P p al l il daleAliatielittiatiel6-4Orki Gold Closet, at 1.38©139X. 4,4 !8y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. I 5 , Nnw YonE, April 25, 1668. • GOLD AND MONEY. , Money easy at 6@7 per cent., the latter !eing the general rate during the latter tart of the day, and before the close it was ~ P;. apossible to lend balances at 5 per cent. Trullpaper passes freely at 7G 8. Sterling T r ull at 9g@ur for prime bills. Gold tpened at .138% and closed at 139@139N. P ans were made at 2@4 per cent. .per nnum, and 1-32 per cent for carrying to fonday, bat the st transactions were flat. ; • BANE STATEMENT. Loans, ;$252,314,627; decrease, 81,506,369. peel% 614,934,547; decrease, 61,842,095. trculation 034, 7 / 7 ,624; increase, 690943. Deposits, 64.277.624; decrease, 61,52 8 ,034. ?9 „Jegal Tenders, 653,866,757; increase, $3,033,. 7. 1 ; • +, SALE OF GOLD. i The Aasistant Treasurer to-day sold a moderate amount of gold, and was bidding ;07 for 7.30 notes, but large lots could not be sold at a hig:her rate on the street, •which prevented the Treasury from getting t iny. Export of gold for today, 6191,675; i tor the week, 81,867,219. . .. ; j;iOVEIINMENTS ' • i _.-- Arong and active; there is great activity in -20 s of '67,10-40s, and 7-30 s. Henry Clews gr, Co., furnish the annexed 440 quotations: rB6 upons of 1881, 112g@ 1 13; do.l of 1862, 11%@111%; do. 1864, 110y11@)110: do. • 8 66, noxi@tiox, new, 108 Wg' loB si; do. 7, 109©109y,f; 1040 s, 1023 : M 3102 X; 7-30 s, 07%®107y„. 1 - RAILWAY STOCKS , „__ Railway market "-_ buriyabt, active and ir iiigher.Central sold up, to 12,6 g, with Wavy d alings. Erie touched' at 71 1 ,i4. estern shares are all firm and nerally pi her, articularly Rock Island North Nifestern, preferred and Wabash Border 3tats, bonds steady. Miscellaneous and E.xpreis shares steady. The borrowing de mand for New York• Central was very ac lie throughout the day, owing to thdlarge Uncovered short interest in stock, . and loans.were flat. 1 Following are 5:30 prices: Canton, 43X® 09; Cumberland, 32®33; Wells Express, 28 rf 2Bg; American, 59g 4 ®59, , "Adams, 6.1 g • liii UniUnitedStates, 59y 4 ®60; Merchants nion • 31g®31%; Quicksilver,26g®26 y 4; aripiisa, 7®B; Pacific . Mail, 1314®94; At lantic, 30®33; Westerri Union Telegniph, .F a @/37g; Erie, 903; M ®90%; preferred; X® 5; Hudson,l36®l36g; .Harlem, _120®128; ieferred, 20; Reading., 90%®90%; Ohio d Mississippi, 31g®3134; Wabash, 50N® 1; St. Paul 63®63g; preferred, 76®76g; Michigan Central,' 115g®115;4; Michigan uthern, 89®9_; Illinois Central, 143®144; t Itsburgh, 81% ®81, 8 1 v; Toledo, 10434 ®104y 4 ; k Island, 94g®94g; Northwestern, 61 3 / 4 , 62; preferred, 74X ®7 , IU; *Fart Wayne, , 402g®103; Hartford and Erie,l4%®ls; Chi cago and Alton, 127; Missouri, 823t1; New Tennessee, 67g.' I Mining shares' dull, Quartz Hill sl s 0. ! i ' Receipts at the Sub Treasury to-day, $l,- ,6f3,513, for the, week $10,595.993. Pay . 4nents to-day were $1,802,574, for the week inports $8,502,049. Balance 6106,843,822. , *oi. the - week,', -Dry goods $1,137,146. ;General merchandize, $4,419,368. Cincinnati Market. ' f Q;;By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] . CINCINNATI, April 25.—Plour . and Wheat ..l i firm but prices remain unchanged. Corn . ps in demand and prices are higher, Ear at •t , 91a92; shelled at 95c. Oats fi rmer, supply ~ i s light, and prices higher, closing at 80c for .!.,No. 1. Rye is firm but quiet, No. il is held • .at $2,10. Barley unchanged and 'firm. •.Cotton firmer and holders asking" 31c, but this rate beim above the views of buyers, ,there was nothing done, Tobacco firm and • l in demand. Good Whisky is unchanged. .IProvhsions firmer but demand is not active. Mess Pork 28c. Lard held at 12c, but Ithere Was not much demand and not enough 4 done to establish quotations. Bulk- Meats iheld firmly at 12% and 15c • for Shoulders ]and Sides, but these rates were yo above the views of buyers. Bacon firm but quiet; Shoulders 13/c;' Clear Rib Sides 16y,,a16,/c; Clear Sides 17yo 1734 e;. Outside rates being those asked. A. good - demand for Sugar Cured Hams at 19ya20c. Butter dull. , at # 30a35c for White, and 38a40c for choice Yel e low. Eggs firmer and in demand at 21a220 4.,. Groceries unchanged and firm. Linseed Oil at $1,24 arid dull. Lard Oil at $1,40a 1,45. Beef Cattle scarce and in %nand at $5,50a8,50. Hogs firm at 9aloc for fat. Gold firm at $1,383ic buying. wr. Chicago Market. CBg Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ' ', • CnroAuo, April 25.—Flour in good ship ping demand, forn4er sales at 48,6234a11,15 for spring extras. Wheat, good specula tive, fair shipping inquiry %ale higher; sales No, 1. at 1247%418, and No. 2at f2,04y,a2,073(; closing steady and firm at $2,07 for No. 2. Corn; fairly and active; sales Ne.l at 853404336 c; No. 2 at 83, jiaB4c; new at 833;a8434q and relected - 83yot83y,c; closing at 86!. a6534e; for No. 1 84a8434e for rejected. Oats, quiet and le lower; sales at 11.613;x62% for regular and fresh receipts; closing;at 62y i e for regular. Rye, steady and quiet at $1,17a1,90 in store. Barley, inactive and nominally unchanged. Pro visions, firmer; mess pork active at 50a57c per bbl; higher sales at $27,25a27,28 for mess; ordinary sold at 27c. Lard, qnlet and firmer at go higher; sales at 173;c. Dry,, salted shoulders 11 3 / 4 aL2c. Sweet pickled, hams steady and firm at .16Nal7c. Remipts=7,43s bbls of flour 12,460 bushels of wheat; 84,465 bushels of corn; 33,694 bushels of oats. Shipments-4,971 bbls of flow; 19,274 bushels of wheat; 57,998 bush els of corn; 2,800 bushels of oats, . St. Louis Market. CB y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Sr. Louis, April 25.