The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 28, 1868, Image 4

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littsinagij exatit.
PENNI - 111LN, REED dc CO.; Piroprietors.
7. B. raNsritAzi, JOLII XING4 - •
T. P. HOUSTON, P. Slgran.
• . Editors and Managers.
Oiliiiiidnailh;Aileitteni and Allegheny
Th ll4 Dail)). 1 Semt-Week/y. i Week . ,
One plan -.... . 0
$5.00 One year.ed.r 'Single copy :....1.50
One -, toollth. 75 Slx mos..' 1.60 5 coulee, ealli. 1 :1 1 .
By the week, 15 Three mos
~ i 75 10' ••, ..,
(Train Carrier.) '' , and one to,Agent.
TUESDAY,• APRIL 28, 1888.
TUE WEEKLY , G*Tl E 7 titttled on Wed—
neadaya and Saturdays, is the best and cheap
eat family newspaper in Pewns,ylvania. It
presents each week forty-eight 'columns of
solid reading matter. It gives the fullest as
well as the most reliable market reports qf
paper - in the State: Its:files are used exclu
sively by the Civil Courts of:Allegheny 'county
for reference in important issues to determine
the ruling prices in the markets at the time of
the business transaction in dispide. , Tei-ms
Singleeopy, one year, $1.50 ; in clubs .offive,
$1,25 ;. in clubs of ten, $1,15, and one free
to the getter up of the club. •Elpecimen copies
sent a •
free to any. address.
WE, PBi T on the ;Inside, Imes of this
morning's. GezravE : Second page: Poetry,
ETU : Turfs, an Eastern .Relnance. Third
page: Markets by TelegraPh, <Ricer New,
Steainboats, 6•c. Sixth page Pinance and
Trade . , HOtlid Produce, Oil and Cattle Mar:
kets. Seventh page._ Farm, Garden and
Household, Singular Phenbinena„ ' -
GOLD closed In Ne* York yesterday
1881@.139. ,
Ix Jai interview with Messrs. Boutwell
arid Binaliiun; • on't - :Biturday, Chief ; Justice
Chase stated thattli had never enthrtained
any intantion'of asiuming to sum up the
impeachment ease.
Qr THE 'MN lately rebel States, five Will
be 'found - by May Day awaiting re-adrnission
to Fthe Union. The Presidential canvass
opens with- Reconstruction half completed,
and a pocr show for that Democracy which
would persuade the people to forego a sails-,
faCfeii , reality, accepting instead their vague
THE Republican State Convention of Del
aware,,appolnting delegates to the Chicagn
Coriiention; also Adopted. resotutions in fa
vor of Gen. GRANT, of impeachment and of
the Congressional policy of reconstruction:
The vital principle of this policy, impartial
suffrage, is declared to be just as well as po
litic, and its general applicatiOn; throughout
the RePnblic, is advocated. • ' .
DEVGA'rES to the Natimml- Republican
Conietttion at Chicago are to be passed - free
over the Michigan Central; Michigan South
errii Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne -and Chicago,
and the' Columbus, Chicago' culd ludiana,
Central roads. The passes are to be issued
throigh the State Central Committees, on
applicationto Dr. C. y. DrEn, ChairmtM
of the Local Committee at Chicago.
Thu official records. of applications for
adiniasion into the Inebriates' Asylum at
Binghamton, N. Y., shov,.• , that of a 'to
tal number of twp_thOusaM pue,htmdred
huidied and fittietitiee not leas<
than thirteit hundred, or per,cent.,
were for daughters bf rich men. 'Evident
ly there is much truth in-the reports so
generalty,current of latp, that i;demperance
is a gitiwing evil amongthe: ,women of the
are still .confiicting. The counting of the
votd was not commenced until the close of
the polls"on Friday evening, sines when the
time .has been too short 'to ascertain dell-
nitely the results. • Each party'claims the
election of the Governor,ivbile t,he Detno
cratic claini of a majority, fn the Legislature
is but feebly contradicted. ,It generally,
agreed that the Constitution has been rati
fied. In North Carolina, the' Republican
State licket has a large majority
Tun President ' s nomination of General
Schofield to_tie Senate on ,Friday,,as, Sec-,
rotary" oftiliarzt‘iii place (et. 31. Stanton;
to be remo : TO.",ikartpgr_g t ipstanceac that
Pe0.411 1 4 4 4.
denng. It is, eithern fonfession of the file
gal charactefoftlie l appOinfirtenti - abviously
conferred:upon:General ThmiaN or that his
own \ recognition of the Matter, it Cabinet
meetings and othahrbeiTpersistedtv since
the failure of the lle to to %Min hinh has
bemtwithout le ushficalFon. The same
nombititiiitiakti I 4red to.43tifiaiii "Bch°.
field, and., loquosiftfteippe. Its
renewal at this uttetUrA i viitheAt consulta
tion with Clip? 141,9
. ..,... 0 K05,,4 c u....,
tooni ! idii fcor... , ,wiite - iii, ; , , kipi3itippoll.
sigiti , iiitu4 litlliailiiiiliiitl;;iiiiiinereij
one`ot Mr: 'Johan:n*4mi vuerilitieso and
er(tireri;witli tianypmftprtutt 'rlitical
THE Examsexpedition to Abyssinia,
to<ieadlieYceitaln British idled! : Width 'the'
negro /dug of that country has held .captive
since his gallant offer of marriage,
clineA by .
,queen Vicrorua, has beetigatirelY
sUcceeettll. !enetrating to the interior of
'that country, general Ns.rran fought a batT,
tle linEoponus on goOd
defeaittig* with great loss. The 'fortress
in sv captives were confined was,
subsequently taken by storm
ners, wSd'ifiiii`fdiridlill living and well,
were - 04)1y released.— End these ignorant
barbarimeknown haw to profit by the les
sondif a sAiglier ,they would
rf i t ,
cot i v v i m ; BD-Itt •
da14041444011414:,And slowb ut' 40
is reflected upon ,our lasts of superior en
. lightmentt
The argument of Hon. TIIADDEL'I3 STE
yesterdayf, of Whicki;b.e hpAre , ¢9:1„ .
tended report, is a powerful summing up of
The salient features of .the main charge
againt the President.' The ; attempted re
moval of the Secretary in defiance of-the
law, following after his suspension in ac
cordance with the same act, with all the ad-
missions, the explan' athins and the justifica
tions put forth by 9 thoil accu's'e at
stages of the controversy, are very sharply
handled by Mr: who .eciniltides
with a pointed and characteristic reference
to the votestiy , which the Senate has more
than the_
tonita . ittd iiierankioosititiit;
the assumptions.of the Executive. He was
followedhy Mr. WILLIAMS, - occupying the
rest of the day; he will eonclude this niorn
ing. We direct the reader's particular 'at.;
tention to the statements., of. this gentleman ,l
touching the riltent trui , ineinirig 'Of the.
proviso to the first section, of whiCh he was
himself the. author, and which has been
claimed, m'the.President's behalf, as except,
lag Mr. STANToN from the proper operation
of the Tenure ,of Office, Act He empliati:
cally declares that this claim is contrary to,
the purpose of the bill, Mr- Szs.x.roxis, caae
having been certainly meant to be COverect.
even if it was not the originating cause of
its.intanduction. ' • i •-•
Evmas will'Close the case to-day for
the President, followed to-morrow by Mr.
BINGHAM, who tnay also'occhpy
the day after. The is . Flpa:}vill then .b9.for.
the decision of the Senate,
nE T!F an ' T ' 1311/tEFP!.?"T.-431tvft. com
pletely shown the groundless character of .
those apprehensions in-which certain peril
zan--Denvocrate;:lountahrlyr3 :freely - in
dulged: - 4 kelgete - asinred b`rtifeleirrophe6
of evil that collisions, between thetworaces,
with violent ordbieaks; outrages; rip*:
murders aitd exterminating popular' con
fiicp, would, drench the 'South everywhere,
_with 'blooa:: The ac tual preient a
contrast to these gloomy forebodings which
semi almost lndlerons isvheavie praefabei t
what a dreadfUl state of things was foretold:
The Asso*ted Press *vetches, Avhich
have-steadily borne their own ear marks of
being in rebel sympathy, are so uniform in
their reports of the quiet and good order
by Which the elections have been marked,
that one cannot fail to - - draw comptirielkip
unfavorable even to the experience, of.sonte
of our loyal Northern communities at
election time. ,The citypf New York alone,
voting for President next November, will
see more heads btoken, blood shed„..personal
and partizan outrages generally, than were
recorded last week between the Cape Fear
and the Mississippi river. Instead of the
Southern heart having been fired by negro
equality into an iz!dignant,tuld bloody
sistance to the laWs, there is identv ev
dence, not only that the' situation has been
rquietly accepted, but that Democratid-con
seivatism has, in many epees, ,eagerly con,
ciliated theneirs suiport.
Xx ABSITRD paragraph is ftoating about in
-some portions of-the American press, to the
effect that Americans residing in Germany . ,
for temporary —piriPoses of btisiness
° pleasure, are exposed, wader the terms of the
.new expatriation treaty, to the los's - of their
nationality by,_, the simple effect of ,t.wp;
years' residence within the i4orth Gerinatv
territory. The treaty simply legalizes Cer
tain ~:new 71fgribeinetito Of the: negotiating
powers touelniq the effect of tbeir respective
_naturalintlopi Upon the status of 'citizens
born subjects of the other power. The
Amarican : br,Ho, 9 o may,resilie inl3.oermanr .
.for his Ufe-time...retainlng his natiMuditiir so
long as he omits to naturalize hiniself under
` the lFßP[4 l4 ot PT4 l3 7'. 3 n - a t q'
American, of ''ilerman owever i who
returiis'to his native country, residing there'
for two years, "may," in, the ntsenee - ',of.
more,definite proof to .the qontrary,,txrheld
=to have relinquished his acquired citizen
'Ship. The language of the' treaty-text is,
',not imperativer it evidently , recognises the.
sufficiency of Proper d6etafitiOils - by Whiths
the citizen may protest against the inference.-
No secure the absolute benefits of the' right
of expatriation, the treaty clearly requires
an uninterrupted residence for; ten kears,ip,'
the adopted land.
ME' lirethhdliff.7.ll ColiTEffitee,
which will meetat'Chicago on Illiday next,
will be compoied'ofeiibie'bisfitips,
Bred and thirty-five delegates from .sit.;r:
eight annualpo*Tence§repTesenting plxmt
eight tbousand ordained preachers, with
visiting t representatiri from sitnilar bodies
in Canadatina' tutoper.* l TlieVesiiiOns 1;1 1 4
continue for several weeks, as much busi
ness of imporianeeis to lie transacted. Ed
itors, secretaries, managers of publication,
boafds c4ls34rsitieraViatift late. toli
chosen In regular course, and it" is notim
probabld. that seYetil Additiotutrbislanrl
be selected. The great question of admit
ting the laitylt6Allttoletfinl the twatrol of
Church' affairs will also be presented, with a
ire action. , The . movement to. obtain thirt
• ehallie — .l radicalchet'effeettr!r- the ' Allidit, 4
4 1 04 g 97811450,1 en of the church as
been far pars tatinineit'rengtiii, and
its friends are corlideCh4t,EiLlCCC)3o
crown their
TIIE r!I ZW bf .Ciilobrnatr 'faithfully
inafgriaritly,erns the, ,, oorrypt, nrfiris
ployed)it'COlumbus to secure tful gassage of
Saturday publishes • a card •purporting to •
! from ficos4lealers,.., : flatiniatmen
and: oltizcris,"'in which it is asserted that
ruiriliwillanawoUld'_riiii , be to
their,P,e,P*FiiilkKe t s t ie , l,ll# 3 (F aid is evi
dently aninvcntion of the other side,_the
Weft, Oat such"ti increase of risk, in
the 'Cant66'4n Of the water-way is smatter
of :indiMende to ihotorlittprbilltible:
bettii•taabeiiia for the belief off `, tho most`
- mitToteil***** 944o4 ****..
po,iiiihooltly,,. MOP
PftewtA ti llUtw'r — ' i , F.
owisia: . vor dilabirtii, v
*age, and urges a more thorough Ind oom.
pieta organization throughout the State.
