The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 28, 1868, Image 8

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- Downey, of the same purport. Referred ' resofidionadopted. • • Not acted on in S.
Mr. 'Moorheadpresented a.remonstrance
~tterioldscolfered ,st — t resieltitlati that
courr tis. against the ng-ot 'Webster street
the Street. Committee be instructedgitgre
- - from Gum to berts. B.ef . erred toktrect e a .. ta ,,,,„ ane a ehangiik„ am ,
• - . committee. , 4•• par ti ta/..
Regular Meeting—Petitions and Communi. _ -i- Penn street from Clymer eastward so alto
Mr. lOrrenS, the following : -
.confornito the grade 0f.,1557., Referred,to
`cations-The Law r e n ce , Ce s aiPanY — *solved, Ttuit,lJlMWSt9r, -committee be
• Stteet•Conunittee.l NOV. acted an :111.S.
kewel• on Fourth Street--Inerease of instructed tohave wafer pipes raid Wil
Merkel Force-.-4::hdhiauces 'for opening son street, frc'illPe>;ui?•.l.l)erty,. Referred I coif !T ON, RE-DISTRICTING.
cdrant Street . Sewer—Sol. to Water Cmmitte The chairman announced the Committee
Davis,. : a communication from '-on Re -districting the consolidated eitY, as
diere ) "Moirtanen' i ruse - Alley 'Vara- Ffeeteler in relation 'to Highland'aVerifte. follows: hiessrsAilt , First wail; Phil,
&c., „„ Referred to Committee on. Reads in . „con- lips, Second; Torley, rd;Verner,Fo l
A regular monthly ' - nie t ettildo - itfie Select junction With the'CiO • - Hemphill, Fifth; Jerenin Sixth; MeEtv n,
Mr. Ahlborn • presented ,a list of assess- Seventh: CaskeY :Web) "d,
slid i~ tieblias oliiiafty-Was held
ments for the 'grading of Fairview . * alley, . Ninth; Sims, Tenth; Gross; .1A1 1 0 2 .4 31
_Monthly, April 27th, 1867: Lawrenceville. - rens, Coliii*3-Jsnes,,Ptt; McRlh,P b.
Select Council. , , ' les; Welaine; Oiikland;'Wainvirigliran
Scott, Lawrenceville..
IdeuitOliiitelent:` 'Messrs. W, R.BrOWn, The Presidents of Councils are also o the
Cefan, Dickson, Dunn, Gross, committee.' , ' + 1
Jones, Morrow,f' McClelland, lkicEwen, On motion adjourned.
B:afferty, Shipton,q Wainright, White, Gal
laher and ;President 'McAuley.
Members - absent: .• Messrs. Cochrane,
Coyle, Herdnian, Kehew Laufnian, Mc-
Clintock, McKibben; Ogden, - -Phillips,
, The minutes of the two, preceding meet
ings.were read, and approved. •
• rsrrrioxe Am) corotils . .tdamoris. •
Mr. Shipton Presented .4.:Cornmainication
iromJames - Bentiy, asking for - exoneration
from- perinea - of business tax: ' Referred
to the Firt:Med . . - „COinnaittee with power to
Alscr,,•ti Beinnan Bros.,
clothiersrod.LibertYstreet,•asking for ex
* oneration from the payment of the assess
mentlor the vi gin alloy.sewer, or-that the
amount paid 'by -them be - refudded. Re
ferred to the Finance Committee.
- romemmtrancte from resi
dents and property owners on Webster
street against the widening of said street
from. Gum to Fulton. __Laid over.
, Also, a petition' from reaidents:on Erin
- street aSking for the openitig of said street.
Referred to the Street Committee.
Mr. Dickson, a petition for gas lamp at
the corner of Fenn and: Boundary streets.
Rererredte•Gas COmmitieb:
, Mr. Kehew, a petition from a A. lkicCal
lam asking permission tb erect two wash
and bath houses on Centre avenue, accom
panied by a resolution granting permission.
Referred to Committee on Wooden Build
ings, with power to act.
'Mr. Rafferty - , a petition for a -gas .lautp at
" Tunnel street and Strawberry alley. Re
ferred to Gas Committee.
Mr. Shipton. presented a communication
from the City Attorney relative to digest..
big the (*yin** riecOmPinibd bysh r,eso_
lotion authorizing him to proceed with the
• - work, and asking the appointment of a • new
committee. The communiCatkin Wes read
and the ,resolution-adopted,. And, Messrs.
Shipt," orii!..l.t:M. lite:Au/and Grtxthoilipointed
in Select Council. The Cominon, Council
_or:incurred, and Messrs. Dra•vo,
ner and Reed were appointed on the Corn
. mittee.
Mr,Voffiti presented It'petitienfrom
'tupee & Co., asking for exemption from the
, payment of sewerage' tax. Referred to Fi
nance Committee with power, to act.
• . • r,/i.Wh*NtE FIRE 'COMPANY. -
Mr. Gross offered the following rose
: lntion, which.was adopted: .
Resolved, That the Controller be and is
_ hereby authorized to,issue his certificate
, MayniLick.favor ofJohnrihitiminons
for a warrant fbr twenty-five hundred dol
lars for lot for engine house in Lawrence
ville, and charge appropriation No. IS. -
Mr:-_McLAtdey-I(Mr. Grad , iii:Ahe Chair),
offered an ordinance providing for the con
struction of a sewer on Fourth street from
Market to connect with the Wood street
, r sieWer.`• LThe'rulei3 were hiispended nd the
ordinance considered as road three times
• and passed..; •
Mr. W.R. Brown presented an ordinance
providing -Ibr increase of. the clerical
force in the office of the Water. Works, me
thorizing the Water Committee to employ
one perscn to act ps,Assistant Clerk in the
&flee, to assist in preparing the duplicates
of warrants, and perform such other duty
as may be directed by, proper authority.
Read three times and passed.
The ordinance providing lor . the opening
of. Webster street, from Roberts to Green
streets, was taken up on its second reading.
Mr. McEwen moved to amend by substi
tuting "Fulton " for Green " streets, and
adding the word. straightening.
•- The ordinance as amended was adopted,
Mr. White presented an ordinance pro=
viding for the opening of Forhes street
from Boyd to Seneca streets. Passed to a
second reading and laid over under the
rules. •
Also, an ordinance providing for the
opening and widening of Locust street, in
the Eighth ward. Passed to a second read
ing and laid over under the rules.
wirn axt r STREETAEWER. ,
The chairman presented an extensively
signed petition asking for the repeal of the
ordinance providing for a sewer on Grant
street. The petition was accepted.