—Tobaceo unchanged. Cotton firm at 300. Hemp unchanged. Flour dull, unchanged and every little do ing. Wheat active and stiff at $2.00a2,80 for winter, $2,05a2,15 for spring, Corn dull ti r ad lower. at 83a87c. Oats firm at 70a73c. e steady' at' $1,82a1,85. Barley $2,60a -2, O. Provisions firm with an upward ten- dency. Pork; sales at . $2B. Bacon; shoul ders 137013%c; clear sides 17,018 c. -Lard firm at Pk for prime kettle. Live Stock unchanged. Receipts—Flour 3,800 bbls; wheat, 17,400'bush; corn, 21,3430 bush; oats 9,580 bush; barley, 800 bush; rye • 100 bush.' Phiadelphia CBZ Telegraph to the Plttehurgb Gazette.] YPILADELPHIA, April 25.—Clover seed ssa6. Flax seed'. $2,90. Flour • very firm and active: , Wheat in' good demand ; red $3, and white $8,154,25. Bye $2,10a2,20. Corn in good demand . ; lades AOOO bush yel low at 11,23 ; mixed western $1,22. Oats steady at 85,0 for. ; heavY western. , Provis ions unchanged. Louisville Market. ISY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh easetteo LonimuLLE, April 2.l—Tobacco quiet; sales 165 likds at $5,00a18;00 for lags` to me dium leaf. Flour; supertlne," . $8,50a8,75. Wheat, $2,5502,65. Oats, 78a80c. Corn, .88 a93c. Rye, 82,10a2,15. Lard, 18a1.814e, Mess P0rk,,j28,00a28,25. Bacon, shoulders, 13%c; clear sides. 173;a18c. Whiskey; raw' free, t 42,20. ,• • Baltimore Market. BALinsons, April 25.—Flour quiet and unchafiged. Wheat firm; -red, $2,90a8;15. Corn dull at $1,08a1,10; yellow firm at 81,20 a 1,22. Oats dull; Western, 80c. Rye n flrm at $2,10a2,17 . Pork firm; messeffeB,94, 28,51 Bacon aniet and unchanged. Lard firm at 19Xa111%c. Memphis fillarket. MEttrlna,'Aprif 25. _Cotton firm at 813 ar-o; receipts, 105 bales, eaßoits, 08 bales. Flour dull and nominal. Bann--shot I. ders l3Mc, clear sides 18)0b.nlk shouldrma 123i0, clear sides 16V,. 'Ara...m 4 at/NC Corn 970. Oats 75a780. Pay 11. 1 47* • ' J J: ~~: ]r:~W,~-`;:sunrr:s l~iluc~ai'lDe~ -~:v. s , ~ •.-:,,,, -_ (By Telegraph to 'Pittsburgh Gazette 3 - Iturraw,April2.s.—Floursteady. Wheat nominal., Corn quiet, with sales of 4,406 bus new western, in lots, at railroad eleva tor, at $103; 2 cars of new Toledo trans ferred. Oats quiet, with sales of 2,600 bus western at 76c. Barley dull. Pork firm and unchanged. Lard steady and un changed. Seeds dull. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Csicwoo, April 25.—Live hogs opened more active and closed dull and easier, sales at f9,25a9,45 for light to good and smooth lots. Beef cattle dull, sales, $6,123 a 7,50 for medium to fair. Receipts-2,252 live hogs. Shipments-4,641 live hogs. PITTSBURGH, PT. WANE AND CIUCAGO RAILROAD, Apr1125.,-16can metal, Nimick & Co'; . s do do, Jas Wood; Son & Co; 13 do do, Bryan & Caughey; 3 bbls apples, W H Graff; 1 car staves, kf PAdams ft Bro; 3 sks ram 1, kg lard, T C Jenkins; 87 sks oati, Meanor & , Harper; 43 bbls pearls, Fry & Semple; 2 cars lumber, J Nanz &Co;.1 car hay, E W . Tabor; 22 ban cheese, Graff & Reiter; 15 do do, J B Canfield & Son; 10 do do, W Cooper; 6 sks wool, W,Barker Jr; 19 bbhi rye flour, C B Leech; 150 doz handles, J C Kleen; 1 bbl eggs, W J Steel it Bro; 5 do do, Graff & Reiter; 34 sks rags, McCul lough, Smith & Co; 100 bola flour, J Hinkle 25 bdls wheels, Mawhinney & Co; 250 pigs lead, B L FahnestObk Co; `I car millfeed,_ H Schnelback; 100 bbls flour, owner; 100 do do, J B Doe. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILRO4D, April 25-4 cars ore, Shoenberger di., Blair; t 2do do Lloyd (t, Black; 4' do do, Graff, Bennett & Co; Ido stone, J Knox; 128 sks 13otatoes, 80 jugs molasses, Vangorder ik Shepard; 1 car lumber, Burgan tt Cox; 214 green hides, Springer, Harbangh is Co; 2 cars pig iron, Union Iron Mills; 1 do do, Cambria Iroh Co; 112 green hides, D.Har baugh &Co; 50 bbls 0111, Wm McCutcheon; 10 bbls glass. Wm McCully; 6 coils wire, Western Union Telegraph Co; 5 bbb3 knobs, Jones, Nimiek & Co; 2 bbls dry peaches,2 molasses,kgs lard, J Dab; 50 jugs mass T C Jn kins; 13 sks oats, 5,500 ft scantling; J M Seibert. • PITTSBURGH COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD, April 25.-1. car staves, Di P Adams; 5000 ft - lumber, .1 D Odell; oar mid dlings, S B Floyd; 2 cars staves, CO Smith; 5 bbis vinegar, Shomaker & Lang; 10 do' do. R Bobison & Co; 1 ear staves, Charles Albright; 45,000 ft lumber, J D Odell; 1 ear staves. C C Smith; 220.' sks. flour, 9,000 lbs feed, Stewart it , Langenheim; r 2 bas tools, Jos Woodwell; 28 sks potatoes, Graff & Reiter; 8 bbls apples, Voight, Mahood & Ce; 24 sks oats, Meanor & Harper; 13 sks oath, C H Love; 20 sks rye, McHenry &Hoed; 11 kitts butter, W H Gaza. Amman:Wm VALLEY RArratosn, April 25.-6 cars railroad iron, Pitts, Ft W & C It R; 2 do limestone, Shoenberger & Blair; 1 car pig iron, H Woodsides; 2 do metal, McKnight, Porter & Co; 12 sks scraps, .1 sk cow tails, Flacons & Son; 1 car metal, lot old copper, 2i Pluitun; 4 calves, 6 sheep, J Hoffman;.3 bag mdse, Henderson &Bro; 16 sks rye,Kell & Ritchart; 2000 hoop, McClin tock; 2 bbls rags, McCullough, Smith & Co; 21 empty hp, Fahnestock & Co; 2 cars marketing, owners. , ALLEGHENY STATION, April. 25.-9 bbls whisky, Isaacs Stern; 4 bbls • molasses, S Dyer; 4 cars limestone,Superior Iron Co; 1 car staves, J M Hemphill; 1 bbl bacon, Kohen & Bro; 6 hhds tobacco, R & W Jen kinson; .100 bbls flour, Stewart & Lanuen beim; 2 carslumber,Ralya & Robertson; 40 jugs maple molasses ' J Craig; 1 car lime, Gillespie &Co; 2 cars lumber, C C Boyle. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD. April 24.135 bills paper, Maakle k Co; 182 coils 'r ope, Fulton,Boll man & Co; 196 bdls sheet iron, IV eCrm strong; 26 rolls - leather; 16 sks hair, IV F McLaughlin; 316 bp glass 'Michaels & Co; 20 sks oats, 20 do rye, Robl;& Herron; 1 bbl tallow, Reed & Johnston. PENNSYLVANIA ,CENTRAL RAILROAD, April-24.-15 rolls leather, GN Hoffstott; 16 eke barley, Z - Wyinwright; 1 ba butter, S S Marvin; 3 bbls potatoes, Voight, Mahood & Co; 5 bbls flopr, W D West. The marks have become so obliterated by the recent freshets that it is impossible to tell accurately the , stage of water, and we would suggest. to the wharfmaster that he have the figures touched up again, so as to make-them intelligible. As near as we could guess, there was about five feet two or three inches by thelibmongatiele marks last evening, and about six feet in the Alle gheny. The weather yesterday was clear : and pleasant, and it looks now as though Spring bad set in for good. The Kate Putnam, from St. Louis, Xngo. mar, from Wheeling, and towboat Liberty have arrived, and the St. Marys was due hut night, and will doubtless be found in port this , morning. A new boat called the Mountain Boy, built at Brewnsville, we believe, for Capt. Smithers and others, of GallopoLb3, was at the landing yesterday. She appears to Ns about completed. • The following boats were in port last evening: America, Argosy, Kate Putnam, Glendale, Kate Robinson, Loretta, New York, Camelia, Ingomar, Mountain Boy. The Delaware cleared on Saturday after noon for Nashville, with a very good trip, apparently, having about all the freight she could take. She has been a long time picking it up, however. The St. Marys, Capt. T. C. Sweeny, is the regular packet for Cincinnati to-day, leav ins. promptly at 4p. m., and we hope she will. receive, as she deserves, a good trip. She is a large and elegant side-wheeler in all respects adapted for the trade - she ie in and her officers are men of experience and character. . The Lorena, Capt. Shuman, will be the first boat out for St. Louis and the Kate Robinson will be the first,boi l it out for Lou isville. The Wild Duck. Barges, Captain Anawalt, are tilling up steadily i for Saint The Mary - Davage return" ed to' the:wharf on Friday night, and it is thought that she will have her -wheel repaired- so as to' be able to start again to-morrow. Her barOs are doWn somewhere in the neighborhood of where the accident occurred.. The Glendale, Captain T. H. Hare, with thaiVetetradCaptain •Jas. Mellon in the of fice, is up for St. Louis and,the Uppe.r.Mis shasippi forthwith. The Argosy* as , the Wednesday packet for Cincinnati. and foes gangers and shippers should bear this in Mind. The steamer Starlight was bunced'at Al giers, opposite, New Orleans on Thursday' last, and of course. a total loss. She was Insured in Cincinnati offices for 312,000, as= follows, In the Enterprise, Citizen's, Boat man's, Eureka, Crescent, Germania, Queen City, and . - Merchants. She:. was owned by Capt. B. F:Dityldsenend Others, of Cinclu nati, and was valued at 318,000. The tewboat"A. J. Baker left Louisville on Wednesda3r for New Orleans. The Col-, Bei passed ownoyerthe falls theirs:tie day with a tow. We undeistand that the Mary -Alio!: was to take. the Colliers' tow from there to• New Orleans. , • The Mary Ann arrived with a tow:the same day which the Simpson timer will take from New, Albany foSew Orlealts• Thompson,Eso. edito , f r or o : f pni th e e likri e e m r p iv ms er and comm er cial B_uattin, has:severed his ' connection with that paper. G.4G. , Hough, Esci.,',succeeds" to the imsition. ,4• - 4 4 • ' The Armadillo, from SalpidsPitts burgh, and the importer, and Lognlidatti from Pltli i bur i#4 oB tlLeuta r ,Were at Cairo 'on Thu:lday. 1. ThoSt.',Tiltarii. OuiehlAsti *no:: - bun& in'Thursgq' with is •_gon i n ., ettitilrig 10017sl i e !S4rillA Tbe cbrilY =EIS MIME _•r'e , Chicago Cattle Market. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD, RIVER NEWS. =II PI.TTSI3I:TROII, TTE :.,;11c0.11.4; APIIII,- -27,..1868. a:ttYse~ti'ee"'advert! e~lO follow on Friday. A St. Louis telegrain, under date of Thursday, says: The upper rivers are steadily falling. Business active. The Emma left for Pittsburgh lass night with a full carge engaged. The Melnotte leaves to-eay. The Sunflower leaves Satnrdey for Louisville, she flndtng no encouragement to enter the Vicksburg trade. The Urilda leaves to-day for Benton, and Ida Rees on Saturday. The Commonwealth extensive improvements are completed. She leaves Saturday for New Orleans. The Republic leaves to-night. The Wananita left Omaha for Pittsburgh at two o'clock yesterday afternoon. A telegram from. Helena, on says the Missouri is very low, al Benton. It is feared boats' ust transfer their eargo6 at Muscle Shell. We clip the following from the Dubuque Herald of the 21st: It appears from what we can learn, that rates have settled down to 13 cents per hundred pounds on grain to St. Louis, and 40 cents on flour, charged by regular line and wild boats. The Peter Balen came in from below Sunday evening without freight. She returned from here with 100 sacks of oats at 52 cents per sack, and went to Galena to fill out. The Mes senger came in from above with 4000 sacks of wheat for Cincinnati, and received here 100 sacks oats for St. Louis, and 1000 pigs lead for Pittsburgh. Captain D. B. Morehouse, of Galena, who died at Buffalo,lowa, on Sunday last, was a native of Putam cottnty, New York,and went to Galena on the 31st day of March, 1827, more than forty.• years ago. Young Morehouse and Dr. H. Newhall left Saint Louis on the same boat for Galena--the In diana. She .could not get over the low** rapids, and at Keokuk, after encampting there for some ten 'days, they got on boatil of a keelboat. -Morehouse continued on the boat till she arrived at ~Adena. More house engaged as olerk''tbr a mining com pany, at the head of which was ,Parker & Tilton, in whose employ he remained for some time, till he went into partnership with Mr. Guyard, tinder the firm 'name of. Guyard, Morehouse & Co. In ••1835, and before that time, he was in company with Geo. W." Campbell, now of Chicago, under the firm name of Campbell & Morehouse, which was dissolved perhaps in 1838. Mr. Morehouse,. for many years afterwards, fol lowed the river as the owner and comman der of various steamboat running between Galena and St. ipuis and. St. Louis and New Orleans. Rivera and Weather. tRy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazete.] LOUISVILLE ' April 2.s.—River falling slowly, with 9feet 2 inches in the canal by mark. Weather cloudy and wet. ST. Louis, April 25.--Weather wet; rain ing all day. MISCELLANEUS. VARIOUS KINDS OF GUNPOWbER; MANUFACTURED. BY THE HAZARD POWDER COMPANY, ARTHUR KIRK, Agent, 001ce, 1151 and 114-FEDERAL STREET, CANISTER POWDER Electric Nos. 1,2, 0, 4 and 5 grain. in ..4•lttare Canisters, 1 lb. ear American !Sporting, In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each Dusk Shooting, Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4 grain, in • Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each Indian Rifle, In Oval Canisters of I lb. each.... Kentucky RUM, In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each Kentuckyß 'file, In Oval Canisters of 3i lb. each (Zone lb. Oval Canisters in a case.) (50 half lb. do. do. do.) KEG POWDER. Kentucky Rifle, FTFO, FFO. and "'Sea Shoot- lug" ra, in kegs, - ZS lbs Kentucky Ride, Yrs% Frd. and "Sea Shoot ing" Fa' ikkegs,l2S Ms • Kentucky =fle,.l7lro, PPG, and "Sea -Shoot ing" Fa. in kegs, /gibs Deer Powder, In kegs, M lbs • Mining and Shipping Powder. Mining P s Fr, and FIT grain, net cash, In kegs. ZS lbs Safety Fuse for Blasting, of superior quality, in package/ of fa feet and over Delivered free of expense on board of Boat 'or Railroad, In Pittsburgh or Allegheny. trdell:c3B OFFICE or TUE TAM/MUM OP ALLROITENT CO., / I.'I.7I6IIETUCM. Ist, 1869. TN 1 4 111tfiV4NCE of the 21st Sec tion of an Act relating to Allegheny county, alt= proved theist day of May,.1661, and of the amend ment to said section, approved the 30th day of March, 1800, I hereb y give notice that the Dupli cates of the several Wards. Boroughs and Town ships WILL BE OPEN and I will be prepared to receive the County, State, Poor, Wori•house and Bounty Taxes, for 1868. On and after the Ist day of May. 1868, said taxes .can be paid at this office until the Ist day of August, With a • Deduction of Five Per Cent. 'Discount for prompt .)oayment, to any persons paying the WHOLE AMOUNT of their taxes. There will be no deduction allowed during the month of August. There will be TEN PER. CENT. ADDED to all taxes remaining unpaid on the let day of September, 1.868: - J. F. DENNISTON, mh3Lnoll Treasurer df Allegheny County. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRAC- Sealed Proposals will be received by the Board of School Directors of the Fifth Ward et the City of Allegheny, up to the 30 it DAY OF APRIL, for Building a Public Schaal House IR said ward. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Messrs. BARR & MOSER, Nos. l & 4 St. Clair street, Pittsburgh. The' Directors reserve the right of rejecting any or all bids, Rtid requiring security for the faithibl performance o undersignedt. • - Address the at No. 10 St. Cralr St., or Box 3151, Pittsburgh 'P. 0., marking "Propo sals., on outside of envelopes. 'By Order of the Board. aP15:044 . JUHN. . PARKE, President. IDITTSBUIWII PAPER •DIAlifU.• 4. FACTORING COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. CLINTON MILL -- STEUBENVILLE, Onto. BRIGHTON MILL — NEW. BRIGHTON, PA. , . . OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, No. 82 Third Street; Pittsburgh, Pa. 01,tCattS—AUGUST lIARTjE President. JNO.M. LIVINGSTON, Treasurer: SAMUEL RIDDLE; Secretary. •• DIRECTOBIP‘AuiPst Hartle, John Atwell, S. H Burman,' John B. LlvlngtOn. , • • Cash paid for ' , Auer Stock. - • • .. . ;JOHN. PECH„ Ornamental Hair . HAIR 'WORREICAND PERYInfEIi, No. 92 oarth street.; one:door from,Wood. Pittsburgh. , Atwell imud,_ a I , eneral assortment of Ladles , WIGS, ANDS, CURLS; Gentlemen's WIGS, S'O. PEES, CALPS. ULTARD CHAINS. BRACELETS, ' gar A. good Price In cash wilt' be given for RAW HAIR. .Ladies , and Gentle:Real Hai r. Cutting done I the neatest manner. , • nflithul , . tocusr tiTHEET. Notice is hereby.giveu that the Viewers , Report In the matter of opening LOCUST STREET, Alle gheny, has been used In the District Court, et No. on, April Term, 1868, and Will be confirmed un- . less exceptions are tiled InAn2pe r time. HY C. IifcCOMBS ' aoI7:OSD • ; City Attorney n SH VF o iti o i3 i acie . re . 50 • •• 0. • dot • Nos. da• 200 ht. do:Nos. I,4llitlid 3 .1f ackerel; 45 kites No. 131isekerel: 500 halt bbls:lntke Herring; 180 (181: 1; rprlllte,fli4; , • In store, for mile ny , ; SC BOSIAKER - 110 LANR.z intim . 17X and 174 Wood street, M-10 0 .11AILE ... ,'• ' , ..,,, , ~ . , ..,,, r ,,:-.- - 500 boabi L .Ne. illerlng'Wheilf.; --.. • 200 " Re yiluter Wheat;, For : : 000 ". 33 ; . II owl , , ,41 , 160- 'V 1- eltye;>.... - : , , i!.. - ..0 . ~. -, #9-iiiimtvol.-1 1 L 4. , rgielli6l.-.411110. g :PAO A. g.whg AgeciA retail, at th e . dis bber De, eet,., zoci and Pi. clale street. -.. .45 .: - '.. " '''''" ' ,_ .J. , ..., PHILLIPS. ,itt ;Ci MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS; J. W. MeCULLOUGH Gto. D. Moonn, Master BAYARD TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, A. S. Sintrunitn, Muter t , - 'WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, GREY EAGLE C. L. BRENNAN, Master Freight will be received avail hours by ark . JAMES COLLINS, Agent. ' AtLEGUENY, PA. THE CREAT ARABIAN PHYSICIAN A. TREATS JILSEASES IN ALL ITS FORMS. ]P., Office, N 0.293 Liberty Street. 3 PRIVATE EN TRANCE ON GARRISON ALLEY. inb2l:n4l SECURITY AND COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. J. IL HARRIti . SAOETtIIKE JACKET, Car Heater and 'Moderator , rorEBICtliE AND IMT AIR FLURS.r dispensing with the use of Steves and Fires 'in or about the Passenger or Baggge Cars, with the attachment to' . graduate this heat to MIT telliPerature that may be desired without the possibility. of-tiring the car or dare to which the Jacket may be attached_. Raving obtained of, be United States. Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jacket 'Which Is warranted to resist the Most intense heat that may be whined .to It in the position and purpose for which It Is intended. it lea sure protection from accidents by fire origi nating from defective fines, or whore iron pipes are use 4 AS conductors for smoke or heat. It is appli plicable to all piping that may become overheated, And is warranted to give perfect - satisfaction where wood or other combustible material may be placed in close proximity thereto, I am now ready to ap ply my invention to stores, dwellings, peterles,. :ships, steamboats,' railroad earl; &e., wherever pipes as conductors are, made dangerous by being overheated and securitydesised. I will sett, on ap plication, rights to mataufinntire or to use the above • invention; also, territorial tihts, to such as may wish to engage In.sellling prlv j eges , either by State or county. "Apr Office at the "liE PLUS ULTRA PAINT (WORKS," corner of 3forris street and the Alleghe ny Vela Railroad, NiUthlVard, Pittsburgh, Pa. , . TKO GLASS ' MANITIPACTUDEItS.-- The undersigned hailing seen td the sole Ageni• r the sale of tne celebrated COPL/PY row CLAY. ; Are now propared to furnish It to any quantity_ : those wishing to procure this superior article. D ring fifteen years use of this Clau, wohave arrive d. St such proportions as we belle)* mit/Os-it a hetter • 'article for pots than any In the ,market, .vre baring secured an interne stand of six; =Girt and • TIM worn's. We will Welsh recolpes for the ProPur-: tion of the mixture af thls Clay to 'perilous' Puruous• in e t The Clay is ground and moulded :mumps_ for ; • 111TREITICItS. 4S • • s• r ' Port outs Works - Wobil#B4w Street, rusonuib, . SBOATS. FOR CINCINNATI. THURSDAY PACKET—AT 12 at The new and splendid side-wheel steamer J. N. M'CULLOUCH, G. D. MOORE D. MOORE ... The above elegant side-wheel steamer will leave regularly as announced, connecting at Cincinnati w Packets and Railroads to Louisville, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans and St. Lords. .Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri ri less. Freight or passengers receipted through either by rail or river. Especial attention given to Orders and Way Business. JLIN 1 {Agents. For freight or passage apply on I board or to C AS. HAS.C OL BARNES. c w i ilarEszt & HASLETT, -4-9 • • Forwarding and Commission Merchants, • • AND GENERAL STEAMBOAT ACENTS, . . . Con Market slid Water tits. Pittsburgh. • • W We TER N e UNION z PACKET CO t MPA "NNYO,R TH , tween St. Louis and St. Pau ; also for the "ST. LOUIS I QUINCY PACKET 'OMPANY." . Freights RECEIPTED TFI OUGH by either of the above lines at the LOWE RATES. Shippers entrusting goods to our care can rely on having them handled with care and de ivered with dispatch. We are also agents for steamers to Cincinnati, Louisville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all other points on the Western waters. .. ap23 CI NCINNATI 412 Mb PACKET ];`or Wheeling, Barlett., Parkersburg, _Pomeroy, Callioptpl , Big Sandy, Ironton, Portsmouth Maysville and Cincinnati. SL MARYS T. 0. SWEENT, Master MONDAYS, 3 P. M. ST. CHARLES FRIDAYS, 6 P. M. • The labove elegant side-wheel steamers will leave regularly as announced, connecting at Cincinnati with Packets and Railroads to Louisville, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans and St. Louis. Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. refight or passengers reecipted through either by rail or river. Especial attention given to Orders and Way Busi• noes. . BARNES & COLLINS. OHRIEST & HASLETT. Agents. pITTSBURGH, WHEELING, Marietta and Parkersburg .Line. Leave Company's Wbarfboat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, at 1511 M A LLEGHENTY RIVER j a giMt 21., PACKET LINE leaves every TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, At 3 o'clock P. N., from the foot of Ti win street This line is composed of the following boats: IDA REES No. 2 s IL REES, Master, W. F. STEW ART, Clerk. ECHO No. 3, E. GonooN, Master, A. D. Rus skm., Clerk. • The above Boats were built expressly for the trade, have superior accommodations and attentive 0111- cers. • mh24 DITTEMIIRGII AND ST. LOUIS BARGE CO.—FOR ST. UIS..•The WILD DUCK BARGES....Capt„.L W..ANAW.ALT, THURSDAY, APRIL '3orit .For freight apply on board or to CHAS. BARNES, 1 apN JAS. COLLINS. (Agents. FOR ST. LOUIS, DU-z a gEg lIIIQUE, ST. PAUL, and the intermediate ports, in connection with the North ern Line.—The tine passenger steamer LORENA Capt. SAM. SIWMAN, Will leave. for the above and all Intermediate ports THIS DAY-4 P. M. For frulglit or passage apply on board or to JOHN FLACK. a2_22 Or. J. D. COLLINGWOOD. Agents REGtrLAIt WEDNES 7 z i dag DAY PACKET 'FOR CINCIN I.—The Uric warner ARGOSY um:intr.; W. H. Scull Clerk s leaves Pittsburghfor Cincin nati every WEDYLSDAY at noon. ' C. BARNES. 1 Agent s . - S. COS iniel JOHN.FLACK., SOB CINCINNATI AND 11 LOMSVILLE.—The steamer KATE ROBINSON Capt. itOBT. RoßuisoN, Will leave as above on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29-4 r. 3r. Far freight or passage apply on board or to JOHN FLACK, ap2s J. I). COLLINGWOOD. Agents VOW ST. LOVIB_, KEO- zi egr il e KUK (lALELA . DUBUQUE AND ST. PAUL.—The Line steamer GLENDALE J. IL HARE, Master, Will leave as above announced on WEDNESDAY, APRIL AGth. For freight:or passage apply on board. ap2s OILS.' - WARDTG AND KING, Commission Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBIIRGH, PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. Commander Clerk TACK KnivrificKs, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittsburgh Office—DALZELL' BUILDING, cor ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia Office-127 WALNUT ST. JACOB WEAVER:, Jr. & CO., tJ Oil Commission Jobbers, NO. 3 DUQUESNE WAY;I will bny and sell Crude hod Refined - 011si Lubricating, War, Benzine and Cooperage. Our long experience In the Petroleum trade enables us to offer unusual facilities and In ducements to operators. As heretofore, we are de termined to make it the interest of buyers and sel lers to give us a call. Parties having 011 s for sale are cordially Invited to bring their samples. apern94 • Il e M. LONG & MANTTFACTIIRERS OF PURE WHITE EVENING OIL, Brand--„f 4 LUCIFER." Office, No.. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. INE. .1. C. HOFFUM...C. A. AMIEW. .W.. 11: WHITEHEAD SOHO OIL svpitimi. liSanufacture and ' llave fur sale all kinds of LUBRICATING OILS.„. No. IST. CLAIR STREET. ECFPCH. KEHEW h CO. C. A. DRAW!), Master /19 s $ flp) 534 ;TO : . STZELE M STEELE & SON, Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED, dr..e. No. 98 01110 STEVE ..near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES B. MEANOM JOS. HARPER MEANOR & HARPER, `FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE •1•1 J, _ lO 9 (zlz) 000110 • D. ) , ; Consignments solicited. • , RLFERENCES—J. G. ,Martin, Cashier Mechanics , National Bank; J. h. Dilworth & Co., B. T. Ken nedy & Bro. yJa3l:l24 PETER 11.1Z1L JAS. P. RICIIARI. KEIL. RICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c., $4O Liberty St., Pittsburgh, • my 2 I .1337 LJ. BLANCHARD, - • • apl6:x63 ALEX: ST'LtANE. ' • J 11. ANJE.II PHAN E ANJER, M COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR. GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY. No. 141 WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. jes MNETZER & AIiASTRONG, Jl2 • _ FORWARDING AND 00111ESSION mzecritems, For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit. and Produce generally, No. 16 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. fe22:uB QHOIILIKER 64 LANG, Whipie kJ' sale dealers in Groceries, Flour, Grain, Pro duce, Provisions. Fish, Cheese, Salt, Carbon • Oil, Nips. 173 7* and 1 WO A D STREET, near Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. noS:ns6 JOHN' I. 1101168......E0W. HOUSE ' WM. 11. HOUSE. 4 - 01 I N I. HOUSE & Suc cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., .Wholesale racers and' Commission Merchants, Cgrner of Stalthdeld and Water Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. RIDDLE, No. 183 LIBERTY • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission lifer cljt and Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gan erally. audi ROOT. KNOX ANDREW ENO.] AtKNOX & SON, COMINISSIOIi ',MERCHANTS and dealers in FLOUR, GRAI2 A L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, Ni 19 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny Clt3 JAG:KC FW.CRAWFORD, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN PIG 3SETAL,. BLOOMS, , WROUGHT SCRAP IRON, FIRE BRICK AND CLAY &c. Warehouse and Office, Nos. 386 and 388 PENN STREET. Storage furnished. Consignments solicited. oca' ITTLE, BAIRD &,. PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and eaters In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 112 and 114 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. ETB. CANFIELD & SON, COM . MISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, -Lard, Pork. Bacon, Floor, Fish. Pot and Pearl Ashes, and 011 s, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Nos. 144 and 146 Front street; Plus burgh. . JOHN SHAPTON A. WALLACE. HIP'rON & WALLACE WHOLE SALE GROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, No. 6 SIXTH STREET. I%olurch. 1a12:r58 TO WHEAT GROWERS. EUREKA A3EMONIAM) BONE, SUP. -PHOSPHATE OF LIME, 61.A.NURACTURED BY The Allegheny Fertilizer Co., SEWARD A CAMPBELL, 1: 1 1 - 1,01 w itrETOrtig, Office, 856 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. lebes i rle g usem ig rec izdiy aersgoiag;iniealal,lMeae stand rdria ie l j g Pll: O ttort, rctlte, crepe Wheat, g ret iilihrfltiWitTngliehUnigtitereliniatatesteluirthl3ertier,cotlo which will be sent freo to any, sending us their ad dress. --- TO LIVERPOOL QUENSTOWN.., THE INDIAN MALL STEADISIgPS, Numbering sixteen first-class vessels, among them the celebrated CITY OF PARIS, ;,CITY OF ANTWEPP. CITY OF BOSTON. CITY OF BALTIMORE, CITy OF LONDON'. Sailing EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 4b, North River, New York. For passage or In rther Informa tion apnly to • WILIJAM BINCIII.OI, Jr., e'..) FIFTIISTREET, (Chronicle Ilnilding,) . , . 'Nearly opposite PostDDlco, Pittsburgh. SILVER IIVES4O- 7 We shall, a few days, send agent to Silver 'Mountain, 8.10.10, to develope• ten 'different Lodes of Silver Ore, discovered and located by experienced ruiners andMtuated in an unusually rich minin6dletriet. It is intended to hsve them fully developed before . going to- the expense' or erestlng bal ngs, nu , culecry, &c. For this developmeut the opißp,..j.. itta gl er n n ie u t l ight l in a ? l rmV= 4 , 4l ":43A rtes ! Q AlC:„ •tbotinir as; the, plwltt•o—lit 1.-A - . 1 - N - & co' tuulticulars apply us- =, B. e law • - lAA Fourth4strast. EM 329 LIBERTY STBEET, PITTS/W.128H Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET FERTILIZERS STE.ADISHIPS • • - • - • ,'"--'71P7844:4- IpIPTTSBilliGHand JL CONNELLEMLLLE R. R.MigiliM • On and after THURSDAY, March sth, 1868 trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, cor ner of Grant and Water streets, as follows: -Depart. Arrive. Hail to and from Union t'n. 7:00 A. sr. 6:00 r. x. :McKeesport Accommodt '21.11 :00 A. M. 2:05 r. West M. Newtonm Unionrn. 3:00 r. at. 10:00 A. M. Accommorrn 1:30 r. sr. 8:35 A. M. Braddockts Accommodat* n 5i15 r. 31. 7:50 r. 3/. Night Ace. to 31 clieesport.10:30 r. 31. 6:40 A. H. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newt0n........ 1:00 r; 3E. 10:00 A. at. For tickets apply t i J. R. KUNO, Ageit: . ' W. B. STOUT, Super ntendent. mhs ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. Y DIRECT ROUTE TO TILE OIL REGIONS. Running through to Venango City without change of cars-Connecting with trains East and West on the Warre.. & Franklin Railroad, and Atlantic & Great Western Railways. Shortest and quickest route to Oil City and Franklin, and all points in the 011 Regions. On andiafter April 21301, MS, Passeriger Trains will leave from and arrive at the . Pittsburgh Depot, corner Canal anthrike Sts. as follows: Depart. Arrive. Nall to and I'm Venn City. 7:00 A. M. 0:15 P. f. Express " . 10:40 P. 31.12:95 A. M. Brady" s Bend Accommod'n 3:00 P. it. 10:20 A. M. Soda Works Accona'n 530 r. 7:55 A. First Hutton Accentod'n... S:5O A. 4.f. - 1140 A. m. Second Milton Accomod'il 12:00 M. 3:55 P. M. Sunday Church Train leaves Soda Works at 8:05 A. is., arriving in Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. M. .44- turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. M., arriving at Soda Works at 9:55 p. H. BLACKSTONE, Sup't. • IV. F. lIOPE, Ticket Ag t a pp 1868. Wgrgwa-li PITTSBURGH, FORT WAY NE & CHICAGO R. W. AND CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R. It. From January 19th, 11368. trains will leave ftom and arrive at the Union Depot, north aide, city time, as follows: Leave. i Arrive. Chicago 9:13 ain Chicago Ex.,. 2:43 am Cleveland Ex..- 2:13 a miClevetand 2:43a Erie& Ygn WI 6:13 a tn!Chicago Ex.... 10:58 am Cl. do Wh'g 31'1 6:28 ain :Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a M Chicago Mail.. 6:58 a m Chicago Ex.... 1:53 p m Chicago Ex.... 9:43 mm' CI. & WWI Ex 4:03 pro Pitts Cl. . Erie Ygrn Ex 6:13 pm via Youngt"n 9:43,, Tri!Chicago Ex.— 6:58 pm Cl. Wh'g Ex. 2:13p ,t: Wh'g Ex, 7:08 put Chicag,o Ext. .. 2:28 p Pitts. & Ci. Ex. h. & Erie 1::x• 4:38 pm, via Yognan'n. 0:28 pm Depart from Allegheny.. Arrire in Allegheny. N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:58 a in.N. Jirigru Ac. 7:03 a to ,--- N Leetsdale' " 10:13 ain N. Brigt'n " 8:28 a m r , " 11:53 a m Wellsville " 9:58 am Rochester " 1:33 pm New Castle " 10:13 a m -- Wellsv'e Ace.. • 3:43p in Leetsdale ", 9:13 a Leetsdale Ave. 4:15 p tu; '• " 1:18 p m N. Rrlgt'n " 5:3e p nt; N. Brigt•n " 2:43 pm • N. Brigt'n " 6:2811 Lect6oale " 4:23 pm Leetsdale . 10:43 pnti " " 7:28 pm 9:28 p. m: Chicago Ex- 10:50 a. tn. Chicago • press leaves daily.- _ :Express arrives daily. - ja2B F. U. MYERS, General Ticket Agent. jr) I T TS BURG.IIt, COLUMBUS & CINCLN ATI. R. R. • PAN ILiNDLE CHANGE oF TIME.—On and after SUNDAY, December Pth, 1867, trains will leave and arrive at Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Depart. Arrive. Mall Express 9:15 a. In: 3:55 p. m. Fast Line 9:40 a. in. 7:05 p. in. Fast Express 2:50 p. m, 10:55 a. in. Mixed Way 6:10 a. in. 6:50 p. m. McDonald's Acen, No. 1.. 11:10 a. in. 2:10 p. m. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p. m. 9:30 a. m. McDonald's Acc'n, No. 2.. 5:10 p. tn. 8:20 a. in. SPECIAL Nomx.--SundaYExprcss leaves ct 2:50 p. rn., arriving iu Cincinnati at 6:30 a. in. the next morning. Church Train leaves Sunday at 1255 p. In. The.9:4o tn. Train leaves daily, Sunday .and Monday excepted, arriving in Cincinnati at 9:55 the same evening,. 8 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ALL OTHER, ROUTES. . . . 46F•No change , ars between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, aud B U T . ONE change to St. Zonis, Cairo, and the principal points West and Southwest. When purchasing tickets be sure and find the office of the Pittsburgh, Columbus Cincinnati. R. E. UNION DEPOT, (SOUTH Slur..) =I M. D. MOTHERSPAUGH. Ticket Agent S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. JOUN D. ]TILLER. Gen. Freight Agent tiENN Y LVAIN CENTRAL RAILRO. n and atter.October 6t rive at and depart from th, Washington and Liberty's Arrive. Mall Train.... 1:20 a m Fast Line. 1:50 a m Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 a m Brinton No. 2. 7:50 a m Wail's No. 2.. 13:50 a m Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m Johnstown Ac. 10:15 a m Phila. Express • 1:50 pm Wall's No. 1:30 pm Wall's No. 4. 51:50pm Wail's No. - 5.. 5:50 pm Wail's No. S.. 7:00 pm Altoona Acc'n and Emigrant Train 10:30 p The Church Train leaves!, Wall's Statioil 'every Sunday at 9:15 a. es., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. m. Returntr3g, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and arriv :a at Wall's Station at 2:00 p. m. Clucinnatl Express leavesdally. All other trains daily except Sunday. Philadelphia Express and the Altoona Accommo dation and Emigrant Train arrive daily. Cincinnati Express arrives daily except Monday. All other trains dallyexcept Sunday. For further Information apply to W. D. BECKWITII, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any, risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, andllmlt their responsibilityto One Hundred Dollars In value, All Baggage exceeding that. amount In value w ill be at the riSk of the owner, un less taken by,special contract. • ' _EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, oc9 'General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. 'STERN PENN-Wggi - 7 SYLVANIA RAIL RYYD.—On and after November 1, 1867, the Pas senger Trains on the Western 'Pennsylvania Rail- _ road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot , Allegheny City, as follows: Depart. Sharpb's No.l 6:25 a m!)fall 6:50 a m Freeport N0..1 13:15 a mirreeport No. I 9:03 a m Express • 10:10 a m'Sharph'g No.111:20 a re, • Sharpb`g N 0.2 1:95 pm Expre55... : ....1:50 p Freeport No. 2 4-:15 pm Harmerv'eAc 3:55 pm 6:05 p m Freeport No. 2 6:05 p m Hannery 'e Ac 7:10 p m Sharpb'g No. 2- 7:30 1> in . Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Traih leaves Allegheny Janet. every. Sunday at 7:40 a. in., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. tn. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1190 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Junct. at 9:45 ' p.m. COKIIITTATION TICKETS—For sale in packages of Twenty between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and geed only on the trains stopping at Stations spe eitled ou tickets. The train leaving Allegheny City at 6:50 a . ma. makes direct connection at Freeport with 'Walker's line of Stages for Butler and Hannahstown. Through tickets may be purchased at the Office, No. 3SL Clair street, near Suspension Bridge, Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny City. For further informatien apply to JAMES T.EFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Itallro;u1 will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit thel. responsibility r to One Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding this amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un teks taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS general Superintendent, Altoona. l'ai Q. OILY HILL MAME. . aint4ll lINION PAC 1C RAILWAt , Eastern Division. noiriE The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE Rot! from the East to alt points in Colorado, Nevada, California, Utah, • Arizona, Washington New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. . TwO Trains leaye State Line and Leuvvowo daily, (Sundays excepted ,) on the arrlvai or train Pacific Railroad from St. Louts, and Hannibal St. Jo Railroad . from Quincy, connecting at L. rence, Topeka .and Wamego with riagei -ford points In Kansas. At end of track of E worth with the UNITED STATES EX - PitiSS , t7f PANDS DAILY LINE OF OVERL A 1.•:1 - ) t • AND gxritEss COACHES FOR .113E1\l'irMIA; SALT LAIKIIII And an Points in the Territeri And with SANDERSON'S Till-WEEKLY NI9 COACHES for,Fort Union, Bent's Fort , Pest , . All cm mi e, Santa Fe, and all..poipts.Ja..AtUuna New Mexico. With the rece. additions of rolling littnii equipment, and 'the arrangements ruble with emulsible Overland Transportation Llues..frous nt waste terminus, this road now offer. 3 uneutiall facilities for the tratunnission of freight to the. I West. Tickets for sale at all the prinelp4l, :4 cos United States and Canadas. Be sure ask for tickets. cis TIIE SMO RILL ROt 'UNION PACIFIC . ItALLW EASTERN, ',*VISIO.w.- iI I TY,SLOTHES WASHER, :111tkle'i test In the Market; another npplz,lost,rO. •.• ! • - J.:IL - ELTHiLi, ps, , i .t‘ sole Agents for this countr 4 ' ' HosE, tike Ina calibre; at India Rubber Dep*: • ' J• &II rumurps: i RAILROADS AD. th. 1867, Trains Wtll. ar e Union Depot,. corner of treets, as follows: :Depart. Day Express.. 3:00 aM. Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 a m Mall Train .. ... 8:20 a m Will's No. 2.. 9:50 a m *Cincinnati Ex 11:15 a m Wall's No. 3.. 11:30 a m , JohnstownAo. 2:sopm Wtill's No. 4.. .3:30 pm Phltn.Expres• 4:10 pm' Nall's No. 5.. 4:50 pm Nall`s No. C.. 6:05 pm Fast Line 7:2opm Wall's No. 7.. 10:50 pm A..AWDERNON, 2 tlCritral Supciintention" WFBSTER, beientiyreigilt and Ticket Agent El I , 11. ) 1 ti i, .1 ,