The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 18, 1868, Image 7

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/ - ,L--11.4 . ' . ht-.. In . ' l,- i.."
' ''' 1 r
... _._ ..i._~_C: -. ..
'" ' : ST.'&111111103: ( RUMOR!. ~
InkilaiMillai iir the' triton- a nd Confederate
... - . 7 :"- 74 ‘Deiltit sa'Aiiiicies of t r oinmeree-:-Tdies . - et .
~panum Banda -11teperiid as, Consigned. to
11'/liit " )t allig ' . . rigiab l ishnien t.,/ 11 thili ,.
'.'... :`.• : . -qiiefighborboad—An , -investigation to •be
,--. •; , Made iliji the Authtuittes. • _
,-- :- wart tea t
kreipectible firm somewhere
, •_ .„..-. . . - • •
-: • be10w , : , 1, - ner. engaged .In. the laudable enter. •
' '"•'` prise tif nollecting the - anatomical remains
. . , . , .
' . - • .41 horses, Melee cattle, - A . c., whleh once
strewed :the:, ceuntrY, like a faller anew--
- - : Pert of the•debris of: he Into gr e at des,.. .
.. • 'c •f ; 'arid redficingsthe sane to an articlanicon27.-
' '''' • memo, to be
,used as it fertilizer; on the:
, poorer jands of the South, ; ; A . , , , „
. • :: About ten. cents --peer, , bushel was • the"
price.offeren,:andthe idle hordes of blacks
hanging about the - cityieWaitingjiist such
jobs, were soon scattered over . the :neigh.
boring and:opeb groundrk:gathering, ,
, . .., • , .grubbil anO)reating, like swarms of ants.
Car loa after car load Was gathered and
• • '
shipped snuthivardi` until' the Su} ply in
this vicinity, graditallY•-%;flecitaseq ---- when.
xag pickle& coal gathering and.'irei t l'illok.'
. ..
,•, ~ , resumcdtbeir wonted away:!' '--
,' MO weeks'ainef,Tioireyer; tither .riecei-'
' '' '' •.- Sli • e regions being alike - et.hatistedi: Nash
• : ~-: . villevaa again inane a receiving pbinti and'
once more the hungr_y;tona.huriters . we
•,, , ~.: igit - tipott the. trail .. in
_the 'the
Chattanooga depot, - and but - a 'few ' ate*
.. from'Chtirch street IS the" - '+
-, .oricip yard_ here May baseen a tinge h00t....
t.... 1-:',- atombidally.bacreasing Waite, as the clealiY
;,:•,-, IL, ':hunters arrive: ith wagons,
-; .; • [ .1. . bags, .&c.. all leaded :down with his new
~ ..,, i i. --/ teonlmodity. (_- .. :; . : ,---: - - ":" '• : • •,,- v•
• ; --: I.': ! r• Wohave o ft errfiassi3d this rinsijghtly ,,
.. _d'l
altogether nnsaVory spot, with - riot,Mg
`more than a casual glance, until: • yesterdayi
• ', i. , when an , unaccountable • in oh .: seizeol' , •
vs to view it :more clodely: ' With e 'kind . '
:..-, :bf• Mourn:ill interest :we drew 7 neari'slidl
,:,.. -.gazed upon -the heaps:-about us; until our
,'. our eyw:utere ettractedlliy , a , peenliarly .
shaped bens protrudingfrom the one•itenr :
rir s vi ng it, Up o n iehd le our band the '
iritr.'of a . man.. a further 'seer& we
- ' found a broken thigh bone, and what from
• , our limited • knowledge of the subject We'
, judged to be various parts of the ' htunan
came."' Heart-sick - with painful emotion
•• • • 'we turned away, :bin' unpleasantlhotightti',
Would:: intrude - themselves. How many
. such bimes were hidden in that vast dopes.
It? ,liiew, many had already beenshippiiii•
- ' away? "Perhaps a spirit °Nein had prompt,-
• ' '• , ••-ed a violation-of • thelferialeilres of our own
loyal' Ones!. Perhaps the -remains of our
brave defenders, rdeqping,so lightly over •
, • i, - the-he heights around nag-were -being .exhurned ,
an& sold at ten cents a bushel to enrich -the ,
boil they bad died indefendingl.' It was all;
/ ,::-.• : grief and , hunilliation, , and with our mouth
-',...., , az thV4i l 4 *o:W:wiled from the Vet;
...,-,i.The,gbitve Ataitling;:anneuncement app. .
In I : swedes , few: daye ;ago ,in the:Nashville
•" , ..Dffsontars:anifyrockt not possess a local in;
, -,.--/ - Iterwit t: stalcienti* secure ; its - publicatkin I
-. ,in in, our .•.colultnns ,- '.lo•day,, • were .`.it. - - not 1
, , , • ,', that tiro barge : Ra:4l3o! these bones, gather- .
,44 from the mstoriu tattle • delft Of Tonnes- .'
Agee, hive within a few days past Ibund their
„way tolids, , market, and are now under.,
. 'scdl gang the
,rocess..of being converted into:
fe . The Mispicion: that . the
.- , .... . • eargeee of boned g athered; from : the battle
, .. -. : lields .of , „- Tenliessee, - r. - by - uneducated; -
~... avaricious junk: dealers and ignorant freed-.
, Men, are largely,. Made up .:-. with
- .- - - .the - bones of our brave Union defenders, •
~w ho died that ou rcountry' might live, and
. .of .their confederate enemies, will enter the,,
,•,.; minds ,of those whom - ill give the matter.;
'. :.•:..
"any - tholifght whatever.: The idea of mak-
' ,• :, ..icg.the bones of - brave; soldiers an. article
• -,:,, ,oreaturnerce iaso.reptignant', and terrible
as i%vall loudly?lorinvestigation into the,
1 I:natter, aud . wetwonbltraggest that the au
:: A I tlgeltias. - .) overltauL- the. ;.bargt •of ' bones
new.,Alscharging at a bone-::bailing
~,,,_, estai)lishmeutrialkilegheny City, in. order
:AO istsntaht-_, if 9nr stialgelone. strebgthened
- . '.....'• by . trieStatAine;* - 4theve: quoted; are not an
. ....rect. , The belletkotonei from Nashville and -
• ~ , were .- Igathered“romi l the battle- fielde:
~ .!,:i When. it le reMemberedthatthe rebel force'
isasuuely, oovered..-with earth oarpatriotic.
• ...deadiit..will. appear strange, ind, 3f the
swarms •of 'avaricious- bone , hunters dhr,-;
criminate against taking up the precious
.•:remains of the slain dead. Let the
. .
„ -- - be 'investigated at once. - ' • ' •
.-,..., J::,-‘ , 43ltace Writing the above we learn that
,bispor:l3lackrnere has already made ar
. sangetnente far the inspeWon of the cargo
:: , of hones which:arrived yesterday, and will
7': publicly winottitee the result . in Mcinday's
papers. He deserves much credit :for hay-
Mg taken such prompt measures to: satisfy
:-. the, public' that, here in Pittsburgh, the
' , . "baffle in human bones cannot he permitted.
;!-- We hope his investigation will disarm our
• ' ' well grounded: suspicions, but fear it .will
, .
• • The„ Other Side. - • -
• Yesterday we noted that Mchael ,
inettlet-appeared beforaMayor Blicktnerit
1 1 11 P r maciztor of; Henry Harritigtoti,`,au em
'..ploye: , the eitablishittint , p
r 'JO/41 . 11 4 ' Smith 014:Sieet;. for aggravated as
,' .., battery, alleging- that #e had a;
• • • -•
• • • ditikraity about sn:artiele he prolased Ptir-•
chasing, whicii,s reSulted , in, gton
using:lvan hid] a "knife or other sharp in:.
--- Strioneati"-•severing'alicirtion•'nf phis left'
ears It seetualhe ease waS not 'Very ' 4 4
ed and if i "the ' -other side" of the
attar" is tionotvrfarnnettler was not Struck
• ~ .r?with a 44knitkvar"ether-ihstrument;',-
11 •• with the - nakoBllll44 for an insult tirtfacit
'rzhatitret-that %any man, not -4 ,itit , ttrflOiritig:
wfth4,he milk of human kindness;"wottld
I lava:Similarly :and as prompt] . *anted,
The cases was Atiettled,4' and-, n,
Tatatedlhatitnrould probably not*ve.gone
as it (did but fitiran
'policeman, (present At the time,) who'ad
- sized :the tion as a means for the
prosecutor - Nedra gratisa pair of, pauta7_
wotut; the object of the dispute.
,r„ ,• t
.. - , .Ultat Dist Mary: . • • •
L ' lifoitirWeelia' slime the.Beputy 1:4 B. Mar, •
• 4, 1 4. 6 ,04!75V4rici learned :that Iti-stiii
• hoaseiwas •in operation at i tO . lsl i hrittitial
Hotel, , at the month of Pine poo*,,oikthe,
-A• ll 4 ll en.r * RlVer c iAM dthal, - liquftwas being
.j •: . 7 440' r tY . : distilled,,,thai l S. ; on . :thi 3°3l /tii 'Ot.
. • - ittetelliii "teelunkesded_ ~ b y, -; ilte- B einiy Col- -
, r• letter:4)f the; zett•Bistrieti he - went to ' the
Belvidere Hotel, and - there found a still in,
operation in a stone building Ithoitt: ilkt
i feetin rearof , the , hotel.' Edviente;loiol4-
laub, - 3the i_proMeteri of the hotel, w as
'rotted:And etheapparatualalcen
.1 '
of •, On the 4th inst:Blehealmtb,nae a'XtetteL,
re U. S. Cornmissioaet_ d' ,
, •,,,, w ;A fter :the te - stinf ,lii
in.: the/dans) of 000 ibribis it aeld
r- litelferterta Of. a United' Jet; 1 , District;
immui l zoot t zt
....-2 , 4,7 Aft Witiiinat Merchant Tau
-, •:,-4444.iiiitiviaolooklible to
•••• - •,;*c•••-`- -- ,, •,-;•• •
- Ak4:sit:PCsjAt''''-'*-:"4''rj4AV'L''-rifA''''4'*'
-4/rat"? gessioris.„...atidgelieeften:
In the case of ftte
Port,iiiaicted for commitgaganassaidt tuta
battery upon :an officter,:widO was ro t at e d
onl trial-y,estiriday, 'the :Jury/ ibfind
diet of guilty; but face tin the do.
fent:tants to the nierey, - Of to Court: ,
tette° deferred: —
R. Clari t , : w lriYtul*i44(Otacl-With 'the de
fondants the utive pane elitered:fiphia
, af none contendere "tOtheainuadt and t , -"
ttke, „6ja.„ U Was cob o attaault mid
Thane** upon his ‘044710 IvAtOXlOn_teno4
to pay 'Blx,6ente,
Henry 'Pi: iharatenkfiload
dietment for 'assault ) and battm; arid Wag'
sentenced to ow a tine cif Ilia - cents and.the'
• ;loft* Tim* Wt 'tried en"4`
found &large
feloniOtts' assault and battery: . They jut,y
',verdict of not guilty, and defendant,
• W, W;:roster was placed "iin.ttial-im tt a
i3ikirtfri Or 'false pretences; preferred , by Dr.
James Bc Herron. On InotiOn , 'Ofihe' de
fondant's. counsel, tho, indletuonn - wag.,
quashed, under the statute or ,
not - having been &find within - Oro !mare
after the commission of the Ribbed offence.
Wm../Efetstb was ltied.on la 'charge of trit
sault and -battery, preferred:by., Garrard ,I
McKeon. The jury . found wallet, of
filty o , and defendant was sentencetltopay,
ne f flityllolhtna find WWI.
Margte,3t. --Dtmithue ' plead to - the
enyaf a pair of booty from the - store Of
Clapp 41t. - Co., art- Fifth street:, She ;
was - sentenced. to thOootterand to un
tlerigoanliznprisonnientaf five claysin the,
roautte' ,
itleHatin Wee 'charge-id with , 1634,
fault land beatify oft oath of, her; brotheri
Garrard McKeon. The -jury hound 'a ver
dict-atsttilty, and the' defendant was sen
tenced tolaty wane 'of flv6 dollars and the
Garrard McKeon I was indicted -.for, ma ,
Heions mischief, ancoatir of Virk- g+49.Y.
The j fotmd arverdict-of net guilty,.and
dir- the Troseontorpay the coats. ,
f rhoefittrt, eta directed. - I HeUv also; stied,
Melreorifor I - but- the' Court, after -a :
i r hearitig, directed- ' tardy the costa.- .
:John Reide,'; 3 . 7 lClutiefui,... Pater
Wickline and William; Mattoney,,were
dieted- for accomittin g '. env aggravated an.
aunt and: battery 'upon 4v,rartk
District Attorney Duff enterpda nekeinw..
tat to Rice and Mahoney, the havingbeen
included irt: --the indictment . mutake
Wickline and -Duncan were placed on trial..
The alleged'asoomltuectared fit the s a loon
of Peter Spreyor, an. Penrisylvenia aen_ ,ei on the 19th of „Ramey:- !The 'parties bean drinking in the-I:tar - room, arid were
all more , or - less - under - the influence of
liquor. tight ensued, during which Ril
lain received:a'stab in the' breast, - frotre the
effects ofwhichte was cottfined in bed for
several weeks. On trifd,
, -
I - Real Estate Trsuasfera.. - •
- ""The follo w i n g deeds were filed of record,
before /El`l3nliPelk; "Esq., Recorder, April
VbkiiiiiilteChtng to 'Michael Lip Pert. April /S. 1888;
• Jot on Carson street, In ,I.4awer i4t, Clair township.
24xTr— feet • • ' , • • $1,680
John Bechnela to John B. Strelbeg, robruary =,,,
• 1888; lot en Jefferson street,. SecondwarkAlleghe-•
•. - •ny; 411x7Ofeet;. • '..: '. :
AarY tilill 7 8 . as .a . eonll;CiTvii:W; ''''''' ~i;, iwi
lcits Nollf 17 and Si on Center street, L ibe rty tor
!. ship, 20 :23.4eet......., - . . ..... . ............ 00
', Thomas Kelley to fieran'T: Kennedy. Mucha: I ;
• lot No. 143 bl , Partonle - plan °riots, Pitts!) h, Si,
• by.Bo feeti; with buildlnga.....,, .. .... .. ..... .. ,
.Adam Cruronton to Teederick Brf3ckner.', Pebnutry"
It. 1888: lot.ic Versailles' townshipe :mamma the
Penneybranlit manroad.,..aextso feet, with build,
;,..,• 10 /04 ' '.• PRO
mstriatenalletsger et al. to John Apri- 0,
'- ,- 1888: lot on 'Loco st street, 20 x80feet...." . t . 4 4 .•.didffr
iackhrowesoa et ax.:to John Cgden. March .as, , 14128;
. lot No. 411 a Flemming!splan of lots on Sandusky
~. .streee; Third ward, Allegheny, "J) feet aquere. 'with -
- : trith buildings . --
Aeademin Coursin to C. hlcKee,Aptlllo. WM, lot on
Wylfe - stseet, nusasraa, .r.,
,feet, square, with .
'-buildings • • • •
John Nichols toJames McCoy, January. 1 0, Ma, lot
No. iS in A. IL Bergess' plan of lots In Braddock's'
- Fleh, in Wilkins township, with buffdings...4l2ls
Jacob TuUng to Peter Rupert, April 8, I/088, lots hos. •
• 174,225andi50 In the plan of Breckenrige. exten
sion, . Hanson . tosnuadp, pn Water . street, with'
buildings... 4 .
' 111,722
RI. Rev. X. Doraenec to Nicholas Stelmer, April /I_, •
1887, lot in LoWer At. Clair township, bas by Ire
Henry Nireikseker to Valentine Peterlusi April 10;
1884 lot In:the Seventh ward;:Allegbeny. Cite, (for.
atorly. Reseree township, . on the Spring 'Garden
I i Plan k Road; with' btrildings;i' 51,500
Absalom Rupert to John- liendemarke,-April 8,14E8,
-- lots No: 2444:' tf/S• and 241 In - the plan 'of Brecken
. ridge's extender:4i in Harrison 1t0wn5hip......'....80
"John Erggtler to_Cornelius Ritter, Marchl.7, 1889,10 t
pertly in Lower St..,Cialr township, and 'partly. In ,
'wt o borbug,h of East Birmingham, oudoseps street,
ith brilldingps ' - • '
, . .... _ . •
Free Ab e !`tUnited Presbyterian."
DENTierny.—We take pleasure in calling
the attention of our readers to'the car '
d . of
Dr. Quincy A. Scott, whioh will be found
iri our advertisiag columns: As . . a dentist,
Dr. Scott has acguir.ed a high . reputatlon,.
and now stands at the head of the dental
profession in this city. From personal
knowledge, wq can say that the Doctor ex
traCts teeth without the slightest pain to
the patient, and where :arSflcial , teeth: are
needed, he makes nocharge for extracting:.
We -advise those suffering ,from toothache
to call, without further procrastination on
Dr: Scottirat his dental establishment. ' 278.
Penn street, and be relieved. We have no
in leconinuindi the Doctor,
we feel con fi dent nori ng e
who &vor him withaB '
a call will go awardlsappointed. ,
SOld/ers 9 League and Przkier.
(EinedaY) afternoon, at guar
,ter- past &lir -otekkik - i there will .be; two
prayer meetingsteld 4mider the auspices of
the. Young Men's Christian •Association,r
one at the “Hope Fire 'tame House," toot
Of YBentiniirylitill,!' a one in the "Sol
diers" league Library Boatns," on.Laeock
street, epPoeibe. Anchor Cotton Mills , Alle
ghepy cat,.
3 44,, ...111 yesterday.
A At In-. wrencev e.O
- Wary.; -
Ikhouldnian and. - .Martin
,Schneb 9,..residents of •Laenoeville, hay-.
big some thsdness transactions togeth
er,. met. on the street end attempted to
, settle. ;There was a difference of :a few
cents 'between them,. and ineither. being,
,Willing t5ll yield' the point, a fight 'was the
result., Mouldmara r 11,:miee,Fe got, the
worst of the sUrniy,, andraftennra,,made_
inforniaticiribefOre Aldernian Irwin, Ong; ,
ling _Sohnable with assault 'and , ludtery;„
-The:accused was arrested and 'held tor a
_hear/um, : ..,T . :,; v . . ,, T
~. ~,,,, , ,
ke - , - riite iv 1 ,
elllilsb Bagli" . ' at, faimonablet_
go?as house of ; Moors, pates &tell, is
traCtirunsorioli,att4mtiorsad the ladle s ea-
Press veci, delighted with the very
' Pre selectiorkafforded,.. ,The assortment is
;really:triperb and ,embraoes all the Parlodan
: styles as yet jutipdaceil , into this ' country,
The s pr ing trees. goods of 'this • firm'
likewise. commend .o? l ** 4 " s , f 4', C i lt:
readers. ' •' ,
. .
.. . ,
• _
,-............,.., . ..L..; trt t :,,,, ct . , 41
Ainindi-4ohn .'ltanikl e iof ''T.Ovniftilio.
,v_iller;mitile' information ore , ore Alder:mak
Irmrioi 'o,t*lt-'l4B'veyi,r danchaefig
nvence aoodriw. .Ic:iteeftelt. I t ap.•
penal thaf the'lnOtic. it neighboni, and
thattheir*ifet' $ ifr ,3 A , ,, i nto a squabble ' about '
:iiinfielilifinr.ton ,*fiXeb moulted in a
Vat' '''Banno n tfornd land'"Gondrich
madena,;nionult=npon;hlin Vitti:4 tlntii
.11 'e'*anarrod - ipullieltl'fbiehearing.4'l , .
"iiwtandßatty --Carolina 'anion:
inneeinformaffcnib# -Alditn,taifki*liii7
.6(' liiinfinime 1' ' May l' ' o n o
J:WM 66 d l oo4bi - ' it..= 41 0 - Jodu t ill
*karronted:atid l 4.9l4.- ~..11 . ...r yikTinIV ' '
~ i 1791fi 7 . ..- , 7t.:. ; : . 2. L . 5:,4 ~:, :1', , -, ~,,,
I4t - *4 I,' . . ,. "..L. 7 t,l',
, wt,
.. .
..kowied,, : . a and tat ~‘
' me -- andwe 4; 'eri doitentlikilit4.*
--tingislo n -- - I • ,57r ~....;.,,,,, .. ... , ,S1
YZZYitra...r-te l i ""44!...A.,'''-.1144,,V I VD gain) I ;V:
'' I. SO Weiraill44beZjiiniAii :' '*
l ~ **l'
im l ia-' . . :44'
of "` iJmil i : 41' im" t 4
: 7 3070' 0147'4 • , :F.;, - twfor..)o
' -
It'? lllPl , ltftaiwykka. • , A",""N griat,:•
E 7 4.POne'leddliY .. A t il Ail:, ,sit A.
ruinittuVittfnienhifigigi, 7 f-r I, ,-, /I l'43ll::_t
.: i '- ' - • 11 •- ~ . , -
41-178tV1W- R t 41 11" AZtirE . 41 SATU 11 I' • ' I • :1 : )
mum.... -
Grocetlea.-..%e attention of retail deal.
'ere who . ere in the city for the purpose of
making- purchamsof teas. groceries and
pOdticei or - who are *filling up - their stocks
by order; direeted te the superior ' freeh
and inviting - Selection of goods in that line.
to' be'foiind at the very lowest rates at the
kitetisive' and well managed house of
its s. Mcßride &, George, No.. 184 Fed
eral 'Street,' Allegheny City. This firm has
beet constantly rallying new - additions to
thelf spring stock and are now prepared
to compete Successfully with the leading
houses of either city. Retail as well as
-decided advant
ages in deallug at this representativelouse
of our sister city.
- .
The new and elegant stock of gold and
silver watches, for ladies and gentlemen;
diamond and 'pearl sets of • pins and . rings,
garnet seta. solid silver ware, plated silver
ware; tine' table cutlery, gold headed canes
fanc3r - parlor clocks ill bronze marble, eixi.
ny and i mo d,and general articles ofjewel-.
ry oftbred at low prices at Reineman,- May
ran & t3eidle's magnificent :hew store No:
42. Fifth street, attracts universal.sttention
from those wishing good goods at reason
ble prices. -
Igh. . • •
Contr. A.tning•ltods.......The- Mu
m Kt p
copper Tubular Lightning Rod with Spiral
Flanges is manufactured. by ;Whart Alc,
-Co.. Duguesue'Thly ;near Hand itieet: This
rod Is . endorsed by• the highest sdentifks
authority as ithe bmt rod ever - invented;.
:and 6 sure protection.: The manntaiturers
eMploy none' but tho best rorirmen and.
guarantee all Jobs to remain in good order
as .long as the building stands. - Smd an'
order. , -
• • '•
h .This Day and Evoninutt Palo:ker.& Phil=
Salesroonn4 °PeruHouse inigiß
Fiftia street, will be devoted specs to
private sales or-Boots , Shoes, Cariseta ry
uoodn, clothing, Cutlery,Hats;,CaPat
Fanny , Window Shades, fresh Canned
Fruits and Notions et auction prices, - 001
andsexamigeopr assortment, which isinow
Y 917,4,01: - •
Onskcin Is ';dsiiable. ini
q and
th: i ftrYatioq
fletiBt*z y 4 1,74 to
toep4 r lirusedtK4thr*lind
inctlUX.lsXOni aPtmeation. `
dens tl4O ;kW smiim.:admirs,l2lY,a4uPtesl
for*l4o,lq!'l4;4!°oo ithaVinr
• t.'i.o;T:]
• Thiel 'Coplie , IDre..eklikeeting.- t ,the
AcedetCofMusk> ootojmorraeolfialfteithlP
;skilerromf •• ret-; sq. 'o'clock. ;n ) 4rolumary ,
‘..O e Q N S
short And , httelestineaddreeoes
'froto'BitolsterietMd earnest Chris.. lim - 'rkeit 1- Boati; free.' No '• oolkotionfrj
Allere'lhviW-whe athrict; In , attendance
f ? -P eleMehere ef;:t!,et hour.
rl ~ 7 . • r..• , . : •.. i - ,w ..... ;.L ,. L.:.. ,
-. , 4 l Ayti r ilit , Atietleri,Mondl4 , 'OreolegV .
4.—' , Fiff-lk - o'cloc/t_ t _- at • the 9P10_,....,.rk
• cciiikvitficomacomo, , , be' mit& sl 'lvll4
_vsk ote, O Jok.
1. 4441: Goth .i ibi, igilts , rnit4l. . .Citiftl l
I - * , .I.4.lliinil , Tacoon'oh pointed 'ettookr
' a .., r . .;
.00i1d043 . 0d ... ii . It * re; firet e *. -..
1* Peliiierlit 1 01 11$0o- 4 +detto i n 1,!.-7i.,
~•:.., .::•;, tig ,, ,., , c, ,•, , 1 , ,-. ,, • , : -•%:, • , 1. ,, :
"' l „liik hihith ' '' - 41Miiill'i Wiz fikilifte WO,'
Riiot*,_, ax,f , , tett aatri,S*ll4 . ,,
t jaw.• 74, , a, ne t ,14 1 .. ':r.pp, giti.,
- 4 - 4 50/ r ••,, • • rd e;••• V.m." e ::c7/11 , 7•1
*Rit• , A ! apaggiate`lell - 4 - 01r1 ,, , ,, ,s , ,
i i
.-...p.,,..- ;
',,*. eliibii4l4 Vr'1.144101:4041,
4 . pi. ` Cp l 4 i c ti.l, ;14A 1 11,
—.....,...L, ~L : , 4 .. t ' r ' :# - ZO
i ll , N ifsiiti" iogmi - I)*k 1
~ ..- . -'7TII4E-4- 1 - 1 7747:1 1 vr T72 , ti 0r I , 7klge‘ - .1 0/
4 , 0
1, _.„...._ ~., 40040 w,
4, ~...,i.t,5,,4-7,.ii.014.iimmr3
. 41i ., 414 , 41 , 1 ,.. , .t i atiti oll ti
t.,....,........„,... I. , .in•LIW il7•V't • : 4- :* ',. 'l t '
1,171 . ‘1•711/ I , ' - • -•-- Izipl rel 111 "ctr
''l•llssl4o .6 4 . Rifiltdir it% tkialki - ` 7 I th °I
T„': .;
? /1 1
' ! . • .1 16'-77 1*
' -we . '7 lir
lEtWOvll aPPeAr nn4,lbe e
s'Afe ,
a'*Z,. el -.
l 1
trPr_ ra, SilltGillespie ' .
that they; dent' the - ea
sertionikat gay person WaseVer killed or
'injured' by igiighing ges,s. in ,this or any
Other ! -- . claimer. by them . that .a.,
_. ~.. . .
rlstateaselis notamown In 'the ' liistoryr of
this agent, Int; militia . contrary, it hag'ocilw
Vilmtedlta the relief:, of thousands who"
could ' . .t(not_.: , • underge ..-• "the —torture - . - -of
having ...) a Wtoothlu "attracted vitWitlicitttl
takirag ._Bonin. :_eafel,istruesthetiarjtcAtag
_gentlemen; , Atq. , 4,iipprrsi ..'have - , 'sumo i
Stand/ suite- for I li g "Ail Of the ellegatiOns
made-concerningtheir so it'
will be. tested, 1111 . a-point; of laW whethel ,
such 'unttdtigatettassertions can be- rafter
: eted to 'detstroythe effectet :a business"en--
terprisea; These 4vontlemen have also in
:trWuced anew rubheti Which lseislinedtci
'be Aqualitt every partictdar to the old, and
theygnaranteelt to , give 'perfect eatisfaok ,
. tion in every, particular or no charge. This ,
• new articls is offered at filklerri 'duller& for •
an_upper set. These-tire skillitil And enter
prising.' vnt.lemen4.-zdarayi de u what
theyarid from their large i pat-'-
ronage it would seem the , people highly ap
precUte: the establishment of Drs. Sill 4 -
Gillespie; 2.40 Penn street: , 1
Piaui Geode Goods! t.
; ,Icfeed Pririts at 12wc., •
- Pun°lo r r riPta (alightlY hal:l l 'feet) a
Irstra,NVidelßleai3hed MuSlin at 1231 c.
Heavy Ilableache4 Muslin. at 12340.
targharns at Mo.- Ging dams at i2J4c,
, ,
, -- ,l'otrits at' l2s4c.
`Cortiettrit 50e.
Corsets'at c.
'.'-'.VirhalaborieUoraete at 8734 c. • t
Colored Kid Gloves, at 755.
Lridies' Ribbed Hose at 11c.
Ladies' Plain Hose at 10c.
liassitneresfor Boys' wear.
CassimPreafor Men's wear.
Casluneret,Jeans. •
- Ladise, Sacking
• 7 All, oolßelainge In beautiful shades... ,
Blackand Oolored-Alpacas. • •
Plaimarid . fancy Foplins. • -
Balmoral an Hoop Skirts,
12tistori . , Aprons. ,
oaneta,MatsiXUbbogs, F/awarap •
_Bair Mandri„Sleeve,Buttons,
And a varietypf Fancy Goods. •
A full stock, at low prices,
Wholesile and Retail, , •
At writ.. Seniple's, 180 and 182 Federal
street, Allegheny.
- Reliefs at a Discount.
All pan, at 'no. oostn - remcved with. Dr.
Wolcott's 'Paint,. at <l7O Chatham
S4uare, New York, and Ira Arch - street,
Phil gg adelphia, in the drug stote. At F all
I at 25 cen - 50 cents $1 and $5 a
Bottle. ' t beats all ts, the liniments ever
known, leaves no stain, reduces inflatrns.:
tion' quicker than ice, and is as bantam' as
A m 4 ll got butt the other day,
Be blubbered ong with pain;
Mien he cried: relief! I say,
But died with Wolcott on the brain.
This man from-Maiden Lane, so faint
With inflammation high,
Forgot to nsathe Doctor's Paint,
So the people let Aim' die. •
'!bated free at No. 116 Smithfield street.
Relieves pain instantly.
Rake a Good Action' Perfbet.
If you send your. wife a sewing machine,
• be sure that Sou are not giving her a source
of perplevitvln the shape bf intricate Ma
obbiety; liable to soil her attire, thus shock-
Mg: her ideas' of cleanliness and :making
the effort to'show herannreciatlon Of your
gift:a" Positive 'bore. he Weed' Sewing
'machine is reliable, very simple in con
struction and has shields to protect the
work an d dress, This is why it is univer
sally recommended for , fanilly use. Call
andvaiiinine it at 112 Grant street. R. H.
Long, agent. ,
.-... _ ______
•• itiartg ly esv
•.A.ii i nterestingtisto 4niiiv that our fellow
'towmunen - aft) ' ahead of the
,foremost in
bribe* forth articles tii,beaktilY and. im
ProYe the appearance of our race. In this
• eoilneetion weavonlit cull : the. attention of
the ptibliiito - tho'nuit 'Quit for ten clothes
bip : , o- .:vin.c0i,2,54 pppn, street, .Pitte
;frtillt, ,' cO2 i•nis h an' improved Set of teeth
,uswArnd;. beautiful patent, plate,
t "4, .
s he wMii nt. for one.'. year, and
ElMtlvritteri ts*e; ,' Dr.;.l3pencer has
concluded, 44 orit to nitia : 4 l4 ? l F,fttits of the
i'llieelutnies . of the ilttattnltY !to ,keep his
qtkie OPeis until ill e o'Ciock iii the evening.
He WM be pleaso . (l to:see,all whtimay favor
hiniisitti actin: e n
in . late Is an inven 1
tlion of his own, an ke c ii that it la' su-
Teilor tciany now' kthe market.' The Dr.
has established a rePntition in ' his profes
has bee . confirmed
,by the, best
of all : tests-4U. Remember '
'number, 254 Penn' mt. • • '
• aid i ItYMOchaids.....tve are
_tfrotoughly auppll with all kinds of Dry
moor% Staple., ; Fancy,- bought at
unusual : advan • .through our Eastern
PPTchasing de,.: era, taring advantage of
.ther•recsnt-Thirge- a uction - sales and fluctua
tions in priCes, and - we can and will sell at
"1w than the lowest Eastern cash prices.
,We invite you to an inspection of our stock
and comparison of prices, at 59 Market
street, . , - •
, . &
The :best and-Original Tonlo oflron,Phos.
iitiorns and Callum known as-Caswell,-
Mac,....„.k:4t005: Ferro Phosphorated Elixir: of
vausaYa Bark. The. Iron restores color to ,
the blood, the Phosphorus.renews waste , of
the nerve tissue, and the, Calkusya gives a
natural , healthfhl tone ,to ths.digestive or.
gans, thereby curing dyspepsia In its, Va.
rious forms, Wakefulums, General Debility,
and Depression of Spirits. Manufactured'
only by Caswell, Hazard C 0. ,, New York.
Sold,byall drtiggists. : • . s
Everybody sv l ll - acknowledge that Heitz
heinibett Continenial,Dining Rooms,.Filth
'street, 'neit — door to the Poit"Offiee, are , .
Marvelously well kept, and that no where
in the city can a oleaner or better meal, or
- repast be obtained at such reasonable prices.
Holtileimer, at t Cwitinental Dining
rooms, Fifth street, next doer to the 'Post
'office, serves dinner at very reasonable
prices which are vastly superior to hotel
bills of fare. - Give him
.a call, and satisfy
Yourself on this point. •
0. Pllquett;3lodel Maker and Calculator.
Models '.built of silver, Gernthn silver or
- brass. Orders left at R. Eskers, 161
First street, .or 21 Tunnel street, second
doer froth Wylie, will 1? e properly attended
The beat and rmrast teas and coffees to be
obtained in this market will be found in
endless variety mid assortment at Robin
son's old established tea mart; No; '2a Fifth
street. Prices very reasonable.
Canned and Dried Fruits and general
grooeries, fresh and first quality, at 'very
reasonable prices at Robinson's old estab
lished tea mart, No: 20 Fifth.
A large lot of Gothic Chimney Tops just
received; also, Drain Pipe and Tile always
on hand at . D. R. Emma's, 167 - First street.
The choicest ales, patters and dinner
*lnes will be found at the popular dining
robins of Mr. Efoltaheimer, Fifth street,
next 'door td the Past "°Mee. •
Toilet Soaps and general house-keeping
groceries at Robinson's old celebrated tea
mart, No. 20 Fifth street, at very liberal
• Bricklaying and fobbing promptl At
tended to. Leave your Orders at D. R. ECK.
En's, 167 First street.
Five Hours ahead of the mails—the New
York Evening Alst at 10 a. m., daily, at
• ,Albums Walletsa near stock just, open
ed at RittO
tgr17111[01 1 ( 111F411,111LICALli
- ,
Tbe . triTION REPUBLICAN VOTERS of . 611 egheriy Connty are fel:incited to meet at the usual
places tar holdlngelectlons in the several Wards,
Boroughs and 'Townships, on -
!Intiml4. Slay aotb, Isas,
And elect two (3) delegates from each election db
triet, for the purpose'of nominating a candidate for
Congress. 'Also, two (2 ydelegates from each elec
tion district for the purpose of nominating Candi
:dates for Senate, Assembly, ;District Attorney and
Auleta t Attorne v, - Con troller,•COMIII Ise loners and,
• County Surveyor. •
The Congressional ConVehtloi for the Sad Dis
trict will meet at the CITY COUNCIL CHAM
BERS Pittsburgh, on TUESDAY. June 3d. at 10
ii•eiodk w. kr.: : to nominate a 'Congressman. The
Congressional Conventlonfor the 03d District will
meet at the CITY BALL, Allegheny City. the same
day and hour, to appoint Conferees for the District. .
The COMity Convention wilt:nett at -the COURT.
-itotisr., In this illy, the same day and hour.
'The County.Extimitive Committee recommend that
the delegate itleithini be held, so . far impracticable, -
by the Bernibliesn member, of the Election Boards
the,ieveral illitriefs, and also the ,manner of
voting for eandidates in tbe'reVeral Ceityenthins be
The Primary Riectiobs In the Townships texeept
lig the TOwinuilps of Oakland; Pitt, Peebles ' , pa-.
'city, coffins and'Wlikins,r which will be be
'the heart of 3 and 7 o'clock ,) will be held between.
the hours 'Of 3 mid 6 o'clock P. it., and In the Bar-.
otighs and 'CRIBS . tietweeti' the 'bonie of and ,7
o'clock P. N.- lithe ClUes and Borotighs the elm-,
tient; shall be by ballot; and in the Townsidpe
J.ii. MILLER, Chairman.
/4 ' in t r a ) . }Secretaries. •
11.9"* .4:14111(tigr 22d; ti
,Gert. J. S. WEGI.EY
len nindkiate fbr nomination befOre Me `Anion Ito"'
vubilar Ounrention,
Bl7tf~lll RAf'~'TR'IIII~
itemJr canqdsie ir*on Itepub:
s Conseesillotutt gonTention labn
. • :SET
IPelitivimucr- , Arri)narzyi,
bum ,
Aitleccio trUiol2Rlial
(MI i rill
AIty,CORM4IO2... sprito.
