The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 18, 1868, Image 3
latterilif -Tea Closed I Cl;ed7d-1313@138%. to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Nsw YORE, April 17, 1868. MONEY AND GOLD. arket quite ,stringent early in 7 per cent. goldf but 'became ? afternoon at 7 per cent. cur all loans, closing steady at that counts continue heavy at B®lo fterling &shade firmer, at 109% 1, for prime bills. Gold firmer, 113835, advanced to 138%, and iy at 138®13835. • , oovErumssls ' " lady and lxieame stiontrand a in the afterticio_ and closed not verrective'..-IHetry ; 'ClaWilii ish thelinnated 4 4lBo`quotation& 881, 112@1125f1 "do.: ''f24 64, 109®109%; do. J 65 , 1409,0) 107%@107g; de; 'B7, lomsat. f11%©111%; 7-303, 1 406®10635. ay market Openect.heaVily with to 74% and Central to ION; loroportion increased. The de i occasioned by the rise of 2(g13 lad thereafter the market con -3 and strong to the close of the dvance is marked through the Some heavy contracts in New ral were covered to-day, which :whole,. market. It is. believed 7 over, and this induces consid ilde purchase of stock. • *lug were the closing prices at atit0n..46%@46%; Cumberland Canton Riress 59%05934 '`•WelL . 4 Hem 57 ( 59; United Stii6:sB® luta Union 31/®31 1 ,4• QutokitilL 2755; Mariposa 6; Pi;eific Mail Intic 30i.32; New York Central I‘; Erie 67; .Hudson 124%®125; W®87 1 %; Ohio and Mississippi Wabash 47%®48;_ Saint • Paul 1 1 dopreferred 71%®72; Michigan 117%; Michigan Central 113%1 trail 143; ..Pittsburgh 86,0i1g 101%022; Rock Island 88%® awestern;6l®63; .do preferred .71 Jayne L 01%; Hartford and Erie Cleveland and Aahtabula 99; lad St. .yoseph 27; do preferred ?ris 863.: New Tennessee 6635; ?nes Company 66 1 ,. ,; MINING SHARES. hares dull; Quartz Hill 86®88; 0; Wallkill 20. pt-TREASURY RECEIPTS. .sub -Treasury $1,345,010; pay ;28,806; balance $102,951,424. • . Chicago- Market. ph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ?; Apiil 17:—Flonr Is firm with • !mand for eastern account prices • naterial change. Wheat is in dative demarfd and2a3Mc higher; ' iat $2,12a2,18; No. 2at f2,02a2,04% •• • lout change; the market was fir . • sales at 32,04%112,04r e Corn„is • re and lal3ic higher; 85a85% for :82y,c for No. 2, and 82%c tor new; is p. m...the market was firmer . I at 8464360 for No. 1, and 8234 a •'•• 'Lew. Oats, firmer and higher . • . '‘lo34c; closing at the • inside : • ;yo is firm at t170a1,78a. Barley :35a2,40. - .Provisions quiet; sales of •t at 4128,25a26,40; holders are ask , 1 I 'le prices. Beef hams firm but • i*,. , • ~ 14. Nothing doing in bulk meats. tive at lfly,al7c. Sugar pickled i emand at 183.4a183;c, Hogs firm for inferior to good. Receipts . • • • • •-• 1s flour; 12,900 bush wheat; 181,26 e ~,,1,600 do oats; 3,510 hogs. Ship ' bbls flour; 33,720 bush wheat; corn; 6,999 do oats; 3 3 352 hogs. • •!steady and • firm at 10c for corn ,• , 34)t wheat tiilligrald. , • MB St. Lents Market. Oh to the Pittabergti Gazette.] ,; ;is, April 17.—Tobacco steady and • d; bright leaf in request and none ~. rward. In Cotton there is noth .• Flour steady and unchanged; ran • 17®8,25; extra $8,500,8,75; double 21; treble extra - to fancy 111,80 • hbat—choice fall stiff at 12,65® g s@2oc lower , ranging tit 42,,02© heavy at , 86@9&'. ' Oats in better d higher' at: 70®72c. • ' 'Barley' .'f,2,6o@2,6sfor'prline 'spiting. • Bye 1,70®1,75. - Perk' 4aniet at qpnigar,s9, .[ for heavy. , 't Bacon's:lna - tit 1`30.. for `s; 170 for clear sides. Lard quiet , • x tierce; 18c for keg and can. .' farce and higher at 82,20. Cattle •-i 5®334c gross. Sheep 113@;8 per • : gpts—Four 1,500 bbls, wheat •. corn 22,400 bu, oats 22,000 bn, ' /AI bu, rye 350 be. • . . ME Chichmiti ph to the rfitilhymfh asiette:3 *NATI, Apiilit—Froi4,Arnit arldiXl t full rates; of family at $11; ; vaned to $2,60 faiNo.l, and, light Corn in moderate demand 85. dy at 76. Rye scarce and firm at rley dull and prices nominal. Cot ! and nominal sales at 29 for mid -0 obacco In steady demand, sales at 68@8,80 for lugs and $11®21,50 Provisions dull; .nothing.done and minal. Mess Pork offeretat.ll26,- i - Meats at-12®14,5t - for Shoulders • ‘. Bacon. 13,16 :and 17 for shoul ar rib and-clear sides. z Lard sold ted 17. r Butter firm at 45 , eeso 15 ®l6 and firm. Coffee 21® inseed Oil dull at $1,14. Petroleum r Refined free. Gold 13814 buying. BE Cleveland Market. raph to the Plttaborgh Gazette.] LAND, April 17.—Flow quiet and : c ed, with amoderate demand; held s: double extra tipr*g .$10®11,50; : xtra winter :$11;60@l3,50; .donble hlte -$13@10,50:75 4 7heat :quiet - but ' es No 1 ied- :whiter :.reported:-at No 2 red, and $2,35®2,44) for No 1; . $2,35. Corn in fair demand and r.. es at 95c for No. 1 shelled in store, for June delivery, sellers' option: lat 03®94e on track. Oats firm and ed, at 76e for No 1 State from store. sales. Barley nominal. Petrolenun ) mer; held at $3,80 @Mit); refined 21®22e for bonded,. and Bloardile for . { .JCS • •:: Toledo Market; graph to the Pittabwrith Gazette.) MEM . • ~.April 17:FloUr.:L-recelpts, '3,299 f einn e market is eittiet - Wheat—receipts; ' sh; sales of white Michigan at 0,99; 32,61. Corn—receipts , 15,717 bush; ket opened dull; sales of No 1 at 90c; er; sales of Michigan at 90K,g; dichigan at 90c, for No 1; sellers for at 91c. Oats—receipta, 9,068 bush; rket is lc lower; sales .of -Michigan NO 2 Michigan at t66m Rye—sales rior at 6460. - Barley.4eceipts,-1535 , . he market is . :seeds :dull.. ons—sales of mess pork , . at: tdB,so@ Hatlall, /534 e. -• 1 :, t - ,',. . . .4: graph•to the Pittabantliassette., AUXEE, April 17. Flour quiet and $10,75 for winter " skin; and SAVO or spring extras, s7,7s@i4ls4er sit.. ~ Wheat unsitUledg- and , tither ' a 2,12, no winter,".s2,l4%Torr , tatirinier 04(2,05,'•, and. , no; sunimek , itieelpll4. Live and highest 600 , 50103.f0r 1 14 W. . re. Corn searetri &AMU:rat lido for elled. Reeelpta-4 BnjWil3,4oobarridsi 12,000 bushels; z oidlVo,ooo bushel's; 3,000 bushels .' Shipment's-2,200 bar flou of r; 12,100 bushels of wheat, 14,000 s oats. - • Baltimore Market. egraph to the Pittaborgh,Gmetted • XIMORE, Ap glonrjuoaciy and demand '4 •• W, , -• ,aaytinee m; Pennsy • ! ' • 1 . do., _ . • 4! , 1,11@1,13; yof :$ t 85 0 90 - • •I 7 Ei - Nei?: Vork Dry Goods Market. LB,' Telegraph to the Pittetnitih Gitzetti.) NEW Yomr, April 17.-The dr7 goods market still rema in s quiet, vet pnees gen erally will sustain. Heavy sheefings of the best makes bring 18)4a19c. Cabot A. 17%c. Dwight Q 17c do 2 15.54 c. Portsmouth heavy. at 15c. Bedford R 1030. New York Mills, BlciuShed 3fuslins 29830 c. 2Kasonville- 250 1. Arkwrlght W T. 20c. Hills 19c. "Atasonville 2.0 c, and Portsmouth B 714 c. Laennia Brown drills now bring 17IAc, but - ether good makes are '-' steady - at ..17chi' other styles of cottons , there is no particular' change except in canton fisamela - which are rather firmer. Laconia command -21 c and Elertion N bleached , W. ' • - ILou!trville Distxl;et, By Telegraph to the rittatiurgli tiaiette:3 LOUISVILLE, April 17. 7 -Sales .132 blid)3 tobacco lugs at f 5 ®7;25; eon:meat° medium leaf, 87,60@114; cutting leaf, V5,341@2'7,50: Buller flour steady at IsAtfaney‘ll24gl2,6o; Wheat. s2,s6.cormin 'bulk, 88o; ear, 95e. Oats, 76e; • COttotOdilll at 214 29%e.liye, V. • Mem pork, .:f27i 'Bulk meats-aboulders, 12)4%am:sides; 16Xe. , Bacori—Shouldem 1401®L33fer, clear sides, 175!,,e; hams, 1134C419,14e.Packed lard; flames, 17Xe. .Whisky, free ," . , Phliadelildsk )ffiir!cet. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) PHILADELPHIA, April IL.— Petroleum eriade Isxc, do. in bplk at' refined 25a25Xc. Provittitina less and firm, Mesa .Pork V.8a%,75. Laid 18c. Flotir quiet and ateady. Wheat advancing, • red 95,. Rye 1%95. - Corn fin Settled, yellow 51,22, mixed western 51,22. Oats steady at )3.5e for heavy, western, •• and 90a9.343 for Southern. • - IMPORTS BY RAILROAD; PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, Aprill6. , --23 ears metal, Bryan dr, Canghey; Ido do Robinson, Rea & Co; 363 boohoos, 0 Ihrilsen.dt Co; 6 bageheese, 2 do butter, W H Kirkpatrick dr. Co; 25 bits cheese, J S Dilworth .dt Co; car,, barley, Spencer it, MeKay; 270 boo, cheese,;.Ar buckles &, Co; 100 bbls flour,: tieghniyei Voskamp; -100 do do, - owner; 100 . do do; S B Floyd; 4 hhdo tobacxi,. J Murtlimd; Ido do, A Schaub; 1 do do, M HOI; 3 tabs but= ter, Graff& Reiter; 1 ear ha y 4 H 'Rea Jr; 18 bgs rags, Markle & Co; 50 bbls grease, F Sellers & Co; 12 pkgs: brooms, S Lindsay W Jr & Co; 46 ska rye, J. Meek; 8 sks raga, Pittsburgh Paper Co; , 1 car bran, J Dor rington; 1 car bulk meat, W B Hays it Son; 275 pigs lead,. ,Ikikinvell. Peais & Co; 100 bbls flour, Shomaker & Lang. Antataiterrr VALLEY RAILROAD. April 17-2 ears liniestone Shoenberger & Blair; 3 cars pig iron,H WOodsides; 8 cars railroad iron, Pitts Ft W &Chicago It R; 1 ' tar - fire brick, Johnston, Taylor * . Co; 1 bbl eggs, 1' bx butter, J Sohl; 1 bbl eggs, .1 bx i but - tar p :l! vf Blum; 'MA eggs, 1 firkin butter, J Kem - ple; 10 wheat, Scott * (sisal ; 8 calves, 3 sheep, J offman; 2. bbls,egg.s, 1 keg; do, P &. M Rain; 1 ek mdse, F Sellors & Co; 2 bbl eggs, T C Jenkins; 2 do do, H Rea; 2 do do, I.tix butter; 3 Stoops; 2 bbls eeggggsa ,, S Stevens 1 bbl eg, gs, 1 bx butter, T White; 7 sks rye., W J Meek; 7do do, Scott & Gisal; 3 cars marketing, owners. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD, April 17.-6 bbls eggs;-2 pkgs butter,J Pe tare; 34 jugs maple 'Molasses, McKnight & Smith; 1 UN bggs, Kell ct Rltchart; 69 bags oats, 12 do rye, Brown & Williams; 274 sks corn, 15 do potatoes, J Christian; 6 bbls rye,t 10 do apples, Graff & Reiter; 93 bags corn, Hitchcock, McCreary & Co; SO bbls oil, Bly & Pinkerton; 4 cars. metal,ATnied Iron Mills; 9do ore, 'Shoenberger & Blair; 3do do, Rees, Gruff & Dull; 1 do do, Bryan & Caughey; 100 bbls lime, L H CarbeSh; 13 pkgs tobacco, E Magraw; 211' bbls flour, filiomaker.dc Lang; 50 bids oil, Win PITTS:BUDGE COLDEIBUS AND CINCINNATI RAlLltaktoi April 17,-50 him , starch, Head &, Metzger; 30 bra hope, Arbuckles & Co; 50 :cgs white lead, J C Mitchell; 15 pkgs pro-duce, E Smith; 100 bbls flour, C B Leech; 1 car corn, Brown dr, Williams; 2 cars staves, W Smith; 1 car_ oats, J W Simpson; 7 sks corn, 5 do barley, McHenry & Hood; libbls eggs, 2hf bbls butter; W H Graft pkgs, Jas Mills & Son; 38 do do;"fr3 Ew ar t & Co; 22 bbls dried peaches and apples, Sha: maker & taag; 7do do, S P Shrheriric ICT 4 ialls leather, G N Hoffstott A , Co; 3 bias eggs, Voight, Mahood & Co; 1 car scrap iron, Hees,, Graff & Dull. ALIXONENT STATION, April 17.-1 bbl eggs, 10' do' whisky It &A Carson; 6irs limestone, Superior Iron Co; 750 bgs barley Smith do Co; 38 bgs rye, Stewart at Langan helm; 13 kegs nails,. Monroe, Hamilton & Co; 13 hides, 2 bbls - tallow, `J Ltiekraft; I. hhd tobacco. B & Vir Jenkinson; lf barrels crackers, J Kohen & 41:554 doilp Me, Aber; 2 do eggs, J Lonipkore; 5 do do, H Lawry 125 bgs oats, 12 do seed, F Owens; 2 cars wheat, IT McKee & Co; 228 bags. 'oats, J B McKee & Co. •• . • • • • • Pankesrivalw • CENTRAL RAILROAD, Abril 16-1 bbl tallow, 1 kg lard, Voight, Mahood & Co; 4 sks rage, T Jenkins; 10 do do, Vangorder & lidepard; 1 car barley, D Wallace; 20 kgs Graff, Bennett & Co; 5 bas tobacco, J A Jacobs. • Prrrsinntpkw AND CoNwerzeinmr. - ArtattrAb,PApril 16-6 eke corn 8 do, bran, H B Goe; 150 bdls paper _; 3,•pjFg M seed, D• S Wrightfl bbl dry, 'RP; p_ WZight;. bbl dry appleS,B P Shrivel. Co; 46 bffla paper. Markle &.,Co; 6 aka scraps, A Hooveler & Co. `-• • • • RIVER NEWS. Both rivers were again rising yesterday with twelve feet six inches in the Alla gheny; and abant eleven and a half in the Monongahela.— The weather yesterday: was with o cca s ion a l. s • ahowers of rain: • • , Advices from tbe headwaters of the Alle gheny report as follow:. Oil pity—five feet: nine 'inches and - falling; - weather cloudy , and warms Tidloute—forty-six inches and falling; • weather getting colder. The arrivals since our last include 'the Bayard, from Paritersbfirg; St. Charles, fcom • Cincinnati, and -Lebrena, from St. Louis. The Alice.Y, .was due from St. 'Louis last night, and will qubtless be found in port this morning. . • • ' • The St. - Charles, for Cincinnati, and Robt. lfoore, for • 'Portsmouth, constitute the departures. _The-St. Charles, we' pre t+ - stun, wo•ptid not 'get out until after dark, as she 'would be .' unable to get her freight on board before that time. • • The it. C. Gray,' Capt. Anderson, is , tilling up steadily for Cincinnati and Louis ville. The Grey receipt , freight, through to Memphis and New . Orleans:, ' • The grey Eagle, Captain Jirennan • is the: regular packet for Parkersburg, to-day, leaving promptly at noon. • • The Importer, Captala ` Williams, will positively takeher departure.for. St. Louis and Fort Benton to l day, and ,• the Silver.. Lake; Capt. - Todd; is also 'announced to leave for! the-'same , points this' evening. These beats ' both. connected lirithi the ulteeCline," and . are in slirespects well • sdapted'for the long; oyage, thiyure about. to undertake._ The Danigh; and Mary tiliVW and ages, Capt. :Cam pbell, `mill be die Alit boats to leave for St, Louis. :i t 'ha rt lellifribilieni:will receipt freight to all pn tlid,l4per Missisidppl, eniipt36: ullartlkern Line.": The Xaeii - 2:o4iti,is on the dock 'repairs.: It exPecteditioxt sly). ; I ;Ki. Pa sometime next. week. - ' Wo have no farther detains in regard to the sinking of the Carrie:. . The. Spray Is to besold at.. Marshal's sale - at 'Cineinnatton i Monday; next. . , Capt. Llenry:Bliller; of ' pnrchase4 muSf Otthe Bratellea, atia. =alter:. itV;the Siete :N°llo.4adNalfh trade. • - 0 4°01012401941 1 1 rtttattySt• Ueda Ur. ,PitleberabOMet tWedneeds3a abeleatecifziraa tan .forAteedgazw, vlile; toatlattlflB metal• 5110. bp* mandif 7'. • • . _ . • . PITTSBURGH 468' bko rollifeed, 206 tible ttouiratid 30 tons °laundries; ler this port.. • . The Ida Rees and Glasgow left _Louis-, Ville on:Wednesday; en routeforSt. Louis. ThaNewlrork wash) 'have l'eft Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Wednesday night. A St. Louis telegram, under date of Wednesday, says: The Silver Cloud, from Debuque:yeaterday, loaded to the guards With t. ;Louis, New - Orleans, ;and Ohio river freightyleaves to-morrow for litts, burgh. - Armenia lift last evening for Pittsburgh; will have a fall- load;haviiig • eng,tigementstelow here. . • A late 'Cincinnati paper says: The pur ehasers of - the Leonora No. 2, which b oa t was sold: at Marshal's sale, a few- days wince, after., . posing over_ their check for the amount of purclase - money and receiv idg :bin' or- sale, proceeded to take pease* , slon,•but found the ;Sheriff had a man In. , charge,•. who informed them that he had been:VCaptain" for' Seventy-seven days •aadrilkt:'not relish:the idea et being dis charged. i•Thie not meeting the views of the owners, they stopped payment of the check until matters were •satNfactorily ad- The depot quartermaster, at St. Louis, in iitesProponls'for the transportation of 382 tons of grain to Fort Sully, 87 tons to Fort' Rimy , and 564 . t0ns to Fort Thomson. Thhi is aprettygood opening for those steamers of thaUlAtllitain fleet that have abandoned the idea ofgoing to Fort Benton.. , The Lordaville Courier says: Since fast runs'are in vogue we can cite the best coal run if northe biggest on record. The tug toWboat,Dick Fulton No. 3, Captain W. S. Packer,,niade- the trip from this port to, NeW - Orleans, in sevea days and twenty three hours, with a Beet of • barges contain ing 7,500 ton's of coal. Thls -was. a feat in the towing line- hard to beat. The pilots were Barrett &Taylor: ; • • - • Captain T. O. Sweeney writes to J. Cun ningham &Co„ of. Cincinnati, that he has conch:Wed to run the Bt. Marys. as weekly packet bet Ween Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, leaving there , Friday evening, and Pittsburgh every Monday eve:ling. She ;will beaLere taleave; Friday of next week. The St. Louis Republican, of Wednesday, says:: ,Capa W 8. , Hulett left yesterday for Pittsburgh, and as he has abandoned the idea of establishing a line of boats to the moon, Niiti . .pot go : by Madison to Louis- WECUM NOTICES. igrINANIDNID AND 1111E'VIGOR • , •OF YOUTH restored in four weeks. Suc cess, guaranteed... DR, -EIOORD'S . ESSENCE OF LIFE mg:totes manly Powers, from whatever cause u.ising; the effects of early pernicious habits, self abuse. impotency And climate give way at once to this wonderful medicine if taken regularly accord- Mg to this directions (which are very simple and re quire no restraint from business or pleasure.) Fail ore is impossible; Sold in bottles at 13, or four quantities - in one for WEL To be had only of the sole appointed agent in Ame.ica, H. GERITZEN, '205 lieoond-Aventre. New - York. . feZ:ll34:va's rgr PHILOSOPHY OF ' MAR.. RIAGE, a New Course of Lectures; as de livered at the New York Museum of Anatomy, em bracing the subjects: How to live and what to live ,Iltr; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood gener ally reviewed; the cause of - indigestion, flatulence and nervous diseases accounted for; Marriage Philo sophically considered,' &e. - - rocket volumes ,containing these lectures will be forwarded to parties unable to attend, on receipt of 'four stamps.. by addressing: SECRETARY, New York Museum of Anatomy and Science, 618 Broad. way, New York. feV3:l&r•r•ru.•s rJrMARRIAGE AND CELIBACY. • —An Essay fotroung 3len'on the • Crime Of Solitude, and.the - DISEASES and ABUSES which ' create impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent ilk sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address De. 4. SKILLIN HOUGH TON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, renn'sa ORDINANCES. A N:ORDEVANCE to prevent the standing of Wagons on the streets. bEC. 1 Be ft ordained and enacted by Me Select and Common Councils of the City or Allegheny, and it is herd% enacieit'irli atttitoritY of the same That Section 23d, Page ./38, Chapter 13, _City Code, i be and It Is hereby amended by st rlking out the words "within theDlamond Square during Market hours " and by the addition of-the following Drovlso: sided that the Intgous Of farmers and others attend tug Tdatket that cannot be accommodated elsewhere shall be pemitted, to, remain in the - First Ward Square of the Diamond during market hours." Ordained andeusetel Into a law this the 9th day r April, A.D. ' • • • J A ES ".' President of Select Council. J. S. SLAGLE. • . . President of Common Connell. D. il'Acrsknox,Clerk ofSeleet CounelL • • --- D. DILWOItTEI. Clerk of Common Counetll arile A RESOLVTIOS: • ~/teioistd, That the Water Committee be and they are hereby authorized to make such estenslons of water vise as they may deem proper led eXpedi ent throughout the, city. as now: eonstituted ander theset Of consolidation: and also to make such tar.; pairs and Improvements to the present water works as ;bey may deem needfUl-mayments fbr . the 'same to be made out of proceeds of the Water Itztznsion Loan „Bonds( now authorized to be teemed by , ordi nance, "and' the Water Committee are hereby ern- , powered to certify for said payments In their usual :manner., InCounells, this -.l4th day of April, A. D. 1868, read three times and passed • • • - - JAMES~fCAI LEY, '' President of Select. Council.. Attest: E. s. Monnovr, Clerk of Select no - • W. A. TOMLINSON. President of Common Council.,. Ef Aiteit: uonMalAwrzn. '• • - • Clerk of Common Council. • . apleioad N , ORDINANCE A • AIITIIOIIIZING TIIE Grading., Paving and Carbingof Green , ll* !Street, from Try Street to Iron it ,iidatnedand enacted by the City 4, 'POfirburgh, in Retest and Common Councils assem- Died, pad it is hereby enacted by the "atdhoritgof the same,. That the .City Engineer be and ho is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for proposals 'forthe grading, paving and curbing of Greet:relish street, ' fr om Iron alley, Eighth ward,- and to let the same In the manner directed. ordinance concerning , streets, Missed - Angtist 31st,' isittralso* en Act concerning streetfiaPPNT9d'4•4 - nary Bth, . • . _ • . Sac. 2. That any ordinance or ti tart of ordinance onflicting with tbe.passage of t ordinancent the ' present time 'be and the Seine is hereby repe ll ed so far as the satin" effects this ordinance. .• . ' Ordained and enacted into a lag in.Counclis, this oth day of April, A. D. 1880.. • • ' • JAMS, AIeAUL President of Select ouneu. Attest: E. es. lioienow, • • . • • • • 'Cferk of Select Council W. A. TOMLIN' ON, President of Common 'outwit. Attest: Aucm IfcMAsTEn, • Clerk of Common COII2IC/1 . .. - ... . ' , VEGA 14.....:. . r i THE DISTRICT.. COURT OF THE UNITED STATES,' FOR THE • WEST , ' N DISTRICT OF PENNSyLVANIA. • 'United States - • ~ 16 b#arrela Whiskey, I'lio. 39; lia L y Te: ,1808., ) ril - or High Wince. .: = ' ' • ' , Notice isterebrgirento all persons claiming the said 18 Barrels : of. Whiskey or High Wines that' they be and appear before the said Court on the 18th' day of Apriß. - A . . ID 1888, at 11 Wilma Ai.. st. of that day, their:and there to make answer Jo. the premises and intervene for their respective' inter = . eats and make their a ll egations' In that behalf. , , ...!.; ' nixm "' - A ;Ala ' 4rficrs.A. . . TY,' U: S;ridial. - 31arlhars °Sloe, .314fith,,1868. ,„ ~ • ' ap7:o2t IN THE ,ORPHANP", COURT .OF ' 'ALLEGIrENY COUNTY, o.,(llMarch Zerni„ . tRI. In , the mattek Of-the account , of ROBERT: -ROBB, Eso... Executor, of sb4 estate/ bf "TIMER. ICE AMSCHEI.MAN, deo'd. , , _ April Ist,' M3OB, C. ILASl3ROCCK,'Esq.,itppolnt est:Auditor,- te:andit and - 41harthute theintoneytout report upon the exceptions Mee. . ,• -/ TOE trOUßms Front the Record • • - ; • HlLAnotii 4if4ika) iie N s o o t r lee th is e s h b ere ine by a girt t 'thist I *ill 'atte4d ttie Fouri s tree P g rn h e 12 . t o'u a !Erik% jj /PA N o : 15 1 9th. 1869. at Al o'clock h d ' 3IA 9 partirs!nter , este d I I As d.: l3 , 114 ‘ ..• Pittabargh.Aprlll3; isgs • uditor. a • I , • splite36:l4 NuoiricE.—wh • reasi: Lettert . 'tot Admirdstnition ='the/ sitatC +POMP USK, doceased, late of the Seventh ward, -Pittsburgh,. having been granted to thesubscriber, nu persons tndebtedlto the aald Estate &remit/Med to Make Immediate payment, and these havirtenhatuf :I oipasist the mute present thath; dor IntbentleaT , led, ler Seettleinent tO the nudeistgried. • • / .;MUO. , 4O3AVP:I4tPRr; DAMAS LITT& ' 2 . • • ,JOAN ttomnwriuns, , i1:i; -1 -- dnistrators.r f. Fffl - Apgriplo. l ., - - -,4tt .______4'llls MOT of 14 --- )11(Ne! 40 „-, ervirmaoss '-' As amnion, •t '' "ill '" ""”" - "'. jvbelikerm; O. rt4t i o iren c iAdooleci- Vnea -p i wi rt,ROMT 4 ail.lir ~..., . ft hitt. .Stit, oii: • UUldaW)bli CM Fffilir mg.. - .3 ',.'l. '7"IYAR; ..,alir, CM i).:,,1 ttl., 101 VI •LlialMairiliitOttlelitTighergaga . ALLEGHErr. n!MIRMIA a .IfizoGS STEIiMiMATS. VIM FORT BENTON . . - AND THE kA-Orx• REES FAST LINE. _ - The Elpletutici Light Drau g ht su s , a , IMPORTER J. A.k.WitasAlas, M er. SILVER LASE . . SPEIIAL NoTica.Tbe IMPORTE'R Will leave THIS DAY, and the SILVER LASE lellEfolltwtn For freight or passage, apply on board, or to SLACK &. coiraNawoim, mh2B Pr irl4 / I F RGH - 9 WHEELING, Marietta and Parkersburg e. Leave Company's Wharfboat, foot of Wood str et, •• '- • DAILY, at is M. '; MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS, J. N. McCULLOUGH GEO. D. Moons, Master TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. BAYARD A. S. SIIMPLIERD, Master WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. GREY EAGLE ' C. L. Bitiontalv, Master Freight will be received at all boars by' spa JAMES COLLINS, Agent. qINCINNALTI PACILET.s i dOk —FOR -WHEELING, MARIET PARKERSBUROt POMEROY, ALLIPOLIS, BI SANDY, IRONTON, PORTSMOUTH, MAYS VILLE AND CINOINNATL—The elegant side wheel passenger steamer ST. CHARLES, C. A. ,DRANO, Commander; A. ROBINSON, Jr., Clerk, LEAVES EVERY FRIDAY, at 12 s.. Connecting at Cincinnati with Packets and Rail made to Louisville, Nashville, Memphis New Or leans and St. Louis. Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. ._ Freights:or passengers receipted through either by rail or river. • : Especial attention given to orders and Way Business. - CRAB. BARNES, JAS. COLLINS. Or, GORIEST Zs lIASLETT, = • Agents my2S A LLEGRENY RIVER m 4 4=14 AM PACKET LINE leaves every RIVER ' ,TIIESDAY, THURSDAY AND.SATURDAY, At '3o:clock P. If., from the foot of Irwin street This line is composed of the folldwing boats: IDA REES No. 2, R. Itr.r.s, Master, W. F. Sum /Orr, Clerk. ECHO No. 3, E. Gonnoir, Master, A. D. RVS- SELL, Clerk. The above Boats were built etpreealy for the trade, have superior accommodations and attentive oill- EXPRESS LiNE,---ros si dE ri t ST. PUAL, MINNEAPOLIS, LANDING, LA CROSSE, GALENA, DU BUQUE, ROCK ISLAND, DAVENPORT AND BURLINGTON. THIS DAY-10 A. at . Theaplendld passenger steamer 3IAGGIE HAYS, R. C. MARTIN, Commander. J. I'. ,Dna.vo, Clerk, will. leave for above and alt intermalate points as announced. . For freight or wisLia:c a .. ly on board; r to . . g . OR EVANSIVILLE, A gr il a F. CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. THIS DA:Y, APRIL glith The fine steamer BELLEVERNON, Captain J. J. DAnnusit, will leave u above announced, and will receipt freight through to St. Paul on the Upper honneetiun with the t "Northern Line racket Lompt or pany. Yor freighassage_apply on imUrd or to (lIIRIESTATIASLETT. Agents. FOR - CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. • THIS DAY--4 P. M. The A No. 1 Freight steamer R. C. GRAY, W. B. ANDERSON, Commander, will leave as announced above. The R 4 C. Gray will give through receipts fOi'MOMphial ar New Orleans. . . For freight o passage applt on board or to • FLACK & •OLLINGWOOD, Or GHUIEBT & HAS.ETT, spit , - Agents. EGULAS WEDIOFES-jaar i e DAY PACKET WOE' CANCLN A I:-The Ana stcauncr . - . • ARGOSY. W:11 - .1coll,_ !mo o. BARN Pittir Es. natiovery WEDNASDAF at noon. • JAS. COLLINS, Agents. • JOHN FLACK. -•-• R ST. LOUIS. zi k t : =6 . yuggDA.r, snit The steamer. PIARY• DAVAGE Cnt.' 11. CAMPBELL. will lASVC as above announced. por freight or namageApplton' bogie or to' 017 BARNES, Agent. COMMISSION ~* ' - ` 611:11 '' STELE & MOW • . Conintistium me:vaunts, . , Amp inymuis IX 45111 , A.1N D VEXED. &o. No. 95 OHIO STEM, nut Hut Celconon, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. - JAZZA B. lIMANOII Jos, UUCP= , 'Wea c NOR & smairat, mom; GRAIN AND PRODUCE CO3IIII3ISSIONarEIRCVLANTS 3Ati LIBERTY STREET; PITTSBURGIL! Consignments' solicited. _ Bassueseta , -,1. G. Martin, Cashier Mecbanlca , 'National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., U. T. Kan. nady & Bro. _ja31:124 PETE7IJAS. R. HICILMII. ..-- KEIL at. RICELCAT, 601v11011510N 'MERCHANTS, A2IDDILAIJEFIS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEED,S,•MILL FEED, 'dte.'„ de., 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, mr24:1)37 L.J. nPANOBARD , Wholesale and Retail Grocers, spumes lip, 300 PENN: W STRE.. ALEX/ H`DANE . / ' J. IL ANJER. McBANE & AINJER, •. - -. • • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealer's In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY,, . No. 141. WATER STREET, above Smithdeld Pittsburgh. ~ . . . . ,ims: tETZER & ARMSTRONG, r oswAßDttle 3D ooitionsawNnuonerrs, 'For the eale of Flour, Grain, BitgCll2l,: Lard, Butter Seeds. Dried ,FrultA and' Prodded generally. Nod 1 d 31,ARKET STII 3 EET, corner of Flut, C=l Sdoles: 1n • Groo a tirI LA N. l'fonit:l4 4 , 1) 1 1 . e" ducei• TrovislonsifSlehi:. cb e eese,:flalti Carbon Ol►, tto.,, MI. and 174 .WVOD 'STREW near Liberty intact, Pittaburalwra. " uo ji mss . . . _ . J 0 ttnv u 'noun JOHN' ' HOll IEI &1101108. - , - cehions to" JOHN I. /1011 SE & 'Whol e s a l e room.* and , Commission Merchants, Corner o f ':mith nd.Water Streets, Pittsburgh, „pa. BID 10X 183> LIBE RTY STREET; rittibUrgh; Ta.,Couitiliodon Mer e an and , Wholefdde D.ceder:ltt . Ccnuitry- Produce.. erase:lee arldiPlStabured ganufactures. Cash ad-, vauccd , c on ile,Fkeute,a.nd paldlbr Produce gab 'aranre dun On't.-RNOX ANDREW KNOM:lit: SON, COMMISSION: .MRROHANTRand deniers In FLOUR, GRAn ihrt 'FEED and moDuctm GENERALLY,. NO ISIP,DIAMOND44FFINIRO.CitY Pant'AllegtlC4y cm, , sly -- ArCßAWFOilii,bolitiliiiilSlON' MERHANT; IN rPlci- NEPAL ' ;111.00Ats. A . witorla solar nFI ftz BRI - d i t AND CLAY itc. WorehOuse and'Ogilee, Nos._ WO std. 301iVPX Pi .Ii'VREET. Stowe tUrnisheg. • Consignments solicited. ; , : :. , I:. r:, a ; Oa i 11,1 0 rThEyi ,, ailitin fr LT A . ' ' PATTON 2 whole w o upmrs, Commission/014mo ann. e iors in:PiodiVi Flour, Daron.'cootoo,. prol ! oeshoft s i r Dirwmil , Llrok Nige r wo k , gotto i ya ..„. so ou Anttsburg.......u . 0.61'0;461er/11r •3,1417,nd 114_ ___,,...,._...SECeND 01.6 WY.E.ittotturgh.: ,-, a:.;: =---r--7=43,7=cax.rnwk&rsoN.,icom t, - • 11118810Nci • PORwARutNG, lw...gdir, fs., -aulerrolifitelderstu7Wesigthilieso dotimjnsa: But e.. itah p o ck s Bien, vour. FighTl:4 - . gni . 1L.r. 01 ".A hes. 'aid , ons*aftruit,inamoduw . Yr K°s* Of a . n -j, •Ftßut street flag-, :‘_Thilititri i.v w .. , V w t J . n°7l- Ealleli iiiii i ibrda tarria ii ' 01 -- - adatas AND? i ht - th - c - -- w0" 1, . Banco • 11.01 M - ALS 2-• ta,RNST. Pittsburgh. lalVrsB . . • WARING AND KING, Commission Merebanteand Brokers in Petrolehm and itaProdue4 DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUOLIESNE - WAY; PPlTABlliralf, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, , TACK. BROTHERS, COMMISSION.. MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittsburgh OdIce—DAI.ZELL , BUILDING, cor ner of Duque4me Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia Ofece.-11.27 WALNUT ST. apl:w3o ADEN JACOB WEAVJEB, Sr. & CO., • • OU Commission Jobbers, No. 3 DUQUESNE WAY, will buy and sell Crude and• Refined 011 a, Lubricating, Tar,Benzine and Cooperage. Our long experience In the Petroleum trade enables us to over unusual facilities and In ducements to operators. As heretofore, we are de termined to male it the interest of buyers and sel lers to give us a call. Parties having Oils for sale are cordially Invited to bting their samples. H Ift. LONG & MANITFACTIMERS OF PURE WHITE BURNING OIL, Brand.--"LIICIFEB." Office, No. 2 'Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. J. C. BUFFITH...C. A. =HEW.. .W. H. WHITEHEAD. SOHO OIL WORKS. • Manufacture and have for sale all Undo of LUBRICATING OILS. No. IST. CLAIR STREET. HEHENIT dt CO. SEVENTH LIST OF APPLICA.• TIONS TO SELL LIQUORS, Sled In Clerk's ce, March and April, 1868. , • , Pittsburgh. • Ann Lawrence, tavern, list ward. Henry Scheutz, tavern:lst ward. Wm. liroeger, tavern, Ist ward. Samuel O. Stewart. tavern, Ist ward. Adam'Hart, tavern, lst ward. Geo. 11.1iretsch, tavern, Ist. ward. J. It. Dickey, tavern, Ist ward. aloses Benington, tavern, Ist ward. Geo. A. Grier, tavern, Ist ward. John Metz, tavern, Ist ward. • Daniel MeCafferty, tavern;lst ward. Win. ()bey, tavern, Ist ward. . Mary A. Thompson, eating house, Ist ward. John Roth, eating house, let ward.. •• A Gamble & Anderson other goOds, Ist ward. H. W. Beaumont & Co., othergoods. Ist ward. Geo. Hockschwender, tavern, 2d ward.' ()co. Bender: tavern , ward, Robt. Greenhaigh, tavern, 2d Ward. Jane Thomas, tavern.: Rd, ard. Jos. Spencer, tavern, 2 ,- .1 ward. Pred.inzuer„ tavern, 3d ward. John McMahon, tavern. 3d ward. Pat. liradley, tavern. 3d wan'. Morris Flynn, other goods, 3d ward. John. Getty, tavern, 4th ward. S. 31cCrickert & Co., other goods, 4th ward. John .McCullough & Co., other goods, 4th ward. James Bryar„ other goods. 4th ward. Jas. McKay, other goods, 4th ward. ' McCullough Smith & Co., other goods, 4th ward ()Met) Sawders, tavern, sth ward. -- ' • Geo. Ewing, tavern, sth ward. ,-. . . John Driscoll, tavern, sth ward. • ' Win. Brown, tavern, sth ward. Chas. Rush, tavern, sth ward. Thos. Davis, tavern, sth ward. ' • Josh. Beaumont, sr.. tavern, sth ward. H. Bailey, tavern, sth ward. John o'Donnll, tavern, sth ward. Chas. Illtharz, tavern, sth ward, Nicholas Hoffman, eating house, sth ward. Chas. Muhlsteln, eating house. sth ward. Lucind Puipress, tavern, oth ward. Thos. W. Inglis, tat ens, 6th ward. Christ. Roth & Co.. tavern, 6th ward. Chas. Boyle, tavern, 6th ward. ' I (mina Wolf, other goods. oth ward.. John John S. Herman. tavern, Bth ward.; Patrick Gallagher, eating house,l6th ward. 'Julia DicPaden ' eating house: 7th ward. Franklilebert, other goods, 7th ward.. - - Geo. W. Bracey, other goods. 7th ward. Domenic Gallagher, otber goOds..7th ward... John M. Robitzer, tavern, Bth ward. Fred. Andress, tavern. Bth ward. , ' - Marla Richards:tavern. Bth ward. a ' Reese doves, tavern: Bth ward. - ' . plinth lialkof tavern, Bth ward. 'LOUICBerk4wIts, other goods, Bth ward. John Barclay, tavern, 9thward. I •. Michael Shea, eating house. 9th•ward. Thos. Bosworth, tavern, Otb ward. - Pat:Donut. tavern, 9th ward. John C. Clark, tavern. 9th ward. Michael Gruber, tavern; 10th ward: ' . • Lewis, Lederer. tavern;loth.ward.- . • A. Manaus, tavern, lOtti ward. - ' ...lierman'Borke, tavern. 10th ward. Fred. Hiller, tavern:loth ward. - Geo. Speckmeyer. eating house, 10th ward. Allegheny. . . - • Wm. Linea, Mvern,llist ward. " " - John Bayer, tavern, ado -. ' • • " ' • John Horn. tavern, 3d w / Con Sehlearback, eating hou 34 ward,. " , Michael Geng, eating house,. ward: Jolla Hochismfender.ltavini adard. - .. Geo. Scheleln, tavern ,- 4 th wa . . Johnl rehenbubli.tavern, 'th Warthr.' .. - . S. Snyder, tavern. 4th ward. Jas. 11. Jones,Went, 4th Wird. .:- . ' : .• • ' A. G. 'Shiers, tavern, 4th ward. . Valentine Sltort, taverthAth ward. - Francis Savage, tavern. sth ward. • . ~,. Wm. Sonthworthi tavern_„ 6th ward. '.' - ' 3 ••••• Lewis Stegrist , tavern, Oth ward, • . • i . . . Henry Wagner, other goads; Othward, ' ” ' Peter Blocher, tavertl, 7-9),ward... .. ' r ' • ts - J. M. Apple; eating honse; Ith ward. - - ' Jacob Slinendinger. eating-house,. th ward. - .. Wm. Reiner. tavern. Sth'ward. • tiottleib Fisher. tavern Bth ward. , • . • . . Copt V.!LNDISIO.I_, - Boroughs. Catharine Lauth, taiern• Birmingham. ' Gertrude Oct. tavern, Ilermingham. ' • ' Catharine Kestner, tavern, Birmingham. Nicholas Hier, tavern, Birmingham.. k • Catharine Usebwind, other goods. Birmlngham. J. L. McDonald, tavern,•East Blirmingbam, ' - Wm. ltossman, tavern, East Birmingham. Elia. Reese. tavern, East Birmingham. ; , Julius i3lgworth, tavern, East Birmingham. John Zoeller. tavern,East Birmingham.. Jacob Dietz,tavern,East Birmingham.' . . . Augual Rudolph: tavern,_East Birmingam.' A. J. Buettner, tavern, East _Birmingham, _ C, yet_ ,d tavern, East Btrminghami - • •'• • Ernst Minch, eating hoist, East Birmingham: liebast. Held, eating house; Duquesne. Mary Beedie,,taveru..West.Elizabeth. . • D. Reardon, tavern, Lawrenceville. ' - • John Smith, tavern, Lawrenceville. .3tai7 Fox, eating house, _Lawrenceville2i John rare; tavern, Mt.:WashlugtOn. • " • Thos. Clark, tavern, McKeesport. Christ.. Baker, tavern, MeKeesPort. • MartincQuade, tavern; Monongahela. Frendenrich, tavern. Sharpsburg. Thos. Carroon, tavern, West Pittsburgh. • Louie Aurin,rtavcan,,West :Pittsburgh. . H. C. Schuler It Co., other goods. south Pittsirg • • •Tovriiithlps. • ' • ' J..S. McPherson, tavern. :Collins: • • Jacob Helsel, tavern, Collins.. Jas. Hudspath, tavern, Elisabeth,. • Jas. McGroyan, eating house, South Fayette. Andrew Miller, tavern, - Indiana. 'Christ. Diersteln. tavern. • Jas. McAllister. tavern, MiMin. Thos- Twyford,' tavern, McClure. Jona. Heckert, tavern,.llleCandless. Jos. Chlverton.itivern. McClure. Jacob Eekert,Javern, McClure. • • . John Hughes, other goods, McClure.' Jos. McElhenney,- tavern , 'Oakland. Francis Gilmore, tavern Oakland. - - • J. H. Mueller, 'tavern, bald:nut. Thos. Paisley, tavern, Oldo. , • Arch' Stewart;•tavern: 'Penn. • LontsStelnley, tavern. Peebles. • • • - 'John-McCarthy. tavern, Pitt. ' ~ Wm. McKee. eating house, , Pltt. • Dennis Dougherty, tavern, Mobinsen. , Ches. Kohlmyer. eatlog, house, Lower St.'Clhir. Thos, Alderson, tavern , Scott. Matthew Harbison, taverni_UniMi. J. N. Salesman, tavern, Union.. Ed. Blutidon, tavern, • "•, • Abra: Moore, tavern, Versailles. Otttuar Auberly..tavern, , Versailles, Jacob Mains, Lavern, Versailles. , ' . ', - Jamos Ward, tavern,!Versailles. ' Peter Perchment, tavern, . The License Board:will sit on TUESDAY, the Alst inst., at 9 o'clock A. H.. for hearl,ng the above ap ,plications. • .. /WIN .41, BROWN, Clerk,. G AS :POSTS. • . • • : . . CO\TROLLER CITY ,ABAPio,o, t SEALED rliorosAL,Bo will 'be' ie ) ceiveu • &VIM' oaten until ao'clock P. ) I ... OII, WEDNXBDAY. 3151,k Inst., for supplying the city during the year with GAS POSTS The Posts to be delivered at Olt!y italt, at , such times unsay be directed: - PATTERN and' CORE' BOX will be Welshed by the city. ' • • • The right ts reserved to reject any or altblds: H. H.`a glieavois, cley cdfitiouer.. ispbAm p .-, • MYER - BILIDNEL—Q Irealiiilt, jii:ii 1 < . am eiyv IWO / &V' Malt ,CO Mier Mountain. 04126c ,c olggS t VATIAT t i e gif i rlt l i ggi e f i F in troj and otkuO,4o` fixowuniaw gica_tolnlng4,Uarloa t . - :n ta *hoodoo,. so Imo alma ilgrolopeg . oefore , ,siaokbmr, e v i c#C,,e g, boilogiv Ma!, Urn ent Ch e apmpihs7. AI" d l it Vgr v asell.,allmlted FaaOkDrit i k - 'tack so a wig uwe. t .v.h.en on, in lbotlogai r tha mpg "BAN tgolbstilre_az : avr s ilartitolaiispgig Co„ oLant a co.. US fourth stmt. , ,-.) • ME= STARING, KING & CO.; 127 Walnut Street. RMaIOADS. PITTSBURGH andalLEMB CONNELLSVILLE R. R. - . On and a ft er THURSDAY, Mareh "16 8 E" trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, COT ner of Grant and Water streets. as follows: . . . Depart A rrive. Kanto and from Uni on t'n . 7:OO ' A . M.. 15:00 Y. 2.f• IfclCeesportAccommodtm.ll:oo i. 0:05 P. N. .7far. to and,frsan Unlont'n. 3:00 P. M. /0:00 A. X. Weet'Newton Accommod'n 4:30 r. m. 8:35 A. X. Braddock's 'Accommodarn 6:15 F.M.7:50 r. x. Night Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3o P. 114 0:40 A. X. Sunday Church Train to and • from 'West Newton 1:00 P. x.10:00 A. ff..' For tickets apply t ) .r. e. KING. Agent. W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. 'mhs LLEGHENY ar i ami VALLEY RAILROAD, DIRECT 21.01. L ITE,TOTHE OIL REGIONS. Running through to Venango City without change • of ears—Connecting with - trains East and West on . the Warre... &. Franklin and the Atlantic & Great Western Railways. On and after TRURSDAY,. March Roth, 1.6614 the Passenger Trains will leave front and - arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot, corner Canal and Pike Sts., as follows: • Depart. Arrive. . Mall to and I'm Ven. City. 4:00 A. al'. 1:03 A. Y.. • Express 10:30 r. 0;15 r. x. Bsady's Bend Accommod' n. 3:00 r. at. 10:30 A: m. Soda Works Accom'n....... 5195 F. x. 7155 A. Y. First Button Accomod'n... 9:00 A. N. 11:45 A. Y. Second 'Halton Accomod'n 12:00_ R. 3:1G1 P. Y. Sunday Church Train leaves Soda Works at 5:05 A. st., untying, in Pittsburgh at .9:50 A. as.. turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:101•. ai., arriving at Soda It orks at 2:55 r. • W. F.-Rork, Ticket A ILg ent.' • BLACKSTONE, Sup't. mh.W • 1868• ggigßil • II PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO R. W. - AND CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R. R. Prom January 19th, 1868, trains will leave from and arrive tit' the Union Depot, north side, city time,' as follows: Chicago Ex.... 2:13 ami Cleveland Ex.. • 91:13 a Erie & Ygn3L'l 6:13 a in' Cl: & 6:28 a in Chicago 31ai1.. 6:58 ain Chicago Ex:.:. 9:43 a Pitts: & CL - Ex. - I Tia Youngt , n 9:43 a ail Cl. &Wh'Ex... 2:13 p i a• Chicazo 2 : 2 89 m Wh. & Erie zit. 4:38 m De,part front Allegheny. N. .101rigt'n Ac: 8:58 ain Leetsdale ' • .10:13 a m • k " :11:53 am Rochester " 1:33 pm Wellsv'e Ace.'. 3:43p m Leetsdale Ace. 4:15 pm N.:ittigt`n " 5:3g pm N. Brigt'n " 6:28P m Leetsdale-" . 10:43 p m 2:98 p. m. Chicago Ex press leaves daily. Y E RB' lIYERB. RI TTSBURGU COLUMBUS dc CINCIN I B. 21.. - • ' ' : 11.; . ki; • ; ; niv• --.- CIIANtiE oF. TIME.—On and after SUNDAY, December Pth, 1867, trains will leave and arrive at Union Depot,, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Depart. Arrive.'. Mall Express - 2:15 a. m. 3:55 p. m. Fast Line 9:40 a. in. 7:05 p. Fast Express - 2:50 p. m. 10:55 a. in. • Mixed..... ........ 6:10 a.. 6:50 p. McDonald's A m in, No. 1.. 11:10 a. In. 2:10 p. m. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p. m. 9:30 a. in. McDonald's Acc'n, No. 2.. 5:10 p. m. 8:20 A. 111. SPECIAL 1 4 1oxicr...—Snriday Express leaves st 2:50 - p. m. arriving In Cincinnati at 6:30 a. in. the next morniu • Church * Train leaves Sutulay at 12:55 p. m. The 9:40 a. In. Train leaves daily, Sunday and Monday excepted,. arriving _in Cincinnati at 9:55 the same- evening, _8 HO --IN ADVANCE OF ALL OTHER ROUTES. WNo change of cars between' Pittliburgh and 'Cincinnati, and BUT ONE change to St. - Louis, . Cairo, and the principal points West and Southwest. When purchasing tickets be, sure and And the office of the Pittsburgh, Columbus & Cincinnati R. 8., UNION DEPOT, (SOCTII SIDE.) M. D. MOTHERSPAUGIL Ticket Agent S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. JOHN D. MILLER. Gen. Freight Agent ENNSYLVA n and after October 61 rive at and depart Prom th Washington arid Liberty Arrive. Mail Train.... 1:20 a m Fast Line 1:50 a m Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 a m Brinton No. 2. 7:50 a m Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 a m Cincinnati Ex. 0:10 a m Johnstown Ac, 10:15 a m Phila. Express 1:50 pm Wall's. No. 9... 1:30 pm Wail's No. 4. 2:50 pm Wall's No. 9.. 5:50 pm Wall's No. 0.. 7:00 pm Altoona. Aaiun •- and Emigrant Train 10:30 p w. I 'The Church Train leaves . Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. so., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:W: a. re. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and arrivls at Wall% Station at RANO p. m. • 'Cincinnati Express leayes daily. All other trains dally except Sunday. • . . • ; . -Philadelphia Egpress and the Altoona Accommo dation and Etrilgrant Train arrive daily. Cincinnati Express [writes daily except Monday. All, other cras daily except Sunday. • ' For further InGiutation apply to • , • . ) W. H. BECHiy w il lgent The Penney:Minh:Railroad, Companynot Is- emme any risk for Baggage, except fbr wearing_ ap parel. and limit their responsibility , to One Hunlred Rollars in value.. All Baggage exceeding-that. amount in value will be at the risk of ghe owner, Un-. leas takenby special contract: • • EDWARDWIL odi General Superintendent, Altoona,,Pa. • WEISTERRPENIy- • • SYLVANIA -RAIL.. • ,-IDn•and after Is ovember 1 - 807; the Y'as- Imager 'Trains on - the Western ,Peunsylvania'RaH-' .road, will • arrive at and depart from thc •Federal -Street DelloA mi ATiegheurCity r aifollows: , . • • • „.. Stutiphl No.l 6:25 am ' • • 6:50 a m Freeport No. L 6:15 a m Freeport EP. 9:054 m • Express • 10:10 am Sharpb•g No.111:20 a m Sharpb`g,No.2 • ..1:115 pm Express.... • 1:50 pm, . Freeport N 0.2 4:15 pm HarmerVe 7ltt 3:55 pm • . ... • 6:IX, p Prees)ortlio. 2. 6:05 p de , - Harmerv'e Ac 7:10 pm Sharpbl NC 2 7:30 pm ... , Aboye trains tnn dally except Sneezy.- . • . • The Church ...treat_ leaves Allegheny Jenct: every D apSiape at. 740 a. m.,_reaehing• Allegheny City at . m. Returning. leaves Allegheay, Ofq at • 1120 . and arrive at Allegheny . , DPW •• ATrox Ttcrorrs-_-For sale 'package* Twunty,.between,Allegheny City, Chestnut street. . ' Herr's,* Bennett,' Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpstarg, And l ood onlyon the trains stopping at Stations spe7 • ClSc • The train -Awing Allegheny City at 6:50 A.m. ; makes direct connection at -Freeport. with Walker's' line of Stages fbr Butler and Hannahinown.• _ • - Through tickets ma) be -purchased at the Deice, ' No. R Cielr. street, near • Suspension Brid=e,:.' . • Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegbeny'Clty, Bat Cartherintormation apply to • - JAMBS - LEFFERTS,Ammt, es Federal Stveet Repot. The Wern Fenns3ivarda Ra il road will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit Mel. responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value : '- All - baggage extending this amount ln value will beat the risk of thoowner.,utt tees taken by special contract. • EDWARD. H. WILLIAMS; des • General Superintendent, Altoona. is. S MOT 'HlLL aggsmin K ROUTE. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY,. Eastern Divi 'on. - • The .BffORTEST A.NII3IOSTitZLIALELE ROUTE from the East to all points la . • Colorado, Nevada, California, `z-Vtah, Arizona, Washington, New Mexieo, Idaho, ' regon. . . . Two 'Trains - leaye State Line stud Leavenworth dally (Sundays extepteS,) on the arrival of trains of Paelde Railroad from St. Louis, and Hannibal and. St, Jo Ralirdatt frOtu Wintry, .connecting at Law rence, Top_eka and Wamego with stages for all points-In Hatietas.:. , At end of track' west of Ells worth with the UNITED STATES EX.PltuNsl COMo , .PANDS 'DAILY LINE OP OVERLAND MAIL AND-EX PRESS COACHES FOR • ' . 3:13E1V , VM11.; And nit Points in the Territories, .-- • _ . Antl with SANDEItBON'S l'ltt-wEricur LINE of • COACHES for Fort Union, Rent's Fort, 13 Wtth I :l ta •E n e :i l t i d n d d lt;o i n i 87a i r nts ret in ting Ari a l to%Tean rfi l l' equipment, and the arrangements made with, re operating?, Overland , Transportatton Llneir (rani Its -western termintus, thin road now offers nnequitlle4 Stella:Ws forthe transtntaston'of freight to tbn' Par . . . Tiakits foi Stale at' all the principal ' offices In the United States and Canadas. • - sure and ask fut _tickets via THE SMOKY .11ILL ROUTE • UNION, PACIFJO 'EASTERN DIvISIO.N. • • A.' ANDERSON, , °enema Superintendent. • • J. 11. WEBSTIgIii• . General itielght and Ticket Annni: r ill mattil lI W ECIK OBKA Aft t14:1111 1: ' t Pitttilbr iltili ft:- H Vil ''- o ink ii et; one door tram Wood,,Pittetr L th.,, '• r •-. •t !. B iusuditirne . tet aisOrtart o .:. atheelv _Mkt. • an e treli g ankt a, iik,,,,,' ; it.,.-mf-A. , ..,,iikii, will 'O6 liven 1°?:-'1 and Gontleinen , e Hair 'Cuttims done I 1 41.„ the neatest mentem. "1 f Witte MO Arrive: IChicago - Ex... • 2:43 am • Cleveland Ex. 2:43 api IChicago Ex.— 10:58 am Wheellng Ex. 11:08 am Chicago. 1:53 pm Cl. Wh`g EX 4:03 pm Erie dc Ya'n Ex 6:13 pin • !Chicago Ex... . 6:58 pm._ CI. S: Wleg E x' 7:08 p m & Ct. Ex. via Yognst'n. 0:28 p Arrive in Allegheny. N. Brint'u Ac. 7:03 am N. Drigt'n ' 8:28 a m Wellsville " 9:58 a m New Castle " 1033 am Leetsdale " 0:13 a m " 1:18 pm N. Brlctln ." 2:43 p m Leetsdale " 4:23 p M 7:28 put 10:50 s. if:. Chicago Express arrives daily. . ~ General Ticket Agent. • th, 1867, Trains will Sr. e Union Depot, corner of .treets, as follows: Depart. _ Pay Express.. 3:00 a m Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 a m , Mall Train 6:20 iken_l Wall's. NO. 2. . 9:50 a m *Cincinnati x.11:15 am Wall's No. 11:30 am Johnstown Ac. 2:sopirt Will's No., 4.. 3:30 pm Expres. 4:1O pm Wall's No.-6.. 4:50 p m Wall's No. 6.. 6:05 pm : Fast Line 7:20 pm Wall's 10:80 pm