El hilt . Vilbltgll.-:oaott. VAtilliVi , l%Lth. hlreet Wethe AM We've sot tOgether, Pad Its OW huh . _Oft tug he Ilittslik the Is I •, sli Pl` * Mitt X. P he tilt i - et t ~..--".",, •Ps t OA It te 5 5 - 4' ... ' x l ) * h tlil do • o r ‘ : - --..1, lid 03*.4 * . tl tt iste I, MI • 11115tt Vol th 1 %Ito" 'it woo ys , , i 4 - - , t'' . t . .. 44.14\,..,.0 , -,,,,- .. . rd st We to spolte . ttl rot Nth rti "ttn eon's% them for prayer; F l t. ?Ali:rime whets-tire, eursslop, all d *Nu) they In lltvr, Nrl.)l,lld wln thee to slay: EVets to thy soul Its rattiest blesslog— • neat ktda-est oh that my heart Would say._ -OniOet %V sonl 1114 a sodden romitttsg ,BV,ltAts*k the &Two are lens log behind: Id' d' tYte thy ra6u 1., no longer retttrulttft. 11l bit I,YIN eee Vag, soßut and 150 kind % _ . 166,Flerstst - -1 1 111 in t ve thee, nod Issast , re, sIUI WV: Vet;it 1704 tut* theuk end keel , thee. midi Runic i'tll V t — onoest all thld utyltesti hirld stk i.'!: ' ' • " lIPIThiIdERII2I, —.,Peen Wigton - is thirty-eight years'old. dog ertismie has been begun in Chi -There are nine Mormon toniples in London. —Sergeant Bates, like Washington and Napoleon, has his 'lmitstors. —Judy calls an unsigned wiflit nameless deed, thus taking the *lll fOr the deed. - ---Ono of Du Pouti's powder roiling mills exploded on Saturday. No one was hurt. —Mandarin Burlingame will sail from San . I"nmeisco fox:New York on the 30th —"Johnson •will die game if he dies at , all."—Excluinge. What sort of game, hare or fox ? • ' - . *—lf ten New Yorkers own one-tenth of the assessed propertx in that city, how many own it all? • ' —The unfortunate Giraffe in the London Zook)gical Gardens is suffering from two yards of sore throat. • —Matthew Arnold describes Hepworth Dixon's book as a history of the' Mormons by one of themselves. —The Duke of Wellington' ownedtwelve overcoats, but a young lady in New York has eighteen clOaks, all new. —The Tomahawk says the cradle is the nutshell in which every boy appears a ker nel' (Colonel) to his mother. —Charles Dickens' net profit in America were $1.00,000 in gold and three large pack ing cases of miscellaneous presents. -- 7 " Hens," says Basil, "are very danger ous animals, especially when they begin laying,about them pretty vigorously." —Howard Paul has gone to Rome.. How bard Paniwas treated the last time he went to Rome, some eighteen centuries ago. --Mrs. G. H. Pendleton patronizes. the "German." This is supposed to be a dodge to win the Teutonic vote to her husband. —Parson Browrilow does not want the Vice Presidency. There' are many men who don't want it—untilthey think they can get it. - • Dickinson has found her voice spin. We had hoped that it was still -for ever, but it seems to be still for.women —John Brougham has abandonen his an cient line and has taken to the heavier roads of the . drama. is writing a play for Booth-. —The Boston Post says that nearly all of its readers are early risers. We take this to bea delicate way of hinting at a limited cir culation:' . • : —Sir John Pakbigton has the chicken pox,- The baronet - has some time ago achieved Che mumps, whooping - cough and measles. •Mr. Dickens went to the Circus in New York and. saw the Cynocephalus. What he thought of it is still as riddle-iculotte as the sphynx. , • —Cardinal Bonaparte rides in the carriage with the Pope. Be is onlY a young Car: dinal but will, he hopes, some day be able ,to ride alone. • --x-John C. Green has given Princeton College $120,000 and a_ deed of a farm. Why•will not some one dd • for our own University ? • , —Queen Victoria bas been to the church which„NilliSin the Conqueror used to. at tend: , Bhe didn't see Bill however., and on-. ly staid a short Bute. ' I ' -suicides- ri'er 'day le all -that Paris can do in that line, and she only, does that' much because other Wise business woUld,ba dull—at the morgue. , • on asparagus.