t,, ,,, nr- , , , ---.l::;:z:tit , mveklmzev.-.:'n.trt:-.4.-t.s,nAr..,AP.:,-,....m1ava.....,,....,. ~...qii...'f:•.2k., ,. .....t7r,- z , : t me.....-21,, = .. .. . , . . _ . . ~....._ ........ . ... —.. , . _ . .. - . 4 71. , 7i . ,..1 rI.7.'F.IIVT . 4 311.17•'.7.V7 '1 , .:1 , •:' - -,: r . . r. - - . 41,..L ~. 1 1:' - '` , -.31 ,• tr ),.- .:, , ~ ,:,..0.7 • . . „ . 1 Ni i ). )e.:. i ;.-,-- 4 VOLU-NEE - X,XXXIII. ERNI ME IMI MIST OMR. I rwErEorm cpc-1,40c1c. FORTIETH. CONGRESS. The 'lmpeachment TrialT-Argtt meni on the rending Questioli • Of EVillen . .4.,- 4)ble.Clion Sustain ed—Chief JUstice Not .Sustained . by the Senate 7 Thepefense Close Theiik• Test&MotlY. - (By Telegraph tithe Pittsburgh Gazette.-' Ir . , ' , WAsittiltiTo's, April 18, 1868. ^ • i SENATE. : fl ."7 .‘ 1 i Ti 4 dittitaiiieCited ` a elbyctiiii'eleck.' - The Managers and members of the House were, successively announced. , Mr.-Steyens was not present atoe opening: :. ' By directionCoft the Chief. Justice:the iitietstienpefiding-yesterdayfiWas read, as - foil 6 WM _ ..`. • ' • ' "We, the counsel for the President, offer -. toiffottftliiit ttiePtesident, at a meeting of theArs.lithr4l*hilef thehill was before the President 'llnixtry torproval,:laid Wirt the` Cabinet the Teniii&bf-OlileOlet•ter Their oonsidesation and advice to the - President respecting his approval of the bill - e 'en - T . ' therbuftrathe member* of the Cabinet then present gate their, advice to the President that' the' bill was - nneonstitutional and . should . .be -returned to Congresswith his objettions, and that the' uty of pr eparing a message setting• forth•the objections to the constitutionality.of the bill was devolved upon Mr: Seward anci , Mr. `Stanton;—to .be ibllowed up by proof of what was .no by the. President and Cabinet up to the time of ftendhig in the message by the President." Senator JOIDISON suhmittedthe follow \ . _ Mariager, , WILSON rose to speak, when • 'ing questioata the cOunsel orthePrestdent in writing : • Do the counsel understand that the Mane , Apra deny tihat4he statement made.by the President in hls inessage, on DOC.l2th, 18G7,- in-the evidence given by the Managers, at page 45 No. 9of the official report of the trial, thatthernerabers of the Cabinet gave the opinion last • stated as to the Tenure-of ' Officeaot, - and is the evidence offered to cor roborate theirstatement, or for what other ..parpmte lag offerell" _ Sehater•HOWAßD'iultniittednquestion to the:President's counsel : - • Do the counsel for the accused not con w ildeitahil the validity of •the: Teniirp-of-Of flee iayr was purely a question of law to be titt•Mined in this trial by the Semite ? If .-• l'idiVitithey considerthat the opinions of the „ L thetDahtnet . officera touP•ltug that question • --le OOMpete9Vevidence by - which 'she judg ' meat olf=the Senate ought to.be . influenced? ~ + elfeinatir EDMUNDS 'asked`Wher Ake • aitgatme at -son.,•thei part of - the Managers iittight not be continued while the Senate werii - considerilig the questioni? '.• If ThaITHIEE .H.MlTC'Ereplied2in the af firmative •-• • • " .11111'CIATIS'said they would- prefer that y•that course.. - 2 _ .-, -,:t . -_-- -+ Mansger.WlLSON. . - _-• . ! 'from man -44.11. _ ' l ' ' '• •• for _the reason that ; . , from meMbers of the Cabinet has no*eight; except in referenCe to matters ,relit i ng exclusively -,to their own departmed ' and'thet*if it. -were, the , ,advicegicen in t th e is; intl.:age wile not given at such. a time, so as to, render it aitulable for the ."I:fe then wentinto the gen eral gnesttionNot therelative powers of the executive,andAlegislative branches, main taining:it; gijist, ••length ' that -the cheeks within the power =of r • the ; Executive -- •• to-itepose^ , '"tittte' legislative branch .'Were....: exhicu lzby. the exercise of his veto prerogative; whereas, onthe other hand, all his actibns were. stilkaubject to supervision by the two houses of-Congress, .. : whose meastirea he was required to carry ont: In support of his position, that the law making power is supreme, Mr. Wilson cited numerous:authorities and referred to cases in English history where the. King • himself had deferred to the will of Parlia ment. He held that if the President had a .. right to efip lease thelawapf.Congress, his , I stibbrdinates:cOubLeall in• tined:ion the or ders of the President, and anarchy *Quid_ ewe.. Itecapitulatinge, he , said the Presi dent could not, asinine the prero ' tive`of a King, who "could do no wrong, and con sequently could initeltheiterlinnelf behind a responsibility of his Ministere. A ',Mr- gifft- 11 . 9 declined to ,follow the hon irable Manager -In' lintielpating the gues tiotute.whichwere a Ilt subject only for the final argument, but would confine himself tO the point at lime. He proceeded to claim that tbatettiegony bowing on the question of intent , ` ealledlbr in rebuttal of the • allegations of , the articles •which charge evil intent and wilful violation of the Con stitution.; ••The hontirible Manager had ar ,,,,,, ed agAtpur on an assumption, to show . thitant.wasinuruiterial, .4ft t Neif• itf i this, fact, thas several artiedef, t ' bat/ -ithidratthr re-eke - the question of bltilltilki? to f ttiltr obEgos- In answer to itsenstor /10Winerk question ,• /1-,•sjlpi tu tpnVinOmtgofillta'cribinet would be p on the not as experts in cerrattittitkuni F lavr butte .prove"that they .....(•• . - suittlied the President to a course of action, which-- -, anagi. claim will therefore purge of the J. t. ef ?fiance. ' ' • , ' Sanallor-ar defeat . ;My r. Curtis stated that tin:l...did not undsmsnd the . Ifielitestalle;llenyZithiPissertion in the' - . Pretddent'a message that lie had been ad iised- by - the ipet t ln,thesnat" ter ' and wifilabit in nee ; QC* iestimony„ to the • fatne.effe.. tr.. ;, ~, ,•, ~ , • , , ,t, - The MEP-JUSTICE read the ertieles 7 , 7"."- , - Went - and= eXptissited liis i ..,,j3,,,' nithetaliteVidetietillitin9:l was oP p cable to those potato • • - • 1 rho Yet iM 4 •ftYstira4l4 l Wn taken, -,-. • -"mar - 2 0 t 0 4 91 4 39. -Ale um-4ton of the '•• - '• Chief tatiee was b -Intritile V "and the evi dence not ,•-•., I - - . lir. We ' " bethe)iavi; iYis ' •. 1 then recall . 41. 11 .0"onier ' 4to ask :. • allto-whothOY the-g9latioa ,ip lleness .--- -of the 'penureofee to :. , was con sidered in Cabinet meettoo n sitmto Its return with the objectiottrOf t r ioa l and whether the opinion w "i 4 ' ' - rd Al t he r` alrfig i t2llllo Y & : S in . of a Sec ' tiiat llo . bjected, contending the last ruling. Ith•7o - AidaTEl is testimony was in 2 ,, r ~ rilifeWpff gat 'engietiri(egArw not the con -4 . itito4:llrlall of thelMO: Oil d bold it was • , , ;.r LER read from the veto , e( • - r - a„ .• -• . tektfinettat the President' yetoda r • S he b i . - • ' pound: hst.itAia net apply r'-' .. ; 1- "thril • moompersof., C abs et HeAsho . - watt : 27 ,, ,' po:"-...- v i 4 1 4'44tVietai4 to tv, , ... T 1 ~..._-.'soquieliab iri his re t' • 1 1 - : ''', ....Wdftlftot (*y e ti „i n n, •b1 . .,. L., . •e , , Olt put” it on the e. . . tuf- , ..., ti ,- tam - - i1f,7!.1 , •.4 .4 0 , -.e.. , k. to ti of ~ •. . ''l"`.. , • I , ' r • h u ller.,and , _ 4 , ~..t ...‘4,k . ,„.. ,•,,, ;.t i :., :0 , t,IM '• ,3.1_, at , ::: .... .14,11 sCa OR , - .. ' Ptu Nig , bin 'L -n,, n 5,t,.,. - Nal question tot the Senate and the evidence . was lrefused adnussien—vote 2l to 26. Mr. EVAILTS then asked if at any Cabi4 net meetings held between the time of the 'pamagei" of - the Tenure-of-Office bill 'and the .removal of Stanton, the subject of how the public Setvie&-*Ultelfected'hyZit- of con sidered, and witness replied that it had been considered repeatedly. counsel to prove that on such occasions the, President and Cabinet determined'apropier'tegard for AIM public interests required that a case should be ar *uipclin. some way so as to procure a ju dicial decision as to the c o nstitutionality of the law. • Manager . BUTLER . said the Managers_ would like to have the Senate, in accard mice with their previous votes, declare all • such evidence immaterial, and r stop the -trials to their-patience of attempts to intro duce it at Mi.EV/iRTS briefly rejoined--that the learned• Manager,,from - the freknency and leriOh of his remarks;: seemed 'to think the patience of the Senate unlimited' and cape ,ble of receiving impressions only from one Senator 'HENDERSOZI' ,asked ; whether this evidence might riot be introduced-in mitigation- of wlhiit might be loin - bed , with deposition, but- -'note necessarily with disqualilleation from. Mee: , - Manager BUTLER replied it could not be offered's/Ith such a design to this Court; but if it could be, this was , not the proper • time forniitigating testimony, which was always Pffered after- conviction and before' -I' equation was submitted - and the Sen ate byli Ittii'Orlibleteen to thirty decided in the negative. So the evidence Wes not adniitted and the Senate, took recess. On re-assembling; at 2.25, Mr. EVARTS asked; if, within, the period mentioned in .the. Cabinet discussion there.:was anything suggested or said about using force do order to bring about a settlement of the question at issue. r Manager - BUTLER objected4for the rea son that it was covered by the riding, and the. Senate sustained the objection by 'a vote of eighteen to twenty, , - Mr. Welles, on cross=exammation,, said he had received but one commission as See rotary of the Navy, which was Abraham Lincoln's:. Called of the President Feb ruary WA, before twelve o'clock. The nomination of. Mr. Ewing was then made out. He testified yesterday Mr. Stanbery had an engagement at the Supreme Court at twelve o'clock, but it was only his infer ence. Does 'riot know why officers under General Einory's • command were called from a party to go to headquarters. Did not hear it was to warn them not to go to amas querade. Does not, know whether he stated to the President anything but that officers were called for, and that the War Depart- Ment was unusually lighted up. Edgar Welles, a son of the Secretary, Chief Clerk in the Navy Department, VMS the next witness for the defence. He cer tified to the form of commission for navy agenp, and then stated what he heard at' the; Nrtli te4thLlif eqhni4loAW to his father the same niglit. The lady of the . house told him about the call for officers to go to headquarters. , Mr. EVARTS then stated the counsel had in attendance the Secretary of the Treasnry,,, Secretary of State, Secretary of the Interior . • and Postmaster General; aridwere prepared to' give the mile evld ce they had iadshed• 40;flillilWiteitu the...atthrt NMif‘..? h Aufw"attepfta duce in ceiniWitieutainfithe late ruling. Alexander Randall, Postmaster General, was then called and, testified that ,Foster Blodgett was removed from the office of postmaster at Augusta, in consequence of a complaint -in. writing of misconduct. He produced the papers and letters which. effeeted the removal. - , Mr. EVARTS offered them in evidence. !Mana,ger BUTLER objected, unless the cotripinint!'were fftSo...fileti;:but afterwards partly" Withdrew ' the 'Objection and the papers were read. The President appoint ed Blodgett with the consent of the Senate. Witness suspended him under the practice of the department and the law of necessity. Witness did not allege any particular stat ute in defense of:his. action. Commurdeai ted it to - the President; did it without con sultation with him. Suspended Blodgett on hearing - of his misconduct , from the District Attorney, and on seeing his indictment for perjury, &a. Did not id; dude a copy: of the indictment in papers lic . jekincedi because Atazllld 'not: know It would'berequired;liiit cocild'ilciab. Gave Blodgett no means of defending himself by intimation that he would be suspended, but did• so on the ground of indictment. The, ease let; neaterTkeen reported to the. Senate. Had hot appointed- hundreds , of men who could not take the test oath, nor one. that;lie is aware of. Did not inquire „whether ; the' men who brought the indict iiiinfwere Unionists. It was not hiskasi ness. He dealt with the simple fact. `Senator MERMAN siffiniftted the inter rog. atories whether the question of the ap plicability of the Tenure-of-Office to Mem bers appointed by Mr. Lincoln ever-came before the Cabinet for discussion, and if so what the opinions were? . Several ofs the. objected that 'din slain question had-al lettiV‘ beentnled inadmissaple, and the yeas and nays being, taken resulted 20 to 26. So the question` was not allowed, tg;turanawered. • ' - HVeritTlir rose and" stated tliaTitiq a : continued illnesss of Mr. Stanbery pre-' vented counsel from saying positively, _btciti as far as they knew their evidence was all in. . The Court then, at three o'clock and forty - minute adjourned, and the Senate Mimed tutclY, .Vl,-*-5 THE GEORGIA ELECTION": (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) " AUGUSTA, Ga . ,- April 18.—The election in Georgia commences to-morrow. The in terest is very - Intense and both parties are equally confident. 'Reports from columbus state frauds have beet discovered in regis-, tration and . charges have been prefelred , Agahist Hulbert s .the Chief. ,Registrar in the Mate. - .Maple precaution 'hat hetet taken' by General Meado to preserve order during the progress Of the election, troops' , having been sent to all impOrtant points for this purrxise. Heavy rains continue. • •••'.l ElNXlkingingig*N,aargfrig ,l4olllB. 037 Telegraph to Pitt burgh Gazette 3 "Louts, 4.pril,l9 l ,Aghatitlopeataele was presented hi the. 'river belo w this city yesterday. During the cholera WO KM , ' mer a large-number of the bidiesotvictims ; of the epidemic were buried by the citron' Arsenal Deane; a short distance below OW city. The river has been for .150ille-litne graterNAMT/ag Olkasiand awaYr and y r y the water reached the trenches" in which the bodies were buried and wash aohlretAlsy,' ht,:tkitiN Wins out; whic4 , floated down the streani. Twenty-four td=ll_4ava. kenrwovered and masustreS4 'w"SetnWtlt. Three Mill i , 0 10 1 e. t ligalbkV44••;t1so 'be protected cii`tO , movessa a place of safety. the likleialis"4ll4: sailed 4 i401441 gP00a,... 1 4° ....4. a P 4, 011141 -awn Voir. 4r;i1.1 cte nehtilmoCiat /2 See ' ' r 'sitir,Ppizteropit. nrbe tVwfter . T save V . - 1 . . . • . .. . r..:. . . .... 1 ..,, _. , ~., -..,...,..,-„,,,, ~. • ~ . .7 r."7,i.—;• - •:.1,17• •-.. ~. :. , ~.., -,. : :,, ; , t.- ~, • ~.,_..,. ,• ; , • . . , . . ....- ..• ~ ,:.. -, -.... ..i....1,, , .[.... , .. 7-•.• . ..n..i.'...k.— . 4."' As. , ' i ~ -.X- -,- ,-,. ' ' -...- ' 4 .,• • ~ . 1, ••-• —• . ''••, 7 , - - -,•• . , . , I . --- - ---i-'------,-.•••• .:.;---'-' -. ...' .. .. - s . " \ il , '." ":"..-• - ••• - . , r , -.• - - arm .r• - ,,•'. --- ' • 1 -.---. , . . . -'- -• ' • . . 3 ? ..-,- : ....'....',. .....e.,-,:t-t.):t.,.-• -11111:: ~..t...,...........::,..;..,...;....__5,..f...,:..._.,... .•.•.. • )7.t•t1.... .. •. :,..,... ~,, le ''''' ' .•‘: -. . ',I •• . '.* , • T. , .......,_ ''' ____1 .... : ''' . ' ••.:. . ...'•••• .* • . . ~,. ~. , . , . 1 . - ... . ... '' - , 45 ( •''- - 2 ---- .",: ,::“.‹..„ .. .4 . i.. . . . ''. • ".:.‘.‘, ''.'( aft;.- . ' 7. .., ', , ~ . : . . .• ! - , I . ' Nic - -044! . ..- (-•;•-•• .....;.;;;Gg im ,`", :. . \j. .. •ki -4 .? q . ~. ... , .. . . .' -. 7 ' • /,,,..: , -'• : ::... ,--- t II*4-1."irr ,... 1u .. ' .. . v .. ,...."&-_ mair. ...,-76.1.Z.11A: ?. --- • Oil 1..V..,› -T -• • . . _ _ ' - - 264.- ---a-4 1 / 4 ... - - ' "A:11 6 .