rw , ik, - Icf fl f 2r. 510;i'llik-17.1.? n NEW Amhzik H I, CHEAP GEAR IPOII. THE PEOP L E..;- Mist GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been kinngred to • 1.79 BMITEFIELD,STREET, where roll( dlwalla be found the most coinplete assortment '!bf GUAM, Pistols, Armaignattlon and Sport... Nog Material', dte., in tee city. All kinds of Guns , -bnit Pistols: carefully ?mitred. Cash !patcakr sitil.3.lT RIFLES and REY'OLVERS. tee n p , or iituatrated Circuittr: Agents' toanted in , wry omn In the flailed States. • Address, J. H. Jolts-, ":3TON. 119 SmithGld Street, Pittsburgh. , TAN F BATCHELOWS HAIR DYE; This ipiendid Hair Dyels the best In the world: ;:ho only true and perfect Dye; hanniesi, reliable. natnetaneouar no diiapjwintment; no • ridiculous ;:Sate; remedies the 11l effects • of hid dyes: Invigo— vates and leaves the flair soft and beautiful. black *or &mem.. Sold by Druggists and Perfumers; and f * lroperly applied .at Wig Factory, No; .1.6 Bond street., New .york. . , , ap2S:p2d GRAND YOCAL AND INS'PROEIENTAL_ CONCERT, o be given In the MANCHESTER FRESBYTE 3TAN CHURCH,' cbrner of Franklin and Market itrectS. Aliegbeny( (formerly "Manebester,) for the i". , eziettt of the Libureli K on - ' THURSDAY RVENING.. APRIL . Mimi., ;•. Tinder the auspices.)tr. C. C. MELLoll..assisted(by N%re. LAURA, 3TELLOR, lifessni. H. E. _BREED, Ii,HDRERT and Prof. di MANNING. wickets; MI cents. For sate at C. C. Mellor's, 81- Wood street, -Pittsburgh, at the principal stores in manclrester." and nt the - door. Doors open at 7 ~..g'ontert to conimence to S o'clock. ' The Manchesterengtr caret pa's corner of Franklin. and, Marke t every; 10 ,minutes. . "3oncert titer In time to take the cars fbr the cities.' . . NOTICE. . . Mr persons who :are Indebted for Paving the Following streets, in the:Lalif re ne - esttleDketil, ST: MARI'B ki/tNUEi • : • ,or ' rosrart, AnFltifterf, DAVTOSON; prtiriEl'aiif- AmE, Boßowan 'EWALT, .DRAVO; 'WAIN= RIGHT and ALLEN STREETS; and LAFATETTEtiIidiIiAZLETT ; ALLETS. kre notified to,call at the TREASURER'S OFFICE, f the . 431tY of rittahylitqAnd 'nay Initaedtately and Imo further &eta.. . ~1 'l . ' :'•'' -. . . . arm:. • INLET *ELIO '',54 CO, ti'ATITRAL 4ettie'd lOtalik. 2 sirid ' p pa' re it:4 ei... P ` reitilf - fOriIAII. R.GAUS,. and ALL 'CLAddEd OPMACI4INEIII7. - i 41 QUALITY Gtqlikrind4 Pin:FOBX. 1 Proposals for Truildllos sollellFd.. 1 ' I- - N aN 161 , *Plod Street, • , •, . Lap • " DANK OV COI RP,E BUILDING." rptoo , : 1 ...' ....!- . OtICE HEREWEVMEIV, • ii at on the 25th day of April, 48 8, an ap allcation was made to the Court ittommou 'Pleas Aliegheney County to •g alit tharter Blain' , . oration to the "GREENSBURG PEKE BUILD ' , LOAN 4.B.SOCTATION.'. OP LAW - 7 SEN EVILLE," and that an instruinent of writ=' wit:s presented to. the sahl Court, ind the same :saving been perused undlexamlned by the. Court, • I.nd the Court adding and being.of the•opinion that , lheobjects, articles and conditions therein %contain- Ad-are lawfu4 and not injuriouslo the community, 4irected the said instrument to be filed In the Office 4f the Prothonotary of, said Court, which according -14 WAS dime at No. 653 Julie Term, A. D. 1868. pad that if noatifficient reason is shown to the con-, ;i:irary.i , the said Court will, at Its next 'vine 'Term, ' ;4ecrec and declarithe said Asionitition shill become •; corporation or body politic, according to the Acts -• rAssarably in such muse made and Provided. • CSEat,.l JACOB H WALTER. '- • • • ProthenotavV. , ::Ctrrr OF PIT'E.EIBUIWH • • • -• • - . - ; 4 ., NVATER Oplosala for Two Hundred Sued Fifty - Thousand' 'Dollars; . . Loan . . . , )t the "Water Extenfou Bondi, 44 wilt he're :eived at the office of :the City' Controller, north street., . .These Bonds will bear SEVEN PER CENT. IN .CEREST with, Coupons attached: •. The Coupons 'are ; iayable. icini-annuallv, .at the Office of the City •Treasury, arid the toads parable in Twenty-five • rears. A SINKING FUND . Ton : .THEIR Um:. :KATE PAY3IENT.IS PROVIDED POWAND THE JOUPONS ARE BY LAW :WADE RECEIVABLE •,?' OR WATER REI'..:TO id and the revenue arising the interest Water •Tax Is ..pledged for the ,payment of lite interest sad the rettrententof . the Bonds at nui arrlty. - • •• The Bonds are. BY ACILOP , GENERAL 4, ASSE3I .rx, FREED "R. 0.11 STATE, .COLINTIC AND iall- ICIPAL-TAXATION. 4 • , '• -r• • - It is a well known fact that-Bonds issued for water rurpo c =i i r b t i s e i=ettlls, have pr o ved acrid' and d biaattnaer par earn tif - titited upon. The Bonds . u T e zi d ln om dc a no s ru s ita lr a m tio inu ns of c it on ti:)., 7_ , n r e a d = t i ; li ; be ce 4 0 0 1 S . : . 5 ;BY order 'of :the' Finkle° Ccratteittee.: - : , . .Yr pPEING STOCK OEM ...op '' , .:•,±T Ok., I: ZPETS I . juvr, IN 'STORE THE most complete_ awiortment of : and OIL CLOT/181re lunieDiver. oPened, embracing -tho newest stylei and designs' ' 'eitLeEDest'FOßEt6N and DO: E3i I C atAiiirpAcrunzus, and - selected with , • :, to the 'Neel!'ot t4e- - piateirai are confined to our LaT t , *awe: elusively forthisalts. • • With advantages of Direct owe ,arevtow -able • - •@nMeioQessteitri,r, tbetneltvest. gad ausieest l !.. poiterisi of ' nave , " 1 , 4 ' re' 4l o7'islasCeelebra- - JdfitiP , ' ftlia''.itiOisio,'.And at the reach, of m. - , Veal t 411 tin ritaP, P e . • , '.,SPI of e 11XOX xtra - qualjti t Ana la rare a,lll *.l9o l fti l o l ei4nii, will be , :found'efii*relbil.Vabetter and I ifiganaat for Chajiibq l64 . . . s• 4.) lu Z t Oat Stock ,Alarwoot 0 01 4 0 1st'intletitfl' *outlet Weavers' strike, will be A* the. u s t, vow- and , timiltilt eideigts:to: multitude .tithe loweatepric* B i nee file Vies load' CARPE) leit MIES, Ao /44U31X-4 i.) . , 41::tv • r.'0.1.) N. Itrarhoseloavlotio Parlors or '. • , lA. Malrlibit'llernall sothimbh,are '/.. .k", opbefollY;luirtteit. to eranalne ,' , - Ulf anulleal, i'l4.lflfeionmber of -:;•Ju s t*Ir t i ! lu f 0 11 0 1 , 11 T:44 1 11 4 ad fed::: 1W4 . ,, , vp ow te ism , • ~' lie rlflltft t" ozia tiez z , .•"141.*Eri*O3:13011$111g1.4 iiifigAffjeit,'' : l . r„if. , . !an :r. !LT- 1, , ,',I ,:t, 1.':: , „•. * r. , 11 ',.-.l"v=,-,...,, 1, , , , ,..,. , 4 .. 1-I • ""Al t v i,alnir, 21tua or.abin ~.„, riser ' ' . ' X ' l '' ' - ' 7l t/ . I 'l i ' 3 . T ,-.) ;b40.1 VII Z;q4 - '.--. Oiw ~ 3 7,-. fr ,, -, .'. A I 34). Sig Flint Street. , r • • • led eaProposals will be' received by the Water Committee of the ty of Tittalnirgb, until 7 o'clock r. st. of Tuesday, May 12th, FOR THE FOLLOWING, •VIZ.: . • s•-r. AN. ENGINE AND PUMP, .• . • at the Lower Works, suited by present .building, anal of equal capacity to the engine erected at the. Works In 1866. Sealed•Proposalawiltalso be receive - I -for furnish: ing at Lower Works, FIVE BOILERS,. Each 42.1nehes by 26 feet, with two 16-inch Flues, • Smoke Stack, Steam Pipe, Steam and Mad brume. ' ALSO, FOR FOUR .33031L.V.rt5, • • . . At Upper Whrla, each 40 incliei by 26'feet, twOls inch: Flue:l4:Smoke-stack, Steam, Pipe; Steam and' Mud Drums. Proposals wlllaiso be rocelred at same time for LAYING WATER PIPE During the preSent season, on such streets and-alleys as may from time to time be directed- by the Com mittee. Details of the proposed work, and specifications of the machinery, eau be procured at the office of the Water Worlee, or 'at the Lower Works, after the 98th inst. TERMS—sicinerai Cash 'settlements. The Water esetamitti.eroserye tlie tight to reject arty or all bids. If deemed by.thatn advisable.. . (t 'JOSEPH FRENCH. apM Superintendent Water Works. lall . , . - . • FOLEYPS GOLD PENS _ • •• ;,f - • ; li.OLDEtts, • .•- tc.guy%siez .kit4311.-.14. 1 'Uricfinis - ,•,' These Pcns ARE WARRANTED, aniI , CAN-BE: ENCIIA,NUED at.any,.tiniepirlthin a year, if not F0R. - • i,*, '• MBA Sainffi r a & 004 (POST,B1:111,DING:) . • •:: NW . Fifth :Street. , • :,•: • •-• 1-; ,TO,jIIkA4IITNEO.: , :jIOD.THibL, • • . DEALERO3 , In.LIGHTNI2 4 .;G RODS aft-invited to ari exanilikatiou of our ..7. • ; •7_ . . SOI.fOIOPPER STAR ROD tylitCh wekturniah io the:Trade hi nnintities to atilt,' and InrnlatkPointay; Insulators nnd , thantes tete,. inuncp-an.n: : ltn,W7N§To§ corKER. TUB[;,, .ikiaC IO EEART -;, 4r, , '; . j.l tirtrrActimr.itS, B uquerne.'Wgilf;P l3l ",%4Th• l ',' lijohlitoWi, Inch ; Stroigp; 11.„ • : , , Wjai or withoo ilidJan 100 'lava ' 4 ' 0114111614 d atat fin i =prjet elt ga lcille tetrEt ri titl4 2 " l299. C , 11, palatal WALLAUE, - --: , ` • . "Tkil 1. ,Warren • nty, ITTAl4l,ll7,Arottc . 6 , lgltOelot ;gt‘xlithatthis viewer/I teport;Ott le • • ; - ALt • Thtia .tiard.,„4,ll`e_glietty,„hati fitekitt the DU tridt Copit'Ne. M 1 1 .: April term `lBos for tomtit , : tt 31•• , .t!'.1' tia. , e: MCCOMBS,' cgs': , .