r PITI'SBURGIViIItZETTE :,, ~.; mw - mmr:EntnsmuymNTs CHEAP OVES;10012- THE PEOPLE..« The GREAT WEETERNOUN WORKS Awn been rsKoved to N 0.140 SMITHFIELD STREET, where will always be found the most complete assortment of Owls, Pistol., Ammunition and Sport tnit Material, dre.. inter city. AD kinds of CitolB and Pistols eare,fulty repaired. Cash paid for ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Senn stiruP mowntrated eireniar. Agents scanted in even/ Of the trailed States. Address., J. M.',JOHN STON. 119 Smitheeld Street, Pittsburgh. larliKVllCE.—The Annual Meet - LNG of the Stoekholders of the -Merchants National Telegraph Co., • roc electinit a President :Gil Six Directors, to serve the ensuing_year, trill be held at the Boatd of Trade Booms, TUESDAY, May. tith, 1888, at 4 o'clock P.•l. By order or - _ _ aD27:05 - . - THE PRESIDENT. IgrpßAlvio EXHIBITION. PANORAMA. . . Of Views and Scenes the Holy Hand, Accompanied by a LECTURE by Rev. W. A. BARNES. who hn recently traveled through Pales tine, at. AMES , .If. E. CHUN:OH, on the corner of Tbtrd and Perry streets, • MONDAY EViNINO, APRIL 27th. Proceeds for the . beneet of the Sabbath School. Tickets, 25 rents; Children AO cents. For sale at head'sßook Store, at the Music and Jewelry Stores and ut..thc door. ' ap`Z:VM N EW DRESS" GOODS. ' • WHITE, ORR& CO., 2b FIFTH STREET, Are now opening seine choice styles of LADIES'! AND CllifpßEN'S TIVRESig'GOODS, .WAtleh they . offer at LOW PRICES W ESLEY WILSON & CO., NATIONAL LUIgtICA.TING 4 = o l;av • PreEal c li A mes t e ) lil t r A g i tikraD . g e ? USE, and . QUAIZTY GUARANTEED UNIFORM. No.-167 Wood Stieet, • - "BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING," PITTSBURGH, Pa. F. SALE. ' • Near to the Allegheny River. SA. LL, T}% 0 DWELLLNO4YOTSES TWO TIA.RbtSv with good rAltdf. and' *Wit 800 acres Illitiber Mad. This property will be sold low.: Cash ou time to suit buyer- - • • FARM' OF 120 ACRES, will bi sold for twenty vlollari per adre. Improvements comtbrtable frame house and good barn; 50 acme of-the land clear. 01 1 1E10 ACRE ?, near the line of railroad; verrweld located for raising stock: Improvements are good and substantial; 100 acres of the /and In meadow.and graln. . . Clt in PRQPERTY.--wursen a good brick house. cant g five rooms. at eitteen Hundred Dollars, and yrouldrent for the amount in.slx years. A LARGE LOT OF :GROUND, having a - river tront„ and very convenient of access. • - . VANIZERY, convenient to'the city, and hating a wall pstatillahed custom or local trade, connected therewith: a good dweiling•uld forty acres eland. point LOTS in , Sharpstium near - the railroad; would raalia a good coal yard.' co HO P SALE.—That fine Motel -property, situated at-the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen . rooms _and the necessary outbuildings, with' three acres of garden add fruit trees. Thts welljeetited hotel will be sold low, as the proprie tor wishes to retire from business. TOR RENT. Two new Brick'tfonses, 8 room each. Two new Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. One.new Frame House; 4 rooms. • Twanew Brick Houses, 3 rooms each: One. hew Prude House in Wllklusburg, haring • six rooms and: a -large lot, well suited- for a L00t(i.. 7 4.40,000, IN SUMS OF $5.000-AND UPWARD APPLY AT D. POIATCII'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Gran*St.,Plittsburs3ll. SPRING STOCK OF = CARPETS! HALVE •IN STORE TILE . • ••- • most 'complete assortment of CARPETS and-OIL CLOTHS we 'neve ever 'opened, emlbreeing the newest'stYles and designs of.tke, beet .toirigisiN and ito al.f!STiLb. MANUFACTURERS. imported and selected with • special reference to the Pitts burgh Market. Many Of the •patterns are confined to our • house exclusively for this city. .With '"the advantagesof - Direct Importation; we are now able to effer earlY'lhe newest and ehoieest patterns of BRUN. SEIM, from the - am:it eeleltre. tea,. 101'onis; and at Prices within the reach of air most every householder. A special but limited. importa tion of ENGLISH. INGRANS, - of extra quality; and in rare mid beautiful desiges, will be found expieleGY choice and desirable ter Chambers. Our Stock of.COMMON ALL OARPII I B, purchased before the Carpet. Weavers' strikes will be sold at the same nib* as previous to the last tik vanes, and will tarnish CARP= t o the multittide at. the lowest prices since the 39= 44. good OARPET FOR 25 CM A - YARD. • . 10.0.11 tore baring . Parlors or Droning Booms to tartish are eileetally turned to aiming the usesnall* large lumber of patterns partleularfir ii i t a pt e d to that AnurpOte, width w e offer to ratan's and TAPEaTity w a s isirs _ BRESSELS, at low Prices- OLIVER =1 i . . 4.. A .'-- • ' ' = 001A:PAITIr c s 44 ' , ~.,,,,....,-,-",!,,,; i 101,,,, ~.,,r,-.• N ,-.o . ofr.t'T !•,?'... 1 • "'No. SS-Fifth Street. • ' -,.....,.. . , 3T . T .,,,..„„. , , ~ ,,,,,,,_,,,..,.....,....,,,,,r.....,,,..„7,7r7r.,,,., 2,....,__, , ,,, ,,,,,,,,,...:,_,..,,,,,.,,,_._, 1 .,- ,c''.,.: , .,....:,,, - ..„,% , ; , .; :. ;, , b . , , , , . - ,./. fif , 7,..„1:-.,,,,..,;',Vi'F f .'.. -, 4 0 . - - H,,, 6 7 ,51 ,711,i`, , t 5 i r. ,., ,, . : _: , ,, , , :t:iti: , ! . „ ., -;6. v i'5.:: : :;1 4 :4;!>:6 1 ;;We^.,"' 4 1,&"'" '"" ` 4 '''''. ' 4 ':' , - -1 '`:: ,, i,;tag,14:=7,14: . ,31; ' , ,, f .l,V,_ri t -„, a , c,; ., 5 m. ...,,,---...1--..-4-'7."7.Tt,-,77,„...=-75;,_ „2,, , , Z 5VV-Wii4gaily , ...k:., , jFi r f„,.,...___,.4:4,...;4! . ,__ „. ,,, ,, -1f..bAZ A : ` , ,, ,, ,,141 - 4 7, ..„. &.• A. •:'-i,74`.,-`.'''74,'-'4.7k,?-^-,it;,...,,i,„... _s,,, ~ , - . 1.2..t.,..w, :14 N.t.b. ~, , k, ..li .i,'..,...;,4,- , :.., ‘4.V4,..,t 4 :, - ,,, , ,,,,,..".;:w.0,41 ,- .1 - , ..."„7-..-• .Tr••*:--,,!''411-`::Tk'Z':7::“Vi" C4' . ):4 !!:: % : . 44W - A W-...z. '" 1-7 ''''''' C ' ' --‘ ' ' '''' ' '-'-'" ' '' ''''' 4'- ''''''" C' ',V , sl4'4 : '' ' '"" ' ' . •V:'' 4 .o' , 'V...W E ll , t'V r, ; -. ''V"-V.4ej'i',Tr-k? . t•t l lr - i;gtAV':'4. , Ae , ,..'l'h;,ij.'.-W , ,?._W;Z,V-if,ia:,'":AAri. t zV4+;rl o , t . ' rf.e„.,.:Vreqcig , o'- • . . r 4 ,- , :,,*,`-:;: e E ..,.. - A,, : ''..:-,. ..'; ._ ---4 -, ,„ ~....., .•4„,.6../..4•7444e044#4.•!•P.-Ik` l. :tim. f il' ‘*? . .,+" ' " 4 "'"lt'R, •... ik •••-:AV.C-4r - -. ~' • ••' ‘t‘ , ..gsuLml-S---4 ,o ''-- ,:• . ~ ' • • • - - ... , A , 7E- - L 0 .-- 4,,,v,..1.r p,-.*„.4..,..., - '''.„:„1• _...,..,-...., . A,. :...,. ,•,. - 1..1;4_ •_•- .? , ..*,.....-*-,-.., NEW • ADVERTISEMENTS. 11011 SE SALE. µ. „ The BAY DOUSE taken up by the Pollee and advertised to be sold on Saturday "last, will be sold TO-DAY, at 3 o'clock P. 31.. by Public Sale, at the Stables of Body Patterson, Jr., on Fourth street.' - • . ISSATTJA* J. ORSENE. an 27 • • Chief of Police. WAIIATED--AGENTS, To travel through Ohlo, Michigan, West Vir ginia, and Western Pennsyßrania, for the sale of eOLAR 1,141:1T. - the best light yet introduced. and will be universally used. A liberal cOmipaisslon will be paid. Send for circular giving •particurars, - or call uponDAVIS BROS. d: CO., °dice No. S. Cleve land Ips. Biallangs,.Creveland, 0. - ap27:p2.4 FOR SALE OR LEASE. VALUARCE COAL MINE, 121 miles'from the . city,' and CITY, DErOT, for sale at a bargain, or will be leased for &term of years; is thororighly im proved, and stocked with everything necessarr to the business, and has large established trade. 1 ro prietors have business requiring their absence for several vears. Address, with real name, Post °Mee Boa' itIlIONI; Pittsburgh. 'Pa. ap27:p3 IXTESTERN/11/11fier et/ 1 10NX . .. V SYLVAHIA. SS: - At tHtsburgh, llth day of April, A. TO IWHOW.,IT MA'Y CONCIRN Tue undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee ai H.;31. HERSHBEItiI, of Pittsburgh, in the gout, ty of ;Ailegbeny, and State of Pennsylrania„witn said - (tlstrtet;"erhcrtisit beefilidjodged - a bankrupt 'upon his own petition, by the District Court of said district.. 13131 DH W. HANUAEH, apmpzi.at • ; ' :13 St. Cita street. tOW PRICED DWELLING HOUSES. -New house, 4 rooms andlfaeres, lb 00; Dwelling. and Lot, • Manchester, $1600; two frame houses and lot. Manchester, 'eaels $1400; lot 40 bv 150 feet, Woods Run, two houses, 82800; No. 17 Pranklin street, two brick houses, 8 9 floo. .rent 8400: - house and. two:lots, De Milers 42000; dwelling and two lots, near Temperance ville • *2000; others In various locations. _ Ap3l7 to S. OUT4RERT & SONS. Lan ' RealEßate Agents. 83 Smithfield St. "I[XTESTERN DISTRICT yr SYLVANIA, 85. At the City of Pittsburgh, the 25th )day of April A. D. 1868. To wnost IT ItAY CONCRIIN.—The undersigned hereby gives notice of his aupointinen as Assignee of JUSTUS ROUSHAUSEN and GEORGE H. HOU. SHAUSEH, partners as. J. and O. H. tonshausen, Of Pittsburgh, in :the 'county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, within said r i e strlet, who have been adjudged bankrupts upon ditors' Pe tition, by the District Court of said diArict. T:N HIS IS TO GIVE OTICE that on the 23d day of April. A. D. 1808, a War rant In Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OF JAMES S. BRAVO. WILLIAM B. BRAVO and ANTHONY E. DROVO, Co-Partners, of Elizabeth Tp.„ In the county of Allegheny, State of Pennsylvania. who have been adlritiged bank rupts on their own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of anT property belonging to such bankrupts, to them, or for their use, and the trans fer of any property by them are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupts to prove their debts and to choose one or more As signees of their estate, will be held at a Court of Bank ruptcy, to be hoiden at the office of the Register, at No. IF3 Diamond street, in the City of j Pittsburgh, before SAM HARPER. ARPER. ESQ. ' Re ster, on the 14th darof May, A. D. 1868. at 10 o clock A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, tr. S. Marshal. as Messenger. ati^7:pAri 13 • • . ROPOSALL—SeaIed Proposals will be received by the Water Committee of the ty of Pittsburgh, until 7 o'clock P. 31. of AN ENGINE AND PUMP, at the Lower Works, suited to present building. and of equal capacity to the engine erected at the Works In 1866. Sealed Proposals wilt also be received for furnish. 'lug at Lower Works, -- FIVE BOILERS, Each 42.1tiehes by 26 feet. with two 164neh Flues Smoke Stack, Steam ripe, Steam and Mud Drums. At URperWorki,eaeb.49lnebes be 20 ttwols — &nok e-stack, bteaut Plpe,.L.Steata itot Med Demos.' Proposals will also be reretred at same time for • During the present season. on such streets and alleys as may from thou to time be directed. by the Com mittee. Details of the proposed work. and specifications of the machinery, .can be procured at the ofitce of the Water Work.s, or at the • Lower Works, after the 99th Inst. TERMSHM.onthAy Caeh -settlements., .M 0 Water Committee reserve the right to reject any or all . Milt!, if deemed by them advisable. CM LIST OF uncalled for April slt h, 1861 A 1 Anthony Edw I Adams John B Bluebell Geo Baird John Bradford Darld 'Brown Empson Beggs Jos Brood Martha Barry W H Brown. Thes Brown Alex BraecrWm 0 Criaty A • ' Coyle P 11 Conlan Mich Claz Pulpers Creighton John Davis T H Dean Z W Denning Jaa Dixon Jae TI Decker Jacob Drew John Dodds John RavlaThos ,Edgarid;:athaw ryrch brisctiah Gott James . . . 'Getty Wm F. Galley Thos TO TIIE .11GIITNINO ROD TRADE.. DEALERS In•LIGRTIONG RODS are invited . to au exatninatiou or our . . SOLID COPPER STAR ROD Which we furnish to the Trade la quantities to snit, 'and furnish Points. Insulators and tixtdres com plete, same as with MUNSON'S COPPER TURIN AI; ROD. r , • Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. 'BAKERY FOR SALE; ' IST= OR WITHOUT THE PROPERTY; br would rent for a term of•yeare. . • atr24-xwr. No. 40 Palo Alto Bt., -Alle, STEAM ENGINE, in:ohliore, ao litob,f3troke. With or without Boller; also advent'. Portable and Stationery Ermines and' Bollene-for sale cheap., Cee be shlPPed - to anyolnt on short notice,. ' • aresnns ALEXAN DER WALLACE, Tidloute,yarren county, P. ..,- pirr -41 4 1 E1E.—Natice Is hereby . . given that the viewers report on I: , WIDENING OF ZITT'ALLEr.: _i Thlrd wardAilc:sheny, has been flied In tile Dis trict Vona, No. :411 -*Arril +Fe mation. rmi-MS for confir . ~siMi:pl2 1. 0. Ideb0)108. City Solicitor. gEED POT&TOE11. Panels, For sale by JOH' kit, A. men, Florists and, iteedstOen. =MEI 50A.1 6 ill'oNE; • ' pulsmit, omangrrTop,,,, wAura,m ite , RE MY K. coiatis, A 6 Wintl net. MS soukon WENMAN A. LEWIS. Aislgnie, Attorney-at-Lmv, 93 blamund st Tuesday, May I,r2th, FOR Triß.FoLtowiNG, VIZ ALSO, FOIL FOUR mtorr.mmif„ LAYING WATER PIPE JOSEPH 1111pNCH, .erlntentient Water Works OTTERS Ai at BUCHANAN Haley Thos Holmes Nelly ' , Hamilton J E Hogle Win HlE:mare .1 Hamilton W R Hope Ella J Harrow Eliztoh, noon Wm* Hari Chas ' • Irwin Thos Y Jackson Robt Jackson J W Jewell Noah tones M A JoneiD boiler 'Tinsley Oliver HavanaLh H tore Conrad Murry W Myrich Munn Blathew • Mason Hugh Mundt& Edyr Michael J . . Ilahoni e a ame McCoy Sadie McKee Alex McClurg - Thou E. 0 LOCKHART ;St MANVFACTIIRERS, NEW 'AtoinddiEizatibrTis."' IT MPH BORNE & CO.'S. ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT 1 OF = 013 S, JUST REG~Emth FULL LINE, ALL. SIZES, AND. SHADES Alexandn's Tasseled Hid Oltives. PARASOLS DRESS TRIMNINOS,, GIMI'S, BEAiDED' •, VELVET RIBBONS. . - .• ;. NEW LOT BUTTONS; • LINEN. PALM and SILK FANS; • • HOSIERY,G.LOVES HAMBURG EDGES; ' ' • INSE LITMUS and TRIMMINGS LACES and LADE GOODB; . - • ' • • • HANDKERCHIEFn; LADIES'. DIISSES` and GENT'S GAUZE U:kIDERWEAIt; ' • GENT'S FURNISHING GOODSI STAR PAPER CO PAPER LAR AND CUFFS. "- 110 cases Hatslind`BOittids; COMPRISING "ALLTHE LATEST NOVELTIES.' REBBONS, No. 11 to 100, , . A FULL LINE'. OF ALL SHADES. • COLORED DOTTED NETS and LACES: " PR N O C S I 4 El - 711 18 " _, IM O N YI AS7 GRO DE NAP, FLORENCE NIL; STRAW TRIMMILNUSd ORNAMENTS. = The largest, best and cheapest :Inc of ' NOTIONS . AND MILLINERY GOODS, TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. .Nba. 77" aid 79 - Market' Street. ap27 CHINA MATTING : il l t—r bag rEt A very superior quality of White, , • - - —..lFicicy ; Btriped • And Check MAT'IINGS, IMPORTED. ALL-WOOL IN BRIGHTEST COLORS. , . Prices the Lowe s t ire this Maiket. MeCALLIIM BROS., 51 FIFTH STREET, above Wood. . • gyp:: LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. The Limited rartnerAilpiieretofore estadug der the tisane of BARR, ic. PARKIN, Has been dissoiced by =anal consent of adpartles, and the undersigned hare this day entered into a LIMITED , PAIITSDRSDIP, to - take effect on the MST DAY OF - JANUARY. I.BBBe \ agreeably to the Acta of "sitembir in: such 'hue , uffide. and pro vtdvd. 'the rbsiaini , sa will bL 4 cobdudted tinder the firm name of MILLER, BARR & PARKIN. The general nature of. the Madness, srßl''be Abe Manufacturing ind Selling of STEEL,* - ndArtleies made of Steel in the City of Pittsburgh. The names of the General Partners are REGRET: MILLER, GEORGE W. WARR. CRAIILES=PAIIKIN and WILLIAM METCALF. and the Siii,eetal Partner Is SAMUEL ti. KIER, all of Tittsburgß.:, The capital Contributed by S. M. KIER Is Twenty Th-ous and Dollars. la Caabj atul ttio ttrsblp xill -terminate on the 31st OAT OF DECEMBER. A. D. ISO. !". Pittsburgh, February lath; 1868. , , AIIVILIiG POSTqFYICE, ,Onneby Ilr ;Owens IC A • • !Ogden J P • Pope Lewis ' GENERAL PARTNERS lIRIIREN GEO. ' CHAR. PARKIN, WILLIAM _METCALF; SPECI4. L. PARTNER: • . KIER, Richardson Rosh, Gabriel Roberts Snyder Emma Springer W Stevenson John Scott Richard !Shicit Alfred Snyder N SymtneMin Sitomon: Jacob Smithlev A. Er , Taylor Ellab 4 h Thomas Wm ! Tipper Jos Townsend Thb's Vaughn M L rt€ol3.ll - NSOW •- -?. ~• - • No. 20 FIFTH ,ST-REET, HAS RECEIVED ANOMIE - IJlt LOT OF , . • PIUM MAPLE Sinctip. Williams Sallie TAnic...J.rgt Wood 31 & Co Woodburn J, W Woods ranrito.' Wallace ,ilennto Wilds' Jacob Young An die EHAN, P.• ANItO DINANCE ll' . . . clot's , . to the Pltishusigh and Miners • vile Railway COmpany. • Scc. 1. Belt ordained' and enacted by the City of I' *burgh, in &lest and Common Councils °Dem tr and fe is hereby *nodal by the: authority gas • same, That the Pittsburgh and 111ntrfirille Railway' Company shall be and is Ifereby relieved from their liability to clean and keep tn,repair the_ streets through which Mimics, .except so. much Shereofies Iles between the of Bald road.; and'.odelocrt on either side • thereof; Provided, however,• that this release from said liabilities shall continue for five years a nd no longer. , Sac. . That any ordiniitice pr:pareclf oidinanec conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the yrs:teat time, be and the same is hereby repealed so lair as the'samelifecte this ordinSnce. Ordained and enacted 11110 a law in Councils, 'tido BM day of April, 'A. • • ~ - • JAMES MeNULEY, . President of Wed Council.;: Attest: Itonuows - • • •• • • • - ••. . , Clerk of Select Connell' '' W.. A. TOMLINSON, • - ..r t resident ot,Cinimon Ommelb - Attest: Mixon kmAsuste; Cler of Common Council. 14f2J:P13 lins WASHINGTON - MILLS; • L! " WASHINGTON STREET, • - Near Pittebtirsh'Gristri Elevator NF.. .A41171330.11050N't • . 11anoilloturer_qt CORN-MEAL' RYE FLOUR Ind CROPPED Orders delivered naeltber city free of charge. ' Gratin Of kloda chopped, and Ootn shelled. on short, • , 0 . 7710 E, pixy. jpicalnuck.alni , ultirivirolt i d • rirrepunon. Apra 24,...z5e5. Bond PROIPOSALS - F It T E removal of the CITY WEIGH BEALEs, on . Street,4g,,tholearger•of Serood.and:-TyT streets. will be i•tealtOstf.l3l. °Mee until FRIDAW Mr ISt, . .H. J. fdowtz, , " City En Weer. 'DIME for Store Win dows- ,of the different widths, tor sale at Nos. an an ia d A 8 dt. t7lals sin". J. a H. PLULLI.PB. . :•! A r_...Aitcao AND MEE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 Dg GOODS!DRY IGOIWS --• LARGE STOCK LOW PRICES! • Yard Wide BLEACHED USLIN, at /2),60' . • Heary UN - BLEACHED SLIM, at 133}yc . GOOD GINGHAM, at 1 BEST PRINTS, at 124 . PURPLE PRINTS, eft tly imperfect, at 12;0. EXTRA WIDE CRASH, 1t...115/13ic• FIIICKABACK TOWELS, at liyie CORSETS, Teri cheap COLORED KID 11112 -IIRI BM DAIIK LADIES' SACKING CLOTH A nice roisortinent of DRESS ' GOODS. TABLE LINEN; IRISH LINEN SHIRT 'IIOIIT - S, WHITE QUILTS BALMORAL AND HOOP EINIHPS.. BONNET'S, HATS, RIBBONS, iLOWERS HOSIERY, HAIR BANDS, NOTIONS, &c, A FULL STOCK AT LOW PRIM% Wholesale and Retail, AT WrMilikt. SEIVEPLE'S 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny. Eil lUiZ2= I 0 NOW- THE MOST Brilliant, Entertaining and Attractive Magazine Published in this Coccutz7. MAY NUMBER NOW READY. Ist. In this number Is , commenced it new uteri by the most 'popular Novelist In this Country, MA RION HARLAND.- author of - ..itionsi,” "Hidden Path," "Nexpesis."- etc. culled •• lIEECHIMILE.r. This story wilt be ELVA/A:III'LT ILLUSTRATED.- Sad. TIIT. GALAX Y now contains FIFTY PER CS.UT More matter than heretofore. A _ - .... t 3d• M the MOST 'ELEGANTLY ILLtSTItATED aaGaztara published to this country. Each num ber will have four elegant full-paged 111 lietrutlons, on tinted paper. - Contents of the May Number: I. TILE' BLACK BESS: A .StOry. By Harriet Preseott Spofford. 11. OUR MILLIONAIRES. 111. PERSONALISM. By Walt Whitman. IV. CI. E3IENTINA KINNLSIDE: A Story. ,By E. Lynn Linton. V. THE SOLDIER STATESMAN. „yr. THE PV II.tiItIIUE TO MECCA. Ili Ansa E. D. Proctor, , VII. WOODS AND WATERS. By E. 'C. fitted;. VIII. lIEECHDALE. Chapters 1., 11. and lIL By Marlon Harland. IX. WORMS ,AN D THEIR - ,USES. By Richard Orant White. X. FIVE .ry.A4c - rN JAPAN. By Dr. D. B Slipmons.. . 1 XI. STEVEN LAWRENCE, YEOMAN, Edwards. NIL THE GALAXY 311SCELLA_.'NN—Short i 'and • BH,Fritritcles. By XIII. DRIB OBJ Tlalp Qulnbet„ - XIV. MTH t 5 'RE, ART, etc.. etc. XV. NEBULE. Ry the Entrott. Price :15 milt Slip& year. Now is the Time to Subscribe. Two copies scut for a year to one ad dress forll. Three copies sent for a year to one address for 310. Sample copy sent on receipt of 15 cents. • SHELDON COMPANY, , :Noe. 498 and 500 Broadway, New York. apThtra • " • ClitgoVilt'"YELi o*, _ 4 j.1 -I:UM-PACKERS,- McCOY'SRDIOIi GREEN ,11:1 ; • • FOR SALE lIT ;11..AMIU.S.'ES:, WHOLESALE Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, P1TT15i.131:313.4.1-1.. PA. DOLLAR *vista BANK, MEI No. 65 Fourth Street exArvrp..wmr• ASSETS •., , ~.., .. • Open daily front 9' il•teeloekttilso'on`WEDNES-' DAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May Ist to November Ist. trim 7 to 9.ofelock, And from NO:. vernber Ist telday Ist; from 0-to:B,ceeleck, : . ‘, .-, . DD Deposits reoeteed Of all sums ofnot,lessthatioxa OLLR; and 'A dividen. l l.gretiVirulits Aleciared twice a year; la Ate" anti tzttent t.. Inlereirr has been declared liemiiinnualitinirepalnid ;December since the Bank was orgdflialid l a&ftitti rate of, six per cent. a year. ". , ~ . . intere.t, Icrontt • cittlkattili *Weald" thrreedtt of the depositor as principal. and .bears the same in terest from the Ist days of inite and December,' cora poupdlng twice a year without troubling the depos itor' to call, or even. tolresent, Am . pass b00k,.-At this rate money will Ron le In leas than tweiveycsrs. Books gontainitig the arter, - By-Laws, Rules and Itegrdations, furnished gratis, on appli9tiori.Attlio -ogled —.-.• ,: 1 J r n... -, cf.i .5.: ~ - 7 - .; ..._ ..„,. a ~.• PUESintOrr-iltitrnor AIMEE". ' VICE PRE9UIV-VTB: ~ . 1 John G. Backofeti. fj,'F,l - ,, *,liti :roitoelt., , M. D: , Benj. L. Pahnessmr; ' ' Robert Robb, James Herdman, . • . John H. Shoenberger, James lleAuley; . 4, Cr 'Janie" Stddle,:v-i- 4. • Janie' IL I). Meads; - -' r'Alekalider Speer, - ...: , Liarie M. Pennock, - • Christian Yeager. Wm. J.:Art(loo4;ml -, ; --, { -„ Roberkb-- , Loomis;.--- - • . . Calvin Artruns,,, vr r . r. - V dlenru Jo Lync..l., - , John C. Ilindiaoll-aU "Atter A.i.Madell* , • , - 1 George 81ack,,,....„,„,..,..„,„,.. John Idarshall,,, ~ 11111 liurgwin, Walter P. filarshall. ~. Alonzo A. Carrier,, John 11. , Mcleaddeni ' ' Charles A. Cotton, Ormsby Phillips, J o h n Evans, .. ' Henry L. Itingwalt, John J. Gillespie. Wm, E. Schmertz William S. Have g., ~ , . -.Alexander Tindlill' ... Peter H: Hunker,' "''' 3 ' 'WILMS Vati Kirk; " Richard liars, - L Lime Whittler, James D. Kelly, wm. P. We m an. TREABOnitrIPPAIt Eallt. VOLTAIC. . fiEenreranr..sAstrligt: I); EfEEDS.' ' -. MARBLE ..4 ,ALATE Inupp rixtio , • : AT TUE . ;.PITTSBURGH 4TEAM,MAKBLE.ANO SLATE WORKS. °Mee and'Wertrooni-019 and 391 LISLE:PP. i sTREET. Mantle Wareroom on second door. 'Persons wanting Marble'or Mate. Mantles will Ind It to their interest to call. Workman celled in any place, and. prices ea m ttet NOW 1/11 Z i ef t rift111111he thi4j - Obeconid Mato mote; extr de. call, rblelsed%LP well as new. -There is no i t r p in esterir Pennsylvania where Slate Lean - red. All kinds er Marble Work done in the best manner. Marble Cutters supplied with Sawed Marble at East ern prices, carriage added. W. W. WALLACE. MEE ME NM OEM •n;isi,7AU AUCTION SALES. BY I'ALI4II.& 411,108. PALMER & PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEERS . . And Commission Mere liants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh,; Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and , Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING. Consignments Solicited. ' Prompt „ turns. BY BEITHSON, VANBOOIC k lITIaIIIAND. LARGE AND PEREMPTORY ) oLosniG, OUT ; AUCTION SALE. ELEGANT 814YER I ~WARE, French Clocks, Parlor Ornaments, &c. •On .Tuesotay; April 2.inth, 186 Si AT 2 AND 7.4 (i•ctocK.l, m., AT, MASONIC ' , HALL...AUCTION 'ROOMS; ' an:d . rfthatireiti: - „ Special attention Is asked to this sale by those de siring either .n complete or parthil Silver `Pare fur nisinuent, being the largest and finest lot ever offer ..ed at sale In this city. pat terns. goo d manufacturedetr late and rechercheclusively ,r s e t t rZ o k m a customer r d . sales- by one ot.the most reliable Eastern houses; and guar anteed TRIPLE PLATE. In the assortment may be found choice tete-sets. elegant and varied tea setsAis, dinner, tat and pickle castors, cake, card and t baskets, stands and servers; with an endless y of other articles. B - =tit* in Hoo4 &` IV Auct onee teir4 rs. By £ rummit BA.NIi;TELEGRAPII AND ROAD STOCKS, ..MONONIGAIIELA. NAVI GATION COMPANY. $5,000 CITIZENTS PAS SENGER RAILWAY BONDS.—TUESDAY EVEN 4 ING. April fifth at 7% o'clock. will be sold, on second floor of Commercial Sales Rooms, 106 Smithfield street: - 20 shares Iron City National Bank. 20 shares Tradesmens National Bank. 10 shares Keystone Savings Bank. • 20 shares Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph Co. ' 20 shares Allegneny Valley. It. 80 shares 'Monongahela NaYlgatlon.Co. 4 shares National Henning and Storing Co. 93 shares Union Iron Mills. Ninth ward. 83,000 Citizens Passenger Railway Bonds, First Mortgage 7 per cent Bonds. . . _ A. HeIEW AINE, Auctioneer. QM IMMENSE COLLECTION` • OF RARE AND VALUABLE BOOKS, AT "RALF PRICE,. CALL AND EXAMINE- THE STOCK. STATIONERY, OF ALL KINDS, At Eastern Prices, I AT ITHE 110•01,11 AND NEWS DEPOT, SIXTEESTBEET, BELOW SMITIIFIELD.. _ _ JOHN D. EGAN. 51; GROVER & BAKERS ELASTIC STITCH 11E1 LOCK, STITCH SEWING HACHINEB WITII LATEST IMPRQVEMENTS, At th . odNe7 and ElegaotSales Rooms OF THE COMPANY, 51 FIFTH STREET. . Also, NEEDLES: ATTACHMENTS, BLACHINE AILKs and COTTONS, TIEREAD, MACHINE OIL, rtc., kc. •The citizens of-Pittsburgh are respect fully Invited to call. 'Applications for Agencies solicited. Circulars or lamples by mail on' application. Correspondence to be addressed to - GROVER Si BAKER S. M. CO. 51.. FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. M1.20:n12 • • • N OTICE. Fifth Street Sidewalk , Exteedaft. IRON CURRAN° SIDEWALK. We desire , to call the'attention of partieSabinit to widen their sidewalks, according to ordinance, to oar Patent Iron Curb and Pavement. The •Same will be laid in front or. the Opera House-this:week. and will simalc r ToStiteef.c.The ibilOwing atfex- , tract from - a letter of, the City Engineer and Regu lator : consider It superior to stone, and if raid In Mal street, will. add greatly to its beauty, and I would recommend It to pronertrownera; • - res„., MOORE,-CitY , Tlll3 ATLAS W 012119... • Tilo fA9IP: aiILLER t President ..o4d.tt . _ 168 , • CHEGILIP r'CIEEAP!• . • • • , PRINTS, DELAINES. air TWEEDS, OASSIMICRES. • ' • -. ' _Aar VLANNELS v COLLAWL- - • • • • - SW HOSIERY AND GLOVES. AMP WHITE GOODS. ..faft•CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS; . • : -Jar RIBBONS,: SHAWLS. WHOOP SKIIITt3, LACES. Aar AT THE NEW - DItT GOODS STORE . . Tca • No.. 108 Wyllti Stieet. • 168. • PROCLAMATION. - • - • - • In accordance with•therequfreinents of AM of Assembly, passed March .I.Bth, 11308, the qualided. voters of that 'yortion'orthe: City cf. Allegheny,. formerly part of Duquesne Borough, which was annexed to said city by the. afore aid Akt,,wlll.as semble at their usual Place of holding elections. . . ON TUESDAY, itny sth, IS88; And- elect- THREE-SELECT COUNCILhIEN, ono for 1 veer one for R. veers 'one tbr. 3 years; and YOUR CUMMON couNciLmEx. • aP24 - • - ; • SIMON 'DRUM. Mayor. • XTOTICE.' ' • • CITY ASH CARTS .„ Any peraon;Tehin to have their . ashes removed promptly bytneelty Ash Carts, either by the week or by contract wiltplesad leave their , order. at Or .GAZETTE OFFICE, or at ,Aldernero - 111 " - " Ea 8 OFICE, where they will receive prompt attention., ips F i t tusil• • F 4 EII'`CODIERION ••- Machine Stone • Or k ar Itarthweleecorner of West et - wnols , Alleghe l4 * FR D'S ATWATER £ Have on band or prepare on abort notice . Hearth and Stop Mown, Flan. tbr Endewatne, Brewery Vaults, he. Head anrmb MIAS, AO. Orders promptly executed. Prices reasonable. NOTICES • - THE STOCKHOLDERS. OF T CITY BANE Are hereby notined that the First Insi.4lmenf on their Subscription of Stock is sow due,Ohd will( be receleed at the Bank, which will be y 0i74 for bud ncssou ~T UE SDA.I7 NEXT, APRIL RBrit..,- _ 1,1 The' Stock Books wilt remain open forts limited time." Persons desiring to subscribe should do SO at once" DOMENICK RINSER, • Pnesident. J. B. GORMLY, Cashier. 3ap24:Plo nrNOTICE• tt t ' TO =morn AND PLAWBOAD,OO*PAICEEN. The undersigned tpprulders, 'appoiltited*' Mid , in accordance with the act of the Legislatfirc of the State of Penn4lvinilit, approved Apriteth, 1867, have, in compliance with a yesolation ot i lhe, Select and Common Councils of the City of PittSfurglt, en tered on the duties .imposediron flumt gAi d , act. And to enable them ' to perform said &Iles, they' hereby request the President and Dircciiirs of any and every Turnpike and Plank Road Comtlany with in the present bounds of the City of Pittsburgh, which claims to charge tolls for the use d 4 their im-, provemcntii, :fuvulsh thbapprAisims.viiiii a statb-.: meat horn - Mug, of the road li 1 rondowri4tl by each corporation, and statement to show,ll First—The name of the.road or compaiV, the title of the act of lacottoristion, and Otits aupidements, with the datbotapproviil of each. pp Second—The number of shares now hild by the stockholders, and the amount actually:paid In by them as capital stock. ./ Thirtli- The length of road now owned 13 • the coin pony within the present bounds of the CH of Pitts burgh, and the position of its termhti. The statements may be delivered to either of the undersigned, or at the Mike of the City dontroller, Fourth street. Pittsburgh, and are required on or before the 4th day of flay next. . •" W. WADE. • • ' W3L DIL*OIIII44 ALEXANDER GORDON, Pittsburgh, April 23, 1868. Commisioners. ;i a 2.i [O..* DI VIDEND NOTICE:-THE PACIFIC AN ATLANTIC TEHEGRAPH ;,COMPANY OF THE UNITED STATES, having 'declared Its Eleventh Quarterly Dividend. at the rate of TEN PER CENT. PER ANNUAL' It will be paid on demand, At the office of the Secretary and Treasurer,'•etamer Sixth and :Wood atre_eill. ai23:p2,— EDWARD JAY ALLEN. Sce'y. . . Q r ELECTION NOTICEi—THE, Anndat Election for President and Dinall,os of the MONONGAHELA WATER' CO. Will be held at the 'First National Bank Of., Birming ham, on TUESDAY, May sth. 1868, between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock 1.. B. 5 ' - apMaaa3 , EDWARD MOTE, Secretary. • WANTED.. . WANTED, ' A - A SMART, INTEtLIMENT 134, Mechanical. For a pupil, and to act as .assistaut to a Mechanical. Engineer. Premium required. ..1 A Address Box 50, P. 0., Allegheny' Vitk Pa. a .16:on % AXTANTED--A GOOD GrptIMAN v v GARDNER. A sober, industrials married man, with a Small family, to take charge bt and live on a garden farm within nineteen miles of the city. There Is a good-'brick house of six room kitchen, hall and cellar, for the gardener to occupy, and to whom liberal wages will - be paid, for 0110 tbat•ls com petent and. truStwortho. For particularAdnquire of _ G. FL: TOWER. Real Estate-Agent, _ap£3:ol6 No. 164 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. • AGENTS WANTED._ • • GRAN-T;THE LIFE OF.—A new and standard, 'work, by Hon. J. T. linambkr. the popular Hlstorpuz. Send for Circular and see our terms. Addrmis or apply to A. L. TALCOTt & CO.. - - • ap20:097 6113Iarlret street, rlttsbOrgh, l'a. FOR RENT. . ; FOR RENT, .A , GOOD STOWE-ROO* . . - . . l On Smithfield street. now occupied, but man be va cated by Ist of May. • i? •, For further particulars address ~• t - , aptli :ply ' ' . E. GAZETT OFFICE. MD LET, TWO. GOOD,I)IFEMINGW, Op 47 Ohlo 'street. two doors west oiiDlastond., each containing two rooms Awistwo porctica: • • • enquire at 46 Ohio street. ap.Sl:OO7 - W. CARSON. FOR SALE FOR SALE. ' I A RIVER BOTTOM FARM OF 78 ACRES. 19 miles from the city, In Elizabeth towriahip, Alle- • gheny county, Pa., on the Youghiogheny:free, one half mile from Elrod's Station, on the Co nellsville railroad; near churches_, schools, stores, the flourishing villages of 'Paton and Green! ak. The improvements are Med-story brick hostse of six rooms, hall and cellar, a good frame bank] barn with stabling underneath, •ani - Othel outbuildings; a'well of good standing water at the door, atid 'several standing springs of water on the farm, and an or chard Of TOO trees of selected fruits of apples, cher ries, pears, peaches, quinces and grapes. !iThis prop erty being - located near the line of thd railroad, within one bouraxide of the city, znakes4t *cry de-; suable for gardChing or a' dairy farm; it is also a good and beautiful location for country blames near the city, lying immediately on the river;ion the op posite side from the railroad. The Heat Newton Ancommodation and other trains on tile railroad at ford certain. and frequent opportunittei of daily communication to and from the city. W.lll be sold as a whole or in lots of One acre or more, to stilt pur chasers. Also, A FARM:OF 173 ACRES, situated in St. Clair, township, Westmoreland county,:i Pa., near . the „of-the Pennsylvania -Railroad at, Houston Station. The improvements are a two-story frame house. with six rooms and good cellar, a frame bang. barn 40 by 80feet, and other outbuddlitgo. There is on the place a young apple and peach orchard; 1510 acres cleared land, divided into tielcia of conve nient size, a large portion of which arewell set in clover and timothy: the residue of said:Jr:Let cov ered with good timber. It is well watered and un derlaid with coal and limestone, and is convenient to churches, schools. stores, 111111 s and blacksmith shops. A real good bargain is offered Lights excel lent farm; and - with it will, be cold all, the personal property on the - premises. conslsting.qof horses, cows, stock cattle, hogs and poultry, harness, gears, ;Implement, - wagon, plows, fa r ming mplements and household, and kitchen furniture.. Together will lip sold very low anti on easy terms, to a responsible purchaser. Also, a desirable and very fertile Tract of Land of. 158 ACRES AND 25 PERCHES, In Etigotoqp Tyl.„ Allegheny county, Pa.,. on the line of tiW,liomptield railroad, and one and.onn-half miles from the Con nellsville raliVqad at Suter's 'Station. Oh this farm - are 40 acres of superior white.reak timber, which alone "snow worth one:half the price suited for the' whole( tract. The improvements are a: dog house Ironic barn, good Tenaing,•and an applelorchard o f tend fruit: - Well attired and underlaid . with bitstonranttliagittraebra superior finality, ith stone coal hitt - Ilene Ofttte `Also, The. -best MIN In 'Fairfield , : township,' Westmoreland county, Pa., of 250 ACRES, about 'six - Mlles south of the:Pennsylvania Cebtral Rail road at Bolivar Station.' . The improvements are two large hewed log 'dwellings; one of. tho,largest and best frame barns In the township; twe apple or- chants, In good bearing condition:corn ctib, wagon abed and other ontbrUldings. The. while tarn' is under a high state of aultivation: fencin all in first rate order, and the land of the beat qquaUof lime stone soil, about 200 ac;es of which Ise eleared and the residue of the tract In , good. timber, such as -white osic s .:roch. oak, hickory, walnut; and beech. This:property will be sold very cheap and ongood terms, as the owner wishes to engagehl,„othel:.busi nessr For particulars enquire of G. H. TOWER, 164 fourtliStreet. apiltoe nrjOTS .. FOR SALE--Sty . PHIAL BUILDING LOTS on Observatory, u m, scoond rd, Allegheny City, are offered for sale - Pi: ti T n b e e vi lot ew ati o o l u bo is t a b very desirable t i si e ra m b y le one, comm andi ng Is , abundanee of stone. on the ground Y soon at t pain .. servatory Building. ' TH W I 8 I el 1 0 F . F l t C A B A' : 41 l o ' D r o E i n the !l ie : u t tie of fe te nn e ye s , c 1 eD i i s 18 ..,4 : 1 l'P h C e ; i l n : I t here . .0 3 n s i c g: LAND AT Homowoon. Twenty Acres of Land - Ibr sale at TromewoOd Station _P . It. R., Immediately °RP:Nine reatdenees qf Drs. vandexortanttDejuty. an belngishe moat U lleanibla property . tor co utry restdeuiles In the county •In of P. wx% zro:;sa IFlffh"etielei or of B. E MILLEI near the premises. apl7. O AR B DI A rA L Iph '- ^..A.. II3 4 ° D II'B 4I.4LE E ITAB one 4V ene --- oHll:AORSicircrCmoirentAj6:ll(.ltwßEl:t oittrEIGHILITACr.iI42,•IBsitereeYT 13flitET us sr3tonongshela House. gorses bought an!-I_,splA onscpumisigott: a • , • GREAT SALE. - • 1•, I_ i i T re mendonS Sacrifice in Looking ] Imam . rro parat 9u to moving,' offei my eil t V? stock of A u e GILT,' PIER, and. MANTLE. L S, POR TRAIT and PICTURE FRAMES: also, in seetiaue ons styles of BEDROOM UL/t.9.18, au. , bf which mast be bold by the lst of June, :, , : ~ . ':1 , _ . 1 . Regardless. of•Costl -; i r , • Thine who aro In want or antl'arlor Gladaes and a Ant-claw elettele of One en Mork, will 40 well to gnome a lan. I 3 f 4 . -, •i J. LTEM, • • aps-rpri ‘ ' , I"110 Wood street . §:WERT MESS/NA ORANGES, of extra qualltY, Whims order. =nth sp rats Lemons, for tabs at the Vaasa room 01 nit). A. U 11 gl