In all of which action the C. C. concur
. Adjourned. '
Common Council.
Present-4.lesers. Alitborn.
;Batcheor:, ingtd.galigititi ey,
Carroll, Davis, Fazimmons, Garner, es
Herron, Hillerman, House, Jeremy, Moor
' head, Rebman, Reed, Reynolds, 'Robb,
Rosewell, Scott, A., Sims, Torley,Touens,
Verner, Vick, Weldon,- Welsh, Zen:, and
President Tomlinson.
piThe minutes of the meeting of Tuesday,
April 14ti 4 , were read and approved.
• il.rrriOss;
- lifr. i lloppart presented a petition far the
and paving of Reherfa `street from
Center avenue to Reed street. , Referred to
Street Corhmittoe. - • •
.Mr. Jeremy, a petition of property. hold
.: err and. rmidenta of • Wide Alley, Sixth
ward, for the grading and aving ,of the.
.saine'bettiren Logan. mid 7alton 5 streets.
Referred to Street Committee. •
•-% Mr.:Arm:fir Word:the following:
WIIEREAS The Soldiers' Monumental
Association ' has thus far failed to agree
upon an appropriate site, for the Soldleri'
- Mont:Merit inthiii district therefore be it
Resolved, That the City Councils grant
• , unto the Soldiers' Mont:Mental Association
an acre of land in the Sixth ward of this
citY..eiltittfittathetvititiii. rot vcooo, said.
acre of ground to be a portion of the "Basin
Lot," situate on Fulton and Prospect
•streetfiffioemtilich on,
',that blithe most
tibtroprfrite - "dithiii the citkllnftit - being
visible from all the railroads in the vicin
ity, as wellas.filffiihepiirfbAnd south sid9
of our riVer t ii.'
Mr. Torley offered the following on the ,
same subject :
. 145 4ve d i - gri Vi&
hereby granti to the ,Monumental Aseod
don to erect:, the. proposed soldiers' monty
• hung elther of the Second Vr3iid . Market
lots they may select, the same to be under
their control•andcaM "'•
Both resolutions were reteired to the'
" Committee on City Property. - . ,S. C. eon
. -•:" . :eg..1 1 05 1 .,1fi t "••' 341.
-& . •
Mr. Robb offered npetlilim or 44 gaS lamp
on .the, corner. of Wide Ailey an,d , Loga, n
strait.. Referred to Gas COituulttee;'?“*
r. Itekida MUOII for• • •themaddi t la
• sidewalk:lon h - street; bet Weed ham
field arid Grant streets. Refer"—
d t 11 4 11 " 44 '
Committee. •
Reed also presented a petition for
l` QM = llo4lt uAtlr e a th lf e tr a., eb "
Sixth and Seventh wards.
. *opts&
•Ms.' , NeOrliend la 436nUninda t a en f ,A m
. Patrick Reagan authorizing from
oft the remonstrance his Wt.°
olAtielf. • " e °Pening
from •'• Andre
Mr Weldon presente'd - a - report limn the
Street Committee, covering an ordinance
for the opening of Webster street,' and:ie
pealing ordinance' providing for the°Ono
struction of a sewer. on Orant street from
Diamond alley to the: Monongahela river.
The latter ordinance was prepared on the
strength lof, - a xernottatranetr against, - the
work, numerously signed.
The COMmittee also , requestect that some
action be taken .in regard to the vacation of
Spruce alley, Ninth ward, as Mr. Smith is
about erecting buildings thereon.
• The Committee also reported the follow
ing ordinances:
for the grading and paving of Townsend
street from Wylie to Decatur.
For the grading and paving of Vine alley
from Federal to Washington.
Changing days for cleaning sidewalks
and gutters from Tuesdays and Fridays to
Wednesdays and Saturdays.
The report was 'accepted' Mid- - the
minces, excepting those it relation to Web
ster street .tal law - Ur - MIL stye-bt nowar, laid
over for one month under the rules. S. C.
Mr. Weldon Offered “an ordinance to .
prevent the erection of wooden build
ings within certain parts of the city," sec
tion first providing that hereafter it shall
be unlawful for any person to erect any
building the outer walls of which are not of
brick, stone, mortar, iron or other incombus
tible material, in that part of the city in
cluded within the boundaries of the ten
wards as they existed prior lo consolida
tion, and within 'thee part' of the city
formerly • knOWII as the borough of Law_
renceylile and so much of Pitt township
Lying. between the Irith Ward and Law
renceville. Section second declares any,
building erected contrary to the provisions ,
of the first, section, shall bet declared a pub
lic nuisane, and the:third section provides
for, the infliction of a penalty of dollars
for violating tl32.erdinancei
On motion of Mr. Batchelor, that portion
of the ordinance referring to. Lawrence
ville and Pitt township was striken ont.
The ordinance was then laid over....'
GRANT srnEutlP.WE.'" r --•
Mr. Weldon called up the ordinancd - r&
pealink the ordinance authorizing the con
struction of a. sewer on: Grant street, and
moved the rules' be' suspended and the
ordinance passed.. • 7 •
The rules were suspended and the ordi
nance adopted.':: S. C. concurred.
Mr. Batchelor, from the Committee on
Roads, reported, in the matter of the peti
tion with regard to the toll gates within
the city, that in their opinion they have no
jurisdiction, but would further state that
the Commissioners appointed under the.
•Con-solidation act et work to effect
the object 'desired by' the. petltihuers.
With regard to the , grading of Forbes and
Seneca streets, the Committee asked for
further time to consider the matter.
On motion of Mr. :Brush, the report was
read and accepted. S. C. concurred.
On motion of Mr. Weldon, the ordinance
(laid over at last meeting) for the grading
and paving of Gum street, from Webster,
to Cliff, was taken up and finally passed.
Mr. Moorhead tailed up the ordinance
(laid over 4itliitt.irkeeting) for the opening
of Rose street, from Overhill to Dinwiddie.
Mr. Brush presented a remonstrance, and
offered a resolution referring the same to
the Street Committee and postponing furth
er action for the present.
The resolution was adopted.
On motion of Mr. Weldon, the following
ordinances (laid over at previouS meeting)
were read and adopted, the rules laving
been suspended
An ordinance allowing Western Union
Telegraph Company to erect • poles in Law
renceville.__Ordirianc fOr'gradhig, InCilig - find curb
ing Penn street (rota -, Taylor to Boundary
Ordinance for opening' toctust street
Eighth ward. .
