The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 13, 1868, Image 6
1 1,.. , 6. IRON WORKS. AS. VERNER, Pres 3 W. P. PORTHR, Sap't pITTSBIIRGH FORGE • AND IRON CO., ItA:NMFACTrUERS OF • Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bails and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods; Yokes, Straps; • Piston Heads; Steamboat Sha ft s; Steamboat Cranks; ' Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, de; Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH, P I RAFF, BYERS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF , Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IPON, Iron-Welded Tubes for• Gas, Steam, Water., ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. Office, 98 Water and 132 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa uM:eM KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. - LLOYD BLACK, MA- . NITFACTIIBERS OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal AND JUNIATA BLOOM IRON. MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON HOOP, BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. . • BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. - CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. SMALL TRAILS 20 and 16 lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. FLAT RAILS. Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS AND SPIKES. Warehouse and Office at the Worts, GREEN UGH STREET, (a continuation of First street,) djoining the City Gas - Works, Pittsburgh. EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Ware_honse, Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET, opposite Monongahela House, PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MUCK & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF BEST REFINED CAST STEEL, Square,Tlat and Octagon, of all sizes Xna, MULAY, CIRCIILAR, GASKI•AND xi:toss-cur SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND SEMI-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, CAST SPRING STEEL, Cast and German Plow Steel, PLOW WINOS AND MOWER BARS; • SPRINGS.; AXLES and STEEL TIRE; SICKLE. SHOWEL, HON, RAKE, FORK, TUB. CALK and :. MACHINERY CAST STEEL; CROW BARS, &c., &c., &c. • Warehouse, 88 Water Street, Pittsburgh. selS:k4 pITTSBURGR . STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON, COOK to CO., (SECCMAIBB TO JONES, BOYD & C 0.,) Hs nufaCiurers of the BEST REFINED CAST STEEL , FLAT and OCTAGON, of all al z ea SAW' PLATE HOE FORK and SHEET CAST STEEL; CAST SMELL for Itosaidng and Mowing Machined, Steel Plow wings 111, CfrOniars, Ste. itc • Cast nd Common Plow & Spring Steel. Office—Corner FIRST AND ROSS STREETS, two blocks above the Monongahela House. . oeffit:d9 111 MILLER, BA tik & PARKIN. GENERAL pA.RTITEES: ' WM. METCALF, I 'REUBEN MILLER, 6EO. W. BARR, .CHAS. rAntaii. SPECIAL PARTITF.R—S. 31. HIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, 311:141.:E11., 33A_Traldc PARIEIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA .fel4:d4B DUQUESNE Iron and Steel Works. COLEMAN, .RAHM & CO., '.MANUFACTURERS OF Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, Steel, Ea. WAREHOUSE: NO: 17, Water'Steeet; ja,lB:j9o BLACK WWI! OND STEEL WORKS. PARR, BROTHER & CO., Manufacturers of all descriptions of • 113"11.1111 °Mee and Warebonse, 1.510_1512, Mk SECOND and 119 and 121 FIRST STRETS, ' PITTSBURGH. lIWN CITY MILLS. r ROGERS & BURCHFIELD, Xanufacturere of REFIRED, CHARCOAL, lII NIATA and POLD3ItED . CAST -.STEEL. (Mee and Warehouse, No. 512 .MARKET ST. COPPER, L-AEESUPERIOR , ... . OOPPER,KELL 4III .Iroras, E . 4 4 44-iiiiittnean. '• . . 4- . PARK, 1 i McCTJRLiY . '4 , 4 CO . --., w . ot Sheathing, ' Brasiers , goo Bei led Copper: SoDonis,SalSed Still Rot,. 1 1 1 04 ter Bolder. . /1110, linpon•rs sing Dealers lit. New, Tinplate, Sheet, 4.143141 1 "AfA. Re. Von. 200 Y 4 111 luutd Star' , Machines az. Tools, - arehouse,.Ne. 1 40'FIRST STREAT and l9O ND STREET, Pittsburgh. Special orders et Copper cut te s oy des ired elliah pot toes. . inylisrT FOUNDERS, VUO),MMSTI3. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER, President, These Works are among the largest arts most complete establishments in the West, and are now prepared to furnish . , . Engines, of every description. Bailers; 011 Tanks.. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. RoMpg Mill Castiswi Engine Castings. Machine Castings. General Castlugs. ORDERS SOLICITED no9:nffi , XATIONAC'FOUNDitY , AND PIPE WORKS. Coiner Carrell'and &mailman Streets, (NINTH WARD.) pri-rsnunGa-i. WM. SMITH • Manufacturor of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, _ FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. My Pipes are all east invariably in pits, in dry sand, and 15 feet lengths. Also, - full assortment of General Castings for Gas and Water Works. Twould of so roll the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. fdl6:tlo THE KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO. CHARLES KNAP, IPresident. J. M. KNAP. Vice President, 0. METCALF, See'y and Treas'r. • J. K. WADE, Engineer. J. G. KNAP, General Manager. DIRECTORS: JAMES B. 311TRRA'r ! ,,of Lyon, Shoib & Co. A. E. W. PAINTEIL Of 41. Painter & Sons. C. B. HERRON4 of Spang. Chalfant & Co. THOS. S. BLAIR, of Shoenberger & Co. WM. METCALF', of Miller, Barr & Parkin. 14.11TFACTURIMS OF Rolling Mill and Blast Machinery. RETORTS and CASTINGS. of every descstptlon ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES.' fe24 L. 0. LIVINGSTONIW. R. RURT.Pe. A. RODINSO:,7. JR. LIVINGSTON & CO., raori FOUNDERS, - MANUFACTURER'S OF EINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All descriptions, for Plumbers and Oils Fitters; Ag ricultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ma chl!slif7c; b Work promptly attended . • Office and Works-.-WASHINGTON AVENUE, . near Outer Depot. Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINSON, REA-Is. CO., successors to RoarNstm, MINIS k MILLERS, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSANDL-MACHINISTS, PITTSIURGH; Manufacttirers of Boat and Stationary Stearn - En- Fines. Blast Engines, Mill Machinery. Gearing, shatipg, Castings of all descriptions; 011 Tanks and Stills, Boller and Sheet. Iron Work. Office, No. 12, corner First and Smithfield St reets. Agents for GIFGARD'S PETENT INJEC .•)R for feeding Boilers. . MOB X. BOLE. RUNT= ORB. * JAMES NELSON A B. BOLE. INDUSTRIAL WORKS. HUGH M. BOLE & CO., . Founders, Engine Builders and Machinists, Make to order MARINE AND LAND STEAM EN GINES, of all sizes, warranted to give satisfaction. CASTINGS, of every description. made to order. TAMES NELSON, Sup t... .. A. B. BoLE, Foreman. Machine Shop, corner POINT. ALLEY and DU QUESNE WAY. Foundry, Nos. 54 and 84 Third street, laminas , PITTSBURGH. Pa. MONT BLANC -FOUNDRY: Butler Street, Xinth Ward, • PITTSBURGH. Bolling NiU and Bridge Castinis, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND DASTINGS GENERALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. oc15:128 BERLIN FOUNDR.Y. PRICE & SIMS. Office and Warehouse, 20 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep constantly on hrind Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXED, DOG IRONS, - SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW T6k.RE, And castinguenerally. CLUNTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS, SSO Penn Street. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAGAIEL Chill Rolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes. &e. FULTON MACHINE WORKS. ESTABLUMP-IP IN 1836. annfactory of STEAM ENGINES, all sizes and of the most approved patterns, for stationary purposes ; STEAMBOATS and STEAM FERRYBOATS. BOATS. A variety a f 10, lA nd 16 horse power ENGINES, which will be sold at very reduced prices. • P. F. GEISSE, Wellaylile, 0. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio Jiver, and Hue of O. &x , • E. R . n091;h2 SAMUEL M. WICKERSHAM, - IRON BROKER, ' 124 First Street, Pittiburgh, Pa. • sa lfrafg a t e e ll salmf Cornsrall gt Do ttk igtr o oa d f; and other brands or fracite al , I "2.3ukhlogheni -COke and C. B. Charcoal. - PIO TacoNts. Consignments and orders respectfully solicited. PITTSBURGH • WEST COMMON Machine Stone Works, - Northwest corner.of West Common, Allegheny. FRED'S ATVA'rER Co.& Haim on hand or prepare on short notice Hearth and Step Stones, - Flags for Sidewalks, Brewery Vaults, 6.c. Head and Tomb Stones, &c. Orden promptly executed. Prices reasonable. STONE QUARRY. • ' gtone flunisbed trona the Apollo Stone Quarry, - To ardor or by the car load, - vla W. P. B. B. J: FEEETLY, e t mbl2:m6o Apollo, Armstrong Co., Pa , Tny*opo ,ANDoiGmu3—..7 EXCELSIOR lftbfAlLS. , n. marritiostirr; RAnnfacturers sadDenlers To'haze°, stiuir, cigars, Pippo, 4c., De :hallo 6 FEDERAL ET., ALLEGRENY4 s MEE PITTSBUBGIL , (OpposltelTEdon Iron DSllla, ) IMBERT & MAOILIND. IRON BROKERS •STONE.. RGH 6A2MB ENGINES ? BOILEnts, AC VORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANS WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, 'DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE- Box ANJ CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. - OIL STILLS AND •MII. TANKS. CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS. SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- DENSERS: • STEAM PIPES, GASO3tETERS AND IRON BRIDGES: PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Were and Warehouse' corner Second, Third; Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa Air Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mb7:189 E.W. MORROW....JAS. B. BARIIIIILL....JAS.BLAIR omAnA BOILER WORKS. I MORROW, ROWELL 8z MANUFACTURERS OE Steam Boilers, Oil Stills4gitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORK, &c. Cor. Liberty and Second Ste., PITTSBURGH, PA. REPAIRING promptly done WM. BARNHILL & C 0.,. BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20. 22. 24 AND 26 PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and fuinished It with the most approved machinery, we are, prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire" Beds. Stead' Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks,Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boller Ironßridges, Sugar Pans, and•.sole =nu fseiurers of BarnlSll's Patent Boners. . Repairing done on the shortest notice. Ja.s:c2f ROBERT LEA; _ YUF.4.CTURER OF Steam Engines and Boilers, FREIGHT HOISTERS, AND DOCTOR ENGINES. CASTINGS, of alldescrlptlons, made to order. Corner of Firet i ood Ferry Streets. JAMES M. Rri'Eß, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBI7IIGII, MANUFACTURER OF IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM. PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACAS. And SHERT IRON wonk, For Steamb-osts STOVES, CASTINGS, &C COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOR ,BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other !tore In the Union. - BISSELL &. CO., No. 235 Liberty Street.- Also on hand and for sale, PARLOR STOVES, ' HEATING STOVES; GRATE FRONTS, TENDERS, COOKING RANGES, te. OHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY THE TRIUMPH pOCIKIN Is at No. 146 GRANT STREET Jta, HARDWARE N EW HARDWARE HOUSE. LINDSEY, STERRIT - EtrWER, ap,3:y6 Manufacturers and Importers Of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. 837 LIBEEU'Y STREET, CORNER OF IFIi.YNE, One . Square - Below Union Depot, PITTSBURGH. lir Agents for FAIRBANKS' SCALES F MUSSIW7 . , 41I FIPTif het. Tunnel eCharhani Ste:, Onnianitii and Dealek initardware. First clair goods of all descriptions always oni hand and sold at the lowest prices. • Edparing dpnc eszentsy, on short notice:, jeNi:dso 13RMTWW3N3. pHOE1111! JOB. SPECWER....JAS. SPENCER; 'MIAY C 0. ,, ,MAIATERS AND BREWERS Of Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, •• 4 •. BOBEBT WATSON, Mariam,. 0014, M441: j . 1 .0; 11 ..WM -17 i 17 t i): i 51 J:111 H J. LANCE, N on . 185 and 187itanfitee4 "gbdtTRE-}, • sisiwiy)ors cuLtaRD9B DYED. • - . KID KM= MID LADLES' PLUXESDIALEE= EDAM DYED • '~d~.v~r,~,o,rfirYa~.~~~-sa' Y -i~;av~~`~ `~,t~ 4 <5~,.»... ^c .~` MANUFACTURERS OF CM PITTSBURGH. PA the city STOVE, P. C. DUFFY MONRAY,-; - FIN CUL: - NATIONAL - BANK • OF COMMERCE, Cor. of Wood and Stith Sts. A. PATTERSON - , Dresident. JOS. IL HILL Cashier. CAPITAL, : : $500,000. DIRECTORS: A. Patterson,. George W. Cass. Wm. H. Brown, James 'McCandless, Chas. Lockhart, : Wm. Douglas, Allen Kirkpatrick, Wm. Reed.. W. S. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT 11 A. M. ap9:02.2 HART, CLUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Tkird and Wood Streets, .1 70 .1"1"TSDURAGII, PA., - (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART & C 0.,) DEALERS. IS' Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid tett a purchase and sale of COVERNMENT RONDS. !Sight Drafts on I..ondon. niv:st& N. HOLMES & SONS, 'l , • 57 Market Street, PITTTE33IIIIG-11, . Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canada.s. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities DOLTGIIT AND SOLD ON COS6DSSiON Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. ja3o:al •KEYSTONE ' mirrTs33ll7ElCilit. PA. 1 THIS BANKIS NOW TRANSACTING A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, • AT THEIR NEW BANKING HOUSE.- No. 293 Liberty Street, .Accounts of BANKS, BANKERS, MERCHANTS and others are invited. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. (CEO. 'r. VAN DOREN. Cashier. WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTErtED 1866. Interest paidonTinte Deposits ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT INTEREST. Discounts D ' ally at Ul o'clock. Presldent.-THOXPSON BELL. nee President—A. M. lickgRALL. DIU/WIVES: THOMPSON BELL, 1 A. M. MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH. I JOS. ALAREE. J. J. GILLESPIE. j Stockholders to whom we make reference: Wm, Forsythe,l Joseph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell, , 1 Rey. David Kerr, Willis Dairen, , Henry Lambert, D. W. C. Bidwell, i A. M. Brown. E. M. Fulton. I Thomas Ewing.. 4 .ls't.kßir4) n V-BANKERS.‘Q. ESTABLISHED IN 1837. 14: SOUTH "00 ST PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 7 3-10 s Converted Into 5-20. STOCKS AND GOLD Bought and sold on commission, here and In New York,. TIME ALLOWEDGOTIATED INTEREST ON DEPOSITS OF GOLD AND CURRENCY. Accounts of Banks and Bank ers received on favorable terms. ALL CLASSES OF SECURITIES TAKEN IN "EXCHANGE AT MARKET RATES, fe24:188 D OLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 "Fourth Street CIzIA.IVI'MIiEI) IN ISM& ASSETS Open daily from 9 to A o'clock; also on WEDNEB- 'DAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS,. from May let to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from No vember let to May lst, from sums of 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums of not less than ONE DOLLAR, and a dividend of the - profits declared twice a year, in June and, December. -Interest has been declared semi-annually in June and December since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent. a year. Inte depositort drawn out, placed to the credit of the as principal, and bears the same In terest from the Ist clays ofJune and December, com