The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 24, 1868, Image 8

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Ytegular Meeting - Petitionsand Remon.
stranees—Reporta of Committees—The
Soldiers' Monument--VehieleLleense;
A regular semi-monthly;meeting_ Of Al
legheny City 9mmeit ' a was held Thursday
evening, April 23d, ' , in the Quineil. o:um
bers City building: • -
Members presentralcsars. Black, Brown,
Calory, English, Fanlkner,flang, Gwinner,
Hill, • Hartman, Jahn, Mothers], Myler,
Patterson J. C., Patterson A., PhilliPs,
1 411/ 1 % , Iteitex,Smjth A smith
and President • - -Meßrier. •
Absent—Messrs. Krebs, Reed, Weise,
Wettachi s : • •' " -
The minutes of the preceding meeting
were read and approved., ,1
Mr., Myler.presented a petition asking for
the :Nirldening of Canal street ten feet, and
an alley between Canal and Jeffers . = street
twenty-eight feet. Referred to Committee
on Streetti.
Also a petition to grade and pave Gray's
alley. Referred to Street ConuMttee.
Mr. Brown, a petition for change.of
grade on Jalappa street. Referred to Com
mittee on Streets and Ways.
, Mr. Reiti3i, n petition for a grade to be
established on Walker street. Referred to
'Street Committee
Mr. Brown r a peitton for water on • Alio
ghenyAwmille.,- liVerFed to Water Com
Black, apetition for , water pipes on
- 74etto - sthSet.' Referred to - Committee on
Also e.,Ntition for water pipe onlVestern
avenue. Referred to. Water -Committee.
M. A. Patterson a petition for water pipes
on Locust street, Referred to Water Com
inliteOiviat power to act.
-Ahoor for-water`pipe on Ilamlin street.
Referred to Water Committee with power
to set.`.
* Mr. Motheral a remonstrance againt the
grading of Killbuck,street. Referred to
the Committee on streets.
Alto a petition for water pipe on Adams
street. Referred to Water Committee.
Mr. A. Patterson; a remonstrance against
the grading and paving of Allegheny av
enue. Re erred to Street Committee.
Mr. Phillips offered a resolution'request
ing the Mayor to enforce the ordinance
prohibiting the burning of bituminous coal
on railway =Sand looomotives within the
city limits.. Adopted. •
Gwiimer, chairman of the Committee
on Street Railways, presented thei follow
r4l l / 4 = en. 't:
Your Committee on Street
Railways would report in 'relation to the
removal of the' track of the T. A. & M.
P. R. Co., from the side to the centre of
liacockstreet; a petition for whiCh was re
ferred to them, that the city has, no.power
SA effect the' mineral, as is sheVni, lfY7 the
`accompanying opinion of the City Solicitor:
The only control or power the city has
A bo',ll4t
_of Assembly incorporating said
company, and the city ordinance accepted
by said company, and it-is not defined in
eitherof them. on what' part, - of the street
the track shall be laid, and having laid and
operated it to the present time it is conclu-
- The Railway company has the right to
lay two tracks on Lacock street. They
could not lay both in the centre of the
street, hence this would be more inoon
venient than at preient, which answers
your reasons for moving the track.
If the city had the right to - compel the
company to move its track to the centre of
the street, it has the power to move it any
-place abd at any time, and the city
oppreas the company by compelling it
whenever she should take a notion, to incur
the expense and inconvenience of moving
the tracks, which the - law would not coun
tenance. J. C. AICCOMR.S.
The report was received.
Mr. Riddle, a resolution authorizing
,t he
Committee on Police:, to prepare an or di
mince relating to projecting signs on
buildings. . Adopted, -
Mr. Myler, chairman of the committee
on -streets, submitted the following report:
, Gentlemen—Your 'committee on streets
beg leave to report that they had before
them ?the "petition of the property holders
on Allegheny avenue, from Rebeem street
to the river, wilting that the paving of said
avenue be'stopped at said street. Upon in
quiry into the matter they find that there
is no - necessity at present for paving that
portion of the avenue, and accordingly
submit the ac company ~ ng ordinance, re
pealing so much of the ordinance authoriz
ing the paving of said -avenue as provides
for the portion above mentioned.
They report adversely to the petition of
parties remonstrating against the grading
and paving of Park street.
They mort favorably in the matter of
the petitioners for thd paving:of theT follow
ing streets, ordinances for which are sub
mitted herewith :
Middle, street, from North avenue to
Knoll street; Union avenue from Ohio
street to Church avenue; Fulton street,
from Ohlo'avenue to Shetliqldstreet; Blair's
Alleyinthei %Cori& ward, Grant avenue,
from P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. to Lincoln ave
nue; Juniata street,, from Sedgwick to
Beaver avenue, and M adison avenue, from
the terminus of the pavement at the old
city Urre, to the point of intersection of said
avenue with East street.
They also report an ordinance for the
gradingaand paving of Ohio avenue, frolu
Grant averrde' the P. Ft. W, it C. R. R.—
the public convenience requiring it.
They report adversely to the petition of
N. B. Hogg ' for release from the payment
of a portion of the assessment on him for
the Canal sewer, as It is now too late to
afford him any relieL
y present herewith maps prepared by
the City Engineer in accordance with an
act of Assembly, recently passeu, dividing
the city into sewerage districts, and hear
tily recommend their approval.
Many papers, such as proposals, -
cations and contracts in blanks being need
ed in connection with the business of con
structifig fienviare , and gradi , paving
an,paving streets,• May offetttie following *Solution ;
Besofred, That the City Englneer be in
structed to prepare and have printed forms
of such:documents -as mayhe;_neqessary in
trrabasigiig thebristnesa connected lath the
coinitraction of sewers and the grading and
paving of streets.
The report was received,
The report iras aczapted and the revolu
tions adopted
The ordinance relating to the repeal o f a
portion of the ordinance providing for,the
grading and Of Allegheny avenue
was hot rideppred:
The ordinance providing for the griuling
and paving of ,ppiorl streOt;was amended
- so art hViiitedd tiferviotitlo Western ave
nue. C. C. non-concurred. H. C. adhered
and asked a Committee of ConferiffitAi
C. C. report of Committee accepted and ttia
ordinance referred beat to the. Committee.