Ordinance for grading and paving St.
Mary's avenue; Lawrenceville.
Ordinance for grading and paving Spring
alley, from Morris to Rush.
Ordinance; for re,locating'Second• Street
eastwardly from Birmlnghambridge.
Ordinance Or grading and paving. Carroll
street fromSmaßtrum,to . ,Thitler.
Ordinance fin:grading . arid paving Fourttr
etreet, from present paving to Intersection
with Try street.
Orclinance,fprgradittic aNt4 paving Third
street frern.foresent paving to interseion
with Try WeetP-'";
Ordinance for grading and Paving Carson
street from Mulberry alley to the Alle
ghenyy Valley Railroad.
••• .or fogradlnt tad - paving. Long ,
alley, Law.renceville from Lewis alley to
Allegheny Valley R;llroad. • - '
Ordinance for grading and
,paving Me-,
chanic-street t - ftnn ' present pavbig to the
Ordlnance for , and pairing of
Colwell street, from the eastern hide of
Dinrriddiritia - Glifflberrk
Ordinance for grading Garden alley, taw-,
renceville, froin St: Mary's avenue to Chest:
nut street: = )
Ordinance for grading Fairview
Ordiruntee for asevver on Chestnutstreetp
Ordinance ibr•the construetion of a sewer
on PerinsYlvania avenue from Washington
street to DitiWiddle street,
Ordinancesfor paViAti` if Wood Street,
from Fifth to Liberty, with pave-:
meat. ,
ftirttelggeleP/4112auCeZdirtillOW:rettob Se
let Councik -
sinuct ALI.Ft 21tA.TTErt.
Mr. Itebb offered thirfallOWlhg : ,
Besotved, That a Committee of five, throcoub
)101?,elieWittdloPAlifier Were'.
Smith ,on. the compensation . to be
paid by him Air the.use of thiir,portion of
Spruce alley vacitedr-draffeptittei_o l to
Councyhpro*d ik ,theitafqre any fher
action shall' t the iubject the
-same shall bdtiefOnid to,the vity Attain - 3y
fat bitillnitiriw ll ot*rir nbt Mr; s llll th
has the rzlit to the we of ~the alley under
'll4Oligq#4.o/4iioo4l` IPP';4818.
; latnre
mission,.mioalliort . patinocceeption to the
wording iirlt;wlil - cfilinplied that Councils'
had given.MaentleittiMicatio ,
3.FinallOr. Welshhe' offered t fonoWing
tiVrg t
At be re
quested in give bin opinion whether the ao-'
tionpf_Cmpas otthe.Leirioltiture has gir-t
en 110.-Mhelldgbiltialley, and
M 4 %1- ttierl r
tgo oft • _ _ s .
Vick =Offered e.ll, MPS `4l ;
09;94it50044 1,,
ivard ', Ten for" Pair ng side* k.ois:Ceti
ter •=avenue;•-be' , ont,Orliotri*ltOinn
No. Adopted. .".
Mr. ReynoWentra§ a resolution direct
ing the Finance Conimittee to prse
salarcy,4lL the t
spe spe ctor, and recommending the amo 'of
ACl , 4ilc), , Tlly,
AC e iuggestion of Mr. 'Robb the keT,
commendation , won mithdrawne, and the
v.,11;1'. ..:1;lei:•:--,...3 .;::' -°1•'.i;:tY111.1,..-r1;,4 •
.4 4 9.c.WoillttPargi4 - ' 1, 1
Young Meß.'s Bible Societ,T.cif-,ritts
tiaigh held their Jithiree Andvertiary last
evening in Di. Howard's church, 9orner
of Penn and 'lrwin streets, at half-past sev
en o'clock. There was a fair .audience in
attendance and cOasiclerable interest, was,
manifested in the proceedings:
Esq., was chosen chi4man,
who, after the introductory exercises, wblch
consisted of an anthem by the choir, - prayer
by Rev. Vir. H. Locke, and reading Of a
portion of scripture by Rev. Samuel Baird,
introduced the,Secretary, Mr. I. F. Giggs,
whoread the Jubilee Report, a r 'well written
and interestirigiaaper; -
From the, report welearn.that the Soci
ety was organized in - the early part of No
vember, 1817, by a small number of young
men in the old Court House in , the Dia
mond. Daring the first year it distributed
two hundred, and three Bibles said twelve
Testaments, and had a surplus, of $21.80 in
the Treasury. Of the proceedings (luring
the next twenty-five years there i is nto of
ficial:record,- the cause' being principally
advanced during that time tbroigh indi
vidual effort. In 1840-41 the destitute fam
ilies of the two ; cities were visited, and a
rent many of them fgrnished with Bi
blet. The total nuitibfti *cc ived- s p*igir to
1849 was 6,502, and the amount remitted
0,134.47. ; .
- Theyittsburgh;.tsm?ciationiTorgai d : in
aB2fi. - vas-'t. ---- 11&ftrat'.gen!iral ___ A ti.W4lis.
tribute copies of the scriptures throughout
adjoining counties, in this:portion of the
State, and a large number of Bibles were
disposed of by it. The report gives a
tailed, statement of the various . Bible Seel
' titles organized in the 'vie! , and the
number of Bibles' distributed b them, and
closed with a summary of the operations Of
the Young Men's Bible Society during the
past year, showing that although the dis
tribution had not been as great as some
other years, yet the receipts Lad exceeded
those of any previously reported.
The report . of ;the Treasui*, Jas. Robb,
Esq., was then received, from which it aI.
pears that the individual donations during
the year amount t0542,/5; depository sales,
$870,30; total remittances to Pennsylvania
Bible Society, $4,765,05; value of Bibles
phrehased, 111,045,05; ,= life memberships,
370. Leaving a balance to their credit, in
the Treasury at Philadelphia., of $3,350,
which is, indeed. avery gratifyingexhibit.
The report of the Nominating Committee
waspresented; and . , on motion, the'persopi.
named - therein we re" -
,unanimously elated
the Board. of Managers foY the ensuing
year., The following are the mulles:, s
Fait Preisbjlerian--Solin C. - Serer; bactli ,ritob
Second Presbyterian -•lohn F. Lai', A. F. Brooks.
Third Pre,b3tt rian-W. B. Edwards, W. .1'•
Thompson._ , , • - •
Fourth Presbyterian-I. 11. Afelielvy. J. L.