--- • '-,..-, - - - . _ .. '....".. P, -....--...- ...1 , --,..... - -6 ~.- gi ii.iii.---' :- -, --.c.--- ,- ...-.... _ • .. . . . . . . ... , . ...., . . . . . , . . . . -. . . . ... . Investigation - e' the AEthutsitani Ceee=7 . 'i The Press Farelpdtst-uThe'Priiiiner WhOl lan - Committed for Trial..-Setzare of Fe:. nlau CorresptifideureTite Assassination Arranged In New York. t.. , -'-'. [By Telegraph to thtil'ltt ni gh Gazette.) ' OrrAwA, April 18.— e investigation in the assassination case Vats resumed this I morning. Counsel : f I the Cricivn, acting under instructions frci the Government, .. ~ „ . . have excluded everypers on not interested in the case from the nrt, including all' `ltteMbers'of the press. It was disebvered , this morning.that api eof iron, used'ai i support for Borne_ pipe which pass through the prisoner!s celli",hq Peen:taken off." The I prisoner was-it . Once reliedrathen a piece of iron nine inches to was found concealed under -his- arm and. I tween his - shirts. This circumstance does tend to lessen the suspicion against ...., The detectives admit that since .y - . . tty Most important evidence against W . elan has been ob tained. 'A large nri. ber of parties have suddenly:; left .Otta • anticipating cirl.r dente Implicating:them In lifeaecTe =Sas sination is in the possession of the author- . OTTAWA, April 16;.;:ireiting.—Whelan has •• . been committed foral on the chargeof murdering McGee. MONTBEAL, April 1 .—All the corresponl which passedbe tween the Fenian tti m) leaders in New, Tor -:and: Montreal, has been seized by the Government and• - ••tt grand exodus of prominent 'lrishmen from Canada- to .the:Vnited States commenced this afternoon in consequence. Over fciur hundred persons are implicatedin the gib* ..respondence . with O',Neil and ••O y . , 'Afahon Mid the entire affair will be brought beftore the Court in Ottawa. It is reported thatnn international ease will be made out of it, as documents' have,been, 'discovered . which ,tend to show that the murder of McGee was plotted, in New York and appeoved..of before a'committee in Montreal. - - 'The St. Lamrence river Is•now open to Quebec. ~ Adjoarnment or the Convention—Removal of the State Treasurer and Other Officers. By Telegraph to the Ptttiburgh GatiAte. RICHMOND, April 18.—The Convention adjourned at midnight, subject to the call of the Committee' only. r The President and Secretary signed the, Constitution.. A. resolution bad been adopted dispensing with the signing by members. It is under 'stood the Conservatives would have refus ed to sigult: AmOng the Republicans vot ing against the .final adoption was one ne ffter adjourrunent speeches werei and Mr.-Porter, a leading Republican; pie dieted the adoption of the Coustitption by a• large majority. lifesers.Shead and Allen, also leading- Republicans, predicted its de feat? and, said, it would -be deserved. Mr. Shelia' opposed , it Mainly etithe ground of itsi - saleged fraudulent Character) on home stem& exemption, and Mr. Allen because it 1111mq/white men itniter the negro. Caen.. Sockfield , to4lay,tnugamded..7. S. Cal. ‘ymt, nib State , Treaintrer,' - carr the charge 1.; 'fark 4 4-bY 'the,Govtavor , .),.. -Told UrOdloton,tiluperintenderit of the Stide Prison, has teen rentoved. and Burn ham Wardwell appointed. in his place. L. W. SaVagels Mayor;aint - a neW set of officers wereto-day appointed for Charlott.4:" vine. . Tha Conservative membere.,of the Con `ventiiilnive limed aitliddreas to the Is*) ! ple of the State., It is a resume of the 'argu ments used as that side during the late session. •' , • - , ISE LOUISIANA: ELECTION. . (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette., NEW ORLEANS, April Ill.—The election is passing off , quietly; but , few and trifling , • .% - disturbances have occurred . " The white vote is considerably ahetui. The votes were, not counted last night and the ballot boxes were locked up, in a cell In a station house, in 'charge of the Deputy' Sheriff. It is probable.no returns will be given until the full vote is officially. announced. NEW OttmaNfi,. 18.--Orders have been issued to commence counting the vote immediately after closing the polls, in the presence of two representatives of each or ganiged PartYr the wanting to continue without intermission until completed: - The result - will probably be known tomorrow. The Democrats are confident theybave car ried the 'Fetish of. Orleans, and estimate their malority.at twathousand. . A dispatch received from the town of Monroe, La., signed by Col. Edgar 'radial, Internal Eevenue Collector, Capt. -George C. Norcrpas, , United States Army, and others, signing themselves "Loyal' Citizens of Loubilana,ir declares the election ; as otm ductedlytthat town...unfair and illegal and !!!!MIIIEMME=IEI - Excltement—The '` CorizligeEleettou. illgnaph_tb tatilPittietntßh Gazette WILMINGTON ( April-18.—The campaign is-,cl amid , . nepa t rellelOd. excitement. Both " parties are Making ' desperate: efforts , i n N Lf at be sus. gaCe ladlt illl th " pa ta,400 pended _g ee, ion, which own _ menu next~. TU -WO. In the titles and isCmoll•thc f ilogrellifin WO the liadical ti Caliiinakint inane, while inthe Country Oistriptantunsiderablenumber will-semain stray.frmrithe - pcills: - The vote will exceed thafon thcticrientkan. question by at least; 76 i i e , The., total, _registered vote- 18 } fl6w 1' 000:g The Radicals: claim the ratification of be amstitutton will , !torinet;peene and` *,T ' 47 ,34 ' 31 0: Mao; rat the Conserve consisting of lonr-fifths of the , white tren Of the , State, del:hand:lW rejection. , Mr; liolderiwillPrellibiy-ranconsidefably behind. he vote for the .constitution.• The Idellintbetweini th,S white end black races throughout tho State is more bitter than at any previous po“ ~r ic4 /, ill e. ...- ...g...“ E 1 ,',.: 4 • , :" . .NAPPMAL by` tag 1 ' - -.,- I By Telegraph to therlttsburgh Gazette.] Mciirrik - Affill 18. Th e -ship Albert Gal-, lath•wa&zetfuek by lightning and' burned in '_ ~1.9W0r,-bay,, eoterdey morning. She • ' •yew. ~ ,b aleauf..Cotton, which • erl half &million . 49 V °11 Yr . e . - relpally insured in Live ' Ade pas or_savinittlii val a Z vessel had been abandoned she Vex scuttled", and the 'fain' Sittik.'•in' three fathom? of 1ft,4,-7.. , itt-'1!). ti . ..E...Wir,a, 'ii ',' ; , ~, • :, r , - ,....j. ',4lo444 l 4*.Pflitegt V. l o4 lo ai' *Te' - tele4lb to therm.' - nesetteoi •,, , 41= —T ti ICI', tV 4.4l°llte4llMiti - --' . • - 14010foullk . I... „biet: ',t, b1r . ..,. .: d eatrua,,ii d .., --- . .'t;i4tuditifeiliWiTif *....' t ...44" Leach an WIFJ, • ' ' " - ';' s ' ''e ti Vl C lt e r niMianer '' -1,..,,,..., flr ~ .e . e prPlnugf,, 'CourWall ' . .u=l ' . •:- , t f ~-..: :e•-• I= PITTSIBITRGH . ...•: VI~CrIPIA, NORTH' CAROLINA. IMZE ' CAPIT e . . lioroh- , ca44lllla Elect! , ?4, 7 -Q,inir icily Report otigatto ' al' Baioihe: • '.'Matteri imports . from *.British Provinces—Mk: Staulftry.Convalescent. [Hy Teregiaiiit 2 ,24) tine Pittsburgh Gazette.l WASHINGTON, April 18, 1888. 1.:A1401.1TH CAROLINA ELECTION. • OffiCial dispatches ieceived at General Errant'il Headquarters, from Gen. Canby, Gammanding li Second_ Military District, allow that in South Carolina nine districts, wbichieglstered 38,220 voters; have polled 21,8337v0te5. A paitial count qtliese show Agit 7,,Z , 7 are for the Constitution and 4,900 against, it. -z FINANCIAL MATTERS. - The 'fractional currency issued for the week amounted to $375,000; amount shipped, $476,255, including $50,000 to St. Louis. Treasury notes shipped, $405,070, including $50.000 to Louisville and $25,000 to Cincin tutti.".l47atiorial Bank Notesjissned, $70,700. Fractional Currency destroyed, $.'309,100. Receipts of internal revenue for year to date, $152,435,487. . , PRESENTS TO SERGEANT DATES Sergeant Bales today called on the Presi dent,7ho gave hini several presents, inclu ding among them portmonnaie containing fifty doilars in gold. . GENERAL SHERMAN Was 'with the President at the Executive Mansion this morning. Q y'z' i•N,vs WAsumorcav, April 19.—The - `quarterly reports of all the national banks of the country for the current quartet...have been received at the office of the Comptroller of Currency, with the exception of sixteen. The returns show that•the banks generally In their reserves are fully up to the re quirements of law, mid that the items of loarafand discounts and deposits in tha ag gregate do not grvitly "differ from the re pcuU made to the ;Department in April, A largo number of National Banks have failed to comply with the requirements of the. Twenty•fifth section of - the National Currency act. A few weeks ago ohe hun dred and thirty-seven of them had never caused an exammationof their securities ih :the binds of the United States Treahury, bid heftily two hundred others,-who have at some time since their organization pro. cured such examination, are delinquent in, both the current. year -and that ending in Jdne last.' The Comptroller of the Curren cy has, accordingly called the attention of National Bank' Officers to these facts, and. adyises,them how the examination .inay be conducted. Messrs. Curtb3 and Evarts called at. the Ay!, ,topotii,az Ahatiglitprudent uorto act -them to ab "interview wlthihat gentleman; owing to hisphysleal condition. , He is, however, *Mins np attetinvalescent, and expects to sufficiently recover his health by Tuesday to be able to attend the trial. According .tp present indications Manager Boutwell Wilt deliver his speech on" Tuesday, to be fellowed,byMeisirs. Evartw and :Stanbery, and Manager Bingham will maliethe cies ing argument on or before Friday. , TSIPoirTB PROM DRIVE& PROVINCES. It appears from the statement of the Di rector of the Bureau of Statistics that the total valuo of imports from' Canada and oth er Britieli . ..Onerlatu provinces on the At lantic during the fiscal year ending with June last was P 1,245,780, , of which there 'iras freeP,623,11:18, and dutiable 822,919,539, upon which the total estimated duties Verq I 5 , 00 4 572 - - ' • _ AMENDMENT TO PASSENGER LAWEI. The amendment ,to the passenger-laws propose tciCongreas -by Secretary McGill, logh, ars chiefly such as have been suggest ed by-vbsorvations of practical seamen. Cretans and Tork!t Still Fight '-ing—Labor and 'Trade Riots in Italy-rTr,easure lot• the British Abyssinia Expedition-:Another Treaty Proposed by German*. By Telegraph to the 'Pittsburgh Gazette.) Alin -.Ns, April 11.—Reports from Crete state that several fights had taken place lately between the insurgents and Turks. The Cretans. ere victorious in most of them. Two steamers, from Greece and other Christian ports, still land food, gun powder, arms and other supp es an mu nitions of war, at the island, and, take away refugeos. . • - • SoLoonA, April 17.:=Tlie' serious, labor and traderlots by whiekthe peas:* , of • this city has been fearfully disturbed. the past few days, are apparentl7 at an end; and quiet prevails:. A - government order hai' been published which prevents further Printers' Association and' Deinocratic -Union Workmen's Assoc's tiop. • Their:headquartere have been seized , by the police. - Gfigke TUB' AiittlatkiAlcf ' Loxpor;,.April /9.--Gen,, Napier, in corn -mend of the Abyssinian expedition, in hie last dispatch, requests , that heavy ro'• mittance 'of treMunribf 'expanses of the - army be. aellthere before the rainy season. - sets In, as he anticipates during that season' bliKOMMUnieatiott 'with 'ithe'otudtt will he frequently if not wholly interrupted. XErPRALITY OP PRIVATE PROPERTY' AT t'IiERLIN, ApTu.. , i9:—The 'Parliament -MN thel 4 tOrth fierlMatfegeration has adopt. 11 1/4 trig . #itimi 4 A - • *motions to Vona. 1 . . rqk s4 , olor,Anycpqmiationot.witit .„.., cl powers &Hale puma% otcstablish r - *Wangrillit abilolite.iielaftlitY. l 9i --I r#::...at - lifiP4ol l o.*PtP tir • .7 r) .1 0..1 - YS•1 1 -111*--"- , t7 ,' : • ,'--- v : i; ! ItilllXTinabilli; 40 'l9.,_Thi r ;ote a viship_ t o ittMilltikatiqw*ufaitriVed.Aos9l7 4 :".--. --;', 1 , ,:ii' , .. , ". -,. ', ft ;402*4 50e# Wore' the kitten .ofroiiit Court ,44 - StAktll4 1 file-',lnnUttillaftiring tobacco or distilling' I .ligtiOrwfftijation of he revenue 'hv. ; , 1868. fill . HEALTH OF MR,..STANBERY. FROM EUROPE. GREECE. CRETANS STILL FIGHTING ffiMII LABOR AND TRADE RIOTS. GERMANY . THE DICKENS DINNER TliAtmerican Dress and Charles Dickens —Entertainment at •Delmonico , s—Speech of lionize Grelev--Toosts—Respense of Mr. Dickens. By Telegranh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l NEw YORK - , April 19.—The Press 13an (pet to Charles Dickens. at Dehnonco's last evening, was a very pleasant and en joyable affair. As early as four o'clock the members of the press begin to. arrive. and foremost among them was the .-President for the occasion, Hon'. Horace 'Greeley. At !fix o'clock the: parlers. were comfortably filled with representatives of jour nalism from various parts,of the country;'comprising many of he most prominent in political and literary la bors. Two hundred and five seat tad been Provided at the eight. _tables, all, of which were occupied except' one, alloted to Thur low Weed. Among those present_ were Henry J.- Raymond, Manton Marble, Win. Henry Hurlbut, M. Halstead, George W. Demers, Samuel Bowles, Joseph R. Haw -14., __George W. Curtis, Robert ',Bonner, Wm. Orton, B. W. McAlpine, Isaac Butts, A.'D. Richardson, Thomas W. Knox, Rich ard J. Colburn, Junius H. Browne. Whit law Reid, John Russel Young, J. W. Situ monton, Ellis H. Roberts, Orange Budd, John T. - Bonner, O. P. Dewey, .1,1". Fran els, T. M. Davis and Edward Holden. It- was ascertained, soon 'after the hour appointed' for the reception, that Mr. Dickens had been suffering from 'a severe attack 'of indisposition . his—lodgings. About seven o'clock -he appeared, leaning on the arm bf friend, and,was visibly suf fering from some -temporary ilhiefo. In view of this fact all idea of a formal recep tion was abandoned, and Mr. Dickens soon after passed into the dining hall and the company followed. During the demolition of an elaborate repast an excellent band in an •adjoining room poured its softened harmony over the occasion. , The following is ,a list of the regular toasts: . - • . - Pirst—Weleeme; Horace Greeley. Second—Our Guest; Chas.•Hiekens. Third—The Newyork Press; Henry J Pourth—The Weekly Press; George Wm . INfth-.-The Monthly Press; Wni. Henry Hurlbut. S'ixth—The Boston . Press .Charles Elliot ;Gorton.. Seventh—The New Fligland Press; Jos. R. Hawley . Eighth—The Northern/Tress; George W. Dent:ire. Ninth—The Weetern Press; Mural Hal stead. Tenth-The Southern Press; Edward De Leon. , ' Etevergh—The Southwestern Press; T. 13. Thorp. • - Twelflll--The Scientific Press—G. L.You mans. About nine o'clock the President rose and addressed the assemblage, concluding as follows: "Friends and fellow-laborens: We honor °twelves to-nlght in hoz e to: ss the most successful, thoroughly suc literary man -,of our, .times, one whom we may proudly say is not ashamed of having come - up, as most of us have come rip,lrom the lower mini& of the ladder of the Immo, and thougb,none of ns have reached ,anch, fk.itsdiliktos4Ossi , atnitte 4 attAidedesilliatUsie alga. -of -hope. . and. encouragement to every - one of us. (Cheers.) We are each successful in his triumph. We are each, in seeing in What he has done, how noble, how worthily he has done, taught the road to• our own success. He has preached the'ipspel of humanity until even nobles and kings have liatened in ad miration. In this success we have encour agement to every one of us to go up higher, -for there has been created a public, if there was not thirty years ago a public. There has been created a public ready and eager to - listen to it. lt is the noblest and most humanizing thought; which the best of us is prepared now to put before this public. Friends and fellow-laborers: As I am to set you an example to-night with a short speech, I will, without further prelude, ask you to join me in this sentiment : Health and happiness, honor and - generous; be cause just, recompense to our friend and guest, Charles Dickens. [Great applause and three cheers for Charles Dickens.] When the applause had subsided, Mr. Dickens responded in an extended address. In the course of his remarks lie alluded to the feelings elicited among . Americans by the unfavorable opinions express ed in his "American Notes" and Chuzzlewit. " He was delighted to witness the improvement in the social, moral and national condition - of the coun try, as seen during this his last visit. In the works referred to he had given his honest impressions at that, time. He then said, though the report pre vailed that it• was his intention to write another book on America, it was fella, ah it was his firm determina tion not to write another work on that sub ject. On his return to England he should, in his own journal, publish his present impressions upon. Americiitwkd do justice to the people of this country . -He pledged himself that so long as he or his hearers had any interest in the edition of "Martin Churn zlewit" and "American Notes," those books should 'contain an appendix refuting any aspersions therein contained. He paid. a high compliment to the energy, enterprise and talent which, characterizes American journals,iind wished his hearers all pros perity and happiness, closing by invoking all-blessings upon them for their fraterna kindness towards him. At the conclusion of Mr. Dickens' speech the assembly- broke ferth in loud cheers which, ere again and again repeated, every person present.being •on his feet,'and the ,waving of handkerchiefs and vehement gesticulations presenting an indescribable scene of enthusiastic animation.,. The band Ultimately was heard playing "God Save tho' Queen:" The strain ;was taken up and borne aloft by the same 'voices with fine ef fect, every person Joining in the song with all the- unction in him, .I,_ , • Speeches-were', also made by Hon. J. Raymond_, Oen. IV. Demers of the Albany JournalEx-Oovernor Hawley, G.4W..Cur tbi, J. W. Yonnvif the Tribune, andinany Others: The n -1 1 was finely . , decorated and the:par : ty separated about twelve o'clock. . of the Tnscaloo: as (Alabama) Monitor, recently had a dif.o floultymith a negro in.Tusealoo.sa county', in which he:cut the negro 'with ; a knife. Mr. RandolPh, learning his arrest was or dered by the Military authorities, went to Montgopuiry,Wkitire he-reported to General Shepherd' H o Wits told to report Satur 'dayMeining utters o'clock`,' which he:did.' 'General Shepherd tientirribrineti -him that he must be cominitted to the'military prig. en:without :the benefit of;'bail. General ShOPbeitLfurther , remarked :that cases otroilitary arrests the parties would -be-eorruattted,to,yrison there • to remain, f a n o diacOuned . by a military Commission. Tim 1 1 4 was v ro ou e d . apeedy inveatiu P4 / 0 - !/ B.Y4 l #4ntifigoLaM i u l l n * the Bethel the of , 6 : 6 ; 61i4 t i. .. ,0o n, iav , io ih izte d= e4of, ' ' 4 childre Yeats .2 •0 . „ , „14 WI _ NUMBER 93. THE COURTS. United State; _District Conrt—Judge McCandless. In the Bankruptcy branch a final dis charge was granted and certificate awarded to William H. Cartwright, of Wyoming county. Petitions for final distEarge , were filed.by W. W. White and S. M. Gordon,l of Oil. City; John Magill, of Mercer county; Mer vin S. Cotton, Crawford county, and John. Koehler, of Meadville, Crawford county. Petitions for adjudication were filed by G. Smith, of Bradford county, and Thomas M. Poster ' of Erie county. , George Shims, Esq., filed a petition on • behalf of H. B. - Clafilin & Co., against Sam'l $. MOore, of Wilkesbarre r Luzerne county, Praying that he be adjudged a 'bankrupt. 'rho petitioning creditors allege that S. B: Moore is indebted to them in the sum of six thousand four hundred and thirty-three dollars and sixty-five cents; that on the lith• of April he confessed judgment in favor of Messrs. Phelps & C0.,0 Wilkes barre, to the amount of $13,987,'-Ninth In tent to prefer them to the injuiT•of othbr. creditors, and that at the time tbe,confes sion was made he was insolvent ; and had admitted his knowledge, of the tact. The petitioners further allege that the parties in whosefavor judgments were confessed were aware of the fact, but they obtained an execution from the Court of Chmmon Pleas of Luzerne'county, .under- which the goods and - property are to be sold. -A rule was granted on Moore to show cause why 'the prayer of the petitioners should not be granted. ' '':•. Mr. Shires also filed a bill in eqiiity in the Circuit Court, - in which H..B..Clailiiri & Co. appear as complabianti, and Messrs. L. B. 'Moore, A. Y. Moore, J. C. Phelps, Ziba Bennett, as respondents. Thelpfill sets forth at length the acts "alleged in - the peti tion filedin bankruptcy, and states that the sale. of the goods anti property, - of S. E. Moore, under the execution obtained on the judgments confessed to Beni:tint, Phelps. & Co., .will take place on. Monday. The Court, granted a preliminary injunc- Von restraining the partlei frb'm proceed ing with the sae until the further order of the Court, complainant giving bonds in the sum 0f520,000 as security against any dam age Which might be sustained 'by - the re -spondents. - • Dhtrlct Court-41i11> Bench. . . In the ease of McClellan et arw. George the'jury fotuld for the cle&ndint. Motion for a near trial: .On motion of Jantes Veech, Esqi, Thos. Hindinan Esq., of Cleveland, was duly ad mitted and qwditied to practice as an at torney, ; Alexander Gordon, of Wilkins township, was appointed Appraiser under the bonsoli dation act, to estimate• the emits-and value of bridges, etc., claiming to charge toll, • Common Plm}--Full ltencti. In November, 1865, the' City -- Councils passed' an ordinance antlieriran - g'•"the con struction of a sewer on Grant strset,-txtend big from' Diamond street to the Mononga. beta - liver. The understanding was that the work Would be commenced' in the spring of 1866, but for some. cause the!mat -1 ter has , been postponed, and some of the 14140141)Wegarftdotermined ifs . , ascertain the reason., • sr. Addison Arttrars tiled a bll o • comp , .t„; and asked for rule on Moore, the City Regulator to show cause why the sewer- has not been constructed as direeted by . the ordinance of City Councils.- The peti tioner sets sets forth that he is:the oymer of a three story brick house on the east side of Grant street, between Third •and ;Fourth, and that owing to themoist and springy na ture of the ground much water accumu lates in the cellar, as well an in the cellars. of other buildings in the neighbbrhood. He claims that this occasions injury and inconvenience to him, and is detnmental to the public health. The bill also .sets forth the ordinance passed by Council, and the fact that it was regularly signed, pub- Railed, and recorded, and that he '('as well as others) confidently expected- that the sewer would have been conntructed in 1866, thus removing the risk of life and health of himselfand occupants of buildings by reason of the stagnantwater remaining in the cel lars as complained of. The Court granted • a rule on-the City Regulator to show cause, returnable on Saturday next at ton o'clock Quarter Sessions—Pull Bench. In accordance with an act of-the recent - Legislature, directing the appointment of two magistrates in the boroughs on •the South side of the Monongahela iiver, in this county, to hear and determine cases of drunkenness 'and disorderly conduct, the Court on Saturday appointed Justice W. H. Barkor, of South Pittsburgh, and Justi n t 'Augustus Ammon, of Bad Birmingha , who will hereafter exercise such jurisdi tion and be alloVved the usual fees therefoi. During the trial of Duncan and Wickline (on Friday) for felonious assault and bat tery on %Vm. Killian at the drinking saloon of Peter Spryer on Pennsylvania avenue, Killitirt-testifiett that he and the defendants had been throwing diee for ,"drinks." Spryer, the saloon keeper, 'when on the witness 'stand, - admitted tie .faite, The Court on Saturday ordered that Spryer give security in the sum vol:$500 for his appear.snce to answer at next term sial charge as might be brought against hi*, and Killian was held' in •his own. recoggire ante So appear• as a witness. .. . BRIEF 'NEWS. ITEMS. 'il.l . ~ —An immense grain elevator is beilLg erected in Boston. - ~ .-- • : I —Rock Island has no ice, aud=_atf prese t , is unable to get any: —.Baltimore is full'of young Men fro the:South seeking clerkships: ' - = i . —The'•Ru-Klux-Rlan have-sent 4 threat ening letterto Judge Hunter, of Atemphlh. —ln Benton county Tennessee, the wheitt is uninJuxed by the imit,lmt, tke• fruit; is -all killed. ' - ' —The British bark Tali, wag. burned in Mobile bay Saturday, with 1;094 bales cdt ton on bomd. , , „.... —Doctor John Romans, „, , an eminent physician, died Saturde,V•nigbt; at,Bosttth, aged seventy-three Years.: •a - -,!' I ..„Tb e re Is a temperancesopiety in StOr ling, ILL, which no one can loin who fl not been an inveterate•toik3r. • ' ,-,) , "..—A man has just sold a railrOad cotritally.., some land, in 'Omaha' for.l3l,ooe*lac la i ? iifFght Just a yt!er mo ,for,ll,oki..•!:.. t '' ". - i In the Hiaalsaippi..oOnverdion on urday, Capt. Townsend 'wits eiplied . f r his recent assault-Upon the'Biesideut;'. - ; ~ —lh Dickson and Humphrey cohntieal n Venues:zee the fruit. is not at all. injured,::. 'aud . there is every indication of a very e -'-ktralenty Vincent : lectured to a v enthvusiaatto audience on . Oliver, Crom - ittPlymoutyckurchs Ch!Fagor'9l§at y a ; iiight.• ' '-' '--,-; ' ' • . „ ' 1 The Molea 66 American' flag • pivrain t ipartorc than deemegonstof:Hublin, on the occasion of the -ex ..,lio4.the ?Once' vr wits. ' I ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers