The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 28, 1868, Image 1

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    :1 2: , 1 , ':;V.Q1i: (5 ;•gg : . :r. j'XXi : X.M.. -
Is - - • • ,
.• • •• •••-„, 6• , 1:-.)1 , :,:t ••• „ .•
T Y: E 4-ret;er.—
The impearhment of the. Pres
eliagkitit4l;)4valliiiiiio 401.,-
it lowii r t brit • Dot* Not CoDelude'
T- : , , ,1., - , ~.,-,. 1-, r , : , -. : .._ •.
His 11,4)11111 , rlictr,, :-,•. , , , . ,
tlsitsi4itapii tdtie , i4itabirgh Gaietttl) ' -..
• Asillie 3'07 4 ( P - • ,
, , '‘ ' • -.- , ' • SENATF,.
' 1 1, The Con if or#:tli Macon., I '
. . .,- , - .1 1,, ,1 1
In,q9 , l l 4: 3 XWst Pn4as stated to be
MO ,- .14x! 1 1 11 **Atief-c
iletti : r 4 irrtie Ve' ltd.ibliP , ii'te - Leeel'el,*-
. ~00 4 % take &Intl; . iiii the final ttiii 4 e - stioii; to
be reptort,44ritb,t,he proceedimpi.
:' fielasioaorga, tiiifii*sicr amend by
foUoi eittit".
i:, Sepatorlkialliiisaknige T iliiiri once, nor
a ;,to elikkiitatiken minutes, during sixth• de
At the' dAV1P4 4 P 22 04.494115P. N ru'e
‘tweiitY:three was rad: -
ftaator JOHNEVESlolteth43pillim l on
' each article. ..i..-
s • SenailititoWAßTlCCeirie)2lciramend the
E "3
el:dint:tut by , inserting_ nft e r , the, words
n Minutes - the Words ' "on obe dues
,. 11 , ;,.. , , , -1 , ‘ll7 :1.4 , ,--,! x, , 1 .. . ,
4 3 / 4 ,.. The emeedme3PPl ,-rejected
le tkirllfi•
tiksioilltalti"loltirinefita 4144E4_ ithe
endinent by alloiripg,thirkv,minu
4, teekn
etftfteen, • itelid - 4-4,ixte•Sri , . against
..„ birt r rottr.
' On Motion ef iiteriittiaokoWAltr• the fur- ,
lielliatilletatibirdistiffinittWeir Web post:
• ' • , , • *until after !Abe argumukt - is oon
uded.•,,,-, ~' 'lO- "..;/' l ' -'7,7 is. *: '
The a dditional rule% 440141 by/ Se4 r - ar_
: . ..
nor were, upon f ifisfliktßibil,' lei kr
~ t,il the close of the ment. • . e
,TheS.l rihrectedithat the
!J ._ , merit proceed, and at 12:30 Manager
tro . • - • Or, Clerk ' s desk and
-• , - Mk' , , , ~ 'eutin it' Pretty iirm *bite
. .m irrinte. slips. After about ten min
tes he took• a ohnir•vard.'read , sitting. At
ve minutes before one his Voice showed
• ' , Stffeel.,4l eAsiger;../PIRIXR
`' il tbe , remnseriuteioignment.r., , l
Mr. STEVENS said : The single charge
-ph. I Nothw hpufmtp , SUggirh PUll ex
-440 trtelettge- That, duty is a, light
e, easily; performed ',, d.wkieb,, /-*PPre
hend, it will be 'found ... pe•Mble tiro the.,
res_pondent to answer. , t •-,--
Wkeri,Ansirpi ilOnseri. t toninupon h im
office, he swore
al take care that
441ted. That, in
been the chief duty
r.lnited States. The
idlidjudicating the
iii,no way to his
ands of the sov
1, and to see that
was his whole,
iithlt 'Words,
ie of thename of
• perpetrated that
tin and interests
:o of the Presi
regulate the ten
- the firia section
. r ... t
~.,"Be it eitaetedby. Cite and 'Hot/se of
liepresaaatives of the 77nited States of Anter 7
hia in Congress assembled, That every r
lain holding any Allyn office to Which he bsA
lereappointed by and , with the advice ; and
.• sent-, of the. Senate, aril'eve person
o they _hereafter be ;appointe d'. any l e li
p ofliceond _shall becomeltilysinaillied
therein,'inffi ' shall ' be, eruitfed to
d such offiCerantilinsiiocessor aballhave
been in like ~. . . er, .pppoitetl„ and' Iltily
lifilet• - bilt”. • , iliefeiriadtherwise pro
d. 'Pro -‘ -, `That the Secretaries of
Mate, of Treasnry t ellitri l cd'Alie.plAvy,
and of the Interior, the — PolifniasterMen:
ecal, l agd,the cpcptgaltinball - hold
their offices respectively for - and during
t term of thet t: by whom Iliey.
y have :heen ,Nrpointed, .and for ohe
• ,th, therelifin e4aaleek to removal by
. .
of• the,
_ .
ate." .; I 3 .. 11AU..1
Arlie second sem,on provides that where„
..,-1 t &Mule billiniftlf. filtnbiblOilnf Mg=
. ... t shall sleem ..the,_offieff ,ty
• iclitikdratTs !ifetikhriti guil
.en!aushenainnt 1
b may be e... 1 ? 3 A0P1anAgi€1,2 1 9.4. meet-.
'., • of.' thatwithio,tiventy
%'' - - aittot4. l .* Akiltiitti - 14 AO ' Senate thy ,
' • - .ns,..tb,rf ettlehi~l9/4 :40Pal be,re
.., ICo that ' bed ; and, the Senate shall
• •rn such Imffichnit iltArtal !Rig
. 1 . sion or removal, the officer shall begon
si =red removed*om hbkoffiemcPutlth
= - . ate shall not deem the T &Was antlialei
such suspeneten or ream idle Milder
u -'
'-fortheilth Yefainte,tntrensi of his
. . ..„ ..
_.„ . .., .. .
. , 4
'''' ' . ai l .
, .
. i t
g• .. i 1,..
t , ': . arthieni
T - 2.• t • . . . ~,, i ft: - . ii- ii s
Attal le e =
*talk desY °1 i Azeg
own, upgskkini
'Aidt ii a tieing e n
idetir Edndu - M. - Stanton/ Secretary: of
rtunnitiXJ.Wari.,iind'Wpginteg p.
