LI , e, . t PITTSBURGH DIARKETd. - 11 , OFFICE CF PuTsucrnott GAZETTE, ..c.t-r..7 , 1-..rxrePpri1,90 4 2,1&111m...41:17.. rwThe markets are deVoid of any characteristkswinthy of special no „.. We can report a steady local demand, t r . all of the leading articles, while prices , fve undergone no special change. es'of Pearls at lle; common PP4%e, and refined do at sc. "4% Lupply almost exhausted and ass to we continue to quote 4. 0 ;0 167 per bbl. es of 200 bbls White Lime re- Flied at 82 per bbl: LARD OIL—Is firm and higher in sym-, Ithy , with the advance in Lard; we now ote No. 2 at 81,20, and No. 1 extra at 81,48 51,M.. UTTER—RI a little dull and prices - are swung downward; we now quote Rrime choice Roll at 4543 to 48c. EGGS—Were dull to-day, and cannot li p e r i te m itu re or is above 22e, although . some i RAIN -Winter is q . uoted at. 52,55 8822,,65 for Red and White and No. 1 Spring $240. - Oats steady, with sales on track I filwharf at 79 to 8W.., and histore, at 83 to 1 ... Ear Corn' is in demand atsl to 5_405. Va. firm at , 81,00- some holders -asking 1,95 to $2. Barley nominal at 52,50—n0ne tmarket. - ' EEDR---01---- SEEDS—Cloverseed is dull and nominal 180,50 to v. Timothy Seed cannot fairly [ quoted above 82,50. Flaxseed is in de p:r4rl at $2,50. • ATOBS—Firm with regular sales at to $1,50 per bbl, for Peach Blows and 131ceyes. Sale of 1 car Peach Blows at 81,44, Pluding sacks. • ROVISIONS—Bacon is , steady but anged;:' we continue to ,quote'at MK to pfor Shoulders; 15% to 153;a for Ribbed d 17% to 18 for Clear Sides; d9c for Plain td 2,0 c foi Canvassed Sugar Curecl .Hams. ,rd 1834 c. MessoA k , e tt2741.1b 828. IcIAYIs firmwitlf sales of .baled .at 825 1 828, sud lobse at $2.5 to pg : BIB'D FRUIT Poaches are firm at 12 . 1 ) 3C,. as to quality. . :Apples dull at 0% to . . 'LOIJB-Is firm, with a steady local de ind and . prices are well austamed. We fitinhe to quote at $ll to $11,50 for Spring Iheit, 812 to $12,50 for Winter Wheat,and to $l6 for fancy brands. Rye.Fiour, New York Produce Market Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) • LW =Yank, April 23.--Cotton 34c higher h alair business; sales 11;600 bales at 35c , Middling' uplands. Flour—Receipts , 88 and fairly active ; higher grades. very [ IL ; low grades quiet; sales 1,400 bbls fit 25a9,75 for superfine - State and western; ,25510,90 for extra State; $10,20a11;30 for Ira' western; 512,60a14 for wheat extra; ,304.4 for R. H. 0.; 51.1a12,30 for extra. i Louis; 812.50516 for.good to. choice: do, .allig firm, iricluding in sales ,1,000 - Ibis trallitite for export; palifornia quiet' and. m; sales 1,000 Sacks at $12,85a14,50. • Rye . firmer; itales:`3oo. bbls at 18,25a9,75. rn meal steady; sales L 6OO bbla at $6. ±•. "sky nominal. Receipts of Idlest 4,000. -• zh and unsettled, opening about , le lower d - closing :firmer with .an active i ..rt demand; sales 114,000bu5h,12,50a2,55 No. 2 spring delivered, latter an extreme; ' 48 for - 1 , 70. 2 do. to arriveMpa2,sl for 4. 1 do. delivered: 52;T0 . for Port Wash . ItSton' sPring; 12,85 - for ember Pennvlva : ~ and $3,18 for white California; included • the sales were 14,006 bushel:lN° 2 spring •,ilarrive at privute terms. ',Rye is scarce : lid decidedly firmer; with sales of 3.0115 'lshels State at 12,15;which was afterwaed L !sold at 12.25. Barley is dull. Barle :,Galt l is quiet; sales of 600 bushels at 52.= -;(1rn; receipts of 14.000 bushels; •:-Labout lc better, and'sales Were made .of •1.000 bushels at 51 1 15a1,20 for new mixed .. I 'pternsfloat, elosing:at 51,15a1,19; old do, 1. , 51,1734a1,18 in store, and 51,20 do. deliv • ~ ed; simmal t is34 for white southern, and .24a1,26 for western and southern yellow. ••••ts; receipts none; - the market is a shade :-Sier; sales of 9,000 bushels at 85Xa&534c fl.- western instore,. and 87c do. afloat. Rice l• quiet at 1034a11y,c for Carolina. Coffee 'Arm. with sales of 1180913 age Rioat 1.134 c, :i 4d. Sar is moderately active, and sales re made of 45Ohligheads Cuba at llal2c. i lasses steady at 51,2 0 ; Muscovado at 49. 124 Ho l ps 234 q i ni or et ttn at 11A50 6; ' 26 fo M r troleum reftned bo qui n e d kat ed. • erican. ,Pork firm and more active; - es-4,250 bb Is at $27,87a28,75; new mess :''sing at 127,87; cash $ 27; old do closing at • t regular at 122,25a22,75; .prime at $24,50a ,00; prime Mess also at $25• new mess at 1 3,40, buyers ibr May .. , , ieer firm; - with' Les of 640 bbls and 400. tierces, at uri .. anged prices. Beef hama itomin7ll Cat • eats firm; sales-570 *mirages at 12 ,Vi ~,i, for shoulders; 1634a1734 for hams. • ;ion quiet. Lard firmer; ' sales-700 bbls ....,17 3 / 4 a18%; small lots atiBX;',also 500 bbls ler for May at 1834. Butter weak at 20a ' i m for Ohio, and 51a53 for State. Cheese and in good demand at 13a17. Freights Liverpool firmer, with engagements ,for 000 bush ' grain; 434 d. for . corn per sail; . for corn per steamer; 6'.d. for wheat per amer; awl 1,500 bbls flour at •15..6d. per er Tes.r.—Flour cloaed a' shade firmer th a moderate export and home trade de tri rdend. - Wheat la2c better for Spring with it export demand. Rye scarce, firmer unsettled .at $3,20; for western. • is dull at 85'(a85' for western in store. rn heav at $1,15a1,18 for new mixed .1 stem afloat and $1,1734 for old mixed L., stern in store. Pork quiet and firm at ,95a28 for new mess, cash and regular, . d 528,8734a28,50, seller;..lnne. , .l3e i ln I 7 • th moderate demand. Cut meats steady .3Ath moderate inquiry. Bacon quiet and • thout decided change.. Lard very firm 18'.a18' for fair to prime steam and ket •.-. rendered, Eggs steady at 22. . Chicago Market. y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CHICAGO. April 23.—Flour fairly active. - , , and steady;, sales of Spring Extra. at •-:,. • a 11,15. Wheat is in fair request and firm • . la2c higher, sales of No. lat $2,16a2.17. id No. 2 at 8,2,02a2,0334, closing firm for o. 2, with buyers at $2,03, Corn fairly . , tivo at %ale. higher, sales of 'No.I at 87a• ' •- • ; No. 2at 85a85%c; New . at • 84 1 ga.85*, d rejected at 813083 c, closing steady at • • •Jo3,ic for new; sales of. No. 1 in, store for :•liture delivery at 8734a88e; seller, May, at e; seller, June, Oats active Xa,,,ic higlie;r •,,•.I.les at 63W,643‘c.. Rye inactive; sales No. '; •"' at $1,&5 in store. Barley quiet at ~52,30a . " 31 for_No 2 in store. ,Pxoyisiotts quiet for. [ s st class brands. Mess Pork held at $27; ht sales at $27,75;, sales clear' pork at. Lard quie and firm ,, tit 17a17Nc., tiLk meats inactive and nominal, Freights active at 171:1 for wheat to OiwegO. -Re !.; ipts--7,96slibliffiour, 18,695 . bush wheat, ,•• ,455 bush :corn, '25,763 bush oats, 8,656 •':' ve hogs. Shipments--4,767' bbla flour, k ,184 bush wheat, 175,677 bush corn, 13,177 r ah oats. , , ..- ~; ,;.. 1 „ : f. - y,- . i ) -, - .t. Cleveland Market. • ly Telegraph to the PittsWirth Gazette.] - CLEVELAND, April 23. T-Flour market m; double extra Spring 110@12; double xtra redwinter $12®14; treble extra White, 13,50(§15,50. Wheat - firm but quiet; No. 1 ed winter held at /2,63, No. 2 do. at 02,45; • emand light. Corn in moderate request; : les No. 1 shelled from !tore, at 96c., Oats met and nominally unchanged, and held t 75c for No.' 1. Rye nominal. BarleY in emand, but none . in :the market. Petro • um steady at 22(.230 for bond, and or free; there is a good inquiry for = . , „ 8,1425 r, - Balthriore - llarket. By Telegraph toi tbri Pittsburgh Gazette.] BALTitione, April2.l,—Flout steady with fair demand; Northwestern. superfine,: • a 9,76; do extra, $ 10 : 25011,75 ,,_;2' ' Wh eat , eak and Unchanged. "Corn' wcus.;,white, 1 , 12 a 1 ./4; Fellow, $1,22. ' ()ate weiLkfweit . 82 a0603. 'Rye Arm; ' Poiklirun Mess,' 60. , Bacon quiet* ribbediddes, , lo3o;- tear sidftL.l73iv, shoulders, UM% billo o l 1.2%c. f.Ard firmer and active at. 16c. : • 1 = ~ Financial .Matters in New York. Gold Closed at 13sg@tio.. (By Telegraph togre Pittsburgh Gazette. Money easy at 7 per Cent, on call, and, towards the close of the day it was found impossible to employ balances at °per cent. Ditconnts easy, with more inquiry, at 7@B per cent. Sterling firm at 110(4)1103i for prime bills. Gold opened at 140 yo advanced to 1406, declined to. 139 A, closing weak at 139%®140. Loans made at I®4 per cent. for carrying, and flat to two per cent. for borrowing. Export to -day, M 1,200. GLIVEItNIIENTS Opened firm, closed heavy and very dull. Henry Clews dr. Co. Runt& the annexed 4:30 quotations : Coupons, 1:.: 1, 113 ®113%; do. '62, 111>1®11t; 'do. '64, 110®110y 3 ; do. '65, 110K®110Mt do. new, 108/®108x,; do. '67, '108y;®108%; 10-40 s, lo2;:g@ur3; 7-30 s, 106%®107. The railway market opened active and buoyant, New York• Central selling at 124 y. anct Erie 74%. Western shares are all higher, with an inereaabag business. At the 10 o'clock call Central reached 125 and Erie fell , to 69%, Western shares retaining an advanee of the morning market, but subsequently less active and lower. The fall in Central and Erie is quite large, though Western shares yielded but slightly. A i 8 reported that the Erie Directors have removed Drew as Treasurer and substi tuted- Jay Gould. All border State bonds steady except Missouri* which are a trifle " off. Express shares lower. Miscellaneous stocks more active4md higher. The gen eral market closed steady. Following are theA:3o prices: Canton, 48, 1 4®49; Cnmberland, 313•0®34; Wells Ex - I press, 29@30; Adams, 63®63%; American, 61m ®6214; United States, 61,40163; Mer chants Union, 31 1 /Al3l ;"; Quicksilver, 27® 27 1 4; Mariposa, 9; Pacific Mail, 9234 ®92X; Atlantic, 38: Western' Union Telegraph, 37 ®37M; New York Centaml, 1238{,®123%; Erie, 613%®68%; preferred, 7314 ®74; Hu son, 133®135; Harlem ) , 12W; Reading, s39l‘, ®89%; Ohio and Mississippi, 31®313'.; Wa bash; 513.1®52; St. Paul, 62®63; St. Paul, preferred, ,7534®76; Michigan Cen tral, 114 1 , 1 4®115; Michigan Southern, 99% ®99 V,.; Illinois Central, 1 143: Pittsburgh, 80(4)82; Toledo, 103M®104; Rock Island, 93 @93%; North Western, 62®63',3'; preferred 74l 743%; Ft. Wayne, 102%®103; Chicago and Alton preferred, 125; lolumbtt, 106; Prairie Du Chien 2d preferred, 93: Terre Haute, 45; Chicago and Alton, 123; Hanni bal and St. Joseph preferred,B4: Hartford and Erie, 14%®1434; •Missouris, 86%; • New Tennessees, 6814. • • KiNINg SIIAIIES - Quiet; - Qtiartz Frill, 135; 'Corydon, 31; David Receipts, $2,249,369. payments, 81,998,606 balance, 5105,818,173. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CINCINNATI, April M.—Flour and Wheat firm at fall prices. :Corn .in light supply and good demand, at 880 for ear.; Oats ad vanced to iBc, but axe not active. Rye quiet at $2; supply better. Cotton firmer; middling 30c; demand but moderate. To bacco firm: sales 196 fib& lugs at $4@8,30, leaf $11®28,50. Mess Pnrk held firinly at $2.8, but this is a shade above the - Views of buyers. Lard in demand and advanced to 18c. Bulk meats firm and aides in good demand at 14%c• shoulders not saleable at better than 12c . Bacon firm but quiet. Butter dull, 310443 lower and irregular; fresh 36@40c. Eggs declined to 20 ® 21c and are dull. -Groceries unchanged and quiet. Linseed oil $1,14. Lard oil $1,40@1,45 and firmer. Potatoes firm at $3,60®3,75. A b p ples scarce and firm at full prices. Gold 139 M, uying. [By Telegraph to the Plttaburgh*Gazette.) Sr LOTTL4 April - 23.—Tobacco unchanged. Cotton firm and nominally bigher, but no sales reported. Flour firmer and unchang ed. Wheat firmer, for= fall at`12.,65a2,78, prime and -choice spring unchanged 'at N. 4 05a2,12M. Corn firmer 85a138c. Oats in active and easier at 70a7Zc. Rye unsettled and drooping; sales at $1,85a2,00. Barley quiet at 12.65. 'Prime Pork active and biggher at $27,50a27,70, and held at $22,00 and close. Bacon active and higher at shonldsra - 17%c, clear aides 20c. ,Sugar cured hams; sales of 400,000 - poimd of clear sides of , May and • June at. - , sugar cured hams of July 22c. Lard firm atl7%c for prline., Whiskey held , at VAL Cattle less active at 85,004{0 gross. Sheep 0,00a7,00 per head.' . • )11Litsvaukel MaTket. (By Tetegriph to the,Fittetnirgh Gautto•] 1411LwAtrisieE, April . 23.—Flsmr- quiet; choice Wisconsin and. lowa, 59,62a10,25; medium, V9,25a9,50; common; 18,75a9,00. Wheat quiet; ii 2,13,4 for N0..1 summer re ceipts; 82,01a2,01% for No. 2 do. Oats buoy ant at 82%a88•3 for No.-2. 'Corm "firm at 84c for new shelled. Receipts-1,500 bbls flour, 3,000 bus wheat, 1,500 bus oats. 40,000 bus corn. Shipmont6-2,200 bbls flour, 24,000 bus wheat, 800 bus oats, 12,000 bus corn. • Louisville Market. [By Telegraph to the rtitsburgb Gazetre.l LOUISVILLE, April 23.---Tobacco at full rates; sales of. 204 hhds. Flour steady at e 8,75 for superfine. Whea: at t 1 2,25a2,20. Corti at 88c for shelled, ad 90c for ear in bulk. Oats at 74a75c. Cotton at 30c. Mess Pork at 827,75. Lard at 1830 for tierce. Bacon, shoulders at 1334a18Xe; clear sides at 17,!,c, all picked; fancy hams at 193a20c in canvass. Raw Whisky at '?2,20. .. Toledo Market. ' [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) TOLEDO, April 23.t—Flour, receipts 1,211 barrels; market quiet. Wheat, receipts 2,434 bushels and iirm; sales white Michi gan 92,88102,99; Amber 92,71a2,72 for No. 2. ' Red abash . W ,244 ,- . Corn; • receipts 3.360 bushels and a ,ahade better; sales No. 1 at 92a9234.. Oata, receipts 7,962 bushels; 2c better; sales No: 1 at 72. Rye scarce. Seeds dull:. llientphle ldarket.' flty Telegraph to the Plttebergh dizette.y , biz as rine, 24 Cotton , receipts, 75; bales; exports,' 4.50 'balm Flour du ll ; ail pertkie P,50.; Fork 128a23,50.• • ißacortkigh er; clear-Sides 10%e. Lard. 18a19c., , Corn 85a960- %Oats 188130c.,-; Bay 117a18. - Brett $34. Butter 55c Corti Ideal in fair demaud' xt $4,30x4,50 • --- • I CLEVELAND ANDPirrsisuscurlturmoab, April 23.-2 • cars ; : ; iron >; ore, Bryan - 41!. Caughey; : lB, do dor IV Shoenberger da Blair; 8,000 ft, luMber, Slack Sholes;10,000 do do, B Schmidt;,,2 ears Ma loney; 8 bbls tobacoo. 10kg,. - do, Shomaker Lan •85 bets water, r Rankin; 19 Isica• rye, 82 do middlings, , J(L,WAtirley; 2 bxs bolts, Lewis, Oliver t Phillips; 80Teks oats, H Hillernittit;s,`bbla oil, Wm 'lloo:itch-, eon; 2 do scrap iron, T sks rye,' 1 bag bags, ScotV3r. Gishi;; pcs casting, 'A • Bradley &Co; 8 , bgtrryei'Jl , Olennilo'rella , .leather, GM; - HolFslatt;ilo7f , skii oats; 16 do rye. 1 hale :saeks,'las ,Gtahatnl4, sks /age, M W Rankin; 11' , bbiAlaoett i llacorthe: Donald dr,Co; 1 car stone r , 4% - ,ItfIALKIIIM 2 caddies tobaccoS P &g i ver .St 04.1.80 eke oats, Strickler h "Mbilege;: 1 bbl,,:pggi, Jll. Simmons; 1 ba - dnags, J BCen‘d gcßra; 52 ski rags;liteCalloigh, - Snilth:'43; 'Co; 2 cars pig iren t , trniciii. , lrea: =Mitt I coo Zag Co; I dci - do; Miamian, Bak& Wed; 15 do dop Canibiltellrom i Co; :1 liok onions; 'Head' Metzgar; 27! , althr oatsi fr.bblatrec4 apples, Brown d. Willhutu*;l4Bbagatorn, 1 bagbiA-94 410 Bargslt 43 2 .194:411 amain, 8 db• rye, ly HGraff. 111111 m Th E t racut comnumi l km) uptennirvri B44l l 4tohlkt i lAPres233.4-8t grate faintai,f . • 74514rt!ti .1)1 • L•ti,',lu) ' EIE , - ..„.. --..........,---.-,...,--„,---.. z,,,.V..:,....4-7.;•;r....7,--V.1,.7,-,,,T.F/Tr,-,-7.t.1.74--..;"2-,1.7"--rm-:.,,1t'-.-.P-7,---^'-,.. w . ' - 7"'" ' ''''''' 41 / 2 ' ,,,.,,, ‘"" .4-, ..Vl , 4.triorike".l.i..v„WN , V.f , --...5. , .... , -,,,,- ,, , 0.,..: 3 ,-..,- , ...:- f,..D.-,.-.* , f.,... , , , „,,,K.-...., ~ ~. ..,..,,,,,,:r-,;,.--,!-,77-,,--7,17,7.--,7,-"„7.r:-...-,-,--,-,747;,'-'.l-?-47--1rg7.7.7:;.'''..=-::7-77, '... , , - §',,- - "-L' , ..t 1. ;, - . 4. -.17....t--, , 1cr.... - 4 . , T.....-.. *.-2.,4;i.a. , .,-:.,` Ati."-- , .Ai.. 4.4.1{,,....-,...-..nt...X,•-•:,140.'-'- .