•:. wanS his grave to; be covered with a bed of these • vegetables, although an oat or. tWii:•wintld be mote',lTlMPriate• pan: Mali .Gazeitc.. is , called' the "most implacable of censors:?' We should style ittbe;tru,:il":oo,lielleti:lol.joUrnals aid befo„ pi — /Per : in England,. ; ••••: --An`editor I n Algeria was punished' not ' long ago for 'mediating a fainine:,'NOw tfril French government .has sent $BO,OOO * tore lieve the famisWng Algerians. —A.• man, -starved-himself to death in the jail atUanbrii7,9onh., bemuse-becottldn't otit;. 'othenviSe , ihe„StarVitlimAirdeCia woulildiave beep carried cm'elle:Whcre. ' 1: -- - 311 isouri ;11 4 9 • PP4 l .!e_ltiC!, i lt*A o ',l:l l .,t r i husbands from abaadonirtitheiriwi*es. i - At is supposed that act will decrease the itiifibrt of' abaidinied ;ivoinert 4eViat st a t e . • r - r ifei 310esty!a „ .f - theatre Is. fo t he.Aehuilt at -.4 9 A of 4825 000 ~ ,7iValeser It to bit the ' •,', f corner9t00;t11101104 Ote4Assf:P*.dAt 19,0 a ilk* tVat'Wltfplo he hens titim:::. ~ Selves.,:l v fl:t.nr:c.-• I: • ••.3 14..1 rrt ., 1,.. Li, i ! 1 —Mn Mr.eiitifeirth'Dilke'laii"-irtiten4, ne w ~beSk 04:11C. .14.114_qi 0 41 - . OK Grilltie . i; •Plitlan ,- ) it Js,amirtitobefresk Wu/lair' op : - ' ' lr f Itil°4*l66l ;1-kWrirel:. I * 0 4. t it ! •;4! ig ,..!,',.4713: w o rk• - 1 3 i.• '• '',,‘,... ' • l'' !A ,I , r 1::, I•,'- ' 1 - . 1 :: , i ' l r ' ( ' t-TH Omar lig 8 . - ti tried dl'O - fe kelt' : ii, -.--, diis 1 '_4ln + :l 4 * T 45 7 4 0 .1 . 6 016 44 6'0'4 ',Oft 4 ;„-,...-... 00 „,,,, i4 , ~,,., ~,i ) ri., ,7„f1..-'l.i6.4xects id; attract 00Vetittesser ail - - --' -_ .• ' 'I" ~...'l, ~” , It, PI 110 P.3;104 rbfl Iktl:lll`llirliCZ4.t.4 $ A,4l.*.ooki..'ilioetattr;'...,b,oll,VirN 1 4111: 1111 - 4. ( Li.. C .i t ! l o r ifitiegfarttt i tl i k AN I c : -.) ' ' - g ist : --Ing re . i / (Flit ' I, 1 . _ 10644.44+1 9 f - SigistrAieettearaisautil act 670 f t. . tootarto ~, 1 '' lll ." .-, .--tdsdAilr. I, fall F 2 -1 , ..1 till - 71 - 0* gowelo• •••• o.' e': -- -4 411 0 11 V ie ft : 1 .,_. 4 . 40 . 4 ....... ~.,. gfibloginkft4ll • 100. illsuf.,---.1---- ii 01,10 Y. Owi 101 ck.o‘oll S 0 00 0111 n od ca ?a r t a *own ! eqo,ead o lett ,V 1 ,.. 3111 .. 4i :a 34069 o f mit tow aeibiiactup mac ort.. _ _ mud slaw elo,"*" dud) 03 no ed "Ice) 61r8a ( .tevobuov what are these coffers ? Perhaps to make a a dam in the tide of curiosity. —Swinging on a trapeze by thi the latest acrobatic feat in Lond( supposed to booVention of k, Who has a large Opp '4, '.. e •lin ... 401 Kitir &de"—, 1 i t.' ---ttitta is in ;el d 1 Nel. . v., 1 i' " att- e ,t , 'l inatio* i' e ~ \an ex tt,..' 0 that Po' ky , ci ` a ~. to Like the eels, she is used to-it. • —Mr. Carlyle owns a farm at Craigei. puttock,- Sootlankand when he. writeslo his tenant about the management of it, Hy, said that his letters are as inteWle tutd, c , " e - teteNieTrii t if (Wm .