I r • (
L -
~~L~ ~`
~'~ M M i~.'~:i1~:~Cj
A great aid important enterprise is now
in serious contemplation, no has than the
openifig.of a diatuiel ;Of iiiiVigation' from
the Oltio river to. Lake Erie, at the cily of
Erie, of sufficient capacity to admit of the
passage of vellsels ofThra hundred tons from
the one to the othei—vesseb3 which could
be iavigatcd to all parts.of: the upper lakes,
to BUffalo, Detroit, Chicago, 'to, the . great
iron aid copper ruining districts of Lake
Superior, and to the railroads that will soon
be constructed` frqra the 'head of the last
limed Like Ahibliet Minuosotaliliit the Vast
nib:4o( the northwest
This Is not"to be' a, nevi bitins
largement of the eanai.from Beaver to Erie.
This capai.waS i kl,:apyoy,eraent
system 'of : Petttigilvatils;'''Catniiiiticed in
18 . 28-7., ( , , About, tenlyearti ;afterward!, it 'NVZS'
con eyed by the State in an unfinished con
diti nto a company, who completed ,it ac
cor 'iii' to the origisuil prOgranuale about
845. It has been in operstion ever since,
and has - dote good service; but .an .the boats
trading upon it are too•entail for lake .
gntion, everything coming from• or destinEd
to ptan — iSteyond Erie has to be transhipped,
dela2.; and adding largely to
the cost of iraisportatibri.; It i'n'to ;avoid
these tranfshipxuents that itis now proposed
o e nlarge the - 3 : • '
Hon. -Moßs,oit 11:Lovity, member of the
State Senate from Erie made an ilile report
at the last session of the Legislature on the
;subject of this proposed improveinent, from
which, in the GazP.TTE of the 4th inst., we
gave an extract setting forth the advantages
which would follow from it.
As a part of this enterprise, it is in con
templation to rake a-slackwitter navigation
of the Ohio river from rittsbnigh to Beaver;
which ; will be the beginning of a work that
oughtto have Wen cinnpleted,Years ago, we
mean, an, improvement by. - i tlacas;:and looks
of She at far ; as Louisville,
if not to its confidence withthe Mississippi.
Our ,Petiple. haie been' ;spending ;money,
time and labor about long enough in trying to
get round the law of gravity. There is fall
enougn in the Ohio river to give •it a rapid
current, and thits reduce its vOlurne of water
for a large portion of the year to such a de-
gree of that it cannot float a laden
boat ; and even whqn there is water enough'
they have to expend a preposterous : amount,
of 4,totsfer:tii over:Conte the - dirCii of tlie Cori
rent. Make a slackwater of.- the river and
then the water itself will lift the boats and
cargoes from level to level, leaving nothing
for the steam to do but to move the boat
through the still water of the pools, either
faster or slower as the owner pleases. And,
in addition to all this saving of power, the
boat will have plenty or water to float in at
the dryest seasons.
.With rinali animprovement of ^ the river:,
and with a canal of sufficient capacity to
bring to her wharves vessels from any
and all parts of the great lakes, in -addi
tion to her railroads, Pittsburgh would oc
cupy one of the tiost commanding positions
of ani city in the 'Union:
The first question that will arise in many
minds Will be, "Is there enough of water
..on this line to supply'such 4 canal as this?"
Plenty. , lifthson. Romans, Esq., in a
report made in Detember last to the Presi
dent and:ldanageiti b he Erie' Canal Coin.-
pany of Pennsylvania, gives the minimum.
supply of water at the summit, afforded by
the French Creek feeder and Conneaut Lake
at 19,107,320 cubic feet in 24 hours, a quan
tityauflicient rof evapotailori, leakage sr7
thaViCifiTgeiit 144 boats per day," leaving a
surplus of over six millions of feet. These
144 boats ? withari average of 1.541 tans of
freight, would carry an aggregate trade of
5,400,000 tons a year of 5041ays—an
anionnt tinffielent to wear out one set of rails
on a railroad.. .
At the time when this line of canal was
,by the 'CominenWealth, the,
irOn.and copper -of ,Lake .84p - calor• were-un—
known and viindeir . eliipWreadiiices, Now
they fUrnilli,an- euonßons amount of ton-;
nage; especially the iron ore. The supplyl
is practically inexhaustible, and the.demand,
in.the, great, Coal district of, Western, :Penn=
sYlvanta isiA 6 reasing",with':grqd raPidity,,
Already from 150,000.10 200,009 tons
Lake Superior and Canada iron ores are .
smelted in the furnaees along the 'line of the ,
canal and at Pittsburgh, •
That.canal, on its wartbrougiiitatirlike,..
and Mercer Counties( in the•vaileyCttlie .
Shenango,passes' through one of the
coall7*ldiilti - WW,C4t, i etksit'irh
/0/i - bituWnousllol:;;t - , ;,4
smeltinioiAron ore - iptrjrkr,! 43-
from this deldthat , •
snPilled; -4 .Thtsiradetii ` 44 , 44:l6i4 . 4.
is increasing *40644 irgpid*:
lowhlkis a.c 401.4.141. 1 4
'shipped Prom - Cleirerand .141. = gritY . 4ol4 f
Uvely'in ' l '
,• , /
isso ConstwOre
, 20,19 t
.. "14 •
r - ' 1311213
1801, Mp
lcia./1 1 4 11 ,•:»;:,--M ,600
• ' " 57,114 31,753
s • sr-,
iPerease l r
Nrtliil4 1 . 01,191;ele,11111t 'l4:lXd , • Was
the iftioniptichi4ii'd ,Yangloeny' we',
haven means; of, aster atniug but )vere
this canal wagged, and-the l ilitelf-Water
teEled driWnlfe'therMoutk& the ilnyefr.;'lt,
very large tradeTkgrojroni the mines
around Pittsburgh and frOm those of the
, M 6 /iEolilgakoklf
im!rutdia,tely spiing mr..,ROBEWre*:
his report, shows that veaselscouldbe'lliq! ,
gated from the MOnengahellyto i of
NeW York Without breaking .built ) as,fbl--
lows : • ' . ' • , -
Pittsburgh togoolletif,Ok4 Orsirt)v.,:.2ltl4l,lPT.