The several remaining OftriadeeS A re
ferred to it, the report were edopted,
harem'os diratc-i j taggiTygg.
To the Meet and qr.... of me,
Until 41 Atlegfiimy :
'out Committee on Pitiance're4eethillY
report that they NM ariefigestied that tile
Pittsburgh, Allegheny end mat o iester
Passenger Ralltvay t i onipany hob paid iv
the Treasurer the amount-0r tart: , 0„, i4 4 ,
paid to the btmcnigh aKliidttc
thir'articmht i 3 titribriteetl in the leo
ed.% the annual , staitetnent,,Me
tire' Annual , Repent& fait:
_the ior i f-,4 B if e
Your Committee also, report a certifi e d
copy of an tot of mbletiabli e str e i ses t
i msiffi le anti
to an act relating to d
v , r vy, .
:10:1W-W.:c 1 ;
. . . . ,
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, . .
an ordinance increasing the' rates to be
charged on vehicles subject to license, and
amending the former ordinance. Also cer
tified copies of acts of Assembly relating-to
Sewers and Salt Inspectors.
= , -RaportissEr - reteiveil Arid the "ordinance '
referring to the vehicle license was adopted.
C. C. non-concurred. S. C. adhere and
asked a.Committee of Conference. In C. C.
the report.of the committee, wldch recom
mended thelpegsage of the ordinande, was
received, mill a motion to concur With S. C.
in passing the ordinance was decidediri the
nezative by a vote of 26 to 4..
g x . A. - Patterson, a resolution, authori
zing the opening of a street, from Western
avenue to Ridge street. Referred to the
Committee on Streets. . ,
Mr. Motheral, a resolution Tor.the paving
of Felton street from Ohletivenueto-Wash
ingtorri avenue. Referred to Street; Com
mittee. •
,Mr:,ltiddle moved that the Act of -As
sembly relative to the Inspection of Salt be
referred to the Ordinance Committee to
prepare, an ordinance. Adopted. . '
Mr. "English moved that the Act of As
sembly relative to sewerage "districts he re
ferred to the Committee on Streets to pre
pare an ordinance. Adopted. ,
Mr. Finglishoffered a resolution inatruct
ing the committee on Engines to put a
gonin the Ells Worth Hose company's
building of a corresponding size to those In
' other Engine Houses in the city. Referred
to coninutti3e on Engines.
Mr. Canary, ofDuquesne)orough desired
to state that the present members from
that district were not opposed to annexa
tion, as had been stated in some of the city
pagr s •
eltesident said that he had under
stood ;that the Mayor had issued his procla
mation for an election ofcouncilmen in that
district, and he supposed that there would
be a contest.
Mr.}Hall said he was informed .that the
city Solicitor held that it was compulsory
upon l
the Mayor to do so, and that the only
thing uncils could do would be -to adhere
to the action in admitting the present mem
bers, d allow the contestants tcrtekt the
matter in the courts. ------,-
Mr: Myler called up an ordinance for the
grading and paving of RilMuck street,
which had been laid over at the last meet
ing. Pass6d.
Also a resolution for the opening. of-Re
becca street from Cory street to Federal.
The resolution was lost.
Mr. Pallery moved that fifty copies of the
ordinances relative to wharfage be printed
for the use of the Wiurrftnaster in Duquesne
borough. The motion was agreed to.
Mr. Brown called up the report of the
viewers on Washington street, which had
beenlaid over at the last meeting
Mr. Myler said that the report had been
referred back to the Rommissioners and
had not yet been reported upon:
Mr. Phillips offered a resolution, provid
ing for the appointment of a committee of
five to prepare rules and regulations - for
the establishment of a' Board of Health of.
Allegheny City. Adopted, and Messrs.
Philips and Hall appointed in S. C. In
C. C. Messrs: Tate, Richardson and Conaley
were appointed.
In all business not otherwise noticed
C. C. concurred with Select Connell.
Councils adjourned.
Common Council.
Present Messrs. Brown, Blair, Cutler.
Clark, Comley, Dunham, Fleming, Eyster,
Hanna, Hastings, Hackaley, Kennedy,
Lindsay, Lee, Megraw, Mayer, McDonald,
McNeile, Reed, Saints, Richardson, Tate,
Voegtly, White, Warner and President
The minutes of preceding meeting were
read and approved.
lU r. Warner presented a petition for 'water
pipes on Manhattan street. Referred to
Water Committee. •
Mr. McDonald presented a - resolution in
structing the enclosure of the Diamand
Squares, and giving permission to the
Mayor to allow circuses, &c. their use at
the rate of $5O per day. Carried.
Mr. Hanna presented a petition praying
that James street be graded. - Referred to
Street Committee.
Air. Tate presented a petition from Mr.
Warran, agent for a menagerie, asking
permission to erect a bulletin board in front
of the Post Office. Petition received and
permission granted.
Mr. Voegtly presented a petition for
water pip.) on Long Lane, between Perry
'Street and Spring Garden Run. Referred
to Street Committee.
The annual meeting of the Board of Vis
itors of this institution, so long and favora
bly known in this' community as "Prima
cant's Hospital," because of the connection
of this gentleman with it from its com
mencement, was held yesterday afternoon.
After its organization by the election of
Hon. Thomas M. Flowe as Cnairman, and
C. Zug, Sr., as Secretary, Rev. Mr. Passe,
vent, the Director, read an interesting re
port, giving a detailed account of its opera
tions during the past year ana a statement
of its financial condition. Thin, with the
( report of the Physician will be duly pub
ilished. But, for the information pf our
readers, many of whom are the warm
friends of the worthy charity, we take the
liberty of giving aim of the leading details
from these papers.