S. 4` genefist,'SetretatY' Of 'War ad
ndertm. On the..l2thday of DeßemberlBo7,
+Senate leing thercirt ! Vprtg:,l4e re
'd,nneoitink, to theregni*Oentiof the
the carioca of •anch. -suspension to the
. te, mid& duly , took,,sw o m D ij u l ik ! con
-1 ration. ';l3e.foro, ttio; • otonclu,-
, its exprotnatina;orwleiiikeat4o ;of the
'.„ clones , qf eile.h kiefigori4-he„attew.ged to.
excenonseste k brwhie
° tllf ra iv tarigreraw mumighd•
& *even PM oh
W llidlipe 'as '
etary of aT t according to the pidvis- ,
I. , . orthe Ind, even t ff the 'Senate shotdd '
d• e IMnid a r la a r r ii i i :t.l -1
• ft din ti dternpt, on
~ ,a , , matday.of - Neb_pluYil - 1808,-he nppoint..
;• , onn...rrer n iFsinV p letter - ara u
~., • &I , 6. dO AR',,r,p9lTWAr.
;,„ , ~ , m * ,,Yalikoti the ad ce and;consent
o . e'lllo l /141.1 1 14 , " -IMlen ,
ig i 'mes nanorea him f,taid
saibuldWfoleti 4foinoill6n4/1 0)0 Depart.
•,. &0.-Wari end the ningle f . property aP
- . .. ng theorstoi AISIA - 41 3 4isollarge the
..,-..417 4r 7 • IT6ltit' qtiliii'whether .or not
v'llatftrrrisat s : The;
ode - th -
pnt, w_llo 0106 1 0111014%171140 41 1t I 7 1 e i rt
d (4 rtmciefkilirter his Trio
Mr - r '
21,, - nun WO- 1 .34*- -StaA9/)i IVO a '
r Li t__.
r, e _ 1
11.1' 611 - iii Ibrall kn . ' ;Peri
online, tritrrigrittriAt=l::
appointedYL %Riess he'• hel held'
b'Avirtue of Mr.
61TM ---
k h /411-OAM
' (1.0. rd lt,:y1(131.! 4,
- • 9f PgitCe / 141(
r .
gait (1././.1 P ,ta‘ , •• - • id • : 'o 4 l 4MOS T ial i e,
J • f/t 11,a On! . • "
.0 ft. • f 7( re: ' ll a./ .-• • 'tpY 1 ; 4 ' 4 1 - • , 11 n'Ali: l l i't ei 74 iiriatti 3r 142031;4
•••!,!•14;("i C.V.E ••
"11.41111 01 Jc , C1. 11,41 4; , ' ,11, 1 14
! rfAofe- • , 4'.lo'nf
' "*.44.. " . ";" W.--fektW. • "
Lincoln a appaintwitm kewas acting,for
three years, - driridgilvAitittime he expended '
billions of money and raised hundreds of
thousands of Mon, without any commission
at all. To urmif this to be done without
AlL% 99 offlireifrottrniillteA
valid eertmdesion,_ wtiqse .commission was
it? I Not Andrew - Johneon's: Then in
,P3rm s. Avaehe„ serving, -he !rnMet
beeil in SortibbOdy'Sternif'
was in skohn's..lerre,, he„w t ouldgrve for
foni,Wensphoiter'..repqnytA r there
is nb term spoken of In Coniti ution of
, tiberter -period: ! for EV Presidential
term than four years. But it makesnodif
iterenetiniltepFatinatof the low,whstlier
bordingiti " Metall groltohtffim'a
term: — - Wash. not in Mr. Lincoln's terni ?
Lincoln had been elected and re-elected,the
see.on ` to ev , ils , s 181116. and the
Coniititatio 'deCiarecrti—t. that
term should be forir years. r •
By virtue of his previous commission and
the unifarlir'llittetoMsiortbb country, Mr.
Stanton continued to hold during the term
of - Mr. Lincoln, unless sooner removed.
Natv,lloorany, that ; Blom the
4th - of" March, 1865, a nevi Presidential term
did not commence? For it will be seen
upon close . examination that the word
"term" alone 'marks the' tithe of the Presi
dential existence,
so that it may divide the
different. periodsor. Aloe, kly a well4,keßg
rdied rale..2.ll3stead - ofhayLligthat. MGM(%) •
President shall become President upon his
death. the Constitution says, "in case of the
'removal:of the President from =office, - or of
his death, resignation,- or inability to dis
, charge the powers and duties of the said
' office the same shall devolve on the
IlleSplVe on ,
tlid - Vree — PrWderitTL Not- lb& - IWsitibntial
commission held by his predecessor, but
the "dutiesr , "iiihieh'.*eret- 4 -Incumbent on
him. 'lf he were to take Mr. Lincoln's.
*Mild =serve for four yeare; for
' liteonly.,lielitatipu±torthilt T qWe,
fie nedd urtlie Constifutten, firivl Aaid
before. But the learned counsel has con
tended ,thht The - wordl"term"':of the Presi
dential office means the death of the Presi
doqt. Then itveauld.have been better px
- _
hold his office during the term between two'
,assassinations, and then the,assaasinaticin
of the President would: ark the-period of
the operation of this law.
-4,f,,,t4iq 1 111r t , .ktpija,n.„atati stAvirt
cifidtPlkfr: Lituxtrtt thertgl
to be no argument against including Mr.
Stanton withinithelinivanplirpf the law. He
was scritteinded by the Preiiident, in his
notice of removal, n his reasons therefor
given to the Senate in his notification to
the Secretary pf TrLisuryt end it is too late,
when iiiiscaUglit'lvioldtihe -the very
under which he professes to act, to turn
and deny that the la*effedtethe case. The
gentlemanAreats..lightly the question of
ettOppelOinWyetatal , Winthingiitt;more
4 wee. for it is an argument by the poz
" / Midst ( tit ° 43t P i 4 U j i"gik
'no : &the 6 , fil asrpp
tential in a case inpois as wheu pWded in
avaie of record; • - • " '
The rivonclent,, • in violation of this law,
appoilited;Genefullhen* 4 , 01*e, where
by, geecridinttrahe l u resetei-ms of the
~ErAa...PMenlill44 q 1 a : :-.-Nnitldertleanor.
nut whatever may have oldevieWs
with regard to the Tenure-0 -Office act, he
'knew it was a Law, - and so recorded `u
the statutes: I disclaim necessity, in, po a
Arial , of immwthment y.s prove thn wicked "sir * -4 0 1aliria l Wiligebt at.. t i ,
' knit ottis unwise over ever if, - • M.i_. -- , •
_ln response to the argument of he Pr, esi.
dent'a counsel, toitlielfect thnt_the - action
of the President in the case of Mr. Stanton;
' as designed to t•vit, the constitutionality of
he civil tenure law before the Courts, Mr.
tevens said: The President says that he
emoved: Mr: Stairtore'slinply 4o= to the
constitutionality oftheTenurevof-Office law
by IL:filched deoiskin:'lld . haienlready seen
it. tested, Ana .decided,lby the votes, twice
given, of two-thirds of the Senators and of
the House of Represent:Art , ' es: •• It stood as
a law, Japed the statute:W -h
M.; No'caeead
arisen under theraw, or is referredlo by the
President, which reunired any judicial in
tertkiiitionl IftEer,eAa.dabeen, or should be,
1 the courts were upen to any one_ who felt
\aggrieved by the action of Mr: Stanton.
But instead of enforcing that TaiViiiii taloa
advantage of the name . and the funds of
"the.Tholteo States' to xusualit ! _and.te induce
others tb resift It. ' I2W4ad- of , att em pting,
as the Excentive,ef,'gul .INted States, to
see that thatlitiVl SklaZfitith.Thlly executed,
he took great pains and perpetrated the
acts alleged:lm this ittiole;- not only ti:i're-
Slit it him Self, but' tb serdwie ethers 'to do
the samet.HemoughtErvitidume the General
in Chief of the army to aid him in an open
avowed ObstructiOn at thirldW,w, 1 , .. iteqd
unrepealed , upon etutut4k-t .1,.. • 81,
cotrld•flnd•rio one to unite' with , hl .- 7. t . : re
' petnitini arich•an ect,'.Mtitli :he e. " . - . • .
.upou:the.-unf.ortunate!lndlybitial bluiri • g
.• the title elf-Xdlntant Cieuend of 'thenlY. -
Is this taking cifelbat 'the laWsiha be
,executed? . Is. thitattempting to
carry them into effect, by upholding jheir
.ivldloilV 4- ', EuYeredingfitoi hikl rth, f.(.)oh the
Ober, wr it,no
. t ' ulijgli and bold at;
tettipt ' and,bike'.‘taxe
that ' , uted? - He
mtp/t ing that he
had Id — ity and
law. 'A
own lets
in whit]
his subs
the Ines
Mr. Stan,
Tho acts
of the Pres!
idieda the
Seeretalky of
dent ii -
the ma
of War o)
14 V2ftri
lump ed the
1 4K1; 115. ,
t o
o act
„ Bextt •
vosassmate q t y
aw at-ri-- 1-4
worst: tr ,o dwi to Stan
• .
••'r • . '
-, .., ‘ . *::;• ; .X 1 , 1 i 1 111 1. / ./:../..*
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, el, '1.... -eft Ai. ...lsk -..: -1. ' il • live , '.... - ,'• ' ' ' . - I ''' , ' .-* ; . • A.: * ,-...' *: -- A.,•2 ..---" ' • ' ' i
i s ,riatif444 - ii s tipowe .- - '3
-)'' r....
- 1
to , ,lrnovieelgoql. : It; , e il e t e it- , ...,, r , S C r. l.
tiiil. tin . :,.. -r , .• ..- -• • -.,- -•+- -,—,
440 , . 7 7 :: esidenVe
, : , ,• 1
-- -- -
power toremove.thoeleOretiu7Of; War, and
to designate any other officer to Derferni
thotitr of that oii .•• - ad ptivrith.ilf. 7 '.
' A ltflf 'h6 &Minus . .., . hit iri - office. And
now this offering - of 'assassination turns
uponAho: Senate who have thus rebuked
him to benstitutitinal manner; and bids
?rigr4, 11(1412 ." 4-, i 11( 1
. 4 e • catti - h(3 PAcoPe he
- erigeatite of'-' "Iriwt ' Wretc hed
man,...standing.rit bay, sup.... grisie k tlAY a cor.
don of - 11*Itietnerrt'eaeltaititlillfe'llx of an
. ..nplift:ed for, ,his just; punish
intent." Every Senat h
or new trying *him;
...etcept lint!' as. had ;already ,atletteclibie
policy, . voted for his same regcs.
batten, 'prononneing' :his' 461i:unit doom.
Will anyoneof then; vote for his acquittal
on the ground of Its iniorinstitution.:
ality? ' I'know that Senators -would rven.
turn to do any i ttece act if endorsed bp'
an honest' conscience and an enlightened
publicepitilont but neitherfor the sake of
Nw- T - 17--t7. 1 ,r- , ....• n-a----.------ , --i---1--.., ...."." 2
pne (if theni stiffer' hliiitgilf to be" torttU•ed
on:. the. gibbet... of ' everlasting • obloquy.
How long and dark would be the track of.
jurailly. k wekeust qtuarilt.rhiervatne,..end'
'Wee of-his-tiosterit eltithine-idetinire
fore, more certain t anAhat„ it requires no
gift ef PreOhlt , rfcl; redlet;illiNafe of this
unhappy victim. • • ...
Mr.l USteVelllW:3l,welt i .ilitireeltelderpele
1 length upon the points indicated ii the
1 feregoing, extracts,
f und concluded as fol.
Inv ; trhi q mu* l f • s T,worl9, 4 t, el-
Idge ;tilt - --ndirtoticivar• ofMr. Stilnfeir ever
took place, and that 'therefore the second
sectionpc the, apt was riotyiplated.,, ,They
admit ithatabereNaeltinddetatiknoval
and recision of his commission, but as he
did not . obey it,. say it was no removal.
r.Thattrategeste the. eldulayinglthalit rieW
to be thought that "when the brains
were out the - nmn was dead." ' That
idea. .is . prayed, ~b,y,, the , . learned ,coun
sel to '.. be • absolutely I,:fallacklus. .The
brain of Mr. Stanton's commission was li
ken out by the prder of, removal—the reci
sion of his ceirrimblikion-z-hie'-heed Was aft°.
lutely cut off by that gallant. soldier, Gen.
Thomas, the night ''e the-ntisifneradd."
And yet, according to the learned and deli
cate counsel, - tintifthe'inertal remains and ,
everythlwrwhich esinld purify was shovel
ed' out' and hauled' liao the muck-yard,
there, wit_np rernoval..put it is said that this
took place merely as an experiment to make
a judicial .I+l°s suppose there is any
body. who; wit h tinifacts before him,,can
;believe ,-.Jbat.. this was not an after
thought, let us see if that palliat es
• the- offence.:.The President is sworn - to
take care.that tbe laws be faitht)illy execu
Itiwliat part of the COntititution or
laws does he find it babel:Lis-duty to search
out for defective laltis-that stand''recorded
',upon theldatutes r in Coder that he May 'ad
yisOtheit infractiont • Who maw aggrieved
'by the Terture-of-Ofiteo bill :that; helm, an
ti:seized to use the Milne and-the.liiiiffli of
the Government torelieve? Will he be so
.piped tialfitell nabyogliat auppvity heitlie
,eittrie /the -;PW.rtiettir•4)f- - itioP tinnffieeled
law instead of its executor, especially
a law • whose ' ' ,
Citnititidleinality, he had
twice tested? If there was nothing 'else
than his own) iftifefflexit, litillde~ She
contempt of-the American people, andAhe
punishwent-eP.,its...tiigh. ',tribunal. If he
were ni**illlngto - eiceentothe laws passed
1 W the American. Congress and unrepealed,
lethim.resign the - office which was thrown
upon him by a horrible convulsion, and
retire to his vi •:- in obsenrit . Let hint
' ' •-. ..„! - .1- '"-- 'y . arsoffspes.
*- ,j'f- 4 , ',r i.,„. 1, ii inisfortnnn of
. s - ciiiin rY, as .it unlit an entire. ri3vidu
don of its internal maehinPry,•and the dis
grace' of the-trusted servants of his la
. Tented predecessor. . ,
' After the death of Mr..Lineoln;:instead of
beingeontent with the position the people' .
had given him, he sought to become there-•i'
after; . es then, , the ,-..chief , executive of
the nation. This he kneW could
only be done by changing principles
and s „creating a -new- , party , to sus- -A
talk. MM. - After ' Solite - littleL hesitation
he- resolved upon that course, and perpe-
trated a betrayal of the party,that _elected
him and the principles he profeaseil,baser
than the betrayal by Judas Iscariot, ivho
betrayed, only a aingle., 4idividual. John
' son sacrificed a whole tilititiii and the holi
est of principles.
Manager WlLLLtfitettheritOokihtfrfloor.
1 After speaking, of, thy . „august character of
thOtribunal; and ihe, interest which is felt
e e-5:1F:44 1 country by the entire people,
who were awaiting with anxiety the ver
dict, which is : to send thrills of joy
to an a ffl icted land or rack it anew with the
throes of,anexelay l ind despairitheproatied
ed to stitelharthe idafter nroI? Vrißiested
for discussion was not a quarrel
between,,-,. two , ,afficials bu t ' an is
sue "between - the ` "Executiv e' and the
the American people. He, too, would ask,
who is Andiewjohnson ? and would answer
;the question in a different manner from the
TresideeffiJlMillg.._l4o Men intimated
VIIMr. Jahinitin'Ooppealan to secession'
, Oletaito wink:perhaps-prompted by a
• In-Whether. the', step ' Was' advisable at
t : , 00 . 0144,1tiilkibut t rliOwfler;thitt
might be, Tie wo - uld consider him as.helis
Olt _Sise bao_,betp_li* 9 Aquae
Into auk
Oer. -- 111r. W: held trfat"the' ' ter
key to all 'his- conduct bas Presiden 'Was
his desire to favor and uphold traitors;
and force the rebel 'ffleteslatollielJnion
on - his , ' own; 'plan I against -• the I expressed:
will of Congress and tholoyah people, and
went on to `recite a great ntimber . stets Of
the President which, he claimed, were
on the above supcsition. The outmmv,
tion Ogle ~king he of ogifsbetleilons of his
oath of office and decencies was his at
tempt to displaw idr.'Stanton, in obntempt
'64#l6Tetl4o-0-latlide- Wl ßip
nwaolip.the answers made by, the- ttibei;
itle2 l WPOtitinglei , the -Charge' of m o wi ng
*`,`And :11rtit diaduitsoi, theitavisq,
which, :it wee alleged , exolud Mr.,'
Irrutr 11.04* , jgo);
.It • , andi! bed never
n.ed,,;thiit Alta . , a . ilitruct4oo#4uld
be put upon it as had - bythePresldenpe
•Ourigele‘lt-trourd be" l i ttrito l sl,pup ,-
' poeb tne - I,ft. me ease seas
certainly meant Win covered, if it was not
gm 'originating -van* OtitClutikghf4tion.
Jirqctaimedthat the prhinilieWdbiudrtie
(two require the proviso to-be construed !tt , ..,
itlie light Of`theefittbklew;`#ffil bead
:that, the Objectiett•made, ••that, Mt Minton
did tlpt," „e within its effect, 13econsti he;
'Vas not ap ..inted. by 41,,rt tiOhnlicoh•Millght'
almost be rmeda quibble.
The glUtifill. IMO Welt 4111InediL o*aq* ,
gambling Mr. Williams consideretieir;'
point her, 4 4lp,l*.the 'ad the laWlif
tOt 10-2C0T493814
terour,shenm- tw* „ oes
not provide:Fre dla rt*o4l-OVI-ir
plieb ase ntiilhO', , the - hifiireniie tha t a
• a rntist meow ";••tlin. pole
power tat
ok j
ceases Mid e Sek e - St ml Atirr•
OVali IShOlnif
the edti g ter ti4 • l : * Ttrer m ge ve l-;
Wa in certain; f oragewar :either
°gated to. , the:; ExecutiVe by Con - ;
.9,ldPerer 1 4 111 1 44/21,..1(fie lipponttu-)
A l 9at i4 F r i•• MOt ,t 1) Al ex;
TWOO PPZ tO 011*C88438 thenodis.'
cussed the Ju clam - t ig er - • - - „ toe
Preeldent's coundelm*A.
on of MO
r, he cow
of tho to
7er mtiy o
sea of br
Senate on"
which telv
order :of
said: .
his _rear,
s t w a t any r,
titled en'
nun civil,
810 N,
S., '
1 - ' '
Att r the
, _Eked.,
Ite do
g,,with an
nation to
interim ity
.lE3 army . :
interim: the Te.
firit a
. ~
..' :----- 101
fin t l atil i tire
lix thy
and the end Story, to show
that the interpret - Mat pat on the Constitu l
rl i tig i lltiga r r rottr= l : l 4 '
to the fact that the lava referred to were
passedbylievell Lahti!, ailifority In the
House, and In the Senate only by the vote
.oithe.lneoPresi. '.44.4rb0 tad s• tyreeyin-:
threat in their - - a , -r •
He.. 41434 Nit. • Ailed with
gar fittl-
_afti# ,* IrCortgrese
gopd% theS.3tnptia tAtieSzl- ,
ati'essorat bil4tairdng
To - atm • ? • t
gt . -
`„ e aL 4l tarious offices;at
ir7r—vor_ 4*l
this ur orclock. on motiotrof
lifr:MOß (iirennont) who stated that
Mr NiAlainot,wemplwejlatulAvetad_not be
ablb licilrubilndeclir.4o4ko.llo` Court
adjourned and the•genate, after receiving
several Executive communications, also
ES 111:•!
Mr. ~O RTID tiffeer&l. a 'resolution of in
quiry as to,t.b. poworofgongrgss to regu
late tlyytdfit Anlidillarefordplissengers on
Railroads,. lik u ~...,
Mr. PA , - lit need aibill to admit
Arkansas . ,tore Wien ,in Congress.
Referred'Wed efffr'Rec7snstruction.
The Speaker submitted a report4rom the
Light Thitise Bdarkti Oat the - ught Muse
at port, Austin, Mit tv will not be re-
Ittlifik uritfrifithlt)b - ~ilii, ter :AIM idiye
been built. Referred the Committee on
Cominerce. • t ..' : in:33 , •- ' - 3 3
Mr. WELKERititrodtited a big 'to an
ther* ,tbe censtrbction.,4,a,,bridge over
the liltUlk tiveri Wrath ciiiitity, Ohio. Re
ferred to ConamltteSoll'Oommerea. ,
Mr. BLACK introduced a-bill' extending
bountits to certitiooplik•us wtio were , dis
charged oti stemma - of disabihty incurred
while in thr service of thesZnited States.'
Referred t&the Coitunittee on Military Af-'
fairs. "4` '"'
Mr. ECK-BEY introduced a bill to repeal
a portion oPthe act entitlect‘an act tare
vise and eAjpind theprovisions of an act'
granting tile right of way-and making a•
grant of land to the States Qf Arkanillas and.
uri tintid in the oanstenction dfoltnill
d from cpoint upon the Mississippi
Month.. , . te the Month of the Ohr6 river, via Lit-,
7,1." Rock the Texas boundary near Fort.
It„ ton in A t
rkansas with branches -" to" -" to"Fort`
Ni , th and the Mississippi riirer," av e 7ved-
L.Tifly 28., 1866, which was refurxed to t Corn
•AlBttee on Bublic Lainds. „,..' --,. •
omen/Al/erg of Ms House then prttliedeff
,he Senate !Mt ''"` ~,
C•.,: j ,-„,,. 1.7 IL 141A0 fear I.lti, • 1, 6
.., F..,
*aid on the .. Wilskey Bing"—'niiiisury-
Ageut. illurftrondy - Assaulted.
pry relearaptio the Otsburgligiszette. ye , _
Zr. 3, Lonna Aprik27.—Teiii C.-Fii Geo.
:tgLittle, CPept. Dan! Able dud Capt k... .ames
.t r tiristie, 61 the steamer Laura,ro"e at-,
listed tthalay for a Vieltboil -heir the -
Ptekel,lukAbiri.-131 , 410flualleliest
- tilling sMts. •All pieta not ..glailty:
fluid were bailed, Christie in $3,000, Able in,,
„000 and. Fry and Little-4n B.l,oO(Keach.
The two lifter have held linsitions - us spe-3
cial agents of the Treasury Department.
Ten otliur members of the " Whiskey,
Ring " have been indictecr•by the rand -
Jury. but their names have transpired.
E. R. Phillips, a Special ,Treasury Agent,
was assaulted on the street.on the night of
the lathing., by two men, , who knocked
him down witka slung shot and beat. him
'WIT ' badlY.-_,Filillipit3• 4 eliate.%33that about
three weeks previous to the attack'
he had pointedout the distilleries
tid* - Wright , -&.`, ito.t - land • .1).,C. Freeman to
General Burbridge, a Treasury , agent just
arrived from Washington, as having been
reported by bilk' to the atitherities at Wash
ington.' These distilleries= were: subse-,
quentlyseiredlv orders flotirWashinitton..
A short time afterwards Phillips villa offered
ten thousand dollars 3 'and - - n: place in
the "Whisky Ring" to compromise,,,
which lumlecired. ) a9 r wa-pla told his
life*lle tifilanger 'arid tt tight-old tiro after
wards was assaulted. The distilleries were, : ]
subsegitently saw, -of 4 .ti ! cost to the.
owners', if" IS V. 5,000. Phillips , '
thinks the design was to kill him. ' •-:,
i. i'-. , .: ...- -3 , - .44_ --5aa......--.1.-1..;• '3 , '".'. s ' 1.,-,
'..T. (its 'hill Tr—iifitfW : - 'l , ) 1'..,
Tim Santana Purchase The Revolution tn,
4 ~
„A PLtigerer ia r s 4 g. 4 IV r . "•-, r:,
(uy're epaph,lolpe pt , sr .p,aret e. ,
HavaNAi utprii , Zilifr. ,Fabius, :Demi-
R*ln EOT.tnl4lo. l 9W(Pitilltifittites
to noSotiAtti the).sale -1149f•,Soinallat with
Senor Jessua. - banker' -of. • Curacoa. , t and
~arrived here tads and
will leave r the
cts i ii
United Statese'oVntisikibple of .- Dot
min ' l'ilatvrePsPitrAll mit
Bac andire ora o , is
j i . s l ° t ;
:. e x'i:
°-'- aanalS' '
eS' •i4 rt. t
The report that. a considerable , amount of
specte arrived at St. Thomas from the Unl-'
ted States , for the).purehase-. of Samana is
contradicted. It is believed the Baez party,
are Acting in' , concert' with' I President 061-.
riave'of•Haytilf r . - - , f) , - 1 . . , -1 - -z -.,, ~ it
' :Ndiribes Avila H.44t OW thaylar' coiltin t -
PA"... :4 Orciliorto4 4413, , , paegme :e6mniain
Ilea , hP•AmericluuloPNllh sident Sol:
nave , was losing zrsuind y., ; ' d ri # 9.. as-'
tempt of ten t FlOtte.M6l" . ;fnfe? SOL,
nave failed: ' The 'pally under ' d o om- ;
mand was,defeated_by the aCaws and with
fl iftleuity got back to Cape Haytien. -...
r..)1 11. -) - 11,:et-4) vaa,,am; '7 l 7ex•ll.on.d. 1 • „
'2''' ~ ..24411 :.:J01it. , ..=.14. triolt 42.4 i t
VIRGINIA. , taitta
Delegayirto iterblitan State Vinitti9cin.
A.Lux4x.ora,*,,April 27. 1 .;t-ThO WeT vying
:of the: t Xteprtillican party of Alexandria,
countyforfeatArday, night, appointed an
'Other 'aer-bf u delegates to the 'itiellinonit
11101914inv. MPEWI,9IM. clitlgeKiand)
Wu= them-tot vote r, sr for.,!ftvu
ernon , TOP ' .119 43 :44.-4WM/ 4 :
,119,41* n OO4II '9l 1,4)11110MU t y ' l oir
Atia44lMolllll 4 ooi • • po l f:l4,le r o ff.
qp, 111. •
'PO,O I OI4 O ' f 1
,414 1 .PQPi
ii14T!31!)114111;*Pth • ". • * . thisetta64l•.v•-et
intekrift si llk .b county, oflielar: . .,
~ tt 911; For Aionativ
tattoo, • 4 • • tk„,:;„
w e steur 4.1 111 4 . it
.IVII3 • r di. :
dgirtglit AMIN
v i l f iqtrer 1; . • (.1 10479 n the reg. ,
A dv. - tbanANgeetr
Arc ;.thg r i x t4 , nomoarati ,
ht e artotitne,P.O.C/4 10 1
taw, lupwardß,
U t e rl ca lar!
'0• r i
wards in he ,i3r
• •
aria." r 1u
neentlPTlLAVa il lern the milk' ,
--A 1114 ) ' titilielaw
eceik9 _
-;. . , •
i F A O C:Pbr-dO4Cn• - " — ' -j A.' -11 X
v':„ . #0,.Ett.,4(),M . :
Denkfils.n.f : the Victor Y -in
rr , ennyininedl--:Great Hejoicinv fn
of the' Clerken
441 44enitine:
raft the 4) . #ly -0* ConvlictFd,
Minnie& to Death- , LMieting of
North' Giiinan PirtiOnent
. _ .
11.04, witni4m.
to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
' -Lortuen, 36.- adviees
from- Abyssinia, -dated at Zonla, on the 18th
of Aiiril;have been received here.. Thevery
latest. reports had at , that point from the
scene of action at kagdala, represent that
AliOR 11,at.ive;,troops had ; .laid down_ their
,ulatts,tp General arid that ; Theoderus
had five - hundred soldiers killed and :Open
'hundred wounded in the fate engag,ement.
Advices from Gen. Nabier'S headquarters in
Atilidala, without date; are a t - ha n d. They
, state - that the Europeans ' lately held cap
tivev there numbering sixty Souls, including ,
nien, women and children, Were altdady on
the route. te Zoula tor - that the
entire three of Theodorus" ariny- bad' been
sitheF ltilled,,wounded or
_eaptured., , Gen.
Napi* Mkenby his.Vletoiy the twenty ; eight
hitt 'used 'against than
, litatk_tstand; 'of 'stain 'Jarmsi. t en tholmand
shields. eh,iense, are used. in, #dtht -in -the'
epen`filthilli - ty:the AhYssitilthis, tea
Agestrif, and many o th er artielesof war
.09 . 1rtteftic,vrAflierl..tbe .;wOrks• were ente
r ° ,i7talcen.r,R4lBlWheodottis was found
deadmnglisn solitiersorrring
the - cc' trexifthisttrthighOld:'• wenshot
through thelmati. • Some ; say he waski led
dUriduringone - of the,bittle, others in el
to the epiinkiii"thif • he' obtomitted - suicide
,when- ha foundthat uf the day
were against hint. The King's body WM
recognized among the killed and wounded
• by-"the Taitish 7 :esplavea *hen released.
• TheOdermeztwellerat werelaken prisoners.
The interior of the 'Fortrep of "31agdsla
'presented a Splendid sight; thaplace glow
ing -with 13arbarle , 'splendor. Tholßritish
troops plundered it : At:num, J'hsy -fo un d
four royal crowns Made ,of .g0,1i4,,01d, ,
'twenty thoittand deHareis silt f . on9Yhou-:
sand sitvarplates,4iditrid:lots jaw.:
.e1N.1 f 4 . __.°..t#M 11 0 1 4 4 .4 8 1 4 IfeitttY4l l lP-:;*
27.-.1W94101 fr ont
- ' II O 3I ',YI I I4R
" -
out,date, sift: •
""An enmement tOokplace befOrti Mag.
I dala'efr -Friday. -The King was de-.
teated with henry. loss; Our loss .is fifteen
wounded rank and file. No killed.
4ng'the next' two daSsa the'lring gave up all
.the European captives and employ&ii but,
has not
surrendered himself and I have
given him twenty r four hours to decide
whether he Will - do'so or not. His troops
are demoralized— •
The second dispatch, dated April 14th,
Theodorris!, army was disheartened by
the severe losses of the 10th. . Some of thef
Chiefs surrendered the Most formidable
poaitiona, and -mai* . - thousand men
laid , down their - arms. ,The. King retired
into Magdala with- those who . remained
faithftil. Madala Was' taken by assault on
the qath, under, cover of the "Arinstrong
steel gums, the eight inch mortars and rock
et battery. The ascent to the gates of the
fortress was most formidable. King Theo. !
IdurusWaS killed•wlrile defending , theplace
to tholtust. - t Our .loss is small. The arMY
will return to-morrow. . • ,
•.,1* !VI
Aprit 8:1.:X / aohd recon.
noismide to -the /..front:•-tolititYfts :Magdala
4 1 104 ) 4Q - daYt Theo", KlVMlll44,t7ientY
eight suns 'worded, op o tside p _To-day,Gen.
'Napierinta sent Mites letter deniandinkthe
reisatia or the aptfiea:: Oar: - army is' eon
pentndtd on the o river. r: Sealing • ladders
and torpedoes' have been. got:_ ready for , ari
2 attiek on the fortress. • •
IBeforelidgdala, Apra , lo.—;!The,armyhak
,arrived here; six : n#les ,f,hc .Foftrem:
The King% canny , is on. a great heigh t in
ihllvieivof 'our forces: '"
Magdala. April it,.-The temporary.truce
, ended, this morning. o. llle, King . refused to
tiurrender the prisoners; 'General Napier
• With' the First aridllecorid:ltrigades moved
:uptltheD -Scalene surrendered with.'
out resistance. -, The..King,,retreated, into
*gala. lie 'Planted six guneaf the bake of
the and when Napier came •in sight
~he 140)& 1 fmened -
,upon him, . with •,-,the
guns. ..The ''gpglisti, replied 4.qm a twelve.
pouted ; ..kilaitteng gun and a seven 'pound
stand with rocketay:, "The aiiig abandoned
his guns and barricadekthe o sallarix?rts of
the town wall, keeping up a flreortnusktiti,
1 , 3 q) bombardlifent by - the"Sritliti"ibr ;
three hears: follevrod t ,when. : Genf Napie.t
•pr,deredAhe seen advappet., an d, the tcavril
'wag Car ed assault Altai' a leg
listanee)Ohi the ther
sinpeight. and :two
hundred ; wounded,,• Tllo.Britiah , loss „ is Aft'
'''teenWounded,' rak and'ille: r tthe Ring,
sweantind dead... l 4oC! through ntlieliba.
RoPuutssertho.wigkkiAled to:lPtttle,;Othereas
sert he committed fkuleide. Hie two sow,
were taintn 'priaeriers.-' I AII I the Ithicipean
prieoners hairerbeeb liitleTnted, and leave ibt•
home biktiottoik. ' ll lldr artily will retutw
at.QuitHLAQ the ;90aboardid
nilibltootr * • 3 4l4ll.*t.t-j•EVenN.O::-LatektlJOy,
vieseallsitheotighoutfitheit-ninelit Oval: the:
km*, Man theittelailiepOriAbysdolai
ialowv.locll#l tinproltu.baliday.myth9,
makit r agil,,,,,mrfroz
! . . a people ßverriv ell. are
.11-1,0-1 ~• ~, t o ItI r 6112> ( )41 11 .lillll . ll 144 1 .111
WI .fl AS; L tonEA,T tilditaijor' ,I ' 3 ' std ,!'
"intOki‘tailfrrailii,:o4lBoh# : 4 l4 "/iitili"T7
' 4 1 31''' THE' or4oxiislttezelPnritAve: Ili
3 I •7l,oltkniiiii ti tliii- '2f.. l 4gitiieflii 3
.tioreol ' ll-
itieS , c , Atiet , i•to-doif'4ol.tertbsitleaktelli''
. 1 1 1110 Sttem'pied ioassasithiitionitieo•Alfreikt
1 duet bike ladeckionxid guilViticksenteliceq,,!
30 , 110:14124,1 P .1* ^fi L. i'Lci , 11,1,,,, - 4 , ir':/ 1 2 1,';
tTt k e lOW th ' itVllM l 3l VLSOilergt ? Wa hQl. 4 .6/
9 RI . caxtill , he m cieriouvrilLe e x::
t 46- ixptiwr p ,d, ,
ri4 1 ,,,,?,0)K1udA d alk Ikum e„ iii an:
11,1 i f+ %,,, . i v,el t _Ole .1 tbd.
. it
c h t ‘, • 4
. ••• i d b i f
1 ' ill O ''! 4 • ~t . , p d ai nt p
tilielaths e • ,a te ' li' 8t1 " . *poi
'a viai w a ttior tl avolgreatolutObg ife t n i
PutdielkeithiLi. idnr4svor, laus .±... . ~1
I Oiv. - Ft ..n! 11(t i , vi
to make a sizong,c , should have called
the7: , emploker f;cr, ,' 4 the• . kin rd of
Barrett to P Wive • hia • absence. He
would - have: been.> a.- compete re lt wit
ness. Hut , this attempt to, •ve an
alibi was partofAconooeted Whims/Manned
by Barfett;
,r_td,'entieleidion he
called the attflllkmk, dike jury the di.:
reef and iribenffeVerfibTS - Svidence, kiven
witnesses w JErtftnniumeacha
ble, that ESirre t' - come' London for
the express pnrpjiiiiiifjoirdng tlds tnurdet
ous conspirstoy"to- reletiBtl'lz"6:o
. 14xTrer,
*Mr. ,
hi al
the case over to the jury, explained the
law in the' case where doubt might arise.
He sifted the evidence on both sides - mid
commented ; on the part of BurkLe and
Murphy in the plot. Ho cautioned
the jury - in - regard to the eVi
.dence •of the witnesses for:. the pros
ecution, Mullaney, and Vaughdn, ? and
on the other , hand, said he was com
pelled to adinit the proof of an alibi in the
case of Barrett .was_ open to grave doulit.
If there had been no doubt,, whylwas not
"evidence to that effect offered -onlthe first
examinativet The -Chief .Tustice ;charged
rather. favombly ,in the case 'of .timothy
beimoride. _He. eap s resse d great lisurprise
that -) Mr.e. Mullaney had not been 'pro
Linea.' - - ,
The, jury, then retii ed to.,eotailkler their
verdict: a brief delay the returned.
-B a rrett was foundguilty and=Willie other
PP -s°l3 ftf4g-uitto - -
The case of the Inisoner, Barr,v.i.eonneo
ted with the Greek . Are plot at lincitingriam
Palace; came up at Bow' atteriV:tolAity-lbr
preliminiary examination. The Glzes*Aire
proved to be, phosphorus only. ,The case
against the prisoner was, 'strchigoil and' he
was remanded for. - ~::I
...-LoNnox; April 28, 4.—lkoth Plouses
of Parliament to-night, without a dissent
ing.'vole.e, voted' an 'address to . t tlie Queen
upon the subject of the attempt td assaasth
ritince Alfred % expressing the. apathy
f the British'nation with Ilia _Royal family
4n; the untoward event. Which flak filled
them with sorrow anti .the-country :with
horror,_and,the-hope, that the
,Prlnce, may
Soon be restored to health. ' '
Arm Auvss _ WAR:
In the House of Coinnioris Mr lYlstaeli,
in reply to a question by Mr. Layard, made ,
some remarks on the subject of !he , .4hy
slinan war; in 'which hespoke in. the most
flattering language of the.rachieirementiof
General Napier, his armyAndialliwho gave
to the ,e7cpedition. • The conquest, : of
Ahkishfla fie' said was only - etp?Wail by
that of Mexico by-Cortez. - 0 •
• ,Th.ct!HonV ea o
bsequently mennto -Com
mittee on,the Irish church ,quespork. „The
first of Mi.'oladhtohe's resolutionsWai
bated:alent&,trt nonerof the toast - prom.
Re4t_, N 19144- 91 110 0 54 Part. in ate discus
.lll94c--4=son C harles'
• the:axm itera wait) Mr. ,1)111- .
nirrl6S' Mr. - O'DonogniS Mid
Mr. Horseman, in favor of tWresolntion,
and Mr. Harslaice, General .P,eeli and Lord
John Mariners in opposition. 11No Tibias
,'were Made by:-the speakers:,•which Inive
not already been repeatedly urked. in the
former discussion.
GERMAN - tit:
BERLIN, April 27.—The third] session of
the - nail German Parliament, has corn
rnenced.'. King 'William, of Prtissid,' Made
the opening speech. He said tO,I the,. mem
hers that their aim should be fake anutual
and natural interest of Germ any. , He ad
vised a 'fulfillment of the treaties
with Austria, and. Spain, and noped
a desire for national • goml ;would
rule' them in all' their proceedings. He
congratulated them on the peaceful and
fricadly local relations,. and itrusted that
those of .North Germany . with the Geeat
•Powers of EurOpe'Would justify the belief
that ..the "maintenanee of peace whekthe
great and only object:
sipeech was very . ~pacific 1 411 1 - 9 Viont.
He ccmcluded -by expreasing the
ho e.fthat during the.present - sessions
1112 in all events, kw rsight estiat uNnrthe
united power. OrGernumy.lllcis T remqks
were very favorably received. l ,lon the con
clusion,' of his speech be, shooki-hands
heartily witk the Bavarian ,Idltlister.,[, l l,he
Mattel` salted for three'cheers - fer,tlfe 'King
1 : whiehwere Wen with' a will. I*-
~,N. . _0. p V,R,.. TO: ,
tri..I 4 IAIKJAL AND c9m3WitciA t .r.:
1,43 . ND011, April 2 7 . -- Evertirv• — ,C•Fe
'clOseateady at 9.1@9,1% - . Antericrti ir
ides close firnier;•s4-` 1 00; 70,70,4‘,"8rie '4334;
Illinois Central, 9•13 , i.„,:1•-si ... ^ , 1 , ,•..-,1-v. 1 tttl
FRANKFORT,, April 27-7Evcptiapr--1-Fire
'Tv/clines - elated - tirrri at 144.• !A
I •PARIS, April 2 --4.ECening.—Bordie trm;
,Bentes, 09 4 francs 25 oenthnes..; ~ „,- ~
" LOl•fixrs; April .7Z-I,ln ' takes 00-
dined to 10f. los. , ••• -'• - i• '' • '•,• •-•,;••
ft ~AlCrVw; April 27".•-•-•Petrol um - kluiet at
,A3Np... ~..., .= •, , . ~, ~. ,6 :1 ; -.,,....4
Vll,R t 'Aprn 27 7 -Ecentpg.-- ttpaioe
lactive•tiad'hightir; 154 francs o,for ff•eg °yds
noire on spot-and to arrive,, -_,.. -,:a ~-, -• ".I
Ll'VEr'o, o . l l7 April 27,.—Ecelliag.-r•COtton.
liiiatitet'biokd • 'sotruiit•liat' 6aslcr at a alight
idee 3 kilier mlddllnglpba on holapot
- V%
` ®l, aloat ! ,15•040l1 s,l34@l3Xt.Aides
15,Xbals. Bietdstt quiet and st eady
without matititlalteratbin 11'0146s Pro
lovier'i firrivg, „at -Oa &USN' 43.3morfnu;,,9th
erf) illiehiblitEA ,''' BlA.itayaniiiff to U.. 3d.
for obinnltmlibrtliCititillifa.llthiir idetrles
machamged .I'. •••••••.: . ! - a . ..! i`t,, ' -"_. i 1
, . .
' .1:a L'il;..tilivis'Nashvilleritekar:= 1 : . 1—
!ERYNOIkg4.„ Pktoi-hoi rAttsoargh;•ol .
L• gA#EIL rq.•V4 27 . - Ae fe r t ,
:4itibbid -Tim , c6ikithy, 7 anrrasi/
sabdectently: 810V-4=5 Jalitei - Henn essy.
Both are dangerously Rounded. ~••1• -i, - 1:. • - _
Caftaltif W"....-"1iVe 1 4) 1 . , -*es 4 : 4. P °,mareh
"oleht oil il bctealtax'ealleePtb t Davldson
foliirmsr ithi eit 11'e.treeiter•;'' he
xlttrilt7;l'l ---'-- - hen . I' ll, 80 1 0wtorguto,the
cltthl: , 43 l 9 l t, 00" 44 '-. '',Uroin) late IVAS until
, el z anti t T e it • 4 coinnifigibitei't6 gr .
i th ', •• seration , tak e
his band and induct him hrtemagteeo ,he
ibox4 ,roo3uhe,
_.,...,, VT , Irr. 1...,thr0 fti#undred
thipiamie d9'eu- , ''' ,, -,• - ;-1 ti-lir,iliti> ......i ‘• -
i ~ 04 •/-••• --• ' AN I O - _,I , %.• -' -I
sonec Raned= 'an ,14 tWillehiblik-6.l3tree
AirgalPAP lll, t l F d A#ls o 3,oX o yliAgiti. - ;
V,i4ToilegroPh S' the. Pi 40 14 7.14 . 914 t
, tp,,l
Potr4vrtitiik,„Apill'2l.l. e
M hairei in
,4.openurfresity"-Ibllitikf allll4llswsivs. Lei
;9",il. 4; 0 6,1c-tiriMegibervglOatceetolf.ex
, 4, r afte rnoon ".• donosg,t he bdildhii `3,1h'1403111 Plunk Snit - an d
Jahn tpaldiZATre:•*illez-rbtir'erwons
were*: ~',' '.)l.fir l oirtoaigthers
alightly: , -_ t . , , , , tm. p res ,, n 4 ke - hirteen
*Alia/cr. vb r baeff(takilii' - . Ali ' - inins.'
but ,1% , )1/.• nti-144 :7 1 A ;,4 Liz-oil,
e NrOr s titlii*faj,t4m 0044:
Z`4,lllV„riAgg? 24 3 4 , K ft oon
witashstl4ld,hotanup 11.**3. 7 4c;;:g e ° 4
IrgitiVriNtdp i Irtinto hie
o')...llii'ui SIMI izit,tr,', A r,l 4 4,l 6
tliP..2,b•3lolll , 4iteflt .10 {NI 14114041, 131 Illt„, •
f .
4 -4 :11 4, , • '