El Vit slll3 o al* THE O!CONNOR!TACIC CASE. Court of Quarter Sessions-. Hon. F. Carrot Brewster. Associate Justice. To-day we conclude the publication of the testimony - educed by *the Cornmonwealth in the trial ortho Merins.rrack Brothers for conspiracy ' • _ Q. Whenyon read these telegrams hero' before had you another cipher book? • A.,'lnever had but oneook. • Q. Never the other book? / A. There was one or two dispatchesvitit ten from the other cipher, butt was ftttid not to answer the purpose, and it WitS OS continued. - lied' Discontinued long before . they these these transactions with O'Connor° A. Yes, sir. . . Q. Could you tell what O'Connors' fa* would be according to the cipher Orthat book N? o, - I A.sir. , . [Certain dispatches of Tack Brothers were read to the jury by the' counsel for prosecution.] [The following explanation was given'by the witness of telegrams, which he had been told to decipher.] Q. [Mr. Mann 'reads.] “Grus telegraphs "from Washington, we 'have got a written decision in our favor on every point." Is that you dispatch? . • A. Yes; air. I Q. What had that relation to? • • A. It had relation. to the. seizure of oil- Gen. Cuniming's seizures. • Q. Yon made out the dispatch the day that it is dated? - A. Yes, sir. Q. When did you get the dispatch from Washington?. A. The same day. Q. r Yon telegraphed that kit was decided in his favor in everrpoint) on June 26th. [The• following interpretations of tele grams.were given.] _ • . 'Telegram to C. It. Robinson.] . `Teleg.ram of August 16, 1867.] 'We have and offer of-31--500 each-buy er's option, September, buyer's option, Oc tober.] , .[Atigust lfith.] , "We canpossib_ly.place 5 each ;" buyer a option. September; Wiry eds option on; 314. "Give us the .re fum all day of - .lqooo each," 'buyer's op tionKiOctoler,‘ buyer's option, - January. _ "Lowest priee,•best price." [August 6th.] "We want refusal at 28 or (July 80th.] "We have an offer of" 83, _6OO buyer's option, September; answer. • [July. 26th.] , : not draw; send us *lnds to the extent of . 20,000, if you can." - [July -18thi] .. : We have refusal, half hour, .500,s buyer* October 31st.. ' • , . (June lst.]._ Can, see the parties. Have closed by note, " " 500. Buyer's option, June .25th, standard - [,Tune sth.] "Buy- 500 , each. July,. De member, standard white. 27. Have fair view • and.reteale." • Best "-price, "working -August." [June 10th.] "Shall we buy 500 each standard white." , July, December, 26. - An swer . [June "ilth.] We can buy 5,000. crude from prime • parties, buyers,- • all this and next year,l2.. , . .4 , How.wortld this snit Joint getting.rooney from him now, and -havini t use of sale." y Q, Mr. Mann.] "Joint Hill." what .does that mean? Hill. A. It means Joint account H Q. What Hill? A. Alfred Hill Boston, Mass. Q. What is meant-by "joint account?" A. "On account together," . I suppose ._ Q. "Getting money from him, dc. .From whom? A. I presume the dispatch means Hill. I know nothing but what the dispatch reads. [June 17th.] "Give us refusal all day of ' 2,500" buyer, year, 26. For—. "Have you `any early delivery, cheap.. Q. [B3" prosecution.] What is "Goblet." A. "Goblet" means "give us the refusal all day of," "whip" means "we have .closed,. 1,500, buyer's' all year" with Schalk, 26, •to a company contract." "Take ;thousand for our account, think advisable." [June 18th.] "Give us refusal all day of ;1,000 each, October, December, 23 or 2314. Best offers new, buyers all the year, 25, working crew is 1,500, .company fresh con tract." , ; [June 26th.] "Refusals for Jnly 24th ask for:,. If you can buy July at 24 or 23M, ;Grierson says better take, hold for. 1,•000 or '2,000," If craft 5,000 comes in for accept ance, I have arranged with King to take care of it. Q. (By Mr. Mann.] Who instructed you to send that dispatch? A, I forget whciit was; I think no one in structed, me to send it, [Last dispatch - again read.] , • A. [Continued.] Mr. Grierson told me to 'end that-all of course except the latter part. That I understood. Q; Whose clerk were you at that time? • A. Tack Brothers 'clerk. Q. [By Mr. Hagert.] Mr. Grierson was attending to Tack% business that day? A. Yes, sir. JaxEs Bexxv, witness for the prosecu tion, WaS sworn; A. I reside in Pitttsburgh and am In the oil refining:business. • • . What refinery were you at ' A. The Petrona. Q. Were you engaged actively in the bu siness during the months of June to Octo ber, 1867 ? • ,• 4A. , Yea, sir ; I was. 1..Q...And for the year out, 1867? . A. Yes, sir. Q. Do you know any sudden "calla" made by the trade there, or the people who had contracts in theearly part of July ?= -A. Yes; air, there 'we - re sudden" elli" They were madti from the Ist to the 15th. Q. Simultaneously. [A. Objected to.] " • Q. Do you know of any calls being made by. Tack, Emil Schalk,'Grierson or Thinker .:Mr. Cassidy. Speak of your.own •knowl e - -- . :There were "calls" made, but there' were- no "calls" 'made on me.