C NEW ADlnka d CHEAP OIINA POE THE PEOPLE...-. the GREAT WESTERN GUN , WORES have been !mooed to N 0.179 SMITRPIELD STREET, sphere ,iii always be found the most complete assortment tßGuall, Pistols, .Amairinnitionond Sport. ek Material, etc., in tee city.' AU kinds of Guns ni3 Pistols easeful/1i repaired. .Cash paid for EY RIFLES and REVOLVERS.. Reno stamp f Hustrated Circular. • Apents uranted AA erogry ran in the United States. Address; J. IL JOHN mON. 170 Smithfield Street. Pittsburgh. -.. t r:4iß , p.m'. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. LEVI BIRD DUFF. - . . . subject to the decision of the Union ftepulil t iF i an f ounty Convention. . .. apt, :oV..e.d WSI'AIIAT 111ATEJL—Tlie next Rehearsal with Orchestra of the STABAT tIATER will take place THIS (FRIDAY) AFTER-. tiOON, al2 d'elock precisely, at NEVILLE HALL, s beretotbre. The hour being rather earl for gen ilemers engaged in business, the Solos will be re ?carsed at 4, and the Choruses at half-past 3 o'clock. p , P I7 . - CLEMENT TETEDOUN. . , . ! OR SALE. • ' . A good ONE-HORSE SPRING WAGON. HORSE nd HARNESS. Also, a full Outfit .pt BROOM-. pAKLNG MACHINES. Will be sold cheap. . I 1 Apply ai No.. 133 . WAsEuxtrow AvEsuE. ..11egheny City., ap . 17;o17 ir AND AT.HOMEWOOD. , . ''Twenty Acres of Land for sale at Homewood tation, P. R. IL, Immediately opposite residences t Drs. Vandevort and Dupuy, and being. the most esirable property for country residences , in the . rrunty. Inquire of H. P. MILLER. No. 83 Fifth street,' of B. E. MILLER. near the premises. apiTicari F OB SALE. A NEW DMus novae, Containing four rooms, hall and finisheCattie„, sit lasted at Is o. nal Elm street., tils.th ward, opposite the foot of Deeatunitreet. • Enquire of Capt. CHARLES W. MAY, ap17:081 --No. 49 Congress street, Pittsburgh.. [I 4 OCUST STREET. . - . :once is herby given that the Viewers' Report n the matter of opening LOCUST STREET, Alta i/cheap, hacteen filed in the District Court. at - No. 32, April Term, 1888, and will be confirmed un less exceptions arc tiled in iproper time. _, 1 JO 'RN C. 31cCOMRS. • . ap17:o80. City Attorney. 'HEREAS, Letters Testamen t tars have been issued to the undersigned in the state of Col. JOHN P. GLASS, late of the Sixth ward, Pittsburgh, deceased. • All persons in debted to said estate will pay the same to JOSEPH A. BUTLER., Alderman, N 0.126 Wylie street. And those having claims present them for settlement. - , .. .•• JOSEPH A. -BUTLER, , MARY B. GLASS. - •Administrators. i apri:oTs-r I"ORMA 1 1101I On the S•th of : 'March last,: Mr. ROBERT, • ;CHRISTIAN, of this.city, left his home-and has not been'heard from since. He wore, wben he.lett, a black coat, - grcy pants and low black .bat. - He_ is -about .Ilie .fcet high and by Ilia': hair and tom , Jplezion. Any information:concerning him will be 'thankfully received by his Mends. Word can be left at the office of WYLIE STREET A-11 STATION, on Fourth 'street, or at No. 5125 . LIBERTY STREET. Oriica Or CITY 'ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, 1 Pittsburgh, _April 1868. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. dealod Proposals for Grading, Paving and Curbing ALLEGRENERTREET, from Penn to Liberty et. SMALLMANSTREET, from Morton to Taylor st. . ; CENTRE AVENUE, from Dlnwiddle to Kirkpat . MULBERRY ALLEY, from Clymer to Smtth st MULBERRY ALLEY, from &ALM to Taylor st 'vill be received at the office of' the City Engineer, til SATURDAY, April 515th, MTh. Specific*. lions and' blanks for bidding can be bad_ by calling iat this office.- • • ap17:076 H. J. MOORE, city En _incer. jifTIHE PAIITNERSHIP heretofore existing under the name and style of . , . JOHN H. BOYTS & C 0.4 Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, the interest of JOHN ENABLE having been purchased by.W.I.L N. OGDEN, the business of the ; tate erm will be :settled by JOHN, H. BOYTS and WiLLIA3I N. OGDEN, who have this day formed a Copartner ship under the name and style of BOYTS & OGDEN. JOHN H. BOYTS, • JOHN. ENABLE. rbi March 91.14.1888. - . Pittsburg SHEFFIF" STEEL WOPAS. SINDEarffnIICIE & PITTSI3 uncaz PA; DLl t nnfacturers of, ereir . deseFiptlon of CAST AND CERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPRINGS, ._ . - ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM SPRIN GS.' AXLY;3, STEEL TIRE &c., &c: Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Sts; ap10,:087 . - • • . H AVING- ' DISPOSED ...OE" DID'DID' .. LUMBER. TAB% Situate, at UTRebecca Street, Allegheny, Pa., : and long owned, and von ducted by. Messrs. P.A'l - YAIIIIION EVANS, to ALEIANDER 'PATTERSON, .1 ta k e pleasure . In recommending mp successor to all my customer's and to all who are Interested id securing the best quali ties of all kinds Of timber at prices to suit the m T ost fastidious.: • • • • R,' DOPitAI-10E. ap15:o0) LIII!IMEp, L11;1111fat 1 LUMBERS AI&MANDE7I PATTIP3SON, • - YARDS ISSPreble Street formeriy 31aechester, and No. IST Rebecca street s opposite Gas Works, ALLEGHENY CITY. DEALER IN 'ALL KINDS CF , . Jiang's , and .inantd LutOer, Weatherlin'ardlng, Sash, Shingles, • • - idonldings • Saw Mill Lumber, Cedar . and Locust Posts, Lath and Palings. ' Oak and Yellow Pine. " ALIO—MIRE BRICK, TILE and CLA.Y.. NOTICE. • • ','- , ' ' . .. - ' • I have'sold my stock' of SOOTS, SHOES, &c., to my Sou, GEORGE W. T.A4INER, , and solicit the patrontge of - my thriller customersto the house. - , • , - JAILIkES P. TAN.Blit• _ . Prirsistrion, April 9th, 1868. : Referring to the above card, I respectfully ask the ot the patronage of the former house. Prices shs/1 be ail low as thelowest. 6EO.' ICTMIrNIE:11!: &p15:018 . . DUFF is' Merchant TaPare, • No. 34 ?Oda" Eit4 Mighenr, Rave just received a large Cud well selected stock of E v iDhla SPRINGGOO DS, Suitable fors drat class custom:trade. ..Also. *large . stock of GENT'S FATRNISRING - 00009. son IMl3lmessy TO' FIItiIERINEN: the SEINES:—I.—I.have just re- ce red following &hies, all cornpleteorith bobs. goats and sinkers: J. AO , 39,- 40 and 50 yards i n leng th. one met mean, and wiu recctve in shot day 801nd 70 yard Seines. Partiestrisnlias Seines had b e tt e r call 110011, so SS to secure any they may need, for it Is didienit to get Seines made unless ordered early in,the winter. Yor said by JAMES SOWN 138 Wood street apT:TVIO . . ICE! ICE! ICE! lIIEBS 'lce Dinlei Ne.'sls DIAMOND ALLEY, Pitts,unit. Orders iefi hero or at hand Street gridge4ai celveprompt attontloo. Wagon" ,!tioolpg in Pitts burgh and AueralenY• • • 4- aT 17 : 03 ' F 4)// SALE , z Watch`Bozeg, Stfles anfl pr ov og* Will be received •at the IfiyoriOince until SATURDAY, ANillfith,.ror the puiehaigeof eh the w a t c h sox 'Stoves and Pipes connected with the same, Se itreeenilnnle Sheet ebb city. Br order of •InBrolV i , - J EN • • A '! ,*(sr4 - , rral;rk artistry" l'o#& z wATiga f pnwo„ iiraj LianiLa l iy=ll„ „ II 3.# fgrMIL, C. TETEDOILTN, Respectfully infttormats.htehewicilitgizierhes of Pittsburgh TWO GRAND CONCERTS AT TUE ACADEMY OF 'MUSIC, On the 23d. and 24th Inst., Assisted by the best Amateurs of this city. and by EIJOENINDE LUSSAN, the eminent Soprano of New York, who has been engaged expressly for this occasion. On the first evening WIII be performed ' ROSSINI'S STAEAT MATER By a chorns'of over Fifty Singers. and an orchestra . of twenty-live pletes. 711 , 1_11... - E I_AJI,3IS{ii.N -, sing thC Soprano pail.. On the second evening will be given a miscellane ous concert, In which Bl'lle DE LIISSAN will slug English. Italian and French gems. . Admittance to Parquette and Dress Circle $1,00; Secured seats, $1,25, Subscription to both concerts *2,00, with secured seats. Gallery and Family Cir cle BO cents. The sale of season tickets will begin on „Monday, the .201lv,at 9 o'clock, at Messrs. - H. liI.EBEIe& BRO.. 1211 Wood street. The sale of tickets for either evening will begin at: the; same place and same hour on 'itiesday, Doors open at IN o'clock; Concert to commence - . . gE*EIIATII LIST OF TIONS TO SELL LIQUORS, !fled Clerk , s Office. March and April, 1868. • Pittsburgh. - Ann Lawrence, tavern, lit ward. Henry Schantz, tavern, Ist ward. Wm. Kroeger, tavern, Ist ward. Samuel 0. Stewart; tavern,-Ist ward, Adam Kart, tavern, Ist ward,. Geo. H. liretscb, tavern, Ist ward. J. it. Dickey, tavern, Ist ward. Moses Benington, tavern, let ward. Geo. A. Grier, tavern,lst ward. John Metz, tavern, 1s ward. Daniel McCafferty, tavern, Ist ward, Wm. Obey. tavern, Ist ward. ' • Mary A. Thompson, eating house, Ist ward. John Roth, eating house, Ist ward. Gamble & Anderson other goods, Ist ward. , H. W. Beaumont & oilier goods. Ist ward. Geo. Hockschwender, tavern, Mid ward. Geo. Bender, tavern, 2d.ward. Robt. Oreenhaigh, tavern 2d ward., Jane Thomas, tavern, 2d ward. Jos. Spencer, tavern, 2d ward. • Fred. Saner, tavern, 3d ward. John Me3lahon, tavern, 3d ward. Pall Bradley, tavern, 3d ward. •-• Morris Flynn, other goods, 3d' ward. John Getty, tavern, - 4th ward. S. MeCrickert B Co.,..other goods, Sktit ward. John BicCullongh ft Co.', other goods, 4th ward. Jam es Bryar, other goods. 4th ward. Jas. McKay, other goodsv4th ward. McCullough, Smith 41..• Co.. other goods. 4th ward. Caleb Sawders, tavern, sth ward. Geo. Ewing, tavern,. sth ward. John Driscoll. tavern, sth ward. Wm. Brown, tavern, sth ward. Chas. Rush, tavern, sth ward. Thos. Davis, tavern, sth ward. • 'Josh. Beaumont, sr., tavern, sth ward. H. Bailey, tavern, sth ward. John O'Donnell, tavern, sth ward. - Chas. Bilharz. tavern, sth ward, NicboLas Hoffman, eating house, sth ward. Ohas.•lllahistein, eating house; sth ward.- • Lucind Pulpress, tavern, Bth ward. ' Thos. W. - Inglis, tavern, 6th ward. Christ. Both A Co:, tavern, Bth ward. Chas. Boyle, tavern, 6th ward. • • I ?flirs COLLIERY Locomarrvics: - .Patents cannily solicited.' sr m. xygmso I G OLASS rot- zqtr..hati!es every. WEDSEND ItLVE SUAIDING, for Store W_. dows, of the Olffereat widths, for sale at zga. m 4213 SY. Chia - street. ' rpEi aril; d PUILL . LT -041"11INED LEATn teowrit .IN% quitilltY. warranterdreCAlLLlPS, ra l?1 8 15 '.- 28 mid . it. Clair stree • . INDIA litrilitEß 110SIOram $ 7l ll, 40 8 ludivallige, at India J. R beubr De ILL ppt. r i sLf opts ‘H...PR SET IDUEISSINA oiz4Nors, jot . 41 ,„ q uial, Prtne rtienoidvet-'' Dthse Lemon', Ws* aitht Ermbotr,4 spa • . - - gtaio. MGM: 21113 MI 51 ...