pounding twice ' a year without troubling the depos itor, to call, or even to present his pass book. At this rate money will double In lesstliantwelve years. Books containing the Charter, Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on application at the office. PRESiossx — ORORGE ALBREEO. TICIA Backofen, A. M. Pollock, M. D., Benj. L. Fahnestock, Robert Robb, James Herdman, John H. Shoenberger, James McAuley, . James Shidle, • JameS B. 11: geed*, , Alexander Speer, Isaac M. Pennock,' Christian Yeager. . win.lvi J. AndersonYncems: , Robert :F. Lock_mls, Can Adams, : tlionru Lynch. - John C. Blndley. Peter A.; Madeira. George• Black; 4 *John Marshall; Hill - Bilriprin, • Vralter Alonzo A Carrier , 'John B. MFad en, Charles A.:Colton, ' 'Ormsby Ph illips. John Evans, • John J. Gillespie ' Schmertz, William B.Maven, ' Alexander Richard ,- • Isaac 'Whittier, James D. Henn-• Tnzaaunia.-CliARI;1141 A:,COLTuN. • Sitcarranif—JAMEßll.o P SEP t i 'SUCH* , CO*. LL f.AIP r AP I M I3 7IO 1459t,194,11550AVA 11 9 q7 A STREET, : !" .1 Awmawraannik orr: '. .041/Per '' *staled' Putt'!Bip'?lnd* . . 7. 80 Also, dealers in*OREIG* WIN= sttiLi4 u2a. M *a amain REMOVAL. I WAVE RE3IOVED MY BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE TO THE Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, • Formerly occupied by the NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. R. MERTZ. CONVERSION OF We are now prepared to convert the SECOND and THIRD SERIES or ei - E. - vp-N-•rx-rrrtamos - • INTO TILE New 1867 5-20 Gold Coupon Bonds. . • JAMES , T: BRADY&CO., Dealer. in - Government Securities, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD US, t gitbintrgij wth. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, SATURDAY, 41pril 11, 1868. The general marhets have been moder ately active during thel past week, and some articles are higher. Provisions:have been con i siderably excited, and a material advance has been established all round, while Grain and Flour are more active, with an' upward tendency. Quite a number of other articles of minor importance,in con sequence of scarcity, have advanced mate rially, and, upon the whole, there is a much firmer feeling, in regard to values, though the demand remains about the same, being restricted mainly to supplying . immediate wants. . APPLES—Quiet .but steady and un changed; regular sales in- store t $3 to $6 per hbl, as to quality., • POTATOES—Firm, and in demand with limited supply; we continue toquote Peach Blows at $3,50 to $3,15, and Buckeyes at $4,00 to $4,50. Jersey Sweets, $B. SEEDS—Cloverseed is quiet and utt changed;rl to $7,50; Timothy at $2,75. and Flaxseed is scarce and in demand at $2,50 I to $2,55. GRAIN—No movement is Wheat—none in market; and the same is true of Barley. Oats firm and prices are well maintained; sales at 75 to 77c on wharf and track, and 80 to 82c in store. There is a good demand for Corn, and prime Ear sells readily on wharf and track at $l. Rye is still quoted at $1,75 to $l,BO, though we heard of a sale to-day at 81,85. HAY—Baled Hay is being sold without much difficulty on wharf at $22 to $25, as to quality. MILL FEED—One firm report sales in lots of 150 tons of Bran, to arrive by steam er, at 81,30. - BUTTER—Is firmer, in consequence of diminished receipts; we now quote prime to choice . Roll at 45 to 50c. EGGS-A little weak; in consequence of . increased arrivals, but _prices are without material change, 21 to 22c. PROVISIONS—Bacon continues firm, with a steady jobbing demand but unchanged. Sales tat 13% to 13%c for Shoulders; 15%c for Ribbed, and 17%c for Clear Sides; 18% to 1834 c for Plain Sugar Cured Hams, and 19%c for Canvasied do. Lard, 17 . 44 c, in tierces; and, 18c, in kegs. Mess Pork, $27,50. BEANS-44,50 to $5 per bush. HOMINY—S6,2S to $6,50 per bbl. ONIONS-44,50 per bush. r FLOUR--Is steady and the demand is rather better, but prices are unchanged; $10,50 to $10,75 for good Spring Wheat; $ll to $11,25 for choice do; $11,75 to $12,50 for Winter Wheat, and $l5 to $l6 for St. Louis fancy brands. Rye Flour, $9 to 59,50. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MAREET. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, / - SATURDAY, April 11, 1868. CRUDE—The Crude market has been remarkably quiet during the past week, the sales being comparatively light, and, compared with the early part of last week, there is an ' , offish" feeling, though in re ality-, prices are without material change. To-day, there was not a single sale ef fected, at least, we had none reported, and, so far as we could learn, there 'were but very few offers to either buy or will; we are cognizant of an offer to sell at 834 c to be de livered on first water, though holders gen erally are asking B%c, and it is said> that there are plenty of buyers at 80. Spot oil, of which there is none in market, may be quoted at 8% to B%c,and all the ;"year, buyer's option, at 12c. As the river is too low to run bulk oil, the receipts have fallen off materially, and the arrivals by, rail have also been very light; at this writing the indications are favorable for an early bulk rise, and it looks now as though business would be dull until after there is a freshet. • ' •REFINED—There was but a single sale reported to-day, 500 bbls for December, at 28%c.: Spot oil is quoted at 25c; all the month, buyer's option, at 25/c to 251,, , e; May 25% to 253;c; June 26 to 26!(c; and July 26% to 27c. Offers to buy last four months at 2836—" refusals" asked at 28 y,c; and offers to sell last five months at-We. The last half of October sold on Thursday at 29e, and we presume that buyers for that delivery could still be found at that figure. All the year, buyer's option, - May be quo ted nominally, in the absence of sales, at al to 32c. As in the case of crude, the mar ket has been remarkably quiet during the past week, the salea, comparatively speak ing, being Insigniticant, and while there has been a - steady 'demand throughout the entire week, refiners refused to sell at the prices offered; and to this, more than any thing else, may be attributed the very small sales, and dullness with which the market has been characterized. ARRIVALS-The arrivals of: crude by river and rail duringg the week foot up 12,- 300 bbls, against 11,699 bbls last week,, and over one hundred thousand barrels during the eoriesiionding week Wit year. The ar rivals from the-first ofJanuary to date foot up 213,372 barrels. 99,181, 720 19 Clark it Sumner 96 bbls ref . to Wright (.Son', Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew it Co., 497 do do,to War den, Frew it Co, Philadelphia. Nat. Ref. Co., 750 do do to . F. A. Dilworth it Co., Philadelphia. Nat. • Ref. Co. 200 do do to P. Wright it Rona;Philadelphia. • •2 . , • lkicKelvy it Bro., 164 do do to W. P. Lo gan Sc Bro., Philadelphia. Fawcett, Logan it Steckdale, 150 do do to W. P. Logan OZ Bro., Philadelphia. • Buffom, Kehew it Co., 50 do do to W. P. Logan ,t Bro., Philadelphia. . . - _ New York Dry Goods Market. • tßy Telegrsj 510 tba PI aburQit `(}j lit* Yom flifeh'll.t.DryO c i s !iiii ker moderate,_lmit trade is as Usual.. igatinetts a little quiet,-Yet•the prices of cottons rule firmly in,ylow of the upward tendency of W cottO ,- '3Eletary-lidieetings, best makes, 183 al9 for Cocheco. 'Prints; 14%. for 9pragrteel 14%al 5 f0tMertittutok Da 1. 4 14111 x fotPacide; 143015 fig,, Amertean Richmond 'Dun nelit, A.llans, Hainilteris:Miinohester i tuid Oi iental; Half. for 6/940,120m ,•14;10116' ter; 18 for Auburn aria Paukegtun'l2)4 for London?itiidlll3Esspeolf i hrotirntritt; 13 for Freenutiliv 4 iiiis (47 lTiottiry: ':Eililkunges =hams; 18 for Galim tlelf - for - .Brown and 17 ter 13tans.. OIL SHIPMATE PER A. V. IL It. financial Mat4rs in New York, Gold Cloed 'FI3BI I /@1313 CBy Telegraph to the ttsburgh Gazette.l NEW , brut, April 11, 1808. MONETi !AND . GOLD.. Money was quite; ctave early an, and generally shardat .7 per cent., in fact coin interest was laid in a few instances. Toward the close of ink hours the offer ings were more libe al, especially to Gov ernment dealers. and the market was eas ier and more accesSible at the legal rate. Discounts are dull and nominal at 107@109. Sterling is firm and quiet at 109X.,®1093,f0r &into bills. God is lower, opening at 13834, and closing at 138N®138%. , The As-' sistant Treasnrer 1d $150,000 yesterday land $300,000 to-day., =EIEEMMI The bank statena :nt is quite favorable, considering the he vy drain on bonds by the Treasury Depaitment for the sales of gold. L0an5,5252,934,725, decrease, $1,351,- 166; Specie, $16,343,040, decrease, $754,149; Circulation, $34,194,272, decrease, $132,836; Deposits, 8179,851,880, decrease, $1,104,996; Legal Tenders,- $51132,609; •Increase, $272„ 993. GOVSIi . 3.IENTS. . Governments wordless activei during the morning and lower, ';ut there was more do ing in the afternoon,jwith the decline par tially recovered, thel market closing very strong. Henry Clew hez Co. furnish the an nexed 4:30 prices: Co; pons,'Bl, 111x®111%; do. '62, 111V,®111%; do. , 04, 109 m; do '65, 109g®1093,4; do. nee' , 107M®107y; do. '67, 107' 1077. Ten-F rties,\ 101%4102. SeV en-Thirties, 106,,,®1 7m. 41 RAILWAL4-BTOCKS. The Railroad matet opened unsettled and lower. The red nt break in Atlantic Mail and the conthined downward move ment in Pacific Mall still form the great topid of conversation' and the public have been effectually frightene.d by the sharp decline and .are diapOsed to give these stocks a wide berth. Pacific Mail sold from 8814 to 86 and Atlantic from 37'. to 35. The market was veo heavy on New York roads; Hudson broke suddenly from 135 to L 5, without apparerit cause, but afterwards recovered to 129 bid; 'Erie declined to eay„ and New York Centrhl fell to 117 m. ' West ern shares sympathised only to a limited extent with the bret l, l in the New York roads, and all were '. tier at the close, es pecially Wabash, Fort Wayne and Illinois Central. Following are s:3olrices: Canton, 46®40; Cumberland'3l34®33; Wells Express 31® 31; American 6042;63; Adams 064®667; United States 64® 1 4,• Merchants 32y, ® 327; Quicksilver 24®24M; Mariposa 6; Pacific Mail ssy,@)BB%; Atlantic 33;4®33; Western Union 36 3 ,,®364: New York Cen tral 117%®118; Erie 6t do preferred 74i ®74; Hudson 1297 ®131 . ; Reading 88.X_@ 88%; Ohio and 3 ' " ppi 30%®31; Wa bash 405‘®49; St. Paul 60 3 .,®603; do pre ferred73%®74; Mich)gan Central 113V,,® , 114%;. Michigan Southern ssg®BBl,• Il linois Central -1403,; Fittsburgh 88 , 4 SW; Toledo 102M®103; Rhode Island 93% 93X; Northwestern 62®644 do preferred 74N® 75; Fort Wayne 10110101%; Hartford and Erie 14®100; Chicaun and Alton 120;' St. Joseph 7634; Columbia'. 106; New Tennessee 65%; Missouri 87M.1 ' latp(t.Rrs For the week were:;;lrry goods 01,283,873; General merehandise4 3,238,364. • • t SUB-TREASURY' RECEIPTS . • . To-day amount to 0,852,245; payments $3,401,669;, balance $4007,600,035. Receipts for week $20,191,304; pityments for the week ;n7,365,820. atrNxzra: HARES - ~- - • - - , Are • ull: Gregory, 320 Welkin, 25. EXPOIiTS ~ • Of g • d for the week:: $811,807. There were • one to-day. , New York Profluce Market. [By T legraph to the Pttlurgh Gazette.) NE - Yonx, April } ~—Cotton decidedly higher' under active speculative demand; sales 7,500 bales at Sic for middling" up lands. Flour—receip 1,607 bbls—a Shade firmer;bbl t sales 9,100 at $8,90a9,30 foi. Sti perfine State and we tern, $9,80a10,35 for extra State, 59,70a10,81 t f0r extra western, 512a13,75 for white wli extra, $8,90a13,75 for R. H. 0., $10,25a11,50 for extra St. Louis. $12a14,50 for gockl to choice do., closing steady; California in eair request; mini 200 sacks at 512a14. 'Ry flour dull; sales 850 bbls at 59,50a9,60. Cornmeal . quiet; sales 300 bbls Bratulywi on private terms. Whisky nomlnal. heat--receipts 1,580 8 11 bush—la2c better; es 3,600 bushels at $2,53 for No. 1 . spriri delivered, 52,47 for No. 1 and 2 spring i xed, 52,50 for amber Pennsylvania, $2,90 fdx amber State, 53 for white Canada, $3,20 'for White California, Rye steady; sales 6,600 bu State at 51,92 a 1,93. Barley dull; sates 7,500 bu. Canada East at $2,08. Barley malt dull. Corn-- receipts 13,400 bu and 3.c better and less ac tive; sales 41,000 bu aflbat at 51,21 for old in store; 11,17a1,19% for! white- western and southern; $1,25101,26A for yellow western and southern. Oats—,receipts 680 bu and firmer; sales 6,500 bu at 863086;6c for west ern in store; 87;4o atiolt sellers option for 10 clays. Rye dull. Coffee quiet and firm. Stigar firm and fairly: active; sales 900 hhds Cuba at 10y 4 a1114c. Molasses quiet. Hops ''quiet. Petroleum quiet at lny.c for crude; 2534 c for reflned in bofld. Coal quiet and unchanged. Leather"hemlock sole firm and* fair demand at'2634a2Bc for Buenos - Ayres light weightS. Wool a shade loweri - sales 390,0009 pounds at 48a 57,vc for domestic fleece. _ Pork firmer; and quiet; sales, 1,250 bbla at 527a27,76 for new mess; closing at--$27,12% for regular; 525,87a26 old do; closin at $26 for regular; $22a22,50 for prime; 52 4.50a24,75 fotkprime mess. Beef firmer; sales of 2,000 bbls and 400 tierces at unchanged prices; beef hams quiet and unsettled ~ 1 Cat meats firmer; sales of 770 paeltages;l 12alpic for - shoul ders; 16a17 for htuns; roceipts, 20 packages of Billings smoked harm; some to arrive at 1934a20c. > Bacon firmer; sales of 800 boxes at . 14c for Cumberland cut; 1614a1634 for short ribbed clear; 13efor sour Cumberland_ cut. Lard steady; saes, 930 bbls at "'l73a 18c. Butter steady at•Pa4oe;' Ohio State at 50a58c. Cheese at 1U16 1 4.. Freights. to Liverpool quiet and ifleady: '1;500' bush of wheat per cwt 4d. i LATEST.-Flour-To better, With• fair de mand for home use,kind '&llmited export inqiry. Wheat lc better, with a light sup ply and moderate demand._ Rye firm and quiet at 51,89aa1,90. :Western Oats quiet and steady; 86 1 086;4 . 1 1cir western in store. Corn steady at 51,22a4,233e,, for new mixed Western afloat and 51,21a1,2114 for old .nlixedyrestern. in , stora. Pork dull at 527; regular mess beefactive and a shade firmer; Cut meats quiet, activd and advancing. Ba con in fair request and firm at' 14 for. Cum berland cut. - Lard dull at 143♦a18 for finr to prinieiteain kettle rendered. =, "Eggs, a good supply and dull at 21.] ' _ '• ' - ' - • -- , , Philadelphiii Market. . . ..., CBS : TelegrapD to the . Plttsourgb Gazette.] PHILADELPHIA • Af4il 11.—Clov,erseed $,6,25a7,25 for Pennsylvania and Ohio. Flax seed /2,90 Petrole ' quiet;- crude 1534 a 160; , refined,. 25a25M.1 ' Flour dull; quota tions- barely mai n d.. _Wheat in poor 4 supiply and held ,y; sales 'BAX) bush red at ',12,83a2,85 . 53,15a3,25. Rye steady at $ 1,90. -Corn ' fidrdeman , sales 6,000 bush yellow at 1,20, mixed western sl,lB,whitell 14. - Grixteries arid F;oirlsions unchanged. -• 7 ,1 ~ Louisville Market. [By Telegraph to tlie Plttabarlh Gaiette.] LotIISVILLE, April 11i—Tobaceo; market quiet, with sales , of 1111 , hhde, at'1;4001475 for 1ug5;87,50a14_,00 for common to medium leaf, andanBAtASEVItIVI . :A I 3Our; snpmtAe 18,50a9,00. Wheat W. Oats 78a75e. Oorn - 85480i ,r141 3 -4,17301 AN;V s ' 3 4 llO -; Mfg - offers: ~10Ncsolea'rlilidsa 17MoNi,vpimon,46&.:Iiith an upward tendency, atl 280 for middling; no Wes. I NM