• licit • itorw., sEED•poTATiAmt.,! j A !.. Thirty • Barrels Harrison. • : % {'or sale by JOHN 11..4 A. MURDOCH, NetriT *Ea. Florists and Sew:lnnen 11A Smithileidstre ._ - : 17 01 1TAIIPT TO FISHERMILIV-- 2;;" 11 4F41 SEINES! SEINEB:- . --I-htte last te; 11,....e..vieberollowlpg Seines, all elymplete c trlmbobs, onelength laters: 15 SO, 30, 40 and yerd s BO inch m e sh , , and will receive in a lbw days iZt" t a"tlll44 e . Parties .wishing n e ed for i Is itn, t a , Pt as to secure any they may early in the I, rc telltes matle,,toiless ordered tate by ar g r ,v s p . d'''LY•ta ntrirg, 130 Wood 'Street." , it'stisitutr.oiroLze•, t e cane rakes in ths •ressl. weddtrestt ;bunt , Poles, which I wilt sed a t 7 000 'superior Cline poles are yet green, welt ttubSiZi et 7 ;sure. These order. Call and examine as +t In Ant rate JAMES. BoWliiTaTNatiatun a... bY,- • - 0.17:73-,1,7771!' • OIMS, , Var a Ito .G 4 bit e received' aPnrani „sine& .-Johated. stook - or' ....V a asa., -Yin. 4: Az4,..R t ..0 .„ nt, alt nalo . lipM 4t Wsuatl. l ' .1.1; - IsowN.iag? arciat mixtrp.F./ip e , ,I . r< I "6" Lirje SHADING, for Store Iviiek, down. of Cutsiffet widths, fbr sale itt br o .. and 118 St. street' J. aH. raitztra. sob _ t FINII 1 MEE I=lllll NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ... . . TO LET, ~ BOOMS, with Steam roiver. GROVE & OLNHAUSEIS".S, Enquire at ap24:1)35 OPENING. • MRS. imiiITCRIN will open on BATUEDAr, 31ay Ad, _on elegant assort mentor • t•-• • • • . • SUMMER. IbillialalNEßY p'" At No.loo FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny City, arfM:p3o 6-11117v."- A...)MINISTRATHEILIS Letters of Administration on the Estate of LANCE APPLEBY. deceased, bating been grant ed to the undersigned, all person being indebted to bald estate — will - pleasetztake MMediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will please make known their demands imme diately.CATHAßlNE APPLEBY", ap,28:VV!11.7 - , , , Adlninistratrix. ADMlsTßimonni. NoncE.— refui' WILLIAM ofrAdminlatratieut • to the Estate of WILLIAM L. lIARPEI3, late of Alle gheny.Clty, deceased, have been granted to-, the. subserther,alt - Itersons Indebted to - - said :estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims, against the aame will present them, duly authenticated for settleilientgo ap2Bbp.4l-m: - No. SIS9 Liberty St.. Pittsburgh. • AfrAjasaA- • Bp virtue of a writ - oenditfonf cstronas, issued out of the District Court of the United States, for the Wegotn. District of -rein sylvania# and to-me directed,, , Trwlu kxpose to -IMblicr-.Bale.‘at•the TOM HOUSE, Pittsburgh, „Fa., on thellAD DAY OF MAY. 1808, the following degerthed property, to wits 1 tin still; 1 worm and tub; 1 store and _pipe; A fermenting casks; tin can; 1 small stove: 2€lemp. tnbattels: , ltiarrel molasses, 34 gals.: 1 wheelbar: row: 3:buckets; SO bushels of coal:2 vinegar tuba; 1 Murk; Ilempty keg; A jugs; 1 thermornetort 1 step ladder: 3 copper. measures; 1 copper funnel; :1 stove and pipe; 1 lot of staves Ond hoops, for vinegar tubs; 1 filtering barrel: 13 barrels, containing 415. gallons bfvfnegar; 1 oil stove; 1 corn shelter; 1 01l can: A glass lamps; 1 pick' and shovel: 1 barrel con taining 15 gallons of whisky. A temporary board building on the premises, and' lease of premises running nine years from itot, of April, 1808. Seized as the property Of Thomas Daty and .Tos. Scott, at the suit of the United States. • altar:pat THOS. A. ROW LEY. U. S. Marshal. .:1111.(1L • TTS r-r -9 00Arnr 7 4701: . 40 1 VER ,ngsgritENTS., H LLSTO,.,4IPPLICA .TIONS TO SELL LIQUOD6,IIIed In the Clerk's ce, for the months of 3fOrch told April., IE6B. Pittsburgh. , • Jane MeDerulbtt,:eatlngliouie. I.: ward. t Julius Weisert. eating house, Ist wart. J.-11. Clu3rry. other goods, Ist ward. , • John Kennedy, tavern. ad ward.' • - John 1/uffy, tavern, 3d ward. Michael Celia. eating house. 3d Ward. Mary Joice. eating house, 3d ward. BertH Trimble, tavern. 4th ward. ' / • . Samuel Hare taveru..4th ward. • . Mary Welch:eating house, 4th ward. F. D. Kellerman eating,tions 441kward. Abra. Greenwood; tavern, IStim.srd. B. D. Marker, tavern, sth ward. August Brockman. tavern, 6th StruhLavell, eating house,,tlth ward. Jos. Byrn Joso. other goods, 7th ward.. Jos. Byrnes & A ' rmstrong_, t avern, Bth ward. Stephen' Matntesta, tavern,tlOth ward. ' Chas. 7 burning. tavern, lOthwara.". - •'• Jere. Molyneaux, other goods, 10th ward. Allegheny: i* • Gottielb Fassi.:iern,'lbit ward. • - J. Rosenki*nit, other goods. 