, RocliettortO Bog, ..
Erie to Buffalo, 4.4DX Brie, by tn 050 . , , ,;.„ oft ;-
Buffalo to Albany, (Cana k) • .
Albany to New river, by
P?g *,) '' ' •;7"""'l ' !%'' , :"•:'.'•Air!'rf;ir -, " 10° •
Total from l'ittablisgb, to - Welt: Vork.;
lie esthnatee the cost of transportation at,
$3,70 Pei ton, Which would enable -shippers
to sell it at a profit in`ttifiti 4 6iienat,o0tV
ton) -0 14# 1 cP4g* not; as
$i tan, ;11 j
'Lefe are:
jYrOgaraNVIIIO aWlin co
sggrega memir
freights would accumulate as -upon this,
made up of the coal of Western Pennsyt-
vania; the ores of Lake Superior, and the
agricultural products of the great region
stretching south and west of the lakes.
The tonnage would - very sooxi be counted
by innlions; and the general prosperity it
Would cause would ito augment the more
t i e
profitablebu business of the railroadsi running
in the samedirection that the completion of
this enterp ' ;'instead of injuring them;
would inure to their benefit
lar. ROBERTS, who made a careful exami
nation of the line last fall, estimates the cost
of the proposed enlargement of the canal
from Beaver I to- Erie . at--$2,024,175. This
does not Incltide the inaprovement: - I l tbe
Ohio river frora Pittslinigh to the mouth of
the-Beaver'. where the canal'{ coinmencesi a
distance of 28 miles. -
. .The *Ork' can be
done in two yeara. ;•• ; ,, . -• ,„ •
IT is but a few days since a IWestern
journal, announcing the success of 'experi- .
meats at St. LOuis in smet‘giisouri iron,
bade a graceful farewell-to the iron masters
of Penniylvania; and' drew a rOsel i COldied
picture of the future prosperity of that knelt
Of manufficture in the regions about the
month of e MiaSouri. ' The afine*ed,,pare- .
graph; from , an:article in the same journal
upon the mineral resources Colorado'
territory, confirms our own conviction thid,
when Pennsylvania and Ohio, can no longer
retain a predominant influence in iron
market of the West, it will make but a lirief
pause in the 'Mississippi Talley, passing
rapidly to the mountain districts, beyond,
of which the following can be said:
The immense beds of iron ore which lie
contiguous to equally immense beds of
coal, are pioofs of the iron capacities of
Colorado '
which must one day become the
centre of a grand manufacturing industry.
Plenty of water power sports, in idleness
amid all this mineral wealth, and needs only
sufficiently impelling motives to harness it
to the wheels of Production.
The • following interesting iriforMation
has been gathered
,from the letters of the
American mlialonaries in Japan and from'
the'Yolutg Jaiiinese now studying in tins.
Nagasaki hai ceased to be a Tycoonal
town, - and is mow an imperial city. When
the fordes of, the Dalmios threatened it the
Tywonal governor chose the better part of
valor, and vacated the place without strik.
big a blow for his master's rights..
The Mikado has resumed his imperial
functions, which have for a time only been
partially . exercised. He is the 'Emperor of .
Japan, is the head of the religion, the Su
preme Pontiff, because he is, the head of the
State. The same family, or dynasty, hits
been on the throne since B. C. GOO. This
is the oldest reigning family on the globe.
Toptflar tradition says the Emperor is the
descendant of the gods. • •
The Tycoon made- treaties without any
right to do so. He was simply n powerful
Daintio, having great, often preponderating
influence with the government, occupying
very much such a pcsition as•tlift filled by
English earls, or the High Constable of
France under the feudal system. His offi
cial is that of General-in-Chief of
the armies of the empire. The chief com
merthil cities were included in his principali
ty. His making a treaty was as though the
Govenior of New York, having authority
over the chief commercial city; shotild Make
treaties with forelp powers, he dieing:also
General of the armies of the United Stites,
and should. then endeavor . to - compel the
United States to carry out her engagements.
So long as-this policy affectedonly Yo.
kohama, Yeddo and Nagasaki,' the Daimois
remtined quiet ; but when .another step; or
rather many steps, were contemplated in
the - deiltiOputeht Ortn'tnaresZtlfe - MTifteg
" resolved hiiiieitlhiiii rights; -This' is the
ma\ uri, firktli4 p resent war. ...pos, pro b_ r
ableli t ego Pritieei are riot `atiinilit6dl3;ye
hostilit towards foreigners; fora nuMber of
the rao* powerful and wealthy among them
havp keeitttitedtthe Ainerielut .ritipimartes
to teildifintheir i cities and Open Wchbols tor '
their young men • and beside the majority
of the yotaiglopitniseitow 'studying in the
United States have been sent here by these
Princes. l: There artylidweveri'riValries Old
jealdusieti among these, Delimits, and. these.
may give,on'.une*eutUd turn to thUpOftict ,
now goirig. en. - . , „. • - -
It is proper to add that'the Imperial - City;:,
Miako, is incicised byrthe princiPal city of
the ' Tyccion, and this has been an advan
tage to that prince. The Dahnios seiiell
the.person of the young Mikado and carried
him away, inorder to remove him from this
,TYcoOtial, influence. A 'recent letter froin
Japan intimates that some - Europeans are ;
involved, pecuniarily, in the, fortunes.of the.'
Tycoon, ~ and with reason. It is known
ithatilie;Bll6 oon hie , borrowed eonsiderible
tatil - v
atuis , on mortgages to • Earopeana;
,How= ;far ; ,has no one can: tell.
, The•Pritted;Of ;Sipulate has also rtorroWed;
'or "SagllSlaineti f , Old ,PAirtiOgedAhe )arge
i island from Which he derives his 'Chief
I revenue ' and upon wilful' his principality
depeLdsto a large , ettetit 'for food.. 'lt is
1 supposed that other princes have mortgaged
their territory.,-. ,All,these ..landp, belong to
i ' Matt, andtheight lir eminerito domain is
2 : I - the Mikado, and serious trouble may
arise bereaftcr from these mortgages.
S I T ." OF:l.4ttaoluar...PtitaXerf9m
- -, f %tut thticktirli.
t • •
ds, , c- lt i tzi As soon as the missiona
rles atikt: awe passed judgment upon
it the verOn *ill be Alblished. A Chris
tian traciattoscalreadibean printed in . Japa
nese, juid IC in circulation.:About two
All. . •,.. ' c' AVY - 1.3 0 4 '_a
ve . .. _
_. . i„.. •en by the. ii claas, ' e
two-sworkied .. en of the Jape, •during 1807.
A young`4). ,, . ese, scapapablet person, at
Yeddo, has 1 ~ - ted the Constitution. of
- the United <;r , , - ‘
into his mother tongue,
tind horMitrititlt . m
. scnktaMly . , cl
motiblvialllittlitiN. ''
Ir. ap4Estato TrflusteP"
iitaiaittici YO4 di t ddsithre tiled oii*Aa,,
i. .
25thi , 18438:•44., ::, - K, -• :• :' •',.',. 11 /11. I' gT:I AI
East Liberty, now a ellyvorthpsesislosillnral
'MC It br rfi l l"' -.*; "PP?" li s ifti. elle
Fourth - ward, Allegheny. Bandlial greet -„ 7 tici,
feet, • 120 Mkt, file m nand'. cartmion , fakes „. , , .
: less to David ati1in0re. 2 .•...i1.t:.4. - tr...'.. .
n, .,.,',.: , :000
Collins township, now of eity,-lots 81 and in Bati
yerein's plastisatatt 704b7212 feet ; Joseph Laurent
• to Ernest Ruebbren 9277
BtileigirstfM?"-)91•42,74. VERlllMPeptloge
East, -liirmiv e r, Jane street, North ‘slile..2or3o
feet undao , :rent. ftblanitleadosr, st ree t, tkuutrp.
nal:teals tot buiminit - $14f1t.1. - ..Lr' WO
Pittsbargh, , latts tt ttbattuillitt: NAM /street, 21st .
eft ",te,t ... i sti,,at ,t, t , . Elizabeth
„ny to lit Vog im . 42 ,,., ta . t . ~, . ly r
si xt h, sra o x tsbur r i ~ lir 1.,,,N4414 1
stnet, . 107. et, I featTfog Who stree , re-
Ngraigirt er re iS iMaititt
CB i rOaCt
lt . Vt e g i fi e C 11AN11 .-15111 41,A, i ' 7 9 l.Cgi law
Plam tawnsbi meet unte4ek.4-0. pouiiierty .
toJetra E' . ' - 000
Olil t :A i tztiiih r i t trp,il l pt L 'William Hall to l e&
“ , ..44 , ALT4na • OM'
ram townidtlivtatore and autpereaes, exeekt pip'
*Lire on north side of lfranks:introadt Eli neY ' 0 -
D nisi 1deftrdy, i4 ili'l ' 'e.' ~u,”_'• z,fia4(.oo
ille !mamma ~. 4 , ~ § ** , .a'roaa, Hob
. .:
' 4 , ;,..<
...A• a • . ..._ .1 .: 1:g _ , : - vii*
3 . 1 .
..Li , )t liPi, D ”: :. en,'" WOW A
' : ft. k'
Mat' Is; ''' i ' / la' 46 'illikkagr o t
_.ttt . ~ ). ~ in the bank MI
ure SG '' ' . *mated that they oan'i "be
drawn , b 7„ br ew ' without consent of the
Board of Direc tors.
W.,. 28. 186 E.
Elections in Second Military His
trict Osage lndians -7 Freed
- Men's Bureau Agents and Pop
tics—A Cioireetion—The Bill for
the Admission of . Arkansas to
Representation in Congress
The .German Naturalization-
Treaty. - • '
(By Telegiliph to, the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
• WASHINGTON, April 27, 1868.
Lien Graixt received the following aispatdi
frpin C4iby, Copnnanding Second.
.Distriet,-- dated'eharlestbni Alirii
26t1i: •
. _
liitretiorts have beenriceived from all but
four remote precincts Of. South Carolina.
The majority for the Constitution is 43,608.
In the precincta yet - JO - lie heard from the
vote will' be nentlf
"From North Carolina returns come in
slowly: As far- as heard from the majority
for the Constitution is 7,430. ' In ten coun
ties complete there is a slight increase over
the vote for the Constitution last fall."
• i AWFA.T.RB..
The Clonmilssioner of Indian affair's,'
Tgylor, • leaits WaShingtori this 'evening
for the Catholic mission of the Osage Indi
an lands, in' Southern Kansas; for the pur
pose of engaging in -the, business of the
commission recently' Appointed• by the
President for making a treaty with • the
grtat 'and little Osage tribes, the object of
which is their removal 'within the . limits
of the Indian territory. • •
Brevet Brigadier General Brown, assist
ant commissioner of freedmen's bureau for
Virginia, has isanedthe, followingcircular
to the-various sub-assistant commissioners,
in that State:
"It is thought advisable that bureau offi
cers or agents should not attend
conventions._ While it is clearly their ditty
to advise freedmen in regard to their' poll
tical.rights under the laws of Congress, it
is not deemed proper that officers or agents
should become I:oolitic:al partizans: You
will see tliat - ,tbese iri,structions are at once
promulgated to your, subordinates." •
, , .•
• The bill introduced in the.. House to-day
by. Mr. Paine admitting .Arkansas to repro
sentation in Congressis similar to that. re
ported in March ,by Mr. '.Farnsworth. • It
declares that Arklinsaa,baving framed and
adopted a • State .Government which is
Republican in form, shall be entitled
to representation when the Legislature of
the - " State shall' have dilly. ratified' the 14th
article propose& as an amendment to the
Constitution of the United States, and on
condition that. the State
_Constitution shall
never be amended , or changed so as to de
prive any citizenier classof citizens of the
right to vote who are entitled to vote by the
Constitaitionherein recogidzed,or so amend
ed or changed as to allow any person to
vote who is excluded flom office by the
third section of the 14th article of amend
ment to the Constitution until tile disabili
ties proposed bv.the said section shall have
been removed - in the rnanner therein pro
vided. -;
The President to-day sent a message to
Congress enclosing a communication from
Secretary Seward, covering a letter from
Hon. George Bancroft, relative to the treaty
recently, negotiated with North Germany,
which, on the authority -of speeches made
in:the North German confederate council by
Count Bismarck and others, reiterates the
correctness of his (Bancroft's) interpreta
tion of the treaty as given in his . letter
February 22d, viz: That persons who have
lived in America five`years and have been
naturalized held to military duty=
in North Germany. No prosecution, Said
Count Bistnarck, for unauthorized emigra
tion can take:. place, even if the emigrant
shall have ceasedto be an American citizen,
and a Gorman-AMerlean - citizen emi
grating to North Germany cannot be field
to the discharge,ofanylila, iniblary. duty.
The Prasidentto-day sent to the House a
.from the. Adjutant Generas Dept.
showing, reply% to , „resolution, Of the,
aurae, ; that,-thelffilitary DepartMent .of
Alaska...and the. of Ale,
Atlantic are the only formed since the
first of Augast last, luid th,e, X,%e zwuxmlance
with longeStablislied Viake and'aiithority.
' Titg: nti.EAc*.ltppr
Manager Williams will • Coneltide
giiment tolitorrom.• He be followed
Mr. EVarty:wbo is exPected. to -occupy
..part of to:filo - mo .and 'Wednesday. Mr,
I ,nls read m
or. cans& to be; read. • his
argnMent ThnridaY'and on Friday
Manager . will close the, case.
The Committee of Ways and , Meatis have
Appointed Representatives Moorhead; May
:nard'and lilblack, a sub-committee to pre
pare a•tariff• bill for Submission to the en
•tire COMmitteo'for consideration ' - .
cot:11E01mi. •' ' '
. • .
The nomination: of„: . General Sehe - field to
;be Secrptary. of War was stated byr ,the
',President to be the , place of
_Edwin M.
'Stanton removed, and not to be yenioved, as
The Feithei.Welght ChautkouSW-11b111.:
wood end lieatlugCoutestanp 7 -11esult or .
the.Flght.:, --
CBI; idegrapli tot4erittsburet Ottaette;l: • - ••;
CoyINGTOIC I KY.', April-V.—As early as. .'
halrixisA:tive'p,'Clock:tlicre 4itre' people -et ,
the fb4 bf , Vgth 4ie'of' ;cihaniati,;t.iit',t i l l e ,
ePigkeiterloint 01100 "shore,, looking arca
iouslY ,for the :expected. boat. :e.kt , severe
O'clock about 150 had assembled' Ofifihie
sl4l,4wli6(liWtikstle was , heard, Up: o,rfil.,
cir:.44 did.,AwNlt Un cle . . '4 6 ' 41440;
havinia Aargi covered barge-w tolsco Pup?
tida itiraredcWith the • 'ropes tend.; ihtukiNS
'4v '`lklYisli-)4666! boa-0. '';'*l,oPhw
, i .ign',4k#o:l4:!l;.;t , ;' . 91.1%*.0 7441;14:*
onettutdred andttlity , peoide;othe•lsoorcltiy.
of t ityje,dousrAeotee s ciithei price ) Of
t iC
Ilige h rdilMOD,Xetithb MOUS:Cif who -111 tit(
in jrise nghts, accounting , ' for ,,;
°Rw4h lll •" ' ' 1 - Alht_..‘inat - ,•at, alNnt i nine
e'ehogr; *- ,:`,. - sauPle ' of it).iik gl new*
!i' .. '7 . :
Qtly 4. , ; • 4o;u1 a voile z.of ~
eel e ,- . ~. { ti boys au' X 4 6 11 1 ,10 19 haar
n 9 OA :riml," ''. Aye, 41*k and therefarq,
eouldatot • -t , . ‘ TA , ) On man-PartianW-
V,:t.kfic9 ' - a .7P4Aireiir• .00 6 4: 4-
tl4PAarite ,7 ..l.l l -ir,El4lk; 61 ?0, viii9Yek a:-
duo& An • , ~.. taapasseugemepder .cover.
psinna.Nne ''• , t . . : • -.thr e e. barrels. of a .ra.,
rirolver at . ,1 , when he retreated. It Was
a very prderly crowd, indeed, yeryfew of
thc.lowerprdoPerynngini - being on, bciaid..
a* ' Oemapiapeis',Were - all ` , roresentfid bY; ',
repot and there weal 'fMr - praportion,
of espeefable f _lrens of ,Oxich c, o *. - ,
/ 1 Oh en' "„TiOW it': .I'he atiand era - were,'
:e, lyth .1 ~ .. ra ted fn iti the nu ber - xm•
„ . d i • g u d, fir i 'auttetpatet a' iOard;of eight
. o i od oi a theitsand people. ' The ()mt.:
;Owes a failure, sti'fitrfis trieney'Wtti; cell
iewaradi,z hardly ?enough' beltigl taken' 'to
• • t he
. expeusei:i ' , A nitnibee_of hackaand - •
• . f : . okeontaining peopte,:dieve'dininthe'
.7 - leatqatt r idmVwitli"lbC " boati not
Ittosilog•laditerettli4hOttwaa to-take place:
ftt eteanrrioht and semal-row, boats went
.down, and a - m*44f bovvtook. it afoot.
..its we approtiche(L:the.!Backei ; H4use; a
party Mas'eeßifanthe Ventus i Alne :aid`
in . 1 0. 1 blhOititit4s ' ' 4114takere et, They
iprovea tOnlio :-. wpoit sari
traitgaw 2
BehthnlthEAß .. f , • .. sAilp 0°
.were then taken on beard . .ile xaa
Sy !looking cheerbd. At Taylorsport, z•I we
took on,Heatlng and his trainer, Pat 1 , 2731-
gen, the men who selected the growl, an d
several others. Keating appeared to be in
splendid condition, with,capital spirits.
Everything passed off muietiv during the
passage, although the beer kegs . were put
under frequent contribtition. The day was
splendid; clear, neitherl too warm nor too
cold. There was little! speculation as to
the issue of the fight, and little betting.
It was considered by many that Holliwood
was in the best conditiO, as his face was
more*free frbm flesh than Keathig's.
The beat landed on th# Kentucky shore,
at a point just, above the mouth, of the Big
Miami, about twenty mles below Coving
ton, et eleven 'clock, #
cr nd the'party pro.
ceeded to the - ground, on'a high 'bluff over- •
looking the Ohio, whet° the stakes were
quickly set and ..the ring -formed:, Keat
ing's seconds:were ToM diyan, of-Newpo r t,
and. JiM Batton , or • Covington; ..nolli
seconde, were Bob;Smith, of Eng
land, and Barney , Franie, of Covington.
At tvielve o'clock, Ositliwood threw his
hat in the ring, and was quickly followed
by.KesinWs castor: The, choice of ground-,
was ,won y, Holliwood. ,Billy, ILewl4..of
Cincinnati, was appointed „referee. Eph.
Holland, as _umpire for-Holliwood, and Jack •
COnley for Keating. ,Kciating's colors were
red, white and blue, with a sunburst in the
centre.. Eftfiliwood's .ccdors were 'a bird-
eye handkerchietwith tepink border.
Both men, stripped il l eedily, and each
appeared confident an :.cheerful. After _!
shaking hands, ,the men vent to their cOr
nem, and at the call of time stepped prompt- .2
ly to the scratch, closely watcheil by their
seconds. Time was called at seven minutes
past tWelve. • •
First Bound—Sparring ^ for an openinf
_ _
Holliwood cautious. A i struggle, and -Hol-.,
liwood is borne upon hiSkneestothe ropes.'
Both struck with the loft. First blood a
draw. Time thirty-five ;minutes,
Second-Round—Holliwood cool and cau
tioUs and on the defensive. Holliwood •in
his corner, Keating put- in left-handed one
on body of Hollitwx.d.: After a struggle
Holliwood went down o*i l,
his knees; time
one and three•quarter minutes.. •
Third Rounct—Thesparringwas cautious;
both' struck, Holliwoodi putting in ft left
handeil several blows W, ere struck, when:
Holliwood dropped and Keating . fell on
him. Heating, .here fccMd that his, wrist
tvas broken, and when; lime was called he
: was unable to come 41 the scratch. This
ended the fight.
Great sympathy is felt for-Reating, and
Holliwood headed a .subscription for his -
benefit, putting: down one hundred dollars.
Others followed with liberal sums. .
Confldedcer *m~.
Hood's “Bridgeof Sfiliie ( dOes not show
more living representations of the ”one
more unfortunate," than that of the vic
tims of the confidence igame. A case of
singular greenness was perpetrated itester-,,
day at the corner of -Fenn and St. Clair
streets, upon one •,C,kl3 Fox., a 'lumber
dealer, from Russellsbing,' .Pena. - It ao-2-
pears George had-just ;Oo‘ minded a settle
ment with his commission here, ,
and had a sum of about V,400-in his.wallet; ~
the confidence - sharper was with him at the
corner of Penn and St. poi, accidentally,
of course, when an nnreconcilabld'creditor :
demanded of his. C. An din "th0i52,500,"
Austin did riot have the evadable, bat
would give collateral security infthe Ifintpe
of a cheek on the Lafayette Bank' of '
cinnati, for $2,900. Creditor would not re
ceive it, but would take one-half and hold
the obligation. Austin[ appealed to; Fox,
and he not being as crafty as his,species - are
generally accredited, to over the - $1,,2,50,
bearing the U.S. imprint. 'Result, Fox,smd
a policeman are endeaVoring. to find - the
sharpers, or getthU,eheek for t 2,900 caihed:
Court of. Common Pleak e ....Judge - Sterrett:.
Elizabeth McAdansta.
The plabitiff owns and;,Oecuples a house on
Pasture alley, SliFth,4-00, , ,Adjoliting which
is a stable belonging fo•Afendant. • ,The ac
tion is brought for einmges sus- • Water s rtilu#ng limn stable of de 7 •
fendant into plaintiff's &*ilar. On trinl.
• BAWallAt
Of that remorseless and in t sidions aestrover of the
human race,
. • , * [Tv,' • • ; ,
• :CafsiSUMPTIQI4.
Cheek and counner,ltsigidy,apcesit, lest-sou fall the
:victim. When attacked mc'Snaany. of its prelimimirt , •).
v simptorns, no matter .bcpv.i4ight, c heon yont guard:
.and - proingtlY use Ilte , rerleATtere tee, late.
Is an old, well tee& certain • and atand.tiidiented3 ,
for--Coughs , Colda; - .AsthiPtt,, , , C p, ,
Breathing, rihit'ok 'Bppnesicon •in - the 'tlant.:
Lutists. unpin , Bledities ihe
Its and' certain ollict'4 4 title
. beeti• ftnly, talked
fattit erkorsed Mang . 0.4r0 by - nitmtien or' -snit- • -
ktiotizaeldieria 1n oacald* and their certificates
anon itecerd.. - Hsi° you s eel/eh whi44l'iaa•grad-;
ually.hiarease'd tioni , Clang* one to *M . rperititt ) • -
tient seandingg 'Lose ito WOK' piocurc: 4 bottle.
of OIL SARGBIIT'S AdOttell 'SYRUP. hi& wlii
surelymenace you of IhCdadgeroos. ip onitot-c
"symptoms and effect : a nercasnent ; cure, . you
spend miserable- days andytg Sleepless nishts of
. torture and Da from attic of Astkma o
'ty oCßre,tithitrf. Dr. 11 GENT'S Cou h Syrup
will pot _promptly: relievb you, and grti uVere
stcrre.yOu to your freedotri Of pain/ and so d, as- •
ant-sleep.. 'Anyone Itmge,Corc and
' eating int ixticastioti? is is one of the ost dart
r be ' tlrotnptly
ne,s, snap - the inilammat on; and recto tho,lunT
to their 'prestine health!, Mid , vigor. -T i s bough
Syrup is pleasant and agreeable to take. vnile_pow
erful and sure in its For.' Dzyg- •
gins to the eivanti,T: • • "e . ,
The stomach is =Milt; ekgan'of the system,.
the digestion .1# lelkiget in
t . eVeiy '. inetie r,e very ' .''
glaitd,:ei•er 'mniCtei o'4'l:Verve' and ' fibre' Ili mote ; ..,-
or less out• of 016+1 . - *k:lite fluids are 'depraved
The brain (i. elouaot. - Irbe:aptiitti are . aepreesed, -- :
Altilyilievtleakiiitotlas I be the 'truth. it It not;`,
however -, half the:6 l l4l4' , I coliimns‘ would he re
.. uiredto tanmetatelhe . i.aina and Densities of .4iii: : : `•
pepitlii;lncir el/al/illy De 11.46 them lestiee. - `, : 7 . 1:4!; or -
andiaonsfeei than: , nil iniin - eaii'ddeeribithem: ' ' ' ''
- Can they be - PreventecCan they be relieved?
Can they be banished at teak:id fewer? Unques
'ttatiably_t_hey can. bi o peptic has ever taken,
' HOSTEWER.B fiTOMAC ITTERB in vaiti. , 'Be..
itere - no , one who. ouviAb
_cant is Incur%
Thbarest vegetS u stot e lite . ~ - I tiq . ;
eradiestingit Mt or eti.,,
ie.ilitractiUoUste it U their . 0113. i
1 1 1 1 A
. TlP AlftrU .l4 Vet i reL a iglie C ' l". W ' 6l ' ' rent i " .
on of is f .
An Boman ottabounviiunonwor:eill..tite,o sty : :
e t
llibittc4fAltgin nditetiottibst and subd TTAte is::
a Tlits u.'rrtlit ON trip lip model:than i , r con toter•lto ..:.
- If th_t
i rg sm eliglie, be satediiistered_. - Thr 'Vegetable' -
torn ', eb;bastsjeettme ..listottoss %lifeline= - 1
theAtvigii_suid•Worid 4 tii,osTATTEunf, wro car-. ap , amtuttto toino: oleo •TUDi h has
novenibeen-knottn , tb , 1 411"laitit•Tertu . reir it is r ,
* kettP.Preettvre.- 41r yoi iL *lab i fort whit 1;
1 tht ir ' W l'. ot inliaa Vg 1' saft'l% , 4 l '.
Want Lo r a land pre , t
illiteettAalliy.' l- sharo is *orals Utint:tildthe 4 (
terpopur ipt,,,,,...r., Mt Ahem 14 •173 or ircpaiurs
yr as n e u l r tiled li, for: indigeatlon iv i bout be . ..,
be - tilit'faet lialt ,, not tralispired. Univerlaff"'
I inland etedprsise4V:iinheat..its w., . er?Ltanbi il
ANYE*P4l'vEriikdii l iii..,....,, , ....,,. i• ~ 7 , . . 14 ...:-- ... f• !! ..
? ,. .194 ulT:4ltriek,thlr#l Owl:Lest 7,47,x*.0t. ,
We time Liiii totanif'd#r. , ..ili April o4*l.Yeir: - l'i
was induced;itinikralii'ti4viiiiistiiiiini;'iti mate' 'Big``
i----,- , • I - -,
plipatiOU to DR. XyFi W 9 4,19. , iFlftp : facet. Pitts,
burgh. After having tried vellere 10 400 1 4° t i a:-;
doctors, without,any be4eftt,. : l have bet An4e4• l ;:te..'
Keyser , . treatpeet licrlrithinearly two otlths; . andrf
aim entirely restored (a my ii 6414 so 'that 1 "liii'3
hear °.,PLT4OP... -.. ‘ . 4 .---.171.41t,HK4.4 1 4 1 1 , 5 , f?:-.
- Coa l Botffo.mrwangtoii':co,,, tlezl''
it..'l)l igltatlf*:,^:' ;
A mall celled bi:aikt iit' - i3 ?iiirie.i , s ii.4.`ea In; ~:,
tone htrii<4llreeetXure*atle ter;blii.*44o;ifts . .
Pur.wo2rAuT DzsTonefOntar- i.. list these surer ; ; .
are made with. the TAkt r i , iitifirathses. he desires
it to be "thiF4l?;ll).oeieieo;itit4 most - of his
644'.f0 made !4 ' 4' l-1 ? t i1t 1 4 2 47 1 0 - i i li;+#o-# 1 0;'" .
tvit,ilit,t 7 irgverstrAt k g, At ibupp p4t . 101e441[P1144 which: 2 -
. . .
he has been engaged ft(iitileimet Welk 41IiiiieleirG.
k 4#' i # 4 *:!ii'rfatiiiiiiilieielP,o4 ' , -** !: I * 4o ?:?`'. ': '`
c l i
.°1 #044 1 4 4 1',#44: 'CIWk I 1...)1"1#:: '
zit , 'lrottiler44l:urv-i;•4 , - i -.t: [,,.; , f., 1i? . ...,1 P-81 - i :c : - .
: DR. KkII3KEVS • ,:t ? t ENT, Ngirliztem-AmA 47 ' ,
taraaw oat OHNONIC D.: .: 1 :' O. no !ow '...
tanutxr, into* oA. IC - s sr:* . • , -
• - . . - , . . ,
• • 1 -' i ' .• .
`'7'-, -r -47 - PiP
... ....0- , -,- ,, ,,...-7-_ , rrEA - - - --7 - ;:i,"irr,..7-.Yi,cri' •.:', ,, 1*!,';.4.,!:';-I,'Yi' ' ',-- .. • ".
:-rih3 7 ;tl.i - -,,t.,' 7 _ fi3'0:..i.‘.:1:-:"