Central Prestqterian--Chorgo S. Bryan, Samuel
Sixth Presbyterian-P. R. Gray. W. Tlr Clore.
• .First It. formed Prcsbytertan-lt. C. Miller, N. A.
Second EelbrmedErabyterian,James Allen, J.A.
Fir,t United Prtsbytcriati-Janics Meguitton,
I. C. McPlutson.
Second U. P.--Wm. Floyd. Win. Frew.
Third U. P.-J. R. }teed. J. It. Gla,s.
Fourth U. P.-A. Lees. W. It. Ilainlittm.
Fifth U. P.-W. Fleming. T. Douglass.
St. Andrews, Episcopal-M. A. Woodward,it. P.
Watson. m
St. Joreplt'r, Episcopal -F. h. Uninot. Bootee
Trinity, Ephscopal-T. F. Bennett ,
St. Peters, Epkeopai-Dr. E. N. Barri+, IL Mil
-I.lberty„Stres. r t Methodist Eplseopar-W. 11. Ein
raid, J . E. tinnier. , 1
Christ`b. Methmlist Episcopal-C. C. semi's., Wil
liam Whitten. , ~ ,
Smithfield Street. Methodienr:piscopal-W. Brick
ii. A. P. Newton: ." ,
PCIIII*II aulaA‘enue, Methodist Epl.eop.ll-J. 11,
Walter. IT. F. Monied). _
Wc-'4lO/ Chapel; Methotilst,,-Erneinuti-Wm. Mat
thews, vai Id Hamilton.
__ J. 171x!11; MethodisLEpiscop4l-A. n. Nobt”. H.
W. Illefitstelsr• • . 4 - -
Ross street M. E.-A.." B. 31$110. .
AmeaX, E.-S. P. comas, 'W . Wilkinson.
-Centengsy 11. E.-It. C. Atkinsols, A.-C. Harnett,
South - Pittsburgh IT. E.... 11. Ws Darker C W
Birmingham M. E,--C. Taylor, John Hamlett.
Fartt Liberty IT. E.-P. li. Lauffman, Joseph
LawrenCevllle'lT:.r. 4 4.,,Wilkinlion, gilt. Carey.
Germmr East Liberty 'M. E.-AP.May. V. Bees°.
East Liberty Pres.--fi. A. iierr3'dt. C. Totten.
East Liberty U. P.-11. A. Cunningham,. dynes
....Litarrenotorlllelst.U.P...-11.Cautualuga.A.141 1 * lei.
Birmingham U. P.-. 11.. V. 1 . )ictionnlgle, J. Chant
Mt. Washington, Peesbyteilan . S. Cuthbert, WII., I
sotrt2 iri enkart,., .1 .s .., ..5.21.. - ...,-... i m a rtin.
t, T . lberty vanvarr, Eynscopm-samuto martin.
Josepn Hill.
Birmingham, Luthenin-M. Erenvaln, F. Mante
-1 Evangelical Lutheran, 'East IlliOningliam-4. S.
Johnson Wm. Pierce.
St. PaiiiirEptseopat, Illiminghatn.-AVIII. Barnes,
J. U. Davis.
St. Mark's Episcopal, Eirmingasin.....N. , . Jones,
st. John's Episcopal, Lawrenceville... 4, G. Eroe
tirace, Mt. •Wasillngtint.- T. .I...lllithant.; J. M.
First Evangelical, Lawrenceville... 4. H. Lane, C.
A. Imsenheitner.
Second EvangeicaL, . man
Enralgellrolotssoelation-J. M. Snyder, C. -Arnatr.
Cutonerillind l'reisbytierlan-A. Lewis, E. Morrow.
Ortlec Germantlleformed-M. N. Hamilton t S.E.
• wows. x,`i p ; 0. -. A gr" 6.8 'l, '1, 1 ,1 Tal l - 'Pr ''t
Vlirst si, .-C. . tetews, J e °rt. ,
Second M. r.-N. Van Horn, W. 3L'AlFeo. '`,
First Baptist-H. W. Strickler, H. K. I orter.
Union maptist-4.,..W.P41fi5z21LE. cirnetPle•
-Yourthllaptiat-i. Moc - ure. V. steelie.
- __)lrst, Welsh--U. 13.,riyans, D. O. Jones.
. r .
Welsh Eapitst--W. aftseVW. nwelts. ,- “P - L
Trinity, ben:mut-IL Demmler, F. Zingermaster.
Plytnonth, -Congregational-T. Woods, 4. Smith.
Lawrenceville Presbyterian-Robert Davies, L.... 5. •
Johns "'' 1 `' 'l . ' '-' t' A 4 ' 1 I; ii i 4; h
Shady Shidc- hon as filen, . osep I ort .
BellUeld — T. D. Carlisle. H. Lloyd.
'English Lutheran Chisreh,Cieneralliyiscit - d. quil
t:sere, A. (Petty..., • . • •
.., • - „ 1.
, - At the of"this report; Bey .J.
H. Hanoi, Of the ,Thlt.4" Vhited ., r e e h Y te '
Tian, and Rev. V.A. Noble, of the c Third
' Presbyterian Churchert, 'delivered eibijuent
listen AvitinspFlted.l.ifintion, after
Rev. Jehallifl a t i t Pt Ilfil PrftleP t e* the
following: 0,_,.
Resolved, That, whilst we cherish the
fondest of their) Ofthe original
founders of the Society who have been re
movenathiksown, ofs,Wribenevolent
and' llitars, di ..lre'sfast, to their
eternal reward, we at the same time ex
press our devout. ,hs,hkeglyjngs to the God
of the Bibletinittrie only two of their num
ber who still survive . , so
, far as we know,
(pN# ilieglaft, ~11 AP venerable
lfriateathers.;)Jroarthnetweserriliiiiint re ,J, : m m es ee w thi ihm g ; it) :
night. We_,, AurtharaergogriVit —*Pere
gratitude that Mrs. E. iv. Denny, l rod lof
he late How Harnett Dennit_one of the"
v ie lbeidetnettlfdtbist•ftiendi 6f the
t Altlecv,present and iteikerrit dee
, 1 d iii iis titAnto94lof4 opt a Afeiitg iP.
~ IssiEnti: W.-H. IC ritelfrote flutfoll " rig:
~ A 4 i.. 4 I,'":"thahlttsr oty
M v . ' rei • 0 'OM na surd
be ' ' ' ' - '' 1 r. d
"NthoabtlgfoAnnigd.-tae '
~, ,,,i,- , .4.
