NE AIndI!LPSE;BVMTSt onsAr orris' roil THE .PEOPlag.... The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been removed to F 0.119 SRITHFIESD STREET, where teal always. befound the most complete emeortnent t i t °III "' =PI Vei Lu cily g . " A c a l ki a tt i l l i ti r rt 41%1 Weil • easrWily -repaind: Cub pigig u ARMY RIFLES .arel .REVOIarERS. 'dem& JtdUp for a Lietrated Circa/co. 40entit ,wanted in eeem &nen in the United Stater. A Joint; wroar,-179 Smith& td-3treet, Pitt/ddrese, burgh. IgrNOTICE.. ' THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE • :CITY, MASILi Are' beieby notbaeltint:tiui. Vrtit instainient on their Subscription */ Mort tai now' due; and rrin - be receivedut Ole Batik; iftd*.:Wlll be; open for best- De " Tsie Stock Book.l rrtU remsbi- openior u limited time p ersonsdesiriug to subscribe sbuubi.fin so at DO3IENTCK. IribiSEN, President. J. 13; 0011.11.LX1.!ir. ' - 1 " 1 * a 1CE.... ;. .; ~.• ; :4; ,•:11•-•'; TO TURNITIEB AND pimaposp 0011EPAN1BEQ The"undersigeed';-4P(Oted by and i n . accordanse with the act' Cf - the Legislature of the Stati''Of Pennsylvania;. ePProi-ef 0th;,”61., have, in compliance with a:reach/Don , tif Die fielec,t- , and - Common Councils of tile dil l . St igAtabFgla, en tered on the ditties ImptiOd on theta by said: ait: And to enable them to perform said &Wes, they hereby request the President - and s. Directors' of any and every Turnpike and Plank Read 'CoMpanyWlth in the present bounds' of tthestity Of Pittibergh,. *bleat claims to charge tolls far the use of their provements; to- fundfdi the appraisers'with a state - meat in writing, of Ihe road held unt owakiltry each corporation, and statement to 'thew, .First—The name of -the road or:company, , the title of the act of incorporation; and of, itarempplements, with the date of approval of each.--" . "";• . Second—The number of shares* now' hela - by the stockholders,. and the amount latently :paid in by themes capital stock. Third—The length Or road now owned by the cote pany,wilhin the present bounds of the City of Pitts-=, burgh, and the position of itstermiaL ? The' statements may be delivered to either of the undersigned, or at the office of the City Controller,' Fourth street, Pittsburgh,. rind' are' required .en or . - before the 4th day of May . next. ' 3 W. NVADE, WM. DILWORTH," AI.E.X.ANDER GORDON, Commissioners. ;h. April A 4: 1888. • ' aptti EMMEI7 Is brow, THE MOST: terta 11; Magasine Pttblished zgimia -• Ist. In this number is commenced anew iitOmby the =V.: popular NOVelbst In this' COuntry. MA- RION H..A.BLAND, -author of `Wong' , "Hidden Path," *Nemesis, " 'etc., called "BE 'ALE." Thin story willhe ELECIANTI:r ILLUSTRATED., Ad. THE GALAXY now contains rirrf Pin Cif..*.r. more matterrttian heretofore. .7.. • . - ad. .It is the. stint' ELaisANTLY ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE published in this' country, • - Each • BUM ber hareffour elegant full-paged IllustratiOns, on tinted paper: Contentiof the May itanabaiit • I. THE BLACK BESS: A Story. By Harriet Prescott Snofforth ' • - 11. otrß 3ra.LtortAlßT-5. lIL-PERSONALISIL:AIty Walt Whitman. IV. CLEMENTINAMINXISIDE: A Story. By E. Lynn Linton. • • . V. THEJSOLDIER STATESMAN. , _ VI. TIIL — I'LLUIIIMAGE TO MECCA . ; By Miss E. D.,. Proctor. . • VII. ;WOODS AND WATERS. By E. C. Steil BREOHDALR. Chapters 1.; 11. and By Marion Harland. WORDS AND THEIR USES. By Richard Grant White. - • X. FIVE YEARS IN JAPAN ., kty,. DT„D. - • Siminonsi ' Xi. STEVEN LAWRENCE, YEOMAN. By Mrs. XII. THE GALAXY I.II3SCEI;LANY--Short and • liriht Articles. .I.TIII. D 9 WOOD. By Philip Quilibet." XIV. LITERATURE, ART, etc., etc. X.V. NEBUT„.E. Ry the Marron. • • Pricealkcente: .I*per year. NOV is the !rime to Subscribe: ' Two copies sent for a year to one ad dress fora. Three copies sent for a year to one address for $lO. • Sample copy sent on receipt of 15 cents. • , SHELDON & COMPANY. `Hos: 498 and 500 Broadway, New York. SPRING:::::ST:i.OGK Or, NM CARPETS! MEM :i.;: . -- • Wl3ll;..lAVE,lN'grq!tr. Tipp most . c omplete assortment • , CADPETB and OIL CLOWIIIiIwe. - have ever opened, embriebuil the newest styles and designo , , • , of the best .FOREIGN and DO NESTIC 111(ANVPALWOrilERS, imported and selected with special reference to the Pitts burgh. Dearkett.