A ~~.s~-' --:-t~: .- ~-~- ENE Ett litts*gy ktltt. Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds were admitted of record by H. Salvely, Esq., Recorder, Thursday, - April 9, 1868: Min D. =ler to William Weihe, March •:27; 1860; let 10 loWer St. Clair township, on the Brovntiville Pike, /20 by 140 feet, • . $l.OO William Weihe to Adam Kunf, September _16,1.887, Hie - above described lot $6OO Gotleib - Fischer to Peter 'Richert, April 1, r - 1868, lots No. 5 and 6 in Elizabeth ?hut of lots in Reserve tovendlip, 40,by 115 • Elizabeth Stoner to:Joseph,.Sconer, April 2, • `1868,:a tract of lend in Penn township, containing 11 acres and 54 perches...s4ooo Patrick Bradley to Patrick Gallagher, March 23,1868, two lOts on Alfred street, in Wilkhis townsldp, Ned. 1 and 2, in Radcliff's plan of lots, 48 by /20feet...8400 Eliza Smith to. Frederick DipPold, April 8, 1868, lot on 'Union, avenue, Alleghenv4o by 115 feet, withbuildings. , .... wiTtiain Itrinkle to Dr. Wesley 'Woodruff, Marble 13, 1862, lot in Bakerstown, con taining 5X acres 5700 Henry Freeseman to Blarkaret Wible, Oct. 11, 1887, lotion Federal street, Allegheny, 20 by 100 feet, with buildings - $l2OO Henry Berlipp to Andrew Sander, April 7, 1868, lot on Wary 'street, Blimingham, 20 by 60 feet • . $1775 Charles Foster et al. to Wilhelm Attenhoff, Feb. 12, 1888; lots Np. 30 and 31in Foster's plan on Thwithirnek abreet, Lower St Clair township, 60 by 1:: $5OO Louis Rs' ufman to . John Kessler; Sept. 19, • 1867, lot , No. 17 in plan of East Liberty \'Land Association, corner of Joseph and Larimer streets, East liberty, 35 by L 22 .feet ' 5 9 .50 Jeremiah Week et al. to Willis= Omstott, NOT. 3, 1865, tract of land In Mobn town ship, containing; 142 acres and 29 perches $7,000 James G. Ramaley to Robert Stewart, March 8, 1868, tract of land' In East Deer town ship, containing 4 acres and 141 perches .1..55,000 _ Theodore Nevin to - Rev.. 'David -R. Kerr, Morelt.. l 6, 18 i$ 68, lot in Sewickley borough, containing • two acres; also lot adjoining the abeve containing one-fifth of an acre ' 'With buildinge.' . - • $1,055 . • jOseph , rattersonte R. M. Mackey, April 6, • 1808, lot on Sandusky street, Fourth ward, • Allegheny; 22 by 100 feet, buildings, s6Oct-• • - '. - . ,000 , Eli. Boyd to Thomas Sampson, March 30, ; - 1868,10 t on Penn township, on the Franks . town road, containing one-half acre... 3300 ' . John A. Negley to Moon Thompson, April 3; 1868, lots Nos. 5,6, and r in Negley's - plan- in East Liberty, on Negley street,. 72 by 105 feet - 51,200 • Samuel McCartney's executrix and . Win. "Messick,' Sept. 21, 1867,• lot on Arthurs • street, Seventh ward, -Pittsburgh, 16 by • 54 feet -• t • • ' 5600 Wm. E. Curry to Jacob -Flowers, March 20, 186 S, tract orland - in Snowden township, • containing 105 acres and 321 perches ~: - ' - • , . ' $13,718 Wm, Holmbi Ito: Anne ' Sophia McKee, .••,-,-: March 6, ' 1868, lots:No. 6 and 7,• in Dit ridge & Reis' plan ef flota in -East' Pitts; - - burgh; on PenntylVania: Avenue, 100:by .i. 1 160 feet ' ' ' $l,BOO Ruth McDonald et. al. to R. P. McCord, • April 23,'1867, tract of land in Pine town ship, containing 46 acres and 146 • • --„ , - 'rches . '-' -.' $3,502 - lohn Lbetier,- Jr.,' et. al. to Adam - Haney, . July 2,4867; lot No."23;•in Loeller's plan, :: in.F'astLiberty, on Winebiddle street, W.) - by 94 feet . ' ' . ' ' - $350 •. . Rev. Wm: G.' Reed to Peter -Hutchinson, „October :30,.1867, tract of land. in East De - el- ;township, containing 20 acres and ... 1108 perches'' . ' - n $827 i• , H. O. Ornisby, Trustee, to Henry Shepard, ''" ;mom* az,4066, let abthkorner Of Sidney I . `" - - and, Railway streets; East 13irininghatn , ' 96 by 120 feet $6,00d Hugh Lafferty to Anton Schmidt, August 1 19 1867, the undivided % of a lot in Lower SL Clair township, on Short street, 196 by 200 feet ~ $4,000 i James Gilliland to Tobias Santern, April 7, 1868: lot on Ohio Avenue, Allegheny City, 23 by 137 feet $4,700 John Forsythe, Sheriff, to John Barton; January 28,.1857, tract of land in McClure township, containing 2 acres and 13 perches $2O Nig'illiam Bingham to A. Bradley, April 4, 1868, lot on Water street, borough of Eli- Zabeth, 68 by 120 feet $6OO Wm. Boyd to Thos. Boyd,Februnry 10,1860 -lot on Sandusky street, Allegheny, - 20 by 115 feet . $2OO ' W. F. Lank to James Moggs,April 18, 1866, lots No. 25 and 26 in the Grove Addition to Braddock on Center street, 80 by 135 '. • feet $550 Michael Lessner to Anton Schmidt, April 4, 1868, lot No. 36 in Patterson's plan in - Birmingham, -on Perry street 20 by 80 feet ' W. J. Pedder to James A. Dick, January 1, 1368, two lots on the Frankstown roast In ' East Liberty, with buildings $5OOO • John D. Pearson et. at to John Deitrich, A A ril 10, 1867, lot No. 18 and half of 19 in '• Pa erson's plan of Bloomfield on Laurel. an Boundry streets, 308 by 100 feet.s3oo 1 Jam s McFarland to Eliza J. Duncan,April p it 3, 1868, tract of land in Chartiers - town , . ship, containing 2 acres and 13 perches I, . $2OOO Joseph Stoner to - Martha Stotler, February 22, 1868, tract of land' n Penn township, containing 7 acres and 135 perches...sll7Q Samuel Thompson to WM. L. Thompson, . , January 18, 1867, tract of land in Fayette township, containing 65 acres $lO Abraham - Linhart to Robert Bridges, De , comber 30, 1865, tract • of land in Mifflin ,' -- township, containing fifteen We5...1875 • ' Eliza Ann Wells to - Utilis Baird, April 3, 1868, lot on Federal street, Allegheny, near North Common, 23 by 97 feet, with buildings, Ike $4B 00 'Carolina Leonard to Milts Baird, April 3, 1868, all her interest in the above lot $1 . David Negley's Executors to James Lyons, April 1, 1868, lot on Highland Avenue, , ' • AlleghenyN tY ail l irl East 209 • .- Malone, January 24, 1868, lot oii Forbes,. Ba f n e k et to miokao s l loB L. • street, Egilith ward, Pittsburgh; 51 by 122 feet • . r.' .5 1 7 00 • James K. Hamilton to Irvin , Redpath, March 3, 1868, lot on Handcook street, Pittsburgh, 19 by 58 feet, with buildings: $6OOO lames H. MeCloy to Elizabeth Sande, April 3, 1868, lot on Locust street Sixth ward, Allegheny, 20 by 160 feet, with buildings ' t &c. . 16200 . 4 .: - ThomakWard to James N. Vickers, March F 28, 1868, lot on Caroline street, - East Bir v ' mingham, 22 by 63 feet 0 9 00 ". Sarah Lemon to . Julian Rogers, March 23, : ' - 1768; linen Fourth street, .Second 'ward ; Pittsburgh, 20 by 100 feet $1 4 , : l i n. Iftrards to Adam' Rineman_ et. al, 1 22, 1867, interest. in lots No. 45 and in the sub-division of. Judge Lowrie's : Farm; in, Resolve township, same lots , -. containing 19 acres. ' $l5OO W. W. Knox, Grundiam. - to Rev. - George ~ • _- B. Brinell, April 1, 1868, lot . on, Park - * Street, Allegheny, 60 by 253 feet.... ... ; x5O George B. Runell to , Algernon Percy Me. ' ..- Grew, April 3, 1868, the , above deecribed • lot ......« -. . .... .171 500 Ludwick Sixotts to Frederick. Miller, April • 74868, three lots in • Lorenzville, 'Char tiers township, No. 8,-9 and 10,-75 b6'loo feet. • Win. Biaine t tilheriff, to Henry M. Bidden, . • .June 3, Leterestef * Tames C. - Sims in • -- a lot inManchester ' - •' ' /20 ' ' James DlekeWto ;win.: mu "Laird, April 7, . - .1968, login: Sewickley barungli, ecataiii . acre, lrsi m 2 roods : sad 29 perches, with • 32,00 0 Jok7r"Takte ughlin , to Jobn Kelly et; ttl., February 21,1863, pert of lot 43, on High °troot, Grant Hill, Pittsburet, 15 by JtunesiirWit; io * ".:i".....ibtrvey, April 1, , 1868aet on Broad street, Sewickley, 97 • by 285 feet $2,000 J. K. Fleming to John and Charles Hut oh- Mason; ni March 11, 1868, lots No. 71, 72 and I= .i: 1 . 14 ..4- 2 '' l 'l.'' inlie'ris'erve tract, Alleghen 'on Ha iltbtf street, 56 by 65 feet " 1,606 o....mexellry to J... 1 :> FokiteriletaMt 23.; 1868, lot-an . the Turnpike, 111 East Lib erty, 30 feet front, with :bulidinp.;.s3,loo James McFadden to ThomiurConniApill 186; lot ,in Baldwin teWnsldP,build ings, i t e Heirs ofJohn Henry, deceased.: to Dickey, February, -14,1868,-„tri t al. i n i filand' in Richland , township, con acres; 1 rood and 211 , , with nil& ings - ..;:„.;.311388 Geo. C. Hageman to ..Mlas Fanny Bata April 1, 1868,, lot in 77FIWp on Beach AlleY. 22 by 120 ding, Andrew J. Rapp. ± to James Dianond, May 1, SO, lot on Marcum's Alley, Mad Biz.- min am, 20 hy 63 feet - '5556 James. ; ond to -Michael Donoghue, April:7, Ima, the above. described. Tot • - 01,000 • Irkings a Woman Cann-ito. A lady 'Writer who is slightly • disposed to turn traitor to her sex, states that:there are three things a woma n can't do-the:-most • important admission that has been extorted from 'her - sex since"'Madame Eve ate the apple. Hear the following open conies,' don:" First, she can't, sharpen a. lead pencil. Give-her one and see. Mark hew jtlgedly she hacks away every particle an wood around the lead, ,leaving an •Imsupported spike of the latter, which breaks immediate ly when - used.. You can almost fdrgive the male • creature his compassionate contempt as Chucking her Under the chin, he tWitches it from her awkward little paw, and rounds and tapers it in the most ravishing manner; for durable use. I wish to hear no more on that point, because when I once make up my mind, "all 'the: King's men" can't change it. Well, then, secondly—A woman can't do up a bundle: She takes a Niholo newspaper to do up a paper of pins, and a coil of rope, to tie it, and it will come undone at that. When Igo shopping-.I look on with, the fascinated gaze of• bird in the neighbor: , hood of a magnetic serpent, to watch clerks do up bundles. How • the paper falls just= into the right.crease, how deftly they turn itover, and tuck it under, and tie it upi:Ona. then t nrow it down npon: thecounter they had done most common. thing In_ the world, instead of a deed which nught, and in faith .does task - the ingenuity of "angels?" It is perfectly astonishing. Thirdly—l may allude to Ihe fact that a woman can't carry= umbrella. rather to the very peculiar manner in which they perform that duty; but I won't. When they unfurl the parachute alluded to, they put it down over theft noses, take the- middle of the sidewalk, ritklnk 'off men's heti and" women's bonnets as they go, and walking right into the breakfast of some•wight, with that, disregard .of:the 'consequent disgust, which to be understood.must be felt, as the offender cocks up onecomer of the parachute and loOks defiantly, at: the victim who has effrontery-to cane into the world and hazard the whalebone and handle 'flier "uriihrili!", ME TUE melancholy death .of Thomas Thm ion—'-ari indirect: result of injwies received in the practice of the acrobatic art—lends pevallar significance.to the following 'para.- ' graph which we find in a recent. London 'The prevailing taste for gymnastics of all kinds is fast deg . euerating into a sort of luxnr - Joni cruelty, and audiences' are only ready to•applaud what will stir them into an interest by the amount of danger to which the, performer is subjected. On the 13th of January an athlete calling himself Gulnare, tumbled offs rope from a height of 25 feet, ividA3nitishe4 Ms — baud benches near the orchestra. Another', acci dent recently occurred to the "Brother Bolena," at the Music Hall, Dundee, in which the men received dangerous htirls. Attention is called to the vicious practice of permitting `these exhibitions, without the use of proper safeguards, such as a sufficient netting to catch the showmen or show-wo men in the event of their coming to grief." —One hundred new cottages have been built at Long Branch since last sea son, and most of the best rooms at the ho tels are already engaged, forshadowing a brilliant season at this most fashionable of Ameriam seaside watering places. COUNTY CONVENTION The UNION REPUBLICAN VOTERS of Alle gheny County are requested to meet at the usua places for holding elections In tlie several Wards, Boroughs and Townships, on And olect two (2) delegates train each election dis , .triet, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress. Also, two (2, delegates from each elec tion district for the Talrpose: of nominating candi dates for Senate, Assembly,. District Attorney and Assistazt Attorney, Controller *tad Coymissioners. The Congressional Convention for the A2d Dis trict will meet at: the CITY' comircn. CaAM BBIII3 Pittsburgh, on TUESDAY, June Ad; at 10 o'clock A. st., to nominate a Congressman. The Congresilonal Convention for the Alst District will tenet at the CITY HALL, Allegheny City, the same day and hour, to appoint Conferees for the District. The County Convention will meet at the COURT HOUSE, in this city, the same day and hour. ' Tlie County Executive Committee recommend that the delegate elections be held, so far as practicable, by the Republican members of the Election Boards In the several districts, and also the manner of voting for candidates la the several Conventions be elm wee.. The Primary Elections in the Townships (except ing the Townships of Oakland, Pitt, Peebles, Lib erty, Collins and Wilkins.'whleb will be between the hours of 3 and 7 o'clock,) will be held between the hours of 3 and 6 o'clock - F." 11., and in the Bor oughs' and 'Cities 'between the hours of 5 and 7 o'clock P. at. In the Cities and Boroughs the elec tions sball.be by ballot, and in the Townships by marking. B. P. =tin• C. C. TAYLOR. Secretsries, 10*'CONGRESS-mod DISTRICT. . . la a candidata for nomination before the Union Be. publican Convention.. , mhl7:dirt 110''CONtiREO--22d DISTRICT s 3► cintdtdatelor nomina lon, tip ttfa 'Union 'Repub. lean- resskatsl Convention. mbaild&T fgr FOR DISTRICT ATTtntafElf. • . . - innlect to the decision of the Union .flopubliesn Count Convention. mb24in24. d.tT_ f l ll flT:frig Slibject Ao the decision of :the Union Republican County Convention. • inll27m4l:daT WASSISTAPIT DISTRICT AT- - - , WIU be s candidate tor Assistant DistrietAttornei: subject to the decision et the Reptibilean County,. Convent( • n. splo:ditT igr'ASSVITANT DISTINCT AT Toimg:r. • Subject to the decision of the thilon Republican County Convention. mh33:nredaT • 11= AI 4 • 4144ETTE-;4lA. gato w At 1 1. 1868. POLITICAL. Saturday, Hay 30th, ISO% J. IL 3tILLER, Chtlinnall Gen. S. NEGLEY THOMAS Hoy,rArtrt,, Gen. A. PEARSON', WILLIAM ,6 :,11e1ORELAN1). JOHN W; RIDDELL .1. B. FLACK, • - •,,..tii*,4l-•'"a.a,;,,',',,,'f.,44-r•';'•;o";+Lidg MS MAE E.icES. i~ntooD AND THE VIGOR . 'OF YOUTH restored in Ora , weeks: Sue-. e T essranteed. DB. BICONDI3 • ESSENCE OF restores manly poWers, from whatever. GUM 71 . .. Wat the effects of early- pernickuis habits, seLf .abustv impotency and climate give wey at once to: . thhisrotiderful medic:Me t If taken retularly accord ihrto tbiedirections (which are.very simple and. re; no restraint from business or pleasure.) •nre' ;11 , 4mpossIble: • Sold' in' bottles at $3, - or‘four' .tplatitities in one for $1)...T0 be bad only of the sole appoluted agent in ..itme.less., , i.t..:Ottairrzett;..slos., SecoadAvenue, New york; -- _ reshiseris Cf: , ' : t • ~ 11 : HUME, a New CE•urse of Leetares; atde- Hewed at the New York• Museum of Anatomy, l em ,heseing the sutdeetat andto live and What to HT for; Thoth. Maturity ld Aga; Manhood' er ally reviewed; the cause of Indigestion. dituleti sand nervous diseaties accounted fur ; Marriage Mldlo -0012aleally considered,. /to. _ ) rocket volumes eontainlnt`these lectures wi ll • forwarded to parties unable to attand,_oll reeelp; foar - stamps,...tty. addressing: BECBETAXY, 141 York Museum of Anatomy and Science. 61. ff Broad Mea • SOlitiide, — lt kri dit i egg I aSW °AtItEI7III1 e of traite 'lmp:dissents to . MARRIAGE,. - with Mire means•- of salter. Sent in sealed - letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SICILLIN Hovers. Howard Association, -Philadelphia, penn , a jaink6Df. . ; • LITHOGRAPHERS. =jin:s NNW:ELT. . . . CULTS. SINGERLI T Successors to GEo:F. ScurcitMAN & Co.. po.kcriCAL - ixruoessigirsas. The only Steam Lithographic Estabilihmiiut West of the Motaitains. Business Cards, Letter Heads, Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Show Cards,: Diplomas, Portraits,,Views, Certificates of Deoslts, tlon Cards,. ac., Nos. and I* Third • street- Pittsburgh. - , $.. A: TILLER, LITHOGRAPHER, HO. 80 FOURTH 13111118T,' APOLLO BMIDIIIO. brizess, DRAFTS, NOTES, BILL "and LETTER READS, &0., done in all styles. apl6:xB62' nllMITIfftE. Q. TRAcirym. 118, FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL; . „ LEMON WEISE, 14`14L.M3P.'t._ Constantly On hand every variety of PARLOR and CHA2dBER FURNITURE, together with a com 'Vete asso;tment of common Furniture at reduced Those In mrant,ot anything in our line arecordially Invited to call before purchasing. - Work guaranteed. ' . - - • ..LEMO & WEISE: ARCHITECTS. Bad Aiscurrincm's, FRUIT SOUSE ASSOCMTION BUILDINGS, Nos, 'Wind* St 7 Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Speclat attention given to the designing and building of COURT HOUSES and PUBLIC BUILDINGS. ' • F • MECHANICAL AN. ENGINEERING DRAFTSMAN. ()Mee, Philo Hell, 7i Third Street, With Messrs HOLLAND & CO.. PITTSBURB4 I'IFTH LIST OF APPLIC TIONS .TO SELL LIQUORS, filed in the Clerk's Office, AprlL.lB6s„ • - . . • Plitstizirgh. . . Edward McDerinott, tavern, First .ward. John McDonald. tavern, First ward:* John Snyder,' tovern,,First ward. Fred. SchUd, other n ods, First ward. A. Ouckerlhelmer A oz., other goods, First ward. Jocob Kall, tavern. crow! ward, ._ Patrick MeCalareatovern. Second ward. Christ Wehruug, tavern, Third ward. ' Richard MeElrarv, tavern; third ward. Manus McLaughlin. tavern, Third ward. J. &J. Kelly, other goods. Third ward.- • Nave A Fortney. tavern, Fourth ward. • James Sewell. tavern, - Fourth ward: Thos. F. Farrel, tavern. Fourth ward. Miller,other goods, Fourth ward. • Co.,oftiergoods mirth ward. Mathew Zirbut. tavern. Fifth ward. Fred. Kline, tavern, Fifth ward, - . • .. John Schreiber, tavern, Fifth ward. Geo. Uschwender, tavern, Fifth ward John Nusbaum. tavern, Fifth ward. John McCambridge, tavern, Fifth ward. Wm. J.,„bieFetrldge. tavern. Fifth ward. Jas. J. Wiggins. tavern. Firth ward. Felix Henle, tavern Fifth ward. I.ollllb Kaufman, *aim, Fifth ward. Chas. Gangwish, ea Big house, Fifthward. • Jos. ?annals, eating house, Fifth ward. H. J. Weber, tavern, Fifth ward. • Wm. Tepliford. eating hofise. Fifth ward. F. X. Rattle, other goods, Fifth ward. - Schmidt A Friday, other goods,- Fifth ward. '- Wilson A Scott, tavern, Sixth ward • Peter Spreyer, tavern, Sixth ward. Jos. Lonna, jr., tavern, Sixth ward. Mary Broderick. tavern, Sixth ward. F. Goodwin, other goods, Sixth ward. - J. P. Urben & Br°, other goods, Sixth ward. Peter Kaltenborn eating house, Seventh ward. Fred. 'Wessel, eating house. Seventh ward. John Hittler, tavern, Eighth ward. Henry Knits. eating house. Eighth ward. Peter 'hiaenert, tavern, Ninth ward. - Patrick Logue, tavern, Ninth ward. Ir. 7.. Joheson, tavern. Ninth ward. Michael Landy. other goods, Ninth ward. Lewis Falkenliagen, other ifoods. Ninth ward. Rhinehart Ullrich, tavern, fenth ward. Welsh &31eCafferty, tavern, Tenth ward. Lance Appletry, tavern, Tenth ward. , A. liuneek. tavern, Tenth ward. B. Onlitsath, tavern, Tenth ward. Robert Lyons, other goods. Tenth ward. Allegheny. Fred. Shutz, tavern, First ward. A. Danner, other goods, Firswarrd Philip Herpel, tavern, Second d: A. R. Graham, eating house. Second ward. • G. C. laghtenp, tavern. Second ward. tiro. Lantz, tavern, Second ward. IVm. Bickel, other goods, Second ward.. • Adam Miller, tavern. Third Ward. . Eghlius Hess, tavern, Third ward. Christ. Jecket, tavern, Third ward. 'Lampert linoth, tavern. Third ward. Christ. Gelb, tavern, Third ward. Theodore Ilaskens, tavern, Third ward. Mich. Grogan, tavern, Third ward. Wm. MeKidn, tsvern,•Thlrd ward: John Myers, taverni Third ward. Conrad Rock, tavern, Third ward. • Henry - Herdt, estinghouse.•Third ward. Wm. Oangwish. eating house. Third ward. Jacob Lang., eating house, Third ward. Keyser A Werner. other goods. Third ward. Jos. Stadieman, tavern, Fourth ward. Fred. &blotter, tayern, 'Fourth ward. A. Gassenselatuldt, tavern, Fourth war!. • Win. Seddon, other goods; Fourth ward. Alex. Berner, tavern,Fifth ward. Jacob Kagle, other g oods, Filth ward. John Rosenberger, tavern, Sixth ward. Val. Denhart. tavern, Sixth ward. John Ilrose, tavern, Sixth ward.' Dames Lutz, tavern. Seventh ward. Fred. Staata, tavern, deventb ward. • . - Christ. Jane. tavern, Seventh ward. Win. Eberhardt; eating house, Seyenth ward., Fred. titsehle. eating house. Seventh ward. Al, Wisenheimer, eating house, Seventh ward. John Mcßoberts, entinglmuse, Seventh ward. Jas. Mullen, tavern. Eighth word. Lewis graith r tavern, Bermingham. 7Jom. Maguire. tavern . . ilirmirighani. M. Havicon, tavern, litrigingliatn. Jacob Roth..tavern Birmingham,. It:Ulrich. :stern, birmingbam. - • Deo."A. Nau, tavern, BirmlnxhiiM." H. Hartman, tavern, Birmingham. Call'. Metzger eating house, Birmingham. .1. A. LippertAavern, East Birmingham. Y. Bader, tavern, East Birmingham. Hed..Distler, tavern. East Birminghain. Bernard Marks, tavern, East Birm7tlgham Jos. Fischer, tavern, Last Birmingham. John Oran tavern, East Birminglism. Richard De i trich, other goods. East Birmingham. J. P. Pearson, tavern, I.nwrenceville. Jos. E. Berninger tavern. Lawrenceville. Jacob Waidiertalrern, LaWrenceville. :-Thomss Barto nn, twe en; Lair reneeville. John Listranceville. • Peter A. nietz,tavern, Lawrenceville, Bernard Fuhrer tavern, Lawrenceville. • • . Jacob Close, eating house. LmorreneevUll,' Rien & Weller. other goods, Lawrenceville. - John A. lielthel, tavern, .MoKeesport. - • ' Peter Seeger, 'eating house, McKeesport.• August 11 - ahn, eating Wine; MelieespOrt. D. ii. , Lindsey, other goods. MelC.,„,.erar l • . Ed. Schultz.. other gOods. South rats ' Jacob Scheid, tavern,Eituirpslitirg. Geo. Trutry, tavern, Tarentum. - ' .Townships. Wm, A. Spruill ,tavern., Canino , 'Henry Shoop; [event, Collins: Geor Bendel, tavern, Collins.'" .• Thos. Thompson, tavern, North Fayette. John 'Lunch. tavern. Hampton. ' ' • Hamilton Cerruti: other goods..Harrisou. George V. Thomas .- tavern , Indiana. *. • M. Shopne tavern, Indiana. Ayes, Bau man. tavern.. LlbertY. Chas. Kirsch, tavern, Liberty. Cheat: lions., tavern, Liberty; Warrtin. , tavel. Marshall. Geo.`Altmire, tavern*. • min.* Peter Smith, tavern, lit In. Geo. Renter, tavern, McCandless. Conrad iloderitaraavern, Peebles. 1.• • jeasu Planktuton, tavern. Pine. - I James Bryan tavern: Itotdnson. ' • John Keown tavern, Boss, • Chas. Xing,. tavern. Boas., • Clara Gorbey, tavern, Rms.` Isaac Rankin, tafenkupperlet.VlaLic Michael Alt, tavern, bower St. Clete. Ilartmans.tavergi Lower Bt Ctlit Aesna-Bolusg t tavern: Lower Bt, Clair, ls.„Ettetile, tavern, Lower hi. Clair. Hihner, taveru,lihster...- -•- • - Din 2. Bnielaa r amoirataa. - ' - Thos. Lewrettes. WM. Versailles. Boas MMUtilltak "MIS batie• Wingenrotn, .eating house. Wilkins. The License Boar will - sit on TIJEdDAY, the loth day of April, 1969, at 9 o'clock A. la. for bearing the above applications. JOIIN G. BROWN. Clerk. BIM • a ''TA • : 426.177L.. MEI HATOII, D. HEAL ESTATE,` Ne.99l•GkEtilat Stretyt, PiMburgh• REAL ESTATE ANP.PERSONAL.P'', BOUGHT AND WILL MYR PROMPT ATT Negotiation of Lousily -AI Renting of i I , of Claims,..dte" JOIIB IL BAILEY & HBO:, _ \ is STOCK AND.; REAL ESTA t .BROKERS 1 AND itiIUCTIONEE i ' - • ' - Are prepared to sell it - Auction - 8T CMS; BONDS, and all - kinds otEIgcIIqUITIZSJ: BEAL r ESTATE, NOWEHOLts I,..IIITURE,'. ite:.. either on the 'premises or attbe Soithi otTrade•Booms. ; . , -Particular . etteittion paid, ~ as heretordre,' to the saleotiteal Estateprivate,sale. ,- _ ._ Betel atileal in the country attended: mace. No. IllellrOUßTE STREET.. •. . oe.W R Frig R - e - several :the finest FARMS E.' In Westmoretunisind Indiana countle4- on relnarka bly easy, term_ so - easy that any one desirous of buy lng- tint purcnaU on time altogether: Call;and ex amine for yourself ZETTI - . !AC:'No. - 1111 Salthlleld street.• . FOR SA.I.LEREAL, ESTATE. • p on ourrnity • RESIDENCE': FOR • SALE OM T: ItEN-•-k largetivi-etorg double se, containing 101pents,Moluding double par martde mantles, and_ all the modern im provements• 1 acre of ground. filled* 'with fruit; raPeti, beriles;Situated' near 31InersvIlle, at ''Ththe termination of the Wylie street Passenger cars. ee hr one of the handsomest locations In Allegheny connty,l and ab=good neighborhJod.- :Amity at W. A. HERRopps Beal Estate Office, 87 Grant street. rah2s MM 7orboll - 11ALLE & TOLE'ria-Houses . lootefor sale in all parts of the city and su s. Alio, several PATERS. in good locations. , Aiso; hSmall WOOLEN FACTORY, With 20 acres of land, add • good Improvements, which I will sell cheap and-ow-reasonable terms. Business Houses told oirgbod streets. I'rivste Dwelling Houses for vent id both cities. For further •wticulars inquire of. WILLIAM WARD, - ja.l2 410 Grant street. opposite Cathedral. FRAME .430TTAGE4 SITUATE IN MOUNT WASHINGTON, A Vithin:llB minutes' walk. of the Monongahela 'bridge. The house contains tire rooms, kitchen cellar and Vault.. Lot 100 feet front by 200 fee t. , deep, fronting on three streets. On the lot are 400 full - bearing grape vines of five different varieties, with all kinds of shrubbery, such as gooseberries, . blackberries, strawberries and currants; also. peach. pear, apple, quince and cherry trees. Will be sold - vheap.,•inquire of ' • STEEL at WILSON, .. • - j- Brokers and• Real Estate Agents, - 3;6 06 - Smithfield Street. ERTY AT TOWNSHIP PROP- • • '-• PUBLIC SALE. In Pursultnce of Order of Court in No. V 3, June Term 1808 . will be offered at Public S .at the COZY 11017SE,' Pittsburgh, on WED. Aprilllsth; /SI3 I , at 10 o'clock A . All that certain piece or_paccel of land situate In Liberty township. on the Eraddocksneld Rosa (the , property of Lewis J. Fleming, trustee, u containing 331 acres, more or less. Tzuns—One-half cash, balance in one year, with interest :- I • • L. J. FLEBILNG Trustee. or further Information apply to E. JOKES, torney-at-Law, 63 Grant street. miLM:n33 AidACRES OF 400.000 CHOIORIANDS.IOR SALE. lii THE -- • Union Pacific . Railroad Ciimpany, EASTERN DIVISION. • . . Lying along the line,,of their . road. at $l,OO T 045,00 PER ACRE, : And on a CREDIT OF FIVE NEXUS. For ftirtlier particulars, maps, &c., address JOHN P. DEVEREUX, . , ' Land Commissioner, Topeka, lianas. Or CHAN. 11. LAMIORN,‘See7y. . • auii: R. Leith.. Missouri. WALLPAPER. ....,"""reenownnevrArevrawei.r.e.neowww•Ae.rer eeee READER, CALL TO-DAY, • • At No. 107 Market street, AND SELECT T 01.711 WALL PAPERS. JOS., R. ,HUGHES & BRO. mh2l WALL PAP unsuriaised In beauty and quality. W. P. ELARSRALL, No. 117, Wood Streeti near Fourth •mhzo:na . GL M 313, CHINAO 011,ALSS:.4ND ; QUEENOWARC - *00» pARTAIT STATUETT E S, s And othearSTAPLE AND FANCY ' ' 4390110, gyeatill4 l3o 10011~OOD STREET.' '... RlCHXitii 4 k. BREED & CO . t C M AI I '` . :REVAIMMEi r ft , .usireetaid ieteAsteghwirt OUtl — (fourth door aboVC lilamond eb .? r AT TRICE& v manful required ant class atom on hand. Call ana *undue our .1a10:11 si ; 0 A DAY FOB ALL . --Btencil Tool Samtdas tree. Address A. J. MTh plagrield. Vs. ja24lllV •nt - OPERTY rr3 NTION* TO tend to the ioPection 400 WOOD STREET. 1410WOOLiJOI'REZT. 4 4f) MEI COAL AND COKE. C. 11. ASIISTBON6 A. A. lICSCRINSON. ARMSTRONG & HIITCHINSON, successors to PHILADELPHIA AND YOCGIIIOGIILNY COAL CO., mrsEps. SHIPPERS AND DEALERS, BY ROAD AND RIVER, OF S,uporlor Youghlogheirs , .. CAB AND FAMILY COAL. Once and Yard—FOOT OF TRY STREET, near the Gas Works. Orders left at the yard, or addressed by mall, will be promptly Sited. BEST "'Army COAL • ALWAYS ON HAND Arid Deltvered Promptly to Order, •AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, BY OSCAR. F. LAMM & C 0.,. Coirnr Sandusk3' Street and P. Ft. W. .fc C. R. R. AMI-JEGrYIENX" crr-r, ANTHRACITE COAL FURNISHED AT THE .LOWEST RATES. je.B: C OAL!. COAL!! COAL!!! - DICKSON, STEWART &CO., •. Ravini removed their Umce to . NO, affiriximmiTic (Lately City Flour Mill) SECONI? ELOOR. Are 1 1 /72.111D1 ! t o O n ia n i3l l l gsIoicT,VILTI ( /,`Zi morket price. • All orders left at their. office, or addressed to them through the mall, will be attended to promptly. ray2s:tau ' CHARLES H. ARRISTRONG,_ DEALER IN l TOTIGHIOGLETI AND CONNELLSVILLE Co a, And Manufacturers of COAL, SLACK AND DESULPHITRIZZD CORE °Mee and Yard—CORNER OF BUTLER AND MORTON -STREETS. Flrst yard on Liberty and Clymer streets; Ninth Ward, and on Second street, near-Lock No. 1, _Pittsburgh, Pa. M - Families and Manufacturers: supplied with the bert article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates.' ' Orders left, at any of their offices will rewire prompt attention., • ' SUPERIOR COAL. C. CHERRY dr. CO., Miners and Shippers of PITTSBURGH GAS, TORGE and FAMILY CO._ AL, NUT COAL and SLACK. Coal delivered promptly to all parts of the cities at the lowest market rates._ • • Office - and Yard—CORNER FOURTH ANDWAT SON (formerly_Canal) STREETS, Pittsburgh. P. 0..8011 39192. - • ocM: MERCHANT TAILORS. p f. . MeARDLE, • • • ' 7' • ivivatcHAzi-r TA.rucart,:,. 93' SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, Keeps constantly . on hand a fine assorttrent of CLOTHS,. CASSIMERES-Ss VESTINGS Also, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. GENT'S CLOTHING BLADE TO ORDER, the latest style. NOW READY. _ For the Spring. Season, • With a large and complete stock of. • BOYS , . YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. AU the,new and leading styles, to be found at No. 47 ST. CLAUI STREET. ERCIIA.NT TAILORS. -' • aome4 - dr; 111LTE"P, e No. 3 ST.- 'bLAIR STREET. hare Just brought from the East a full eopply of SPRING and SIM MER GOODS; CASSMEBES, VESTINGS. Ro., &c., which they are prepared to cut and make up' In a style equal to any shop In the east or west. Thep are determined to deserre and hope to receive a liberal patronage. - n0=1.14 GAS AND STEAM FITTING. F. L. arWeen....ItENSON JONaS .1 SVCAYMEY. ATWOOD & IIicCAFFREY, . BRASS FOUNDERS GAS AND . STEAM FITTERS, Cor. of Third and Liberty Streets, Above Carroll & Snyder's, Pittsburgh; Pa. LIGHT AND HEAVY CASTINGS furnished promptly to order. Special attention_ paid . to the fitting out and a re ann. c o . r Oil : Helintries, .Steamboats, R ing saut & AGENTS FOII A. N. CAMERON & CO.'S . • ~ • •, , Steam Pinups and Blower Engines. These Pumps .have superior - advantages over all others, and every one is warranted to give satisfac tion. PUMPS constantly on hand. fe2sml o JOHN M. COOP= JOB. KATE HENRY BIER. JOHN M. COOPER Ai Co., BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM . FITTERS I Manufacturers of PIMPS AND BRASS WORK: o TUBlNG,everyry lejlpAloni dealers In GAS FIXTURES 7"" Corner of Pike and Walnut • •.PITTSBURG/T, HOTELS. THE MANSION HOUSE. 'The nndersigned bei to announce to their friends and the public lhat they haye _purchased this OLD ESTABLISHED and POPULAR. HOUSE, No. 344 T-Aberty. IStreet,l And will continue to keep it lathe best style. The MANSION HOUSE has over one hundred rooms, an newly furnished in the best style, and only two min utes, walk from the Railroad Depot. Trayelerawill And this house an excellent one to stop at, and will be accommodated any hour, day or night. t. • Connected with the House Is a , splendid Hall - for Concerts. Families or single persons taken to board by the day, Inca ar month, with or Without rooms. H W A grcin Vitt • - 0h17:m87 fIONIMUCTEDON THE Elk/ROPE.. It.j.A.11;.11.11.11. .. . . . . ;. ST. JAMES HOTEL, -. Noe. 403 and 407 I..llbytty . St., Opposite Dnlon Depot, YlTTlifiliftoll. JAMES K.' - LAN4kHAZI, Propiletor, , Thle hoihie le netel ybuilt *nil tplendidly Banish ed. and convenient to all the mauros4s eceorer.luto the clip • etrangers 'visiting the city Yon this a verVmmventent and economical plan. ; secure / Vio rliTALlMuilinfifittalioltritetrat, su , onrs of the , day and ht . Balls and parties au ed with. Sappers at,tbr shortest , notice sand ,reasintablevatem • . : . , • seiMgBB :RAMS AND- OAPS. ith.,.. O 4.I,Nr.w.STTILIeI, OF . , . - .2. Hata an 'taps Aluiriasci:i4iLic AT ". : 31'0011 , 11'441: 1 0: 8 , • •• ' , 191 WOOD STREET, •irk oltAtlea, EATS. CAPS AND -11111 Vii, ADo, ldanul etnxr 'Wholesale and Detail Dealer In TRWM ,__L VALISES, Ate., No. 18A =TR. YIELD STRZS'T, Pittsburgh. Pa. Orders promptly Iliad and astlelnetlon gnuanteed. ':.'y 'lrc • -':-, i, :,-.: j . . .i. Mr - NEW OPERA ROME. W3I. HENDERSON H. W. CANNING T. R. ID NN SATURDAY AFTERNOON,' ApriT Tritt. wog. Grand Family Matinee. Fur performance, the fairy extravaganza of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. and the glorious force of SPECTRE BRIDEGROOM. .SATURDAY EVENING, first and only appear ance of the popular young actor. Mr. EVELYN EVANS: when will be presented the celebrated com edy of STILL WATER RUNS DEEP. John Mlldmay . Alr. Evelyn Evana To conclude with the two act drama of the WANDERING BOYS.' F4!)Ir4BW Y T., Brat appearance of M. EDWIN. n'PITTSBURGH THEATRE. FR'D ATMS-, GUST BIRTON Great bill for TANS EVENING. Grand Gift Mat inee forthe Ladles TIIIB AFTERNOON.. Splendid I assortment of Lace Collars to be given away: In the evening Boxes of Choice Segars. 49/ -Look out for LEO 111:TDSON and her trained steed-"BLACK BESS." THE GREAT ARLINGTON MINSTRELS, FROM ARLINGTON HALL:. CHICAGO. J.R. lIAYERLY 'Manager.. AT MASONIC MALI., .• POSITIVELY .T.IIRE'E . NIGHTS ONLY. "1 Thursday, Friday anti'Haturday, - /lptil • 9th, 10th and Mb, Led In - Person by the "Andes of the Ethiopean World,' WM. ARLINGTON, while at no lesser at-. tltude we observe With reverential awe the sublimi- !: ty of a COOL BURGESS, rightly styled "America's avorite Comedians," associated with a large and ; most popular cops orgentlemanly Artists. Admission, 3.1 cents. Reserved seats, 50 cents. ! Boors open at a quarter to .7; commence, at a guar ter to 8 o'clock. np6:nBo D. 'B. HODGES, Business Agent. 3 00"BtritNELVS ; MUSEUM EXHIBITION, II Viilresafiro, tiRVAT NAT -1 AT 'F'ELAIWILLIN HALL. . Fifth street, opposite PittsburghlTheatre. ' Cards of Admission 25 eents. 'l36ors open from 8 o'clock tO 1O r. 11. - ap.4:018 IIgrLECTURE.—REV. WM.,J. REID will deliver a " l ecture indhe FIRST '! lIIIPTED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH" Seventh 1 street. on MONDAY ;EVENING, Aprils 13th, at 7% o'clock. Subject—AUGUßS AND GINDLETS. SE Tickets 50 cents. - Can be obtained al the stores or J. R. Recd Co..tFlith street; Dunseattt Hazlett, Fifth street, and Mrs. Spratt, Federal street, Alle-1 glieny City.. ap8:014 .. . „ - INSUR9CE. NATIONAL INSURANCE C0.,.:* OF THE CITY Or ALLEGHENY. . . Office. In ALLEGHENY TRUST .COMPAHY'SI lIIJ/LDDIG. , FIRE • INSURANCE w. W. MARTIN, riresident. I JAS. F.. STEVENSON, Secretary. 1 . • - • • A, H. English, o.ll.Y.Wllliants'Jno. Thompson. Jno. A. Tyler, IJas, Lockhart, Jos. lilyers Jas. L. Graham, Tiobti Lea. C. C. Boyle. Jno. Brown, Jr. ,Geo. Gerst,. !Jacob Kopp. Vvr RISTERN - INSURANCE . CON '. PANY OF PITTSBURGH. ' I LEXA.NDER NIMICK, President. ' I WM. I'. HERBERT, Secretary. . .. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, Deneral Agent. Office,.SS -Water street.' Spans & - Co.',/. Ware,hse, n stairs, Pittsburgh. . Will lemre against all kinds of Fire add Marina Risks. A homeltistltntion, managed by Director/ who are well known to the .cominultlty, and who ar& determined by promptness and liberality to-main_,. thin the character which-they have assumed, as or. feting the best protection to those who desire to be insured.. - 1 . . . . . _ . Alexander Nimlek, B. Miller, Jr.. James McAuley. Alexander Speer, Andrew Acklcu, David 31. Long, D. Emmen. pENNSYLVAIIIIA.* • INSURANCE COMPANY '0 PITTTSBURGH OFFICE; 91717TH,STkm , 'BANK BLOCK This la a Home Company, an insures against la by. Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, P eldent. •-• C. BOYLE, -Vice.Prealdent. • 1 ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. - - HUGH 3IcELIIENY, Secretary. DMECTORS: •• George Wilson, Geo. W. Evau.s. • J. C. Lappe, J. C. Flelner, John Vbegtley, A. Ammon. Leonard Walter, C. C. Boyle. itotiert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah King. - Jas. H. Hopkins, Henry Sproul, FDEMNITY FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA 'OFFICE, 4351 437 CHESTNUT ST., FEAR 6T' Charles X. Bancker, 3tordecai It. Louis, Tobias Wagner, ' David S. Brown, Samuel Otant. i Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith. Edward C. Dale, eorge W. Richards. I George Flies. 4 CHARLES G. BANCKER, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. I W. C. STEELE, Secretary,pro tent. • - J. GARDNER COPPIN, AGENT,; North West corner Third and Wtiod Streetift mh3:wls A LLEGMENIV INSUILiNCE COM cm. PANT OF PIT'ISBI7RGH. OFFICE, No. 3VEIFTEI STREET,' BANK BLOC Insures against all kinds of Fire and Marine Rtif JOHN" IRWIN, JR:, President. JOHN D. MeCORD, Vice Preildent. C. G. DONNELL; Secretary. CAPT. 'Mt. DEAN, General Agent. DIRECTOnB: • . CC Crpt. Win.' Dean. !I B. L. Fahnestock, W. H. Everson, Rupert H. Davis, Francis 'Sellers, Capt.-J: T. Btockdall 6 ~ DEOPLEIr INSVRANCE. COD I. PANT: John john Bl iii k j o r rd " , C. 13. Hussey. HarveLehilds, T. J. Host Simon, Charles Hays. • OFFICE. N. E. cop:NEit 'WOOD & FIFTH $T' A. Home Compan y , taking Fire and Marine R Wm. Phillips, John. Watt, • • John E. Parks, Capt. James ' Wm. Van Kirk, James D.' Verner WM. Pnu,tiPs_ l P JOHN AVATT,__v E lee • W. •F. 'GARDNR., • CAPT. JAS. GORD TO WHEAT GROWERS:, SUPERPHOSPHATE OF L The Allegheny Fertilizer SEWARD ce CAMPBELL, Office, 850 Per Street,' POtt.3t#ol4 The best Certlllter n use, ' and teen ml of ,Tarmers who nave given - It a Aria 4 ttriii — tlie man gni tbr nising PPP_ crolin , •o4 Wheat, - -Rte, Oat Corn, rota to , nave published tors • no u s circulation &pamphlet 'containing lute SUil yainable Oatmeal* of Ws Itemizer; top which !gine sent tree to any acrating ustleir • .%3:•AA3e 'LH • a< '1 111611/111114,Y W&'IKOBIOL,A:9EI6%:7- •-•- Otlely Algid I4 0 A; T,,. Betweeni3e'rentb and Übe stsacAteci .GE 4 / 4 4 441111AVX15, , ,::w Vaud* And dealer In FOREIGN & AXERICAYS FB PICILLNd, NUTS de., '1 MEE No. 11.9 Weeders' Street, Second door trom the tint National Bank.' snotty City. FEZ= AMUSE %', A L 16861111. MA:CAME. STAGIZ MAILWGZ.F, MANAGER `STAGS 3.IANAGZE QM= DIRECTORS John R. IlfcCline, ' Ches. J. Clarke, William S. Evans; Joseph Kirkpatrick, Win. Morrison, • AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. !I EMT= DIRECTORS: ' Capt. John L. Samuel P. Shrlrer, Charles Arbuckle, Jared M. Brush, i r Wm. F. Lang, Samuel McCikkartl resldpnt. . • . Preedent. •: Secretary. • - nN, General Agent. EUREKA ADIIdWiLiM BOAT,: ,MAI;TUFACI'IIItEP BY limwurorrows , FAI 1~1, no7f! F.
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