- --- - " ;--Tennyion haS dome bedicto Us, not in silly driblets ,of still sillier,tverae, but . in 1 another : rand poem, Where thelegions who : look upon him as',.. , the great con revel in the consciouiness of his genius. ' • - —The mystery of the "Life Mid 'Passion 'of Our Lord Jasusehrist r; Wlil not be per formed again' at•Ammergau, in the- Tyrol, until 1878. Baroness Tantphoeus. gave an excellent deicription Of it in Od es ' —La Marquise de Gams is going to Afri-, ca in 'search 'of , her husad. The poor. bn. MarqUis When Ile tied from his conjugal re lation had probablyno lads that- She would follow him and carry, the war into' Africa. , —An exchange says ' "the' Greek 'flre at . Buckingham Palace ii paralleled by the brimstone in the ,United Statesbapitol." This exchange may be set devin , tur pretty far gone, if he already begins to" smell brim- 1 —The latest agony - in-Berlin is for a family, to retire and leave the gas turned on. The next morning, there is plenty of mourn ing for the fatally:is dead. . Several families have introduced.this novelty with suffocat ing success. —Buffalo, not being satisfied with water works, now • thinks' of having pipes laid from the principal breweries of that city through the streets:to the various - houses of , the citizens: , A beer meter would decide , what each was to pay. • —The Boston Post calls the Ku-klux-Idan excitement a Humbug- If the ,Boston Post man had his. house burned down and his I own throat and those of his wife and chip- ' dren cut, his opinion, if he had any left , I would be slightly altered. - I —To the list of conundrums, who was the i first man ? who was the oldest' man ? etc., 1 etc., it is proposed to add, who were the I most disappointed men ? and the answer will be, the heirs of Elias Howe, Jr., who I expected / millions and got nothing. , —Dickens said Curtis was the very beat speaker he ever heard. And yet ha can't speak half as well as he writes, in witness [of which statement see "Lotus Eating," I qTrumps," "Potiphar Papers," and "the , Easy Chair," In Harper's - Magazine. 1 —Father Ignatius, in London, is despond- lug; he hasbeen treated, badly; his monas tery, at Norwich, England, has been'turn- 1 ed into a cheese warehouse, and what is far worse, no - one will martyrize him by ridi culing his habit of _going about in asown, barefooted. • ' -,-: '- - --Arr insane man living in Foxdale, Isle of Kan, threw his five Children: into a well, attempted without success' to treat his wife in the same way, and then Jumped in him self. Help arrived a nd all wore tat* out, but the marthimself, , and three of hiSchildren were already dead. • —Poor Wiliam Seward, once the gteat- est of the great statesmen of the country; honored with the beat'*, seats in. the high ; places of, the country, and now "on Friday 1 Mr. Seward sat on the floor •of the Senate 'Chamber" and nobody said William wilt , thou not go up higher,? • Dana, in the Bun, has tried to nominate Mayor Hoffmari•forPresident, Minister, to the Court of St. James and Governor of New 'Fork. • Like ?Wetter who once tried th drive thesini, he seems inclined to run. things into the ground. We hope that his punishment - limy not be'as severe. *--litri. Cady Stanton calls General Grant "a drunken soldier. " - ; Mrs. Stanton ought ~ • nOt.to,le so severe; she .sh ould reflect how dreadfully-poor, little:insignificant Grant; who is merely , General di the Armies of the. „United States, Inuit, keel ( When. he learns , what thegreat Mrs: Stanton thinks of hlin., - • 1- 7 -l ill iondiilli"4;2; ' 6 ) ; i 1: •' ".Gifts of princely •amounts—amounts which Would' Yield fortuniiininere.hater4, ". have been refieidedliutd.to;great American.citiesitO colleges, to libnuiesi - - and, during" the ' life time Of the;donina;; ; lnit l'fc'eui:, 3 usiOr r'' ,call an:instance of , the kind in ' , Great ( Brit: alit ,' ,1 , -,,r, • ,•(. +, • , 7 -,.:', . . —ln "London on the , Gtho •r +Juze the . Newspaper Press Fund people 'will have, a bautpret" at' whie,h s :4lß.,lit. ilieTnke of !Qarnbridgailll preside. - , Whythis" , gentle man is thus 'chosen, • welire',Uriable tii learn.% ,`lle be g un t i n'!Tl ie viei: ****-14114; and if. it is imaicount - of hia rank, - why it, , is sheer 1,...... . ~ , -.t; ....•;!ii 1 1:1 5n0b... J. ,. ~ , , - , 1 ' ' Aikariailifninishea artificial legs : te all persons in that•f3tate whollost their natural, P#OB ll "4 6 ,ts,lit , 1 ' As, PO , ', 1i 4 0)44 POSern` ' Meld' iiiiililles,ex; th Sloo t ailiklerelerho n e ed: them, with falsellatbs; tithe hilly be tonal ered as a mask of charity to cover up the .fact that ei-rebels Wh - o - , are cripple g rego4, '05i,,,..,P14711:41,',04.,,•.itintV, 1 ~.. ~ .1_ , ...„.• tarafiuw-b9 18 *. 11 i th l, l ! described bt-iine i ritVidealiell'oolit , kly#o4tp: ''Ailfp,l44l4,4lrif•ii!4,itiimi , ;lisi , .. 4 opied , het amuses. &oath's lieney9or ;tyrixat it& '4 44l ,o. 6.ll vfgOrtib i ‘ i i. , ' ~4' iiiii toir keso 'iliki*e.l'iii44 l ilktM4iCiio6 i and is fastened to itilliscob#llllatitalkYekvill*' that it must haveteenntolen from the iptir, :0 31 ,mokulei=1: kii`7',/ ;',ll'.i' I eda 'T'[...,_ l • litiaf s Ik e tvidi rt - , I ,l l :9zsaviitE. 1., :Ir._ Trrlttr,..2 , mre, .... rf w , , - ,,, m , •N'.. awrimief thig montlohavrmnothiairr 1 . 44 4WAt tlfeKl)igitit4 9 4l4* `Attlipillift'i4'44Aii:iik 'tlit64isj4;;ll 131da*.4si ifaiAtTehlit-ftettobliillee * 1 it , WitiO • woief 4 , J • - • 1414.11, .k gi o wgi , = tl') vartft TT,. ' . , P.. .• 4 '' l l k, It r. . .._ - ••- •0- s parasite ,- r luny hotel and per,. sad OtiMaiiitiiiii&V , tv . fy x . i4l / 42V~ Ifillif 40a9 tom adult edt roue -bauricit halt mull bliid has to ri isdi sokirs deldw erettrarorn tiaccuzio , to tab Witina 1 . 11c,c1 edt lo enT Asood food% pei ,hilt,', eist oseryi eel iiii liwcz :I zi: t. wit • WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29 1868. .thilgexulneartiale7Nl:gA3M*ll2. EFR I • SII a, CJ itt-de BE =1 z'rj ' • just received, the nnest and largest assditinent ever opened in thizette. • • • , WEL:0011 icy KELL* 141 WOOD STEEST. COM VIRGIN ALLEY. mb24:n23 87 _, , ,yworramtlyntEET:- , 87 , .SPiIkarGt:OPENIZIG THEODORE :: F PHILLIPS';: Mir.eizaor to ,I. M. Rural:lda ti:C?.) 7 • I'SPRINO_DRY GOODS: ' • - • RING DRY : ,OOOI*.. sniNet'sgirtloons. 3!R. PI3ILLIPS teupectfntl~ ^ announces that the RETAIL' . .DRY , 1 GOODS SitoßE 4 11 , 1 .0 .1 1:t i t r ltd i. . e li t salp , bp.shmefit , - New Stock. of DrlJ Goods, - `:• fl i;lZiirin ue 4 r a i rg . 13umnier Wear, .at the lowest Eatt anti BI , coo LI & mcamps, PLAIN LINEN:.HANDKERCHIEFS, • 8 cents ALL I VIVEN HEN-FFTFCITED HAKDKER cuirrek_for 35 cents and Any:l:Ards. WATOH AND . WORK - . BOXES, .WRITING HOSIERY, In all gradca and at all prices. sllpit STAR • - rionwkiu KID OLO . COidiET4,iIOUP SKIRT'S, de RIAU GOODS A I I LOW PRICES, rein . ettilan, ateVAirTiltalls (TAW Wilton, Oak &C 0..) *TIFIM3MIE 'DEALERS I I • t:. Foreign: ' and IkinieStiQ *Jr:Goods, No. 9.6W1,307) STREET, • ; . Third door OboTe Dtaiskond . aNey, • • , , • • - :7 ' - PITTSBURGH. PA. * • •111± 6 : tierE* 24 .;, 'QUEEN OF TN E'IWASHArUII AEIOtISh" LEA l , Fr:;tri • A :crAkr ; STAIN - REiii:OVEni; ,;;;; •1 .A.Ravr i r.RArneirmt;,:A I,Cheapertban Song. bold to bottles yO/Lreit t obloGrocers.. Indorsed bythAnt Monillooorle 4 rotv a .re9by bd , octr ,MW = WATuitiva'co •-• wootvgtitt ' • ~,. , ~. - • .. ... 