44 ., /tn. '
Put ea l b to oi - +a tiiii 16:At *iiial esti ng
nip due fiOTrY444leR fore 4 0 EtllV.„9f the
pipirettoriatpu,e)mix for their excellent
Theehaintiolf. ruimitwitted - tbet.ttiiii new
Board of'.. "Manaligir. sll Otili blts s lo
Briourl igti
Thursday evening Inth‘.. Vint Froth ,
Chuirelq forlsitel purtibite Ad sate%
slut the. aV t l*P 92,lll-13 04190 a •t ,, .74' h a k itil)
tenksiletiell'hYmevll9.olll6. it ~..I.lxoll ''
, .. i 1 , - ,
.1.,..pr0t 10.1.31,3441 Z .041 :I
k , ~i.g. o i 11.1.1 .. is 'v. :..0 i . 4 9 . 41:41‘ .. 14:1 ,, t . or ri ti t p rt (ci a l
i i it
!ItaillittPA.D lilliiiiel --.;
i t : !The License Court—Number of Licenses
•ar.=....,z.4..... , u -. e ,. 3 -..,_.;.....................ra , vr , :. - r.. , .. - xm-L.-4 ,- ., - _,74-...:-......7.,-. ...sAitnideminintinnignesidmarde-Jhrilus-taty.,
Fearful Accident xrtrthe - Allegheny Vat- and Lawrenceville—Amount of yearly
ley Railroad: -Passenger ' Car Thrown Sales in Each Ward—Applications Con
,-•laver,,i-Embanintient •i into 4ho„, Ri ve r sldered, dm. , •
-Theenty-five Persons 'Reported ' Iti-. The following facts relative to the liquor
jured—List of Dangerously Vt ounded,
6-.. c., s;c: ' ':-. 1 ~. - `traffic, showing - the number o' licenses
I granted in each ward in. the.eity and Law
• A fearful ace dent is reported to have of • - -
.. ~ . renceville, and the yearly, amount ,of the
curred ati"Ser , b Grass" station on the Al- liquor sales in 'each ward ? , we, Compile from
legheny, Valle • Railroad, # 2 4, - ,:iici f i hint, the minute book of the License Cottrt. We
include in , thia Statement 'otily'the number
dreh"andt,'Wela Ys . iiiileinortlief Pittsburgh, .
'of-licenses grantedon applications contai
about ht.tilliSs three 0 ' 6 :4 Y 9131 4 . 3 1 44- A ed in the-third, fourth, BP.h, - sixth andsev
dispatch'was - : ied by the' Atlantic and enth lists, which will be iesued ,•ort•tbe first
Pacific Teleg : ph, about . o'clock yes- of May,nest, and will expire May ! ist,-1869.
terday evenin .., statingthat an accident had
pccurred,--bu the operator IN - P - ,;, , ,l!l_Palele to .
'are yet,to be by the Court, which
'`rhe`eigllth an 4 ninth;lists of, . applications
presentengage on. he Ormer,, an it
obtain anyt . nit 'definite relative to the - at considered
d ' t f . ;1.
robable that when they have - been con
affair. Our eporter visited the Depot of is '
sblered the entire sales ' thedistricts
the Allegbe yTalley load at-fine o'clock in,
fatried will exceed.l2,ooo 000 -
last evemn s, but fouud no one who had Wards. . ' , Xo. granted.' . '
evenbeard • f the accident, notwithstanding First ward 44
iti#repOite ito have occurred et half past Se t e d %d w a a r l d a - - =
I -thleeXelOQ At itillttevhouvin the even- vo „ rt i ard •' l5 ,
ing a second dispatch was received by the 'X'ull,i ware! . ' 45
Atlantic ,and Pacific Telegraph company, 'en Seventh fd . 13
ven via 5
dated at Coil-City; winch stated that- the %Eighth war ..v .4
~ ... ..... . al
Venango City Accommodation train ran Tenth a w ard ..•_
: , •:::4
off the track into the. river ; at "Burning Lawrenceville - • ' •H .... ' -
Well," and that the conductor and several
ethers Wereserioualyinfted.„ ~ ..: . 1
` It appetusthaf at the pain't - wliefe'the acci
dent occurred there is a short curve in the
track, which passes a de epravirke, which has
been filled, leaving a high embankment on
either. side. illie train consisted of , a loco-
Motive, several freight cars, a baggage car
• and passenger coach, the rear
bf the train. In Passing tbe place referred'
to at a rapid rate of speed 'the passenger
car WasithrOwn from the track: into the riv
er, a distance of fifty feet, the car turning
over twice-in its fearful descent and , laud
lag \there the water was at least twenty
feet in depth.. There were, some - thirty per
sons on board, all of whoni `were' more or
less in ured.: j . r
we have received the-following dispatch
from Franklin,Pa., whichcontains addi
tional particulirs:, -
"A frightful accident occurred on the Al
leabenrlialley Rtdirondione hundred" arid
twenty miles from Pittsburgh. The
Brady's Bend accommodation train, run
ning at • rapid ',speed; jumped the track,
tumbling the passenger car down an em
=bankment into the river, Where the water
;was twenty feet deep. the car turning
over twice in its descent. EVerybody on
board,the,train ,Was, injured-, Thp,foligiv
* IN; is a liat bf those ihingeronaly wounded:
Miss Mary Marshall, Mrs. A. N. Hoover,
Henry Clawson, Clinton St. George, T. Mc:
Donough, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Stewart,
William Funk, and Samuel Morrow. Miss
Marshall's leg will have ,to be amputated.
Someof the Injured will pr obably die. A
baby hadboth leis brokerr. - . H."
An Alarm of Fire—Man Injured.
Shortly before eleven o'clock Sunday
night, the fire in the rains of Stuckrath's •
tannery,c,io,,Aturictqui.,llmongh, tile de
struction of which we noticed yesterday,,
broke oat again, and it was feared that the
flames would communicate to some of the
adjoining buildings. An alarm was given,
and the Allegheny._. Fire Department was
promptly on the ground. The fire was
speedily subdued, and no additional dam
age was done. .
Frederick Faber, one of the Allegheny
night m
lice, met with a very severe ne
dent_w ile going to the fire. He was riding
OM on 'Cil f e_litriti' i'caraiikei.iiiiieti Ile .tivas
jolted from - his position and fell to• the
ground. The hind wheels of the carriage
passed over. both of his feet, lacerating and
breaking some of the smaller bones. He
was removed to his home in the Third ward,
where he received proper attention. Ho
•Was also hurt Sun y morning, at the fire,
but his injunes w re not so serious as to
prevent him fromgoing on duty that even
! Felonious Assault.
Henry Hershouser made information be- .
fore Alderman Taylor yesterday, charging
Jacob Roofings with making a felonious as
lult upon him. Roofings is a butcher in'
ast Liberty, and it appears that the pros
t. -
1. 1
utor worked for him for a considerable
t me, arid yesterday morning, having prey
i ugly quit ylrk, be went to . the slaughter
onse and asked Roofings for a sum of
: toney which was dae him, ' when, as he
-alleges, Roofings made at him with a butch
er knife and ran him not only out of the
slaughter house but out of the town. He
was so badly frightened that he never
stopped , unning until". be 'touched the Al
derman's office, when he made the infor
mation. A warrant, was issued for Roof
lings, upon which he was arrested and held
to bail in the sum of $l,OOO for a hearing
11: e:A.Gti.
Hugh Smith yesterday made inform°,
tion befctre Alderman iSicllfasters, charging
his brother James Smith with assault and
battery. ~ T be pattiepresid lat Sharpsourg;
and Hugh alleges that some months since
heund his brother had n difficulty abet'',
their family affairs, and that about a week
ogo.James eamelnto hist Jaouse, picked up
chair and struck him over the head with it,
knocking , him down and inflicting such •
severe injury as to compel hint to send for
a physician. The physician's bill, he says,
was five dollars; and be only desires to
make - it cost his brother that stun of
money. , A warrant was issued for the af
fectionate and chair-itable brother.
CP I I4 :
rldlal , TT . 171 Morison,
Esq., was seriously injured yesterday even.:
ing by falling from his horse while out rid=
ing. Wir t i.l*l3o billittrieV,ltofir the sod , . •
dent occurred, further than that he fell
from the horse and was trampled upon an,
seriously injured.-, ) The accident occurred
on,the Butler road, some distance from the
city. He was removed to the residence ,of
his father, in Allegheny, where he remain
ed in an unconscious' state for over two
hems: Sis hrjnriea, Ealthaugh :severe, are
not thought to be of a very, serious charac-.
Re-Arrested.—lnformation was made be-
fore Alderman Strain, yesterday, against
Edward McOanni.ThOulas DOYine And:gds..
Brightmore, the parties who were arrested;
and had a hearing'-Friday lan, beforo
Deputy Mayor Owston, on a charge of lar n
ceny, the particulars of which we published'
Saturday. Devine and Brightmore were
arros4d and held, bait the pum of
1)1,000 fitaelifbi' a littrinktd.moir "air. ° 'rho
officers were, after McGann and inrobably,
arrested hinvlitlit'niglit. We will publish
the proceedings in the casein full.
A Chicago Incendiary Arrested.-officea
,Irwitt, yesterday. armted Gustave 4oet t l‘
litieker; . eit a-reignisition Tioin GOveriibt•
lesby, of Illinois. The accused is charged
with artitra, which Itallaged 'to , havh - teeu;
committed in Chicago some months since,
The officers have been looking for him for
several weeks and yesterday evening he
was picked up on rilth street and taken to
the lock-up, where he will remain until an.
officer arrives to conduct him to Chicago.
Gate Bail for Trial.--Robert C. Lymi;:
gi a ;i
Commissioner e • ble yesterday, and eni
Agottellinittireathaumoublanars for his
appearance to answer a °harp of violating;
the interne mettle , ism. His rectifying
establishment was _seized some weeks since,
but business was resnmped,illpetyrogsietor
giving bonds ibr the sbiurity of the Vaned
sise4l37l-Ina 6;.17 , 19'+1 10
Coroners Inquati,,LOotinser Cltiosonz het
1111PW:„crkPody of Jantegi j
, wnb wan K n o4n'ht Penn street,4 l l
the %Ifni ward, wit .. AnroniznVilqi&
1 ‘;4: • 61:
A d 1,
tiZ • :;.
' Ittr ZW I ZO3r I" r IIII
1" 111 0 . -XlItt r i 3CUrtlxi.liV,C) 4 # , Abila ;
izr t 1264 • aaard .:446" , a mt.
A Wonder to. Many People.
How everybody can, at no expense, have
all kinds of pain removed instantly. Scores
of people are visiting 170 Chatham Square,
and 622 Arch street, Philadelphia, and are
agreeably surprised at the wonderful effect
pi a liquid called Pain Paint, which is an
plied on the surface of the , body wherever -
pain exists; as if by nutgic all, pain flies in
stantly. This remedy is harmless as water,
and can be used in:the most delicate cases.
'Old aches and rheumatic paing of ,every na
ture leave on the first application. Wol
cott's Pain Paint has created a great excite
ment in New York and'all over the country.
' Folks hail with delight to the advent of
Pain Paint. .told also by all. druggists at
' 25 cents, 50 cents, q 5 a bottle. ,
Dr. Wolcott's' Pain - Paint, proPerlynsed,
Will relieve all pain - instantly, without
stain.' Wolcott's Annihilator - is the only
sure'iemedv for. Catarrh:" Tested,
_free of
charge; and advice given .at. Nil Smithfield
street. - S. H. HASIINGS,' Agent.
- .
'-.Triple Plated Silver Ware.
. .
• The immense stock - ofsilver ware' at
Masonic Hall Auction Roorns, 55 and 57
Fifth .street, which ht.-guaranteed -triple
,plate, Aa.being sold, at, remarkably low.
Prices, - considering the extremely fine qual-.
ity, -beautiful styles, and elegant patterns
I,liif the ~ goode... The stock is undoubtedly
the largest and best assorted ever, offered
„inthle market; add eouiptiSei - every article
of silver wire requisite to make up a cotn
plete set of the most varied styles. In fact,
pereons in need of either a complete or
partial ,set will - find . something: to , suit.
thetn„no matter what their , taste may be,
as the . most fastidioUs could not fail to
'make a aelectien from such a fine assort.:
,- A Select Literary entertainment - will be
given this evening,•cOmnaencing at seven
o'clock, by the Philoinatheim. Society, at
the hall of the 'University, .on Diamond
street: The success of similar exhibition
by this society, on a' former occasion. af
fords us assurance that the exercises this
evening, which; - : will consisb of :recitations,
of original and selected essays on,a variety
subjects, with .music;and to close with
an amusing dialogue,,between an artist, a
country jake and a boy, will be both
entertaining and instructive. We hope the
hall will be crowded.
Iron Curb anti pavement.—.The'additional
1 two feet of breadth to the sidewalkei of
1 Fifth , stteet, authorized by Councils, are
'being applied in some places with brick,
in 'Others with stone, and at the Opera
House with iron. This iron curb and pave
ment is a novelty introduced by the 44 /itlas
'Works." The portion now finished is very
neat, and we think will prove very dura
, ble. It has been suggested that the lineS
1 of the corrugated surface 'should be bolder
1 and sharper to prevent slipping in time of
! frost• and ice.--,lf. found- necessary it can
easily be modified in this respect.
The ranorama.—The grand Panorama of
Stereoftcopicon views, which exhibited at
,E. Church, at Third* and Ferry
streets, list night, was a decided success.
The Church was filled to its utmost capaci
ty, in• fact • the only , dissatisfaction expres
sed was on account of the crowded condi
tiohof the house. By special request the
.exbibition will be repeated to-night *hen,
ticketesold last might will be good. Mae
lectureby Rev,,W. A. Barnes was highly
interesting and instructive. The proceeds
of the exhibition are devoted to the Sttic
i hatliSdhciol. • •
Buntett's Florimel closely resembles the
odor of a rare and delicate bouquet of flow
ers, and .in this respect stands unrivalled.
A .few drops will leave its peculiar and de-:
liglitful 'fragrance upon .the handkerChiet
for many, hours. " - '
Btrarrwry'S COLOGNE is etteolto the best
Imported. is put up -in rentrat - rind ele
gant arid'Style,' - whis for itself a -favorite
place on the' dressing . table. Its intrinsic
merits realiy, , justWthe high reputation in
which itis,held.---.Frovidence JourriaL
TP 3 R‘ , • z
The School Casket; published 'monthly
at Mansfield Valley, Pennsylvania, 'is a .
dixfig. ned for ` the teacher, the selkbol and
the'fitmlly. It is full'of good moral
flelentifleartieles t t notes of travel, imtzles,:
enittmas. , &a.; anclwillicontain the County f
Superintendent!s•;notices , of :examinations
with other items of interest to teachers and,
dikektktk.—Bsnilloaks siert/71.0n
sl SNOosuass,
• 2 : l ° T -201,1 it Valley, Pa. "
thoroughly"supplied', with alk kinds of `Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy,, boiight • at
unusual, advantage Ithrough• Our ; '.)tern
t4,140:01,14 g dapartnierit; taking advantage of,
he recent large auction sales and fluctua.:
tions in priesN and we can and will ,sell. at
less', tha n, the „loWeati:gdietcliii ' cash prim
itivitit,xuyi,,tot an t ipspeutelypepourAfoek
and" hCnwisoit. ;or fritea,,, at bf7i: ;dirket'
`4:tio torttir'' ad
u . wau an e
information beibre Alderman-Strain, yes
terdayodkariOng Thomas Alilter with oda.
teryliudibrdicatibil,..untl .l *darast: 4 ' The
aecnsedoehla 'itireged , arta l lield for a hear,
reat gains. , „ •
ti ".• '.;,•ltiwnpOrgandleiy 1
Per9aleso '
- , , • /At '
424 klifellite Supply on hand of Crory OtElaokii
well's woild riniiiited: fickil*Ott tlieloiw
eittlourket pritig at 112 Federal' street, .4.1..
Jegherly,City. ~. , , GEORGE BEAVER:
Henry • Lon_g •with assault,and .battery„
, Aldertnan - Pt l l l 4 l o; 43lbr P 'whom 'the ' infor , :'
rt go' wits,nime, issuept Warrihiffoi , hi s
... ooritlo 1.i.41.14 . N -. grxl 3 ,,ii,Eg .
, 5 , New Girsientir i f or 44,d i tilt and Mb*i
*- "- • , -4 •,.r.
.-. 1 Just opelle4p•guld'recYana ,, t ; ' ..,
",;• 'u., At , x er 8 , -,•
. , •••• ~ -:, - •--r - •• • ,:.-_--,,:-"/
G 444 ot readies And.Pir ~•
iXpiiktii,inithine '
pound cans,,s .thtt - ;:briregit market prree,'at'
.112;FniienalstrOt: Aalithliny` City. .. s'.
4 .
ii-lantsT3-Z",/tEi.,• , .
. '-11150118.111 0 1 1 11 41" , lit l._,4q,Yi
, 12,140.,, goats ing atuslins, wort h' nit
1 ' 0 34 , . -3 1st i Vrfil4: 1 1.0 14 S 4 : 47034111 :lidttia;
,1123,itu r goaltworiA,
.> ~ , Y.l4trifirkiir, l o .
..,, l., .._ ..,.
I' ..T: fli, i -,,,. T.'n•f l t llo4 4 .- ,r.. * :' ''''''' ' 4 :; i;
l' opened':;ifilSit#l/Wttgal 7 s ii .. ' ,: ' ; ' .7l '" i , .
0; ,-, .a...-1,, ..,.; . 1,,,t .4.,L :;,. ~z 4 0.316 : * ,,, - ~,,,-. „`. " •
-,4,.;.1. a- • - .4 -, 13, , ,,. „ fleilrly ' ::,)
1.1. 0! d, ?,,I,illllVIl ..1.:
la ' 7 4 'a
I lho'il ati 3IA ;Ton I , trg
al. 0.31;p36:41 . 1 s s ;Ike xt*tqa.1.1,4:47 17 ' ..•
St. Loutsltl i tl atter
-try teleirromotileSturiam
Sr. Louis, April 27.--TONiceo unchaug-:
ed. Cotton nominal.. at.: . oe. flour, cruet
and Uncharged ats7,2llaB:-'5 farcfall super-
Tine, $9 for fall extra, and 10a10,75 for fall
double extra. Wheat—better grades of fall
very stiff, but not active y:prime
I iange at 82,60a1,80,'and'sniall` lots 'of very,
choice at $2,85. C,ofriheaVy at t 84a88c. Oats
firmer, and clesedliettei 72474 e." - Barley
quiet; sales of spring al 82,70. Rye* not
quotably changed ; sales at §1,85a1,87. Pro
visions fiim and•tendine up. Pork—Sales
"Of 3,500 bbhi yesterday aff e er "Change at 1284
and to-day sales ware.Madeat*2,BAo. itupi
meats—nothing traiisj ired.P.acon 7 4houi.
der sold at 1334 c; helettitiVc ;elear Sias,
17Nc, held at 18c; sales, :potind s -• clew
sides, last 'half of May, 14,18 e, Au 1,5,0 d - mike
do. at 1834 c; sugar cured' hams aremiptee
at 20a21c. • Lard very.firhi'lxt•rlBi. - Ch - oict
cattle range at saB3;c. Sheep 50x7 per
bead. Recelpts--2,100 Ihbls. flour, 20 1 ,50(
tiiiah wheat, 16,500 c0rn,:0,200 "Mistbats, 700 bush barleY; 400 bush eye 'I • )
.Am , t. of tales.
• - --6165062 650
. . 76,030
G 19,700
. . 41,700
New, Orleans, Alaricetia
[Special Dispatch to the Pit biAth Dazette,)
: NEW °ALDAN'S, April .27 --Cotton, firm}
,middlinga32Wl3.3c; saleo,?..Ao93:iales;receipb
Sterling 15,2,a15.1.1,New York. Sigh . '
Exchange. 3,4 , premium... Geld 13914a149
Sugar, unchaUged. . Molasses; Cuba 40N
Flour 'quiet, smiertilie ;nornipard: at $9,
treble extrasl2,2s. Coin steady and fir
at $1,05.. Oats 75C.' sloa2o. Mew
Por 4 k held , at '529,50.: 'l.;ard; l tierce • 191,‘c,
keg . 20c... Bacon; shoulders .193(c;, rib - 17)'i
clear sides 18v. 44 I
• t 7 4.
50,4 W
. 'Bttfialo Intirkft- _ •
tlty Telegraph to the Fitta*kh O.:matter)
BUFFALO, April 27.— * -is vAry.firul l
Wheat nominal, : and ;A not offere
.Corn in fair demand; ealeS, of .10,000,bu
in lots at $1 in store for. .new _Western, ani l
30,000 do at 08c. Oats quiet at:76o,Am cho!cl
western in store. Bari • v Steady. Pork II
firm. Lard firm. Inlithre On 'ffatniday
- wheat, 58,000; corn, 61,000; oats,
barley;:2,ooo bush-- 400,00 1)nel:wills •of al
kinds have arrived smuts Saturday. .
• '
..111emphls. , 711arliet. •
tßy Telegraph to the PittehO . Oaiktte.3 •
..Nit3tnns, April 27.1-Cottou r receipts:lB 4
,bales; .exports , 411 bales., Flour dull; : sti
,perfine .18,0048,501.„ • l3acon quiet; shoulder,
.1334; clear sides 18,:a18 , 1.4; bulk shoulder',
clear , Sides,'l6Ni, - I . ! lrci I.BalB. Cori
97a41: Oats .77a80 , 1 1 41 ';.Bran s 34
Mess -15'orli'Vl5;50.
' • • - Detroit 'ilyitirkef. • •
tB•Y Telegraph to th'i Pittsti6rg>z Euitte.l,
DETROIT, Mien., April
ail good demand and litivamt3d 25c; suiSerie
:firm at $13a13,50; some'lfavorite titan& s
$13,75. , Wheat very firm fat for , No
white; No 2at 141,es eight cars at (roc
. tations., . , . . •
San lerancifleo - Mithet:
TelegriPTi icatie Pltttburgh Oniette. j • •
SAN FEANcisco, 27..—F100r nom
ifah extra 87,75; 'suphlfinitr ' $7,00: - Whim'
shipping 82,40a2,35: al TendeVs 721(41
• — l ) W e :
• STE,llLlNV.—Al.:PhilaSelllblai on, ; Friday:mon,
hag. 24th Inst.. I:tEliltr SIEELISIG, 'Esq., to,
meily of-Flttsbarglri,ltt tlfe 84th year of Mange.
Funeral'servlcesstilavi Jobu.3lcMUlanliCherel
Sandi:talc:l:street, ; AlleghOny : etty 4 .oa,
17.41X.00N, at 2 olcloq. , to proceed to ti
Allegheny Cemetery., .
165 FOITItTIiTATREtT, - _Pittsburgh; F
) utall hinds; a11q>33443-LOVES., and e
cry description of Funeal Furnishing, Goods, fu
nis'bed. . - Itooans open atc, and night. Hearse
- Carriages furnished.. :1.,: ..' - .• : • :
4!lg.Vg.g,T7B4,v4iiivltLArnri Bea.
Allegheny City, where their - COSTES ROOMS
constantly supplied witlS-real :and ,imitation-ltos
wood, Mahogany and:Witiuut Coffins, at prices v.
rying front 4 , / to •100. Oodles prepared for Inte
went. Hearses and Carriage& furnished; also, s
,:Inds of Mourning GoodS, if required. .093ce opt
at all hours, day and night- . • '
. .
TAKER AND EgRAL3IER, No. 40 01-11
nTREST, Allegheny, t and No. 80 DIA:MON
SQUARE, by John.OW& Bros., yoeeps sawn;
on hands, the best' Metal,' Itssewood, Walnut at
imitation Rosewood : Collins . " 'Walnut Coffins fro;
$25 upwards. - Rosewood Coffins $2O upwards, ci
other Coffins I proportion. Carriages and Hearst'
furnished at low .rateit,!iCrape, Gloves,- mate-
Envying. furnished Ostia. Office opeik day :a4
• T' - -
•. • ,
. . ,
tiaiitaßiriipt6 Bliß6ll7o;ilq.Ail.o3ll
:IN TRADE;.! • , : ~y;
' tnfilith.l .7 .0
1 :''411814:1341F,N7.1i,. 'At • : .)
• ,
• 1•IFi 'l • •••.'
i cooter.pterkii*Onitat Clar.Stieeta-v
• .
‹yailr.s l o!i:: ,. .::2ii'.- ,•1: - 4---,-! , : .. fr .,
•.:..;211:1'1 . ;;I -i1F1; ,i
. ... . _-
''Saixictlittiii LIPS:Ett., r t,iini only be ob„," 0 :,
tabled of the invM9r, : -, - i, oi‘ , - ~: -- ' A 11
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al 4 -0:!!'7-1TIV=:44: 1 #1.C/AP . 4111MIN rArEl:t_ntie
.cd FAl o 7ilt , 11 , 1 0,=? (041 , :*. ~,_ ,M . 1 1; -t - 1 19 43) ._
witte;. ,
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