Gent. A.; 1.. ,PEARSON,
~ubjdot t 0
tho`.!eigraidon . of'tlit Ililon
-Clounty-Ocitireutotk • thiblittiird&T
„ronaminuorkimune w .
;.rf1116,44- --Aix
!hived viztagivik.
youny, id
arr. 11111MUCIT
milwa rxr
guipormowlipT.:Wi 0
tkAp. rai c
_ - 40Pugui , 001121
1104.1r3 •
Ilrguaiic Li a . w . 1.111 - .lH llll . , tilts:4•‘,l T7:l- i).-; , 74 Li
)44mtin kruthliti •
fk t "
• .r., • -1. AGENItt:'
I ir,i4ATOB,.
. . ,
No. 91 Grant tiihrOt, Pittsburgh.
. ,
, • .
~; . •
SnlirOtistron of • Loons, Attend to the
Itenttnir Or tione
Property, Colle
. , •
of Mauls. dte.. &e.
oltuyArupr &
Are prepared to sill at 'Auition STOCKS, BONDS,
and all kinds, or SECURITIES, REAL ESTATE,
EOM/MOLD nrinirrußE.- &c., either on the
;premises or at the Bead of Trade -Room.
Particular attention paid,' as heretofore, to the
Sale of ReaEstateat private sale.
fitter a Heal neat. in the country attended.
'Mee, No. /IttIFOURTH STRERT. • oto4
rerairrAlllllfil'Foll SALE.
Yi; pm sale several of the finest rARMS ln
Westmoreland and Indiana counties, .' on "remarka
bly easy terms, so easy that any one desirous of buy
ing can purchase on thne altogether._ Call and ex
it:Una for youtself.. ,
m. • t'ETT'T,
Mitt - ;:: - • - 130 Smithfield street.
• .SA .OR RENT,-.-A • large two-stam, double
onse, c o n tain ing 10 rooms, including double par
lor; witlrmarble mantles, and all the modern Im
provements; 1 '.aore of: frond, 'filled with fruit,
trAmtgartmotfitets34unigriezzvgg, at
Tim IS one of the handsomest location/ in Allegheny
- county, and a 'good'. neighborhood. A_pply at
W. A. 4E4E0E13
,Eeal Estate . 001ce, 87 Grant
-strEet. • - inb2s
FOR - SALE & TO ; LET.-i-nonses
and Loh tor sale In all_parts orthe city and =-
orbs.. Also, WOOLEN ARMS in
_good locations.
Also, a small FACTORS . . iWith NW acres
of land, and good improvements, which I will sell
cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses
to let on good streets. te Dwelling Houses for
rent In both cities. Forrt
. faher parLicalarskingcdre
110 Grani street. üblicsite Cathedral.
200. 000 - Acn - OF
0 ies
• '
011010 E LANDS FaIk.SALV I
Union , Pacijic .4ailroad Cipmpany,
'EABTERN DryinolF..
Lying along the line of their -road, ' • '
$l,OO TO $&,00 PER ACRE,
For farther isartieulars, maps, !tr., address
:Land Commissioner; Topeka, Emmet.
anl~e •
Bit Lotds,,lifissoarl.
R "). ' En"
At No. 107 Market Street,
te kftTzi: f..11[011 1 1 Aai
AoRIASS •41I1FD• • "
. . .
8 . lionmaszi miss,
.4.nS oßtgitiTAl'LE AND !quicy:
-uO9D6. a Peat vairtetr. •
100 WOOD STREET". tr
Cues siciamersTenet,
j 1 52
re tent Stireetv,ealleirbetty . •
; • r : (tomtit &kw Liana blanond.)
:_hw China: Ware & Tabytatlery
tevaFkbt reintred n a
ant °last Am ow.aaad.: 9 fat anamixte our
irx l dg.• '‘ - - •-zr:rf
mun 1r,v,17, TIAN
Tl,2llBEltt LIIIIIIIIII4N tiritilitill
' , •i! LINEANDEICPAInagOr '
YARDS No. INlRrebletitert toriarrly3fani6rk,ter,
and Ro . .. l syßotsma,itrettiopp 9 siteftso Works,
A LLIZGIMINY. , mvirir , - -- •:'''
I 'Rotaft:,-.-041:AgOtyi :, ziinsber;
,`, ' -"_,..'-`" ' -, ' lioisis,' '
eitherbokriling,'' ,, .% o Isksk.. J .- ~ , , ,, :,i
.i ~; , i ( -..:- oiloohliosi..,__T
. jffiwber:, ,',.- tedsr. andlaorsisst• r -T- , .
th 114 Fm lt Ibi ( ',
'', Osk , sid Yellow Pine. .
,4A1004 ; CR, TUX and CLAY. AIS:o51)
-- - " - -
TP,T,:;,,, , ITl,H„EitcriF4v!F.
1 ili(lnrii, '.',;`,:,:.‘,7.,,4'.;5•qfi°:::.`
I . ;:irazintroolalWANDlVßlDGE, l !
. 7:;.,...:4- 4 . 3 .-44 1 1 : 611 r a .vA N r i s6t
• .1 - 113tif PM-initarOsel ' --,': - Ifs of
0 . 4
15 # . A --.42.:.r.1: ttlyz :1 t.
. .. i . ,4
4, 1
41 . lt :dt Affq,ll i , t
~, ~ , ..; lit , tetr: .7,14, .'s-- :, -.
pir m4 44041.
''tli ftc l V na4 r a 4444 C
• .. nr4s . u. - -c-13rzi.c-....-
'Aamv73E 3
I.IIarNIEW OPERA!' 111011810.
1 T. R. 1.0 NV
'Family Matinee. For performance. tIl
g l e a ) . " THE SERF. 4Pay• Admlfalon,l ; 1
served scats, 50 cents.
SATURDAY EVENING, the pcipillar I
Wished young actor , •
- who will appear luAls unrivalled hope
Lord Dundreary In
To conclude ;with the beautiful drama o
• •
Monday Eveninn—Edwin Forest as Rini
-- •
FRED AIMS . —_. .. '..... .... .. ... . . 41
GEO. 11.
.. DAItTON... ....... ...sia cm hfi
Remember the Grand • I
afternoon. Secure yen
I THIS 'EVENING. Is the last chance t i
Igreat ; drama Of MAZEPTA. 416P3londer
wtll appear the great danseuse, M'LLE-1
11;gF'"/! TETEIHMX,
Respectfully Informs the eltitem of
that he wilt, give
Two GRAND - coNcrast — Ts
. • AT THE , 1 •
On the 23c1 end 24th Tilt.,
Assisted by the best - Amateurs this eit.t, dby
31 . '11e EITUFF,NIE DE LCSSAN, the emlneut Soprano
of New York, who hag been engaged expres,sly for
this occasion. •
. . , On the first evening Will be perfortried
By a chorus of over Fifty Singers. and ad ¢rchestra
of twenty-Hre pieces. MLLE DE LV6 JIIN
Will sing the Soprano part. •
On the second evening will be , siven ara cellane
ens concert, in which Bl'lle DE LUSSAN4riII sing
English, Italian and French gems.
Secure d
Admittance to Pnrquette and Dress OirCl6 $1,00;
seats, 111.215, Subscription to both concerts
.02,00, with secured seats. Gallery and Fistaily Cir
cle 50 cents. The sale' of season tickets !Will begin
on Monday - , the 20th; at 9 o'clock, at Messrs.
KEEBER & 11110.. 122 Wood street. Tlle sale of'
tickets for either evening will begin at the same
place and same hoar on Tuesday, Alst.t
Doors open at 73.5 o'clock; Concert to Ommence
at 8 o'clock.`-
Comprising Worms OF ART 'and GRE I IT NAT
AT FitAmmaraw HALL,
Fifth street, opposite Pittsburgh Thei re. •
Cards of Admission, 25 cents. Doors alien from
8 o'clotk at. to 10 .1 ,P8:018
Office in Franklln'Savhalm Bank
No. 43 Ohio fit , ;AlJeWho- dingSt
A - HONE CO3tPANIC, managed by Direc rs welt
known to the community . who trust by fatr dealing
to merit a share of your patronage.
HENRY Utlairiti . .
ePrelk ] I
tit lat.
. DIREcTo.4s: ,
He Irwin. D.L.' Patterson, !Henry 13' 1g.,.
Geo. R. Riddle, Jacob Franz, lOottlelb F . .
Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, !Jacob Bush
W. H. Stewart, Ch. P. Whiston, Joseph Orilg,
Jos. Lantner, H. J. Zinkand. Jeremtalt,,Rohen.
1, 1
I• • 1
Office, in ALLEGHENY TRUST - C 3 1
w. W. MARTIN, PrZent.
JAS. E. STEVENSON, Secretory. 1 ,
A. H. English, 'O.H .P.NVELlisans Jno. ThO peon,
Jno. A. Myler, /Jets, Lockhart, Joe. M_yerb,
Jas. L.. Graham, Robt, Lea, - C. C. Boyle,
Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gent, ' Jacob Hop ..
(_ .
Wat. P. 'RERBERT Secretary.
OfficeCAPT. GEORGE NEELD.. General Agen . i
, 82 Water street, Spang & Co.'s Zi r t
i r n e- ;
house,, up stairs, Pittsbursch. ' . .
Will lezure against all kindi of Fire and e
' Rlaks. A home Institution, managed by DI
who are well known to the community. and w o are
determined by promptness and liberality to main
the character which they have assumed, las of. ,
tiring the best protection to those who desire lto be
Alexander Nlmirk, John R. McCune,
R. Miller, Jr., Chu. J. Clarke,
James:McAuley. • 'William 8. Evanit,
Alexander Speer. ; Joseph Kirkpatrick
Andrew Ackleu. Phillip_Reyiner 1
David Di. Long, Wni. - ltlorrison,. :
D. Ihmsen: ; . -
Thls is .a Home Company, and insures againti
by Fire exclusively.
• LEONARD WALTER, President.
C. C. BOYLE, Vice President.
HUGH kIeKLHENY, Secret ary.
Le Wailer.
.Georgg_Wlison. i
C. C. Boyle. . Geo: w. Evans. i
Robert Patrick, J. C. Lappe., ,
Jacob Painter, J. C. Plelner, I
Josiah King. ' - John Voegtley, • ;
Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon.
Henry Bpronl..
OFFICE, 433 a ST.,, NEAR' •
Chitties M. Bancker, Mordecai H. Louth
Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, ~
Samuel (irant„ swarda,
Jacob B. Smith • EdC. Dale, ; .
IF eorge W. RkSarda, Worm Pales. • •
CHARLES G. BAN President.
EDW. - O. DALE, Vice President.
-W. C..STEELE, Secretary prn tern..
.'. J. GARDNER cornx, MIMI'.
• North West corner Third and Wood Streets.
iniglres against WY/Linda of Fire end Marine .
JOHN IRWIN, ill, President.
JOHN D. McCORD,, Vice president.
C. G. DONNELL. Secretary.
CAPT. WM. DEAN, General Agent.
W. R. Everson,. .
Robert H. Davis,
yveneis Sellers,
Capt. J. T. Stockdate .
Jobe Irwin, Jr.,
Joan D. McCord.
0. G. Hussey.
Harvey Cblldi •
'r• Hositlxu4ni;
CbStiet - Ualir z "
pf A t c pgip: , INSI7B4NCE CON.
~catrxtsr Jr. E. WESER WOOD & FIFTHd
A Horne Company; eakinirFire and Marine
Ph/116:110foot n bti rniv e o rcmw!4— I
WM. Phlll4s, , .
John Watt,
John Z. Parks.
Capt. James Miller;
Wm.' Van Kirk;
ames D. Verner ipi s
• Wak.)PRILL Pi
JOlint WATT ca
W. F. IeARD.
CAM: Ift JAS. •
HATB 7 49n)
stsurct tioOns.,
and Caps,
`,..wapho4 DAILY, AT .
, arCoRD & 00.154
; 13i WOOD Emu um
14 1 3 1 11 4 131 14
, it•
C 63 smalsatismt
)tirjoralk. ctialseilkM) PIM% ,
• gaamagn
1_ t_ ' • af4 . me.
42 - 44 - fl • J t - ti giamissi,l
~., ~~
lb. Grand
AS emits.
ad accom -
`otiltion or
r Bette.
o nee the
ig I
1-7 I