Amusements THE OPERA HousE—lt would be decidedly an error to hold that republics are invaria blY'lirigrriteftff, • oflli lit ' ' I hia'A riiiilearr people of ours are justly to bo accused of any unkind disregard of former men or of thesworthy achievements of the past. The very large audience, nearly filling the aud itorium, which welcomed Mr. Edwin Forest to the footlights as Macbeth last evening, attested by their numbers, certain ly not by the warmth of any manifested enthusiasm, the reverential regard which our play-gOers feel for a once distinguished reputation. - •lt may be said, to be sure, that our people share in that feeling of profound admira tion which it has been the marked privi lege of Mr. Forest to elicit from a former generation of his fellow-citizens, and with which Americans everywhere welcome what may be called the muscular style in public exhibitions. We admire, for exam ple, boat-racing, wrestling, pedestrianism, all athletic aports, any amusements of a similar character and all public exhibitions of well-trained and effective physical eapac ities:l ,It is oven possible that with expec tations of being amused 'and gratified in this line of . performance, the audience of last evening attended upon Mr. For eat in his role of the murderer of Duncan. Certainly, but very few in that audience could have been aware of the actor's very limited claim to a mere - histrionic excellence, and most of them must have been led- thither by a curi osity compounded in part of certain vague historical traditions as to his former pecu liarities, in part of a dim expectation that same extraordinary display of muscu lar tragedy might still be looked for, and in part of a respectful remembrance of his achievements, years ago, in those charac ters which, like Conolanus or Spartieus, were especially adapted to display his pro fessional characteristics in the most favora ble light. Oi last evening's large audience, nine tenths, at least, certainly all the critical and candid portion of it, retired from the sibene, disappointed in the ,rendition of that wonderful work of Shakespeare, and saddened by the reflection that not even a distinguished reputation won long ago, nor the broad - mantle of that charity which an American public ever generously casks over the - failings and the decadence of those whom it has loved could any longer atone for the deplorable taking off, a second time, of the Kingly Duncan , and the asses !: sinated Banque. • Mr. Forest was never a great actor, in his palmiest days of physical vigor and ma tured intellect. His readings have been usually unexceptionable in the inferior de partments of tragic and melo-dramatic rep resentation. He was once powerful in those rotes which demanded only a vigor one enunciation, a massive and imposing presence, a thorough familiarity withstage business, and the style of acting which thrilled the groundlings and brought the galleries, as certain quarters of the great Postern cities could fill them, down to the footlights in ft tempest of vociferous ap please. But never - in his best days, did he satisfy the intelligent and'careful critic. -In the strongest passages of the tragedy, for example the soliloquies commencing, "If it were done, when t'were done, t'were well—it were 'done quickly" (his long pause which we mark by the being an offensively erroneous, reading of the text). "Is that, a dagger" ct.c., the scene, in the Third Act, in which he first appears crown ed, and in some others which lwe could specify, he was especially un,fortunate, ruining them by the worst mannerisms of his earlier days. "Duncan, is in his grave?" occ., was given as if he would pause upon each separate letter and, with the rest, was made almost shocking to a eorreet taste by the hoarse gutterals, the horrid grimaces, the gasps, hissings, sackings in of breath through the set teeth, and similar extrava gandes of which nd good actorsceuld ever be guilty. His address to the physician. "Canst thou minister to a mind 'diseased" ACI., was the best, bemuse the most natur ally conceived and expressed passage of the evening. We would have preferred that this dis tinguished artist should have omitted to fa imr.Pittsburgh with.a professional - visit for another reason. Welber the bad example of such personation and of such objection able mannerisms, when connected With the high reputation which in some quarters he once enjoyed, upon the very talented and' ambitious artists who coinpose the