The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 20, 1868, Image 8

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• BAN.
THE 131C°
- .
Court of Quarter Sessions--Hon. F. Carrol
• Brewster. Associate Justice.
The taking of testimony on the par. -of
the prosecution in this case was resumed
on Friday morning : '
Win. Dilworth, Jr., sworn-My residence
is at Pittsburgh. lam a dealer in lumber
and oil; I was tolerably familiar with the
'oil market in June, July and August: about
the. latter part of June refined oil was 22
cents In Philadelphia; about the latter
of July it went up to 28 and 29 cents; the
rise began somewhere from the Ist to the
sth of the month; in August the market ad
vanced gradually, and in September it was
at its highest, October contracts selling for
51. cents; and in October and Islovember it
fell. The fluctuations of the Antwerpmar,
ket affected this market. The market ie
sponded to Antwerp in risingland falling..
I knew of no scarcity in our region; the sup
ply seemed to be ahead of the demand; I have
a slight acquaintance with Emile Schalk;
ho has been in the oil business for a year
or so. I knew a mast named Edgar Will
iams; he acted as agent for Schalk. I think
the supply of crude oil diminished from
the time the river fell. During that. season
there must have been over 600,000 barrels
of it at, Pittsburgh.
,Cross examined.—l know that in July
the price of oil was high here, and not so
high 'in Antwerp; the Antwerp Market
should be, but is not affected in its fluctua
tions like other markets, by the supply and
demand; I am satisfied the advance last
summer was not legitimate from the
amount of oil on hand; refined oil went
~ ..down steadily here from April until the
first of July; there was a large demand in
July for oil to be shipped, and this had a
tendency to raise the market; the number
of short sales that season was also heavy,
and this went to cause a rise; this demand
for shipment and to meet their heavy con
' tracts would most probably leave a legiti
mate rise in the market.
William B. Johns, sworn—l am Deputy
Collector of the Custom House of Philadel
phia, and was in the summer of 1867. (A
paper was shown the witness.) . This is a
certified copy of the shipping circular for
July and August, 1867; I can only say that
I certified to the correctness of this state
ment so far as it goes, and can't tell what it
contains; it gets forth vessels that were
cleared during July and August. •
(The District Attorney read from the cir
.cular that it showed a shipment, during the
• whole of July, of 93,604 barrels of oil, and
during half of Auguat, 14,963,, for foreign
ports. • The circular-of Jules Crucey it Co.
were read, setting forth that the, following
cargoes of oil were loading for Europe:
July 1, 140,000 beriels; July 6,.156,370; July
13, 171,800 barrels; July 20. 130,11 l barrels;
July 27, 114,450 barrels; August 3, 70,200;
August 10, 320,281;)
Chas. C; Burke, sworn.—l live in the vi
cinity of Pittsburgh; I know Theodore
Tack. and the firm of 'rack, Bros. Co.;
Mr. Theodore and Mr. Augustus arc the
."most active members; I know Frank, but
, do not know whether lie is a partner or
not; I think I know the handwriting of
Frank; I know of Brewer, Burke it Co., on
JUne 14,selling to Tack Bros. 1,000 barrels
of oil; in August we sold Tack, Bros. d
Co., and hold their contract for 2,000 bar
rels, price 3114 cents deliverable in the en
suing four months; at the time the sale was
made they said it was for another party;
that sold in June was sold direct to them
for aught I know; September 6 we sold
Ahem 1,500 barrels, at 34 cents; I suppose
they bought it for themselves, as they gave
their own contract; I think we sold them
1,000 barrels in October, at 34 cents; I know
it was 1,000 barrels for December delivery;
saw Theodore Tack in Pittsburgh shortly
after his return from .Philadelphia, and lie
gaye his opinion that the market would ad-.
vanoe; some ono said he had changed his
Opinion, and he replied it was 'well enough
to be short on oil, but it was necessary to
know when to get on the other tack; I
know they bought a good deal of oil about
• that time; there was a paper drawn up in
pencil for the purpose of ascertaining how
many parties in Pitsburgh could be had to
buy oil in Antwerp; Mr. Schalk I think
was the leading party 'pith the paper; I
think I got the paper from Mr. Schalk, Mr.
Burke and Dilworth; I asked several per
sons to sign the paper; I think My -firm
signed it; Schalk did, and Tack Bros.; there
__was another paper afterwards which. I
never saw; the first paper went back to Mr.
The Commonwealth asked for the paper
and the defence said they did not have it. -
• Cross-examination—l think the proposi
tion Was a fizzle ; I don't know whether it
was abandoned ecause oil went up in Ant
werp_; Mr. Schalk suggested the paper, and
I think my brother drew it up.
Julius Muusheinier, sworn—l am engaged
in business in Pittsburgh; I know Emil
Schalk,s and recollect seeing him in the
'summer of 1867 ; we had a conversation in
June or July, and he advised me to buy re
fined oil to fill contracts instead of refining
it myself ;• he took the position that it was
more prudent to buy refined oil than to
work the crude; 1 did riot stop refining.
Crose:examined—l am a refiner of ciil,
and Mr. Schalk was oneako; he had large
works at • that time ; there was a board of
- refiners, and, it was a matter of constant
consultation, and I had held frequent con
versations with Mr. Schalk; it was cheaper
to buy oil than to make it. •
Examrnation direct—We had made.con,..
tracts on: crude purchased,.therefore the
'State &the minket, did not affect us.
Daniel L. Miller recalled—l live at River %
ton, N. J., and do business MPhiladelphia, •
chidfly petroleum. I know Augustus 13.
Tack and Theodore. Tack; Augustus H.
manages in Philadelphia, and Theodore re
sides in Pittsburgh; .Frank resides in Pitts
burgh; Emil Schalk resided in Pittsburgh
last summer; Johu Grierson was in the
firm, of Bunker, Brothers At Co., and was
the managing member of the firm; lie is in
business now with Emil Schalk; refined
petroleum is chiefly shipped to Europe; the
rels hold frbm forty:to forty-five and
forty-eight gallons; they are growing
largerk in addition to the ordinary demand
for oil in the summer of 1867, there were
heavy speculative orders which increased
the price; a corner was feared, and persons
wereprovented from going into the mar
' ket; JtilesCrucey dt Co. are petroleum bro
kers, a, few doors front the Tacks; they
.were very large brokers, and issued clrcu
• lars regularly every week; the statements
In their circulars were startling in their
character, and therefore the subject of dis.
onssion in the trsile;_our_ firm got one of
contracts, and Mr. Tack said he
Weald consult Mr; O'Connor; subsequently
a fonnaldernand wasuutcle.upon Mr. Tack
as the' ugent of Mr. O'Connoili I made a
deposit of $l,OOO in the contract with • Peter-
Wright dt Son; Tack said O'Connor had re
mitted him $4,000 as a margin, but In a
telegraph „dispatch subsequently, had riot
liekbeideft.ed the call; it' ,- had never heard
of the Trust Company in connection with
this contract; the Tacks said they could not
execute the contract, because my deposit,
had not been made in accordance with the
.E.. 7lo ;tfata Irints at: a logs to know why the
° contra was - refuted: at an interview with
Mr..O'Connor he said the Tacks had viola•:-
ted his instructions, as 840441434 8 were to
be madditike bertaht trust 'eciMpanY.
.Pranesslfates, sworn—l live in Allegheny
„- ) faitrr, sud r atn aged.its refining oil;.
XPow:rrank but .am 'not positive
7re4.: • that I would know his handwritinge, don't
know this to be his writinr, 'kniiir of
' Tack Brothers calling for so b axr cas of oil
lu r rulv whiCh was , sold to them in May;"
mnscialli‘told me I had better stop my
If filinsfrifrifikEtittY - horii•Wetaid be a
large demand for it, 'andl. had better bo
Ilreeskoitc,i4 caked. the
Pee ort traii44 when lid ;tact me the
'C'ress-exiitrilneld4PlWiinitin'cmr of re .
t inOZ/C 4 /100ai04*4444 : .4.1hat, time;
. : , Lwent'on mane -to Ali Wnonex.eit - ,,
,i;Ail-idg__Valeiqi;mo.ttie remarks tit Mk. &bilk
7 .eretrObghrdtif by those conventationsv
igl,7"--irT4 t W4s , %&: : t r "W `ft*:'4 . lo '
not suppose,
,„ -
I did not suppose, from the state .of the
market on the first of July, that we would
becalled upon until the last of the month,-
but I was surprised to -find the made
in the middle of the month.
Examination direct—My. contract was
with Tack Brothers, and,
.we _had it fur
nished at 33 cents; the contract- price was
'2B cents; our brokers furnished the oil. and
charged us the'difference!
Mr..o' Connor rec-Illed=I; know Frank
Tack's handwriting; thiS is, it;' this letter
was delivered at my house in Pittsburgh.
Mr. Miller recalled—a, had a conversation
with Schalk - in the summer of 1867, in
which he said that oil would inevitably ad
vance; he referred to the ; purchase of con
siderable quantitieS- in Europe and the'
power be and others had over the. market.
Cross-oxamined—l was examined in the
equity'probetiding; in June and July ,there
were a number of vessels' loading for Eu
rope in the port of Philadelphia; their ca
pacity was from 140,000 to 150,000 barrels of
oil, an unprecedented amount; this required
an unusual supply- from Pittsburgh; in
consequence of the low state of • the water
there was apprehension of a corner. •
Mr. Kirkpatrick re-called.—Mr. O'Conner
paid Mr. Lyons and myself $4,000 on the
contract of the'Tack Bros; I was to. deliver
500 barrels of oil, at 26 cents per gallon, in
June, to the Messrs. Tack.
Cross-examined.—l should think the
Mesirs. Tack lost if they held the contract
of the 500 barrels to that time. •
Examined direct.—l was applied to by
Mr. Schalk and :fir. Tack to enter into the
Antwerp arrangement.
Mr. Chase was recalled, and produced
the other key referred to in his previous
testimony, which showed the word "foie
man" as used in some of the telegraph dis
patches, meant Jamei;O'Conner. -
Cross-examined.—The names of the grin-
cipal dealers in and( refiners of petroleum
are in the book; I suppose Mr. O'Conner's
name was put in the book as a dealer.
Examined direct.—The word "favorite"
in the book means, Charles Lennig; he is a
chemist, but he dealt in Oil.
Cross-ekamined.—Mr. Le . nnig was a part..
ner in the Fairview Oil Refinery, and a large
dealer in oil.
A large batch of telegrams were placed in
evidence, and the Commonwealth closed
[The able counsel of the Messrs; Tack,
after all the evidence of the prosecutor was
'in, saw no necessity for offering any testi
mony for the - defense, inasmuch as they
held that not a shadow of a case-had' been
made out by the Commonwealth. The
arguments, to the jury, of the defendants'
counsel were commenced on Saturday, and
in our next issue we will publish a full re
port. of the opening speech. The case
will, in all probability, be' terminated to,
Trouble. in "Louse Row."
A disgraceful row took place in "Louse
Row," in the Third ward, Saturday, be
tween Mary Kelly and her husband, Wm.
Kelly. William, it appears, has been a
worthless husband, and. instead of protect
ing his wife and providing for her support,
depended upon her for his daily rations,
and beat and abused her if she failed to
provide them. Mary tired of this treat
ment and some months since "cut loose"
from her disagreeable spouse, who re
moved to Wheeling. Saturday morning
he returned to the city, and ascertaining
that his wife occupied appartments in
"Louse Row" paid her a visit, the object of
Which appears to have been to persuade her
to go to Wheeling with him. Ho informed
her that ho had a good situation there, was
making money, and that he - wanted to
"take her to his arms again." A remem-'
brance of his former rough treatment be
ing strongly impressed upon Mary's mind.
_from the many bruises she had receiveden
the head, back, anti other portions of her
body, she flatly ref-timid to accompany him,
-whereupon William became enraged and
swore she , should go. Site replied that she
had lived more comfortable and pleasant
during the six months he had been absent
than ever she had with him, and she did
'not desire to return. William replied that
she must "come or die," and immediately
seized hold of her by the throat, and would
perhaps have inflicted serious injury upon
her ' had not her Fries for help brought
some of the neighbors to her rescue. She
made information before Alderman Me-
Masters, charging her husband with as
sault and battery.• A warrant N4s issued
for- his arrest. •
Fire on Centre" Avenue
At ten minutes past two o'clock Sunday
morning a fire occurred in a two story''
frame building 'at the corner of Centro
avenue and Roberts streot in the Seventh
ward. The building was owned by . Robert
Franklin and was divided into three corn=
Pediments. The one on the corner was oc
cupied by John Coulter, as a grocery, the
one adjoining it by John Schlegel , as a tin
shop, the third by William Eckerman, as a
barber shop in the front room, a- colored
family in the hack room, and an Irish
family up -stairs. The•flre originated in
the tin filmp and had been burning some
time beibre it was diesiovered. The alarm
was evert from box 54" and was prgpmtly
• •
communicated to. the different engine
houses, but owing'to some disarrangement
of the machinery in the tower, there was
but one stroke on the tower bell. Before
the steamers arrived the fire had made
Conaidemble progress, but It was soon ex
,tinguished. The housewasalmost entirely
destroyed and will constitute the principal
-loss.. It was fully insured. Mr. Schlegel's
loos;will not exceed ssooancl Ite Was insured
for $1,200." Mr. Coulter's loss will per
reach $5OO, on which there is a' partial
insurance.- :The losses of,the other parties
were very slight. The fire, it is supposed,
caught from &grate. In the tin shop, . as
there was IRO fire 'in any other part of the
A Cruel Husbaud.
Elizabeth Schwind made information be
fore Alderman McMisters Saturday, charg
ing her husband, Frank. Schwind, with as
sault and battery.: The parties reside on
Fourth street, and have been married only
about six months.. Mrs. S., it appears, was
the mother of a child before she married
Schwind, and possessed some tWelve or
fifteen hundred dollars in Money. While
the money lasted, all went " merry as a
marriage bell," but,the husband, being a
beer drinking spendthrift, soon made way
with it, and then the trouble began. The
wife_alleged that' her husband had fro
.uumitly abnied her/and sheshowed marks
on her person that corroborated her tdate
ment. She further Stated that, latterly, he
has exhibited groat _ cruelty to her child,;
which is less than a year:old; and that he
declares ho Will not live in the -house with
it. She exhibited marks of pinches ,and ,
bruises on - the - child's arm— The accused
was arrested and taken before the Alder
man, but the wife declined to prosecute.
notwithstanding She , msisted ',that the
statements she hadlnade wereqrne. The
Alderniari discharged the - husband on pay
ment of costs. .
A Brutal Husband .-Mrs Elizabeth Sei
fert, formerly residing at Soho, came to the
Mayor's office Saturday and related her
grievances to the Mayor.. She states that
her husband, Erhart Seifert, who is a rag
picker, has for some cause taken a cUslike
to her and not only refuses to contribute to
her support, but has actually driven ler,
from house, leaving her ': 'dependent
nptin the meagre.charlties of, a .cold world
'for her atibabiteinie and' threateked to kill -
'her. ,if she over returned.. A charge '-of'
abandonment was preferred again . the ;
unfeeling rag picker, and alvarrant was is:
stied for hie arrest.' Be will also be held
for surety of the peace if the facts in the case
warrant it. ,
lorign R lULW 1 V.
e -We a,
private telegram tba it destructive fire oo:'
wire d gt3pliciinph City, about threee'elook
13414341714e7ActontPTbkth twenty-three
house‘liege.MesireYetiv : VP,Weke irldableN
to obtain any fkirther. Parttoularlh '
PITTSBUR9II, : 310:! , TPAT.. 4.1 ) 11 , 114 20, 1868.
peath from Arsonle--Suicile.
-A singubir case of Suicide occurred in
East Liberty, Friday night, the victimbe
ing Henry Strothoff, a 'German, late a resi-
Ilent - and formerly proprietor of the. Far
mer's Home," a small hotel in that place..
In January he sold the hotel property for
$5,500, and removed to a house on High
land avenue. He appears to have been a
man of weak mind, but had a most avari
cious'and grasping divotition. After, hav
ing disposed of the property he -was led to
believe that he had not received a fair com
pensation for it, by the representations of
some of his neighbors, who told him it was
worth $lO,OOO. He endeavored several
times to regain possession of the property
he had disposed - of, but failed to do so. His
supposed loss in selling his property at
that price so worked upon his mind as -to
completely Weak it down. On the 11th
inst. he went to the drug store of Lewis C.
Castner, East Liberty, and purchased an
ounce of arsenic, which he Stated to the
druggist was to poison rats. Friday after
noon he visited his farm at Mortungside,
and returned home' about nine o'clock.
Shortly after eleven he was taken suddenly
ill, and Dr. R. J. Davis was called in, but
before he arrived the-unfortunate man had
expfred. Coroner Clawson was , notified
• and held an inquest on the body Saturday
morning, when the following testimony
was elicited':
John iNTek i
.sworn—Deceased got on my
wagon at about half past six o'clock Friday
evening. Want over to Morningside, about
one mile with me, to see some ground
he had purahased. • Said he: did not like it
I asked him if he was in town. He said he
was. Said "this ground will be the death
of me." Said,' also, that he s would not go
off: the - ground. -.He was crying all the
time. Did - not-say anything about having
taken anything. He gave me smile money
to take to his v:ife,...but afterwards took it
back. He left the
. place at about nine
o'clock. - -
Schennman, sworn—Went over to the
farm of the deceased Friday evening to
have him try a horse I had purchased.. Ho
tried to pull me off my horse. He was, cry
ing at the time. • He told me he was not
going home_a,gain. I wanted him to come
with me, but he would not come. He start
ed toward morningside, and told me he
was going to Sluirpsburg, and asked me to
go home. Said ' , GoOd-bye Mike, yoh will
hear something in the morning." Said if he
did not get his property back ho would not
go home again.
Frank Garber. sworn—Deceased came to
me at the stone quarry, at twenty minutes
before twelve, where I was working, on.
Thursday. He pulled out- a small packet
with a red string around it. Did not tell
me what was in it. I wanted to see it.
I did not take anything from him. He
said something about stopping building.
Lewis C. Castner sworn—Keep a drug
store on the Greensburg Pike, East Liber
ty. Deceased bought one ounce of arsenic
from me on the 11th of April. Said it was
for the rats in his hot-bed. (This was
shown-by the register.)
Dr. R. J. Davis sworn—Am satisfied
froth the symptoms, that the deceased died
from the effects of arsenic poisoning. Was
called in after twelve o'clock, on Friday
night. He had just died befOre I reached
The testimony here closed, and the jury,
after brief deliberation, returned the fol
lowing verdict : - "That the _said Henry
Strothoff came to his death from the effects
of arsenic, administered by his own hands,
on the 17th of April, 1868, and.the jury be
lieve him to have been partially deranged."
The deceased was a man of considerable
property. Ho leaves a wife and eight chil
Wile De Lessen.
"Hear what eminent musical authorities
have said of the •Ai'lle do Lussan, tne fam
ous New York soprano Who takes the lead
ing part, in the grand renditon of RosnaPs
Stabat Master, under the auspices of Prof.
C. Tetedoux: * • - ,
s • concerts-M'me de
Lussan has a voice of great compass and of
a naturally full and pleasing quality. lier
reception has been very flattering.
De LuFs In has a powerful soprano voice.
She sings with great taste, and her style
is of the purest school. All her pieces were
encored. .
Washington. --(Vera. ,Favorites and Trerva ,
tore; Anne do Lussan is a real artiste.
She belongs to the dramatic schdol of sing
ers. She renders her parts with force and
earnest - feeling, showing high dramatic
capacity. She seemed to have inspired the
others, Jee., Se.
l'hiladelphict.—Opera. lime de Lussan's
debut. was a beautiful success. We want
to hear her again.
The sale of season tickets for the two
concerts of the 28d and 24th inst., in which
) , I'me de Lussan is to take a prominent
part, begins this morning at 9'oclock, at.
Kleber's music store. •
( Disorderly; Bawdy Haase
Mrs. Annie Connor resides on Washing
ton street, in the vicinity of Hamilton's
Court, where it is alleged one Delia Els
berry. a colored woman, keeps a bawdy
house, which is an annoyance to Mrs. Con
nor as well as to the entire community.
Mrs. C., in order to rid himself of this
nuisance, made 'information before Alder
man McMaster% Saturday, charging Delia
with keeping a disorderly house, in which
she - alleges that it is a perfect den of in
iquity, and that lewd women and vile ihen,
of all ages and colors and frontevery clime,
frequent the place, to the great annoyance
of all well disposed citizens of the neigh
borhood. The accused was arrested and
held for Court.
Neglected to Pay lily Wharfage.—G. H.
Ward, of Ward's Landing, on the Alle
gheny river made Information before Al
derman St rain, Saturday, against James
McAninch, charging him with intent to
defraud. He -alleges that the: accused
moored a raft at his landing and removed
it without paying his wharfage. McAninch
was arrested anti taken to-the Alderman's
officeovhe i re the • matter.- , was, amicably ar
ranged between tho parties and the ac
cused discharge&
Butcher,—Frederick Kessler, an
old 'Man, made information before the
Mayor, Saturday, charging John Gaelz, a
butcher at 24 Wyliestreety with assault and
batuiry. He alleges that the butcher came
into a kin g store on Wylie sreet,
ho was gro
m some purchases, t seized where
rndcly by the -shoulder, shook him, and
threatened to knock him:down when •he
`remonstrated with him. Gaelz was arrest
ed and held for a hearing.
Sudden' Death.—While :attending to her
household duties on Saturday afternoon,
Mn'. William Barker, Sr., residing on
Smithfield street, near Diamo nd alley, fell
to the floor hi an apopletle fit and expired
almost Instantly. She 'was an excellent
Christian lady,
_beloved and esteemed by all
who enjoyed her acquaintance. She leaves
a', very large and valuable estate to her
heirs. • She had,attained , the - ripe age: of
seventy-five - Yegs• •
Amother Sample Cue.--Ilarvy , Griffith,
of the firm of J. H. Griffith Oz. Co., dealers
in trimmings and gents furnishing s,
was arrested on Saturday, and taken fore
Alderman•Humbertzna charge of selling
goods by sample! Without hsving taken out
a license. Ile was' imld' to .baiffor a hear
itawdyillotum in South 'Pittsburgh,—
Celia Byrnes, of South ,Pittsbing.h. Ives
charged • before, Justice Barker of that
borough yesterday, on oath. of P. 4 , l•Tiel;
with keeping a bawdy. house.. She was
auested, npd in default' Of the required
bail was.committed to jail for &hearing.
Albert Bawdy Hot je Ca/se Informa
wag . ;nada before Alderman gumboTt,
a` Nix isince;'•'charging H. Ehnen&
otherttMt4, hoepinftva:i assignation house
a No. 44 Sinitlifield streeL Thomartiett
were-arreatedliedteldio,ihdidtoht msg.
of MOM fer their appeattrteentaeoutt.
Highway Robbery.
One' of the most inipudent robberies that
has been committed in this city for some
time past was perpetrated on an. Old gen
tleman about eleven o'clock! Saturday
night. The old man, with his family, con
sisting of a wife and five children, arrived
at the Union Depot, Saturday, en route for
the west. He had been a farmer inMary
land, and was migrating to Wisconsin.
After purchasing his tickets to his place of
destination lie had, it appears, but thirty
dollars left. By . seine mistake he failed to
take the first tram west, and consequently
was compelled to remain in the city until
four 'olock in the evening. While sitting
in t station with his family a young man,-
whop he says was a passenger on the train
whit brought him and his family from
thet, came to him, and after talking'
wit him some ...time proposed to
show''him through the city. Having
con iderable time to spare, the old man
consented to go with him. The two started
together, going down Liberty street to
WaYne, and when they had( proceeded
do• Wayne to Spring alley another young
ma came running up behind them and in
fer ed his companion that "his goods bad
arri - ed." His friend remarked that he
I was sorry they had arrived so soon, as he
1 hadmothing but gold' about him, hich he
wised to get exchanged before paying the
' frei ht on his goods, at the same time ex
hibi ng several coins which appeared to be
$2O ' Id pieces. He then o-sked the old
man o lend him $5O until he could get his
gold exchanged. -Having but $3O about
1 .0
him, the old gentleman could not comply
With his modest. request and so informed
him, stating his reasons.-- The two young
men appeared to doubt this statement,
when the unsuspecting old man drew out
his pocket book to 'convince them that it
was correct. The pocket book contained
two bills, 010 and a $2O, which, after ex
hibiting, he was about to replace in
his pocket-book, when they were snatched
from his hand by the young scamp who
had hailed them. As soon as he got the
! money he ran up Spring alley, with, the
scoundrel who had induced him to leave
the depot closely following him. This was
the last seen of either the thieves or the $3O
of the old gentleman. He returned to the
depot, whore he made the:matter known to
the officers, but was unable to give any defi
nite description of the villains who had vic
timized him. His situation was a very un
ipleasant one, and he appeared to feel it bit
terly. The employs about the depot gave
i him money sufficient to=defray all tuxes
sary expenses of himself and family to the
point for which he had previously secured
tickets, and he left with his family on the
four o'clock train. ,
The Triple Plated Silver Wa're
At the Auction Rooms of Smithson, Van
hook ik McClelland, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth
- street, is the largest and 1 most,Eniperb as
sortment of fine goodsin that
_lime ever
brought to this city. The sale commences
to-morrow morning, and as the order is
peremptory for its continuance till every
piece is sold, rare good bargains may be an
ticipated. In the assortment may be found
choice Tote sets,. elegant and varied Tea
sets; Urns; Dinner, Tea and Pickle Castors;
Cake, Cardand Fruit Baskets, Stands and
Servers; Ice, Syrup and Cream Pitchers
and Trays; Magic, Revolving and Plain But
ter Dishes; Egg, Celery - and Salt Stands. -
-Oyster, Soup and Sauce Tureens and La
dies; Fruit, Jelloy and Berry Dishes; Fine
Wine Stands; Ice and Sugar Bowls; Butter
and Cake Knives; Salad and Pickle Stands;
large and small Waiters; Salt, Mustard and
Egg Spoons; TOII, Dinner and Desert Forks
and Spoons; Goblets, Mugs, Cups, Napkin
Rings, Knife Reits, Spoon Holders,- Call
Bells, Spoons, and a variety of articles too
numerous to mention. Also, fine French
Clocks, superb stvl•*.Boquet Vases, fancy
articles, .ke. Collin and examine the stock
and satisfy yourself of its . superiority.
Dr. Sargent's Standard Medicines.
In tho competitipn of so many patent
medicines' for public favor, none have so
Steadily and permanently acquired such
universal satisfaction wherever tried as Dr.
Sargent's Family Medicines. These stand
ard remedies havo been before the public
for upwards of thirty-five years, and by
their intrinsic merits have quietly but
firmly established for themselves a reputa
tion not surpassed or equalled by any med
icines professing to cure the same diseases
as they do. Since introduced they have, in
manyinstances, effected many really re
markable cures, and in every instance
where taken according to directions they
have given relief. The proprietorship of
Dr. Sargent's Medicines has passed into the
hands of George A. Kelly, Wholesale Drug
gist, 37 Wood,,street, who is now giving
those valuable temedies the publicity they
deserve. Ho is determined to bring their
merits prominently before the whole coun
try, and will always keep them up to the
formula. These preparations consist of the
following, viz : Backache Pills, a most val
uable remedy for all diseases of the blad
der, kidneys, &c. The superiority of these
Pills for the cure of these complicated dis
eases over Buchu Plasters, Liniments ' and
other professed remedies, has been fully
demonstrated and proved by the large
number of certificates given by persons
cured by their use. Dr. Sargent's Cough
Syrup is a most reliable and standard rem
edy for all affections of the lungs, throat,
and chest.: Dr. Sargent's Anti-Dyspeptic
Pills we would also particularly call the at
tention of onr readers to. These Pills act
mildly, but efficaciously, and are far supe
rior to any other Pills in use, For a full
dsecription of these Medicines call on any
druggist and get a circular. •
Paint is quick,
Never fulls, •
Heals the sick, "{
{ Whatever ails; •
Millions want PAIN PAINT,
In the cottage,
By the rill.
Youth or dotage,
Where you will,
The song will be PAIN PAINT.
Tooth or ear,
Head or back,
Pain; 0 Dear, ••
Till they crack
Long waiting for PAIN PAINT
Relief's the cry,
From every tongue;
Thsreason why, •
{ We come among
The people with PAIN PAINT.
The milling face,
The laughing eye:
You always trace,
While standing by,'
To see us use FAIN PAINT.
Brush in hand,
So dripping wet,
Like magic wand '
All pains upset,
By sopping on PAIN, PAINT.
This Doctor cures, 4
He never kills;
Not like yours.
Long giving pills.
They say; 'Ms done with PAritTiirm." •
All pain relieved free of. charge: We
keeto the annihilator, the only sure remedy
for Catairlf, 116 Smithfield atrpet. S. H.
Agent: - . •
Committed for 0. Oliver,oh
ed with halm pretense, on oath of Robert
Steele, prOallnlY reporfied, had 'a final
hearing before' Alderman hi'Masters t - Sat&
ardaynnornitigi and was committed to jail
iwdefault of $3OO bail for.bla appearance at
spillik I4eir styles;
. ; - At likuter's
• Carpets at private tale this clay at Smith
son,yanbookldeClelltuad's aultiqa rooms,
iNoSiIS6 and b 7 erWlstritairia
oared. • • ; •
4versotawiwujity _
L - ' '
• ." T "4 t rker's.`
Notwithstanding the fact that money is,
by no means plenty, the various places of
amusement are' drawing respectably large
audiences. At the Opera Honse, Mr. For
est, tragedian, succeeded during the past
week, mach better than we had anticipated,
in obtaining pretty fair houses, despite the
very general dissatisfaction expressed by
amusement goers regarding the penny-wise
policy inaugurated by the management in
increasing the price of admission during
his engagement The plan 'worked very
well while Mr. Booth was here; as the peo
ple were curious to see and hear the ,broth
er of the infamous assassin of the lamented
Lincoln, but Mr. Forest must depend al
together on his own fair fame and name to
obtain a reasonably fair audience under the
auspices of an unpopular management.
With the support of the stock compa
ny, spurred on and enlivened by the
gratuitous maledictions and profanities
heaPed upon their heads behind the scenes
by the gouty tragedian, some of Shakes
peare's glorious tragedies have been mea.
gerly well put upon the:stage. Mr. Forest's
glory is waning and those who attend the
Opera House to be delighted with his inter
pretations will be sadly disappointed. We
can name many more brilliant actors, but
none who have shone so long and brightly
on the American stalie. We do not dis
parage the fire that once dwelt within his
soul in saying that old Time has got the
better of him,, and that, as a great repre
sentative actor;he is a failure. 'We feel that
we would insult the intelligent reader by
falling into line with the "hurrah" critics
who praise Mr. Forest now, not because he
is brilliant but' because he once rightly
earned laurels as a tragedian, and during
the vigor, of his youth sustained a proud
national reputation and position.
the Opera House has strong opposition in
Leo Hudson at the Theatre, and, if we are
to judge by the densely packed houses of
the "Old Drurf," the 'fair Amazonian
proves decidedly more attractive than the
well fed old tragedian. To-night she ap-
pears in Rookwood, 'and her famouStrained
horse "Black Bess" 'will play a•Conspicuow3
GRAND CONCERT.—The grandest musical
occasion of the new Year will be 'the rendi
tion of Rosini's Stabal Mater, a heaven
born production. 'by some three score of
our amateur vocalists, under the direction
of Prof. C. Tetedoux. It will doubtless
draw the most brilliant fashionable gather
ing ever witnessed in our city. M'lle De
Lussan, an eminent New York soprano,
will take a leading parts The sale
served seats- commences this morning, at
Kleber's music store, Wood street.
THE MIISEUM.—We are gratified - to know
that our citizens fully appreciate the enter
prise which induced Mr. Burnell to open a
museum in our city, and that his establish
ment is being so liberally patronized. It is
.now the most pleasant place of amusement
in the city for ladies and children, as it is
both entertaining and instructive. The
collection of rare birds is quite large, and
a vast number of other interestiEg living
curiosities are to be found there, not the
least of which are the twins, the Albino
girl and her black brothel'. The collection
of artificial wonders is very extensive, and
should be seen to be fully appreciated.
Colored Pequa, all prices,
Passage to Europe.—Those of our read
ers who intend taking a trip to Europe dur
ing the coming summer, should call and
consult Mr. William Bingham, Jr., No. 70
Fifth street, whose advertisement will be
found in to-day's paper. Mr. Bingham has
represented the Inman Line in this city
during the last three years, and during
that time has 'booked over two hundred
cabin passenger& He keeps cabin plans of
the different vessels, secures berths by tel
egraph, and asks no passenger to take the
berth allotted unless satisfactory. He is
now prepared to book passengers on any
boat dunnu the corning season, and parties
who want good berths should apply early.
White Swiss, Plain, Plaid, Striped and
At Barker's.
Has Nature an antidote for' acquired dis
eases? The. Plantation Bitters,. Prepared
by Dr. Drake, of New York, have no doubt
benefited and cured more . persons of Dys
pepsia, Nervousness, Sour Stomach, Loss
of Appetite, Sinking Weakness, General
Debility, and Mental Despondency, than
any other article in existence. 'They are
composed of the purest roots and herbs,
carefully prepared, to be taken as a tonic
and gentle stimulant. They are adapted
to any age or condition of life, and are ex
tensively popular with mothers arid persons
of sedentary habits.
MAGNOLIA WATER.-A delightful toilet
article—superior, to Cologne, an at half the
price. 3wrttr
'White Jaeonet, Plain, Plaid and Striped;
- - At Barker's.
There is no discount on the quality of
the large and varied stock of boots, shoes
and gaiters of all tho latest and most fash
iona le styles, which are now offered at
such very reasonable prices at the mam
moth auction salesroom,s of Smithson, Van
hook & McClelland, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth
street. These goods have all been manu
factured by first elms establishments, by
order of first class retail and •wholesale
-firms throughout the country, and of course
are the very best in the market. The
prime cost is not considered in the private
bargains offered the wholesale and •retail
White Pequa, 25c,
Publicle.—Positive sale will take
place on Wednesday morning next at the
Court House, by order of the - Court, of that
very desirable piece or parcel of land situ-•
ate& in Liberty township, on the:-Brad
docks Field road,,,the property of Lewis J.
Fleming, trustee, and containing three and
one-half acres. Terms, one-half Cash bal
ancef in one year with itterest. .This' is an
excellent opportunity for a good invest
ment of capital. . • "
Brilliants, cheap,
To Country and City Merchanta,:—We 'are
thoroughly supplied with all kinds of Dry
Goods, .- Staple and Fancy, bought at
unusual Advantage . through our Eastern
purchasing department, taking advantagaof
the recent • large auction sales and fluctua
tions in prices, and we can and will sell at
less' thin, the lowest: Eastern cash prices.
We invite you to an inspection of our snick
and comparison of prices; at 59 Market
street. - ;
Linennandkerchlers,llll kinds, cheap,
, • • - :At 13p,rker's.
Brigham Young has , issueda circular urg
i the fair ladies of his' dominion to use
Trix for sweetening the breath. Wciuld
that the President of they United 'State's
would do', the same thingvfor we actually
know ladies so lost to Shame that they con
tinue to have foul breaths even' after Trix
is so universally known and used: Trix is
a positive blessing..Alldruggists sell Trix,
hence all•druggists are benefactors. t • .
Ristori Aprons, vcrrAtkeskp, -
• • ' .` t , ;;.• „
14143134,C0tt0n Hose for children, ;0 couts.
Fine Cotton Rose for ladies,. ( tents.-
r4ooolonly 12;
chililop's °lopes, 1214 POTIv 3 I • :
Lath er Gleiree; 123 c cente.
130 nriffiRovee,'12'Weeitnt' " '
' 'r
At Barker's.
At Barker''s
At Barker's.
This Day at Bar
es, Tremendous Bar=
12%c, Beautiful Flints, including Chintz
styles, worthll6c.
12%c, Yard Wide Shirting Muslin, beauti
ful quality, worth 16 to 18c.
12%c, Real Fast-Colored Lawns, worth,
wholesale, 11 -. %c.
18c, Double-Width Sheeting and Pillow
Casing, samd as is selling at 20,t0 25c
25c, White P. K., North 37%c; other quali
ties and coloXs cheap.
25c and upwards, pearly one hundred dif
ferent styles beautiful Dress Goods.
63,4 c, 8 and 10c, for good Prints and Muslims,
worth more at wholesale.
6y,c, Linen Crash, iother qualities, bleached'(
and unbleached, equally cheap. •
20 to 25c, beautifuliplaid Shirting
a great bargain. . (
37%c, Table Damask, pure Linen, White!
and Colored;iall qualities and prices.
12Nc-, Linen' To els, large assortment,
White and lored Bqrders, all prices.
81 00 per dozen, L nen Doylies, also white
and colored, till sizes.
$1 75 per dozen, Table Napkins, white and:
colored to inatch,'Dainask and Doy-'
- lies, all pried
$1 75 Bed Quilts,:
Comb Toilet
Quilts cheap. s
37%c., Black and q
terqualities 1
18%c., Best _ Amer]
large size, aiso Honey;
Chintz and Jacquard'
plored Alpacas, and bet-I
riroportionatelreheap. !
. can Lawns , new and!
n great variety,, i
nt,z Organdies—a very',
i Spring and Summeri
I )
sh stock., very choice.
th garments—the most
es very cheap and made,
very choice,
25 to 50c., New C
choice selectkl
$1 50 and upward 4
Shawls—a f 1
Ladies Silk and Cl
beautiful sty .
to order. 1
A magnificent stoc
proportion. .1
of everything cheap iro,
Mushas, cheap,
• At Barker's.
Bishop Lawns, B
The purest and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil ins
the world, manufaC,tured from fresh, healthyl
livers, upon the sea shore; it is perfectly
pure and sweet. Patients who havcconcei
taken it can takop none other. Ask for ?
“14 . szard and Caswell's Cod Liver Oil,
manufactured by Caswell, Hazard Lt.
New York. Sold by all druggists. m
• .
Lin, Eni d and Striped, 1
At Barker'si,
White Nansook, Pli
11 morning, April. 19th Mrss
or, l relief. of Samuel GreeN
GREER. —On Sahtni
In the 59th year of he
residence., No.. 38 Cogwelli
AFTERNOON. at .33, , e10ek.
day. April 18th,4868,
tam Barker., Sr., to the 75ttl
Funeral from her Mt'
street, THIS (MOlldilyi'
FANNY, wife of
year of her age.
Funeral from the ti
10 Smithfield street,
inst., at 2 o'clock
respectfully Incited to,
'.ldenee of her . Inisinud,
ittsburgh, on.TuEsnxr, 21st
Friends of the gamily arch
lA, So. 166 FOUTFI3I STREET, Pittsburgh, Pi:::
C FINS of all kinds,; CRAPES, GLOYES, and evi
ery• description.of Funeral Furnishing Goods fur-;
nisbed. , Rooms• opeul day and night: • Hearse anant i)
Carriages furnished. , •
REFEILENc.E.6—Rev.; avid Kerr,'D. D., Rev. 311
W. Jacobus, D. D.,- T onlas Ewing, Esq., Jacob HA
Miller, Esq. . , 1 . :1- . • , • [t
Allegheny City, where their COFFIN' ROOMS 'are,
constantly supplied 'with- real and' imitation- Rose
wood, Maho any and Walgut Collins,, atprices va.?
Tying from s to 4.00: Bodles , prepareat for inter.",
meat. Hearses and arilatea intrnielteei also, all
Kinds of Mourning Dead§ if reqplrvd.• :Office °per
at all hours, day and -
STREET, Allegheny; and 80_:ADLAMONE
SQUARE, by( John,Wilson .t 8r00.,5 keeps alway(
on bands the best Metal, Rtsewood, Walnut one
Imitation Rosewood Collins. Walnut: Collins froi4
$515 uwards. llosewbod ORO
_upwards, aL
other Coffins I proportion. Carriages add Hearse'
furnished at low rated. Cape, -Gictves,z7late au
Engraving furnishect±tratia. Office open day ant
• • -
MI?EIERA - L - 4 - A - TERS.
We are now reed*
Saratoga Sta
Congiris Walt
'Corner ' 9
stiEcirAciLy*,, •
. „ •
1 11
65 FIFTH ST., 0:
snalict GOODS,
Adapted to s _
• : • :1; ; J; -
' , l; •
11ENitirG. HALE'S,
and St..
( 1 41Kfr ou,e
, I
i„-t- •-, '-. :cs
: •11.1 r •._ . , _ ...1 •: •! ' 1 ..7., - -• ", P . ,,..
', ••- .- " . ANDIFiBr THE NEW 'II ' -. ` ' "l l
SPRING,',. . .....3f.• . • s' o , :.
i . AND: i'. SUMNER , GOO D S, '''St .
• • ,•••- •••,- ..--, -.: :-.,',, ..-..q, , ,-,,, ••,....•:, J.',L,,...,.. ~..,-,
i . ..::1-'.?
:•- ~.:. susi REenva.ti mt..(2.,. . a ,
, . . ...
...... : . . .., ..-.. ..,, ,
11.'811E111PS Valloring 'Establtalunedi 1 - 1- 1
, 2 ___,- ,__.1_.......--,,,,, ..-- - !..ix
:.. , i No. 0 8ILIEgrazirt , 17-2.;
"1- - '-'', -', . '' - - i , ':: i '•-: ' - 'C'orner et Federal. Nk:
V{ OR . OWL ../4 0 110Ararr—•TEUE
• L ots , botee4korthOglioalsible ars ; sow 4:4,64
at private salo,,.aii isty pas desk:sae atiViistablialf *IX
110 - 4 ell I tit,inake e village
located on itiouittrut:lukd heattli y rsiiit; two and a
hs fnifeffWailitutpebnrg, fiesta.
reef througWfi; making it
mach. more +elute iinsitrigratasier.:,l:Extettl-re
preparatiotui are 4. :w . tealiting foereetfig a nein* t . l,'
°thee Woes.. whtistiwitt Vim tautithent to, the 1: , /.1
Itnd i'aq
Tvsyyj.isss *Wog ittetOtit itimako*coechhali
ritga...h:SEEPTVO and Is4lSi,
IpanutterAtOriti, . ,
- 1
-.--i-q —f-.,!,n71k5r4.,,104-4.14-
,v 7t3Ya kk P q a g
04„41 -
. ,14440 f,;;, L
ng our SPRING - A.l4n SUE,
=2 I
'bottle, dozen or gross
NSTON, Druggist,
Hatfield and Fonith Str ets.