- Many . of the patterns are confined °, our house exelnsivelyfoe this iitY4 With the 'advantages of Dlieet • Importation, we are now 'Mile • to' offer early th&iirarest ,osid choicest patterns of DIMS EELS, most'the: eelehrio ted 1 0Outs, add' 11 , -; peices 'within the .reach, of al-, - most everr_Atenseholder- A special,' but '- -, litaited Importa. tion of ENGLISH, 'INGUAINii, • , of, extra quality, And in rare and beautlfal 'desigissi Will be • found ednetlally• choice desirable for Chambers. I • , •.• . • . Zur Stock of CORMON_AtIWOOL CARPETS, purchased 'before :the Carpet Weavers' strike, will be sold at thO same rates as previous to: the last ad vance, and firnish CARPETS to the multitude at thelowest prices Anse the war. A .good CARPET- FOR CUM & YARD. !LE...Those harbor Parlors or Drowhig Naomi to lisruLsb are speedatir Invited to edussultse' the eusuluilly Itrde *tuber of patteirialpiPirtieularly 'adapted to that purpose, which we Pifer fa WJLTON op. TAP VELVETS and ERESSELE, at IoW Priem. ' , 0LT912, MOOUNTOOK & COMPANY _ . wAffleiniero — ...11114,114‘ • *- 4 smieros grgay,*. • 'Neu; Pittsbnigis Orain Elevator NV, . 41 . 1 ‘3W410014 . • . • Matrafederer of CORN /Wyk YLOiritratid CHOPPEA D. orders vow 1p either aitr Hof, , Grithe of tines - enoPPed:, l 3/Q" • • j •• • • . •••1 . Bgt`lr - MaCTIMPILTair; or would rent for a tail= of years: 'Lavin at '4lOlO-Mr X,. *0 Palo Alt* St.., Alkitten/. NEW ADVERT! - 01 , FIGE, CITY ENGINEER AND SCEVEYOR. EITTBDGEGII, April RC 1888. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE removal,of Abe CITY. WEIGH SCALER; on 'Second Street. to the corner of Second and Try streets, will be received at this office until FRIDAY, May Ist, MM. . H. J. MOORE, apM: , - City Engineer. TO ILETI - - - - 16 I tWo GOOtiDIVEUIVICIN.wr • 1,47 On 47 Ohlo street, two doors west of 'Diamond, each containing two rooms and two porches. Enquire at 46 Ohio street. ap.74:0a3: • • 4 CARSON. STRAY HOBSE.-A LIGIII 4 BAY -1 6 ..77 HORSE was4akenAphy-the --opSues day, the 14th inst... lfliffluinds high; lwrthind feet white; dark mane and taili about eight years old. The owner is requested to mime forward, prove iiroperty. nay charges and take it away, or it will be sold on the 315th inst to uay ergensmi • ap24:092 MATTHEW J. GREENE. AF i "- - -3 IPiTY , Atii4fCARTSe; • • 4.11 Y Person.yrishing to hare their ashes, removed promptly by tuoVlty,ilLsleCartg, either by Ile' week or bpitontraolowillldeaseiesve-their orderritrake GAZETTE OFFICE, or at Alderman BUTLER'S OFFICE,. where they will recetre prompt Attention. ap2ettpb , , 7EL -F.;,./ZEICK•!i _ • litirt4l l timiumOtir - • Aura*, ' l :liorthWeet - ciiiiier of West Common, Allegheny. FERO'S. ATV - ATER & CO. . Have On Land of preteiri on , elklettioilee Hearth and Step Stones.' Flaip_ for - Sidewalks; Brewery ... ' Vaults, - ft. Bead and Tomb Stones, 50,,.*. • Airders promptly executed. Prices reasonable: WP STERN RICT of 1101111 e. V f BTLVJJ lA. 88. Pittsburgh...the.9lo4 day ofAnriL A. D.IIBBB. The undersigned hereby Oyes notice of his appoint ment as. Assignee of JOHN •W. - O"BRIEN,EVIL LIAM H. STIMPLE and ALEXANDER BERRY HILL,-partners as O'Brien, Stimple & Co.. of Pitts burgh, in the county of .Allegheny. and State of Pennsylvania. within said disttict, who have been adjudged bankrupts upon the petition of O'Brien and Stimple; by- tne District Court of said dlstrict. • . JOEIX H. EAILEY. Assignee, 'apoArti7 Attorney-at-Law. 89 Grant st.II ADIAIIOIII. - • • . 11 In accordance With the requlr,ements of an Act of Aisembly, passed MarchlBth: 1868, the qualified : voters- er that portion of. the City of Allegheny, formerly pelt of Duquesne Borough, which , was annexed to „said city by the aforesaid Aet, will as semble at their usual place of holding elections, - ON TIIESDAT, May sth, 11888, : - . • And elect THREE SELECT COUNCILMEN, one for Lyear, one for 91 years, one fer yeses; and TOUR'COMMON COUNCILMEN. ap24,. • . BUNION:DRUM. Mayor. S A:Si • : • • • '•• I REDS AND MoRTGADES,- - • ' • . CHECKS AND itEtEIPTI3, • ORDER AND TIME 1100 . 4 e. . •, And everT description of . , BLANK BOOK'S, -.FOR SALE BY . HAVEN. Cor..Wood and Third Streets. ap24:099 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUYERS Tiimmings, Notions and Fancy Goods. We haie received a very fine assortment of - IM7iUte C'3.4:o4:acbs,. STRIPED. DOTTED AND PLAIN SWISS; STRIPED, BARRED & PLAIN NAINSOOK; LAWNS{.CAMBRICS, Etc: GOOD IRISH LINEN , at 31}}1e. per ard. - GOOD DIMAS'S. TOWELS. 0.15130. .9ur Line of ilosrgartinoi •-: • 200 - 2KOIECN 'Or.CORSISTS, 1 ' Just ieeeried,- 'selling st EASTERN FRICES. A. Fine Lot, of .:Para.ols, . - - - is ALL STYLES Aavi) CCiLORg, SYSTEMS ALEXANDRE SIDS, at Si per pair, •. 5145 ta ezmuNE LIGHT COLOR*D.HIDS, at 500.. *War. TMIUNLMIMUSLISTISEIBTWittIiL OO _ 'BIERIIikMOIIAtf3, at 76e. and In PAPER _GiOLLAES, we haye krall variety DIACRtni, GLTDE - & CO., aad: SO Market: Street: 4MHZO HAM PACKERS; IicCOY'S VERDITER QUEEN, 11[A.BBIS t FlignlNG, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, =lll 87 iniAAKET slaws_ T• TIMODOBE:',Tit PIII,LIPS' , : . . . EglilMit ;11,1tY OS* , eX VeifitanrarbeY, P,I11"r1,/nM that. RETAIL DRY GOODS STORE ere comyytotes :.1 • sail 4111 eitataislaileut li 41b* OPEN: ma egerapa ptyelx, • • , :-1 3 reeP Eger* , pf i Goo t ifr YorBp r ilagujilierWolit s 'it itarl;‘ ern Case a. wratict:" MrIIIIIITHEIB--23 HOW land.- isig from steamer fikiphotteth foriodo by • si n • winAsAm DICKY-X*IXL c , A] • A Airnr sy co. A • g_lmor,' iv I 11, Clore, for sale by ISAIAH DICILICY £ CO. WARD'S. TOILACCO LEAF.-41 boxes in Sore. An sale by OULU& DICIEZT • CO. ===! R'hicb cannot be beat. It canasta of '~~ET.LOW, voro, AND FOR SALE Or WHOLESALE :•DRUGGISTS, ~i~r~re~v~sc~~. ps. SPRING OPIIIMPa! .^.,.~.-,. .--...... ;.-,~ : ,+riev-:!r~rti ^ :'T.+i~Fy.~....,~~;~~~a, .'~,~ „ ~+..~....x _4 ~~~2r~ t....y 'a I'~^'., 1.7 ,SBURGH GAZETTE': NEW 4;, 1 _ Pll*%lS. RY .GOODS DRY GOODS ; LIEGE nom 19W .P_BIGEq C_ ~..y.'A, T T ai. d.. 11.2 - gC. ; heavy UNBLEACHED MIISLLII, at GOOD GINGHAM, .0 12,4 e BEST PINTS, nt 12; c PURPLE rizil•rra,' Slfghtly imperfect.'at 12,4 c JEla§.-at EXTRA. WLDE CRASII at Mira HIICKABACK TOWELS, at IF!ic. . tieiy cheap'.. COLORED KID GLOVES, at 75e. SPRING-SMNTLS srnisa DELAINES LAGECT:CAV3IIIIERES DARK CASSIA ERES ILADIFS` SACKING CLOTS A nice assortment-of ,DRESS-GOODS: TABLE LIKEN, IRISH LINEN. SHIUT'FRONTS, - WRITE QUILTS.. BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS 1302nar.T . Si RATS; I RIBRQNS, FLOWERS. HOSIERY, HAIR MANDS, NOTIONS, &b A STOCK AT LOW PRIM, - • . Iffal VMdeimle and Retail, r, , z 1 Vi 0 ';7- , ,` ,, . "';' i,1:: c.' =I En 180 #lB#,Y.olll4,:,44,ilLlittuy; MI j. & H. - PffiLLIPS. . 19/g9l spittNG 400ns.i 9ipst. ../LA....".".J• V1M...741 We are now recelving I.:Tim our own and other manufactories a NEW STOCK of FLOOR. OIE CLOTHS , CARRIAGE, FURNITURE, TABLE•AND IVINDOW SHADE OIL CLOTHS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Also, a full line of Transpar_ent IPklndow Shades; rirollands, Shade Fixtarei, Tassels. Cords, &e., &e. WOLESALE AND RETAIL BUYERS will - find our prices AS LOW„_,IF NOT LOWER, THAN CAN BE PURCHASED RLSEWHERE, - and of quality and styles second to none. • • - H. PHILLIPS; 26 AND 26 ST. CLAIR ST. 168. av3:nB6 168. CHEAPSCHEAP! air PRINTS. DJ.E/ l P e Lir r A INES. ' ITWEED,CASSIMERES . FLANNELS COLLARS. DOSIBAY AND GL H OVES .' CARPETS, CLOTHS /firRIBBONS, SHAWLS. B HOOP, SKIRTS, LACES. air AT THE NEW DRY _GOODS STORE OF lig - SOUCY, No. 'l6B Wylie Stieet; 16S ' • • .2 - - _ AO& ' tinb2i.:n4ol' MARBLE ar. SLATE mamma, PITTSBURGH STEAM IRARBLEANO SLATE:ORKS. - Once and Wsrroom-319 and 321 LIBERTY STREET. Mantle Wareroom on second itof,r. Persons wanting„Marble ortilato Mantles will find It to their interest 'to call. 'Workmanship not ex celled in any place, and prices as low as In Eastern cities. Marble Mantles or Furniture Slabs which hale became discolored but smoke; oils or acids, can be Marbleized and made to la ok as well as new. There is no other - place In 'Western Pennsylvania where Slate Mantles are manufactured. All kinds of Marble Work-done In the bestrnanner. -Marble Cutters supplied with Sawed Marble at East ern prices, carrip.geldged. •es •.• • • GREAT SALE. Tremendous Sacrifice in Looking. Glasses. tatitatoo Preparatory to moving. li:ear my_ k Of fine COLT, PIER and - MANTLE CIL ORS, POR TRAIT and PICTURE ILRAIIY.4: oua styles of lIICUROOM GLASSES, all of which ..mnsl be sold by the let of June, Regardless of Cost. Those who are in want of One Parlor Glasses an 4 a first-class article of lino gilt worlr, will do well to give me a call. . . - -J. LYONS, 110 Wood street. rza . . NOTICE. --Proposals will be re celred by the underelgued on the IsT DAY OP MAY, YOU THE Plastering and lias Fitting of the'liev. enth Ward New ll3eliool House. Pitts. _ . ' Separate bldi by the yard anti lump, are solicited 'forille Plaster ng. The Directors teserre the right to reject any or all bids. Plans and epeoltleations can be seen at the °thee of BARB & MOSES; Nos. A and *St. Clair etreet. .. ~ : ~, .M. K. MOORILEAD.: , :' :.titsor ,• . . - A:. Mail ing C ommittee. a . •:oSG 0/FICB OF CITY ENGIN/X/1;AM) SpnvziOn, Pittsburgh, `April lain, 'NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. led Proposals for tiding, Paring and Curbing ALLEGHENY STREET .tram Yet:alto Liberty st. SMALLMAN STREW, from Marto:lto Taylors , . • CENTWAYENVIt. tram Dlnwiddie teMirkpath risk street. 1 'MULBERRY ALLEY, from (Inner to Smith et. .• • MULBERRY ALLEy, hot* qpitti to Taylor et. • Will be receivhd at the Office of the City 'Engineer, until SAT,URDAY, A p ril SlNtb. 11481 E. Specters. Rona and blanks ter 'bidding can be bad. by railing at Rib, ordain , • • • r• ' •.17:076 R. MIDORE. City Enynneer. o. E ;linctier, ..,,,.•,...„:,,..,;..,,,,:,,.;„., 7,..,::.'iv,1ii5,..*4.40.17,..,.,,- 00. mmiorinrA OM etsrern arid Bend Sundt' Ihrdie - 4111 tax celvn pro anttention. Wsgons running in Yap- Tinrgb auleghenye , Erf - DBAULIC sOkti - Broxt, • rbASTHIL TOPS,_,; n -41 • . WATER' Plimar N44/1*;$;'41 1 0/4 11,12' Islyaed".atreet. iNZIO itt•lß:o7C * Adler et wimitelia atom: Order. Promptly attended to. 5p13:141 LIIE SINADING, for Store Witt 6ndows,of the di street. ffere t n for wad at Not. 11 1° d nt. MAU aDu J. i 8. 1111INLMI. TRIDAY;:::A . PItit. ,24".'"1e.,88;: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DIERESI The management Is enabled to present this season. SPECTACULAR SPLENDOR Never before consummated by tact or liberality A'DISPLAY OF PAGEANTRY Which. while developing the almost INEXHAUST IBLE RESOURCES cf . the . . " STANDARD SHOW," Sustains the reputation so honestly_acqulred and proudly maintained by Messrs. THAYER & NOYES. Don't fall to witness the- GRAND PROCESSION. THEIffE OF VERSAILLES: Th e'Cod rtl Meeting of .ItOYALTY and PgWEIT on the • ' FIELD OF ZE CLOTH OF GOLD, Einti SEMPLE'S .SING HENRY VIII, of England; FRANCIS I, of France. Poocesstons of THE CAR OF AURORA, At a cost of $10,600. Representations of the pep peodple vA t l l Ll fattons— R lTßOPE, ASIA, AFRICA A LINE OF GORGEOUSNESS POWER SUBSERNIEN't TO;BEAUTY. LION PROSTRATE AT WOMAN'S FEET. Taken from its Den, mounted upon S. Pedestal', and Carried in Triumph Through the Streets. . Revtral of a Taste for the Beaqttful, • 4 A PERIOD OF CHIVALRY, A MODERN PARADE, ,• , _ Replete •with..Agelent Grandeur; itiettlni of the 31onarchs; the White and Black Knights attired In Sults of Real Armor: Ladles of the Court in Royal Robes. . . TECE EPHANT, Bedecked in Eastern Trapping, ud bearing on Its back TELE LNFANT PELS-Md. THE IYILD 'BEAST MOON, • Thrown open to the public. Prof. WHITE and his oitour OF LYONS—the iargest • and finest ever seen iu sny.3lenagerie.; • . Arir For fail * particulars of this QUADRUPLE COMBINATION See -the Bills, 3tc., of the Afir Doors open at I and 7 r.' M. Performance commences at A and Sr. M. - On Thursday, April 39th, , IS6$ ALLEGHENY CITY, Friday and Saturday, May Ist and 2d PITTSI43IIGIi, Red Lion Lot, lgonzinfncing MONDAY, May 4th 51. ME OF TRAINED' ANIMALS. KNIGHTS AND DANES, DAIS OF MT AND TOURNEY THE GENIUS OF LIBERTY, A ROLLING MASS OF MAGNIFICENCE ON - E MILE LONG AHUGE MONSTER„ THE ORIENTAL FEATURE WILL EXIM3IT IN ' - BIRMINGHAM, SIX DAYS ONLY, OLIVER P. 3nmits, birectoi. rubticatton JAMES JARWAY, Agent GROfEB"&' BAKER'S ELANTIC wrirraft EEO LOCK eviTrcs BEWINQ MACsI~EB WITII °LATEST nOROYEMEN'TtI, the New and Elegant Bales' Items .TkIS COMPANY, ST'F`I 'TH STR i?T. Also , NEEDLES,AI7AOHMENTS,- MACHINE SILKS and COTTONS, THREAD, MACHINE OIL, r &C. The citizens of Pittsburgh are respect -11111y Invited to coil, - • , Applications 10'440100w Ciroulars or. lamples by !nail on application. Correspondence to be address** t 4 • 'l' 1 1 ; r ; r.; • GRON t EIt. 66 . J3AM . 0. M. CO., •• afFtrrn STREET, PITTSBURGH. • • nilt2o:nl2 • APPLIQUE LACE -CICURTAIN& TAmnounn LACE cuirrAniS S O rr alt " r 4qECuWf X /0 ' i" '7E44IIIILS LACE - WORSTED ImarAßE I CORN/CES , LOOPS, DAIDIi, it l eo fre AT p • I FIFTH STREET, "g 0 SalThr SI:A EMMY ar; ---- W ------- 11 -- ' - aic -- w a , • !GANGUES ER' PASSIM : BAXL " NOTIOE. -40 MTA Oxlskelit a t thitiont Die itsilwassfieshhoectrr.exutnr trom , tha lower line or Wirprope nneininneni, Lim, in rbou e n o ye ure drartesc , taWne ritebec hip dwavan • h i t o g ins ofto to id th attr e ßall termla wsoy u r s wm a i t e g es pedl pri i within ten dim from the Agetb hist.. as nikproposa will be entertained after the lith e N r AsnY MX. rrOPOSSU to be handed to the =I • 1 .S. H G ORE, , annerintendent,pro GIS, " "No• Int• Via ehrrtttelaurin• aplimal ct..e. ti nt - rc`.Ll;''w~c~. , ~fi, yn, , t shait~i~ v, ' , c S a.r " ':£~t''Efir'.w'~£ ' A~;..k`x.~'r'~S'k a~Fut';`s"~7 ,Yk-'tel.;t`t7 a~! y -ay ' vc f, NEW ADVER'rIELF,UI:MTST AN ACT authorizing the MAKING .01" New Indexes of the Records contained in the Deed Books in the Recorder's Oflice of Allegheny' Connty,,and Regu lating the manner in which the same shall hereafter be kept. ' SECTION" 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Me Commonweatth of.Penn ay tannin, in General. Assembly met, and it Li hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Judges of the District Court of the county of -Allegheny be and they are hereby authorized and directed tocause , to be made, in the manner hereinafter directeAl complete set of new indexes, direct and adtfectent, ' bf the Records contained-in the Deed BoOlcs in the Recorder's Office of .Allegheny county, said Imitates to be done In a plain, bold, round hand-vrriting. sgetuOti 'A. That the said indexes shall be d[vid. I Into indexes of•the Central Northern and Sandie Districts, and shall respectively contain at follows, to wit: The Central shall .be an index of the record of all instruments relating to property situate be, ' tween the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers: the Northern of all as relates to property situate north of the Allegheny and Ohio rivers; and the. Southern of all such as relates to property situate. south of the . Monongahela and Ohio rivers; Sand when any record relates to property situate Many.' Of said rivers, such record •shalf be Indexed in. the indexes of both of the districts between which inch river llows. fiEcrios 3. That each of said. indexes shalt have plainly printed upon its back tile name of the dis trict of which tt is the index, and shall contain• the name or the grantoror grantee, the date of acknowl— edgment and the date of record of each instrument indexed therein, as also the volume and page where the same is recorded. SECTION 4. That it shall be the (MO of the sold- Zudges,ttfter the passage of this act, and for the purposet oftheiniane. to appoint a Commission, to consist otthiteMembers of the bar of taid county, familtir with-the retords kept in said office, who shall haye.power to contract with one or-more per sons for the making of said indexes, which contract, 'when approved by the said Judges, shall become operative and binding upon all parties Interested trembled That the , party or patties contracting to. -make saidipdexes shall give a bond, with - two suf ficient sureties, said bond to be approved by the said Judges, for the faithful performance of said con- • tract, in such amount as is now by law required to be given by the Reeorder of Deeds of said county. SECTION IS. That the said party or parties con tracting as aforesaid to.makethe said indexes shall receive therefor such compensation as, shall be agreed bpon or fixed in and by said contract, the same to be paid at such time or times, and in such manner, as shall be so agreed upon, out of the trees= ury of said county, upon the order or orders of said Commissioners,. countersigned by one of the Judges of said Court, upon which order or orders. which shall be directed to the Commissioners of said coun ty, the said Commissioners shall issue their warrant or warrant for the payment of the 'same, in like manner as other claims against the .said county are now bylaw paid. .. . . Notice to.. ontractorg. - . - • T HE UIIiDERSIOIVED COMMIS- 1 SIONERS appointed by the District Court of • gheny county, in pursuance of the provisions of an. act•of the tieneral 'Assembly of'.theDorambni. , wealth of Pennsytvantit,lti copy of which - aald act isk herewith published,) for the purpose of contracting . 'with one or more persons for the making of new in dexes to the deed bookslir the; tecurders office in said county, hereby give' notice that Settled Propo sals for the making of said indexes will be received until TUESDAY, May illith, 1868. . All Books and Stationery necessary to be used in performing thesaid work Blain required to be fur- • nished by thhi Contractor or contractors. The Com missioners will reserve to themselves the right to be consulted, and if necessary to direct as to the size, character, Re., of the. books in which 'the tine in dexes are entered. and the contractor or contractors will be allowed for the actual cost of the said dual index books in addition to the contract price for - performing said work. The Commissioners also reserve to themselves the right to supervise the work, and on the completion ofthe indexing of each volume of the deed boas to rescind, tprobationhp contract.. if :the work does not' meet ' their ap. Each idd will be required to contain the price.per page and the time within which the -bidder will .un dertake to complete the contract. Each bid will be accompanied with the names of the sureties proposed to be given, for the faithful performance of the work. - The bids will be addressed. through the post office, to the Commissioners, No. 88 Grant street, Pitts burgh, Pa. The Commissioners reserve to themselves the right to reject or accept any bid or bids as in their judgment may be most conducive to the public in terest. . . .11: P: LUCAS, • . ' •_5..11. GEYER, -- - GEO. SHIRAS, JP., • . Commissioners. Pittsburgh, April 21, 1888. ap23:o100 Q' w - -40 d F c ir- -- 4 " - H 74 c:, kt 01:1 t:4 to 'lO NEW, CELOICE* !DESIRABLE STRAW AND 31111INERY, GOODS , JUST "'ARRIVED, A. 1413 ARRIVING MUCLar, 4t-N05.,77 and 79 Market Street NEW SHADES IN HATS AND BONNETS. RIBBONS, all widths and shades. FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS. ROSES, 'BUDS AND WREATHS. FROSTED CRAPES AND-ILLUSIONS. WHITEcBLACIVAND COLORED cnArl. SPRING SHADES SILK. VELVET. TRIMMING LACES, all colors. STRAW-TRIMMINGS AND ORNAMENTS BONNET AND 3LARCELLINE SILK. FRAME% .tc.. Sc. - - _ The largest stock . and best maw talent oft,he a'bove, to , be found ln tho city; - - , . 4180, a n , Compllte 4, bitsia of ' *,:offoisisy • • • • ..! - - "ritimo 111011101DEBIES, LACES, .tvE .. WOODS, ' HANDEERCHMCgth:,,,--- -GLOVES, CORSETS_ t BRArDs, TAPES,BUTTONS; FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC hOSIERY. PARASOLS AND SUN. UMBRELLAS. GENTS , FUR N ISHING GOODS. AT THE LOIYEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Whblesafe Rooms up Siaim. Jp.PPIE zugaix & co: =A NoricE. • `fifth Street Sidewalk - Extopion, • IRON CURB AND SIDEWALK. • ndfth We',lttesiko to partlei &Wit to widen their .aldewalkei-itecordlng to ordinande,'to our Pate p ylron ,'favernent_.The same wilt be 1 ir in front of thei_Opera.House this week and.till speak for ,1t5e1f....-Tho , folicrming is an ex tract .from a letter of-the City Engineer and kern later "I consider ..I;,angaintee 1,9 sroweiluad if r a id in Fmk street; will add greatly to its beatity, and would recotuniendAtto_property owners, • {1.„;_1:14,14:416104 City Engineer. Addres s::. K , • -- -ME **SAS 'giant& 4110KAB N. MILLER. "pirekalia,f2. vat 'mum.; ' d kotlce Is hereby given that the Viewers , Report In the matter of opening LOOMIT BTREET; Llis Ebony. has keen aged in the District Court, at 140. san, April Term, will be confirmed un less exceptions are Ilea I* offer time. a t RV e. ReCONRS, sai7:ooo City Attorney, DIVIDE% COMPANY ACIFIC OW THE ANIS declared its Eleventh Tate of TEN PER OEN* paid on demand; at the Treasurer, corner Sixth apV:p2; EDW A Igr.f. l :sEvectron of the MONONGAII 2 Will be held at t he First ham, on TLJESDA), DS hours of 4 and 6 o'clock ap21:088 . - ED' BEM WANE MA D T ; A S T R, YSTEILLIO NT BOY, - i - Por a pupil, anti" to - set al Agana - to a Mechanical Engineer. Premium required. Address Box 50, P. - AlleghenY • _ witirrED-A GOOD GERMAN GARDNER. A' sober,' inddstrionli married man, with a small famil nin et e en charge of and live on a garden farm within miles of the city. Them is a good brick house of six rooms: kitchen,. hail and teller, for the gardener to occupy, and tG whom liberal wageswill be paid, fordne that is com petent and trustworthy. For particulars inquire of G. 11. TOWER, Real Estate Agent, ap8:o16 No. 164 Fourth St., Pittsboigh. AGENTS WANTE D,,.• • GRANT; • - THE LIFE OF.•;-.A. new and standard work, by Hon. J. T. HEADLEY. the popular Historian. lien for Circular and see our terms. Address or apply to A. L. TALCOTT & CO.. ap20:087 60 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BY & PRIIIXES 12PAULBEF..!1& PHILLIPS, And Onnntfs.fdinl, liferchants, OPERA ,110. ERE: AUCTION 'ROOMS; No. 80 I" Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, AT kRIVATriErAIM DAY Atli) EVENING. Consignments Solicited. Prompt Re turns. - .• rHO THREE-STORY • BRICK OUSES, N 0.149 SMITHFIELD STREET, corner of Sixth sheet.. - - • SATURDAY - AFTERNOON, April 23th, at 3 'o'clock, will be sold, on the premises, that very de , slrable business property', the three-story Brick House, No. 1919 Smithfield street, corner of Sixth. now occupled,by &batlike & jewelers, con taining five roomabesides the store. Alsaq, the three- story Brick. House adjoining the rear of above,-and fronting on Sixth street, contatniug six rooms. eas and water throughout both houses. The lot Is 20 feet front on Shilthtield street and 80 feet in depth along Sixth street to Carpenter's alley. This Is the most desirable property now offered for sale in the city, and presents a rare chance for in vestment.- Sale positive. Title indisputable. Terms of sale cash. • apP.2 . • A. JICILWAINE,'Anc`r. FOR SALE. Property near Nanafield for Sale. A very desirable piece of land of 16 acres, having an orchard of about 3 acres, and a good frame house of 5 rooms and cellar: a spring of never failing wa ter near the house. • Located on an elevation about A Of a tulle west of Mansfield Station, on the Pan handle R. R. To be sold- as a whole or in lots, to suit purchasers, from A to 5 acres. ALSO. A good frame dwelling of five rooms, large ball finished attic and good cellar, with lot SA by MO feet 9 Inches, situate No. 60 'Adams street, Sixth ward, Allegheny City, which will be sold low and on good terms, as thekestnertrishes to leavethe city. ALSO. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—Two good lots on Franklin street; three small lots on Chartiers street,. , Allepheny. A unruher -of lobron. • ALSO. A good Farm of 70 Acres, 60 of which arc culti vated, and balance in timber, having,l6,..acrea. orchard, tonsisthsr - 67appleCiferiates and pears; a good log house of 6 , ,iroams sad' cellarte , gd o d log barn. Farm well watertd,lerrin 'good spring near the door ; - 50 acres'underhildrw g. ltit coal. Situ- •-, ate 151 miles nottleweilt of 'Allegheny City, - and'. ' miles from Sewickley or Glendale Station, on the P. F. W. &C.R. R. Terms easy, Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, No. 77 Federal etreet, Allegheny City. on seeon4•699r, ; • - ap23:m& FOR BALE.. •, . . . , -, -A RIVER BOTTOM: FARM OF 76 ACRES. 19 miles from the city, in Elizabeth township, Alle gheny county. Pa. g on-theliongltioghen_y Seer, One- - • .half mile from EirodMiStatiorwon the gonneltsville. - railroad; near churches, schools, stores, Ac.„ intim .- '. flourishing villages of Boston - anti Green Oak. The '" improvements are A, two.story. brick house : of six rooms, hall anti eellsr, : a good frame bank barn with stabling- underneath, and'other outbuildings; a well ,-‘. of good . standing water at the door.. and several, .„ ; standing ap_rings of watextorLthefarni;- and: - an qt..-- - chard of 700 trees of serected fruits of apples, cher ries, pears, peaches, quinces and grapes. This pro - . erty. - - being located deal" , thq line of the raliroa , within one hour's ride of the city , makes it very e sirable for gardcnidg - "of st. dairy farm; it la also ; a good and beautiful location 40 country homes near the city, lying immediately on .the river; On the op . matte side from the- rallroatt," - The' West. Newton ,AcCommodation - and other trains on railroad af ford -- certain and _frequent opportunities of daily communication:to and froth this - city.' Will be - sold as s,whole or in lots of one acre or more, to suit par "- • . - • Also, A FARM OF 173 ACRES, situated. la St. - Clair township, Westmoreland- county, les. --near .. the lime of the Perintylvanitaißeilgond- sr; Houston .. Station. The improyementsare a , twhigtory frame - house. with six room:Land gOodeellar, a Irmo - bank I . barn 40 by 80 feet; and other outbuildings. •- There 1 Is on the place a yotmg,spple amtrietick orchard ; 120 acres clearest landi.diVidedliito-deldsof cruse*, - Went size, a largo portion of -which twelfth, let lin- -, clover and timothy; the rest - due of said tract cov ered with good timber. It it well watered and an . deriaid with cost and. limestone and is -. convenient to churches , schools, stores" mills and blacksmith . ' shops. A real good bargain is offered. in thisexcel- - lent Cann; and :with it' will:1M aoldall the personal property 'on the premises . consisting of horses, qows, stock cattle; hogs and try, harness, gears: -, wagon, plows. tanning implements and household . and kitchen furniture.. Together_ be sold very;.: low and eu easy terms, ion responsible- nurchaser. ' • Also. a desirable sad Terylertile Traci - of Land -of .... 155 ACRES AND MS PF,REDES; in Elizanath 'l'p., Allegheny county, Pa., - on the line of the Rempaeld railroad. and one and one-half utiles from the Con- nellsville railroad at Suter Station. , (Maas farm - are AO acres of superior white• oak timber, width alone Is now worth one-half-3h° price asked for the whole tract. The lmprovelnents are a nc log. house, frame barn, good fencing ; an apple , orchard of good -.fruit. - It is well la atered and underlaid with limestone and flag stone of - A superior quality; with stone coal for the use of VIC farm. _ .. • „ .„- . • Also, The , best. FARM; , ,Iir -Fairfield toWnship; Westmoreland county, • Pa.. of 5{50 ACRES, about six miles south of the re_Misylrania Central _Rail rOaelat Boliftr Station, -The improvements are two larger-hewed log' dwellingtt one of the largest and • best frame . barns-in the township; two apple or- - .chardi, in good bearing cocidition„_• corn crib, wagon -4e nud other outbdildNgs. , The whole- farm is nii fie_ high:state of caltivation; fenclng all in first _l i t Oder, abouthe land of the whi ch qual clearedme i :,-lt "MB, BOO actett - of is and Mae of the tract 10. good • timber.' such as ". et oak,' rock oak, hickory, - Walnut - and - beech.. i., - :Property will be sold:Nary cheap and on goal. Nes letenni!, as the owner wishei to engage 11 other bust ; For particulars enquire of • .5i E . , G. IL TOWER, *64 Fourth Street. !. A DESIRABLE .PENS • STREET RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—Tbree-stom,brick e, well built and tobveniently.arrangeatmlie hall, large parlor, dining-toom and kitchen, cellar, wash room, etc.; seven .other rooms. , bath room; gas fixtures In all the rooms; yard, grape arbor, fie. Lot extends back to an alley; brie stable on the alley; all In complete ordet. - Apply to '-: • • • • • • - S. prrallEitio& • solo Real Estate Agents, Sri Smithfield St. L , OWS_ ' F011_,,....5ALE-7-. -sravrimu.. - ,HpILDING LOT4ott,Observatory Hill, Second Ward, Alle g heny City; artt offered—cheap. The location is a very desirable one, commanding a tine view of both cities, is easy of, access, - and there Is abundance '_ of .stono .owthe , ground. for building purposes.= Apkix_ shop ' soon at"the' paint op' of IIe (MAYAN & rictrutEß, Allegheny 'Diamond, 'at THIS OFFICE,. tir , ,ott,llm . , ,,premlges, Rear the Oh scrvatory /homing. i . mhz,;ng; ;. . t . AND 'Me..IIIOIOIMWOOD. • JLA , . Twer4 Acres; or . Land. tbValilit at Homewood Station, 1 1 '.Tt IL. Immediately opposite residences of Drs. Vandevort and tinpuy, and being the most desirable property for country rwsidsnees la the .cotinty. Ininsire of H. P. MILVER. No. 83 Fifth street. orol2. E. miLLEnitte4r nit Preidies• nn17:07& a ~ : EMI NOTICE.-THE TLANTID TELEDEATII NITED STATES, having larterly . Dividend at the DEE ANNUM, it will be Mee of the, Secretary and nd 'Wood streets. tD JAY ALLEN, See'f. or 'President and Directors; WATER CO. 'ational Bank of Binning ay sth. 1868, between the ARD MOYE, Sedretary. WANTED. MEM AUCTION. SALES. AUCTIOIMS FOR. SAI,E. - . ri t hi glEr"...l4lllßSMttitt ROW. :lARD'Oi LI V.Ettr Arm HAL EL; orrABLE one fine y rum two : GR E Y throe:DAPPLE ;GREY' sousiss,..o li. GE - DRAVORT •HOUSE:,,tlirae 'BLARE RES; two ifassEY MARES. in STREET. near idonotigabela•Honse. Horses bought and smarm commission. , - §6WEET MIESSIN4 0 11Wit1fj8 •of ' extra enalitr, In Pthge nrder_. litstrebelvedk Dame Lemons. for sole v. the ua_miurove -Yr 1110. asllllllW%