% - I viielt• to correct my statement. • There was a stair , made upon me for wthonsand barrels early, In July, through- Mr. Crotch* of 'Philadel= pWa, Mr. Dilworth's agent. Mr, DilWorth wasnt in Philadelphia. Objected -to, • • ' Q. [Objected-to, but allowed.] •What of Diet:lml those "calls" upon the-pride of oil in ! July? _ ; ' . CA. A sudden advance in therice.. tak ' o, Q. To what extent did the advan ce place? A. I had sold a thousand barrels to bo de livered by th e sth° idol'', at 25 cents, and I : my oil did not ' get tTm - it Mt, Dii moth „paid 30 , cant l s : • Tor to fIU 1 oon., 32 la lie* olln • . b a rrel. A.. Two dollars: • ' co you t to P Ir, That was hu . pay for that rise? • • • A. Yes, air: few n o; • • livering tbs. oil? .L 1 t qr 7as. Mi.,riniQrt4Pal ,X J. '• I de 'net hneW:to'Whem titatielkwootiV • I.•do - , Aot :kw, who 404a1s psid : I Dilworth. my ent be .in PhiladeciPhisAaa M age ' I sold s oil for m, the did nos give me the name of the ht...yar, When they "coned" • for the oil, which t0.°Y. : 1 1 ,41 suddetq ( ; j it thlrtV'oellto: , Q.vaq i i was that sudden ,icau"iappr t i be. filth .Ittitelc i „ , l2..arut given MO about the filth, (r. rpm 01l continue thinkit _to the. inatitet 4ursi 3 gir d t, 63 . duriter4lnly',l ,the • hA 44'0Fir • itod,„' : rug, amidelM,Y o 4r" i bi d .. Aitlte. ' WY* iftWe t irir4 'sae. Q-driv_tho , - what was oil, refined oil? A. Well, I had some oil sold at tieaty cents, twenty to, twenty, I be ""- Q. Then ltranup in,the 1:41:11th to= thirty-five cents?. - A. 'Yes, Mr...' • • , Q; _When did It 'tumble down? -•1 , It declined , in Angust. ..atought in August, at , twenty-eigfit — Utid a half cents. 11l September it went up as high as thirty-seven cents. Q. In October what was it? A. About tblity-fiie eenta. A. I think about twenty-two or twenty two and a quarter, cents. l ar 7 P-PdafiftWhitt'tilluVaibUttatts ll . -- tn .., the price o oil result frcurt any oil being br,ought from the' 011-regior4 oor any addi tional supply of oil A. NQ, sir. ,• • • ' • Q. What was the condition , i of the, river all that 'while?' • A. The river-was very low. - Q. Unusually dry? A;.Yes, air. , - `wawa So low as to rkevent oil being brought i` -A. I received- one boat during the sum mer, during the warm weather; it was a very small boat. ' - Q. How many barrels? A. I think it - was 145. ' Q. What do' ,, the boats generally carry there? • : • A. They carry from seven to eight hun dred and a thousand barrels; some, fifteen or sixteen hundred. • Q. Have you any_ unowledge as to What produced that wonderful rise in oil and that wonderful fall in oil, without there be ing any supply from the oil region?..• • A. I don't know that I have any crtain knowledge; only knowledge from hearsay. Q. Do you know of. no natural causes to produce it? , A. No, sir. Q., W hat do you mean when you, say "from hearsay?" What have you ever heard from Emil Schalk, or the Tacks, or Grierson? N. I - have had some conversations with Mr. Tack in reference to oil: . Q. Do you. know of anybody being en gaged in a combination to "bull" oil to raise the prices? " A. Of my own knowlekie I do not. Q. Have you no knowledge, from what you heard from Theodore Tack, Augustus Tack, or Emil Schalk, of any such opera tion? ' A. I had very - little business With Mr. Tack. • Individually in refined oILI had, I might say, no business with him during the summer of 1867.: I had some traymc tionsin erode " • • Q.' "In anY of your transactions did 'you ever hear them say'sxtything about a "bUll ring" at Antwerp,' or an "Antwerp ring?" A. They never said a word ,to me about it, nor In my presence: Q. You say, you did not trade with them? A. Not in the summer of 1867. We had some transactions in crude oil. They bor rowed some crude from me in 1867. • Q.,: You did nottrade witheach other? A. Not in refined oil. Q. Oil was "called," as I understand it, "When you were "called?" • A. Yes sir. The. time the "call" Was made on 'July . 5th,,1 think oil was 'about twenty-seven cents; thirty, Cents was the price paid for the 1,000 on; the 15th.' ' Q. That was "called" in accordance with the terms of the contract A. Yes, sir. • Q. The party had a right to "call" upon you for the oil in accordance with ,the sale and contract ? . , A. - Yes, .sir. - Q. You did not lose any money by that transaction? Ifl had not sold the oil for - twenty-five cents I would have made money, I would have made $2OOO more than I did. Q. As it was you did not lose? A. I don't know whether I did or not. I cannot remember exactly the price I paid for the crude article., Q. Do you know of any reason for this falling in price of your own knowledge? A. I know no outside reason, no more than there was more oil than they wanted. Q. [By Mr. Mann.]. If instead of thirty, oil had been twenty cents, then having sold at twenty-five, you would have re calved $2,000 instead of paying that amount away? • A. If I had not sent the oil' on I would "if I had bought at twenty. Q: [By Mr. Hagert.] As I understand you the operation was, this.. You had sold the oil at twenty-five, and when you deliv ered it oil was up to thirty cents. , Q. That Is, in order to fill your con tract at twenty-fiVe, you paid. thirty, by which you lost $2.000? • A. Yes,..sir. Q., Now, then, how did you make up that loss of 5`2000? ' A. I had oil on hand. Q. You made the thirty cents for what you had on hand? - A. As far as I can remember now, I don't think there was much difference in the . ac count. Adjourned. L FRIDAY. . MORNING SMION. WILLIA.N. D/WORTII, Jn., sworn: Q. Where is your residence? A. Pittaburgh,:on, the Allegheny river. `Q. What Is your, business? • ; • • A. Lumber and oil. • - ; • • Q. Were-you a resident of Pittsburgh last summer, the summer of 1867, and all.the year 1867? , ; • • Q. You are sir : .: with the state of the oil market in Pittsburgh during June. July, August and. September last? , •A. "Tolerably., ' . • • Q, 'About the middle of Jane to the /aid of June, what was the price of 'refined oil? A. About;twentyrtwa cents in Philadel phia. Q. You say it was about twenty and twenty-two cents?. . A. Yes, sir. , . • , . Q. What did it ri se to inJaly? - A. About the Litter pitit of 7itly it went up to twenty-eight and twentY-nine cents. Q. When did the rise begin? A.. From the Ist to the stb. Q.;lt,continued at it? A. Yes, air.' Q What was the maiket in August? - A. It 'Ailyanced gridually. I think—it did not advance yezyrapidly. • • Q. When did the market fill—go bac kto its original price?' A. NOV • ember. ~ ,_ _ Q. What was the condition in Septegtber? A'. It was the highest price.., . ... . . Q. Didit itdvanee? .- • , ,' . • A. It advanced in the month . of Qctolier, ` and contracts were sold as , hlgh. air flirt; Q. Did'irau hear of the cable dispatches of the price in Antwerp?,..,,. ' . •,, • .• - A. Yes , sir. RI haw . thorn daily• •: • ,4 Q. Did they produceAny,effeett, A. The market fitictuateilVth the pr ices In ',/t,*worp t . • • • • , - -'. - • Q: When !tinge in Antwerp to the high-: ssl it titaid!d the market, ripe here- Sarres -9,... 4 miSSAkiiieyOUaity as you received theise..d4batah* • ,,; ' , ~;±.-:, ;.: •:. A.:Yes, Sit,— .1. ' .i;;: . 4: - Wt4R4 Pit 4 101 A diciiti l O ..049.isime; here. ' •, ,! '• - - ~ , • A. ThiPiiiiiiket tint; iviiiiicer as - 'the, iii.! dine commenced ri...4,24werp. , •,, • ,li i :Q,.'What'dld'it Milne kith Afifwerit. , t_, A. iittfiat as highMlA47 4 4o4 , •francai.and Was as law air farty-ts!AACid PPAY-tilrect , ! 1v1.; Q.„Do yOu4ASiss. l 4,44karialVitY4 OP* f pr AWY S24OS4I3OI4 P r t a RPFY ,42I - 1 1° , 9* 1511 thaw changes? - , A.,,i oi,not i knowut Anrocaicityts the ... . stipl ts i ~..Ft•t t ,.., ~ ......,,, 4 4 '' E - - I .t; ~. ..41.. M.... 3; t ri ••••!' •••:,-1-, r. , :i ''i. i' v "/- . #. 141 ; 04 0 1 .. se- i•,- ~ , 2 XS ra . ,,,... i L1t5.t!, 0 0.f9;;Oil ' i l .lii 4 .9filii..,i' n 4 %,4r...51 11 " 1 "..^tr'... 4 • i, , - • r; •. . , -.,i; 1 1 *Pp JAW* ' i,.. ,ill . " .. :. ; ,', .. i '' ) " - .1 "I ' ' ~; ; I Q. Ai l -61 t a43IA V: I I / ; '::. ::1:1.4 j 1 ;: ..., • .: ,1 -, , i .f . ' 1 - laitll4l Y‘V!g#4. llSrgdggP, Vili Q. DO you know s man named licligutmg, A. Yee, sir. . . .. I . . .''-tpN-4:,-.,-,,f-7,-,',..,----,,--.,--,,,,.-p-,,,.--r7-..,---,-,..---..,---,--,--..-^:-,f--.7,r.v-.--.--,--,7-4T:4-7., -.F.i77,.,i,,,":„.-5..7:rr,777,7-Z7,,7,77:-•,.-;•:z7e....7..:7,:.::.:-..!....-F1:,,1,!,7,c5: .•:.- ~: - ...,_,,,,..7 , ,„,.„,,,,.: . ,.,,..; , ...: , , , : _.,,,,.,, 7 „ , ,, ~. : , : ,,, ; .,,,.,::..,...„7.,..,,,,,.......!• : ., 1i.,,.0.,_,,mer.,A A . • • - •1 0 .111.1 -, •,-',;..W.3,4.V.e,:-?.zie1 , 5 - - ; , ;.•,it:',Vii ..1 : - .4.!;+,-4.1. ,, ,:.,4•5 44.VAV . , ; . , .._.. 12,,.,'N.P.c.t.g:-'111,•:=';',•46,0,1 4- 4•4JiAX , ,,,4A4 -4 1,11,, - ,,... 7. , .., 1 - : ,. .,; frP,.,....... ..•_:=;:-...-, - •' - 7 -3-..,;: . -1 '•-• , -.V ,,, e, 1 :•• , - , -kr-.,,‘ • ' , . tf1 2 1 2 ::"=01'? - ,;1z . .-. W.,frfl•:••'''''' . . . - a , 74,14,4* . ,.. 4-40z ''''''4l%g•k-27F 4 .,. - ..1 1 , • AV-11,6(04 4 .14,0.;.6%w•Ag --.‘•,.f*A-;:p.."?s'Wlzf:ti--%%%*-li4'trA:Qz;-':,74:3-'ig?-tz,.791.;•::;r:•'...-,.,i4:.•:,:k.' :t.;:..1•! . --..*;.c..:. - ,-WiV.:.,04,%14,-ki. , W40,:,,,,,mfA1p:::.::,ergi. :- - -, . ,• , ' '''''' 419 7 • 0 #-" . - . R . " 4 3 '4 , 4-'• f' , '' iat ,- k'E - ' , ' , •'t•P•'' ,- ''' ,- ''_,s,Wk'"A"''F'4-g.,-e - n••-lt'" - *X'''''''''' ' '• - • '''''••• " 4 :4 ,3 ‘4 , `••' - '4" - - , 6:"ekiA - -; , ' , .. 1 1%:• , ,x , _ , ... :141-•, , , , '- - ---1 . -.W4V : W.-- , r -4-;• , ...-,;0:1;, , „*." _ , ~, ~, -..- . , ~ . ,;. • - - . - , . - , . . _ . . , . . . . , - . . • • 7-. t.- GAZETTE: FRIDAY. ; ..4 13 4 17 4:44;: -1868 r What b his husineas? brcelm, ochmeetion with Mr. Schalk? • A. I don't know. Q.'Do you_know whether' he was 'the agent of Schalk ?. - A. I believe headed as agent for Schalk. Q. Where does, the oil come from that Is brought tolittslatiglat A. The principal part from Venango county__ - -- - Q; Is it brought here to be refined? _ A. Yes,. sir, it is brOught there 0,;:' its crudestate. • ..... A. Yes, sir , Q. How.