stock company at the Oma House. -In common with the o er prelar of this city, we have been sed °nal) , careful in cultivating, on the part o the very eminent 'members of I t the regular company, such a close study of the profession, arid 'such a high-toned ap , predation of. thei distinguished excellence, which each ,and all of them have at tained—and which have usually ena bled them, in a very guarded and moderate way to entertain houses from one quarter to one-third full at four shillings a head—as to render Pittsburgh theatricals the envy of less favorite cities throughout the world. We sincerely hope id spite of our fears, that in their youthful zeal and unripe inexperience they may not be tempted by the distinguished example or by the delicacy of hisperceptions, - the simplicity and truth of his delivery, the fidelity of his construc tions' or the naturalness of his develop mentof the multiform passions of the hu man heart. And his present engagement in this city has made these deficiencies— belonging in part to his early professional edueation—then cultivated in accordance with the demands of that class which he has always the most decidedly aimed to please, and in part to his in herent incapacity of any just per ception of the superior force of nature or art—painfully apparent to all sincere and critical admirers of Shakespeare. This was quite marked last evening; a crowded audience sat through -a three hours' per formance, and never onto gave to the artist a hearty round of applause, not even a scattering hand. A few elaquera in the gallery occasionally attempt ed a diversion in favor of the performer but ineffectually, 'and • the curtain fell at, last upon hundreds of people, weary, bored and disappointed 133 , a "star" performer into professional and and faults which will impair and may de stroy all their brilliant prbspects. We cannot conclude this 'brief notice without protesting against any imputation that would disparage Mr. Forest's abilities as an actor, or would deny to him peculiar excellencies even vet in certain walks of the profession. We are quite sure that if the enterprising and judicious manager will persuade him to appear as Falstaff, for example, he will ahem abilities second only. to Dowton or Hackett " =MIN HALL.—The MUSeII.M at F n Hall is visited by hundreds daily. Mr. Burnell is adding new attractions to the present large collection. • PITTSBURG/I THEATRE.--Leo Hsidson is drawing. arge houses at the Old Theatre. 1044 Regiment.--A. meeting•_of tho mem bers of tire lo2d Regiment F. V. will be held this evening at General Rowley's office, at the Custom House, at half-past seven Velock, to makelwrargements to attend the funeral of Colonel Foster, Who was a Cap taia in the regiment. He entered the three months' service as . a Lieutenant of Company A., 13th Regiment, which, at the expiration of the three months, re-enlisted, when Ile received a Captain's commission. Gas in Lawrencevllle.--The Work of lazing gas -pipe in Lawrenceville is pro grftsing rapidly; The pipe now extends to Allen street on Butler street. About twenty-five men are engaged' in the work of laving the pipe, and ills the intention to finis 'laying the main pipe this week. ------.0-- - In Working Order S. T. PaislPA Briperintendent of the Piro_Alairri . _ e and Polies Telegraph ; informs Tt t hr i n machinery at the tower by whie ce tral bell is strnek is again in w orking order. ' • • • . , Cs2sffl • Struck a Woman.—Harriet Perry made 'information before Alderman Thomas, charging Sylvester Lee with assault and ,battery,,,.lt is .allegcdby..thay.F944 . 9l3iti?S., that - the defendant , without; Any provocation, struck her in the. face twice. A warrant was issued and the defendant arrested, when the case was amicably set tled, the.defendant paying the costs. Held for Court—Conductor F. H. Bowers, charged with assault and battery on oath of Ambrose Whaler, an account of which we published yesterday, had a hearing be fore the Mayor and was .held to bail for his apbearance at Court. Whalen -was charged with disorderly conduct on oath of Bowers, and after a hearing was fined $2 and costs: In Trouble Again.—Annie Dawson yes terday made informationbefore the Mayor, charging Jonhy Newell with asgault and battery. She alleges that he struck her and knocked her down. She also made in formation for surety of the peace, in which she alleges that he threatened to , kill her. A warrant was issueslfor his arrest: The Water Loan.—,Attention is direCted to the advertisement of Controller Steel viting proposals .for the "water extension loan bonds.' These bonds bear seven per cent. interest, and we know of no better or safer investment.. The provisions and con ditions of the loan are fully set forth in the Controller's advertisement. Committed For Trial.-John Evans Made infbrmation before Alderman McMasters, charging William Ellis with fornication. He alleges that the accused is too intiniate with his, the prosecutor's, wife. Ellis was arrested. and after a hearing; was, in de fault of bail for his appearance at Court, committed to jail. Alleged Larceny. Jaques Maghler; charged, on oath of Lilly McDonald, a cor orad girl, with larceny, was arrested yes terday and held for a heariug. The prose cutrix alleges that the accused broke open her trunk and took therefrom a quantity of clothing. Peddling Without License.—L. Leopole, a dealer in furnishing goods, was charged on oath -of W. Switzer before Alderman Mullin yeSterday with peddling without license. He was arrested and held to bail for his appearance at Court. ' Arm Broken.—.llames Brown had his arm. broken Monday by falling from a ladder, while engaged in painting a sign, on Ohio street, Allegheny. The injured man was attended to, and is getting along as well' as could be expected. - • Held. for Trial.—Jacob King, charged on oath of David Hunt ,before Alderman Mc- Masters with assault and battery, was held to bail for this appehrance at court. Of that remorsele.s and Insidious destroyer of the human race. • CONSUMPTION. Check and conquer Its advances, lest you fall the victim." 'When attacked with any of Its preliminary symptoms, no tuattcr how slight, be on your guard and promptly use the remedy ere too late. DR.. SARGENT'S COUGH SYRUP Is an old, well tried, certain and standard remedl, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma; Croup, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain or Oppression' In the Chest or Lungs, and all Diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. Its sure and certain efficacy has been ,fully tested and endorsed for many years by numbers of well known citizens In our midst, and their certificates are on record. Have you a cough which has' grad. tally Increased from a slight One to one of Derma, 'nent standing? Lose no time, but procure a bottle •of DR. SARGENT'S COUGH SYRUP. which will surely relieve you of the dangerous premonitory symptoms and effect a permanent cure. Do- you • spend miserable days and long sleenless nights of torture and main from attacks of Asthma or Millen,- ty of Breathing? Dr. SARGENT'S , Cough Syrup will act promptly, relieve you, and gradually re store you to your freedom of ttain. and sound. pleas ant sleep. Are yourlungs sore and irritated, I iidi eating inflammation. This Is one of the most dan gerous symptoms, and should he promptly removed. lir. SARGENT'S Cough Syrup will heal the sore ness. allay the inflammation. and restore the tangs to their prestlne health and vigor. This Cough Syrup is pleasant and agreeable to take. while pow erful and sure in its action. for sale by all Drug gists in the country., • LET NOT YOUR PREJUDICE USURP YOUR REASON It is a fact that, in the minds of many persons, a prejudice exists against what are called patent medicinee; but why should this prevent you resort. , ing to an article that has such an array of testimony to support It as HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BIT TERS? Physicians prescribe it; why should you discard It? Judges, usually considered men of tal ent. have used and do use It in their amines; why should you reject It? Let not your prejudice usurp your reason to the everlastinc injury of your health. If you are sick, and require a medicine, try these Bitters. When the bodily energies are wall out by anxiety and need a stimulant. this is the best that can be taken. It is tempered and modified by hygienic herbs and roots, which pm -vent It from levering the blood, and hence it does not produce a mere tempo rary excitement, to"-be followed by bibulous reac tion, but communicates a permanent potency to the entire vital organization. Some of its. herbal con stituents arc slightly soporific, so that in cases where sleeplessness is one of the accompaniments of ner vous disease, a dose of it takch towards bedtime will tend to produce quiet and refreshing slumber. For palpitation of heart. tremors, hysterics, faint ing fits, general restlessness and the causeless fears and distressing fancies to which ladies are especially subject, under certain morbid conditions of mind an.. body peculiar to their sex. the Bitters will be found the most agreeable and certain of all counter irritants: The constitutionally nervous may readily keep their infirmity to constant check by the daily use of 'this healthful vegetable tonic; and those who have 'shattered their. nerves," as the phrase is, either by Imprudent indulgence or undue physical or Intel lectuallabor..will find in this vitalizing elixir a prompt restorative. ' • ANOTHER CURE OF DEAFNESS. I lost my hearing during the last year. .Part of the time I was totally' deaf. In April of this year I was induced, from an advertisement, to make art plleation to Dn. ItnYtign, 120 Penn street, Pitts burgh. After having tried various medicines from doctors, without any benefit. I have been under Dr. Keyser's treatment now for nearly two months: and am entirely restored to my heiring, so that I can bear a pin drop. JOHN' Se.9ILAN, Coal Y.lufts, Washington Co., ANDTHER CURE. - Alvan called to-day at Dr. lieyser's office to in form him of a great cure made lie 11161.V:to CURE, or PULMONARY RESTORATIVE. list theft cures are made with the Doctor's preparations, lie desires It to be distinctly Inderstood that most or his great cures arc made In accordance with the established laws that govern the science of medicine, In he has been'engaged for the past twenty-five gears. Last week he was also in receipt(' a letter fruit . ' a clergyman in the State of Ohio., detailing another most wonderful cure. . DR. KEYSER'S RESIDENT CONSULTLWO OF FICE FOR LUNG EXAMINATIONS AND TREAT. MENt Or ,CIIRONIC DISEASES, N0.,1210 PENN STREET, FROM O A. 11.,1INTIL 3 P. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS' . . 11EAP '0117N19 FORVIIE F'EOPIGE.••• The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been removed to N 0.179 SMITUFIELLI STREET, where will always be found the most complete assortment of Gantt Pistoip, Ammunition and Sport ing Alateriol, Ivo.. in tee city. Alt kinds of Guns and Pistols carefully repaired. Cash, paid for .ARNY RIFLES and BEVO4VERS. Send stamp for illustrated Circular. Agents wanted in even, town in the United States. Address, .1. H. JOHN ?MON.- 170 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. COMMISSIONEEL • • PHILIP HOERR, ' • Of Load St. Clair township, (late of Co. IT. Mid P. V.. subleet to the decision of the IJnlon 'tenet'. Henn (!ounty Convention. apZiwal-d&T TO LET, • TWO GOOD . DWEILLINCLO, On 47 Ohio street. two doors west of Diamond, each containing two rooms and two porches. •Enyire - at.4o Ohio street . , meg W. CARSON. TRAY HORSE.-;-A - LIGHT BAY Bossz_w.all uP Police; on Tues mdartirttlitirnite antrittir ttiohultleigtirtoyigg feet The' owner ls requested to come for Ward, prove pronerm pay charges and take It away, or It Wiltbel so a l p d - 6.„n:azalhe g at P.- let • Vdl a w / fi gz ne w nie . d i : GRE ENE. • 111 E C.r , q's• - •'-' • Ak -111 -1% • Vatt • '7 7. 1" • -sztT,„...-gik*t,;;,„=--,,,,,4: ' - • 4t • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : ,WEDNESDAAr, APRIL 22. 1868 BEWARE ME ME NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPRING-STOCK OF CARPETS ! WE HAVE IN , STdIRE THE most complete `assortment gof CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS - ice have ever opened, embracing the newest styles - and designs of the best FOREIGN and DO. ME PITIC MANUFACTURERS, imported and selected with special- reference to the Pitts. - burgh Market. ' Many of the plitterns are confined to our house exclusively for this city. With the advantages of Direct Importation, we are now / able to offer early the newest and choicest patterns of BRUS• SEES, from the most celebra. ted English looms, and at prices within the reach of al. - most every householder: A special but limited importa tion of ENGLISH INGRAINS, of extra quality, and in• rare and beautiful designs, will be found especially choice and desirable for Chambers. Our Stock of COMMON ALL-WOOL CARPETS, purchased before the Carpet Weavers' strike, will be sold at the same rates as previous to the last ad vance, and will furnish CARPETS to the multitude at the lowest prices since the war. A good CARPET FOR 25 CENTS A YARD. N. ll... Those having , Parlors or Drawigg Rooms to furnish are specially invited to examine the unusually large number of patterns_ particularly adapted to that purpose, which we offer in WILTON. and TAPESTRY 'VELVETS and lIIIESSELS at low prices. . . OLIVER McCL.ENTOCK & COMPANY, No. 23 Fifth Street. CHROME YELLOW, 1 7 '41.)1t EULM PACKERS, ANT) McCOY'S VERDITER GREEN ,. FOE SALE'. BY HARRIS & EWING, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, PI'I'TSI3ITItiGII. PA. Crrli .OF PITTSBURGH WATER LOAN. Proposals for Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, Of the "WatcrExtenslon Loan...Bond - 8' 3vlll be re ceived at the office of the City Controller, Fourth street. These • Bonds will bear SEVEN PER CENT. IN TEREST with Coupons attached. The Coupons are payable setial-annualiv, at the Oince of the City Treasury, and the lion&_payable In Twenty-rise years, A SINKING FUND THEIR ULTI MATE PAYMENT IS PROVIDED FOR. AND TIIE COUPONS ARE BY LAW MADE REGWVABLE FOR WATER RENTS: and the revenue arising from the Water Tax Is pledged for the payment of the interest and the retirement of the Bonds at ma turity. The Bonds are. BY ACT OF GENERAL. ASSEM BLY. FREED FROM STATE, COUNTY AND MU NICIPAL TAXATION. • • ' • It Is a well kuown fact that Fronds Issued *tot water purposes, In all large cities, have proved . safe and very desirable investments. No Idle under pay will be acted upon. The fonds are to be Issued In denotalnatlonh of 11.000, 000 and $lOO. - Bp order of the Finance Committee. ap2inci9l , THOMAS STEEL. Controller. BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., LEAD PIPE, SHEET & BAR LEAD MANUFACTURERS. Also, PIG LEAD, IRON PIPE; RUBBER lIOSE, HOSE PIPES & SCREWS; STEW GAUGES AND WHISTLES; , • GtOSE VALVES, SAFETY VAT YES; IRON AND SINES AND BATHS: BRASS .t IRON LIFT & FORCE PU3IPS. No.. 167,. Sinithfield Street, Pittsburgh. . ZarSend ' tor PtlCe List. : • A. BItADLY . Y W: VANKIRIC J. 8. LICAULY.,Y E TNA STOIVP WORKS. . A. BRADLEY & 'CO., Manufacture every variety of Cook; Parpr ELndileattiwStoves t Among which are . the celebrated EUREKA, TROPIC; and TALISMAN (Coal Stoves); rOMANN, VETERAN and IRONSIDES (Wood Stoves). Also manufacture GRATEIII,'GRATE . FRONTS, oMcc and Warehouse, corner of Second and Wood streets, Pittsburgh., Entrance on Etecond street. ap'nuiti . BAKERY - FOR SALE, - WITH OR WITUOUT-TILE PROPERTY; Or would refit tor a term yeati.i. Enquire at • WA- 131 :? 9 , 0 4 -. ''.': No. 40 Palo Alto 13t., I ap2o-liWr r3E I: ICE I ICE! WM. KASH% Ice Dealer, 1 so. tus DiAmoral Ai LEY, Orders left here or at Band Street Bridge will N. celve prompt attentlq4.;. WtgOgt ruuq ogtn Plttlkp burgh and Allegheny. ap7163 A r c' . .1, • JOTICE.•-Pro eeleett by the tinders • Plastering and Gas , Ming of the Sev enth Ward New School House. Pitts burgh. . Separate bids, by the yard and lump, are solicited for the Plastering. The Directors reserve the right to reject any or ail bids. Plans and specifications, can he seen at tinfotlice of BARB & 3105.E11, Nos": 42 and 4 St. Clair Street. 31: S. 310011.11EAD, .IAS. ROBB, A. A. 310011.. • ap22:036 Building Committee. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. for the Western District or Pennsylvania. In Bankruptcy. In the matter of WASHINGTON, BRITTON. Bankrupt. Western Drittrict ojj'ennaylranfa, eg. A Warrant in Bankruptcy has been issued by said Court against the estate of WASHINGTON BRIT TON, of the county of Allegheny and State of Fenusylvania, in said district, adjudged bank rupt upon petition of his creditors, and the, pay ment of any debts and the delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to him, or- to his use. and the transfer of any property by him, aro forbidden by law. A meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 116 Fed eral street, Allegheny City, in said District, on the 16111 day of May, A. 1). 1668, at 10 o'clock A. at the Mace of JOHN N. PURVIANCE. Esq.. one of the Registers In Bankruptcy of said district. 'l'llOS. A. ROWLEY, U. 5, Marshal for said District. ap2.2:07 NOTIIPE. Fifth Street Sidewalk Extension. IRON CURB AND SIDEWALK, We desire to call the attention of parties about to widen their sidewalks, according to ordinance, to our Patent Iron Curb and Pavement. The- same will be laid in front of the Opera Rouse this week and will speak for itself, The following is an ex tract from a letter of the City Engineer and Regu lator : •,`I consider It superior to stone, and if laid in Fifth street, will add greatly to its beauty, and I would recommend It to property owners. H. J. - MOORE, City Engineer.”- THOMAS I.' MILLER. rnitildt;nt. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Will be sold on the premises, all that FIECE OF. LAND situate I'l..lkt:hire township. beginning at the corner of Back Lane and a 40 feet street: thence. along said street N. 12 degrees 50 minnt es W. 244 feet 10;y' inches to ,tolin Gass' line: thence N. 77 degrees 10 minulesE. 389 feet 34 inch tollakewell's line; thence alueig said line 5...12 degrees 30 min utes E. 250 feet. IN Inches to Rack Lane; thence along the same 378 degrees W. 388 feet to place of beginning. containing 2 acres 33 perches. wit!), a ,:aidstrprefif..cirt torn i r d o tf id r . esv i T t e . ,iotf propertythe eo:ll.3Arizilbetiidti‘s..).f • sung. deceased. Terms will he made known on day.of sale. • • By order of the Orphans' Court. . . LUDEWIG KOETHEN. Attorney, 71 Grant !greet': pf. 2-090 Eil Also , NEEDLF.S,_ TTACITMENTS, MACHINE SILKS and COTTON, THREAD. MACHINE OIL, ,tc. The eitize a of Pittsburgh are respect 7 tally. Invited to call. Applications for Agencies Fondled. CircuTara or lamples by titan on a wile.ation. Correspondence to be addressed to GROVER & BAKER. S.M. CO., • 51 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. mh2):nl2 J. & H, PATT,T.TPS, 1868 . spRING G(!0p9.18648. ratt e af A a r jo ' r i l o eTa r ga' In s c l f i rein s.o rr own and other FLOOR .OIL CLOTHS, CARRIAGE, FURNITURE, TABLE AND , WINDOW S E OIL CLOTHS, (IF iftU) EVE Y DESCRIPTION. ~. Also, a full line of WOLESALE AND. RETAIL SITTYERS wilt find our prices AS LDW,IF NOT LOWER, TITAN CAN 11$ PURCHASED ELSEWHERE, and of and stylussecond to none. J. & H. PHILLIPS, - 20 AND 28 ST. CLAIO. ST 168. Mir PRINTS,' DELAINES: ••• . • • air TWEEDS, CAB9I3IEIIEB. s """ ' ' ' air FLANNELS, S.:OLLARS. sir HOSIERY AND GLOVES. • ' • • r ico r R W rß i CARP I IT _TI sw . CLOT HS; BoNS,'SHAWLS. - Awe QOY )334.1.11TS LACES. air AT THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE OF lie F.OTJCY, tar No. 148 Wylie Street. w eg 168. 168. , - APPLIQUE LA CITRTAIII3.'' " T L A OURB LACE cuirrAlN : : m NOTTINGHAMLACE CURTAINS. VESTIBULE LACE. . - I VOItaTEWBAILASE; • - L''' - CORNICES, LOOPS, BANDS, . 4 te;:, ' 4 .AT WHITE, ORR & apal DILY ie Awli isirciOn •sitingalma; shaved and Sawetb—sztra quality. ' l- Dltlf - I 8 I , 001EINGAICIAIIDS; And all kinds of LUMBER, at , • V. sca7.E g9OB, Yard, above Suspension liridge, Allegheny OW '- mta9:uso o • MBE ESE .4 1 1 ' 5 SEEM =Hi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, r -------- i . 0 „.,,. , , . 1 rrr Ani ,T Gil, ALLEGH ENY-86 m E1t.1 . A.Ag.x.p.,Er...n.41.L.yA.x . , N TICE.—.FOR SALE OR LEASE, that part of the Railway- orsaid.Company extending from the low r line of their property on Strawberry Lane, in Mc tire township: down to the terminus at Woods' Run. Parties wishing to purchase or lease the above described part of said Railway will apply within ten days from the 24th inst., as no (proposal will be entertained after le 4th day of May pros. Proposals to be handed to c undersigned: ; S. H. - GILMORE. ' Supe intendent, pro fem.. No. 238 . ClairBt, - , Pittsburgh. alaT.2:o9S W. C. FELlii, CO., DEALERS U LUE, CURLED HAIR, I era' Scraps, Ce, • BONES, NEAT'S cc and Warehouse, I. or from Wayne, o. 333 LIBERTY ST:, TTSBURGH, PA. I ala will be re gned on- the IST DAY OF M Y, YOE TILE Addresc TUE ATLAS. WORKS ON THURSDAY, APRIL 23d, ISMS, t'T 2 O'CLIWK. JOHN GASS, Jr., Administrator. GROVER d• . BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH ED LOCH STITCH SEWING 31-ACIIINES WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, At the New ant Elegant Sales Rooms IE EOMPANY, MBE STREET. Transparent R indow Shades, Holland's, Shade Fixtures, noiselx. fords, dc., &c. CHEAP! CHEAP! ImbZ• • 1 T i]•! .11 A =ME FOR SALE. WOE SALE. • • • a NEW Emir ROUSE, Containing , four iootai, hall atuf flashed attic, sit uated at No. I.2ISITEIm street, Sixth ward, opposite tile foot of Decatur street. Etuitalre of Capt. CIIARLF,S W. MAY. apt, :obi No. 49 Congress street, Pittsburgh. FOR SALE., ' • A RIVER BOTTOM FARM OF 76 ACRES. 10 miles from the city, In Elizabeth township, Alle gheny county, Pa., on the Youghiogheny river, one , half mile from Elrod's Station, 'on the Connellsville railroad; near churches, schools, stores, &c., in the flourishing villages of Boston aud Green Oak. The improvements are a two-story brick house of six. rooms, halt and cellar, a good frame bank barn with stabling underneath, and otheroutbuildings; a well of good standing, water at the door, and Several standing springs of hater on the fann: and an of , ' chard of 700 trees of selected fruits of apples, cher ries, pears, peaches, quinces and grapes. This prop erty being located Rear the line of the railroad, within one hour's ride of the city, makes it very de sirable for gardening or a dairy farm; it is also a good and beautiful location for country homes near the city, lying inunedlately on •the river, on the op posite side from the railroad. The West Newton Accommodation and other trains on the railroad af ford certain and frequent opportunities of daily communication to and from the city. Will be sold as a whole or ht lots of One acre or more, to suit pur chasers. . i one, Cattle Tails, 001' OIL, fk,q. • • • • Also, A FARM OF 173 ACRES, situated In St. Clair township, Westmoreland county, Pa., near the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Houston Station. The improvements are a two-story frame house. with six rooms and good cellar, a frame bank barn 40 by 00 feet, and other outbuildings. There Is on the place a young apple and peach orchard; 120 acres cleared land, divided into fields of conve nient size, a large portion of which are well set in clover and timothy; the residue of said tract cov ered with good timber. It is well watered and un derlaid with coal and limestone, and Is convenient to churches, school's, stores mills and blacksmith shops. A real good bargain is offered In this excel lent farnt;' and with It' will be sold all 'the personal property on the premises, consisting of horses, cows, stock cattle, bogs and poultry, harness; gears, wagon, plows,farming implements and household and kitchen furniture. Together will ho told very low and on easy terms, to a responsible purchaser. Abu)._ a desirable and very fertile Tract of Land of 158 ACRES AND 25 PERCHES4-In Elizabeth 'f p. Allegheny county, Pa., on the line of the nemplield railroad. and one and one-half miles from the Con- , nellsville railroad at Suter's Station. On thls farm are.4o acres of superior white oak. timber, which alone Is now worth one-half the price asked for the whole tract. The Improveinents are a log house, frame barn, good fencing. and an apple orchard of good fruit. It is well '0 atered and underlaid with limestone and flag stone of a superior quality, with stone coal for the pee of the farm. Also, The best FARMIin Fairfield . township, Westmorelmul county, I'a:, of 250 ACRES, about six miles south of the Pennsylvania Central Rail road at Bolivar. Station. The Improvements are two large hewed log dwellings; one of the Largest and best frame barns in the township; two apple or chards, in good bearing condition: corn crib, wagon shed and other outbuildings. The whole farm Is Under a idol state of cultivation; fencing ail In first rate order, and the land of the best quality of lime stone soil, about 200 ac;es of which is cleared and the residue of the tract In good timber, such as white oak, rock oak, hickory; walnut and bee Ch. This property will be sold very cheap and ongood terms. as the owner wishes to engage in other busi ness!' For particulars enquire of , G. K. TOWER, 164 Fourth Street. ap14:042 FOR SALE. Property near Mansfield for Sale. A very desirable piece of land o gooderes, having an orchard Of about 3 acres, and aframe house of 5 rooms and cellar: a spring of never failing wa ter near the house. Located on an elevation about ti or a mile west of Mansfield Station, on the Pan handle R. It. TO be sold as a whole or in.: Fats; to. suit purchasers, from It to ' S hetes. • Inquire of DANIEL SIVOGELL Lt' :al Estate and Insurance Agent, No, 77 Federal street, Allmtheny City, on second floor.. • „ FOB SALE. • A good frame dWelling of live r00 0 ur; large halt, finished attic and good cellar, ~n a lot 24. by 129 feet 9 inches, situate *o• 60 Adams street, Sixth ward. Aneghenv city, which will be sold low and on gcK.4 terms. as the owner wishes to leave the city Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER No. 77 Federal street, Allegheny City. on secondfloor. . FOR. SALE. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—Two good lots on Sheffield street; QM lot on Admits street; one lot on Franklin street• three small lots on Chanters street, Allegheny. A. lot in East Liberty, being lot No. 14 on Dennison avenue. A number of lots - on .Jacks Run. Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, No. 77 Federal' street. Allegheny City, second floor. A good Farm Or 70 Acres. 60 of whleli are culti vated. and balance In. timber. havingl.o acres of orchard, consisting of apples, peaches !and pears; a good log house of 6 rooms and cellar; a good log barn. Farm well watered, having a - good spring near the door; 50 acres underlaid with coat. Situ ate 12 miles northwest of Allegheny City, and 4 miles from Sewickley or Glendale Station, on the P. F. W. & C. It. It. Terms easy. Inquire at 77 Fed eral street Allegheny City, second door. • I.(Yrs FOR SALE—SEVERAL BUILDING LOTSon:Observatorylllll, Second Valli. Allegheny City, are offered for sale—cheap. The location is a very desirable one, commanding a tine view of both cities, is easy of access t and there Is abundance of stone on the ground for building purposes. Apply 50011 at the paint shop of Mc- COWAN & SNVDER, Allegheny Diamond, at Tills OFFICE, or on the premises, near the Ob servatory Building. n3S OM M musESIR . ABLE PENN. STREET RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—Three-stury brick e. well built and conveniently arranged; wide hall. large parlor, dining-room and kltchen4 wash room, etc.• seven other rooms, bath room; Inca fixtures in all'the rooms; yard, grape arbor, &c. Lot extends „back to an alley; brick stabloon the alley; all In complete order. Apply to S. CUTHBERT & SONS. .RcaLEstate Agents.' 85 Smithfield St. • LAND AT 110MEWOOD. QM Twenty Acres of Land for sale at Homewood Station, R., Immediately opposite residences of Drs. VandeCort and Ham, and being the most desirable property for country residences In the county. Inquire of H. P. MILLER, NO:, 83 Fifth street,- 'or of It. E. MILLER. near the premises. apl7:orB FOR SALE.-HORSES.---At HOW AIM'S TAVERN AND SALE STABLE, one line FOR HORSE' titan: three' DAPPLE 'GREY RORSE:. 4 : one LARGE DRAUGHT DOUSE: three BLACK MARES; two GREY- MARES. FIRST STREET, near IlionougabelqUouse. b Horses ought and sold oh commission. MARBLE SLATE MANTLES.O. PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE AND SLATE WORKS. Office and Wartroom-319 and 321 'LI tER.TY STREET. Mantle Wureroom on second door. Persona wanting Marble or Slate Mantles will find it to their interest to call. Workmanahlp not ex celled In any place, and prices as low as In 'Eastern' cities. Marble Mantles or Furhiture Slabs which hap; becotne discolored bu smoke, oils or acids, can be Marbleized and made to la ok as well as new. There is no other place in Western Pennsylvania where Slate Mantles are manufactured. • All kinds of Marble Work done in the best manner.- Marble Cutters supplied with Sawed Marble at East ern prices, carriage added. W. W. WALLACE. • nISSOLUTION.---The firm of GREGG & CUMMING, Wns dissolved tin the 15th Met:, by mutual Consent. Eitber partner vui sign the name of the firm la set tlement. JAMES OREEG, No. 4 Rand street. W.M. CLENDINING, No. 50 Hand st. Plttstoirgh, April 15th, 18611. . JAMES GREW; will continue the old bushiesa at No. 4 Hand street. All orders will be promptly at tendeilto. - • The business will also be continued at the old stand, No. 50 Nand street, by WM. CLENDIN, ING. - • • sp2Doo3 • GREAT SALE. Treinendons Sacrifice in Looking Glasse& Preparatory tri moving, I offer mlclegant stock of flue GILT, PIER arid AIANTLE GLASSES, POR TRAIT and PICTURE PitAMkS: also, miscellane ous styles of BEDROOM GLASSES, all of which must be-sold 1* - the,/at •••• .. ,:,ass: Those who are lu want of flan Parlor (3 asitontitni first-class article of tine gilt work, will do welt,to QUBURIIAN .RESIDENCp-7, kJ desirable lodation, on - MonneWashington, com- Most manding a delightful view of the two cities and sur rounding boroughs. House , contalns nine ..rootns in elegant condition. Lot 13A feet on High street, extending back 330 feet to .a street 40 feet -wide; iron fence In front of lot. ' Stable. outbuildings ♦ grape arbor, iralt trees, shrubbery: two cisterns, !Wished , cellars, front and rear:lorches, porches, make all convenient-and 'elegant.. Will be sold cheap. FOR SALE A Good Paper Routean:the Gazette Foil _ 4 - • : : z APl}rat THIS OFFICE. LOE SHADING, for Store Win 7 Vi -1611° -41tOws of tlifidifterentivi for sale o — EN oll i . and 281st. Clals street. colt}; , ' • - 11. PUILLIPS, OTV CLOTHES WASISERL:he - bebkfti. the ;auk t• another supply, tisk ro• 7 oe fed by - --. • & ir:PMGT, itP :350tba eta for this county, EIST.II/.......„ - ,bb, t ittr - r erear es vlllo Lto tt ro sox. tpF sa bY . 10 w` -7 1 /Matt "trgei. • 8 7 1 :it ,111.:11 MEM u MBE ZRa3M. [7l,7W,4o;3atit.Prizirafias-