'V, dritto-v.Proposalawillitm re—. ./.:‘ cetved bY tinitindersignoil on, Oak E „-. •. -. ,i, ~ I ~ • ( :i :IisT•D'AY :011E144 `OA nir • PlailitilrllliEloo4,ollit .11ittfygg of the gie,v, Ailith WiVrdr 4flrflfC49o l A`T° u ) ll .l4 B . l .f," - 3...1 . • 'I .ziii - 4.01..'; ; , (; ' vr" , : i,-, - i ,iii E k i - , . rata bid; brittaryaritand leurig;:trir solicited • Ibr o nattering. Ttaiptreetort retesorignt to r et 'any, ot a ll Ws. . nos *net ttons :cah'. sten lit tun (Mee df-11ARIttit gi • , aka! ...and 413E:CUM ttreeto:' ". tv-7 i'. 1 It !.t. A ttitiqfttiPAlLuo,,r,., 1 1 I : ol:}l.q!tr f. ,T '.c;•:: , 14'.50 ,11.tyi11yi.11&144 , 0 1 , r ,,anZtio% in f •+ ,r , liri qr, tglithildint Otnaisat:tee., .1 rtfirajggßAtlat s . 01911 IT fAININNG -11 X WifiVt a i t t• ‘l4-wic 441 , tbe it t t of ,Costi a a lawErliaa Mato betty ew I Eir .1 -, l• • ".• • .0 ?rO , 0 1.. 1 1,141411! ImAyttpite I ' pi il l : s ( 101 'I W pllo an] -I; I • .; t r a'qj .3 rt 119/IN .li. j ii a :4 1 1, ^ ;;:. t 'z raj hatcr I ( VAL 13.14. P v f ir f ir ` ... 5'14'149 fel 3ES at Oki Mr) ictuts art be)Q; mL4hdT_4• ` ECIZZI Mail SOB :GAS AIM 01161 1:,DW.74300D5.; -- > - :1 , _1 z. - ,44 Z . 1 0 41 WO. - g 0:1 ELI H it A e cil .., •: A Q O' O E-4 431 ' 3 g 2 , 7 Filth Street,. AT *EDUCED rBICZR t JV- ME=Z=M!MMM3 x.:ANDATAIL BUYERS , 7,4; e s . 0( ip ;".". • ,41 - • r , - 1 5:" . c4arei/ :1111:1434r.-5,, cannot be beat. It consists ot ITRIPED,DOTTEDIacTO PLAIN 'MEC FR1PEW.14,1141612 &-PLAilinfeJereWeL; LA,w4ps We. 4 • ,_ Zll 4 ; 3 1 V! 2 ; t lc nr . Miailitia . ot,L,„ ,tL_ , r_j__. - ' .i„), l _,_ 1 i d arsgamux RI n rivr mapow, g• ttp 21L end ,' T 11 , 7 i • h Mfr-MOZEIN - W ILUCTS,;,: 411,. V.. Iduet!.eFeMle/41101,at1 d uet ! . eFeMle / 4 11 0 1, at *A!2'TIS4N PRICES. + A Fine L Lot i of Pdaieso, li;ini:coi.ous, " 0, SYSTENE ALEXANDI6 SIDS, at taper piill:::: , I. ' I qtlarit4i r` li ttH 1 R 1 ' ills - 'A. ,: ' ,Itzionftoba r ii. - i ici*, - ailoWit4ir. :,- woritura,iresiaii,ssiii ion. SUMMEII,JAIXORIIA it 4154.1;i0411. i - ' ' Mai In 'PAPER ; VOLLAAS.we hivii a full variety: - • ' .71:1„rtntl. "-• NALCIIII3I4 , I4Iair3IE & CO. iS 'and SO idar 'Let Street. apSi:dle Nrliv,sTPßE t NEW Mom . - ROSENWASIPEINHPIT & EMPORIUM ; 76 Slarket Stieet, Pittsburgh, Pa. The undersigned respectfully intone :the - public that they bare received tkeir entirely new stock of goods, consisting of - • - - Millinery and .Straiat Goods. Rii3bons,‘ Laces, ArtifiCial Flowers,. Embniiderbils, `White Goods; liosiery-and Gloves, To which they invite the attention of tinrehatens, WHOLttiA.I,EIAND BLTAIL One of our firm giving hie entire attention to the Ming git o o f ng gc at i e - r a i t etice and all the f.Ait:4111,14 procuring goods at the eery lowest prices, we are enabled to offer great Indecements. - Constantly receiving _New Goode itom the New York and Philadelphia - auctions. A share- of public patronage to reppectfully soli . ROSENBAUM T & 00.9 M0.,76 MARKET STREHT At24:10:1 pERIFECT FITTIENG D KI GLOVE . . C. C."