CITY AND SIIBURIIAN. '• Church Dedication at YoCnigatiorn. ' The new and beautiful church edifice which has just been completed by the United Presbyterians of Youngstown, Ohio, was formally dedicated to •the worship of Almighty God, on Sabbath, the sth instant. • The services were conducted in the morn . ing by Rev. John. B. Clark D• •, D of Al legheny, who delivered an appropriate dis course on the "GlOry of the Temple at Jerusalem." In the afternoon, Rev. John Douglas, D. D., of this city, preached a sermon on the "Universal Glory of Christ's Church. Rev. C. A. Dickey, of Allegheny, occupied the pulpit in the evening, and delivered a sermon on "The Work of the Lord." Ministers of different denominations in the city of Youngstown took part in the devotional exercises. Soine of them showed their kindness and g.ood - will by dispensing with service in their own churches in order that they and their people might attend • the dedication services, which were solemn and impressive throughout. A collection was taken up at the close of • each service for the purpose of defraying a small debt incurred in the erection of the building Both the members of the con gregation and the citizens generally con - tribute(' liberally on the occasion, and it is expected that as much was realized as-will cancel the whole debt. , Rev. Mr. Ornumd, pastor of •the Church, and - his people deserve much credit for the zeal and perseverance which they have displayed in the erection of such a beau tiful place of worship, as the congregation is merely in its infancy. On Saturday evening Dr. John B. Clark delivered a lecture on "Work and Wages," in Aims' Hall. Dr. John Douglas deliv ered a lecture in the someplace on Monday evening, subject: "The Divine Element in the History of our Country." - The pro veeds of both lectures were:appropriated to the benefit of the congregation. An Amicable Arrangement. Thursday evening Fanny Showers, a young Miss between thhteen and fourteen Years of age, made information before May or "Drum charging Clement Snyder'with` seduction under promise of marriage. The parties reside in Allegheny, and it appears that some months since Snyder formed an acquaintance with Fanny, which, soon ri ... pened into an intimacy, and, as thegirl al leges, under a promise of marriage - he se duced her. She urged him to fulfill his promise and make her hiswife, buthe post poned the matter by promises until a short time ago he finally refused to marry her, in consequence of which she made the infor • mation. Ho was arrested on Thursday night and,taken to the lock-u At the time of his arrest he denied the charge flatly, and said he would allow the Court to settle the matter. A night's .lodgings on the "soft side" of a plank in the watch house had a tendency, however, to change his determination of .the evening previous, and caused him to see matters in a differ ent light. Through the interposition of friends of the parties the affair was arnica . bly arranged, the girl sent for and a wed ding ensued, Mayor Drum officiating. Af ter, the ceremony, the "twain made one" departed from the office, apparently well. pleased with the result. A Reliable Insurance Company In selecting Insurance companies worthy of confidence and conducted in such a man ner as to afford ample guarantee to the pub lic that they are eminently safe- and tella ble, we trust our readers will not fail 'to award the proper attention to the Ben Franklin Insurance Company, of Alleghe gheny City. This institution, which is in a most healthy and fbarishing condition, is managed by directors who are well and fa vorably known as leading, trust worthy and reliable business men of our own com munity, and every precaution is taken to render it safe to those who bestow upon it their patronage. The company promptly meets all its obligations to, the assured, and will never be found taking advantage of, 'legal technicalities to evade the payment of losses it may sustain. Persons desiring to obtain fire risks, are cordially commended to the Ben Franklin Company, whose office is in the Franklin Savings Bank building No. 43 Ohio street, and where the obliging and gentlemanly Secretary, Geo. D. Riddle, Esq., will be found to give any needed in formation regarding its rates and affairs. Sudden 'Death—Coroner's Inquest Mr. Launcelot Appleby, proprietor of the Cottage sal - On, adjoining the Pitts burgh Theatre on Fifth street, died sud denly yesterday morning, of epileptical convulsions. Ite had been ill some days previous to his death, but had recovered and was attending to business. Thurs day he was over in Allegheny, and he was also oat that evening. About foul o'block next morning, his wife Was awakened by the noise. of a heavy body falling upon the the floor, and discovered that her husband had fallen out of bed. He was lying upon ,the floor, and his symtoms indionted that be had been attacked by a:fit of some kind. Medicalaid was immediately called in, but death ensued about eight o'clock. Coroner Clawson held an inquest on the body yes terday evening, .when the jury found "that the decaased came to his death from epi leptic:al convulsions." , The deceased was forty-five years of age, and came *to this country from. England over twenty years ago. Dr. A. G. McCandless, Physician of the Board of Health, reports the following in terments in this •city from March 22d to April sth, 1868: Consumption, 4; Old Age, 1; Compres sion of Brain, 2: Dropsy of Chest, 1; Maras- MUS, 1; Perecarditis, 1; Paralysis, 2; Pneu monia, 4; Apoplexy, 1; Delirium Tremens, 1; Poisoned, 2; Convulsions,. 1; Enteritis, 1; Burned, 'll Disease of Brain, 2; Disease of Heart, 1; Syphilis, 1; Meningitis, 1; Small Of4he above' thbra were: 'Under 1 year, 7; from 1 to 2 years,,3:, from 3 to 5 years, 2; frorti'2o to 30 years, 7; froth 30 to 40 years, 7; from 40 to 50 years, 5; from'. 50 to 60 years, 4; from -70 to 80 years, 2; from 90 to .100 yeas% rl: Males. 25 White 37 / „,4„1. 38 Females...l3 Colored 1 —""` Officer Barber arrested an insane man yesterday on Penn street, who, it appears, had been wandering abot in the locality of 13hplairlitreet , the, greit. ter part, of the day, bareheaded , and carrying a large car , pet bag filled with a quantity of cast o; clothing and other useless articles. - He. states that he came frem New York' and , Imagines himself the Creator. No one here: knows, anythint le a r li i :it t him, further than ghat can ham from ;his. discomiect= ed'iientinuiea, and 'is very little.; He has an urkliMited.- number -of names, and gives allETlVo3lLOA6..almostevery one mho addresses himllitit adheres, to 061 of Gast other. He was con fined in the lockup where he still remains. 'Met will ProbahlY be sent to the Hospital., r, the Alleineay mice force, fomplAskokaket boot t-F0- , in the Pittslitath;Fort 'Wayne an a"": Rail wopaSseni. e & r PO, Alktheily, yesterday, ' fOr wlAclihe . alse found an owner in a short timo a ft e i i n i rds.; The pocket book was the of a unie t ternan, who had dropP- Fd - rt - 4119 Purchasing a ticket., Ile atfr' wild it t o"3„4„ing been' band was .1 1 cOdmelie r Aicribed its over . ntents „p 424499E•jvhc' handed it ofeetartie:' ' ~. 1! ' • •c•K MEI City. Mortifty: A Wariderei. THE COURTS, „United states District - .Judge --Judge Me. Candles. On motion of Geo. Shiras, Jr., W. W. Lathrop, Esq., of. Luzern county, was qualified and duly admitted to practice in this Court. In bankruptcy branch, yesterday final discharges were granted and certificates awarded to Isaac L. Post, of Lnzerne coun ty, and Charles A. Boucher, of Pittsburgh. Petitions for final discharge were filed by Wm.. P. Graham; Owen 'ft'rne, Wm. B. Heggarty and Wm. P. Fuller, of Pitts _ burgh. Petitions for adjudietion were filed by Isaac Wyke, of Cambria county, and Peter Lockard, of Altoona, Blair county. • In chambers, petitions for final dis charge were filed by Seth 0. Daggett, of Tioga, Tioga county, and Daniel Bushnell, of Pittsburgh. A petition for adjudication in bankruptcy was tiled by Daniel Flick, of Somerset. District Court—Judge Hampton. In'the case of August Hartje vs. JD:Rein hart and J. A. Harton, reported yesterday, the jury found for the defendants. Frederick Braun vs. Dallas C. Irish et al. This was an action to recover damages sus tained to a lot of drugs stored in plaintiff's cellar, on St. Clair street. Deferalants are owners of a building adjoining that former ly _ occupied by plaintiff, in the cellar of which is a pipe connecting withthe main sewer, leading byway of St. Clair street to the river. Plaintiff alleged that the stop cock to the pipe had been loft open through carelessness on the part of the defendants, and that the water from the sewer over flowed his cellar and damaged the drugs stored therein. After the testimony of the. plaintiff had been concluded, the Court, being of the opinion that a' case had not 'been made out, ordered judgment of non-suit to be entered. Quarter Sessions... Judge Mellon In the case of Jacob ,and Lonis Seiferth, who were indicted for committing an as sault and battery upon their father, Jacob Seiferth, Jr., the jury found a verdict of not guilty, and directed the prosecutor to pay the costs. The father was convicted on an indictment charging him with having committed an assault upon his sons, and the Court sentenced defendant to pay a fine of one dollar and the costs of prosecution. The grand jury ignored the bill against Albert Peters,, who was charged with big amy on oath of Nancy Jane Peters, his wife. The information was made before Justice James M. Dive. The prosecutrix alleged that she was married to defendant on the 15th of January, 1865, but that since that time he contracted a marriage with Caroline Sterling. The grand jury, in ignoring the bill, directed• the county to pay the costs. Peters was discharged by proclamation. John McClaren was indicted for nuisance, - the charge being preferred by John D. Scully, President of the Monongahela Turn pike Company. It was alleged that the de fendant objected to paying toll for his teams passing through the toll-gate, and that the toll keeper refused to allow him to go through. Defendant directed his drivers to turn their teams and Wagons into the mid ple of the road, where they were allowed to remain for some time, and obstructed other travel. The defense claimed that the gate_ was closed, and that the toll keeper was responsible for any obstruction that occur red. It was in evidence, however, that at the time the gate was closed the defend ant's team was at the side of the road, and that he instructed the drivers to occupy the centre. -The jury found a verdict of, cult The same.defendant was arraigned on an indictment for keeping and maintaining a nuisance,the charge also being preferred by Mr. Scully, as President of the Turn pike Company. The indictment charged him with maintaining a coal platform, op posite Moorhead's mill, which obstructed the road at that point. Jury out. Amtisenients OPERA llouse.—Last evening Mrs. Bates, the most popular and pleasing actress of Mr. Canning's Company, took a benefit. "Who Killed-Cock Robin," the- "Weston's Victim" and the "Idiot Witness" were presented in a very creditable manner. We regret, however, that the audience, al though respectable, was not" as large as it should have been. An itrteresting matinee will be given this afternoon, and this even ing Evelyn - Evans will appear for the first time in this city. , Forrest; Monday night. l The seats are being taken very rapidly.. - PITTS= Ras THEATRE.—The old Theatre, under the excellent Management of Fred. Aimes, is rapidly growing into favor. The company is one of the best ever concentra ted in any place of amusement in this cify. Miss Southerland is one of the sweet est and most brilliant vocalists, delighting the audience with Scottish ballads. Mr. Leven', the acrobat, is the most fearless and daring performer we ever witnessed, and Nellie Fishure is a charming dansense. . Matinee this afternoon. FRANKLIN HALL.—The most attractive place in the city at ,present is :Burnell's Museum, at Franklin Hall. A splendid collection of the finest works of art in con maim:with-a countless number of natural living curiosities are comprised in the ex hibition. It is - open eviity day from eight o'clock A. If. tO 10 P. M. Tickets, twenty five cents, to be hndat the door. MAsoluc Ilwm..—The Arlington Min strels, at Masonic Hall, had a full house last night, The entertainment was fully up to the expectation of the audience, who were, highly delighted. It is decidedly 'the best minstrel troupe traveling, and fully sus tains the high -mutation -it- enjoys. To night will be their last appearance here for the present, • Assaulted an °Weer. Officer Geo. V. Coden, of the Mayor's po. lice, made information before the Mayor yesterday charging Barney McKenna with. assault and battery. McKenna, it appears, was acting in a disorderly manner at a ball in Ashland Hall, On. Thursday night, and, when that Officer, attempted to arrest hint,, resisted arittsfilicit him with his fist. lie was held to bail for his appearange at court. • Larceal ofa tlarPet Bag.—Mr. D. B. Hodgeaniade oath yesterday, before Al derman Strain,chvOng James Allen with :the larceny, of a.rpet-: Uge'atnitaining a silk dress; velvet sacqUe, handkerchiefs,' and other articles. The carpet bag, it apf pears, was taken trona the union Depot. The accused was arrestedand committed td , las in default of bail to% .ear" . at the Al-. derman's office at 2 r. N. to-day, for a hear . Ingo . Sheepish. - William Harrison was arrest ed yesterday evening by officer presaler, in the' Diamond market, chargediwith steal ing a leg of mutton from hbi Watber, John Harrison; a hatcher who has a Stand in the Market. , was ,taken to the:lock-UPI where he remains awaiting, a hearing. A sheep thief is undoubtedly a'pesg:i man, - aridla waft who "..*Otikt iiteZ inetton from hirebrother ib dieadfulksi-abeepish. Fred ue color e d brai4: orator, who is without a peer in Ilia race, will deliver a lecture at Lafayette Hall, on Thursday evening next, on "Republican Government. vs. The One litan Power." A rartghiWlettittializest •in Store for those who" will attend, as there are few better talkers or deeper Abinkfirs than Mr. Doug lass in our country. Crialltl** 3 l l = l w.—Owing to Ahe'dniiidsbect6onditiori of the cleaning and, :refitting ot the First Reformed Presbyte rian Church x pought6)4t9wili tto be open tbiodtoina - WOrdldOtAmruirnow. vices as tumaLon to•morrow week. • istst t • - ,• • -y,r .^ MIME MME!I=E PITTSBURGH GAZEI LE : SATURDAY, APRIL 11 1868 . The Coal Stine& 11110t.—The 1“11:larg.. lag Mart With - the'llitirderof l3elgers , - 0 40 41---thelliotenagooralalsylluattnusd= . • Tuesday " morning; March. -- 31, we nub- ' lished an account of the coal minerfit riot at O'NeilPs coal works, on the -Mononga hela river, in which Francis Belger, one of the rioters, was • shot -by 'William Hart, , night watchman' at Mr. - - O'Neill's works. The following day we also published - the testimony adduced , at the Coronet's inquest held by Coroner Clawson, in which we stated, that William Hart ha d been arrested and heldto 'answer the charge of murder. He• was subsequently brought be fore the Court and Hart released on tail. Yesterday "the . case, was brought before the Grand Jury and 'the - bill ignored, on the ground, we presume, that the act was justifiable.. Mr. H.artluis an excellent repu tation where he is known, and from the facts in the case was evidently instigated by no other motive than that of saving the life of his employer in committing the act ' which resulted in the death of Belger, as his conduct was quite 'the reverse of that of a malicious and depraved man. His conduct diming the affair was highly commendable, and doubtless the means of suppressing a terrible and bloody riot, as Bolger, who appeared to be the leader of the riot, was a despilate man. - Hand sewing • IS not thought of in these progressive days; it is a toil too tedious for any person. Weed Sewing Machine is admitted .by %IR competent judges to be the best Machine ever offered to the public. •The number sold is still another strong evidence. One hundred machines sold in one month at Pittsburgh. ' Terms to suit all. Call and see it. R. H. Long, agent, 112 Grant street. The Spring Stock of general groceries and produce, just opened by Messrs. Mcßride & eorge, the well known and enterprising firm emipiged largely in that business at No. 164 Federal street, Alle gheny city, is specially inviting to wholesale and. retail purchasers. It is large, fresh and affords admirable selection. - The firm sustain a high reputation for the unvarying quality of their teas, coffees, sugars, spices and groceries generally, and are in every way worthy the , large share of patronage which is bestowed upon them. A single purchasing visit will convince our lady friends as well as dealers who buy to sell again, that they can deal no where else more advantageously. Commttted for Trial.--.Tane Hardin was arrested yesterday on a warrant issued by Alderman Robinson on oath of Catharine Harvey, charging her with larceny.. The parties reside in the Fourth Ward, Alle-. Fheny, and it appears have been engaged in aq_uarrel for some time, which has re sulted in the prosecution for larceny and also an information by the same prosecu trix charging Mrs. lianlin with having committed a breach of the peace. The ac cused was arrested and held to bail for her appearance at Court, in default of which she was committed to jail. Col. J. D. Egan, the enterprising 'and koopular news dealer and book vender, Sixth street, near Smithfield, has recently made a large addition to,his stock which enables him to offer his ptrons rare selec tions at the lowest prices.; The Col. has in store a large number, of rare second-hand books, to which the attention of scholars is directed. For any and everything in the way of books, stationery, periodicals and maga zines favor this old and popular house with a call. A correspondent of an exchange thinks the railway station at Latrobe should be re moved from the present place. Certainly no fault can be found with Mr. Beckwith, the gentlemanly proprietor of the hotel where the present station is located, as he is one of the mbst clever, obliging and ac commodating hosts we have ever met, and he treats all waiting travelers kindly and with proper consideration. • , = Ladles have vou used Trix? Trix_is a breith perfume fit for a queen Everybody is charmed with Trix. No more foul breaths. Trix is delightful to the taste. Trix is sold by all druggists. Wholesale depots—R. E.. Sellers & Co's., B. L. Fahnestock dr Co'sq Geo. A. Kelly dz Co's., drug houses, Pittsburgh.. Special Religious Serviceo—At the Aced emy of Music, on to-morrow (Sabbath) af ternoon at 3y, o'clock, under the auspices of the Sabbath School Teachers' Union. All persons are invited who are .not in at tendance at services elsewhere at tha thour. Seats free. Earnest chtistiart Workers, ministers and laymen visiting our city are cordially invited to attend and take part in the exercises. Burnett's COcoaine has received univer sal endorsement. No other preparation possesses such remarkable properties for embellishing tmd strengthening the hair, anti Tendering it dark and glossy. It cures baldness and eradicates dandruff. It has stood the test of time and competition. On the Force Again.—We learn that Mr. Joseph Cupples has been ie-appolnted on the police force by Mayor Blackmore. Mr. Cupples was on the day force under Mayor McCarthy's administration, and was an ef ficient officer. He will certainly prove a valuable acquisition to the present excel lent force. He will go on duty to-day, In an Item published on Monday last we unintentionally did injustice to Messrs. It McSwiggen, John - Jones, M. Roenstein, and Jacob Garlough, who we said were brought before Acting Mayor Butler on a Surety of the peace information. Instead of being the accused they were the apcusers, and were &Valeria iri the matter. Taken to Dixmont.—James Pitcairn, who was Arrested and committed to jail some time since for attempting to take the life of trfellow hoarder on-Hand street, an account 'of which was published in the GAZETTE, mess yesterday takehio Dixmont Hospital, by order of pour; having been adjudged The most. stylish jewelry' establishment west of tlM'Allegheny,mountains is that of Reineinsm;llleyran& Simile No. 42 Fifth street' Libels' irticen andfai; dealing have enable the firm to erect one of the grandest buildingsitt, the city, as their patronage is very large. The best selection of housekeeping dry goods :will -be found most reasonable prices'at 'Bates dt Bell's, No: 2.1 Fi ft h street. %A large, fresh -stock of.:all - kinds of dry goods has just been Taxied. ~Ihrenfidt is the name of an Honest young man Alfixine., - who found some three hundred • dollars, belonging to a German emigrant and never rested till he found the owner in Pittsburgh. The'i)slharudlßCHol4.(llomicide. The grand jury have ignored the bill against 14 Terie'S _ chargedwith causing the death of James Monahan; itt the Mansion House, last fall. Call at - Reineman, Meyran &.. Siedle 'e magnificent new store; No. 42 Fifth street; and /0441 t! • through: Ike; splendid stock of watChes, clocks and general jewelry just A New Paper, the 'Vindicater_,` is to be started by Janie F., Campbell, Esq., in Al tomtit Pe. Be is 1 :1 gentleman of culture, and education, and will make a tip-top Go to Bates &Belli% 'No. 21 Ilithr street and npe : 4l~ggppl 1 09 e - ' 4 4 P kre l i n ana dOts4ittio 'goods nit 'opened Tot 112 spring 4iatiostmarvelously low vetoes. . ifislowyaripty Bates rny, ""treot, A, lowest •• _ - ,V I (?, - A Reply Cron Dr. Wela*GF To D; C 1 511i4tOkI: =Veer 011 outspoken letter of the 25thvitinesting an tuzency- or emoving plain , figb of cost, for _those ,calling at .your,drug atore at 1,325 Third. a*enne, by the application of Pain Paint, has been received and the agency granted. Your place will be duly noticed in my advertisement. Pain Paint has attracted the attention of physicians to a greater extent than any remedy ever . offered to the public. I have had many applications of the same nature from them and leading retail druggists. Some phy sicians, as you say, are jealous, in conse. quenee of the introduction of Pain Paint. but their opposition , is useless. I have recommendations from the most promi nent medical men certifying that Pain Paint .is more sure and, permanent. in its effects. quickest in operation, and safer in its application, under the most delicate circumstances, than any remedial agent they have • ever 'known. Therefore, all half-made doctors and conservative quacks, -Who litie by the unnatural practice of cramming medicine down the stomach of their victims, are welcome to rant and rave, because their customers desert them, and use Pain Paint instead of their worn out nostrums. Very truly, R:-L. Worcorr, 170 Chatham square New York. Pain Paint and annihilator tested free of charge, at No. 116 Smithfield street, Pitts burgh. S H. Hastings," Agent. , A party of young man of Butler are abou. to emigrate to California to seek their for trines. CITY ITEMS Au Editors' Experience of Tooth-Drawing. Of all the ills that flesh is heir to we've always held that tooth-ache is the cussed est. Night before last our evil star -being in the ascendant, we unfortunately drank a glass or- two too much, eat rather much fried oysters and crackers and consequent ly got home late and forgot to say our pray ers. Now its a singuiar thing that we never neglect our prayers but what we're punish ed for it. This case was no exception; the punishment came direct, swift and terrible, we awoke in the morning with a fearful tooth-ache. We were awful pious then, said our prayers devoutly, but it was no use, repentance came too late. We bore it patiently awhile, then lost patience and swore. But even that didn't help us. The case Was desperate; something must be done. With oneburrit and blistering cheek pressed upon a hot smoothing-iron, we tried to reflect coolly. 'But one cause pre, -sented itself. The tooth must be drawn, pro vided we could get our wife's permission. Kind good woman that she is, she gave it, thougia reluctantly, thinking how awful Would be if the plumpness of our cheek should disappear with our tooth, and our visage should,be lean and sunken like Mrs. H—'s husband's. Of course there was but one place to go. Dr. Spencer ' that best of good fellows, is the only man breathing who should handle lance and forceps in the neighborhood, of our _ masticators; and we'd take Laughing Gas too. The worthy Doctor, may his tribe increase, drew forth a bag like that from which jarr ing winds of old burst forth and drove the ancient Ulysses a wandering out on the trackless seas. We put the bag to our mouth, breathed into it, and in less time than you could say Jack Robinson, our usually logical roots were' scattered in as many ways as was the fleet of the • old Greek. We thought - we were astride a fiery comet with a long switching tail, riding a race on the Oakland Course against Dexter, and we were beating him blind. The bet was Trinity Church against the drinks for the party that Dr. Spencer could beat the whole set of impeachment attorneys at Washington drawing out: that he could even draw Grant out if he'd take some Laughing GM: and we were sure to win. Not that we wanted the think. Oh, no! But we'd just like to win. Before reaching fi he stand the scene changed, and we found ourselves in Washington in the midst of several prominent members of Congress, with aglass of the best Bourbon in our hand. “Here'S to you," says we, winking at the nearest of them, and rais ing the glass to our lips, when suddenly we found ourselves lying in a comfortable arm chair inDr. Spencer's elegant estab lishment, 254 Penn street, cur toothache gone, and we feeling gloriously. We've resolved, and with:our excellent wife's ap proval, that henceforth when we want en- - joynient, instead of going on a spree, we'll go to Spencer's, take laughing gas r and have a tooth extracted. --- To Country and City Mercitants.--We are thoroughly supplied with all kinds of Dry. Goods, Staple and Fancy,bought at unusual, advantage through our Eastern purchasing department, taking advantage of the recent large auctionsales and fluctua tions in prices, and we can and will sell at less than the lowest Eastern cash prices. We invite you to an inspection of our stock and comparison" of prices, at 59 Market street. Free Instructions.--Wanted, fifty ladies to take Instructions in operating the Gro ver 6t Baker Sewing Machine. Instruc tions free. Apply to GROVER 4t, 'BarcErt, S. M. Co., • 51 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. . Do You Want to purchase a well made and substantial trunk ? Yes. Then go to the headquarters, Liebler's Premium Fac tory, No. 104 -Wood street. You can be suited there admirably at prices which you cannot help saying are cheap. o.Pllquett, Model Maker and Calculator. Models built of 'silver, German silver or brass. Orders le ft at D. •E. Eckers, 161 First street, or 21 Tunnel street, second doer from Wylie, will be Properly attended Straw Goals and bonnet flowers embrao ing all the new styles, together with full lines of embroideries and lace gcmds, just opened at W. W. Moorhead's fashionable retail trimming and notion house, No. 81 Morket street, at reasonable pikes. • Spring lgovelties, rich i and beantiftl, in endless variety, at the fashionable retail trimming and notion .house of W. W. Moorhead, -No. 8l liayket • street. Ladies are invited to call and examine the goods now being opened. Meals are served at all-hours at very rea Boilable prices, at the popular ancLwell-con ducted dining rooms of Holtzheimer, Fifth street, nest door to the rostoftice. First class hotel fose bills daily,Surpassed. Aromatic Coffees, pure - find unadulterat ed, and. at prices most reasonable at the old established tea mart of Joseph A. Robinson, No: 20 Fifth street. - ' Call 'in and, make_ a purchase. • ' Country 'Merchants should.examine our, stook befOre buying. We have full lines of goods . at less than Eastern prices, having made our purchases before the advance, at J. W. Barker & Co% No. 59 Market. street. Just Opened one of ,the-,blindsOMed as sortments of ladles and suisme , shoes at Robb's popular skoe house, 89' Market street, that has ever been brought tp,the eity..- Call itranctsee them: - , Step In and see'our latest 121 4 . 3 7 1 1, of boots and shoes,- all kinds and • -just the thing for __spring .livear, ' Ito b's Shoe. House, 89 Karkg:street. No auction goods A Fresh Invoiee_ of choice teas has ju st been ePenell, et 'reduced rates, at the old eatablished tea mart of Joseph 4t. 'Robin son, No. 20:111thstreet. At V( trig tooraead's las . $1 Market idree.. found tliClateet,„fleveltiket . dr minge at very reasonable pries& -,C lll , ll go.pipeitio itt ?Attack's. • - EMMEN '34 4 i ~.;WhEhk.4,,thatiteetivangiven cheaper and, better at Drs. Sill & Gillespie t s, 246 Penn street, than at any other piaci, in Pittsburgh, is explained in the following manner: Ilrst: They refused to bear the imposi tion of the Goodyeartat,' which amounted to six hundred dollars per year on their es tablishment. All other dentists of this city have placed their necks in the Good year yoke and are compelled to pay this enormous tax and are equally bound -to charge no less than twenty dollars, a set or forty dollars for upper and lower slet, and any violation of that written compact for feits their license and a thousand dollars. The firm of Drs. Sill &, Gillespie are at lib erty to charge as they please. They are producing a better plate . under a new pro cess, than the old, and got their license of the patentees, Drs. Newbrongh and Fagan, of New York city. The latter kind of Vul canite is superior in every" particular. It contains no sulphur, and is more healthy in the mouth than the Good year Vulcanite. Drs. Sill & Gillespie pay for their privileges in this new com pany fifty dollars for seventeen years. If the professsion had , kept a little better in formed they could have saved themselves a great expense, and all the freedom of freemen. But in the place of that they are paying the p e nalty of the dupe, and as soon as their vision is clear they are mean enough to take shelter like a whipped'dog and cry "BOGUS, BOGUS," thus hoping to alarm the Teeple and dissuade its use-till they can be relieved from the present bond age, and then it will -be seen how quick they will be shoving the lodized Rubber out as the greatest discovery in the known world. Remember, friends and people wanting teeth, all except Drs. Sill dr, Gilles pie are constrained to charge twenty dol lars for an upper set, as they have tied their hands to the Goodyear Company to make no vulcanite for less, or they do it at the cost of having their license revoked at.a loss of one year's tax, which is paid in ad vance. We advise our readers to pat ronize the persons who work to the interest of the public, and that place will be found at 246 l'enn street, Drs. Sill dr, Gillespie. J. W. BARKER & CO. Explanation. A Deaf Man Recovers his Hearing in Five - Minutes , Time Under the Skillful Treatr• ment of Dr. Aborn. After suffering from deafness for upwards of five years without any relief, it gives me great pleasure to give publicity to the fol lowing facts: I applied to Dr. Aborn, 134 SMithfield street, and in five mimites time, he restored my hearing. The sudden res torationof my hearing causes me to feel as though I had been transported to another world. Persons afflicted as I have been should lose no time in calling on the Doc tor. He is a gentleman of few words,.but his successful treatment speaks louder than human tongue. FREDERICK SHANER, Harrison City, Westm'd Co., Pa. NOTE.—Dr. Aborndevotes special atten tion to the treatment of all diseases inci dent to the Eye, Ear, Head, Throat and organs of the Chest. Will be professional ly at his rooms, No. 134 Smithfield street, from 9 A. M. to .4 P. M. "The Sweetest Thing 'ln Life , ' is good health and good spirits, and if you have them not, the next best thing is what will restore bloom to the faded cheek and hap piness to the drooping heart. The great and sure remedy is Plantation Bitters, which our physicians recommend .to both male and- femaie patients, as a safe, reliable, agreeable and cordial stimulant. They contain nothing to disagree with the most delicate constitution, and have won golden -opinions from all who have tried them; and probably no article was ever tried by so many persons. They elevate the de pressed and give strength to the weak. -0-- - MAGNOLIA WATETL—A delightful toilet article—superior 'to Cologne, and at half the price. I,iwp6.F At Barker's, Beautiful Summer Dress Goods, 25c Plaid, double width, 25c. Fine Figures and Stripes, 373,c. Double width, fine, 50c. Irish and Alpaca Poplins. All shades and different prices._ April warns people of the near approach of the hot, burning summer days, and trips to the country are planned. The all im portant thing connected with summer trav el is a good trunk—one that can stand hard usage and rough handling. Joseph Lieb ler the premium trunk manufacturer, makes to order and has on hand all styles of trunks, which are superior to any offered in this market. The prices are very. rea sonable. A full supply of valises, satchels, cartiet sacks, &c., will also be found at his ware-rooms, No. - 104 Wood street. For any and everything in this line favor Mr. Liebler with a call. .Inst Opened.-:-Readers will bear in mind that Messrs. Reineman, Meyran & Siedle have taken possession of their magnificent new building, No. 42 Fifth street, and opened the Irgest and finest stock of fine jewelry, ladies' and gents' gold and silver watches, diamond sets, cameo sets, pearl sets, garnet sets, precious stones set in brooches and rings, pure solid and plated silver ware, &c., &c., which they offer at very low prices, having been purchased for cash at great advantage. The Continental Saloon of William Holtz heimer, Fifth street, next door to the Post office, enjoys the highest reputation of any similar place in the city for the excellent and orderly manner in which it is. con ducted, .and the splendid bills of fare it presents daily to its patrons. Nowhere else in this ,neighborhood can abetter meal be obtained at as reasonable price. Call in and satisfy yourself of the truth of this statement. - Damask, aiy,c. Fine Quality, 3734 c . All Linen, 450. Double Damask, 50e Very Superior, 750. At Barker's. Persona wishing the services of a fast class mechanic to make . April changes in gas fixtures, water conveniences and, steam fittings, are referred to T. T. Eavens,.No. 165 Nl7ood street. A full supply of fashion able chandtdiers, pendants and lamps will be his salesroom, which he offers at very reasonable prices, to retail „purcha- • At Barker's • Prints, 6c. Good Quality, Bc. tt Fast Colors, 10c. - Chints and , Dark Print's, 12Mc. Sale.—The house and lot situated on the alley, in the rear of No. 83-Corral street, near to Montery; Second ward, Allegheny, will, be sold at -two o'clock this afternoon. Thelot is 20 70.* The house is a neat .frame of four, s rQOIIi9..-A4Aesgate, auction eer T, T. Emus, pfael r eal Plumber, N 0 .165 Wood street; attelids to all phunbing work in the very best style and on the shortest order. Bewaring- promptly a ttended n to, magas fitting in all its detail is made a `, • • The Choicest Groceries, teas spices, can ! ned fruits, and table Condiments, at most reasonable prices, received in fresh sttpply at the old established tea mark of JpsePP RobVkson. No. 20 Fifth street.- ' Me114;1/0 Wo r ks ana 'Dickens , ' Photo graphs, at ntock,'s. Initial paper aid paper Initiall4 at Pit 7 taa4/1!; t,' Folpfs Gold pen.--The bc+4,,at ritteOVEL ' i Fotnet- PhoUvriiiiti at PittocittLi ••••••=, • -,',:t•t*UW'f,.,&-, -CITY ITEMS. Death and Insanity fromi.aughi ngJ G Two ladies have 'been killed in tbiF by "the .Gait;" and rectently ,;rOung_l from Butler took "the gas" at an e.. 5• lishment in this city, and now, in c, queace, an inmate of an in.Fanc asr So, dOn't risk so dangerotia an amestl but call upon Dr. Soott,;i27B Penn st third door above Hand, and he will your teeth without pain, by a pri - which he will putrantee to perfectlyt, A fall set of teeth for eight dollars, at •;:, work warranted for flee years. 'He rr. - ,!, no "bogus $l5" vulcanite ir.ets, but conti to use the genuine article. 1 • The best and Original Tonic on-ton, phorus and Calisaya, known as Gas',l Mack 4lt Co's Ferro Phosphorated Blizi Calisaya Bark. The Iron, restores the blood, the Phosphorul renews waS;g t he nerve tissue, and th' • Calisaya via natural healthful tone tct e dig9stiv. , .. gans, thereby curing dy, pepsia in iti - 1 rious forms, Wakefulnesal Genekal Del 4 and Depression of Spirit it Manufact'-i only by Caswell, Hazard *. Co., New 1 1;1 Sold by all druggists. • I A large lot of Gothic Chimney Tops received; also ' Drain Pipil and Tile all . ; on band at D.R. Eer.r,a'Sc 167. First sty Bricklaying and jobbing promptl;A tended to. Leave your qdersat D. R. ER'S, 167 First street. 1,1 Beautiful' Marble and '! .. Nlate Mantlet;; Tileing for floors, dm., qi D. W. ECI 167 First street. : 1 The place to get White Lime, Plasti Paris and Cement, is at 41. R. ECIKER's 4 First street. • 4, Builders. Plmterers tirdilirickalyers plies at D. R. ECKER'S, I¢7 First street 4 Four o'clock Editiolioof the N. Y. ing Post, at'lo a. R., the:lollowing morl —Pittock delivers it. • Base Ball Clubs can be - supplied full equipments on Tuesday next, at toek's. 'I , Base Ball--Country Clubs, send MC: i your ordersfor Base Ball Goods. i New Oileatts Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittskirgh Queue.) NEW ORLEANS, April 10.—Cotton middling 30%a31c; sales, '1,006 bales, I ceipts, , 2,225 bales; exports, 3,6371 bi sales for the week, 11,600 bales; recsi 12,780 bales; exports, fdreign, 20,995 b i coastwise, 68 bales; stock, 60,765 131 • Sterling, 149a152;4. Sold, 139%a140. and Molasses, nothing doing and price settled. Flour steady; Superfine $4 10,75, choice $13a15,75. /Corn firm at Oats 78a80c. Hay $19a20. Bacon f shoulders sold:to arrive at 1.4 1 / 4 , jobbin day 14%c, clear rib sides 173 c, clear 19c. Pork quiet and.flrmer and jobbir $28,75a29. Lard quiet, fit 183 c for tierce 19c for keg.- Buffalo Market. Telegraph to thePittab l itrgb Gazette.) BUFFALO, April 10.1—Flour unchan Wheat quiet; sales2,4oo bus No. 2 sprit, $2,15. Corn nominally unchanged. 1 unchanged. Rye; none here ; wanted. -1 ley; sales one car Canada at $2,27 in si Seeds dull and deelinitig. Mess Pork at 826,50327,00 for hes.vr. Lard frill MAIMED: . , STOKES—NOBLE.—On hursarty evening, 9th, at the residence of he brific's father, Pittsburgh, by the Rev. 9,19 ,- . Puller, of. St. Church, Mr. JOHN STO*Ric. of Allegbeny, , . Miss INDIANA WELt, 4aughter of Wm. Esq. I Dien- I APF . ' . 4ETObj.:-913 mnlngt.Apiii at LANCE aged 4R yi Funeral from his late u . 'esidence, No. .48 street, on SUNDAY, at 211% :M. The relatives, friends are invited to atind. LOWEN—On Friday evening, at Ei% ORPHEUS, son nf Georte Lowen. Notice of funeral in tlinevening papers. UNDER ; ; AKERS AsI I I : EX. AIKEN; UNDERTAKE. No. 3.613 FOURTH STREET. Pittsburgh,l • INS of all kinds, CItAPES, GLOVES, awl ery description. f Funelal Furnishing Goods ashed. Rooms open ddy and night.. Hearse, Carriages furnished. .1 • - ; REPERENCES—Itev. David Kerr, D. D., Revi W. Jacobus; D. D., ThOtnas Ewing, Esq., Jaco Miller, Esq. 1 • HAItLES & PEEBLES, IUNDE A TAXERS AND LIVERY STABLES, cornil 9 I , IDUSKY STREET :AND CHURCH VEN - Allegheny City, where 'their COFFIN ROOXSt constantly supplied with real and imitation wood, Mahogany and Whluut Corms., at .Pricei f i l l rying from A 4 to *100.: Bodies prepared for in., meet. Hearses and Ca riages furnished; alsoo ABMs of Mourning Goo S. If requixed. (Mee el at all hours, day and ni it. • ; . AOBERT T. IiODNE - Y, lINDE4 TAKER AND ENIBALMER, No. 45 Oh STI ELT, Allegheny, and . No. SO DIAMOI SQUARE, (by John WRson .4 8r05..) keeps alvii on hands the best Metal, Resewood, Walnut $' inlitation Rosewood Coffins.: Walnut Coffins fii $25 upwards. Rosewobd Collins .20 upwards,i other Coffins I proportion. Carriages and Beall furnished at low rates.; Crape, Gloves. Plate Engravingjlanished gratis. Office open day night. I / SPECTACLEN E2E =PRO DUNSEATH : =1 56 FIFTH ST.. OP NEW SPG . GOODS, .. ivarvir ... ET IESTIASS MERCHANT TA11.01) ' '.• , '': " =ST PENED, AT ' • 1 - ~. - .11 .. i . . , g HENRY !G. HALE'S, 3 .. I Cartier of Penn!' cind St.', Cliii &rectal. FOIL SA 1 1 0 13 01 AEIS.— balance of oriole desirable Lots are now offerel at private sale, and any (MC desirous of due building sites would do well ttrMake a selection. ' The is located on a beantitlil and healthy snot, two and C,l hatfmildefrom Sharprhurg; ob the 'Western Tenn *Willits which tuna through it, making if, much More - valitablchnd - Extensive 'preparatitini are how *eking for erecting d numbetc of line hOuseeelihiehprove - oaf ornament to th4„,,,;- , town. The remaindeoof these Lots wilt be sold at,R very reranoitahle".' itte(s" , - and' on ternii exceedingly easy. STLL'a BRIITTERLY,SeaI Estite and Inj•P; surance Agents,laritinceville. SPRING AN 1 lIVINIIIIER PA1311.0 lONS. A • ' . A • A' q . 11.'ararrrir;isterguantrraiio r , f;.,, , 98 WYLIE STREET, CORNER OF FEDERIit.:'•-$ 1 Ifaajust retarned to the Bast - withtt well emleeted'ill 'toot of CUYTIM.I,_€. I / 4 1381MEME1/14 SILK and AfoLit,,,i, SEILLES VESTLNGS of the most approved pat 4 , :", terns, selected excluMvely for CUSTOM TRADE,E,4 which be cordially Ineltes._.hls ftleadtandt.the pub-i...., ilo to examine. manktents will be gotten up in av ,-, -1. style that, cannot: l s 1 7 used , and at . .Fcasonablep:'; price. A. • A A A '' ' ' t 1 N. lin . illerebiList 'tailor . 14t . ..; 4.! ilro. 98 WYLIEEITRELtT ii 2. ' -..1 , ‘ , Corner ; of Fetierill. 3:1I .- I ;1." - te ;;; ... y.,.... -.. . ..,.r r ? OM NTr.D TO TUE. SIGHT, S AT ,.:, • , AT 4 & HASLETT' AND OPTICIANS, OSITE MASONIC HALL. k ', y ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers