II NEir iaivEßTialrmirs 'CHEAP• GUNN FOB THE PEOPLE.... The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS hare been removed to No. 179 SMITHFIELD STREET. where will always be found the moat complete assortment of Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport ing Material, &c., in tee city. All kinds. of Gun* and Pistols, carefully repaired. Cash paid for 'ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Send stamp i for aluatrated Circular. Agents Wanted in every town in , the United States. Ade:rise, J. H. JOHN STON. 179 Smithfield Street. Pittsburgh. - 0 T I CE.—AN ADJOURNED MEETING of the "Manchester Building and Loan Association" will be Itch! on TUESDAY EVENING, April 14th, MS.. ut UNION HALL. corner of Beaver avenue and Sheflield streets. Alle gheny City, (formerly Manchester.) Members are - urgently requested toattend, asAmsiness of Import ance will be transacted.ardatoll J. HUSH. Secretary. PRONOGRAPHY.-A FREE LECTURE on Phonographr, Its nature and uses. will be given on MONDAY R.VENINIi, April ..90th, In DUFF'S COLLEGE BUILDING. No. 57 Fifth street. A ('lns••6 will then be organized. The course will Comprise `2O Lessons. Tuition. $5.00. The recitation. will be held in r the evening. For further particulars Inquire at the office of DUFF'S COLLEGE. I an13:033 WOMS.--Two FRONT ROOMS, very eligibly located, and very desirable. apartments, In perfect order, neat door to - tirst class boarding house, van be had by genslemen and their wires or single gentlemen. best of references -required. Inquire on DUQUESNE WAY, two doors below Hancock street. aptato4o -274 r IVE O DOLLAR9 RE ' AHD. - Strayed pr rh es ; r l A.sl°"l"l 'No. A,s;von, ageneli A BLACK AND WHITE COW, :Seven or eight years old. Any one returning the •Same will receive the above reward. api:ho..li AYILMEREY or JACK CABE. ..THE BONDMAN OF WENT. By lion. R. T. CONRAD. In one volume. 'For Sale by KAY d COMPANY, 65 Wood street MEM • W ALK IN! WALK IN: AND SEE THE NEW • SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, . j.. JUST RECEIVED AT SMITH'S Tailoring Establislunen4 No. 98 WYLIE STREET, Corner of, Federal. IiIABSHAL , S OFFICE, E.-D. Pennsslvala, PIIILADELPILIA, of April I.oth. n 1888. T?HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE . that A. on the 9th day of April. A. D. 1888, a War _cont In Bankruptcy was issued - against the , ESTATE OF JOSEPH PENNOCK, /Of Philadelphia, in the county- of Philadelphia, and 'State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of .any'debts and delivery of any property belonging to :such bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the trans ter of any property by idin are forbidden bylaw; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to -prove their debts and to choose one or more As ' aljrnees of his estate. will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 611 S Walnut street, Philadelphia, before J. HUBLEY ASHTON. Esq - Register, on the Bth day of May, A.. D. 1868. at 1 . 1. 40•CIOC1 A. X. P. U. ELL - 51,11U8, ar,l3-,K U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. iurr OF L uncalled for April 13th, 186: ETTERS R at BIICIIANA. :AM dohn 'Evans Geo H Evans Louisa Edwards Chas Fuller Kate A Fink Andrew Flekley Mich Farrall Jas. Felster Mary A' 'Griner Geo Gilmore Elizb'h Githens John Greer Thos .Ames Julia Alberson Lydia Anglers Cat'l • Alldred H - Adams Ratchet Brown Mary J Brown Alex Brown Hash ißowd John J ' Boylef John _Boyle Jaines .Blakely Jos 1 'Beech Wm ..,Brier John Bradon Sam Bsiley John atley Geo W Beggs Jos , spared inghattse.rJ Christie Alex Crane das GehrlnuChas 11111 Mich Hickey John Hugus Tho . Hoffman Jose Hamilton J. union ii ' I Ilimsch'Dom Irwin das Cross John [hilly Ann Crookharn JTIO hambera T * Cynningham Crahan Bryan CoolyEdw Tarr David Cassidy Elizab'h Carson Jas Jnnkins J John Jordan Wm ' Jones. II Kenedny J 31 King 0 Larkins Seth M Miller Jae 31 31illinger Jag Miller J Mulhollan t d F Marx I 4.!raltan ..t • J _pacts' John :Davis .Dowden Mk, prain M Dyer John Doffahue Mart Downs,Anron C Dic.kson , 'S 8 3tayhag h3fary - Mathews M mcSvcigge . n , McDonnell McDonald R E. U. RI, 131;isW 3 Daniels John PERFECT FITTING • HID GLOVES.. "A. C. C."--7"H: : 4 . K." We Invite attention to our KM GLOVE DEPARTMENT, v.,ch is now complete with every color and shade: In addition to our own special importation of the Celebrated A. C. C. (Joulin) RIDS, e have secured the ecclusive sale of the "Ilarrio .Seamless The' best Glove and most perfect flt. MACRUM & CARLISLE, apt I . 10 'FIFTH STREET. NOTICE* • WHEREAS, A-libel of informatioc has been filed .in the District Court of the United States for the Western District of. Pennsylvania,' against the Rrawdly of ANDREW KI/EaTIG, situated in the vaty of Allegheny, and about 70 bbls. ofSchenk Beer, 40 bids. of Lager Iteer, 10 hogsheads. 2 vats, 6 barrels, 1 vat, 1 small vat, 1 copper pump. 3 sec tions 'of hose, containing about 70 feet; 2 small tubs, 11:racket, 1 kettle and appurtenances: 1 cooler —being the property of Andrew Koenig. The said Andrew Koenig and all persons claiming an interest in said property. are hereby notified to be and appear before our said Court, at Pittsburgh, on the 20th day ofApril; 1868, at 11 c'clock A. M., then and there to make answer to the premises, and inter vene for their. respective Interests, and make their allegations In that behalf. THOS. - A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal. Marshal.' Office, April 10, 1168. .ap 11:036 - 'WINDOW CURTAINS. T . WHITE, ORR & CO., • 2b FIFTH STREET: Over at LOW PRICES. Lace Curtains, Worsted Damask, - -DOOR LACE, GILT CORNICES, LOOPS, 4c. spn MARBLE & SLATE MANTLES, CLEM PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE AND SLATE WORKS. and Wariroom-319 and 321 LIBERTY STREET. Mantle Warcroom on second Cots. • Persons - wanting Marble or Slate Mantles will find it to their Interest to call. Workmanship not _elf# celled.in any place, and prices as low as in EastePlt cities. Marble Mantles or Furniture Slabs which ,hays became dlscolsets d bu smoke, oils oracids, can be Marbleized andinaade to la ok as'well as new. There is no other place In Western Pennsylvania ' 'Otters Slate Mantles are manufactured. ;All kinds of Marble Work done In the bestmanner. Marble Cutters supplied with Sawed Marble at East ** prices, carriage added. W. W. WALLACE. We - Rum& CARLISLE,- • ,19 - Fifth' Street, 'Now otter the most elegant line of 'HALBEEIURGS Eviiiesoftedin Pitegbenek,:to they egratelaUy invite.,theguson ot/heir,deteluars ' de , se t m it air nerchitia orient'. and about TIR j r !ADVLIt FORT PITT - BANKING COMPANY 9 • No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, $200,000. • STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN • GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND • COLD. INTEREST . ALLOIVED ON TIME DEPOSIT'S. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canadas. 'DIRECTORS: D. Hostetter, I Jno. C. Risher. James Gordon, - ; Robt. A. Haig. 1). Walinee, E. Fawcett, 1Wer:;1.311lIrlri:y. NANCE.. NeCLCRFLILN, IPres't. - - D. LEET WILSON, Cashier, F OR MONDAY AND TUESDAY. At Mic.—Yard Witte BLEACHED MUSLIN At illVe.—One case of EXTRA FIRE BLEACH ED 3IUSLIN. slightly wet, a good bargain. At 1.51. , 6y. Heavy UN BLEACHED MUSLIN At I.Oc.—DARK G . INGHABIS At 1511 Se.—BEST PRINTS At Soc.—GOOD CORSETS At.S7Sc.--WIIALEBONE CORSETS At 75e...REAL KID GLOVES, (colored.) ;At SI.OO—BEST KU) GLOVES, (colored.) SACKING CLOTH. In beautiful shades BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS. FLOWERS, &c A Large and Carefully Selected Stack, EiILiTNING POSTOFFICE. McNeil .. .Mary MeQulston Tilos Mcßoberts H McDonald J .L 3lcKain Wm McCartney JnO 31cCullougli J Megusde Maggie McKibben 11 m P Paisley I) Phillipys Mary Park Mary J Faul John A Dowel Maggie E Palmer John Phillips Haray Radford A 8 AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S llawi ioul> rEgil 180 & 182 Federal St.,- Allegheny. Smith Thos J Smith 11 'Sheppard Sarah Sheppard Henry 'Simpson Jas Sowers Anita.. Steiner Jos B StatonoT • Sharp Ja s ' Satter Sehlieker J Spencer S S Snyder Julia A Thompson.Wm ;Tr.aris Jc Bro Thornton J G V Vardy Sarah Verney Mrs apl3 rLightning Rods Wilson Mary E Walker s:Haab% Wh!marsh Ann Woodward 8 M ERAN. P. M. Our customers Will have the benefit of our new Insulator, patented in 1867. The price 19 thirty cents per foot, and three dollars for each top; this includes; the cost of putting the rod on , buildings— there are no extra charges of any kind. Within the past Mir years we have erected this rod on many churches and other public edifices in Pittsburgh and vicinity, and upon thousands of dwellings and barns. For the superior character of this rod we are per mitted to refer to Rev. I. C. Pershing. 1). I)., Presi dent Pittsburgh Female College; Plillotus Dean, EN" Professor Natural Sciences, Pittsburgh High Scbbol; Geo.tWoods, LL. D.. Pree'L-Western Uni versity of Pennsylvania. , • • Thankful for the liberal ordersof past years, we solicit a continuation of public patronage. airDesprs In Rods supplied. LOCKIWIT & CO., 1114164eturers, DINVESYE WAY, near Hand St. Bridge, 'nit27:Wr&P JISTABLISIIED 1849 THE LAltartfer Ia AXIMITCA._ NORTH AMERICAN Lightning Rod . Mannfactory, - BRASS FOUNDRY . AND. IRON OnYANIZING - WORKS. 30,000 FEET MANUFACTDRED DAILY. THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZED LIGHTNING RODS, Manufactured at these works., and sold to ail parts of the continent, are admitted to be superior to any Lightning Rod In use. Great Inducements offered . Zard n d i griV t ig i persor r i ugnff at tu irhogs i t . /le. togelher with . 11 uFal i g, o n a istent i n;s, s Co P p a pe; Iron Connection Burs, Braces, etc. Samples. Pam phlets and Circulars sent free. PXYBURN. HUNTER & CO . sy ;:Nos. ' 488 and 490 St John St, a '?" - • ACRIUNI & .19 , 1TFTH STREET.{ Have Jus t opepid,ol shades of PRINGf.S. BjJ L 8 OniPB . /LUD Al7eqr/(7,0000.,... CASSIBIERES, for Steu's wear CASSIMERES, for Boys' wear COTTON AND LINEN -DIAPER PILLOW CASE, LINEN 10-4 AND 11-4 MEETING SHIRTING CHECK IRISH LINEN, HOSIERY, NOTIONS ~_,_ JUST OPENING, Wholesale and .Retail, PITTSBURGH, PA ,04.4 4 ,. 4k ar,04, PITTSBVItGM GAZETTE MONDAY, APRIL 13. 1868. "-IiFEW'MMIImS!rErNmEt:-uu NEW '• YORK, HAVE JUST READY THE MASSACRE OF ST. OATITIIOLOAIEW. Preceded by a History - of the Religious Wars in the 'Reign of Charles By Henry White. M. A.. IT. D. With Illustrations. 8 vo. Cloth, *1.75. MOTLEY'S HISTORY of THE NETHERLANDS. A History of the United States Netherlands, from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Years' Truce-609. By d. Lothrop Motley, D. C. L.. au thor of `:The Rise of the Dutch Republic." Com plete in four volumes. With Portraits. S vo.. Cloth. $l 4. The Vohnues sold separately :it $3.50 each THE THIRTY-NLITH , CONGRESS. History of the Thirty-ninth Congress of the United States. By Valliatm Ht. Barnes, M A., author of "The Body Politic,” &c.. With Eighteen Steel Portraits. Svo. Cloth, $5. THREE LITTLE SPADES._A Tale. By Miss Anna Warner. 1.6m0., Cloth, 111.. DR. SMITH'S SMALLER HISTORY OF ENG LAND. A Smaller History of England, • from the Earliest Tines to the Year . 1862. Edited by Wil liam Smith, LL.D. Illustrated by Engravings ou Wood. 10mo., Clbth, el. Uniform with Dr. Smith's Smaller Histories of Greecp . sind Rome. • • QUEEN VICTORIA'S JOURNAL. Leaves from the Journal of our Life In the Highlands, from 1848 to 1861. To which are prefixed and added Extracts from the same-Journal, giving an account of Earlier Visits to Scotland.' and' Total . ; In England and lee land: and Yachting Excursions. Edited by Arthur Helps. - 19in0., Morocco Cloth, Beveled - Edges, X1:75. Uniform wltt Qtieen 1 - Leto - rift's' Mem"Otr- of tile Prince Consort. WILES'S - 11=0El — OF THE HUGUENOTS. ,The Flugenote Their Settlemeitti, Chia:ollie and In dustries In England and Ireland. By Samuel Smiles, author - of "Self Sm. Crown Svo., Cloth. Beveled Edges, $1.75. • VIII. --- DU CHAILLU'S GORILLA COUNTRY. Stories Of the Gorilla Countrii narrated for Youug People. By Paul B. Du Chaffin, author of "Discoverles in Equatorial Africa." Profusely Illustrated. 12ino. Cloth, $1.75.- MRS. COMFORT'S FAIRY STORIES. 'Folks and Fairies: Storiee for. Little Children. 'By L'aey Ran. dall Comfort. With Engiarings. Square 4t0., Cloth. - • - BARNES'S EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY._ Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity In the Nineteenth Century. By Albert Barnes. author of "Notes on the New Testament." ..tc. 1.2m0., Mo rocco Cloth, Beveled Edges, $1.75. . - XI. THE LOVERS' DICTIONARY; a Poetical Treas ury of Lovers• Thoughts, Fancies,. Addresses and Dilemmas, Indexed with nearlyVen Thousand Ref erences as a Dictionary of Compliments and Guide to the Study of the Tender Science. Post Svo, Cloth, $3.50; Gilt 44.25. THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN: Pl3l. CROM WELL AND PITT. A Course of Lectures on the Political History of England. By Goldwin Smith, author of ••Lectures ise the Study of History," &c. Uhno.; Cloth. stso. ' • ' THE NEW NOVELS =9 HARPER .t BROTHER, NRAv YORK FIVE HUISTDBED POUNDS REWARD. By a Barrister. Sro. Paper. 50 cents. • SOONER OR LATER. By Shirley Brooks. author of "The Silver Cord." &e. Illustrated by Du Mau rler. Svo., Paper, 0-50; Cloth. 121. MY ritISBAND'S CRI3I - E. With Illustrations by Gaston - Fay. Svo., Paper, 75, cents. A FRENCH COUNTRY FAMILY. B Madame De Witt, nee (ttizot. Translated by Dinah Muloch Cralk. author of "John Halifax. Gentleman." "A Noble Life." "Chilstian's Mistake." "Two Mar riages." ,te. Illustration. 4. 12m0., Cloth. 01.50. ONE OF THE FAMILY. By the auff!_or of —Carl von's .Bvo., cent*. - . . . BROWNLOWS. By :qrs. Oliphant,' a u th or of "Agnes," "MuWong ..Mary,• ' "The Laird of Nor law." "The Days of my Life," "Carllngfordj` "Life of Edward Svo., raper, 37c. Svo., Paper 50 cents. . PLAYING FOR lIIGti STAKES. By Annie Thomas, author 9f "On Gnacd,, , ! , "penis Donne,— •Lelgh; '''‘YalteiftOittig." "Played Out," "Called to Account," &c. Bvo.. Paper, SG cents. GUILD COURT. A London Story•. By George )faeponald, author of •`Aurials of et Quiet Neighbor hood," "Alec Forbes," ac... Bvo., Paper, 3 Oct. THE HUGENOT 'FAMILY.'By Sarah Tytler. 12nt0., Cloth. 51.50. • • - MABEL'S PROURESS. By the author of "Aunt Margaret's Trouble." Bro., Paper. 50 cents. . 11110TIIER8 will send any of the above Works' by mall, - postage paid, to any part of the rafted States, on receipt of the ['flee. apt 3 51. 51. EIROYER £ BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH LOCK STITCH i • SEWING , M4CHINW4 WITH' LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, At' the liew'sual Elegant Sales Rooms OF THE COMPANY, -51 FIFTH STREET. Also, NiEDLES, _ATTACHMENTS. MACHINE SILKS and COTTONS. THREAD, MACHINE OIL, &c.. &c. The citizens of Pittsburgh are respect fully Invited to call. Applications for Agencies solicited. Circulars or hunples by mall on application. Correspondence to be addressed to • GROVER, & BAKER &X CO. 51 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. J.. & H. PHILLIPS, G GOODS.IB6g mr. - 1, - "ZioWel'arfakl,l4.l)Cit 02" own an d o th er FLOOR. OIL CLOTHS, ; ;CARRIAGE, FURNITURE, TABLE AND *ThTDOW SHADE OIL CLOTHS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also, a full lino or TranspiiirentAlindow Rhoden, Ilollands, Shade Fixtures, Tommie, Cords, Ate. • WOLESALE AND; RETAIT., BUYERS will find our prices AS LOW IF'NOT LOWER, THAN CAN BE PURCHASEDELSEWHERE, and of quality and styles second to none. • • J.,& H. PHILLIPS, ap3:nan • • 26 AND 28 ST. CLAIR ST. QTEUBENVILLE • FEMALE SEDEIMARTs_ weeks= Ts:PM—Per ,session of Ilse months. 2/ Boseding, with Roonsand Light, $80; Tendon, 11110- to $18; Washing. per dozen, 30 centa. Musts, Painting and Languages extra. A deduction of 1.5 per cent. Is made for the daughters of clergymen. The next Summer Session opens May , - For catalogue apply to . Rev. 10. D. - BEATTY, D. D., LL D., Strrt. Or, Rev. A. M. REID, A. M., Principal. _ Steubenville, 0.. March, loss. p ICE! ICE I IC/ s- Cl -7---- WI. KREBS, 'lee Wald.; F. Sr. 11 . 1 '.P/0 10231) " ahlr?Lhirt Pitsburgh. Orders left !after at BMW Street Bridge will re- fare - P rkur i Altil l"l9 enr. 9 !Fiti°llll4ol4lll MI -"AND mL :xwr&i • GRAND OPENING. REINEILIN, IIEfILIN SIEDLE No. 42 Fifth St., WILL OPEN, W ON MONDA In announeln the:. opera•g 'of their new 'place of bust ess, they desire grate , ully to acknowledge the verygeneroue sympathy ma • treated by their, patrolia and the pnblle, tor the Ham a severe less in the de- Structiou by tire of their ew store room, and to return their sincere thanks I • r the liberal patronage bestoWed upon thhmaince. The New Establishment will be Opened ON A SCALE Or INCREASED SPLENDOR ! Determined that the public should lose nothing by the Conflagration, the licm has incurred a heavy ex pense in reconstructing the NEW STORE la demo-ner lunch superior to that which has suffered lition. It will be filled with an entirely NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF GOLD AND SILVER GOODS, Of Every Description. ALSO, A FULL LINE OF DIAMOND JEWELRY, AXERICAN AND FOREIGN _ WATCHES, CLOCKS, Plated Ware, &e., Owing to Its GREAT FACILITIES, the dm arc able - to sell goods at the' MOST MODERATE PRICES. HEINEMAN, MERLIN_ & SIEDLE,_ No. 42 FIFTH STREET ', • - _ SATTSBITAGU, Pa. ftp,:u. B EN FRANKLIN • INSURANCE COMPANY, • OF ALLEGHENY, PA. ales hi Franklin Savings Bank Buildings, No. 43 onto St.. Allegheny. A ROME COMPANY, managed by iiireetors well known to the Community.- who trust by talr dealing to merit* share of your patronage. HENRY IRWIN President. GEO. D. RIDDLE 'Secretary. . DIRECTORS: . I Henry Irwin, ,IL L. Patio son. "Henry Gerwtg. • Geo. li t Riddle . : Jacob Frau !Ciottlelb Foos. Simon Drum. IJ. 11. Smith ' , Jacob Rush, W. H. Stewart, eh. P. 'Whlston. .loseph Craig, ,/ Jos. Loutner. If, J. Zlnkoml, :Jeremiah Koben. , ,a010:05 , ' TILE BEST FHTING DRAWERS THE WORM. ARE THE • - Patent Pantaloon, Drawers. • • . The genuine bear our trad mark, P. P. D. - F/SH, CLARK & FLAGer, • PatenteeN and Manufacturers. - No. 6S White St., New York. . • fetieltßaiwir • 168. 168. • .• cHEAP.: • CHEAP - PRINTS, DELAINES. Mir TWEEDS t CASSIMERES. ' - • ay- FLANNELS, COLLARS. 'fir HOSIERY AND GLOVES. ear WHITE GOODS. rttlinit SHAWLS. HOOP SKIRTS, LACES. air AT-THE NEW DRY HoODS STORE OF F. - SOUCY . , Vir No. 168 Wylie Street.. ies. 168. Im i hMin4o.l . • pERCEVAL HEChETT, : • VIECHANICIAL ENGINEER. • (Late of P. P. W. • & Ot Railway. ) Office, No. 791MM:1UL STREET, Room No. A. up stairs. .I'. 0. Box 50, ALLEURENY CITY. MACIIINERY, of all descriptions, designed. BLAST PURN ACE and ROLLING lIILL DRAW INGS-furnished. Particular attention paid to de signing COLLIERY LOCOMOTIVES. Patents con fldentlaily solleited.. , /00. An EVENING DRAW ING CLASS for mechanics every WEDNESDAY NIUHT.• maS ALI ,LEGHENT COUNTY • WORKHOUSE SEALED PROPOSALS will be received Until the SlSth lust, tor LAYING BRICK BYTHE .THOU SAN D,- in accordance with the planuand specifica tions tiled at BAHR & MOSER'S orrice, and under the directlop of the Seperintendent. O. ALBREE, Secretary, Wood street, corner Fourth.__ apo:o20 i CIARII,McCANDLESS A. CO., (Late Wilson, Carr & Co:,) wDory.s.Att DEALEJDI IN, Foreign and : Dry:; Good s , No: 99 WOOD writr.wr,_ Third door above Diamond after: PITTSBUIZGII - Pii. JITLIAN ALLEN, ALL ' . KINDS CiF `X , EAR TOTJACOO - AND SEGARS; No. 8 SIXTH STREET, (Nstloial Bonk of Com maroa4llBdbB4- • •.,• • •.•prroilitrarli, Branch of / 78- Wateestroot, LI. Y. !IPfinn ' DAol TEL P. DINA.N. TISBMENTS: DOMESTIC CARPETS, ARE DAILY ARRIVING. AND SOLD SOON AS RECEIVED. 1711EIlt TILE VERY LQWESW. IicCALLUM BROTHERS, Y STORE, 1, April 6th. 51 FIFTH STREET.. above Wood. JUST IMPORTED, 23 NELMKT- CU WETS, THAII:NEsr ASSORTMENT AND THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY, OLIVERM'CLINTOCK & Ca, No. 23 Fifth Street. 18 68. 8101tLIVG STOCK 1868 • ,A.l : tr9E• r j[ l S • JUST OPENING, LARGE ASSORTMENT, All 'Qualities LOWEST PRICES Th THE CITY SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THOSE WHO BUN " - TO SELL: .110Y.A-RDI ROSE & 21 Fifth Street; • , mhlo:d&wp OVER BATES & BELL'S.• WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, • BF STEAMER COLORADO. Of our own Direct Importation, lETHE NEWEST AND CHOICEST PATTERNS OF THE CELEBRATED. JOHN CROSSLEY & SON'S ENGLISH TAPESTRY AND BODY BRUSSELS, - FOR. PAP.LORS AND HALL% WITH STAIR CARPETS TO HATCH. II & COLLINS, -71 AND 73 FIFTH ST. (-Second Floor.)_ nonrrsitT • - FOR SALE. • - Property near Mansfield for - Sale. , "Avery desirable plece of land of 16 acres, having an Orchard of about 3 acres mute good frame house of 5 rooms and cellar: a spring of never falling wa ter near, the house. Located on an elevation about fi.of Mile west of Mansfield Station, on the Pan handle IL R. To be sold as a whole or in lots, to suit purchasers, from 2 to 5 acres. Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, Beal- Estate and Insurance Agent. No. 77 Federal street, Allegheny City, ou seeond.floor. • - FOB SALE. A good frame dwelling of five rooms, large hall, finished attic and good cellar, with lot 24 by 129 feet 9 inches, situate No. 60 -Adams street, Sixth ward, Allegheny City; which will be sold low and on good terms, as the owner niches to leave the city. Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, No. f 77 Federal street, Allegheny Clti, on second door.- F It SALE. BUILDING LOTS 'OBSALE. ,,- -TwO good lotaon Sheffield street; one lot on Adams street; one lot on- Franklin street • three small lots on Chartlers street, Allegheny. A lot in East Liberty, being lot No. 14 on Dennison avenue. A number of lots on Jacks Run: itMulre of DANIEL. SWOGER, No. 77 Federal street, Allegheny City, second floor. A good Farm 070 Acres, 00 or,whicir are culti vated, and balance in timber, hating 10 acres of orchard, Coasts:lug of apples, peaches and pears: a bood log house, of rooms and cellar; a good log arn. b arm well watered, having a good spring near:the door; 50 acres underlaid, with coal. Situ ate 12 miles northwest of Allegheny City, and 4 miles froM Sewickley or Glendale Station, on the P. F. W. d C. R. H. Terms easy. Inquire at 77 Fed eral street Allegheny City, second floor. inhlSanfi, • • RARE OPPORTUNIVE is now offered to persons in search of a good building at at love price and on easy terms of payment. 810 ;will aecure a lot; the purchaser can build at once. and cease to pay rent, and pay for the tot in monthly installments soweely exceeding his present rent; These lots are in a desirable location, sur rounded by improved proper easy of access by Omnibus and ferry. Prices 1400 to 4450. J. CU HIIERT & 80N8, arS, Real Estate Agents. 85 Smithfield 81. urris FOR . SALE-SEVERAL !BUILDING LOTS On:Obserratory Hill, Second %ard, Allegheny City, are offered for sale—cheap. The location is a very desirable one, commanding a flue viewof both cities, Is easy of access, and there Is abundance of stone on the ground for building gaol z et a! A k uli p sz e n , atd i h e e gh t e ggpt 1112 oondC, Mc nt THIS OFFICE, of on. the premises, near the Ott. servatory Building. mhz:n3B riIiCSALL-HORSES.-At HOW AMPS LIVERY AND SALE STABLE brie fine MILT HORSE May); three DAPPLE GREY HORSES: one LARGE DRAUGTIT HORSE•, three BLACK - MARES; two GREY MARES. FIRST STREET, near Monongahela House. Horses bought and cold on commission. ______ SALE.—A. very desirable j[l three-story BRICE 130E8E, nearly new; press ed brick front, marble. mantles; gas and water throughout; house contains seven rooms and finish ed garret, 1r0. 94 ELM tiTREET, near Wylie, Sixth ward. Possession from, April -.11at.-1.888.. Enquire at the house. 4 , iiiii: .._ REMOVALS. • RlEmove.,L. Delaware Mutual S. Insurance Company Rontoreti to N'o, 68 FOURTH ST., Pittsburgh. 0r.... 3 4!fie F. H. 31ADRIHA, Agent. EMOVAL.. JOHN D BALLET &BRO, wrotin.. AND ".REAL' ESTATE . DRONEUS AND AUCT/ONEEDS, have removed to No. IRS FOURTH STREET. aDDIVIR '1106,4A ND Biffnair. .... . 4. Ago' od wunif ...,.yrzt,ritcnist ll tbls Span, . IN ~, T OP UUCHiIY„ .made to order y i n t fi-' Mu 'be mild root.' aa the ownerintends leaving n. city. . . n t . , . : Tale sae a IlltAN'a tarsier STABLE, - 'JACK . . -- , , Penn ettect. - `e 141o:on t . . •. , IMMEN=] mgr -:" : • 1868 THE VERY LATEST PATTERNS ' IMPORTED CARPETS. THE VERY NEWEST STYLES PRICES Aug- EspeclayyAdapted .. :to this Market ME OF MOST ELEGANT DESIGNS Bigtisk Body and Tapestry Brussels, IN( 4ADTS. AND BEMPS, COMMON CARPETS, A 5 CENTS PER YARD FOR SALE In :~_. ~~ ...,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,_ :1 .--'-' . m r. --- --NOIT 6- 41174FRegn - n—ini An nual Meeting of the II • 1 ... Great National Petrpleank rompatir. ;.:.z. ~---_ 4_.' Wilt take Wage at the °Mee of the . Company IN St. Clair street. on WEDNESDAY, Alt .411 st. DIMS. at 10 o'oloe.lC A. 24 - . 0111:41 _ _ _._ . , ..• . . , z'ITTS.III.7ItGII, FOItT WAYNE & CHICAGO /sem- WAr COMPANT. Office of the See'retaryt • PO - rsartunt. hfarch 14, /M. THE BO.A.ED OF DIRECT ORS OF Tills coMPANY have declared the regular Quarterly Dividend (No; 17,1 .Of 511 S PER CENT. free of Government tax, on the Capi tal Stock. foithe.quarter.euding March 31. i bayabic on and after_ WEDNESDAY, the 15th day uf April, •1865, at the office of Winslow, Lanier & CO . Nos.' 27 :Ind 29 Pine street, to those registeredit New York, and at the office of the Treasurer to those re gistered at i'lttsburgb. The Transfer Booka will close on the 31st day of Bfarch, at 2 o'clock e. H. and re-open on the 10th dayof 1568, at 10 o'clock A. H. •F. U. HUTCHINSON. Sect;etary. agrNO • TICE. , ap9:oM TO THE STOCF.IIO6ERS OF Tni , T • e . • It having been decided to intraediatelyfncrease the Capital Stock of this Bank to $200.001 notice is hereby given to the present- Stockholders hat the Subscription Books arc now open, and will telltale -open until the 10th day of April proxlmo.' oteuh ecripttons to the araditut of $Bll,OOO. After April 10th the Books will be opened to the public for the balance of stock not taken at ti at date. GEO. T. VAN DONE'S, camiiiier. aptinn. KEYSTOIVE BANK• Pittsburgh, 3ltirc h alst, 1868. , . Atrii RIVER MINING CO.—The Ann ing of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh a River Ministg:Co. silt be held at the. Room Pittsburgb,-Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway WEDNESDAY, April 15th, at 2 o'clock mh3L•n72 JAMES FINLAY, Sec' AUCTION SALES BY PAL?IE & PHILLIPS. r - TbALRIER & PIIILLIPS, AU ' And On ntni.ssion Ifferchan OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Fla. • BOOTS',` SHOES,' CARP TS Dry Goods and Notions, ; , 1 AT PRTVATE SALE DAY AND EVENkO. Prompt Consignments Solicited. Prom pt Re turns. BY sieraßoit, UNHOOK & HOUSE AND VALUABLE ON TROY HILL, AT AUCTION. TUESDAY, April 14th„ at 2 o'clock p. on 'the premises, will be sold by auction, a neat and comfortable FRAME HOUSE - of four roomed with two good cellars.. Lot 68 feet front by 200 feet in depth.' Good cistern, pump, coal house, bake4wen, wood house and cow stable. Choice fruit treprind small fruits in abundance on lot. • Also, several LOTS, ranging In front from' 0 to 36 feet In - 200 feet in - depth. This property sit uated on Washington street , bounded . by Gardner, Chesnut and Downing streets, and Is very desitable, being convenient to the street cars, and the advantage of good board walks. 931ITHSON, VANTIOOK & DIc';LELLAND;I at"" Auction 6 ; PENN STREET PROPERTY AT AUCTION. MONDAY. April 13. at 2,"4 o'clock P. the premises, will he sold that very desirable ands ree Y' - bie THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING 110 SE, No. 951 Penn street. of eleven rooms, with all od ern improvements incident to alirst class dwelling. The Lot has a front of 514 fecton Penn street, ex tending back In depth 1121 feet to a RIO feet alley.. Brick stable on rear of lot. The location of this prop'rty should command the attention of busine'ss'men desiring a apncialhoni fortable kesidence. SMITHSON, VANHOOti & McCLELLANI _app Auctiondirs. SZIEi ANADMINISTRAT 111 9 S SALE F ' 9000 MINING STICKS. SlLlft,ilifiP OTHEIt P TENT RI Tfg, : TUESDAY EVENING. Ap /I 14th, at. S. ortiock, will be sold on second door of the Commercial Sales Rooms,' No. 106 Smithfield street, by order cifMno Phillips. Esq., Administrator of C. W. Ricketson, deceased:• - 6,750 shares Meramec Sitter Lea-C0.,04' fls sourl . 30,000 shares Gold 31ountaln, Oong 'na tion Co" of Colorado. ; : 4,334 shares Phelps Gilmore Gold C of Colorado. 5,800 shares Franklin Mining Cog of Idiasoi An undivided one-half interest in Smith's Pt tent Thresher, . • . Interest or Piteitt Bight for Abe States'of Ihwa, Wisconsin and Michigan,in 'BIIIIIIW% Patelit Re r. An undivided one-hallnterest. in Smith's Pittent Breech Loading Cannon. One-half of a certain old cannon in Beaver conn 4-. Parts of eight or nine Reaping 'Machines, made after patent of Smith's Reaper, and now at WilSon's, On Ferry street. - !- Also, the interest of C. 'W. - Ricketson' 'an undivided one-half of ship Edward. T his rpssel was losron the coast of Brazil in 1859, ,andercir cumstances which gave the owners' a claim - Ibt• in demnity against the Government of that - con - Airy, but which luts been thus far urged in vain. apio • A. MOILWAINE; Auctlonetra. RANK & RAILROAD STOCKS UNION TRANSPORTATION CO., UNION IJCON MILLS. TUESDAY EVENING, April 14th. at 73f cf`elfat, will be sold, ou second floor of Commercial-fiales Aooms, 100 Smithfield street: • d - 100 shares Union Transportation Coppany'Rd Star Line. 93 shares Union Iron Mills, Ninth ward. 1 -- . shwa Coal Men's Trust Cu. .. 10 shares Keystone Savings Bank. ' apla A. McILAVAINE. AnctioneAr. -------- BY A. LENATB. FAR"GARDEN PLOTS AlliD COt7tdltl SITES, AT AUCTION.—Theri will he sold on the premises, on 'WEDNESDAY, 'April 15th, 1868, at .10 'o'clock, the valuable hormistead farm of Mr. Wm. Lynch, adjoining IlayErvilfel Sta tion, on the I', Ft. 'W.& C. liy., elevenmiles helqw the city. The entire farm contains ninety-4We acres, is in good state of cultivation, is beautifully situated, fronting the Ohio river,. the. Beaver .tbaf, and the Township road. There are Orchards Nines Small Fruits, Shrubbery, and a never failing tin S of pure Water. On the place is an excellent rick Dwelling House, containing six rooms, attic! and cellar complete all In first rate condition ; ' alsokool stables, barns," out-houses, tenant housei delft. The whole premises are In capital orker , .an Ire worthy the special attentiun of all in quest of a kte. tire! and convenient home, combining the advanta ges of the country. with easy access to the city. Nine trains daily to and from the city. Special attentlo is invite ac cou n t tha highly attractive sale, which takes place on of the advanced age of the &Inter. Title indisputable. City purchasers will talui the 9:45 train from Allegheny. Dinner will be sekved on the premises. Will be sold in ono lot, or di*lded as may be desired by purchasers. There are a -*um ber of very tine sites tbr building. Don't fall ti) at tend. •I A. LEGGATE. Auctioneer,. aps 159 Federal street. AlleghttlY. WANTED WANTEII-,:A, GOOD GERAIIIIN GARDNER. A sober, Industrious milled man, with a small family, to take charge °rand ive on garden-farm within nineteen miles of the ty. There Is a good brick house of six rooms. kitchen, hall and cellar, for the gardener to occupy. otill to whom liberal !rages will be paid, forone that Is CO/11- petent and trustworthyy. For particulars:M(lbl of If. TOWER, Real Estate Agen - ap9:016 No. 164 Fourth St.. Pittsburg WANICED.—AGENTS FORT : E OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR fl Its_ Causes, Character, - Conduct and Remits. By yoaN, ALEXANDER 11. ,STRFLIENS. A Book for as .., sections and parties. -- This great work presents theonl , complete Ad ; ,impartLal analysis of the Causes of e War yet ub- lished, and glees those interior lig ts and sha OW& of the great conflict only known to those high °filters Wilt) watched the flood-tide of revolution from s fountain springs, and which were so accessiblh t Ito Mr. Stephens from his position es second ottlesr of he Confederacy. '- - .. 1 The Intense desire every where manifested twob tain this work, combined with an increased comb's sion, makes it the best subscription book eVer Pub- Itched. nt in Easton, Pti.;reports 7,51 subscriber* One Age 3n thren daps. Anglia" Dastflil reports 303 Subscribers In F n days. ~ r mead for cirenlims and see our terms, and a I'o4 de scription of the work, with notices of the Prewike. Address, ramennieo:d&FNATi°NAL: PUBYThalelairLdeNlDGbia,'4C°4a . . F 01 1 .; _REM% rTIOLETi :' ' - - - - - • ; . i 4 . .. . :t ! tBTORE,ItOOI4, and DIVFI4I4Ik4 attach* on 3/cator -avenpe, Auegheny .Ccy, itcrnmedyl9, u , e aotectgiuss R e lik t i ntudi a 74// g°91. 1 ,',.z‘ 1 a.," pn. etas!" 1.. . / ! 1 :6 - - ' 1 J.::lttnillif '41)04 ' ~:x;.; Meet . d Yuba of the .Co., on 2=l wenin