-ranch crude oil deer tak to make refined oil, what proportions? I A. The.calculation -with those who pur chase and sell Is 663‘ per cent. Q. That is what - they expect to get out of crude oil? - A. Yes, sir. 'The waste and evaporation. Q. There is a loss of about 32 cents. A. Yes, sir. •- • - Q. Was there a hirge supply of crude (Al during the months of July and August? A. There.was up to the first Of Jane, and the river then went down and I think the supply began,to diminish from that day. Q. To.wnat extent did the crude midi minish; waethere any large stock on hand? A. There vras from the , amount passed over the - Penn'a. Rail Road—from what I heard here yesterday, over 600 000 barrels. Cross-examined: by Mr. Cassidy. . • Q. How many?. • A. Over 600,000 barrels. By Mr. Hagert. " - Q. Was not the stock of oil in Pittsburgh in the month of March, somewhere in - the neighborhood? A. I don't kaew. Q. You don't know what the. stock was in March? • A. No. : Q. Can you tell about how much it A. lam not posted. , • • Q. Can you - tell Whether the stook was not larse in March? A. Not so large as in the month follow- t?.. - Which month following? A. April, June. Q. I want to know 'whether there was any large stock to start the spring? A. There'ivas. • • Q. That was the accumulation of the previouis month? Q. Then the oil continued to come until the early part of June? A. •Yes; - „sir. Q. Then what was - received was added, less what was shipped? • • A. Yes. Q. What went to Philadelphia was accu mulated prior to - June. Can you tell how long those 600,000 barrels had been accu mulating in Pittsburgh? - A. From the fall previous. Q. Then was it not generally understood that the stock in June was very heavy, and the supply to the market the coming month would be very large? A. Yes, sir. Q. Was there any reason to explain any largo demand in the month of June? A. -In Pittsburgh. Q. Anywhere? • A. No, sir. Q. I understood you to say that the sup ply was:very large in the month Of June. Any unusual demand in the month of June? A. No. Q. You say that oil in June was 22 cents in Philadelphia. Please say whether you mean ~ spot" oil or oil for future delivery. Is there not a 'difference of 1 and 1% be tween the two? ' A. I think not at that time; there gener ally is. Q. Mr. Mann asked you whether oil did not go back/ to its original price, and you said ves. Mi'hat do you mean by this "original" price—the price it stood in June? A.. No. Q. It fluctuates?, A. Yes. - Q. From week to week, month to month, , and from day to day? A. Yes. Q. Does not the question of supply and demand Influence the price at various times? • A. Yes, air. Q. The amount of stock and the demand? A. Yes, air. Q. It is influenced by the amount of oil liable to "call" at any particular time—that is the demand? A. It is frequently , influenced without reference to the law of supply and demand by manipulators. Q. It is also influenced by the question of the rise in the river, the supply and the de mand? A. The market responds to the supply •nd demand. Q. How did you got your information bout the prices of oil in Antwerp? , A. Only from the telegram, and I was ald in the papers and the dispatches. Q. Do you know what the price of oil was n_Antwerp on the lat of June? A. I don't know. Q. Do you know what the price, was in Antwerp on the Bth of June? A. I don't know.Q. Do you know what it was on the Ist or Sth of July? A. That I can't answer you. Q, Can you tell.whether oil went up or down from the Ist to the Sth of July cor responding to the rise and decline here— from your own knowledge, from any die patches ? A. lam satisfied the Antwerp did not respond to the advance here. Q. Didn't the Antwerp market fall off from the Ist to the Bth, and the market here go up from the Ist to the Bth? A. Yes, sir. I know it went up here, but I don't know about there. Q. Didn't it fall off fronf the Ist to the 18th, while it advanced here ? A. I know it went up here. Q. Didn't 611 advance froin 24 to 33 be tween the Ist and the 24th of July, and did it not decline Iti'Antwerp from 43 to 41; in other words didn't oil go up here and de cline there? A. Idon't know, about there; I know it went up • here. , It was lower there than here. • • • Q. Then the market in Antwerp does not follow the market here necessarily? ' A. The market in Antwep don't, but this market respondsto the Antwerpmarket. Q. Is not the market ih Antwerp gov erned like every other market by the ;question of supply , and • demand as well as t state of the market„ ere? • • A. The niarketa are frequently governed by the nutnipulations of certain parties—. Q. All , no also owned by the amount of the istookl i .tha,uature of,the demand in 'EttiOPS as well as the market here? • , A. It ought'to be, but, does not. ..>:., Q. You swear than, as a fact, that the An twerp market is: not affected by the:nues. , ticin cff the stock on hand, and the demand?, lqd,rogialaiik.. • , inliumiPO4 t4ese causes as other 'Markets? , A. • It ought te; but l o n ot . • • the reason? Dp yoi ktailv'the Act tat;it.does not A. I don't,' bid - I am satisfied'from,tne acquabritaticenni .the Markets here sre- o nce in ligitimate Imr else= Wherte 3 '.' ,... c • • i• rgi Ri s Vr 6)3'oll4:hew that? • ;, • There was too Muth WV ?Yeti Witbre. , objects 'JO 'lbrm" of the questicni. • , Jvoo undertake to swear that the price ot-tfre market -Was influent:6d 6y A dham,than eamws,-. wing tune do ratrierwlt „44.1 larta.rehalflog_ there!! was •more WM elm altipmr_tas demand hare. •. • , ;=neat (Al 1 , 1 -4'l; ILI ' A 4 In.ltigagt-Juiy.f, •;, A,st , L ' At I#l4 theEprinegougtib Amer f•/: ..- ,A.- rte sUs 4•Ai 11l litv) I, • s 4 1. , :r_i ( 4„ nak I lly0:411411teadlly 40111131 4 from April until the early part Ad ?tom the first of Ape. A. Xes, and .went &fon t desdaY — Telfhled GIL abo , Q. tim speaking of refinedUll.. Q. Was there, not, a .large shipping Mand in. the Month of July—lyou knew: there was a large number of vessels on thek berth waitingcargoes? - • ' I am not Mlle of that. g. Have you not the means of knowing that from circulars and dispatches as that of the Antwerp market. A. No, sir. . :Q. Then you don't know what the de mend was in Philadelphia for oil? You don't know e . natithrof the demand in :4 11 4 1 X — ' , *.gg_ 4 1 :4 31 1 1 ?-: - . - :.r...... - • • ~....-_;:., •-:.-v.4..-3-.-.. A. There as a demand—no doubt of that Q. Large• or small? - . ,:. . -", '' A. -It was n t a legitiniate'demand, 1 Om satisfied:: .. • _.. ~... "• .... • : • Q. Do you can to say under oath there was net ala e demand for, export in July —a lax& Mil rig demand?. A. There I no doubt of that.__., Q. That erl33vad? -- .t . • • A. Yes,'s . Q. Iwa to ask -you whether if there 14;7 was - a shipping , demand, the prices would not dvance. ' • A.-If the e 'are vessels in the market to take it, it ould, of course. • ' •• • Q. If.the e is a demand,' it would put up •the,price ? . . • , .• - • A. Yes, sir. . . . Q.'Had - there not been large "short" sales in Tune?. • , , , A. Yes, sir. " Q. Was not the sales for delivery. in June and July unusually large? A. Yes, sir. Q. Was not - the effect:to put up the price? A. Yes. Q. You mean to say then there was no legitimate reason for the advance? ' A. The detrumd was from speculative— Q. Please answer , the question? A. The number of contracts that had been made, made the demand speculative in stead of legitimate. Q. You have said there was large demand for shipment, and there were large sales, and I ask you whether such a demand would not have the effect of putting up the prices legitimate ? You can answer that question as a business man—it is plain to every, one. My question is :,, Whether or not that legitimate demand was mada—the shipments of oil, the large short sales that fell due in Juiy did not have the effect to put up the price? , • Mr. Diann. He has said the demand was not legitimate. Mx. Hagert. He' said there were large "short" sales, deliverable in July and Aug ust. and .I ask him whether the effect was not to put up the price. To make it sure, I will go over it Again. Q. Was there not a large demand for oil for export in the month of July, and brge numbers of vessels loading in the month of July? A. I am not positive as to the amount. Q. I am not asking the amount. A. I have no doubt there was. - Q. Didn't You,'ln answer to my question whether there were large "short" sales, say there were? A. Yes, sir. Q. Now . , then, sir, when these calls were'made, made, and there was that demand for ex port, and a large demand, I want to ask you whether the effect was not to put up the price legitimately? ~ ' A. The prices— Q. Answer my question. IS that not the effect? A. Yes, sir. Q. You have been asked if you knew Mr. Edgerton and whether Mr. Edgerton was not an oiebroker, and • acting as agent for Schalk. I want to ask whether his business was not that of a broker; and didn't he act for everybody who sent him orders? A. Yes, sir. Q. He was not special agent for. Schalk? A. No, sir. WILLIAM A. JOIINA, Sworn; Q. Are you deputy collector at this port? A. 1 sun. Q. Were you so in the summer of 1867? A. Yes, sir. • Q. How long have you been there ? A. From the month of May, 1887. Q. You remain? A. Yes, sir. Q. Did you prepare and certify , a certifi cate of the number of vesSels loading from the port of Philadelphia? A. I did. - Q. Is that accurate? [Paper produced.] A. I presume it is accurate. Q. Look at it. A. That is my signature, alid that is the seal of the office. Of course I nave to do. pend upon the subordinates in the office. When a document of that kind is taken from the office, the clerk who prepares that, and before I sign it the seal of the office is put upon it. Q. That is a certificate, copied from your office? A. Yes, sir. - Q. Turn to that, and tell me how many barrels of oil were exported in the month of July, 1867? ' -.„, • Q. What vessels cleared, and what the cargoes? , • - Mr. O'Brien. Do you offer that? Mr. Mann. I don't know: Mr: O'Brien. Don't readituntil we know. Mr. Mann concludes to offer, and defence propose first to cross-examine. Q. Din you make this out? A. Only signed. . Q. ,I understood you to say it was made up by officials in the offi ce? .A.. 'Yes, sir. Q. It contains only a list* of, the vessels cleared? - ' - - A. r can only Say It contains what it does contain. ' I only certified to the correctness of the statement.' ' - Q. You only take "cognizance of vessels when they tallier clearance? A. Yes, sir. ,•• Q. You don't keeyany record of• vessels in the berth,loading until they are cleared? A. If it is a foreign - vessel, 'we have ,a Q. But you do not give a clearance until she is loaded. Prom the records in the of fice, you can't understand the number of vessels loading with. oil and in the berth? . ,„ A. Oil being in bonded warehouses, and the Government inspector being in charge, he could give the inf,ormation: By Mr. Mann , Q. This give the whole up to the date? Q. When a vessel completes 'loading, you get a statement? ~ , A. Before she clears, the shipper, must. swear to a Manifest, and the , captain must swear to the whole manifest.:., Q. Ali that is the process, of clearing? A. Yes, sir., .., Q. If they swear to that, and do not clear they have a right'to go? ' ' • • [Statement reed inevidence.) • _Omumnis C...ltunms, n witness , for •the prosecution, sworn: .. , ' latamined by DiStrict Attorney Nana.) Q. - Where do you live?. A' A: Vittsburgh. ' '' . ' -. -Q. Do yon Itoorr , Thae. Tack? , 4 A.'"-Ido,"eir . . o) •'• t., . -.- .., -• . ' ' ~ • ,1 Q. Do yonknow the t lrinofTeck;DrOtheri Q•. Who are :the 1 pertierii'.'the active' people Oft thid "firth? •• ''.., ,' • . - M.r.,(fitlitssidy. , '' 'Sate, ' s chly - of your ' own A. Mr. Theo. Tack and Mr: Aug. Tamik are the most active - Members of the con ' cern, air.. • ' ' ' Q. , Dolou. know Frank Tack?' .A.i.ido. n, ~ ..I.f .:- i .:• , ..,1 , ,„ . :. ,••; ': .. . ,Q.. Alta patient ,i.,.!: ri7. - : , - 1, • . • . Ai iI z ACOV.t know wisethel he is a partner orno ii.lii.,-".e.,t .. ... , -1 -. . , 1 9. i, ~'.., e (11, , • , :.. . : 4, ! 0404.iiiiigiiiid:With•Ida' hind , writ A. li gave seen hlipaappsriting. ' • Q. You *mow it,l9en,yonm it? ~ , , r 1 1 11:ttildlikardn.' 1 ! • '- ' ` 1 : - '”" i " - rya shnint,ritrCaz tiiitt 0.) , ,b ~, 1 ,j,i ti ll DO you, or not, know his handwriting? A. remedy say that /think I. do; I Am not positive: • Q, . YoUllaveirkt cenfidenepvhether you• know it or net? , " 5 A• I could:not swear iisraitivelythid this was his signature; I could only say that I believe it to be. 4 1 To what extent have you knowledge of his handwriting? ' A. I have seen it in business matters. Q. Did you ever see him write? A. Well, I cannot say thatl ever have; I think I have in one instance. Q. Did you ever see writing that you knew he acknowledged to be his? A - . l may ormayr-nOt; Itatibet - rde iecY - T. W. DANIS, a witness, for the prosecu tion, sworn; [Examined by District Attorney Mann.] Q. Do you know Frank Tack? A. I do. Q. Are you acquainted with his hand writing? A. I 'have seen it on several occasions. Q. Do-you know it? A. I do not think I would be prepared to say whether it was or not his writing. I have seen it. [Paper shown witness.] I would not know that. . ,JOSEPH. KIRKFATRICK SWOrn: Do you know Frank Tack?. [Paper shown.] - A. I know Frank Tack; I do not know his handwriting well enough to say what, that is.'" CHARLES C. BURKE, re-called: [By District Attorney Mann.] Q. Do you know of Brewer, Burke 6: Co. selling to Tack Bros., on June 14, 1867, one thousand barrels of oil? A. I do. • - Q. You say that on June 14,1868, Brewer, Burke dr Co. did sell to Taeks a thousand barrels of oil ? A. Yes, sir: I saw the thousand barrels, Q. State what purchases you know of in June, July and August.? A. In August we sold them • and held their contract for two thousand barrels of oil. ' Q. [Judge Brewster.] Bo Tack? A. Tack . Brothers; 2,000 barrels, deliver able 500 in October, 500 in November, 500 in December, and 500 in January—price 31 . % cents.' I would like to say in explana tion, that at the time this sale was made, they gave us another party; they said it was bought for another party. [By' Cassidy.] Not for therriselVes? A. No, sir. Q. On the 14th day of June, when they bought a thousand barrels, what did they say then? A. I know nothing about that. [Mr. O'Brien.] Ho has not said they bought • any in June. [To witness.] Did yon say so? ' A. Yes, sir.. [Mr. O'Brien.] Then I run wrong and yon are right? A. It was sold to them direct, for aught I know; Q. There was nothing then about their buying it for anybody else ? • • 'A. blot that I am aware of. Q. What subsequent . contracts or pur chases were there? A. We sold them, Sept. 6th, I,ooobarrels, deliverable 500 in December or January, and 500 in January. Q. On whose account? A. Tack Bros. : Q. Their own account? A. I suppose they bought for themselves; they gave their own contract. Q. When was the next.one? , A. I think we sold them a thousand bar rels', in October, for December delivery; I think the price was 34 cents. Q. You have used the term "I think." Have you any doubt about that? ' A.. Well, I have no memorandum of that; I know we sold them a thousand barrels- December delivery-34 cents,, or about that price. Q. Do you rembmber seeing Theo. Tack in Pittsburgh, about the Bth or 9th of July, immediately after his return from Phila.-. delphia? A. I saw him very soon after his return from Philadelphia. - Q. Did you talk with him then upon the subject of oil? A. We were ',alking about oil in. Pitts burgh. Mr. Tack gave his opinion that the market would advance. Some one re marked that he had changed his views very suddenly. He said it was very well to be "short of oil," but persons should know when to take the other track. Q: What else did he say about their own condition in regard to that? A. He said that Tack Bios. were all right. A. Well, sir, there was a paper drawn up in pencil• for the purpose of stating how may parties could be got on it to buy oil in ntwerp and Pittsburgh. There were so °three or fotir parties got °tithe paper, and that is all I know about it. Q. Who had that paper? . A. The paper was handled by several parties. Mr. Schalk, I think, was the leading party about the paper. Q. Whom did you see with it? ' A. I had' the paper myself in one in- Q. •Ezotu whom did you get it? A. I think I got it from Mr. Schalk,' Mr. R. W. Burke, and Mr. Dilworth. . Q. What were you doing with the paper? A. I asked several persons to sign it. Q. Did your firm sign it? A. .I think they did; yes air, they did. Q. Was Mr. Schalk's name.on it? A.. Yes, sir.- • • Q. Was Tack Bros. & Co's name on it. A. :Yes, sir. . Q. Was Grierson or. Bunker Bros. on it? A. Not that I saw. terwards? Q. Do von know of their going on it af . A. Ido not. There .was 'Another paper afterwards. 'I do' not knowlanything about that. Q. This was the outline in lead 'smell, and the other was to be tri ink?, What was the fact? Tell it all without my asking and fishing for this thing.. A. I will, as quick as I can remember it; it is so long ago that I have.forgotten a por tion of it. ct.. What did you do with that'paper ? A. Well, it went back to Mr: Schalk.' [District Attorney for •the produo tion. of the paper. Defendants OM to pro duce it.] . • Cron-exantined:. Q. What became 'of that proposition or agreement about !•ealling?" • • A. I think it.did not amount to Anything. Q. It was a Grille ? • A. Yes; sir. : .Q. Why was it dropped?: [Objected to.j - Q. Did not the agreement fall through in consequence of oil in -Antwerp going up in the meantime, so far ae you know? A. Well, I don't icnoWwifether-that was the reason or not. ' Q. You only.know it wag A. Yes, sir: Q. Who originated that matter? - A. Mr. Schalk iniggeated it first; Q. Who drew •the paperapt : A. I think. it __was drawn, up by my mother.;, ' Q. Who signed . o - drat? A. I cannot say positively.. Q. Did Mr. ticheJlt .sign that paper, fi rs t? (ou say his name was on it. .., - • A. I cannot say whether he, signed first e. not.-- • ~. .. • ; • • -1-1. , Q. , Did not your brothe r sign that paper int? ,4 . 4 s , , A; '-f .1.1 - . ' • I 'I . A. Loaanok mi. who signed Itifirst.. Ili, was signed by several mute there. . , Q. What was , the price of oil in Antwerp compared with theApar,ket.bere at the, time this PaPerArifillOwire ao you . ? !Don't you , know tunde r, ~. , • 1 , . .., c ri , _ .. • A. I,don't now the rapt; Q.... What Mouths/ea Ur , Plialt,_ ,___.,____,ltiaVia in Autmt , - ,____.Q., Aktoo-el, WIMPS flVottei part of Au guati . • = • I its tr) 4 ' 10 :),1 i t i t idro o ll 44 o •.1 t'i JO ~1i Iv : L . = ii .. Q. -"NUL ALTllRfAntwerp sagli, IVitiir :. zII ~, / :1 .-... iii loc ii t iii about the re ... ire p co of oil.: 1 ' ? ":' 'Q. The object was, as I understa nd you, to purchase oil in Antwerp. A. Yes, air. Q. Did you not know that the Mews. =ffl 'Tack had been largely "short' in the moan•i of June? A. Do you wish to know:my op inion? Q. I want to know whether that was the general understanding, the report the trade, that the Messrs. Tack wei "short" in June? Don't yen know it ? [Objected to,] Q. Do you not know ttiat the 'Alessi . d. Tack were "short" in June? • Q. Don't you know that they were "short; sellers inthe month of June? A. I &Ail know anythts , g about „the ..; busineis. - T can eye yon the reports oz the street, what others Said: . • Q. DO you km* whether the repo= came, to Mr. O'Verinor'w knowledge not? ' J, ' • [Objected to.] Q— Do you know whether Mr. O'Conne, knew they Were "Short" in the month ci June? I . • A.. No, air. ' Q. The Tacks were brokers? A. Yes, dr. Q. Buying and selling oil for othei parties, as well as on their;- own account? A. Yes, sir. • yhen d you made a sale to the Tack* •• I •," could you distinguish' between purchasei made on their own account and purchasel made for others? In other words, is it nq, customary lota broker to purchase in lul own name when he is buying for othel people, and 'give his - own contract? S' A. Yes, sir. , '1 Q. And then transfer the contract to hi customer, as was done in the O'Connoq case here? ' ii A. Frequently done. Q. This sale of a thousand in June—wal that made by you in person? A. No, sir. , 1 I Q. You were in Pittsburgh at the time? A. I think I was; I don't renember. Q. Was not that sale made by Mr. Mossi A. I think it was; he was our man heru; Q. Therefore, you know nothing . abotti the matter, except that you got a contras A. That is all I know. Q. You do not know on whose account oli for what purpose it was purchased? A. Ido not know anything about it, e eept that we have their contract, and sol 1 them a thousand barrels of oil. Q. [By Mr. Mann.] You saw Theodor 4 about -it afterwards in Pittsburgh—aboir this thousand barrels of June 14th? 1 Q. Did you never talk it over afterwar when you saw Theodore? A. Ido not think I ever did, di Junius Murisunizttun, sworn. Q. What is your business? . A. Refiner. - ‘ Q. Where? A. Pittsburgh. . - . • ' Q. How long have you been engaged 14 that business? lA. Five years. . , Q. Know Mr. Schalk . ? 1 ,, Q. Is he engaged in business in Pitts burgh? . A. Yes, sir. ~ . , . Q. In Philadelphia also? .. A. Yes, he is now. . . , • } Q. Do yoa remember seeing him in, thc ommer of 1867, July or August? i A. Yes, air; saw him frequently. Q. Do you know of his saying or doing anything at all upon the subject ot raisin the price of oil? : , Mr. Cassidy. One moment. Mr. Mann. In July and August? A. Not to my recollection. , Q. Did he speak to you on the subject o discontinuing. in refining? • ' A. We had a conversation. Mr. Cassiday. When? 1 A. I can't recollect. . • Mr. Mann. What was the conversationt give us an idea of about the time? A. If lam not mistaken it was in June. It might have been in July. Q. What was it he said to you? 1 A. ,He Advised me to buy refined oil in l. stead of refining myself to fulfil contracts. Q. What language did he .us. ? Did MI try to prevail upon you, to- stop 'working your refinery? What did he say? . A. We argued the question of the pro:, priety of buying crude oil. He took the, position that it was cheaper to buy, for it could be bought cheaper than it could be made. , Q. Where did this take place ‘. . A. On Duquesne way. Q. How did it happen? - ' A. That I hardly know, for we bad fre quent conversations on this point and others. Q. Did you stop refining? A. No, sir. • • 1 Cress.excfmined by - Mr. Hagert. • •• Q. What is your business?.. A. Refiner. - • . • - Q. Mr. Schalk was also a refiner at that U ..... : . ja A. Yes, sir. - . Q. And is still a refiner? - A. Yes,. sir. • Q. As well as a dealer? A, Yes, sir. Q. Had he not a largo refinery at, that time? - ' A. He had large works. - Was there not aßoard of , Refulers • at Pittsburgh at that time? _ _ Q. Met frequently? : • . - A. Yes. Q. Was there anything peculiar or un usuatabout. you and people. consulting to gether about what course to pursue in your business ? • . A. No, sir... , ; ,Q. ,Q. Was it not a constant.praetiee ? • A. Yes, sir, _ • . Q. Was there anything peculiar about this conversation? , A. No, 'sir. • . Q. Had you not frequent conversations with lthn? „ A. Yes sir. • . Q. At this time did. not a large number of refiners stop and buy to fill contracts? . A. Yes, sir.• • , Q. As a questionof fact it , was cheaper to buy oil thanit MS to make it? . • A. Yes, sir. • Q. That was his belief? • , A. Yes, sir. - • ' Q.You didn't agree with him? , A. No, air. , Q. Could you at that time manufacture oil for 22 cents? ; A. . • • A. I can't tell without knowing , thevrice of crude oil. If I knew tlutt,'l could tell very readily.,; , Air. White. You went on ? ' Q. Then yon must have made money? Mr. liagert. Not, necessarily. • A. We had contracts for future delivery, and it made no difference to us... * - _ Q. Mr. Schalk said crude oil was high and refined oil low? A. Q .Did you go. 031,56111ne A. , We don't sell, *.ve are .refiners.: We prefer to keep on and keep our money for other purposes, anduot buY. ' ' Mr. Uagart. Yout had your - money en amen is to meet.from day to day? DwxlsL L . bfir.r.s teas/led. ' • Q. Whore do you live? A.Rotivarton,lTew...Yervey. - • = Q. Where do you do business? A.. 123 Walnut street. • • , ,'• Q. - What is your business? ? A. Chiefly petroleum' Q. Do you kn0w111,04048 H. Tack? A. Yes. Q. Where does he A. In Philadelpti*, - , Q. Do you know Theodore Tack! A. I do. • • , r;" Q. Where does ho reilde - .• Pittabarflb•'''buai- Wi?lr! A. Augnatea Tack* Q. Do ritikneWAO.,, , T - • . li. 1311gg1i~lr. • -A•pitta I "'F t Viraa 9 litailik4# l fr.: A. i d :01.4..1cv summ er?' Q. Where did he live Wit ' A. Pittsburgh m=2M