---"E"..S. • We invite attention to our IEIII . BLOW DEPIIIITINENT 31- 3vitcrits hair complete with even color and shade. In addition to our CIWII special importation of the Celebrated A. C. C. (lonvin) KIDS, We have secured the exclusive sale of the 41 .13arrie oe,ssixaess *rids," The best Glove and most perfect et. &moans & a&RusizA, aril 7.070711 STREET. - AT EATON'S, ' No. 17 Fifth &req.: New, Parasols, MACRIIIII & CAIIf.!I4VEI 19 Fifth Street, Noif Mier the most elegant Una of ~ • i tA t e ig - ni ck s Everopetimii riVittsisurgh, to which theyespechdly Invite the 'attention of theircustomers. The de slV KS are nearly/Mt now and ortginal,mid about IiEGUX..A.* PRICES. t3I.4PAITIO 44-XVEIPS4k • , • - •10 FIFTH minx, • r • I just opened all shades of BULLION'IND RISTORI FRINGES. .' BUGIAINItitrit'A.ED FRINGES, : r At.!ICIT.IOI, prices- -. i apU VOtiot TO (miaowOF „ . 1.1 • BRAYS,. 0 4 3, Ott g o ttee in•hereby glien to all biglierS of Drays, •CsrtsisCarrblesi Marilee, *C. vrbether resident or wrosident in Om Ol• tybqipoirli. to psi their L comes et 'the rtrairnrerii as of 3114 e .- City TIM-Darin lf . ollTawali t olAordance Pith an Actor •Shilemplli llPPrev= 1860, sad and an Ordinsucc„of the Counc Is of the:Lam o f itahepassed/kerli .11.40. - • notliald ca before lee& pill be placed la the bends of thegblef or Police cfor-Oblleettoti subject lola, fee of DP cents for the ,00floction• Nurser and +Mt lierbinaivrhbAseglect or - rehme to teko out Licenses NIA be subjeot Ito a pen ? • sicp. te be'recOvered boot, u!t, varorodubAq Pe amount of the License. • /...t 7 " r The ow 41 L • * iksetO nit be re turned at l ererormy $lll cents therefor. • maxi ;01p.piottistiv •••-, Each One liorpsiVehlcto r t ifr 363 -• MilitiMitAl'AlP l O . I tl•-1.• •,..”(••••••••...v••• la 49.1;1 ' IWW2 "116 t 1 , 71 'Patti 1,74e1v 11006'111inkt.. JeZtVirt , whpeiststrik - bri od 11•=itiged.ciiret4 e rett . it Ql Aqs,'" - ' UM ire i!wwlia,vll;l4l'XlMlMare ,ryntu,,fm• p,"rt *" tff: k) 0;4 ' " • . —4l6l6lBOrtgr f r i lMintrit ;AM.. , P....M tr, Ytt TANitit)ll.l.VV3O: OM; ,/i,_ . ..1 , 11W01 :1 14MOUM 1':. ki.,l ft' C 1ii.04,4F9.1.1.1ti MI Viii,:,,,.— ,L. ' fOr-Olt t NO letalhen .B _itnionannamontllit %wild iiiin% Om sad at BAR B A MOSSR 8 and ander the direction °fiddle tandem. . , , e c • • .. r. . BRIM. decretary ap0509)."•' 1,g . 4. ` S ' t. coiner rout& EME Corsets and Skirts, Fancy Gocxls, 4cc., Straw Gods, And •Flovvem JUST .OPENED rrw' k 1 I=4llllll 110,57 f iOt r ‘ "4 ' tt•- ___ lfislinag iinitittEr .bectsemen ristO. !`MINA BUTTING . ClAChi—ViX. / IEI 1 n . kfl!( -- 4 te e q• - •-i\ti Al .40 fl 1 i t Mil* , SAO . 40 k i :, 1 ehl'i 1 , ' '' ' Vr i -t-, ' ° -. 1.;Mp, 4 And Check ~..,...„ - ---e,-T- - lIIATTINS ‘ ' JUST IMPORTED., i -; IM eitiGnTrOr,co ORS.. • Peicei the ' Lowest in IlEos thia„garkee. )tecniatnli •9 ..... , r.vr..._ • • .-, . -, cu. ~ iiii ..,., - ilikneTlityrese.x. aborTwood.r. , r srgippwro, :LARGO , ASSORTMENT, • AU LOWEST rRwEs'IN . T.HES:CITY . _ O.E.CiatiIIii , WEMiNTEITQ I7OSE TO : HELL. i . •• • ' BOVARDAOSE & CO - , L.• • **lO:OlAwP BATEtf 'B4 BELL'S, 73 McMUM & COMNS ABH HOB OPENINO THEIR NEW SPRING STOCK, C.AIUPEIL`p4, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES CUII.T GOODS, ED LAST NOM OR CAN. . , . . M.PTY, 1.2!*.A.40/3i, 41. T A Less than Arland Cost. Manufacture. • These 'Goodscoiald:uet_ne*_l:ie_ ri s toed , for - the U 0 same cost:.4re offered riire VIIKRAL AN0.,0r.M11,, Far Below Their Present Value, AT THE PLACE WHERE' BARGAINS CAN•J►L% WATS _BE HAD ON THE BEST STWE. • -IN THIS MARKET. • • • - .• Nos. 71 'and 73 Fifth = Stzect, SECOND FLOOR. feliUmwiraT ' I _.- & H. PH, 1,,..L LI i P& 1 868 FakuiGsoonsqs R " We are' now reeeivinx:from our own `lxi . d: ot4er maonfaetories # NEW ' S TOCK of ' ' ' FLOOR - OIL --.CLOTHS; CiIIIIIAGE prapirruirE, , TAßLE ANTP ' ' ► 0y,.....:p2:4301 , 01.1(111 , 1'..:, i s, A.lik4; 1). pa liiio r , ,If, ! .. .-, • . - ~...-.':,:: , . . • Ininiiiiiiireiti. viiiitioiosiiiii __ ~ ..,,,•-.,,, I'' , • • , ~.., s l , l Ilt , -liollands; ShadeVisteresi : ~. 1- :-... 7 !-.. : .1:-'1 , -,: ,, ;,!..,..; i t ly_.; .s: •,,s , r , ~ , Tassels. 4 lR.i I .* * ' WOLESALE Alb RETAIL._ _P will end ourpriees ABZOirat NOT-wWll3t; THAN CAN BE FUR,Qll4BED.irAixEyi:llpqrZ,,erkct ; of Q uality and lizlesileemdzo one. J , '- -. r, . 0 -v , ~,,,..: I- ,--, 1- .: 1 ; ,,-1 i ', „. ;,. it , -! ,. . , , L. , :lk - 14. 1, psiLtilps, : ... f ii)ii i: l4ST ~ .. , ,::,., 44AinkAaST.,/OLAIR ST. - - S TEAM! tc- , "- •-. • ' :.. I ,bARbE r r,.I3EAVING qTABLISHMEtr.' ,- ; , ' Which TitlelrEAßlP Tiffitan and kith• er Eastern citlee te2ePuricdfavor9gotesuederl,•t. , ; -4 4- /-111a idlll:44l.fiftWilid Wielded itorepleteli atold-1 4„Lir-41.,Lma ;N.y.17 . 1 i I 51W . ttiste i sthipAyter s.. .Loolcamaillrassoestlesliept, imeelemis ' • W il arritt i Mtle c = ion eyrals:' 410euvine , skeet cu m. of ,4140E011.4 9 t 114 Y nel d! ' . l46l ') l.79 t' . l otWittr ` ObtkrrAtadwil4 Impg:lo6%4omA, 1 4T1 0 9•!); ,, it - it t r t =< " 1%11 3tMilr r` 111 C i W:ooft' • •Ah. -. 41 • L air ti da o; W:tiAtrscrin4.. r 1 ,30 c.*111 .1 4 Eg22 . 2gq1449A618 4)142F i ' eeee.reee,nnne . I.4lllronallNllMUNlNkageNk) ilft4 134'AV:4 01(117.1Va L 0. - - 51 fr .1 01 ,Itra agtattil lei t • 2inlttobrt ai azq 1 • I saitobsti.tri=l.l . 6 . ofeeniloob auseselbt lo 'Tome; aimmimmta=AlswzmzM D'l SSO lOU T lOSN--The firm-,.;-- , • l•r:: A r li .i- - At t A.4 . g - ..- tairxtu ..-',f WWI LllBOl . ••• •A ' -• by mutual cduk -;,-..,_ At er i ign 2 me of the firm lrk . .. ; . leni n •' ' ' IGH No. 4 Hand tee 'l .- ... , 4 4 ' ft,_ t., J sL.ti G, No. 50 11atu.:,,... ,-Plmahursuwi ih ! I!th ri. ~.. • • i• . 3; , - . _,... 1 1 4 - .2F,3 ...... ~.1 ~ ne the old anrtreellt.,! Al ~ wlll t , A.,,1 ,0 .'' 14:: 4441- jra --. Taints! esi %411 stand,.No. 5O :Hand a 11011-AVINGI DII3 ED Or 0, AA:LUMBEA YARD , situate 'at 1117 • Retii`; 13trW, Allegbeiky,-Raorand long -owned and i'§ . dnd. , by _Miesta:llo,ArimiSON lit EVANS •• • • DERLEATTlMagisatakewzdeasurtl i recommending to successor 64;1 mYlenabibiers4 ,';tedrirrnte A p tti th f be " c l' .'* . ...1 oof , ite r, UM 4 r t ot #rdt the til ''friOdlYnO• A - • . •,., ~- &lit Li: Kadi n . • , I E. le, tooNAisoil n.p ' 1 5:0 6 1 . I'.. i e Cr .J 1 , .A.,,r - ..: L __m Mt ililr/031ffyikeiretofq *.. 0 . dot ttl!ln 3 1 1 3 tXl ' 3 9C fr. JOIN ; it t — BOYTIV je ads 4lay dlssolle&ttyptitted consent, the Intl .erfloUrirg.lolMlnl4lthf hertHitinie'llirsed bY l ': 4 4 .09 0 E4.4 .11119.-#011144110 Iptegorm wt atiled l 6' Q43iD124 vivid ita sit 11111 6 aati tomtit: Mop g . slip underthepune and etre of BOYS & ODD b .10.A° YSx.toyaitit.uroyrs, • • ;:lh:0 - 1.1•' Al JOAN KNABLE. Pittsburgh, i!,Larch_ 9th. ante:q _ q . . 188014 lON. —TAE FIRM 4. 4 L CO. was dissolved on February. ASOShrnintnai ecruseilt. partner may start the n ame' of thelrm in sodium JOHN ATWELL. i _CHARLES ATWEL I . • , • 7. • The Undersigned wil l eordinge the WHOLESA GROCERY OuRNE ~ t roderthe name and styli 'AATWE c ontinu aL t the old place. No. lat Scd street. nce of k i ll:Mgt:tags of ti friends and the pntille Is sollEtted. ; ,f LE5_ ATWEL mlannall LE E. • • 11CrENRIE MEYER, 41-- "" 4 0. 7.311,, aFjEtpwrgyz.r.-pittogirgh, Constantiii on hand, a fitlllni3ortmentofCtO -CA9.4llfElitS.:-VggTlNill3, kc. ' &C 0.,. Merchant Tall NO..34Ffideild St.; Allegfiety, Rave jest ri eetved alOge and weiraelected.sto• FINS- SPRING -:GI ODDS s;att.bietoil tint Class Curtain trade. Also: a 1 *Lock of GVIT , S PITENISTIII4Er GOODS. • a 'SD 'ThtiIDLE ariAtcrlArrr TAILOR, 933(, SISIITHFIE-LIP3TREET; PITTSBUB AND IME RE .aoR— TeliOabitittal ue the old buslnet;t:, , wlll be promPll to y rtt l i ‘ n .m uod . caLatspNzithr,27,,, fitlEßMLean, 11141.,0RS Seeps l astantli Oriliacid a fine assortment CLOTHSVbASSIMERES & VESTIN _ dANT;Sier.ls7.sll.l2Pir pOODS. GE CLO 7111 1 4.? MADE TO 4:ADV.S, the latest stES NOW BEADY nu .. settl(m _. With' a iiirse.atni cob:4110e atOelt 808 yoxrrus , AND 'CHLL.I3IIEN '9 I 1 "•••CLOTHING. ' I All the. Ilewand lea Ting lanes, to be found at - 1 No 41.137. CLAI.R STREET. OEkANO.:BLO 011 PEA Elow PIANO Alp ORGAN.' SChOlGiarkeefir 90111% ESTEY.'S" COTTAGE ORGAN Tlia scrlicesumom Prim coathiiiiiir all Latest valuable .imPteveraent* •Imowirin. :the - straction or Arm chum Inßtruzzont, andt ea ab been awarded pretainat 'wherever , I.4i fg tone ta zuu: microns atidltweet. wor _p., tar derability 'end •mt , r,ai furl la 6 ertigaCS from 100 rO.SlWltccordin 'style an hi) ohesper_Onur . all of c.r ep-ca . Arat clam Piano. _ _ zsrxrs`corrirwr. 011.0,AN L , 1 Mandes% the , beau or ell YveLtinatramenui: In 1 ducinethemostperftest pipe atunliti tit tone of' similar instrument in the mama it b pie and Compact in conatruction, and not llab get ontOf order. • c• CARPENTFA'S I rATENT voz. Moo TriF2dOLCP , is only _to be ratted. ; in. this. On Price frOmalN) t 01559. ;.; A J k . rixta B • • ; ; LIBB IJEITLER, WO .1 No. ill ST CLAIN STREW EOM!) ~*ELODIRNA''ANIkOWANst In perfe l etordee, ream !F; to $l3O. cluniorrE , wan.% za ht '451- ?drat et., Aa dgor &boy* yr.., . • ' -- - LUMBER. ._ ..„ . •LtrOniEnti.x.rtnind,'Lvierill . '-`, , -,-ii.Auxoßßit.r.lfrOsON;_ s •xatlo N .tirlie r t n lec b g 111:1= 7 6 . 1t 1 4 1 Or -,---:- 1 :.)13#10.41ilk a dtalri . - 1131 TY. ; ! 1 . -- i' 1 j 3 p,M, E p ,:tti , AIL . IllalirDS ;eV .7ii;fisgh ' iittid• ,. i..riit#o4 'laiiiip ••ori u < iii ,—...-- - .., 1„:Doon.„,.. ~:-...,-.N, i Ira boaralr; '." - , Sub . • ' • " , ,i -- es; ' • - l''' ' • ' ' ittotilailigli;_ ... ass , I immtier; 'c I ' 1 etter and' Locust Pow : Lath a d PaUnga,_ Oak antk Yellow Plat. AL; FIRE .o=ol[4;l'lLE 114 CLAY. ats • FPWRAMlXlalimacolarA4 • - • '; • , Vaimuri - .‘, • • • _ " , pitimitleirtg-rultagidttititkki - ." Ifill '4 • ~.MitirjtUriatagriP"'44 W rD43 7 l l s os • l j 1 ' t , iiil;6loteed • 1 .4 Edward DAY4l . :gh, • A . f i e ; DUntin. Johai Metlint, m."v Dithridp,, ,ciecq W. Dggirld,Fec.l M. L. Malone,- . 7ohnnton • •Taliki ' BER SARD*.fgagr'ot BVITLEU AND 4 ( .4W 4 grrakfin'EMFti Ninth Ward:z • 9 Lt; 7,94Tirgrpotyssawoßimwwi? illat4 =Mal tiA Ett Artnwill„ . t rvi• 41 , 1 ol /ti.” 00, lia4larrAistititt,''*(o,iiii , . :14_1110141311GB; PA % )ri wi t .t, .:lFer r,KPilyVitirsjfitiiirAtit P e : FE! . .4NO * TIT S{ , 10114 , - , ^4lolAr c . tle it aillairl}lll4l Nl*i* . 111 *Vi r kii*W 4 4#llP 4 tAikaii: Viktip l ►*Nl Yir , .c.. llMPAWSPlrreaUstakantirr . 17 3.9. tr "4%10 li , f J.; r 11. °ell 2 11 . ,V ~.....4 h..,err: , i'''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers