LB. lizaNiza, Preet pmmouraGs FORGE AND IRON CO., BIANCFACTOIIERg OF Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Loeomottve Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods; Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists: • Pitman Jaws, Collars, &e. 0111ce, No. 177 PENN - STREET, PITTSBURGH, P GRAFF, BYERS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, W 1 , 1 OUCIHT IPON, Iron Wal pd 'hies for Gas, Stearn Voter, &c. ALSO, ,- OIL WELL TUBING. Office, 98 Water and 182 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa I= JjEN SINGTON _IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, MANUFACTURERS OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal JUNIATA BLOOKIRON. • MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON. HOOP, BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS. 20 and 10 lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. FLAT RAILS, Punched and Counterauntz. COAL SCREEN IRON. . NAILS AND SPIKES. Warehouse and Office at the, GREEN OUGH STREET, (a continuation of First street,) adjoining the City Gas Works. Pittsburgh. EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works . . Warehouse, Noa. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET opposite Monongahela House, - atddidd PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, .NIMICK '& CO. PITTSBURGH, PA., Manufacturers of every description of CAST AND CERMAN STEEL, _RAILWAY SPRINGS, ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, - AXLES, STEEL TIRE, &c., &c. • • Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Sts. ap18:067 .PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS ANDERSON, COOK & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD .t C 0.,) Manufacturers of the ' 4 BEST REFINED CAST :STEEL, FiYALE:lfltT} s .lll2c.ltrilkk I , 6 il lgiFt e tatr; CAST STEEL /or Iteapini 3 rl . Steel Axles, C Plow gersi ifte, Cast and Common Pipw & Spring Steel. OMee—Corner FIRST AND ROSS STREETS. two blocks above the Monongahela Rowe. othird9 - - MOLLER, BAMI & PARILIN. ) arificsm. - PARTiriens WM. METCALIFi _REUBEN MILLE% GEO.-W. BARR,: 1 - CHAS. PARKIN. SPECIAL I i ALITNER-8. 3L. ELEA, CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, 11.#AXtrt, & 11w1UUZN, Office, No. 339 - Liberty St, PITTSBURGH PA. fel4:d4B • BLACK. DIAMOND • STEM WORKS. PARK, j BROTHER, & CO., Manufacturers of all descriptions of SIT • % AlDce and Warehouse algw i t 124 SECOND and 110 and 111 F 1 Si' PITTSIVORGEL, • FERTILIZERS. TO WHEAT GROWIE.ILS. .. • • EUREKA AMMONIATED BONE, SUP., -PHOSPHATE OF LIME , • Iita.NUFACTURED BY . • The Allegheny Fertilizer Co SEWARD & CAMPBELL, - - P.ito.Pltruroits. Offiee, 856 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, The best Fertiliz g i venee, and regnized lir Farmers who haveit a trial, o be the stand ant for raising large crops-of Wheat, Bye, Oats, Corn, Pota toes, ac, We have published for gratu itous circulation pamphlet - containing Interesting and valuable statements or this Fertilizer, copies of which will be sent tree to any,_ sending us their - dross. PITTSBURGH PAPER MAC- FACTORING COMPAIfy, N anu r i w ur e r a of , PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS;: CLINTON MILL4/TiBENVILI 7 . _ • - BRIGHTON 'MILL—NEW BRIGH TON, OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, • N 0.82 Third Street, Pittsburgh; p i t... . , Orriczus—AUGUST HARTSEP_Eesplent.' JNO. SAM JlLLlallazoAretza.n,rqr, Doutcrons—Angiit Joh n Atwell, S. H Hartman, John B. Llvington. Cash pal 4 fur •.r Stock. , JaNkoSS FPAI A Ar. 731' R Wifede • 500 tall ,Veleir later Wbea 1,000 -its • • / 4 40 0; m 0 380 Ai .„,,pe s asitify Yoe sale by EaTVIIISO9L, cor. EINEEMEI '-v•k - t - _ )5; :::5-I:',7,;:io,WaVOlt-1.;".:4e:V.1.-i'.