It appears, that since the commencement
of the Infirmary, in 1849, •there have been
no less thanfour thousand one hundred and
seventy-five sick persons admitted to its
benefits. Of these, 284 were under treat
ment during the past year, and of these,
192 were discharged cured ; 18 improved ;
6 unimproved ; 5 dismissed ;36 died, and
the remainder the Hospital at the
date of the report. These persons are of
almost every nationality, religion and char
acter, the statistics of the. Physician's Re-
DIVISION OP WAS)S, port platting beyond contmdletion the im
artial abd catholic working of thisinstitu-
Mr. Dunham, Chairman of the Committee Lon the suffering of every order,
on Division of Wards, presented the follow
, . .. ~ _
color and clime.
report ; '• • ' on ~.„_,, The income of thehospital during the past
errien-- . irenr VOMltilnee 'UM" yenr Von all sources, amounted 1°17,374,31,
sion of Wards had under consideration the of which sum 0,787,08-were from subsorip.
resolution relating to.the division of the bons and donations from individuals, sosil-
Third, 'Fourth and Seventh:wards, in eon- eties and churches, and 53,587,23 from pa
nection with Duquesne borough, and would
report adverselyn the matter, Inasmuch as tients or their friends, showing that nearly
the residents of the wards interested are ono half the support of the Institution
opposed to any division, and no good reason comes from this source, though fully two
thirds Oa the patients are otoretroteharity.
can be given therefor. 4 The expeosist for,carrying °tithe. hospital,
The roP°rt'llvas received +
' during this same time, were $7,602,21, leav
wirAyryEs AND ram:arms. lug a balance against , tti Institution of
Mr. White,,Chairman of the Com.mittee 1 2 2 7 1 0 0 - -48'. in other words, i are empty
on Wharvei Andlandings, . submitted the treasury and if debt to that amount! r This
following report: < , ought nut to be, especially with a house fall
Gentlemen : Your Committee pn of sick, and we are, confident, ,will, not bc,
Wharvei and Landings 'desire. to state when filofq4l4 knoW n!
been l eft
that the firm of Zug' it, now and has The feW legacies which have been left to
been engaged in filling out the south bank, this Institution, at different times, are safe,.
of the Allegheny river %eyelid the estah. ly invested for the support of ar certain
fished high water lines, and we would offer; number of charity beds. This fund,ought
the'following reselatieh to ;prevent their: to bp 'largely tunreased, , and the hoe
encroachments.' .r, .•-- ' - , ,• „ .. , pita' aectired, against the ductuatione - of bn and the (Amigo* of life. ,Our citizens,
Resolved, - That the City /Hal:leiter ,be and'
he is 'hereby instructed '' to enter' suit to whom and has entrusted property, could
against Zug do Co. for encroaching f n not . do a better act than to remember this
the limits of the'ADegheny river by n g Institution in their wills, and thus , dminect
out material beydnitthe qshanhihed igh. the inilueri6e cif their inane and their exam
water ifne ;hereof.: ' • , , ple with the exercise of mercy to the suf,
The repert:s4lllXebeived end -thayeeohi. tering. , A purer and holier charity does not
tion adopted.' : , ' . . • • - exist , and , wo predict for, it a larger. Meath=
In all bitalitePanet idlieMie - Inofedid."'t,. are ef, public eeadd,eTe,,and :usefulness
concurred WiteCeMineri,Council. ,- "i ' than eY er • ' ' . , i l ' - , • 1. -: ' . ' • 4 '
Oa motion a 0 4 0 . 1? ~, -.-, ,;-. ' ~, ir, , - * 1 1'311'61'16:1011S of hoeti 'and s khtlesi.--'nie
, ;;ri.,74" --- -' 1- l ' - - ' 1621116110'40 0 f. Of l*tt'seelioes which a
''''V T . I- ' . I &Jog' iii97 l .Were offered forsiile at the.
The finest and Most masterly pieces' or g rdtstl b:kt an shoe eiPorhuotjhO•3lll-
workmanship in the stone : cutting line in some 'hail Alielloo" end '57
thistitYtare thosedisPlatedWthoriew aiiil Fifth iltr fq , l ia r / 1 1 .4 n h eba diglsarAet and
e Elfitilenid.hank r ofCeiniti ' . build. reill f wed if I PS "41 as la Zr zia
el ,gall •
wi t adan
leg and the °korner% Hall.' ,This work Was
t h ey a re .Ifig, ding thim,
perfOrMed b' *aim Fred. Altvatdr &Co.; they are being , disposed er o . tbit Same low
the Well known steno cutters mut masons; reit Willeblnduced so many to purchase,
ask proprietors of the extensive' , steam nr,th;'forrailestet _k. ' • 1' , ~, 1
stone Saw. ndli, Pasture Loner 'Allegheny .', .' :I ..,'"''' •7- --- -sPr' --- ---- • I „ , '
city. These gentlemen occupyshoal:6in Fire:in tiAll*,helry«.-Atickit '..,ten :o'clock'
in their business and perform-their work, ' , Woodsy - hiotining• Tate brelte l ionellithei
not 'Osiris ~.the highest, and West itstistwch. *lax seed oh mill of De Haven & C 0.., on
tory style of art, bat likewise at Aheltrist, huddle 'alley,- Alleglipify; 41iiit'
10880nab1q0 104314 .. ,TheYikM ..beitrthsttnies covered in tirneldbe i eAtituriiiihsd, by the'
and:illigisiOwlawarV:4 4 sii n d , ottoild eniploYelrikifoieqief serious 'damage: ht
hreitiptiy fe all order* y,kind of/done) been done.i • Tatildliria„,„ 4 ,e'VeriP '411 . 1: 5 . e
Work for houses, Cemeteries , titetivNtreont- from box 26 Entae frpe. ,'.
Mend-this iirmAn i bfrattitertatteOUrtirprift. wtdoh Ihnoteent lied - p pty,
erii, khowltigtlisMpaestMeentirworth3e:• brit iheli serVides ' 11611 14 . , _,J,,T4
of patronage,' 4-al:um! r , :pisz.ri'_l ..r. riamen•wore anilued i OsSoMittr,,,, . vjet, i
wittoit9 v act ra 4) its '1 LIVV't P. , ..(. 1 . , r4 ~, 1 -r ' t ,
two/ to ‘ 1 , 4
- rp - -a nil 41ft! Pr4Y ,It , 1 Be 14,
- ' ; ~- ' '. . fr or rr.o Ntv,loat flint /MN
1 t . 0 D74:41 EAU areta =
'<, , t.,.. 0, 1 ~, t". F 4 9. [. t 11 V. 1 ~, .. I I , , ~,,, 114)4 f • .14tt co mien of
-Pi3. ' ' ''. '`' ''''-;'' ' 'V ie ' 4 . * 1; n (j.. , 11, sti t'INSItiVz V:lirt: Vt VI aOO
TIM 1) MIA%) 1 itlier:G. , lstr 1,0,C O.
Tsbnoir El
.102 ,fga ~A
Mr. McNeile presented a remonstrance
against the paving of , Killbuck street. - Re
ferred to Street Committee. •
Mr. Mayer presented a petition from
Thomas Bosworth, asking that his property
on Beaver Avenue be drained. 'Referred to
Committee on Sewers..
- Mr. prster presented apetition foragrade
on Union street. Referred to Street Com
Mr. Lindsay presented a communication
from Capt. James Gordon, stating that he
would have the city property insured in a
good company at a low prenilum if desira
ble. Referred to Committee on City Prop
Mr. Voegtly presented a resolution in
structing the authorities to request the
Western Pennsylvania Rtulroad Company
to place their wires on the poles of the
telegraph from Chestnut street to East Lane.
Adopted. €1..-C. rion-concurred and referr
ed to Committee on Engines:
Mr. Hanna presented a resolution offering
the Soldier's Monumental Association any
part of the Common Grounds as a site for
the Monument, and further tendering suf
ficient stone • to built' the foundation.
Adopted,., ' • •
Presbyterian Union.
In yesterday's GAZE= we gave the pro- • '
ceedinga of the Youngsto
p res b y t er i a4 United. States District Court—Judge Me-
Convention up_ to about half Past four., Candies
clock on`Nednesclsyaft kfter i/liaai2 a diAcharge
was - lited ,d 'rti ficate -d(
the close of our report the diScussion was
continued on the second iesolutiOn of the
Commiftee on Business. The Rev. Mr.
Wylie, of New Castle ' offered the Mow
ing as an addition to the resolution: "But
as various collections bf Psalmbdy are used
in the different'thurches, a ch ange in this
respect shall not' be required." • -
He stated that this amendment was in
the words of the Philadelphia lauds. He
did not offer it on his own account, but at
the request of others. ' Pending its con
sideration, the Convention adjourned till,
half past seveno'clock in the evening, Rev.
X.Retts concluding by prayer. 1
On reassembling in the evening the
Assembly engaged in devotional exercises
under the direction Of the President, after
which the consideration otthe atnendment
offered in the afternoon was resumed. The
whole subject of Psalmody was discussed
at great length by the following gentlemen
among others: Rev. Geo. K. :Ormond,
Rev. B. K. Ormond, Rev. L. B. Wilson,
Rev. J. H. Peacock, Rev. W. T. Wylie, A.
B. Cornell, T'sq., Rev. Dr., Douglas, and
Rev. Dr. Bittenger.
It would be impracticable to give the
'speeches of these gentlemen or even a syn
opsis ef them. Nor is itnecessary, as almost
every one who has paid any attention:to ,
the subject is familiar with all the argu
ments pro and con, on this , question. It
<could not be;expected that anything new
could be said on the one side or the other.
All the arguments : on both sides were only
old sayings in a new form. The discussion,
although warm at times, was of the most '
fraternal character. No. one lost his tem
per, nor was anything offensive said by the
speakers on either side. The audience
scorned to z quite delighted, and many of
them scan. wledged that they had got new
light on t . e subject. At a late hour the
Convention adjourned to meet on Thurs
slay morni . g at half-past eight o'clock.
Immedia • ly alter assembling on Thurs
day mor, . ing . the Convention spent
some rim: in exercises of devo
tion, and then resumed the dis
cussion o the Psalmody question.
The Presid nt very properly decided that
speakers ust confine themselves to the
arnendmen before the hedge, and not dis
cuss the ge . eral subject,' After the propo
sal of man amendments and much dis
cussion, t e following substitute was
adopted, o. y two votint in the negative; :
"The : .. k of Psalms,, which is of divine
inspiration is well adapted to the state of
the Chur . in all ages grid circumstances,
and shoal . be used in the worship of God.
Therefore, ve recommend - that a new' and
faithful versibn of the Psalms be provided
as soon list practicable; to which may be
added a f 'thfnl translation of such other
portions o the Word of:God as may be
suitable tter of praise; which book,
when pre red and adopted, shall be the
Psalmody f the Church."
The th in resolution 'of the report was
then take up, when a lengthened "con
ference" v. had on the subject of secret
societies. t was contended that secret,
oath-hound societies are-incompatible with
republican institution.% subversive of
Christian life, and that the Government
should tolerate no secret society except
that of a military character, and which is
under its own control. Secret societies
found no mercy in the Agsembly. There
was no one to speak a word in their behalf.
No formal action was taken on the subject.
The whole report, as amended. has been
The Clerk was instructed to publish an
official account of the proceedings in the
United Presbyterian, Christian Herald,.
American Presbyterian and Presbyterian
Banner. The Convention then adjourned,
finally, with prayer by Rev. Dr. Douglas.
' The Convention was large, but not as
large as the good people of Youngstown ex
pected. Much interest was taken in the
proceedings, and the general impression
was that the Convention had done much
good. After comparing litotes it was found,
as the almost unanimous adoption of the
resolutions indicated, that there is not any
thing of great importance to keep the
churches represented apart much longer.
Pittsburgh Infirmary
wr gray and cei awarded to
Charles S. Dodge, of Titusville,. Crawford
A petition for final discharge was filed by
C. S. Erwin r of Venango, Fnmklinrcounty.
The usual orders were made by'Court.
'• Common Pleas—Judge Sterrett.-
The case of McKnight Bros. vs4he Alle
gheny Fertili r Co., reported yesterday,
was conclude Jury out.
The next . 0
taken up, was that of J. P.
Day - 'vs. Arc 'bald " Ellison. This was an
action to i ver a judginent note. On
trial. . ' .
Last Night A Brllllant
Success. •
The Conce
bled last evening at the Acad
bne of the most refined and
There asse
emy of Mris
diences we have ever seen
r In•Pitttborgh. 1t was the
the reriditim of Rossini's
drawn tOgeth
occasion of
• d Sta6cii, Maier, 'under the
of. C...Tetedowt. To say that
direction of '~
as a brilliant and charming
the concert
be only reileating 'the . uni
ion of those in. attendance.
success Woui.
'venal exive-
Seldom, if ever before,. has a Pittsburgh
audience been favored with so grand a
musical offering, and whosoever missed the
occasion of last evening denrived himself
of rare entertainment. There were on,the
stage some siXtY. ladies and gentlemen, each
'the nossessofof it sweet and:cultured voice,
and all trained to sing in .marvellous har
mony with each other. This was an array
of amateur home taltn` of, which.we are
justly proud. and it spoke volumes in
praise of the refinement and culture of our
people: The powerful chorus was ravish
ingly grand, while the duets, solos and
trios were as sweet morsels of musical food
as the most correct taste could desire. We
cannot speak in too high terms of
,praise of M'lle de Lussan, the fa
mous New York soprano, who nobly
sustained the highest nationalreputation as
a sweet and finished vocalist. _ She has
wonderful powers 'of vocalization. Her
voice is rich, nielloW, full and, sweet, and
under such perfect control that the most
difficult passages and - tenderest gems lose
none of their force or beauty in her rendi
tions. Miss Dihm, Miss Itinehtut, Miss
Yoder, Miss Porter, Mies Henne, Miss Mo-
Candless, Miss Benham, and Messrs. Zim
merman,•Bussman, Breed, Edwards, and
the many 'Other performers who joined in
this grand interpretation of Rossini, acquit
ted themselves in splendid manner, and
the audience' retired delighted with the en
tertainment. Prof. Tetedoux has reason
to congratulate himself on the success he
achieved last evening at the Academy.
To night the second concert will be given,
whenlki'lle. de Lumen will appear for the
last time in this city, and when a rare pro
gramme. embracing the names of many of
our most talented home amateurs, will be,
Real Estate Transters.
The following deeds were filed of record,
before H. Snively, Esq., Recorder, April
22d 1868: - •
John Wilson to John Telibrd, May 27 '
1867; tract of
land in Crescent tp.; .containing.l4 acres, 1 rood
and 37 perches 64075
Wm. A. Hermit, guardian, et al.;to Geo. Sehlitten
berger,-- Nov. 2t, 1867; tract of land in Reserve tp.,
containing 5 acres, 3 roods and 4 perches 5400
Henry Wiseman to .John Staples, trustee, April I.
1888: lot In Baldwin tp.,-containing 139 ticres..s9so
Jacob Mutztg to Chiriesßeek, - April 7, IBM; lots
Nos. . 1 and 16 in Mutzlg's plan In Reserve tp., 25 by
200 feet
John B. Bosch to Jacobin Gutborlig,' April 16;1868;
lot No. 39 in John Brown's plan or East Birming
ham, on Harmony street, 20 by 60 feet. .. ... sl,soo
Pittsburgh Coal Company to Benedict BeandL, April
15, 1868; tract of land in Lower SL Clair tp.„ con
taitnt4o acres, 3 roods and .15 perches $6,000
Tose h . 011:73111, trustee, to D. McCafferty,Peb.
15, . lots Nos. 205 to 2010, inclusive, irtGazzam"s
plan In Pitt tp., on Pennsylvania avenue and Soho
se $. 500
Robert Watson to John 11. Young:et al., April l2 '
1868; lot on Washington street, Sixth ward - , Pitts
burgh. 42 by 100 feet $3.500
.1. P. Fleminto Ferdinand Seblotter. May 10, 1667;
lots Nos, 14, Is, 30 and 31 in Flemings plan, on
Ridge street. - First ward. Allegheny City, 40 by 125
feet 41,800
Hannah Wood et al., to'tlie Dollar Savings Bank.
March:, 1861: half of lot No. 310 ha Col. Woods'
plan of lots on Third street, Pittiburgh, 00 by 85
feet. with buildings 812,000
Geo. McCombs to Mrs. Keziah McWilliams. April
1, SO: lot NO. I in Bailey's plan of EaSt Liberty.
GO by 118 feet. with buildings $5 OO
Alfred. McWilliams to Mary B. McCombs, April""•
1868; the above described lot • $5Ol
C. Hanson Love to Emily Beebe, Jan. 31, 1866; lot
No. 176 in Love's plan In Chartiers tp., 25 by 100 ft.
on Main street "$l9O
Christian Goebel to Robert B. Petty April ''=, 1868;
lot In Mount. Washington, GO by 150 feet 4960
Robert 11. Petty to Johanna Goebel, April, 1868•
the above described lot $ 936
Jerry and William Reynolds to Oliver 4.lrtfeith,
March Bss6; lot In Lawrenceville, on Covington
street, 25 by 130feet - $1,900
Joseph Laurent, trustee, to G. Barber. April -16,
1$18; live lots in Collins township, fronting on-Or
phans' avenue la: feet by 197 feet deep $6OO
m. Winters to W. W. Rigdon, May I, 1867; lot on
Ridge street,- Pitt tp., . containing 1 acre and al
perches 12
C. Hanson Love to Emily Beebe, Jan. 31, 1866; lot
on Marlon avenue, Cbartiers tp.. 23 by 100 ft..sloo
Serious Accident.
Patrick Duncannon, a bricklayer, met
with a serious accident at the Kensington
Iron Works, in the Eighthmard, about ten
o'clock Thursday morning. He. us en
gaged in repairing one of the large stacks
at the furnace, and found it necessary to
ascend the inside. When about forty, feet
from the bottom he found' a place that
needed repairing and commenced remov
ing bricks and relaying . them, when the
stack suddenly toppled` over, carrying him
with It and throwing him- into a metal
yard about . ,
thirty feet distant. He was
considerably bruised and cut about the
face and body. He watt removed to his
n Tunnel street, in an in
sensible condition. His injuries, although
severe, are not thought to 1?e of, a serious
eharactei. , • • •
Wil is "Rugget, a .Welshman, residing
on Bose street Was slightly , injured .by:
some or the falling
Amni t atteu.
Mary Jones made information • before. Al
derman Thomas, charging Hall Cook with
assault and battery. 'The
_difficulty grew.
of ' a diseassiori; between old .of
:Miss "Jones arid the defendant, -And it is
alleged by , the prosecutrix • that the de
fendant kicked her boy and otherwise ,
abused him. A warrant was issufkland•
the defendant arrested/and•held to bail. I
1c«31c,. the • defendant in the Above ease,:
made an infbrmation before.the same Al
dermen, ,eliarging Mary Jones with. assault
and battery, alleging that .she slapped, him
the face.. A,warrant was issued and the
deferidant arrested and held to, bail far her
ipearance at : Court. • • • r ;
. .. ,
Alleged Frand.—A..C. Newma, a! Cloth
ier on Ohio street, Allegheny,: - made, ktfor
rOolop ,befortrAldemuuthilin; yesterday; •
ttinrging 'Albert 4.loquet with.. obtaining;
goods noder. false, -pretense: ' Re, alleges
that in November bud the amused obtalned
gOods to the valne.of $103.50, and recerithr
*allied from him $l5 innioneyvillprei3ent.
lug that he had money coming to hint fnxn
the estate of, his mother , in iFranee. ~A
Owes•,ofrattorney was: , exeented•- and for.
• Warded with a draft for one thousand francs,
hitt it appears be had no money or es t ate
eg r her present, or prospective in that conn
ti• Ustwas•arrestid.asLheld -.for a hear
- 1 0- , .{
The Return of Spring.—BrlgAt lipring
is here ,With ItO .warip,.:heart Aladdeninn
sun and deliciously perfumed bive c reu„ - Ail
' nature wears a new livery, and Lieblor the:
skillful Trunk Manufacturer,
:No.•104 Wood
stredc _ copAimPi 4 0 spi his;, munerone
wholesale And:ret4 With: the.. best
article's in his line, o ered n thircontarket. ,
litx.,TA9bler!Lis •Ptiq- only -.benne- where
TTunxil*:. TailliaPlLCAMOss feiii(ll :8401103, •
&re:Olio. - eactu Bl l9l,l9=4 Rid 404 f in , His,
stock V 3, YillrAM l . l 947tOtentiflßOArable
mc4 1 ,F1.. gp.-.E . , ve,sakogiedingi, ,
Innricr" i'pol.te..." tit 4,111% , • tcrAl 0 ! h,, 1
tnzt , r.pnEzirlsrt .v.listieolarn •ftert xner . 0 „
' 0 176i". o f cle , -4 trmll t tw .0...7 0 1 .. 6:1 iit otii Rs:iirr
1 177) ;44:up run cis: nur.i.trim:r9 otrt alp!
.fairs, moil
I . lismex fterf , :r 9)0.14 S4PAIW ..t.)
Alleged Robbery.
B. L. KellY, a shoemaker, residing at
Turtle Creek,l who dune to the city last
'night . •;orr - thef•ErnigrelirtrWiei - vittaido`
the police atabout. one : o'clock this morn
ing that he had been robbed of silty-live
dollars. He alleges that after he got off
the train he was accosted in front of the
Rush - House by throe men, who offered to
take lath to a hotel. They placed. him in a
wagon and took him:to bad house on the
hill, where they deprived him of his money
as above stated. A man named Thomas
Divine was arrested and locked up. • Kelly
identifies him as one of the tarty that.rob
hed • ,The• police are atter Ahe other
' Magnificent Display.
The finest dis' play ofsilfer ware ever made
in this citymay now be seen at the Ma
sonic Hall Auction Rooms of Smithion,
Vanhook do McClelland, No. 55 and 57 Fifth
street. The stock comprises everything in
the line of silver goods from a delicate milt
spoon to a massive and most - elaboratel .
-carved coffee sot. The sale of these goo
commenced yesterday, and will be 46 -
tinned at' private gale, at auction pribes,
until the entire stock is, disposed ] of. "Per
-sons wishing to purchase Silver ware of any
description will do welll to- examine this
splendid assortment. '
- Try it and YOU
_ay , au Too.
, „. m ,
PAIN PAINT calot be beat;
Use it the"ieople,will
An leaves irihead or feet, .
For all can prove it.still. ,
he oldest ulcer heals,
The inflammation goes;
3alt - Itheum, most rapid y,ieldt;
'Oipimples on the nose.
dancers it will cure,
And pan leaves right away;'
It certan will, that's sure,
Just test it any day.
PAIN PAnkrr,makes sick folks laugh and
PAIN AI,NT is their delight. ._ •
Yea!,cripples too, can dance and. Sing
- Their. crutches out of sight; ,
The hottest feVer goes, •
Neuralgia leaves the tace;
And. Rheumatism knows
PAtra hits thevery place.
Dr. Wolcott's Pain Paint, properly used,
will relieve all pain instantly, without
stain. Wolcott's Annihilator, - is the only
Sure remedy for Catarrh. Tested, free of
charge, and advice given at 116 Smithfield
S. H.,HAwriiiae, Agent
Dry Goods 1 Dry Goods l—Large Stock !
Low Prices !
Yard wide Bleached Muslin at 12Nc.,
Heavy Unbleached Muslin at 1214 c.
Good Ginghams at 1234 c. , .
Best Prints at 123ic.
Purple Prints (slightly imperfect) at
Jeans at 12;2 , c.
Extra wide crash at 1234 c.
Huckaback Towels at 123.6 c.
Carpets very cheap.
Kid Gloves (colored.)
Spring Shawls.
Spring Delaines.
Light Cassimeres.
Dark Cassimeres..
Ladlies Sacking cloth. •
A - nice assortment of Dress Geode.
Table Linen.
Irish Linen.
• Shirt Fronts.
' White Quilts.
Balmoral'and Hoop Skirts.
Hats, Ribbons, Flowers.
Hosiery, Hair Braids,. Notions, Ike.
A full stock at low prices; wholesale and
retail, at Wm. Semple's, 180 and 182 Fed
eral street, Allegheny. .
Greeerles.—The attention of listen deal
ers who are in the city for the purpose of
making • a pnrchase of teas. groceries and
•produce, Or who are filling up their stocks
by order, is directed to the superior - fresh
and inviting selection of, goods in that line
to be found at the vilrY lowest rates at the
extensive and well managed house of
Messrs. Mcßride & George, No. 161 Fed
eral street, Allegheny
. City. This firm has
been constantly receiving new additions to
their spring stock, and, are now prepared
to compete successfully with the leading
houses of either city.. Retail as well as
wholesale patrons , secure decided , advant
ages in dealing at this representative house
of our sister city.
Patent Force Pump.—T. T. EiVeils, prac
tical plumber, No. 165 Wood street; has, in
store a most- admirable force
. 'pump for
garden purposes. It is constructed on the
most modern principles sand throws a
strong, steady stream of water a greater
distance and with more vOlurne than any
other in use. It is a patent pump and will
commend itself to all. It comes cheap and
will prove durable. Orders 'by mail will
be promptly attended to; and ,experienced
workmen will be sent to'any point
.to put
them down.
The new and elegant stock of gold and
silver watches, for Mies and gentlemen,
diamond and pearl sets'of pins - and rings,
gaiiiet sets. solid silver ware, plated silver
ware, fine table cutlery, gold headed canes,
fancy parlor clocks in bronze; marble, ebo
ny and. wood, and general artieles . of jewel
ry offered at low prices at Reineman, Mey-;
ran &Seidle's magnificent new store, No.
42 Fifth street, attracts universal attention
from those wishing good goods at: reasona-
ble prices. - .
RavisbAngly delicious is Trix. . •
The breath is sweetened by Trix.
Tbe,throatia cleaned byTrix.'
Sweetly perfumed as new-mown, hay. , .
An Eq u i envy mortals the posses;don •of
61. y lady in the land uses "x.
Try Trix. Test one , envelope. . .
The experiment costs but ten cents... -
All druggists and confectioners sell Trix.
To Country' and City Mercnants.—we
thoroughly supplied , with all kinds of pry
Goods, Staple and Far ta f t , , "bon ht at
Unusual advantage thio our - Eastern
purchaSing department ; taking advantage of
the recent large auction sales and fluctua
tiorut in prices, and we can and will sell at
kiss - than the lovied Easteru:cash-Prices.
We invite you to an inspeetidu4f Our stock
and comparison of 'prices, at 59 Market
J. W. BAuscen. dr,
Medicated Inhalation.—Medicate d 2 nha
lbtians ter oonsumption'of the Ltings, Bron
chitis, • Asthma, ChrOnlo'Catirrh; and all
disposed, of the mucous' membrane of, the
air passageg i siecessfallir prantlbefl'hy E.
S. Aborn, M. D., No. 134 Smithtleld'Street.
NO , 49100 tbr -consultation.' Testitadnials.
of the'mOist &arid& can bo,
.seen at the eonsaltitig•and operating rooms:
l'he•Trunits.suad articles uttnai yuc. ntaa ,
ufactured by...Tokephlildbler, 14611.0 Wood.
street, are' the very best offered in. troS,inar:
ket, and will prove durable and satisfactory
to purchasers, while the prices . 4whictordd
are most .reasonable. • '
• /441ealwill find the = most ielegant 'assort
rnent of lace goods, embroideries and trinr"
rnings rd. W. W. Moorhead's-fashionable
trimming , honsei NO. 111 Marliststrpet.`Trt
ces very reasonable. -
t .1
Keeper/rare directed" , Ur the self - ,
__„, , „ ..-, , ~. „ . . . . ,
op beet pumps which ate In Store at r it, miw irtn apfigiusse„mile.‘ ,
T. T. Ewen , No. 165 Wood atria,- They , „„„,p lot t er i b p, a424o3 , lo , fttsa re Ito* orillid
pre the beat ever. brcinglikto thie city ',4, - A atrinieitalqi - aail any#,ellegistots *rue taadnat )
I: , '' - , 1i,.., •. ierr.- ... ~.-.thrit -Is,. ', , 1r.t,r..;, , . u .,, r ocao,,As om tacte du c it. , •tativillsaltr
Celitak 'Airnishilig gooddin:endlesit iratie 1 . 44744.4iteivAtlea .......vAa n ' t wm , a4 " ta° " hi ;
and tip top qualltyvatt ktdorbedd'ai Walden.' : :billgulOtrm. inMAIMPri":" "....''' - '44
able trimminglonseyNOt 81.Markelettebf. 00 ,04,400. 94 , 4 ,,,,, 1440 "„5uratriu taaldartt- ,
, .., 1:•7 1 L'lljt...i ',::s .ii , )., pk peli
,fig . ryk,nliablikAol rilgrgsloolo - ' 42ll ealthei ' .
411thitRineltititilt etnavand o SlZ pkii — naic is iii4imopurpr pres:Paits =edam
triminjnir. et Moortead'e gablenikb :, ' og*, : .441•Awanirpyp
ming none% No. 81 market streak.: •''r. •'• SAM: e reiasinder if :POI P 44° lail ' bes " l6l 1146;
.rir' " 44' 'l.".-I..."'‘l.ol.9ari*kraggiltiLs"V",./VP.l.".OOlOllAft
ew _ooda'at Mdbrilei l vewbjk* SA ~_. , 4l:Ctat 4 pltirtrfellet.„ s,o " l "t 4 ' ll3l4 14 "
Wl trimming hOllllO. No. , Bl't 4610 e, 1";a4.4.!: 11.ViVII"rfw4 ,
town : 14b5 : 47:' : )
. 4 7 7 41
bib , rp:oa.: . P it: or! iz.,.r:.1 Hs) 47 1. ,:' 4 ,1:,,.,... , 1 ,, , + .4 .4. 1 J. ,,e r .44 , Ei et r ial .%7:l l l 4 .l.f r t. ,
I , ; .4 . A r
1 ( T.:lc/vs/I Lii fit' ; Lxqlritriln ovt ;1- 4 0 . il • , las „ , 0 .,,„ 3 4 0 4 , # saidlon SAWA ... .1.
luXtulci Z., , -1!;1 t"-rLk 11 4 eilar 4,111 X tb VlCtr , t ti .T. 1 21 /4 G er. .
.., Icactsr l,o ti a .,...T ~, . -1 0
itil tht) k Iri ' tail tie an
J II . . ,-1 •
Best Quality of Prints 1234 Cents,
At Barker's.
Shirting Muslins, all kinds, very cheap,
Bed Quilts 81,75, and a isplendid, assort
ment, all colors and pric, Atßarker's.
New Dress Goods cheap,
. • .. • A.t 'Barker's.
Magnificent stock of Dre Goods
At Barker's.
Spring • and Summer - Shawls,:new and
c h ea p,, , 1 41 t Barker's.
Ladies Garments in Cloth and Silk, cheap,
. . At Barker's. '
Hosiery and Gloves—larg stock,
At Backer's.
• -1
Has Nature an antidote for acquired dirt .
eases? t The Plantation •Bitters, prepared
by Dr. Drake, of New Yoilt, have no dOubt
benefitSd and`(wed more persons of Dya.
pepsia, Nervousness, Sour Stonnich, Loss
of Aptite,. Sinking WSakness, General
and Mental Despondency, than
any o ther article in existence. They are
composed of the purest _roots and herbs,
carefully prepared, to be "taken as a tonic
and gentle stimulant. They are adapted
to any age or condition of 'life, and are ex
tensively popular with methers and persons
of sedentary habits.
article--superior to Cpl.
price. " •
For Sale.—A. good Taper route on the
Gazette for sale. Apply this office.
• MAYB—REDMA2r-On Wedtjesday evening, April
251 d, 1868, at the residence ofilthc bride's parents,
Birmingham, by , Rev. G.• (1. INVestfall, assisted by
Rev. James Plckerson, Mr...MiITON P. HAVISlind
Miss LAURA V. RED3IA...V.IiSo cards. • • •
BABRETT.—On Thursday inorntng, April. 23d,
at 9:15 o'clock, -WM. BA9RETT, in the 517th year
of his age.
The for
cue fanerai wii. ..ste place goin.,.titie residence of
White. No. 101 Wylie? - qtrcyt, on Saxtriniy
- MORNING, April 28th, at . 0 'O'clock. His frlcnds
are respectfully invited to atte nd. - '
POSTER.—On Tuesday. - 21st, Colonel J.
HERON FOSTER. editor of the l'ittaburigh Daily
PaPlileh, aged 4 . 0 Yearn— _ ,
The relatives and mends or't4eiamily are respect
:Nil:lk invited ta attend the Nueral-on FaIDAY
.riatrioori, at 2 O'clock, . fro*Htlie residente,
No. 202 aotall'Aviritie, Allegheny City.,.
No. 166 FOURTH STREF.Y.. Pittsburgh, Pa.
INS of all kinds, CRAPES,' GLOVES, and ev
ery description of Funeral Filniishing Goods fur
nished.. Rooms open day and 'night. Hearin and
Carriages furnished. '[
ItyrranaNcEs—Rev. David :Seri, D. D.,; RCT. M.
W. Jacobus, D. D., TbomisEwlng t Esq., Jacob H.
Miller, Esq.. . •
Allegheny City, where their. " COFFIN ROOMS are
constantly supplied with react and imitation Roae
wood, Mahogany and Walnut ICoffins, at prices va
rying from *4 to .100. Bodies prepared for inter
ment. Hearses and Carriage* furnished; also, all
Kinds of Mourning GoodS, AT required. Once • open
at all hours, day ; and : night, !!!•.
IrTIER'r 11 , 07 r, UNDER
, -Allegheny, and---;No. ISO DIAMOND
SQUARE, by ( John Wilso n 1' Brol. - 4, keeps always
On hands the best Metal, Rcsew Walnut and
imitation Rosewood Codlne—gWalnu Coffins from
$2B upwards. Rosewood Cohlns(62o upwards, all
other Coffins i proportion. Carriages and Hearses
furnished at low rates. Crape, Gloves, Plate and
Engraving furnished gratisW' Office open day and
artiLlt - -
Something ENTIRELY:I4;OV
tamed of the inventor, -
DR. SPENCER, 254 Penni St
Air CALL AND EXA.M.D.cE.- . . .
ed wlthout pain. =l. - ap24:pB
We are now receiving oe SPITMO AND.SUM
Saratoga Star Sprtag :Water.
Vichy Wfter.
Congress Water. dL4e.
For sale by the bottl dozen or mos
corner Sinittis4d and Foiirth Gtr e 41.
. .
• •
,• .• - •
. . ,
_ - • ,• . •WAR/WiTED TO '
IMPROVE - TikEllacitrr, • • ;
• ;,•„.. .• - . •
N E •- - • ••••• • •
SPltilrer:44o6DS •
Mil TRADE, ,„ •
JUST OTtistEir Ai °
.. • I •
, 1-IALE'S -
.11VALKAPif 1111114141110. t
• 'Alm_ jairkprE,SE*
• Itlart E; -
Jr i i Nt i T lEoll'Mat ATi
t+ - -
Zg!'iliffAMPS4llo)**l *41111$113.04:,:
. f,`.14 Y 1 A t'VkikONFEC.• •.!
kElb J
delightfal toilet
~ and at. half the
can only be ob-