3d ward. • ••• Jas. Cashbliugh,„ other goods, 6th ward: • • ' Mich. Butt; Tavern Sib ward. • • - I 9 1 g • • r Gedekeh & • Iiood; other gocids,lllipilligham. Shama i fs Slieraelfenig, tavern,atolt i e c rort• Fred: 'Ardn'sburgh; ea t ing hottsC. - 111 esport. Cath. Garritz, eating house. Lower St. Clair. • Ataellii Bretaohi othersoods,!Weitt Pittsburgh: ; JnOobBOffet,itavern,'Llt. Wnalsinliton: •t• „ r I Townships. ' - Mary Powers, tavern. Indiana. • Johnßrintwegtog houbei AleCiu* Fh Jos. Letakup, tavern, Oakland. ( ThoLidenselloard will sit on WiaDNESDA.M.the 99th ,day of April, 1868. at 9 o'clock', for hearturthe nbove applications. • • - • • • -; •f 1 . 1" ;39 itlair G. BROWN cfekis.: BATES , Ar _IIEIIFIT 4T 833 Peni Sheet - (!.... (1. L.A.DZES'• I • Chemise, Skirts,. •)1.1_!_..1 Drawers. ""V-ZE" AT LOW PRICES. apvi:TTs&T IEtCOI3II'4I4OINT, ~• : : No. 20 FIFTH STREET, If 1S RECEIVED • 4' = - -ki44) ; TiE2i . _ ' , NEW PLUSIIIING GOODS. The LAliiikirl kk'lC of all the latest impr red PLUMBING 'MATERIALS InNie eltr.'parchaiied . direct freinithi mantifhtta.: rers for cash. Parties about ' ftttlbg up their houses' . with 1K9 1 4 ,- AZIEDA9I4k. iittow i y. their .own : i u terest,by calling, lefoca putchaHngelsewherer JOBILILLAILIZ Altunber 2nLibropativittiburog r z--- AND Federal Strt.ert, AlY© teeny. apz:wsoziii-riars. • t = ; VOT/VE:i - ; • _ . Fiftk i Stßeet Aidewalk IRON CURB AND SIDEWALK, We desire to call the.attention or parties about to widen' their sidewalks, according to ordinance, to our Patent IrotiAltirbeand , Pnv,ament, same wilt be laid in - frobt of thettperaltouse thlaweek and win apeak ;for; lteelf.,The following is an eat tract from , at letter of-thetlitr E'ngitiebr and liege lator : "I consider ft superior to stone, and if laid in Fifth street, will add greatly to its beauty, and I would recommend it to -property owners.. -• • - MOORE,: pity Engineer.." MIMI ATLAS. WORRS.,: . THOI3I 2 AB 4r: DIMLEIi President. ~ . .v.d.. .i: .. J.... ...... .. .• • „ tug ' cwriap.v,conw:_! ~, 2 1 0 , 1 rAtic i 4 , zggsir PRIM air 0 'u COLLARIT n ° W . - I 4: 11 % . :4, in ' 4 • 4 40. a CAE 0 - 4 y . IS ' cr, Ci' 'all, e - X0'41001 , 4 • ET% LACE sir AT EagEilinfi:.'eiiiimiiiiofaeifr IN ,) • -- ,0 r :t . Catnitl44lll3 tligreffats . 4 far No. 168 Wylie Street.'4l 16s. ./ lIPT.T.kt:/..,111f1 4 1 , 1 6 8 . rmhz31.403 NE " DRigSlll . 4looo§.` • - r r r , it- ) N11 1 .111 7 6 ;41 1 11111C40.44 fiat linkftikletil;., Are now opettl!lr stime.aholeestyles of tAtqe,s' • ;:: Gcip t idei;;, Which they vier at LOW PRICES. ' " P e -Ax y y , . 170,;!,,,.,4..,A4rja?P1AW:tiT4-0^ itianutigtitiOFtBWii44, Wirithetind Clisicilfrjr4D. deuvereillp githerAtT. re , .rtei iftra dfAidkt Illadollipappedfjcqd,, e du oho Otree. . _ • • • , Jliradrine tone 0i44, • • • ltatifiAidartakr; elaW•agjaAitigif•Q • P/113 ... 1P/ e 4 Wvihrf*ff ,- 1 11 7 00 • On mina or p_repare on short nottenrtioarth lAtil BUM atones. obits for Sidewalks. Brewery Yablba ie. Heed and - Tomb Stones, Ito. - Utdartnrosuptly Oneonta*. Prices reasonable. r~ ~`''=l "~"trf ~ ; : 4 ors ,~~~z; =EI i tt OFFER A COUPLE E STOCK OF . ~ s:'; -i T I. ..-.. ;:; , ,, d. La kERNVEAR, ENO ME Skirt Shields , "lirititinteesie4; l 7 4•1.1.:::?' . - .1. iy,; . ,5 , .., - ;:5,...?! - . 7 '.. Dressing Sacques, ''''- TTE : Tl7E' : RiTTZ ‘ll NEW Aa3wat.frisbt.'-, Dor.W . GOODS i t- '''''''''"" • LARGE STOCK, LOW 'PRICES! ME Yard Wide BLEAC] Heavy UNBLEACI GOOD GINGHAM 1. BEST PRINTS, at iIfRpLE JPOKS., at,11 , 4*-• , • . eltitSk•ist'' HIICKABACIE TOW.g.LS.; CORSETS, very cheap COLORED KID GLOVES, at 76c AE T „- 45.1 . 4t...7it . .. IFtrts--1 .-. .r t. ti. •,.- 1 ,' B/9 9 43 p , fu=3.E8. 1 ,, ,+-,, T .. r \-- LIGHT C IMERES. „ DARB:.CASSDIERES. 13AaithG A nice; assortatent; of D,RESS..NOAS- TABLE LINEN, IRISH LINEN. SHIRT. F . SONTS, ,, rF RAIXORAL ANEPHOOP SKIRTS.. BONNETS, KILTS, iti.SpONS,:-FT#OwERS.:,- ' HOSIERY, HAIR. BANDS, NOTIONS, &0 A, FULL STOCK AT LOW PRICES, Wholesale - and AT :.4: .''''' /,':- 7: • . .i: 1 0 ;('.: '.. - . iii'4 180.& 188 Federal 4 1. Allagheny4 . .,:, 1:5=3 AT BORNE & • -A 1-dA.1143-E. AND AITi!AC*IVEE'MAttORMENT OF JUST RECEIVED. ffill FULL LINE, ALI. SIZES AND SHADES, Alexandre's' - Tasseled Kid Gloves. PARASGLS . AND SUN UMBRELLAS. . - DR - ESS . TRIMMINGS,' IN FRINGES, B ADEL) TRIM GS. ,VELVET RIBBONS. NEW , LOT BUTTONSL 4 ? T!. • 1 LINEN. PALM and SILN2KANS: • ' DOSIERY,__GLOVES: BAMBURGIEDGES: :INSERTW and TRIMMINGS; .104.v r itit CE °GODS; IcERCHIERS; I ' LAMES...MOSES , and GEN.'f'S • GAUZE UNDERWEAR: . GENT'S FURNIST_NG _GOODS: . STAR SHIRTS:- ' • PAPER C.:./LLAR'S AND CUFFS. /10 eaSeS Hata - and Bonnets, CONPRISING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. -. - • r• - 4 V d t 4 1 1 11X .,..W A FULL LINE, OF ALL SHADES. ..', c2t242,:wlrrin. M 4 l . M 1 1 .01.4 3111PAnr"" — G ITIPA R AR P AIVIM E A C RAT " .&NTS. TfeE=la► it tiatinid iheihierstline or "4 NOTIONS AND MILLINERY GOODS, - , 7 1;ois rotrim:bir fitz 075% Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street. apDt CHBOME YELL NMI, ; A _ HAI/ PACIRE3, 1 YEWATER GREEN, NAWI I 7IIO7 kr ABB- 4: :`3'iEi~~VLGN{~L~~~~~~OI~~~ 4.~SliiR . Corner of LibertgiescMve Streets, 1 5 11 tiaIrATEMA MON ANDA*Tkvier e tf oi Ws foo and'all TARE STREET. „Mantle Wrireroom on cecoud door. Penang wanting Marble sly • Mantle. Wilt grid it tollicir interest Mr call . ' WorkMabsing not celled in any r , and prices as low as in Eastern cities. .Marb Maritice peo r rArrul {nee Mahe which. kayo become etblered helsgblrei .riEllifolkacids, can be Marbleized and pl ace to laok as well as now. There is no other in ',Welters' !Ermitsylvardit whenalilateastitleaaramanufactured...„....., All kiMacghlarble Work done in thebestraanaer. illarbiCEMMAreintindied with bayed Marbles a KW ern prices, carriage added. . pROCLAMATION. - accordance with the roquirements of an Act of. Assemblbleeig4;genh - ilatt,tl4l6lll.- - lbe gnallne4 voters or that - portion or the City cf;Alieghetty, formerly part of Duquesne Borough, which was annexed to sald city by the aforesaid Act, will as.. setnlAati,ll4ouinal pAste of;hpldlug etptltttnie{ • ON TITERmAY, slay 3th, 1368, And elegt J 'T orrst-Lier c IL ; one c'rt r 1 year, one for 51_ years, one for 3 years; and youxqopiforr cou - Nr,ILMEN. . : apg4-1. • - ^ BLMorillßl7lo-Ifayon • ' CITY As* cAftti. emit" vromPt Cl lob Darts, elt er br e the week ftrAblit 101 V, i t ra l V l Z l e h r= ° 7l l (IT . IMP§ .orrios, whore they will regales prompt attimatloa. apiNug. 77VICDSBIOL . ME ' - - . • LIN, at 1.2,14 c. .IN, at .I.2Sc, tperfect, at Ll)fic. :OW, I•'• T •cf. q 4 ;? ~. ~. FOR, AND F 5 R}s Y; ' • • • 1,1 UM= =ME FOR S.- FOR SALE. . 1 • Near to the Allegenytier. , . BARNSL, TWO DWELLING lIOTSES. TWO , with_ good FARM. and about SOO acres timber land. This property will be sold low. Cash 5 2 . 5 00—balance on time to snit buyer. 'FARM acre. 0 ACRESwIII be sold for twenty dollars per Improvements coMfortable frame house and good barn; 50 acres of the land clear. FARM OF 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad: very well located for raising stock; improvements arc good and substantial; 100 acres of the land In meadow and grain. , CITY PROPERTY.—WiIIaeII a good brick house, containing live rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and would rent fur tho amount In elk years. _ A LARGE LOT OF GROVXD,..,ltaving a_ river front, and very court:Went °faeces's. - TANNERI convenient trii thOelty; and.hialtig a well established custom or local trade connected therewith; a good dwelling and fortyteres of /and. FOUR LOTS In Bharpsburg„near the railroad; would make a good coal yard. HOTEL FOR RRLE..F=a'hiit' etc, H.Otell'prciperty. ; situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooma.-aud .the Yeomanry .outbuildings,* with three iicreakbUgYideng and 'fruit , trees. This well located hotel will be sold low, -as the proprie tor.wlshes to retire frenn Mistimes.. • - ••; • . • ••• , FOR Wiwi.; • • • TwO hem' firtek Hoses, terootalf each. — 1 Two new Brick Houses oo xi? 4 each. One new Frame lkortSei lsi reform . . Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. One new Frame Douse in Wllktasbarg, having six rooms' Mid a-lanie let; well salted fur a T - zaa ---ssu,ouu, IN SUMS OF $5,000 AND UPWARD. APPLY AT D;:',p.'l.'llAiNH . f S . RE.A . l•4'.E'sTill'f . ofFjt.' olf. No. 91 Grant Piltlburgh. w epa FOR .SALE. A RIVER -110116u , FAR36er 76! ACRES, -10 miles front tffe.' city,. in Elizabeth towitahlw Alle gheny county, Pa.. on the li,onghlogheny river; one half mile from Elrod's Station, ton the Vonneltsvllle railroad; dear churches. schdOls, stares, ate., in the flourishing villages of Boston and Green Oak. The hnprovements area two-story brick •house of six rooms, hall and cellar, a good frame bank barn with stabling underneath, and - other outbuildings; well of good standing water at the -door, and several standing springs of water on the far m, and 'an ot chard of 700 trees of selected fruits °nipples, cher ries, pears, peaches, quincesand grapes. This prop erty, being, locatdd -Pear the line of the railroad,' retrain one hottelrride of the city; makeit . Wvery de-- sirable•for gardening- or a dairy . farm; it is , also a good and beautiful location for country homes near the city, lying immediately on the...river, on the op ' reVnis.T.l.ll=l:4"4lßlotd• nae: E t t l4eawtrit, ford certain and 'frequent Opportunities" of lofty CommunicAtionto and frotit,tits,city,..„ Will In sold Si a whole or Id lotto!' one , :zerecir,indtee;: i to sult,pur chasers. Also. A FARR OF 173 ACRES, situated in St. Clair townnhip,. Weshnoreland county, Pa., near the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Houston StadleO,,The-lutproveraents-are a two-story frame house.'with sit - moms and gtiod cellar, n frauldballx barn 40 by 60 feet, and other outbuildings. There . Is on the place a young apple and peach orchard; 120 acres cleared land, divided Into fields of conve nient size, a large portion of which, are well' set in Clover and timothy; the residue of said tract. cov ered with good timber., watered and un derlaid with coal and „limestone; and fs convenient to churches, 'schools, stores mills-and tlacksmith - shops. 'A real good bargain is offered In this excel lent farm; and - with it will be sold all thepersonal f h property on the premises, consisting oorses, Cows. stock cattle, hogs and poUltrf, harness, Sears , wagon, plows, farming. Implements and household and kitchen furniture. Together will be sold very low and on easy terms, to a responsible purchaser. Also, a desirable and veryTertile Tract of Land of 159AcRES Alch 25 PEP,CHE., in Elizaboth Tp.„ Allegheny county, Pa., on the line of the Herapfleld railroad. and one and one-half miles from the Con nelinville railroad at Suter"; Station: On this farm arc 40 acre. of superior` white daklietber, which alone is now Worth one-half the price asked for the whole tract.. The improvements are a log house, frame barn, geed fearing, and sum apple orchard of good fruit. It is well v, atered and underlaid with Btu entotte and flag stone of a superior qualite, with stAneo The rt b e stFAll3 the nFa irfield townshift, Westmoreland county, • Pa., of 250 ACRES, about six miles south of the Pennsylvania Central Rail road at Bolivar Station.- 'The Iraprotementsartftwo large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest and bent frame barns in the township; two apple or chryds, in good bearingeondition: corn crib, wagon shed and other outbuildings. The whole farm is under a high state of cultivation; fencing rate °Mar, and the land of the best quality of lime stone atoll: about 200 amt . of. Which is cleared and the residue of the tract in good timber, such as white oak, rock oak, AlekerY, walnut and beech. This property will be sold very cheap and on good terms, as the Owner wishes to engage In other bust nesse For particulars enquire of • • , - • . . . . Q. IL W4141...E2, 104,1roantilf151reet. . . . • apthrtH p a eers iNoilt ialtixer—, ti-EvEB*L BUILbirf n - O NG LOTS obiervatitrililil, Second / rd, Allegheny City, pre offered foraale—e . heap. he location if a Cities,isirable on 4. commanding a fine view of both la abundance of atone on the ground Tor building mr*o l t4l. a Aggliao t fL , a t A it l ir gb itu n bq i Diamond, at THIS OFFICE. or on the premises, near the-Ob eerrul ' • kiting. < : -, -. .. ... .., •,.. mhzsam . • • TLOw: P RICED DWELLING rioVeZ.S.SiN ew MAIM Cfl.' robins gala Nacres, 100 t Dwelling and Lot . Manchester, $1500; two fratitelthultos and lot. Mtukbester, each 4 §400: lot 40 by 150 feet, Woods Run, two houses, 600; No. 17 Franklin-street, two brick houses, 600. , rent 64510; house and two lots, Do Mors street, 11200(4,dwelling gpd tuf,o Jets, agar Temperance- Tine: $BOOO others varbrai•logations. I Apply to S. CUTHBERT & SONS. _at. Real Estate Agents,Bs Smithfield St. FOR SALE OWEEASt. VALUABLE . COAT.IdINZ,II.2 nriles from the city, and CITY DEPOT, for sale at a bargain, or wili,be leased fora term of years, Is thoroughly , proved; and - stoekedr tilth:. - everything necessaryy to the business, and has large established trade. Pro prietors have business requiring their absence. for several ware. Address; with real name, Post Office BOX 1202, Pittsburgh, Pa. apffi: p'ffi 111 - at If . Twenty Acres o L a ndor sale ood Station P. U. IL, immediately opposite residences Of Drs. Tanderort and Dupny, atal being the most desirable property for country residences In the county. Inquire of H. P. DILLLER, 2r 0.. Sa Fifth street, or of E. E. lIIILLEIL'imar thespremisea. ap17:078 FOR KALRe , -RORSESO—AtROW. AIM'S - LIVERY ANIYSAVE STATILE,' one fine 'AISIILY HQGSE (Day); three DAPPLE GREY HORSESe one LARGE DRAUGH'T HORSE t three BLACX. DI M ; two GREY ARS. • FIRST B STEET,neorMonon'gollelo House. . . ..: Doeses bought 'Mut loild tatteredinission. ' ' , . 4 ` ; ; .• 4 ' ;•• ..... •••41 6 4 . 6 , 01V11 . N • . .. V. ' 51 I ,4 - - I. 1:f a I =136.1111T10,151:1TOR • . 0 !; .7 < InVjgia, ArriIIFIVA • . ' &.. I , mo-L;aftt,ftezotUixfti, .tht!RAelv;illfik/1180e?.!,*,°1!_ OF THE COMPANY, 'lslftlFT.ltt TREET.- Also, NEEDT.ES,* ATTACtIII - &CITINE SILKS and COTTONS. TIIREMN ,14a,CHINE cat; he., &c. The citizens - OrPittelmrgb are respect fully Invited to call. • An licatlons rot. &gunflint. pa:Melted. Clretaara or - len - applleatlone-Vorreepondenee to 1/13 addresxed to -y •rl GROVER & LAU,. ;$4.1111,00.i7 mh23: u 1251 nrOUSTREETa tat ITTenetni A' ORDDIAIION IRelative to the Pittsburgh and Miners. • rine Baiiway Company. Sxq. 1. Boit . ordstinad*and onoefert by Ms can itr PlMttivif, in Beltet and tkonekunSCounerje anon-, OW.And it is hereby enacted t„,,the aWAOrity_.. „Oral /dials. That the Plttalnifth ancr '" ufrliv. "= uwa Y- Compeny shall be and Is berrbi relieve l their Ilamuty to Wean -and , ktop , hr -topair the streets through.whlehlt passe except so much thereof as Iles betspeonsherratbrff r F . roadeand elthcr~hereaft-?' 4, 4-4 4swever“,that rel~ thins aattl , .lla Ul r continue lbr'liye years and no longer, , • - - • sac. 2. That any - : t j a iribitords.ll;pt tettliaakbe y coadlethnt with the Our thriormaihee a t me' presex4 Uwe, bean the same is herebyse sO Jra as lair Same streMs-tbts - • ordained and enacted into a LAW DA COUIIOIIII. this Out day of Atoll.' A —D. ITS , v Abblbl3 11fs.b • President of !tenet Attests Fw p. moasoy < cnerx of ael , ecw.s. President of Common; Attests Hums broMastras. Clerk of Coaxabh übatlxn. aplls:plb ~:~,~~.. afiaa ti: -f. 11 0110.11$ DIVItIEND NOTICEI-THE PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC: TEITEGRAPH COMPANY OF TUP. UNITEU SUM, having declared ita Eleventh Quarterly DIY MOW at the rate Of TEN PER CENT. ANNUM it will be paid on demand, at the °Wee of the Sectetarl and TreaOurer, corner Sixth and Wood streetO, ap`l.3:p2 EDWARD JAY ALLE4, SWF.. z 4- ELECTION NOTICED---lIIE of the AnnuaL.Etectkin for Presartein cal Directors VIONONGAttEL/i *mai l co Will be held at the First liationalAtanh guminr. ham, on TUESDY, Ma): 5 ill• su6o, hetneea hours of 4- and 0 o'clock r. , tEe aptilioSa EDWARD Milre...tkeeretary, THE STOCKHOL . P4S . OF, T. . , CITY DANZ' - • •.i Arc hereby notified that :tile ,Flrat .1.115 ni-on .their Sub3criptien of Stock is now due, 4thrvvill be received at the Bank, which will pbe op for hnal- TUESDAY NEXT, -APRIL , . The Stock Rooks will remain oun . fonce. , • : : . t tre ' a Ind. te a l time. Persons desiring to antta . crl , !It! 4;139 SO DOMENICK lIIBISF.Ic P sident.'.. , !, apZl:plo J. B. GORILLA', Cashier Mpg- TEMI*Kit MI FLUX A0V1( °)1 1 11:1i The undersigned appraiser% appointed.-; by and in accordance with the act of the Legislaiire of the State of PeiDii%iiait I bSEO APfUigh, 1867, have, in compliance with a resolution of the Select and Common Councils of the City of Pit titiurgb, en tei:cntf• on the dytics,linposed ac; Aud to -enable the m_said 'ditilea, they P hereby request the resident' and , Direthis of any and every Turnpike and Plank Road Compkny with in the Present bounds of "the City of Pittsburgh, which claims to charge tolls foc,the,USe or,. their im provements, 40...ftirnish,the tiiiptatiersyyllh it state ment in writing, of the road held and owned by each • Corporation,' and statemenTT6Show, • I First—The name of ,thii road or companYi the title of ths'aet ofincorporation,. dud of its supplement% with the date ofapproval of each. •:: Second-The number of shares now nom by the stockholders, and the amount actually xiDid Ins by them as capitalateck. - 1. • . :1 Third—The length of road nbw owned by, the corn, pany within the present bounds of the Citylorritts burgh,,andtthe position of its termini.; t • -••• The statements may lie delivered fo Miter of the.; uudersigned...or at. the. office of theXity Controller, t- Fourth street; Xittsbulgh, .and - iare,27lußeti. on or before the Sth , day-of-Siay nests t W. WADE. • Vild. DILWORTH,- ALEXANDER 00.ltDON, t • - 4 :(n q u e r kerg. April 23, 180 S. • • • • itpTA • AITAIITTEULAGENTS; • - -; y To travel throat& Bleidgan, West Vlr% girds, and Western.r,ennsfivaniai tor the Wear SOLAR MORT. the best light yet Introilitted..'and will be nnlrersallytised.: 4.lltrenfil Oniudiislog ill be _Send for circular giving partierilars; or calf nisei! DAVIS BROS. & CO., Mee No.'S, Cleve land Ins. Btlidings, Cleveland.'o. atr3rp24 WANTED, . . A SMART, INTELLIGENT BOV For and to act aa asalit:ant to a 30.03atileid. Engineer. Premium required. Address.EoF A 4.1. Eilismfir ~,,,HA M D.Er 4 A soheAndnstriatia 'nutted . man, with a small family, to take charge of and live on a garden farm within ninetee grooms , f the eitr. There is a good brick house of alitehen. - . hall and-cellar,--tor: the gardener to Inez" audio; wham /lberaLnagealillibe-Pat d a"" /a-ccla-- petent and trustwortnr. lour nattletilara, in titre or ! girth - TOWER, ReatEetatek nt t ap8:o16 No. 184 Fourth St.. Pitts urgn. - ; THE' LIFE new and standard Hon. J. T. /isnot:W. tholfogtltltr•stgtoria. fbr Circular andsee oar terms. Address or apply to A. L..TALCOTT apanoB7 GO Market street,' Pittsburg • - AUCTION SALES. BY smTrasoir VATHOOIC & WOM3l4Alfil. FIaNITPRE, Pllearof!, CARPET& AND CROCEIII3B4 f AT AttrriO'N. ' On Thursday, April 300;,, ; , At MASONIC HALL AUCTION ROOMS, 65 and • 37 Fifth stmet; .be.soldoiew4ndeeemid-bandk.i FURNITURE, embracing 3)ressing, Inti;Plhin Bn remit, Wardrobes,::WaSh Stands: Parlor. Uning room and Wood Chairs and Itockers;'severaDExten-• sion Tablek; -High-and Low Yost, Cottage French- Bedsteads: Hair, Cotton and Husk lffatiresselit Card, Side, Breakfast and Dining Tables . ; trete-a- TeteS, Bocretary, Desks SeWinMactilnes„.'l7neen ware. Kitchen Utensils,' g- Parlor and Cook titbves. .• GROCERIES, Jte., AT 11 A. r.-5 halt chests Teas, boxes groupd Coffee, .7 barrels, tr. kilts llackerei, Herring and .ShatiOnimil eanned„,.. Fruits and Preserves: 1 case good Indigo; . :, %ow: ciers,ln quantities to snit. Li ' " CARPETS AND WINDOW SHADES, AWES P. 111-Large -Large line of new Carpets without resen . 'o; fancy Window Shades, with Trimmings. • • PIANOS, - AT 3r. m.—Three good Pianos; worthy the attention of those. desiring a • good Instrument cheap. • Housekeepers and Grocers should attend tills sale, as bargains can be had; the goods being sold with out .reserve. Ai primate Mae: two large Freneh Platrithlt , Framti Mirrors, at one-third their value. • . SMITHSO.N, VANITOOK AtcCLELLAND, ap29 -Anetiotteers. L. GE AND PElliEllTPlolli CLOSING OUT AUCTION SAlk ELECANT SILVE,NWARE, „.. French Clocks; 'Parlor Ornamerits4*e. On Tueisdit!.x ! April 2 r Ettlip AT 2 Ans;titY:I.POLOOK,-T. at., ATI MASONIC HALL_. AUCTION ROOMS; , • Flfth. Street. • grmCcaritietainrititiskedtb" &hi Saletbote do sinngelfiret, a comPlete orfrartialibliver Ate fat nishment, tieing the - largest and linen lit" ever Offer-, ed at sale in this city., • The goods are of rate and recherehettyles and pat-, terns: manufactured exclusively. .for.custoriter sales by one of the most tellable Eastertt hotures,und guar. anteed TRIPLE PLATE. In the assortment may be' found choice tett-sets eletrant and valieddbrner, les an d . picric castors, esker - el Sid and nett-baskets, htands and servers; with an endless variety °tether articles. 8111TIMOVirA3ROCIV/i • SI VIMe„.. • P"BIER fr,c AUCTIOZIEERS I . • ,; And Commi.sdon 4rerchdi4B, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION RObALS,' No. 60 Mt Street, Pittsburgb, BOOT aifra l lOg a si'CAßP: i TO r „ l ' DST' Goods and Roil Ons-f:;;; PAIVATIC BALE DAY IMDN G, zx consigninents S ol letted. turns. t ,„ • • '37-kriL k 9 Alli;' 7 ''' ' ' ; 1 . , tf• ANK,T_ELEGRAPII-Allinitilli- • ri ROA 0 sTocx.r,a,;•zaciagvarpx&.' fltAit.w, t oN ,l3o3 iPAlriii i ta g r a w, •0 I:ZIONTSrPO SENOEB RAILWA.Y .-.2,,o2sBDAys.Vhuth 'No. April SIPA alPs . titicish&lsgt_bq se.ts A „ oh" . second lour' or laoMilte mi siser.-1.00 Smlthdeldeireet: , - ~- -, , ; 20 ab*rea ir98:613, Sritioniillaiiit.: '.,-........., .s 0 gimes Tradessaens liatkinal,'llintig.,"fi' 10 shares li_cratone Sarlugs Co AO_ share* ractso anit¢tlantlerTeleim s. sq Co; 1 ". 20 shares Allega m eiji 1 railer 9. R. . .. , ••;, I - .` . 4''Z • 80 sharee'lltonon eta Navigason Co. " 4 shares Natio Methyl! rdiVtortuitc-1 93 shares 'Union Irriti MI Co . war .;: - ' 50 slims Boalmen.s Insurance 91.. _ 1 . sa,oou cuttent_. tusetitie.SAll*o- A 05410 First ' Monguire 7 par cent Bonds. -.._ - igkultu 4: *PN 41191i1V19606104v) ii: `:ems qua llr a rrpriaaftftlitt Deane Lemons; for gale I_4_ on Faulty Oriteen' Ok AA IiATO. A. usNIMAW. 5 • 122 REM WANTED. AT' 10 A. M. AND 2.. r. -BY PMCEEL3-PRELIZE'& 11221 WC rk i lg i