%7341i'1-d1iC54'4615'.a.4.11.1t,,,4WW.' .At-4,„evivw W. P. PORTER, Ein AND Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, CIENTIIAL rFOUNDSY AND ROLL WORKS, SSO Perm. Street. ROD MAN , BOYD & BIGAMY Mill Castings, 801 l Lathes, &c. 171LTON MACHINE WORKS. _ ESTABLISHED IN 1836. ufactory of STEAM ENGINES, all sizes and of the most approved patterns, for stationary purposes • STEAMBOATS and STEAM FERRY BOATS. A variety of 10,42 and AB horse power ENGINES, which will be sold at very reduced prices.. • GEISiE, Wellsville, 0. Fiftridles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio Aver, and line of C. &T. B. no9:112 SAMUEL M. WICKERSHAM, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa Agent for the sale of Convrall Dougluunore, Jo. sophine, Isabella, Duncanuon, rltanb_ope, Glendon, and *other brands of Anthracite, Youghiogheny Coke and C. B. Charcoal Mannihatirers of Sheathing, Braziers , and' 80l Copper, Fretted Copper Bottoms, fused Still Bot toms, Spelter Solder. Also, Iron e nd Dealers in. Metal, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, .&e. stantly on hand Tinners , Machines at. Tools. Con- Warehouse., No. 140 FIRST STRE.e.T and 120 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh.- Special orders of Copper: out tee any desired pit 'ere. m 14:t!alulwr • PRACTICAL 118. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LEMON & INEISE, • No. FOURTH sorztp&ET - - • Constantly on hand every.iarlety of PAMLORand OHILMMER FURNITURE, together with 0 cam. plets assortment of common Furniture at reduced rices. . • Those lit want of anything in our line a r e eordhaly Waled to call before purchasing. . W_ork • aranteed. um.. 4 - LEMON ft WEISE. t je , 3l, & A. MIFIRDOCH, diursepswilasti3tadleedtnii 131 11.9 fiItITHIMMO snutr i r, ono. suer atent* ristetb rizz d ar, z6. Ea a t oaciiiiiiriveries &phi* EMI ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH. THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest anc most complete establishments in the West, and are now prepared to furnish Engines, of every deserlptfon. Boilers, Oil Tanks. • Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling Mill Cat[n;s. Engine Cast.inge. Jitachine Castings.. General Castings. n09:n69 ORDERS SOLICITED NATIONAL, rovrirbay AND . PIPE WORKS. Corner Carron and Stnannian Streets, I • ' (NINTH WARD,) PIZ'TSBLTItC H, PA. SKIM Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. satr,PatSsl.4irfeeVilecnlithellralLa_bl3:j.nilt_t_.l7. assortment 161eiteral Castings for Ons and Water Works. • o ig s u lAt:lr i r o n in tp: o s a tn c loif E l c l t rztutendents fenttiO THE LNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO, CHARLES lINAP, President. • J. M. HEAP, Vice President. 0. METCALF,- See,. and Treas , r. • 3. R. WADE, Engineer. J. G. HISAP, General Manager. DIRECTORS: JAMES 8.-MURRAY, of Lyon, Shotb & Co. A. E. W. PAINTER., of J. Painter & Sons.- C. B. HERRON, of Sp - ang, Chalfant & Co. THOS. S. BLAIR, of Shoenberger & Co. WM. METCALF, of Miller, Barr & Parkin. MANUFACTCIOI.BB or Bolling Mill and Blast Machinery. RETORTS NAILASTING of every descalpHon. ERNEST'S MACHINES. fe24 L. 0. LIVINGSTON.W. 11. BOJIT.W. A. ROBINSON. JR. LIVINGSTON & CO., IRON FOIIIMERS, • MANUFACTURERS OF " FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All descriptions, for Plumbers and Gas Fitters; Ag-' ricultural implements, Cotton al Woolen MU! Ma ehiniabac Work promptly UtteUded to. Office and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINSON, REA: ' Successors to Bontrraox, Mtn A MILLERS, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSIURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En enes, Blast tf agi t; a li ß ßlcri M tf hhi • a gi T Ge l i g ing a . Stills, Boiler andlron AN V orr a . all Omce, No. 12, corner First and Smithfield Street,. fettrAfolfe7E'D'S PETENT INJEC ji iiftg l 'for MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. • Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron PITTSBURGH. Rolling Mill and Midge Casiingn, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, GENERALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. ' EBBERI' & lILLCIUND. 0c15:1Z3 , ERLIN FOITNDItY. PRICE & Mee and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street; Manufacture and keep eonatinili ori hand WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, SVGAIt kMTLES, HOLLOW..WARE, And Castin titerally IRON SRO IRON ;3ROICER, PIO IR,OTIE4. Consignments and orders respectfully solicited COPPER. ARE SUPERIOR COPPER RILL AND EIRELIZING WOLIS,- I'ITTSI3I3II,GIII. PARK, liiicCURDY & CO., FURNITURE. SEEM PITTSBURGA. - GiAXEMTUESDAY , APRIL 21,,;1868. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TAM CARROLI. & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOTTBLE-FLITED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AN. CYLINDER STEAM. BOII,ERS.' OIL STILLS AND OIL I TANKS, • CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND =ASH PANS, , SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON , DENSEES; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS •I AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS 'AND COAL SHIITES; Office. and Warehouse corner Second Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa .1181 r• Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. • inh7:lB9 Z. W. 11161CR0Vir.....7A8. B. BARNHILL ....JAS. BLAIR. aiukitA BOILER WORKS. MORROW, BARNHILL & CO., MANUFACTURERS, OF _ . Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IKON WORK, Ac. Cor. Liberty and Secondlitt„ PITTSBURGH, REPAllllNG'promptlp done. jy4:b2 WH. BARNHILL & CO., . BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRONWORKERS, • NOS. 20, 22, 24 AND 28 PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished it with •the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS In the best manner, and warranri equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire .Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive oilers, Condensers, Balt Pane, Tanks, .Oil Stilts,. Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler. Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Barnhill's Patent-Bollers. Repairing done on - the shortest notice. Jas:c2l JAMES M. BITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PIXTSBIIIIGH, PA., MANUFACTITIIER OF . IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAK PIPE, ROLLINHi3IILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. • STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. COON. STOVES. ---- CET THE BEST. BISSELL or,' CO.'S •••TRITIMPH, FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other Stove in the Union. BISSELL 4,'00., • No. 235 Liberty Street. Also on hand and for sale, PARLOR STOVES, HEATINGSTOVES, GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS, COOKING RANGES, ac. CHEAPEST PLACE - Iti'the city To BUY THE TRIUMPH COOK!NC STOVE, Ie at No. 148 GRANT STREET. je.2 P. C. DUFFY. HARDWARE. NEW HARDWIRE - 'LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUWER, OM Manufacturers and Importers of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. 337 LIBERTY STREET, CORNER OF WAYNE, One Square 'Below Union Depot, PITTSBURGH Sire etas for FAIRBANKS , SCALES MUSSMA.NN, • FIFTH ST., bet. Tunnel & Chatham Ste., Gunsmith and Dealer in Hardware. First class goods of all descriptions always on hand and sold at the lowest prices. ltdpairing done carefully on short notice. je26:d6o BIMOBRIEI3. pHCENLX STEAM BREWERY. • JOB. SPIWCZE....JAS. E'ILAY....IIOBRET LIDDELL. SPENCER, M'KAY & CO, NIALSTERS AND BREWERS Of Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, • PLPINKURGit, PA. ROBERT WATSON, lepauwer: ocl4 DTIM:AND•:SCOURERS. H LANCE, .• f' Nos. 185 and 187 pdrd -Street) DYER AND SCOUREL STRAW GOODS OLIMED OE DYED. KID GLOVES:AND LADLES , PLUMES GLEAN. ED , :.02. DYED ' STONE. fl EST COMMON _ • Machine':Stone., Trorkry -Northwest corneinelfost'Common,Alreglieny? AIFTATER & CO. aye on hind or Drelitre 111°rt. Hearth ' and esep,l'onesi: mage fbr Leidewalks,: ltrewerr Iltita-iaea*/ Hendstnenh otonek • Orders s, 1 1, , enecated• -, PrfiAnkleNlomudile • i . 7"r irk*, 414 • , - , .4 • wrzAkar WdLa Blubber r*O Dot. U • WORKS. mAxuF4ctuAznicip; Ali~r •~' TS y. l 1 ~i'.S'{y. FINANCLI.L. FORT PITT BANKING COMPANI I No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000 STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AN COLD. INTEREST AIM ' ED ON TIME DEPOSITS Collections made On all accessible points in the United States and Canadas. le' ECTORS: glit. C l. R it h :g, r ' Andrew Miller, James M. Bailey. ItteCLIIRITAN, Pres't. D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallace. E. Fawcett; UM NATIONAL MA'i OF *COMMERCE' f Cor. of WoOd and Sixth Sta. A. PATTERSON.. • President. JOS. H. HILL Cashier. CAPITAL, : : : $500,000. • DIRECTORS: A. Patterson, t ' r George W. Cass, Wm. H. Itrown,; James McCandless, Chas. Lockhart, I Win. Douglas, = Allen - Kirkpatrick, Wtn. Reed. W. S. Haven, I ' - DISCOVNTS DAILY,. AT 11 A. 11. ap9:022 HART, CAUGECEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner "27tird - and Wood StAeta, Pri - ro3.nurtGai, pA..; (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART & C 0..) , DEA.LERB IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to tl e purchase and - 'sale of COVERNMENT BONDS, Sight Drafts on London.' .. . ' • rari:ste NHOLMES & BOUTS, • 57 Market Street, Pr - ra"rsuultGai, Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canadas. Stocks; Bonds and other Securities BOITG HT . AND SOLD ON COMMIS.SION . Particular attention paid to 4 e purchase - and sale of United States Securities. I= KEYSTONE BANK, PITTI3I3I:4IGrri. PA. THIS BANK. IS NOW TRANSACTING A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, AT THEIR NEW BANKING HOUSE. No. 293 . Liberti Street: . Accounts orBANKS, BANKERS, MAItCHANTS and others are Invited. Collections made on an accessible points in the Milted States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time . : Depots. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKMOLDEKS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. GIF.O. T. TAR DOREN. Cashilei.. WESTERN SAVINGS RANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CHKRTEIZED 1866. interest paid on Time Deposits ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT /INTEREST. Discounts Daily at 12 o'clock. President-•THOMPSON BELL. Vice President—A.-M. MARSHALL. DIIIECTOIIS THOMPSON BELL, i A. M. MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH. JOS. ALAREE. J. J. GILLESPIE, I - 13tockbolders to whom we make reference: Wm. Forsythe, ';.lbseph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell, Rev. David /Kerr, Wills Dalzell, Henry Lambert, E. M. . ' Fu ltßn well ' A.M. O d ma s ß wl n e . ,*C.VARK4 BANKERs.°O ESTABLISHtD. IN 1837. tog 3$ t(l7ii-100 - rinw)ELpuLa, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, 7 arlOs Converted Into 5-20: SMEI3 AND GOLD Bought. and sold on commitodon,. here and in New York. TIME PAPER NEGOTIATED.- INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OP GOLD AND CURRENCY. Accounts of Banks and Ba n k. era received on_favorable ternie. I ALL CLASSES BEOURITIRS ,TAKEN EXCHANGE AT MARKET RATES.' re24:188 ,ITHoGRApp j SWAM= SINGYRLY........ ... . ... CLB. OEiGEHLY & CLElfic ttipeg eors 0 to Gut: F. Eicitacututt 4tl-94.4.- ri g A o o l ; 4l . l[2llo ol4Mala. The only Steam. Lithographic Zeta lishment west ll' the Mountain& : - Business Cards, 'Letter Reads, aid& Lahels,,eireular& Show Carne t - Diplomas, Portraits Vilows. c ertilicai raear.Psnqetta. luvitav tion `.~ios 74- Mid - . 0! Taint itzeet , T PittabliVthd. • - • - MUZIP4O - 7 . w .`• inEU 77-7= lIIM2OIOI4TIMUSP *ll . 41: **fil o — i n ac .,Mjursaatua, wad taTtgei, FelMa .• , • REMOVAL: • I HAVE REMOVED MY BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE TO THE Corner of fifth and Wood Streets, Formerly occupied by the NATIONAL RANH. OF COMMERCE. PH. R. MERTZ. CONVERSION OF 7-30 1 s. We are now prepared to Convert the SECOND and THIRD SERIES of • S.E - VEZI-T.EtriaTIZES INTO TUN New 18¢75-20 Gold Conpon Bonds. • JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealer : :; i n Government Securities, . - - CORNER . FOURTH AND WOOD. STS. 'WON, Cashier, .1)T... 75404*.0.040tt- OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY, April 20, 1868; . , The increased shipments of specie to Europe and the absence of any commercial bills in the maritine cities, has given , a strong tone to the 'gold market, and rates have advanced ,to-day from 138% to 139, with an advancing tendency. /Commercial bills have been bought up recently by The Gerinan and English honses, who have their own terms for exchange, and unless the Assistant Treasurer at New York should continue to sell gold to the end of this month, a sharp advance in gold is un avoidable, and may disturb once more the values of merchandise. Government bonds are much depressed in the . European mar kets, even before the payinent of the last coupons, which is semething unusual; at home the market has advanced With a ten dency to follow the price of gold, but Seven Thirties are weak on account of the persis tent refusal Of the government-to buy these bonds at market rates nom' , g per cent. above the offers of government agents. The business in bonds is very ilea, buyers are as scarce as sellers, and unless rates ad vance, consideiple little is likely to be done, since money commands better rates elsewhere. ra The stock market is unsettled,. but the feeling is rather bullish. It seems confi- dence is returninlg, and the feuds between the Erie and New York Central roads have' terminated by the passage of the bill in re gaid to the mode of applying the proceeds of the third mortgage bonds of the Erie read. Some of the western roads are ac tively dealt in, and a big business is done in them. The local money market is easier, and is likely to improve for the next three or four weeks by the payment of a large amount of compound interest notes due May loth. Money is to be had in bank at '9 ta 19 per eent., exceptlavorite customers, whd pay 6 per cent., their balances justifying such a distinction. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R Mertz, were as follows: Gold, 139; 1881 bonds, 112 g; 1862 5-20 s, 111%;.1864 d 0,109%; 188,5 do, 109 107%; 107%; 10-40 s, 102; 7-30 s, 106 g. . Cleveland & Pittsburgh R. R. 80 Fort Wane 101% North WeStern--common 60 North Western—preferred 78% New York ,Central 115% Erie ' 66 Old Southern '8834 Ohio & 31g Western Union .Telegraph J 37%- kierchaita,trulon Express, 32x Corydon ' • .... . 27 Quartz-Rill 95 Quicksilver 27_ --Closing quotations received byJames T. Brady & Co. • - Gold 11. S. 6's, 1881 -3. as 6-20's, 1862...; It May PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. G i 1 OFIFCE OF THE PITTSBCRGH ..... 20, Af ETTE. MoNoay, April 868. 1 CRUDE --The crude market presents no new characteristics worthy of spCcial no tice. There is a fair-demand, both for pres ent and future delivery, and while prices are well sustained, there is no quotable change.. We can report sales of 2000 and 1000 bbls,on spot, at 8,4i0, and the same fig: ure was offered for more. For May, June and July, there are buyers at ,9 to 93/,,c, but no sellers below 9;,e. All the' year is nom inal at 12o—there has not been a sale for some time. The receipts continue large, though strange as it may appear, there is but comparatively little oil offering, the great proportion of • that arriving having been sold previous to arrival, and as a con sequence, the amount of oil,really on the market for sale is actually Much smaller than ninny have been let to believe. We have no definite advices from 011 City to , Any: a firmer feeling, however, was re torted. ' 1 REFTNED--The market fOr bonded oil is bteady with considerable inquiry, both for present and future delivery, and 'the offerings- continue r. We have but a Single sale to record: 000 bbls to be deliv ered within the nexttwenty days, Seller's option, flat, at 21c, free on board cars here. - May is quoted at 26y, to 2ft June, 26%e; and all the year, buyer's option, at 31 to 32e. We look for an improvement in busi 'dew now, as many of our operators who have been in Philadelphia , as witnesses in 'the' O'Connor-Tack case, . have returned 'home t and others will doubtless arrive ti:b night and to-morrow. _ ARRTVALS—The arrivals reported to day were as follows: Mawhinney&E.looo Fisher & Bro 12000 D. M. Edgerton.l4oo J. Wilkins 1000 Jackson & Bro.:1100R.' D r Cochran, 3608' X.' Gallagher 2490 ( I : B •Thoinas : -,3 9 00 , Total' ' • ' 4 26,506 'OIL SHIPMENTS FROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. Hutoblnsou .011 co., 161 bbls refined to Waring; King dr` Co.. -• WBrooks, Co., 60' d o do arden, Frew & Co., P,Fiihidelphia. Moore . , 111 do residuum to Libby dr, rlc;'Red Hoolr,".NecrTork.. Philadelphia Cattl e .61rarket.' frirTeleiraiPb to . PP POlfruTirk paitArir.4_474, APril!2o.—Beeves, very `dun, and. prices; isalefte , head at 103; to 11 for extra . naan weateraTateerth 20e for , fair 'fo -- .1 004,,and 6 to 80 grog! for common. S t l e i rri ;-4 14 1,1 4r4=== t o gplif Lutowetneisdaimmescrom per cwt. nett. =ME FINANCE AND TRADE. 6.2013, . ...... 5.20'a 1865 10.4Wh' 5-20's; Jan. and July; '65 p 767, June7-30'5.., July 7-30's Comp„,-1865 OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, DioNnay, April 20,1868. The general market, presents no new features worthy of special notice. We can report a steady demand for most of the leading commodities, while prices, as a general thing, are firm, with an upward tendency. APPLES—The supply is very, much re duced, and, as a consequence, _prices are tending upward; we now quote at $5 to $7 per bhl,for fair to choice: - - - APPLE-BUTTER—Is steady. with reg ular sales at 75 to 80c, as to quality'. BUTTER—Is scarce and steady but un changed; sales , at. 45c to 50c for. prime to choice Roll. . EGGS--The demand was active to-day, and fresh packed sold readily at 22c, and ru soe - holders asked 23c. _ _ --- - . POTATOES—In active request and in limited supply; we now quote prime. Peach Blows at $4 per barrel and Buckeyes 04,50. GRAlN—Winter Wheat—none in mar ket. Sale 0f.150, bushs No. 1 Spring. Wheat at 82,40.. Oats firm but unchanged at 78 to 79c, on wharf and track; sale of 10,000 bush, in elevator, On private terms. Ear Corn is steady ' I. to sl,os—the usual ad vance for small lots in. store. Rye is firm and in better demand; sales lit $l,BO to $1,85. Barley-thee last sale reported, - was at $2,50. HAY—Baled Hay is selling on wharf .at $25,t0 $27. LARD OIL—Is firm but unchanged; sales at 81,15 for No. 2, and $1,42 to 81,45 for No I. SEEDS--Cloverseed is offering in small lots at r. Timothy is quiet at $2,50 to $2,75. Flaxiseed is in good demand at 82,50 to 82,55. PROVISIONS.—Bacon is steady, with a cdtdinued fair demand but un changed; we continue to quote at 14c for Shoulders; 16 to 18c for Ribbed and Clear Sides, and 19c for Plain and 20c for Can vassed Sugar Cured Hams. Lard, 18e in tierces, and 18.%c, in kegs., Mess Pork, 827,50 to 8.28. MAPLE MOLASSES—,SaIes , in gallon jpgs at $1,50 to *1,75, according in. qual- MILL FEED—Is firm but unchanged; sales on wharf at 81,80 for Bran, and $2,25 for Middlings. SALT--Allegheny river brands may bo i suoted at $1,75 to 81,80 in round lots, and 2, in a small way. FLOUR—The market is firm, andprices are still tending upward; $ll to $11,25 good Spring Wheat; 811,50 to 811,75 for choice do; $l2 to $12,50 fol. Winter Wheat, and 814 to $l6 for fancy brands. Rye Flour, ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY. April 20,-1868. . CATTLE. There was a very full supply of Cat le on sale to-day, and with a demand rest restricted almost entirely to supplying the wa is of the retail trade, the market was a dul one, and, if anything, compared with last w eek, prices ruled a shade lower, though r ally, there was very little difference. The q shity. of Cattle was veryr good, consisting n ly of prime Western Steers, and while here was no complaint in this respect, ther was considerable complaint among the b tch ens in regard to, prices, and with goo rea— son, too, though drovers are not to blame, as cattle are high all over the country, and cannot be brought here and sold for any less. We are in hopes, however that the f Offerings of Sheep will be 'quite large within the next thirty days, as farmers will send them to market pretty freely after taking the wool off, and this will have a tendency „? to restrict the demand for cattle somewhat, and, as a consequence, prices may, and, probably, will rule lower: Greenwald & Kahn report having re tailed 70 head of prime to extra•Cbi go steers at 8 to 9,70. Jas. McAllister 17 head of extra Chi ago steers at 9 to 9%. Hazlewood & Blackstock.retailed 34 - ead at S to 9y,. Myers & Needy report having retailed 80 • head of Chicago cattle at 8 to 93‘, and two Ohio oxen at 9%. Hartman & Shamberg retailed 37 head Chicago cattle at 8X to 9%. ' L. Bothchilds retailed 2i head Chicago !, cattle at 8 to 9%. M. ;Verner 36 head Chicago cattle at 7% tU9:' ' Xmas & Haas 54 -head Chicago cattle at 8 9. - N. 'Carr retailed 20 head prime Chicago steers for Dolan & Co. at B,i-to Hedges & Taylor retailed 32 for at=n at t 8 tol, and 18 head for Binkerhoff 7% / to 8. 138% 112% 111,14 /09% 109% 102 107% 108 106%- 106 11834 Emerick (k. Co. retailed 18 head of mixed Ohio cows, heifers and steers at 5 to 9%. • Dolan it kerwin wholesaled 15 head of f extra western steers to Peter Fairly at 91,1; 17 head prime do to Jas. McAllister at 8,80; retailed 17 head at 834 to • L. Shatuberg retailed 16• head of. Ohio t cattle, on commission, at 63f to 79.(.. 1 Marks Traurman retailed 70 head of prime western cattle otBj to 934. Holmes, Lafferty 6r, Oka had about 100 4 head of mixed cattle on sale, but we did not learn their prices: • There was an increased supply of - ShCep on sale to-day and the ns market, as a coe quenee, ruleddull, and prices may be quo ted from a quarter to a half cent lower, es- f peCially for common to - mediutn. Clipped Sheep are commencing to arrive pretty freely, and dealers expect prices to decline ;. -materially within the next thirty days, as the supply will no doubt be considerably in excess of the demand. We are quoted " the following sales: Aull & Myers wholesaled 140 head of itgen swag" wooled Sheep to. John McAllis ter at 414 •40 head of prime wooled Sheep to Richardson, averaging 100 lbs, at 83.(; 30 head , prime to another butcher at By 4; 11 head to Kimberlin at 8; and retailed 30 head;," at 7to 7y.. • ' Adam Eckert had 136 head on sale* sold about 70 at 6to 73,. - - E. Katz had• 63 head prime Ohio; eoldpar-', tinily at 6y, to 755. • Stakely Bro:, 20 head at• $4 to, per; head. • • ' bunchH. Ackely bought 20 head fat Sheep at and C. Dillenbaugh. bought a smalli of extra at 8 1 4. - Rpm & Davis bought 66 head half wooled., and half clipped, from, Dent, at 6.10; 24 heack wooled from Grey at:7; luul 20 head veryl common at s lX:Thifi same firm reports,having retailed about 300 lead at 4 to 7, fori clipped, and A to 734 for wooled. • . • • , 110013. / . The Hog Market is quiet, as the demendc • ' is very light,being restricted almost whollyv. to supplying the wants of the. retail trade." We_continue to quote at 10 to 1133,' gross:' for fair to primelkeavy averages. Weqhote:: :the following sales:. _ Myers & Needy wholesaled 60 head td Xtothchilds & Byers at 7%. Cunningham wholesaled 38 heads' to' • Ernerick& Co. at 9. ..- Emerick & Co. report having about.loo head during the past weekat:9 to I - - Louisville Ma**et. - -- •' ' air Telegraph to the.TlttabOrgh Gazette 1 , . - ' • • LotrtsvlLLl3, April +2O: Tobacco active' and higher; • itopqrAv, common leaf -4 1 7 4® 9 X;fairiliQ 'I , Flour; super '111450 , ' ®9,00; fancy 1112, 013,09, Wheat 62 2 OttNl‘ /5075141-_8090.1:, C 2 4 , 12,07..fLard':i7 _ 7 *mu fti . pow; 27,24:-,-Bneunsl• 4104.33,0118kei:iddei';'" t igspostr; 'dear die _l7 17M41% illbol ii_lNwelelec_ _ 1 K 1 ' •At ~..itaas saw wmf-ligninotplir, rot" ' - 1 1 ° i ''' zniddlintlige. ' ' ' PMIIMMiGiI • KABEitTS. = LT . , ns '~.~ ~