ).:1' si . ,titt ISt fp.:ll i ii th gigie t if e tltermspeuttoittho*ieworstilfrr nvt r 0 me R . poll I +, syritzET, 1 .., atitnfilits•hellt sta b 18 - Ftiourt,' O. 149''AIIV3:11'3°01101IiiiagIlyi 'beteontirmet un.; pllAcitce JO ?Ito , s lr. two Ur. • -,' ''- , .11 friC:..: triii 1 N. r eok n s , / 4 r ) 'ca. , - - r *rit . ' ' P-rvlur, t)%iittartnri• i', , I.Erjcmturrr ENG 124 1 11 44 441 1 1 4 43 1 2 110g it • 1 ' !Prrrlintntan; . Apr 2 . • §EAiLiEIr. PROPOS A CS FOB THE • removal of the CITY WEIGH SCALES, on ecnol Street, to the corner of Second finer Tg streets, will be received at this otnee unV i lg t rlDA 1 4 May Ist, 16811. H. J. RE. ap24: City Englneor. OILS. • , , AINING AND KING; y y . Commisslorni hferebanier and Bt:okers In Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING DUISDESNi I. . , „ • PITTSBURGH, PA. PHILADELPHIA ATMEESB,.. - WARING, KING & CO., 121 Walnut Street. TAGS: COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS DJ • • . Predticts. iltisbnrgit Oince—lT .A.I.ZELL! BUILDING cor ner of Dtuineene.Way and Irwin streets. Pblladelphia Once-127 WALNUT ST. apl:wao JACOB CO:, Oil Comatiasices Jobbers No. 3 D_PAMESNE huy and Sell 'Crude and Itenned 011 s, Lubricating , Tar, Benzine and CoeXtage.' Our. yon experience in the Petro leum trace enables us to offer unusual facilities and in ducements to. operators. As heretofore. wearede termlned to male it the Interest of buyers and sel lers to glee us a call. Parties having Oils for sale are cordially invited to bring their samples. n M. LONG Ss CO., 4 • • MANUFACTURERS OF PiatE WHITE BURNING WA •Brand-62uretkEzz. ,, Office, No. 2 Duquesne, Way, Pittiburgh. J. C. 80171JM...C. A. KEECCW...W. NitIIITEHEAD SOllO • OIL WORKS. Manufacture and have fur saie all kinds of -LUBRICATINC OILS. NO, '1 ST. CLAIR STREET. '• • •-- MURTI:I2I../ . I.ERIEW 130.: • NI f:1:) • al ;45: Cr 7111: X. TEL J. A. 67 - EHLE. M STEELE Ss SON, Commission Merc4ants, • AND bEALE,RB - - - • Gat.A.IPT, Ao_rlefra, Ate. No. 93 OHIO wrimin, near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. JANES B. NEANOII, MEANOR &'HARPEIti - - FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE iko•• gzlzi ce).;p:, • 01 , 36104:4 , ird :To 4 4 )10bliglivi;:):Iii:TAti Consignments solicited. RiPXRENCES—.T. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics , National Bank; J. 8. Dilworth & Co., B. T. Ken nedy & Bro. !SIMI XE1L....... ..... . nuatant. KEIL Sic HICHABT, . COMMISSION NIENCI-lANTS, ANTI DIJILEII.4 FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c., &c., 349 Litierty Bt., Plttsbnigh, any,%:b37 . J. BLANCIIIARD, Wholesale and Retail. Grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET MEM I=MIME3 cIEBANE 64, ANJER, Ni • - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR, GRAM and PRODUOE OEN. ERA.LLT, - No. 141 WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh --- .IerkEMES Er. AIIIMSTRONG • • POSWABDllfGkiDoinfinsattinagateirra; . ForDte sale of Flour, Grain, 'listen, Lard, Rutter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally,No.l6 ItARKETSTREET. - coruer of-First,,Pittsburgh. QIIIOMAILEIL sa.U.deillere Gmeertes,Lninr, Drain, Pro duce, 7resistona. isnlilqbelßll!therbo 3 l:oD, 170.4 11111 — and W OO D STREET, near be Lirty street , Pittottunttri :; ; sittSin,ls, JOHN St En®.• nouns.— .U. it. Boutin.- t 1 censors to AOKS I. HOE'S& & MitolaisattL roenvir WI Commission llercbants, Comet dr Smithfield and;WAterEtretite; Pittsburgh it , TA: , .' UHID I . Bth ISELIABERTIF . STREET, Pittsburgh, Commission Mer e t and : Wholesale Deider In , lecnsntry• Produce, Groceries sod Pittsburgh Manntsatares. Cash art :ranted on Consignments, and paid Stor PrOduce gas ' • BOUT. L'VOZ.F. - ' ' ANrPXZW KNOZ KNOX , it SON,-COBIBEHISIOIf iKEIICRANTB end dealers In PhOUR, GRAD I, PEED and' PRODUCE lIENERALLY, Nt DlAMDED, , oppoplte Clly Allegheny City MT:MI ; • - RAV.CRAWFORD,CONIMISSION MERCHANT IN PIG MET&L. :111.00101. WROUGHT' SCRAP IRON, FIRE BRICK AND CLAY &c. • Waroboscsoluid.OMeet Nta3olll and 380 PENN STREET.. Storage,lliruislied. ~ Cone... Moments solicited. ,-• "; , ; • ~ -1 -•., '. Jr.:, ) per'; . —..-.. .-...- glen BAIRIV!'Sv L:PATTO - N,' ro Wholekale Gevre r CommlWo4lertbantaand , Alen ,in Produee4 Taour, , lentil qtreab i - Flab,' Carbon and:Lard OUttrOns N 4 1 83 .Glass, ,Oottr* 'Yanotand all Plttabiz .binnufaciared" general! 11* and 11*,t3ECO:ND MEET l'lttstriargt, , ;; , ' 114 CANFIELII , & ,SON, COM. tjMISSION FORWAP.DING VERCHANTI3, and Wholesale lAuders In Western Reserve Cheese, • Butter, Lard, Pork Beebe, Flour. PION Pot and Pearl Ashes, an olls, Dried 'Fruit. end Produce t i Zen Nes. l 4 4 ai?d 140 Front strcct t 1 ,, , !t!!) 7 , _ , JOfiN SHAPTON §HIPTON&WALLACEiWITOLE_ 6 BALE ROORRSA.NWPRODURE DEALEW ' 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. ittEhrSir . . FERTILIZERS TO WIREALT GROWERS: EUREKA AMMONIATED BONE, SUP. -PHOSPHATE OF MKE, MANUFACTURED BY The Allegheny Fertilizer Co. SEWARD d,CAMPEELL, pm)vritrukoits; Office, 850 Peniu Street, Pittelvgli t Pa The bind EertliMer in nee, and recognized :b9 :Fanners who hale given 0 11 a .ttrlfti toe tho'stand ard for raising largocrops of ,Wheat, Itre, :.Oats,. ; Corn, Potatoes ; se. ,W e taro' published for grata- Roils circulation a pamphlet - containing Interesttrit an raluable statements of this Fertiliser, copies of it wonstillhe lent fteo to and londlngpe,thoir - . - • - ST/BAWL O• E 111 JP 00 L, ANDida fit•TEENSTOWN; • strArtifours, ; , .litimberinglixte,erkliTg•olgur veavls., tiroorm thoury .,the celebrated OF OF 11 05 .11,Vik,.1 4 %Tr O ANTWEPP,,, z r.TY: BTO 00 LL a eITLNtVODON4CITY SitilidiEYEttY SOUHDLY, from Pier O. North sAlrer: NeW.Toriu. Thr Daissige Or further ilitordutz , !Jon, apply , • •• • • - • , WiLIJAWIIIPWITAWAti,i' I • - 1 • La. 4E li ,l !o: , ll:llllfititEir; - ••• f l ,"" ''NfabliV opposite ,Y,oet Office. Pittatmrgb, fiumeil rmuuces,... , -- we ,sliallikinvlii: reiVrylazi, scud anatelik to Oliver r ldountoln, ..olergooo develbbe tertrit: umulaw wig . • tirei msoWtered and located by experienced lintoork l a t u attulkin attlatanailly- - - rids . tabling dletriett io" chine" -- t ."'" -ag,,,,,t0 have t 6 fat devoimed before_ bfts& Of eteettsit . bollainss.-ina ry-;&o. 'iii - this'development the e°mllin7 have determined to sell a limited amount o__ the the dock at a rate which: will. Veto' Doroha r. w " same fo oting as the proppetors _ themselves. For • AN &CO., full Outienlare apply Co ( B. l o t M l?sirh street. 1nb213 . - - RA.I.T.sROAISS — - - ' . ' l ' PMILMiItiIE It. tliliggig* ' On arid after THURSDAY; 31areh 5th,'194 . trains will arrive at and depart f theDep ot ,'. . ner Of Grant and Water streets, altail ows: , 11 .Ittall to and Prom Uniont , n. ta rt :- ... .., Arri .m e e•!i' • MeßeesportAccommodPn:u .: '' m `" 2 . 17 as 1. „ . .t 6 Ex. to and from Uniont'n- -, 3:0 00 0 A • al, loio - 0 as, . West Newton Accommod'n 4:30 p. at. 8:35 9 l• BrsAdock'sAecommodat'n 6:/5 arm. : . Tasop. „ l „. •.,,. Night Ace. to 3lcKeesport..lo:B9,-, 0, 40 4 - ,, - . ` Sunday Church Train to and yrom West Newton 1:00 P. lc 10:60 A i lili - ;> FClrtieket3APply f 3 ' - ' - . • . . 1. J . , J. R. XIN kr G. - eil - Z. W.'S . . STOUT, - Superintendent. - .---,, hi , izewitkiirt•- graz i p is i a . :VALLEY RAILROAD. Y.DIRECT ROUTE - TO THE OIL REGIONS. Running through to Yeaango City without change of cankplrlonneeting with trains East and Waggon the Warw. & Franklin Railroad, and Atlantl6 & Great :Western 'Railways. - Shortest and quickest , route LOOllO4. and Franklin, and all pOhita itkthe On tweeter April 26th, 1868. Passenger T a wilt- leave from and arrive Al the PittsbargliMpot, corner Canal and Pike Sts. AS follows: A 1 hail' to and 1:m Ven..Clty. 7: OA. at. 6:15 P:. Mi Expresi_ •_. ' - 6 - _ -10:40 P. - r..12:25..t4 at. - Ihradrs Bend Accommod'n 3:00 P. 11.,10:310-Ai N. Works , Accom'n....... 5:30 P. 3f. ' '7:55.14 Y. First Halton Accemod'n... 8:50 A. at. 11:40 ad Y. - Second Hutton Acromod'n 19:00 • at. 3:55 P. W.. Sunday Church Train leaves Soda-Works at 8105 .- A. M.. arriving - 1n Pittsburgh at 9:50 'A. at. , Re tunting, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 r. rd., arrivl.4 a; .Soda Works at - 2:55 r; lif. ._' • ,IL JILACKSTONE. Shpt. • W. P. HOPE; Tieket 'Agent. , a t :' 1868:' -,. - .. Mitamat . PITTSBURGH . , FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO R. W. AND CLEVELAND U PITTSBUNG.IIII. R. - From January 19th. 1808. -.trains will. leave t'iona and arrive at the Union Depot, north side,,city time, as follows: '-- , Leave. I Ar' ly..e. 3' a ; Chicago Ex. ... 2:13 a In;ChleageEr... 4 24 at Cleveland Ex.. -2:13 ami Cleveland Ex: 21:43 iin I Erie &Ygri3l , l '6:13 am !Chicago Ex.... 10:58 am et„ & wb -- '4e mg. 9:28 arni Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a nt r Chicago Nall.. 6:58 a miChic ago Ex.... 1530 m Chicago Ex.,.. 31:63 amiel: &. Wit's Ex 4:03 , m•' Pitts. &CI. Ex. • Erie & Yg'n Ex 6:13 pp m, via'Youngt , n 19:43 Ab 3 Chicago Ex.... 6158:p ta CI. &WhorEx, 2;13 pin 1 Cl. & WWI Ex 7:oB;pan Chicago Lx.... 2:28 p mjPitts. & Ct. Ex.' -. • --, 'WI': &Erie Ex. 4:38 pm! via Yognst'n. 9:28-am Depart from Allegheny.. ' Arrive la Allethemy. N. ErigVn Ac. Sam B:s N. Ilrlgt!tr,Ae. 03 atn t le " 10:13 am N. lirigt'n • " :284 m i 14e .! .da • •• 1153 a m Wellsville. , " 9:5140m Rochester " 1:33 p m, , New - Caitle ' 1 10:13 ant Wellsv'e Acc.. 3:43 pmi '„,' Leetsdale- ' , " - --Slirl.3 It m Leetsdale Ace. 4:15 pm, _ , ." N. Brigt , n 'i-, 5:3L. pmtN. Blt'n ' " - 2:430m N.,Brigt'n " . 6:28 p mlLeets ale " 4:93 pat Leitse " . 10:43 pm • ' " 7:2Bpm' t. 2:98 p. In. Chicago Ex- 10 : 50-a .2 im-4-IChleago press leaves daily. .. _., i , Express arrives-daiirg ~ ! Ja2B, F. R. lIYER General Ticket A. • et: FATITTSBURGfIigggiggE . ' COL It U3IBUS:4 R. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE OF TI3 I E.—On and a ft er SUNDAE, December Pth, 1807. tralus will leave andarrlve at • Union Depot, as follows, rlttshurgh - •••• "De Eft. Arrfie: Fastßuttress .2: a. in. • 3:55 pit:: Fast Line 9: a. m. 7:05 pi M. Fast Express ' 9:sop: ra.134:55 aiim• Mixed :Way ~.... 0:10 a. ra. McDonald's Ace's; No: !..11:10 a: Er. • 9:70 p. m.' Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p. in. 9:30 of m. McDonald's Aceln; Na 2.: 5:10p. in. 8:20 six m.' . BSEClA.uNovert.—Sunday Express leaves Tit 2:59 14. to. iirrlving in Cincinnati at 0:30 a. ra. the iiext montLeg..", • . Chitral' Train' leavell3nn:tay at 12:55 p. The 9:40 a. Jn. Train leaves daily, Sundai'and Monday excepteit, arriving in Cincinnati at 0:55 the mune:evening, 8 HOURS IN ADVANC OE ALT. OTHER ROUTES. ger:No change of cars between , FittsbmWand Cincinnati, and BUT ONE. change Ito St. Zelda, Cairo, and tho principal points West and Southwest. office of When D the ral:swinug tickets 1:e sure and find! the • Jos. TIMMER.. Pittsburgh, coltuubus & CinclUnutf 11411., UNION 'DEPOT, (SOL:TIL BIDE.) . .. I . AI. D. MOTHEHSPAUGH. Ticket Ageht S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. 4 JOHN D.MiLLEIL Gen. Freight Agent ginENN S Y "NAN CENTRAL RAILRO. and after October 6t rive at and depart from tin Washington and Liberty s Arrive. 1 Mall Train ..... ' 1:20 a ml Past Line 1:60 a in Wail's No- 1....6:80 am Balaton No. 2. - ' 7:50 a m Wail's No._ .2 . 6:6oam Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m Johnstown Ac, 10:11k a ta Phila. Express 1:50 pm WalPsNo:3-.. 1:30 pm Wall'. No. 1. 2:50 p m Wall's No.; 5.- 5:50 pm Wall's No. 6.. 3 . :00 ; p m Altoona - and Emigrant. • . - Train .. •• ' The Church Train leaves .Wall's Station verb Panda* at 9:13a: m;, reaching Pittsburgh:4_llo:os a. m. .ftetnndrig., leaves Pittibutgh at .1.2:0M.p.m.,: , 1 and arrivir at Wall's Station at 2:00 p.m. •__ .!, 0 1iinclunati Express leaves daily.Alluttt . retklmi amity except Sunday. ,• ; .; • ~ • ; PhliadelpthiaMtpress and the AlteonteAccommo ' dation arta Emigrant... Train arrive daily., .. fifiudnnau Wess arrives akeept Monday. other, . /. dalif 4 o l . tiall.V;; - ;"i ,: . .Toritirther :ameba tion x rpfl e t ionnt o The Permsyl4AnistEaliroad Company alli •not tame any risk 60 Baggage, except , /kr luresti up- I: and limit their rearnisiblutyto,One Hui: d • o valneio ...Ilagglare-• - axeeedhir t annitUnt lit Value will be at the rlsk of the ovrner,, , tnt. - ; lest taken by speedsletuaract, • - EDW.A2IO,II. WILL , , ,GeriendStiperintendent;'Alt4Mt.; ' F;N:ti2=3 AKENI'EttIfrEIVI-Emglegli • - STDVA.NLA. BAIL ..Ork and after November 1; 1861, this Pas- sellger Trains on. the, Western. Pennsylvania road will ,arrive - at and depart from the Vedersl StreetElert t Allegneny,Clkr,milellows: - Sinirph , g No. I; 0:95 itct, stbi)a tit .Freeport NO. 1 8:15 a m Freeport . ,.N_o. 1 tiatssm . ,- Express 10:10a at Sharpb , g No. 111:2C1 am liharpti , xNo. 2 .1:25 p m Express.... ‘,...r.,1650 pm. 'Freeport No. 2 . ..SAS pro Harmertoe' Ac - 3 , A5 pm' 13:05 p Freeport co 2 6:05 pm Harmersoe Ae TrilOp m Sharpb , g-No. 2 - 1:30 pm Abele trains run dauy except Sunday: i The Church Traih -leaves Allegheny Jmietogell Sunday at 7:40 a. in., reaching - Alleghen yCi ty It • 9:50 a. M. Returning, Mares Alleglseny City at *AO p,M.; , and arrive at Allegheny aneet.4%91•15 I °. -'oo2tittrATlON Ticurrs- , For sale In rages.of Terentyapetmeen,_Allegheny City, Chet. sM. et, Herr's, - Bennett, Pine Creek, EtnlinSl arpablirg, andsood only on the trains-stopping at Stations elle titled on tickets. • • The train - leaving Allegheny City it 0:50 a.' in. ,* makess dittet connection at Freeport with Walker's line of Stages for Batier and Manual:tat OW 1 - - Throttgli tleketti mat be *purchased at the Office, No. alit. Miele street, near Suspension. Bridge, Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny City. For further inframation apply to 1 JAMES LLFFERTS, Altera, • _ • 7 ' Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad not as mine any risk for Baggage, except for 'wearing ap pare! and limit, Owl responsibility to One Hundred. • Dollars In Value. z baggage eXceedbut this amount in value wltl be at the risk of the owner, ult.. tess taken by epeeist contract. I ' - • EDWARD,It „WILLIABB,• ''deb ' ' Generel - Superititendat, Alteona. l'a. ilt01:4 1 ;! i„L,LOI S MitiMil UNION PACIFIC BAIVOAY ' Eakein Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST ItELIABLEIRODIE trmnhe East to all points in ' Colorado, Nevada California Utah; ,1 ' Aiizona, Washington, New Me ice , Idaho,i . , Oregou., ; • Two Traltis icaya Rtate Lta - Senwortts "(laity, (Sundays excepteti,a on the arrival of trans 0 1 Pl a tte Railroad froni.St. Lalds, l tkalod ' SS,. Jo !tail:wad - from - QnlnCy, ' eonbeetalgE, a t La w ranee, To !ak a - ati l dtWantogojwitlll stages of points -in 'sneak. At end Or Irnex wean 0 ',Wirth. with the 171f1TICD STATES EXPRESS Y'SE' Eye, - PAN , DAILY LINE'' Or OVERLAND *AU! 'AND itsintves coARREs.r9B. , .. ---- • . • LAZ'• : And' all Pointg *he Terri tories, And wit 4}iANDERSONASAMT-WYSEIELY. ..11.TE of r - ea - - fre A k C t°r l,a r VIVA P;iiita Arizona i 24 12 ew 1 1 %Pot `stock to (sr tamFOR lug an d ~ n rt t iS d e ri at - the . llii= Inns. this r9s4d Adw'ilireten nnoo l nilled ,costs_ oa r e Far facilities farY lo tr !'"l nira ,! ) sW4 iii c T "cketslbr sale a ppa ad; to the ;), 'tatted States' and 1/ 11 1 3 Oftekeii iWk r • d a tri l itt P 4. l"l flNlON PAO riffe-s-BouwAl -* x,Air'llmiNii:i.visloN". '*l'`;`"‘'x'rr• fien4killnieritOdol. r-n 1 t ‘,„ ijrn . Geniial Pre tot andTicliat. • - ' CLOTH •-••• 'WAS • ANC- , • - bet, In - th e market; eil,fra ;Pr& re. red by TNDIA RUBBED SOBE R iron: 3-4 .L to 8 inch oslibse, ac nt'Sla ßu b b e r plittes apla - s• 6 U• ' 1110 A aTENME: AD. 18137, Trains wlll ar e onion -leepbt, eetaer of As, , as follows: „:4, Depart., . Day EXpreas... 41:911 a In' Wall's No. 1.. 6:39 .am Mall Train 8:20 a. xn Wall's No. 2.. 9:50 a )31. oCinelnuatt m Wall's No. 3..11:30 a m Johnstawa Ae. 51:50 pm WalL's No. 4.. 3:30 pm Phila. Ex" Pres. 4:10 pm Wall's, No. 5.. 4:50 pm Wall's No. 6.. 6:05 pm Van Line 7:110pro Wairs No: 7.-10:50 pm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers