agrin3 littsinagij exatit. PUBU&M) , DA3IIt, BY PENNI - 111LN, REED dc CO.; Piroprietors. 7. B. raNsritAzi, JOLII XING4 - • T. P. HOUSTON, P. Slgran. • . Editors and Managers. • OFFICE: GAZETTE BUILDING; NOS. 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST OFFICIAL. PAPER Oiliiiiidnailh;Aileitteni and Allegheny Th ll4 Dail)). 1 Semt-Week/y. i Week . , /U One plan -.... . 0 $5.00 One year.ed.r 'Single copy :....1.50 One -, toollth. 75 Slx mos..' 1.60 5 coulee, ealli. 1 :1 1 . By the week, 15 Three mos ~ i 75 10' ••, .., (Train Carrier.) '' , and one to,Agent. TUESDAY,• APRIL 28, 1888. TUE WEEKLY , G*Tl E 7 titttled on Wed— neadaya and Saturdays, is the best and cheap eat family newspaper in Pewns,ylvania. It presents each week forty-eight 'columns of solid reading matter. It gives the fullest as well as the most reliable market reports qf paper - in the State: Its:files are used exclu sively by the Civil Courts of:Allegheny 'county for reference in important issues to determine the ruling prices in the markets at the time of the business transaction in dispide. , Tei-ms Singleeopy, one year, $1.50 ; in clubs .offive, $1,25 ;. in clubs of ten, $1,15, and one free to the getter up of the club. •Elpecimen copies sent a • free to any. address. WE, PBi T on the ;Inside, Imes of this morning's. GezravE : Second page: Poetry, ETU : Turfs, an Eastern .Relnance. Third page: Markets by TelegraPh,